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Homeopathy Books and Authors

List of available Homoeopathy books with name of authors

Useful for students and libraries

Compiled by Dr Ajithkumar D S
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College. Calicut

Sl. No: Name of Book Author

1. Allen’s Key note –rearranged & classified with Allen.H.C
leading remedies of materia medica
2. Prescriber to allen’s keynotes Allen.H.C
3. Materia medica of some important nosodes Allen.H.C
4. Materia medica of nosodes Allen.H.C
5. Therapeutics of Intermitent fever Allen.H.C
6. Therapeutics of fever Allen.H.C
7. Keynotes with nosodes (HB) Allen.H.C
8. The chronic miasm-Pseudopsora Allen.J.H

9. Diseases & Homoeopathic therapeutics of the skin Allen.J.H

10. Materia Medica of electrohomoeo medicine Agrawal.G.P
11. M.M of the human mind Agrawal.M.L
12. Key to the rubrics of mind Agrawal.M.L

13. My scientific papers Agrawal.M.L

14. My clinical cases Agrawal.M.L
15. Advent of Homoeopathy Agrawal.Y.R

16. A practical solution to potency problem Agrawal.Y.R

17. Cautions in Homoeopathy Agrawal.Y.R
18. What a Homoeopath should know Agrawal.Y.R
19. The dose & its repetition Agrawal.Y.R

20. A comparative study of chronic miasms Agrawal.Y.R

21. Prophylactics in Homoeopathy Agrawal.Y.R
22. Drug relationship – Antidotal & inimical Agrawal.Y.R
23. A repertory of desires & aversion Agrawal.Y.R
24. Measles & small pox Agrawal.Y.R
25. Symptoms & totality of symptoms Agrawal.Y.R
26. A treatise on bowel nosodes Agrawal.Y.R

27. Homoeopathy in surgery Agrawal.Y.R

28. Homoeopathy in diseases of hair & nails Agrawal.Y.R
29. Materia Medica of glandular medicines Agrawal.Y.R

30. Homoeopathy in accidents & injury Agrawal.Y.R

31. Insomnia & sleep Agrawal.Y.R
32. Homoeopathy in asthma Agrawal.Y.R
33. Dreams & nightmares Agrawal.Y.R
34. Homoeopathy in diseases of teeth & gums Agrawal.Y.R
35. Homoeopathy in rheumatism Agrawal.Y.R
36. Menstrual disorder & Homoeopathy Agrawal.Y.R

37. Warts, naevi & corns Agrawal.Y.R Page 1
38. Diseases of the mind Ahmad sayeed
39. Obesity & Health Ahmad sayeed
40. Allergy & its cure Ahmad sayeed
41. Modalites of Hom. Med Ahmad sayeed
42. Angina pectoris & its cure Ahmad sayeed
43. Hom. And adverse reaction of Allopathic drugs Ahmad sayeed
44. Weakness & its cure Ahmad sayeed
45. Male sexual disorders Ahmad sayeed
46. Hypertension Ahmad sayeed
47. Bone diseases Ahmad sayeed
48. Epilepsy Ahmad sayeed
49. Sterility in femal & male Ahmad sayeed
50. Haemorrhage Ahmad sayeed
51. Encyclopedia of pure Mat.Med.(12-vol) Allen.T.F
52. Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book Allen.T.F
53. Hand book of Materia medica & Hom. Therapeutics Allen.T.F
54. Repertory to the symptoms of intermittent fever Allen.W.A
55. Basic principles of Homoeopathy Almfelt
56. Classical lectures on remedy selection- explained Ananda zaren &
with classical diseases Henny heuden’s
57. Therapeutics By-Ways Anshutz.E.P

58. A guide to the 12 tissue remedies of biochemistry Anshutz.E.P

59. New, old & forgotten remedies Anshutz.E.P
60. Sexual ills & diseases Anshutz.E.P
61. Hom. Preventive medicines for common diseases Arneja.M.S

62. Combating Arthritis Arora ritu

63. Combating fever(fever of unknown origin) Arora ritu
64. Carcinosin – A classical study Babu ajay kumar

65. Homoeopathic psychology Bailey.M.Philip

66. Miraculous self healing Bara.A.S
67. The phoenix repertory Bakshi.J.P.S
68. Cardiovascular diseases & Homoeopathic Balakrishnan.E
69. Snapshot prescribing in Homoeopathy & Balakrishnan.E
therapeutic hints
70. Homoeopathy in psychiatry Balakrishnan.E
71. Organon of the art of healing Baldwin

72. Organon of medicine Banerjee.D.D

73. Text book of Homoeopathic Pharmacy Banerjee.D.D
74. History of Medicine Banerjee.D.D
75. Guide to medicine & Homeopathic philosophy Banerjee.D.D
76. Blood pressure its etiology & treatment Banerjee.N.K
77. Realistic materia medica with therapeutic Banerjee.N.K
78. Homoeopathy in the treatment of gonorrhoea & Banerjee.N.K
79. Sinha’s pharmacy for students & A treatise on Banerjee.N.K
Homoeopathic pharmacy
80. Dysentery Banerjee.P
81. Miasmatic Diagnosis S.K.Baneriea
82. Synoptic memorizer of Mat.Med S.K.Baneriea

83. Essential guide to Mat.Med S.K.Baneriea Page 2
84. Materia Medica made easy Abies Can-Digitalis S.K.Baneriea
85. Brain tumor cured by Hom S.K.Baneriea
86. Schematic comparison of Rem. Clinical & Comp. S.K.Baneriea
Mat. Med
87. Repertorial analysis & Evaluation S.K.Baneriea
88. Miasmatic prescribing Banerjea.S.K
89. The story of my Eyes Barker Ellis.J

90. How to cure the incurable-new lives for old Barker Ellis.J
91. Miracles of Healing & How they are done in Barker Ellis.J
92. My testament of healing Barker Ellis.J
93. Syllabus of Diagnosis Baker William.F
94. Synthetic Repertory Barthel & Klunker
95. Diet & health & the prevention of cancer Bell
96. The Hom. Therapeutic of Diarrhoea Bell james
97. The world’s present day need of Homoeopathy Benjamin alva
98. Homoeopathic nursery manual Benson
99. Homoeopathic treatment of syphilis, gonorrhoea, Bejeau.J.P.H
spermatorrhoea & urinary diseases
100. The Hom. Treatment of Constipation Bernard.H

101. What we must not do in Hom. Bernoville.F

102. Eruptive fever & contagious diseases of children Bernoville.F

103. Therapeutic of the diseases of liver & biliary ducts Bernoville.F

104. Diseases of the respiratory & digestive system of Bernoville.F


105. Chronic rheumatism Bernoville.F

106. Remedies of circulatory & respiratory system Bernoville.F

107. Diabetes mellitus Bernoville.F

108. Alcoholism & its homoeopathic treatment including Bernoville.F

medicinal intoxication & food poisoning

109. Homoeopathic treatment of cancer Bernoville.F

110. Limits & possibilities of Homoeopathy in biology & Bernoville.F

mental diseases

111. Fundamental laws of therapeutics Bernoville.F

112. Nosodotherpy, isotherapy, opotherapy Bernoville.F

113. Influenza Bernoville.F

114. Miasms, syphilis & sycosis Bernoville.F

115. Homoeopathy elementary dermatology With Bernstein Ralph

illustration Page 3
116. Mentally retarded children & behaviour problem, Bhalerao, vinod
its modification with Homoeopathic medicine gopal

117. Constitution drug pictures & treatment Bhanja.K.C

118. The Homoeopathic prescriber Bhanja.K.C

119. Masterkey to Homoeopathic Materia Medica Bhanja.K.C

120. Cancer – A Homoeopathic review Bhardwaj.R

121. Magnet dowing or the magnet study of life Bhattacharya.A.K

122. Tridosha & Homoeopathy Bhattacharya.A.K

123. Septenate mixtures in Homoeopathy Bhattacharya.A.K

124. Integrated practical & holistic medicine Bhattacharya.A.K

125. Influenza & its Homoeopathic treatment Bhatia.V.R

126. Poliomyelitis infantile Homoeopathic treatment Bhatia.V.R

127. How to use the repertory Bidwell.G.I

128. Homoeopathy (How to practice it with skin Bihari.S.A.M

transmission test)

129. Drug relationship Bihari.S.A.M

130. Homoeopathic insight into cancer Bihari sultan.A

131. Classical lectures on phosphorus, sepia, calcarea Bill gray’s

carbonica & tuberculinum – explained classical
132. Classical lectures on case taking & remedies in Bill gray’s
paediatrics – explined

