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 Giving the introduction of the presentation
 Showing the main points of the presentation
 Summarizing the presentation
 Closing the presentation
1 Warm up Work with a partner

1. What is the importance of presentation? Give some reasons!

 Very easy to explain the material
 Can be an inspiration to people
 Improve communication skills
 Improve public speaking
 Motivate and inspire listeners to take action
2. When is usually the presentation held especially in the company?
 When going to make a product
 When advertises products
3. What aspects do you need to show in your presentation?
 Master the topic that will be discussed
 Interact with the audience
4. How do you make your presentation interesting?
 Use a typeface that is easy to read and appropriately sized. ...
 And don't forget to check spelling and writing.
5. Why do people usually get bored with the presentation?
 Not doing thorough preparation
 Communication that is too one-way
 Too wordy in presentation
 Speak in a whisper
6. Who usually attends the presentation and what are their roles?
 Audience
7. What facilities do you have to prepare for your presentation?
 Define your goals Presentation
 Know Your Audience
 Determine the presentation topic
 Create a presentation outline
 Make presentation materials
 Presentation Practice
2 Vocabulary Choose the correct verb for the activities below


Get familiar with the new topic. Move on to the second point
Due to the limited time Feel free to ask
In conclusion Turn out
Talk about gasoline engine cycle

3 Presentation Practice this conversation

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to my presentation. My name is

Umi Anis. The topic of my presentation today is Introduction to How Diesel Two-Stroke
Engines Works. The reason that this topic is useful for you is to introduce and get you
familiar with the cycle of diesel two stroke engines.

We are going to talk about 3 things. These are, firstly, power the engine can produce.
Secondly, gasoline engine cycle. Finally we’re going to talk about how the two-stroke diesel
cycle goes. Due to the limited time I have today, just 5 minutes, I’d appreciate it if you would
keep your questions until the end. Thank you. Please feel free to ask me questions at any
time. This presentation will last for about 10 minutes.

Firstly, if you read How Two-stroke Engines Work, you learned that one big
difference between two-stroke and four-stroke engines is the amount of power the engine can
produce. The spark plug fires twice as often in a two-stroke engine -- once per every
revolution of the crankshaft, versus once for every two revolutions in a four-stroke engine.
This means that a two-stroke engine has the potential to produce twice as much power as a
four-stroke engine of the same size. That’s the end of the first point.

Now we will move on to the second point, which is about gasoline engine cycle. The
two-stroke engine article also explains that the gasoline engine cycle, where gas and air are
mixed and compressed together, is not really a perfect match for the two-stroke approach.
The problem is that some unburned fuel leaks out each time the cylinder is recharged with the
air-fuel mixture. It turns out that the diesel approach, which compresses only air and then
injects the fuel directly into the compressed air, is a much better match with the two-stroke
cycle. Many manufacturers of large diesel engines therefore use this approach to create high-
power engines. That’s all for the second point.
My third point is two-stroke diesel cycle. The figure below shows the layout of a
typical two-stroke diesel engine
That’s the end of the final point.

In conclusion, in this presentation my objective was to introduce you with Two-stroke

Engines Work. I have covered 3 main points; firstly, power the engine can produce.
Secondly we talked about gasoline engine cycle. Finally, we looked at how the two-stroke
diesel cycle goes. I hope you have found this presentation useful. Thank you. Questions,
please. Yes? If there are no more questions, that is the end of my presentation.

How do you
report this?


 Giving the introduction of the presentation.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to my presentation.
Good afternoon,
Good evening,

My name is Vito Hardya Sakti

The topic of my presentation today is Work safety
The reason that this topic is useful for you is To meet work standards
We are going to talk about Procedure things.
These are, firstly, Safety equipment Secondly, Manner of weaning
Finally we’re going to look at The application of safety standards to work in the field
Due to the limited time I have today, just thirty minutes, I’d appreciate it if you would
keep your questions until the end. Thank you.

 Showing the main points of the presentation

Firstly, Safety
That’s the end of the first point.
Now we will move on to the second point, which is about Safety standards
That’s all for the second point.
Thirdly, Benefits
That’s the end of the final point.

 Summarizing the presentation

In conclusion, in this presentation my objective was to Share Knowledge
I have covered Safety work main points.
Secondly we talked about Benefits
Finally we looked at A safety standards works in this country
I hope you have found this presentation useful. Thank you.
Questions, please. Yes?

 Closing the presentation

If there are no more questions, that is the end of my presentation.


