Perdev Mod 9

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Jerry Iman R.



Personal Development




1. How do emotions occur? Based on your

explanation, how can emotions be managed?

Emotions occur as our body’s, specifically our

brain’s, response to certain scenarios or situations.

Depending on the nature of the situation, you may

experience any of the basic emotions joy, trust, fear,

surprise, sadness, anticipation, anger, and disgust or

a combination of them.

As stated in the module, there is no way to

control what emotions you feel since our brains are

hardwired to feel them when the appropriate situation

Although, what can be controlled is how we act

upon these emotions and how long we let them affect


When someone insults us, we cannot help but feel

angry, but it is up to us to decide how we will

retaliate. Some will insult the person back, some will

reply sarcastically, and some will just ignore it


Personally, my way of managing emotions is to

express them outwardly. I do not recommend this method

for everyone but as for me, it helps prevent them from

becoming pent-up.

Whenever I feel sad because of something, I will

either talk to my friends about the situation or cry

and reflect upon them when I am alone.

When it comes to infuriating things such as

someone taunting or teasing me, I tend to resort to

sarcastic remarks and jokes to ease the tension.

However, in the case of deeply emotional or

emotions during extreme situations, I am not well-

versed enough to suggest a method for managing them.

2. With a better understanding of what emotions

are all about, how will your  understanding of

Plutchik’s different intensities and dimensions of

emotions help you in  communicating your emotional


Thanks to Plutchik’s identification of the 8 basic

emotions, I am able to identify and isolate what

emotion(s) I am feeling at the current moment easier.

This makes it easier for me to communicate and

reach out to others, as I can discern one emotion from

the other. I think that an important first step to

opening up about your emotions to others is

identifying what you are feeling in the first place.

This is especially useful if I were seeking

professional help like therapy or was apart of a

support group.
Plutchik also introduced the concept of emotions

having polar opposites, this could be useful when one

wishes to negate a certain emotion.


An occasion I recall wherein I felt strong

emotions was during a debate we had at our school’s

English Month celebration.

The format was section versus section, so me and

my classmates in Grade 9-Copper formed a 3 person

group and were going against a team of 8th graders from

one of the two grade 8 sections, I am unsure which


The topic chosen was abortion, our team was

assigned to the positive and the 8th graders were in

the negative.

First off, we were briefed beforehand that this

was a formal debate and that personal attacks were of

no merit and would be punished. Yet the opposing team

were very much adamant in doing so, one of them said

that the only reason my teammates, both of which were

female, were pro-abortion is because they would never

find someone willing to raise a child with them

anyway, this remark unprofessional and under the belt.

This served as a start of my growing anger and


Secondly, the judges and the audience (except

those in the same class as me) seemed to not notice

this abhorrent behavior of the opposing team, I

expected them to get disqualified after making such

rude remarks and yet, nothing happened.

The final straw was in regards to the content of

their arguments, they used red-herrings, false

information, and biblical sources. All of these are

heavily discouraged and are considered fouls when

debating and though I saw the judges looking rather

displeased, I was still extremely angry at the

unprofessionalism exhibited by our opponents, I was

nearly at my melting point at that moment.

I was about to blow my top and was grabbing the

mic to vocally express my displeasure when, to my

surprise, one of my teammates slapped me and told me

to calm down.

This cleared my head and allowed me to see the

bigger picture, the judges were hearing and seeing the

same thing that we could, we were winning.

I realized then that if I had let my emotions take

hold of me, I would have been just as unprofessional

as they were and this is the reason why I am thankful

to my classmate who slapped some sense into me.

We ended up winning the debate and the opposing

team received a visit to the guidance office as well

as deduction from their grades in English as a


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