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I. Annotate the following in about 100 words each: (2 x 4 = 8M)

(a) Such was the Indian concept of hospitality once upon a time.

(b) “What hast thou to give to me?”

II. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each: (3 x 4 = 12M)

(a) Narrate two memories of kalam related to eating?

(b) Why did the beggar weep bitterly that night?

(c) Narrate the events that led the little girl and her mother to wait in the rain for a taxi?

III. (A) Fill in any eight blanks with ‘a’ , ‘an’ or ‘the’ (8 x 1/2 = 4M)

i) 1 Ramayana is 2 epic.

ii) Sai is 3 enterprising businessman.

iii) My friend reads 4 Quran every day.

iv) John is 5 American but James is 6 European

v) 7 Godavari flows through Telangana and AP.

vi) 8 honest man is always respected.

vii) We can’t live without 9 fan now a days.

viii) Abdul kalam is 10 extraordinary man.

(B) Fill in any eight blanks with suitable prepositions. (8 x 1/2 = 4M)

i) Please don’t laugh 1 others.

ii) There is a good friendship 2 America and India.

iii) My father is angry 3 me.

iv) The poem was written 4 Tagore.

v) Sai speaks Hindi 5 English.

vi) I have been reading this book 6 morning.

vii) We ate 7 banana leaves.

viii) The five thieves shared the stolen money 8 themselves.

ix) We don’t believe 9 superstitions.

x) My sister goes to college 10 foot.

(C) Fill in any four blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in brackets. (4 x 1 = 4M)

a) A philanthropist ________ (think) about the welfare of others.

b) Look. The bird __________ (fly)

c) He _______ (paint) the door just now.

d) He _______ (live) here for the last two years.

e) The people _______ (stay) indoors due to rain yesterday.

f) All the members of the committee _______ (be) educated persons.

(D) Re write any four of the following sentences correcting the errors. (4 x 1 = 4M)

a) One should look after her parents.

b) You have to agree for my proposals.

c) Children below six are prohibited to enter the hall.

d) Each of them were given a gift.

e) I am forty years.

f) They asked me what was my name.

(E) Supply the missing letters in any eight of the following words. (8 x 1/2 = 4M)

(a) a _ _ ommodation (b) sy _ _ able (c) sl _ _ pless (d) l _ _ rels (e) th _ _ der

(f) vil _ _ in (g) o _ _ ur (h) reh _ _ rsal (i) enc _ _ rage (j) cha _ _ _ t

(F) Identify the silent consonants in any eight of the following words. (8 x 1/2 = 4M)

a) balm (b) often (c) foreign (d) arms (e) knife

(f) dawn (g) tomb (h) neighbour (i) hour (j) column

(G) Mention the number of syllables in any four of the following words: (4 x 1 = 4M)

(a) mother (b) family (c) liberty (d) tournament (e) compromise

(f) reign

(Two marks will be given to neat hand writing)

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