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Unit 5.7

Learners ID: 1198375

Table of Contents
I- INTRODUCTION……………………… 2
…………………………… 2-5
……………………….…………………. 5-8
APPRAISAL FORM ……….………… 9-10
GUIDELINES………………………...… 15-17
VIII- REFERENCES ………………… ... 19-20

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In this kind of career, I began as a sales consultant accountable for customer service and garment flow,
then way back 2016 I was promoted as a visual merchandiser. As a merchandiser businessperson of one
retail brand, you must be trained within the total merchandise or service presentation and follow the
procedures consistent with standards and values.
My role as a visual merchandiser is constructed on the information and skill you have got, however
additionally what you'll be able to gain throughout the coaching. This part of my coaching confirms what
you're accountable for and the way you'll be able to drive the visual and industrial level at the side of the
remainder of the team.
As a visual merchandiser typically I am accountable for promoting the image, product and repair and
service providing and of company’s organizations.

A. Developing a set of your own responsibilities and performance objectives required in the role
As a visual merchandiser is constructed on the information and skill I actually have, however additionally
what I will be able to gain as a visual merchandiser even be accountable for and the way I will drive the
visual and industrial level at the side of the remainder of the store team.
Acts as a job model for everybody in your team
Investing in visual merchandising will improve the looking expertise for patrons, be a solid promoting
tool for your business and increase customer loyalty.
However, smart visual promotion can price you time, effort and money, therefore you need to be willing
to form the initial investment.
Some responsibility and performance objectives are as follows:
• commercialism – provides direct and indirect customer service on the sales floor, fitting area and at the
money cash.
is aware of product and commercialism activities
• Colleagues – trains and develop co-workers in presenting garments foe sale consistent with store
• Routines – ensure updated visual info and is accountable for visual material in store
• salesmanship – makes contact with customers during a proactive and friendly manner and acknowledge
the various desires of consumers
• Interacting with people – support the team and considerate to colleagues and communicates in a very
clear and fluent manner

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• open-minded and willing to learn – is receptive new concepts and flexible receptive and receptive
• coping with the high workload - handles over one task at constant time
• Drive and initiative – take action in a very timely and effective manner

B. Evaluating own effectiveness against these objectives

As a visual merchandiser, it's essential to learn communication and social skills therefore on offer
services to users during a higher manner. the most effective technique for the analysis of the effectiveness
is to contemplate or note the way within which the abilities and information of an individual are applied
by it for the execution of its duties. And this analysis helps in rising the performance therefore on fill the
gap between the particular performance and desired performance There is a requirement to judge the
performance of a person with the specified performance to judge the effectiveness of the individual in the
execution of the activities of the organization. For the aim of the analysis of the own effectiveness against
the planned objectives, numerous techniques or strategies may be used. analysis of the own effectiveness
provides a transparent plan concerning the performance of a personal and identification of the information
and skills possessed by an individual and helps in determining the requirement for coaching and
development to enhance the effectiveness. varied factors are associated with the role assigned that must
be thought-about. These embrace the social skills or an individual that explains however it communicates
or the effectiveness in communication or behaving with others, communication skills that specify the
mode of communication a person has adopted. of these facilities, a health and social care employee is
playing its duties well.

Advantages as a visual merchandiser Disadvantages as a visual merchandiser

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•Increased customers as Visual commerce will •By being flighty or lazy in each task given by
increase the number of consumers in-store notice your manager.
and enter your retail business.
•By being flighty to organize your action set up
•Increased sales as visual merchandising will in each amendment in your space that you simply
have a transparent and positive impact on retail got to work on.
•Lack of recent Technologies Visual
•Maximizing the potential of your retail area – a merchandising is an element of the brand to
resourceful approach to merchandising will assist provide inspiration or storytelling in each
you to urge additional out of your house while presentation of garments, however, while not the
not the requirement for enlargement or proper offer of resources, it'll be exhausting to
renovations. color the image. As a visible, I emphasize
however there's an absence of innovative fixtures
•To perceive the responsibilities and importance
or provides to boost store style or visual
of the visual merchandiser role and the way will
it affect the business of the shop.
•Expense is that the massive huge as a result of if
•Understand completely different construct
you put in new fixtures, produce new collection
profiles and the way /why every act otherwise
or improve the looks of your retail area, prices
within the presentation technique.
will quickly add up.
•Competent to manage time effectively and is
aware of a way to attain to realize all campaign
setup by datelines.

