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Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

Selective extraction of oxygenates from savory and

peppermint using subcritical water
Alena Kubátová, Arnaud J. M. Lagadec, David J. Miller and Steven B. Hawthorne∗
Energy and Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota, Campus Box 9018, Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA
Received 26 April 2000
Revised 2 August 2000
Accepted 12 August 2000

ABSTRACT: The yields of oxygenated and non-oxygenated flavour and fragrance compounds from savory (Sat-
ureja hortensis) and peppermint (Mentha piperita) were compared using subcritical water extraction, supercritical
carbon dioxide extraction (SFE) and hydrodistillation. Extraction rates with subcritical water increased with tem-
perature (100–175 ° C), but some desired organics (linalool and -terpinene) showed substantial degradation at
temperatures >150 ° C. However, subcritical water did not expose extracted compounds to atmospheric oxygen
(as occurs in hydrodistillation) and thus may avoid the degradation of compounds like thymoquinone. Extraction
of savory with subcritical water at 100 ° C for 40 min gave ca. 100% recoveries (compared to hydrodistillation)
for thymol and carvacrol, and >150% recoveries of borneol and linalool. Recoveries with 60 min of SFE (pure
CO2 at 400 bar and 50 ° C) were similar to hydrodistillation for borneol and linalool, but only ca. 50% for thymol
and carvacrol. For peppermint, 30 min (at 150 ° C) or 12 min (at 175 ° C) of subcritical water extraction and 1 h of
SFE gave good quantitative agreement with 4 h of hydrodistillation for carvone, pulegone, piperitone, eucalyptol,
menthone, neomenthol and menthol, but the short subcritical water extractions only recovered ca. 40% of the less
polar menthyl acetate. Subcritical water preferentially extracts more polar (oxygenated) flavour compounds, and
ca. 80% extraction of oxygenated flavour compounds could be achieved under conditions which only extracted
ca. 10–15% of the monoterpenes and <5% of the sesquiterpenes. In contrast, SFE had the lowest degree of
selectivity and SFE extracts included plant alkane waxes as well as the same flavour compounds recovered by
hydrodistillation. Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: selective extraction; subcritical water extraction; green solvents; supercritical fluid extraction
(SFE); savory; Satureja hortensis; peppermint; Mentha piperita; flavour and fragrance compounds

Introduction the potential to yield rapid recoveries.1,3 – 7 Early work

with subcritical water demonstrated its ability to selec-
Flavour and fragrance compounds are normally extracted tively extract different classes of compounds, with the
using hydrodistillation or organic solvent extraction, more polar organics being extracted at lower temper-
although the desire to reduce extraction time and organic atures and the less polar organics being extracted at
solvent use has recently led to new extraction techni- higher temperatures. For example, phenols, polycyclic
ques.1 Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with non-toxic aromatic hydrocarbons, and alkanes were sequentially
carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is becoming more common for the extracted from a petroleum waste sludge by stepwise
extraction of flavours and fragrances, and can often yield increases in subcritical water temperatures.8 Thus, the
more rapid extractions than hydrodistillation, as well selectivity of subcritical water extraction (a preference
as recovering some species that are not recovered by for more polar organics at milder conditions) is opposite
hydrodistillation.2 However, high recoveries with SFE to that of supercritical CO2 (a preference for non-polar
can require an organic solvent as a modifier.2 organics before polar organics). Recently, the solubil-
Most recently, the use of subcritical water (hot water ities of oxygenated flavour and fragrance components
under pressure sufficient to maintain water in the liq- were measured and found to be substantially higher
uid state) for the extraction of flavours has shown than non-oxygenates in subcritical water.9 For exam-
ple, the oxygenates carvone and eugenol have solu-
*Correspondence to: S. B. Hawthorne, Energy and Environmental bilities at 100 ° C (ca. 65 bar) two orders of magni-
Research Center, University of North Dakota, Campus Box 9018,
Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA. E-mail: tude higher than the non-oxygenated d-limonene.9 These trends in solubility correspond to studies demonstrat-
Contract/grant sponsor: US Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Research and Development, NCERQA; Contract/grant number: ing high recoveries of oxygenated flavour and fragrance
R825394-1. components. 3 – 7

