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Round-table discussion

October 13-14, 2021
St. Petersburg

Information letter
Dear colleagues!

We are happy to invite you to take part in the work of the International Round-
Table discussion "Actual Problems of the Eurasian Region", which will be held on
October 13–14, 2021 at the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

The aim of the round table is to form an international interdisciplinary platform for
discussing and solving a wide range of issues related to the Eurasian region.

We invite representatives of social, natural, military and technical sciences to

Within the framework of the event, it is planned to hold a youth section. Students,
postgraduate students and young scientists are invited to participate.

The topics for discussion are listed below:

– The Eurasian region as a multi-scale geospatial phenomenon (on the variety of

approaches to understanding the ER),
– Geopolitical problems of the Eurasian region,
– Problems of the development of the Eurasian North,
– Eurasianism as a socio-cultural phenomenon,

and others.

Working languages of the round table:

Russian, English

The results of the round table, the materials provided by the participants will be

• in the collection of scientific papers which will be indexed in the scientometric

base of the RSCI;
• in a journal indexed in the scientometric Scopus database (journals are selected
according to the subject matter of the articles presented).

Terms of submission and posting of materials:

Submission of an application form for participation in the round table – until
October 10, 2021

Acceptance of full texts of articles

early – until October 4, 2021

late – until October 30, 2021

Sending the edited layout to the editorial office of the journal – until November 15,
Planned placement in the Scopus database – January–March 2022

Registration fee:
The registration fee includes the mailing of invitations, handouts (including the
certificate of participation), checking the compliance of the submitted materials
with the publisher's technical requirements, reviewing the materials, services for
organizing the publication of materials in a journal indexed in Scopus.

The amount of the registration fee is:

if the article is submitted early – 17,000 rubles,

if the article is submitted late – 21,000 rubles.

Publication of materials posted in the RSCI:

for undergraduate and postgraduate students – free of charge,
for other participants – 1,000 rubles.

The registration fee is paid within no more than 5 (five) working days after the
review and confirmation by the organizing committee of the article acceptance.
Payment of the registration fee for the publication of materials is made to the
personal account of the event.

Requirements for submitted materials:

Number of authors – no more than 5.

Basic requirements for article formatting:

– The article is submitted strictly in the format of the publishing house's template
(downloaded from the conference website

– Mandatory / minimum elements of the article structure:

 Abstract, keywords
 Introduction
 Literature review
 Methodology
 Results and discussion
 Conclusion
 Acknowledgements
 References

– the list of references must be up-to-date and representative;

– references are made in square brackets as they appear in the text of the article;
– it is not allowed to make references to several sources at the same time, for
example: [1-7], [1-3].

1. Authors pre-register on the round table website (until October

4, 2021 if they intend to publish their materials, and until October 10, 2021 if they
intend to participate without publication).
2. Articles are sent to
Articles are provided in Russian and English.

Files with articles are named by the surname and initials of the FIRST author:
PetrovPP – for the Russian version of the article,
PetrovPP – for the English version of the article;
if there are more than one articles, its conditional serial number is indicated
through the underscore:

PetrovPP_1, PetrovPP_2.

3. You can download the template for the publication materials on the conference

E-mail address of the conference organizing committee:
Contact person – Alla Sergeevna Safonova
tel. +7 (950) 023-02-80

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