C. Make recommendations for improvement based on your current effectiveness against the
defined objectives
Being a visual merchandiser it is important to have a good working experience with my colleagues inside
the store. These are my current methods to help me to improve it.
Be open-minded and willing to learn and under pressure
This is to be open to feedback, to open to new ideas, and flexible to change and learn to implement new
information on time and also look for information and ask for help when needed.
Coping with a heavy workload

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Handles more than one task at the same time and remains calm and positive in difficult situations and
under pressure.
Know Your Limits
If you push yourself with too much work, nobody wins. Do everyone a favor and know when it’s the right
time to say “no” to things whether that be a networking event on your night off or an extra project you
know you can hit out on.
A fast pace is a must - if you like to learn to be flexible to be able to look like it is easy to handle a
variety of tasks.
Keep it simple - Make sure you use common sense in every situation act and look for a and more
efficient solution
Drive and initiative - Own initiatives to challenge yourself to seek opportunities and takes action in a
timely and effective manner and also reaches goals set for themselves and by others

Task 2
A. Using your work situation as an example, identify the problems that you or others
As a visual merchandiser, many things to experience especially inside the store and there are many simple
things that visual merchandisers can do to make things stand out to consumers and retailers. Here are the
three biggest retail merchandising problems that organizations regularly make.

Situations in work The problem The Example The Solution

Inventory Control Far too often, a The statement For being tentative and
common problem observant is the best
T-shirts had a display
among retailers is not solution for
low quantity and the
having enough quantity merchandisers is the
of a product. only surefire way to
employee working that
alleviate out-of-stock
location has no record
issues with retailers.
of being sold in that
As a visual
merchandiser, I should
be the one responsible A solution such as
to maintain the quantity visual merchandiser
control the problem has that is the one working
caused a customer in the garment purchase
complaint every time. order history, and client
notes all in one
organized system
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which can quickly be
pulled up on

To address the issue

with the retail manager
and re-order more

Quality Control Some of our customers Josh is a visual As Visual

were more concerned supervisor Merchandisers to show
about the texture of the merchandising that they are in fact at
garment, especially the representative for other the correct location.
quality control and, stores, even his store And if having a strong
there are still some has good sales relationship with your
customers who know throughout this year- manager to have strong
from experience that a round for the company, communication and
messy place like retail but Josh has been hired verification for the
location and product to create assemble quality displays you
line a negative image. displays at various will have higher
retail locations which consumer reception in
will hopefully boost the future.
sales even higher and
the mean concerns it,
Josh doesn’t care about
the company or his
work or even monitors
whether or not he is
Working Relationship More on the Retailer Joan is a merchandising The last touch or last
industry want to know representative for a decision must allow
they can trust the new craft brewery retail managers to sign
organizations whose which has recently off on the work Joan
products will be lining begun distribution to does ensures that the
their shelves. several small job is done to the
businesses she delivers standards of the store
a fairly good at manager and helps
As visual merchandiser keeping the displays in nullify and future
representatives need to order, Asides from she complaints that may
build a rapport with also dislike dealing arise and it will be less
retail managers and with the manager at double work.
verify the work they’ve each location she’d
done. prefer to get in, stock
the display, and leave.

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This relationship never That cause of this was
comes to fruition, or it led to several ongoing
will leave without disputes where the
verifying their work quality of the company
leaving the door open and merchandising has
for retailer-supplier been questioned by
disputes about the retailers.
quality of work being

B. You may encounter these problems in the future. Using the knowledge and skills you have
gained IN studying this unit and your own reflections to develop a specific and detailed
solution to these problems.