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


In the present study, we compared the use of sub- material (ca. 0.8 g) and mounted vertically in the oven,
critical water at several temperatures to conventional with water flowing from top to bottom.
hydrodistillation and SFE with pure CO2 for the extrac- The extraction procedure started by pressurizing the
tion of flavours from savory and peppermint. Subcritical system with water to ca. 60 bar at a flow of 1 ml/min and
water conditions were optimized for speed and selectiv- heating the oven to the required temperature, a process
ity for oxygenates and the potential for degradation of which required ca. 3 min. At this time, the back-pressure
extracted compounds was investigated. regulator (set to 60 bar) opened, the methylene chloride
collection solvent flow was started, and collection of the
eluent began (extraction time D 0). For the temperature
Experimental dependence experiments, each temperature was held for
15 min, then the collection vial was replaced and the sys-
Summer savory (Satureja hortensis) and peppermint tem heated to the next higher temperature (requiring ca.
(Mentha piperita), obtained from Penn Herb Co. Ltd. 30 s). For the extraction rate experiments, the collection
(Philadelphia, PA), were used as received (air-dried and vial was replaced at frequent time intervals.
coarsely ground). Sample sizes were 0.8, 1.0 and 25 g for After each extraction, the methylene chloride frac-
subcritical water extraction, SFE and hydrodistillation, tion was collected and the water fraction rinsed once
respectively. All extractions were performed in triplicate. more with an additional aliquot of methylene chloride.
After each extraction, the extraction efficiencies of each The peppermint extracts, because of the formation of an
method were confirmed by extracting the plant tissue emulsion, were rinsed three times with methylene chlo-
residues using 18 h of sonication in 15 ml acetone. ride and centrifuged each time. Combined fractions of
the methylene chloride extracts were analysed to deter-
mine extraction efficiencies.
Subcritical Extraction with Water The stability of flavour compounds in subcritical water
was tested using a static (no flow) subcritical water
Subcritical water extraction was performed in a home- cell (4.1 ml) constructed from a threaded (npt) stainless
built apparatus previously described in detail.9,10 The steel pipe fitting with end caps (64 mm long, 7 mm i.d.,
extraction system consists of two ISCO Model 100D 12 mm o.d.; Minnesota Valve and Fitting, Eden Prairie,
syringe pumps (ISCO, Lincoln, NE) delivering water and MN). For the static experiments, the cell was filled with
methylene chloride at a constant flow rate to an HP 5890 water, leaving a 1 ml headspace (to ensure that the max-
gas chromatograph oven (Hewlett-Packard, Wilmington, imum safety pressure was not exceeded11 ) and spiked
DE), where the extraction cell was mounted. The water with tested standards and internal standards. It was then
(HPLC Grade, Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) was placed in the oven and heated to the required tempera-
purged with nitrogen to remove dissolved oxygen prior ture. After cooling, the cell was emptied and the contents
to the extraction, and supplied to the system with the washed with several rinses of methylene chloride. The
pump at a constant flow of 1 ml/min. To preheat the methylene chloride extract was analysed by GC and
extractant water to the required temperature, a 3 m results were compared to a parallel experiment, where
preheating coil was installed in the oven before the spiked water was not exposed to higher temperatures.
extraction cell. A second pump delivered methylene
chloride at a flow of 1 ml/min to a mixing ‘tee’ installed
in the oven after the outlet of the extraction cell to collect Hydrodistillation
the extracted compounds as the water cooled after exiting
the extraction oven. Finally, a miniature back-pressure All extractions were performed with 25 g portions of
regulator (Upchurch Scientific, Oak Harbor, WA) was each sample for 4 h using 600 ml water per extraction.2
placed at the outlet of the extraction system (outside of Following hydrodistillation, the extracted essential oils
the oven) to maintain the system pressure at 60–70 bar, were quantitatively transferred into a volumetric flask,
thus ensuring that the water was in the liquid state at all using three rinses of methylene chloride and diluted as
temperatures tested. appropriate for gas chromatographic analyses.
All extractions were carried out in a 3.47 ml SFE
cell (9.4 mm i.d., 50 mm long, Keystone Scientific,
Bellefonte, PA), equipped with a 0.5 µm frit at the inlet, SFE with CO2
and a 2 µm frit at the outlet. The larger pore frit was
installed at the outlet to prevent plugging with plant SFE was performed on 1 g portions of each sample,
material. In addition, seven layers of glass microfibre using ‘SFE-grade’ CO2 (Scott Specialty Gases, Plum-
filter (1 µm, Whatman International Ltd., Maidstone) steadville, PA) supplied to an ISCO SFX 210 extraction
were placed inside of the cell to protect the outlet frit. unit with a Model 260D syringe pump (ISCO, Lin-
The extraction cell was completely filled with plant coln, NE). All extractions were performed at 400 bar

