Abrotanum: Compositae Cushing Lad'S Love, Boy'S Love Southernwood

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Sphere of action
 Nervous system
 Respiratory system
 Locomotor system
Empirical uses
• Was believed by the 17th century herbalists to
encourage menstruation.
• Is an antiseptic and kills intestinal worms.
• Its constituents have been shown to stimulate the
gallbladder and bile, which improves digestion and
liver functions.
• It is employed occasionally to treat frostbite.
• Works as a natural insect repellent when applied
to the skin.
Ailments from

 After-effects of chest surgeries.

 Weakness after influenza.
 Checked secretions.
Important symptoms
• Marasmus, especially of
lower extremities only, yet
with good appetite.
• Metastasis
• Rheumatism following
checked diarrhoea.
• Alternate diarrhoea and
• Gout
A ppetite good but emaciation progressive, loses flesh.
B oys with hydrocele.
R heumatism after checked diarrhoea, alt. with piles.
Old looking children with wrinkled faces.
T oes and fingers cold, stiff- chilblains, gout.
A fter effects of checkes secretions,pleurisy,chest operations
Neck too weak to support head, skin hangs in loose folds.
Unable to stand, comprehend too weak for anything.
Marasmus of lower extremities.
• Cross and irritable children.
• Loss of comprehension.
• Inhuman, would like to do something evil.
• Great anxiety and depression.
Stomach: Emaciation progresses with good appetite.
Food passes undigested.
Craving for bread boiled in milk.
Cutting, gnawing, burning pain at night.
Feels as if stomach is swimming in water,
with coldness.
Abdomen: Hard lumps felt. Lienteric stools.
Alternate diarrhoea & constipation.
Rheumatism from checked diarrhoea.
Frequent desire for stools, but only a little
blood passes.
• Dry cough following diarrhoea.
• Exudative pleurisy.
• Pressing sensation remains in the affected
side after pleurisy, impeding free breathing.
• Follows well after Acon. & Bry.
• Sudden pain, worse at night, better by
motion. back weak with ovarian pain.
• Pain in sacrum due to piles.
• Legs greatly emaciated.
• Cold prickling numb fingers and toes.
• Contraction of limbs from cramps or
following colic.
• Loose, flabby.
• Becomes purplish
after suppression of
• Itching Chilblain.
• Angioma of the face.
• Furuncles.
Worse: Better:
• Cold air • Lose stools
• Getting wet • Motion
• Night
• Fog
• Checked secretions
esp. diarrhoea
Related: Agar, Chin, Led , Nux-v
Follows Well: Acon and Bry in pleurisy.

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