Возможные варианты ответов на новые задания ЕГЭ 2022

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Возможные варианты ответов на

задания из демоверсии ЕГЭ 2022

для участников группы

Svetlana English Online
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40.1 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы) 3
40.2 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы) 6
Task 4 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы) 9

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40.1 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)

Imagine that you are doing a project on what book genres are popular among
teenagers. You have collected some data on the subject – the results of the
opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the
subject of the project.

Book genre Number of readers (%)

Adventure 55.4

Detective/war/spy stories 55.3

Sports stories 49.2

Animal stories 27.2

Romance 17.6

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

● make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

● select and report 2–3 main features;
● make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
● outline a problem that can arise with reading and suggest the way of solving
● draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of reading
in human life.

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Undoubtedly, reading plays an important role in everyone's life. Doing a

project about reading I found an opinion poll on teenagers' favourite book genres
and collected some data. I am going to comment on several key features of the
results of the poll.

Looking at the details, the most popular book genre is adventure with
55,4% reading this type of literature which means that teenagers are keen on
dynamic plots and unexpected twists. On the contrary, the least popular genre is
romance as a little bit less than a fifth of teenagers read it.

According to the data in the table, sports stories appear to be more popular
than animal stories, as there are 49.2% of teenagers reading sports stories, which
is around twice as many as the figure for animal stories. Another important thing to
mention is that detective, spy and war stories are almost as popular as adventure
stories – the difference between them is 0,1%. Both genres are real page-turners
and this may be the key to such popularity.

One problem that can be connected with reading is that nowadays reading
is losing its popularity among teenagers, and this may result in poor imagination
and a limited vocabulary range. However, there is a possible solution to this
problem. School teachers should stimulate teenagers' interest in various book
genres by organising special discussion clubs and drama lessons.

In conclusion, I believe that reading is crucial in everyone's life because it

broadens people's horizons, expands their vocabulary, improves their memory
and develops imagination.

253 words

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

Undoubtedly, reading plays an important role in everyone's life. Doing a

project about reading I found an opinion poll on teenagers' favourite book genres
and collected some data. I am going to comment on several key features of the
results of the poll.

Looking at the details, the most popular book genre is adventure with
55,4% reading this type of literature which means that teenagers are keen on
dynamic plots and unexpected twists. On the contrary, the least popular genre is
romance as a little bit less than a fifth of teenagers read it.

According to the data in the table, sports stories appear to be more popular
than animal stories, as there are 49.2% of teenagers reading sports stories, which
is around twice as many as the figure for animal stories. Another important thing to
mention is that detective, spy and war stories are almost as popular as adventure
stories – the difference between them is 0,1%. Both genres are real page-turners
and this may be the key to such popularity.

One problem that can be connected with reading is that nowadays reading
is losing its popularity among teenagers, and this may result in poor imagination
and a limited vocabulary range. However, there is a possible solution to this
problem. School teachers should stimulate teenagers' interest in various book
genres by organising special discussion clubs and drama lessons.

In conclusion, I believe that reading is crucial in everyone's life because it

broadens people's horizons, expands their vocabulary, improves their memory
and develops imagination.

253 words

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

40.2 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)

Imagine that you are doing a project on what people use their smartphones for.
You have collected some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see
the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the
subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

● make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

● select and report 2–3 main features;
● make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
● outline a problem that can arise with using smartphones and suggest the
way of solving it;
● draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the role of smartphones
in our life.

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone. Doing a project about

smartphones I found an opinion poll on how people use their smartphones and
collected some data. I am going to comment on several key features of the results
of the poll.

As we can see, most people use their smartphones to send and receive
emails and to make phone calls – 79% and 78% respectively. On the contrary, the
least popular purpose for using smartphones is paying for purchases, which is
quite surprising given that more and more people prefer mobile payment services
like Apple Pay to credit cards and cash.

According to the data in the table, people also use their smartphones for
surfing the Internet, and it is 10 percent more popular than playing games. It
demonstrates that most people are aimed at looking for necessary data for their
work or studies rather than wasting time on useless activities.

As far as I can see, using smartphones can cause several problems. The
most serious one is that people become too dependent on their smartphones. I
believe that reducing time spent on the phone is the best solution to this problem.
For example, people should communicate face to face more often instead of
sending emails because it is faster and does not result in losing communication

In conclusion, I think that smartphones are an integral part of our life

because they provide us with a wide range of opportunities. Due to smartphones
people can find necessary information quickly and are able to communicate with
people wherever they are and by various means.

263 words

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone. Doing a project about

smartphones I found an opinion poll on how people use their smartphones and
collected some data. I am going to comment on several key features of the results
of the poll.

