Activity 1 Pre-Proposal

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan


I. Group Name: ANALYTICA.

  Proposed Title: A correlation study on the effects of gadgets on the academic

performance of a selected Grade 12 students of Guiguinto National Vocational Highschool


Dalisay, David (STEM 12- D)

Calara, Mitchel Adam (STEM 12- D)

Palen, Nicole A. (STEM 12- D)

Solomon, Alexis (STEM 12- D)

Crisostomo, Rommel (STEM 12- D)

Sevilla, Erone Gabriel (STEM 12- D)

II. Introduction (background of study)


Electronic devices have been around for a long time and have become a part of our daily

life. Almost everyone nowadays owns an electronic device, whether a cell phone, tablet, or

laptop. People will avoid going outside, especially during this pandemic, and prefer to complete

their jobs online. Teens are the most prone to technology addiction because when they are

worried, they utilize internet movies and social networking sites to distract themselves, but this

affects their general health and behavior. Children currently spend most of their time using

electronics rather than engaging in physical activities, which leads to different health issues.

Although electronic devices are not the primary reason, they will considerably contribute to a

range of mental or physical health conditions that may impair their academic performance.

Adolescents use mobile phones at a higher rate than in previous phases of development. The

purpose of this study was to assess the effect of electronic device use on student academic

achievement. Electronic gadgets and media have unintentionally become a part of our daily life.

It is an essential component of our life in today's society. Adolescents witnessed the rise in

mobile usage because they make up the majority of the population also because gadgets are more

important in adolescence than in other phases of development. Surprisingly, so much research

has been done on the usage of mobile phones and their influence on students in such a short


Gadgets have a significant influence on children's and teenagers' overall health and

academic performance (Suman, 2018). Today's youngsters utilize more technology than children

in 1990. Technology affects kids in both positive and negative ways (Anirudh et al., 2018).

Furthermore, studies have shown that 53% of youngsters struggle to focus during class owing to
the distractions that electronic devices can cause, and as a result, their academic performance

suffers (Hedge et al., 2019). 

Students are now using devices to study because it is necessary for the new pedagogy,

online classrooms. According to Jimson Mariano's (2017) research, the Philippine government is

committed to modernizing the educational system, particularly education, to put every student on

par with students from neighboring developed nations. In 1996, the Philippine Department of

Education (DepEd) initiated a computerization project to prepare Filipino students for

employment and competitive vocations by teaching them how to use new forms of technology.

They would also like to harness and increase the power of technology to advance the entire

teaching-learning process, particularly to empower every public school student in this more

globalized and linked world economy. People's lives have significantly improved by modern

technology (Micael et al., 2020). Electronic devices and other technological advancements have

a variety of effects and relevance, particularly for kids. And, throughout the pandemic, students'

use of gadgets grew due to online distance learning, which governs students' academic

performance. The proof of the importance of gadgets is undeniable, but the rising rates of

academic failures among kids at all grade levels affect uncontrollable addictions to devices

(Jennifer, 2012).

 In a traditional country like the Philippines, some parents still believe that gadgets have a

negative influence on a student's academic performance. On the other hand, some parents allow

their children to expose their electronic devices because they feel it will help their child be alert,

clever, and dominating in school. Schools and institutions are experiencing several creative
breakthroughs and modifications in processes to improve their teaching methods to meet the

evolving demands of their pupils. The target market for these gadgets is mostly students since

this invention for adolescents also serves as a close friend. To be sure, the Internet is a vital part

of a student's life in the modern-day. According to a 2012 poll performed by Cartoon Network,

the Philippines ranks first in Asia-Pacific among youths who use technology or devices. The

Internet provides a lot of applications, such as games, search engines, and social media, which

anybody may effortlessly traverse with free internet access. (2014) (Josan D. Tamayo et al.)

Social media is considered phenomenal in our modern way of life. It took the world by

storm and has grown in popularity among the young of various countries, including the

Philippines. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between gadgets and

social media and the overall performance of students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in

Technology program at Centro Escolar University-Malolos. This study suggests that there is an

existing problem on electronic devices that require intervention to improve students' performance

and behavior in school and the community; thus, action research is required to address this issue. 

Reason for Choice of Problem: 

Answer the question: Why are you doing this research?

We are doing this research to determine the effects of gadgets on the academic

performance of grade 12 students.

III. Importance of the Study:

Answers the question: Is there a practical need/use for this research? 

It is where the significant contribution of the result of the research is enumerated.

Such contributions may be viewed from the point of the target beneficiaries like the

researcher himself, service, provider, client, society, etc. It indicates who are the different

groups of beneficiaries, how will each group benefit from the use of the study of

software. Summarize the Educational, Technological, and Economic significance of the


This research is of great importance in the academic track in senior high school

because it can give learners ideas on what effects devices have on them. Furthermore, this

will benefit people and organizations such as office employees because this study is not

limited to students but can often use in adult situations. Furthermore, specific individuals,

such as kids, graduates, and parents, will benefit from this. Lastly, this work might be a

reference for future researchers who intend to study the same topic.

IV. Target User/Beneficiaries:

Students- This research will provide students with a sense of how devices affect them.

Instructors- This will also provide teachers with suggestions on how to teach their pupils

to be responsible when using a device.

Parents/guardians- This study will also provide our parents with suggestions, similar to

teachers, on how to teach their children about the impacts of technology on them.

Future Researchers- Not only does this study provide ideas to future researchers but this

can also be used as a reference if they wish to research a similar topic.

V. Research Design and Method:

The researchers used the correlational research method because it is the most suited

method for this research and we also wanted to study about  effects of gadgets on the

academic performance of a selected Grade 12 students of Guiguinto National Vocational


VII. .           References












A. M. Hedge et al., (2019) Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research Effect of
Electronic Gadgets on the Behavior, Academic Performance and Overall Health of School Going
Children - A Descriptive Study (pg.101)

                                                                                         Approved By:

          Master Teacher II

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