133. Comparison of arsenicum, Nitricum acidum, Hepar Blackie.M.G

sulphuris & Nux vomica

134. Diseases of the kidneys & Nervous system Blackwood.A.L

135. Diseases of the heart Blackwood.A.L

136. The food tract, its Ailment & diseases of the Blackwood.A.L

137. A manual of Materia medica Blackwood.A.L

138. Diseases of the liver, pancreas & ductless glands Blackwood.A.L

139. Bach flower therapy for homoeo profession (IInd Boedler cornelia

140. Bach flower therapy for psychic illness (IInd edn) Boedler cornelia Page 4
141. The lesser writings Boenninghausen

142. Homoeopathy Boericke garth

143. A commend of the principles of Homoeopathy Boericke garth

144. The twelve tissue remedies of schussler Boericke & dewey

145. New manual of Homoeo. Materia Medica & W.Boericke

repertory with relationship of medicines

146. Pocket manual of Materia medica with repertory & W.Boericke

Indian drugs

147. A compend of the principles of Homoeopathy W.Boericke

148. Regionals material medica W.Boericke

149. A synoptic key of the Materia medica Boger.C.M

150. Boenninghausen’s characteristic Materia medica Boger.C.M

151. Times of the remedies & Moon phases Boger.C.M

152. A systematic alphabetic repertory of Homoeopathy Boger.C.M


153. Studies in the Philosophy of Healing Boger.C.M

154. How to find similimum with Boge- Boger.C.M

Boenninghausen’s Repertory

155. Additions to kent’s repertory Boger.C.M

156. The study of Materia Medica & taking the case Boger.C.M

157. Ulcer of the stomach & duodenum Bonnerot’s & F-


158. Influenzas Borland Douglas.M.

159. Pneumonias Borland Douglas.M.

160. Some emergencies of general practice Borland Douglas.M.

161. Homoeopathy in theory & practice Borland Douglas.M.

162. Homoeopathy of mother & infant Borland Douglas.M

163. Digestive drugs Borland Douglas.M

164. Children types Borland Douglas.M

165. The treatment of certain heart conditions Borland Douglas.M. Page 5
166. Homoeopathy today Boyd.H.W

167. Research on the low potencies of Homoeopathy Boyd.W.E

168. Cancer & cure through Miasmatics Latency Bradeley


169. Life & letters of Hahnemann Bradford

170. Index of homoeopathic provings Bradford

171. The effect of coffee Breyfogle.W.M

172. Catarrhal disease of nasal & respiratory organs Brigham

173. The outlines of Materia Medica & Clinical Dictionary Buck henry

174. The outline of regional symptomatology in Buck henry


175. Diseases of eye & ear Buffum.J.H

176. The best of Burnett(Materia medica, therapeutics Burnett.J.C &

& case records) Chitkara

177. Enlarged tonsils cured by Homoeopathy Burnett.J.C

178. Diseases of the spleen & their remedies clinically Burnett.J.C


179. Delicate, backward, puny and stunted children Burnett.J.C

180. Gold as a remedy in disease Burnett.J.C

181. The diseases of the liver Burnett.J.C

182. Diseases of the skin Burnett.J.C

183. Being fifty reasons for homoeopathy Burnett.J.C

184. The new cure for tuberculosis by its own virus Burnett.J.C

185. Curability of tumours by homoeopathic medicines Burnett.J.C

186. Curability of cataract with medicines Burnett.J.C

187. Ringworm, its constitutional nature & cure Burnett.J.C

188. Diseases of the veins Burnett.J.C

189. Fever & blood poisoning Burnett.J.C

190. Natrum muriaticum Burnett.J.C Page 6
191. On fistula & its radical cure by medicines Burnett.J.C

192. Vaccinosis & its cure by thuja Burnett.J.C

193. The change of life in women Burnett.J.C

194. Organ diseases of women & sterlity Burnett.J.C

195. Tumours of the breast & their treatment & cure by Burnett.J.C

196. Gout & its cure Burnett.J.C

197. New cure for consumption Burnett.J.C

198. On the prevention of Hare-lip, cleft-palate Burnett.J.C

199. Valvular disease fo the heart Burnett.J.C

200. On neuralgia its causes & its remedies Burnett.J.C

201. Physiological Materia medica Burt.W.H

202. Characteristic Materia medica Burt.W.H

203. Therapeutics of tuberculosis Burt.W.H

204. Diseases & their cure by Homoeopathy & Carandall.O.H


205. Biochemic system of medicine Materia Medica & Carey


206. Hom. In Medicine & surgery Carleton.E

207. Therapeutics of the respiratory organs Cartier francois

208. Logic of repertories Castro.J.B.D

209. Homoeopathy in emergencies (Revised) Castro.J.B.D

210. What a homoeopath should know before Castro.J.B.D


211. Cancer, cause, care & cure Castro.J.B.D

212. Commentary on case taking Castro.J.B.D

213. First steps in Homoeopathy Caspi, adiel

214. A handbook of Home remedies in Homoeopathy CCRH

215. A check list of homoeopathic medicinal plants of CCRH Page 7
India(revised edition)

216. Monograph: A proving of Abroma augusta folia CCRH

217. Monograph: A proving of Kali mur CCRH

218. Monograph: A proving of Cassia sophara CCRH

219. Monograph: A proving of Cynodon dactylon CCRH

220. Monograph: A proving of Aegle folia CCRH

221. Monograph: A proving of Aegle marmdos CCRH

222. Monograph: A proving of Atista indica CCRH

223. Monograph: A proving of Hydrocotyle asiatica CCRH

224. Monograph: A proving of terminalia chebuld CCRH

225. Monograph: A proving of ‘Boerhaavia diffusa’ CCRH

226. Monograph: A proving of ‘Carrica papaya’ CCRH

227. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Teeth’

228. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Mouth’

229. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Eye & Vision’

230. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Ear & Hearing’

231. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Larynx & Trachea, ‘Resp,
Cough, chest’
232. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH
repertory chapter ‘Nose’

233. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Mind’

234. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Throat’

235. Additions from Boericke’s repertory to kent’s CCRH

repertory chapter ‘Face’

236. Homoeopathic Drug Provings –VOL-1 conducted by CCRH


237. Homoeopathic Drug Provings – VOL-2 conducted CCRH


238. Standardization of Homoeopathic drugs – Vol-1 CCRH

239. Standardization of Homoeopathic drugs – Vol-2 CCRH Page 8
240. A handbook of medicinal plants used in CCRH

241. Hom. Drug personalities with therapeutic hints Chakraborty.A

242. Care & cure of Diabetics Chakraborty.D

243. First aid Homoeopathy for body & mind Chakraborty.D

244. An easy & interesting textbook of Homoeopathic Chakraborty.S.K

Materia Medica

245. Electro Hom. Pharmacope dis pharmacy & Materia Chakraborty.S


246. Analytical M.M of nosodes & bowel nosodes Chakravorty.S

247. Mother & child home care Chandgiram

248. Dr. schussler’s biochemistry Materia Medica, Chapman.J.B

therapeutics, repertory

249. Homoeopathy everybody’s self-healer Charles.D.Ewart

250. Valuable hints for practice & fundamentals of Chatterjee.T.P


251. High lights of homoeo practice Chatterjee.T.P

252. My memorable cures A step by Step Chatterjee.T.P

253. Important notes on homoeo remedies Chatterjee.T.P

254. A handbook of useful thoughts on homoeo-practice Chatterjee.T.P

& disease terminology

255. Golden hints on Hom. Practice Chatterjee.T.P

256. Tit-bits of homoeopathy with therapeutic index Chatterjee.T.P

257. Pointers, modalities & comparison of Hom. Chatterjee.A.N


258. A complete book of cardiovascular system for Chattopadhyay

homoeopaths rajat

259. Expressive drug pictures of Hom. Mat. Med. Chauhan.R.K

260. Short book of Hom. Clinical rheumatology Chauhan.V.K /

Meeta gupta

261. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Chauhan.V.K /

Homoeopathyic update Meeta gupta

262. Essential hypertension prediction, prevention & Chauhan.V.K /

Hom. Treatment Meeta gupta

263. Preliminary guidelines for research in Hom. Chauhan.V.K /

Meeta gupta

264. Affective disorders psychological theories & Hom. Chauhan.V.K /

Approach Meeta gupta Page 9
265. Viral hepatitis B clinical Hom. Update Chauhan.V.K /
Meeta gupta

266. Hom. Spotlight on clinical aspects of Asthma Chauhan.V.K /

Meeta gupta

267. The soul of the spirit in substances Chetna.N.Shukla

268. Food similia – the individualized diet Chetna.N.Shukla

269. New comprehensive homoeopathic materia medica Chitkara.H.L

of mind

270. Best of burnett Chitkara.H.L

271. Relationship of homoepathic remedies A new Chitkara.H.L


272. Update addition to repertory of mind Chitkara.H.L

273. Definitive dictionary of terminologies of mind in Chitkara.H.L


274. Group study of remedies related to the rubric Chitkara.H.L

275. Repertory of stiriking – rubrics of mind in Chitkara.H.L


276. Indications of miasms (2nd edition) Choudhury.H

277. Fifty millesimal potency in theory & practice Choudhury.H

278. A study of materia medica Choudhury.N.M

279. LM potency Choudhary,


280. A.B.C. manual of materia medica & therapeutics Clarke.G.H

281. Homoeopathic treatment of asthenopia Clarke.G.H

282. Condensed homoeopathic Materia medica & Clarke.J.H


283. Decachords – top ten indications of 120 Clarke.J.H

homoeopathic remedies

284. Homoeopathy explained Clarke.J.H

285. Constitutional medicines Clarke.J.H

286. Cholera, diarrhoea & dysentery Clarke.J.H

287. Gunpowder as a war remedy Clarke.J.H

288. Indigestion: its cause & cure Clarke.J.H

289. Whooping cough Clarke.J.H Page 10
290. Diseases of heart & arteries Clarke.J.H

291. Catarrhal, colds & grippe Clarke.J.H

292. Diseases of the glands & bones with homoepathic Clarke.J.H


293. The cure of tumours by medicines Clarke.J.H

294. Grand characteristic of Materia Medica Clarke.J.H

295. Dictionary of practical Materia Medica Clarke.J.H

296. The prescriber Clarke.J.H

297. A clinical repertory to the dictionary of Hom. Clarke.J.H

298. Therapeutic of serpent poison Clarke.J.H

299. Dictionary of the domestic medicine Clarke.J.H

300. Radium as an internal remedy Clarke.J.H

301. Organon of medicine Clarke.J.H

302. Therapeutics of cancer Clarke.J.H

303. Revolution in homeopathy Clarke.J.H

304. Haemorrhoids & Habitual constipation Clarke.J.H

305. A bird eye view of Hahnemann Organon of Clarke.J.H


306. The genius of Homoeopathy. Lectures & essays on Close stuart

Hom. Philosophy with word index

307. The biochemic therapy of schussler Cogswel, John.W

308. Preventive medicine with no side effect Compton.F.L

309. What is Homoeopathy Conquest

310. Obstetric mentor Contant.C.M

311. Hahemann his life & times Cook Trevor.M

312. Cancer & cancer symptoms Cooper Robert.T

313. Homoeopathic first –aid the curing of injuires Cotter Thomas /

edythe lindley

314. Homoeopathy in the curing of Acne & related Cotter Thomas /

illness edythe lindley Page 11
315. Homoeopathy in the curing of Cancers Cotter Thomas /
edythe lindley