Problems Solutions
1. One-dimensional It was a great concept, but the main challenge was that the products
on display were pennants. Sustainable goods retailers must
One common in-store display mistake could make your
have powerful tools and additional strategies in their
products and your store appear dull and boring.
flagship store to increase sales. Replace the visual elements;
add height, color or depth where possible. If your products
are the same size, put some on pedestals.
2.Conflict with operation side regarding on how we Communicate with one another about the campaign or about the
display color story of the concepts that's why be like that and
establish a focal point for your display.
They’re too busy and distracting Whether it’s because of
various team members’ conflicting input, lack of
clear vision, or something else altogether, adding too
much to a display can distract from its ultimate
purpose to drive sales.

3. Complicated to execute The best way to anticipate logistical challenges is by getting creative
around those challenges. In small storefronts especially,
As a visual merchandiser, we have a lot of grand, creative
space is extremely valuable. And retail displays take up that
ideas, they’re not always realistic. There are logistics
valuable space.
that every retailer must account for, including but not
limited to budget, staffing, and timelines.

4. The display lapses To prevent your displays from old fashioned just maintain a regular
schedule to update them to become attractive to the eyes of
This is One common mistake among retailers is failing to
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update the in-store displays frequently enough. the customers and certainly move them when new
merchandise comes in.

5. Lack of utility Always think about if you were shopping the display or perhaps
there’s a sign that lists product details and prices or a map of
Like the in-store retail displays look beautiful but serve no
the store that shows you where to browse more size and
purpose, you’re missing out on sales opportunities.
color options also Better yet, bring a rack over or have a
The retailers' products that aren’t for sale, hide
small section of the display dedicated to shoppable products.
pricing information or make it difficult to find the
displayed merchandise elsewhere in the store.

C. Using the information from subtasks A and B above prepare:

● A document which appropriately communicates this information to your line manager.

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● An information sheet or performance appraisal for distribution to the other members of the class.
Performance appraisal to work with store managers and employees to lay out the effective store and
window displays with company and brand guidelines. It is important for feedback and your
manager will take responsibility to provide feedback to you after 6months or every quarter for
your development and to be more competent in the task and responsibilities.

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● A personal electronic diary which you wish to keep for future reference
A personal electronic/diary is a diary is like a completely personal, written photo, recording the things
only you saw in as much or as little detail as you like and you can understand things you could have done
better if you have to write something down and consider it you can be observed and understand things
you could have done better.
Below is my one-week daily routine as a visual merchandiser:

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November 9, 2020 (Sunday)

My journey at work starts from 10:00 in the morning. First thing to do is to

clean the store, merchandising and arrange the display items. There was no too
much customer; I sold four pairs of shoes in my eight hours of duty that day. It
was a great day.

November 10, 2020 (Monday)

Every day at morning is the same routine. My regular customer who is also
became my good friend came to the shop as my first customer for that day to
check if we have new stocks arrived. Other customers followed and purchased
until my duty time finished.

November 11, 2020 (Tuesday)

Again, another day came and it was just like an ordinary day, no customer
and the complex were silent. My boss arrived and brought us some stocks and we
had little conversation about some important issues.

November 12, 2020 (Wednesday)

I can say that this day was my unlucky day because I've got a closed-minded
customer, she was asking for something and when I am trying to explain to her
she do not want to listen my explanation and said " yes I know " and again she
will repeat her question. This kind of customer really makes me feel fed up but, at
the end of the day everything is fine.

November 13, 2020 (Thursday)

Week end arrived and as expected, it should be a busy day. Customers

started to came, some are buying and some are just roaming around checking the
stocks that we have. We had a great sale on that day.

