Assignment-3: Linux Commands

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Linux Commands

Name:- Faizan Ahmad
Enrol.:- A91005219119
Program :- B.Tech CSE
Section :- B (2019-2023)
Subject :- Operating System Lab
Code :- CSE202
Date :- 09/02/2021

➢ mkdir directory_name :- mkdir command in Linux/Unix allows users to create or

make new directories. mkdir stands for “make directory.” With mkdir , you can also
set permissions, create multiple directories (folders) at once, and much more. We
can check whether the directory is created or not using ‘ls’.
Linux Commands
➢ mkdir -p parent_directory/subdirectory_name :- This command is used to create a
sub-directory within a parent directory. We can see the sub directory using ‘ls
(parent directory name)’.

➢ cd directory_name:- It is used to change the current working directory in Linux and

other Unix-like operating systems.

➢ cd .. :- Used to go to the previous directory.

Linux Commands
➢ mkdir -m777 directory_name :- It creates a directory and sets full read , write ,
execute permissions for all users.

➢ mkdir -v directory_name :- It creates a directory in the current location.

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