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

and a temperature of 50 ° C using 10 ml cells supplied calibration curves generated from pure standard com-
with the unit. SFE flow rates were maintained at ca. pounds. When the pure compounds were not available,
1 ml/min (measured as liquid CO2 at the pump), using the FID relative response factors were estimated, based
a variable flow restrictor (ISCO, Lincoln, NE) heated to on the FID responses of the pure standards having the
80 ° C. Extracted analytes were collected in 15 ml methy- same molecular formula.
lene chloride placed in a 22 ml glass screw-top vial. Except as otherwise noted, all identifications were
All extractions were performed with pure CO2 in the based on comparisons of mass spectra and retention
dynamic (continual flow) mode and extracts were col- data of pure standards with those of the sample species.
lected in two 30 min fractions. GC–MS analyses were performed using the same GC
conditions and a Hewlett-Packard Model 6890 GC with
a Hewlett-Packard Model 5973 MS.
Gas Chromatographic Analysis

Quantitative analyses were performed using GC with

flame ionization detection (GC–FID) on a Hewlett-
Results and Discussion
Packard Model 5890 Series II gas chromatograph equip-
ped with an autosampler. Chromatographic separations The development of subcritical water extraction con-
were accomplished with a 30 m DB-5 column with ditions consisted of four main steps. First, appropri-
0.25 mm i.d. and 0.25 µm film thickness (J&W Sci- ate water temperatures were determined by sequen-
entific, Rancho Cordova, CA), with injections in the tially extracting savory and peppermint with stepwise
splitless mode. The oven temperature was held at 35 ° C increases in temperature. Second, the extract rate curves
for 0.2 min and was then increased to 60 ° C with a gradi- were determined at the selected temperatures. Third, the
ent of 30 ° C/ min, followed by 6 ° C/ min to 200 ° C and potential for compound degradation in subcritical water
then by 30 ° C/ min to the final temperature of 320 ° C. at higher temperatures was evaluated. Finally, the recov-
Quantitations were based on the addition of n-dodecane eries and selectivity of the subcritical water extractions
as the internal standard to each extract and on standard were compared using hydrodistillation and SFE.

Figure 1. Effect of temperature on the extraction efficiency of savory (S. hortensis) flavour and fragrance compounds
using subcritical water. Each temperature was held for 15 min. Percentage removals are based on sonication of the
residue after water extraction

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

Water Temperature The effect of water temperature on the extraction of

flavours and fragrances from peppermint was similar to
The effect of extraction temperatures on the recovery that found for savory, i.e. substantial extraction of the
of flavour compounds from savory and peppermint are oxygenates occurs in only 15 min at 100 ° C, while nearly
shown in Figures 1 and 2. Each sample was sequen- complete extraction of these oxygenates is achieved after
tially extracted for 15 min at 50 ° C, followed by 100 ° C, an additional 15 min extraction at 125 ° C (Figure 2). The
125 ° C, 150 ° C, 175 ° C and 200 ° C (each temperature for behaviour of the sesquiterpene ˇ-caryophyllene was also
15 min). Following this extraction sequence, the plant similar in savory and peppermint, i.e. water temperatures
residues were further extracted by 18 h of sonication greater than 175 ° C were required to achieve significant
in acetone to determine unextracted organics and to extraction. However, one oxygenate, menthyl acetate
allow determination of overall extraction efficiencies (i.e. from peppermint, shows extraction behaviour more sim-
100% extracted for Figures 1 and 2 correspond to the ilar to the monoterpenes (p-cymene and -terpinene)
total mass of each compound extracted by the water and extracted from savory, rather than the rapid extraction
acetone residue extractions). behaviour shown by the other oxygenates. This might be
As shown for savory in Figure 1, oxygenated com- explained by its lower polarity in comparison to other
pounds extract at substantially lower water tempera- oxygenates.
tures than non-oxygenated compounds. For example, at
100 ° C ca. 55–75% of most oxygenated compounds are
extracted in only 15 min, while the monoterpenes (e.g. Extraction Rates
p-cymene) and sesquiterpenes (ˇ-caryophyllene) show
less than ca. 5% extracted. Even after an additional Based on the temperature behaviour of savory shown in
15 min of extraction at 125 ° C (sequentially after the Figure 1, three temperatures, 100 ° C, 150 ° C and 175 ° C
100 ° C extraction), only a small percentage of the non- were selected to determine the effect of extraction time
oxygenated organics are extracted, while the extraction on the selective extraction of savory’s oxygenated com-
of the oxygenated compounds is nearly complete (i.e. pounds (Figure 3). As shown in Figure 3a, subcriti-
typically >85%). cal water extraction at 100 ° C yields good selectivity

