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Chapter 1: wedge

On the street outside the palace of Qian'an, dozens of horse-drawn carriages

were waiting. The servants went in and out from the corner gate, and
hurriedly carried their luggage to load.
In the wine shop across the street, a few people peered and murmured.
"What's wrong? What's up in Wangye's Mansion?"
"It's Wanshou Festival in another three months. I heard that a few masters in
Wangye's Mansion will go to Beijing to worship."
"Will you come back?"
"Crap! Why don't you come back after worshipping ?!"
"Every year there is Longevity Festival. Why are you going this year?"
"Where do I know!"
"Go work!" The owner of the restaurant slapped each other on the heads,
blasted them away, and poured tea to the guests with a smile, "wait slowly."
"It doesn't matter." The guest was a foreigner, listening to the news, and
asked, "Is there a few masters in the Prince's Mansion? How did I hear that
King Qian'an was just a teenager this year and had he already married?"
"No." The boss smiled. "In addition to King Qian'an County, there is a pair of
younger brothers and sisters in Wangye's house."
The guest nodded and said, "This is expensive, why are you here?"
"Are we poor and poor?" The boss answered with a smile, "This has to be
said from the time of the emperor ..."
The emperor in the southern part of the country is far away, the folk customs
are open, and he never shy away from discussing political affairs. In the
morning, the guests who were not in the wine shop, the boss simply sat down
and shouted.
"The first emperor had a total of six princes. In his old age, the two princes
that he wanted, one was the second prince, and the other was the sixth prince.
"The second prince is very old and the sixth prince is young and smart."
"It is said that Xiandi favored his younger son in his later years, but the sixth
emperor was too young. The emperor was just fifteen years old when he
died. It was about thinking about the country, and when he passed away, the
emperor passed the throne to the second emperor. That is, today. "
"After the emperor died, the sixth concubine's mother-in-law, Concubine
Zhong, was overly sad, and followed the first emperor. The sixth concubine's
aunt, the concubine, who also entered the palace as concubine, also
"The sixth prince was also guilty of something wrong with his family. After
all these incidents came out, the situation of the sixth prince was plummeted
The guest nodded, "It's really awkward."
The boss and the guest smiled at each other, disappearing what could not be
said, and continued, "However, he is still good to the sixth prince. In the
second year after he was crowned, the six princes who were not crowned
were crowned Prince Ning, with all kind favors ..."
The guest frowned, suddenly remembering what happened, and patted the
table: "Prince Ning! The one who was captured ..."
The boss nodded: "It's him. Taihe fifteen years, Beidi came to commit
crimes. I don't know if the guest officer knows it. I am facing the iron rule set
by the emperor. Whenever there is a battle, it is necessary to send a prince to
join the army to excite the army. That year , The princes who are sick today
are very sick and sick, they are ... king Ning. "
The guest hesitated: "This ..."
"Hahaha, my younger brother and my son are inseparable." The boss
leisurely said, "How is the battle, our little common people don't know. I
only heard that King Ning rushed into the army and lost to the captured. He
died in North Xinjiang half a year later. Then, some people on the front line
said that King Ning had actually attacked the enemy. How exactly ... who
knows. "
"Princess Ning went away when she gave birth to the pair of dragons and
phoenixes, leaving a ten-year-old eldest son, a pair of two-year-old dragons
and phoenixes, and three little masters. Children ... "
The guest followed his heart: "Is it going to be implicated?"
"The kindness today has suppressed those rumors, and the three young
children who did not anger at King Ning." The boss smiled calmly. Now. "
The boss looked outside and said, "The prince who lived in the Qian'an
Palace now is the son of King Ning and his twin brother and sister."
The guest didn't understand again, hesitated, "You just said that King Ning
Shizi struck the lord at the same level, it should be Prince Ning, and this is
obviously the county king's house ..."
"Ha ha ha ha, it was the Lord who came to us shortly before, and he invited
Jin Jin, saying that he had no virtue and no talent, could not afford the holy
grace, and asked to be the county king."
"The king of the county took our Qian'an as a fiefdom, and naturally became
the king of Qian'an. It has been seven years since then, and the king of
Qian'an is here with us in peace."
The guest thought about it for a moment, understood it, and sighed: "King
Qianan is young, smart and transparent, knowing advance and retreat ..."
The boss shook his head and smiled. "That's wrong."
Guest Nahan, the boss slowly said: "King Qian was naturally brilliant, but he
was so young, how did he understand this?"
"Yeah." The guest calculated the time, "King Qian'an was only eleven or
twelve years old at the time, why ..."
The boss said: "It is actually another person in their house who protects
Wang Ye and his siblings ..."
The guest quickly asked who it was, and the boss smiled secretly. "This
person doesn't need to say more. The guest officer must have heard of it."
The guest snapped: "I just arrived here, where is it clear ..."
"Zhong Wan." The boss smiled. "Have you heard of the guest officer?"
The guest slowly widened his eyes, patted the table, and said excitedly, "The
famous town Imperial City! Spread it all over Jiangnan! Has Zhong Wan,
who has been unbelievably mad for many years, no one?" Who knows him!
Reading Network
Chapter 1:
Zhong Wan sneezed.
"It's autumn, may Master Zhong be cold?"
In the hall, the local Zhixian was kind and polite, "Master Zhong is working
hard inside and outside the house every day. He should take good care of
himself, but he can't be neglected. How can he not get sick when he eats
grains? I still remember when Master Zhong first came to Qian'an , I do n’t
accept water and soil, I have been ill for a year, and now the autumnal
equinox has passed, and cold dew is coming ... "
Zhixian's verbal verbal talked about the way to keep in good health. Zhong
Wan couldn't help but get away with it, but he was still very kind, nodding his
head, and after half an hour of incense, Zhong Wan could hear what the
county master wanted to say.
"Although Xiaguan has been abroad for a long time and is not allowed to
enter Beijing, I have heard of the various styles of Grandpa Yu, and I have a
deep admiration. I hope that if one day I can enter Beijing, I can visit some of
them and I will not be disappointed." Zhixian He laughed carefully and
continued, "I heard that Master Zhizhou took Master Zhong's token back then
and was able to visit Lord Yu Xiaoyu ..."
Zhong Wan was fascinated again.
When he first came to southern Xinjiang, the life of the palace was very
It is clear to everyone with eyesight that the emperor let the three children of
King Ning come to this barren land to survive on their own. The officials of
the fiefdom did not come to see the visit, which was considered to be good,
even more deliberate. They tried to take the risk to please Beijing. Among
those who were expecting the death of their three siblings, Zhong Wan was
only a teenager, and it was difficult to protect this crumbling palace.
Zhong Wan was deeply impressed by King Ning of Ning. There was no way
but to find a way to keep the orphan of the old master. He first returned the
title of King Ning for Xuan Rui, the young master, and slightly dismissed the
emperor's caution, but only temporarily survived. Barren, if you can't stand
here, I'm afraid that you can't even ask for food. Zhong Wan can't starve the
people in the house.
Zhong Wan read to Xuan Rui that year, and he was taught by the grandfather
with all the sons and daughters of Fengzi. He barely befriended Xiao Yu, a
grandfather, and he made up a mess. First, he said that he and Wang Xiaoyu
were young Growing up together, and then saying that Yu Yan was quite
"friendship" to himself, later Zhong Wan became thicker and thicker, and
simply said that Yu Yan had a deep affection for himself. Although he could
not ask for many years, he still gave what he wanted.
Yu Yan was not old at that time and had no real power, but his father was the
only king with a different surname in the Dynasty, and his mother was the
sister of the country's compatriot, Princess An Guo, and she was so imposing
that she was lifted out. Minute.
Zhong Wan was implicated in the incident of King Ning and fell into slavery.
He was bought by Lord Yu Xiaoyu and lived in Yuyuan Mansion House for
half a year. These things were compiled to require witnesses, witnesses, and
physical evidence. Frightened a bunch of countrymen in southern Xinjiang.
After a solid foothold at the South Xinjiang Station, Zhong Wan relegated
himself to the county king on behalf of Xuan Rui. Half a year later, the first
annual reward from the Imperial City was long overdue. It was the sixth day
of February. It was Zhong Wan's seventeen-year-old birthday.
Zhong Wan passed a fairly stable birthday, relieved a little, and started to
worry again. Will these officials who give the annual rewards return to
Beijing by the way, will they bring back their "love" with Yu Yan.
At that time, King Ning's Luo Mayu Mansion had worked hard. Later, he did
not lose much of it. Now Xuan Rui always wants to eat the entire Yu Wang
Mansion. Zhong Wan's conscience is quite acceptable, but he is worried that
Yu Yan heard he was making up. After those words exploded, he went to his
emperor to ask for his imperial order, which immediately flattened the
Qian'an palace.
But one year and two years later, there are rumors in Beijing, but Yu Zheng
has not moved.
During this period, there was also a daring Zhizhou. When he went to Beijing
to report his job, he brought a fan from Zhong Wan that was said to be Yu
Xiaowang's old thing, and was going to knock on the gate of Yu Wang's
Zhizhou went to Beijing on his forefoot, and Zhong Wan's hind foot was
already cooking.
Unexpectedly, after a few months, Zhizhou returned brightly.
With a lot of courtesy, Zhizhou was grateful to Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan was
not surprised, and hesitantly asked, "Zi ... Is he okay?"
Yu pardon, the word 宥.
Zhizhou's generous and enthusiastic exaggeration of Yu Jue's existence.
Zhong Wan asked cautiously again, "What the Lord asked ..."
Zhizhou was overjoyed: "Of course it is true! Take the token, and then ...
keke, the old relationship between the two is naturally very smooth."
The rather smooth Zhong Wan, who had been sharpened before reaching the
crown, barely maintained his attitude on that day, and sent as much courtesy
as possible to send out the overwhelming Zhizhou.
"Xiaguan didn't dare to think deliberately, but Wang Ye said that it would
take half a year before leaving, and Xiaguan really missed it, so I thought,
isn't it ..."
Zhong Wan returned to his heart, politely smiled at the chattering Zhixian, and
knew in his heart that this was to ask for something.
Zhong Wan touched the jade around his waist. This was the last thing that
came out of Yu Jianna. Zhong Wan wanted to keep it, but remembered that
when he came to southern Xinjiang early this year, this county was kind to
Xuanrui. Passionate.
Zhong Wan was the most unwilling to owe others. He took the waist jade and
smiled: "This is what Master Wang Xiao always wore. He knew it at a
glance ..."
Zhixian overjoyed, busy holding hands in the past, and happily left.
Zhong Wan got up and followed behind Zhixian to send people out.
"Be smart."
Today is about to go on the road. Qian'an Wangfu is chaotic. The servants
hurriedly carried their luggage in and out. The old housekeeper in Wangfu
glanced far away from Nazhi County, ignored it, stood in the courtyard and
looked up. After looking at the sun, I suspected that everyone was too slow to
move, "Hurry up! Put the lady's car on first, and go to the backyard to
The housekeeper greeted him back and forth, and when he turned around, he
saw Zhong Wan coming, and then he came over.
The old housekeeper was not very anxious and said, "What are you asking
"Nothing, come off, Lord Wang impatiently greets him, and let me cope with
one or two." Zhong Wan smiled and took the heavy box of books in her hand
for the girl next to her, while binding the book box to the car. "Don't worry,
there's nothing left in it."
The girl-in-law blessed Zhong Wanfu and ran into the house with a blushing
Zhong Wan looks handsome, tall, and has a rare temperament. She is very
good to anyone. She has been in her twenties and hasn't married a wife. Many
of her daughter-in-law like him.
The old housekeeper Yan Pingshan frowned, "This is not what you do, go in
and wait."
Zhong Wan fastened the bookcase and patted it, "Waiting for boredom."
Yan Pingshan was silent for a moment, and Shen said, "Every year, the
emperor of Wanshou Festival never remembered our lord, why suddenly this
year ..."
Zhong Wan smiled lightly, "It's all right."
Yan Pingshan worried, "Last night, the lights in Wang Ye's house did not go
out. He just turned seventeen last month. At such a young age, he ..."
"The emperor asked Wang Ye to go to Beijing, wouldn't it be okay?" Zhong
Wan said quietly after a young lady walked away. "The emperor just couldn't
rest assured. If you want to see these little children, then let him see him and
see , Rest assured, we will naturally let us come back, and then we will
continue to spend the rest of the day. "
Yan Pingshan also said that Zhong Wan's voice was even lighter: "Xuanrui
became a county king and soon became an adult. It is possible that the
emperor would not look at him."
Yan Pingshan frowned: "So what did Master Yu and Miss do? They are so
small ..."
Master Yu is talking about Xuan Yu. The lady was talking about Xuan
Congxin, the pair of dragons and phoenixes of King Ning.
Zhong Wan said for a moment: "You also know that they are still young, let
alone be afraid. The emperor can't live with the two children? Besides, there
is me."
Yan Pingshan stopped talking and ended up saying nothing.
With Zhong Wan in, it seems that there is really nothing to worry about.
Suddenly, everyone in the house finally packed up their luggage and Qianan
Wang Xuanrui led his younger brother Xuanyu out.
Xuan Yu was only ten years old, and I didn't know about personnel. I heard
that I was very happy to go out. I couldn't help urging. Xuan Rui smiled
bitterly and took her brother to the carriage.
"Master Wang." Zhong Wan stood beside the carriage, propped Xuan Rui into
the car, and said quietly, "Don't think too much."
Xuan Rui's eyebrows were full of worries, she looked back at Zhong Wan,
relaxed her mind a little, and nodded into the car.
Zhong Wan got on the horse, turned his head, and went to see Xuan Congxin.
After a long time, he made a long horse whistle, and the long convoy slowly
moved. Qian'an Palace never talked, and no one left. No one yelled on the
right, and the group walked on the road quietly, and even the loess rising on
the street was a little lighter than others.
Two months later, everyone arrived in the suburbs of Beijing.
It will take another half a day to enter the city, and everyone in Qian'an
Palace will rest a bit. Zhong Wan has been upended for two months. He is in
pain all over. He is leaning in the car and taking a nap. Suddenly the body
sinks and Zhong Wan raises his eyes. With a little tiredness: "Uncle Yan?
What's wrong ..."
Zhong Wan sat up, and before he lifted the curtain, he got in.
Zhong Wan was overjoyed: "Lin Si!"
Lin Si was very good. He got on the car quietly without alarming others. He
knelt down to Zhong Wan in the car, and Zhong Wan pulled him up. "Is
everything ready?"
Lin Si nodded and pulled a paper lead from her arms.
Zhong Wan took it and smiled: "My betrayal is still a child ... is still in King
Yu's Mansion. If someone enters the city for a while to investigate, I am a
slave, and maybe I will be embarrassed. It is much better."
Lin Si is a dumb person who can't speak. He smiled slightly when he heard
the words and gesticulated Zhong Wan.
Lin Si was a companion to Zhong Wan in Zhongfu when he was a child. After
the incident of King Ning, he was sold to Yuwang with Zhong Wan. Later,
Zhong Wan went to southern Xinjiang with several young children of King
Ning, and Lin Si stayed in Beijing and secretly replaced Zhong. Wan takes
care of things in Beijing.
The sign language was too slow. Lin Si took out his pen and paper and wrote
down the things to be explained to Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan turned on the
stove and set on fire.
The carriage was dangling, the inside of the carriage was very quiet. I could
only hear the carriage squeak and the occasional crackle of charcoal. After
an hour, Zhong Wan exhaled softly, "It's almost what I thought."
Lin Si's sign language: Everything is planned well, don't worry.
Zhong Wan nodded, and hesitated for a moment: "Who ..."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan quietly, waiting patiently.
Zhong Wan laughed at himself and whispered: "It is ... Yu Xiaoye."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan, waiting for Zhong Wan to talk down.
Zhong Wan's belly was not able to speak or look at people. He had to flick a
whip to move it. He had to ask actively, "How about Xiaoyu Wang ...?"
Lin Sixi's words are like gold: Very good.
The two were relatively speechless, and were quiet for half a tea.
Lin Sifu reached his heart and suddenly understood, signing: The master
wants to know what happened to him?
Zhong Wan said uncomfortably, "He is so good ... it is also a gimmick in my
name. This is about to enter Beijing. I care about him for a sentence or two,
isn't it?"
Lin thought about it, picked up the pen and paper again, and wrote.
Zhong Wan watched slowly.
"He is one year younger than me." Zhong Wan put a sheet of paper into the
hand stove and whispered softly. "This year is also twenty or three. Why ...
haven't married?"
"Isn't it ... dragged by those" loves "with me?"
Lin Si shook her head: No.
Lin Si renewed his pen: Three years ago, King Yu Yu and the crown, the
emperor and Princess An Guochang found a lot of famous ladies for the
young Wang Ye, and the young Wang said he didn't like it.
Lin Si wrote down a lot of ladies, Zhong Wan frowned. "Don't like it? What
else does he want?"
Lin Si continued to write: Wang Yu said that he wanted Princess Huiyang.
Princess Huiyang, the four princesses today.
Zhong Wan froze. "Hui Yanggang is nine years old ... Is he crazy?"
Lin Si shook her head: Not crazy, people are nice.
Zhong Wan laughed: "The emperor spoiled him so much, don't you really
Lin Si wrote: No, the emperor was so angry that he almost did something
with the little prince.
Zhong Wan moved in his heart and whispered, "I was with Xuan Rui when I
was studying in the palace. I heard a secret ..."
Lin Si nodded: It has been said that Lord Yu Xiaowang is actually ...
"Shh ..."
Zhong Wan shook his head.
Lin Sitong paused, and continued to write: The emperor was furious, and
almost snatched the position of the little prince, or the princess went to the
palace overnight, persuaded, and finally ...
Lin Si wrote: Lord Xiao was so favored that naturally he would not let it go.
The emperor chilled Lord Yu for two months, after which his grace was
normal, and his marriage was so delayed.
Zhong Wan smiled: "The emperor is afraid of his own princes and is not so
Zhong Wan frowned again: "Although Grandpa Yu's temper is not very good,
but it doesn't stop there? He knows that this marriage will not happen, so why
deliberately anger the emperor?"
Lin Si shook her head.
Zhong Wan didn't understand: "What does it mean to shake your head?"
Lin Si didn't write down any more, looked up at Zhong Wan seriously, and
I ca n’t hear the details, but in recent years, Yu Xiaowang ’s temperament has
changed dramatically.
Don't see him unless necessary. 2k novel reading network
Chapter 2:
"A change in temperament ..."
Zhong Wan repeated it softly, frowning slightly.
The matter of marrying a nine-year-old princess is not quite what he would
Lin Si thought that Zhong Wan had listened and began to say something else.
He will be in the city in another hour, and Lin Si will have to leave at once.
Zhong Wan dare not delay the time, suppress his doubts, and listen to Lin Si
Lin Si wrote: At the beginning of the year, the three princes got sick again,
almost disappeared. The three princes have been bad since they were young.
This year, there are four in thirty, and half of them have no children. Doctors
in the hospital are afraid to say, But ... I'm afraid it won't last for a few years.
Zhong Wan frowned, and the three princes were gone.
Speaking of the emperor, the two princes were dead, the eldest prince was
twelve years old, the second prince was three years old, and there were no
two princesses in the middle. After all, the third prince was born, and he was
weak and sick. Carefully raised till now, saying no or no more.
It ’s almost sixty this year. There are only three princes left and no half
grandson left. Except for the third prince, the 22-year-old fourth prince
Xuanz and the 20-year-old five prince Xuanqiong are complete. Son.
Lin Si hesitated, didn't write, and slowly signed with sign language: In the
early years, a Xiangshi said that the unknownness of the throne today is not
the order of heaven. Since he can't rule the world, he must change his destiny,
and it will hurt the welfare of children and grandchildren. So most of the
emperor's children could not survive.
Zhong Wan said indifferently: "How many of them have survived? There are
only two princes who are mature and healthy, which is enough."
Lin Si frowned.
"I understand what you mean." Zhong Wan smiled. "The emperor's
grandchildren died one after another. You are worried that he will not be
happy when he sees Xuanrui Xuanyu. He thought of it differently. The
emperor suddenly let us go to Beijing this year. Bacheng is also because of
this. "
Lin Si nodded.
Zhong Wan calmed him and said, "Before I came, I told Xuanrui these things
with jealous feelings, scared him for a few days and could n’t sleep well. I
was so worried on this journey that people lost weight, eyes No god, his face
was very faint, and the emperor when he looked at him was absolutely
relieved. "
Lin Si couldn't help laughing.
"So this trip must come." Zhong Wan said indifferently. "It doesn't help us to
avoid it. He has to read it before he can believe it, so he will let them go."
Lin Si felt relieved.
Lin Si asked Zhong Wan's body again. When the two separated, Zhong Wan
couldn't get out of bed, Lin Si was always worried.
Lin Si touched Zhong Wan's veins and made a gesture: I heard Uncle Yan said
that you have fallen ill since then. Whenever it is cold, you will inevitably
get sick. Now it is winter and you ...
"Small fault, it's almost all right." Zhong Wan waved his hand, his mind was
not on himself, "you just said ..."
Lin Sijing waited quietly.
"You said ..." Zhong Wan pursed his lips. "You said that he ... changed his
temperament ..."
After a circle, he returned to Yu Yan.
Zhong Wan knew Yu Ju at the age of thirteen. He had been in the same class
for three years, and then spent six months together. He was familiar with him.
He couldn't figure out what this person could become.
Lin Si knew that Zhong Wan wouldn't believe it. He took the paper again and
wrote like a fly: in the first year you left, Ning Wang was over, and the
middle of Beijing was safe. After a year, Lord Yu Xiao suddenly made an
appeal to the Holy Lord and asked the emperor to take away his son.
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "For ... why?"
Because Princess Anguo could not conceive again after giving birth to Yu Yu,
the emperor had mercy on Grandpa Yu. She gave a few crickets. Lord Yu had
two cripples. If Yu Jue had lost her place, she would be crowned by the ****
Lin Si shook her head: I don't know.
Zhong Wan laughed: "Let's not say if the emperor will kill him, what about
the princess? Didn't he get mad at him? How did he teach him?"
Lin Si wrote: I do n’t know what the princess said. The emperor was so
angry that he put the queen Yu Xiao under house arrest and punished him for
two months before releasing it.
Zhong Wan couldn't laugh or cry: "He grew up in the palace, which is under
house arrest."
Lin Si continued: After this incident, Prince Yu Xiao invited himself to North
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan was stunned: "Great, is this going to rebel for his father?"
When the emperor founded the country, six kings with different surnames
were sealed. Only Yu Yu's residence was left. The Yu family not only
survived, but also the wind and water of the mixed race. However, as a king
with a different surname, many things are sensitive. Wang Yu He is well
versed in the way of monarchs and ministers, and has always avoided
military suspicions in the military, and does not want to be broken by Yu
Lin Si: Lord Yu took Wang Yin into the palace that day, and he knelt outside
the hall for an hour.
Zhong Wan murmured: "You offend the princess first, and then touch the
inverse scale of Lord Yu, is he a long-term suspect ..."
Lin Si continued: It's the suspect.
Zhong Wan smiled helplessly.
Lin Si continued: After one year, Princess Anguo accidentally found that
Wang Xiaoyu was taking cold food ...
"What ?!" Zhong Wan's smile faded away. "What does he eat?"
Lin Si drew a circle on the words "Han Shi San".
"He ..." Zhong Wan grinded his teeth. "Why didn't he go straight to eating 霜
{cream? What happened then?"
Lin Si wrote: The princess was furious, and he closed Ye Xiaowang for half
a year. Wang Yu asked the emperor to clean up all the pharmacies in Beijing
and all the Taoist temples in the suburbs of Beijing. The drug treacherous
man, Wang Yu did not take his hand until he recovered from health six months
Lin thought about it and continued to write: Another year later, Lord Yu Xiao
Can't finish writing for a while.
Zhong Wan watched quietly, his brows frowning and tightening.
Just now he wondered, how could Yu Yan make a proposal to marry a nine-
year-old princess Huiyang, and now it doesn't seem to him that it is a real
"He ..." Zhong Wan murmured. "What has happened to him over the years?
What's wrong with it, is he going to die like this?"
Yu Jian was the only son of Princess An Guo, who was born when the
emperor went away. In that year, the princess An Guo was lost during her
pregnancy. She was overly mournful and her child was almost not saved.
Later, the princess went to guard the tomb for the emperor. Before I had time
to return to Beijing, I was born in Huangling Bezhuang. After that, I hurt my
body and never had a child.
The princess is such a son, naturally she is a treasure, and the queen mother
and today also value this child very much. The name and word of Yu Jian are
from now on. Yu Yu was named Wang Shizi when he was one year old, and
he was two years old. Entered the palace, eating and living, just like the
Just like the prince, the princes have to secretly fight for the reserve, Yu Yu is
the only sister-in-law, and once born is Wang Shizi, born with a wealthy life,
do n’t worry about anything.
What can he do to be uncomfortable, to be so bad at himself?
In Zhong Wan's memory, Yu Zizhen is very good.
Compared to others, Yu Yan is only a bit more lonely and does not like to
deal with others. There is always anxiety in his eyebrows. Unlike Wang Yu,
who is hot on the wrist, Yu Yan is a person who acts brightly and well,
knowing that gentlemen have something to do. No, otherwise ... Zhong Wan
will not have his life to this day.
Lin Si sees Zhong Wan always fascinated, picks up his pen and writes: In
recent years, Lord Xiao Yu seems to have changed a person. , Fell on his
hands, almost killed by him directly.
Zhong Wan was stunned.
Lin Si was afraid that Zhong Wan was worried, and hurriedly added: No
matter, I informed the Four Princes in advance, and the Four Princes
transferred my affairs to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, which became a
trivial matter. After a little investigation, I was released.
The four princes Xuan Jing, Lin Si has been hiding in his house all these
Lin Si rewrites on the paper: Grandpa Yu Xiao doesn't miss old feelings.
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and nodded.
Zhong Wan leaned against the window, silent for a long time, still didn't
understand, and whispered, "Why did he ..."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan in doubt, but didn't understand.
Zhong Wan slowly said, "Four years ago, when Shen Fulin of Zhi'an
Prefecture of Qian'an Prefecture came to Beijing to report on his job, he went
to Yu's Mansion to play the autumn wind under my banner. He ... really
helped with the cooking."
Lin thought about this, and wrote: Is it strange, or was Wang Xiaoyu not so
The paper was finally used up, Lin Si beat the sign: Speaking of which, it
was the rumor of the master you and the Prince Wang Yu.
Zhong Wan was full of thoughts and looked up: "Ah?"
Lin Si ’s gesture: Because of this incident, people in Jingzhong believed the
rumors about you. Everyone felt that Wang Xiaoyu really loved you, so he
only accepted you in every way.
Zhong Wan calmed for a moment and said, "You say it again?"
Lin Si ’s dumbness is unexplainable, so he had to make another gesture: It is
because of this incident that people in Jingzhong believed the rumors about
you. Everyone thinks that Lord Wang Xiaoyu really loves you. Alone to you.
Lin Si thought that Zhong Wan couldn't understand which sign language,
pulled a piece of paper, just wrote down the blank space, and was stopped
by Zhong Wan with a smile.
"I taught your sign language. Can I not understand?" Zhong Wan's eyes were
slightly bent, and he smiled. "I just want to hear you say it again."
Lin Si couldn't help crying and thinking, thinking for a moment, and his heart
was upset again.
Zhong Wan looked as usual.
Lin thought about it, and then sketched: When the rumors came from Beijing,
it was really lively for a while, and everyone was talking about it during that
time. I heard that Wang Xiaoyu was ill and ill after hearing this rumor A
Zhong Wan coughed, took a tea cup and took a sip of tea.
Lin Si made another gesture: after listening to the four princes saying that the
emperor would rise someday, he also specifically asked Lord Yu Xiaoyu
whether this happened.
Zhong Wan froze for a moment.
Lin Si patted Zhong Wan's back and continued: That day, Lord Yu Xiao came
out of the palace with his face in his face, and returned to the house without
eating or talking. The long princess thought he hit the emperor again. In the
evening, he was called to the Princess Mansion for questioning, and it was
estimated that this question was also asked. When he came out of the
Princess Mansion, Lord Yu Xiao's face was dark ... It was very dark and
very dark. He looks handsome, otherwise it's too penetrating.
Zhong Wan smiled for a stomachache.
Lin Sidao: Naturally, the emperor and the princess can ask the little
grandfather in person. When others see him like this, they dare not ask you
half a word before him, but then ...
Lin Si swallowed his mouth and made a gesture: There are too many gossips,
I do n’t know if I have listened to them too much, or if I find that the rumors
are deeply rooted in my heart, Wang Yu ’s heart is no longer explained ... it is
almost recognized This thing.
Lin thought for a while, and said, "It's about listening too much. I believe it
myself. No one in Beijing has dared to mention it openly, but the folk customs
on the south side of the river are open. So there are arrangers and
performers. Grandpa Yu Xiaoyu has been outing for a long time in a micro-
clothing. I listened to your play for one night on the Suzhou paintings, and I
was rewarded when I left.
Zhong Wan had a terrible look, and now I really did not dare to see Yu
pardon. 2k novel reading network
Chapter 3:
"After Wanshou Festival, you go back to Qian'an with me."
Immediately into the city, Zhong Wan instructed Lin Si: "There is nothing
outstanding, you should deal with it early."
Lin Si froze, gesture: I can't go, I have to stay in Beijing to help you.
"No need." Zhong Wan shook his head. "After seeing Xuan Rui and Xuan Yu,
the emperor should be able to rest assured. It doesn't make much sense for
you to stay here. It is better to go back with us. You will follow me safely
and securely. To live. "
After waiting for Lin Si to refute, Zhong Wan said again, "You also said that
Yu Yan did not miss the old feelings. He left one eye closed and one eye let
go of you last time. What about next time? And the fourth and fifth princes?
Afraid of the fighting, the five princes have the support of the king's palace.
The four princes may not be able to carry it. You are not safe in other houses.
I can't leave you here. "
Lin thought for a while, didn't insist any more, nodded hesitantly.
Zhong Wan patted his shoulder, "Go."
Lin Si gave Zhong Wan a glance, and just as he did, he went quietly again.
Zhong Wan lifted his car curtain, looked at the city gate that could not be seen
far away, and adjusted the whole dress.
Zhong Wan was worried about being questioned and did not get off the car.
Yan Pingshan went outside to exchange documents with the officials of the
Ministry of Rites and the officials who guarded the city. They received the
news that Qian'an Palace was coming to Beijing half a month ago. Chao
Xuanrui ’s car was saluted, and asked a few questions about the number of
accompanying servants, leading everyone into the city.
Once the Ning Wang Mansion was taken back today, after repairs, it is now
the residence of Xuan Qiong, the fifth prince. When passing Ning Wang
Mansion, Zhong Wan opened the curtain.
When he first came to power, at least he was very generous towards his
younger brother. He sealed the palace of the king and chose the noble
daughter of Gaomen to marry him.
At that time, King Ning ’s foreign house, Zhongfu, had already committed a
crime. The Zhong family had many women and boys, and had two
concubines. However, there were not many males in the family. Basically, all
the counted numbers were implicated. There was a boy who was barely
affected because he was too young. Later, he was taken into the house by
King Ning, and regarded as the righteous son, blocking the mouth of Yushitai.
