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Hello, everyone! How is it going? Hope you’re all doing fine. As the exam’s week
will be coming very soon, we, from the Education Department of JEC 2021,
proudly presents to all of you,


So, what is JPT?

Basically, JPT is one of our work programs that have main purposes to develop
all of KBMFH (especially 2021 batch)’s English skills and also support them by
providing the best exercise and platform to learn English through the exercise
given as their comprehension and preparation to get the best score at English
examinations in particular and at English Course in general.
What will we do in this program?
This year, JPT will be divided into 3 session. In this program, all the participants
(KBMFH, especially 2021 batch) will be given set of questions that they should
answer. Then, the tutor from Education Department, will explain to them the
answers. After that, all the participants will be given set of questions (again) that
they should answer where the key answer and explanation of it will be sent in the
form of soft file. Anyway, all the participants also could ask any questions about
English’s Exam and the other things that related to the examination. Feel free to
do so, everyone!

Exams? No worries! Keep calm and do your best. May all the good luck follow
you throughout the exams.

Warm regards,

Justitia English Club


Determine if the word is adjective, noun, or verb!
1. Compulsory
2. Enforce
3. Authority


Identify the sentences below whether they are nominal or verbal!
4. The rose smells nice.
5. The children who joined the speech contest were really smart
6. Michelle did not go to school last Monday
7. Why was she absent yesterday?

8. The police were told by their….where to find the criminal. (inform)
9. He gave us his….that the boat was in good working order. (assure)
10. We are hoping for successful….of our project by June. (complete)

Choose the word with the right meaning to fill in the blanks!
11. The police asked the witness to..... the two men.
a. prescribe
b. describe
c. obey
12. He will be ... to the full extent of the law for murdering his client.
a. disputed
b. defined
c. prosecuted
13. For the people who live on hills, having land slide is a common ... for them.
a. rival
b. argument
c. threat
Fill the blank with the suitable words that have been provided!

break the rules, behave, penalty, moral choice

In all societies relations between people are regulated by prescriptive laws. Some of them are
customs – that is, informal rules of social and moral behavior. Customs need not to be made
by governments, and they need not to be written down. We learn how we are expected to _____
(14) in society through the instruction of family and teachers, the advice of friends, and our
own experience in communication with other people. Thus moral rules and ethics remind us
that it is immoral to covet, to tell lies, or to defame the dead. Sometimes we can break these
rules without suffering any_______(15). But if we continually____(16), or break a very
important one, we may lose our friends or their respect. The law, however, is not concerned
with these matters and leaves them to the individual’s ________ (17) and the pressure of public
opinion results no legal actions.

Read the text carefully and answer the questions below
In many countries the legal systems are very complex. This is because they have been
developed over very long times. Every time that a new case is decided it can have an effect on
future cases. This means that the people who work in legal situations have to be clever. They
have to know and understand all the rules and precedents. A precedent is when a previous
decision will have an effect on future cases as it was related to an important point. There are
many people who work with the law, such as solicitors or judges.
A solicitor is a lawyer who spends most of their time advising their clients and preparing
legal documents, such as wills or contracts for buying and selling houses. They need to be very
careful and make sure that all the details are correct, otherwise their clients might lose a lot of
money. A barrister is a type of lawyer who works in court rooms. They will either work for the
prosecution or defense sides. If they are a prosecution lawyer they are trying to prove that the
defendant (the person on trial) committed a crime. They have to present evidence to show that
the defendant is guilty. If they are a defense lawyer then they work for the defendant and have
to show that the evidence presented is not enough to prove that their client is guilty and he
should be judged to be not guilty. Then there are judges and magistrates. A magistrate will hear
trials about less serious crimes, while a judge’s will be about more serious crimes. These are
the people who have to decide what punishment will be given to someone who is guilty. The
punishments could range from a small fine up to a long prison sentence, and even a death
sentence in some countries. The trial happens in the judge’s courtroom, so the judge is
responsible for making sure the trial is run fairly and follows the law.
If a lawyer believes that a trial was not fair or there was a mistake in the law, they can
ask for a new trial that will generally be hear by an appeal court where an appeal judge will be
in charge. Often appeal judges will be the most experienced judges in a country, so they know
a lot about the law and how to apply it.
1. What do lawyers have to be?
a. Clever
b. Nice
c. Greedy
2. What could happen if a solicitor makes a mistake?
a. Someone who is innocent could go to prison.
b. Someone could lose their job.
c. The client could lose some money.
3. Why might an appeal be needed?
a. The first trial was done perfectly.
b. The first trial was not fair.
c. The first trial took too long to finish