Figure 2. Effect of temperature on the extraction efficiency of peppermint (M. piperita) flavour and fragrance
compounds using subcritical water. Each temperature was held for 15 min. Percentage removals are based on
sonication of the residues after water extraction

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

Figure 3. Effect of extraction time on the extraction efficiency of savory (S. hortensis) flavour and fragrance
compounds using subcritical water at (a) 100 ° C, (b) 150 ° C and (c) 175 ° C. Percentage removals are based on sonication
of the residue after water extraction

towards oxygenates, especially during the first 20 min, When the extraction of savory was performed at
when at least 70% of all oxygenated compounds are 150 ° C, the extraction rates of both oxygenated and
extracted and less than 10% of the non-oxygenated com- non-oxygenated compounds were approximately twice
pounds are extracted. After 40 min at 100 ° C, recover- as fast (Figure 3b) as their rates at 100 ° C (Figure 3a),
ies of oxygenated compounds increase to nearly 100%, which agrees with the increase in water solubilities by
but at the expense of less selectivity against the non- a factor of ca. 2–3-fold previously reported to occur for
oxygenated compounds. 150 ° C vs. 100 ° C water.8 Similarly, the solubility data8

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

Figure 4. Effect of extraction time on the extraction efficiency of peppermint (M. piperita) flavour and fragrance
compounds using subcritical water at (a) 150 ° C and (b) 175 ° C. Percentage removals are based on sonication of the
residue after water extraction

correspond to an increase in the extraction rates by a savory and peppermint do not. While little solubility data
factor of two when comparing temperatures of 175 ° C in subcritical water is available for these compounds, at
and 150 ° C (Figure 3b,c). Based on the results shown in 100 ° C the solubility of carvone (which has the conju-
Figures 3a, b and c, similar recoveries of the oxygenated gated double bond and ketone) is ca. 50 times higher
compounds (and selectivities against the non-oxygenated than eugenol and 100 times higher than eucalyptol (both
organics) can be achieved in ca. 5 min at 175 ° C, 10 min compounds which do not have the conjugated double
at 150 ° C and ca. 20 minutes at 100 ° C. bond and ketone).9
The extractions of peppermint at 150 ° C and 175 ° C
are shown in Figure 4. As for savory, the oxygenates
Extraction Efficiencies of Subcritical Water
(except menthyl acetate) show substantially higher extra- Extraction vs. Hydrodistillation and SFE
ction rates than non-oxygenates such as ˇ-caryophyllene.
As would be expected, based on the results of the Savory
extractions conducted at sequentially higher tempera-
tures (Figure 2), menthyl acetate was extracted at a Based on the results discussed above, subcritical water
much lower rate than the other peppermint oxygenates extractions were performed on savory at 100, 150 and
(Figure 4). It is interesting to note that several of the 175 ° C. As indicated by the extraction rate experiments
peppermint oxygenates (piperitone, pulegone and car- (Figure 3), two fractions were collected at each selected
vone) and one of the savory oxygenates (thymoquinone) temperature; i.e. two 20 min fractions at 100 ° C, two
show significantly higher extraction rates than the other 10 min fractions at 150 ° C and two 6 min fractions
oxygenates in each sample (Figures 3 and 4). All four at 175 ° C.
of these species have ketones conjugated with carbon- The extraction efficiencies of the flavour compounds
to-carbon double bonds, while the other oxygenates in from savory are shown in Table 1. Subcritical water at

