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Name : Abdil Muttaqin Putra

NIM : 1901026032

Review of SKB “Understanding Production Design (Audio Visual)”


If we look from the aspect of Business Feasibility Study, the stages in Production Design and
Business Feasibility Study are quite similar, which means the stages contained in the
Business Feasibility Study can be applied to the Design Production Works.

1. The Idea

first stage that can be applied is the discovery of ideas, which in this Production Design is
the stage to find out about "what will be used as a Production Design" and also "What do
you want to convey from the Production Design (Film)"

2. Research

The ideas that have been determined will then be researched. Research is a systematic,
critical, and scientific investigation of a problem to increase knowledge and
understanding, obtain new facts, or interpret unknowns.

In this context we will do the analysis namely:

- Selecting and sorting data/facts for the formation of the film's storyline.

- Identification and Mapping of important and unimportant data.

- Create main data categories for the storyline (main problem, main character, main

- Looking for connection (cause-effect), between the facts/data with other data.

- Linking specific phenomena with larger contexts (universal values)

3. Evaluation

At this stage we will determine several things related to the costs to be incurred, namely:

- How long is the duration of the film that will be produced, because the longer the
duration of the film, the longer the process of making it, and the greater the costs that
will be incurred.

- Budget, what costs need to be prepared and paid for the continuity of the process.

- Crew, How many crews are needed for the continuity of the manufacture and how
much does it cost to pay.

4. Implementation Plan

At this stage what will be prepared are:

- Goals, what is the purpose of making the film

- Audience, Who is the target audience of the film. Is the movie for SU,13+,17+, or

- Determining the Genre of the movie

- Specifying the Style of the movie

- Determine the point of view to be used in making the film (whether it is a first,
second, or third-person point of view)

- Determining the Production Approach

- Determining Film Distribution :

o National Cinema Network

o Television Stations / Broadcasting Channels

o Profit Sharing with DVD Store

o Film Distributor Network

o Local cooperation network [film community, campus, local TV]

o Internet Bandwidth [streaming;ect]

5. Implementation

After we have gone through the above process, then the next step is to realize all the plans
that have been prepared based on the data that has been collected and continue to monitor
the progress of all the stages that have been carried out. In this way, all plans can be
controlled and it is known what obstacles arise during the process.

In my opinion, judging from the suitability of the stages that can be applied from
"Business Feasibility Study" to "Work Production Design" the process in making the film
should run smoothly and if there is an obstacle it will be easy to identify where the source
of the problem is and what needs to be done. repaired. This will avoid greater losses in
the process above.

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