D. Describe a range of motivational techniques and explain how they can be used to improve
the quality of your and other peoples’ performance in the job role.
The motivational aspect will help employees to work with the best of the efficiency and capacity to
achieve individual as well as organizational goals.
Empowering – means that giving motivations to employees by giving importance to their health and
safety, improving their skill and knowledge in working, giving them the chance to hear their side in
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decision making, provides benefits for them. Empowering Trust and respect is one of the powerful
motivational that you can give for employees. Allow them to give some items to feel like a family. But as
a superior or manager don’t be afraid to give them feedback as long as it will help them grow and be
better employees.
This means that giving motivation to employees by giving importance safety in the workplace and by
giving sympathy by that you’re the reason that they will improve their skills and knowledge in work
giving them the chance to hear sides.
Rewarding - for some people, motivation is the best way to get to them. When employees achieved
something and get rewarded with positive results or avoid negative outcomes. For example, he is working
late to earn extra time off later.
Rewards can be a big appreciation as long as employees know they are working toward something. Like
extra vacation time or a bonus and also to have an incentive for employees, but it also shows your
appreciation for their hard work.
Praise - recognize team accomplishments as well as individual efforts. Celebrate employee achievements
is one way of expressing recognition. Give them an acknowledgment of their work or achievement.

Task 3
In a work situation, people are frequently required to work with others.
A. Explain the roles people play in a team and how they work together to achieve shared goals
Team members need to understand and agree on the role of each person. That's the big factor to working
together with your team should underpin how you operate of the different responsibilities, it is important
because they can accomplish much more than any of the members could achieve individually to ensure
that together you are all able to succeed. Every member of the team has their competence and expertise
that classifies as:
Leaders - a person who leads commands or a superior position, the one who charges and inspires
confidence in the people, an example as a good leader who convinces and guides other people to follow.
Motivator - persons who provide some encouragement for being positive to deal with problems.
The Facilitator – is the one who helps a person to do something more easily or find the answer to
problems. Someone who can help a group understand their common objectives and assist them to achieve
Organizer – is a person who maintains order might have to remind team members to achieve the goals.
Challenge – is an essential part of a team because they are the risk-taker. For example, there is someone
who will push the team to explore all.

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Cooperator - is a person to work or act together or jointly for a common purpose or benefit in the team.
Optimist – is a person who can give hope or courage to believe those good things will happen in the
future. Like a person who believes that he will get a promotion by working hard in the training.
Pessimist – is a person who thinks bad things and emphasizes the bad part of the situation that turns into
negative or it will result in a negative attitude.
This is the sample video that was tackled by a team is a group of people who work together toward a
common goal.

A. Analyse team dynamics using a range of theories

According to the work of Bruce Tuckman, Peter R.Wellhöfer and Eberhard Stahl, furthermore, as our
expertise in conducting team coaching, the subsequent list summarizes the cluster development stages and
actions that the leader will
undertake to help the
cluster reach consecutive

Team dynamics theory

teaches that each group experiences different stages of development. participants are like, what to expect
from the teacher, etc. In their rummage around for safety and structure, the cluster members attempt to
become destined, rummage around for a secure place, rummage around for sympathetic colleagues, and
expect to facilitate from the leader.

B. Suggest and explain alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals
Communication is and always will be key. Bad communication some of the strongest partnerships. The
way you communicate to the person either via email, the phone, or in-person, be cognitive about your
choice of words.
Encourage teamwork
Teamwork is one of the greatest motivators out there. Knowing that your colleagues have your back and
are your cheerleaders is an amazing feeling. When your motivation dips, your teammates are right there
with you, rooting for you as you complete your next project.
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Have fun 
Find little bits of fun in everyday activities, and focus on what it is that makes working in your
organization great.
You and your team will be amazed at how motivating a little bit of fun can be.
You can get started on improving motivation in your workplace with any of these suggestions.
Be transparent
Every relationship, including work relationships, is built on trust. Defaulting to transparency is one of the
best ways to encourage an atmosphere of trust amongst you and your team, and a team that trusts you will
be more motivated and engaged with their work.
Transparency also helps ensure that everyone is working with the same information.
Celebrate results
Part of what makes setting small and measurable goals so important is that it provides plenty of
opportunities to celebrate your team’s hard work. Be specific in your applause.

