IELTS Mock Test 2020 May Speaking Practice Test 1

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IELTS Mock Test 2020 May

Speaking Practice Test 1

IELTS Mock Test 2020 May

PART 1 Introduction and Interview

How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

How often do you see them?

What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours?

How do you think neighbours can help each other?

PART 2 Topic
You should say:

What this skill is

How you learned it

When you use this skill

and explain how this skill is useful to you.

PART 3 Topic Discussion

Compare the importance of practical skills and academic skills.

How can people learn practical skills?

What practical skills do children leant at school in your country?

Do you think children should learn some practical skills at school?

How useful will these skills be to the children alter they leave school?

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