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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 December 7, 2021 – Pearl Harbor Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CLXXV] – “Giving Tuesday” [?]

One week ago, most everyone received a deluge of $-raising e-mail predicated on the
theory that anyone with leftover-$ [following Black Friday and Cyber Monday] could be
cajoled into supporting their favorite non-profits; for reasons that have been explored
covertly via prior memos and now overtly, I’ve chosen not to partake of this opportunity.
As opposed to the “tightness” characterizing this amalgam of Election Integrity analyses,
much of what’s herein has been surmised; admittedly, frustration unabashedly emerges.
[Citing philosophical nomenclature, “inductive” often supplants “deductive” reasoning.]

The major premise is to proceed-with-caution when recognizing that conservatives must

emulate Lefties as they establish global Culture War alliances; this emerged during the
*Brexit revolution* and continued as Bannon established anti-Pope educational efforts.
Yet, just as was true when I composed (literally) hundreds of resolutions in myriad bodies
in Organized Medicine during the 1990s, it’s always dangerous to “adopt by reference”
ANYTHING that ANYONE ELSE has composed; in contrast with regard to the “Whereas”
section of a resolution, the “Resolved” section must be composed in stand-alone lingo
[reiterating whatever is germane from a source document, rather than blindly copying
what might become a black-hole if the outside organization amends what it adopted].

Consider how Nigel Farage has properly counterpointed “Conservative” BoJo, assiduously
shadowing his Illegals policies in particular; then note how enjoyable was his extensive
two-part Trump interview [c/o GB News]. [The first part discusses the 2020 election, the
second part covers current events. During each segment GBN injects MAGA and anti-
MAGA voices into the discussion, “to give the interview balance,” per Farage. As has been
his theme for the past year, Trump noted it is important to look back to the problems of
2020 to look forward to what is needed for the MAGA movement in the next election.]
FINALLY, [painfully], witness how Steve Bannon SHUT DOWN Farage over downplaying
the Nov. 3 Movement during a live interview ["You're Not on FOX. Please Stop!" – EPIC!]

It seems, “Ya can’t trust nobody!” This, sadly, seems to inexplicably include Bannon,
inasmuch as he STILL adheres to Corman. My personal reaction recalled the presence of
Bill Kristol @ a July 4th event @ Independence Mall almost a decade ago, sponsored by
the “Independence Hall Tea Party Patriots” [led by Don/Teri Adams]. I had introduced him
glowingly, for he was a comrade [I’d written The House must sue to block illegal Iran pact];
imagine my dismay when he morphed into a never-Trumper (as a Lincoln Project leader).]

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