With King Ning so sheltered, Zhong Wan was able to grow up carefree.
I was deeply impressed by King Ning. When the incident happened, Xuan
Rui couldn't be saved. Zhong Wan didn't look at where he grew up, took a
deep breath, and lowered the curtain.
The people were taken to another mansion, a small place, but it was quite
Yan Pingshan was not used to dealing with these small officials, Zhong Wan
took a few purses in his sleeves, jumped out of the car, walked over to the
familiar greets, and smiled the faces of several small officials in the
ceremony department. .
"I also invite you to take a good rest here, it is best to freshen up a little." A
little official smiled and said, "Before and after Shen Shi, someone in the
palace will be invited."
Zhong Wan handed Dutch up, "Thank you."
After sending the people from the ceremony department out of the way, Zhong
Wan was too late, rubbed his sore neck, went to the inner courtyard to greet
everyone to clean up the lady's room first, and Zhong Wan stood in the
courtyard across the curtain and asked: Is it okay? "
Xuan Congxin was big when he was young, and he did not avoid it. He
walked out with a fox fur cloak, "I did it all the way, and finally sewed it,
you see it is not appropriate."
Zhong Wan took it over and smiled. "It was made for me these days? I thought
it was for your brother ..."
"You are more afraid of cold." Xuan Congxin is much earlier and more wise
than her innocent and stubborn brother. She has a cold temperament and a
mild tone when caring. "Beijing is really cold. Go to the house early. Don't
get sick again when you come back. "
"Know," Zhong Wan smiled and wrapped the cloak and promised, "That's it."
Xuan looked around from heart to heart, silently memorizing the size, and
said, "It's too late to change, you dress first and wait for someone to send it
in the evening, I will collect the neckline."
Zhong Wan couldn't laugh or cry: "I will die."
Xuan Congxin didn't have much to say, and after turning, he turned into the
How could Zhong Wan have time to rest, he turned to Xuanrui Courtyard
Xuan Rui's face was very bad.
Half of them returned to Beijing and remembered old things, and half of them
were frightened by Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan didn't expect Xuanrui's boss to be so frightened, a little ashamed,
leaning at the door and laughing: "If the Lord goes to the holy place like this,
the Holy Spirit can make it impossible for us to even have a full meal in
Xuanrui knew that Zhong Wan was teasing him, but still couldn't laugh. He
pursed his dry lips, his eyes full of anxiety, "I was panicked from entering the
city, and my mind was all about me trapped in the palace seven years ago. ,
The father is gone, and you are taken away, I ... "
Zhong Wan sighed.
Zhong Wan whispered: "It's not good for me. I was trying to find you at the
time, but there was no news inside or outside of Yu Yufu. I ... forget it, it's all
Xuan Rui worried: "If he asks me, ask me ..."
"He won't ask if it makes you embarrassed. He doesn't want to mention old
things than you do." Zhong Wan Zhengzheng said, "He just plans a peace of
mind, you just let him peace of mind, if you really want to end you, then go to
Why did Qianan specifically call you here for a pot of poisoned wine? Do
you think the history books are not enough? "
Xuan Rui heard his face look slightly better, Zhong Wan whispered: "It's all
over, come back ... I'll take you there."
"Really?" Xuanrui's eyes lit up. "You accompany me into the palace?"
"Of course it's fake." Zhong Wan laughed. "I think, can I get in? I'm outside
the palace."
Xuan Rui smiled helplessly, but finally felt relieved.
At Shen Shi, the palace really came, and only Xuan Rui Xuan Yu was passed
Zhong Wan followed as a servant, but was stopped before the palace door
arrived. Xuan Rui Xuanyu got out of the carriage and followed the people in
the palace.
The two followed the eunuchs, being careful all the way, and they didn't
know how long they had walked around and finally met the emperor and
scratched their heads.
Xuanrui didn't dare to look up, asked what to answer, and spoke a voice
much less than that of a mosquito.
In contrast, Xiao Xuanyu's response was more appropriate. He was only two
or three years old when the Ning King Incident happened, and he didn't
remember. He grew up carefree in these years. He was much bolder than his
elder brother. , Also looked up at the emperor, and secretly wondered.
This "Uncle Huang" is too old. It looks like he's sixty years old. His
grandfather who is Xuanyu is old enough.
In the past few years, Chong'an Emperor has gradually become old, and his
speech is somewhat inadequate. He took a closer look at Xiao Xuanyu,
smiled kindly, and asked about his schoolwork.
Xuan Yu hadn't spoken yet, and Xuan Rui secretly showed a cold sweat.
That same year, Emperor Chong'an asked Xuan Rui the same way. The next
day, he and Zhong Wan were sent to the palace.
Emperor Chong'an ... Will this leave Xuan Yu in Beijing?
Xuan Rui was restless, and Emperor Chong An had already taught Xiao
Xuanyu a few words, and Xuan Yu answered them one by one.
Emperor Chong An nodded with satisfaction, Wen said: "It's very exciting,
will your brother please the gentleman you asked for? How about learning, is
it tough?"
Xuan Yu bowed her head and replied, "I didn't extend my teacher, but
followed ..."
Although Xuan Yu was small, she instinctively felt that she couldn't say
Zhong Wan's name, and paused, "Follow a literate housekeeper at home."
Emperor Chong'an was silent for a moment and asked, "Is Guiyuan teaching
Zhong Wan, the word goes far.
Xuan Yu frowned, how did you know?
Emperor Chong'an slowly said, "You can't be wrong with him to teach you."
Emperor Chong'an said very slowly. He seemed to be fascinated. It took him
a while to say, "If he had entered the temple test then ..."
Xiao Xuanyu listened quietly, did not dare to answer, and after waiting for a
long time, Chong Andi didn't say anything. He waved his hand and didn't ask
the two's academic work again.
It was a little bit more homely for a while, and it was getting late. The spirit
of Emperor Chong An seemed to be a bit bad. He was given a table of royal
meal by the two, and the old **** took them with him.
Xuan Rui Xuan Yu was taken to Xiao Nuo Ge, and when no one was around,
Xuan Yu whispered, "Why did the emperor hear about Zhong Wan, then ..."
The old **** serving next to the emperor came in with the person passing the
meal, Xuan Yu shut up immediately, the old eunuch's mouth slightly bent,
pretending not to hear, and clothed the two for himself.
"I only heard about it," said the old **** with a smile. "Master Xiao's lesson
was taught by Master Zhong himself?"
Xuan Yu Nahan: "My father-in-law also knows Zhong Wan?"
A little housekeeper behind the old **** laughed silently.
Who knows Zhong Wan who loves the world?
Xiao Xuanyu naturally also heard those things, understand that they are joking
Zhong Wan, with a pale face.
Xuan Rui gave Xuan Yu a glance: the eunuchs around Emperor Chong An
were not offended by them.
Xuan Yu bowed her head, and chopped rice.
The old **** turned his head and glanced at the little housekeeper, and said,
"It's natural to know, but who is the youngest man in the dynasty, who doesn't
Xuan Yu looked up, he didn't know that Zhong Wan was so powerful, he
stayed for a while: "Ah?"
The old **** smiled slowly and said slowly, "Although the Zhong family has
fallen, Lord Ning raised him as a son. This family, this kind of origin, this
kind of talent, which of the six provinces of the three provinces will not go?
Master Zhong is so arrogant that he has to take the imperial examination in
the right direction. He has also taken a peaceful walk ... Spring's solution,
Yuan's meeting, if not ... "
What the old **** couldn't say, "The old man heard that the youngest
champion in the previous dynasty was eighteen years old. If Master Zhong
could enter the palace test then ..."
"I'm afraid it's the youngest champion in several dynasties." The old ****
took out the dust from his waist, turned around and hit the unknown eunuch, "I
don't know the height of the dog, get off!"
Outside the palace, Zhong Zhongyuan, a junior middle school student, almost
stood in the cold wind and sneezed.
"Really cold……"
Zhong Wan had waited for two hours, and the carbon in the hand stove had
been burned out. He was afraid of freezing his legs and simply got out of the
car and walked around.
It was already early in the morning, and it was dark early in the morning.
Zhong Wan was holding the gate of the palace far away.
In the worst case, Emperor Xuan Yu's stay as a proton, but this may be very
It makes sense to leave the prince Shizi, who holds the military power, in
Beijing for education. What is Xuanyu? What to guard against? In case
Xuanrui assembled dozens of artificial counterattacks in Qian'an?
The people in Qian'an are so rare and barren, they must be rescued by the
imperial court every three to five. Zhong Wan is an emperor. I heard that
there is an artificial counterattack in Qianan. .
Zhong Wan rubbed his hands stiffly, his hands were frozen, and now he was
all supported by the heat in his chest.
The sound of a horse and a car suddenly heard in the distance, Zhong Wan
lifted his spirit and looked at it.
The car gradually approached, the lights hanging on the carriage were
shaking, and the words "Yu" were printed on the lights.
Zhong Wan murmured in his heart.
The carriage and horse of Yu Wang Mansion gradually approached, Zhong
Wan's thoughts fluttered.
Princess An Guo has her own car, and it will not be her.
Yu Wangfu's idle side branches will never come out of the palace at this time.
The only person sitting in the car was King Yu and who.
Zhong Wan took a breath and meditated in his heart, Lord Yu, Lord Yu, Lord
Yu ...
On the carriage next to Zhong Wan was a lantern from the King's Palace in
Qian'an. It was impossible for the other party to see it.
No matter how favored Yu Yan is, he hasn't attacked Jue after all. When he
saw King Qian's frame, he still had to stop to avoid it.
The carriage of Yu Wang Mansion was getting closer and closer. In the cold
wind, Zhong Wan was carrying a layer of hot sweat on his back.
After a while, the carriage stopped.
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and finished her mother.
Yu Yan's car and horse slowly stopped at the side of the road, an clerk got
out of the car, saluted far away, then got up and trot over.
Zhong Wan was very happy. In the cold weather, Yu Jin would not be willing
to get out of the car. She should be asked by the deputy manager to know that
there was no one in the car, so she left.
The steward came up, looked up, and froze.
Suddenly, the supervisor recognized Zhong Wan and said loudly, "Zhong ...
Master Zhong ?!"
Zhong Wan collapsed, can you keep quiet? !! !!
Zhong Wan froze his frosty hand, took a deep breath, and smiled lightly: "It's
me, Lord Ye hasn't come out yet, please ask Lord Yu Xiao first."
"I guessed it." The steward looked up and down Zhong Wan with an excited
voice. "I'll tell the Master first, you are here!"
"No no no ..." Zhong Wan was choked by the cold wind and coughed, "No no
The steward had already ran back on the hot wheels.
Zhong Wan couldn't breathe with a coughing crotch, and wished to eat that
steward raw.
He watched as the steward ran to the front of Yu Yan's carriage, bowing and
whispering something.
It's over, it's over ...
This time it's over ...
Zhong Wan's heartbeat was so fast that she thought about how to deal with Yu
Jin for a while.
The steward stood for a long time in front of Yu Yu's car. As long as Zhong
Wan wondered if Yu Yi was already arranging Yu Linjun to shoot himself.
"What is this doing ...?"
Zhong Wanrong's words were inexplicable. He squinted and looked at Yu
Jian's car.
After half a cup of tea time, the manager greeted, and the carriage and horse
of Yuyu Mansion moved, slowly, and left.
Is this gone?
Zhong Wan quietly watched Yu Yufu's car drive away. Maybe he was
suddenly infused into the lungs by the cold wind, and coughed again.
Busy with the car's servant to help Zhong Wan, eagerly: "Would you like to
go back first? This ... this ..."
"No ... it's okay." Zhong Wan helped the servant for a while, and laughed at
himself, "I scared myself, thinking, thinking too much."
Zhong Wan watched Yu Yan's car drift away and smiled.
Yu Yan's temper hasn't changed, it has nothing to do with himself.
What if I knew I was here?
Get off and talk to yourself?
That tomorrow, about everyone in central Beijing knew that he had met him
at the gate of the palace.
Zhong Wan couldn't help laughing, then he couldn't really wash it.
Zhong Wan ate a few bites of cold wind, his chest was cold, and his body
seemed to be a bit hot. At a critical juncture, Zhong Wan didn't dare to joke
about his body. If he fell down at this juncture, those children would really
have no God.
Zhong Wan didn't dare to stand up, and after listening to the servant's words,
asked him to call himself a sedan chair.
Zhong Wan didn't follow, and he got on the coupe himself.
Zhong Wan leaned in the sedan and exhaled softly.
Seven years have passed, and the romantic young man who was so talented at
that time has become a broken sleeve in the book.
Nothing is visible.
Zhong Wan's body suddenly became cold and hot, as if asleep and as if not
asleep, confused and dreaming.
The man in his dream was a teenager and didn't like to talk. He sat quietly
writing under the window. The window was covered with peach blossoms,
and a few drops of English fell on his shoulders.
The bearer carried him and wobbled for a long time, and finally fell into the
Zhong Wan was shocked and woke up.
Zhong Wan rubbed his eyes and blew his head out, so how could a dumb
person who behaved in a ruthless manner did what Lin Si said?
Zhong Wan was frozen and stiff. When she was about to stand up, the car
curtain was opened.
Outside the sedan, tall, Yu Zi, dressed in ink-colored fox fur, raised the car
curtain expressionlessly, saying, "Zhong, Gui, Yuan." 2k novel reading
Chapter 4:
Zhong Wan thought for a moment that he hadn't woken up.
Yu Zizheng has grown a lot taller, and his eyebrows are sharper. The anxiety
that permeated the eyebrows when he was young turned into suffocation,
which added a little sullenness to this handsome face.
Zhong Wan thought whether I was awake or not. If I woke up, how would I
meet Yu Ziyu? If I dreamed ... how could I see this person so clearly.
Zhong Wan's hot ears were buzzing, his brain was chaotic, and he struggled
to stand up, but his frozen hands and feet seemed to be filled with lead. He
breathed a little, lifted up the sedan chair, and I didn't stand firmly, so that my
weak legs softened and fell straight down.
Zhong Wan knelt in the snow, looking at Yu Ziyu's black boots, and felt that
he was dreaming again.
Ten years ago, Zhong Wan entered the palace to accompany her to read
At that time, they were taught by Mrs. Shi, who was of the same age as Zhong
Wanyu, and there were four princes and five princes.
Among these four people, although Zhong Wan reads as an accompaniment, it
is the best in both articles and talents. He crushed a crowd of dragons and
grandsons. A good article is not only a favorite of Tai Fu, but also Chong
Andi Occasionally, they also praised them frequently when they tried to teach
them. Emperor Chong'an even joked that Zhong Wan would like to enter the
province of Zhongshu.
To be a secretary of Tianzi in the province of Zhongshu was to draft an order
for Tianzi.
Zhong Wan was young at the time and didn't understand Tibetan Feng. He
said that he didn't dare to be treated so badly by the emperor. It also made
people underestimate Ning ’s palace, but asked the emperor to leave a chair
for himself in Zhongshu province for only a big year. , He can naturally
declare into the purple lotus root.
Chong'an Emperor was not sure that Zhong Wan could really be a teenager,
but he liked the dazzling youthful mood. He smiled and accepted Zhong Wan's
request and explained that he would let King Ning hit a chair and send it to
Zhongshu Province for Zhong Wan to prepare. The four princes and five
princes had two angry teeth.
The five princes Xuan Qiong hated Zhong Wan only for a negative move, and
they also faked Zhong Wan's polite manners. The fourth prince Xuan z was
very temperamental and straightened out. Any dissatisfaction came in person.
The same day's banquet was run against Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan was drunk
with his drink.
Zhong Wan was drunk and did not lose his posture, but was a little confused.
On the way out of the palace, he couldn't figure out the road, and his head
was dizzy again, and he sat in a gazebo for a rest.
That day, Zhong Wan met Yu Yan.
Xu was nephew Xiao Xiao, Yu Yanmei was a bit like King Ning, Zhong Wan
was drunk, thinking that King Ning was looking for him.
Zhong Wan consciously lost his state, with a smile, and bowed down to the
King of Ning.
The young Yu Yu didn't understand what Zhong Wan was humming, and asked
him softly, Zhong Wan thought that King Ning was training himself, relying on
being favored, faceless and skinless, kneeling on the ground and gently
pulling the clothes of "Ning King" , Whispered to Rao: "I will not drink
anymore, my father spared me ... this time."
Yu Jin: "..."
On a blue day, the young Yu Yu was recognized as a wild father in the Royal
After Zhong Wan said this sentence, he pulled Yu Jiao's clothes on his legs
and fell asleep, Yu Yu could not move, hesitated, and helped him up. Zhong
Wan's drunk legs were soft and he stood at all. Can't live, the whole person
was caught on others, and finally ...
Zhong Wan knelt in the snow and fought a cold war, thinking wildly, what
happened in the end? Did Yu Zizheng take herself back?
What is going on now? Is this a dream?
"Zhong Wan." Yu Zhen looked at Zhong Wan quietly and asked, "What about
my osmanthus cake?"
Zhong Wan's chest seemed to be stabbed with a stab, and he had pain in his
internal organs, and he was sober instantly.
Not dreaming.
Zhong Wan understood it, and he was in it.
This coupe, that courier, are all Yu Yan's.
Yu Zheng waited for a while, but when Zhong Wan didn't answer, he asked,
"Can I get up?"
Not ten years ago, King Ning would not come to find him, and now Yu Jian
has no intention of helping him. Zhong Wan bit his posterior molar and
slowly stood up. His burning body hurt and reluctantly. "Please, Lord Yu
Yu Yan's face was cloudy and cloudy, and he later said, "Come in."
Zhong Wan didn't take anyone. Even if he took someone, it was impossible
for him to get away from Yu Zhen, but he just followed in.
Zhong Wan followed Yu Yu's body, and Yu Guang swept around to see that it
was Yu Wangfu's house.
He fell into slavery that year and was bought back by Yu Yan, and he was
placed here.
Yu Yan took him all the way into the warm court. Zhong Wan was already
frozen, and at first he entered the warm place, his body shook slightly.
Yu Yan sat down, and the servant offered hot tea. He stood up and tasted it
Zhong Wan stood in the hall and watched Yu Yan quietly.
Yu Yan's appearance did not change much, but his temperament seemed to be
After Yu Yan aired Zhong Wan for half a cup of tea, he said, "You're wearing
a lot, and you're wearing a fur, standing in the cold wind for a while, then it's
frozen like this?"
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "I remember that you are very good."
Zhong Wan thought for a moment, pondering the tone, "Since going to
Qiannan, he was sick with soil and water, and has been a bit ill since then ...
Let Wang Ye see the joke."
Yu Yan put the tea cup on the table, and said lightly, "Not the truth."
Zhong Wan endured a headache like a needle and reluctantly responded,
"Humble body, do not dare to worry about the Lord."
Yu Zheng was silent for a moment and asked, "Is it related to me?"
Zhong Wan was dizzy and shook his head. "No."
Yu Yan chuckled, and seemed to say that Zhong Wan was telling lies, but after
all, he didn't say it, and started tea tasting again.
Zhong Wan said in a hurry, what you want to ask, wait for me to faint in a
while, you can't even ask a fake story.
Yu Yan sips tea alone, as if forgetting Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan slowly moved
her fingers, knowing that she should focus on dealing with Yu Yan now, but
she couldn't help herself.
Yu Yan has really changed a lot.
What happened to him these years?
When Zhong Wan was young, he walked outside the palace and heard a
It is rumored that Yu Yu was not the parent and child of King Yu, but the
illegitimate child of Emperor Chong'an.
Such rumors would naturally make sense.
For example, Chongan Emperor Yu Yu's extraordinary grace, compared with
the same age of four princes and five princes have to stand aside.
Another example is the princes who have been unable to support Emperor
Chong'an in the past, the eldest son of Emperor Chong'an has died one after
another, and the third son is a sick child. If Yu Jian is really Chong'an's
parent-child, then he will be the fourth child by age. It was the emperor who
believed in the Master, and knew that the unknownness of his emperor would
hurt the welfare of his children and grandchildren. He saw the death of his
first three sons, and was afraid that his fourth son would not be able to
support him. He was sent to her compatriot Princess An Guochang?
There are many similar evidences, but when Zhong Wan heard this rumor, he
did not believe it.
First, Zhong Wan pushed forward according to Yu Yan's birthday, and found
that no concubine of Emperor Chong'an could give birth to Yu Yan in that
Naturally, Yu Yu may also be born secretly by an unnamed palace person, but
Yu Yu was conceived as Wang Shizi at the age of one. If he is really the son
of Emperor Chong'an, the emperor will give his son to Prince Yu as the king.
This is forcing Prince Yu to rebel.
Prince Yu is not incapable of giving birth. His sister-in-law has several sons,
but he has to be forced to establish the sons of others to be sons of the world.
He will let the hereditary throne that his parents have earned so hard to make
people stand. How can he be willing?
Zhong Wan didn't believe that Prince Yu of the Yu can be loyal to this, raise a
son for others, and by the way send the ancestral family together.
Zhong Wan frowned slightly, Emperor Chong'an loved Yu Yu so much, why
didn't he give him a princess? Why not make a kiss and kiss while
maintaining the marriage relationship with the prince of another name?
The four princesses are indeed too young, but the three princesses and Yu Jue
are quite the same age, but Emperor Chong'an did not give a marriage.
And when Yu Qiang begged to marry the four princesses, he rarely angered
Zhong Wan had a splitting headache, too late to think about her situation at the
moment, but she was anxious for Yu Yan.
The emperor's son and grandson died one after another, so he began to feel
uneasy about Xuan Rui Xuan Yu. He must have seen it in person. Can anyone
else see this thought?
The fourth prince Xuanz, the fifth prince Xuanqiong, can't you see?
They even feared the two sons of King Ning. What about Yu Juan?
Chong Andi himself knew exactly how Yu Yan was born, but Xuanz
Xuanqiong would not know.
Zhong Wan was suddenly out of breath. Did the two princes already take Yu
Yan as the prince to take precautions?
Is Chong An emperor really loving Yu Jian or using him as a target ...
Zhong Wan buzzed in his head and could hardly stand. He was so
uncomfortable that he didn't hold back for a while, and he blurtly asked, "Do
you want to ... avoid the chaos for the reserve?"
Yu Juan stunned, and suddenly smiled.
Yu Yan put the tea cup on the case, as if listening to a big joke, and laughed
for a while, Zhong Wan was surprised in his heart. The former Yu Yan would
never be like this.
Yu Yan finally laughed enough. He coughed a bit, straightened the messy
placket, and shook his head: "No, I'm afraid I can't get in."
Zhong Wan had tinnitus and headache at the moment. If he wasn't too familiar
with Yu Yan's voice, he wouldn't have heard what the person said. Zhong
Wan got angry: "You can't have hope at all, why ...
Yu Shen paused, knowing what Zhong Wan thought of, and laughed again, half
a moment, "What do you want?"
Yu Yan calmed his smile and calmly said, "I just want to make everyone feel
For many years, Zhong Wan, who had exhausted all his hard work just to
survive, heard this remark and was almost insecure.
Zhong Wan laughed, and introspected whether he had been sapped by these
years of fly camp dogs Gou, otherwise how can I hear Yu Yan's words and
would like to scold him for his father.
Is it bad to live?
Zhong Wan was furious and his eyes were red.
Yu Zhengrao looked at Zhong Wan with interest and asked, "Zhong Wan ...
Are you concerned about me?"
Zhong Wan didn't hear what Qing Yuzheng said, and raised his eyes blankly,
Yu Yan smirked: "Understand ... You just want to get away from me and feel
a few words of concern for me, I will read the old feelings and let you go,
yes No? "
Zhong Wan was struggling to open his eyes. Now he held it all in one breath.
If he didn't want to lose his posture in front of Yu Yan, he would find a chair
and sit down. He could only perceive Yu Yan's speech, but he said He
couldn't hear a word.
Zhong Wan was sweating coldly on his forehead. He raised his hand and
squeezed his eyebrows, took a soft breath, and said unconsciously: "Zi, I am
uncomfortable ..."
Yu Zheng froze for a moment, and then said, "Cook a bowl of **** soup."
The servant looked up and agreed to go.
Zhong Wan had been completely confused, and said in a mute voice, "Add
more sugar."
Yu Jin: "..."
The servant was also quite surprised, looking at Yu Jin, Yu Nod nodded.
Zhong Wan was confused. When he woke up again, he was already leaning
on the couch where Yu Yan was sitting. Ginger soup with more sugar was
sent in. Zhong Wan couldn't take care of anything else and took it. .
With a bowl of **** soup in his stomach, Zhong Wan's face was a little
Yu Yan said nothing, just looked at Zhong Wan.
The servant gave Zhong Wan another bowl, and Zhong Wan sipped it in a
small sip. The servants of Yu Wangfu were very good at doing things. He
added some medicines for removing cold from the **** soup, which are all
good herbs. Immediately more comfortable.
When I feel comfortable, my mind is clear, and my heart is more anxious.
What does Yu Yan want to do when he gets himself here?
Yu Yan didn't speak, Zhong Wan naturally didn't dare to say more. The two
were relatively speechless, one for tea and one for medicine.
After a while, Yu Yan suddenly said, "Zhong Wan ..."
Zhong Wan swallowed the last bite of **** soup, and put the small bowl on
the table, faintly aware that Yu Yan was going to give him happiness.
Another suffocating silence.
Yu Jug lightly looked at the table and slowly said, "I have asked myself
several times over the years."
Zhong Wan raised his eyes, what does it mean?
Are you going to start liquidation together?
Yu Yan seemed to be immersed in his past, slowly walking, "Confused all the
time, wondering at all times, am I ... I have been seriously ill and burned my
Zhong Wan was at a loss: "Ha?"
"Or did you accidentally crash the horse and hurt your head?"
Zhong Wan is stunned, what is this all about?
Yu Zhengdan said indifferently, "Every time, I have to believe in the things
that you have arranged ..."
Zhong Wan jerked abruptly.
Yu Yan took a look at Zhong Wan and continued, "Every time, when I can't
believe in myself, when I shake, I always ask my old man who has been with
me since I was young, have I ever had amnesia, otherwise, how so romantic
Rhythm, I don't remember anything? "
Zhong Wan coughed heartbreakingly.
Zhong Wan clutched her mouth tightly. At this juncture, she definitely couldn't
Since Yu Jian can kill Lin Si, he can also kill himself.
But thinking of the self-doubt of the collapse of the young Yu Yu, he grabbed
the old servant and asked if he had amnesia, Zhong Wan couldn't help it.
Zhong Wan buried her head deeply by coughing.
Yu Zizhen looked at Zhong Wan calmly, "laugh, don't yell."
Zhong Wan shook her head vigorously.
Yu Ziyi chuckled his lips and smiled, "Good, laugh out ... laugh, I make you
cry once."
Zhong Wan's unexplained legs softened a bit. He could bear it, but he didn't
hold back after hearing this, and laughed.
Yu Zihuan Waner: "Very well."
Zhong Wan gave himself a hard blow. He was much more comfortable now,
so he didn't dare to sit up anymore and stood up.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan with a complex look for a while, and suddenly
said: "You go."
Zhong Wan dumbfounded, this ... let yourself go?
Yu Zheng stood up, "I'm tired, you go."
Zhong just like a pardon, just turned around and listened to Yu pardon coldly:
"Take care of your dog that won't bark, don't let him come to trouble me
Zhong Wan paused, knowing that he was talking about Lin Si, um, he
After the Wanshou Festival, he would have sent Lin Si back to Qian'an.
Naturally, he wouldn't be bothered by Yu Zheng.
On the way back to the Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan struggled several times.
Zhong Wan originally planned very well. After completely relieving Emperor
Chong An, he took his own person back to Qian'an and never returned to
Beijing, but he suddenly hesitated a bit.
Zhong Wan thought about Yu Jian's situation and felt very uneasy.
Anyway, Xuan Rui will not need himself anymore. Can he help Yu Yan to
plan one or two and persuade him to get away early ...
Zhong Wan instantly dispelled this thought.
Regardless of whether he can retreat this time, how can he trust himself to
help him if he pitted Yu Yan so many times.
Zhong Wan tightened her fox fur tightly, and laughed at herself. Besides, she
mixed herself in this field, and she had no other face to look for him.
Yu Yan probably only wanted to warn Lin Si that he had what happened
today. Later ... Zhong Wan didn't think Yu Yan would see him again.
Nausea is too late.
Three months later, everyone will return to the bridge and return to the road.
In this life, they will probably never see each other again.
At the same time, the king's house in Yu, the old housekeeper in the other
hospital waited for Yu Jin to go to bed, and said in a warm voice, "Shizi see
Master Zhong today?"
Yu Yan nodded.
"The old slave also glanced across the curtain. Master Zhong has grown
taller and more handsome."
Yu Yan did not speak.
"There are many rumors about Master Shi and Master Zhong. Although the
family clan is only a joke, they do n’t believe it, and they do n’t delay them
from wanting to get married with our house, but it ’s not good at all. It ’s okay
to avoid everyone seeing this night. Always meet ... "
The old butler kept talking and Yu Yu smiled and understood what the old
housekeeper wanted to say.
"You don't want me to see him again?"
The old housekeeper did not dare to care about Yu Jin, and whispered, "I just
think it is not necessary."
"No, it is necessary."
Yu Ji smiled, "Did today, dare to laugh, I made him cry once, in a few days ...
I have to get him back." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 5:
When Zhong Wan returned to the Qian'an Palace, it was already bright.
Because he did not return, most of the people were still awake. Someone
greeted him when the carriage just turned around the street. The descendants
of the Qian'an Palace saw the Yu Palace. The car shivered and looked at
each other.
"Nothing, nothing ..." Zhong Wan got out of the car. He was weak and
whispered while holding a housekeeper as he walked to the house. "Go tell
the king and ... two little masters, I'm fine."
The house servant on the side promised to run in to spread the word. Zhong
Wan's consciousness was blurred, fearing that he would not wake up with his
eyes closed, and forced himself to say, "Before I woke up, I would thank the
guest behind closed doors and tell Uncle Yan, let He tried to call ... a dumb
visit, I have something to ask. "
The servant did not understand, and whispered, "Who is the dumb?"
"Uncle Yan knows ..." Zhong Wan coughed twice. "If he came, be sure to
wake me up."
The helper responded helplessly, and Zhong Wan felt lethargic and passed
There were many things in Zhong Wan's heart, and he was a little bit awake
when he fell asleep. He was in a chaotic state, dreaming one dream after
another, and was very restless.
After a while dreaming of Emperor Chong'an's feast, he was forced to fight
with Xuanz's glutinous mule, one after another.
At the time, Zhong Wan was also very unexcited. He did n’t know what it
was to be able to bend and stretch. He could n’t even learn to be slick. He
was ridiculed by Xuanz and sneered for two sentences. He really drank the
wine with him. Z must kill him before he kills him. In the end ... it seems that
Yu Xun said something about Xuan z, who was in a state of invincibility.
Xuan z was also afraid that he would ugly in front of Chong'an Emperor
before drinking it, and then he closed his hands unjustly.