Make a simple report/presentation using expressions in ways to say it according to the

following pictures.
Picture A: the working system of the carburetor.
Carburetors in cars and motorbikes have almost the same function, but there are several
different systems in them. A car carburetor uses the Bernoulli work system or working
principle and this system regulates the flow of fluid velocity. In general, the performance of a
car carburetor is fairly simple.
When the car engine is turned on, the piston will move back and forth. When the car is in
reverse motion, the carburetor movement will suck the air in the front of the carburetor
system and this will automatically suck the fuel and air. The lighter will also ignite and will
cause combustion to appear in the engine room so that the piston is pushed.
If the gas is pressed higher, the piston performance will be further boosted. With a very
important function, caring for the carburetor is very necessary. The price of car carburetors is
not cheap, so maintenance must be carried out regularly.
(Karburator pada mobil dan motor memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama, namun terdapat
beberapa sistem yang berbeda di dalamnya. Karburator mobil menggunakan sistem kerja atau
prinsip kerja Bernoulli dan sistem ini mengatur aliran kecepatan fluida. Secara umum, kinerja
karburator mobil terbilang sederhana.
Saat mesin mobil dihidupkan, piston akan bergerak maju mundur. Saat mobil dalam keadaan
mundur, gerakan karburator akan menyedot udara di depan sistem karburator dan ini akan
secara otomatis menyedot bahan bakar dan udara. Pemantik api juga akan menyala dan akan
menimbulkan pembakaran di ruang mesin sehingga piston terdorong.
Jika gas ditekan lebih tinggi, kinerja piston akan lebih terdongkrak. Dengan fungsinya yang
sangat penting, merawat karburator sangat diperlukan. Harga karburator mobil tidaklah
murah, sehingga perawatan harus dilakukan secara rutin.)
Picture B: the function of the cylinder block.

Cylinder blocks are used to maintain engine stability and lubrication when withstanding
various temperatures and loads. At the same time, they transfer oil to all parts of the engine,
through multiple oil galleries, lubricating all important components.
(Blok silinder digunakan untuk menjaga stabilitas dan pelumasan engine saat menahan
berbagai suhu dan beban. Pada saat yang sama, mereka mentransfer oli ke semua bagian
mesin, melalui beberapa galeri oli, melumasi semua komponen penting.)

Picture C: the importance of safety rules.

Why is it important to have safety rules in the workplace? Safety rules in the workplace are
important because they protect employees, customers and the company's brand reputation.
Enforcing safety rules can reduce on-the-job accidents and injuries and maximize
(Mengapa penting untuk memiliki aturan keselamatan di tempat kerja? Aturan keselamatan di
tempat kerja penting karena melindungi karyawan, pelanggan, dan reputasi merek
perusahaan. Menegakkan aturan keselamatan dapat mengurangi kecelakaan dan cedera di
tempat kerja serta memaksimalkan produktivitas.)

Picture D: the working system of the four stroke piston.

1. Intake stroke: The intake valve (on the top left of each image) is open and as the
piston travels downward, this suction pulls the air/fuel mixture into the cylinder.
2. Compression stroke: Both valves are now closed and the piston compresses the air
fuel into a much smaller volume, preparing the mixture for ignition.
3. Power stroke: With both valves closed, the spark plug—located in the picture between
the intake and exhaust valve will fire, igniting the air/fuel mixture. The resulting
explosion forces the piston downward and rotates the crankshaft, which in turn
propels the vehicle.
4. Exhaust stroke: The exhaust valve (on the top right of each image) is now open,
allowing the piston to push the spent exhaust gasses out of the engine as it rises. The
4-strokes (1 engine cycle) are now complete, and the process repeats.
(Langkah hisap: Katup hisap (di kiri atas setiap gambar) terbuka dan saat piston bergerak
ke bawah, hisapan ini menarik campuran udara/bahan bakar ke dalam silinder.
Langkah kompresi: Kedua katup sekarang tertutup dan piston memampatkan bahan bakar
udara menjadi volume yang jauh lebih kecil, menyiapkan campuran untuk pengapian.
Langkah usaha: Dengan kedua katup tertutup, busi—terletak pada gambar antara katup
masuk dan katup buang akan menyala, menyalakan campuran udara/bahan bakar.
Ledakan yang dihasilkan memaksa piston ke bawah dan memutar poros engkol, yang
pada gilirannya mendorong kendaraan.
Langkah buang: Katup buang (di kanan atas setiap gambar) sekarang terbuka,
memungkinkan piston mendorong gas buang bekas keluar dari mesin saat naik. 4-tak (1
siklus mesin) sekarang selesai, dan proses berulang.)

