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Project Name : Book Shop Management System

 Member Name :-
1. Hrishikesh Lekurwali.
2. Harshada Godbole.

 Technology Use :-
1. JAVA (Front End)
2. Ms-Access 2003/2007 (Back End)
 List of Modules :-
1. Login Module.
2. New Stock.
3. Distributor Details.
4. Sale Bill.
5. Purchase Order.
6. Reports.

1. Login Module :-

Login modules use for security of application or our

system. Using login modules we can create users. create users for the
purpose of access the application or system for those users The main
purpose of this module is security provide.

2. New Stock :-
This module shows the new stock in book shop. Like
books details, notebooks details, stationary details.

3. Distributor Details :-
This module include all the related information about
distributor like ID, Name, Address, Contact no..

4. Sale Bill :-

This module shows the billing system. Like

Customer name, Bill date, Bill no., quantity, price, amount.

5. Purchase Order :-
This module include all the related information about
distributor ID, name, purchase cost, quantity, amount, type of
6. Reports :-
This module show the all stock details, pending details.

 Hardware Specifications :-

o Processor : Intel Pentium IV 1.60 GHz

o Hard Disk : 20 GB
o RAM : 256 MB

 Software Specifications :-

o Operating System : Windows98/XP(With Screen Resolution 1024x768)

o Language Used : Java(1.4 or higher)
o Back End Tools : Microsoft Access For Database Storage

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