316. Homoeopathy in the curing of Dental problems Cotter Thomas /

edythe lindley

317. Homoeopathy in the curing of Herpes Cotter Thomas /

edythe lindley

318. Homoeopathy in the curing of High blood pressure Cotter Thomas /

edythe lindley

319. Homoeopathy in the curing of Obesity Cotter Thomas /

edythe lindley

320. Homoeopathy in the curing of Psychological Cotter Thomas /

Problems edythe lindley

321. Homoeopathy in the curing of Colds, Flu & other Cotter Thomas /
Respiratory illness edythe lindley

322. Homoeopathy in the curing of Arthritis, Cotter Thomas /

Rheumatism & related illness edythe lindley

323. Homoeopathy in the curing of Aids & Prevention Cotter Thomas /

of Aids edythe lindley

324. Aids & syphilis – the hidden links(2nd edition) Coulter.H.L

325. Text book of gynaecology Cowperthwaite

326. A text book of Materia Medica & therapeutics Cowperthwaite

327. Disorders of menstruation Cowperthwaite

328. Leucorrhoea Cushing

329. Asiatic cholera Dake

330. Organon of medicine (3 vols) Das.A.K

331. Select your remedy Das bishamber

332. Synopsis & Hom. Aetiology - A complete work of Das eswara


333. History & status of Homoeopathy around the world Das eswara

334. Therapeutic hints Das gupta


335. Characteristic Materia Medica with leading Das gupta

therapeutics dhirendra

336. Principles of electro Homoeopathic treatment & Das.M.R

organon of medicine

337. A synopsis of Homoeopathic philosophy & Das.S.R

condensed repertory

338. Homoeopathy for every home Davidson.M

339. Therapeutic guide for quick prescribing Dayal.D Page 12
340. The science & art of case taking Data, ashis

341. Diseases of the skin Dearborn.F.M

342. Learning Materia Medica & repertory the quiz way Deepak.M.R

343. Repetition of remedies Delmas / Kent

344. How to find the similimum with Boger- Desai bhanu

Boenninghausen’s repertory

345. Coma Desai, Bhanu

346. Re-exploring our magnificient plants (I) Desai rupal

347. Re-exploring our magnificient plants (II) Desai rupal

348. Classical Homoeopathic practice a scientific Deshmukh anurag


349. Homoeopathy as a career Deshmukh rashmin

350. You can be an expert prescriber Deshmukh rashmin

351. In the practice of Hom. Applied repertory Devika.A

352. Health harmony healing Devika.A

353. Practical Homoeopathy therapeutics Dewey.W.A

354. Essentials of Homoeopathy therapeutics Dewey.W.A

355. Essentials of Materia Medica & pharmacy Dewey.W.A

356. A bouquet of nux vomica Dey.M

357. The tongue symptoms in clinical diagnosis Dey.M

358. Clinical case reports on constitutional prescribing Dey.S.P

359. Essentials of principles & practice of Homoeopathy Dey.S.P

360. Bronchial asthma an integrated approach Dey.S.P

361. Hom – A complete handbook Dhama

362. Rheumatism, sciatica & Spondylosis Dhama

363. ICR symposium-3 vol Dhawle.M.I

364. ICR operational manual Dhawale.M.I Page 13
365. Principles & practice Vol.1 Dhawale.M.L

366. I.C.R. operational manual Dhawale.M.L

367. Kent’s comparative repertory of materia medica Dockx

368. Comp. Handbook of Hom. (English) Dhama.K.P.S

369. Perceiving 1 Dhawle.M.I

370. Priciples & practice of Homoeopathy part-I Dhawale.M.I

371. What to do for stomach Dienst

372. What to do for head Dienst

373. Compendium of lectures on Homoeopathy Diwan.H.C

374. Micro-doses mega results clinical cases Diwan.H.C

375. Homoeopathy heart & gerratrics Diwan.H.C

376. Iconography of Hahnemann –A pilgrimage Diwan Harish


377. Kent’s comparative repertory of Homoeopathic Dockx

Materia Medica

378. Fifty reasons for being a homeopath Donald hotton

379. Skin diseases Douglas.M.E

380. Pearls of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Douglas.M.E

381. The treatment of certain heart conditions Douglas.M.E

382. The miasms a discussion & summary with Drew peter

emphasis on carcinosinum the cancer miasm

383. 21st century Homoeopathy its practice simplified Drew peter

384. Practitioner’s guide to gall bladder stones & kidney Dua.s


385. Oral diseases & Homoeopathy – tonsil, gums, Dua.s


386. Manage & cure neck pain, cervical spondylosis Dua.s

387. Balance & treat this hidden illness know & solve Dua.s
thyroid problems

388. Consititutional remedies through intersesting short Dua.s


389. Homoeopathic self healing guide – for beginners Dua.s Page 14
390. Nail care A complete solution to your nail problems Dua.s

391. Hair care – A complete solution to your hair Dua.s


392. The voice of Homoeopathy Dubey.R

393. Textbook of Materia Medica Dubey S.K.K

394. Organon of Medicine(5th & 6th edition combined) R.E Dudgeon

395. Lectures on the theory &practice of homoeopathy R.E Dudgeon

396. Lesser writings of hahnemann R.E Dudgeon

397. Hahnemann;s Therapeutics Hints R.E Dudgeon

398. Lectures on Materia Medica Dunham.C

399. The principles of Homoeopathy – science of Dunham.C


400. How to take a case Dunham.C

401. Homoeopathic treatment- systemized & simplified Dutta.A.C

402. Homoeopathy in light of modern science Dutta.A.C

403. Homoeo practitioner’s guide to disease Dutta.A.C

404. Homoeo snap shot prescriber Dutta.A.C

405. Homoeopathy A systematics of case records Dutta.A.C

406. Some aspects of the treatment of the scourage of Dutta.M.C

the cancer

407. Essay on Homoeopathy psyche & substance Edward.C.whitmont

408. Homoeopathic therapeutics of Uterine & Vaginal Eggert.W


409. Bed-wetting Farokh.J.Master

410. A patient’s guide to Homoeopathy Farokh.J.Master

411. Perceiving rubrics of mind (II edition) Farokh.J.Master

412. Hair loss including of explained & analysis Farokh.J.Master

413. Homoeopathy in cancer Farokh.J.Master

414. Sycotic shame analysis Farokh.J.Master Page 15
415. Mysterious thuja Farokh.J.Master

416. Mr. Lycopodium Farokh.J.Master

417. St. Ignatius Bean Farokh.J.Master

418. Tubercular Miasm-Tuberculines Farokh.J.Master

419. Sandy silicea Farokh.J.Master

420. Dictionary of dreams in Homoeopathy Farokh.J.Master

421. Web spinners Farokh.J.Master

422. Tumours & Homoeopathy Farokh.J.Master

423. Homoeopathy in cervical spondilosis Farokh.J.Master

424. The fascinating fungi Farokh.J.Master

425. Cross reference of mind symptoms Farokh.J.Master

426. Agitated argentums Farokh.J.Master

427. The bedside organon of medicine Farokh.J.Master

428. Acid-base disorders Farokh.J.Master

429. Naja-naja-naja Farokh.J.Master

430. Snakes in homoepathic grass Farokh.J.Master

431. Ammonium the sour prunes Farokh.J.Master

432. Suppressed staphysagria Farokh.J.Master

433. The state of mind that influences the fetus Farokh.J.Master

434. A proving of Moccasin snake Toxicophis Farokh.J.Master

435. Bedside clinical tips Farokh.J.Master

436. Bach flower rem. For everyone Master farokh.J

437. Homoeopathy for you Farooqui, irshad.H

438. New revised lectures on clinical Materia Medica Farrington.E.A

439. The comparative Materia Medica Farrington.E.A Page 16
440. Lesser writings with therapeutic hints Farrington.E.A

441. Therapeutic pointers Farrington.E.A

442. Homoeopathy & Hom prescribing-A study course Farrington.H

for gruadate physican

443. 1001 human desires & aversion Fayazuddin.M

444. The master key to asthmatic problems Fayazuddin.M

445. International Homoeopathic forum for cough Fayazuddin.M


446. Poly pharmacy & Homoeopathy Fayazuddin.M

447. Enlarged tonsil & Adenoids Fayazuddin.M

448. Arnica Montana Fayazuddin.M

449. Succus calendula Fayazuddin.M

450. Arsenicum – album Fayazuddin.M

451. The women at menopause Fayazuddin.M

452. Conquer the internal enemy Fayazuddin.M

453. Treat the mind of children Fayazuddin.M

454. Treatment of sinusitis Fayazuddin.M

455. Hypericum Fayazuddin.M

456. Caution on the use of remedies Fayazuddin.M

457. Kali mur in daily use Fayazuddin.M

458. Naja & Crataegus ox in heart complex Fayazuddin.M

459. Diseased conditions as we met in every day Fayazuddin.M


460. Simple treatment of piles Fayazuddin.M

461. How to over come fatigue Fayazuddin.M

462. Morbif fears & Anxieties Fayazuddin.M

463. Remedies for easy delivery Fayazuddin.M

464. Homoeopathy for all professionals Fayazuddin.M Page 17
465. Health problems of old age Fayazuddin.M

466. Coping with chemotherapy using Homoeopathy Fenton laura

467. Diseases of children Fisher.C.E

468. Homoeopathy obstetrics-emergencies Fisher.C.E

469. Brief history of the founder & discovery of the Foster

system of Hom.

