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I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. build B. cruise C. biscuit D. guitar
2. A. oaths B. wreaths C. months D. youths
3. A. surgical B. surround C. surprise D. survival

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress.
4. A. renaissance B. reservoir C. rendezvous D. relevance
5. A. coincident B. indicative C. arithmetic D. prosperous
6. A. extracurricular B. auditorium C. recommendation D. cooperation

III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
7. The replacement of shops such as the groceries, and chemist by the cafes _______ the housewives with
insufficient facilities for shopping.
A. leave B. have left C. has left D. to have left
8. I was most _______ of his efforts to help me during the crisis.
A. appreciative B. appreciable C. appreciation D. appreciate
9. John _______ this task yesterday morning, but I did it for him. He owes me a thank-you.
A. must have completed B. should have completed
C. could have completed D. may have completed
10. The more time you spend practising English, _______ command of it you will have.
A. the better B. the fewer C. the less D. the more
11. I don’t think you’ll show a callous disregard for life and property, ______.
A. will you B. do I C. won’t you D. didn’t I
12. We were late because we hadn’t _______ all the traffice on the motorway.
A. got up to B. faced up to C. bargained for D. added up
13. _______, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. An antiseptic used B. When used as an antiseptic
C. An antiseptic when used D. How an antiseptic is used
14. All the way from Leeds _______.
A. he came B. came he C. did he come D. comes he
15. They turned down the proposal _______ that it didn’t fulfill their requirements.
A. by reason B. on the grounds C. as a cause D. allowing
16. The woman was ________ from hospital only a week after her operation.
A. ejected B. expelled C. evicted D. discharged
17. He had a momentary _____ of concentration and before he knew it the car had spun out of control.
A. slip B. loss C. lapse D. mistake
18. He looks much older. His financial worries seem to have taken a terrible _____ on his health.
A. burden B. toll C. strain D. tax
19. Karen was terribly nervous before the interview but she managed to pull herself _______ and act
A. through B. over C. together D. off
20. “Do you mind if we schedule the meeting for 11 o’clock?” – “Well, actually, I _______ earlier.”
A. should prefer it will be B. am preferring it to be
C. will prefer it D. would prefer it to be
21. Stars shine because of _______ produced by the nuclear reactions taking place within them.
A. the amount of light and heat is B. which the amount of light and heat
C. the amount of light and heat that it is D. the amount of light and heat
22. Nicotine, __________ found in tobacco, is named after the French diplomat Jean Nicot.
A. it is a chemical compound B. is a chemical compound
C. a chemical compound D. chemical compound is
23. ______ a language family is a group of languages with a common origin and similar vocabulary,
grammar, and sound systems.
A. Linguists call it B. It is called by linguists
C. What linguists call D. What do linguists call
24. You can’t bury your head _____ and hope that this problem goes away, you know.
A. in the mud B. in the pool C. in the sand D. in the water

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
25. - Peter: "Have you seen the price of petrol these days?" - Linda: “_______.”
A. It's amazing, isn't it? C. I'm amazing, aren't I?
B. Isn't it great? D. What a lot of petrol!
26. - Joe: “We’ve got a math class at 6 p.m, haven’t we?” - John: “Yes, _______”
A. bottom up, will you? B. come what may!
C. more’s the pity! D. nice weather, isn’t it?
27. Mary: “I thought you were going to accept the offer.” John: “_______.”
A. My lips are sealed B. I’m having second thoughts
C. I’m afraid I haven’t a clue D. I like that
28. “Do you have a minute please?” “_______.”
A. That’s just fantastic. Thanks B. Sorry. I left my watch home
C. Well, it is not as good as I think D. Yes, but you should be brief
29. - Smith: “I’m afraid I can’t come with you.” - John: “_______.”
A. What a shame! B. It’s shameful! C. Thank you D. I don’t think so

V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word in each of the following questions.
30. Some land is best used if two or more different kinds of crops are grown on it alternately; on the other
hand, it is better to grow the same crop continuously.
A. time after time B. slowly but surely C. one after another D. for many years
31. The opposition was in full cry over the changes to the education bill.
A. demanded strongly B. discussed eagerly C. shouted head-off D. criticized noisily
32. Trudy felt ill at ease when she spoke in public for the first time.
A. felt uncomfortable and embarrassed B. felt difficult and lost confidence
C. felt challenged and inopportune D. felt nausea and dizzy

VI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
33. Embracing new technology will help the country to develop more quickly.
A. disobeying          B. rejecting          C. contradicting          D. obscuring
34. He usually stays in peace in stressful situations, but this time he really lost his head.
A. kept calm B. excited
C. took leave of his absence D. lost touch
35. Fashion change include both short-term fluctuations in style and long-term trends.
  A.  stabilities          B. interests                C. tastes        D. differences

VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
36. She had the gardener to plant some trees in the front garden.
A. had B. the gardener C. to plant D. in the front garden
37. The brightly-eyed children spoke only a little English but were more than happy to burst into song.
A. brightly – eyed B. only a little C. more than happy D. burst into song
38. Fiorello La Guardia made a speech to the United Nation Relief Administration, which he was the
director, stating that Europe did not experience prosperity after World War II.
A. made B. which C. stating that D. prosperity
39. Almost students were able to find good jobs three to six months after graduation.
A. Almost B. to find C. were D. after graduation
40. As much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, no more are we free to choose what we want,
for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.
A. As much as B. no more are C. for D. influence

VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The ability to weep is a uniquely human form of emotional response. Some scientists have
suggested that human tears are evidence of an aquatic past- but this does not seem very likely. We cry
from the moment we enter this (41) _______ for a number of reasons. Helpless babies cry to (42)
_______ their parents that they are ill, hungry or uncomfortable. As they (43) _______, they will also cry
just to attract parental attention and will often stop when they get it.
The idea that having a good cry can do you (44) _______ is a very old one and now it has
scientific validity since recent research into tears has shown that they contain a natural painkiller called
enkaphalin. By (45) _______ sorrow and pain, this chemical helps you to feel better. Weeping can
increase the quantities of enkaphalin you (46) _______.
Unfortunately, in our society we impose restrictions (47) _______ this naturally healing activity.
Because some people still regard it as a (48) _______ of weakness in men, boys in particular are
admonished when they cry. This kind of repression can only increase stress, both emotionally and
Tears of emotion also help the body (49) _______ itself of toxic chemical waste, for there is more
protein in them than in tears resulting (50) _______ cold winds or other irritants. Crying comforts, calms
people and can be very enjoyable- consider the popularity of the highly emotional films which are
commonly called weepies. It seems that people enjoy crying together almost as much as laughing
41. A. world B. place C. earth D. space
42. A. inform B. communicate C. persuade D. demonstrate
43. A. evolve B. develop C. alter D. change
44. A. good B. fine C. better D. well
45. A. struggling B. fighting C. opposing D. striking
46. A. construct B. achieve C. provide D. produce
47. A. for B. to C. about D. upon
48. A. hint B. feature C. sign D. symbol
49. A. expel B. escape C. release D. rid
50. A. in B. from C. by D. to

IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
best answer to each of the following questions.
Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an important
decision, such as choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a
decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people
to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe
that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact
format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects.
Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible
solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are
listed, and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each
consideration is assigned a numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically
calculated by adding these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as
the best decision.
Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each
with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making
procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally comprehend
and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once. A worksheet
can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex
relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question "What will I do after
graduation?" A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced degree,
or travel abroad for a year.
A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help
to narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long-range and immediate goals
because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short-range ones. Focusing on long-
range goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to "What will I do after graduation that
will lead to a successful career?"
51. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. A tool to assist in making complex decisions.
B. A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions
C. Research on how people make decisions
D. Differences between long-range and short-range decision making
52. The word "essential" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. introductory B. changeable C. beneficial D. fundamental
53. The word "pertinent" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. relevant B. preceding C. insightful D. responsive
54. Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?
A. Listing the consequences of each solution
B. Calculating a numerical summary of each solution
C. Deciding which consequences are most important
D. Writing down all possible solutions
55. According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that _______.
A. has the fewest variables to consider B. uses the most decision worksheets
C. has the most points assigned to it D. is agreed to by the greatest number of people
56. The author develops the discussion in paragraph 2 by means of _______.
A. describing a process B. classifying types of worksheets
C. providing historical background D. explaining a theory
57. The author states that "On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once”
to explain that _______.
A. most decisions involve seven steps
B. human mental capacity has limitations
C. some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions
D. people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice
58. The word "succinct " in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. creative B. satisfactory C. personal D. concise
59. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?
A. Proponents (paragraph 1) B. Optimal (paragraph 1)
C. Variables (paragraph 3) D. Long-range goals (paragraph 4)
60. The word "it" in line paragraph 4 refers to _______.
A. worksheet B. problem C. distinction D. decision

X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
best answer to each of the following questions.
Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past
two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest
known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological
diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to
recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to
expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth's ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and in
fringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most
situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through
other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by
significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth's history when mass extinctions have occurred. The
extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also
been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme
conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it
was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is
altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide
agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that
will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and
chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic
adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species
that may be able to survive in new environments.
61. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The variety of species found in tropical rain forests
B. The cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs
C. The time required for species to adapt to new environments
D. The impact of human activities on Earth's ecosystems
62. The word "critical" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. essential               B. negative               C. complicated             D. interesting
63. The word "jolting" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. illuminating               B. unknown             C. shocking                 D. predicted
64. The author mentions the reduction of the variety of species on Earth in paragraph 1 to suggest that
A. humans are often made ill by polluted water
B. new habitats can be created for species
C. some species have been made extinct by human activity
D. understanding evolution can prevent certain species from disappearing
65. The author mentions all of the following as examples of the effect of humans on the world's
ecosystems EXCEPT _______.
A. damage to marine ecosystems
B. habitat destruction in wetlands
C. the introduction of new varieties of plant species
D. destruction of the tropical rain forests
66. The author mentions the extinction of the dinosaurs in paragraph 2 to emphasize that _______.
A. not all mass extinctions have been caused by human activity
B. actions by humans could not stop the irreversible process of a species' extinction
C. Earth's climate has changed significantly since the dinosaurs' extinction
D. the cause of the dinosaurs' extinction is unknown
67. The word "magnitude" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. carelessness                B. extent             C. determination              D. concern
68. According to the passage, natural evolutionary change is different from changes caused by humans in
that changes caused by humans _______.
A. affect fewer ecosystems                        B. are occurring at a much faster rate
C. are reversible                                         D. are less devastating to most species
69. Which of the following can best replace "in flux" in paragraph 3?
A. breaking               B. producing             C. changing                       D. increasing
70.  With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?
A. The extinction of a few species is an acceptable consequence of human progress.
B. Technology will provide solutions to problems caused by the destruction of ecosystems.
C. Human influence on ecosystems should not be a factor in determining public policy.
D. Humans  should be more conscious of the influence they have on ecosystems.

