Ten Lessons of Arabic Ver 2 1

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based on
Das Sabaq of Mawlana ‘Abd al-Salam Kidwai Nadvi

Prepared by
Aamir Bashir

Version 2.1
Copyright © Dār al-Sa‘ādah Publications 2011
First Online Edition Dec 2011
Second Online Edition Jul 2012
Version 2.1 Nov 2016


“General and unrestricted permission is granted for the unaltered

duplication, distribution, and transmission of this text.”

In Plain English: Make as many copies as you want.


Table of Contents i
List of Tables ii
Acknowledgments iii
Foreword v

ٌ‫ – مُبُتُدُأٌُوخ ُب‬Subject and Predicate


LESSON 2 ‫افُإِلي ُِه‬

ٌ ‫افُومض‬ ٌ ‫مض‬ 7

LESSON 3 ُ‫اضي‬ُِ ‫ – ال ِفعلُالم‬Past Tense Verb 11

LESSON 4 ِ ‫ُف‬،‫ – فِعل‬Verb, Subject, Object

ٌُ‫ُمفعول‬،‫اع ٌل‬ 19
LESSON 5 ‫ – اْلروفُاْل َّارُة‬Prepositions 25

LESSON 6 ُ‫ضمائِر‬ َُّ ‫ – ال‬Pronouns 31

LESSON 7 ُ‫ – ال ِفعلُالمضارِع‬Present and Future Tense Verb 39

LESSON 8 ِ ‫ – ا‬Adjective
ُ‫لصفةُوالموصوف‬ 49

LESSON 9 ُ‫ – اْلمرُوالنَّهي‬Imperative & Prohibitive 57

LESSON 10 ُ‫ُاْلمع‬،‫ُالتَّثُنِية‬،‫احد‬
ِ ‫ – الو‬Singular, Dual, Plural 67


3.1 ُِ ‫)ال ِفعلُالم‬

Past Tense Verb Forms in Active Voice (ُ‫اضيُُالمعروف‬ 12

3.1a ُِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬

ُ‫اضيُُالمعروف‬ 13

3.2 ُِ ‫)ال ِفعلُالم‬

Past Tense Verb Forms in Passive Voice (ُ‫اضيُُالُمجهول‬ 14

3.2a ُِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬

ُ‫اضيُُالُمجهول‬ 15

5.1 Prepositions (ُ‫ارة‬

َّ ‫)اْلروفُاْل‬ 25

6.1 Unattached (‫ل‬ ِ ‫ )من ف‬Pronouns

ٌُ ‫ص‬ 31

6.2 Attached (‫ل‬ ِ ‫ )مت‬Pronouns

ٌُ ‫َّص‬ 32

7.1 ٌُ ‫ )فِع ٌلُمضار‬in Active Voice (‫ف‬

Verb Forms of (‫ِع‬ ٌُ ‫)معرو‬ 39

7.1a ُ‫ال ِفعلُالمضا ِرعُالمعروف‬ 40

7.2 ٌُ ‫ )فِع ٌُلُمُضار‬in Passive Voice (ٌُ‫)َمهول‬

Verb Forms of (‫ِع‬ 41

7.2a ُ‫ال ِفعلُالمضا ِرعُالُمجهول‬ 42

Creating Second Person Imperative In Active Voice (‫ف‬ ِ ‫)أم ُرُح‬

ٌُ ‫اضٌرُمعرو‬ 58
9.1 ٌ
9.2 Second Person Imperative in Active Voice (‫ف‬ ِ ‫)أمرُح‬
ٌُ ‫اضٌرُمعرو‬ 58
9.2a ِ ‫اْلمرُاْل‬
ُ‫اضرُالمعروف‬ 59

9.3 Creating Second Person Prohibitive (‫ف‬ ِ ‫ )َنيُح‬in Active Voice

ٌُ ‫اضٌرُمعرو‬ 60
9.4 Second Person Prohibitive (‫ف‬ ِ ‫ )َنيُح‬in Active Voice
ٌُ ‫اضٌرُمعرو‬ 60
9.4a ِ ‫النَّهيُاْل‬
ُ‫اضرُالمعروف‬ 61

10.1 Singular, Dual, and Plural 68


I owe a debt of gratitude to many people who helped in making this project a
success. To begin with, I would like to thank Sr. A. Naviwala who, working on
behalf of Darul Uloom al-Madania, prepared the first draft, which I edited. I am
also grateful for the invaluable feedback that I received from e-Alim students and
teachers, and the First Year and Prepatory Year (2011–2012) students at Darul
Uloom who suggested important improvements and pointed out the many mistakes.
I have greatly benefitted from their questions, comments and suggestions. May Allah
reward them, and all others for their contributions and help.

ُ ‫بسمُهللاُالرمحنُالرحيمُو‬


This is version 2.1 of Ten Lessons of Arabic, which is based on the famous Urdu
language primer of Arabic grammar Das Sabaq [Ten Lessons] by Mawlana ‘Abd al-
Salam Kidwai Nadvi. Das Sabaq in Urdu has been a part of the ‘Aalim course
curriculum in Western madrasahs for a number of years. In 2011, I was
commissioned by Darul Uloom al-Madania (Buffalo, NY) to edit a translation that
they had prepared by revising an existing translation of the text that was available
online. I completed the editing in a few months. During this process, I took liberty
with the translation to make the content more accessible and beneficial to the
student. The edited version was then used as a textbook for Darul Uloom’s eAlim
program. At that time, I received a number of suggestions from eAlim instructors
and students regarding improvement of the text.

Over the next few years, I got the chance to teach Ten Lessons several times.
Students’ feedback on each occasion helped me make further improvements to the
text. As a result it has changed considerably, both in style and substance. Those
looking for an exact translation of Das Sabaq will be disappointed. However, I
believe it is much more beneficial now. I have tried my best, with help from many of
my students, to remove all of the errors in it. Nevertheless, as is the case with all
human endeavors, there are bound to be some mistakes in it, and definitely, room
for improvement. I hope that the readers, students and teachers, will apprise me of
any such issues. Your feedback (suggestions, constructive criticism, etc.) is valuable
to me. You can contact me at the email address given at the end.

During the multiple revisions that the text underwent, I added more explanations
and tables in almost all chapters. I also revised the wordlists and exercises, and
reduced the overall number of vocabulary words. While teaching, I had felt that
memorizing too many new words was taking the students’ attention away from the
main goal, viz. grammar rules and construction of the language. In many cases,
plurals of words are given, but they are merely for reference. Students should not be
required to memorize these. The vocabulary lists still appear quite formidable.
However, this is because of the many repeated words. If they were to be taken out,
the overall count will be much less.

This is a beginner-level text but notwithstanding its ease, it should be studied with a
teacher. It is also expected that the student will be studying other Arabic books along
with it as well. I would recommend Fundamentals of Classical Arabic vol. 1 by Dr.
Husain Abdul Sattar and Durus al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah vol. 1 by Dr. V. Abdur
Rahim. I have taught them both in conjunction with Ten Lessons, and found them
to be excellent books. There is some overlap between them and Ten Lessons.
However, this should not be seen as redundancy, but as re-inforcement. Of the
three, Fundamentals is for sarf (morphology), Ten Lessons and Durus al-Lughah are
for general Arabic. The last one is probably the best in terms of its gradual and
progressive introduction to Arabic language concepts. However, the former two
provide concise information for sarf and nahw (syntax), which is spread out in Durus
al-Lughah. I recommend that Ten lessons and Durus al-Lughah be started at the
beginning of the semester, while Fundamentals be started in the second half.

Since this is a beginner-level text; therefore, Arabic words have not been
transliterated exactly, keeping in mind that most people at this stage will not be
comfortable with Arabic transliteration schemes. Rather, their approximate
equivalents have been used that are easier to read for the untrained. Nevertheless,
non-English words have been italicized.

As for duals and plurals of Arabic words, the original Arabic duals and plurals have
not been used; rather, their plurals have been created the English way by adding an
‘s’ to the singular. Thus, two dammahs is used instead of dammahtain. The word
still remains italicized to reflect its non-English origin.
The following abbreviations appear in the text:
S = Singular D = Dual P = Plural
M = Masculine F = Feminine
Many times, these have been used in combination. Thus, we also have the following
(S/M) = ‘Singular masculine’ which means one male
(D/M) = ‘Dual masculine’ which means two males
(P/M) = ‘Plural masculine’ which means multiple males
(S/F) = ‘Singular feminine’ which means one female
(D/F) = ‘Dual feminine’ which means two females
(P/F) = ‘Plural feminine’ which means multiple females

I hope and pray that this revised edition will be of benefit to the students. I also pray
that Allah Most High accepts this humble effort from all those who have
contributed to it in any way, and gives us the power to continue with more. I also

request the readers and all those who benefit from it in any way to remember us all
in their prayers.

And He alone gives success.

ُ‫وصلَّىُهللاُُت عالُُعلُىُخ ِْيُخلُ ِق ِهُسيِ ِدَنُوموَلَنُُُم َّم ٍد َُّوعلُىُأُلُِِه ُُوأُصحابِِهُأُْجعِي‬

Aamir Bashir
Chicago, IL
12th Safar, 1438 (12th November, 2016)
Email: ainbay97@gmail.com


ٌ ‫مُبُتُدُأٌُوخ‬
Subject and Predicate

Consider the following sentences: ‘Mahmood is knowledgeable,’ ‘Haamid is pious,’

‘Khalid is a conqueror.’ These sentences and other sentences of the same pattern are
called mubtada (ٌ‫ )مُبُتُدُُأ‬and khabar (ٌ‫ب‬
ُ ‫)خ‬. The subject of the sentence is called
mubtada and it comes at the beginning of the sentence. The predicate of the
sentence is called khabar and it is the second part of the sentence. For example, in
‘Mahmood is knowledgeable,’ Mahmood is the subject and the information about
him being knowledgeable is the predicate. Therefore, ‘Mahmood’ is mubtada and
‘knowledgeable’ُis khabar.
To translate a sentence of this type into Arabic, follow these steps:
1. Take out the “is”.
2. Translate the words into Arabic.
ُِ ‫ )ض َّمت‬to both words in the sentence.
3. Give two dammahs (‫ي‬
1. Mahmood is knowledgeable.
ُِ ‫ُمموٌدُع‬
2. Haamid is pious.
ُ‫ح ِام ٌدُصالِ ٌح‬
3. Khalid is a conqueror.
ُ‫خالِ ٌدُفاتِ ٌح‬
4. Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) is a messenger.
ٌُ‫ُم َّم ٌُدُ(صلَّىُهللاُُعلي ِهُوسلَّم)ُرسول‬
5. Naasir is a friend.
ُ‫َن ِصٌرُص ِدي ٌق‬
In the above examples, the mubtada is a definite noun.1 However, if it is a
common noun, an alif-laam will be added to the beginning of the word. For
example, if the first sentence was ‘the man is knowledgeable,’ it would be translated
ُِ ‫ا َّلرجلُع‬.
as ٌ‫ال‬
It is important to note here that whenever alif-laam comes before a word, the
tanween becomes a single fathah (ٌ‫)ف تح ُة‬, kasrah (ٌ‫ )كسرُة‬or dammah (ٌ‫ )ض َّم ُة‬as the case

1 ِ ‫)ن‬.
In Arabic, a definite noun is called ma‘rifah (ٌ‫ )مع ِرف ُة‬and a common noun is called nakirah (‫كرٌُة‬

Lesson 1

may be, eg. ‫ل‬ٌُ ‫ رج‬becomes ُ‫ا َّلرجل‬. Alif-laam is mainly used in place of the definite article
“the.” It gives distinction to a word. For example, ‘a man’ is any man and ‘the man’
is a specific man. Sometimes alif-laam is used for the meaning of ‘a whole
ُِ ‫ ا‬means ‘mankind’ and ُ‫ اْلمد‬means ‘all praise.’
category/class.’ For example, ُ‫لنسان‬
If the mubtada is feminine, then the khabar will also have to be feminine. To
change a word to its feminine form, add the round taa (‫ )ة‬to the end of the word.
ٌُ ِ‫ا َّلرجل ُصال‬. Now if you want to say ‘the
For example, ‘the man is pious’ is written as ‫ح‬
ِ ‫المرأةُص‬. Similarly, ‘the girl is knowledgeable’ will be
woman is pious,’ you will say ٌ‫اْل ُة‬
written as ٌ‫البِنتُعالِم ُة‬.

Word List
Singular Plural
father ُ‫ب‬ ٌ ُ‫أ‬ ُ‫أَُبء‬
mother ُ‫أُم‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫أُ َّمه‬
son ‫اِب ٌُن‬ ُ‫أُب ناء‬
boy ‫ول ٌُد‬ ُ‫أوَل ٌد‬
daughter, girl ٌُ ‫بِن‬
‫ت‬ ٌُ ‫ب ن‬
paternal uncle ُ‫عم‬ ُ‫أُعم ٌام‬
paternal aunt ٌ‫ع َّم ُة‬ ٌُ ‫ُع َّم‬،ٌ‫ع َّماُة‬
maternal uncle ٌُ‫خال‬ ٌُ‫أُخوال‬
maternal aunt ٌ‫خالُ ُة‬ ُ‫ت‬
ٌ ‫خاَل‬
brother ٌُ ُ‫أ‬
‫خ‬ ٌُ‫ُُإِخوة‬،‫ُإِخوا ٌن‬
sister ُ‫ت‬
ٌ ‫أُخ‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫أُخو‬
grandfather ُ‫جد‬ ‫أُجد ٌُاد‬
grandmother ٌ‫ج َّدُة‬ ُ‫َّات‬
ٌ ‫جد‬
grandson ‫ح ِفي ٌُد‬ ‫ُحفدٌُة‬،‫اد‬ ٌ ‫أُحف‬
granddaughter ٌ‫ح ِفيدُُة‬
man ُ‫رج ٌل‬ ٌُ‫ِرجال‬
woman ٌ‫اِمرأُة‬ ُ ‫نِس‬

ٌ‫مُبُتُدُأٌُوخ ُب‬

Singular Plural
male child, infant, toddler ‫ِطف ٌُل‬ ٌُ‫أُطفال‬
female male child, infant, toddler ٌ‫ِطفلُ ُة‬
strong ُ‫ق ِوي‬ ُ‫أُق ِوَيء‬
weak ٌُ ‫ضعِي‬
‫ف‬ ُ‫ضعفاء‬
ice, snow ‫ث ل ٌُج‬
cold ‫َب ِرٌُد‬
water ٌ‫اء‬
ُ‫م‬ ٌ‫مي ُاه‬
sweet ٌُ ‫عذ‬
small ‫صغِ ٌُْي‬
fat ٌُ ‫َِس‬
pious ‫صالِ ٌُح‬ ُ‫صلحاء‬
worshipper ‫عابِ ٌُد‬ ُ‫اد‬
ٌ َّ‫عب‬
ُ‫ذكِي‬ ُ‫أُذكِياء‬
intelligent, smart
ُ‫عاقِ ٌل‬ ُ‫عقالء‬
hard-working ‫َمت ِه ٌُد‬ ُ‫َمت ِهدون‬
beautiful ِ
‫ْجي ٌُل‬
thankful, grateful ‫شاكٌُِر‬ ُ‫شاكِرُون‬
truthful ٌُ ‫ص ِاد‬
‫ق‬ ُ‫ص ِادق ُون‬
Lord ُ‫رب‬
prophet, messenger ُ ِ‫ن‬
‫ب‬ ُ‫أُنبِياء‬
messenger ٌُ‫رسول‬ ُ‫رس ٌل‬
path ٌُ ‫ِصرا‬
straight ‫مست ِقي ٌُم‬
Muslim ‫مسلِ ٌُم‬ ُ‫مسلِمون‬
man, mankind ُ‫ا ُِلنسان‬
slave ُ‫عب ٌد‬ ٌ ‫ِعب‬
leader, commander ‫قائِ ٌُد‬ ٌُ‫ُقادة‬،‫ق َّو ٌاد‬

Lesson 1

Singular Plural
brave ُ‫اع‬
ٌ ‫شج‬
generous ٌ‫ك ِر ُمي‬ ُ‫كِر ٌام‬
the hour; day of resurrection ُ‫لساعة‬ َّ ‫ا‬
coming (F) ٌ‫أُتِي ُة‬
respectful ُ‫ب‬ٌ ‫مؤَّد‬
and ُ‫و‬
merciful ‫رِحي ٌُم‬
going (M) ٌُ ‫ذ ِاه‬
knowledgeable; scholar ُِ ‫ع‬
ٌ‫ال‬ ُ‫علماء‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic.

1. Haamid is a father.
2. Mahmood is a son.
3. Khalid is an uncle (paternal).
4. Zayd is an uncle (maternal).
5. Bakr is a brother.
6. Sa‘eed is a grandfather.
7. Hameed is a grandson.
8. The man is strong.
9. The child (M) is weak.
10. The ice is cold.
11. The water is sweet.
12. The son is small.
13. Hamzah is fat.
14. The brother is pious.

Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic.

1. The woman is strong.
2. The mother is beautiful.
3. The daughter is a worshipper.
4. The aunt (maternal) is intelligent.
5. The aunt (paternal) is hard-working.
6. The sister is beautiful.
7. The grandmother is thankful.