Picture E: the system of the machine maintenance.

5 Ways to Care for Car Brakes

Disc and Brake Pad Cleaning
The brakes on the disc have an open shape so they will always face the road that has dust and
foreign particles.
Of course, the main treatment is to clean the brake disc from dirt on the brake canvas or
piston which reduces the effectiveness of the brake system.
Two main parts, namely the canvas and brake discs, both need to be checked and cleaned
regularly, especially after passing through dusty roads or roads with puddles of water.
Turning Car Brake Discs
Because the surface on the brake pads can become thinner as the vehicle moves on,
squeaking sounds often occur.
The treatment you can do is sand or lathe the brake pads or discs of the car so that the surface
remains flat.
However, this condition applies if the physical condition of the brake lining or disc is still in
excellent condition. When it is thin it would be better to replace it because it can cause cracks
or breaks in the disc disc.

Disc Cleaner Spray

The discs you use are also made of metal that can rot or rust.
To take care of it, you can wash it regularly, but if it gets rusty, you can immediately clean it
with a rust cleaner like RG80 from TOP 1.

Checking Car Caliper Condition

There is a component called a caliper in the brake section that presses the canvas to the
engine, causing the car to slow down.
This part of the caliper is quite rarely damaged, but there are several factors that can reduce
its performance.
Some of the cases that often occur include the condition of the brakes shaking or shifting
which is marked by the brake process halting when used.

Routinely Change Brake Lubricant or Brake Fluid

One thing that is important and the main thing is to see the condition of the brake fluid that
must be filled. Do not let the brake fluid tube mix with air and create bubbles because it will
reduce the effectiveness of the car's brakes.
There is a period of time needed to replace the brakes so that they can work optimally and
lubricate the brake components properly.
The recommendation to change the lubricant or brake fluid is every 20,000 km or at most two
months. If the condition of the brakes is dark, it is better to replace it as soon as possible,
avoid procrastinating.
To support the effectiveness of brake power, of course using quality brake fluid will be very
5 Cara Perawatan Rem Mobil
Pembersihan Bagian Cakram dan Kanvas Rem
Rem di bagian cakram memiliki bentuk yang terbuka sehingga akan selalu menghadap
jalanan yang memiliki debu dan partikel asing.
Tentu perawatan utama adalah membersihkan bagian cakram rem dari kotoran pada kanvas
rem atau piston yang mengurangi efektivitas sistem rem.
Dua bagian utama, yaitu kanvas dan cakram rem sama-sama harus diperiksa dan dibersihkan
secara rutin, apalagi sehabis melewati jalanan berdebu atau jalanan dengan genangan air.

Membubut Piringan Rem Mobil

Karena permukaan di kanvas rem seiring dengan berjalannya kendaraan bisa menipis, maka
bunyi decitan kerap terjadi.
Perawatan yang bisa kamu lakukan adalah mengamplas atau membubut kampas atau piringan
cakram rem mobil agar permukaannya tetap rata.
Namun kondisi ini berlaku bila fisik dari kampas rem atau piringan masih cukup prima. Bila
sudah menipis alangkah baik menggantinya karena dapat menyebabkan retak-retak atau
pecah di piringan cakram.

Penyemprotan Pembersih Cakram

Cakram yang kamu gunakan juga terbuat dari bahan dasar metal yang bisa lapuk atau
mengalami karat.
Untuk merawatnya bisa melakukan cuci secara berkala, namun bila sudah sampai berkarat
bisa langsung membersihkannya dengan pembersih karat layaknya RG80 dari TOP 1.

Mengecek Kondisi Kaliper Mobil

Ada komponen bernama kaliper di bagian rem yang menekan kanvas ke mesin penggerak
sehingga laju mobil melambat.
Bagian kaliper ini memang cukup jarang rusak, namun ada beberapa faktor yang dapat
mengurangi performanya.
Beberapa kasus yang sering terjadi antara lain, kondisi rem goyang atau bergeser yang
ditandai dengan proses rem yang tersendat-sendat saat digunakan.

