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Spesies Metode /Lokasi Kuantifikasi Catatan Penting Sumber


Sea Urchin Adult sea Mitomycin- c Micronuclei Arslan and

urchins, caused frequencies in cells of Parlak,
Paracentrotus micronucleus P. lividus exposed to 2016
lividus were induction at BPA have more
collected from low mutagenic and
the Aegean Sea concentrations. genotoxic properties.
coast (Seferihisar The MN
District, Turkey). frequency was
The eggs reported as
obtained by 0.6‰ and the
dissecting the MN frequency
ectodermal induced by
skeleton were MMC at 10
put into FSW, µg/ml was 6–
while the sperms 9‰.
were kept in a
dry environment.
Each experiment
was run in six
Perna viridis The method is There are six Not all green mussel
performed with types of samples infected by
the survey, as parasites. the parasite. Value
well as the The highest indicates that the
sampling intensity value prevalence of infected
technique used is and dominance mussels 84% of the
random sampling owned samples examined. It
was also taken unidentified showed parasite
water quality parasite, infection in mussels
measurement The highest examined were high
data that is prevalence
measured by (62%) is
using a water Ciliate, while
quality Checker. the intensity
(1), the
(1%), and the
dominance of
(0.04%), the
lowest owned
by nematodes.
Eobania Acute toxicity The percentage The micronucleus test Khalil, A.
vermiculata assay, Sublethal mortality of was performed with M. (2016).
toxicity assay, exposed E. snail hemocytes
Hemocytes vermiculata in according to the
collection and each methodology of
tissue concentration Hooftman and de
preparation, group became Raat (1982) and the
Enzymatic progressively analysis of hemocyte
measurements, higher as the nuclear abnormalities
Total protein concentration according to Carrasco
measurement, of exposure et al. (1990).
Nuclear increased. Immediately after
abnormalities Lannate killed sampling,
assay, Statistical 16.63%, hemolymph was
analysis. / all 47.77% and smeared on clean
parts of the 92.22% of glass slides, dried
snail's body snails exposed overnight, fixed with
to 25, 125 methanol for 10 min
and 500 lg and stained with
snail, Gimesa (5%). A total
respectively. 3000 hemocytes per
Probit analysis snail were examined
of the results under an optical
indicates that microscope (1000_
the estimated magnification). The
48-h LD50 mean frequencies of
value was micronucleus (MN)
102.32 lg snail. and binucleated cells
For all acute (BN) found in each
and sublethal experimental group
toxicities, no were calculated and
mortality was expressed per 1000
observed cells (‰)
among snails
of the control
during the
Mytilus Histological Less basophilic An Ancistrum –like (Lohrmann
chilensis sections using micronucleus ciliate was observed et al., 2019)
scanning measured 45.0 on the gills. The
electron ± 8.35 μm in Ancistrum–like ciliate
microscopy length, and had an elongated pear
(SEM), then 16.4 ± 3.3 μm shape, with a small,
histological in width less basophilic
evaluation, and micronucleus, located
the last is posteriorly. It was
statistical attached to the gills,
analysis of but did not appear to
prevalence and cause any defensive
Intensity of reaction
Micronucleus is
posteriorly on
ciliate which
attached to the
Littopenaeus Sampling using Resulted from The whole part of (Rahmanto
vannamei. simple random bacterial vanamei shrimp et al., 2014)
sampling. The isolation from Clinical symptoms
isolated bacterial microalgae during the test are
isolates were mass culture shrimp swimming
then purified. media with sideways, swimming
Purification is TCBS media around and irregular,
done by growing obtained 21 pale body, reddened
bacteria on Bacterial feet, brownish red
TCBS selective isolates were tails then flaking, pale
media. The then selected hepatopankreas
method of based on color, reddish, soft carapace,
purification is by shape, and empty intestine, and
taking a single characteristics black spots on the
bacterial colony of bacterial body of the shrimp
from the Petri colonies, (melanosis).
cup. obtained 6