‫مُبُتُدُأٌُوخ ُبٌ‬

‫‪8.‬‬ ‫‪‘Aishah is intelligent.‬‬

‫‪9.‬‬ ‫‪Fatimah is small.‬‬
‫‪10.‬‬ ‫‪Maimoonah is a grand daughter.‬‬
‫‪11.‬‬ ‫‪The aunt (paternal) is pious.‬‬
‫‪12.‬‬ ‫‪The girl is fat.‬‬
‫‪13.‬‬ ‫‪The grandmother is pious.‬‬
‫‪14.‬‬ ‫‪The aunt (maternal) is a worshipper.‬‬

‫‪Exercise 3:‬‬ ‫‪Translate into English.‬‬

‫اهللُربُ ‪1.‬‬ ‫اْلخُك ِر ُميٌ ‪11.‬‬

‫ُم َّم ٌدُ(صلَّىُهللاُُعلي ِهُوسلَّمُ)ُنِبُ ‪2.‬‬ ‫لساعة ُُاتِيُ ُةٌ ‪12.‬‬
‫ا َّ‬
‫ا َّلرسولُص ِ‬
‫اد ٌقُ ‪3.‬‬ ‫عمٌروَُمت ِه ٌُد ‪13.‬‬
‫لصراطُمست ِقي ٌمُ ‪4.‬‬
‫ا ِ‬ ‫طا ِر ٌقُمؤَّد ٌُ‬
‫ب ‪14.‬‬
‫ُمموٌدُمسلِ ٌمُ ‪5.‬‬ ‫البِنتُمؤَّدب ُةٌ ‪15.‬‬
‫ا ِلنسانُعب ٌُد ‪6.‬‬ ‫اُلع ُّمُذكِيُ ‪16.‬‬
‫خالِ ٌدُقائِ ٌدُ ‪7.‬‬ ‫بُواْلدُُّرِحي ٌُم ‪17.‬‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اْلفيدُمؤَّد ٌ‬
‫القائِدُشج ٌُ‬
‫اع ‪8.‬‬ ‫اطمةُُذ ِ‬
‫اهب ُةٌ ‪18.‬‬ ‫فِ‬
‫سعِي ٌدُأ ٌُ‬
‫خ ‪9.‬‬ ‫بُ ‪19.‬‬ ‫ِ ِ‬
‫حُام ٌدُذاه ٌ‬
‫اْلالُعاقِ ٌُ‬
‫ل ‪10.‬‬ ‫ُمموٌدُع ُِ‬
‫الٌ ‪20.‬‬


ُ‫افُإِلي ِه‬
ٌ ‫افُومض‬
ٌ ‫مض‬

Consider the following sentences: ‘slave of Allah,’ ‘messenger of Allah,’ ‘door of the
house,’ ‘the Messenger’s order,’ ‘Mahmood’s pen,’ ‘Khalid’s book,’ ‘Hameed’s
house.’ These phrases and those with a similar pattern are called mudaaf (‫اف‬
ٌُ ‫ )مض‬and
mudaaf ilayhi (‫اف ُإِلي ُِه‬
ٌ ‫)مض‬. One thing (mudaaf) is attributed to the other (mudaaf
ilayhi). Many times, the relationship is that of the possessed to its possessor. The
possessed is called mudaaf and the possessor is called mudaaf ilayhi. For example, in
the phrase ‘Mahmood’s pen,’ the pen is owned by Mahmood. Therefore, ‘pen’ is
mudaaf and ‘Mahmood’ is mudaaf ilayhi.
To translate a sentence of this type into Arabic, follow these steps:
1. Take out ‘of’ or the apostrophe and the ‘s,’ which show possession.
2. If you have taken out the apostrophe and the ‘s,’ reverse the sequence. Write
the second word first and the first word second. If you took out ‘of,’ then
there is no need to reverse the sequence.
3. Replace the English words with their Arabic equivalents.
4. Give the mudaaf a single dammah and the mudaaf ilayhi two kasrahs.
For example, to translate the phrase ‘Mahmood’s pen’ to Arabic, first take out
the apostrophe and ‘s.’ It becomes ‘Mahmood pen.’ Then, change the order of the
words to ‘pen Mahmood.’ Next, replace the words with their Arabic equivalents.
You get ‫قلمُُممود‬. Now, give the mudaaf a single dammah and the mudaaf ilayhi two
kasrahs. You get ‫ق لمُُمموٍُد‬. Following the same method, ‘Khalid’s book’ becomes ُ‫كِتاب‬
ُ‫خالِ ٍد‬. For a sentence with ‘of,’ such as ‘ring of gold,’ first remove the ‘of.’ It becomes
‘ring gold.’ Now, replace the words with their Arabic equivalents. You get ‫خامتُذهب‬.
Now, give the mudaaf a single dammah and the mudaaf ilayhi two kasrahs. You get
ٍ ‫خامتُذه‬.
The rules concerning alif-laam have been mentioned in the first lesson. Those
rules will apply here also. Thus, if there is an alif-laam at the beginning of the
ٍُ ‫ خامت ُذه‬will become ُ ‫خامت‬
mudaaf ilayhi, the two kasrahs will become one kasrah. ‫ب‬
ِ ‫الذه‬
ُ‫ب‬ َّ . It should be noted here that the mudaaf never accepts alif-laam or tanween.
For instance, in the above example, ُ‫ خامت‬will not accept alif-laam or tanween.

Lesson 2

Word List
Singular Plural
wall ‫ِجد ٌُار‬ ُ‫ُجدرا ٌن‬،‫جدٌر‬
ُ‫د ٌار‬ ‫ُدُوٌُر‬،‫ِدَيٌُر‬
home, house
ٌُ ‫ب ي‬
‫ت‬ ُ‫ت‬
ٌ ‫بيو‬
door ٌُ ‫َب‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫أُب و‬
window ُ‫اك‬
ٌ َّ‫شب‬ ُ‫شبابِيك‬
ٌ‫حجرُة‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫حجر‬
ٌ‫غرف ُة‬ ٌُ ‫غر‬
roof ‫سط ٌُح‬ ُ‫ُأُسط ٌح‬،‫ح‬
ٌُ ‫سطو‬
ceiling ُ‫ف‬
ٌ ‫سق‬ ٌُ ‫سقو‬
bed ‫س ِري ٌُر‬ ُ‫سرٌر‬
pen ُ‫قُل ٌم‬ ‫أُقال ٌُم‬
heat ُ‫حر‬
sun ُ‫س‬ ٌ ‫َش‬ ُ‫س‬
ٌ ‫َشو‬
day ‫ي وٌُم‬ ‫أ ََّي ٌُم‬
judgment; religion ‫ِدي ٌُن‬
to establish, establishing ٌ‫ُإِقام ُة‬
ritual prayer (salah) ٌُ‫ُصلُوة‬،ٌ‫صالُة‬
to give, giving ُ ‫ُإِي ت‬
poor due (zakah) ٌُ‫ُزكاة‬،ٌ‫زكوة‬
city, town ٌ‫ب لدُة‬
country; city, town ُ‫ب ل ٌد‬ ُ‫ُب لدا ٌن‬،‫ُبِال ٌد‬
city, town ٌ‫م ِدي ن ُة‬ ‫مدُ ٌُن‬
people ُ‫س‬
ٌ ‫َن‬
light ٌ‫ضوُء‬ ُ‫أُضواء‬
lamp ٌُ ‫ِسر‬
‫اج‬ ُ‫سر ٌج‬
darkness ٌ‫ظلم ُة‬ ٌُ ‫ظلم‬

ُ‫افُإلي ِه‬
ٌ ‫افُومض‬
ٌ ‫مض‬

Singular Plural
night ُ‫لي ٌل‬
finger, toe ‫ُإِصب ٌُع‬ ُ‫أُصابِع‬
foot; leg ‫ِرج ٌُل‬ ُ‫أُرج ٌل‬
tall, long ‫ط ِوي ٌُل‬
leader, governor ٌ‫أم ُْي‬
short ‫ص ٌُْي‬ ِ‫ق‬
expensive ٌُ ِ‫َث‬
high ‫رفِي ٌُع‬
winter ُ ‫ِشت‬
summer ٌُ ‫صي‬
spring ‫ربِي ٌُع‬
autumn, fall ٌُ ‫خ ِري‬
new ‫ج ِدي ٌُد‬
old ٌ‫قد ُمي‬
book ٌُ ‫كِت‬
note-book ٌ‫كَّراس ُة‬
jouney, travel ‫سفٌُر‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic.

1. Haamid’s son/son of Hameed
2. Khalid’s mother/mother of Khalid
3. Fatimah’s sister/sister of Fatimah
4. The house’s wall/wall of the house
5. The room’s door/door of the room
6. The room’s window/window of the room
7. The house’s roof/roof of the house
8. The room’s ceiling/ceiling of the room
9. Hameed’s bed/bed of Hameed
10. The grandfather’s pen/pen of the grandfather
11. The sun’s heat/heat of the sun

Lesson 2

Exercise 2: Translate into English.

ِ ‫ي وم‬
ُِ ‫ُالدي‬
1. ‫ن‬ 6. ُ‫ظلمةُاللَّي ِل‬
2. ‫ُالصالُِة‬
َّ ‫إِقامة‬ 7. ُ‫أصابِعُ ِرج ٍل‬
3. ِ‫اة‬ َّ ‫إِي تاء‬
ُ ‫ُالزك‬ 8. ‫ام ٍُد‬
ِ ‫ق لمُح‬
4. ‫َنسُالب لدُِة‬ 9. ‫ِسراجُخالِ ٍُد‬
ِ ‫ضوء‬
5. ٍُ‫ُسراج‬ 10. ‫أ ِمْيُالم ِدي ن ُِة‬

Exercise 3: Translate into Arabic.

1. Mahmood’s pen is expensive.
2. The house’s wall is long.
3. The house’s roof is high.
4. Haamid’s son is tall.
5. Fatimah’s sister is short.
6. Days of Summer are long.
7. Days of Winter are short.
8. Door of the house is high.
9. Ceiling of the room is expensive.

Exercise 4: Translate into English.

‫ُالرج ُِلُعاقِ ٌُل‬ ِ
1. َّ ‫ابن‬
2. ٌ‫ُاَلمرأةُِط ِوي ل ُة‬
ِ ‫بِنت‬
3. ‫تُج ِدي ٌُد‬ ِ ‫َببُالب ي‬
4. ٌُ‫صْية‬ِ ‫أ ُّمُُمموٍدُق‬
ِ ِ ِ
5. ٌ‫كتابُعائشةُقد ُمي‬
6. ٌ‫ُآمنةُج ِديدُة‬ ِ ‫كَّراسة‬
ِ ٍ ِ ‫ب يت‬
7. ٌ‫ُمحيدُقد ُمي‬
8. ُ‫اِبنُخالِدةُذكِي‬
ِ ‫ُالسف ِرُق‬
9. ‫صْيٌُة‬ َّ ‫صالة‬


ُِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬
Past Tense Verb

In this lesson, we will look at the various forms a past tense verb takes in accordance
with the number and gender of the one(s) performing the action. To begin with, it
should be noted that ُ‫ ف عل‬means “he (S/M) did,” ُ‫ ف عال‬means “they (D/M) did,” ‫ف علوا‬
means “they (P/M) did,” ُ‫ ف علت‬means “she (S/F) did” and so on. These verbs are in
ٌُ ‫)فِع ٌلُمعرو‬.
active voice (‫ف‬
ِ (seeghah). Looking at the table below,
In Arabic, each verb form is called ٌ‫صي غ ُة‬
we can see that there are fourteen seeghahs in it. Each of these seeghahs has a name.
This name identifies, whether it is singular, dual or plural, whether it is masculine or
feminine, and whether it is first person, second person or third person. In Arabic,
the words for singular, dual and plural are ‫اح ٌُد‬ ِ ‫و‬, ٌ‫تُثنِي ُة‬, and ‫ْج ُع‬, respectively; first
ِ ِ
person is called ‫متكُل ٌُم‬, second person is called ‫حاضٌُر‬, and third person is called ‫ب‬ ٌُ ِ‫;غائ‬
and masculine is called ‫مذ َّكٌُر‬, and feminine is called ‫َّث‬
ٌُ ‫مؤن‬. Thus, singular masculine of
ِ ِ
ٌ ‫ واح ٌُد ُمذ َّكٌر ُغائ‬in Arabic. Dual masculine of the third
the third person will be called ُ‫ب‬
ِ ِ
ٌ ‫تُثني ُةٌُمذ َّكٌر ُغائ‬, and plural masculine of the third person will be
person will be called ُ‫ب‬
ٌُ ِ‫ْج ٌُعُمذ َّكٌرُغائ‬, and so on.
called ‫ب‬
In the case of the first person, because the gender is not identified, and there is
no separate seeghah for dual, therefore, the two seeghahs, singular first person and
plural first person will be called ‫اح ٌدُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬
ِ ‫ و‬and ‫ْجعُمتكُلِ ُم‬, respectively.
ٌ ٌ

Lesson 3

We are listing below the verb forms (also called conjugations) of the past tense
verb in active voice. These should be memorized with their meanings.

Table 3.1
ِ ‫)ال ِفعلُالم‬
Past Tense Verb Forms in Active Voice (ُ‫اضىُالُمعروف‬

Person Gender Plurality English Arabic

Singular He did. ُ‫ف عل‬
Dual They did. ُ‫ف عال‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural They did. ‫ف علُوا‬
ٌُ ِ‫)غائ‬
(‫ب‬ Singular She did. ُ‫ف علت‬
Dual They did. ‫ف علتُا‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural They did. ُ‫ف علن‬
Singular You did. ُ‫ف علت‬
Dual You did. ‫ف علتُما‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural You did. ‫ف علتُ ُم‬
ِ ‫)ح‬
(‫اضٌُر‬ Singular You did. ُِ ‫ف عل‬
Dual You did. ‫ف علتُما‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural You did. ُ‫ت‬
َّ ‫ف عل‬
First Singular I did. ُ‫ف علت‬
Person Feminine
(‫)متكُلِ ٌُم‬
Masculine/ Dual/
We did. ‫ف علنُا‬
Feminine Plural

ُِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬

Before we move on, it would be useful to see how Table 3.1 would be written in
Arabic. This is as follows:

Table 3.1a
ِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬
ِ ‫ا‬
ُ‫لصي غة‬ ِ ُ‫اِسم‬
ُ‫الصي غ ِة‬
ِ ِ
ُ‫ف عل‬ ُ‫ب‬ ٌ ‫واح ٌُدُمذ َّكٌرُغائ‬
ُ‫ف عال‬ ٌُ ِ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُغ ُائ‬
‫ف علوا‬ ٌُ ِ‫ْج ٌُعُمذ َّكٌرُغائ‬
ُ‫ف علت‬ ٌُ ِ‫َّثُغائ‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن‬ِ‫و‬
‫ف علتا‬ ٌُ ِ‫َّثُغُائ‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن‬
ُ‫فُعلن‬ ٌُ ِ‫َّثُغائ‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن‬
ُ‫ف علت‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫اح ٌُدُمذ َّكرُح‬ ِ‫و‬
‫ف علتما‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ُِ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُح‬
‫ف علت ُم‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ِ ‫ْج ُعُمذ َّكرُح‬
ٌ ٌ
ُِ ‫ف عل‬
‫ت‬ ‫َّثُحاضٌُر‬ ِ ٌُ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن‬ِ‫و‬
‫ف علتما‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ُ‫َّثُح‬ ٌُ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن‬
َّ ‫ف عل‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ُ‫َّثُح‬ ٌُ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن‬
ُ‫ف علت‬ ‫اح ٌدُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬ ِ‫و‬
‫ف علنا‬ ‫ْج ٌعُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬

Note: In the tables above, ُ‫ ف عل‬has been translated as “he did” and ُ‫ ف علت‬as “she
did.” It should be kept in mind that these forms could also mean “it (masculine)
did” and “it (feminine) did,” respectively. The same is true of other forms. The
masculine could be any masculine thing or person, and the feminine could be any
feminine thing or person.

Lesson 3

Changing Active Voice to Passive Voice

Now, to change these verbs into passive voice, follow the following procedure. Put a
dammah on the first letter (‫ )ف‬of ُ‫ف عل‬, and a kasrah on its second letter (‫)ع‬. It will
become ُ‫فعِل‬. Its meaning will change to “he (S/M) was done upon.” This is passive
ٌُ ‫)فِع‬. Similarly, ُ‫ ف عال‬will become ُ‫فعِال‬, ‫ ف علوا‬will become ‫فعِلوا‬,ُ ُ‫ ف علت‬will
voice (ٌُ‫ل َُمهول‬
becomeُ ُ‫فعِلت‬, and so on. We are listing below the verb forms (also called
conjugations) of the past tense verb in passive voice. These should be memorized
with their meanings.

Table 3.2
ِ ‫)ال ِفعلُالم‬
Past Tense Verb Forms in Passive Voice (ُ‫اضىُالُمجهول‬

Person Gender Plurality English Arabic

Singular He was done. ُ‫فعِل‬
Dual They were done. ُ‫فعِال‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural They were done.
ٌُ ِ‫)غائ‬
(‫ب‬ Singular She was done. ُ‫فعِلت‬
Dual They were done. ‫فعِلتُا‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural They were done. ُ‫فعِلن‬
Singular You were done. ُ‫فعِلت‬
Dual You were done. ‫فعِلتُما‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
‫فعِلتُ ُم‬
Plural You were done.
ِ ‫)ح‬
(‫اضٌُر‬ Singular You were done. ُِ ‫فعِل‬
Dual You were done. ‫فعِلتُما‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural You were done. َُّ ‫فعِل‬
First Masculine/
Singular I was done.
Person Feminine
(‫)متكُلِ ٌُم‬ ‫فعِلنا‬
Masculine/ Dual/
We were done.
Faminine Plural

ُِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬

Again, before we move on, it would be useful to see how Table 3.2 would be
written in Arabic.

