GIMP Manipulation: Tool, Ellipse Tool, and Free Select Tool

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GIMP Manipulation

1. Opening Image Files — At the upper portion of the GIMP editor. press the File option. Then
choose the directory where you are going to save the image you are about to edit.

2. Select Tool — Select the crop tool from the tool box. Select the area that you want to enclose
while dragging left-click across the image. There are three types in the select tool: the square
tool, ellipse tool, and free select tool.

*Square tool enables you to select a portion of the image by enclosing it with a square.

*Ellipse tool enables you to select a portion of the image by enclosing it with an ellipse or a

*Free select tool enables you to select a portion of the image by an arbitrary enclosed shape
that you define by tracing the image in freehand.

3. Erase Tool —Select the erase tool from the tool box. Then hold the left mouse button and
drag it across the image. fie erase tool is a tool used to replace any selected part with white
strokes. It is referred to as an erase tool because any color stroked with this tool is replaced by
white as if you were erasing on a paper.

4. Paintbrush Tool - select the paintbrush tool from the tool box. Then hold the left mouse
button and drag it across the image. The paint tool is similar to the erase tool. The only
difference is that you can select and change the color of the brush.

5. Saving Your Work — From the File option, select the Save As option and save your work in
the desired directory.

Different Tools Used in the GIMP image editor

 Rectangle Select Tool - used to select a part of the image in a rectangular shape

 Ellipse Select Tool - used to select a part of the image in ellipse or circular shape

 Free Select Tool - used to select a customized shape by hand-drawing the bounding line

 Fuzzy Select Tool - used to select an area intelligently by the computer

 Select by Color Tool - used to certain color. All the areas in the workspace with the same
color will be selected.

 Scissors Select Tool - used to select a shape determined by the edges defined in the image.
 Foreground select Tool - used to select and separate the subject in the image against the
background of the image.

 Path Tool - used to create a customized path for editing

 Color Picker Tool - used to select a specified color from the image

 Zoom Tool - used to adjust the scale and size of the image relative to the viewer

 Measure Tool - used to measure the distance between two points. It can also measure the
angles of separation of two points.

 Move Tool - used to select a part of the image and transfer it to another area

 Alignment Tool - used to align all the layers in the image

 Crop Tool - used to remove or cut a certain part of the image

 Rotate Tool - used to rotate the image, either clockwise or counterclockwise

 Scale Tool — used to scale large or scale small the image in the workspace

 Shear Tool - used to make the image look slanted or inclined on one side

 Perspective Tool - used to make the image look as if viewed from a certain angle

 Flip Tool - used to flip or invert the view of the image horizontally

 Cage Transform Tool — used to transform the size of a certain portion of the image

 Text Tool — used to insert a textbox for insertion of characters or words

 Bucket Tool — used to automatically fill the entire selection with your chosen color

 Gradient Tool - used to fill the selected area with a color gradient

 Pencil Tool – used to draw on a selected image similar to a pencil stroke

 Paintbrush Tool — used to influence the selected image with brush type strokes with the
chosen color and thickness

 Erase Tool - used to delete an unwanted area in the image

 Airbrush Tool - used to apply airbrush strokes with pressure

 Ink Tool — used to do calligraphy-style paintings

 Clone Tool - used to copy a certain pattern from an image to be used to the selected portion

 Healing Tool - used to correct irregularities in a selected portion of the image

 Perspective Clone Tool — used to apply a cloned pattern from a selected image after applying
a perspective transformation

 Blur/ Sharpen Tool — used to blur a selection by using a paintbrush

 Smudge Tool — used to smudge a selection using a brush

 Dodge/ Burn Tool - used to lighten or darken a selection using a brush

Combining Text and Image by Using the Text Tool

1. Select the Text tool in the tool box window.

2. Set the properties of the text to be inserted in the lower part of the tool box.

3. Click the area where you want your text to appear.

4. Type the text you want to appear with the image.

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