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1)cry on- жилетка чтобы выплакаться

2)be in floods of tears-razridatsya\ isterit’

3)have the last laugh-to win in the end
4)cry your eyes out-revet’ (cry out loud)
5)be bored to tears-помирать со скуки
6)its no laughing matter-ne do smeha
7) burst out laughing
8)burst into tears
9)laugh your head off- рассмеяться до упаду
10)be close to tears-

Writing a Plot Summary

I) Read the plot summary. Which paragraph:

1. describes how the story makes you feel? C

2. introduces the story? B

3. discusses the ending? D

4. describes the story? A

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who climbed Out the Window and Disappeared

One of the best books I’ve read this year is called The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who climbed Out the Window and
Disappeared, by Jonas Jonasson, which was recommended to me by a friend. It’s a fictional tale, and the main story
is set in Sweden. It tells the story of Allan Karlson, the protagonist, as he goes on a journey across the country,
leaving a trail of chaos behind him. It also tellls the story of his earlier life in parallel.

The story opens as Allan is about to celebrate his 100 th birthday at the retirement home where he lives. Despite his
age, he is both phyciclly and mentaly alert, and so decides to climb out of the window and “dissapear”. He gets hold
of a suitcase full of money, and ends up being pursued by both drug dealers and the police. On his way across the
coutry, he teams up with peole he meets on the way, and we learn about their interesting – and rather odd – lives.
There are several subplots throught the story, which involve Allan’s earlier life, including meeting President Truman,
Winston Churchill, Mao Zedong, and how he invented the atom bomb. Little by little, you realise that he was actually
behind some of the most impotrant events of the twenties century.

It’s an unapologetically hilarious book, which makes you laugh out loud in places. Some of the events are beyond
belief, but it’s enjoyable nonetheless, and very heart warming, and you’ll very quickly fall in love with the main
characters. But behind the comedy, it leaves you with a feeling that anything is possible, and we are truly in charge
of our own destinies. As the protagonist himself says, “Anything can be achieved through the power of positive

I won’t give away the ending completely, but suffice to say it all ends happily. Both the drug dealers and the police
eventually catch up with Allan, but as to what happens when they do, well, you’ll have to read the book for yourself
and find out.

Once of the best books i have read long time ago is called “Flowers for Algernon”, by Daniel Keyes which was
recommended to me by my mother, It’s a fictional tale and the main story is set in New-York. It tells the story of
Charley Gordon, the protagonist, one of the pupils of a specialized school for the mentally retarded. As he firstly
works in bakery get asked to take part in one experiment so the new events start happening to him. It also tells the
story of his earlier life in parallel.

The story open as in the mornings, Charlie Gordon works as a cleaner in a bakery, where his uncle helped him get a
job. He remembers his younger sister and parents vaguely.

One day, a teacher from a special school, Miss Kinnian, to show her pupil to colleagues - Dr. Strauss and Professor
Nemur. The latter needed a volunteer, a harmless pupil who would help them get certain results of their experiment.
Of course, the most suitable candidate for this role was Charlie, because during the entire training he showed
excellent results. There are several subplots through the story, which involve Charley’s earlier life, including his
relationship with his mother and sister. Little by little, you realize one maybe not really big but a really wise message
from the author.

It’s quite a dark story which might look light from the beginning. But after you start getting into it ,you start to
understand how this story fills you with a sense of despair.

I wont give away the ending completely, but suffice to say this story maybe wont make you cry but definitely will
make you think about life. But even thou it’s a heartbreaking story you have to read the book for yourself .

II) Choose a story that you have read or watched recently. Write a plot
summary with four paragraphs, following the model above. Include as many
highlighted phrases and the phrases given below as you can.

Depending on the plot you may also use the following words and phrases:

Crime and Justice: illegitimate daughter, police interview, police interrogation, to convict, a(n) (ex-)convict,
radical group, criminal justice system, false identity, to murder someone, a murderer, to steal, evidence, to
leave somebody unharmed, to suspect, a suspect, to release from prison, a law enforcement officer, a
criminal past, to pursue somebody, fight for justice, to fight the system, to hide from the law, to defend
oneself/somebody from injustice, to be mistreated by, to treat somebody like a slave, uprising against…, to
campaign for democracy and justice, to commit a suicide.

Feelings, Emotions, States: a strong sense of foreboding, to be/seem/pretend insane, a strong sense of
unease, can’t bear something, a calm cool-blooded way to do smth, to be terrified, louder and faster heart
beating, to be convinced that, to be in floods of tears, compassion towards, leaving somebody in distress,
to fill smb. with a sense of despair and injustice, to be against somebody, to be instantly disturbing, in
turmoil over the failure.

Actions: to stand in the darkness/in the silence, (not) to move a muscle, to put one’s head round the door,
to be about to end, to shine the light into somebody’s eyes, to hide the body, the sound gets louder and
louder, the sound coming up from…, the sound gets more and more deafening, to stand with a covered
lantern, to shine a thin beam of light into somebody’s eyes, to pursue, to capture, to reunite on smb’s

More words for describing a story:

A couple of films have been based on this story
It’s quite a famous story in American literature
The narrator tells us...
The narrator reassures the reader...
You’ll never really find out..., but you get the impression that...
... appears and reappears throughout the story
In course of all this...

Writing Tasks Assessment Criteria

Task achievement
- all requirements of the task are fulfilled 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
- relevant ideas are used
Lexical resource
- a wide vocabulary range is used
- active vocabulary is included extensively 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
(every second sentence at least, active vocabulary see p.7,8,15 (ex.5)
- appropriate register (style) is used
Grammatical range & accuracy
- a flexible use of a wide range of complex
structures 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
- the majority of error-free sentences is produced
(each second mistake reduces your score by 1 point)
Cohesion & coherence
- logical connection of ideas 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
- appropriate use of cohesive devices

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