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(Draft) Sales Education

Content :

1. Introduction/Opening
Giving some cases and we want the participant to define which one is
advertising,promotion,publicity,and sales
Objective : to esure that each of the participant understand the different between
sales,publicity, and promotion.

From this several case which one is advertising,promotion,publicity,and sales?

"... if the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying 'Circus Coming to the Fairground
Saturday', that's advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into
town, that's promotion. If the elephant walks through the mayor's flower bed, that's publicity. "
If the town's citizens go the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how
much fun they'll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately,
they spend a lot at the circus, that's sales.
2. What is Sales ?
Explain sales in general and what are the diference between sales and

One Definition of Sales

Sales involves most or many of the following activities, including cultivating prospective buyers
(or leads) in a market segment; conveying the features, advantages and benefits of a product or
service to the lead; and closing the sale (or coming to agreement on pricing and services)

One Definition of Marketting

Marketing is the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you're continuing to meet
the needs of your customers and getting value in return. Marketing is usually focused on one
product or service.marketting also include advertising ,promotions,publicity, and sales

3. 5 steps sales process

What is the 5-step sales process?

The five-step sales process is a simple, linear approach to selling. The process begins with
initiating contact with the client and ends after a salesperson closes the deal
1. Approach the client
Begin by introducing yourself and explaining why you’re contacting them.
You might remind them that they indicated interest at a conference you
both attended or note that someone else referred them to you. This
explanation puts you both on the same page.

Implementation in our operation : Is when you contacting the customer

from expa and ask them if they’re interested or not with our product

2. Discover client needs

You should ask questions that will help you understand them, but ensure
you spend your time listening rather than thinking of what you’ll say next.
Use questions that encourage the client to talk about the problem they’re
having that your product can solve, but don’t bring up the product yet. Try
to get them to talk about their motivation for fixing the problem, other
solutions they might have tried, or concerns they have about potential
Ask follow-up questions as needed to clarify. At the end of this step, check
for understanding. Tell the client what you understand their needs to be
and ask for verification. If you’re on the same page, then proceed to the
next step.

Implementation in our operation : is when you ask our customer about

reasons why they choose our product and and what they need from our
3. Provide a solution
Now that you know the client’s needs, you can introduce a solution to their
problem. Refer back to the needs they identified as you introduce your
product. For example, if they explained they need a solution ASAP,
emphasize that you can offer quick delivery. Explain how your product
satisfies their needs and solves their problems.
Implementation in our operation : Explain about our product and what will
they get if they(customer) join our product.

4.Close the sale

Make the sale in this step. Ask for their order or purchase. If all goes well,
they’ll commit, and you’ll leave the interaction mutually happy.
By the end of this step, you will have completed a successful sale. You and
the client should have a mutual understanding of what happens next
(delivery or other fulfillment)
Implementation in our operation : Promote our product to customer and
explain what are the benefit that they will get after joining our program

5. Complete the sale and follow up

fulfill their order and touch base with the client. Ensure the client gets their
product as planned and that they’re satisfied with their purchase. Offer
your help, should they need it, and invite them to contact you with
Implementation in our operation : Direct them (the customer) to the next
process based on customer flow .
4. Contact Information
Give contact of national team so if the LCVP need consultation about sales
they can reach us

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