4 Case Studies

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Case Study #1
1. What are the pros and cons for local and overseas labor forces of Apple’s going global?
What are the potential political implications for country relationships?
Answer: The advantages of the overseas labor forces are that they are more flexible, they can
work from anywhere, and they have a low-cost payment. The disadvantages of the local labor
forces are that they are more likely to increase the unemployment in the US, and they will
decrease the diversity of the company, and this will affect the end user. Hence, the potential
political implications for country relationships are about the ethical considerations for different
nationalities and avoiding conflict inside the workplace due to newness in diverse employment
2. As a U.S. corporation, does Apple and its management have a moral obligation to
provide jobs for U.S. employees first? If this is the case, then does this put international
employees at a distinct disadvantage?
Answer: Few directions in companies can override the primary task of growing shareholder
value, and that includes raising quarterly earnings in especially now. Such a strong concentration
on one variable over a short period of time leads to a short-sighted view of corporate
performance. Hence, if the company wants to increase its profit, then it should consider hiring an
international laborer. However, from a moral point of view, if the company wants to hire locals,
then it should provide jobs for the locals first.
3. Is it possible for U.S. managers to organize, motivate, and ensure quality in their
Chinese manufacturing facilities?
Answer: The most important factor that affects an organization's operations is the management
team. This is because, in order for an organization to be successful, its managers must have the
necessary skills and capabilities to perform their roles effectively. U.S. managers can enable to
organize, motivate, and ensure quality in their Chinese manufacturing facilities as in accordance
to their job description, they should be able to implement these factors to achieve the greatest
capacity of the products. `
Case Study #2

1. Does this article change your perception of Google as an employer? How?
Answer: The Google Firm is a well-established, sophisticated company. Google Company
continuously wants intelligent, creative and innovative employees. In the organization, the
male population is higher than the female. Lack of diversity was among the company's
concerns. The preponderance of employees that work there seem to be racists and sexists.
The Google Company is now striving to remedy these issues of prejudice. Since it is a well-
established and developed corporation, no concern should be given to discrimination. Some
people may modify their viewpoint since specific concerns such as discrimination and
prejudice arise. As we know, this problem will erode employee cohesion and unfavorable
effects on firm performance. Personally, however, my view of Google as an employer was
not changed, but Google lacks diversity. They are honest, conscious and extremely happy to
recognize that the diversity of their workplace is a concern. Google is also a venue for
everyone who wishes to demonstrate his or her abilities and originality. It is also for persons
who desire to work for a diversified organization, without mentioning other employees. I
think it's fun to work for Google. Yes, it's tough and challenging to work at Google since it
needs a clever, creative, impatient and risky person. However, you may work in the field
with a few of the finest minds. It will be an excellent chance to discover further about Google
and start meeting individuals that are innovative and intelligent.     If the absence of diversity
can result to the triumph of Google, then we have no other issues to concentrate on.
2. Would you agree that although Google helps to modernize the workplace in other
companies, its own workforce is old-fashioned?
Answer: I certainly don't agree that Google employees are old-fashioned even if it
contributes to update other businesses' workplaces. In this scenario, the Google itself has the
finest, effective and available staff even they succeed in modernizing others. That's because
the Google has employed clever creative people that chase the way to generate a difference
and have not caused any problems in their workplace rather discover to any critical matter.
Besides that, the most vital since you don't fear starting anything new, try your best to ensure
your idea is successful. In a group, members aid one another collaborate. The far more
diverse a team becomes, the more creative. Google sends its personnel to implicit prejudice
to compel people on a team to view their thinking in racist and sexist ways since this
prejudice reflects the tenderness to be biased in one's team. As regards the sex side, the
ability of males and females in problem-solving, reasoning abilities, competitive spirit,
determination and societality is no difference. In addition, the Google should provide equal
opportunities to all genders.
3. Why are older employees often neglected or discriminated against?
Answer: Older employees are often neglected due to their physical and mental capabilities.
Some cannot endure the long field working hours, while some often forgot their tasks. Thus,
they were also discriminated into “cannot perform the assigned task” as people tend to
generalize the inflexibility of individuals with old age. However, the employer should not
base upon the demographic profile of the employee, hence they should look for the
performance level of the employees.
Case Study #3

1. Do you think only certain individuals are attracted to flexible work arrangements?
Why or why not?
Answer: Yes, some people are drawn to flexible work options since they cannot perform
more efficient and productive continually for 8 to 9 hours. Employees like Research &
development employees, sales, marketing or researchers on certain creative idea want to
operate in flexible work hours since they believe that by doing so they would focus more on
their duties and develop more ideas which produce positive outcomes. However, there are
certain individuals and employers who may be against this flexible working time. Since they
can't run their career or life cycle and find challenging to oversee or control things whenever
they need to.
2. How might flexible work place more pressure on managers to organize their
Answer: Flexible workplace would put greater strain on administrators to arrange their
personnel because whenever they need rushed decision, the administrator cannot speak
instantly to the group. He also feels tough to manage or supervise the personnel. This will put
enormous pressure on managers to do tasks at the correct moment.
3. How might flexible work affect a company’s bottom line?
Answer: The bottom line is the revenue of the corporation after all expenses are deducted.
Flexible work can have a good influence on a company. In this case study, Veronica Wooten
reveals that its consumer has expanded by 20%, engagements have fallen by 50 percent and
expenditure lowered by 12 percent through a working environment based on results. This
enables the company to lower its costs and boost its earnings.
Case Study #4


1. Do you think the strategic use and display of emotions serve to protect employees, or
does covering your true emotions at work lead to more problems than it solves?
Answer: Being true to oneself and others demonstrates strength. However, emotions in the
office remain very problematic for numerous employees, managers and directors. One reason
why emotions are controversial is because it is hard to regulate others' feelings for colleagues,
managers and companies as a whole. The two main reasons why companies experience trouble
handling emotions are the confusion among moods and emotions as well as how to manage the
variations among emotions that are beneficial and harmful. Positive feelings can be as tough as
bad emotions to be handled.
2. Have you ever worked where the free expression of emotion was part of the
management style? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this approach from
your experience.
Answer: I never embarked on a program in which 'emotional' supervision was standard
procedure. I worked in customer service where I am demanded to deem good attitude. I have not
been trained how to manage certain circumstances that have only basic logic in order to react
professionally. I am oriented towards an employability, where you have specified what behavior
your employees expect of, and have a vague term of what is regarded acceptable and
unfavorable. The downside is that they can utilize the chance to illustrate situations and what
reaction the employee expects.
3. Research shows that the acts of coworkers (37 percent) and management (22 percent)
cause more negative emotions for employees than do acts of customers (7 percent).
What can Laura’s company do to change its emotional climate.
Answer: Laura may meet fellow workers and share how they think about the approach they are
handled and how they want to deal with issues. They can discuss how a hostile workplace is
created and how events would go successfully if addressed with respect. They can establish a
standard of ethics and how they can fulfill management expectations.

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