470. Beginner’s guide to Homoeopathic practice Foster

471. Toothache & its Hom. Cure Foster

472. The carcinosin Drug pictures Foubister

473. Homoeopathy & paediatrics Foubister

474. The significance of past history in Homoeopathy Foubister

475. Lac canium Foubister

476. Constitutional effect of anesthesia Foubister

477. Therapeutic hints for students of Hom. Foubister

478. Homoeopathy for every home, every family Fouzuddin

479. Concordant Materia Medica Frans vermeulen

480. The conquest of disease French.A.C

481. Repertory Faulkner

482. Phychism Homoeopathy Gallawardin.J.P

483. The Homoeopathy treatment of alcoholism Gallawardin.J.P

484. Repertory of Psychic medicines with Materia Gallawardin.J.P


485. Selected case reports: some experiences of a Ganesh, Sundari

practicing Homoeopath

486. Comparative study on Kent’s Materia Medica Gaskin.A

487. Disease of the lungs their pathology & Gatchell

symptomatology diagnosis & Homoeopathy
488. Concordance repertory of Materia Medica (6 Vols Gentry.W.D

489. The rubrical & regional textbook of the Hom. Gentry.W.D

Materia Medica section in the ureter & urinary Page 18

490. An illustrated repertory of pain inchest, sides & Gergg Rosllin.R


491. Chronic disease Ghatak &


492. Homoeopathic practical Materia Medica of 332 Ghosal


493. History of Homoeopathy in India Ghosh

494. Food desires & aversion with their effect Ghosh.B.K

495. Understanding rubric part-1 Ghosh, niva

496. Essential medicines for gastro-intestinal diseases Ghosh.S

497. Clinical experience with some rare nosodes Ghosh.S.K

498. Elements of Homoeopathy Gibson.D.M

499. Fear & Homoeopathy Gibson.D.M

500. Symptoms alone Gibson.D.M

501. Diseases of the nose Gilchrist.J.C

502. Diseases of the anus & rectum Gilchrist.J.C

503. Homoeopathy in surgical cases (ENT, eye Dental) Girish.J.Soni

504. Stepping stones to electro-Homoeopathy Gliddon.A.J.L

505. Introduction to new science of electro- Gliddon.A.J.L


506. The treatment of various diseases Gliddon.A.J.L

507. Efficacy of electro-Homoeopathy Gliddon.A.J.L

508. People of M.M world Gladwin

509. Measles, mumps, chickenpox & whooping cough Goddard.J

510. The family, Homoeopathy & you Goddard.J

511. Coughs: rubrics & remedies Goddard.J

512. Manual & clinical repertory of tissue remedies Goltz.M.E.G.V.D

513. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants Gopi.K.S

514. Cancer & Homoeopathy Goswami.P.C Page 19
515. Comparative Materia Medica Gross.H

516. Principles & practice of Homoeopathy in obstetrics Guernsey.H.N

& the disorders with nearly one hundred
517. Key notes of Materia Medica Guernsey.H.N

518. A repertory of desires & aversions Guernsey.W.J

519. The Homoeopathic therapeutics of Hemorrhoids Guernsey.W.J

520. Keynotes of Materia Medica Guernsey.W.J

521. Menstruation Guernsey.W.J

522. A plain talks on avoided subjects Guernsey.W.J

523. A perfect cure through Homoeopathy & perfection Gulati.K.R

of pulse examination

524. Introduction to Homoeopathy prescribing Gunavante.S.M

525. Probing the mind & other guiding symptoms Gunavante.S.M

526. Perceiving crucial symptoms Gunavante.S.M

527. The genius of Homoeopathic remedies Gunavante.S.M

528. Amazing power of Homoeopathy Gunavante.S.M

529. How to be Homoeopathic healer Gunavante.S.M

530. First aid with Homoeopathy Gunavante.S.M

531. Organon of medicine at a glance for B.H.M.S Gupta.A.C

students Part I & II

532. Materia Medica of bowel nosodes Gupta.A.C

533. The problem child & Homoeopathy Gupta.A.K

534. Encyclopedia of Materia Medica Gupta.B.P

535. Directory of disease & cures in Homoeopathy part- Gupta.R.L


536. Directory of disease & cures in Homoeopathy part- Gupta.R.L


537. Unique combinations of clinical cases Gupta.R.L

538. The basics of Hom. (2 vols in one) Gupta.R.L Page 20
539. 3000 prescriptions in Hom. (2 vols in one) Gupta.R.L

540. Advance directory Gupta.R.L

541. Scientific Homoeopathy in sick-bed Gupta.R.L

542. What if well selected remedy fails in Homoeopathy Gupta.S.C

543. Precautions in Homoeopathic remedies Gupta.S.C

544. Textbook of dermatology for Homoeopaths Gupta &


545. Homoeopathy Gutman

546. His life & work samuel Hahnemann Haehl Richard

547. Hahnemann’s own written revised organon of Hahnemann.S

medicine (6th edition)

548. The chronic diseases their peculiar nature & their Hahnemann.S
Hom. Cure – theoretical part

549. Chronic diseases (theory & practice 2 vols) Hahnemann.S

550. Materia Medica Pura (2 Vols) Hahnemann.S

551. The lesser writings of samuel hahnemann Hahnemann.S

552. Brief history of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann Hahnemann.S

553. The life & letter of Dr Samuel Hahnemann Hahnemann.S

554. Life & work of Samuel hahnemann (2 vols) Hahnemann.S

555. Life of Christian.S.hahnemann – founder of Hahnemann.S


556. Samuel Hahnemann His life & times Hahnemann.S

557. The spirit of Homoeopathy & biographical sketch of Hahnemann.S


558. Hahnemann’s Materia Medica (Pura & chronic Hahnemann.S


559. Symptoms of latent psora & Horrors Hahnemann.S

560. Notes on cholera Hahnemann.S

561. Treatise on effect of coffee Hahnemann.S

562. Consultation blank Hahnemann.S

563. Bach flower remedies for animals Halan graham &

Gregory vlamir Page 21
564. Diseases of the Heart Hale Edwin

565. Materia Medica & therapeutics of new remedies (2 Hale Edwin


566. Lectures on diseases of chest Hale.E.M

567. The flora Homoeopathica illustration & desription Hamilton.E.D

of the medicinal plants used as Homoeopathic
568. Sexual health (Modern Hom. Treatment) Hanchett.H.G

569. Modern domestic medicine Hanchett.H.G

570. 50 millesimal potencies Hapco

571. Homoeopathy in veterinary Harndall

572. Dental carries & pyorrhea Hari singh

573. Kent’s complete M.M. vol.1 Hari singh

574. Synthetic Materia Medica of mind Hari singh

575. The principles & practice of Repertorisation Harinadham.K

576. Homoeopathy in veterinary practice Harndall

577. Therapeutics of nervous diseases Hart.C.P

578. Cancer & its Homoeopathic treatment Hatta.B.S

579. Hatta pocket repertory Hatta.B.S

580. Systemized M.M of respiratory system Hatta.B.S

581. Comparative keynotes repertory of respiratory Hatta.B.S


582. Hatta’s key card Rep. Of characteristics generals Hatta.B.S


583. Pulse repertory Hawes

584. Characteristic indications of prominent remedies Hawkes.W.J

585. The science of Homoeopathic therapeutics (I & II Hempel charles.J


586. Hering’s guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica Hering Constantine

587. The Homoeopathic domestic physician Hering Constantine

588. Model cures Hering Constantine Page 22
589. Analytical repertory of the symptoms of mind Hering Constantine

590. Condensed Materia Medica Hering Constantine

591. The Homoeopathic treatment of children pediatric Herscu Paul

constitutional types

592. Life of Christian Samuel hahnemann – founder of Hobhouse R.W


593. Gynaecology therapeutics Honap, sharda.N

594. Homoeopathy for common ailments Hayfield robin

595. Unnecessary tonsil operation Hoyle.E.perite

596. Clinical therapeutics (2 vols) Hoyne temple

597. Veneral in Homoeopathy & urinary diseases Hoyne temple

598. A manual of pharmacodynamics Hughes R

599. A cyclopedia of drug pathogenesy with repertory Hughes R

(5 vols)

600. Repertory of drug pathogenesy Hughes R

601. The knowledge of the physician – A course of Hughes R


602. The principles & practice of Homoeopathy (2 vols) Hughes R

603. 700 redline symptoms Hutchinson

604. A small guide to the principles of Homoeopathic I.B.P.S


605. Index to kent’s repertory I.B.P.S

606. The proving of Homoeopathy I.B.P.S

607. Homoeopathy in paediatric practice Imhausser Hedwig

608. Homoeopathy the science & art of healing Ismail.S.M

609. Homoeopathy & cancer Ismail.S.M

610. Beginner’s guide to Homoeopathy Iyer.T.S

611. Practice of Homoeopathy at home for a family Jadhav.B.B

612. 500 therapeutic pointers Jadhav.R.Y

613. Therapeutic guide – forty years practice Jahr.G.H.G Page 23
614. Homoeo treatment of the diseases of the female & Jahr.G.H.G
infant at breast.

615. Perceiving Jain, arvind

616. Taste, odour, likes & dislikes Jain.J.K

617. Homoeopathic first aid in emergencies Jain.J.K

618. Guide to repertory Jain.J.K

619. Highlights of Homoeopathy Materia Medica Jain.J.P

including therapeutic index

620. Holistic living with Nature Jain.K.L

621. Rheumatism & Holistic approach Jain narandra

622. The Rep + Mat series: urinary organs Jain / Nanda

623. The Rep + Mat series: Cough Jain / Nanda

624. The Rep + Mat series: Enuresis Jain / Nanda

625. Essential pediatrics Jain, pravin

626. Easy & simple keynotes Jain, Pravin

627. Encyclopedia of mind (as it is) Jain, Pravin

628. Biochemic tissue remedies Jain, ramesh

629. Universal mineral Materia Medica Jain, ramesh

630. Defeat joint pains with Homoeopathy & other Jain ritu
alternative therapies

631. The Q of queries in Homoeopathy Jain, virendra.S

632. Clinical Homoeopathy A to Z Homoeopathy Jayasuriya.A

633. Therapeutical Materia Medica Jessen.H.C

634. Therapeutic guide – 40 years practice Jhar,.G.H.G

635. Family Homoeopathy John ellis

636. The science & art of Homoeopathy John wier

637. Hahnemann on Homoeopathic phiolosphy John wier

638. Homoeopathy a system of therapeutics John wier Page 24
639. Difficulties in Homoeopathic prescribing John wier

640. Homoeopathy (A scince of drug therapy) John wier

641. Hom. An explanation John wier

642. Taking a case Johnson

643. The totality of symptoms Johnson

644. Introduction to sycosis in importance as a miasms Johnson

645. Therapeutic key Johnson.I.D

646. Homoeopathy family guide Johnson.I.D

647. Asthma Jollyman.N.W

648. My Practice of Homoeopathy Jollyman.N.W

649. Goog health – naturally – without drugs Jollyman.N.W

Sl. No: Name of Book Author

650. Classical lectures on polychrest remedies & Jonathan shore
children diseases – explained with classical
651. Classical lectures on remedy selection- Jonathan shore
lycopodium, Zincum met & calcarea - explained
classical diseases
652. Classical lectures on peadiatrics - explained Jonathan shore
with classical diseases