After a while, I dreamed that the news of King Ning's enemies came from
northern Xinjiang, and the government was uneasy. He was framed and
passed the news by King Ning, and he went to prison.
At that time, Chunxi had just passed, and he mentioned Huiyuan. In the
previous three months, the old man Fu was detained in Shifu to prepare
Chunxi, forcing him to write an article one day. The years were spent in
Shifu. How could it be possible to send a message to King Ning when
leaving the house?
Zhong Wan knew to his heart that these people were just trying to get
evidence of King Ning's defeat by taking advantage of his "righteous son".
Although he was young, he had a good reputation. Those people did not dare
to jail, they boiled him every day, no tea, no good tea, no good rice, repeated
trials and intimidations day and night, and they were tried for more than three
There was intimidation: "Master Zhong, you haven't spoken. We can only
write and ask the Zongrenfu to cooperate in the trial. When the Zongrenfu
comes forward, we can talk to Rui Xiaoshizi."
Favorable temptation: "If you have been deceived by Lord Ning, speak it out!
Emperor Shengming, who watched you grow up, has always loved you, and
will recite the fact that you do not care about your crimes. , Master Zhong ...
Your literary talents are now at the door, and now it's only a matter of ten
days, and it will be a palace test. As long as you confess now, it's not too late
... "
Zhong Wan stayed dead for a month. He lost his weight, heard his head down,
and his voice was hoarse. He didn't sound like a human voice: "Xuan Rui
Naining's father and son, the Lord ’s suffering, he is bound to be affected, he
should eat. I ca n’t bear the suffering. I can bear the deserved sin, and
Xuanrui deserves it. "
"You can ask for it yourself, and I want to know ... dare you dare to try a ten-
year-old child."
"The eldest test is eleven days later. I know better than you and send me to
the dignity test? Oh ... I'm white and you can actually send me to the dignity
test. You are so talented ..."
After another month, Zhong Wan was still not relieved. He was so stunned
that the people questioning him felt that there was only one last step, so he
sent a person to the door of his cell and repeatedly said to him: "Ning Wang
was yesterday. The confession was confessed. King Ning had confessed
yesterday, and King Ning had confessed yesterday.
Just wait for Zhong Wan's spirit to collapse and follow their words to
confess guilt.
Zhong Wan knew that he couldn't be crazy. Once this tone was relaxed, there
was really no one to go up and down in Ning Wangfu.
Zhong Wan knew that King Ning would not be able to fight the enemy. He had
a hint of hope in his heart. King Ning had not died yet, and he must be
Can King Ning survive, but not himself?
Zhong Wan couldn't eat a tortured meal at that time, afraid that he would lose
his mind. If he wanted to find something to do for himself, he leaned against
the wall and broke the **** he sent into a small piece. He looked
expressionless across the prison door. Took a **** and hit him on the face of
the man who chanted him.
Those who read the scriptures were shocked and did not respond. They were
smashed for a long time and were screamed into shame and anger. They were
too late to escape, and were smashed by the soup.
The people who questioned him did not dare to starve him, and after a while
they delivered meals, Zhong Wan stunned, whoever hit him.
After half a month, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs came to ask
in person, and Zhong Wan reported to Shang Shu that the people who
interrogated him had abused power and manipulated the scientific
examinations. The next day, those who allowed him to go to the palace test
were detained, and they were locked next door. Every day, Zhong Wan
smashed rice and poured soup.
Another month later, Wang Ning was in northern Xinjiang, and Zhong Wan
sprayed a blood in his jail. The next day, he fell into slavery.
People like Zhong Wan have become slaves. Some people are unhappy, some
people are sorry, some people lament that more people are watching the
Zhong Wan is only a teenager. He is famous for his handsome appearance. It
is common to buy and sell criminal servants, but when he comes to him, he
has a little ambiguous meaning.
Zhong Wan just moved the capital. If such a person can buy in the house and
step him under his feet, it is really something to be proud of.
Some of the unsophisticated family members have more special hobbies. As
soon as the news that Zhong Wan closed the case came out, the person who
handed the note to the prison broke the door.
Zhong Wan had only half his life left at the time, and he heard vaguely that
someone wanted to buy him to expand the opera team in the government.
Zhong Wanyi thought, okay, I'll sing a little widow to the grave for you.
I also heard that someone wanted to buy him for Jiangnan gentry, Zhong Wan
said that it was all right, he didn't want to leave Beijing.
I also heard that the fourth prince Xuanz also sent someone, but accidentally
let his mother-in-law know, and was caught by his mother-in-law for a good
Zhong Wan has tasted warmth and warmth in recent months, and heard that
Xuanz was coming to buy him, grinning rare.
Xuanz had no other interest in him, and he wanted to buy him after being
beaten by his mother-in-law. It was impossible to just insult him.
Gains and losses.
Xuan z didn't hate himself that much.
Zhong Wan was a little relieved that she felt that the wine drinker hadn't been
in white for a while, and the trustee sent a word to Xuanz in a spirit: You're
so talented that you can't compare with me in your life.
It is said that Xuan Z was almost sent to the room.
There was a constant stream of people coming to make a deal with prison.
Zhong Wan was amazed. So many people wanted to be themselves.
Really ... people don't know if they should be happy or sad.
Zhong Wan waited quietly, and the guard in prison was afraid he would die,
staring at him day and night.
Zhong Wan sneered, why did he die?
He's not a woman, even if it's a woman, now he still cares about the festival?
Those three children ... I don't know how.
Zhong Wan didn't have time to worry about himself, he just wanted to leave
here earlier.
After waiting a few more days, Zhong Wan was finally picked up.
The person who bought him seems to be a big family, very disciplined, his
mouth is tight, and he can't detect anything. The carriage wags, shakes for a
long time, and finally arrives at the place.
Zhong Wan got out of the carriage and looked up, almost spitting blood again.
Yu Wangfu.
Zhong Wan counted so many things, I did not expect that Yu Yan also wanted
to be himself!
It's really impossible to look at the sea.
Xuanz was going to be beaten if he wanted to buy himself, but Yu Zhen was
able to resist both Anguo Princess and Wang Yu, and smoothly took him over.
He was also a hero.
Zhong Wan laughed in his dream, frowned and turned over, feeling that
someone was pulling his hand.
Zhong Wan opened his eyes laboriously, and it took a while to see that Lin Si
was here.
Lin Siman was anxious, touching Zhong Wan's veins and rubbing Zhong
Wan's forehead. Zhong Wan smiled reluctantly: "It's okay ... it's frozen, help
me up."
Lin Si half-knelt, holding Zhong Wan up.
Zhong Wan didn't know how long he had slept, he had already given off his
fever, and his spirit was okay.
Zhong Wan raised his finger and pointed at the book case aside, "Go ... take a
pen and paper, I have something to ask you."
Lin Si took it, but Zhong Wan took it. It turned out that he wanted to write it
This mansion was arranged by Emperor Chong An, and Zhong Wan could not
speak with confidence.
Zhong Wan wrote quickly: The person who saw the last time of Wang Ye was
you, what did Wang say last, you say it again, write it down, don't make a
Lin Sidun took it and took Zhong Wan's pen and wrote: Tell Guiyuan that this
is the end, take care of yourself, don't be stupid for me, my three or four
blood relatives, please take good care of him.
Zhong Wan frowned slightly and wrote: Three or four blood relatives?
Lin Si nodded.
Zhong Wan continued to write: The princess died prematurely, and the
grandfather had three children. He was plain, why not just say three, but three
or four?
Before the death of King Ning, there were many irrelevant people around
him. Could it be that he had any unexplained words that he could not say
clearly, so relying on this sentence, what did he want to tell Zhong Wan?
Lin Si frowned.
Zhong Wan wrote: Have you ever doubted it?
Lin Si nodded.
Zhong Wan wrote: A few years ago, why did you fall into Yu Yan's hands?
Lin Si gesture: experience.
Zhong Wan was sure.
Lin Si's gesture: It was not for the death of Wang Ye, and His Highness also
had a lot of doubts about Wang Yu's life. He sent me to check. Naturally, I
wanted to check.
Zhong Wan wrote: What happened?
Lin Si shook her head and found nothing.
Zhong Wan leaned against the bed, stunned.
Lin Si's sign language: The owner suspects that Wang Xiaoyu is Wang's
Zhong Wan groaned: "Just doubting ... but it doesn't make sense."
It's just too far-fetched to link the two together with a "three-four" sentence
by King Ning.
And Yu Yu was born in the year that the emperor was killed. That year, King
Ning had just turned fifteen, and his pregnancy was October, and he pushed
forward, that is, King Ning was 14 years old ...
Zhong Wan laughed, how could it be.
Lin Si pondered Zhong Wan's thoughts, probably knowing what he was
thinking, a straightforward gesture: Fourteen years old, it is not necessarily
Zhong Wan smiled awkwardly, and did not want to discuss the matter of his
righteous father with Lin Si. He thought about it and wrote: At that time,
Wang Ye was still the most favored six princes. He was raised by the
emperor himself. Let him have a child somehow before the big wedding.
Moreover, Princess Anguo and Prince Yu raise sons for King Ning? You still
care so carefully?
Lin Si nodded, and made a gesture: Impossible, the emperor even Xuanrui
dreaded, how could he leave older Yu Xiaoye.
Zhong Wan sighed. King Ning's parents and children were not right. What's
going on?
"Three or four blood relatives", is it casually said, or do you not mean it?
Lin Si pondered the two words "three and four" and guessed the gesture:
would that four, say the master himself?
Zhong Wan laughed and wrote: I am one year older than Yu Zheng! Did he
share a room with someone when he was 13? What do you think! Although
our Zhongfu is gone, I was born to my father and mother.
Lin Si smiled down.
"Who the **** is that ..."
Lin Si suggested: If the owner wants to know, I can continue to investigate, I
am not in a hurry to go south.
"No." Zhong Wan shook his head. "He just mentioned you to me. If you fall
into his hands again, he will never spare you."
Lin Si felt helpless, Zhong Wan thought for a while, and said, "Or ... after the
Wanshou Festival, we will change and you will accompany them back to
Qian'an. I will stay in Beijing."
Lin Si frowned, and gestured: Didn't the host say that after this time, we have
nothing more to do?
Zhong Wan was silent. If the three children were all right, he would be
worthy of King Ning's upbringing. Will he be able to ...
Lin Si didn't want Zhong Wan to fall into mud again, and made a quick
gesture: the two young masters were just ten years old.
Zhong Wan smiled bitterly, too.
Since the death of King Ning, this destiny has not been his own. Where is the
freedom to think about other things. 2k novel reading network
Chapter 6:
Lin Si grew up together with Zhong Wan since he was a child. He didn't
know everything about him, but he always guessed one or two points. He
looked up at Zhong Wan and gave a sign: Was the owner worried for Wang
That's why he forcibly took Yu Yan's life to King Ning and convinced him to
Zhong Wan didn't speak.
King Ning was framed that year, Lord Yu did his best, Zhong Wan should not
worry about Yu pardon.
Lin thought for a while and made a gesture: At the time of the accident, Wang
Xiaoyu was only a teenager, he didn't step in, and the host doesn't need to
feel sorry for Wangya.
Zhong Wan rubbed his eyebrows and whispered, "I can tell clearly."
Although Lin Si was also bought into the Yu Wang Mansion at that time, he
has been feeding horses outside the Second Gate. He didn't know much about
Zhong Wan and Yu Zheng inside. He thought for a while and directly asked:
The owner and King Yu Xiao, Have you ever been in love?
Zhong Wan froze.
"No ..." Zhong Wan laughed. "Don't you believe those rumors too? Nothing."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan in perplexity, and did not understand at all.
I haven't been in love, so why worry about Yu Yan now?
Zhong Wan leaned against his bed with his arms on his head, and said
leisurely, "Before ... although he had been in the same window with him for a
few years, he had barely talked for three years."
"I don't want to cause trouble for Wang Ye, and never deal with those people,
except that I have nothing to do with the fourth prince Xuanz, and I have
nothing to do with others."
"The five princes Xuan Qiong's hands are black and poisonous, and they
always want to play tricks on me. I can't look at him ... Yu Jian is Xuan
Qiong's cousin. The two are in the same group, and I naturally respect them."
The mother-in-law of Xuanqiong, the fifth prince, is Yu Guiyu and Wang Yu's
Zhong Wan rubbed his sore neck. "I was also confused at the beginning. He
didn't have a relationship with me, and he didn't seem to have a three-point
friendship with Xuan Z. Why would it take so much effort to buy me? go
Lin Si thought for a moment, and was very straightforward: that is to admire
you, or to think about the unclean things.
"Neither, really." Zhong Wan shook his head. "He left me in their other
courtyard and ignored and ignored. It was three months after being thrown
away, and it was about a long time ago by the housekeeper in his other
courtyard. Annoyed, I just stayed here. "
Lin Si confused: troubled by the housekeeper?
Zhong Wan wanted to smile or cough again.
"I lay in the other courtyard for half a month. After getting out of bed, of
course, I have to run ... I want to be transported out of the big bucket hidden
in the kitchen waste, or I can slip out of the corner door as a servant.
Everyone went to find a place to turn over the wall ... There was no one in
the main house in his other courtyard. The servant in the courtyard just
looked at me. The housekeeper was afraid that I would run away. He stared
at me day and night and kept on. Move the chair to my bed and stare at me
from the chair. "
Zhong Wan coughed twice and laughed: "I asked the old housekeeper ..."
The young man Zhong Wan was lying in bed quietly, looking harmless to
humans and animals.
Only the old housekeeper knew what this was. For three months, Zhong Wan
didn't want to run out for a moment. The housekeeper persuaded: Master, you
have already become a slave, you can figure it out. You can't even go out of
the city. In this life, you can't buy a house or land. You can only hide and hide
where you are.
Zhong Wan said nonsense, this law, I can't be more clear than you.
The housekeeper was annoyed and impatient, and scared him: Master, our
son is holding your deed of mercy. If you run away, the son will know that he
will knock at the door, and he will catch you back in less than a day. This
fleeing slave is going to be faced by the government. Do you know?
Zhong Wan didn't care at all, and said coldly, "I am a man. If my face is
destroyed, it will be destroyed, and it will make people forget it!"
The old housekeeper was anxious: "Noodles are a lifetime thing, how can
you not care about your face ..."
Juvenile Zhong Wan is inexplicable: "I was shameless originally, butler !!! I
am all mixed in this one? Still want a face?"
The old butler was out of breath.
The two quarreled for a day, and at night, the old housekeeper felt that Zhong
Wan could probably stop for a while, and just wanted to make a nap on the
chair for a while, and Zhong Wan suddenly began to speak.
"Feng Bo." Zhong Wan had no sleepiness for half a minute, looking at the top
of the bed, "Let's talk."
Steward Feng: "..."
The steward Feng cursed this uneasy heart, forcing him to say, "What are you
talking about?"
The young man Zhong Wan calmly said, "Let's talk about Lingci."
Feng's steward responded with a stun before he reacted to the fact that his
wife was being teased, and immediately broke into a fight with Zhong Wan.
"Why are you in a hurry?" The teenager Zhong Wan begged for mercy, "I was
wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong ... calm down! You really ca n’t be angry
at your age, sit down! Sit down ... "
Feng Guan's beard was awkward, and he sat down with his back on his back,
and didn't want to care about him anymore. After half a column of incense,
just before he was confused, Zhong Wan suddenly said: "Bo, do you have a
Feng steward was full of shame, "The lowness is still there."
Zhong Wan nodded. "Are you and your wife peaceful?"
Feng steward was at a loss, at night ... why did he talk to a half-old child
about himself and his wife-in-law?
The steward Feng looked back at Zhong Wan with a glance, "Is there anything
good! Does this matter have anything to do with the young master?"
Zhong Wan calmly said, "Of course."
Butler Feng was pressing on the fire. "So, what does Master Zhong ... have to
do with you?"
"In the middle of the night, three times, you and me." Zhong Wan pointed to
himself and Feng steward, "Coexisting in the same room, I would worry that
you would guard the burglary, while I fell asleep, day me."
The steward Feng was completely crazy, and stood up and angered, "I am
fifty-four this year! My grandson is about the same size as you! I am with you
... I am me ..."
"Don't be angry ..." Zhong Wan was afraid to make him angry, and he
persuaded, "I mean it's possible! It's just possible ... I'm afraid you look at
my sleeping face at night, you can't control it for a while. Stay, accidentally
brewing bitter fruit, you are a family member, I will also protect your family
as a jade, if we are better, it will destroy your relationship with your wife,
and will cause you to lose your job. I am Could not bear……"
The steward who heard him, swear by a curse pointing to heaven and earth
under fury, his face turned purple.
"Relieving ... I was wrong. I was with you day and night. I thought of you
differently, not you, not you." Zhong Wan quickly gave a gift, "I have a
gentleman's heart, I am Thank you for your sin. "
Zhong Wan got out of bed and poured a cup of tea for Feng steward himself.
Butler Feng drank it, and it took a while to calm his breath.
Zhong Wan lay down, but Feng steward sat down again.
After half an hour, the housekeeper Feng faintly drowsiness, Zhong Wan said
again: "I thought for a moment. I just said too much. I'm sorry, housekeeper
Feng, you are a good man."
Steward Feng: "..."
Juvenile Zhong Wan looked out the window and said quietly, "Look, the
moonlight is fine tonight."
Feng's housekeeper got goosebumps.
Zhong Wan thought to himself: "We are very harmonious at the moment."
Butler Feng felt that he was not sleepy and crazy ... where did he get along?
Zhong Wan said seriously, "So I'll sing a song for you?"
Feng steward looked at Zhong Wan numbly.
Zhong Wan yelled, "I was going to be bought as a actor, so in prison ... I
prepared it in advance."
The steward Feng was so desolate that he didn't know if he should brag about
his precautions.
"Then I started."
Zhong Wan cleared her throat and patted the bedboard gently. "It's over the
door ... it's a white dress ... it's dead ... the head ..."
"Shut up !!!" Feng steward was furious. "Sing this to the host's house! Are
you looking for death?"
"Can't you?" Zhong Wan regretted. "But I'm a halfway monk ... I can only sing
a little widow to the grave."
Feng Guan's trembling hand shook, "You ... don't sing."
Zhong Wan nodded: "Well, don't be angry, I just want to sing a song to coax
you to sleep."
"Don't talk! I can sleep on my own !!!"
Zhong Wan pledged to raise his three fingers and swear to the sky: "I shut
Feng steward chanted and sat down again.
Zhong Wan did what he said, this time he really didn't say a word.
After half an hour, the housekeeper Feng who had tossed in the middle of the
night and stayed up in the middle of the night fell asleep.
Zhong Wan, a teenager who hadn't slept, raised his lips slightly and sat up.
"Sorry for you ..."
Zhong Wan didn't dare to wear shoes, so she went out barefoot and escaped
the other night.
Of course, he was arrested before it dawned.
Zhong Wan was pressed in the other courtyard house, still playing a
bachelor: "Isn't it just a masked face, casually! Even if there is a tattoo on my
face, there are still a lot of young girls who want to marry me!"
The steward Feng chased him all night, and now he was tired and half dead,
and he was mad at the silk: "Aren't you afraid? Right, okay ... wait, you
Zhong Wan waited. After half an hour, he waited for Yu Jin to come.
Zhong Wan knelt on the ground, and at the first sight of Yu Jian, she knew it
was over.
People who can really get their own day are here. 2k novel reading network
Chapter 7:
Before waiting for Zhong Wan to sue, the steward Feng jumped up, pointed at
Zhong Wan's fingers, and said indistinctly: "He, he ... talk to my mother ...
and sing a song ... three graves to me, three Month !!! Then ... that wall is so
high! So high !!! "
Juvenile Yu amnesty: "..."
What are you talking about?
The steward Feng finally invited the little master, and he wanted to sue.
However, he ran around for a day and night, tired and angry. He couldn't
speak clearly, but he was in a hurry. He sentenced one sentence in the sky to
the next. To Yu Yu said confused.
The young man looked at Feng Feng, a caretaker who had taken care of
himself from a young age to a mature one, and was silent for a moment, then
turned his head and instructed his followers: "Go and ask Tai Wei to come."
"I'm not crazy!" Feng Guan choked angrily, leaning on the back of the chair
and pointing at Zhong Wan, "It's him ... he ... he he he!"
Yu Yan nodded: "I know, you have to see a doctor first."
Feng steward couldn't, gave Zhong Wan a full-eyed glance, and was stunned
by the people.
There were only Zhong Wan and Yu Zhen left in the hall, and they looked at
each other and said nothing.
"Your father did such a beautiful 'good thing.'" Zhong Wan narrowed his eyes
slightly. "You bought me. Don't you fear that I will kill you and take revenge
on the Lord?"
Yu Jiu calmed for a moment and nodded: "I thought."
"But I still got it, I'm so brave." Zhong Wan glanced up and down at Yu Yan,
murmured, "I didn't expect ... not too old, I don't have a small heart, and I
have to play for my life. stimulate……"
Yu Yan realized the meaning of Zhong Wan after a while, his expression
froze, "I don't want to ... that way, and ..."
Yu Zheng said: "And I know that you will not kill me."
Zhong Wan took a deep breath, indeed.
He couldn't help Yu Yu.
"You guessed it." Zhong Wan got up and rubbed his sore shoulder that was
twisted. "I have a debt and a owner ... I ... my mother ..."
Zhong Wan was dizzy for a while, didn't stand still, and fell to his knees
Zhong Wan fell down and drew in pain.
Housekeeper Feng boiled for a day and night, but at least he took a nap in the
middle. Zhong Wan had been alive until now, and he had not eaten a few
bites of middle rice.
The teenager Yu Zheng wanted to help Zhong Wan, but when thinking about
what Zhong Wan had just said, he felt inconvenient to touch him, and had to
order his subordinates to lift Zhong Wan up and send him to the bedroom.
After a while, Tai Wei Wei came to the doctor, examined the pulse of the
two, left Zhong Wan with some trauma medicine, and gave the housekeeper
Feng a calming and calming medicine.
Feng steward was ill and raised. He had no energy to care for Zhong Wan for
the time being. Yu Yan had to stare at him himself.
In the bedroom, Zhong Wan worked without help, lifted his trousers, exposed
a bruised leg, and took the ointment to the wound.
Yu Yan sat in front of the book case not far away and read the book without
After a while, Yu Jian heard a soothing voice and looked up instinctively ...
Zhong Wan had already cured the wounds on both knees. He stood under the
bed with his back facing Yu Yan, took off his shirt, and dropped the middle
shirt inside, exposing the juvenile skinny bones.
Zhong Wan's skin was very white, and her wounds were bruising, which was
particularly appalling.
Zhong Wan gave herself medicine, blowing gently on the side, as if she was
still talking about something.
Yu Yan held his breath subconsciously, originally thinking that Zhong Wan
was cursing himself, but never thought—
Zhong Wan whispered softly and whispered, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it
doesn't hurt ..."
Juvenile Yu Yan was inexplicably softened.
He stopped for a moment and didn't want Zhong Wan to turn around with
good medicine. He met his eyes, Yu Yan quickly turned his head and looked
out the window.
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan was a little panicked and bluffed: "You, what do you want to do
Yu Yan wasn't very secure, he looked down at the book again and said
Zhong Wan watched Yu Ju with vigilance, put on his clothes, and lay down.
Zhong Wan was extremely sleepy, but did not dare to fall asleep.
Yu Yan's eyes didn't seem right when he saw him, and Zhong Wan was afraid
that he was going to do something when he fell asleep.
An hour later, Yu Yan finished reading a book, and the annotations were
done. When he got up and was about to take another book, Yu Guang swept to
Zhong Wan and saw that he was staring at a pair of boiling red eyes, holding
on to death. .
Yu Yan replaced another book, and Shen said, "You sleep."
Zhong Wan froze her neck: "I'm not sleepy!"
Yu Yan opened the book and whispered, "I won't do anything."
"Yes." Zhong Wan nodded. "You just 'look' and don't do anything else."
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Jian really just looked at it subconsciously just now. He wanted to justify
it, but he didn't know what to say. Before hesitating, his ears were reddish. .
The full-bodied scent came out slowly. Zhong Wan was originally unable to
carry it, but when he smelled the smell of benzoin, his eyes were as wide as
a copper bell.
It's time to come, and it's finally here.
Zhong Wan thought helplessly, unstoppable.
Yu Yan usually remained silent, and turned out to be so deep-hearted that he
knew so much about Fengyue, and knew that he would faint himself first.
What Zhong Wan thought of said, "You are so dirty."
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan looked at the incense burner on the table, understood, and anxiously:
"I scented it, I ..."
Juvenile Yu Jian's hand holding the book shook slightly, trying to distinguish
for himself, but felt that the words spoken were very shameful, and her angry
ears became redder.
Zhong Wan lay uninteresting on the bed, waiting for the trial of fate, "I look
down on you."
Yu Qian's captivated breath was unstable, and he tried his best to restrain
himself, saying, "I, no, think, touch, you."
Zhong Wan didn't believe a word.
Zhong Wan glanced gloomily at Yu Ai, with a bit of fluke, trying to discuss
with Yu Ai: "Yu Ai ... can I ask you a private conversation?"
Yu Yue missed a beat, and murmured, "Why, what private talk?"
Zhong Wan asked seriously: "Bed, do you like to be above or below?"
Yu Zheng stunned, "What ... above and below?"
Zhong Wan pursed her lips. "What ... If you like it below, you don't need to
add this fragrance, I think it's all your wish. You spend so much money to get
me, and I can't I let you lose money with this money, cough ... Although I am
very tired and sleepy today, and still hurt, but small things, I have been very
strong this year, and I can still treat you ... "
"I don't like it!" Yu Yan finally understood, and couldn't help throwing the
book in the book case, "I don't like anything !!!"
Zhong Wan said "Heh", and he believed in your ghost. He talked for nothing,
lay back, and waited.
Yu Zhengqi picked up the book and continued reading.
The two were deadlocked for another half an hour.
Zhong Wan's eyes were bloodshot, but he did not sleep harder.
Yu Yan's chest was suffocated by qi, and he felt that Zhong Wan could not
endure it like this, covering his lungs that were about to explode, got up, and
threw a few tablets of benzoin into his censer.
The youth Yu Yan was very upright, and felt that as soon as Zhong Wan woke
up and found nothing happened, he was innocent.
Zhong Wan on the bed wanted to cry without tears, and he was going to sleep.
Yu Yan also burned and perfumed him!
"What kind of hobby do you have ..." Zhong Wan's sleepy will talk nonsense,
"I will sleep like a dead dog for a while, what can it be ..."
Yu Yan gave a meal, and he was so angry that he grabbed another incense.
Zhong Wan was completely out of temper.
Even heavier than myself.
His bones were a little soft at the moment, and he was afraid he would fall
asleep before long.
Zhong Wan saw Hongchen and felt that he couldn't escape.
Zhong Wan desolately said: "Yu Yu, when I fell asleep and woke up, I
became a real man, right?"
Yu Yan shook his hands and wanted to hit someone.
Zhong Wan was still unwilling and raised his hand to bite himself.
"You!" Yu Yanqi said, "What do you do ?!"
Zhong Wanyin's voice was quiet, "I'm waiting for you ... intentional ..."
Yu Yan anxious: "I'm letting you sleep!"
Zhong Wan shook his head: "It's going to be your day to sleep ..."
"Then what are you waiting for ?!" Yu Yanqi said indifferently. "Just in your
current spirit, what do I really want to do, no matter how awake and asleep,
can you stop it ?!" What have I done to you so you can sleep dead ?! "
Zhong Wan finally waited for an accurate sentence, and got up and said
loudly, "Look! I still want me!"
"Well ..." Zhong Wan remembered the past, and smiled, and handed the
medicine bowl in his hand to the strict steward, "Cough ... don't drink it."
Yan Pingshan kept talking, holding a medicine bowl, and said for a while:
"The night before, did you come back in Yu Yu's car?"
Zhong Wan froze and nodded: "Yes."
Yan Pingshan asked, "See Wang Yu?"
Others in the Yu family will never rob someone on the street in the middle of
the night.
"See you." Zhong Wan leaned on the bedside, thinking of Yu Jianyin's
testament, "laughing and making you cry once" Somehow felt cold on her
back, and yelled, "It has changed a lot better than ... . "2k novel reading
Chapter 8:
Yan Pingshan looked at the faint Wu Qing in Zhong Wan's eyes, and wanted to
say something, but did not speak.
Zhong Wan saw it and raised his eyes: "What's wrong? Just say something."
Yan Pingshan couldn't help but he looked down at the half-bowl of medicine
in his hand and whispered, "If you were honest in Yu Yu's house, you would
have nothing to worry about in your life, and you wouldn't mess your body up
now. That's it ... "
Zhong Wan laughed.
"I thought you were going to say something." Zhong Wan pulled Xuan
Congxin to put on the fox fur he had improved, disapproving, "I can survive
it, they ..."
"I'm born low, I can't live a good life."
Yan Pingshan couldn't hear Zhong Wan say this about herself, but she also had
to refute. Zhong Wan was most impatient to talk about this, and got up and
said, "Ask you something."
Yan Pingshan said, "What?"
Zhong Wan got out of bed and sat in front of the charcoal pot. He stretched
out his hand and put it on the brazier, indifferently saying, "Uncle Yan, the
blood relative of Lord Ye, how many more? I mean King Ning."
Yan Pingshan didn't quite understand, "Wang Ye's blood relative, isn't that
King Ning came from a royal family, and his blood relatives are all over the
capital. Let alone those who live in the palace, live and die, I'm afraid that he
can be involved with any family.
"I mean ... of my own home." Zhong Wan's voice was lower. "It is not
convenient to go to Beijing. I don't know when it will be next time. I want to
wait for my illness and avoid others walking around." See which one is a
little affluent, Zhou Ji Zhou Ji, Xuan Rui they are not convenient to show up
to do these things, I can do no harm. "
Yan Pingshan thought about it too, but after careful consideration, he really
couldn't say anything.
"Where are there relatives to walk around?" Yan Pingshan sighed. "The
grandfather's house, Zhongfeng, fell down many years ago. It took so much
effort to find you who had already given five suits. , Where are there others?
Zhong Wan frowned slightly, "three or four blood relatives."
If you count from relatives, Yan Pingshan is right. Although Zhong Wan is
also Zhong, he has already served with his family ’s Zhongfu. He and Wang
Ning ca n’t even be regarded as close relatives, otherwise they would not be
affected and survive. .
Zhong Wan himself was by no means the king's three or four blood relatives.
From Yan Pingshan, there was nothing to ask. Zhong Wan couldn't. After
sitting for a while, she felt a pain in her leg, and she lay back again.
Zhong Wan's body is much worse than when he was young. At that time, he
was first severely sentenced to three months in turn in the prison of prison.
After he came out, he struggled with Feng butler every day, but no matter how
hard and tired, as long as he sleeps well Nothing is wrong, but now it's no
longer possible. A small wind chill took six or seven days to be completely
In Zhong Wan's illness, Qian'an Palace closed his door to thank the guests,
and only said that Qian'an King Xuanrui was ill. Now that he is okay,
Xuanrui is not good enough to continue pretending, and there should be some
Fortunately, there were not many people willing to walk with the Qian'an
Palace. Xuanrui also coped with it, and did not dare to cope with it easily.