1. Compulsory (adjective)
2. Enforce (verb)
3. Authority (noun)
4. The rose smells nice
Termasuk verbal sentence karena menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama: smell(s)
5. The children who joined the speech contest were really smart
Termasuk nominal sentence karena menggunakan to be: were
6. Michelle did not go to school last Monday
Termasuk verbal sentence karena menggunakan negatif aux: didn’t dan kata kerja: go
7. Why was she absent yesterday?
Termasuk nominal sentence karena menggunakan to be: was
8. The police were told by their….where to find the criminal. (inform)
Inform  Informant (Verb to Noun)
9. He gave us his….that the boat was in good working order. (assure)
Assure  Assurance (Verb to Noun)
10. We are hoping for successful….of our project by June. (complete)
Complete  Completion (Adjective to Noun)
11. B. Described
12. C. Prosecuted
13. C. Threat
14. Behave
15. Penalty
16. Break the rules
17. Moral choice
18. A. Clever (Paragraph 1, Sentence 4)
19. C. The client could lose some money (Paragraph 2, Sentence 2)
20. B. The first trial was not fair (Paragraph 3, Sentence 1)

Choose the best answer from the questions below!

1. Choose the correct question word: "I can't find my glasses. _______ are they?"
a. What
b. How
c. Where
2. Ross told me…she would call me the following day.
a. What
b. That
c. Whose
3. They cancelled all fights because of fog.
a. All flights were cancelled because of fog.
b. All flights was cancelled because of fog.
c. All flights are cancelled because of fog.
4. Mia: Are you and your classmate going to study together?
Ron: ___
a. No, we don't.
b. No, we aren't.
c. No, we isn't.
5. The workers must follow the instructions, _________?
a. must they?
b. must not they?
c. should they?
6. Non-smokers usually live ___ than smokers.
a. more long
b. most long
c. longer

Choose the right form!

7. Under the new rules, working time is restrictive/restricted/restriction to 45 hours a
8. It is difficult to relate/relation/relative these result to any known phenomenon.
9. There were reports that some people had been prevented/preventive/prevention from
voting in the elections.
Which verb do the following sentences define?
10. To provide a short conclusion of the most important facts of something
a. summarize
b. define
c. provide

11. To deliberately not pay attention or break a rule, an order

a. restrict
b. compel
c. disobey
12. To do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something bad or
a. impose
b. punish
c. obey

Fill the blank with the suitable words that have been provided in the box
codified transmitted permitted concerning
The Koran is the basis of Islamic law, the sharia. All of activity of the Muslim is built
into the framework of the sharia, which discusses the believers’ duties toward God and his
fellow beings. The sharia can be described as “the entirety” of Divine commands (13) ... on
human actions”, for God is the sole lawgiver. Muslims soon felt that it will be impossible to
fulfil all the requirements of the sharia. But to deny the validity of the sharia is not (14) ...
.Forming the practical aspect of Muhammad’s religious teaching, the sharia has been (15) ...
across centuries from generation to generation. The juridical part of the sharia was (16) ... for
the first time in the Ottoman Empire on 1869.
13. The choice of word is…
14. The choice of word is…
15. The choice of word is…
16. The choice of word is…

