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Unit 1: Brain and Nerves

Choose the Correct option:

1. _________ controls all the systems of the body.

Nerves brain Sense organ
2. The _______ in the body receive signal from sense organ and take messages to
Nervous system Nerves Neurons
3. The ______________ controls all actions and movements.
Skull Nervous system sense organs
4. The brain looks like a large, ___________.
Whitish gray walnut reddish pink walnut pinkish grey walnut
5. Human brain is located :

a) inside the hair, at the top of brain and protected by head

b) inside the head, at the top of spinal cord and protected by skull
c) inside the hair, at the top of skull and protected by head.

6. The human body is made up of _________

Millions of cells trillions of cells billions of cells
6. The cells of nervous system are called __________

Neurons organs cerebrum

7. The brain needs continuous supply of ________

Carbon dioxide hydrogen oxygen


8. The human brain is divided into _________ parts.

Two three four

9. The ________ is the largest part of brain.

Cerebellum Medulla Cerebrum

10. The average weighs of human brain is _________

1250-1500 1200-1400 1225-1425

11. The __________ of the cerebrum controls the left side of the body.

Left half right half

12.The __________ of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body.

Left half right half

13. Which organ works with the nervous system and sense organs to detect the
world around us?
Heart liver brain lungs

14. Which of the following does the brain need in order to function properly?
Sleep oxygen food all of these

15. What does the medulla controls?

Voluntary actions motivation balance involuntary actions

16. Brain cells are different from other cells of the body because they do not:
Work need oxygen re-grow die

17. ____________ carry signals from the sense organs to the brain or the spinal
Motor nerves network sensory nerves

18. The ___________ is connected to the brain.

spinal cord muscles glands wires

19. Nerves from the head and neck region are connected directly to the________.
Spinal cord brain heart

20.The nerves from other parts of the body are connected to each side of
Brain muscles glands spinal cord

21. Those action where you do not stop to think are known as : _________
signal reaction reflex action

22. The___________ connect you to the outside world.

Vibrations buds sense organs brain

23.The eyes are set in sockets in the _________

Bones head skull

24.The colored part of the eye is the _______.

Iris pupil inner part lens

25.The lens focuses the picture on a screen called the ________.

Iris cornea retina

26.The _________ of the eye carries the message to the brain.

Lens optic nerves Retina cornea

27. Smells dissolved on the___________of the nostrils.

Chemicals moist lining air

28. When you detect the smell the nerves carry a message to the_______
Brain spinal cord skull

29.Sound ____________pass on the inner ear, where the nerves carry the
message to the brain.
Air vibrations wave

30. What is the name of the top layer of the skin?

Dermis cerebrum retina epidermis

31. The _________ enables you to feel heat, cold, pain, pressure and touch.
Brain cornea skin cells

32. The skin has___________ of receptor cells.

hundreds thousands millions

33.The ___________ send information to the brain about things we touch.

Receptors skin cells

True / False
 The human brain is the Control Center of the body. (T / F)
 Nerves are distributed throughout the body. (T / F)
 The brain and the nerves are from the nervous system. (T / F)
 Sense organs are not from nervous system. (T / F)
 Brain doesn’t feel soft and squishy nor have folds and creases. (T / F)
 Brain controls all our activities. (T / F)
 All nerve cells are linked together to control body activities. (T / F)
 Brain does not require food but enough sleep to function properly. (T / F)
 Different parts of brain do different jobs. (T / F)
 Medulla is also called brain stem. (T / F)
 Cerebrum is divided horizontally in two halves. (T / F)
 It was discovered by the scientists that people who had injured one side of the
brain he lost control of parts on the opposite side. (T / F)
 About 1000 billion nerve cells make up the brain. (T / F)
 Nerves work like telephone wires. (T / F)
 Motor nerves tell the sense organs what they have seen, heard, smelt, tasted,
or felt. (T / F)
 Sensory nerve signal make the muscles move. (T / F)

 Nervous system controls all actions and movements. (T / F)

 When you step on a pin your foot automatically pulls away such actions are
known as reaction. (T / F)
 Smells are particles in the air. (T / F)
 Taste buds send signals to the spinal cord. (T / F)
 The tongue detects different tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami.
(T / F)
 For each type of sensation we have different receptor cells. (T / F)

Label the parts of brain:


Fill in the blanks:

1.The cerebrum controls _________,__________ and ________.
2.the cerebellum controls ________ and ___________.
3.The medulla controls _________, _________ and __________.
4.The nerves that transfer signal from the brain to the muscles and
glands are called___________ .
5. the nerves that transmits signals from the sense organs to the brain
are called______________.
6. The ___________connects the brain to the spinal cord.
7. the brain is part of the____________system.
8. the three main parts of brain are______________, _____________
and ________________.
9. The nerve cells need a continuous supplies of _________.
10. _______ are like telephone wires and link all parts of the body
to the brain.
11. Nerves are of two kinds: _____________and ___________.
12. The brain, spinal cord and nerves form a very efficient
communication network known as ____________.
13. Reflex action are controlled by ___________.
14. Eyes are protected by the________ in the skull and _______of skin.
15. The ___________ Is the part through which light enters the eye.
16. The _______ is the transparent front part of the eye that covers iris,
pupil and its inner part.
17. You can use your nose to _______ and _________.
18. Smells are ____________ in the air.
19. The outer ear directs sounds to the_______.

20. The ____________on your tongue are sensitive to chemicals in food.

21. A reflex action is an _________action.

Label the parts of eye :

Label the skin layers


Answer sheet for diagram

Label the parts of eye :


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