"But this can't be avoided." Zhong Wan just sent away the **** who passed
the order, "The queen lady will see the lady tomorrow."
Xuanrui was close to the enemy and said uneasily, "She ... see what to do
from the heart?"
"I haven't seen it, I want to see it?" Zhong Wan wasn't sure, "but I just asked
the little father-in-law who just passed on the order, not only to see her, but
many of the princesses and princes will enter the palace tomorrow. She
should be ... it's the end of the year. See you together. "
Xuan Rui was worried, "Can you say she is ill?"
"Better not." Zhong Wan groaned for a moment. "The queen is very thorough.
She is sick at this moment. The queen will be rewarded by doctors. When the
illness is better, would you like to thank? Will you meet again? "
Zhong Wan shook her head: "I'll see her alone at that time. It might as well be
mixed up with a bunch of people tomorrow. It's okay. I'll send her
Xuanrui thought about it and thought Zhong Wan was right, and nodded
The next day, Zhong Wan personally sent Xuan from the heart into the palace.
Like the last time, Zhong Wan got out of the carriage early. He went to Xuan
Cong Xin Jia and told him a few words. Xuan Cong Xin was calmer than her
two brothers. He promised in the limousine and let Zhong Wan go back to the
carriage quickly. , And told him to feel cold and go back without having to
Zhong Wan smiled, and touched the purse in his sleeve. He was going to pick
up the housekeeper who proclaimed Xuan Congxin.
Waiting for Zhong Wan to open his voice, the housekeeper bowed
respectfully and said, "You also invited Master Zhong to enter the palace
together. The Holy Lord wants to see you."
Zhong Wan narrowed his eyes slightly.
Last time Xuanrui Xuanyu went to the palace and said what he did and did,
Xuanyu told Zhong Wan one hundred and fifteen. Zhong Wan also thought that
Chong'an Emperor might not be assured yet, and he had to see himself and
mention something. A few words.
Shouldn't escape, Zhong Wan helped a housekeeper saluting him, pushed his
purse into the other's hands, smiled slightly, "Our lady entered the palace for
the first time. If there is something wrong with the courtesy, please ask my
father-in-law Take care. "
For ten years in the palace, there was no change. Zhong Wan was brought to
the Emperor Chong'an.
In the mansion, the Kowloon incense burner quietly spit out the scent of lotus
root, and after shaking the curtain slightly, Emperor Chong'an sat on the couch
and was looking at the discount.
Zhong Wan kneeled down and saluted.
Chong'an ordered the housekeeper to open the curtain.
For a while silent.
With Xuan Rui Xuan Yu, it can be treated as if nothing happened, a few
words of care without pain and itch, in the face of Zhong Wan, Rao is Chong
An emperor can't hold it anymore.
"All these years, are you okay?"
Zhong Wan knelt down on the ground, his eyes were raised, and he did not
look up. He had to repeatedly chew Chong'an's words in his heart several
times. Since Chong'an did not speak those sounding phrases, Zhong Wan had
to follow him. For a moment, he whispered: "It's okay. At first it didn't adapt
well to the southern climate. I lived there for a long time, but I didn't expect
that this time I returned to Beijing, I was not used to the north cold. I was sick
more than half. "
Emperor Chong'an groaned for a moment and said, "Just someone else, you
haven't grown up here since you were a kid, aren't you used to it?"
Zhong Wan said: "I'm not used to it. Since I went to southern Xinjiang, I have
been ill for several games. My body is already weak and I can't stand cold."
It was a long silence again.
"You were ..." Chong An emperor couldn't remember, and asked, "Are you
still a slave?"
Zhong Wan bowed his head: "Yes."
Thinking of Master Zhong's style at that time, Chong An Emperor seemed to
feel very funny himself, and shook his head: "Go back and tell me, you, your
betrayal ..."
Chong An emperor thought for a while and asked, "Are you in Zizi?"
Zhong Wan paused and nodded: "About."
"He will also enter the palace today. When he comes, I will let him take it to
you." Emperor Chong'an sighed. "People will rid you of slavery. Afterwards
... it is also convenient for you to move around Qian'an. point."
At this moment, I couldn't be flattered and flattered, it was really sarcastic
Chong An, Zhong Wan looked down and said indifferently: "Thank you."
Chong'an Emperor said a word and stopped talking.
He didn't speak, Zhong Wan knelt quietly.
"Mr. Shi ..." Emperor Chong An suddenly said, "The second year you left is
gone, do you know?"
After Shi Jinshi ’s old lady died, Zhong Wan had been in filial piety in
Qian'an for one year. How could he not know.
Zhong Wan shook her head: "Qian'an is far away, and there is no news inside
and out. It took me a long time for the old lady to hear the news, and I was
sad ... for several days."
Emperor Chong'an looked at Zhong Wan closely, as if guessing that what he
said was true or false.
Chong'an said: "Shi Taifu ... It hurts you."
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and said nothing.
Emperor Chong'an held the table, recalled the past, and slowly said, "Before
leaving, Shi Jin told him ... Gui Yuan is a talented man, who should have
broken down and become famous all over the world. He has a lot of money. "
Zhong Wan's face was calm, as if not talking about herself.
Emperor Chong'an continued: "Gui Yuan was a young man with a lot of
trouble. In these years, he has suffered too much. If there is something wrong
in the future, please go to the Holy Bible. It is not easy for him to live harder.
Zhong Wan's lips trembled slightly, and he refused to let Chong An see it. He
leaned down and put his forehead on the back of his hand. When he got up
again, he looked as usual.
It seemed like gratitude.
Emperor Chong'an breathed a sigh of relief.
"It's okay, go." Chong'an Emperor waved his hands in a distressed spirit.
"There are still some manuscripts, calligraphy and paintings left by Shi Jin in
the Library. If you want, just pick one or two and go out of the palace."
Zhong Wan nodded, and got up with the housekeeper.
Zhong Wan rubbed his eyebrows, and smiled slightly when he remembered
being written by Shi Jin in his house when he was a teenager.
The housekeeper took Zhong Wan into the side hall of the library and led him
to a shelf in front of him: "Most of the old manuscripts of the old man Fu
were put here, but the minions did not know how to read, and they hurriedly
found out and distinguished I do n’t know if those are the old lady.
Zhong Wan nodded: "Okay."
A pile of old classics were piled up, and it was not clear at one and a half
minutes. After the housekeeper had explained it, he stepped down. Zhong
Wan walked to the bookshelf and looked through the books one by one,
preparing to take away all of Shi Taifu's handwriting.
Zhong Wan looked down one by one, looked at the two bookshelves in front,
and picked out only two or three. He rubbed his sore eyes, walked to the
more secure cabinet, and just picked up a copy. Suddenly, he noticed that
there was a change behind him, and before he turned around, he was
wrapped around his waist. With a strong arm around his waist, Zhong Wan
slammed into the man's arms.
Zhong Wan smelled a familiar taste, and his heart fluttered.
Yu Yan ...
Zhong Wan struggled a bit, Yu Yan's arm was forced for a moment, and his
sleep was tight.
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, "Do you want your betrayal?"
Zhong Wan paused without explanation.
Yu Zhengran Zhong Wan arrived on the bookshelf and asked, "Hurry up?
Don't want to have any more relationship with me?"
Yu Yan's breath swept by Zhong Wan's ears, Zhong Wan's ears turned red, and
he whispered: "Let ’s go ... I'm glad to be seen by others, but you can't wash
it all your life!"
Yu Yan stunned, smirking: "Play this set again ... Do you think I will be soft?"
Yu Yan whispered: "Do you want to know, how do I get back to the
Zhong Wan asked subconsciously: "What?"
Yu Yan's voice smiled: "I said ... no."
Zhong Wan couldn't stand Yu Yan talking so close to himself, he struggled a
bit, hit the bookshelf, the bookshelf shook, and squeaked, and several books
fell to the ground.
"Noisy." Yu Qiang snatched Zhong Wan and smiled, "Continue to trouble, I'm
not afraid of shame." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 9:
Who the **** is it?
The adult Yu Qian was two or three inches higher than Zhong Wan, and his
strength was surprisingly great. Zhong Wan couldn't escape, Zhong Wan
couldn't, but only deliberately disgusted Yu Qian, "Of course I want to make
trouble ... It ’s all good to know ... Lord Yu, you probably forgot, what have I
survived these years? "
Yu Yan looked down, and could not distinguish between sadness and joy, "I
naturally know."
Zhong Wan tried his best to keep his voice down: "There are so many inside
servants outside, it's really noisy, do you think you can't spread it ?! Let
others know, you ..."
Zhong Wan blurted out, "You're afraid you won't be able to marry Princess
Yu forever!"
Yu Yan chuckled, but laughed, "That would be great."
Zhong Wansai: "You ..."
Yu Yan was holding Zhong Wan's wrist tightly, and whispered, "You want to
sell your deeds, do you really want to go clean and never return to Beijing?"
Zhong Wan simply wanted to knock Chong Andi's old thing with a stick, but
he didn't help at all. He was so angry that Zhong Yu was angry, "I didn't want
it ... if I wanted it, would you give it ?!" "
Yu Yan thought for a moment, relaxed his hands a little, and whispered, "I
think you have a little brain."
Zhong Wan couldn't imagine how Yu Zheng refused to worship Chong An,
and said weakly, "You ... just don't give it?"
Yu Jin said.
Zhong Wan laughed.
"I think I'm acting too arrogantly, aren't I?" Yu Yan slightly turned his face,
looked at Zhong Wan, and narrowed his eyes. "Actually, I can be more
persuasive ... Zhong Wan, you worry that I won't marry Princess Yu, are you?
Yu Yan leaned down slightly and whispered in Zhong Wan's ear: "Speaking
of my family affairs, can you help? Would you like to help?"
Zhong Wan's fingers trembled slightly.
Zhong Wan meditated the Qingxin Mantra twice in his heart, closed his eyes,
and ignored the forgiveness of Yu Yu who was behind him, so that he could
not think about it.
Yu Yan whispered, "Would you help me?"
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "What on earth do you
want to say?"
Yu Yan casually said, "Will you marry Xuan Congxin to me? She should
listen to you, right?"
"Do you dare!" The bit in Zhong Wan's heart disappeared instantly, angrily,
"Yu forgive you ..."
Zhong Wan was struggling again, Yu Yan firmly pinched Zhong Wan's wrist,
and laughed: "What kind of anger are you? Although she is barely a virgin,
but the Qian'an Palace has now fallen, this family thing ... Did she climb up
on me? "
Zhong Wanqi's face turned pale: "I have been young, my qualifications
haven't been raised, and I haven't raised my mother since I was a child. In the
future ... I'm afraid I can't support the door of Yu Wangfu's house, please
Wangye ...
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, "She grew up with you day and night ... Do you
want to marry her?"
Zhong Wan was furious: "She is only a few years old! Who do you think I am
Yu Yan asked again, "Do you really want to marry?"
Zhong Wan was completely out of energy. He leaned on the bookcase and
gasped for a moment before he said, "Master Wang ... what is my identity
now, what is her identity, and I marry her? Do you think it is possible?"
Yu Yan did not speak.
If nothing happened that year, King Ning hurts Zhong Wan so much, maybe he
will really marry his daughter to him.
Zhong Wan saw that Yu Yan was silent, and gritted his teeth and continued: "I
have never thought of anything else. I just want to raise this pair of dragons
and phoenixes so that Xuan Yu can set up a door and let Congxin marry. A
pretty young and old portal, she is also a grandson of phoenixes. Don't take
her ... with people like me, okay? "
Yu Jin paused for a moment and nodded: "Okay."
Zhong Wan breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down for a few minutes, and
regretted his disposition.
Yu Yan, this lunatic ...
How could he get married?
Not to mention that there are many improper things about this family
relationship, he will be condemned by Chong'an Emperor for his marriage to
Princess Huiyang.
Zhong Wan understood that he was being played by Yu Yan, and whispered,
"Are you playing with the title?"
Yu Yan was pierced, but smiled, "You know what I want to play for."
Zhong Wan said to myself, I never thought of asking you for a contract.
Yu Yan looked over at Zhong Wan and asked, "Are you going to cry in a
"What are you crying for?" Zhong Wan frowned. "I cried last time when my
father and mother died ... I didn't cry that easily."
Yu Yan recalled ... he had never seen him cry.
Knowing that Xuan Cong's heart would be fine, Zhong Wan relaxed and did
not compete with Yu Jue. He had just gotten ill, was physically weak, his
heart was loose, and the words in his mouth went out of his mind. "
Yu Zheng was surprised.
Zhong Wan struggled a little, and asked unconsciously, "Is it red?"
Yu Yan looked down and lifted Zhong Wan's cuffs a bit, and sure enough ...
Zhong Wan got a few fingerprints on his wrist.
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and said, "You said something wrong."
Zhong Wan frowned: "What?"
Yu Yan repeated: "You said something wrong."
Zhong Wan wondered if he was feverish and confused, what did he say
"You should have said it." Yu Zhen released Zhong Wan, Shen said, "Shizi,
my wrist hurts so much, you rub it for me."
Zhong Wan: "?"
am I crazy?
Yu Yan continued: "Then I ignored and still embraced you, and you said,
Shizi, it really hurts, you lighten up."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan was finally let go. Instead, he was frightened and frightened. He
looked at Yu Jian with scalp numbness. Is this ... is he crazy or is Yu Yue
Yu Jiu sat down and said blankly, "I said, don't be coquettish, I have no
Zhong Wan: "..."
Yu Zheng said: "You said again, you have a lot of energy and you don't know,
you show me and hurry up for me."
Zhong Wan's hairs stand upside down, Yu Juan ... Is this something dirty?
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan, took out a book from his sleeve, and threw it
into Zhong Wan's arms.
Zhong Wan didn't know why he picked up the book and took a look--
"Qiao Zhongqing's Study in a Secret"
Zhong Wan: "..."
It turned out not crazy, just reading the textbook silently.
However, Zhong Wan still felt that this incident had a great impact.
Beijing has such a textbook?
Is the northern folk customs also open to this point?
The emperor, the princess, the prince Yu ... whoever ...
No one cares?
Why does Yu Yan look at this?
Actually carrying it down? !! !! !!
Zhong Wan asked hard: "Yu Xiaoyu ... you go out and enter the palace with
such a broken sleeve every day, you ... don't you think there is anything
Zhong Wan tentatively said, "Or ... specially brought it to me?"
"I didn't prepare it for you." Yu Yan looked naturally, "I see it myself."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan's expression and smiled: "I have read the
famous book about you and me."
Zhong Wan was desperate to find a place to drill in. He struggled and asked,
"What are you ...?"
"Take a pleasure." Yu Qiangwaner, "For a few years, I had a bad life ... the
only thing that was happy was to look at you and my textbook, I found it very
Zhong Wan said sensitively: "What's wrong?"
Yu Jiu paused for a moment and smiled, "The unsatisfactory thing has nothing
to do with you ... this is the truth."
Zhong Wan also wanted to follow up, Yu Yu interrupted him, "This book is
pretty good, gorgeous and good, I like it."
Zhong Wan was embarrassed to see a topic and died. She didn't want to read
the content at all.
Yu Yan also saw it, he deliberately said, "I'll send you, do you want?"
Zhong Wanzhang: "Since it is the favorite thing of Xiao Wang, I dare not."
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes dangerously.
Zhong Wan quickly knew that she had said something wrong, and re-
transported, "But ... I really want to see it again, and I ask the little prince ...
Can you cut love?"
Yu Yan nodded, and said generously, "Sent you."
Zhong Wan breathed a sigh of relief, put the book in her arms, and burned it
when she was going out of the palace.
"I lost it as soon as I left the palace door, didn't I?" Yu Zhen glanced through
Zhong Wan's mind, coldly, "You want to deal with me ..."
Zhong Wan bowed his head in guilty conscience: "Don't dare, the gift from
the Lord ... it must be read day and night."
"It's not necessary day and night." Yu Juan poured himself a cup of tea and
took a sip. "You are here, read it completely."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan asked, "Are you serious?"
Yu Yan nodded: "After you finish reading, I might let you go."
Yu Yan's threat was very obvious, "You know, I can trap you in the palace
and let you go."
Zhong Wan collapsed, picked up the book and turned it a little, her heart was
cold ...
This is the pure wind month ...
The corner of Yu's mouth picked up a little.
Zhong Wan stopped talking: "Little Wang ..."
Yu Yan said indifferently: "You can do it without reading. I slaughtered Lin
Si today."
Zhong Wan took a deep breath. For seven years, Lin Si has been living well
in Beijing, eating and sleeping, coming to Beijing by himself, poor dumb, life
is hanging on the line ...
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth: "I read."
Yu Yan nodded: "Don't be too quiet, bring a little affection ... let's get
Do not live by yourself.
Zhong Wan sat down, opened the first page and turned black.
Zhong Wan cleared her throat, "Now that there is a son named Zhong in that
dynasty and generation, it is especially passionate ..."
Zhong Wan started to wonder, did you think about Yu Jian's life more?
What kind of inside story, what illegitimate ... read this stuff for years, good
people have to change their temperament ... 2k novel reading network
Chapter 10:
Yu Yue quietly sat aside, listening naturally to Zhong Wan reading the book.
The folkbook, no matter how well written, is slightly rough in front of the
two, and there are some incompatibility. Zhong Wan can change it on the spot
when he reads it, but he did not expect that Lord Wang Xiaoyu will remember
it, and he has memorized it verbatim, so Every time he heard his
proofreading, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.
In comparison, Zhong Wan is like a pin-up.
Forget the front, and read the back, Zhong Wan is very good for himself, a
few sentences, and then polished some before and after, trying to hide the sky.
It's a pity that Yu Yu can't cheat.
Yu Jinpin interrupted with tea, "You read one less ... turn it back and read it
Zhong Wan: "..."
"I saw that the clothes were as thin as the frost on the leaves in late autumn,
and there was only one layer of dimness. Zhong Qing couldn't hold it
anymore, he ..." Zhong Wan closed her eyes and calmed her meditation,
opened her eyes and continued to say, "Zhong Qing He He……"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan for a while, with a bit of humor in his eyes.
Zhong Wan finally couldn't hold himself, and threw the book to the table. "He
doesn't want to read anymore!"
Yu Jue couldn't hold it, and laughed muffled.
Zhong Wan's ears were reddish. He tilted his head and looked out the
window, rubbing his teeth. "You used to know nothing ..."
"Later I understood everything." Yu Ai laughed for a while before stopping.
"But unfortunately, you have already left."
Zhong Wan didn't understand, "But ... what a pity?"
"It's nothing." Yu Yan picked up the script and smoothed out the creases on
the cover that Zhong Wan had dropped. "Does it look good?"
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth: "OK, look."
Yu Yan smiled: "I'll give you some more then."
Zhong Wan's voice trembled. "You ... there are many more?"
Yu Jian nodded, "Naturally, there are more than a dozen bookshelves in the
bookcase of the King's Mansion, which are more beautiful than this one."
Zhong Wan: "..."
There was a glimmer of light in Yu Yan's eyes, "There are many more than
this gorgeous ..."
"Master Yu, he ..." Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jian with disbelief. "Does the
old man know that the textbooks of his son and other wild men are all in his
Yu Yan nodded cheerfully: "Naturally know."
Zhong Wan struggled, "Did you ... kill you?"
Yu Yan shook his head: "He never touched me."
Zhong Wan did not give up: "What about the princess? What about the
Yu Yan smiled: "No one can control me."
Zhong Wan murmured: "I see ..."
The smile on Yu Yan's face gradually dissipated, "It's just a few words and
nothing else. They are very content and don't care too much about me ...
Everyone knows, let me take a break It ’s okay to do nothing ... maybe more
trouble. "
Zhong Wan said, for example, to ask Emperor Chong An to claim the position
of your son. Another example is to invite troops to northern Xinjiang to make
the relationship between Yu Yufu and Chong'an Emperor delicate.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Ju with a complex look, and wanted to know what
had happened in recent years.
"You can't ..." Zhong Wan couldn't help but said, "OK?"
Yu Yan looked up at Zhong Wan and smiled, "No."
After waiting for Zhong Wan to ask why, Yu Zhen said, "I said ... I just want
everyone to feel bad."
"This book is for you." Yu Yan suddenly issued an order to chase off
customers. "You go."
Zhong Wan was not in a hurry. He was slow to pick up the old Shi Fu's
manuscript, wrapped it up and hugged, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Shi
Tai Fu ..."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan said, "Old lady ... told me about you."
Yu Yan raised an eyebrow: "That old thing didn't like me ... never jealous of
me, what did he say about me?"
Zhong Wan looked down: "Zi Ye is different from Lord Yu, and has good
Yu Yan seemed very dismissive, "When did he say that?"
When Zhong Wanchun was staying in Shifu before the test, he accidentally
talked with Shi Jin and said Shi Jinshi.
Zhong Wanyin went to the truth, secretly pinching a sweat and gambling: "It
was mentioned in the letter from Taifu when I was in the first year when I
went to Qian'an."
Yu Yan was unconcerned, not minding, "So it is ... if he can live to this day,
probably he won't think so."
Zhong Wan determined that it was the first year that he had left Jingzhong.
After leaving the library, Xuan Congxin was just sent out by the housekeeper,
and the two returned to the Qian'an Palace together.
In the study, Zhong Wan pinched his notebook and frowned.
In the first year of his departure, Beijing was all well and good, what can Yu
Yuen encounter? So much changed his temperament?
Or ... what did he know?
Could it be that his life was really rumored and somewhat strange, and he
happened to know the inside story at this time?
But this doesn't make sense, even if he is really the illegitimate son of
Emperor Chong An, can this force him into this?
The current Yu Yan, went crazy and didn't want anyone to be better off. This
"anyone" also includes Lord Yu.
Lord Yu treats him like a child, and raising a son for someone else is unlucky.
Why should Yu Yu be retaliated like this?
Zhong Wan deeply remembers that Yu Yan, who was seven years ago, clearly
respected his father and king and was filial to Princess Anguo.
Zhong Wan took the textbook back and forth, and was in a mess.
Good sister-in-law ... what happened?
"I didn't drive him crazy like that at that time ..." Zhong Wan said to himself,
"This kind of person ... could have completely broken down because of
something, and didn't even want to live, and had to eat cold food ...
At the same time, Yu Yu's mansion leaned on the chaise couch by the
window, whistling softly, teasing a bird hanging on the porch.
"Shizi." Feng steward came over, holding a fox fur blanket, and covered Yu
Yu with his leg. "It's cold outside, please close the window after a while."
"No rush," Yu said, "get me two books, whatever is on the shelf."
Thinking of the books on the shelf, butler Feng had a bit of toothache, but I
still fetched it honestly.
After a short time, Yu Yan raised his hand and took it, saying, "I saw Zhong
Wan again in the palace."
Feng's steward's face changed, and the words "Zhong Wan" were to him an
evil barrier.
Yu Yan looked up at him and smiled, "Rest assured ... he's a lot better than
Yu Yan gently rubbed the cover of the script in his hand, "I know the big
picture, take the big picture into consideration, and I have been frivolous for
a long time ... in order not to sin me, I actually endured it."
Feng steward pretended to be deaf. As if he didn't hear the word "thin and
light", he cried, "Isn't this good? It's an adult, of course, it can't be like a kid."
Feng steward pondered Yu Yan's heart, and said, "But ... speaking, it was
still a little pretentious and charming. If you really have no temper, it would
be boring ..."
"No." Yu Yan didn't think so. "Everything interesting."
Mr. Feng, steward, Master Zhong, I have helped you.
Yu Yue whistled, and followed the birds outside the window, and teased for
a while, "When Zhong Wan came to our house for the first half of the year, I
once made a bet with him and lost ... you know, what was there at that time?
No, he does n’t understand anything. He played with him all the time. I lost
and allowed him to take him out to ventilate. "
Yu Yan looked at the snow outside the window and slowly said, "We went to
Zhenbaozhai in the west of the city and happened to meet Shi Hongfu's
youngest son, Shi Hong, who was more rigid than his father, Shi Hong."
"Shi Hong saw Zhong Wan, his nose was not nose, and his eyes were not
eyes. He asked him sharply ..."
"Ming has already obtained the fame, and has a place in the imperial court,
but he cannot testify for King Ning, because he is incompetent."
"As the righteous son of King Ning, he was nurtured by King Ning, but he did
not wear filial piety after King Ning's death.
"Ning Wang's orphan is now dying all the time. As a righteous brother, he has
no help at all and is ingratitude for ingratitude."
"It is shameful to live in the world and commit to the enemy's son."
Shi Hong's powerful and righteous accusations were still in the ear: "People
like you ... have a face to live!"
The steward Feng didn't know that this was the case, and he was shaking
with anger: "Why did he say that ?! At that time, Master Zhong, a half-old
child, what could he do ?! He bumped to death in jail, still trembling The
sword went through the noon gate? Gou Huo? He did not live, how did the
children of King Ning live to this day? This Shi Hong ... "
"I was trembling with anger at the time ..." Yu Zhen looked out the window.
"But Zhong Wan didn't dispute it. He instead ordered Shi Hong to say that Shi
Fu was old. In the snowy days, the old people had loose bones and legs. OK,
be careful. "
Butler Feng looked at Yu Jin with disbelief.
"I later learned that the other day he went out to inquire about the children of
King Ning." Yu Jian looked out the window. "Look ... he's such a person."
Such people are ashamed to show their affection to others.
"Pretend to be good, pretend not to care ... but that stinky fault has been
made, or it is a habit to pretend that you can't change it."
Yu Yan opened the book and muttered to himself: "What has changed?
Obviously, you see ... even if I let him go later, wouldn't he leave me a little
Feng's housekeeper looked at the "Two or Three Things About My Same
Son" in Yu Yan's hand. He couldn't help crying and laughing, thinking of the
incident six years ago unconsciously.
Six years ago, also in this other hospital, Yu Ju, a teenager who knew about
the past, locked himself in the room. He was not soaked with rice water for
three days, his hair was circulated, and his eyes were covered with
bloodshot blood.
The steward Feng really thought that the little master would trap himself in
the room.
Coincidentally, two months ago, a young servant Yu Yun sent back to Qian'an
to listen to Zhong Wan's situation.
The steward Feng took a half-hour door outside Yu Yan's bedroom, but Yu
Yan, who was not at all popular, pulled the door bolt open and opened the
door a slit.
Juvenile Yu Yan's face was like white paper with a little blood on his lips,
and his voice was hoarse: "How is he ...?"
The steward Feng busy busted the servants of Fengchen.
The servant didn't know anything, and when he saw the ghostly appearance of
Yu Jian, he couldn't say a word.
Juvenile Yu Jie sneered, and didn't listen anymore, and turned to close the
door. Feng steward hurriedly patted the head of the servant: "Have something
to say!"
The servant shivered and said intermittently: "No ... I haven't seen Master
Zhong, but ... but I heard and heard a recent rumor from Master Zhong.
Hearing and listening to people said that Master Zhong was in Qian'an and he
caught the individual. Say, say, say ... "
The steward Feng hated iron and steel, and kicked the servant, "What did
Master Zhong say ?!"
The servant was smashed to the ground, breaking a can, breaking a hoe, and
cried with a hoe: "Master Zhong said! The ruthless and meaningless Yu
Zizhen was thrown away in a mess! If you don't get me, just throw me away!
Juvenile Yu Yan's eyes burst into tears, and after a few breaths, a wow of spit
out the blood that has been in the heart for days.
Feng steward was relieved, and he patted him quickly, coaxing: "Shizi, you
can't have anything. If you have a good deal, you, you, you ... You and Master
Zhong, you won't be able to tell it all your life. He may even wear Dai Xiao
to you! Sing a little widow to the grave for himself! Holding an introduction
to the survivor will depend on you forever! "
Juvenile Yu Jin breathed for a long while, his voice trembling: "He ... he
really ..."
The servant hoe: "Take it seriously!"
"I am!" Feng steward slaps himself after knowing it. "Say what! Shizi, you
must be fine! You just have to live to clean this **** basin!"
"He He……"
Juvenile Yu Jin said "he" for a long time without saying anything, and
suddenly he panted and laughed, mad like a lunatic.
On that day, the young Yu Yu began to eat and take medicine. After half a
month, his health was good, but his temperament changed little by little. 2k
novel reading network
Chapter 11:
Zhong Wan battled Yu Yudou in the library in the daytime. He returned to his
spirits when he returned home. He lay down early in the evening. He felt
less, slept early, and woke up in the middle of the night.
When I first came to Beijing, I heard Lin Si talk about Yu Jin's recent years.
Zhong Wan also had a glimmer of hope. It was the emperor who was too
proud of Yu Jin and he spoiled him. After all, he left Yu Jing when he left
Beijing. Only a teenager, a young man's mind is uncertain, and everything is
possible when he grows up, but in the last half of a month, he has been in
contact with Yu Juan twice, Zhong Wan secretly shocked.
The current Yu Yan, with a temperamental temperament, had a sullen
suffocation in his eyes that seemed to be hidden, as if he was ready to pull
everyone to die together.
This deep grudge ... Where did it come from?
Zhong Wan rested on her arm, distraught, and when he was about to get up to
light, he heard the sound of the window squeak slightly.
Zhong Wan held his breath. After a moment, someone knocked three times
outside the window.
Zhong Wan breathed a sigh of relief, got up and put on clothes, got out of bed
and opened the window, Lin Si rolled in lightly without making a sound.
"What are you doing here?" Zhong Wan lit the light and murmured, "I didn't
tell you, I won't call you, don't come over."
Lin Si saluted Zhong Wan, too late to find pen and paper, and gestured: I have
found some eyebrows about Lord Yu.
Zhong Wan walked quickly to the table and wrote: How?
Lin Si gestured: first ask the owner, do you know the birth of Yu Xiaowang?
Zhong Wan nodded and wrote: Tianhe was born on March 16th of the first
He lived with Yu Ju for half a year. At that time, Yu Ju was still young, and
he carried the evil peach sign on his body. Zhong Wan remembered that the
small wooden sign was engraved with "March March". Wan once took that
little wooden sign to joke with Yu Jian and asked him about his birthday. The
young boy Yu Jin said by himself.
Lin Si gesture: Are the hosts sure?
Zhong Wan paused, frowned, and wrote: What do you mean?
It's just a wooden sign that can be used in any temple in Beijing. Naturally, it
cannot be used as evidence.
And how can this be determined? Zhong Wan didn't watch Yu Yu ’s birth, and
Yu An was born in Huangling Bezhuang when Princess An Guo was the first
emperor to guard the spirit. According to legend, the older princess was born
half a month prematurely. In the past, it was delivered by an old lady doctor
at Huangling Bezhuang temporarily. What was the situation? Very few people
knew about it. I only knew that the princess was born prematurely and
dystocia, and she would be raised for a long time before coming back, but
then again No more children.
Lin Si's gesture: This birthday of Wang Xiaoyu is slightly different from what
I found recently.
Zhong Wan suddenly had a snack, and he faintly guessed, but he did not give
Zhong Wan sat down and whispered, "You say."
