Solution: Least Privilege:: Definition of The Concept

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Least Privilege:

Definition of the concept:

A privilege on a computer is the ability for a user to operate on managed computer resources.

According to the principle of least privilege, Users, systems, and processes should only have

access to the resources (systems, files or networks) which are strictly necessary to accomplish

their assigned purpose. When the degree of privileges granted to a given user for completing

assigned tasks is reduced, this promotes accountability and reduces the risk of unintended

exploitation. When privileges aren't needed, the operating system should disable them. For

operations with severe repercussions, like installing software or removing a system file, the

computer system OS may often prompt users to escalate their privilege (Lopez & Rubio, 2018).


In my house, I am the only one that has the right to install new software. To reduce the

likelihood of anyone installing anything that is malicious I require that they ask me to install it.

Everyone in the house runs as a normal user with reduced privileges, including me. I only use the

admin account to install new software or problem solve more complicated issues.

Process Isolation:

Definition of the concept:

A process is a computer program that is executing. Each process has its own memory sector

or address space, that only it may access. Other processes cannot tamper with or meddle with the

program's address space since it is isolated from those other memory addresses. On a computer

for instance, a database, a browser or a word processor etc, all run in different address spaces.
Process isolation assures that none of the processes can affect the address space of the others

(Vahldiek et al., 2019).


Day to day browsing on the web is never done on my primary work computer. I do casual

browsing on the web on a tablet that I make sure to keep up to date on patches. This allow me to

keep my primary work computer away from the majority of harmful and infected web sites I may

accidentally visit keeping my more valuable information isolated.

Granularity of Access:

Definition of the concept:

Granularity of Access control is a term used in computer science to describe the process of

allowing different access levels to a resource among different users. Whatever a user is allowed

to do in a system is defined by access (Qi et al., 2018).


I do not have admin privileges on my day to day account to reduce the likelihood that I

accidentally install something myself or come across something that uses a zero-day



Definition of the concept:

Abstraction refers to the concept that anything complex can be perceived of and expressed in a

more straightforward manner. Because they reduce the complexities of an entity towards

something comprehensible, all models are abstractions. Abstraction helps with cybersecurity by

removing or decreasing any clutter that could distract a user or developer from properly
exploiting a resource. Only include the information that is required, while minimizing the

complexity to a few key qualities (Selbst et al., 2019).


My wife teaches meditation and frequently records audio to post on her web site or send to

clients. I have helped her by processing the audio to make it sound better and more professional.

This involves a lot of audio manipulation and settings. Sometimes she need it quicker or I might

not be around so I have created a script that does most of this for her. This abstracts the

complicated settings making it easy for her to run the audio through.

Lopez, J., & Rubio, J. E. (2018). Access control for cyber-physical systems interconnected to the

cloud. Computer Networks, 134, 46-54.

Vahldiek-Oberwagner, A., Elnikety, E., Duarte, N. O., Sammler, M., Druschel, P., & Garg, D.

(2019). {ERIM}: Secure, efficient in-process isolation with protection keys ({MPK}). In 28th

{USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 19) (pp. 1221-1238).

Qi, H., Di, X., & Li, J. (2018). Formal definition and analysis of access control model based on

role and attribute. Journal of information security and applications, 43, 53-60.

Selbst, A. D., Boyd, D., Friedler, S. A., Venkatasubramanian, S., & Vertesi, J. (2019, January).

Fairness and abstraction in sociotechnical systems. In Proceedings of the conference on fairness,

accountability, and transparency (pp. 59-68).

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