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

Table 1. Concentrations of flavour and fragrance components in savory (Satureja hortensis) based on subcritical
water extraction, hydrodistillation and SFE

Concentrations µg/g (% RSD)a

Subcritical water extraction SFE

tr 100 ° C 150 ° C 175 ° C Hydrodi- SFE plus

stillation residued
Species (min) 20 min 40 minc 10 min 20 minc 6 min 12 minc 240 min 30 min 60 minc
p-Cymene 6.5 59 (19) 126 (18) 61 (23) 104 (24) 59 (14) 154 (10) 407 (3) 219 (19) 267 (16) 551 (3)
-Terpinene 7.2 11 (2) 22 (2) 12 (27) 17 (26) 10 (9) 25 (4) 97 (4) 42 (16) 57 (13) 112 (7)
Thymol 12.6 672 (5) 864 (2) 573 (19) 690 (13) 448 (2) 665 (1) 830 (3) 400 (13) 464 (11) 862 (4)
Carvacrol 12.9 980 (5) 1200 (3) 980 (17) 1140 (12) 740 (5) 1050 (2) 1190 (2) 550 (13) 630 (11) 1180 (4)
C10 H18 Ob 7.5 116 (2) 116 (2) 2 (0) 2 (0) 1 (0) 1 (0) 0 123 (11) 189 (13) 239 (43)
Linalool 8.1 166 (7) 239 (7) 75 (21) 87 (19) 55 (11) 70 (9) 139 (2) 110 (9) 172 (7) 276 (5)
Borneol 9.7 182 (1) 252 (2) 98 (19) 110 (14) 82 (3) 114 (1) 156 (3) 109 (11) 171 (9) 289 (7)
C10 H18 Ob 9.9 144 (1) 216 (1) 97 (17) 118 (12) 64 (11) 95 (8) 154 (3) 67 (8) 82 (27) 152 (11)
C11 H16 Ob 11.4 20 (6) 40 (8) 18 (42) 29 (28) 19 (5) 47 (2) 154 (2) 55 (14) 68 (11) 147 (0)
Thymoquinone 11.6 494 (11) 506 (11) 269 (24) 277 (23) 149 (2) 176 (1) 22 (33) 251 (20) 291 (18) 498 (43)
C9 H10 O3 b 18.5 174 (56) 174 (56) 770 (21) 793 (20) 778 (2) 838 (2) 38 (15) 99 (26) 99 (26) 402 (2)
ˇ-Caryophyllene 15.5 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (28) 4 (25) 4 (4) 6 (7) 146 (10) 50 (17) 59 (15) 144 (2)
Concentration and percentage relative standard deviations (RSD) were based on triplicate extractions performed on the same day.
b Tentative identification based on MS.
Includes the sum extracted in both time periods.
Includes the sum of the amounts found in the SFE and residues extracts.