Rutin Mengganti Pelumas Rem atau Brake Fluid

Satu hal yang penting dan utama adalah melihat kondisi pelumas rem yang harus terisi.
Jangan sampai tabung pelumas rem bercampur dengan udara dan menciptakan gelembung
karena akan mengurangi efektivitas rem mobil.
Ada jangka waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengganti rem sehingga dapat bekerja optimal dan
melumasi komponen rem dengan baik.
Anjuran untuk mengganti pelumas atau minyak rem adalah setiap 20.000 km atau paling
lama dua bulan. Bila kondisi rem sudah berwarna pekat lebih baik diganti secepat mungkin,
hindari menunda-nunda ya.
Untuk menunjang efektivitas daya rem, tentu menggunakan minyak rem yang berkualitas
akan sangat berguna.

Picture F: the system of the cross joint.


at first, jack the car. make sure the vehicle is safe or not moving. then unscrew the four rear
side yoke nuts. continue to loosen the coupling flange bolt of the axle differential axle.
remove both sides of the propeller with a pulling step by hand. so that the coupling and flange
can be separated.
to make it easy, bring the coupling to a place freely. Unscrew the eight clips/rings on the
flange and yoke joints. use snap ring pliers and screwdriver min. pry and pull it out.
before crossing the joint / krishapel, mark the yoke and as a coupling use a marker or
ballpoint pen. meaning that when it is installed, it fits in its original position (balance). then,
loosen the nipple on the stem.
Tap the flange with a hammer to remove the fastening pad. Continue on all sides with the
same steps until all four bearings are removed. use a tool so that it does not change when hit.
when the bearing has been removed, remove the cross joint. steps, pull slowly by hand.
perform the same steps on the reverse side.
When the two spiders (another term cross joint) have been removed, clean the yoke, flange
and joint serrations. for more sip, use a wire brush plus gasoline / kerosene to eradicate dirt
and grease. do not forget to dry using a cloth or sprayed with wind.
so that it's easy, put a little grease on the joint serrations. give it also in its new bearing.
install the new x-joint to the coupling axle and then to the yoke. Then, also insert the
bearings. knock using a hammer or the tip of the handle of the t wrench until smooth. don't
forget to lock again using a snap ring. then, install the nipple on the cross joint and the yoke
to its original position.
attach the nipple to the starting position and grease the four ends. use a grease pump tool to
insert it, reinstall the coupling that has been assembled earlier. The steps are the same as the
first step.
pada mulanya, dongkrak mobil. yakinkan kendaraan aman atau tidak bergerak. kemudian
buka keempat mur yoke sisi belakang. lanjutkan mengendurkan baut flens kopel dari as
differensial gardan.
copot ke-2 sisi baling-baling itu dengan langkah menarik menggunakan tangan. hingga pada
as kopel serta flens bisa terpisah.
agar gampang, bawa kopel ke tempat dengan leluasa. buka delapan klip/ring pada sambungan
flens serta yoke. pakai tang snap ring dan obeng min. congkel dan tarik keluar.
sebelum croos joint/krishapel, tandai yoke serta sebagai kopel gunakan spidol atau bolpoin.
maksudnya agar pada saat dipasang, pas di posisi semula ( balance ). lalu, kendurkan nipel
pada batangnya.
ketoklah flens dengan palu untuk melepas bantalan pengikatnya. lanjutkan pada semua sisi
dengan langkah yang sama sampai keempat bantalan lepas. pakai alat bantu agar supaya tidak
berubah saat dipukul.
bila bantalan telah lepas, copot cross joint. langkahnya, tarik perlahan-lahan menggunakan
tangan. mengerjakan langkah yang sama pada segi kebalikannya.
bila ke-2 spider ( sebutan lain cross joint ) telah lepas, bersihkan yoke, flens serta gerigi
sambungan. agar lebih sip, pakai sikat kawat plus bensin/minyak tanah untuk membasmi dari
kotoran serta gemuk. jangan lupa dikeringkan gunakan lap atau disemprot angin.
agar gampangnya, beri sedikit gemuk di bagian gerigi sambungan. berikan juga di dalam
bantalan barunya.
pasang x-joint baru ke as kopel dilanjutkan ke yokenya. trus, masukkan juga bantalannya.
ketok gunakan palu atau ujung gagang kunci t sampai rata. jangan lupa mengunci lagi
gunakan snap ring. lalu, pasang nipel pada cross joint serta yoke ke posisi awal mulanya.
pasang nipel ke posisi awal serta beri gemuk pada keempat ujungnya. pakai alat pompa
gemuk untuk memasukkannya, pasang kembali rangkaian kopel yang telah dirangkai tadi.
langkahnya sama layaknya langkah pertama,


A. Make a short presentation about an industrial accident that recently has happened in the
company where you are working. In your presentation you need to give background
information about the company. Say something when it was started, what its market
prospects ate and how many people work there, etc.
Buatlah presentasi singkat tentang kecelakaan industri yang baru-baru ini terjadi di
perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja. Dalam presentasi Anda, Anda perlu memberikan
informasi latar belakang tentang perusahaan. Katakan sesuatu ketika itu dimulai, apa
yang dimakan oleh prospek pasarnya dan berapa banyak orang yang bekerja di sana, dll.