Task 4
Employers expect their employees to be able to problem-solve effectively.
A. Evaluate the tools and methods for problem-solving
As visual merchandiser jobs are plentiful as a visual merchandiser has an extremely important role to
play. Problem-solving skills are very important in every workplace. Every team wants a happy workplace
to achieve this ability these methods of problem-solving are. They monitor product appearance on the
shelf in various stores throughout their designated area. In every job it is inevitable to have problems in
the workplace and to solve them theirs is a procedure or tools in solving problems the followings are:
Analyze the problems/ situations - first, you have to know what's going on, analyze the details and
understand the roots of the problem.
Investigate the issues - Take note of what happens and events to gather the information about the issue.
Do some research about the main cause of the problems and check if there is more than one reason.
Collect all the strong evidence.
Generating solutions - Ask some suggestions to your colleagues about what there feel about the
problems. You must have alternative solutions and if it is effective so go for the next level that each side
agreed to is the process that requires finding new solutions for practical problems in fields of life
and work.
Final solutions - After the analyzing, investigating, generate the problems. You should choose the best
solutions which you think may solve the problem. Discuss with the sided involve and implement it

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Another Basic method in problem-solving:
Reproductive Thinking – apply past solutions to new problems. Which is taking risk it can be good as
well. They can affect a perception that elements of a problem have fixed or inflexible functions and
cannot be combined in new ways.
Idea Generation – it is the process that requires finding new solutions for practical problems in fields of
life and work.
Creative Problem Solving - according to my research CPS is a proven method for approaching a
problem or a challenge in an imaginative and innovative way.
And that can help you redefine the problems and opportunities you face, come up with new, innovative
responses and solutions, and then take action.

B. Develop a strategy to resolve the problem given bellow or alternatively use a problem that
has been given to you by your tutor
You are a member of a department and you are experiencing difficulties working with a colleague.
Disagreements and conflicts arise rather than cooperation. This has a disturbing effect on the members of
the department and the quality of the work is not at the required standard. A complaint has been made by
a customer of the department and your line manager is concerned that the problem cannot be resolved
without formal action being taken.
Answer: As a member of the department's first things, I can find the roots of the problems and understand
the real issue. From my understanding Problems is the center of what many people do at work every day.
You’re solving a problem for internal or external. This is a kind of internal problem in one
department/team that has a procedure on how to approach handling employee complaints but in this case
with your colleagues can solve it by talking one – on – one with the management staff. All you have to
have good communication to find out what the reason is or what’s going on in any argument. Be honest,
straightforward and be open-minded and talk to the one it concerns when you’re dealing with these
problems. By communicating with one another the problems will be solved by respecting others for the
person they are important to. In this situation, the problem is a lack of good working relationships
between members of the department that resulted in a lack of cooperation between the members of the
department, which can cause disagreement and conflicts and can affect the other members of the
department and the most customer complaint.
After analyzing the problems we must understand everyone's interest in each member of the department
so that we can understand the main problems. This time we need to have active listening skills to listen to

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each other to make a positive solution to the problem. And giving each other space to make their head
about their decision.

These problems come from the employees itself and that is a lack of cooperation between each member of
the department.
The possible solutions for these are facilities team briefing every morning that can be helpful for
everyone can be open by sharing their thoughts and concerns so it will result to enhance communication
skills for each of the team members.
Evaluate the possible solution to the problems from it by selecting the best solution to the problems.
Making a document can help to think to cover all the details and implications after that make a short copy
of the agreement to use as evidence in the future. And talk to them and agree to resolve the problem that
our department is encountering. Making a specific date or deadline in resolving the problem can help us
to understand if the strategy is effective or not.

C. Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing your strategy

In the workplace knowing every individual interest is very important because by this we can make a
possible solution to the problem. In every business employees are important it relies on the success or
failure of the company. The strategy that made was very effective because the problem itself and the good
things for this are that the employees now can cooperate by this teamwork becomes effective and can
result in proactive and efficient business. All businesses should have planned their objectives and
strategies around their strengths and weaknesses.
When we discuss strengths it is referring to the company's competitive advantages and distinctive
competencies like strong employee attitudes are a must. Having excellent customer service, a large
market share in terms of influence in good ways and personal relationships with employees /colleagues by
having leadership in product innovation.
When we discuss weaknesses the constraints that counteract a company's success in a certain strategy at
that time was a company does not do well. Like confusing service policies for your employees, for
example, the rights and benefits. Limited product availability to sustain the level of the supply of a
product and lack of quantitative goals example a piece of publicity or advertising/ marketing strategies.

Task 5

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A. Review your management of time in completing this assignment and your work on the
qualification in general. Identify effective time management strategies and how you plan to
use them.
As a visual merchandiser here’s my planning and routines on a management strategy that works best,
depending on how you deliver your plan on work.

Plan Your Work Ahead – this strategy will help you to know the things that you wanted to accomplish in
a specified time frame. It’s like making a to-do list that will guide you on the job that you need to finish in
a particular time of the day. Keep following those to-do list already sets you up for success. That is
exactly what I did on my time table. I set my plan first, I stated the date when I want to start making my
assignment, from that date, I made a list of preparation that I needed to do to complete my assignment.
And I can say that it is very effective, because all I need to do is to focus and follow my to-do list and I
find it very easy to complete my task for the day.

Set Clear Priorities – this strategy will help you to divide your to-do list into smaller parts, where
it will make things clear and easy to find which task is the priority and which is not. Knowing which task
to prioritize makes it easier to finish the task very smoothly. This is exactly what I did in my time table, I
specified the time and the task that I need to finish that particular day, in doing so, confusion on which
task to do first was eliminated and I was able to finished my assignment in a very timely manner.

Focus on One Task At a Time – according to some expert, doing so many things at a time makes
you ineffective and inefficient. And your productivity level is very low as you cannot finish one task fully
because you are already thinking of the other task that you need to do. The most effective way to finish
your task in a very timely manner is to focus on one task at a time and complete it and then, after that
switch to another task. Just like the Pomodoro Technique. It split the task into shorter ones, with a short
rest between the task. This way it will help you to increase your productivity level as it is easier to force
yourself to focus on a single task, this way you won’t feel wasted and remain productive for a longer
period of time. This is what I did on my time table, each day I only focus to do one task for specified
period of time, I don’t think of any other things to do, by doing so, I find it very easy and very
comfortable to finish a single task, and I don’t feel tires doing it. After finishing a single task, I still have
time to check my social media notifications.

Minimize Interruptions – this strategy will help you to focus on your task so that you’ll be able to
finish it on time. Before you start to do your task, you will need to eliminate the possible distractions that
will interrupt you on working with your task. On my time table, I stated all the possible distractions that

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may interrupt me on doing my task for the day, such as, turn my mobile phone in silent mode, as well as
all the social media notifications, but I give myself sometimes to check all my notifications after I
finished my task for the day.

Set Yourself Shorter Deadlines – just like Parkinson’s Law, if you give yourself too much time to
complete your task, the tendency is that you will procrastinate instead of using your time to get things
done earlier. Setting yourself a shorter deadline will force you to finish your task faster. On my time table,
upon starting this assignment, I already stated the deadline and focus on it. I set a particular task to finish
every single day and make it sure to finished it because if not, I will not be able to meet the deadline that
set for myself.

Roles in a Team -
The Tuckman Theory -
Lencioni Model: Five Dysfunctions of a Team
The DISC Theory - -
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
Six Step Problem Solving Model –
Identify the problems that encounters with others. And providing solutions.

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