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Выбрать одно из трех фото и описать его.

На подготовку даётся 1.5 минуты, а на выполнение 2 минуты. Максимум здесь можно
получить 7 баллов.
Задание оценивается по трем критериям:
 решение коммуникативной задачи/содержание (максимум – 3 балла)
 организация устного высказывания (максимум – 2 балла)
 языковое оформление высказывания (максимум –2 балла)

 where and when the photo was taken

 what/who is in the photo
 what is happening
 why you keep the photo in your album
 why you decided to show the picture to your friend

“Скелет” ответа:
I’ve chosen photo № … .
Please, have a look at my photo.
1) This photo was taken last weekend (summer/winter/spring/autumn) when I was …
in/at … (place). As far as I remember, it was …
2) In the photo you can see … (what, who). There is/are … in the
background/foreground/center of the picture. You can also see … on the left/ right.
3) … is/are doing smth. (Present Continuous)
4) I keep this picture in my album because I …
5) I decided to show this picture to you as …
That’s all I wanted to say. I hope you like this photo.
Если на картинке особо нечего описывать в пункте 3 (там происходит очень мало
действий, например, кто-то просто позирует на камеру) можно описать одежду человека в
кадре (не забывая про Present Continuous!). Или природу на форме – The sun is shining, the
clouds are floating in the sky.


I’ve chosen photo № 1. Please, have a look at my photo.

1) This photo was taken last weekend at my house. It was Sunday and my sister had her
birthday party on this day.
2) In the photo you can see my small sister (her name’s Ann) and her classmates in her
bedroom. Ann is on the left-hand side of the picture. 
3) The children are playing a game and having fun. The girl with tied eyes is trying to catch
her friends. The girls are wearing beautiful dresses, while the boy is wearing a blue shirt, white
T-shirt and jeans.
4) I keep this picture in my album because my sister asked me to keep the memories of this
special day in our album. Besides, she likes looking through her birthday photos and
remembering how much fun she had.
5) I decided to show this picture to you as I know you are preparing a project about
celebrating birthday parties and this photo might come in handy for it.
That’s all I wanted to say. I hope you like this photo.

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