653. Classical lectures on evaluation first Jonathan shore

prescription & second prescription - explained
classical diseases
654. Dyspepsia & gastric ulcers Jousett.P

655. Integrated Homoeopathic repertory vol-I (Mind) Juggal kishore

656. Instestinal nosodes of Bach paterson Julian.O.A

657. Materia Medica of nosodes with repertory Julian.O.A

658. Dictionary of Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Julian.O.A

131 new therapeutics

659. External applications in clinical Homoeopathic Kakkar, dhiraj


660. Therapeutic guide to common diseases of adult Kamthan.P.S

& children

661. How Homoeopathy cures mania, melancholia Kamthan.P.S

and madness

662. Homeopathic therapy for Gout, Arthritis & Kamthan.P.S Page 25
Rheumatism with Concomitants

663. Remedies for pains and warts Kamthan.P.S

664. Remedies for skin & Bone diseases Kamthan.P.S

665. The haemorrhage controller Kamthan.P.S

666. Respiratory, cardiac & urinary diseases Kamthan.P.S

667. How to cure headache, facial neuralgia, Kamthan.P.S

glaucoma, toothache etc. with Homoeopathy

668. Cancer curable under Homoeopathic treatment Kamthan.P.S

669. The Homoeopathic first-aid prescriber Kamthan.S.K

670. Repertorisation Kanjilal.J.N

671. Dr. James tyler Kent Kanjila.T

672. Illustrated Materia Medica Kansal Kamal

673. You & your child a family guide Kansal Kamal

674. Guide to practice of medicine (II edition) Kansal Kamal

675. Homoeopathy family kit Kansal Kamal

676. Diabetes mellitus Kansal Kamal

677. Constipation homeopathic treatment Kansal Kamal

678. Homoeopathic treatment of dental diseases Kansal Kamal

679. Homoeopathic treatment of pet animals Kansal Kamal

680. Clinical ophthalmology Kansal Kamal

681. Handbook of biochemic guide for common Kansal kaml


682. Wonders of a single dose in Homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D

683. Life saving drugs in Homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D

684. Advanced homeopathy Kanodia.K.D

685. Quick prescriber in homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D

686. Danger zones in homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D

687. The concept of miasms in Homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D Page 26
688. A study supplement to kent’s lectures on Kanodia.K.D
Materia Medica

689. Some essential references in repertory Kanodia.K.D

690. Table talk on Homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D

691. 200 years of Homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D

692. Secrets of sure & quick result in Homoeopathy Kanodia.K.D

693. A concise M.M of mental symptoms Kanodia.K.D

694. Augmented supplement of Dr.W.M.Boericke Kanodia.K.D

695. Augmented supplement of lectures on M.M by Kanodia.K.D

Dr. J.T.Kent

696. Single remedy cure Kapoor.R.K

697. Easy family guide to Homoeopathy Karunakaran.T.K

698. Children diseases Karo

699. Diseases of repiratory system Karo

700. Women diseases Karo

701. Rheumatism Karo

702. Diseases of skin Karo

703. Diseases of male genital tract Karo

704. Urinary prostatic troubles Karo

705. Iscador – therapy of cancer Kasad.K.N

706. Remedy selection made easy – the art of Keith souter


707. Prescribing methods Keith souter

708. Homoeopathy heart & soul Keith souter

709. Homoeopathic remedies for middle & old age Keith souter

710. The treatment of general diseases in electro- Kennidy.S


711. Repertory of the Hom. Materia Medica with a Kent james tyler
word & thumb index

712. Lectures on Materia Medica with new remedies Kent james tyler Page 27
713. Lectures on Homoeopathic philosophy with Kent james tyler
word index

714. Use of the repertory – how to study of the Kent james tyler
repertory & repertorsing

715. New Rem. Clinical cases, lesser writing Kent james tyler

716. What the doctor need to know inorder to make Kent james tyler
a successful prescription

717. Minimum syndrome of maximum value thuja Khan.L.M


718. Pleasure of prescribing Khan.L.M

719. Curse of civilization: Allergy Khan.L.M

720. A treatise on Homoeopathic pharmacy Khan.L.M

721. Ignatia in cancer Khan.L.M

722. Wisdom in imponderabilia Khan.L.M

723. Wisdom of sarcodes Khan.L.M

724. Prognosis Khan.L.M

725. Introduction to repertories based on Dr. Kent’s Khanaj.V.R


726. Reperire – repertory simplified Khanaj.V.R

727. Illustrated guide to the Homoeopathic Khaneja.H.S

treatment (2nd edition)

728. Cancer - an illustrated guide to the treatment Khaneja.H.S

of cancer

729. Illustrated guide to the treatment of heart Khaneja.H.S


730. ACSOTROM – A comparative study of the Khedekar.S.A /

rubrics of mind Upadhyay.C.R

731. Heal thyself – A Homoeopathic guide to Khokhar.P.S

common diseases

732. My experiments with Homoeopathic Khokhar.P.S

combinations (6th edition)

733. Back pain & Homoeopathy Khokhar.P.S

734. Aching pain Khullar.R.L

735. Piles, fissure, fistula. Index & repertory Khullar.R.L

736. Wounds Khullar.R.L

737. Infection(epidemic & prophylactic) Khullar.R.L Page 28
738. Injury Khullar.R.L

739. Abscess & boils Khullar.R.L

740. Mind – miasms & personality Khullar.R.L

741. Emergency Khullar.R.L

742. Constitutions Khullar.R.L

743. Toxicosis Khullar.R.L

744. Swelling Khullar.R.L

745. Environment Khullar.R.L

746. Acute ailments Khullar.R.L

747. Descriptive medicines with clinical methods of Kichu & Bose

Homoeopathic therapeutics

748. A repertory of gonorrhoea Kimball.R.L

749. Materia Medica for students Vol-I Kinra & Uniyal

750. Materia Medica for students Vol-II Kinra & Uniyal

751. Handbook diseases of the skin Kippax john

752. Evolution of Homoeopathic repertories & Kishore jugal


753. Our adventures with Homoeopathy Kishore jugal

754. Integrated Homoeopathy repertory Vol-1 Kishore jugal


755. Epsom salt its value & use & cleasing saline salt Knags.H.V

756. Repertory of herring’s guiding symptoms of our Knerr.C.B

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757. Drug relationship Knerr.C.B

758. The conversation, Talks, life & times of herring Knerr.C.B

759. Forty tissue remedies Kodandaramaiha

760. Clinical experience of 70 years in homoeopathy Koppikar.S.P

761. A new course of electro-Homoeopathy Krauss

762. The electro-Homoeopathy method of treatment Krauss Page 29
763. Electro-Homoeopathy nervous & mental Krauss

764. Talks on snake poisons, metals, acids, nosodes Krishan kumar.P

used as homoeopathic medicine

765. The women – female problems and their cure Krishan kumar.P

766. The man – sexual problems and their cure Krishan kumar.P

767. The essence of each drug in Materia Medica Krishan kumar.P

768. A guide to Homoeopathic treatment in heart Krishna kumar.P


769. Malignant growths & Homoeopathic treatment Krishna kumar.P

(part I, II, III)

770. Beginner’s guide to bach flower remedies Krishnamurthy

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short repertory on emergencies

772. A select Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Vol I & Kulkarni Ajit.K


773. Kali family with special reference to relationship Kulkarni, Ajit

of remedies

774. The law of similiars in medical science Kulkarni, Ajit

775. Homoeopathic posology Kullarni, Ajit

776. Surgery therapeutics Kulkarni shrikant

777. Gynaecology & obstetrics therapeutics Kulkarni shrikant

778. A practical guide to electro-Homoeopathy Kulkarni.K.M

779. Homoeopathy in rheumatism including arthritis, Kumar.S.L

cervical spondylitis, Gout & Sciatica

780. Self treatment of common diseases Kumar.H.P

781. Pharnocodynamics in electropathy Kundu debashish

782. Natural medicine Kundu / Awan

783. M.M. pharmacy & Practice of medicine in Kundu.D


784. Lectures on M.M. therapeutics Kundu.D

785. Aids & Homoeopathy Kundu / Rahman

786. Inimicals & Antidotals in Homoeopathy Kundu / Sudeshna

787. The golden beads – A complication from Clarke, Kunj.A.K.C Page 30
Blackwood, Allen, Boericke, Kent Materia
788. Hom. Therapeutics as applied to obstetrics Leavitt.S

789. Cough & expectoration Lee & Clark

790. Index of symptoms as an avoid diagnosis Leftwich.R.W

791. Homoeopathy human medicine Leon vanner

792. Hom. & chemotherapy Lesser

793. Text book of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Lesser otto

794. Curing common ailments by Homoeopathy Lewis.Joe Antony

795. Homoeopathy cure for sexually transmitted Lewis.Joe Antony


796. Homoeopathic therapeutics Lilienthal.S

797. A treatise on diseases of the skin Lilienthal.S

798. Textbook of Materia Medica Lippe.A.D

799. Key-notes of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Lippe.A.Von

800. Keynotes & redline symptoms of Materia Medica Lippe.A.Von

801. Repertory to the more characteristic symptoms Lippe const

802. Gold aurum metallicum Louise.M.L

803. The therapeutics of facial & sciatic Neuralgias Lutze.F.H

804. Duration of action of Antidotes Lutze.F.H

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808. Poultry Homoeopathy Madrewar.B.P

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810. Tea, Tobacco & Homoeopathy Maharaja.K.N

811. Utility of indigenous plants in electropathy Mahajan.R.T

system of medicine Page 31
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814. Homoeopathic Emergency therapeutics Singh Mahendra

815. A collection on Carcinosinum Singh Mahendra

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817. Homoeopathy at a glance Magit.W.James

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822. The spirit of Homoeopathic science (vital force) Mamgain.S.K

823. A handbook of pathogenesis medicines for Mamgain.S.K

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824. A handbook of pathogenesis medicines Mamgain.S.K

medicines for blood pressure

825. A handbook of pathogenesis medicines Mamgain.S.K

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830. Infertility Mangla, paras