As we can see, most people use their smartphones to send and receive
emails and to make phone calls – 79% and 78% respectively. On the contrary, the
least popular purpose for using smartphones is paying for purchases, which is
quite surprising given that more and more people prefer mobile payment services
like Apple Pay to credit cards and cash.

According to the data in the table, people also use their smartphones for
surfing the Internet, and it is 10 percent more popular than playing games. It
demonstrates that most people are aimed at looking for necessary data for their
work or studies rather than wasting time on useless activities.

As far as I can see, using smartphones can cause several problems. The
most serious one is that people become too dependent on their smartphones. I
believe that reducing time spent on the phone is the best solution to this problem.
For example, people should communicate face to face more often instead of
sending emails because it is faster and does not result in losing communication

In conclusion, I think that smartphones are an integral part of our life

because they provide us with a wide range of opportunities. Due to smartphones
people can find necessary information quickly and are able to communicate with
people wherever they are and by various means.

263 words

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

Task 4 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)

Imagine that you are doing a project “Life without gadgets” together with
your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news.
Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the
friend about the photos:

● give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
● say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the
subject of the project minimum);
● mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of books;
● explain how these photos illustrate the project “Life without gadgets”;
● express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like
to live without gadgets and why yes or no.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of
the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

Hi, Vasya! I’ve found two photos for our project "Life without gadgets" and
I’d like to tell you about them.

The first photo shows a girl standing in a library holding a book in her hand.
She might be looking for some information for her research. The second photo
depicts a girl sitting on a sofa at home. She is holding an e-reader in her hands
and probably doing some research, too.

These photos are quite different. Firstly, the girl in the first picture is not
using any gadgets, she is reading a book, while the girl in the second picture is
using an e-reader. Secondly, the girl in the first picture is surrounded by other
people who also do without gadgets and work together in order to exchange their
knowledge and experience, whereas the girl in the second picture is studying the
material alone, as everything she needs is in her e-reader.

I think that both kinds of books have their advantages and disadvantages.
For instance, printed books are too heavy, especially when one needs several
books at once. However, they do not do any harm to people's eyesight when used
for several hours on end and this is a real benefit. As for electronic books, they
have a considerable advantage – it is very convenient to search for specific
information within a document, but there is a drawback – such books are not
accessible if the e-reader or other gadget is broken or its battery is dead.

In my opinion, these photos perfectly illustrate our project. Firstly, we can

see that life without gadgets is possible because there are plenty of books with all
necessary information, as the first photo shows. Secondly, life without gadgets is
not a piece of cake as in the 21st century we need to have quick access to this
information, and in this respect the girl in the second photo definitely has an
advantage over the girl in the first photo.

As for me, I wouldn't like to live without gadgets because they help me a lot
in all spheres of my life. For example, I use them to do my homework, chat with

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friends who live in other cities, listen to music and watch series. Life without
gadgets is my idea of hell.

That’s all for now. I'll be waiting for your opinion about the photos!

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

Hi, Vasya! I’ve found two photos for our project "Life without gadgets" and
I’d like to tell you about them.

The first photo shows a girl standing in a library holding a book in her hand.
She might be looking for some information for her research. The second photo
depicts a girl sitting on a sofa at home. She is holding an e-reader in her hands
and probably doing some research, too.

These photos are quite different. Firstly, the girl in the first picture is not
using any gadgets, she is reading a book, while the girl in the second picture is
using an e-reader. Secondly, the girl in the first picture is surrounded by other
people who also do without gadgets and work together in order to exchange their
knowledge and experience, whereas the girl in the second picture is studying the
material alone, as everything she needs is in her e-reader.

I think that both kinds of books have their advantages and disadvantages.
For instance, printed books are too heavy, especially when one needs several
books at once. However, they do not do any harm to people's eyesight when used
for several hours on end and this is a real benefit. As for electronic books, they
have a considerable advantage – it is very convenient to search for specific
information within a document, but there is a drawback – such books are not
accessible if the e-reader or other gadget is broken or its battery is dead.

In my opinion, these photos perfectly illustrate our project. Firstly, we can

see that life without gadgets is possible because there are plenty of books with all
necessary information, as the first photo shows. Secondly, life without gadgets is
not a piece of cake as in the 21st century we need to have quick access to this
information, and in this respect the girl in the second photo definitely has an
advantage over the girl in the first photo.

As for me, I wouldn't like to live without gadgets because they help me a lot
in all spheres of my life. For example, I use them to do my homework, chat with

Создано и подготовлено Svetlana English Online https://vk.com/svetlana_english_online

friends who live in other cities, listen to music and watch series. Life without
gadgets is my idea of hell.

That’s all for now. I'll be waiting for your opinion about the photos!


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