100 ° C extracted most (ca. 70–95%) of the oxygenates in of hydrodistillation. Also, the selectivities for oxy-
the first 20 min, <15% of the monoterpenes p-cymene genates vs. p-cymene, -terpinene and ˇ-caryophyllene
and -terpinene, and less than 4% of sesquiterpenes remained similar to those achieved with 100 ° C extrac-
(compared to hydrodistillation). When the subcritical tions (although the extraction of p-cymene increased
water extraction was extended to 40 min, the recover- somewhat at 175 ° C). However, the yield of the oxy-
ies of non-oxygenates doubled, while the increase in genates borneol and linalool (and the unidentified C11
oxygenates was only between 20–30%. Notably, both H16 O compound) dropped substantially at the higher
borneol and linalool reached 100% recovery of the temperatures. Since neither compound was found in
hydrodistillation recoveries in the first 20 min, while car- residue extracts, it appears that degradation of borneol
vacrol and thymol (both aromatic compounds) were fully and linalool occurred in subcritical water at the higher
extracted after 40 min. Interestingly, 20 times higher temperatures (discussed below).
yields of thymoquinone were found in the subcritical Thus, for savory the best overall yield of oxygenates
water extract compared to hydrodistillation. While the was achieved with subcritical water at 100 ° C (but
possibility exists that thymoquinone was formed dur- required longer times than at the higher temperatures).
With 40 min of subcritical water extraction at 100 ° C,
ing the subcritical water extraction, high concentrations
the yields of the major oxygenates were the same as
of thymoquinone were also found by SFE with pure
4 h of hydrodistillation for thymol and carvacrol. How-
CO2 at 50 ° C (Table 1), thus indicating that thymo-
ever, subcritical water extraction at 100 ° C yielded nearly
quinone is lost during hydrodistillation. When the savory
twice as much borneol and linalool (as well as ca.
residue was extracted with acetone (after hydrodistilla- 20 times more thymoquinone, as discussed above) as
tion), ca. 50% of the thymoquinone (compared to the hydrodistillation.
amount extracted by subcritical water) was recovered. SFE with pure CO2 was also able to extract flavour
This recovery indicates that both poor extraction and and fragrance compounds from savory (Table 1), but
degradation are responsible for low thymoquinone recov- with somewhat lower recoveries than hydrodistillation,
eries using hydrodistillation. Similarly, an unidentified especially for thymol and carvacrol (although with much
compound (C9 H10 O3 in Table 1) shows much higher higher recoveries of thymoquinone). The presence of
recoveries in the subcritical water and SFE (plus residue) unextracted compounds in the SFE residues confirms
extracts. that lower recoveries were limited by solubility in pure
When the subcritical water extraction temperature was CO2 . These results are in agreement with previous work2
increased to 150 and 175 ° C, the recoveries of thymol which demonstrated that high extraction efficiencies of
and carvacrol achieved in 20 min (150 ° C) and 12 min flavour compounds from savory required the addition of
(175 ° C) were similar to those achieved in 40 min at organic modifiers to CO2 , rather than only the use of
100 ° C, and agreed well with those achieved by 4 h pure CO2 .

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73


Based on the results shown in Figure 2, the extrac-

tion of peppermint was performed at 150 ° C and 175 ° C
(Table 2). Extraction with subcritical water at 150 ° C and
175 ° C, hydrodistillation and SFE all gave comparable
results and reproducibilities for oxygenated monoter-
penes with the exception of methyl acetate. The presence
of the remaining menthyl acetate in the subcritical water
residues demonstrated that poor extraction (rather than
degradation) was responsible for the lower recoveries. In
addition, the amount of menthyl acetate found in the first
and second subcritical water fractions (at both 150 ° C
and 175 ° C) was the same, which demonstrates that its
extraction is limited by solubility in the subcritical water,
and that either longer extraction times or higher temper-
atures would be required to achieve yields similar to
hydrodistillation. Also, stability tests (discussed below)
demonstrated that degradation was not significant, there-
fore it was not necessary to use lower temperatures for
the peppermint extraction.
As was the case for savory, the selectivity of subcrit-
ical water extraction was high for the peppermint oxy-
genates over the only significant non-oxygenated com-
pound (ˇ-caryophyllene), with <3% of ˇ-caryophyllene
being extracted by subcritical water (Table 2). Sonica-
tion of the peppermint residue (after subcritical water
extraction) recovered the ˇ-caryophyllene, thus demon- Figure 5. GC–FID chromatograms of savory (S. hortensis)
extracts obtained using: (a) subcritical water extraction;
strating that subcritical water did not degrade the ˇ-
(b) supercritical fluid extraction; (c) hydrodistillation
Compared to the savory extractions (Table 1), in
which SFE recoveries were often lower than hydrodistil-
lation, SFE with pure CO2 for 1 h gave quite good recov- Selectivity of the Methods
eries of the peppermint flavour compounds, compared to
hydrodistillation (Table 2). SFE yields compared to 4 h The relative selectivities of subcritical water, hydrodis-
hydrodistillation ranged from ca. 80% (e.g. carvone) to tillation and SFE with pure CO2 are illustrated in
ca. 135% (e.g. eucalyptol). Figure 5, which shows the FID chromatograms resulting

Table 2. Concentrations of flavour and fragrance components in peppermint (Mentha piperita) based on subcritical
water extraction, hydrodistillation and SFE