Table 3.2a
ِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬
ِ ‫ا‬
ُ‫لصي غة‬ ِ ُ‫اِسم‬
ُ‫الصي غ ِة‬
‫فعِ ُل‬ ُ‫ب‬ ِ
ٌ ‫واح ٌُدُمذ َّكٌرُغائ‬
ُ‫فعِال‬ ٌُ ِ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُغ ُائ‬
‫فعِلوا‬ ٌُ ِ‫ْج ٌُعُمذ َُّكٌرُغائ‬
ُ‫فعِلت‬ ٌُ ِ‫َّثُغائ‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن‬ِ‫و‬
‫فعِلتا‬ ٌُ ِ‫َّثُغُائ‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن‬
ُ‫فعِلن‬ ٌُ ِ‫َّثُغائ‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن‬
ُ‫فعِلت‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫اح ٌُدُمذ َّكرُح‬
‫فعِلتما‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ُِ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُح‬
‫فعِلت ُم‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ِ ‫ْج ُعُمذ َّكرُح‬
ٌ ٌ
ُِ ‫فعِل‬
‫ت‬ ‫َّثُحاضٌُر‬ ِ ِ‫و‬
ٌُ ‫اح ٌُدُمُؤن‬
‫فعِلتما‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ُ‫َّثُح‬ ٌُ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن‬
َُّ ‫فعِل‬
‫ت‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫َّثُح‬ ٌُ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن‬
ُ‫فعِلت‬ ‫اح ٌدُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬ ِ‫و‬
‫فعِلنا‬ ‫ْج ٌعُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬

Note: In these two tables, ُ‫ فعِل‬has been translated as “he was done” and ُ‫ فعِلت‬as “she
was done.” As mentioned above in the note after Tables 3.1 & 3.1a, these forms
could also mean “it (masculine) was done” and “it (feminine) was done,”
respectively. The same is true of other forms. The masculine could be any masculine
thing or person, and the feminine could be any feminine thing or person.

Lesson 3

ٌُ ِ‫اح ٌدُمذك ٌرُغائ‬
Creating Conjugation Tables from ‫ب‬
Having memorized these two tables, the next stage is to identify the verb forms of
other verbs by comparing them to these tables. For this, we need to know that ُ‫اح ٌُد‬
ُ‫ب‬ ِ
ٌ ‫ مذكٌر ُغائ‬of any verb table is considered to be the basic verb form. Generally, it is
composed of three letters. The first is called ٌ‫فاءُكلِم ُة‬, the second is called ٌ‫عيُُكلِم ُة‬, and
the third is called ٌ‫َلم كلِم ُة‬. Now all that remains to be done is to identify which letter
of the new verb matches which letter of the basic verb form of the tables given
above. Consider, the verb ُ‫( نصر‬he helped). Comparing this to ُ‫ ف عل‬of Table 3.1 or
Table 3.1a, we can see that in this verb, ‫ ن‬is the ٌ‫فاءُكلِم ُة‬, ‫ ص‬is the ٌ‫عي ُكلِم ُة‬, and ‫ ر‬is
the ٌ‫َلم كلِم ُة‬. Once, this is established, it is easy to compare any of its forms with the
rest of table.
ٌُ ِ‫اح ٌُدُمذكٌُرُغائ‬
Below, we are providing a list of the basic forms (‫ب‬ ِ ‫ )و‬of various verbs
and their meanings. Their remaining forms can be created from them.

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic
he wrote ُ‫كتب‬
he read ُ‫ق رأ‬
he found ُ‫وجد‬
he cooked ُ‫طبخ‬
he cut ُ‫قطع‬
he filled ُ‫مل‬
he sought, he demanded ُ‫طلب‬
he asked ُ‫سأل‬
he made ُ‫صنع‬
he took ُ‫أخذ‬
he ate ُ‫أكل‬
he ran, he fled ُ‫هرب‬
he went ُ‫ذهب‬
he opened ُ‫ف تح‬

ُِ ‫ال ِفعلُالم‬

English Arabic
he hit ُ‫ضرب‬
he entered ُ‫دخل‬
he put (something) ُ‫وضع‬
he helped ُ‫نصر‬
he joined, he arrived ُ‫وصل‬
he slaughtered ُ‫ذبح‬
he oppressed ُ‫ظلم‬
he created ُ‫خلق‬
he imprisoned, he detained ُ‫حبس‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic.

1. I wrote.
2. They (P/F) read.
3. You (S/M) found.
4. You (P/F) cooked.
5. They (P/F) cut.
6. We filled.
7. You (P/M) demanded.
8. They (D/M) asked.
9. They (D/F) made.
10. You (S/F) took.

Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic.

1. It (S/M) was eaten.
2. They (P/M) were cut.
3. They (P/F) were made.
4. They (P/F) ran.
5. You (S/M) went.
6. You (P/M) were found.
7. It (S/F) was opened.
8. He was hit.
9. They (P/F) entered.
10. It (S/F) was placed.

‫‪Lesson 3‬‬

‫‪Exercise 2:‬‬ ‫‪Translate into English and identify the seeghah.‬‬

‫نصروا ‪1.‬‬ ‫ذهب تما ‪9.‬‬

‫ف تحتُ ‪2.‬‬ ‫كت ب نا ‪10.‬‬
‫ضرب تمُ ‪3.‬‬ ‫ق رأتُ ‪11.‬‬
‫دخلتُ ‪4.‬‬ ‫طبخا ‪12.‬‬
‫وضعُ ‪5.‬‬ ‫أكلنُ ‪13.‬‬
‫صن ع ِ‬
‫تُ ‪6.‬‬ ‫وصلتُ ‪14.‬‬
‫ذهب تا ‪7.‬‬ ‫هرب وا ‪15.‬‬
‫ُّن ‪8.‬‬
‫وجدت َُّ‬ ‫رجعتمُ ‪16.‬‬

‫‪Exercise 3:‬‬ ‫‪Translate into English and identify the seeghah.‬‬

‫ض ِرب وا ‪1.‬‬ ‫صنِعوا ‪7.‬‬

‫صرتُ ‪2.‬‬ ‫خلِقتمُ ‪8.‬‬
‫ذِِبتُ ‪3.‬‬ ‫خلِقنا ‪9.‬‬
‫ظلِمتُ ‪4.‬‬ ‫حبِستما ‪10.‬‬
‫ق ِط ُع ‪5.‬‬ ‫وِجدتُ ‪11.‬‬
‫ُو ُِ‬
‫ضعُتُ ‪6.‬‬ ‫سئِل َّ‬
‫تُ ‪12.‬‬


ُِ ُ‫ُف‬،‫ُفِعُ ٌُل‬
ٌُ‫ُمُفُعُ ُول‬،‫اع ٌُل‬
Verb, Subject, Object

ٌُ ‫)فِع‬, then
In Arabic, the word sequence in a verbal sentence is as follows: verb (‫ل‬
subject (‫ل‬ ِ ‫)ف‬, and finally the object (ٌُ‫)مفعول‬.
ٌُ ‫اع‬
ُ‫( فِع ٌل‬verb) = the action being done.
ِ ‫( ف‬subject) = the person doing the action.
‫اع ٌُل‬
ٌُ‫( مفعول‬object) = the person or the thing to whom or to which the action is being
Rule: The ‫ل‬ ِ ‫ ف‬gets a dammah (or two dammahs as the case may be), and the ٌُ‫مفعول‬
ٌُ ‫اع‬
gets a fathah (or two fathahs).
ٌُ ‫ فِع‬is ‘helped,’ Haamid is
1. ‘Haamid helped Mahmood.’ In this sentence, the ‫ل‬
the ‫ل‬ ِ ‫ ف‬and Mahmood is the ٌُ‫مفعول‬. When translating this sentence into
ٌُ ‫اع‬
Arabic, the Arabic word for helped (ُ‫ )نصر‬will come first followed by the
ِ ‫ )ح‬with two dammahs, and then the maf‘ool, Mahmood
faa‘il, Hamid (‫ام ٌُد‬
ِ ‫نصرُح‬.
(‫ )ُمموًدا‬with two fathahs. The final sentence will be ‫ام ٌدُُمموًدا‬
ِ ‫ )خ‬opened (ُ‫ )ف تح‬a door (‫)َب َُب‬.’ The same order used for the last
2. ‘A servant (‫اد ٌُم‬ ً
example (‫ل‬ ٌُ ‫ فِع‬first, ‫اع ٌُل‬
ِ ‫ ف‬second and ٌُ‫ مفعول‬last) will apply here. Remember,
the ‫ل‬ ِ ‫ ف‬will get two dammahs and the ٌُ‫ مفعول‬will get two fathahs. The full
ٌُ ‫اع‬
ِ ‫ف تحُخ‬.
sentence will be ‫اد ٌمَُب ًَُب‬

 If there is an alif-laam on any word, the tanween (double harakah) at the
end will change to a single harakah (the two fathahs will change to a single
fathah, the two kasrahs will change to a single kasrah, and the two dammahs
will change to a single dammah). Thus, ‘the servant opened the door’ will be
ِ ‫ف تح ُاْل‬. Here, the alif-laam caused the double harakah to
written as ُ‫ادم ُالباب‬
be dropped, and only a single harakah remained.

Lesson 4

 Mudaaf and mudaaf ilayhi can combine to form a ‫ل‬ ِ ‫ ف‬or a ٌُ‫مُفُعُ ُول‬. For
ٌُ ‫اع‬
ِ ‫ف تحُخ‬
Mahmood’s servant opened the door.
ِ ‫ف تحُاْلُ ِادمَُُببُالب ي‬
The servant opened the door of the house.
ِ ‫ف تحُخ‬
ِ ‫ادمَُممودَُببُالب ي‬
Mahmood’s servant opened the door of the house.
In this case, it is important to remember that the mudaaf does not accept an
alif-laam or a tanween. However, the mudaaf ilayhi can accept both.
Moreover, the effect of being a ‫ل‬ ِ ‫ ف‬or ٌُ‫ مفعول‬will show on the mudaaf alone
ٌُ ‫اع‬
and not the mudaaf ilayhi.

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic
he read ُ‫ق رأ‬
he stopped (someone) ُ‫منع‬
he wrote ُ‫كتب‬
he defeated ُ‫هزم‬
he cooked ُ‫طبخ‬
he ate ُ‫أكل‬
he hit; he beat ُ‫ضرب‬
he worshipped ُ‫عبد‬
he broke (something physical) ُ‫كسر‬
he tore ُ‫خرق‬
he helped ُ‫نصر‬
he cheated, he deceived ُ‫خدع‬
he profited ُ‫ربِح‬
he heard ُ‫َِسع‬
he made (someone into someone
or something into something)

ِ ‫ُف‬،‫فِعل‬
ُ‫ُمفعوٌل‬،‫اع ٌل‬ ٌ

English Arabic
he understood ُ‫ُعقل‬،ُ‫ف ِهم‬
he remembered ‫ذك ُر‬
he looked (at/towards) )ُ‫نظرُُ(إِل‬
he broke (something non-
ُ‫ن قض‬
he gave an example )‫ضربُ(مث ًال‬
he separated ُ‫ف رق‬
he created, he made; he originated ُ‫خلق‬
he was ungrateful; disbelieved ُ ‫كف ر‬
he killed ُ‫ق تل‬
he sat (down) ُ‫جلس‬
he imposed; he made something

Word List for Nouns & Particles

Singular Plural
book ٌُ ‫كِت‬
‫اب‬ ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫كت‬
letter ٌ‫ِرسال ُة‬ ُ‫رسائِل‬
army ُ‫جن ٌد‬ ُ‫جن وٌد‬
girl ٌُ ‫بِن‬
meat ُ‫ْل ٌم‬ ُ‫ْلوٌم‬
uncle (paternal) ُ‫عم‬
bread ُ‫خب ٌز‬ ُ‫أخب ٌاز‬
rice ُ‫أُرز‬
ُ‫ب‬ ِ
dog ٌ ‫كل‬ ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫كال‬
(drinking) glass ٌُ ‫كأ‬
‫س‬ ٌُ ‫كؤو‬
garment, dress; cloth ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫ثو‬ ٌُ ‫ثِي‬
friend ‫ص ِدي ٌُق‬ ُ‫أص ِدقاء‬

Lesson 4

Singular Plural
mother ُ‫أم‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫أ َّمه‬
messenger; prophet ٌُ‫ُرسول‬ ‫رس ٌُل‬
religion ‫ِدي ٌُن‬ ُ‫أدَي ٌن‬
sky ٌ‫اء‬
ُ ‫َس‬ )‫ات‬
ٌُ ‫َُساو‬،‫ات‬ ٌ ‫تُ(َسو‬ٌُ ‫َسو‬
building; roof ُ ‫بِن‬
ٌ‫اء‬ ٌ‫أبنِي ُة‬
land, earth ٌُ ‫أر‬
‫ض‬ ِ ‫ُاْلر‬،‫اض‬
‫اضى‬ ٍُ ‫أر‬
bed; spread; mattress ٌُ ‫فِر‬
‫اش‬ ٌ‫أف ِرش ُة‬
Satan, the Devil ُ‫الشَّيطان‬
not ‫ما‬
trade ٌ‫ِِتارُة‬
ear ‫أُذ ٌُن‬ ُ‫أُذا ٌن‬
heart ُ‫ب‬ ٌ ‫قل‬ ٌُ ‫ق لو‬
transgressor ‫اس ٌُق‬ ِ‫ف‬ ُ‫اق‬ ِ‫ف‬
ٌ ‫ُف َّس‬،ُ‫اسقون‬
oath; pledge; promise ‫عه ٌُد‬ ‫عهوٌُد‬
Muslim ‫مسلِ ٌُم‬ ُ‫مسلِمون‬
speech ‫كال ٌُم‬
man ‫رج ٌُل‬
example ُ‫مث ٌل‬ ٌُ‫أمثال‬
blessing ٌ‫نِعم ُة‬ ‫نِع ٌُم‬
sea ُ‫ِبٌُر‬ ٌُ ‫ِِب‬
chicken, hen ٌ‫دجاج ُة‬ ُ‫دج ٌج‬
servant ‫خ ِاد ٌُم‬ ٌُ ‫خد‬
door ٌُ ‫َب‬
‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫أُب و‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic

1. Hameed read a book.
2. Naseer stopped Mahmood.
3. Khalid wrote a letter.

ِ ‫ُف‬،‫فِعل‬
ُ‫ُمفعوٌل‬،‫اع ٌل‬ ٌ

4. Tariq defeated the army.

5. The girl cooked the meat.
6. The uncle (maternal) ate the bread.
7. I ate the rice.
8. I hit the dog.
9. You (P/M) worshipped Allah.
10. You (S/F) tore the cloth.
11. Hameed’s friend helped Khalid’s grandson (son’s son).
12. The girl’s mother broke the glass.

Exercise 2: ٌُ ‫فِع‬, ‫اع ٌُل‬

Translate into English and identify the ‫ل‬ ِ ‫ف‬, and ٌُ‫مفعول‬, where

ًُ‫جعلُهللاُُُم َّم ًداُ(صلَّىُهللاُُعلي ِهُوُسلَّم)ُ َّرسو‬

1. ‫َل‬
ِ ‫ُالسالم‬
2. ‫ُدي نًا‬ ُِ ُ‫جعلُهللا‬
ً ‫السمآءُبِناءً َُّواْلُرضُفر‬
3. ‫اشا‬ َّ ُُ‫جعُلُُهللا‬
ُِ ‫خدعُالشَّيطُان‬
4. ُ‫ُالنسان‬
5. ُ‫ماُرِِبتُالُتِجارة‬
6. ُ‫َسعتُُاُْلُذانُوعقلتُُاُلقلوب‬
ُ ‫َُسعُالمسلِمُكالم‬
7. ِ‫ُهللا‬ ِ ‫هللاُِو‬ ِ ‫ن قضُالف‬
ُ ُ‫اسقُعهد‬
8. ُ‫ضربُرج ٌلُمث ًال‬
9. ‫ذكرواُنِعمةُهللاُِوماُكفروا‬
10. ُ‫ف رق ناُالبحر‬
11. ُ‫ذُِبتمُالدَّجاجةُُوطبخُتمُُاللَّحم‬



The following particles are used as prepositions in Arabic. They occur quite
Table 5.1
Prepositions (ُ‫)الُ ُرُوفُُالُاُرة‬

in; regarding ُ‫ِف‬ with; at ُ‫ب‬ِ

from; than ُ‫ِمن‬ to; up to ُ‫إِل‬
on; upon ‫علُى‬ for; belongs to ُ‫ِل‬
as, like ُ‫ك‬ up to, until ُ‫حت‬
about; from; regarding ُ‫عن‬ by (for oath) ُ‫و‬

The words that come after these prepositions end with a kasrah (or two, depending
on the situation) on the final letter. Below, we give examples of each of these.

ُ‫فُالدَّا ِر‬ ُ ُِ‫زي ٌُد‬ = Zayd is in the house.

