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Coming home after having drunk, the narrator thinks the cat is avoiding him so he seizes it and the

bites him. This angers the narrator and he gouges out one of the cat’s eyes. Ever since then, the cat
always avoids the narrator. At first, the narrator regrets his actions towards the cat, but soon he
becomes perverse in his ways and hangs the cat in a tree out in the garden.

Cats only have one life just like every other animal. What makes us agree to the myths is because a lot of
cats actually look alike, that even if one died, another cat will appear hence we will think it’s the same
cats. Stray cats have to go through as much pain as stray dogs. They need to hunt for their own food,
digging from one garbage bin to another, attacked by other stray cats, and got injuries all over the body.

The fact that he says about the cats white patch changing into a collar like a noose and that the second
cat is a reincarnation of the first seems pretty surreal and unbelievable. The reason for this is so that we
also believe that the cat is evil. The main role of the cat in this story is to divert the blame from the
narrator to the cat for the terrible things he had done and the murder of his wife.

The Black Cat is told from the perspective of a man (whom I imagine as Poe himself), who is a self-
pronounced animal lover. The man and his wife have many pets, including a black cat named Pluto, who
is very fond of the narrator. The cat and the narrator continue to have a close friendship until the man
becomes an alcoholic.

The cat dies and the house mysteriously catches on fire forcing him, his wife, and his servant to flee
from the house. When the narrator comes back to look at the ruins of his house, he finds the image of
the cat, hung, imprinted on the one wall of the house that hadn’t fallen. Later, the narrator finds a
similar cat in a tavern.

Edgar Allen Poe, the author of “The Black Cat” and “The Cask of Amontillado”, wrote both short stories
in similar ways, but at the same time the two are very different. The Black Cat and The Cask of
Amontillado are very similar in some ways. Both include a lot of symbolism. In the Black Cat, the
narrator calls his cat Pluto, to symbolize death and the underworld, and in The Cask of Amontillado, the
coat of arms and the Montresor family motto are symbolic of Montresor’s evil character, which, like the
serpent in the insignia, intends to get revenge.

In the Black Cat, the narrator walls up his dead wife and the cat, while in the Cask of Amontillado,
Montresor walls Fortunato behind a wall to kill him. Montresor and the narrator of the Black Cat are
both seeking revenge for wrongs done to them. Both stories force the reader to look into the inner
workings of a murderer’s mind.

The image of the cat in the story is symbolic. It is the symbol of the wife, her mood and feelings. When
she says “it is not any fun to be a poor kitty out in the rain”, the use of indefinite article shows that she
probably means herself, not just the cat that she saw in the rain. She is obviously searching for
something to satisfy her, she needs some changes in her life, as she repeats:”I want a cat”; “I want to
have a kitty” again with the indefinite article it is not a particular cat, but something to love and to care

Although they are very similar, the Black Cat and the Cask of Amontillado have many differences. The
Cask of Amontillado is a very ironic story, whereas the Black Cat is very ambiguous. “The Cask of
Amontillado” is a powerful tale of revenge while the Black Cat is psychological study of domestic
violence and guilt, but, unlike the “Cask of Amontillado”, this story does not deal with premeditated

The phenomena of calendar effects in stock markets seem to be a center of curiosity for many
researchers across the world. Following many studies about the significance of calendar anomalies,
testing the presence of Monday effect and January effect appears to be an area of interest. The aim of
this study is to discuss about calendar anomalies and its significance. [Original source:]

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