Lin Si's sign language: Here is His Royal Highness. Over the past few years,
I have been secretly investigating the life of Lord Yu Xiaowang. I have done
a lot, but I have found nothing. His Royal Highness has lost this mind for
nearly a year. His spy's mouth learned something inside.
There was a gleam of cold light in Zhong Wan's eyes. "They are all checking
... Oh, Yu Yan is Xuan Qiong's cousin, even he is checking ..."
Lin Si nodded and continued to draw: it is because of the relatives, it is much
more convenient, so I found more than us. His Highness Five found that
Princess An Guo was Tai Yu's doctor from Tai Hospital in June 47. Out of
the vein of joy, the case of that year is now in His Royal Highness Five.
Forty-seven years, the year that the emperor left.
Zhong Wan frowned, that's fine.
The long princess was pregnant in June. The emperor died when the first
month of the new year was passed. At that time, the long princess was overly
sorrowful and almost happened. Then she went to the tomb and gave birth to
depression in March. amnesty.
Lin Si's gesture: The key is that His Highness found that in March of that
year, no baby was born in Huangling Bezhuang.
Zhong Wan's heartbeat gradually accelerated, and he suddenly became dizzy,
calmed down, and wrote: Evidence?
Lin Si ’s gesture: There are not many people who are serving in Huangling
Biezhuang, and they have been looking for one or two, they are also rough
servants, and they do n’t know the inside information. But listening to them,
the entire March, Huang Lingbeizhuang did not hear a cry.
Zhong Wan held back his dizziness and wrote: Maybe Yu Yan was born
without crying? Isn't he born prematurely? Early babies are fragile and may
not cry much ...
Lin Si shook his head: That ’s not right. If it ’s really fragile and we ca n’t
cry, then the doctors should be very busy. After all, this is the eldest son of
the eldest princess and Lord Yu. Seeing how anxious they were, they even
heard that the princess who was waiting for the princess's rumor said that the
princess was afraid of seeing the light and could not be blown by the wind,
so no one had ever entered the delivery room.
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and wrote: When did you hear the cry?
Zhong Wan looked up at Lin Si, with a little hope, and asked, "April?"
It should be in April, or the records are different.
Lin Si shook her head.
Zhong Wan wrote: May?
Lin Si continued to shake her head.
Zhong Wan's fingertips trembled slightly: June?
Lin Si ’s gesture: The long princess has been raised in Huangling Bezhuang
until July. At that time, the servants who had been serving had been changed
for several rounds, and even the rangers who had been replaced by
generations from generation to generation were replaced by Thai half The
rough servant found by His Highness Five was replaced at this time. On the
day he left, he finally heard a cry in Huangling Bezhuang.
Lin Si wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and beat the sign: On that day,
it was July 15th.
Zhong Wan put down his writing brush.
Princess An Guochang was diagnosed with a happy pulse in June of the first
year, and the child came out on July 15 of the following year ... This was not
her anyway.
July 15th ... Ghost Festival, the worst day.
Lin Si's sign language: After the servant left, I heard people say within a few
days that the steward of Huangling Bezhuang was looking for a nurse.
Lin Si said: After another two or three days, Princess An Guo returned to
Beijing with her young son.
Zhong Wan looked quiet and quickly wrote: Is there anyone who can't see the
wind when he returns? Is there any special person beside Princess An Guo?
After returning to Beijing, did the long princess arrange for someone to raise
on Zhuangzi?
Lin Si shook her head: No, nothing. The people brought back by the princess
had their names and surnames, nothing special.
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth.
That woman was apparently treated the same day Yu Yu was delivered.
Lin Si's gesture: There are two possibilities. Grandpa Yu Xiao's biological
motherhood is extremely low. The princess has no worries and doesn't want
to be troublesome in the future. So she easily handled her, or ...
Zhong Wan thought that there was another possibility that her identity could
not be seen.
As long as the world sees "she", they can know more secrets.
Who is this person?
Zhong Wan had no time to think about this now. He looked at Lin Si and
wrote in full: Is it possible to steal the case from Xuan Qiong?
As long as the case is destroyed, this old thing will be a mess.
You can remember the birthday correctly, and the long princess can forget, as
long as you can't prove that the princess An Guo was pregnant in June.
Throughout their lives, as long as the iron evidence on one side is destroyed,
they will never find out.
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan in embarrassment.
Zhong Wan smiled bitterly and was confused.
Xuan Qiong will not let people take such a matter of importance, and even if
the case is stolen through Lin Si, it will naturally fall into Xuan z's hands.
In both of them, they are actually the same.
Xuan Qiong wants to be a prince, does Xuan Z not want to?
Emperor Chong'an's preference for Yu Jian has long been a source of doubt.
When the four princes and the five princes are in tit-for-tat, will they secretly
speculate that they are making wedding clothes for others?
What if Yu's biological father is Emperor Chong'an?
What if Chong'an Emperor dies before his death in the future?
In those years of battles, has it become a joke?
If Yu Jinzhen is the illegitimate son of Emperor Chong An, once Xuan Zong
Qiong checks the truth, and when he is embarrassed, the first one is to get rid
of him.
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth. "He is in this situation ..."
Lin Si was aware of Zhong Wan's mind and advised: Now only the father Yu
Xiaofei was born to Princess An An, but his biological father is still
unknown and cannot be judged. They dare not take it easy, and ...
Lin thought of a possibility, and he made a gesture: Maybe, the emperor will
die in the future.
Lin Si pointed to the sky, the meaning is self-evident.
Zhong Wan had a splitting headache, "You forgot Lord Yu?"
Lin Si did not respond for a moment.
Zhong Wan picked up the writing brush and quickly said: Lord Yu is Xuan
Qiong's relative! A bystander's son, a pro-nephew, if you are him, who do
you support? !!
Lin Si was no more thorough than Zhong Wan. After thinking for a moment, he
murmured in his heart.
Lin Si hesitated, not sure: The master said that Lord Yu was actually ...
Zhong Wan was exhausted: "I don't know ..."
Zhong Wan looked at the beating candlelight and said lightly, "I only know
that the world is not profitable but not early."
Lin Si had to reassure him: everything is still speculation.
"It's too late for this group to find out."
Zhong Wan threw all the paper from the book case into the charcoal basin,
and the flames licked it up, blasting it up to the height.
Zhong Wan said: "After Wanshou Festival, you go back to Qian'an with a few
children, and I stay in Beijing." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 12:
Lin Si shook his head busy: You have exhausted your efforts over the years,
and finally managed to get rid of Beijing's right and wrong. Now what do you
jump back to?
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan with complex eyes, anxiously, raised his hand
and pointed towards the main room. He drew a circle downwards, pressed
down, and quickly pointed at Zhong Wan, spreading out his palm. He shook
back and forth, pointed his finger at Zhong Wan, and drew two circles at his
They have grown up, you, it is up to you, to plan for yourself.
Zhong Wan was shocked and laughed after a while: "Plan for myself? I have
long forgotten how to plan for myself ..."
Lin Si anxious: What will happen to him in the future, it has nothing to do
with us!
Zhong Wan speaks, indeed, he has nothing to do with Yu Yan.
"He ..." Zhong Wan hurriedly said, "We have been in name for so many years
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan in a word, and said signing: After all these
years, did the little master Yu Xiao recognize this?
Naturally don't recognize it.
Zhong Wan didn't want to talk about this with Lin Si, and said, "In short, it's
settled. You don't have to check this matter anymore. His life is an inverse
scale of his. Yu Yu is moody now, so don't mess with him."
Lin Si's face was difficult.
Zhong Wan knew that Lin Si was working for Xuanz, saying, "But you can't
take your life for this, right?"
Lin Si couldn't help but nodded, he thought for a while, and then made a
gesture: But are you sure, Master Yu Xiaoyu, want you to stay? IMHO ... If he
wanted to stay with you then, you wouldn't be able to leave.
Zhong Wan didn't care: "He can't control me."
Lin Si nodded: Lord Yu Xiaowang couldn't control you, but as long as he
didn't let you approach, you couldn't know the inside story, and he couldn't
help anything.
Lin Si looked up at Zhong Wan. He couldn't bear it, but he asked with a
gesture: After the owner returned to Beijing, he had met with Xiao Yu Wang
twice. Can Wang Xiao Yu be close to you as he was then?
Zhong Wan looked at the flames in the brazier and did not speak.
There is also a fart's closeness. Yu Yan's temperament is strange and
unpredictable now. When Zhong Wan suddenly becomes cold and hot, Zhong
Wan suspects that she has thought it out.
Zhong Wan didn't say that Lin Si could also guess. He made a gesture: if he
can't push his heart, how can he help? Unsure, Wang Xiaoyu would think that
you have another plan for the master, and then you can't tell the difference,
but you will get angry.
Zhong Wan sighed, "I didn't say what to do, I just wanted to stay and see."
Lin Si insisted on persuading: As long as Lord Yu Xiao didn't want to let you
approach, you couldn't help it.
Zhong Wan narrowed his eyes. "Then you look down on me ... if I want to
entangle him, he can't hide."
Zhong Wan broke the can and broke: "I don't want to lose face! Have you
ever seen a dog? I'm too experienced to get tired of him ..."
Lin Si conceived, not embarrassing, signing: Master, now Master Yu Xiao ...
Do you dare to hang around?
Zhong Wan recalled the situation in the library where Yu was pardoned and
pressed to the bookshelf, and insisted, "What dare not! What am I afraid of?"
Lin Si tried to persuade him to be fruitless, and he could not stay longer, but
had to leave.
Zhong Wan speaks nicely, think about it, and know that it is too difficult.
If it was seven years ago, Yu Yan seven years ago, then Zhong Wan would be
too daring--
Seven years ago, after Yu Shizi came to the other courtyard, all kinds of
servants in the other courtyard doubled. There was also a group of generals
transferred from the king's palace outside the house. The internal and external
defenses were strict. Although they were all to protect Yu Pardon's safety, but
even "protected" Zhong Wan, the stupid pond fish.
Before Yu Jin came, Zhong Wan could still have a fight with Feng butler, and
try to escape a few times. Now he doesn't have to think about it.
"There are so many assassins where there are blue sky and white sky?"
Zhong Wan stood at the window, watching the heavily guarded courtyard
sorrowful. "What are you doing so carefully? Are you so many enemies?"
Since Yu Yan lived in another hospital, he had watched Zhong Wan during the
day, but Feng Feng had only stared at Zhong Wan at night, and his spirits
were much better. He looked at Zhong Wan's disturbing mood and was quite
happy, hum, This was sent by the princess to prevent problems before they
occur. "
Zhong Wan collapsed on the bed and sighed.
Mr. Feng's housekeeper looked at Zhong Wanyi's appearance. He had a soft
snack and didn't run on him. He reluctantly advised: "Now I and Shizi are
staring at you in shifts day and night. Now, take a good rest! Take a look at
you ... a good young man with blue eyes, what it looks like! "
Zhong Wan glanced at the steward Feng who was standing and speaking
without back pain, and whispered: "I take care of your master and servant
day and night, can I not work hard? Every day ..."
The steward Feng always felt that this wasn't right, and he couldn't say it.
"In short, I have been sleeping enough today, and it is impossible to snore at
night. You ca n’t find a chance." The old **** of Feng steward was sitting in
a chair at the end, "Bed, sleep!"
Zhong Wan was full of anxiety, turned over, and began to ponder other
Now I ca n’t survive the master and servant, and with so many people
outside the house, it is almost impossible to run out unless ...
Yu Yan moved away.
As long as the family will follow, there will be opportunities.
Yu Jian is the owner of this other courtyard. He doesn't want to leave. Zhong
Wan naturally meant to be immobile, but Zhong Wan could disgusted him.
The next day, at dawn, Zhong Wan began to die.
"Yu Jian, can you really stay with me like this every day?"
Juvenile Yu Jin recently commented on a set of ancient books from the
previous dynasty, using one heart and one heart for two. He said that Gujing
did not comment: "You slept so hard that day, what did I do to you?"
Since the day when he smoked Zhong Wan and let him sleep for a restful
night, the boy Yu Yu felt that he was already pale.
He is also a good person with high affection, Huai Jin holding Yu.
Zhong Wan Lengheng: "I didn't look good in those days, and you are normal if
you are not interested."
Yu Shen paused and ignored him.
Zhong Wan was quiet for a while, and then asked, "Yu Yun ... do you know?
The age of a man is actually just that many years."
Over half a year old, Feng steward who was waiting aside: "..."
Yu Yan looked up and even felt that he had heard it wrong, "What do you ...
"I say myself." Zhong Wan calmly said, "Time is like a white horse crossing
the gap. You don't cherish it now. I can't say anything after two years."
Yu Yan pressed the fire, bowed his head and continued to comment, ignoring
Zhong Wan calmed for a moment, and then whispered, "Yu Jin, do you know?
Nothing will be waiting for you in place."
Yu Jin: "..."
Great, this is getting deeper and deeper.
Yu Yan took a deep breath, still pretending not to hear, and stained with ink.
Zhong Wan began to turn around. He pointed to Feng steward, "You don't
look at me, others are not necessarily."
Feng steward was furious. "What did you say ?! I ..."
The steward Feng couldn't argue, and hurriedly loyal to Yu Yubiao, "In the
three months that I have taken care of Master Zhong! I haven't seen him much!
Heaven and earth can be learned! Besides, let's say ... The old slaves are all
54 years old What am I thinking, what can I do ?! "
"Ah!" Zhong Wan consoled Feng steward, "I don't allow you to say that!"
Feng Steward could not say anything at once, Yu Yu resigned helplessly, and
called the servant to help Feng Steward down.
Sending away Feng's housekeeper, Yu Jinding stared at Zhong Wan, "What
the **** do you want? Are you not afraid of being treated by me? Then you
always come to me to do something?"
Zhong Wan said, I want to disgusting you!
A few days together, Zhong Wan also saw that Yu Yan was a true gentleman,
he really did not have that dirty mind, and he was also observant of etiquette.
Changed his attitude, deliberately went to the vague and amnesty, and found
another way, wanting to make this self-conscious little gentleman can't stand
it, he ran away.
The obstructing Feng steward had left, and finally there were only two
people in the room, Yu Yan and Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan slowly walked behind Yu Zheng and asked, "What do you ... look
Yu Jian did not look up. "Yu Zhang Yi".
"Speaking?" Zhong Wan got closer and put his hand on the page, "I have
never heard of it."
Yu Yan whispered: "The former lonely copy, tell about the experience of the
elderly travelling through Yuzhang County."
"Oh," Zhong Wan said dryly. "May I see?"
Yu Yan did not speak, got up and took the first few volumes and handed them
to Zhong Wan, and sat down again.
Zhong Wan put the book on the table, moved to the side and moved the chair,
placed it beside Yu Yan, and sat down.
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan wanted to ask him what you did so close to me? But I was afraid that
I thought too much, and after asking about it, Zhong Wan bit a bite, and I
couldn't say clearly, I had to see it.
Zhong Wan sat down and quietly read Ban Zhuxiang's book, and suddenly
pointed at a place: "What does this mean? I don't understand."
Yu Yan said, what else do you not understand? But he still tilted his head and
explained it after a glance.
Zhong Wan nodded and praised: "You know everything! Shizi you are great!"
Yu Jin ignored it, and continued to look at his own.
Zhong Wan flipped through two pages, a question a while later, Yu Juan was
patient, and answered one by one.
When Zhong Wan asked a question, he moved closer to Yu Yan's side. After
half a column of incense, his arm was almost close to Yu Yan.
Yu Yu's eyes remained intent, and his knees did not move.
Zhong Wan was ruthless, deliberately kicked Yu Yu with his legs, and then
watched Yu Yan's look vigilantly.
Yu Yan's expression froze slightly, then he got up, picked up the roll he was
watching, and went to the window.
Zhong Wan molars.
The two clearly read the book at noon. At lunch, the steward Feng took the
servants to set meals. Zhong Wan looked at the table and asked with great
diligence: "Shizi ... I need to wait Do you eat? "
Yu Yan pressed the fire, "No ... no need, you eat together."
Zhong Wan nodded with satisfaction and sat down.
You can't speak without food.
Yu Yue quietly ate something, and a dozen servants in the room were quiet.
Zhong Wan swallowed a dish, glanced at everyone in the house, and thought
about his morning in vain, and said ruthlessly, "Yu Jian ... I want to eat deer
tendons, and you feed me."
Dozens of individuals in the room were instantly stiff.
The steward Feng was shocked and couldn't imagine what happened to both
of them this morning. Now they have to feed each other!
Yu Yan looked at the braised deer tendon in front of himself, "..."
Yu Yan looked up, looked at Zhong Wan unbelievably, the meaning in his
eyes was self-evident: Are you crazy? !!
Zhong Wan bit her scalp and opened her mouth: "Ah ..."
A dozen servants looked at each other in horror.
Yu Yan's hand holding the silver chopsticks shook slightly.
If this chopsticks is really fed, the century-old Qingzhen family style of Yu
Wangfu, the sage books that I have read these years, the innocence that I have
managed to keep these days ... will be ruined! 2k novel reading network
Chapter 13:
The steward Feng, who took care of himself from a young age, is watching
himself ...
The dozen or so servants in the room were watching themselves ...
The Yu family's ancestors looked at themselves in the sky ...
Juvenile Yu Geng gritted his teeth, lowered his chopsticks, raised a plate of
roasted deer tendons in front of himself, and placed them in front of Zhong
Yu Jian's ears were slightly red, and he calmed down and said, "If you like to
eat, just pinch yourself ..."
Zhong Wan looked at the dish in front of him and sighed with disappointment,
not disgusted to Yu Yan.
He didn't like amaranth, and he didn't want to eat roasted deer tendons. It was
a bit fishy even if it was done well. He said that he wanted to eat it because
it was the closest Yu Yu to the dish.
Feng steward was relieved, and he was relieved that Yu Jian was not blinded
by the goblins.
Yu Qiang Yu Guang kept watching Zhong Wan, and realized that Zhong Wan
seemed a little depressed. He wondered if he had lost Zhong Wan's face and
thought, and said, "From tomorrow ..."
Butler Feng looked up and listened.
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan and said, "Three meals a day, prepare deer
"Well ..." Zhong Wan laughed. "No, I don't ..."
Feng steward gave Zhong Wan a glance, and muttered a few words of
humiliation, reluctantly agreed, "Yes."
Yu Zheng nodded, and looked at Zhong Wan again.
Zhong Wan can't say it. What do you mean by this expectant look? Should I
kneel down and say thank the Lord Ron?
Zhong Wan smiled bitterly, "Thank you ... Shizi."
Yu Yan weighed the pros and cons, and balanced the forces in all quarters. I
felt that this was a good job for me, and I ate more than half a bowl of this
Zhong Wan lifted a stone and smashed his feet, and sadly guarded a plate of
deer tendons that he did not like, and did not eat a few mouthfuls.
After lunch, Yu Yan went to read again, Zhong Wan had to follow.
Disgusting still has to be disgusting.
How can you escape to find Xuanrui if you don't stop Yu Yan?
Yu Yan surrendered the book case to Zhong Wan, who was still sitting on the
ottoman in the window and devoted himself to making comments.
Zhong Wan looked for an excuse to want to get closer, "The book case is not
very good, or I'll come to you ..."
Yu Yan nodded, picked up the scroll, and returned to Zhong Wan generously
before returning to the case.
The two changed positions, still two feet apart.
Zhong Wan wanted to bite Yu Yu.
It was obvious that Yu Wan was not allowed to approach Zhong Wan. Zhong
Wan couldn't, but had to think of other methods.
"Yu Jin ..." Zhong Wan suddenly said, "How do I remember, the princess has
been dating you since last year, is it settled?"
Yu Shen paused and said, "Just saying that there is such a thing ... not yet
"Oh?" Zhong Wan's eyes lit up. "That's to say it's already under negotiation?
Which one? Or ... the three princesses?"
Yu Jue didn't look up, "It's not the third princess, don't talk nonsense."
"Your emperor Aunt hurts you so much, and he almost treats you as a son.
Don't you want to recruit you as a son-in-law?" Zhong Wan said, "Which one
are you talking about? Well, three books and six courtesies, Where did you
go? "
Yu Yan didn't write any more, and he calmed for a while and said, "No step,
just a discussion."
Zhong Wan's claws scratched his heart. "Which one is that, let's say ... I
promise not to say it, and I have no one to say."
Yu Yan looked up helplessly and asked, "What do you ask about this?"
Zhong Wan said innocently: "In the future, she will grow bigger and smaller,
and I will know a little bit in advance so as not to suffer later."
Yu Zhengyu hesitated, trying to explain, but still didn't say, looked down and
read Zhong Wan.
"What's the matter?" Zhong Wan said pitifully, "Yu Jian ... Will you come to
see me in another hospital when you marry Shi Zifei?"
Yu Jin: "..."
Zhong Wan put down her book, leaned on the low couch, and began to plan
for her future, "Will she bring many people here?"
Yu Qiang didn't hear it.
"Will she like me?"
"Will she make rules for me?"
"Will she call me a vixen?"
"Will she find me and pierce me with a needle?"
Yu Yan took a deep breath, and still ignored Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan didn't feel annoyed at all, and still asked, "Can we still read
together like this?"
"Can I have dinner with you in the future?"
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Ju sadly: "Can I still eat stag glutton?"
Yu Yan put down the book and stared at Zhong Wan straightly, his eyes faintly
Zhong Wan immediately persuaded and stopped asking.
After half of Zhuxiang's time in the room was quiet, Yu Zhen suddenly said,
"You can rest assured that no one except me can enter this house, let alone ...
even the long princess and father and father cannot enter.
Zhong Wan froze, Yu Yan thought again and said: "From now on, the guards
of the other hospital will double, and they will surely protect you."
"No, no, no ..." Zhong Wan was bitter, "I'm not afraid that others will come to
trouble me. Really, don't let anyone come again!"
Yu Yan's mind was set, "You can rest assured."
Zhong Wan can't wait to slap herself before owing it.
"So what ... In general, no matter how you protect, someone will come to me
for trouble." Zhong Wan was dying and struggling. "If you are really good for
me, you should deliberately leave me alone and treat the servants in other
hospitals. Withdraw all and leave me under fed and warm, so I'll be safe ... "
Yu Yan said, "So you can run."
Zhong Wan was speechless, Yu Yan ... wasn't she stupid?
Yu Yan asked, "Where did you hear these strange words?"
"In words." Zhong Wan was miserable. "It's all written."
Yu Yan frowned slightly: "Wordbook? I haven't seen it."
Zhong Wan was interested: "How many copies should I go out and buy for
Yu Yan had no interest: "I don't want to watch."
"Okay." Zhong Wan shuddered, honestly for a while.
Half an hour later, Zhong Wan suddenly asked, "You haven't said it yet.
Which one are you talking about?"
The relationship wasn't really settled. Yu Yan didn't want to talk about the
girl who didn't go out of the house, but otherwise, Zhong Wan is expected to
be able to keep on asking. Yu Yan hesitated, and said, "Listen to my mother ...
is Wen Guogong House. "
Zhong Wan thought for a while and vaguely remembered that Wen Guogong
had a granddaughter who seemed to be about the same age as Yu Yan.
"The door is right, it's quite appropriate." Zhong Wan nodded. "Is this the
grandfather's little granddaughter?"
Yu Yan looked down and stopped talking.
"What's wrong? Isn't it a good idea to give you a kiss?" Zhong Wan said
dryly. "That's right."
Yu Yan stopped talking and picked up the book again.
Zhong Wan squinted, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Yu
Jian ... don't you like this family thing?"
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and said, "My mother chose it for me, and I
naturally like it."
"Don't think." Zhong Wan looked up and down at Yu Juan. "If you really like
it, I should have said it as soon as I asked. Even if you don't like chatting, you
can't help but say a few more words. ... is invisible. "
With a stroke of writing brush in Yu Yan's hand, a little ink dripped on the
tree, and slowly fainted.
I really admire who can't hide.
After a while Yu Yucai said, "Mrs. Wen Guo ... took her granddaughter to the
Princess House to enjoy the flowers."
Yu Zhen slowly said, "My mother asked me to go there that day too. Let me
say hello to Madam Wen Guo, actually ..."
Zhong Wan understood: "In fact, it is to let you look at each other in advance?
You can't see it in private, but you can only look at it from the distance when
you give your elders a greeting."
Yu Jin nodded.
Zhong Wan blinked: "How is it? It doesn't look good?"
"Good-looking." Yu Yan groaned, "but I don't want to marry her."
Zhong Wan thought about it. It is estimated that the granddaughter of Wen
Guogong must be in good shape, otherwise it would not be in the eyes of
Princess An Guo, but it is about the nature that does not attract Yu Jiao like it.
Yu Jiao is a gentleman. Bad people.
Yu Yan put his pen down and said, "Moreover ... I don't really want to see
Mrs. Wen Guo's appearance."
"Ha?" Zhong Wan said dumbly, "Reluctant to marry you, right? Speaking of
them, is it their house that is climbing up on you? How could it be reluctant?"
Yu Yan shook his head: "I don't know, but when I saw Madam Wen Guo
flashing her words, looking at me ... the look was not right, it seemed to be
scared of me, and it seemed to worry about something."
Zhong Wan couldn't figure it out, "What's the worry, Princess An Guo is just a
**** to you, and you will strike the baron steadily in the future, so don't say
this ... The emperor likes you so much, what worries in the future?"
Yu Zheng couldn't understand.
"I'm worried that this is the mother's own idea, and the government of
Wenguo dares not to obey." Yu Ai whispered, "I didn't want to be married,
and then force others ... nothing."
This is the truth. Princess An Guo has chosen a daughter-in-law for herself,
and whoever she likes is only grateful, and dare not say anything.
"Then talk to the princess," Zhong Wan said, "say you don't like it."
Yu Yan frowned, "The parents' order ..."
Zhong Wan laughed: "This is a lifetime thing! Or ..."
Zhong Wan simply said: "Take me out for a trip, and I promise to let the
mansion government have the courage and courage to simply retreat the
Yu Zheng hesitated, "What are you going to do?"
"Don't ask me first, I'm sure it won't hurt your face." Zhong Wan stepped out,
and he rubbed his neck. "Fuck ... I'm so good now."
Yu Yan actually already had an idea in her heart. She was going to go to
Princess Mansion tomorrow to make it clear to Princess An Guochang, but
now looking at Zhong Wan's bright eyes, she said unconsciously: "OK."
Chapter 14:
The next day, Zhong Wan and Yu Yu were pardoned.
On the carriage, Yu Yanji lifted the curtain to look outside, and then looked at
Zhong Wan, his eyes moved.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jian and hesitated, "What? You regret it? Do you ...
don't want to resign?"
Yu Yan shook his head, "I don't regret giving up."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan inexhaustible, "But I suddenly regret taking you
Why not go around such a big circle and get this person out to let him act?
Zhong Wan smiled, "I said, I'm sure it won't hurt your face, let you make a
small fortune, and you don't care, what are you afraid of?"
"I'm not afraid of hurting my face, I think ..." Yu Zhen hesitated, and discussed
with Zhong Wan, "Do I have to say that?"
Zhong Wan nodded: "Of course, don't you remember a single sentence, right?
Just one sentence, as soon as I wink at you, you can say it, remember?"
Yu Yan gritted his teeth and nodded.
The carriage stopped at the entrance of Qizhenxuan Store and the two got out
of the car.
"Rare visitor, I knew you were coming. We should have opened the
storeroom early, and we would take Jane's play one or two, and send it
directly to the house. Where would you dare to work? Here, hahaha, this is
too hasty. It's not ridiculous, ridiculous. "The owner kept busy from
downstairs to salute Yu Yan, and greeted the two in person," Little lord, what
do you want to see? "
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan: "I don't see, he sees."
The owner was busy greeting Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan didn't speak, just looked around, dragging time slowly.
After a while of incense, the master of the Manguo government came.
Waiting is him.
Master Wen Guogong set a decoration here a few days ago. He wants to pick
it up today. He didn't expect Yu Yan to be here, so he didn't dare to pick
anything up.
Zhong Wanzhuang didn't see it, didn't say anything, didn't speak, and looked
at himself.
Qizhenxuan still greeted him diligently, "You see this tea set, although it is
from the mouth of the small kiln, but you look at the glaze carefully and
moisten it? Look at this color, the right plum plum. ... "
"Smashed." Zhong Wan put the small tea cup in his hand back on the shelf,
wiped his hands with silk, and said lightly, "I don't like blue."
Yu Jin: "..."
Master Wen Guogong: "..."
The owner thought he had heard it wrong, and laughed: "Master, you ... what
did you just say?"
Zhong Wan said impatiently: "I said, I don't like cyan, I can't see this color."
The owner almost couldn't find his tongue, and stuttered, "No, don't like ...
Zhong Wan looked at the owner and said, "No one, let me see this color. Do
you understand?"
Master Wen Guogong looked at Yu Jin in horror, Yu Jinqiang held on without
saying a word.
Zhong Wan glanced at the treasure rack in front of him. "All the cyan ones,
they were all smashed."
The owner was so scared that he was half-knelt, and looked to Yu
forgiveness for help.
Yu Yan nodded, "follow him."
Several of the servants brought by Yu Yufu stepped forward, took out all the
blue ornaments, wrapped them in sackcloth, and smashed them.
Listening to the banging sound, Master Wen Guogong sweated coldly.
Zhong Wan tilted her head, looked at a woodcarved tiger on another shelf,
narrowed her eyes, looked at the owner inconceivably, and asked, "I don't
like tigers, don't you know?"
The owner's voice trembled. "This ... I don't know!"
"Then you know today." Zhong Wan waved his hand, "burned."
The owner watched Yu Yan's servant take the tiger down and take it away.
Master Wen Guogong who was standing beside Yu Zheng was frightened and
anxious, his sister was a tiger!
There is nothing wrong with having a male pet from Lord Yu, but it is very
problematic to concede it.
Master Wen Guogong turned his head to look at Yu Jue, and when he saw that
Wang Xiaoyu's mouth should be picked, although his face was a little strange,
he didn't mean to stop it.
In the future ... my sister passed the door, this master Zhong said he didn't like
it, could his sister burn it? !!
Zhong Wan destroyed all the things in the store that were touched by the tiger,
and nodded: "It looks a little bit pleasing to the eye."
"Remember, my master is a horse." Zhong Wan calmly said, "All the horse-
related decorations in the store will be covered with red cloth in the future.
Did you hear that?"
The owner was stingy and couldn't help turning his head to look at Yu Jin.
Zhong Wan winked at Yu Zhen, letting him say the last word.
Zhong Wan was afraid of Yu Jin's forgetting words, and arranged him very
simply, just one sentence: You have no end?
Then Zhong Wan slaps around, and the two make a look of flirtatiousness,
disgusting Master Wen Guogong, this matter is complete.
Yu Yan's lips moved.
The owner had a few expectations in his heart and looked at Yu Jue eagerly.
Yu Yan put down the tea cup and said, "Then ... all put on red cloth."
Zhong Wan jerked suddenly.
Master Wen Guogong was completely crazy, and he did not dare to take his
ornaments, and he ran away.
After a scent of incense, several large and small horse ornaments in
Qizhenxuan, with more than forty pieces of porcelain-bronze-made bronze
horse ornaments, were all tied with big red capes.
