HO Lesson 1 - First Law of Thermodynamics and Calorimetry

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Finals Lesson 1: First Law of Thermodynamics and Calorimetry


• Explain the first law of thermodynamics. (STEM_GC11TCIIIg-i-124)

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the module, learners will be able to

1. define thermodynamics; define thermodynamic system;

2. explain the first law of thermodynamic in relation to thermochemistry and chemical reactions
3. cite applications of the first law of thermodynamics
4. define calorimetry


Thermochemistry is the study of energy or heat flow that accompanies a chemical reaction and
physical transformations. It is branch of thermodynamics, which deals with the interconversion of energy
between two forms: heat and work.

Heat is formed of energy transfer between two objects as a result of their difference in
temperature. Energy generally flows from a hotter object to a cooler one until thermal equilibrium is
reached. This is the reason heat is always associated with temperature.

In understanding the concept of heat, it is important to define and differentiate between the
system and surroundings. A system could be a reactant, product or reaction vessel including its
components. A surrounding on the other hand, refers to the system’s immediate environment or the
things found outside the system.

A process or reaction involving the release of heat is termed as exothermic process and those
that involve the absorption of heat is defined as an endothermic process.


1. melting of ice – endothermic

2. freezing – exothermic
3. combustion of gasoline – exothermic
4. photosynthesis - endothermic

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It
can only be transferred between system and the surroundings.

The energy of the system ( Esys ) and the energy of its surroundings ( Esurr) are related by the
following equation:

Esys = - Esurr

The negative sign indicates the flow of energy. As the system releases the energy, the
surroundings absorb it. Whatever amount of energy that is lost by the surroundings must be gained by
the system.
The first law of thermodynamics states that in any process, the change in energy of a system is
equal to the heat absorbed (q) by the system and the work (w) done on it.

Esys = q + w

The law implies that the net energy flow to or form any system comes in the form of either work
or heat. When work is done on the system, it gains energy and work is denoted as positive (+w). When
system does work, it uses up and transfers some of its energy so that work is denoted as (-w).

Moreover, the system may absorb heat for which q is positive (+q), or it may release heat to the
surroundings for which q is negative (-q). Thus, their net change in energy can either be positive or
negative depending on the means and direction of the energy transfer involved.

Problem 1: A gas releases 35J of heat as 84J of work was done to compress it.

Esys = (-q) + (+w)

= -35 J + 84 J = 49 J endothermic

Problem 2: A gas absorbs 48 J of heat as it does 72 J of work by expanding.

Esys = (+q) + (-w)

= 48 J + (72 J) = - 24 J exothermic

Application of First Law of Thermodynamics

1. Taking a bath

Although you may not realize it, the first law of thermodynamics occurs every time you take a
nice, long bath. Upon submerging your body into the bathtub full of water, you will initially feel the
comfortable warmth of the water because its temperature is higher than your body temperature.
However, after some time, the heat from the water will be transferred to you, causing your body’s and
the water’s temperature to correspond. When a bit more time has passed, you will notice that the water
will begin to feel cool as the heat is lost to the atmosphere. Likewise, the heat in your body will dissipate,
but not as much because your internal homeostatic mechanisms will help to keep your body temperature
at a suitable level.

2. Photosynthesis
We know plants sustained themselves through photosynthesis when we were in primary school.
However, do you know that this process is also an application of the first law of thermodynamic? The
plants absorb the solar energy from the sun, before converting the solar energy into chemical energy. Not
only does this process nourish the plants, but it also produces oxygen which is essential for our survival.
3. Melting of ice cubes
The melting of the ice cube is a classic example of the first law of thermodynamics occurring in
our daily lives. When you leave an ice cube out in the open, you will notice it melting and converting to
water in just a few minutes. This phenomenon happens because the ice absorbs the heat from the
surrounding air, thereby cooling the air and changing the ice to water. In this example, the absorption of
heat causes a change in the state of the ice.

4. Turning on a heater
We often like to turn on our heater to bathe in the warm water when it is cold outside. It is as
simple as flipping a switch, but have you ever wondered how it works?

Our heaters are usually installed with a heating coil, which requires electrical energy to function.
When the heater is turned on, the electrical energy travels through the heating coil and is converted into
heat energy. Coldwater is brought in through a separate dip tube where it is heated by the heat energy
generated, producing the warm water for your cosy bath.

Calorimetry is the flow of energy (as heat) between and its surrounding is measured through
calorimetry. The amount of heat absorbed or released by the system is a function of its temperature.

From the equation, heat and temperature changes are related by a proportionality constant
referred to as Heat Capacity (C) – which is the amount needed to increase the temperature of a substance
or material by 10C. This constant is expressed in the units J/0C.

For a pure substance the heat capacity is equal to the product of its mass (m) and specific heat

The specific heat of a substance is the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of
one gram of the substance by 10C. Its unit is J/g.0C. The specific heat of a substance is constant.

Sample Problem 1.
How much heat is absorbed by liquid water that weights 550 grams as its heated from 250C to
95 C? (water specific heat = 4.18 J/g.oC)

q = (550 g) ( 4.18 J/g.oC) ( 95OC - 250C)

= 160930 J or 161 kJ

Sample Problem 2.

How much heat is released by a 76-gram piece of copper as it cools from 450oC to 28 oC ?
(copper specific heat = 0.385 J /g.oC)

q = (76 g) (0.385 J/ g.oC) (28 oC - 450oC)

= -12,348 J or -12.3 kJ


1. Bayquen, A. et al (2016). General Chemistry 2 (First Ed.). Phoenix Publishing Corp. Quezon City,
2. First law of thermodynamics: Interesting everyday examples. (2021, July 23). Physics Tuition
|. https://tuitionphysics.com/july-2021/first-law-of-thermodynamics-interesting-everyday-

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