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Activity -2

Student Name: Kenneth I. Arcasitas Course/Section: BSIT - 3B

Deadline: 2week of October Submitted: /Messenger
1. You’re going to write down your Negative and Positive Attitude Personality in the Table
below based on the 2.8 table to show the Differences of Negative and Positive Attitude. Negative attitude personality Positive attitude personality

1 Always hates the classroom Always loves the classroom

2 Hates people who critizes Loves and understand people who critizes

3 Hates people who quit halfway through Helps people so they won’t quit

4 Say ‘It’s hard’ Say ‘It’s easy’

5 Think people are pessimist Think people are optimist

6 Say ‘I don’t have time’ Say ‘I can make time’

7 Hates toxic people Leave toxic people

8 Sees only losers Sees only winners

9 Sees lazy people Sees hard working people

10 Say ‘I don’t need your help’ Say ‘Can you please help?’

2. What circumstances you Demotivated your Self from Motivation? Justify your answer.
- When I try new things like writing a fantasy web novel, I feel like I can do it but
when I try writing, I learned that it’s not easy. Reading someones work and
critizing it because of it’s stupid characters is easy, but actually writing a
compelling character is hard especially when I’m an introvert. I don’t know how
to start a conversation and even if I did I don’t know how to make it continue
‘cause I run out of topic. I realized that I need first to actually talk to real people
before I can start writing a good character.
3. You’re going to look an inspirational books or inspirational movies that gives you
motivation. Then explain why you choose it.
- It’s not a inspirational book, but I choose a lightnovel called ‘Faraway Paladin’ its
about a guy who died and gets reincarnated in fantasy world. The protagonist was
raise by three undead in a city filled with death. The reason I choose it is because
of the things that they talk about in the series death, how it’s okay to die and we
need to remember the dead by living with their memories in our hearts

4. Give your opinion about this phrases “The greatest enemy of motivation is complacence.
Complacence leads to frustration, and when people are frustrated, they give up because
they cannot identify what is important.”
complacence - calm or secure satisfaction with oneself or one's lot :
- I don’t believe with this phrase at all. Their are people who are complacent that
are not frustrated. If you are satisfied about your life how can you be frustrated? If
you are satified how can you not know what’s important? I think that this phrase
was written by a guy who doesn’t know how to be satisfied with little things, they
always want more and complained when they can’t have more.

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