Zhong Wan had a terrible look on his face, and he was tired to excuse
Back on the carriage, Zhong Wan's head was as big as a bucket, and he lost
his voice: "What's the matter with you ?!"
Yu Yan pursed his lips, "I ... I didn't remember."
"You can't remember a word!" Zhong Wan collapsed. "I don't care. In a few
days, no matter what reason you are looking for, you let the shopkeeper take
down those red cloths! They are bad enough!"
Yu Shen said: "I will pay for the ruined things. He sold so many things at
once and it was not bad luck."
"It's not bad luck to meet a lunatic?" Zhong Wan recalled what he had just
said and felt itchy and took a breath. "I really ... thrown the ancestor's face."
But thinking about the expression of Master Wen Guogong's master, Zhong
Wan laughed: "He will definitely retreat when he goes back. When you push
the boat, the princess will blame me most and will not say anything else."
Yu Yan nodded.
They went to Ning Wangfu again.
This was Yu Yan's promise to Zhong Wan last night.
Yu Yan didn't accompany Zhong Wan and waited on the carriage. After half
an hour, Zhong Wan came out of the Ning's palace. He was shy and not very
Yu Yan felt that it was time to console him, but he didn't know what to say.
Yu Yan thought for a while, but did not mention King Ning, or those few
children, and asked, "I heard that ... you were raised by Princess Ning?"
Zhong Wan froze and nodded and smiled: "Yes, when I first came to the
palace, I was only three years old. I was taken care of by a puppet from
Zhongfu. The puppet was old, my eyes were not good, and my colors were
all I can't tell the difference, I made a lot of colorful clothes ... "
"The princess had no children for a few years when she entered the house,
and the prince recognized me as a righteous son. I was afraid that I would
obstruct the princess' eyes and hold me in the room all day."
"But I'm too ambitious and not sensible. I always ran out to play secretly. My
pity is half blind, and I have to find out every day to find me. I dare not shout
loudly, for fear of disturbing the princess. Can call my nickname under my
throat ... "
"One day I seemed to be running into the inner courtyard, driving me mad,
and she entered the inner courtyard with trembling tremor. When I finally
found me, she was hit by the princess."
Yu Yan frowned: "Then what?"
"The princess looked at the mud on my face, and was still wearing the little
girl's flower clothes. She didn't recognize who it was. She thought I was a
girl. After asking, she asked me to take me back, and then a day passed ... ...
the princess let us move to the inner court. "
"The princess said that if she had no children, she would bring one and raise
it, and gradually she would have it. I do n’t know if it was true. In short, my
uncle and I lived in the princess's courtyard. It ’s very kind to me. I
personally raised me until I was ten years old and let me go alone in my own
small yard. I was too old. The princess said that she could n’t take care of
me, so she left me in her yard for the elderly. . "
Yu Yan quietly listened and said, "I've seen Princess Ning a few times
before, and I'm a kind person."
Yu Yan looked up at Zhong Wan. If the elders were not kind and spoiled by
their elders, they would not be able to cultivate your temper.
"Yeah." There was no sadness on Zhong Wan's face. "People are so good, but
unfortunately, when they were born, they ..."
Zhong Wan didn't say any more.
Needless to say Yu Yu also knows that Princess Ning died of dystocia when
she gave birth to twins.
"You ..." Yu Yan didn't want Zhong Wan to be sad, he provoked something
else, "You just said, your uncle is looking for you in the palace, is it your
Zhong Wan looked up, "Yes", I don't know how Yu Yan noticed this, and said
dryly: "Yeah ... yeah."
Yu Zheng hesitated and asked, "What's your nickname?"
Zhong Wan watched Yu Yan with caution: "What do you ask me to do?"
Yu Yan didn't know why he was suddenly curious, he said uneasily, "Just ...
"My nickname ... as long as my father and mother, grandma, and the princess
called, the prince didn't call me that." Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jian with
confidence. Become my elder? Why are you so wicked ?! "
Juvenile Yu Zheng would like to tell Zhong Wan that not only elders are
called nicknames, but it seems even more wrong to say this.
Yu Yan's face became more and more unnatural, he simply stopped talking.
Zhong Wan was eccentric, he asked tentatively, "Then you say what your
nickname is!"
Yu Yan shook his head: "I have no nickname."
Zhong Wan didn't believe it: "How could it not? How did the princess call
you when you were young?"
Yu Zheng said: "Just the name."
Zhong Wan didn't believe it at all, and felt that Yu Jian had deliberately
refused to say, "Then I don't have a nickname, I just said it blindly."
Juvenile Yu Zheng said more truthfully: "You just said something clearly ..."
"I asked him many times later, and he didn't say ..." Yu Jian looked at a small
porcelain horse with a red cape in his house and murmured, "I won't ask any
Feng steward laughed, "Master Zhong was half an adult at the time, and of
course I didn't want to hear someone call me a nickname, weird."
"But I just want to know." Yu Yan nodded the head of the little porcelain
horse gently. "I want to see him cry, I want to call him Xiaoming ... I want to
call him while making him cry ..."
Butler Feng had a cold war, and Zhong Wan was in his twenties this year.
You also want to call someone's nickname, what a weird interest.
"I didn't make him cry last time ... it seemed a bit difficult." Yu Ai put the
words in his hand aside and said to himself, "Then ask Xiaoming first, the
dog that won't be called recently Is there anything moving? "
Feng steward shook his head: "I never heard of it."
"I think of a way to make him a little bit quiet." Yu Ai raised a brow and
Yinxie said, "Put him with that dumb, let him tell me what the nickname is, I
will call him by nickname ..."
Feng steward had to agree: "Yes." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 15:
After Zhong Wan made up his mind, he talked to Xuanrui several people.
Zhong Wan didn't want to worry them for no reason, didn't take it seriously,
and said easily at the dinner table: "After Wanshou Festival, I want to stay in
Beijing for a while."
Zhong Wan said lightly, a few children were still stunned.
Zhong Wan looked natural: "I still have one or two old friends in Beijing. It
is inconvenient now. When you leave, I want to avoid people and take care
of them."
Several people looked at each other. What kind of "old friend" does Zhong
Wan have?
Xuan Congxin reacted first. She pressed the corner of her mouth with a
handkerchief and slowly said, "After seeing this time ... the emperor will
probably no longer think of us, and there will be no major issues around
Qian'an. If you are in Beijing, If there is something outstanding, leave it. "
Xuan Yu looked at Xuan Congxin and then looked at Zhong Wan. Her eyes
suddenly turned red, and she said anxiously, "Why should I stay ?! I won't be
separated from you! Is it so cold, can you stand it? Let's go back together 一
起What the **** are you doing? Otherwise ... Let the brother and sister go
back first, I will stay with you and wait for your business, let's go back
together! "
"Zhong Wan naturally has his own business." Xuan Congxin despised his
younger brother's tearful tears and frowned, "What's worth crying about ?!
Don't cry! Go back!"
"I ..." Xuanyu was afraid of her strong compatriot since she was a child. She
was scolded for fear of crying. He held her tears, and said poorly,
"Zhongwan, when are you going back? I ... Am I waiting for your head
office? Me, me ... "
Xuan Yu was rushed to the doctor, and said wildly, "I still have to study with
"Who can't read after studying ?!" Xuan Cong frowned. "Can't we please a
gentleman? Dare to cry!"
Xuan Yu immediately shed tears, scared to say a word.
Zhong Wan sighed, and his heart was a pity. If Xuan Congxin was a man, he
would certainly be able to set up a door in two years, and he would be really
Zhong Wan looked at Xuanrui, and Xuanrui was worried and buried her
head. It took a while before she slowly said, "Let's go back with us, you are
here ... you don't worry about us, we don't worry about you."
Xuan Congxin frowned: "Brother, how can you even ..."
Xuan Rui looked up at Xuan Congxin and whispered angrily, "Is Beijing
Central a good place to stay? You grew up carefree in Qian'an when you
were little, how did you know what we had suffered before? At that time, I
was always nervous. I do n’t want to ...
"You rest assured." Zhong Wan patted Xuan Rui's hand comfortably, "I don't
do anything, just ..."
"Why don't you think about him at all?" Xuan Cong couldn't bear it. "Zhong
Wan is twenty-four this year. Everyone's house, it's all ..."
Xuan Congxin was a girl who couldn't say anything even when she was
strong. She looked slightly red and paused before she said, "After Wanshou
Festival, our palace is completely stable. After taking care of us for so many
years, he has to think about himself. Is that right? "
Xuan Yu stunned, "what ... my business?"
Xuan Congxin's cheeks were crimson, and he whispered, "Now that the
emperor has freed Zhong Wan from slavery, it is time to settle the major
events. What kind of noble girl is Qianan? After returning, I can't find
anything suitable. He is here to settle his family affairs in Beijing. Whatever
you do ... "
Xuan Congxin said that she couldn't say any more. She lowered her head and
took a sip of soup. Her voice was unheard of, "when he decides on his own
affairs ... naturally he will take his wife back, what is it?"
Xuan Rui turned to look at Zhong Wan, and said happily, "Is that so? Are you
looking for me?"
Xuanrui also looked over and said dumbly, "What do you mean ..."
Zhong Wan looked at the three of them in a word and laughed: "What does
this make me ..."
Xuan Congxin was very curious, but because of her daughter's identity, she
couldn't speak more, and she could only tap on the side and said lightly, "Or
do you say ... Which one have you already met?"
Xuan Yu was excited: "Is Xiao Yansheng good-looking?"
Zhong Wan can only do what is wrong, and embarrassed, "It looks good ..."
Xuan Cong couldn't help asking: "How old?"
Zhong Wan said hardly: "Twenty ... three."
The three looked at each other.
The needle fell in the hall for a while.
The two little ones were embarrassed to say, or Xuanrui hesitated, "Is this
too old? You ... don't feel wronged."
Zhong Wan shot his teeth and swallowed in his stomach, trying his best to
smile: "No grievance ... I don't think it's too big."
"It's not too young." Xuan Cong muttered, "Why ... why are you looking for
such an old man?"
Zhong Wan laughed: "I'm not young anymore, and he ... doesn't look very
Xuan Rui was startled: "Have you seen it ?!"
Zhong Wan regretted not falling, "Well ..." Zhong Wan couldn't wait to bite
himself, why did he lie about it ... but they could not lie to them? !!
Xuan Yu's eyes glowed: "Tell me about your size!"
Zhong Wan was secretly regretful, and didn't open the door for a moment,
"higher than me."
"Hmm ..." Xuan Yu was not surprised, "higher than you !!!"
Xuan Rui and Xuan Cong's faces also changed suddenly.
What kind of girl is Zhong Wan looking for? !!
"Ah no." Zhong Wan fisted his fist. "With me ... almost, I ... I don't value these
"Just like it." Xuan Cong looked at Zhong Wan with a complex expression,
and couldn't help but asked again, "then ... how about nature?"
At such an old age, he is so burly, and can make Zhong Wan like it. There
must be something special about this person. Perhaps he has a good temper,
is gentle and considerate?
"By nature ..."
Zhong Wan's heart was uncertain, moody, and he wanted to kill people all the
time, and he wanted to go crazy all the time.
If this is said, Xuan Rui Xuan Yu Xuan never fears that he will die, and he
will not let himself stay.
What kind of monster do you like?
Zhong Wan insisted: "Very well ..."
The three of them looked at each other, and Zhong Wan was happy.
After a meal, several people went back to their houses with their own
Zhong Wan was relieved, smiled twice, and returned to his yard.
As soon as he entered the house, Yan Pingshan, the butler, followed.
"what happened?"
Zhong Wan sat next to the brazier, took the iron chopsticks, put a piece of
charcoal in his hand stove, put it in the brazier, dialed the charcoal in the pot,
and blew it gently. After a while, the charcoal was hot.
Yan Pingshan closed the doors and windows and whispered, "Listen to our
people, the three princes are afraid that they will be bad."
Zhong Wan frowned.
The three princes have been sick since birth. It has been very difficult to drag
on these for more than thirty years, but why did something happen at this
juncture ...
Yan Pingshan was worried: "It's best to drag on for a few more months and
wait for the Wanshou Festival ... otherwise the funeral will rush before and
after the Wanshou Festival.
"Yeah ..." Zhong Wan asked, "What did Taiyi say?"
Yan Pingshan said: "The Taiyi said, if you can survive the spring equinox,
you can see that it is great."
Zhong Wan hissed: "This means that he can't live with the vernal equinox ... it
happened to be around the Longevity Festival."
Yan Pingshan couldn't help but whispered, "Don't choose a good time."
Zhong Wan asked: "The emperor must have known it, too, is that the end of
the Longevity Festival?"
"Pass it." Yan Pingshan sneered, and lowered his voice. "The three princes
are now struggling to drink porridge, and they haven't seen the emperor's
heartache. What should I do? Just recently, I also banqueted the ancestral
room and ate enough Yes, no one is comfortable with him. "
"Shh ..."
Zhong Wan suddenly asked: "You said that the emperor's meal is as usual?"
Yan Pingshan nodded: "No, listen to our people, the emperor will be very
supportive, almost sixty years old, one tooth has not been lost, until now,
chew everything, eat everything."
"One tooth has not been lost ..."
Zhong Wan remembered an old story and mumbled, "Lin Si's grandmother
was taking care of my uncle before ... As soon as I was fifty, I couldn't bite
anything. The princess was sympathetic, letting people chop vegetables and
fine meat together. Broken and cooked in the rice porridge for her to eat. For
ten years, she can only eat such porridge every day ... "
Zhong Wan whispered, "I saw that the fangs were missing, and I couldn't eat
anything else. It was very uncomfortable in my heart, but He told me that it
was good."
Xiao Zhongwan asked, "What's so good about this?" He looked pleased and
contented. He didn't say anything, but just smiled kindly at Lin Si.
Zhong Wan didn't know it before, but after hearing the old people mentioned
some rumors, they came to understand.
Yan Pingshan despisely said, "There is an old saying that the old man has a
long life, and if the teeth are still intact, that is to ..."
"It's not early." Zhong Wan interrupted Yan Pingshan and dialed the charcoal
fire. "Just rest."
Yan Pingshan snorted angrily and left.
Zhong Wan looked at the red charcoal fire, bursting out of thought.
There is an old saying that if the old man has a long life, if the teeth are still
intact, it is to defeat the grandchildren. If he is buried with a full mouthful of
teeth in the future, he will bite off the grandchildren's life after death.
According to the ghosts and gods, Zhong Wan never believed, but
remembered these words now, think about the two princes who died early,
think about the three princes lingering on the bed, and then think about the
hidden life of Yu Jian, suddenly a little unwell.
Over Yu Yu's house, Yu Yan was in a bad mood for several days.
He wanted to find Lin Si a little bit wrong, and took him to Dali Temple for
another two days. However, how many days passed, Lin Si seemed to be
suddenly absent-minded, shrinking in the Prince's Mansion all day without
revealing his head.
Yu Yan didn't know that Lin Si had won Zhong Wan's instructions to keep the
soldiers. He just felt that this dumb was born to overcome himself. When he
wasn't in use, he obstructed every day and used it, but he couldn't find it.
Yu Zheng was impatient. "He's fine, can't I just hold him? No need to find a
reason, just get him!"
Feng steward sneered: "He was arrested for no reason, for fear of offending
His Highness ..."
Yu Yan asked, "I'm afraid to offend him?"
When the steward Feng was suffocated, he said, "Yes, you dare to offend
even the emperor. What else are you afraid of?"
Just like that, Lin Si just got out of his house and was caught by the sacks of
Yu Yufu.
Yu Yan sat in the right position and looked down at Lin Si.
Seven years ago, after Zhong Wan was gone, Yu Zhengqi had no interaction
with Lin Si.
Yu Yan did not take care of him, nor would he go to trouble him, and be at
ease with each other.
Until Lin Si did not know how to check Yu Yan's life.
The day Yu Yu really moved his heart.
Even after Xuanz made a big noise in Dali Temple, Yu Zheng didn't change
his mind.
Xuanz dare to check his own life, he did not give him a lesson, just waiting to
"If it wasn't for ..." Yu Jian looked at Lin Si for a while, and said quietly,
"Take it up."
The servant carried countless torture tools and fell to Lin Si.
"My means, you are clear ..." Yu Zhen slowly said, "You don't have to tell me
what you can't do with lynching. In my case, there is no rule, I will ask you
one thing. You can leave it alone, let's One piece of torture slowly. "
Yu Yan was well versed in torture. He did not rush to find a way to do it.
Instead, he found an old prisoner who was good at using torture. He asked
him to place dozens of torture instruments one by one in order to give Lin Si
a disappointment.
The torture tool in Dali Temple is much more delicate than that of the
Ministry of Punishment. Lao Yunyi fiddled with it for half an hour before
cooking. Yu Juan slowly sipped the tea. "You can rest assured that I have
Lin Si looked at the torture and looked up at Yu Jin.
Yu Yan finally ignored Lin Si and asked, "Zhong Wan's name, what is it?"
Lin Si: "..."
Yu Yan calmly said: "Don't tell me you don't know, you two grew up together
from an early age, I won't believe it."
Yu Yan put down the tea cup, looked at a torture, and said, "I don't want to
say? Yes, let me say ... Do you want to know what this is for? I'm just idle
today and can slowly talk to you ... "
Lin Si struggled for a moment, Yu Yan narrowed his eyes.
Lin Si lifted a hand, and pressed it to the ground.
Yu Yan looked at him doubtfully.
Lin Si was pressed by two servants, and his movement was quite
inconvenient. He raised his hand and laboriously touched the pepper water
on the ground. He wrote down two words on the bluestone plate in front of
Then he bowed his head.
Yu Jin: "..."
After a while, Yu Juai said, "You are so loyal, does your master Zhong Wan
Lin Si's face was slightly ashamed, and she lowered her head and didn't
Yu Yan couldn't say a word about the torture in the house ...
Toss this hour, what is the purpose of playing with these old furnishings?
"Very good, able to bend and stretch." Yu Ai said for a while, "you go."
Lin Si nodded again and left. 2k novel reading network
Chapter 16:
Yu amnesty got up and walked just Lynn kneeling place, looked down at the
wet water stains, looked for a long time.
To ask this nickname before, Yu amnesty fee a lot of thought, he had never
been seen not coercion, inducement only know, Bell Wan is hard to eat soft
do not eat, and asked how many times he turned back, once amnesty Yu I
thought, this life will not know his nickname up.
I never thought that Lynn dumb, actually are not the slightest bit of backbone.
"You said he ......" Yu pardon as if talking to himself, "Do you know, Zhong
Wan had let hard words, would rather die, do not tell me this?"
Feng housekeeper hollow laugh: "I do not know about it?"
Lynn certainly do not know.
Yu came out from the palace, Lynn Bell Wan that this should go a trip, but
then I thought, and felt no need.
This time the trouble Yu amnesty movement is great, but it is to ask a small
Chung Wan and is said to myself, "no critical event, do not come to me."
Is this sort of event?
Yu got a pardon does not speak the truth, at first not clear, put up by people
on the ground, want to make a sign language will not work, bully dumb
speechless, if able to open, an hour before their own will be able to come out
Lynn did not mind the slightest guilt, to a bell Wan nickname, do yourself to
go again Oibara? That's not crazy?
Lynn rubbed his aching shoulder is pressed, and then went to Liu Wan.
Yu Do Palace courtyard, his mouth still talking about the TV drama Yu
pardon the word, a moment suddenly asked: "? I heard that, or else become
Jin Xuan"
Xuan Jin, Chong Andi's three princes.
Feng housekeeper bow: "Yes, that is only a breath hanging between the two
in March, I do not know which day we should be afraid ......"
Feng housekeeper in a low voice, "Rites there, have been prepared under."
Yu amnesty face lightly, but not half minutes grief.
"A few days before the Princess Royal to visit the palace, the empress said
Xianfei crying eyes to be blind, the empress Bitter, raised thirty years, the
three Highness did not leave a child and half female, white-haired man now
sent hair ...... well, Xianfei empress said three Highness if I had not, and she
did not live. "von butler regret," Princess persuade a moment, but evidently
...... advised not moving. "
"Pretty good." Yu pardon look natural, "This is not also raised thirty years
yet? Emperor's son, he is the longest of the number of life."
"Hey!" Von Butler frown, "Seiko say it is!"
"I say the truth ah."
Yu amnesty dwarf sat back on the couch, leaning against the soft pillow
looking out the window for a moment and said: "? Other people, the oldest
was twenty-three ...... not do better than him."
Feng housekeeper to listen to this, interrupted amnesty Yu said: "It was three
princes from the womb weak born sickly, others ...... others are not so!."
"Yes ah, the first three are sick to go, perhaps next in relation to a violent
death?" Asked Yu Feng general amnesty nice chat housekeeper, "hey, you say,
the next one is declared z, or ......"
"Seiko!" Von butler really anxious, "how to say poured out of it!"
Yu amnesty whispered and laughed.
Feng Yu housekeeper stared fiercely a pardon, amnesty for Yu poured a cup
of hot tea over.
Yu amnesty took the tea cup, slowly: "I've heard ...... the woman, before his
death had been screaming curse, life and call day and night."
Feng Yu wait to pardon butler mouth stuffed, "first drink it."
Yu amnesty down to drink a cup of tea, slowly road, "Ghost wide open days,
so call the day and night, should be very scary, right? You say they are afraid
Feng housekeeper shortness of breath two, did not speak.
Yu amnesty pointedly asked him: "Do you know what she cursed?"
Feng Yu looked at the housekeeper almost pleading amnesty, "Do not ......
Stop it!"
Yu amnesty nodded with a smile: "Well, you do not want to hear, I do not
Yu amnesty gradually restrained smile, said, "You go to recover from, I'm
tired and want to squint for a while."
Von Butler is not assured of the promise, before you go, give amnesty Yu
ordered a cone benzoin.
Yu amnesty close your eyes, really soon fell asleep.
Dream, Yu pardon I do not know how many times to see the woman.
A woman dressed in red, sitting on the bed, right arm around a baby, left
hand pulled the bed nets, hoarse crying.
"...... You snake in the grass, to do evil things to do, hurt me so far!"
"I curse you do a lifetime loner!"
"I curse relatives could break when you were born, died without incense, no
offspring! Leaving no one blood !!!"
Baby arms woman is crying and scared, the woman looked down at his arms
a child, his hands trembling, laughing and crying, frantic terrible.
"And you ha ha ...... ...... ...... there you little evil creature."
Crimson eyes of the woman suddenly raised their children, life and fell to the
ground ......
Yu amnesty dream can seem heartbreaking to feel that pain, his brow
wrinkled up tightly, between the little amount of oozing cold sweat.
The baby was thrown to the ground, and sometimes off the gas in general, do
not cry out, woman startled for a moment, then threw himself on the ground to
the general mad, grabbed the baby look, the mouth is also repeated: "no
offspring, the child must Sun never ...... "
Yu amnesty slender fingers pinch into the cushion, the white finger, after a
long time before break free from the nightmare.
Yu general amnesty collapse a cold sweat, his breathing heavy, haggard
looking out the window, after a stick of incense, Yu amnesty seems to have
come to understand but just dreaming it.
Yu Yan squeezed his eyebrows fiercely and closed his eyes again. I wonder
if it was because of the benzoin. After a while, he fell asleep again.
The nightmares of the geniuses were linked.
In a dream, a woman in a red dress usually holds her baby in her arms,
shaking it gently, tears falling down, "Child ... mother's good child ... don't
die, don't die ..."
The baby was so fatal that he still took a breath, took a moment, and cried
The woman was happy at first, and then looked at the baby in her arms in
horror. The broken fingertips of the nails trembled slightly, and they were
slowly pinched around the baby's slender neck.
There was a rush of footsteps from outside the house. The woman was crazy
and her fingertips tightened instantly ...
Yu Juanyu sat up, like a drowning man, and coughed for a long time.
Yu Yan got up and drank half of the cold tea, and his face was a little better.
Yu Yan sneered, not ready to sleep anymore.
I feel that with this effort, it would be better to figure out how to trick Zhong
Wan out and use the thing of the small name ... to tease him.
Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan, who had no knowledge of it, was miserable.
While looking at the book, he dealt with Xuan Rui Xuan Yu and Xuan
The three brothers and sisters were about to discuss something together, and
they came together together now, it seemed that they wanted to inquire
Xuan Cong said that she was the only female family member in the Qian'an
Palace. She should take care of the family and ask about marriage and
marriage. It is not embarrassed to say, "She ... can her family be clean?"
Zhong Wan nodded, coping blindly: "Innocent, innocent."
Xuan Congxin euphemistically said, "Is the door high?"
Zhong Wan said vaguely: "Not low ..."
Xuan Congxin hesitated for a moment and carefully probed: "Shouldn't let
you be redundant?"
Zhong Wan froze and waved.
Xuan Congxin was relieved, and only hoped that Xiaoxiong would pass
through the door as soon as possible, and she would have a companion.
Xuan Congxin asked again, "Can you help manage the family business?"
Zhong Wan hesitated: "Maybe ... but you don't need him? When Wang Ye
marries Princess Qian'an in the future, she owns the princess to take care of
him, and she can't take him."
Xuan Yu still cares most about when Zhong Wan can return to Qian'an. "When
can you set a date?"
Zhong Wan hesitated, "This ... I'm afraid it won't be fixed first."
Xuan Congxin frowned: "Why?"
Zhong Wan laughed: "He is not necessarily happy ..."
Xuan Rui was horrified: "She is of such age ... you are still unwilling to
marry you? What is she dissatisfied with ?! Are you stingy at the gift? This is
unnecessary, let ’s go to the house Although it has fallen, it is not impossible
to come up with a decent gift. Don't shrink your feet and let people take it
lightly. "
"It has nothing to do with the gift ..." Zhong Wan bitterly, turned a page, and
said casually, "I think it's because I'm short."
The three took a breath.
"How can she do this?" Xuan Cong couldn't help picking. "She's nine feet
tall, and we didn't feed them! I suppose you're short? So what is she looking
for? Taller than you How much can it be? It ’s not me who is mean, she will
look for another ten-footer. In the future, the children will go taller one by
one and go out as a family.
Xuanrui conceived and worried: "It's not good. According to her mind, you
can only find someone who is taller than your own. Then your child will pass
on this way from generation to generation, and his height will become higher
and higher, afraid that it will be different from ordinary people. In the future,
if your Zhong family comes out at will, one of them will be about ten feet tall,
which will make people look sideways ... "
Xuan Yu said in horror: "Isn't this creating a kind of person by birth? Right!
It's the kind in Shan Hai Jing! Boss boss!
Xuan Cong gave a glance at Xuan Yu's poor academic performance, "praising
his father day by day."
Xuan Yu slaps her legs, "Yes! Kuafu! She also wants her children and
grandchildren to chase the sun!"
Xuan Cong said: "Persuade her, what's the end of chasing the sun?"
Xuanrui frowned: "Great joy, don't say anything unlucky!"
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan put down the Great Eastern Wilderness in his hand and sighed.
What the **** is this ... 2k novel reading network
Chapter 17:
As the Wanshou Festival approaches, the body of the three princes Xuan Jin
is not as good as the day.
On the day of rain, according to the old rules, the ancestors would bring the
red silk into the palace and go to the house banquet with Chong An Emperor,
but the night before, something happened to the third prince Xuan Jin.
"It is said by the emperor, remembering that His Royal Highness the Three
Princes, I have to leave the palace as soon as possible today, go to the Third
Prince's Mansion to see the Three Princes, have a family feast with him, and
then go back to the palace to accompany the royal family. Great decent, and
felt that the emperor personally visited, the three princes must be able to see
it, and went out to the palace a day in advance. "Feng steward said while
finishing the dress for Yu Jian," the three princes are sick, the concubines I
feel so disrespectful, hi ... one day in advance, people prepared medicated
soup and bathed and groomed the three princes.
The steward Feng took Yu Pei to put on Yu Yan, "The three princes said it
themselves, and felt comfortable, it would take a while, but who knows ... it
is a kung fu where people go out and get things, and the three princes are
actually smoky. He passed out and slid straight into that tub! The half-height
golden hoop tub was lying down, and then it was gone? "
The steward Feng picked up the fox fur that the servant had handed over and
wrapped up Yu Jue. "I don't know how long it has been, but anyway, I heard
that when people picked it up, their stomachs rose up. A few doctors cured
them for half an hour It ’s almost gone ... ”
Yu Yan took over the small hand stove handed to him by the servant, "It's
almost impossible to save it, right?"
"It's only this month." Feng steward sighed. "What do you mean by this? I
said before that I can survive the spring equinox, now it's OK ..."
Yu Yan sneered: "He shouldn't go to Xuan Jin."
When Feng Guanjia didn't hear it, he rectified the entire fox fur, "Shizi went
to the Three Princes' House and came back with his face exposed. This is not
a good place. There is a small pond in the garden of his house. The Huang
Quanshui was guilty of mischief, said the princess, and you will not be
allowed to come near the water for the whole year. "
"He obviously drowns himself in the bath tub ..." Yu said, stunned, and asked,
"Someone said that Xuan Jin had committed water?"
Feng steward pinched his lips, "There are even more evil ones, and some
people said that the three princes were okay. It was the female ghost at the
bottom of the tub that was pulling his foot ... Alas, most of the waiters were
afraid of being tied. Come on. "
Yu Yan gently rubbed his hand on the stove, and said, "Even if the servant
said so, why did the long princess follow it?"
Feng steward laughed: "What else can I do? I am worried about you, this
time you listen to the princess, this year, do not go where the water is."
"Yesterday." Yu Qian looked outside. "Where did the long princess rest?"
An outsider came in, bowed his head and said, "Returned son, last night the
princess took a rest at the princess house."
Yu Yan asked, "Where is the Lord?"
The servant replied: "Also in Princess House."
Yu Yan was clear, and waved his hand to let go.
On weekdays, Prince Yu and his two sisters-in-law lived in the Prince Yu's
Mansion, Princess An Guo lived in the Princess's Mansion, and Yu Jian
himself lived in the Prince Yu's Mansion. Several people did not disturb each
other. Only the Prince Yu occasionally rested in the Princess's Mansion.
The steward Feng did not understand what Yu Ju asked, and he tentatively
said, "What's wrong with Wangyesu in Princess Mansion? Do you think it is
Wangye who asked Princess Chang to remind you to keep you away from
Yu Yan did not say yes or no, and asked: "Do you think he would believe
such nonsense?"
Feng Guanjia 讪讪: "It's reasonable to believe that, but Wang Ye and the
Princess care about you so much, you have to believe it if you don't believe
it. Be careful to sail for ten thousand years. Wang Ye and the Princess are
afraid of something, you listen to me."
Yu Yanguaner: "The prince is in danger, why should you follow me? What's
the matter with me?"
Feng steward blushed, wondering, "Shizi ..."
"Okay, I won't say any more." Yu Yan commanded, "prepare your car."
Feng steward said: "Wait a moment, the princess is afraid that it has not been
freshed up yet. You can go to Princess Mansion later."