Concentrations µg/g (% RSD)a

Subcritical water extraction SFE

tr 150 ° C 175 ° C Hydrodi-

Species (min) 15 min 30 minb 6 min 12 minb 240 min 30 min 60 minb
Carvone 11.5 287 (9) 295 (8) 256 (7) 271 (7) 307 (6) 209 (6) 241 (6)
Pulegone 11.4 61 (9) 62 (8) 47 (5) 53 (2) 58 (7) 41 (4) 50 (4)
Piperitone 11.8 55 (5) 55 (5) 46 (4) 48 (5) 56 (3) 36 (1) 41 (11)
Eucalyptol 6.6 221 (4) 268 (18) 142 (11) 212 (4) 233 (8) 258 (2) 316 (2)
Menthone 9.4 690 (3) 807 (3) 456 (12) 706 (6) 869 (8) 731 (3) 829 (2)
Neomenthol 9.7 323 (3) 378 (2) 222 (12) 369 (3) 377 (7) 287 (1) 317 (2)
Menthol 9.9 2290 (3) 2560 (2) 1470 (11) 2280 (4) 2280 (2) 1780 (2) 1780 (2)
Menthyl acetate 12.7 106 (4) 220 (2) 78 (14) 194 (8) 513 (5) 430 (0) 509 (1)
ˇ-Caryophyllene 15.5 0 (0) 1 (89) 1 (0) 5 (77) 195 (3) 183 (2) 195 (3)
Concentration and percentage relative standard deviations (RSD) were based on triplicate extractions performed on the same day.
b Includes the sum extracted in both time periods.

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

from the extraction of savory with the three extraction wax alkanes shown in the SFE extracts (Figure 5), pre-
methods. sumably because of their relatively low volatility.
As discussed above, subcritical water selectively extr-
acts oxygenated (more polar) flavour compounds over
non-oxygenated (less polar) monoterpenes and sesquiter- Effect of Temperature on Compound Degradation
penes. Thus, the subcritical water extract of savory at
100 ° C shows primarily oxygenated organics (Figure 5). As shown in Figures 1–4, subcritical water extrac-
Such selectivity would be expected based on the reported tion of flavour compounds at higher water tempera-
solubilities of flavour compounds in subcritical water.9 tures greatly increases their extraction rates and may
However, both subcritical water and hydrodistillation still allow reasonable selectivity against non-oxygenated
use water as the extraction solvent, so it is interesting compounds. However, higher temperatures may also
that subcritical water shows compound class selectiv- lead to degradation of desirable compounds. Oxida-
ity while hydrodistillation does not. The selectivity of tion of organics seems unlikely, since the water used
subcritical water exists because extraction depends on for subcritical water extraction is deoxygenated and no
solvation of the target compounds in the liquid state exposure to air occurs during extraction (in contrast
of the water. As a polar fluid, water naturally sol- to hydrodistillation, where the flavour compounds are
vates more polar compounds more readily than non-polar exposed to atmospheric oxygen at 100 ° C). However,
compounds. Higher temperatures reduce the polarity of degradation from hydrolysis and/or thermal instability
water, and thus increase its ability to solvate non-polar may cause loss of some compounds at higher water
temperatures. 5,9
Therefore, we tested the stability of several major
SFE also depends on solvation of the target com-
savory and peppermint compounds at 100–175 ° C in
pounds, but has exactly opposite polarity considerations
static subcritical water (as described above) for 10 min.
from those of water, i.e. supercritical CO2 prefers non-
At 175 ° C, borneol, thymol, carvacrol, menthol, men-
polar organics over more polar organics. Since (under
thone, pulegone and menthyl acetate were stable, i.e.
the SFE conditions used in this study), both the non-
their recoveries were ca. 100% (within analytical error).
oxygenates and oxygenated flavour compounds have
These results, together with the compounds presence
reasonable solubility, little or no selectivity between
in the residues, demonstrate that the lower recover-
these compound classes is shown in the SFE extracts
ies of (for example) menthyl acetate from peppermint
(Tables 1 and 2; Figure 5). Also, since SFE used non- (Table 2), were a result of slower extraction in subcriti-
polar CO2 as the solvent, it is the only method that yields cal water than degradation during extraction. However,
detectable levels of the plant wax alkanes (Table 3; exposure to 175 ° C water led to nearly complete decom-
Figure 5). Subcritical water fails to extract larger alka- position of linalool and -terpinene. Thus, the lower
nes, even at temperatures as high as 300 ° C, simply recovery of linalool from savory (Table 1) at 175 ° C
because it is still too polar of a solvent to solvate such compared to 100 ° C is probably a result of degrada-
alkanes.8 tion at the higher temperature. GC–MS analysis showed
In contrast to subcritical water and SFE (where sol- p-cymene as the major degradation product, although
vation controls the extraction), hydrodistillation depends small amounts of other monoterpenes were present. At
heavily on vaporization of the target compounds, and 150 ° C, all compounds except -terpinene (which par-
thus recovers non-polar (e.g. monoterpenes) and more tially degrades to p-cymene) were stable. All of the test
polar compounds with little selectivity (Tables 1 and 2; compounds were stable at 100 ° C and 125 ° C.
Figure 5). Hydrodistillation does not extract the plant