‫َُبلقل ُِم‬ ِ ‫كت ب ت‬ = I wrote with the pen.
‫تُُإِلُُالمس ِج ُِد‬ ِ ‫ِمنُالب ي‬ = from the house to the mosque
‫جلسُزي ٌدُعلُىُالكرُِس ُِي‬ = Zayd sat on the chair.
‫لسيَّارةُلِزي ٍُد‬
َّ ُ‫ا‬ = The car belongs to Zayd.
‫أمحدُكأس ٍُد‬ = Ahmad is like a lion.
ُّ ُ‫ت‬ َُّ ‫ِِنتُح‬ = I slept until the morning.
ُ‫اب‬ِ ‫سألتُع ِنُال ِكت‬ = She asked about the book.
ُ ‫و‬ = By Allah!

Besides the ten prepositions listed above, there are seven other prepositions that
occur less frequently. Since they do occur; therefore, it is appropriate to mention
them as well. They are as follows:
1. ُ‫ت‬: by (for oath). This is specific with Allah, the Exalted. Example: ِ‫هللا‬
ُ ‫–ت‬
By Allah!

Lesson 5

2 & 3. ُ‫منذُ وُ مذ‬: since. These are used to define a time period. Example: ُ ُ‫ماُذهبتُُإِل‬
ُ‫ – المدرس ِةُمنذُي وِمُاْلمع ِة‬I have not gone to the school since Friday.
4. ُ‫ب‬ َّ ‫ر‬: many a, so many. The noun used after ‫ب‬ َُّ ‫ ر‬is always singular. Example:
ُ‫بُرج ٍلُنصرته‬
َّ ‫ – ر‬I helped so many men.
5. ُ‫خال‬: besides, except. Example: ‫ – علَّمُت ُاْلُطفال ُخال ُزي ٍُد‬I taught the children
except Zayd.
6. ‫حاشا‬: besides, except. Example: ‫ – من عت ُال ِرجال ُحاشاُعم ٍرو‬I stopped the men
except ‘Amr.
7. ‫عدا‬: besides, except. Example: ‫ – جاء ُالقوم ُعدا ُخالِ ٍُد‬The people came except

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic
he went ُ‫ذهب‬
he killed ُ‫ق تل‬
he cut ُ‫قطع‬
he milked ُ‫حلب‬
he wrote ُ‫كتب‬
he ate ُ‫أكل‬
he asked ُ‫سأل‬
he made ‫جع ُل‬
he looked (at) )ُ‫نظرُ(إِل‬
he opened ُ‫ف تح‬
he sat ُ‫جلس‬
he read ُ‫ق رأ‬
it (M) fell ُ‫وقع‬
it (M) was prescribed (upon) )‫كتِبُُ(علُى‬
he broke ُ‫كسر‬

‫اْلروفُاْل َّارُة‬

Word List for Nouns

Singular Plural
village ٌ‫قُري ُة‬ ‫قًُرى‬
city ٌ‫م ِدي ن ُة‬ ‫مد ٌُن‬
lion ُ‫أُس ٌد‬ ُ‫أُس ٌد‬
sword ٌُ ‫سي‬
‫ف‬ ٌُ ‫سي و‬
cloth; clothes ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫ثو‬ ٌُ ‫ُثِي‬
scissors ٌُ ‫ِمقر‬
‫اض‬ ُ‫مقا ِريض‬
cow ٌ‫ب قرُة‬
milk ٌُ ‫ل‬
‫ب‬ ُ‫أُلبا ٌن‬
large bowl ٌ‫قصع ُة‬ ٌُ ‫ُقصع‬،‫قِص ٌع‬
Box ٌُ ‫صند‬
Pants ٌُ‫ِسروال‬ ُ‫سرا ِويل‬
Card ٌ‫بِطاق ُة‬ ٌُ ‫بِطاق‬
pencil ‫ِمرس ٌُم‬ ُ‫مر ِاسم‬
biscuit ٌ‫كعك ُة‬ ُ‫ك‬
ٌ ‫كع‬
butter ٌ‫زبدُة‬
Cream ٌ‫قِشط ُة‬
teacher ٌ‫أُستا ُذ‬ ُ‫أُساتِذة‬
student ‫تِل ِمي ٌُذ‬ ٌُ‫ُتال ِمذة‬،ُ‫تال ِميذ‬
Lesson ٌُ ‫در‬
‫س‬ ٌُ ‫درو‬
night-time ُ‫لي ٌل‬
sleep; sleeping ‫ن وٌُم‬
day-time ٌُ ‫َن‬
‫ار‬ ُ‫أَُنٌر‬
work ُ‫عم ٌل‬
buffalo ٌُ ‫جامو‬
‫س‬ ُ‫جو ِاميس‬
white; whiter ُ‫أُب يض‬
gold ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫ذه‬

Lesson 5

Singular Plural
silver َّ ِ‫ف‬
ٌ‫ض ُة‬
stone ُ‫حجٌر‬ ٌُ‫ُ ِحجارة‬،‫ار‬
ٌُ ‫أحج‬
moon ‫قمٌُر‬ ٌُ ‫أُقم‬
star ُ‫َن ٌم‬ ُ‫َنوٌم‬
lock ‫ق ف ٌُل‬ ٌُ‫أُق فال‬
key ٌُ ‫ُِمفت‬
‫اح‬ ُ‫مفاتِيح‬
garden ‫بُستا ٌُن‬ ُ‫بساتِي‬
grass ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫عش‬ ُ‫اب‬
ٌ ‫أُعش‬
praise ‫مح ٌُد‬
right guidance ‫ه ًدى‬
people ُ‫س‬
ٌ ‫َن‬
clouds (collective noun) ُ‫اب‬
ٌ ‫سح‬
something which is under
ُ‫مس َّخٌر‬
between; among, amidst ُ‫بي‬
sky ٌ‫اء‬
ُ ‫َس‬ )‫ات‬
ٌ ‫َُسُاو‬،‫ات‬
ٌ ‫تُ(َسو‬ٌُ ‫َسو‬
land, earth ٌُ ‫أر‬
‫ض‬ ‫اضى‬ِ ‫ُاْلر‬،‫اض‬
ٍُ ‫أر‬
Friday ‫ي ومُاْلمُع ُِة‬
Saturday ُِ ‫ُالسب‬
‫ت‬ َّ ‫ي وم‬
Sunday ُ‫ي ومُاْلُح ِد‬
Monday ‫ي‬ ِ ‫ي وم‬
ُِ ‫ُاَلث ن‬
Tuesday ‫ي ومُالُثَّالَث ُِء‬
ُ‫ي ُومُاْلُرب ع ِاء‬
ُِ ‫ي ومُاْلُرُبِع‬
Thursday ُِ ‫ي ومُاْل ِمي‬
Jew; Jewish ُ‫ي هوِدى‬ ُ‫الُي هود‬
Christian ُ ِ‫نصر‬
‫ان‬ ‫نصارى‬
part, portion ٌ‫جزُء‬ ُ‫أُجزاء‬

‫اْلروفُاْل َّارُة‬

Singular Plural
good; good deed ٌ‫حسن ُة‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫ح سن‬
world ‫دنُيا‬
hereafter ٌ‫آ ِخرُة‬
fly ُ‫ب‬ٌ ‫ذَب‬ ٌ‫أُ ِذبَُّة‬
food ٌُ ‫طع‬
ritual prayer (salah) ٌُ‫ُصلُوة‬،ٌ‫صالُة‬
door ٌُ ‫َب‬
‫ب‬ ُ‫اب‬
ٌ ‫أُب و‬
ٌ‫حجرُة‬ ٌُ ‫حجر‬
ٌ‫غرف ُة‬ ٌُ ‫غر‬
bed, throne ‫س ِري ٌُر‬ ٌ‫أُ ِسَّرُة‬
today ُ‫الي وم‬
tomorrow ‫غ ًدا‬
yesterday ُِ ‫أُم‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic

1. Zayd went from the village to the city.
2. Mahmood killed the lion with the sword.
3. I cut the cloth with the scissors.
4. She milked the cow’s milk in the bowl.
5. You (S/M) put the shirt and the pants (one pair) in the box.
6. You (P/M) wrote on the cards with pencils.
7. They (P/F) ate biscuits with butter and cream.
8. By Allah (oath).
9. The teacher asked the students about the lesson.
10. Allah made the night-time for sleeping and the day-time for working.
11. Buffalo’s milk is whiter than cow’s milk.
12. Gold and silver are like stones to Zahid.
13. I looked towards the moon and the stars.
14. They (P/M) opened the lock with the key.
15. We went to the garden and we sat on the grass.

‫‪Lesson 5‬‬

‫‪Exercise 2:‬‬ ‫‪Translate into English‬‬

‫‪1.‬‬ ‫ُِلِ‬
‫اْلمد ِ ُ‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫آنُهُ ًدىُلِلن ُِ‬
‫َّاس‬ ‫ِِفُالقر ِ‬
‫‪3.‬‬ ‫آءُواْلُر ُِ‬
‫ض‬ ‫ُالسم ِ‬
‫لسحابُمس َّخٌرُبي َّ‬ ‫ا َّ‬
‫‪4.‬‬ ‫ُوي ومُاْلُح ُِدُلِلنَّصارى‬‫تُلِلي هوِد ُ‬
‫السب ُِ‬
‫ُُي ومُ َّ‬
‫‪5.‬‬ ‫سُواْلمع ُِة‬‫آن ُِِفُي وِمُاْل ِمي ِ‬ ‫قُرأُتُجزء ِ‬
‫اُمنُالقر ِ‬
‫‪6.‬‬ ‫لِلمسل ِمُِفُالدُّن ياُحسنةٌ َُّوِفُالُخُرةُحسن ُةٌ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ُِفُالطَّع ِامُ ‪7.‬‬
‫ُالذَبب ِ‬
‫وقع ُّ‬
‫ُالصلُوةُعلُىُالمسلُِِم ‪8.‬‬
‫ت َّ‬ ‫كتِب ِ‬
‫ىُالس ِري ِرُي ومُالُثَّال َُث ُِء ‪9.‬‬ ‫ف تحواَُببُاْلجرةُِي وم ِ‬
‫ُاَلث ن ِ‬
‫يُوجلسُواُعلُ َّ‬


‫الضُمُ ُائِ ُر‬


A pronoun is called ‫ْي‬ ٌُ ‫ ض ِم‬in Arabic. Its plural is ُ‫ضمائِر‬. There are a number of
different types of pronouns in Arabic. We are listing below those pronouns that are
unattached (‫ل‬ ِ ‫)من ف‬. These dameers are not joined to any word but appear as separate
ٌُ ‫ص‬
words. They can appear as mubtada. These should be memorized.

Table 6.1
Unattached (‫ل‬ ِ ‫ )من ف‬Pronouns
ٌُ ‫ص‬
Person Gender Plurality
English Arabic
Singular he ُ‫هو‬
Dual they ‫ُها‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural they ُ‫هم‬
ٌُ ِ‫)غائ‬
(‫ب‬ Singular she ُ‫ُِهي‬
Dual they ‫ُها‬
ٌُ ‫)مُؤن‬
Plural they ُ‫ه َّن‬
Singular you ُ‫أُنت‬
Dual you ‫أُن تما‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural you ‫أُن ت ُم‬
ِ ‫)ح‬
(‫اضٌُر‬ Singular you ُِ ‫أُن‬
Dual you ‫أُن تما‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural you ُ‫ت‬
َّ ‫أُن‬
First Singular I ُ‫أَُن‬
Person Feminine
(‫)متكُلِ ٌُم‬
Masculine/ Dual/
we ُ‫َنن‬
Feminine Plural

Lesson 6

Below, we list the attached (‫ل‬ ِ ‫ )مت‬dameers. They are also called possessive (‫اف‬
ٌُ ‫َّص‬ ُ ِ ‫ )إِض‬and
ُ ِ‫ )مفعو‬dameers. By possessive, we mean those pronouns, which indicate
objective (‫ل‬
possession (ٌ‫ ;)إِضافُ ُة‬and by objective we mean those pronouns, which refer to the
object (ٌُ‫)مفعول‬.

Table 6.2
Attached (‫ل‬ ِ ‫ )مت‬Pronouns
ٌُ ‫ص‬
Person Gender Plurality
English Arabic
Singular his, him ‫ه‬
Dual their, them ‫ُها‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural their, them ُ‫هم‬
ٌُ ِ‫)غائ‬
(‫ب‬ Singular hers, her ‫ها‬
Dual their, them ‫ُها‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural their, them ُ‫ه َّن‬
Singular your, you ُ‫ك‬
Dual your, you ‫كما‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural your, you ُ‫كم‬
ِ ‫)ح‬
(‫اضٌُر‬ Singular your, you ‫ُِك‬
Dual your, you ‫كما‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural your, you ُ‫ك َّن‬
First Singular my, me ُ‫ُِن‬،ُُ‫ي‬
Person Feminine
(‫)متكُلِ ٌُم‬
Masculine/ Dual/
ours, us ُ‫َن‬
Feminine Plural

َُّ ‫ال‬

Examples of Usage of Unattached Dameers

ُ‫هوُزي ٌد‬ – He is Zayd.
ٌُ ِ‫أَُنُطال‬
‫ب‬ – I am a student.
‫أنتَُمت ِه ٌُد‬ – You are hardworking.

Examples of Usage of Attached Dameers

These pronouns can come after nouns, verbs and particles as shown in the examples
1. After a noun, showing attribution/possession (ٌ‫)إِضاف ُة‬:
‫ – ق لم ُه‬his (S/M) pen
ُ‫ – كِتابك‬your (S/M) book
ُ ِ ‫ – كِت‬my book
‫ – كِتاُبا‬her (S/F) book.
2. After a verb, indicating the object (ٌُ‫)مفعول‬:
ُ‫ – نصرته‬I helped him
ُ‫ – أُمرتك‬I commanded you
ُ ِ ‫ – نصرت‬you (S/M) helped me.
3. After a particle:
ُ‫ – فِي ِه‬in it
ُ‫ – له‬for him
ُ‫ – ُِمنك‬from you (S/M)
‫ – ُإِليُنا‬to/towards us
ُ‫ – إِنَّكم‬indeed you (P/M)
‫ – علي ُِه‬on him.

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic
he rode ُ‫ركِب‬
he broke ُ‫كسر‬
he fell ُ‫سقط‬
he stopped (someone) ُ‫منع‬

Lesson 6

English Arabic
he raised (someone or something) ُ‫رفع‬
he played ُ‫ل ُعِب‬
he looked )ُ‫نظرُ(إِل‬
he worshipped ُ‫عبد‬
he remembered ُ‫ُذكُر‬
he ate ُ‫أكل‬
he provided livelihood/sustenance ُ‫ُرُزق‬
he sealed, he put a seal ُ‫ختُم‬
he cheated, he deceived ُ‫خدع‬
he left; he abandoned ُ‫تُرك‬
he snatched ُ‫خطُف‬
he created ُ‫خلق‬
he presented ُ‫عُرض‬
he took ُ‫أُخُذ‬
he did (good deeds); he acted ِ ‫ع ِملُُ(ص‬

Word List for Nouns & Particles

Singular Plural
father ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ُ‫أ‬ ُ‫أَُبء‬
mother ُ‫أُم‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫أُ َّمه‬
tongue ‫لِسا ٌُن‬ ٌ‫أُل ِسنُ ُة‬
head ُ‫س‬
ٌ ‫رأ‬ ُ‫س‬ٌ ‫رؤو‬
nose ٌُ ‫أُن‬
‫ف‬ ٌُ ‫أُن و‬
hand ‫ي ٌُد‬ ُ‫ُاْلُي ُِدي‬،‫أُي ٍُد‬
ِ ‫ِسن‬
)‫ُ(سن‬ ُ‫أُسنا ٌن‬
tooth ٌ
chest ُ‫صدٌر‬ ‫صدوٌُر‬

َُّ ‫ال‬

Singular Plural
handkerchief ‫ِمن ِدي ٌُل‬ ُ‫من ِاديل‬
car ٌ‫سيَّارُة‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫سيَّار‬
bicycle ٌ‫د َّراج ُة‬ ٌُ ‫د َّراج‬
shoe ٌ‫حذ ُاء‬
ِ ٌ‫أُح ِذي ُة‬
foot ُ‫ُقد ٌُم‬،ُ‫ِرج ٌل‬
ball ٌ‫كرُة‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫كر‬
mango ُ‫ُمنجو‬،‫ان بج‬
apple ٌ‫ت فَّاح ُة‬ ُ‫َّاح‬
ٌ ‫تف‬
garden ‫بستا ٌُن‬
melon, watermelon ‫بِ ِطي ٌُخ‬
cucumber ُ ‫قِث‬
field; arable land ‫حق ٌُل‬ ٌُ‫حقول‬
heart ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫قل‬ ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫ق لو‬
hearing; also used for ears ‫َس ٌُع‬
eyesight; glance; also used for
ُ‫بصٌر‬ ُ‫أُبص ٌار‬
veil, covering ٌُ‫ِغشاوة‬
themselves ُ‫أن فسهم‬
darkness ٌ‫ظلم ُة‬ )‫ت‬
ٌ ُ‫اتُ(ظلُم‬
ٌُ ‫ظلم‬
lightning ٌُ ‫ب ر‬
Lord ُ‫رب‬
fuel ُ‫وق وٌد‬
people ُ‫س‬
ٌ ‫َن‬
stone ُ‫حجٌر‬ ٌ‫ِحجارُة‬
husband; wife; spouse ٌُ ‫زو‬
‫ج‬ ُ‫اج‬
ٌ ‫أُزو‬
clean, pure (F) ٌ‫مط َّهرُة‬
angel ٌُ ‫مل‬
‫ك‬ ٌ‫مالئِك ُة‬

Lesson 6

Singular Plural
covenant ٌُ ‫ِمي ث‬
‫اق‬ ُ‫مواثِيق‬
above ُ‫ف وق‬
Mount Sinai ُ‫طوٌر‬
color ‫لو ٌُن‬ ُ‫أُلوا ٌن‬
bright yellow ‫فُاقِ ٌُع‬
whoever ُ‫من‬
then; so; therefore;
sometimes, it is not translated
compensation, reward ُ‫أُجٌر‬ ُ‫أُجوٌر‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic

1. My father
2. His mother
3. Her tongue
4. Your (S/M) head
5. Your (S/F) nose
6. My hand
7. Their (P/F) teeth
8. His chest
9. Our handkerchief
10. I rode in your (S/M) car.
11. She broke my bike.
12. The shoe fell off your (S/M) foot.
13. I stopped them (P/F).
14. They (P/M) raised me.
15. You (P/M) played with the ball.
16. They (D/M) looked at me.
17. You (D/F) worshipped Him.
18. My mother remembered me yesterday.
19. You (S/M) ate a mango and an apple in your garden and you ate a watermelon
and a cucumber in your field.