"I won't go with the long princess," Yu said, "I will go early and scare
The steward Feng anxiously said, "What's the matter! The princess said it
specially! There is living water in the pond in the three prince's house, so
only a thin layer of ice was formed in the middle of the winter, and it was
disturbing to think of it, and the princess was uneasy. You, let you go with her
back ... Shiko! "
Yu Yan did not listen, he left early.
Three Princes House.
The ancestors who came to visit the doctor were in constant flow, but most of
them could not enter the court of the third prince, and the chaos was messy
inside and out. Yu Yan walked across the court and looked away from the
third prince's court before leaving. Xuan z, Xuan z first came over
King Yu ’s house is the home of the fifth prince Xuan Qiong, so Yu Xun and
Xuan Z have been guarding each other since childhood, and they are not
After Xuanz grew up, his temperament became more impulsive, and Yu Juan
broke his skin and did not give anyone a face. Therefore, in recent years, the
two have completely torn their skins, and the routine imagination and
inferiority have disappeared.
"Yu Jin! What do you mean a few days ago?" Xuanz pushed away the person
who stopped him, and said furiously, "Your courage is getting bigger and
bigger! Capture the people in our house under the broad daylight! Who will
let you catch his!"
"Oh ... Lin Si." Yu Zhen remembered it and smiled, "He went back to sue
"He didn't say, I don't know ?!" Xuanz sneered, "Yu Ziyu ... other people hold
you, I don't hold you, you give me a story about this, otherwise I will attend
your Dali Temple One! I want to know, when did the people in Dali Temple
become the housekeeper in your house, but you were so sent! "
"So powerful ..." Yu Zhen glanced at Xuanz with a smile, "It really is
Xuan Zyi said: "What's different?"
"The status of the four princes is different now." Yu Zhen glanced at the third
prince's inner court. "If you walk away from the inside, you are the eldest son
of the emperor, and you can really beat me."
Yu Yan nodded, "It's not easy for so many years, congratulations."
"You ..." Xuanz was poked into heart, angrily into anger, "I never thought of it
that way! Besides, my third brother will be safe and sound!"
"I hope so," Yu said sincerely, "I look forward to his 100-year-old life longer
than you, otherwise it's really hard to tell who's next."
Yu Jiu turned and left, Xuanz was bluffed by Yu Jiu, hesitantly, "What do you
mean by this?"
"It's not interesting." Yu Zhen turned his head back. "For the sake of my
classmates that year, I'd like to persuade you, don't dream too well, don't
worry too soon."
"Wait a minute! You ... you stand by me!" Xuanz heard something from Yu
Yan's words, walked over to stop Yu Yan, "What do you mean? Do you ... Do
you also listen? Say……"
Yu Yan raised an eyebrow: "What did you hear?"
Xuanz didn't dare to say.
He also heard some rumors today.
He heard that the third prince Xuan Jin was caught in the water by a female
He heard that the ponds in Xuanjin Mansion were not clean.
He also heard people rumbling about old things, saying that Chong'an
Emperor was weak in his offspring, and most of his sons could not support
him ...
Xuan Jin is not okay, Xuan z is naturally faintly happy. Among the remaining
two sons of Emperor Chong An, if he can stay long, he will have another
But remembering that rumor, Xuanz was faint again.
Xuanz hurriedly asked, "What do you mean," Who's next? "!"
Yu Jian saw Xuanz's eyes flutter and was satisfied. "Literally, you don't
understand, are you stupid?"
After saying that, Xuanz still wanted to stop him. However, there were many
people in front of him, and it was not good-looking to drag and pull, and he
Xuanz looked at Yu Jian's back, and said fiercely, "You are a few months
older than me ... the round also turns you first!"
Xuanz originally came to find Yu Yu's troubles, but now she can't find the
trouble, but she is frightened by Yu Yu's, she has no mood, and hurries away.
On the other side, Zhong Wan, with Xuan Rui and Xuan Yu, entered the
Palace of the Three Princes in an orderly manner and followed the crowd
with everyone.
Xuan Rui was completely driven by the ducks. He didn't want to know how
Xuan Jin's condition was, but Jing Zhongzong came all in. He had to bring his
younger brother to charge himself. He frequently looked at the clock. Wan,
hesitantly said, "Willn't we let him in to see him? I won't even ... Xuan Yu
wouldn't speak, what should I do if I break the rules?"
"It's okay, Xuan Yu can't speak." Zhong Wan urged, "In this kind of day, no
one will notice you. When you go inside, you have someone in their house to
pick them up and follow them."
Xuan Rui knew that Zhong Wan's identity was definitely inaccessible, but
nodded helplessly, and pulled Xuan Yu into it.
Zhong Wan walked to the inverted house and watched a few red plums.
Zhong Wan originally had a little expectation, hoping that the three princes
could spit their breath and support for two more months. Rong Xuanrui and
then they lost their breath after returning to Qian'an. It never occurred to him
that he almost drowned himself.
"Is that Master Zhong?"
Zhong Wan turned around and a servant bowed and said, "The villain is the
servant of the Princess Long Palace."
Zhong Wan recognized the waist card on the servant and nodded slightly, "I
don't know ..."
"Master Zhong, don't worry." The servant smiled mildly. "The princess was
with the concubine lady just now. When she saw Queen Qian'an, she talked
about old things, because Master Zhong lived in Yu Wangfu for a while.
When the long princess heard that Master Zhong was here, she asked the
villain to come and say she wanted to see her. "
Zhong Wan hesitated for a moment, took a purse out of his sleeve with a
smile, and pulled up the servant's hand, "I don't know why the princess is so
interested, is it our lord ..."
"Don't dare." The servant hid his side and refused, "We don't have such rules
in our princess house, the villain must not accept the master's stuff."
Zhong Wan also knew that Princess An Guo had a good rule, and nodded
helplessly: "I'm sorry to ask the little housekeeper to lead the way."
The servant stood up and took Zhong Wan into the inner court.
At that time, when living in the palace of Yu Wang's Mansion, Zhong Wan
saw that Yu Jian did not like Wen Guogong's granddaughter, and in
Qizhenxuan, he pretended to be stupid, and scared away Wen Guogong's
Gongwen Wenguo stepped down in good faith on the grounds that "little
daughters are inferior to each other and fear that the sons and daughters will
overcome each other."
Princess An Guo was furious, and sent someone to Abbot Wan to go to the
princess's house to see for themselves what kind of cow, ghost, and snake
god, but the comer didn't even enter the Yufu Mansion House.
Yu Jin himself ordered that no one except him be admitted to another
From then until Zhong Wan left Yu's Mansion House, Princess An Guochang
never saw Zhong Wan's side.
Zhong Wan smiled bitterly, and finally I can see it today, new hatred and old
hate, let's count together.
The servant took Zhong Wan for a long time, and finally went to the inner
courtyard. The servant stopped outside the courtyard and said, "The villain
can't go inside, please Master Zhong go in by yourself."
Zhong Wan nodded: "There is work."
Zhong Wan straightened his clothes and entered the room ...
When Zhong Wan entered the house, he covered his mouth and pressed it
against the wall.
Zhong Wan's pupils dilated instantly, and she was about to fight back. She
suddenly took a sip, and was discouraged. She did not struggle.
Yu Yan locked Zhong Wan's arm and smiled: "I'm sorry, I lied to you ... but
not in the name of the long princess, you're afraid you won't come here
There was a bit of fire in Zhong Wan's heart, and she wanted to bite Yu's
Yu Yan turned his back to Zhong Wan, leaned his head to look at his face, and
whispered, "... Baby?"
Chapter 18:
Zhong Wan's eyes trembled slightly, his face faded into a layer of blood, and
he struggled hard, angrily, "What happened to Lin Si ?!"
Yu Jin: "..."
Zhong Wan struggled to turn around, "He's a dumb man, what can you do for
him ?! Where have you locked him ?! How is he now?"
Yu Yan was shaken by Zhong Wan, and then he held Zhong Wan's arm.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan with a word inexhaustible, and said slowly, "I
felt sorry for you for a while."
Zhong Wan didn't understand. He frowned and asked in a low voice, "What
punishment did you use against him?"
Yu Yan took a deep breath. "If I said, I didn't touch any of his hair, would you
believe it?"
Zhong Wan insisted: "I don't believe it!"
Yu Yan had a complex expression. "So, I feel more sorry for you."
Zhong Wan froze completely. "Why do you say that? What the **** ...?"
"Although you won't believe it, I still have to refute it for myself." Yu Yan
released Zhong Wan and turned and sat down. "I caught him, but there was
only one hour before and after. How he came in again Why did you go out
without any harm? "
Zhong Wan watched Yu Ju with vigilance: "What did you do to him at this
hour? No use of punishment, that is a threat? What did you threaten him? Did
you threaten him with me?"
"Don't talk, don't talk ..." Yu Jian couldn't listen, interrupted Zhong Wan, and
gave him a merciful glance. "The more anxious you are, the more distressed I
Zhong Wan was confused.
Yu Yan bowed his head and sipped tea, and said for a while: "No threat, I
asked, he answered, that's all."
Zhong Wan died and didn't believe it.
Yu Yan smiled, "Then I can't help it, you don't believe what I said, wait for
you to go back and ask him yourself."
This is natural.
Leaving here for a while, Zhong Wan must first make sure that Lin Si is all
right to rest assured.
Yu Yan raised his eyebrows at Zhong Wan, with great interest: "To be honest,
he answered so simply. I originally suspected that the dumb dog was lying to
me, but it looks like you ... it should be true. "
Zhong Wan only then thought of being ashamed. He tried his best to keep his
face cold and whispered, "I don't call that anymore."
"Princess Ning has gone, no one will call your nickname," Yu Yan said
kindly, "but if you miss, I can call you this in the future ..."
Zhong Wan's ears were red, "Unforgettable Yu Wang is here to show you
Yu Yan took care of herself for a while.
Zhong Wan watched Yu Jie alertly, and asked, "Yu Xiaoye spent so much
thought to cheat me here just to joke my nickname?"
Yu Yan said unabashedly, frankly, "Yes."
Zhong Wan was dizzy with qi.
Yu Yanle was enough, waved his hands, "You go."
Zhong Wan hesitated.
In these days, Zhong Wan, disturbed by the news from Xuanzhuang, was
uneasy. He always wanted to find a chance to show Yu Yan a sigh of relief,
and let him be careful. It was not easy to see Yu Yan once, Zhong Wan didn't
want to waste it .
But Xuan z could not be sold. Zhong Wan had a bit of old relationship with
Xuan z, and there was a Lin Si in between.
Zhong Wan decided to pit Xuanqiong.
"Shizi ..." Zhong Wan considered the tone, "The other day, I discovered a
royal secret from the Five Princes' Mansion."
Yu Yan looked up: "Xuanqiong?"
Zhong Wan nodded. "It's about Shizi."
The smile on Yu Yan's face faded, "What's the secret?"
Zhong Wan secretly squeezed a sweat, and bowed his head, "It's about the
life of the son."
The smile on Yu Yan's face completely disappeared, and he put down the tea
cup, "Get out."
The reminder of Yu Jin has already been reminded that Yu Jin is very clever,
needless to say nonsense, as long as he brings out his life experience, Yu Jin
will naturally be vigilant and beware of Xuan Qiong.
Zhong Wan's goal has been achieved, turn around and leave.
Yu Yan suddenly said: "Stop!"
Zhong Wan stopped.
Yu Yan held his fingertips on the mahogany armrests, as if he was patient, and
asked after a while: "What do you know?"
Zhong Wan thought, shouldn't you ask Xuan Qiong what was found?
Zhong Wan didn't know what Yu Zhen really feared, so he avoided it and
said: "From the news uploaded by the Five Princes' House ... Shizi may not
be from Princess An Guochang."
Yu Zhen sneered scornfully, his expression a little stingy.
Zhong Wan was afraid that Yu Yan would neglect this incident and thought
again: "The five princes are afraid that they are suspicion ... the emperor is
born to the emperor."
"This kind of nonsense has existed since I was young." Yu Zhen didn't care
much, "Xuan Qiong and his mother-in-law have been worried about this, I
Zhong Wan really couldn't see Yu Jue, "Then you don't worry about it? Once
the three princes are gone, you guess Xuan Zuan Qiong will fight with each
other, or will you settle your alliance first?"
"It depends on how Xuanz considers it." Yu Ai thought and didn't want to say,
"I and Xuanqiong are standing behind Wang Yufu. If Xuanz solved me first,
Yu Wangfu will become Xuanqiong completely Xuanz ’s arms, so that in the
future one-on-one battle, Xuanz will not take any advantage, but if Xuanqiong
is solved first ... ”
Zhong Wan interfaced: "You can never join forces with him. Xuan Zhan is
occupying the title of" eldest son ", and it is unlikely that he will defeat Xuan
"Smart." Yu Yan knocked on the table, "So the most dilemma right now is
Xuanz, why should I worry?"
Zhong Wan frowned: "What if he really teamed up with Xuan Qiong ?!"
Yu Yan simply said, "Come on, I don't care."
Zhong Wan anxiously said, "You just trust the emperor to keep you?"
"Of course I don't believe it." Yu Qian laughed. "I don't care, not about them,
but my life and death."
Zhong Wan is angry, this person ...
"I'm just a lunatic." Yu Jiu looked at Zhong Wan with a smile and said, "Don't
you already know?"
Zhong Wan buzzed in his head, and he said arduously, "Shizi ... your life ... is
it your own?"
The smile at Yu Jie's mouth didn't reach his eyes. He looked at Zhong Wan
and asked, "What about it? Is it yours?"
After Zhong Wan's serious illness, all his anger and anger will make him
palpitated. His face is a bit bad, and he re-exports: "The body is skinned, and
the parents ..."
Yu Jiun laughed out loud.
Zhong Wan settled down, "You say that, you already know your life? You ..."
"I'm analyzing it for you according to your intentions." Yu Jian was not in the
habit, "You have identified me as the illegitimate son of the emperor, haven't
Zhong Wan shook his head: "I'm not sure, but I vaguely think ... you know."
Yu Yan nodded: "Naturally."
After waiting for Zhong Wan to speak, Yu Zheng said, "But I won't tell you."
Zhong Wan originally wanted to find a chance to persuade Yu Jin to agree to
stay in Beijing, but now she is very wary of Yu Jing, and there is no trust
between the two, she hurriedly spoke, Yu Jin only felt that she had other
This matter can only be slowly figured out.
Zhong Wan bowed his head: "This is nature."
"Although I don't know who you are for, but since you kindly reminded me, I
also told you one thing." Yu Yan knocked on the desktop. "Unsurprisingly ...
There will be some rumors of ghosts and gods in the near future, some
people think With this incident, you can tell the dumb dog to tell Xuan Zui to
shrink back, don't make an accident, or ... he won't be able to fight with
others, and he will be used as a miracle. "
Yu Yan didn't seem to want to talk any more, and waved his hand: "All that is
said, you go."
Zhong Wan turned and left.
Unsurprisingly, as Yu Yu expected, but two days, many rumors spread in
Zhong Wan and Lin Si sat in the study room of the King's Palace in Qian'an,
each writing a sketch, quietly.
Lin Sidao: Sure enough, some people turned over the old things and talked
about the sage masters of that year. The emperor was not right now, so the
princes could not keep one.
Lin Si was worried: He also said that the next victim must be the four
Zhong Wan wrote: What did Xuanz say?
Lin Si sighed: He got angry all day and said that the source of the rumors had
to be investigated strictly and killed a hundred. I discouraged him. He didn't
Zhong Wan wrote: Two birds with one stone.
Xuanz, if it wasn't happening at this moment, if you didn't take precautions, it
would be bad to be condemned if you were harmed. If he is very concerned,
rushing to picket is tantamount to acknowledging the "incorrect way of the
throne" in rumors and committing the taboo of Chong'an Emperor.
Zhong Wan frowned, and Yu Yan was said to be in a dilemma. It was Xuan Z.
Lin Si was a little anxious, gesture: What should I do?
"It must be impossible to check," Zhong Wan whispered. "The only thing that
can guarantee him now is the emperor. When the emperor is guilty, the fight
for reserve is really hopeless."
Zhong Wan looked up at Lin Si: "Isn't he listening to you? Persuasion."
Lin Si smiled bitterly, gestured: After persuading, when he returned from the
third prince's house that day, he declared that he was irritated and wrote the
names of the prince Yu and the five princes personally, and found out more
than a hundred pieces of porcelain, and pasted them one by one. Then find
such a thick stick!
Lin Si was bigger than a bowl, and Zhong Wan was startled: "What?"
Lin Si's sign language: roar, hit the porcelain with a stick, and yell again, hit
another porcelain, cycle ...
Zhong Wan was silent for a long time, and asked, "Has he deflated after the
Lin Si shook his head and made a gesture: No, because later he hit his hand,
and accidentally smashed a nine-ring glazed glass gifted by the emperor. The
glazed glass was very precious. The emperor had watched it before visiting
the house. The four princes were afraid. The emperor asked in the future,
remorseless, while scolding the five princes and Lord Yu Xiao, while
picking up the scum of the glass, a total of ... hundreds? Mixed in other
broken porcelain, like a needle in a haystack, when we came here, he was
still sorting.
Zhong Wan had a headache: "He used to have a bad relationship. Why isn't
his brain working now? Is it embarrassing to fight for reserves?"
Lin Si sighed, gesture: Is there anything else for the master? If it's okay, I'll go
back and sort one or two for him.
Zhong Wan nodded: "You go."
Lin Si thought of it again, and made a gesture: Master, Lord Xiaoyu so taboo
about life, will allow you to stay with you? If not ... you can go back to
"No." Zhong Wan thought and didn't want to say, "He naturally doesn't
believe me now, but I can't ignore ... hey, just casually, how many times will
he be humiliated?"
Lin Si said in accordance with Yu Yan's now cloudy and treacherous
temperament, fearing that it would not be as simple as "several shame".
Lin Wan has always been unable to persuade what Zhong Wan decided. He
sighed and turned to leave.
"Wait." Zhong Wan suddenly said, "There is one more important thing, I want
to ask you."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan seriously.
Zhong Wan Shen said: "The other day, did Master Yu Xiao catch you and ask
my nickname?"
Lin Si was indignant, and gestured: Grandpa Yu Xiao was arrogant and
unreasonable! He asked the owner of your nickname, and I will say it
immediately! However, he came up to hold me, I was dumb, could not speak,
and suffered for a long time.
Zhong Wan looked desolate and waved his hand: "You are wronged ... you
Lin Si straightened his head and left. 2k novel reading network
Chapter 19:
"Who did this word come from ..."
Zhong Wan lay on her couch and breathed a sigh of relief.
However, in a few days, rumors have drawn from the female ghost's order to
the Chong'an emperor's wrong way. Zhong Wan didn't believe that none of
them helped.
The direction of the rumors disturbed Zhong Wan.
When it comes to the throne of Emperor Chong'an, it will inevitably make
people think of King Ning, and when they think of King Ning, they will
inevitably bring up several people in Qian'an Palace.
Zhong Wan has been very diligent over the years, only wishing to keep
Xuanrui away from right and wrong, and never want to stir this muddy water
But now, it seems that Chong'an Emperor has no other thoughts about
Xuanrui. Zhong Wan knows that Xuanrui does not want to show up, but
recently he forced him to go to the Three Princes' House every day like other
relatives, and Xuanrui was afraid. This is their best lifesaver.
No one knows what the rumors will be like next. Zhong Wan doesn't want to
take risks and calls Yan Pingshan.
Treating others, Zhong Wan directly said, "I want Xuanrui to return to Qian'an
as soon as possible."
Yan Pingshan seemed to have listened to a joke, "Before the Longevity
Festival, the three princes are out of breath, why do we go back early?"
Yan Pingshan thought for a moment, "You are not assured because of the
rumors? That's too careful, right? Where would anyone want us?"
"No care." Zhong Wan shook his head. "The situation in central Beijing is
turbulent, and who knows which undercurrent will be planted?"
In case of another son of Emperor Chong'an, Zhong Wan is not sure whether
the elderly Emperor Chong'an will turn his attention to the Qian'an palace.
Yan Pingshan hesitated, "Do you think the emperor's prince really will have
"I don't know, I hope not." Zhong Wan frowned. "But I always feel that there
are hands silently pushing something."
Yan Pingshan was confused: "What to push?"
Zhong Wan is also unclear, but since he knew about one or two points of Yu
Jian's life, Zhong Wan has always been insecure, otherwise he would n’t fight
again and miserable Lu Chu
These words can't be told to Yan Pingshan, Zhong Wan discussed: "I want to
give Xuan Rui some medicine to make him sick, do you think it's OK?"
Yan Pingshan shouted, "What medicine? You ... you let the king eat?"
"Of course it won't hurt me too much." Zhong Wan reluctantly, "If I get sick, I
can go back for some reason. Naturally, I won't let him suffer this crime. I'm
here, but ... I'm a bowl now. They won't be able to go any further. "
Yan Pingshan dissatisfied, "Speak well!"
Zhong Wan smiled and continued, "The two little ones are too small to mess
around, so ... let Xuanrui suffer."
Yan Pingshan hesitated, "Pretending to be ill?"
Zhong Wan shook his head: "As soon as Xuanrui is sick, the emperor will
inevitably send someone to look at it, and if he cannot pretend, if it is found,
it will be a big deal."
"Three minutes of illness, just pretend to be ten minutes. At that time, Xuanrui
could not stand the severe cold in the north, and asked the emperor to let us
go back to Qian'an to raise it. Bacheng could go."
Yan Pingshan's eyes widened: "Bacheng?"
Zhong Wan smiled: "How can there be any real thing? You prepare the
medicine first, I will discuss with Xuanrui to see what he means."
"Okay, but ..." Yan Pingshan suddenly remembered something. "Don't you go
back to Qian'an with the grandfather? How did I hear that ... what do you
want to stay here to say?"
"Say pro?" Zhong Wan asked back, then turned back and laughed at himself,
"Yes ... is to say pro."
"What kind of demon are you doing? How long does it take you to talk about
a pro? How long do you want to stay?" Yan Pingshan is the old housekeeper
of Ning Wangfu. He is more aware of marriage and funeral than Zhong Wan.
It's not like those little foolish ones, "Which one are you talking about? You
can't say it yourself? Have you got a matchmaker? You don't have an elder,
who will handle it for you? How do people say it?"
Zhong Wan was not able to answer a question asked by Yan Pingshan,
perfunctoryly said: "Not so many manners, no elders, no matchmaker ..."
"So how ?! Or you can't say it down." Yan Pingshan was dissatisfied. "You
are so rude, and it's a good thing to ignore someone else. It's a good thing that
someone didn't call you out! Ming media is marrying. How can you do that?
Tell me which one I'll handle for you ... "
"No." Zhong Wan didn't know the details of the marriage, and he just braced
his head and proceeded to compile. "Moreover, it's not that Ming Media is
marrying ..."
Yan Pingshan's eyes widened, "You don't know what the matchmaker is
marrying ?! Do you have to abduct someone ?!"
Zhong Wan troubled and said, "No! I ... I'll take a poke, how can there be so
many things?"
"Oh." Yan Pingshan nana, "It turned out to be a little boy ... you're not too
young, it's time to find someone to serve you, how about that woman? Where
is it? How old is it? Will it hurt others?"
Zhong Wan had a head larger than two, and had an excuse to discuss with
Xuan Rui and ran away.
In the main house of the Qian'an Palace, Xuan Rui walked back and forth
uneasily, worried: "I ... I took the medicine, what if I can be seen?"
"No," Zhong Wan said comfortably. "It's no different from ordinary chills,
and doctors can't see it."
Xuan Rui asked again, "Is it harmful to the body?"
"Isn't there any major damage?" Zhong Wan recalled, and said, "It should be
nothing. I have eaten several times before, and it looks scary, but as long as I
stop taking the medicine, I can raise it for half a month."
Xuanrui looked at Zhong Wan, and was even more at ease: "You ..."
Zhong Wan said funnyly, "My body is not working now, but I am not taking
this medicine. I lie to you ..."
"Why so many words!" Xuan Congxin made a needle and thread in his heart.
After hearing it for a while, he couldn't help but said impatiently across the
screen, "Bring the medicine, I'll take it for you!"
Xuan Rui was such a mother-in-law's temperament. She was not angry when
she was trained by her sister and sister, but frowned, "When did you come?
It's nothing for you, go back to your own room!"
Xuan Cong heard the words more angry, and said angrily, "Don't you tell me,
let me be a fox for you ?!"
Zhong Wan laughed and rounded the field. "I'll take the lady back to the
Xuan Congxin threw the needle and thread in his hand and stood up and
followed Zhong Wan and left.
Xuan Cong's heart was on fire, and he whispered to Zhong Wan while
walking, "You might as well discuss it with me directly."
Zhong Wan walked behind Xuan Congxin's body and raised his hand to make
a imaginary comparison. He was surprised that Xuan Congxin had grown a
lot taller than Xuan Yu.
"What medicine is it? You can bring it in a while, and I'll take it."
"Don't tell Xuanyu, he can't hide anything in his heart, let him think I'm really
"Zhong Wan?"
Zhong Wan turned back and laughed: "What are you talking about, where are
your two brothers? Where can I get you?"
Xuan Cong was annoyed, "Did you talk to him?"
"Master Wang is just careful. He eats too much from snacks and is scared."
Zhong Wan whispered, "From your heart, don't say that to your brother."
Xuan Cong gave Zhong Wan a glance, and said coldly, "Yes, he has suffered
more than you. He has been so frightened for so many years. How pathetic."
Zhong Wan sighed.
Zhong Wan regretted that he was too young and did not know about
personnel. After taking a few children to Qian'an, he didn't know that he
would ask a few uncles to bring Xuan Congxin.
At that time, Zhong Wan was still a half-old child, and he was careless and
worried about the tired and tired, so he put the two young children in the
same place, where they went, and raised them together until Xuan Congxin
was seven years old. When Xuan Yu could be pressed to the ground for
lessons, Zhong Wan was surprised that there was a female dependent to teach
this girl, and Lin Si was asked to send her old man from Beijing to Qian'an,
but it was too late.
Xuancong had the same appearance as Princess Ning, but his temperament
and the premature death of the princess were heaven and earth.
After Xuan Congxin was mean to his elder brother, he didn't say any more,
and said for a while: "When did you say you took that medicine when you
were a kid?"
Zhong Wan said: "At the age of sixteen."
"It's not much bigger than me." Xuan Congxin was relieved. "If you are too
lazy to talk nonsense with my elder brother, it is better to delay the medicine
than to delay. And ..."
Zhong Wan looked down at Xuan Congxin.
Xuan Cong calmed for a moment, and looked down and said, "My elder
brother is weak and dull, and I'm afraid that what I say will always stab your
heart. Don't chill, I understand in my heart, how much hardship did you have
for us that year."
"People can't just take their own lives, don't take the lives of others?" Xuan
Cong's eyes were reddish. "I'm not a person who doesn't know any good
people, and I know what it means." Just a little bit of heart, it is
incomparable to what you did for us before, and it is useful to you, you say,
do n’t always treat me as a child, okay? ”
Zhong Wanfang didn't really care at all, but when Xuan Congxin said this, his
heart suddenly softened.
Zhong Wan nodded, "OK."
Xuan turned from his heart and continued to walk to his own hospital. Then
he asked, "What kind of symptoms did you take that medicine before? How
long afterwards? Who cares in the middle? Is it proper?"
"Symptoms are the same as ordinary wind and cold, and they are fierce ..."
Zhong Wan remembered the past, and his mouth slightly bent. "My friends
take good care of me, and I am very good ..."
Yu Wangfu's house, Yu Jian slightly discomfort pressed the tip of his nose.
Yu Yan took a sip of tea, his face was somber, "You continue to say."
The family would kneel on the ground on one knee, saying nothing: "They eat
dinner together in their house, and the old housekeeper is on the sidelines.
The old housekeeper said that the navy should not be too casual, I prepare
Okay, a gift. I've already done it. Come back and see. "
"Miss is surprised, she said not to marry a wife? Why was she accepted
"King Qian'an said that it's better to be a young man at this age and such a
"Then the old housekeeper asked, what age and what size? Why do you all
"Little Master said, Xinyi is nine feet tall, very old, with a strong personality,
standing upright, and arrogant. Xu is a descendant of Kuafu."
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Jueyan stared at his spy, "Are you kidding me?"
The spy didn't vomit a bitter bitterness. He died for many years for Yu Jin.
He was born and died. It was because of his own scar that he got into today's
position. Now I do n’t know why he was sent to listen to such a trivial
matter. Lost Yu Yu's trust for many years!
How did he know why Zhong Wan was so good at marrying his father? !!
The spy kneeled down on both knees: "If there is a fabrication, the villain is
willing to be crowned by five thunders!"
The spy said that if he pulled out the short knife in his waist, he would stab
his own leg, and Yu Jian waved his hand, "No more."
The short knife landed, and Tiehan also cried: "Shizi ..."
Yu Jindan said indifferently, "Go and find out, which **** is the descendant
of that boasting father." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 20:
Yu Jin called to Feng's housekeeper and gave an explanation. He said, "Go
and find out what he wants."
Feng steward was also confused, he asked carefully: "Shizi ... Is there any
misunderstanding among them?"
Yu Zheng coldly said, "What misunderstanding?"
Feng steward carefully analyzed: "Since ancient times, there were a lot of
small doors and small households who used their own surnames to forcibly
drag on the saints' doors in ancient times. Anyway, there is no trace back, but
they put gold on their faces. But ... the old slave was the first time to hear
someone show off, and he was a boast of his father's descendants. "
"In the first place, it is unknown whether the characters in Kuafu's
Shanhaijing are really there, unless the woman is really tall and terrifying,
otherwise she cannot be trusted."
"Secondly, Kuafu is not a sage. He insists that he is his descendant ... and he
may not be able to raise his value. It would be nice to be a homemaker if he
was recruited into Fuzhong. It would not be a strength. . "
Yu Yan said indifferently: "Maybe there is nothing but burly, but there is
nothing to seduce a man."
Feng steward pondered Yu Jian's heart and said, "Indeed, this example of
prestige can't be opened. Today, she said that she is a descendant of boasting
her father. Tomorrow another said that she is a descendant of Pangu. Two
days later, she said she was The descendants of Chang'e, the descendants of
Mengpo, and the descendants of Guan Shiyin ... what is this? If you don't
marry an ancient demon, you won't be able to marry someone. What will
happen to the ghosts and demons gathered in Beijing in the future? ! "
Yu Yan had a headache for a while: "Stop talking."
Feng steward closed his mouth and re-transmitted, "Master Zhong must have
been fooled. When we find out, tell him first!"
Yu Yan rubbed his eyebrows anxiously, what a mess ...
"Speaking of ghosts and gods." Feng steward whispered, "I'm about to talk to
the son of the family, the news just came out in the palace at night, there is
another family clan who drove the drowning of the three princes to the ghost
and god, all Sin for conspiracy. "
Yu Qian smiled: "The emperor is finally in a hurry?"
Butler Feng pressed his throat: "I have made several fires, but I can't say this
clearly, otherwise there are more people who can only secretly let out the
wind and shock one or two."
Yu Jian ’s confidant was not only Feng ’s housekeeper. Many of the outside
affairs were directly delivered to others by Yu ’s housekeeper. Feng ’s
housekeeper did n’t know much, but Feng ’s housekeeper slowly said, “Who
is this ... What about? "
Yu Yan heard the stewardship of Feng steward, with a bit of irony in his
eyes, "Not me."
