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AREAUNDERSTUDY Parent swhogi vethem a wa y,ar

pressur edbyt hes oci
etyandt hemenof
thehous et ogiveups uc hanabomi nation,
duet ot heirambi guousgeni t
unconv entionalbehavior.Themember s
whonot i
cey oungonesnot t ti
ngi n
educ atet hesey oungstersandi nvitet hem
n. themaj orit
yloinsthec ommuni tyon
theirownaf t
errunninga wa y.Theyc an't
taket heemot ionaltr
aumaand ndt he
Themaj oror gani z ationi sont hebas i
onlypl aceofs olace. CONCLUSI ONS
Tax aliGat e seni or ityi nt hegr oup, thegur usandt he o Thegenderi sac onstruc tandev eryonehast he
–heer amandi i
nwal ledc i
ty,Lahor e Accor dingt othenat i
onal aidspr ogram:
chel as .Ev eryKha waj as ar ahasagur u righttothede nei tforthems elves.
andt heI nitiationi nt hec ommuni tyonly o All humanses pec i
yt hemi noriti
esha v
et he
OTHERL OCALI TI ESI NLAHORE oc cur sthr ought hes pons orshipoft he righttothec i
Al argenumberofkha waj asarasc anbe Gur u. Agur ur ec ei veshi st itleont he o Theyha veas ocialst
ruc tureoft heirown, which
spot tedont hes treet soft hec ityof bas isofs eni ority ,age, andwi sdom. With functionsasaf amily,butt heydon' thaveas ocial
Lahor e. Theyar es eenr oami ngar oundi n timet hedi sc i
pl esageandt ak ethet itl
e l
ifeout si
deoft heircommuni ty.
gaudyhai rdosand as hyat t
irei ns pir
ed ofgur uf ort hems elv eswi tht hei rown o Theyha veadi st
incthierarc hy
om t hec inemai ndus t
ryac ros sthe stringofs tudent s/fol lowerk eenon o Theyear nbybeggi ng, ass ex-wor kers
bor der .Theyar es eenbys omebut lear ni ngt hes ur vival skills.Gur usha ve danc ersatweddi ngsandbi rthda ys.
mos tlyI gnoredwhi l
et heymak ewa y gur usabov et hem andt hes ear eknown o Theypa yli
leornor olei nt heec onomy .To
askingf ormoneyf rom c art oc ar.Thei r ast hemahagur us .Theyar et hemos t des i
gnanar eawhi c hwillhelpgener ateincome.
communi tyi
ss preadal lov erthec i
ty res pec tful member soft hec ommuni t
wher et heyl ivei nc l
os e-pr oxi
mal hous es TheMahaGur usc ol lec tivelyf or ma
Thehea vil
ypopul atedar easar e: clos e- kni tuni tc alledt hePunc ha yat.
•Shandar a Theyar et heoneswhot ak ethe
•Guj jar pur a nec es sar ydec isionsf ort hec ommuni ty.
•Dar oga wala Theyal s oens ur et hatt hekha waj asaras
•Mughal pura ar ef ol l
owi ngt hec odeofc onduc tand
•Gr eent own setofr ul ess etbyt hem. Theyha vet he PROBLEMSLEADI N GT O LIVLIHOOD
•Iqbal T own aut hor ityt oex pel any onef rom t he MARGI NALI SATION Themaj or ityoft hemoneyt heyear ncomesf rom al ms , singing,
•Sai dpur communi ty.Ift hingsgoa wr y .Number a)L ac kofEduc ati
on danc i
ng, per f
ormi ngoc casional l
yatmel as ,andatt het imeof
•Sabz az aar off ami liesl ivet oget heri ndi ffer ent b)Publ icHumi li
on thebi rthofamal ec hild.Someoft hem r es or ttopr ostitut i
•Chungi loc alitiess preadal l ov erL ahor e.Thes e c )Abus iv
eT reatmentbyt heoffic ers thesear el ook eddownuponbyot hert rans -I
ndi vidual s, asitis
•Amar sadhu fami liesac tass uppor tgr oupswher e d)Lac kofSoc ialAcceptance cons i
der edanac tofevi lbyamaj or i
tyint hec ommuni ty.wher e
•KotL ac khpat ev er yi ndi vidual kha waj as aras uppor t
s e)Har o Theydon' tha vetheski
llstoex celinother el
as s
mentatwor k/ pu bl
ic s
p aces theyl ovet odanc e,ther ear es omewhoha vej oinedNGOsas
•Tax al iGat e eac hot herec onomi c allyand astheyar eforcedtodropoutear l
yi nschool
f)Lac kofpubl i
cspacef orintegration peereduc ators,toi nfor mt hem aboutt hedanger st hatar e
emot ional l
y. present .Theygi vet hem i nf ormat ionaboutt hei rr ight s,andal so desi
gnapl acewher etheyc anfreely,wit
THECOMMUNI TYSTRUCTURE inculcatet hedes iret os tudyandhel pthem r ealiz et her ei s fear
arenotwel comei nt hemai nstr
eam publi
TheThi r dGenderl ivesi nal arges oc i
al mor et ot hewor l
dt handanc i
ngands ell
ingt hei rbodi es. Many
Theyj oint hec ommuni tyt os afeguar d spacesandar ef or
cedoutoft hearea.Tohelp
net wor k, f
unc ti
oni ngass oc i
al ec onomi c ofthem ha veadopt edt hepr ofessionoft ailor i
ng. Whi l
eal lare
thei ri dent i
tyanddes ires .This empowert hroughowner ship.
uni tshol dings i
mi lart hemesofhi erar- reall
ygr eathy gieni cc ook sonl ys omeha vet ak ent hisupasa
communi typr ovi desec onomi cand
chy ,res pec t,respec tabili
t yandr ec ipr
oc - profes s
ionandar eempl oy edasc hef sinv eryf ewhous ehol ds.
emot ional stabi lity.They ndt he
y. Itc ons ist
soft hreel evel s
: NGO' slikeAkhuwatha veempl oyedt heKha waj as arasandpa y
freedom t oex plor et heuni quenes sof
o MahaGur u( Grandr not her ) them wel l.Theyhel pt hem wi thmedi c
inal probl emsand
thei rownI dent i
t y.Theydovi s i
tt heir
o Gur u( Mot her) educ atet hem, andt eac hthem di ffer ents ki l
ls.Thea verage
fami li
es ,es pec ial lyt hei rmot her ,but
o Chel a( Dis
c i
ple/ Foll
ower ) incomeofaKha waj asar avar iesbet weenRs .8000-Rs .18, 000.
theyha v et odi sgui set hems el ves.
Chelasar eex pec tedt ogi v
eapor tionoft hei ri nc omet ot he
1. Par ent sga vet hem a wa y
guruwhoI stheheadoft hehous ehol dandt ak est her ol eoft he
2. Member soft hec ommuni tybr ought
mot her.Theydi videt hei nc omebet weent hems el ves ,thei r
them and
Gur uandt osendbac kt ot hei rfami l
3. Joi nedbyt hems el ves .

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