XI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to each of the
following questions
71. He lost quite a few jobs because he was such an unpunctual worker.
A. He was late to many of his jobs and, accordingly, nearly lost all of them.
B. Having never actually showed up on time to any of them, he was fired from most of his jobs.
C. Had he not been so late so often, he may well have kept one or two of his jobs.
D. As a result of his persistent lateness, he was fired from several different jobs.
72. Without the leaflets they distributed, the new bookstore wouldn't have attracted so many customers in
just the first week.
A. Nobody would have visited the new bookstore if they hadn’t handed out so many leaflets during
the first week.
B. More people would have come to the new bookstore if they had distributed more leaflets during
the first week.
C. The new bookstore drew hardly any customers during the first week, despite the leaflets that
they distributed.
D. The new bookstore drew a lot of customers in only the first week, and this was thanks to the
leaflets that they handed out.
73. They only have two installments left to pay on their car, and then they will be more free to spend their
A. They are having financial problems because of their car, for which they’ll pay two more
B. Ever since they bought a car, for which they still have two installments to pay, they have been
careful with their money.
C. They will have a lot of money to spend when they have finished paying the installments on
their car.
D. Once they have paid the last two installments on their car, they won’t have to be so strict with
their money.
74. Far from being embarrassed by her daughter’s behavior, Mrs. Thomas seems to be amused by it.
A. Mrs. Thomas is both embarrassed and amused by her daughter’s behavior.
B. Mrs. Thomas should be amused rather than embarrassed by her daughter’s behavior.
C. Mrs. Thomas feels embarrassed because her daughter is behaving amusingly.
D. Mrs. Thomas seems to find the way her daughter behaves more a source of amusement than
75. We can take either the 11.30 or the 11.45 train from Paris to Madrid; the latter is more expensive, yet
it reaches there before the former.
A. Instead of the train that leaves at 11.30 from Paris to Madrid, we should take the 11.45 train,
since it is faster, though a bit more expensive.
B. We can take one of two trains to Madrid from Paris, but if we want to get there as quickly as
possible, then the 11.30 will be better for us than the 11.45.
C. Although tickets for the 11.45 train from Paris to Madrid have a higher price than those for the
11.30, that train is much quicker and so we should use it.
D. Of the two options available, the second train to Madrid leaves 15 minutes after the 11.30 and
costs more, but it would get us there from Paris earlier.

XII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
76. No one but the experts was able to realize that the painting was an imitation. It greatly resembled the
A. It was hard for ordinary people to judge between the fake painting and the real one, but not for
the experts.
B. It was obvious that only a person with great talent could fake a painting so successfully.
C. It was almost impossible for amateurs to realize that the painting was not authentic, though the
experts could judge it quite easily.
D. The painting looked so much like the authentic one that only the experts could tell it wasn't
77. The new restaurant looks good. However, it seems to have few customers.
A. In spite of its appearance, the new restaurant does not appear to attract much business.
B. The new restaurant would have more customers if it looked better.
C. In order to get more business, the new restaurant should improve its appearance.
D. If it had a few more customers, the new restaurant would look better.
78. I'd suggest that we avoid telling any scary stories with Janet around. She’s a bit unstable and could
get hysterical.
A. It is no fun to tell frightening stories to Janet, who is not very stable mentally, because she only
laughs instead of getting scared.
B. Janet has trouble keeping her emotions under control, especially when she is told frightening
C. Since Janet is somewhat unbalanced, the only way to make her laugh is by telling stories, but
we should avoid scary ones as they might cause her to panic.
D. Janet is somewhat mentally unbalanced and might easily become uncontrollably emotional, so
let’s not tell frightening stories in her presence.
79. We chose to find a place for the night. We found the bad weather very inconvenient.
A. Because the climate was so severe, we were worried about what we'd do at night.
B. The bad weather prevented us from driving any further.
C. Seeing that the bad weather had set in, we decided to find somewhere to spend the night.
D. Bad weather was approaching, so we started to look for a place to stay.
80. It isn't just that the level of education of this school is high. It's that it's also been consistent for years.
A. The level of education in this school, which is usually quite high, shows only slight variations
from year to year.
B. The standard of education is not high in this school, but at least all the students are at the same
C. It isn't fair to deny that this school is successful, as it has had the same high standards for many
years now.
D. Not only are the standards of education good in this school, but it has maintained those
standards over the years.

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