Table 3. Concentrations of n-alkanes extracted by SFE

from savory (Satureja hortensis) and peppermint
(Mentha piperita) Subcritical water extraction yields quantitative extrac-
tion and recovery of oxygenated flavour and fragrance
Concentrations µg/g (% RSD) a
compounds in as little as 12 min, compared to 4 h of
n-Alkane Savory Peppermint hydrodistillation. Faster extractions are achieved with
Heptacosane (C27 ) 34 (10) 139 (2) higher water temperatures but must be used with caution,
Nonacosane (C29 ) 187 (5) 213 (9) since degradation of some compounds, such as linalool
Untriancontane (C31 ) 198 (11) 162 (8)
Tritriacontane (C33 ) 96 (21) 134 (13)
and -terpinene, occurs at temperatures above 150 ° C.
Pentatriacontane (C35 ) 82 (4) 96 (2) However, since subcritical water depends on solvation
Total 596 745 in degassed water rather than vaporization (which results
Concentrations and percentage relative standard deviations (RSD) were in exposure to atmospheric oxygen during hydrodistil-
based on triplicate extractions performed on the same day. lation), other compounds, such as thymoquinone, may

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

be protected from degradation by the use of subcritical References

water. Subcritical water selectively extracts oxygenated
compounds (under conditions which extract only a few 1. de Castro MDL, Jiménez-Carmona MM, Fernandez-Perez V.
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2. Hawthorne SB, Riekkola M-L, Serenius K, Holm Y, Hiltunen R,
while hydrodistillation shows no selectivity among oxy- Hartonen K. J. Chromatogr. 1993; 634: 297.
genated and non-oxygenated compounds. SFE with pure 3. Hawthorne SB, Miller DJ, Lagadec AJM. Patent No. 8936 183,
CO2 yielded lower recoveries than either technique for 2000.
4. Jiménez-Carmona MM, de Castro MDL. Chromatographia 1999;
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ever, SFE shows the least selectivity by extracting plant 5. Basile A, Jiménez-Carmona MM, Clifford AA. J. Agric. Food
wax alkanes as well as the flavour compounds. Chem. 1998; 46: 5205.
6. Jiménez-Carmona MM, Ubera JL, de Castro MDL. J. Chro-
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Acknowledgements—The financial support of the US Environmental 7. Clifford AA, Basile A, Al-Saidi SHR. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem.
Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, NCERQA, 1999; 364: 635.
is gratefully acknowledged. Although the research described in this 8. Yang Y, Hawthorne SB, Miller DJ. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1997;
article has been wholly or in part by the US Environmental Protection 31: 430.
Agency through Grant No. R825394-1 to the University of North 9. Miller DJ, Hawthorne SB. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2000; 45:
Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center, it has not been 315.
subjected to the Agency’s required peer and policy review and, 10. Miller DJ, Hawthorne SB. Anal. Chem. 1998; 70: 1618.
therefore, does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency, and 11. Hawthorne SB, Grabanski CB, Hageman KJ, Miller DJ. J. Chro-
no official endorsement should be inferred. matogr. 1998; 814: 151.

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 64–73

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