Bivalve The first Bivalves are •The need to develop Machado

mollusks protocol is dissected, gills and standardize tests Simone &
applied removed and for in situ Carlos
according to the two gill arches biomonitoring of Alberto
procedure placed in a aquatic ecosystems Machado
proposed by drop of has long been (2016)
UNEP (1999) methanol:acetic acknowledged
and makes use of acid (3:1) •The use of
hemocytes. In solution biomarkers to
the second separately on measure biological
protocol, MN two clean responses in
test is applied on microscope theexposed organisms
gill cells slides and is very useful to
according to the gently nipped simplify and lower
procedure with tweezers costs of biological
proposed by for 2–3 min. monitoring, especially
Baršienė et al. The produced in aquatic
(2004). cell suspension environments.
is softly
smeared on
both slides and
air-dried. Dried
smears are
fixed in
methanol for
10 min. Air-
dried slides are
stained with
4% Giemsa
solution in
buffer pH 6.8.
was collected
from the
Different pathological
adductor muscle
aspects, such as host
of 20 mussels
defence responses and
from each site
An aliquot of the
changes were
detected in the gills,
digestive glands,
(150 μL) was put
gonads and mantle. A
on a slide, then
significant increase of
the slides were
The frequency the MN frequency,
Mytilus examined with a Matozzo et.
of micronuclei together with a higher
galloprovinciali Leica 5000B al. (2018)
(MN) did not level of Pb and PAH
s Fluorescent
exceed 2‰. in the tissues, was
microscope at
detected in the
haemocytes of the
mussels during and
using an oil
after three months
immersion lens.
from the dredging
Two hundred
activities. Lastly, we
cells were
did not observe any
counted for each
seasonal fluctuations
slide. Only intact
in MN frequency.
and non-
were considered.


Tabel di atas menggambarkan beragam kelainan micronuclei pada invertebrata.

Bagian invertebrata yang paling sering dijadikan sampel test adalah organ insangnya. Bagian
insang banyak dipilih karena insang merupakan organ yang berhubungan langsung dengan
perairan, jadi rawan terjangkit penyakit. Metode yang dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi
micronuclei pada invertebrata pada dasarnya sama, yaitu mengambil sampel haemocytes dan
menelitinya di bawah mikroskop.

Ada beberapa spesies yang dijadikan bahan pengujian, anara lain sea urchin, Perna
viridis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Bivalve mollusks, Littopenaeus vannamei, Eobania
vermiculata, dan Mytilus chilensis. Dari beberapa spesies tersebut, ada yang berasal dari
genus yang sama yaitu Perna viridis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus chilensis dari genus
mussels. Walaupun berasal dari genus yang sama, pemantauan micronuclei dilakukan dengan
cara yang berbeda. Identifikasi micronuclei pada Mytilus chilensis dilakukan dengan
mengambil sampel dari insang sedangkan Mytilus galloprovincialis mengambil sampel dari
otot prosterior adductornya. Mikronukleus pada spesies tersebut terdeteksi pada kadar yang
sedikit. Mytilus galloprovincialis menunjukan reaksi abnormal pada bagian insang dan
gonadnya. Pada Mytilus chilensis mikronuklei yang terdeteksi tidak menyebabkan

Ada juga genus lain yang diteliti pada table di atas, yaitu sea urchin dan
littopenaeus/udang (Littopenaeus vannamei). Pada sea urchin sampel diambil dari gonad nya
sedangkan pada udang sampel diambil dengan cara mengisolasi udang vannamei dan
mengambil bakteri yang menempel pada tubuh udang tersebut. Mikronuklei pada udang
vannamei menyebabkan dampak yang dapat diamati, seperti udang berenang miring, pola
renang udang yang memutar, warna udang yang pucat, dan timbulnya blackspots dan
flacking. Pada sea urchin dapat ditemui kadar mikronuklei sebesar 0,6% , micronuclei yang
terpapar BPA cenderung bersifat mutagenic dan genotoxic.

Arslan, O. C., & Parlak, H. 2016. Sea urchin micronucleus assay for determination of
genotoxic effect of bisphenol A. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25 : 6166-6171

Khalil, A. M. (2016). Impact of methomyl lannate on physiological parameters of the land

snail Eobania vermiculata. The Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology, 74, 1-7.

Lohrmann, K. B., E. Bustos, R. Rojas, F. Navarrete, H. Robotham, J. Bignell. 2019.

Histopathological assessment of the health status of Mytilus chilensis (Hupé 1854) in
southern Chile. Aquaculture. 503:40-50

Machado Simone & Carlos Alberto Machado. 2016. Micronucleus test in bivalve mollusks as
an important tool for xenobiotic exposure risk assessment. Acta of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources. 4(1) : 70-79

Rahmanto S. P., Sarjito, Diana C. (2014). KarakterisasiI dan uji postulat koch bakteri genus
vibrio yang berasal dari media kultur massal mikroalga. Journal of Aquaculture
Management and Technology. 3 : 230-237.
Saputri, R. E., Desrina, D., & Haditomo, A. H. (2017). Keaneka ragaman parasit pada kerang
hijau (Perna viridis) di Perairan PPP Morodemak Kabupaten Demak.

Matozzo, V., C. Ercolini, L. Serracca, R. Battistini, I. Rossini, G. Granato, E. Quaglieri, A.

Perolo, L. Finos, G. Arcangeli, D. Bertotto, G. Radaelli, B. Chollet, I. Arzul, dan F.
Quaglio. 2018. Assessing the health status of farmed mussels (Mytilus
galloprovincialis) through histological, microbiological and biomarker analyses.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 153: 165-179.

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