831. Homoeopathy & mind Mann, Amarjit singh

832. Gentle healing with Homoeopathy Maria richberg.I

833. Diabetes mellitus – its diagnosis & treatment Mathur.K.N

834. Systemic Materia Medica of Hom. Remedies Mathur.K.N

835. Principles of prescribing Mathur.K.N

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838. Homoeopathy for layman A book for every Mathur.R.S


839. The Homoeopathy principles in therapeutics Mcgavack.T.H

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842. The principles of electro-Homoeopathy – A new Mattei.C.C


843. Vade Mecum with electro-Homoeopathy Mattei.C.C

844. Repertory of the diseases of mother & new Meera


845. Illustrated Mat. Med. Of dreams, Delusions, Meera


846. More miracles of Hom. Healing Menon

847. Some constitutional remedies Menon

848. Relationship of remedies & sides of the body Miller.R.G

849. A synopsis of Homoeopathy philosophy Miller.R.G

850. Public health & Homoeopathy for HIV in India Mills Edward

851. Practice of medicine Mills walter

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students bhusan

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856. The schism in medical science Mitchell

857. Tissue remedies – A compliation from Mitra.B.N

Biochemics & Homoeopathy (IV edn)

858. Accurate Homoeopathy Modi, sanjay

859. Organon of medicine simplified Modi.S.N

860. Homoeopathy therapeutics in ophthalmology Moffat john.L

861. A retrospective study on potency problem Mohanty.N Page 33
862. Text book of repertory Mohanty.N

863. Principle & practice on Diet Mohanty.N

864. A therapeutics of Indian drugs Mohanty.N

865. Bowel nosodes in pages of BBC repertory Mohanty.N

866. Bowel nosodes in the pages of Kent’s repertory Mohanty.N

867. Repertory of bowel nosodes Mohanty.N

868. Case taking, receiving & recording Mohanty.N

869. Lesser writing Mohanty.N

870. Research methodology Mohanty.N

871. Organon in the study of repertory Mohanty.N

872. Evolution / unfolding of Homoeopathic Mohanty.N


873. Spirit of the Organon-vol I Mondal Tapan


874. Spirit of the Organon -vol II Mondal Tapan


875. Spirit of the Organon –vol III Mondal Tapan


876. Common diseases but uncommon fate Mondal, Tapan


877. A bir’s eye view on organon of medicine with Mondal tapan

logic & philosophy Chandra

878. Methods of memorizing the Materia Medica Monroe.A.L

879. Dog diseases treated by Homoeopathy Moore james

880. Collected seminas from modern classical

masters (10 vol set)

881. Diabetes mellitus Morgan

882. Pregnancy Morgan

883. Introduction to psychology Morgan

884. Homoeopathic medicines for preganacy & Moskowitz Richard


885. Migraine & its Homoeopathic treatment Mount.S.J.I

886. Constitution & temperament & A character on Mukherji.R.K

morphology of hands Page 34
887. Miasm, sycosis & syphilis (revised) Mukherji.R.K

888. Hom. Dose & dilutions Mukherji.R.K

889. Colibscillosis & its Homoeopathyic treatment Mukherji.R.K

890. Introduction to the principles of Repertorisation Munir ahmed

891. Research methodology Munir ahmed.R

892. Dissertation made easy Munir ahmed.R

893. Surgery & Homoeopathic therapeutics Murgod.M.S

894. A repertory of Bowel nososdes Muray Feldman

895. Lotus Materia Medica (2nd edition) Murphy robin

896. Hom. Medical repertory (2nd edition) Murphy robin

897. Robin murphy’s commentary on Organon of Murphy robin

medicine (6th edition)

898. Case analysis & prescribing techniques Murphy robin

899. Key notes of Materia Medica , commentary & Murphy robin

group discussion (5 vols set)

900. Pharmaceutical science in Homoeopathy & Murphy robin


901. Hand book of Materia Medica & therapeutics of Muzumdar.K.P


902. Lectures on Hom. Therapeutics Muzumdar.K.P

903. Pharmaceutical science in Homoeopathy & Muzumdar.K.P


904. Pharmacokinship – A detailed study of Nambison,

relationship of Hom. Remedies K.M.Nisanth

905. Homoeopathic therapy for living with allergies Nanda.D

906. Homoeopathic therapy for first-Aid Nanda.D

907. Mother tinctures in clinical practice Nanda.D

908. Homoeopathic therapy for pollution related Nanda.D


909. Homoeopathic therapy for headache & Nanda.D


910. Indian mother tinctures in clinical practice Nanda.D

911. Practical Homoeopathic treatment of asthma Nanda.D Page 35
912. Miasms & mind rubrics Nanda.D

913. Miasms & mind Nanda.D

914. The boon of neglected acids in Homoeopathy Nanda.L.K

915. The fundamentals of Homoeopathic Materia Nanda.L.K

Medica (part-1)

916. Leaders in Homoeopathic therapeutics with E .B.Nash

grouping & classification

917. Expanded work of nash E .B.Nash

918. How to take & find a case E .B.Nash

919. Leaders in typhoid fever E .B.Nash

920. Regional leaders E .B.Nash

921. Selected clinical cases E .B.Nash

922. Leaders for the use of sulphur with E .B.Nash


923. Leaders in respiratory organs E .B.Nash

924. Prescriber to Nash’s leaders E .B.Nash

925. The testimony of the clinic E.B.Nash

926. Science of symptomatology E.B.Nash

927. A repertory bases on Allen’s key notes & nash;s E .B.Nash


928. Homoeopathy healing Nauman Eileen

929. Homoeopathy 102, what to do in an emergency Nauman Eileen

before help arrives

930. An index of aggravation Neatby Edwin

931. A manual of Homoeopathic therapeutics Neatby Edwin

932. Naturopathy for self healing Needes robin

933. The Homoeopathic primer & therapeutics Nidamboor.R

934. Homoeopathy in nutshell Nimalairi.W.P.G

935. Essential of diseases of eyes Norton

936. Ophthalmic diseases & therapeutics Norton.A.B Page 36
937. The crown of grapes Oldfied

938. Notes on the Miasm P.S.Ortega

939. Notes on miasm Ortega.P.S

940. Endometriosis & menstral pain Osman, suriya

941. Leuchorrhoea Ostram.H.I

942. Classical Homoeopathy vol-I Otto eichelberger

943. Diseases of the lungs, Brounchi & pleura Paige.H.W

944. Drug picture of leading Homoeopathic Palsule.S.G


945. Densitry & Homoeopathy Palsule.S.G

946. Homoeopathy treatment for asthma & blood Palsule.S.G


947. Lights on Homoeopathic potency Palsule.S.G

948. Common diseases & their biochemic treatment Palsule.S.G

949. Treatment for E.N.T. diseases Palsule.S.G

950. Family Homoeopathic medicine Panson & Heimlich

951. Stress management Panwer, arvind singh

952. Dr. Kent’s valuable indications arranged subject Papish.D


953. Mnemonics in internal medicine & pediatrics Parmar.H.B

954. Mneonics in Materia Medica Parmar.H.B

955. Survey of nosodes Paterson.J

956. Sycosis & sycotic Co Paterson.J

957. Lectures demonstration showing the tech. In Paterson.J

the preap. Of non-lactose

958. The role of bowel flora in chronic disease Paterson.J

959. Bowel nosodes Paterson.J

960. Regionals of boericke Materia Medica Paul.S

961. 44 remedies & 22 eliminating rubrics Paul.S Page 37
962. Anology of pain Paul.S

963. Skin therapeutics Paul

964. Essence of diabetes mellitus & its treatment by Pavri.S.K.R


965. What is tautopathy Patel.R.P

966. Analysis & evaluation of symptoms Patel.R.P

967. Homoeopathy its principles & doctrines Patel.R.P

968. The art of case taking & practical repertory Patel.R.P

969. My experiments with 50 millesimal potencies Patel.R.P

970. Some of the causes of failures in Hom. Practice Patel.R.P

971. Word index to kent’s Rep Patel.R.P

972. Case taking form with easy repertory Patel.R.P

973. Alternating symptoms Patel.R.P

974. Ailments & complaints before, during & after in Patel.R.P


975. Analysis & evaluation of rubrics / symptoms of Patel.R.P

Dr. Kent’s Rep of Hom. M.M

976. Dr. Kent’s Rep of Hom. M.M corrected & Patel.R.P

improved sixth American edition

977. Chronic miasms in Hom. & cure with Patel.R.P

classification of rubrics / symptoms in Dr.
Kent’s repertory
978. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica Dr. R.P.Patel
by Dr.J.T.Kent

979. Gems of modern Homoeopathy Patil.J.D & Chindole

980. Gems of obstetrics & gynaecology with Patil.J.D & Deshpade

homoeopathic therapeutics

981. Gems of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Patil.J.D

982. Gems of biochemic Materia Medica Patil.J.D

983. Group study in Homoeopathic Materia Medica Patil.J.D

984. Textbook of Applied Materia Medica Patil.J.D

985. Concise biochemic repertory & Materia Medica Pathak.S.R

986. Features of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Patni, Rajesh.M Page 38
987. Gynaecological & obstetrics therapeutic Patni, Rajesh.M

988. One line peculiar symptoms Patni, rajesh.M

989. Hom. A national asset Patrick

990. 21st century Homoeopathy its practice Peter drew


991. A treatise on obstetrics, disorders of Peters john

pregnancy, parturition & lactation

992. Concise repertory of Homoeopathic medicines Phatak.S.R

(4th edition)

993. Clinical experiences Phatak.S.R

994. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic medicine Phatak.S.R

(revised & enlarged)

995. Plain talks on Materia Medica with comparison Pierce.W.I

996. Repertory of cough Pierce.W.I

997. Homoeopathic treatment of the diseases of Poirier jean

heart (revised)

998. Clinical compilation of Homoeopathy Porwell, Vishal

999. Predictive Homoeopathy ,Part-1,11,111 Prafull Vijayarkar

1000. Homoeopathic practice of medicine Puhlmann.C.C

1001. Hom. of graphical drug pictures Pulford

1002. Key to the Hom. Mat. Medica Pulford

1003. Hom. Leader in pneumonia Pulford

1004. Repertory of the symptoms of rheumatism & Pulford


1005. Hom. Can do wonders in treatment of cataract Puri.S

1006. An easy approach to study of M.M Puri.S

1007. A monograph of diseases of nose & throat Quay.G.H

1008. Homoeopath’s Bouquet Qudrat.N.Khan

1009. Practical Ho. Prescribing Quinton.P.G

1010. Therapeutics daily reference on Homoeopathy Rabe.R.F

1011. Be a master of Materia Medica Rafeque muhammed Page 39
1012. Rapid prescribing using peculiar symptoms Rafeque muhammed