‫ال َُّ‬

‫‪Exercise 2:‬‬ ‫‪Translate into English‬‬

‫رزق ناهمُ ‪1.‬‬

‫ختمُهللاُعلُىُق لوُبِِمُوعلُىَُسعِ ِه ُم ‪2.‬‬
‫علُىُأُبصا ِرِهم ِ‬
‫ُغشاوٌُة ‪3.‬‬
‫خدعواُأُن فسهمُ ‪4.‬‬
‫ُفُظلم ٍ‬
‫تُ ‪5.‬‬ ‫ت ركهم ِ ُ‬
‫خطفُالبقُأُبصارهمُ ‪6.‬‬
‫اِ َّنُربَّكمُخلقكمُ ‪7.‬‬
‫وق ودهاُالنَّاسُواْلِجارةُ ‪8.‬‬
‫ُمط َّهرةٌُ ‪9.‬‬
‫اج ُّ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫َلمُفيُهاُأُزو ٌ‬
‫عرضهمُعلُىُالملُئِك ُِة ‪10.‬‬
‫أُخذَن ِ‬
‫ُمي ثاقكمُورف عناُف وقكمُالطُّورُ ‪11.‬‬
‫لوَناُفاقِ ٌُع ‪12.‬‬
‫منُع ِملُص ِ‬
‫اْلًاُف لهُأُجُرهُ ‪13.‬‬


ُ‫الُ ُِفعُلُُالُمُضُاُِرع‬
Present and Future Tense Verb

We have already discussed the past tense verb and pronouns. In this lesson, we will
ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬which is equivalent to present and future tense. ‫اض‬
discuss ‫ع‬ ٍُ ُ‫( ُفِعُ ٌُلُم‬past tense)
ٌُ ‫( ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬present/future tense), as well as ُ‫( ضُمُ ُائِر‬pronouns) are the foundations
andُ ‫ع‬
of the Arabic language. These should be memorized properly. This will make all
ٌُ ُ‫ُفِع‬
future lessons much easier. We are listing below the conjugations (verb forms) of ُ‫ل‬

ٌ ‫( مُضُاُِر‬present and future tense verb) in active voice (‫ف‬

ُ‫ع‬ ٌُ ‫)مُعرو‬.

Table 7.1
ٌُ ‫ )فِع ٌلُمضا ِر‬in Active Voice (ٌُ‫)معروف‬
Verb Forms of (‫ع‬

Person Gender Plurality English Arabic

He/It is doing or
Singular ُ‫ي فعل‬
will do
ُ‫ي فعالُ ِن‬
They are doing or
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬ will do
They are doing or
Third Plural ُ‫ي فعلُون‬
Person will do
ٌُ ِ‫)غائ‬
She/It is doing or
(‫ب‬ Singular ُ‫ت فعل‬
will do
ُ‫ت فعالُ ِن‬
They are doing or
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬ will do
They are doing or
Plural ُ‫ي فعلُن‬
will do
You are doing or
Singular ُ‫ت فعل‬
Second will do
ُ‫ت فعالُ ِن‬
Person You are doing or
ِ ‫)ح‬ َُّ ‫)مذ‬
(‫كٌُر‬ will do
You are doing or
Plural ُ‫ت فعلُون‬
will do

‫‪Lesson 7‬‬

‫‪Table 7.1 Continued‬‬

‫ت فعُلِيُ‬
‫‪You are doing or‬‬
‫‪Second‬‬ ‫‪will do‬‬
‫ت فعالُ ِنُ‬
‫‪Person‬‬ ‫‪You are doing or‬‬
‫)ح ِ‬ ‫َّث(‬
‫)مؤن ٌُ‬ ‫‪will do‬‬
‫‪You are doing or‬‬
‫‪Plural‬‬ ‫ت فعلُنُ‬
‫‪will do‬‬
‫‪Masculine/‬‬ ‫‪I am doing or will‬‬
‫‪First‬‬ ‫‪Singular‬‬ ‫أُف علُ‬
‫‪Person‬‬ ‫‪Feminine‬‬ ‫‪do‬‬
‫)متكُلِ ٌُم(‬
‫‪Masculine/‬‬ ‫‪Dual/‬‬ ‫‪We are doing or‬‬
‫ن فعلُ‬
‫‪Feminine‬‬ ‫‪Plural‬‬ ‫‪will do‬‬

‫‪Before we move on, it would be useful to see how Table 7.1 would be written in‬‬
‫‪Arabic. This is as follows:‬‬

‫‪Table 7.1a‬‬
‫ال ِفعلُالُمضارِعُُالمعروفُ‬
‫ا ِ‬
‫لصي غةُ‬ ‫اِسمُ ِ‬
‫الصي غ ِةُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ي فع ُل‬ ‫بُ‬ ‫واح ٌُدُمذ َّكٌرُغائ ٌ‬
‫ي فعال ُِن‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُغ ُائِ ٌُ‬
‫ي فعلونُ‬ ‫ْج ٌُعُمذ َّكٌرُغائِ ٌُ‬
‫ت فع ُل‬ ‫َّثُغائِ ٌُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن ٌُ‬‫وِ‬
‫ت فعال ُِن‬ ‫َّثُغُائِ ٌُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫ي فعلنُ‬ ‫َّثُغائِ ٌُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫ت فع ُل‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫اح ٌُدُمذ َّكرُح ِ‬ ‫وِ‬
‫ت فعال ُِن‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُح ُِ‬
‫ت فعلونُ‬ ‫اضٌُر‬‫ْج ُعُمذ َّكرُح ِ‬
‫ٌ ٌ‬
‫ت فعلِيُ‬ ‫َّثُحاضٌُر‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن ٌُ‬‫وِ‬
‫ت فعال ِنُ‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫َّثُحُ ِ‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫ت فعلنُ‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫َّثُح ِ‬ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫أُف علُ‬ ‫اح ٌدُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬ ‫وِ‬
‫ن فعلُ‬ ‫ْج ٌعُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬

ُ‫ال ِفعلُالمضاُِرع‬

Creating Passive Voice ٌُ‫لُمضا ِرع‬ ِ

ٌ ‫فع‬
In lesson 3, we discussed the method of converting ‫ف‬ ٍُ ُ‫( ُفِعُ ٌُل ُم‬past tense active
ٌُ ‫اض ُمُعُُرُو‬
ٍُ ُ‫( ُفِعُ ٌُل ُم‬past tense passive voice). Now, we discuss the method of
voice) to ٌُ‫اض َُمُهُ ُول‬
ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬from active to passive voice. ُ‫ي فعل‬, which means “he does or will
converting ‫ع‬
do,” is in active voice (‫ف‬
ٌُ ‫)معرو‬. To convert this ‫ف‬ ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬to ٌُ‫عَُمُهُ ُول‬
ٌُ ‫ع ُمعرو‬ ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬, we
give the first letter a dammah and the third letter a fathah. ُ‫ ي فعُل‬becomes ُ‫ي فعل‬, ُ‫تض ِرب‬
becomes ُ‫تضرب‬, ُ‫ ي فتح‬becomes ُ‫ي فتح‬, ُ‫ أُنصر‬becomes ُ‫أُنصر‬, and so on.

Table 7.2
ٌُ ‫ )فِع ٌُلُمُضا ِر‬in Passive Voice (ٌُ‫)َمهول‬
Verb Forms of (‫ع‬

Person Gender Plurality English Arabic

He/It is being done
Singular ُ‫ي فعل‬
or will be done
ُ‫ي فعالُ ِن‬
They are being done
)‫(مذ َّكٌر‬ or will be done
They are being done
Third Plural ُ‫ي فعلُون‬
Person or will be done
ٌُ ِ‫(غائ‬
She/It is being done
)‫ب‬ Singular ُ‫تُفعل‬
or will be done
ُ‫ت فعالُ ِن‬
They are being done
ٌ ‫(مؤن‬ or will be done
They are being done
Plural ُ‫ي فعلُن‬
or will be done
You are being done
Singular ُ‫ت فعل‬
or will be done
ُ‫ت فعالُ ِن‬
You are being done
)‫(مذ َّكٌر‬ or will be done
You are being done
Second Plural ُ‫ت فعلُون‬
Person or will be done
ِ ‫(ح‬ ُ‫ت فعُلِي‬
You are being done
)‫اضٌُر‬ Singular
or will be done
ُ‫ت فعالُ ِن‬
You are being done
ٌ ‫(مؤن‬ or will be done
You are being done
Plural ُ‫ت فعلُن‬
or will be done

‫‪Lesson 7‬‬

‫‪Table 7.2 continued‬‬

‫‪Masculine/‬‬ ‫‪I am being done or‬‬
‫‪First‬‬ ‫‪Singular‬‬ ‫أُف علُ‬
‫‪Person‬‬ ‫‪Feminine‬‬ ‫‪will be done‬‬
‫(متكُلِ ٌم)‬
‫‪Masculine/‬‬ ‫‪Dual/‬‬ ‫‪We are being done‬‬
‫ن فعلُ‬
‫‪Feminine‬‬ ‫‪Plural‬‬ ‫‪or will be done‬‬

‫‪Before we move on, it would be useful to see how Table 7.2 would be written in‬‬
‫‪Arabic. This is as follows:‬‬

‫‪Table 7.2a‬‬
‫ال ِفعلُالُمضارِعُُالُمجهولُ‬
‫ا ِ‬
‫لصي غةُ‬ ‫اِسمُ ِ‬
‫الصي غ ِةُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ي فع ُل‬ ‫بُ‬ ‫واح ٌُدُمذ َّكٌرُغائ ٌ‬
‫ي فعال ُِن‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُغ ُائِ ٌُ‬
‫ي فعلونُ‬ ‫ْج ٌُعُمذ َّكٌرُغائِ ٌُ‬
‫ت فع ُل‬ ‫َّثُغائِ ٌُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن ٌُ‬ ‫وِ‬
‫ت فعال ُِن‬ ‫َّثُغُائِ ٌُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫ي فعلنُ‬ ‫َّثُغائِ ٌُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫ت فع ُل‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫اح ٌُدُمذ َّكرُح ِ‬ ‫وِ‬
‫ت فعال ُِن‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُح ُِ‬
‫ت فعلونُ‬ ‫اضٌُر‬‫ْج ُعُمذ َّكرُح ِ‬
‫ٌ ٌ‬
‫ت فعلِيُ‬ ‫َّثُحاضٌُر‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫و ُِ‬
‫اح ٌُدُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫ت فعال ِنُ‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫َّثُحُ ِ‬ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫ت فعلنُ‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ‫َّثُح ِ‬ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن ٌُ‬
‫أُف علُ‬ ‫اح ٌدُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬ ‫وِ‬
‫ن فعلُ‬ ‫ْج ٌعُمتكُلِ ٌُم‬

ُ‫ال ِفعلُالمضاُِرع‬

Note: When a passive verb is used, the ‫ل‬ ُِ ُ‫( ف‬subject) is not mentioned. Rather, the
ٌُ ‫اع‬
ُِ ُ‫( ف‬subject) and is called ‫اع ٍُل‬
ٌُ‫( مُفُعُ ُول‬object) takes the place of the ‫اع ٌُل‬ ُِ ُ‫( َنُُئِبُ ُف‬subject of
ُِ ُ‫( قُ ُائٌُِم ُمُقُامُ ُف‬substitute subject). Since it takes the place of the
ٍُ ‫اع‬
the passive verb) or ‫ل‬
ُِ ُ‫ف‬, it also gets a dammah.
ُ‫اع ٌل‬


ٍُ ُ‫ُفِعُ ٌُلُم‬:
ٌُ‫اضَُمُهُ ُول‬ ُ‫ – ض ِربُالولد‬The boy was hit.
ِ ‫ – منِع‬The woman was stopped.
ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬:
ٌُ‫عَُمُهُ ُول‬ ُ ‫ – ي فتحُالب‬The door will be opened.
ُ‫ – يكسرُاْلِدار‬The wall will be broken.

ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬, both ‫ف‬

Note: In the tables above, the first letter of each seeghah of ‫ع‬ ٌُ ‫ معرو‬and
ُِ‫( حرف ُالمضا ِر‬plural: ‫ِع‬
ٌُ‫َمُهُ ُول‬, is called ‫ع‬ ُِ‫)حُُرُوف ُالمضار‬. As can be seen in the table, these
are ‫ي‬, ‫ت‬, ‫أ‬, and ‫ن‬.

Relationship between the Seeghahs of ُ‫لُماض‬ ِ ٌُ ‫فِع ٌلُمضا ِر‬

ٌ ‫ فع‬and ‫ع‬
Before we move on, it will be useful to keep in mind that the ‘ayn kalimah of the
ِ ِ ٍُ ُ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُل ُم‬and ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫ واح ٌُد ُمذ َّكٌر ُغائ‬of a ‫اض‬
ُ‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬can vary in a number of different ways. It
can have a fathah, kasrah or dammah in ‫اض‬ ٍُ ُ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُل ُم‬and/or ‫ع‬
ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬. It is beyond the
scope of this book to discuss all of these combinations. However, at this stage, it is,
nevertheless, important to take note of the harakah on the ‘ayn kalimah of any given
ٍ ُ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُلُم‬and its corresponding ‫ع‬
ُ‫اض‬ ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬.

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic
(for past tense) ُ‫ماض‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫مضا ِر‬
he went ُ‫ذهب‬ ُ‫يذهب‬
he wandered about ُ‫ع ِمه‬ ُ‫ي عمه‬
he made (someone into someone or
ُ‫جعل‬ ُ‫َيعل‬
something into something)
he came to know ‫علِ ُم‬ ُ‫ي علم‬

Lesson 7

English Arabic
(for past tense) ُ‫ماض‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫مضا ِر‬
he worshipped ُ‫عبد‬ ُ‫ي عبد‬
he realized; he became aware ُ‫شعر‬ ُ‫يشعر‬
he heard ُ‫َِسع‬ ُ‫يسمع‬
he played ُ‫لعِب‬ ُ‫ي لعب‬
he wore ُ‫لبِس‬ ُ‫ي لبس‬
he became sad, he grieved ُ‫حُُِزن‬ ُ‫َيزن‬
he slaughtered ُ‫ذبح‬ ُ‫يذبح‬
he drank ُ‫ش ِرب‬ ُ‫يشرب‬
he read ‫َر رَقَر‬ ُ‫ي قرأ‬
he cooked ُ‫طبخ‬ ُ‫يطبخ‬
he made (something) ُ‫صنع‬ ُ‫يصنع‬
he stopped (someone) ُ‫منع‬ ُ‫َينع‬
he opened ُ‫ف تح‬ ُ‫ي فتح‬
he washed ُ‫غسل‬ ُ‫ي غ ِسل‬
he laughed ُ‫ض ِحك‬ ُ‫يضحك‬
he was angry (with someone) )‫س ِخطُ(علُىُفالُ ٍن‬ )‫يسخطُ(علُىُفُال ٍن‬
he broke (something non-physical);
ُ‫ن قض‬ ُ‫ي ن قض‬
he nullified
he commanded, he ordered ُ‫أمر‬ ُ‫َيمر‬
he concealed ُ‫كتم‬ ُ‫يكتم‬
he wrote ُ‫كتب‬ ُ‫يكتب‬
he cut ُ‫قطع‬ ُ‫ي قطع‬
he helped ُ‫نصر‬ ُ‫ي نصر‬
he deceived, he cheated ُ‫خدع‬ ُ‫َيدع‬
he colored, he dyed ُ‫صبغ‬ ُ‫يصبغ‬
he raised ُ‫رفع‬ ُ‫ي رفع‬
he sent ُ‫ب عث‬ ُ‫ي ب عث‬

ُ‫ال ِفعلُالمضاُِرع‬

English Arabic
(for past tense) ُ‫ماض‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫مضا ِر‬
he ate ُ‫أكل‬ ُ‫َيكل‬
he remembered; he mentioned ُ‫ذكر‬ ُ‫يذكر‬

