Moina, Julie Ann Ll. - Shark Tank 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
College of Business, Economics and Management
Daraga, Albay



1. If you are the business proponent, how are you going to convince the investors to invest in your

Public speaking is an essential skill in the business world. The ability to consistently speak with clarity
and authenticity is big advantage in meetings, sales calls, and especially when convincing a potential
investor. One of the main reasons why the sharks hesitate to invest in Johnny Georges Tree T Pee
project proposal is that he was not used to speaking in public. Being unused to the big lights and cameras,
as well as the panel successful entrepreneurs he is pitching his business to, he felt the pressure of the
moment and froze- unable to remember the details he knew and had memorized. Although his project and
his intentions were really good, he wasn’t able to convey it clearly to the other Sharks. And I think that is
where he messed it up. So, if I am the business proponent, knowing that I have a fear in speaking in
public, I will make sure to overcome it first before actually facing the Sharks. To be honest, I can quite
relate to Johnny Georges because I am not used to speaking in public too. I tend to be really nervous and
sometimes my mind will just went blank. So, maybe I’ll try presenting it first in front or other farmers just to
practice and be familiar with it just like the back of my hand. Second, I have also noticed that when
Georges was asked about his distribution efforts, he said that he has not been able to investigate
worldwide distribution. He said that the Tree T Pee has been sold to handful commercial nurseries in
Florida, but that is about the extent of his network. By saying this in front of the Sharks, he was actually
admitting that he wasn’t prepared enough. He did not research all the things that he need to know and that
his plans are not that well established. I think this is also one of the reasons why the other sharks became
hesitant to pitch to his proposal. As an investor, you don’t want to invest in a project that is not well-plan
right? Although just like what I’ve said his intention was good- which is to help farmers, business is still
business. So, I am the proponent I’ll make sure that my plans for my business are well established. In this
way, the sharks will be more attracted to pitch because they will know that I know what I am doing and I
know where my plans are heading to.
2. If you are the investor, would you invest in the business proposed? Discuss.
If I am the investor I will also pitch to the business proposed by Johnny Georges. My father is a
farmer too and Johnny’s desire and passion to help farmers really touched my heart. It’s rare for business
men to have a genuine desire to help. Most of them just care about the profit, the money that they can
earn from doing business. So, to actually know someone who has a genuine heart, I can say that just like
Shark John Paul, I will be impressed too. I also believe that through experience and right guidance Johnny
Georges can learn how to improve his shortcomings. To add, yes it quite easy to find businessmen who
knows how to make big money but it’s difficult to find someone who have a pure heart. And if you did find
one, you’ll know that you won’t regret investing into them.
Finally, knowing that farmers are the foundation of the country, investing into someone who wants to
help them can be a way of thanking and giving back to the farmers. Without them, a lot of people will be
hungry. If investing will mean helping those who feed me, then I will not hesitate to do so. Overall, aside
from the good cause of the proposal, I also find it feasible and somehow profitable which a must in
business industry.

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