Read the following passage then determine whether the statement No. 17-20 are TRUE
or FALSE (T/F).
A Political Party is a group organized to support certain policies or questions of public
interest. The aim of political party is to elect officials who will try to carry out the party’s
policies. The questions may range from issues of peace, war and taxes to how people should
earn a living. A large political party usually has millions of members and supporters. When
people in a democracy disagree about what the government should do, each voter expresses his
opinion by voting for the candidate that supports his side of the agreement.
Newspapers, radio and television have a strong influence on political parties. The
parties use radio and television to hold public opinion. Some countries have only one party,
and others have many. In Cuba and China, there is only one party: the Communist party. One
party rule is also common in much of Africa and Latin America. Under such a system people
who do not agree with the party in power cannot express their objections by voting for another
The countries where two or more parties have the right to compete with each other in
elections are the democracies. Democracies usually operate under either a two-party or a multi-
party system. Many European countries have multi-party system. Among there are Norway,
Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Because of the number
of the competing parties, it is sometimes difficult for any one party to get a clear majority of
the votes.
17. A group organized to support certain policies is called a political party. (T/F)
18. Political party elects officials carrying out the officials’ policies. (T/F)
19. Voters express their opinion by voting the candidate that against their agreement. (T/F)
20. Newspapers, radio, and television have significant influence on political parties. (T/F)
Section 1 (Choose the best answer)
1. C. Where
Hint: Wh-question
Wh-questions are questions that begin with one of the eight “wh” words: who, whose,
what, when, which, why, where and how. Questions formed with “wh” words ask about
the word or phrase the “wh” word replaces. Simply said, we use them to ask for
information. The answer cannot be yes or no. Because it can’t be answered only by
yes/no, it’s usually called as an open-ended question. Example:
Q: Who is your favorite female singer?
A: My favorite female singer is Taylor Swift for sure!

2. B. That
Hint: Relative clause
A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t
stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it
functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause
always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase,
or a pronoun when sentences are combined.
Relative pronoun as subject (in bold):
I like the person. The person was nice to me  I like the person who was nice to me.
Relative pronoun as object (in bold):
I like the piano. My uncle gave me the piano  I like the piano that my father gave

3. A. All flights were cancelled because of fog.

Hint: Passive voice
Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb's action.

4. B. No, we aren't.
Hint: Yes/No Question
Yes / No questions are the questions which are answered yes or no. It means when we
are asking yes/no questions, we are expecting the answer, yes or no. Because the answer
is only between yes or no (single-word answer), this type of question also usually called
as closed question.
To form Yes/No questions, we use one of these verbs: auxiliary verbs (be, do and have)
or modal verbs (can, may, etc.). We cannot use questions words like what, how, why,
who, etc. while making Yes/No questions.

5. B. must not they?

Hint: Question tag
Question tags are short questions at the end of statements. They are mainly used in
speech when we want to: confirm that something is true or not, or to encourage a
reply from the person we are speaking to. If the sentence is affirmative, the tag will be
negative and if the sentence is negative, the tag will be positive.
Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the
appropriate subject. Other special points:
 Although the negative word not is not in the sentence, the sentence can be
negative. Then we use the positive question tag. Ex: He hardly
ever speaks, does he?
 If the verb is in the past simple we use did. Ex: They went to the
cinema, didn't they?
 We use shall after let’s. Ex: Let's take the next bus, shall we?
 We use won't with a polite request. Ex: Open the window, won't you?
6. C. longer
Hint: Comparative degree
Comparative adjectives/degree are used to compare differences between the two objects
they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two
nouns are compared, in this pattern:
Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).
Example: This box is smaller than the one I lost.

Additional information:
Superlative adjectives/degree are used to describe an object which is at the upper or
lower limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used
in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.
Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).
Example: This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
TIPS: Perbanyak review dan latihan soal terutama terkait materi kuliah yang diberikan dosen

Section 2 (Choose the right form)

7. Restricted
Under the new rules, working time is restricted to 45 hours a week.
Hint: Passive Voice (S + to be + V3)
Passive voice is used to tell what is done to someone or something. The subject is being
acted upon. Below here is the transition from active to passive voice in every type of
8. Relate
It is difficult to relate these result to any known phenomenon.
Hint: Infinitive
An infinitive is a verbal usually preceded by “to”. It is used as a noun, adjective, or an
adverb. Formula of Infinitive:

Example: I love to read

9. Prevented
There were reports that some people had been prevented from voting in the elections.
Hint: Passive Voice
Sudah jelas.

Section 3 (Which verb do the following sentences define?)