B. The presentation is ended with discussion and hence other students take some roles such
as a chairman, a secretary, and audiences. This is done in such a way that discussion may
happen orderly and so that notes are made of what is said and what conclusions are
Presentasi diakhiri dengan diskusi dan mahasiswa lain mengambil beberapa peran seperti
ketua, sekretaris, dan audiens. Hal ini dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga diskusi dapat
terjadi secara teratur dan mencatat apa yang dikatakan dan kesimpulan apa yang ditarik.
C. Try to come to a conclusion about the chains of events which led up to and followed by
the accident. Cobalah untuk sampai pada kesimpulan tentang rantai peristiwa yang
mengarah ke dan diikuti oleh kecelakaan itu.
D. Discuss whether any blame should be laid on anyone. Discuss also whether any changes
should be made in the safety regulations or the observance of these. Remember that your
conclusions may only be based on facts mentioned in the presentation.
Diskusikan apakah seseorang harus disalahkan. Diskusikan juga apakah ada perubahan
yang harus dilakukan dalam peraturan keselamatan atau kepatuhan terhadap peraturan
tersebut. Ingatlah bahwa kesimpulan Anda mungkin hanya didasarkan pada fakta-fakta
yang disebutkan dalam presentasi.



1. Search the book or any interesting written materials about machine in the library.
2. As soon as you find it, make a presentation about the material you have found.
3. Ask your teacher about some difficult words you find.
4. When possible, you show the pictures of the related materials in the multimedia so that
everybody can have better view on your presentation.
1. Cari buku atau bahan tertulis yang menarik tentang mesin di perpustakaan.
2. Segera setelah Anda menemukannya, lakukan presentasi tentang materi yang Anda
3. Tanyakan kepada guru Anda tentang beberapa kata sulit yang Anda temukan.
4. Bila memungkinkan, Anda menunjukkan gambar-gambar materi terkait dalam multimedia
sehingga semua orang dapat melihat presentasi Anda dengan lebih baik.

Sample case :
Tire Patcher Compressor Explodes
Before his compressor exploded, Andar Rustandar (28), a tire repairman whose stall is
located on Jalan Panjang, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, was warned to take care of the
wind-generating machine. The condition of the compressor that has rust due to frequent
exposure to rain water is considered dangerous. "Earlier I told him, this compressor is
dangerous. The air openings are rusty," said member of Citra Bhayangkara Police of
Kebon Jeruk, Eriko Derik Porim at the location, Friday (24/1). One of the parking
attendants who was in front of the victim's tire patch kiosk, Andre said, due to the
explosion, the blue compressor was split into two. The compressor engine exploded
when the victim was patching Bajaj tires at his tire repair shop on Jalan Panjang, Kebon
Jeruk, West Jakarta. "It happened at around 09.40 WIB, when he was patching the Bajaj
tire," said witness Aris (42), at the location. As a result of the explosion, Aris continued,
the victim suffered serious injuries to both legs. "His left leg was broken, his right leg
was broken. He also had a mental time," he said

Work Accident Analysis:

The explosion was caused because the tire repairman's compressor was not maintained.
Therefore the compressor exploded while patching the bajaj tire. The explosion was not
only due to the compressor, but because the owner of the tire patch never checked or
repaired the compressor.
Prevention to prevent work accidents:
- Always check the condition of the equipment before using the equipment.
- Make replacements for tools that are no longer suitable for use.
- Perform maintenance on equipment.