Word List for Nouns & Particles

Singular Plural
food ُ‫طع ٌام‬
newspaper ٌ‫ج ِريدُة‬ ‫جرائِ ُد‬
potato ‫بطاطا‬
tea ُ‫اي‬
ٌ ‫ش‬
spoon ٌ‫ِملعق ُة‬ ‫مال ِع ُق‬
lock ُ‫ق ف ٌل‬
key ٌُ ‫ِمفت‬
washerman ٌُ ‫ص‬
‫ار‬ َّ ‫ق‬
ٌُ ‫ث و‬
‫ب‬ ُ‫اب‬ ِ
cloth; clothes ٌ ‫ُثي‬
pond, pool ‫غ ِدي ٌُر‬ ‫غدٌُر‬
laughter ٌُ ‫ُ ِضح‬،‫ك‬
‫ك‬ ٌُ ‫ضح‬
friend ‫ص ِدي ٌُق‬
house ُ‫ت‬ٌ ‫بي‬
prayer leader; leader ٌُ ‫إِم‬
‫ام‬ ٌ‫أئِ َّم ُة‬
people ٌُ ‫َن‬
what?; do…?; will…?; etc.
(depending on the context)
sinfulness ُ‫فِس ٌق‬
disbelief, infidelity ‫كفٌُر‬
today ُ‫الي وم‬
tommorrow ‫غ ًدا‬

Lesson 7

Singular Plural
day after tomorrow ‫ب عدُغ ٍُد‬
a year ago ‫ق بلُسن ٍُة‬
day before yesterday ِ ‫ق بلُاْلم‬
letter ٌ‫ِرسال ُة‬
paternal uncle ُ‫عم‬
fear ُ‫ف‬
ٌ ‫خو‬
promise; pledge; covenant ‫عه ٌُد‬
that, which ‫ما‬
piety, righteousness ُ‫بِر‬
that; to ُ‫أن‬
cow ٌ‫ب قرُة‬
speech ‫كال ٌُم‬
rope ُ‫حب ٌل‬ ٌُ‫ِحبال‬
remembrance ‫ِذكٌُر‬
prophet ُ‫ُنِب‬،ُ‫رسوٌل‬ ُ‫ُأنبِياء‬،ُ‫رس ٌل‬
fruit ٌ‫فاكِه ُة‬ ُ‫ف واكِه‬
library ِ ‫ُخزانةُالُكت‬،ٌ‫مكت بة‬
ُ‫ب‬ ُ‫ُمك ُاتِب‬،‫ات‬ٌُ ‫مكت ب‬
magazine ٌ‫َملَُّة‬ ٌُ ‫َم َّال‬
article; essay ٌ‫مقال ُة‬ ُ‫ت‬
ٌ ‫مقاَل‬

Exercise 1: Translate into English

1. ُ‫أذهب‬ 7. ُ‫تُسمعِي‬
2. ُ‫ي عمهون‬ 8. ُ‫ت لعبِي‬
3. ُ‫َيعل‬ 9. ُ‫ي لبسن‬
4. ُ‫أعلم‬ 10. ‫َتزَن ُِن‬
5. ُ‫ن عبد‬ ُِ ‫يذِب‬
11. ‫ان‬
6. ُ‫تشعرون‬ 12. ُ‫أشرب‬

ُ‫ال ِفعلُالمضاُِرع‬

Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic

1. They (P/M) came to know.
2. You (P/F) are reading.
3. She is cooking.
4. He is grieving.
5. They (P/F) are cooking.
6. I am making food.
7. We will drink.
8. You (S/F) will go.
9. You (S/M) will stop.
10. They (D/M) will go.

Exercise 3: Translate into Arabic

1. I will read your (S/M) newspaper.
2. They (P/F) will cook a potato for you (P/M).
3. You (P/M) are drinking tea with a spoon.
4. Your (P/M) uncle (paternal) will open the lock with his key.
5. The washerman is washing the clothes in the pond.
6. Haamid is laughing in his house.
7. I am hearing his laughter in my house.
8. Khalid’s friend will go to your (S/M) house.
9. We will make you (S/M) a leader for the people.
10. Are you (P/F) stopping them (P/M) from sinfulness and disbelief?
11. Today I read your (S/F) letter.
12. Tomorrow I will go to her uncle’s (paternal) house.
13. Are you (S/F) angry with him?

Exercise 4: Translate into English

1. ُ‫فُعلي ِهمُوَلُهمَُيزن ون‬

ٌ ‫َلُخو‬
2. ِ‫ُهللا‬
ُ ‫ي ن قضونُعهد‬
3. ُ‫ُإِِِنُأُعلمُماَُلُت علمون‬
ُِ ِ‫َُبل‬
4. ‫ب‬ ِ ‫أَُتمرونُالنَّاس‬
5. ُ‫َننَُلُنكتمُماُأُمرَنُهللا‬
6. ‫اُهللَُُيمركمُأُنُتذِبواُب قرًُة‬
7. ِ‫ُهللا‬
ُ ‫يسمعونُكالم‬

Lesson 7

Exercise 5: Translate into Arabic

1. Is being read (S/M, third person)
2. Is being written (S/M, third person)
3. Will be broken (S/M, third person)
4. Will be cut (S/M, third person)
5. She is being helped.
6. You are being stopped (S/M)
7. I am being stopped.
8. We are being helped.
9. You (S/F) will be stopped.
10. You (S/M) are being cheated.

Exercise 6: Translate into Arabic

1. The rope is being cut.
2. The cloth will be dyed.
3. Remembrance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is being
4. The prophets are being sent.
5. Fruits are being eaten.
6. Allah is being remembered.
7. Tomorrow, the newspaper will be read in the library.
8. An article will be written for your (S/F) magazine the day after tomorrow.
9. The promise was broken a year ago.


ِ ‫ا‬

Consider the following phrases: ‘truthful Muslim,’ ‘pious man,’ ‘large mosque,’
‘small book,’ ‘trustworthy servant.’ These phrases and other phrases of similar
ِ (adjective) andُ ‫ف‬
pattern are called ٌ‫صف ُة‬ ٌ ‫( موصو‬the described). In the phrase ‘small
ِ (adjective), and ‘book’
book, ‘small’ describes the ‘book.’ Thus, ‘small’ is ٌ‫صف ُة‬
ٌ ‫( موصو‬the described).
To convert such a phrase into Arabic, follow the following steps:
1. Translate the individual words into Arabic.
2. Reverse the order of the words so that the first word comes second and the
second word comes first.
3. Give both words one or two dammah(s) (depending on the situation).

Example: We want to convert the phrase, ‘truthful Muslim’ into Arabic. First, we
translate the individual words into Arabic. We get ‫سُلِم‬ ُِ ُ‫ص‬. Next, we reverse the
ُ ُ‫ادق م‬
ُِ ُ‫مُسُُلِمُص‬. Then, we give two dammahs to both the words. We get ُ‫مسلِ ٌم‬
order to get ‫ادق‬
ُ‫ص ِاد ٌق‬. Similarly, if we want to convert ‘pious man’ into Arabic, we will first translate
the individual words into Arabic – ‫حُرجُل‬ ُ ِ‫صُ ُال‬. Next, we will reverse the order of the
words – ‫ُرجُلُصُ ُالِح‬. Lastly, we will give two dammahs to both words – ‫ح‬ ٌُ ِ‫رج ٌلُصال‬.

States of Nouns:
Before we move on, it will be useful to keep in mind that each noun is always in a
certain state. There are three states in total for nouns. These are as follows:
1. ‫رف ٌُع‬: This is the state when a noun has one or two dammahs at the end. Such a
noun is called ‫ع‬
ٌُ ‫مرف و‬. For example, ‫ت‬
ٌُ ‫ ب ي‬or ُ‫الب يت‬.
2. ‫ب‬
ٌُ ‫نص‬: This is the state when a noun has one or two fathahs at the end. Such a
noun is called ‫ب‬
ٌُ ‫منصو‬. For example, ‫ ب ي تًا‬or ُ‫الب يت‬.
3. ُ‫جر‬: This is the state when a noun has one or two kasrahs at the end.ُSuch a noun
ٍُ ‫ ب ي‬or ‫ت‬
is called ‫َمروٌُر‬. For example, ‫ت‬ ُِ ‫الب ي‬.
Note: There is another state which is specific to verbs. This is ‫جزٌُم‬. This is the

Lesson 8 ُ

condition in which a ‫ سكو ٌُن‬appears at the end of a word or its substitute (‫ ن‬in the
case of ُ‫ )فِع ٌل ُمضا ِر‬is dropped from
ٌ‫ع‬ the end. Such a word is said to be ‫وم‬
ٌُ ‫َمُُز‬. For
example, ُ‫( لُيض ِرب‬he did not hit).

ِ and ٌُ‫موصوف‬:
Additional Rules for ٌ‫صف ُة‬
ِ and the ‫ف‬
1. Both the ٌ‫صف ُة‬ ٌُ ‫ موصو‬have to be in the same state, i.e., if one is ‫ع‬
ٌُ ‫مرف و‬,
then the other should also be ‫ع‬ ٌُ ‫مرف و‬. Similarly, if one is ‫ب‬ٌُ ‫منصو‬, the other
ٌُ ‫منصو‬. For example, consider ‫رج ٌل ُصالِ ٌُح‬. Since ‫ رج ٌُل‬has two
should also be ‫ب‬
dammahs at the end, it is ٌُ‫ ;مرف وع‬therefore, ‫ح‬ ٌُ ِ‫ صال‬will also be given two
dammahs to make it ‫ع‬
ٌُ ‫مرف و‬. Similarly, if for some reason ‫ ُرجُل‬was ‫ب‬ٌُ ‫منصو‬, ‫صُ ُالِح‬
would also have to be ‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫منصو‬. The phrase would then have been ‫اْلًا‬ ِ ‫رج ًال ُص‬
ِ ‫( نصرتُرج ًالُص‬I helped a pious man). If ‫ ُرجُل‬had been ‫َمروُر‬, ‫صُ ُالِح‬
such as in ‫اْلًا‬ ٌ
would also have been ‫َمروٌُر‬. The phrase would then have been ٍُ‫ رج ٍلُصالِح‬such
as in ٍُ‫( ذهبتُُإِلُُرج ٍلُص ُالِح‬I went to a pious man).
ِ and the ‫ف‬
2. Both the ٌ‫صف ُة‬ ٌُ ‫ موصو‬should either be maʻrifah or nakirah. Thus, if
ٌُ ‫ موصو‬has an alif-laam, the ٌ‫ ِصف ُة‬should also have an alif-laam. For
the ‫ف‬
example, if ‫ ُرجُل‬were to be changed to ‫اُ َُّلرجُل‬, ‫ صُ ُالِح‬would also change to
‫لص ُالِح‬
َُّ ُ‫ا‬.
ِ and the ‫ف‬
3. The gender of the ٌ‫صف ُة‬ ٌُ ‫ موصو‬should be the same. Thus, if the
ُ‫ف‬ٌ ‫ موصو‬is feminine, the ٌ‫ ِصف ُة‬should also be feminine. To change a word to its
feminine form, just add a round taa (‫ )ة‬at the end of the word. For example,
ِ ‫ أستاذُةٌ ُص‬and ‘the pious teacher (F)’ will be
‘a pious teacher (F)’ will be ٌ‫اْل ُة‬
ِ ‫الص‬
ُ‫اْلة‬ َّ ُُ‫اُْلستاذة‬.
4. If the ‫ف‬
ٌُ ‫ موصو‬is a proper noun, it will not accept alif-laam. For non-proper
nouns alif-laam is used to change nakirah into maʻrifah. However, all
proper nouns are considered maʻrifah by default even without an alif-laam.
ٌُ ‫ موصو‬is a proper noun; therefore, the ٌ‫ ِصف ُة‬will require an alif-
Since, the ‫ف‬
laam to make it maʻrifah. For example, when converting ‘the conqueror
Khalid’ into Arabic, we will not add alif-laam toُ ‫ خالِ ٌُد‬because it is already a

ِ ‫ا‬

ِ (‫ )فاتِ ُح‬because it
proper noun. However, we will add an alif-laam to the ٌ‫صف ُة‬ ٌ
is not a proper noun. The sentence will be ُ‫خالِ ٌدُالفاتِح‬.
The following examples illustrate this point:
‘The king Mahmood’ will be ُ‫ُمموٌدُاُلملِك‬.
‘The commander Taariq’ will be ُ‫طا ِر ٌقُاُلقائِد‬.
ِ ‫غالِبُاُلش‬.
‘The poet Ghalib’ will be ُ‫َّاعر‬ ٌ
ِ ‫خالِد‬, ُ‫ُممود َُِنلملِك‬,
These sentences can also be read (not written) as ُ‫َُنلفاتِح‬
ِ ‫غالِب َُِنلش‬.
‫ طُا ِرق َُِنلقائِ ُد‬and ُ‫َّاعر‬

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic

he drank ُ‫ش ِرب‬

he defeated ُ‫هُزم‬
he entered ُ‫دخل‬
he touched, he felt (by hand);
َّ ‫ج‬
he examined
he provided ُ‫رزق‬
he conquered ُ‫ف تح‬
he took ُ‫أخذ‬

Word List for Nouns

Singular Plural
pious, righteous ُ‫صالِ ٌح‬
father ٌُ ‫أ‬
son ‫اِب ٌُن‬
most-forgiving ُ‫غفوٌر‬
Lord ُ‫رب‬
big, large ٌ‫كبِ ُْي‬ ُ‫كِب ٌار‬

Lesson 8 ُ

Singular Plural
door ُ‫ب‬ ٌ ‫َب‬
old ٌ‫قد ُمي‬
mat ‫ص ٌُْي‬ ِ‫ح‬ ُ‫حصٌر‬
good; excellent ‫جيِ ٌُد‬
article; essay ٌ‫مقال ُة‬
magazine ٌ‫َملَُّة‬
street ٌ ‫شا ِر‬
ُ‫ع‬ ُ‫شوا ِرع‬
small, little ‫صغِ ٌُْي‬ ٌُ ‫ِصغ‬
ship, boat ٌ‫س ِفي ن ُة‬ ‫سف ٌُن‬
deep ‫ع ِمي ٌُق‬
sea ‫ِبٌُر‬ ُ‫ِِب ٌار‬
great; powerful ‫ع ِظي ٌُم‬ ُ‫عظماء‬
mountain ‫جب ٌُل‬ ٌُ‫ِجبال‬
long ‫ط ِوي ٌُل‬
train ٌُ ‫قِط‬
‫ار‬ ُ‫قطٌر‬
train engine ٌ‫اطرُة‬ ِ‫ق‬ ِ‫ق‬
ٌُ ‫اطُرا‬
station ٌ‫ُمطَُّة‬ ٌُ َّ‫ُمُط‬
‫اجٌُر‬ ِ‫ف‬ ُ‫ف َّج ٌار‬
immoral person
‫اس ٌُق‬ ِ‫ف‬ ٌُ ‫ف َّس‬
man ‫رج ٌُل‬
beautiful, handsome; good ُ‫حس ٌن‬ ُ‫ِحسا ٌن‬
fan ٌ‫ِمروح ُة‬
sick, ill ٌُ ‫م ِري‬
‫ض‬ ‫مرضى‬
woman ٌ‫اِمرأُة‬
bitter ُ‫مر‬
medicine ٌ‫دو ُاء‬ ٌ‫أُد ِوي ُة‬
brave ٌُ‫ًشجاع‬

ِ ‫ا‬

Singular Plural
king ٌُ ِ‫مل‬
‫ك‬ ُ‫ملو ٌك‬
army ‫جن ٌُد‬ ‫جن وٌُد‬
capital city ٌ‫اصم ُة‬ ِ ‫ع‬ ُ‫اصم‬ ِ ‫عو‬
today ُ‫الي وم‬
skillful; outstanding ِ ‫ُم‬،ُ‫ع‬
ُ‫اهٌر‬ ٌُ ‫َب ِر‬
barber ٌُ ‫ح َّال‬
store, shop ‫د َّكا ٌُن‬ ُ‫دكاكِي‬
old man; scholar ُ‫شي ٌخ‬ ُ‫شي و ٌخ‬
mischievous ‫ش ِري ٌُر‬ ُ‫أُ ِشَّراء‬
boy ُ‫ول ٌد‬
ugly ‫د ِمي ٌُم‬ ُ‫ِدم ٌام‬
near, close ِ ُ‫ب‬
)‫(من‬ ٌُ ‫ق ِري‬
house ٌُ ‫ب ي‬
doctor ٌُ ‫طبِي‬
‫ب‬ ُ‫أُ ِطبَّاء‬
to examine ُ‫ُفحص‬،ُ‫س‬
َّ ‫ج‬
medical prescription ٌ‫وصف ُة‬
path ٌُ ‫ِصرا‬
straight ‫مست ِقي ٌُم‬
torment; punishment ُ‫اب‬
ٌ ‫عذ‬
painful ‫أُلِي ٌُم‬
mosquito ٌ‫ب عوض ُة‬
livelihood ٌُ ‫ِرز‬
‫ق‬ ُ‫اق‬
ٌ ‫أُرز‬
trial, tribulation ٌ‫بال ُء‬
night ٌ‫لي لُ ُة‬ )‫ال‬ ٍُ ‫لي‬
ُ ِ ‫الُ(اللَّي‬
dark ٌ‫مظلِم ُة‬
example ُ‫مث ٌل‬
word ٌ‫كلِم ُة‬ ُ‫ات‬ ِ
ٌ ‫كل م‬

Lesson 8 ُ

Singular Plural
tree ٌ‫شجُرُة‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫شجر‬
good; pleasant (F) ٌ‫طيِب ُة‬ ٌُ ‫طيِب‬
root ُ‫أُص ٌل‬ ٌُ‫أُصول‬
firm, established ٌُ ِ‫َثب‬
branch ٌُ ‫ف ر‬
‫ع‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫ف رو‬
sky ٌ‫اء‬
ُ ‫َس‬
commander, leader ‫قائِ ٌُد‬
city ٌ‫م ِدي ن ُة‬
fort, fortress, castle ‫ِحص ٌُن‬ ُ‫حصو ٌن‬
hand; possession ‫ي ٌُد‬
conqueror ‫فاتِ ٌُح‬
Romans ُ‫ا ُّلروم‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic

1. Pious father
2. The son Sa‘eed
3. Most-forgiving Lord
4. Big door
5. The old mat
6. Good article
7. Good magazine
8. Big street
9. Small boat
10. Deep sea
11. Great mountain
12. Long train
13. Big engine
14. Small station

Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic

1. I hit an immoral man.
2. You (P/M) took a beautiful fan.

ِ ‫ا‬

3. The sick woman drank bitter medicine.

4. Brave Tariq defeated a big king’s army and he entered his capital.
5. Today I will go to a skilled barber’s shop.
6. This is a pious old man and that is a mischievous child.
7. This is a handsome man and that is an ugly boy.
8. You (S/M) went to a shop close to your house.
9. Doctor Mahmood examined a sick woman and wrote a good prescription for

Exercise 3: Translate into English.

