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How Should We Take Care Of Carpets In Summer Season?

Summer reminds us of the scorching sun, air conditioners and dirty carpets. This is
that time of the year when activities like vacations, sports and parties are at their
peak. More gathering and fun result in dirty carpet. Spilling of red wine, pet stains,
dirty shoes and ice cream stains cannot be avoided but some preventive measures
can be followed to keep the carpet as clean as possible. Let’s have a look at them:

1. Frequent Vacuuming

Sand and dirt particles accumulate in the carpet. This problem increases in summer
because kids and pets play outside and bring their dirty shoes inside the house. To
keep the debris at minimum level, it is essential to remove it via vacuum cleaner
after every 2 days. You can also take help from carpet cleaning services Adelaide
for excellent results.

2. Keep Dirty Shoes Outside

Encourage the kids to remove the shoes outside the door. Another pair of footwear
can be kept near the door for entering the house. This is the most effective way to
prevent the collection of sand, pollens, debris and soil on the carpet.

3. Doormats and Area Rugs

If you love to host parties and events, then it is better to place rugs over the carpet.
It saves the carpet from the dirt caused due to high foot traffic. Rugs are not fixed
to the floor and that makes it easy to clean. It is also an amazing hack to use
doormats. Guests and residents can rub their dirty shoes over the mats before
stepping onto the carpet. This keeps the carpet free from stains and mud. Pets can
also relax and rub their paws on doormats instead of the carpet.

4. Clean the Stains Immediately

Whether it is food, pet stains or ink, it is advisable to clean the area immediately
with blotting paper or little water. It can be a difficult task to remove a dried and
old stain. So, immediately clean the place because fresh stains invite bigger
problems afterwards.

5. Call the Professionals

Don’t have the time to clean the carpet? Book the carpet cleaning services
Adelaide. The cleaners reach the house within a few hours, do their work and
leave after delivering brilliant results. They are well-equipped with the relevant
equipment and products. The icing on the cake is the pricing. The services can be
booked at affordable rates.


Carpet needs to be maintained properly for everyone’s health. In summer, the

professional carpet cleaning service can be booked one or two times to ensure
intense cleaning. Following the above-listed preventive measures helps in
sustaining the results of professional cleaning.

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