Suggestion :
Before performing or using a compressor, it must always be checked or checked whether
the compressor can still be used or not. And always make periodic repairs to the

Contoh kasus :
Kompresor Penambal Ban Meledak
Sebelum kompresornya meledak, Andar Rustandar (28), tukang tambal ban yang kiosnya
terletak di Jalan Panjang, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, diperingatkan untuk merawat
mesin penghasil angin tersebut. Kondisi kompresor yang sudah berkarat akibat sering
terkena air hujan dinilai berbahaya. "Tadi saya bilang, kompresor ini berbahaya. Bukaan-
bukaan udaranya berkarat," kata anggota Polsek Citra Bhayangkara Kebon Jeruk, Eriko
Derik Porim di lokasi, Jumat (24/1). Salah satu tukang parkir yang berada di depan kios
penambal ban korban, Andre mengatakan, akibat ledakan tersebut, kompresor biru
terbelah menjadi dua. Mesin kompresor meledak saat korban sedang menambal ban
Bajaj di bengkel ban miliknya di Jalan Panjang, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat.
"Kejadiannya sekitar pukul 09.40 WIB, saat menambal ban Bajaj," kata saksi Aris (42),
di lokasi. Akibat ledakan itu, lanjut Aris, korban mengalami luka serius di kedua kaki.
"Kaki kirinya patah, kaki kanannya patah. Dia juga punya waktu mental," katanya

Analisis Kecelakaan Kerja:

Ledakan itu disebabkan karena kompresor tukang reparasi ban tidak terawat. Karena itu
kompresor meledak saat menambal ban bajaj. Ledakan itu bukan hanya karena
kompresor, tetapi karena pemilik tambalan ban tidak pernah memeriksa atau
memperbaiki kompresor.

Pencegahan untuk mencegah kecelakaan kerja:

- Selalu periksa kondisi peralatan sebelum menggunakan peralatan.
- Melakukan penggantian alat yang sudah tidak layak pakai.
- Melakukan perawatan pada peralatan.

Saran :
Sebelum melakukan atau menggunakan kompresor harus selalu dicek atau dicek apakah
kompresor masih bisa digunakan atau tidak. Dan selalu lakukan perbaikan berkala pada

Useful Words
(Each chapter ends with a list of important words. Some you will already know. Do not try to
memorize the meanings; just become familiar with them. Each word is used in a sentence).
(Setiap bab diakhiri dengan daftar kata-kata penting. Beberapa sudah Anda ketahui. Jangan
mencoba menghafal artinya; kenali saja mereka. Setiap kata digunakan dalam sebuah

1 Introduce In-tro-duce Bring something new to an environment

Bawa sesuatu yang baru ke lingkungan
A new word processor was introduced"
Pengolah kata baru diperkenalkan"
2 Power Po-wer Physical strength
Kekuatan fisik
The car loses its power.
Mobil kehilangan tenaga.
3 Leak Leak An accidental hole that allows something
(fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape
Lubang yang tidak disengaja yang
memungkinkan sesuatu (cairan atau cahaya,
dll.) masuk atau keluar
One of the tires developed a leak.
Salah satu ban mengalami kebocoran.
4 Cycle Cy-cle A periodically repeated sequence of events
Urutan peristiwa yang berulang secara berkala
A cycle of the two stroke diesel engine goes like this.
Siklus mesin diesel dua langkah berjalan seperti ini.
5 Diesel Die-sel An internal-combustion engine that burns
heavy oil
Mesin pembakaran internal yang terbakar
minyak berat
It is easier to maintain the diesel machine than this one.
Lebih mudah merawat mesin diesel daripada yang ini.
6 Spark plug Spark plug Electrical device that fits into the
cylinder head of an internal-combustion
engine and ignites the gas by means of an
electric spark
Perangkat listrik yang sesuai dengan kepala
silinder mesin pembakaran internal dan
menyalakan gas melalui percikan listrik
The spark plug is broken. You need to change it.
Busi rusak. Anda perlu mengubahnya.

7 Fuel Fu-el A substance that can be consumed to produce

Suatu zat yang dapat dikonsumsi untuk
menghasilkan energi
The fuel tank is empty.
Tangki bahan bakar kosong.
8 Combustion A process in which a substance reacts with
oxygen to give heat and light
Suatu proses di mana suatu zat bereaksi
dengan oksigen untuk menghasilkan panas
dan cahaya
Adjust the mixture of air and the gas to make proper combustion.
Sesuaikan campuran udara dan gas untuk membuat pembakaran yang tepat.

9 Compressed Com- Pressed tightly together

pressed Ditekan erat bersama-sama
It compressed air.
Itu mengompresi udara.

10 Gas Gas A fluid in the gaseous state having neither

independent shape nor volume and being able
to expand indefinitely
Fluida dalam wujud gas yang tidak memiliki
bentuk atau volume independen dan dapat
memuai tanpa batas
The tank contains poisonous gas.
Tangki berisi gas beracun.

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