1. ُ‫لصراطُالمست ِقيم‬
ِ ‫ا‬
2. ُ‫ابُأُلِي ٌم‬
ٌ ‫عذ‬
3. ٌُ‫ب عوضةٌُصغِْية‬
4. ‫رزق همُهللاُ ِرزقًاُحسنًا‬
5. ُ‫بالءٌُع ِظي ٌم‬
6. ٌ‫لي لةٌُمظلِم ُة‬
7. ‫مثلُكلِم ٍةُطيِب ٍةُكشجرةٍُطيِب ٍُة‬
ُِ ‫ُالسم‬
8. ‫آء‬ ٌ ِ‫أُصلهاَُثب‬
ِ ‫ت َُّوف رعه‬
َّ ‫اُِف‬
ٍ ِ‫ُدُمل‬
9. ُ‫كُع ِظي ٍم‬ ِ ‫اُمنُي‬ ِ ‫ف تحُطا ِرقُ ِنُُالقائِدُم ِدي نةًُع ِظيم ًةُوُأخذ‬
ِ ‫ُحصن ه‬
10. ‫ُالروُِم‬ ِ ‫دخلُُم َّمدُ ِنُُالفاتِحُع‬
ُّ ‫اصمة‬


ُ‫الُمُرُُ ُوالنُهُي‬
Imperative (Positive Command) &
Prohibitive (Negative Command)

The command is used to demand an action. That verb which contains a command
to do something is called ‫أُمٌُُر‬, for example, ‘read!’ and ‘write!;’ while that verb which
contains a command to not do something is called ‫ي‬ ٌُ ُ‫َن‬, as in ‘do not go’ and ‘do not

Creating ‫ أم ٌُر‬for the Second Person

ُ‫ أُمٌُر‬of any verb is created from its respective ‫ع‬ ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬. In this lesson, we will study
the method of making ‫ أُمٌُُر‬for the second person. This is as follows.

1. First, give a jazm to that seeghah of ‫ع‬ ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬, whose ‫ أُمٌُُر‬you wish to create. This
means that that seeghah which ends with a dammah, should have its dammah
replaced with a sukoon, while the noon should be dropped from that seeghah which
ends with a noon. The ٌ‫صي غ ُة‬ ِ for ‫اض ُر‬
ِ ٌ ‫ ْجع ُمؤن‬is an exception to this.2 Also, in the
ٌ ‫َّث ُح‬ ٌ
ِ َُّ ‫ْج ٌعُمُُذ‬, an alif should be added at the end, after dropping the noon.
case of ‫كٌُرُحاضٌُر‬
ُِ‫حرف ُالمضا ِر‬, which in this case is ‫ت‬. The seeghah should be
2. Now, remove the ‫ع‬
ُِ ‫ ُهزةُالوص‬at the beginning and give it a kasrah.3
3. Now, add a ‫ل‬

This process is illustrated in the following table.

In fact, this ٌ‫ ِصي غ ُة‬is one of those words whose ends do not accept any vowel change. Such
words are called ‫ن‬ُ ِ ‫مب‬.
Hamzat al-wasl appears at the beginning of a word. It is not pronounced when there is a
word before the word with a hamzat al-wasl. Giving it a kasrah is the basic principle. There is
more detail to it, and is mentioned later in the lesson.

Lesson 9

Table 9.1
ِ ‫)أمرُح‬
Creating Second Person Imperative in Active Voice (ٌُ‫اض ٌرُمعروف‬ ٌ
[From Left to Right]

Original seeghahs of Give jazm Drop the harf Add a hamzat al-
Second Person to the al-mudari‘ wasl at the
ُ‫ِع‬ ِ
ٌ ‫فع ٌلُمضار‬ seeghahs beginning

ُ‫ت فعل‬ ُ‫ت فعل‬ ُ‫ف عل‬ ُ‫اِف عل‬

‫ت فعال ُِن‬ ُ‫ت فعال‬ ُ‫ف عال‬ ُ‫اِف عال‬
ُ‫ت فعلون‬ ‫ت فعلوا‬ ‫ف علوا‬ ‫اِف علوا‬
ُ‫ت فعلِي‬ ُ‫ت فعلِي‬ ُ‫ف علِي‬ ُ‫اِف علِي‬
ُ‫ت فعال ِن‬ ُ‫ت فعال‬ ُ‫ف عال‬ ُ‫اِف عال‬
ُ‫ت فعلن‬ ُ‫ت فعلن‬ ُ‫ف علن‬ ُ‫اِف علن‬

Based upon the above procedure, we get the following seeghahs of second person
imperative in active voice. These must be memorized.

Table 9.2
ِ ‫)أمرُح‬
Second Person Imperative in Active Voice (ٌُ‫اض ٌرُمعروف‬ ٌ

Person Gender Plurality English Arabic

Singular (You) Do! ُ‫اِف عل‬
Dual (You) Do! ُ‫اِف عال‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
‫اِف علُوا‬
Plural (You) Do!
ِ ‫)ح‬
(‫اضٌُر‬ Singular (You) Do! ُ‫اِفُعُلِي‬
Dual (You) Do! ُ‫اِف عال‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural (You) Do! ُ‫اِف علُن‬


Before we move on, it would be useful to see how Table 9.2 would be written in
Arabic. This is as follows:

Table 9.2a
ِ ُ‫الُمُرُُال‬

ِ ‫ا‬
ُ‫لصي غة‬ ِ ُ‫اِسم‬
ُ‫الصي غ ِة‬
ُ‫اِف عل‬ ُ‫اضٌر‬ ِ ‫اح ٌُدُمذ َّكرُح‬
ُ‫اِف عال‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكرُح‬
‫اِف علوا‬ ِ
‫ْج ٌُعُمذ َّكٌرُحاضٌُر‬
ُ‫اِف علِي‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫َّثُح‬
ٌُ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن‬ ِ‫و‬
ُ‫اِفُعال‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ٌُ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمؤن‬
ُِ ‫َّثُح‬
ُ‫اِف علن‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫َّثُح‬
ٌُ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن‬

1. From ُ‫( تُفتح‬you are opening/will open), we get ُ‫( اِف تح‬open!).
2. From ُ‫( ِتُلِس‬you are sitting/will sit), we get ُ‫( اِجلِس‬sit!).
3. From ُ‫( تُسمع‬you are hearing/will hear), we get ُ‫( اَِسع‬hear!).
4. From ُ‫( تُضُ ِرب‬you are hitting/will hit), we get ُ‫( ُاِضُ ِرب‬hit!).
5. From ُ‫( تُذُهب‬you are going/will go), we get ُ‫( ُاِذُهُب‬go!).

Creating ‫ي‬
ٌُ ‫ َن‬for the Second Person
Like ‫أُمٌُُر‬, the ‫ي‬ ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬. In this
ٌُ ُ‫ َن‬of any verb is also created from its respective ‫ع‬
lesson, we will study the method of making ‫ي‬
ُ ُ‫ َن‬for the second person. It is partially
similar to the method given above for ‫أُمٌُُر‬, but there are also differences. The process
is as follows.

ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬. This means that that seeghah

1. Like in the case of ‫أُمٌُُر‬, give a jazm to the ‫ع‬
which ends with a dammah, should have its dammah replaced with a sukoon, while
the noon should be dropped from that seeghah which ends with a noon. As before,
ِ for ‫اض ُر‬
the ٌ‫صي غ ُة‬ ِ ٌ ‫ ْجع ُمؤن‬will be an exception to this. Also, in the case of ُ ‫ْجع ُمُُذ َُّك ُر‬
ٌ ‫َّث ُح‬ ٌ ٌ ٌ
‫حاضٌُر‬, an alif should be added at the end, after dropping the noon.

Lesson 9

2. Now, instead of removing the ‫ِع‬

ُِ‫حرف ُالمضار‬, just place a ُ‫ َل‬before it. This ُ‫ َل‬is a
ُِ َّ‫َلُُالُن‬.
ُ‫حرفُالنَّه ِي‬, and is called ُ‫اهيُة‬
This process is illustrated in the following table.

Table 9.3
ِ ‫)َن ُيُح‬
Creating Second Person Prohibitive in Active Voice (ٌُ‫اض ٌرُمعروف‬ ٌ
[From Left to Right]

Original seeghahs of Give jazm to the Add a laa al-nahiyah at

ٌُ ‫فِع ٌلُمضُا ِر‬
Second Person ‫ع‬ seeghahs the beginning

‫ت فع ُل‬ ُ‫ت فعل‬ ُ‫َلُُت فعل‬

‫ت فعال ُِن‬ ُ‫ت فعال‬ ُ‫َلُُت فعال‬
ُ‫ت فعلون‬ ‫ت فعلوا‬ ‫َلُُت فعلوا‬
ُ‫ت فعلِي‬ ُ‫ت فعلِي‬ ُ‫َلُُت فعلِي‬
ُ‫ت فعالُ ِن‬ ُ‫ت فعال‬ ُ‫َلُُت فعال‬
ُ‫ت فعلن‬ ُ‫ت فعلن‬ ُ‫َلُُت فعلن‬

Based upon the above procedure, we get the following seeghahs of second person
prohibitive in active voice. These must be memorized.

Table 9.4
ِ ‫)َنُيُح‬
Second Person Prohibitive in Active Voice (ٌُ‫اض ٌرُمعروف‬ ٌ
Person Gender Plurality English Arabic
Singular (You) Don’t do! ُ‫َلُت فعُل‬
Dual (You) Don’t do! ُ‫َلُت فعُال‬
(‫)مذ َّكٌُر‬
Plural (You) Don’t do! ‫َلُت فعُلوا‬
ِ ‫)ح‬
(‫اضٌُر‬ Singular (You) Don’t do! ُ‫َلُت فعُُلِي‬
Dual (You) Don’t do! ُ‫َلُت فعُال‬
ٌُ ‫)مؤن‬
Plural (You) Don’t do! ُ‫َلُت فعُلن‬


Again, before we move on, it would be useful to see how Table 9.4 would be
written in Arabic. This is as follows:

Table 9.4a
ِ ُ‫النُهيُُال‬
ِ ‫ا‬
ُ‫لصي غة‬ ِ ُ‫اِسم‬
ُ‫الصي غ ِة‬
ُ‫َلُت فعل‬ ُ‫اضٌر‬ ِ ‫اح ٌُدُمذ َّكرُح‬ ِ‫و‬
ُ‫َلُت فعال‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ُِ ‫تُثنِي ُةٌُمذ َّكٌرُح‬
‫َلُت فعلوا‬ ِ ‫ْج ُعُمذ َّكرُح‬
‫اضٌُر‬ ٌ ٌ
ُ‫َلُت فعُلِي‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫َّثُح‬
ٌُ ‫اح ٌُدُمؤن‬ ِ‫و‬
ُ‫َلُت فعال‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ٌُ ‫تُثُنِي ُةٌُمؤن‬
ُِ ‫َّثُح‬
ُ‫َلُت فعلن‬ ‫اضٌُر‬ ِ ‫َّثُح‬
ٌُ ‫ْج ٌُعُمؤن‬

1. From ُ‫( تُفتح‬you are opening/will open), we get ُ‫( َلُُتُفتح‬do not open!).
2. From ُ‫( ِتُلِس‬you are sitting/will sit), we get ُ‫( َلُُِتُلِس‬do not sit!).
3. From ُ‫( تُسمع‬you are hearing/will hear), we get ُ‫( َلُُتُسمع‬do not hear!).
4. From ُ‫( تُضُ ِرب‬you are hitting/will hit), we get ُ‫( َلُُتُضُ ِرب‬do not hit!).
5. From ُ‫( تُذُهب‬you are going/will go), we get ُ‫( َلُُتُذُهُب‬do not go!).

The vowels (harakah) of ‫ أم ٌُر‬and ‫ي‬

ٌُ ‫َن‬
Many times we find ‫ أُمٌُُر‬to be on the pattern of ُ‫ اِف عل‬as in ُ‫اَِسع‬. However, this is not
always the case. Sometimes, it follows the ُ‫ اف عل‬pattern as in ُ‫انصر‬, and sometimes the
‫ اِف ُعِ ُل‬pattern as in ُ‫اِض ِرب‬. The reason behind this difference is that the particular vowel
pattern of ‫ أُمٌُُر‬and ‫ي‬ ٌُ ُ‫ َن‬is dependent on the (‫ )ع‬letter of the ‫ب‬ ٌُ ِ‫اح ٌد ُمذ َّكٌر ُغائ‬
ِ ‫ و‬seeghah of
ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬. ُThe (‫ )ع‬letter of this ‫ب‬
‫ع‬ ٌُ ِ‫اح ٌدُمذ َّكٌرُغائ‬ ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬governs the ‫ أُمٌُُر‬in two ways,
ِ ‫ع ُو‬
and ‫ي‬ ٌُ ُ‫ َن‬in one way.
The one way where it governs both ‫ أُمٌُُر‬and ‫ي‬ ٌُ ُ‫ َن‬is the harakah of the (‫ )ع‬letter
of ‫ أُمٌُُر‬and ‫ي‬
ُ ُ‫َن‬. Here, the harakah has to correspond exactly. Thus, when the (‫)ع‬
ٌُ ِ‫اح ٌد ُمذ َّكٌر ُغائ‬
letter of ‫ب‬ ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬has a fathah, or kasrah, or dammah, the (‫ )ع‬letter
ِ ‫ع ُو‬

Lesson 9

of ‫ أُمٌُُر‬and ‫ي‬
ُ ُ‫ َن‬will have the same vowel. For example, in ُ‫ يُسُمُع‬the (‫ )ع‬letter is (‫ )م‬and
has a fathah. Therefore, in its ‫ أُمٌُُر‬and ُ‫ َنُي‬forms, the (‫ )م‬will also get a fathah. Its ‫أُمٌُُر‬
will be ُ‫ اَِسع‬and its ‫ي‬ ُ ‫ يض ِر‬there is a kasrah under (‫ ;)ر‬therefore,
ُ ُ‫ َن‬will be ُ‫َل ُتسمع‬. In ‫ب‬
ُ ُ‫ َن‬forms will be ُ‫ اِض ِرب‬and ُ‫ َلُتض ِرب‬respectively. In ُ‫ي نصر‬, there is a dammah
its ‫ أُمٌُُر‬and ‫ي‬
on (‫ ;)ص‬therefore, its ‫ أُمٌُُر‬and ‫ي‬
ُ ُ‫ َن‬forms will be ُ‫ انصر‬and ُ‫ َلُت نصر‬respectively.
The other way in which (‫ )ع‬letter of ‫ع‬ ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬governs ‫ أُمٌُُر‬is with respect to
the hamzat al-wasl of ‫أُمٌُُر‬. This hamzat al-wasl either gets a kasrah or a dammah. It
ٌُ ‫ ُفِعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬has a dammah, the hamzat al-wasl
cannot have a fathah. If the (‫ )ع‬letter of ‫ع‬
of ‫ أُمٌُُر‬will also have a dammah. For example, the ‫ أُمٌُُر‬of ُ‫ ي نصر‬will be ُ‫ انصر‬because (‫)ص‬
ٌُ ‫ فِع ٌل ُمضار‬and it has a dammah. And if the (‫ )ع‬letter of ‫ع‬
is the (‫ )ع‬letter of ‫ِع‬ ٌُ ‫ُفِعُ ٌُل ُمُضُاُِر‬
has a fathah or a kasrah, then in both cases the hamzat al-wasl of ‫ أُمٌُُر‬will get a kasrah.
For example, the ‫ أُمٌُُر‬of ُ‫ يسمع‬is ُ‫اَِسع‬, and the ‫ أُمٌُُر‬of ُ‫ يض ِرب‬is ُ‫اِض ِرب‬.
It should be noted that there is no hamzat al-wasl in ‫ي‬
ُ ُ‫َن‬. It is only
ٌُ ‫ ُفعُ ٌُلُمُضُاُِر‬for the harakah on its own (‫ )ع‬letter.
dependent on the (‫ )ع‬letter of ‫ع‬