10. A. Summarize
11. C. Disobey
12. B. Punish
Sudah jelas. TIPS: Perbanyak membaca dan cari tahu arti kata-kata di kamus. Selanjutnya
tinggal dicocokkan saja kata yang dimaksud dari definisi yang telah ada pada soal.
Section 4 (Fill the blank with the suitable words that have been provided in the box)
13. Concerning
Concerning  on the subject of or in connection with; about; merupakan preposition.
14. Permitted
Permitted-permit  give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something; kata
“permit” tergolong dalam kata kerja/verb.
15. Transmitted
Transmitted  passed on from one person or place to another; merupakan adjective.
16. Codified
Codified-codify  arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code; merupakan verb (kata
Full text here:
The Koran is the basis of Islamic law, the sharia. All of activity of the Muslim is
built into the framework of the sharia, which discusses the believer’s duties toward God
and his fellow beings. The sharia can be described as “the entirety* of Divine commands
concerning human actions”, while God is the- sole lawgiver. Muslims soon felt that it will
be impossible to fulfill all the requirements of the sharia. But to deny the validity* of the
sharia is not permitted. Forming the practical aspect of Muhammad’s religious teaching,
the sharia has been transmitted during the centuries from generation to generation. The
juridical part of the sharia was codified for the first time in the Ottoman Empire on 1869.
TIPS: Baca paragraf yang disajikan dengan seksama dan pahami konteksnya. Perhatikan
kata-kata yang disediakan. Ketahui/cari tahu arti dari masing-masing kata. Pilih dan
tempatkan kata pada bagian yang rumpang dengan terlebih dulu menyesuaikan ke konteks

Section 5 (Read the following passage then determine whether the statement (T/F))
17. A group organized to support certain policies is called a political party (T)
Perhatikan paragraf pertama pada kalimat pertama!
“A Political Party is a group organized to support certain policies or questions of
public interest….”
Inti dari kalimat tersebut sama seperti halnya pernyataan yang ditanyakan. Hanya saja
pernyataan yang sedang ditanyakan T/F diubah bentuknya dari yang berupa kalimat
aktif menjadi kalimat pasif sehingga jawabannya TRUE.

18. Political party elects officials carrying out the officials’ policies (F)
Perhatikan paragraf pertama pada kalimat kedua!
“….The aim of political party is to elect officials who will try to carry out the party’s
Pernyataan yang sedang ditanyakan kebenarannya tidak sesuai sebagaimana
informasi yang ada di paragrapf (perhatikan juga kata-kata di atas yang dicetak tebal)
sehingga jawabannya FALSE.
19. Voters express their opinion by voting the candidate that against their agreement (F)
Perhatikan paragraf pertama pada kalimat terakhir!
“……each voter expresses his opinion by voting for the candidate that supports his
side of the agreement. “
Maksud yang ada dalam pernyataan yang ditanyakan dengan kalimat yang ada dalam
paragraf berbeda. Hal ini ditandai dengan penggunaan kata “against” pada pernyataan
di atas dan kata “support” pada kutipan kalimat di atas yang mana keduanya memiliki
makna yang kontradiktif. Karenanya, pernyataan tersebut FALSE karena tidak sesuai.

20. Newspapers, radio, and television have significant influence on political parties (T)
Perhatikan paragraf kedua pada kalimat pertama!
“Newspapers, radio and television have a strong influence on political parties…”
Secara umum, maksud yang ada dalam pernyataan yang ditanyakan dengan kalimat
yang ada dalam paragraf sama meskipun terdapat satu modifikasi dari kata “strong” 
“significant”. Akan tetapi, hal itu bukan masalah karena pada dasarnya kedua kata
tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dan kalaupun diganti seperti halnya dalam hal ini
tidak mengubah maksud kalimat secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu, pernyataan
tersebut dinilai TRUE.
Baca teksnya baik-baik dan ambil semua data/informasi dari teksnya. Jangan buat kesimpulan
baru dari apa yang sudah disampaikan di dalam teks. Jadi harus stick to the text! Selain itu,
sambil banyak-banyak pelajari dan diperkaya lagi pengetahuan terkait vocabulary untuk
mengetahui sinonim dan antonim sehingga bisa lebih mudah dalam mengidentifikasi dan
menjawab soal dengan tipe ini.

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