1013. Scholar’s manual of Homoeopathy Materia Rai azad


1014. Surface making of key notes Rai azad

1015. Most valuable tips from masters of Rajagopala rao


1016. Snap shot prescriptions Rajagopala rao

1017. A short study of comparative M.M Rajagopala rao

1018. Hom. Therapeutic hints for beginners (3 vols) Rajagopala rao

1019. Diseases of women & children Rajagopala rao

1020. Materia Medica in questions & Answers Rajagopala rao

1021. Some very effective but neglected remedies Rajagopala rao


1022. The nucleus Rejendren

1023. New lights lectures on Hom. Philosophy Rejendren

1024. Rademahcher’s universal & organ remedies Ramseyer.A.A

1025. Warnings & advises of Dr. J.T.Kent in HOm. Rana, satish kumar

1026. Homoeopathic family practice in daily life Rao, N.


1027. Some case reports Rastogi.D.P

1028. Use of indigenous & other remedies in Rastogi.D.P

Homoeopathy as home remedies

1029. Golden tips by master home gems Rastogi.D.P

1030. Homoeopathy: the versatile science Rastogi.D.P

1031. An overview of repertories for a students Rastogi.D.P

1032. Correction of abbreviations for medicines used Rastogi / sharma

in Boger-Boenninghausen’s repertory

1033. Digestive disorders peptic ulcer & its Hom. Ratnam.A.M


1034. Diseases of children Raue .C.sigmond

1035. Special pathology & diagnostic with Hom. Raue.C.G

Therapeutic hints

1036. Glossary of medical terms for Homoeopaths Rawat.P.S Page 40
1037. Homoeopathy in acne & alopecia Rawat.P.S

1038. Homoeopathy in angina pectoris Rawat.P.S

1039. Select your doses & potency Rawat.P.S

1040. Psychiatry & Homoeopathy Risquez.F

1041. The principles & art of cure by Homoeopathy – Roberts Herbert


1042. Sensation as if Roberts Herbert

1043. A study of remedies by comparison Roberts Herbert

1044. The rheumatic remedies Materia Medica & Roberts Herbert


1045. Hom. An explanation Robertson

1046. Homoeopathic family guide Rogers.L.D

1047. Classical lectures on psychiatric diseases & Roger Morrison

Materia Medica

1048. Classical lectures on Materia Medica (Abies can. Roger Morrison &
– china sulph) & Analysis of clinical cases Nancy herrick’s

1049. Classical lectures on element group remedies & Roger Morrison &
Materia Medica (china sulph –iodium) expld Nancy herrick’s
clinical cases
1050. Diabetes mellitus Rohtagi.P

1051. Vitiligo – A bengign cosmetic probels Rohtagi.P

1052. Homoeopathic methodology repertory, case Rowe todd

taking & case analysis

1053. Homoeopathy in cancer treatment Roy.R.K

1054. Cause, disease & effect phenomena: Roy .R.K

fundamental aspects of Homoeopathy

1055. Prescriber to nash’s leaders in Homoeopathy Roy & mukherjee

1056. Hom. Therapy of Dis. Of brain & nerves Royal george

1057. Textbook of Homoeopathy Materia Medica Royal george

1058. Requistes for successful Homoeopathic Royal george


1059. How to select & administer the indicated Royal goerge


1060. How to secure & arrange symptoms Royal george Page 41
1061. Lady’s manual of Homoepathic therapeutics Ruddock. E.H

1062. Homoeoapthic Vade Mecum Ruddock. E.H

1063. The stepping stones to Hom. & Health Ruddock. E.H

1064. The common diseases of children Ruddock. E.H

1065. The common diseases of women Ruddock. E.H

1066. The pocket manual of Hom. Veteniary medicine Ruddock. E.H

1067. Diseases of infant & children Ruddock. E.H

1068. Veterinary Homoeopathy Rush john

1069. Materia Medica Vol –I Saha.B

1070. Materia Medica Vol –II Saha.B

1071. Organon of Medicine Saha.B

1072. Bedside remedies Saha.B

1073. Homoeopathic pharmacy Saha.B

1074. Hair transmission of Homoeopathy : drug Sahni.B

energy from distance

1075. Endocrine disorders ( & its treatment in Hom) Sailendra kumar

1076. A complete clinical hand book for every day Sailendra kumar

1077. Homoeopathic clinical prescriber Sailendra kumar

1078. Teachings: Part I: Psychiatric patients, Part II: Saine andre

pure classical Homoeopathy

1079. Guide to eye & ear diseases, otology with Sandhar.H.S

Homoeopathic therapeutics

1080. Practical management of sick Sandhu.C.S

1081. Prescriber to Allen’s keynotes & characteristics Sangar.R.P

1082. A portrait of natrum mur Sankaran

1083. The mind Sankaran

1084. Hom. – The scienc of healing Sankaran.R

1085. Tarantula Hispania Sankaran.R Page 42
1086. Repertory of convulsion Santee.E.M

1087. Homoeopathy watchout every dose Santharam

1088. Practical diet guide in Homoeopathy Santwani.M.T

1089. Common ailments of children & their homoeo Santwani.M.T


1090. Pain-type, significance & Hom. Mangement Santwani.M.T

1091. Timely care & treatment: The Homoeopathic Sapra.P


1092. Homoeopathic reminiscences coloured Sarabhai.K


1093. Organon of medicine Sarkar

1094. Clinical relationships of drugs with their B.K.Sarkar


1095. Up-to-date with nosodes & sarcodes B.K.Sarkar

1096. Homoeopathy in IIIrd millennium Sastry.A.V.R

1097. Homoeopathy towards 21st century Saxena.M.B

1098. A phenomenological study of nosodes Saxena rajeev

1099. Under standing glands: endocrinology the Saxena rajeev

Homoeopathic approach

1100. Imponderabilia Homoeopathic direct energy Saxena rajeev


1101. Homoeopathy in orthopedics with special Saxena rajeev

reference to non-traumatic diseases

1102. Thermal reactivity in Homoeopathy include Saxena rajeev

thermal therapeutics

1103. Parkinson’s disease & Homoeopathy Saxena rajeev

1104. Homoeopathic guide to sex, sexuality & sexual Saxena rajeev


1105. Role of Homoeopathy in infectious therapeutics Saxena rajeev

1106. ABC of fifty millesimal potency Saxena Rajeev

1107. Sex & Bach flower therapy Saxena Rajeev

1108. A study of sarcodes Saxena Rajeev

1109. Scientific mycology & the scientific similimum Saxena rejeev

1110. Depression treated with Bach flower remedies Saxena Rajeev Page 43
1111. From old age to youth Satyavarta.S

1112. First aid specific of Homoeopathy & biochemic Satyavarta.S


1113. 0Hahnemann revisited a textbook of classical Schepper luc de

Homoeopathy for the professional

1114. Achieving & maintaining the similimum: Schepper luc de

strategic case management for successful
Homoeopathic prescribing
1115. The art of case taking Schmidt.P

1116. The art of interrogation Schmidt.P

1117. The hidden treasures of the last organon Schmidt.P

1118. Defective illness Schmidt.P

1119. Homoeopathy medical treatment of wounds & Schmidt.W.H


1120. Synthesis repertory – version – 9.1 (with CD) Schroyens Fredrik

1121. 1001 small remedies Schroyens Fredrik

1122. Biochemic pocket guide Schussler

1123. Biochemistry (physician quick reference) Schussler,W.H

1124. Biochemic quick bedside prescriber Schussler,W.H

1125. Biochemic treatment of diseases Schussler

1126. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.1 Sehgal.M.L

1127. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.1 A Sehgal.M.L

1128. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.2 Sehgal.M.L

1129. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.3 Sehgal.M.L

1130. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.4 Sehgal.M.L

1131. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.5 Sehgal.M.L

1132. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.6 Sehgal.M.L

1133. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.7 Sehgal.M.L

1134. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.8 Sehgal.M.L

1135. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.9 Sehgal.M.L Page 44
1136. Rediscovery of Hom. Vol.10 Sehgal.M.L

1137. Perfect Materia Medica of mind Sehgal.Y

1138. Path finder (A clinical dictionary of rubrics from Sehgal.Y

the mind section of repertory)

