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Text 1

To: anna

You won the English speech contest impressively. All contestants and audiences had a high
regard for your talent in conveying English speech and your perfect performance. Congratulation
on your big success! Truthfully, you are really impressive.



1.  Why does indri write the text?

A.  to give surprise to anna about her achievement

B.  to congratulate anna about her achievement

C.  to show anna that she has won the English contest

D.  to give information that anna won the English speech contest

Answer : B

What did all contestants and audiences think highly of anna?  

A. Her talent in conveying English speech and perfect performance.

B. Her imperfect performance in English speech contest.

C. Her success of conducting the English contest.

D. Her respect to the audiences of contest.

Answer : A

“All participants and audiences had a high regard for your talent…” It means the participants and
audiences … anna performance.

A. underestimated

B. dissatisfied

C. mocked at

D. admired

Answer : D

The word "impressive" in the text means ...

A.  astounding

B.  obvious

C.  foreseeable

D.  plausible

Answer : A

Text 2

Dear andra,

Congratulation on your success as the leader of School Student Association2020/2021.

Hopefully you will be mature in handling all your matters. Good luck and be the best.

Yours truly,


Why does Iria congratulate andra? Because  ...?

A. He has succeeded to be the leader of school student association

B. His friend has succeeded as the leader of school association

C. He has maturity of facing all of the matters

D. He can handle all the matters perfectly

Answer : A

Hopefully you will be mature in handling all your matters. The synonym of the underlined word
is ....

A.  ripe

B.  full-grown

C.  settled
D.  comprehensive

Answer D

Text 4


To: Fahma

For: Being a bright and enthusiastic student in 1/2J. Your bright smile lights up our classroom
everyday. Great work this year fahma


What is the text about?

A. A letter from a teacher

B. A student report 

C. A greeting card

D. An email

Answer : C

Dian is fahma ?

A. mom

B. classmate

C. headmaster

D. teacher

Answer B
Text 6

To: Ani

Congratulation on your success in Speech Contest.

You are our pride.

Mum and Dad

11. How do Ani’s parents feel?

A. proud

B. apprehensive

C. sorrowful

D. wretched

Answer A

12. What has Ani done?

A. successfully made his parents happy.

B. participated in the speech contest.

C. won the speech contest

D. spoken lucratively in front of his parents

Answer C

Text 7

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sautama

It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.

Congratulations on your new home

May your new place give you ….

Warmth, happiness and lots of joy!

Your sincerely

Mr. and Mrs. Irfan

13. From the text we can say that Mr. and  Mrs. Sautama have just … a new house

A. sold 

B. built 

C. bought

D. moved into 

Answer D

14. Why does Mr. and Mrs. Irfan write the card?

A. To congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Sautama for  their moving into a new house

B. To give warmth and happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Sautama’s house

C. To ask Mr and Mrs. Sautama to come to  their house

D. To help Mr. and Mrs. Sautama build a new house

Answer A

Text 8

Dear Indri,

Congratulations, Graduate! Today is a perfect day to tell you that graduation is a process that
goes on until the last day of your life. I wish you to be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a
second-rate version of somebody else.

Best Wishes


15. Why did Aly write the card to Indri?

A.  To congratulate on his promotion

B.  To congratulate on his graduation

C.  To congratulate on winning the contest

D.  To congratulate on winning the grand prize

Answer B

16. What happened to Indri?

A.  He has just promoted to a new position

B.  He just graduated from school

C.  He won a competition

D.  he has just finished and passed the exams

Answer B

Text 9

Dear Arianti,

Congratulations! You've run the course and passed the exams! There are no secret of success. It
is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. Our dad and mom are proud of
you, too. Well done!

Sindy wang

17. What is the purpose of the text?

A.  To congratulate Arianti on his promotion

B.  To congratulate Arianti on his graduation

C.  To inform that Arianti has passed the exams

D.  To congratulate Arianti about his success in passing the exams

Answer D

18. From the text we can conclude that Sindy wang is Arianti's...

A.  friend

B.  sister

C.  mom

D.  aunt

Answer B
Text 10

September 2nd

Eva Limaya

Mega Paper

Dear Erik wang,

You did it. Congratulations on your election as the chairman. It is a great sign for your

I congratulate you and wish you well.


Indah Kaloka

19.  What is the purpose of the letter?

A.  To congratulate for a promotion

B.  To congratulate for a graduation

C.  To congratulate for a new position

D.  To congratulate for a good achievement

Answer C

20. Who is Indah Kaloka probably?

A.  his business partner

B.  his employee

C.  his colleague from another organisation

D.  his chairman

Answer C
Dear malika,
Time counted so fast
Let’s celebrate new year’s eve together!
Sunday, December 31st
9 p.m. until drop
at Dragonfly Bar
Jln Gatot Subroto

9. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?

A. To spend time together

B. To have conversation with old friend
C. To reunite with old friends
D. To celebrate the new year’s eve

Answer D

10. From the invitation text above, we can say that?

A. malika and amanda have not good relationship
B. Malika invites amanda to celebrate new year’s eve together
C. The Dragonfly Bar is not at Jln. Gatot Subroto
D. The party started from 9 p.m.

Answer B

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