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic
(for past tense) ُ‫ماض‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫مضا ِر‬
he went ُ‫ذهب‬ ُ‫يذهب‬
he stopped (someone) ُ‫منع‬ ُ‫َينع‬
he started ُ‫بدأ‬ ُ‫يُبدأ‬
he opened ُ‫ف تح‬ ُ‫ي فتح‬
he searched ُ‫ِبُث‬ ُ‫ي بحث‬
he heard ُ‫َِسع‬ ُ‫يسمع‬
he laughed ُ‫ض ِحك‬ ُ‫يضحك‬
he did, he acted, he worked ُ‫ع ِمل‬ ُ‫ي عمل‬
he came to know ُ‫علِم‬ ُ‫ي علم‬
he played ُ‫لعِب‬ ُ‫ي لعب‬
he accepted ُ‫قُبِل‬ ُ‫ي قبل‬


English Arabic
(for past tense) ُ‫ماض‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫مضا ِر‬
he cooked ُ‫طبخ‬ ُ‫يطبخ‬
he was cautious ُ‫ح ِذر‬ ُ‫َيذر‬
he went near, he came near ُ‫ق رب‬ ُ‫ي قرب‬
he became sad ُ‫حزن‬ ُ‫َيُُزن‬
he mocked ُ‫هُزأ‬ ُ‫ي هزأ‬
he did ُ‫ف عل‬ ُ‫ي فعل‬
he read ُ‫ق رأ‬ ُ‫ي قُرأ‬
he entered ُ‫دخل‬ ُ‫يدخل‬
he drank ُ‫ش ِرب‬ ُ‫يشرب‬

Word List for Nouns & Particles

Singular Plural
to ُ‫إِل‬
market ُ‫سو ٌق‬
mosque ‫مس ِج ٌُد‬
but, rather, however ُ‫بل‬
box ُ‫صندو ٌق‬
for ‫ُِل‬
yourself ُ‫ن فسك‬ ُ‫أن فسكم‬
a lot ‫كثِ ًْيا‬
advice ٌ‫صيح ُة‬ ِ‫ن‬
mother ُ‫أم‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ ‫أ َّمه‬
with ُ‫مع‬
doll ٌ‫دمي ُة‬
ball ٌ‫كرُة‬
speech ُ‫كال ٌم‬

Lesson 9

Singular Plural
mirror ٌ‫ِمرأُة‬
comb ٌُ ‫ِمش‬
meat ُ‫ْل ٌم‬
snake ٌ‫حيَُّة‬ ُ‫ات‬
ٌ َّ‫حي‬
scorpion ٌُ ‫عقر‬
‫ب‬ ُ‫عقا ِرب‬
cat ٌ‫قِطَُّة‬ ٌُ ‫قِط‬
upon, on ‫عل ى‬
path ٌُ ‫ِصرا‬
straight ُ‫مست ِقي ٌم‬
good ٌ‫خ ُْي‬
that ‫أ َُّن‬
all, each ُ‫كل‬
thing ٌ‫يء‬
ُ ‫ش‬
powerful ‫ق ِدي ٌُر‬
intercession ٌ‫شفاع ُة‬
village ٌ‫ق ري ُة‬ ‫ق ًرى‬
friend ‫ص ِدي ٌُق‬
hotel ٌُ ‫ف ند‬
‫ق‬ ُ‫ف ن ِادق‬
milk ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ُ‫ل‬
door ٌُ ‫َب‬
house ُ‫ت‬
ٌ ‫بي‬
manager; editor ‫مُ ِدي ٌُر‬
newspaper ٌ‫ج ِريدُة‬

Exercise 1: Translate into English

1. ُ‫اِذهب‬ 7. ‫َلُتسمعوا‬
2. ُ‫َلُتذهب‬ 8. ‫اِضحكوا‬


3. ‫َلَُتن عوا‬ 9. ‫اِعملوا‬

ُ ِ‫َلُت بدئ‬
4. ‫ي‬ 10. ‫اَِسعا‬
5. ُ‫اِف ت ِحي‬ 11. ‫اِعلُما‬
6. ُ‫َلُت بحثن‬ 12. ‫َلُت لعبا‬

Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic

1. Don’t go (P/M) to the market, but go to the mosque.
2. Open (S/M) the box.
3. Work (D/M) for yourselves.
4. Don’t laugh (P/M) a lot.
5. Accept (P/F) the advice of your mothers.
6. Don’t (P/M) play with the doll; play (P/M) with the ball.
7. Listen (S/M) to the speech of Allah.
8. Don’t (S/F) play with the mirror and the comb; cook (S/F) the meat.
9. Be cautious (P/F) of the snake and the scorpion.
10. Don’t (D/F) go near the ball; play (D/F) with this cat.

Exercise 3: Translate into English.

1. ‫َلَُتزنُعلي ِه ُم‬
2. ‫َلَُتزءواُوَلُتضحكوا‬
3. ُ‫اِف علواُاْلْي‬
4. ُ‫اِق رُِءيُُوَلُت لعبي‬
5. ‫ُاِعلمواُأُ َّنُهللاُعلُىُك ِلُشُيُ ٍءُق ِدي ٌُر‬
6. ُ‫اِق ب لواُالشَّفاعة‬
7. ُ‫ادخلواُه ِذهُِالقرية‬
8. ُ‫اِذهب واُمعُص ِدي ِقكُمُُإِلُالفند ِقُواشرب واُاللَّبُمعه‬
ِ ‫اِف تحواَُببُالب ي‬
9. ِ‫تُواذهب واُُإِلُُمُ ِدي ُِرُاْل ِريدُة‬


ُِ ‫الُ ُو‬
Singular, Dual, Plural

We have seen in the previous lessons that verb forms are sometimes single,
sometimes dual, and sometimes plural.4 Similarly, nouns can also be single, dual and
plural. For example, ‫ن‬ ٌُ ‫ مُ ُؤُِم‬means ‘one believer,’ ‫ان‬
ُِ ‫ مُ ُؤُِمن‬means ‘two believers,’ and
ُ‫ مُ ُؤُِمن ون‬means ‘three or more believers.’ Below, we give the rules for duals and plurals
of nouns.

ٌ‫ – ت ثنِي ُة‬Dual: It is formed by placing at the end of a singular )‫اح ٌُد‬

ِ ‫ (و‬one of the
An ُ‫ف‬ ِ ُِ ‫[ﹷ‬
 ٌ ‫ أُُل‬preceded by a fathah and followed by a ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬with a kasrah i.e. ]‫ان‬
for the state of ‫ُرفُ ٌُع‬.
e.g. ُ‫رجال ِن‬ two men ِ ‫مُسلِمت‬
ُ‫ان‬ two women

 ُِ ُ‫ [ﹷي‬for the states of

A ٌ‫ َيُ ُء‬preceded by a fathah and a ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬with a kasrah i.e. ]‫ن‬
ٌ ُ‫ نُص‬and ُ‫جُر‬.
e.g. ُِ ‫رجل‬
‫ي‬ two men ِ ‫مُسلِمت‬
ُ‫ي‬ two women

ُ‫ – َج ٌع‬Plural:
1. If the singular is masculine, then the plural is formed by placing at the end of a
ِ ‫ (و‬one of the following:5
singular )‫اح ٌُد‬
 A ‫او‬
ٌُ ‫ ُو‬preceded by a dammah and followed by a ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬with a fathah i.e. ]ُ‫[ﹹون‬
for the state of ‫ُرفُ ٌُع‬.
e.g. ُ‫ ُمسلِمون‬Muslims
 A ٌ‫ َيُ ُء‬preceded by a kasrah and followed by a ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬with a fathah i.e. [ُ‫ ]ﹻين‬for
the states of ‫ب‬
ٌُ ُ‫ نُص‬and ُ‫جُر‬.
e.g. ُ‫ مسلِ ِمي‬Muslims

It should be remembered that when the verb forms are dual or plural, it is not the action that is dual
or plural. The action taking place is only one. It is only the doers of the action who are two or more.
There is more detail to it, which can be studied in more advanced books.

Lesson 10

2. If the singular is feminine, then the plural is formed by discarding the round ‫ة‬
and adding at the end of a singular, one of the following:
 ٌُ ِ‫ أُُل‬preceded by a fathah and followed by a madmoom long ‫ ت‬i.e. ]‫ات‬
An ‫ف‬ ٌُ ‫[ﹷ‬
for the state of ‫ُرفُ ٌُع‬.
ُ‫ات‬ ِ
e.g. ٌ ‫م سل م‬
An ُ‫ف‬ ِ ٍُ ‫[ﹷ‬
 ٌ ‫ أُُل‬preceded by a fathah and followed by a maksoor long ‫ ت‬i.e. ]‫ات‬
for the states of ‫ب‬
ٌُ ُ‫ نُص‬and ُ‫جُر‬.
e.g. ٍ ‫ُمسلِم‬

For the ease of the students, a chart showing ‫ مسلِ ٌُم‬and its dual and plural forms in
each of the different states is given below.

Table 10.1
Singular, Dual, and Plural

Singular Dual Plural

ُ‫ُرفُ ٌع‬ ‫مسلِ ٌُم‬ ٌ‫مسلِمُ ُة‬ ُِ ‫مسلِم‬
‫ان‬ ُِ ‫مُسلِمت‬
‫ان‬ ُ‫مسلِمون‬ ُ‫ات‬ ِ
ٌ ‫م سل م‬
ٌُ ُ‫نُص‬
‫ب‬ ‫مسلِ ًما‬ ً‫مسلِمُ ُة‬ ُِ ‫مسلِم‬
‫ي‬ ُِ ‫مُسلِمت‬
‫ي‬ ُ‫مسلِ ِمي‬ ٍ ‫مسلِم‬
ُ‫جُر‬ ‫مسلٍُِم‬ ُ‫مسلِمُ ٍة‬ ِ ‫مسلِم‬
ُ‫ي‬ ِ ‫مُسلِمت‬
ُ‫ي‬ ُ‫مسلِ ِمي‬ ٍُ ‫مسلِم‬

1. Two men went to the market.
ُ‫ُالسو ِق‬
ُّ ‫ذهبُرجُال ِنُُإِل‬
2. The scholars gave a speech in the mosque.
ُ‫خطبُالعالِمون ُِِفُالمس ِج ِد‬
3. Khalid helped two oppressed persons.
ِ ‫نصرُخُاُلِ ٌُدُمظلوم‬
4. Naseer hit the oppressors.
ُ‫صْيٌُاُلظَّالِ ِمي‬
ِ ‫ضربُن‬
5. I wrote with two pens.
ِ ‫كُت بتُبِقلم‬

ِ ‫الو‬

6. A man from amongst the believers came.

ُ‫جآءُرج ٌل ُِمنُالمُ ُؤُِمُنِي‬

Note: The ‫ُو ٌُن‬

ُ ‫ ن‬of dual and plural is dropped when it appears at the end of mudaaf.
For example,

1. ‫ق لماُزي ٍُد‬ (Zayd’s two pens)

This was originally ‫ان ُزي ٍُد‬
ِ ‫ ق لُم‬but the ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬was dropped because it appeared at the
end of mudaaf.

ٍُ ‫ف رساُرج‬
2. ‫ل‬ (a man’s two horses)
ِ ‫ ف رس‬but the ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬was dropped because it appeared at the
ٍُ ‫ان ُرج‬
This was originally ‫ل‬
end of mudaaf.
ِ ‫مسلِمو‬
3. ُ‫ُمصر‬ (Muslims of Egypt)
ِ ‫ مسلِمون‬but the ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬was dropped because it appeared at the
This was originally ُ‫ُمصر‬
end of mudaaf.
ِ ‫طالِب و‬
4. ‫ُعل ٍُم‬ (seekers of knowledge)
ِ ‫ طالِب ون‬but the ‫ نُ ُو ٌُن‬was dropped because it appeared at the
This was originally ‫ُعل ٍُم‬
end of mudaaf.

Word List for Verbs

English Arabic
(for past tense) ُ‫ماض‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫مضا ِر‬
he ordered ُ‫أمر‬ ُ‫َيمر‬
he wrote ُ‫كتب‬ ُ‫يكتب‬
he ate ُ‫أكل‬ ُ‫َيكل‬
he cut ُ‫قطع‬ ُ‫ي قطع‬
he hit ُ‫ضرب‬ ُ‫يض ِرب‬
he took ُ‫أخذ‬ ُ‫َيخذ‬
he studied ُ‫درس‬ ُ‫يدرس‬
he cooked ُ‫طبخ‬ ُ‫يطبخ‬
he read ُ‫ق رأ‬ ُ‫ي قرأ‬

Lesson 10

English Arabic
(for past tense) ُ‫ماض‬ ُ‫ع‬
ٌ ‫مضا ِر‬
he filled ُ‫مل‬ ُ‫َيل‬
he imprisoned ُ‫حبس‬ ُ‫َيبِس‬
he forgave ُ‫غفر‬ ُ‫ي غ ِفر‬

Word List for Nouns

Singular Plural
preacher ٌُ ‫اع‬
‫ظ‬ ِ‫و‬ ِ‫و‬
book ٌُ ‫كِت‬
‫اب‬ ُ‫ب‬
ٌ ‫كت‬
believer ‫مؤِم ٌُن‬ ُ‫مؤِمن ون‬
bread ُ‫خب ٌز‬ ُ‫أخب ٌاز‬
tree ٌ‫شجرُة‬
boy ُ‫ول ٌد‬
umbrella ٌ‫ِمظلَُّة‬
year ُ‫ُع ٌام‬،ٌ‫سنة‬ ُ‫ُأُعو ٌام‬،‫ِسن ون‬
worshipper ‫عابِ ٌُد‬ ٌُ َّ‫عُُب‬
a fish ٌ‫َسك ُة‬
notebook ٌ‫كَّراس ُة‬
house ُ‫ت‬
ٌ ‫بي‬
female servant, maid ٌ‫خ ِادم ُة‬
jar ٌ‫جَّرُة‬
uncle (maternal) ٌُ‫خال‬
thief ٌُ ‫سا ِر‬
‫ق‬ ُ‫سا ِرق ون‬
jail, prison ‫ِسج ٌُن‬
guidance ‫ه ًدى‬
pious, God-fearing )‫مت ٍَّقُ(المت َِّقي‬ )‫متَّقونُ(المتَُّقون‬
successful; prosperous ُ‫مفلِ ٌح‬ ُ‫مفلِحون‬

ِ ‫الو‬

Singular Plural
corrupt ‫مف ِس ٌُد‬ ُ‫مف ِسدُون‬
we ‫َن ُن‬
peacemaker ‫مصلِ ٌُح‬ ُ‫مصلِحون‬
oppressor ُِ ‫ظ‬
ٌ‫ال‬ ُ‫ظالِمون‬
punishment ُ‫اب‬
ٌ ‫عذ‬
painful ‫ألِي ٌُم‬
disbeliever, infidel ‫كافٌُِر‬ ُ‫كافِرُون‬
humiliating, disgraceful ٌُ ‫م ِه‬
with ُ‫مع‬
patient ‫صابٌُِر‬ ُ‫صابِرون‬
all praise ُ‫اْلمد‬
Lord ُ‫رب‬
world ٌ‫ال‬
ُ‫ع‬ ُ‫عالمون‬
blessing, grace (of Allah
Most High)
peace ُ‫سال ٌم‬
upon, on ‫عل ى‬
master; chief ‫سيِ ٌُد‬
messenger ُ‫مرس ٌل‬ ُ‫مرسلون‬
seal; ring ٌ‫امت‬
ُ‫خ‬ ُِ ‫خُُو‬
prophet ُ ِ‫ن‬
‫ب‬ ُ‫نبِيُُّون‬
family ‫أ ٌُل‬
ٌُ ‫اح‬
‫ب‬ ِ‫ص‬ ُ‫اب‬
companion ٌ ‫أُصح‬
all ُ‫أُْجع‬ ُ‫أُْجعون‬

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic

1. I ordered the preachers.
2. They (P/M) wrote a book for the believers.
3. They (P/F) ate the bread.

Lesson 10

4. You (P/M) cut the tree.

5. She hit two boys and she took the umbrellas.
6. You (P/F) will study for two years.
7. You (S/F) will cook for the worshippers.
8. You (S/M) ate a fish, but I ate two fish.
9. She wrote two notebooks and you (P/M) read two books.
10. The house’s maid cooked bread and she filled two jars.
11. Khalid’s uncle (maternal) imprisoned the thieves in the jail.

Exercise 2: Translate into English

ِ ‫القرآنُُهدىُلِلمت‬
1. ُ‫َّقي‬ ً
2. ُ‫المؤِمن ونُُمفلِحون‬
3. ُ‫َُننُمصلِحون‬:ُ‫قالُُالمف ِسد ُون‬
4. ُ‫ابُأُلِي ٌم‬ ِِ ِ
ٌ ‫ُللظُلميُعذ‬
ٌُ ‫لِلكُافِ ِرينُعذ‬
ٌ ‫ابُ ُّم ِه‬
5. ُ‫ي‬
6. ُ‫صابِ ِرين‬
َُّ ‫اُهللُُمعُُال‬
7. ُ‫اُهللُُي غ ِفرُلِلمؤِمنِي‬
ِ ‫ُِلُِر‬
8. ُ‫بُالعل ِمي‬ ُ ِ ‫اْلمد‬
ُ ‫امتُالُنَّبُِيِيُُُم َّم ٍد َُّوعلُىُأُلِِه‬
9. ُ‫ُوأُصحابِِهُأُْجعِي‬ ُِ ‫السالمُعلىُسيِ ِدُالمرسلِيُخ‬
َّ ‫لصالُةُو‬
َّ ُ‫ا‬


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