1139. Materia Medica of mind singular medicine Sehgal / Mann


1140. Homoeo prophylactic remedies Sethi

1141. Repertory likes & dislikes Sethi

1142. Ready reckoner for arthritis Sethi.A

1143. Ready reckoner for Headache Sethi.A

1144. Ready reckoner for cough Sethi.A

1145. Portrait of Homoeopathic remedies Setiya.O.P

1146. Practical key points of scientific Homoeopathy Shaddel, farshad

1147. A discussion on organon Shaddel, Farshad

1148. Pathogenesis & treatment of diseases in the Shaddel, farshed

Hahnemann’s view

1149. Malaria & Homoeopathy Shah, Hitesh

1150. Cellular biochemistry & Homoeopathy Shah, Hitesh

1151. Veratrum an egoistic lily Shah, Ronak.J

1152. ABC of Homoeopathy in paediatrics Shah, ronak.J

1153. Homoeopathy in endocrinology Shah, ronak.J

1154. Repertory of the peculiar symptoms Shannon

1155. Repertory of tissue remedies Shanon

1156. Mental personalities with their linking rubrics Sharma, Kapil.K

1157. Guide to repertory Sharma, Sunil

1158. A holistic approach to arthritis & management Sharma.M.K

of chronic pain

1159. Constipation & Diarrhoea Sharp

1160. Top ten Homoeopathy remedies for 499 Sheikh altaf hussain Page 45
common diseases

1161. The clinical repertory Shedd.P.W

1162. The Homoeopathic proving of chocolate Sherr Jeremy

1163. The dynamies & methodology of Homoeopathic Sherr Jeremy


1164. Quick bedside prescriber Shinghal.J.N

1165. Graphic picture of remedies Shingal.J.N

1166. Eighty dynamic gems of homoeopathic Shreedharan.C.K

medicine with repertory

1167. The symptomatic self treatment Shreedharan.C.K

1168. A concise repertory of important nososdes Shreedharan.C.K

1169. Why I became a Homoeopath Shepherd,D

1170. Homoeopathy & psychology Shrivastava, Babita

1171. Evaluation of the remedy’s thermal state Siju.P.V

1172. Repertory of migraine & other headache Siju.P.V


1173. Homoeopathic emergency therapeutic Singh mahendra

1174. A collection on carcinosinum Singh mahendra

1175. Pioneers of Homoeopathy Singh mahendra

1176. Mind – A simplified study Singh subhas

1177. Homoeopathic drugs in picture & therapeutic Singhal & chatterji

1178. Rare collection with rare medicine Singh, Balbar

1179. History of Homoeopathy Singh mahender

1180. Organon of medincine Singh mahender

1181. Tongue indication Singh mahender

1182. Scope & limitation of Homoeopathy Singh mahender

1183. Wonderful structure of human hand, what are Singh mahender


1184. 21st century Homoeopathic Materia Medica Vol Singh.S.P


1185. 21st century Homoeopathic Materia Medica Vol Singh.S.P Page 46

1186. Text book of Hom. Materia Medica Singh subhash

1187. Rheumatism, arthritis its curability in Singh subhash


1188. Organon of medicine Singh subhash

1189. Hom. Cure of common disease Singh yudhvir

1190. Mother tinctures Materia Medica Sinha yudhbir

1191. Unique repertory Sinha yudhbir

1192. Pocket Materia Medica of 1000 redline Sinha yudhbir


1193. Psychic disorders & Homoeopathy Sinha.P.S

1194. Family physician (self taught) Sikdar.R.P

1195. A repertory based on Allen’s keynotes nash’s Sirkar cap.K


1196. A hand book of repertory Sirkar cap.K

1197. Therapeutics of plague Sircar, mahendar lall

1198. Homoeopathy treatment of asthma Sivaraman.M.S

1199. Dreams & their Homoeopathic medicines Sivaraman.P

1200. Haemorrhoids cured by Homoeopathic Sivaraman.P


1201. Asthma cured by Homoeopathic medicines Sivaraman.P

1202. Epilepsy cured by Homoeopathic medicines Sivaraman.P

1203. A concise repertory of aggravation & Sivaraman.P


1204. E.N.T. troubles cured by Homoeopathy Sivaraman.P

1205. Tooth troubles cured by Homoeopathic Sivaraman.P


1206. Skin diseases Sivaraman.P

1207. Expanded work of Dr. E.B.Nash Sivaraman.P

1208. The diseases of females Skinner Thomas

1209. Cancer, its cause & prevention Small, page

1210. The home prescriber Smith.A.Dwight Page 47
1211. Homoeopathy before & after surgery Smith Dean.T

1212. Sepia & Lachesis: A dialogue with a difference Sonawala.P

1213. Sulphur – Calcarea – Lyco. The immortal trio Sonawala.P

1214. Nosodes: The Pace makers of our M.M Sonawala.P

1215. Homoeopathy: The Human Medicine Sonawala.P

1216. Additions to classical Materia Medica of Clarke Srinivasan.K.S

1217. The physical basis of Homoeopathy Stearns.G.B

1218. Homoeopathic research Stephenson

1219. Helping yourself with Homoeopathy Stephenson

1220. Hahnemannian provings A Materia Medica & Stephenson.J

repertory 1924-1959

1221. Miasms their effects on human organism Subramanian raju

1222. Textbook of Homoeopathic phiolophy vol-I Subramanian raju


1223. Textbook of Homoeopathic phiolophy vol-I Subramanian raju

(close, Robert, dunham)

1224. Homoeopathic treatment of non-malarial fever Sudarshan.S.R

1225. Heart problems & their cure Sukumaran.N

1226. Art & science of Homeopathic pharmacy Sumit goel

1227. Dietic restriction & recommendations in Sutarwala.D.J


1228. The idealism of Homoeopathy Sutherland.J.P

1229. Homoeopathic treatment of worms Swayandan

1230. Learning classical Homoeopathy repertorising & Sydow helmut

practical – application

1231. Mental diseases in Homoeopathy Talcott.S.H

1232. Repertory explained Tarafder.D

1233. A select Homoeopathic Materia Medica Tarkas.P.ishwardas,

Ajit kulkarni

1234. The Homoeopathic treatment of influenza Templeton

1235. Homoeopathy – guide to family Tendon & bajaj Page 48
1236. Disease of children Teste, alph

1237. Practical approach to Homoeopathy Tewari

1238. Blatta orientalis proving Thakar, Munjal

1239. Arnica, Calendula, Cantharis as external Thomas henry


1240. The Homoeopathic emergency guide Thomas kruzel

1241. Gems of Homoeopathic medicines in the light of Thombre.P.B

other system of medicines

1242. Gems of pioneers of Homoeopathy Thombre.P.B

1243. Gems of organon Thombre.P.B

1244. Bedside prescriber in electro-Homoeopathy Trivedi.J.N

1245. Essentials of Repertorisation Tiwari shashi kant

1246. Homoeopathy in child care Tiwari shashi kant

1247. Pointers to common remedies TylerM.L

1248. Acute conditions, injuries etc…. TylerM.L

1249. Homoeopathic drug picture TylerM.L

1250. A study of kent’s repertory TylerM.L

1251. Different ways of finding remedy TylerM.L

1252. Repertorising TylerM.L

1253. Drosera TylerM.L

1254. Hahnemann conception of chronic diseases TylerM.L

1255. How not to do it Tyler.M.L

1256. The romance of Homoeopathy Tyler.M.L

1257. Homoeopathy introductory lecture TylerM.L

1258. Repertorisation Tyler, Wier

1259. Headache & its Materia Medica Underwood.B.F

1260. Textbook of Hom therapeutics Vol-1 (disease of Vakil, Prakash Page 49

1261. Textbook of Hom therapeutics Vol-2(disease of Vakil, Prakash


1262. Textbook of Hom therapeutics Vol -3 (diseases Vakil, Prakash

of E.N.T. & Respiratory system)

1263. Tongue that does not lies Vakil, Prakash

1264. DREAMS: come to the rescue Vakil, prakash

1265. A complete repertory of dream remedies Vakil prakash

1266. Therapeutics of the respiratory system Vandenburg.M.S

1267. Biochemic medcines combination & tablets Verma.P.N

1268. New millennium encyclopedia of Homoeopathic Verma.P.N & Vaid

pharmacopoeia (IV vols) indu

1269. Sode effects & adverse side effects symp. Of Verma.P.N & Vaid
Hom. Med indu

1270. Hom. Low attenuation trituration tablets their Verma.P.N & Vaid
effiacacy, and the possible side effects indu

1271. Rare Homoeopathy mother tinctures & Verma.P.N & Vaid

potentised medicine indu

1272. Clinical methods – physical examination of the Verma.S.P


1273. Practical handbook of gynaecology Verma.S.P

1274. Handbook of surgery with therapeutic hints Verma.S.P

1275. Quick therapeutics Verma, sunil kumar

1276. Bach flower rem. For beginners Vennels david.F

1277. Predictive Homoeopathy (Part-I) theory of Vijayakar.P


1278. Predictive Homoeopathy (Part-II) theory & Vijayakar.P


1279. Predictive Homoeopathy (Part-III) the end of Vijayakar.P

myasmation of miasms

1280. Predictive Homoeopathy – Homoeopathy is Vijayakar.P


1281. A family guide – Homoeopathic way to health Vijay kumar

1282. Principles of Hom. Therapeutics Vinaya,K

1283. Materia Medica viva (10 vols) Vithoulkas

1284. The essence of Hom. Materia Medica Vithoulkas.G

1285. Talks of classical Homoeopathy Vithoulkas.G Page 50
1286. Additions to kent’s of Homoeopathic Materia Vithoulkas.G

1287. A comprehensive study bach flower remedies Vohra

part-I & II (2nd edn)

1288. My clinical experiences in bach flower remedies Vohra

1289. Home study course on bach flower remedies Vohra

1290. Specifics in bach flower remedies Vohra

1291. Homoeopathy-bach therapy Vohra

1292. Practical Homoeopathy Vohra.D.S

1293. Homoeopathic guide for all Vohra.D.S

1294. Homoeo – bach therapy Vohra.D.S

1295. Illustrated guide o skin disease Wadia.S.R

1296. Leucoderma (illustrated) Wadia.S.R

1297. Homoeopathy cures asthma Wadia.S.R

1298. Tonsillitis cured by Homoeopathy Wadia.S.R

1299. What is Homoeopathy Wadia.S.R

1300. Tips by masters of Homoeopathy Wadia,S.R

1301. Homoeopathy in children diseases Wadia.S.R

1302. Unabridged dictionary of sensations-as if (2 Ward.J.W


1303. A text book of Homoeopathic pharmacy Wartikar.M.J

1304. Organon of medicine Weisselhoft

1305. Homoeopathic the modern prescriber Wells.H

1306. Intermittent fever with boennighausen’s Wells.P.P


1307. Essays on the treatment of diarroea & Wells.P.P


1308. The future of Homoeopathy Wheeler

1309. Experience with electro-Homoeopathy Whitemee

1310. Diseases of females & children & their Hom. Williamson.W Page 51

1311. Rep. Of the most characteristic symptoms of Winterburn,G


1312. Essentials of Homoeopathic prescribing Wood.H.F

1313. Clinical gynaecology with Homoeopathic Wood.J.O.C


1314. Constitutional therapeutics Woodward.A.W

1315. Repertory to the modalities Worcestor.S

1316. A brief study course in Hom. Wright Elizabeth

1317. Homoeopathic dictionary & holistic health Yasgur


1318. Organon of electro-Homoeopathy Yevatkar.K.T

1319. Textbook of pharmacy & electro-Homoeopathy Yevatkar.K.T

1320. The accoucheur’s emergency manual for Yingling.W.A


1321. The cause & cure of diseases Yunnie,R.P

1322. Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia of India, 8 vols

1323. Total Page 52

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