Feng steward said busyly: "It's the old slave confused."
"If I were to do this, I would never take it lightly," Yu said, "What is the
emperor most afraid of now?"
The steward Feng thought for a while and replied: "It must be that the prince
is in trouble again. If something really happens, it seems ... it seems ... the
emperor's wrong way is true."
Yu Yan asked, "Which prince is he most afraid of?"
Feng steward hesitated: "Four ... Four Princes?"
Yu Yan sneered.
Housekeeper Feng wiped the sweat on his forehead, his voice was inaudible:
"You ..."
"What he is most afraid of now is that I have an accident." Yu Yan's voice
was as usual, without lowering the score by half. "Xuanz Xuanqiong figured
it out, at most, more people can make use of what the masters said that year,
but they can How? What evidence can this be? And even if the princes are
dead, no one can shake the emperor. "
The steward Feng heard it, and nodded, "Yes ..."
"I'm different."
Yu Yan lowered his head and smiled. "At this juncture, something happened
to me, so that more disgusting old things could be implicated. If I manipulate
this behind the scenes, the first thing I can't let go is myself."
Yu Yan looked out the window and said easily: "Are the ponds in our yard
The steward Feng did not know why Yu Yan suddenly asked this, and
truthfully said, "Not yet."
"This pond is connected to the living water outside, and the frozen ice layer
will not be very thick." Yu Yan said quietly, "You said I stepped on it ... will
it break the ice layer?"
The steward Feng was terrified and busy: "The old slave was just talking
nonsense! Of course, this thing has nothing to do with the world, you ... don't
think blindly!"
Yu Yan looked as usual: "I didn't think about it, I just thought that if I drowned
in the ice cave at midnight, it would be very interesting."
Feng Guanjia's anxious foreheads are all out. Others may only say this when
they say this, but in front of him, he had been eating cold food for half a year,
carrying someone else, and was almost killed by frost poison!
Yu Zhen said: "Actually when the princess asked you to tell me to stay away
from the water that day, I thought about it."
Butler Feng anxiously said, "You! You ..."
"Fun to you." Yu Qian laughed, "I don't want to go to sleep ice cave now."
Yu Yan remembered that he had just heard what the spy said, and his eyes
were dark. "I have to figure out what he wants to do."
The steward Feng was relieved and couldn't laugh or cry, "You are really ..."
The steward Feng wanted to laugh, thinking back to the days Yu Yu had lived
through all these years, and his heart suddenly became sore again.
"It would be best without this confusion," Feng steward said comfortably.
"It's not too early, Shizi rests first?"
Yu Jian nodded and got up to go to the bedroom.
The steward Feng was not assured. He was going to go out and could n’t
watch the night. He had to call a few homes in the future. He was asked to
strictly guard the windows and doors of Yu Yan ’s bedroom. , Must also
follow, stay in step.
The generals answered, but the steward Feng settled down and went out.
At the same time, the palace and the palace were brightly lit.
Chong'an emperor was sitting on the bed of Nuange, his face was somber and
his voice mute: "Will there be any other thoughts about Ziyu's child?"
Cabinet Minister Liang Qi sat on a small stool and shook his head gently.
"Unlike, Lord Yu Xiao is acting decisively. If he does this, the three princes
are afraid that they will not be dragged to death now."
In the eyes of Emperor Chong An, "Is that right? He thought of eating that kind
of thing that year, and I wondered if he had this idea and deliberately pierced
his heart."
Emperor Chong'an sighed wearily: "I asked him not to be too thin. Of these
children, only he was a painful child to a big one. In his early years ... he
even thought of recognizing him."
"You must not!" Liang Qi stood up and bowed, "Master Yu Xiao is of high
qualifications, but with a lonely temperament and behaves in a perverse
manner. If he has no contention for storage, it is okay if Lord Yu has this idea,
the emperor I confessed him rashly ... I was afraid that the four princes and
five princes would be harmed, and the country would be turbulent and the
world would be disturbed. "
Speaking of Xuanz and Xuanqiong, Chong'an Emperor's face was even
worse. "If they are both in the air, how could He move this mind? Son is not
Xiaofu ..."
"The two princes have just reached adulthood, and they can still teach them
slowly." Liang Qi worried that Chongan Emperor really acknowledged Yu
Jian because of his thin knees, and said, "Not to mention how difficult it is to
recognize the prince to calm down the internal and external doubts. In the
future, Grandpa Yu asked his mother, how could the emperor explain to him?
Emperor Chong'an lowered his eyelids. "It's just the old man in the house ..."
"If Lord Xiao Yu insists on asking?" Liang Qi thought hard and hesitated,
"Even if he doesn't ask, in the future ... if you want to make Prince Yu Yu the
Prince, the emperor will always give the relatives and inward ministers a
The accountant, otherwise the name is not upright and unsound, there are
always people who want to make trouble, naturally, the emperor may not
have set him up as a prince, then it has come back ... Master Yu Xiao, can the
other two princes? "
Emperor Chong'an leaned on the soft pillow and breathed a long breath.
"Don't recognize him, do you think he can tolerate those two?"
"Master Yu Xiao hasn't even thought about saving, and he is a man with a
different surname, whose name is not true or correct, as long as the emperor
doesn't recognize it, he can't break the storm." Liang Qi looked at Emperor
Chong An with a soft voice. After a little, "To protect the prince, if anything
happens in the future, as long as the emperor wins the heart, he can ..."
Emperor Chong'an opened his eyes suddenly, and said coldly, "Did you let
him yourself except him ?!"
Liang Qi knelt down.
The mansion was quiet for a long time.
Emperor Chong'an leaned back to the soft pillow and shook his head: "I have
no more sons ... he is the last thought of staying with the long princess. If
there is any future, no matter whether he wants it or not, it has to ... forget it
You get up. "
Liang Qi knew that Emperor Chong'an was reluctant and did not persuade
him further.
"Check it next." Emperor Chong'an said for a while, "I also don't think it was
done by Ziyi."
Liang Qi stood up, thought for a while and asked, "Emperor, about the birth
of Lord Yu Xiao ... Did he know all about himself?"
Emperor Chong'an said exhaustedly: "I knew it six years ago, I still
remember, I remember he broke through several palace bans, and went into
the deep palace with a falling snowy night, and here he asked him ..."
Liang Qi said, "Ask ... what?"
Emperor Chong An pressed the corner of his eyes, unbearable memories,
waved his hands to let Liang Qi go.
The **** outside the Nuange raised a thick curtain for Liang Qi and poured in
a cold wind. The elderly Chong'an emperor shrank and coughed.
In the middle of the night, Feng's housekeeper banged the door of Qian'an
Zhong Wan stumbled up and put on his clothes, and woke up half asleep,
Yan Pingshan shoved his hand stove into Zhong Wan's hand and quietly said,
"Feng steward of the Yuyuan Mansion." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 21:
Zhong Wan invited Feng's housekeeper into the small study room, and while
waiting for the tea, the two were relatively speechless. They accidentally
looked at each other and immediately opened their eyes.
Zhong Wan felt ashamed.
When he was young, it was not a thing. In the half year he lived in the palace
of Yu Wangfu, Zhong Wan didn't bother Feng's housekeeper.
The steward Yan personally made a pot of good tea and brought it up. Zhong
Wan gave him a wink, and the steward Yan took the other servants down.
Zhong Wan introspected his words and deeds recently. He didn't know what
offended Yu Jin, and sent him to the house in the middle of the night.
He also sent Feng Feng, who he was most afraid of, to curse himself?
Zhong Wan asked for tea and tentatively said, "But ... what is there to do,
Lord Yu Xiao?"
The steward Feng busy shook his head: "No, I deliberately stole it after the
son fell asleep."
Zhong Wan said that you were too unavoidable, and said honestly, "Oh, this."
The steward Feng asked Zhong Wan: "After the Longevity Festival, will
Master Zhong return to the land with King Qian'an?"
Zhong Wan didn't plan to go back, but said, "Naturally."
Feng steward sighed.
Zhong Wan took a sip of tea and said carefully: "Butler Feng thinks I'm too
Mr. Feng shook his head busy: "No, no, Master Zhong is more worried."
The steward Feng slowly said, "Master Zhong is going ... about to return to
Beijing, right?"
Zhong Wan nodded: "Natural."
The steward Feng's eyes were complicated. After a while, he said, "I have a
merciless invitation. I wonder if Master Zhong can look at the old slaves
who have taken care of you one or two, and take care of one or two?"
Zhong Wan said: "You said."
Mr. Feng thought about it for a long time, Zi Zi said with an old face, "If
Master Zhong is fine, can he ... live in Beijing for a while?"
Zhong Wan almost blurted out, but he swallowed in order to set Feng's
housekeeper's words, so as a saying: "Not good."
"I have no relatives in Beijing for a long time, and my status is embarrassing.
I often embarrassed each other when I met the deceased, and there was ..."
Zhong Wan looked to the steward Feng. You know about it, to be honest, I'm
afraid of him now. "
"I'm about to talk about Shizi." Feng steward smiled bitterly. "The Ming
people don't say anything secretly. The situation of Shizi these years ...
Master Zhong must already know something."
Zhong Wan's heart has turned for thousands of years, and her mouth is still
leaking: "I just heard that Shizi's temperament has changed a little, not as if
she was mild."
"It's more than that." Feng steward severed his gut, "I have a close
relationship with the young master, it is really difficult for the son to live to
this day ..."
Zhong Wan was anxious, and everything on her face was as usual, so she was
surprised: "The Lord Yu is blessed by the emperor, and the long princess and
Prince Yu are taken care of. Why?"
When Feng steward seemed to be stunned, he shook his head: "I don't know
what happened to the family, anyway ... Shizi can't just sit back now."
Zhong Wan frowned: "Can't just sit back and relax?"
"As long as the son is idle, he must have trouble." The steward Feng recalled
the past events and was still worried. "And every time there was a big noise
... A few years ago, the emperor took his relatives to autumn hunting, The
eldest princess was worried about Liu Ya's injury, and she was not allowed
to follow, guess what? "
Zhong Wan thought nothing good.
Feng steward later said, "Shizi fled away the people who followed him,
without a bow and arrow and a long sword, and took a dagger. He went into
the hunting ground by himself, and when he came out ... with all his blood,
fortunately only There was a slight injury, but no one knew what had
happened to him on the hunting ground alone, nor did he know if he could
have survived that time. "
"That year, in the princess's house, the garden was restored, and a three-
storey planted flower building was built. On the day of completion, even the
emperor went. The princess took care of the inside and outside. Regardless
of the last son, I do n’t know what the son saw or heard. He went up to the
top of the planted flower building, he was drunk and sat outside the handrail!
If he accidentally fell downstairs, the person would be gone! The princess
was scared and almost passed away. It ’s still our lord who calmed down
and let a few good guards slowly go upstairs and take the son down. "
"There is another time, where Shizi has nothing to do for many days. I heard
that a new snake tamer enters the Five Prince's Mansion. He went to the Five
Prince's Mansion to see the artist playing Quer Yuyu. Somehow, Shizi
himself I grabbed a poisonous snake and fiddled with it, biting it on my arm!
Fortunately, the snake venom could not kill people, and it was treated too
well by the doctor, otherwise ... the five emperors were reprimanded by the
emperor. "
"These things can't be finished. Seiko has been walking on the blade step by
step. If the emperor and the princess are not watching closely, I do n’t know
how much will happen, it is always the same ... As long as there is nothing to
do for days, Seiko must be So, old slaves ... frightened every day. "
Zhong Wan clutched the armrest of the chair, took a deep breath, and tried his
best to let his voice be more natural. "Master Wang Yu ... he doesn't care for
himself so much, why?"
The steward Feng picked up the cold tea and took a sip. His lips moved, but
he didn't say anything.
"You came to me today, and you have a little trust in me," Zhong Wan
whispered. "You asked me to help, I dare not quit, but I need to know how to
"Just give him something to do," Feng steward said busyly, "share his energy,
don't let him free up to torture himself!"
Zhong Wan hesitated, "Are you sure ... I can share his energy?"
"Yes!" Feng steward confirmed, "Surely! Master Zhong doesn't know, Shizi
is most true to you."
Zhong Wangan smiled and didn't believe it.
"You lifted me up."
Feng steward busy said: "This is true! Master can remember that time, the
Zhizhou named Shen went to Beijing to report his job? He came to the house
to fight the autumn wind, and Shizi really agreed to his request! Although
Nazhizhou left, Shizi issued I lost my temper and went to find the four princes
unhappy and quarreled with the four princes, but I can see that Shizi was very
comfortable in those days! "
Zhong Wan couldn't laugh or cry.
Yu Yan concealed for Zhong Wan in Beijing. He acquiesced in the private
affairs of the two people, which was a coward in Zhong Wan's heart. When
thinking of it, Zhong Wan was half-sour and bitter in heart. Very boring.
So self-motivated, why bother?
Zhong Wan looked up at Mr. Feng's housekeeper, cruelly, "then I have
something to ask ..."
Feng steward busy said: "Master, please."
Zhong Wan stepped out, "Zi he ... have you been friends with me?"
Feng steward urged: "You and Shizi spent the night and night ... don't you
know? Shizi was so good to you then, what the **** is ... don't you know?"
Zhong Wan shook his head.
Zhong Wan actually asked Yu Yan.
At that time, Yu Yan had just pushed the family affairs, Zhong Wan asked Yu
Yan side by side. This time, what should I do next time?
The young man Yu Yan naturally said: "This time, the hatchback is reluctant,
naturally push, if it is suitable next time, marry."
The teenager Zhong Wan said dryly: "Yes."
Zhong Wan kept this sentence in mind and never dared to think more about it.
My heart was very clear, somehow, I still wanted to ask again, Zhong Wan
said: "I know if he has that mind, I'm ... I'll take the right medicine."
Butler Feng thought it over carefully and patted the table. "I think it is."
Zhong Wan lifted his eyes, but Feng's steward could not hesitate to say
anything indecent, and said old-fashionedly, "In the first year of your journey,
Shizi has had a hard time, and he can hardly survive. Shizi drank wine one
day. Gu Zi said a few words and I heard them. "
Zhong Wan quickly said, "What did he say?"
"He says……"
The young man Yu Yan drunkenly sat on the ground, holding a small altar to
"No one wants me to live ... father, not mine, mother, not mine ... my father is
not mine, my mother is not mine, my brother is not mine, my sister is not mine
..." Drinking spirits, taking a sip, dumbly, "The people who return home ...
are not mine."
Feng steward disappeared the first few words and only told Zhong Wan the
last sentence.
Feng steward whispered: "The old slave remembers that the master is far
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and tilted her head to prevent Feng steward from
looking at herself.
It was you who said you were going to marry.
Zhong Wan calmed down for a while and nodded.
Feng steward had a bit of hope, saying: "So I thought that Shizi was reading
the name of the young master."
"And, and!" Feng steward remembered something again, anxiously, "I
knocked side by side the next day! Ask Shizi, do you regret letting Master
go? Are you reluctant to spend time with Master, you can't bear it, Shizi said
Butler Feng thought for a while, and said, "Shizi was desperate at that time,
and said, I am lucky, I have lost my life."
"Again, there are certain things that are destined to be buried in my heart and
cannot be told to anyone."
"So he is, so are you."
Mr. Feng paused and stuttered: "Then a few days later, news came ... It
turned out that when you caught someone in Qian'an, you said you and Shizi."
Zhong Wan put away her headache, coughed, and took a tea sip.
The steward Feng was afraid that Zhong Wan thought he was ridiculing him,
and he was busy and said, "Master, don't misunderstand, since these rumors,
the son has a lot of spirit!"
Zhong Wan reckoned according to the time that Feng Butler said, and realized
that it was actually the most difficult period for him and Yu Yan.
Yin and Yang were wrong, and the two of them were in Beijing and one in
South Xinjiang.
Zhong Wan whispered, "What do you want me to do, and the command is, I
can do everything."
Feng steward said with joy: "Then you agreed? Will you return to Qian'an
Zhong Wan nodded: "I'm sure he won't leave until he's OK."
"But ... even if Prince Yu has had two or three points of friendship with me, it
is not necessarily the case now." Zhong Wan took a deep breath, and said, "If
you play off in the future, please look at the love in that year, Lord Yu Xiao
left me a whole body. "
Feng steward said happily: "This is nature."
The next day, Yu Yan, who had just eaten breakfast, looked at Mr. Feng
unbelievably. "Did you go to Zhong Wan at midnight yesterday?"
Butler Feng was trembling, "Yes."
"..." Yu Qiang said, "I asked you to look it up, and you asked directly on his
Feng steward put it together, "I think Shizi was anxious to know, and went
Yu Zheng had nothing to say for a moment.
Yu Yan suspected that Feng's housekeeper was passed on by himself.
"That ..." Yu Yan looked at Feng steward inexhaustible. "What did he say?
Do you think you're crazy with me?"
Butler Feng wiped his sweat: "No, Master Zhong said, said ... said ..."
Yu Yan felt that the steward Feng was inexplicable and impatient: "What ?!"
The steward Feng was ruthless and yelled loudly: "Master Zhong said! He
came to Beijing since then, the son is not close to him, and he does not care
about the friendship at that time. Let everyone in the world know that the
heavenly clouds of Yu Wangfu's house are green! "
Yu Yan's eyes trembled slightly, with a little blood.
Yu Yan smirked in disgust: "He feels that I am not close to him or not? Okay
... good, then I let him know what is intimacy." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 23: 2. 3
Feng's steward achieved his goal and was about to retreat. Yu Yan suddenly
said, "Stop."
Feng steward gave a whisper in his heart, and he bowed as usual: "The son
of the world ordered."
Yu Jian looked at Feng steward closely. "Zhong Wan can't wait to walk away
from Yu Wang's Mansion ten miles away. Will he say that? He dares?"
Of course I dare not.
The housekeeper Feng talked with Zhong Wan for a long time last night. All
of them were talking about Yu Yan, leaving the matter of nagging behind him,
and returning to the other hospital, he patted his thigh and remembered that he
had forgotten what was important.
The steward Feng knew that the matter of going to the palace of Qian'an
could not be concealed from Yu Jian, and he couldn't do it.
The steward Feng originally thought that the words he wrote were in Zhong
Wan's tone. He did not expect to be heard by Yu Yan. He calmed down and
asked, "Isn't he always like this, Master Zhong? What is he afraid of?"
Yu Yan added another heart of fire, "Okay, that's true."
Butler Feng followed with a sigh: "The People's Congress has a big heart."
Yu Yan was almost smashed by the tea, "You go."
Feng steward was about to leave, but looking at Yu Yan like this, and
worried about Zhong Wan, he thought about Yu Yan's mind, and did a good
job for Zhong Wan: "But it is no wonder that Master Zhong, who is in his
twenties, is still alone. A lonely individual, the saints say that food is also
good, and that there is a desire for human beings. It is not right for a serious
adult man to have no one in his room. "
Yu Yan heard that the suffocation around him was a little stronger, and he
raised his eyes coldly: "You mean I'm not right?"
Feng steward can't wait to give himself a slap.
Butler Feng quickly remedied: "No, no ... Shizi is younger than him! No
The stewardship of Feng's steward completely angered Yu Jin, who sneered,
"Okay ... is he empty in his room? I see."
Feng steward made so many mistakes and did not dare to persuade him any
Out of the main hall, Feng's housekeeper wiped the cold sweat on his head.
Fortunately, Yu Zhen was now crazy, and the more angry he became, the more
unclear he was, so he could fool it.
With a bang, Yu Jian in the main hall didn't know what object he had broken.
Feng's housekeeper was relieved that he was so angry, Yu Yu had no
intention to jump to the ice cave, right?
The steward Feng was content with contentment and was busy with his own
affairs. After several times of fright, he forgot to ask someone to consecrate
with Zhong Wan.
In the Qian'an Palace, Xuan Rui and Xuan Congxin sat in the warm pavilion
and looked at a bowl of medicine together.
Xuan Rui stared at this bowl of medicine for half a column of incense for a
long time, and finally picked up the medicine bowl.
Xuan Cong glanced at him and lowered his head to embroider a purse.
Xuan Congxin's needlework is actually not very good. You can't see it in
large clothes. Playing with these small and delicate objects can easily reveal
your feet. Two peony flowers can not be seen from the heart.
She made half of Foxwood for Xuanrui, and she has been left on a small
Xuan Rui sniffed carefully, holding the medicine, and put it down again.
Xuan Congxin Liangliang said: "Brother, is the medicine cold? I will let you
go hot for you?"
"What are you doing here?" Xuan Rui frowned. "Where can't I do
"Wait." Xuan Congxin fiddled with the needle and thread in his hand,
embroidered the peony into a tiger, absent-minded, "If you haven't consumed
it at night, I'll do it for you"
Xuan Rui was agitated by her younger sister and picked up the medicine
bowl again.
Then tasted tea, tasted a little.
Xuan Cong endured as hard as possible, without getting angry.
Xuan Congxin poked his head at the tiger and for the first time understood the
emperors of the past.
Regardless of the throne, Xuan looked up from his heart and looked at his
elder brother. If I were a man, I thought that I would fight with you for the
county king's position.
It's ... unbearable.
Xuan Congxin sighed a few words for her daughter's life and continued to
embroider her tiger.
After a while, Xuan Rui picked up the medicine bowl for the third time.
Put it down again.
Xuan Cong's heart looked at Xuan Rui numbly, saying that if you and I are
both princes, even if we are from a mother, I will certainly not be soft.
Throw you on the ground early to eat grass.
After another half an hour, Xuanrui seemed to have made up his mind, stood
up, held up the medicine bowl, shook his hands, and put down again.
Xuan Congxin dropped the needle and thread that she had embroidered into a
phoenix. She picked up the medicine bowl and drank it on her head. Xuan
Rui was startled and rushed to **** it. The medicine spilled half a bowl.
"What are you doing ?!" Xuan Rui anxiously, "You are only a few years old!
Can you drink this ?!"
Xuan Congxin picked up the papa and pressed the corner of his mouth. "What
else? I want to go back to Qian'an. You can't drink, I can only drink."
Xuan Congxin looked up at Xuan Rui, "You have spent so long, don't you
want me to do it for you?"
"Jack!" Xuan Rui was furious. "I'm timid! But can I harm you ?!"
Xuan Cong's eyes were hesitant, Xuan Rui gasped for breath, he counted
Xuan from head to toe, and ordered her uncle to take her back to the room.
Xuanrui looked at only half a bowl of medicine, sighed, and ordered: "Go ...
boil another bowl for me, boil ... thicker."
After a while, someone sent me the medicine. This time Xuanrui did not
hesitate to drink a whole bowl of medicine while it was hot.
Outside the courtyard, Yan Pingshan patted the falling snow on his body and
entered Zhong Wan's room.
"Drink?" Zhong Wan asked across the screen.
Yan Pingshan nodded: "Drink, the heat has already started here. I want to let
Wang Ye burn the hot spot and then ask the doctor for a doctor. It seems more
"Okay." Zhong Wan smiled, "Did you quarrel with the lady?"
Yan Pingshan glanced at Zhong Wan with a strange look: "What did you let
the lady do in the past?"
"Excited him," Zhong Wan said indifferently. "If I don't return to Qian'an,
Xuanrui will take care of the Wangfu himself, and he will always be tougher
step by step."
"I won't go back first?" Yan Pingshan said incessantly. "Don't you just want to
be a little bitch? I came to see you yesterday ... Isn't that the little
housekeeper Wang Yu?"
Zhong Wan smiled.
"If we can return to Qian'an smoothly, we will have nothing to worry about,
and finally we will be able to live a good life." Yan Pingshan couldn't bear
it. "It took you a lot of hard work to get it? But let it be a good day, why not
What about? "
Zhong Wan stunned, "You treat me as cheap, can't live a peaceful life."
Yan Pingshan hurriedly said, "What are you talking about ?!"
"Don't talk nonsense," Zhong Wan suddenly said, "Do you know ... what is
the study of Mr. Shi Jinshi's study?"
Yan Pingshan stunned, wondering why Zhong Wan suddenly said this, "What's
his name?"
Zhong Wan said, "Four for the Church."
"When I went to Taifu Mansion for the first time, when I saw the plaque on
the study, the center of my chest was surging, and I thought these three words
were really good." Zhong Wan smiled. The heart, for the living people, to
learn from the saints, to open peace for all eternity. "
"When I was a teenager, I did n’t know anything, I was so arrogant, I did n’t
think the trivial things around me were worth mentioning. Only these four
things are worth my effort. In the future, I have to be closed to pay respects.
"Go to his mother," Zhong Wan said blankly. "It would be nice to be able to
take care of a few people in my family. I don't have that ability at all. I am
too high on me."
Yan Pingshan said anxiously, "Since you are so sad, you should join us ..."
"Uncle Yan." Zhong Wan interrupted Yan Pingshan with a helpless smile.
"But I can't let it go, not just these people in the house."
Yan Pingshan suffocated, and said softly, "You are to Lord Yu Xiao ..."
"Don't mention it anymore." Zhong Wan poured himself a cup of tea, booing,
"I don't want to cry."
Yan Pingshan: "..."
Yan Pingshan felt sour and amused for a while, he thought for a while and
said, "It's just ... if anything happens in the future."
Zhong Wan nodded: "I have a life or death, I asked for it."
When he first arrived in Beijing, Zhong Wan did not intend to stay, but when
recalling what Feng steward said, Zhong Wan felt that he might be more
needed here.
Knowing that Yu Jinshang always lives on the line, where can Zhong Wan
still go?
"Well, I am in the house to take care of you, you can rest assured." Yan
Pingshan relieved Zhong Wan. "The prince is timid, not necessarily a bad
thing. The victory is secure. In the future, just marry a princess who can take
care of the family, but Miss ..."
Zhong Wan said: "Don't force her to be her family, listen to her own ideas, or
hire a little son-in-law if she can't, and raise her in her house, lest her temper
go to other people's homes."
Yan Pingshan nodded wryly, "Yes."
The person who was waiting for Xuanrui came, and said that Xuanrui didn't
know what to do. Suddenly, he started talking nonsense. Zhong Wan ordered
people to call for a doctor, and panic the servants. Be sure to let everyone in
Beijing know Xuanrui will die.
After the servant left, Yan Pingshan stood up and pressed the curtain, lest the
cold wind blow in.
"Then what did you plan for?" Yan Pingshan asked, "You need to repair the
relationship with Lord Yu Xiaoyu first? How to repair it? Can I help you?"
"No, I can only do this myself." Zhong Wan himself also had a headache.
"Naocheng was like this today, he was embarrassed, and his temper has
changed a lot ... I want to calm down and show it slowly it is good."
Yan Pingshan didn't understand: "How to show goodness slowly?"
Zhong Wan was also clueless. He suddenly remembered something and
asked: "A lot of earthen instruments have been sent by Qian'an over the past
few days. Have they all gone?"
"No." Yan Pingshan said, "Most of them were sent to the palace, and some
were sent to the old clan's house, and there are better."
"Take some tea or something," Zhong Wan said, "in my name, send some to
Yu Yufu."
Yan Pingshan nodded, and Zhong Wan urged again: "Don't send the wrong
place, it's Yu Wangfu's house."
Yan Pingshan promised: "Understand, it's cold today, don't leave the house,
I'll cook."
Yan Pingshan said to stop, Zhong Wanzhang, hoping that what he sent would
not be thrown out by Yu Yan.
Yan Pingshan went out of Zhong Wanyuan and went straight to the warehouse.
He looked around, called Xiaoguan, and frowned, "What about the remaining
The little steward was puzzled: "The rest? Didn't you say that you would no
longer give it away to someone's house? Master Zhong likes Maojian the
most. He probably drank half of it."
Then Yan Pingshan remembered: "Yes, how many jars of wine are there?
Where have we been transported from Qian'an?"
"The chef is going over there ..." the little steward truthfully said, "The day
before yesterday, I said I want to make steamed chicken with rice wine. I
took it all and used half of it, and the other half made me make bad goose
Yan Pingshan reluctantly, "What else is left ?!"
The little manager shook his head: "Nothing more."
Yan Pingshan was anxious, and the little steward busy said, "There are some
... and there are a dozen chickens from our side who are alive, and now I ’m
raising them under the kitchen!"
"Fart!" Yan Pingshan frowned. "Send a few live chickens to the past, what it
looks like!"
The little manager was scared to speak.
"Forget it," Yan Pingshan said helplessly, "you take me to see."
The two went to see the native chicken. Yan Pingshan bent over and looked at
the dozen hens in the chicken cage that were shaking. They were not very
satisfied. "Fearful and shrunken, the hair has fallen a lot, and it is not
beautiful to look at!"
"It's a bit ugly ..." Xiao Guanshi patted his brain. "Then send the eggs! Our
chickens are bumpy all the way, but the eggs are good! They are also fresh!
They are cleaned one by one. Put it in a small bamboo basket and wrap it
with red silk, oops ... decent! "
Yan Pingshan thought about it, this is indeed better than sending a few
chickens, hesitantly nodded: "Well, barely counted as my Qian'an
earthenware, then you can pack it up and send it to Yuwang Mansion. . "
The little steward was busy.
Two hours later, Yu Yan, who had already extinguished the fire, looked at the
red silk egg on the table, his face changed.
The steward Feng stood beside, uneasy.
"I heard ..." Yu Yan said in a calm tone. "The folks gave away red eggs
because there was a happy event at home and they had children, right?"
Feng steward was cautious: "It seems to be."
"Then what does he mean?" Yu Yan gradually accumulate anger between his
foreheads. "He is provoking me, letting me know that he is going to accept
him and have a son?"
"No no no ..." Feng steward busy, "Master Zhong never meant it! He didn't
"I don't think he dares!" A anger in Yu Yan's heart could burn the whole house
at any time. "To marry Kuafu, and send me the red eggs of him and Kuafu ...
Zhong Guiyuan still has What dare not ?! "
Butler Feng shook his head into a rattle, and he also wanted to beat Zhong
Wan for a meal, didn't he say it well? This has to take time. What is he
doing? !!
The steward Feng strongly advised: "No, no, this must be misunderstood."
"He's finished ..." Yu Jian was flushed with anger, "The Qian'an Palace is
finished, and the entire Qian'an County is finished ..."
The steward Feng faced bitterly: "Shizi!"
"What time is it?" Yu Yan looked outside, "spare a car!"
"Don't don't ..." Feng's housekeeper persuaded, "It's almost half an hour, and
the closed drums have been knocking for more than half a day! Now go out
and commit a curfew, don't say, the water drips into ice outside, it's snowing,
and you can't walk at all Tomorrow ... say tomorrow. "
Where would Yu Yan listen? In the end, Feng Yu's housekeeper Yu Yan
pulled him down.
Yu Yan was so angry that he drank two Sanhua tea before falling asleep.
At the same time at the Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan, who had just visited
Xuanrui, returned to his courtyard, drank hot tea, watched the tea cup settled,
and suddenly smiled.
Maybe Yu Jin is drinking a tea with herself now?
Zhong Wan was a little upset and a little excited.
He hasn't felt this way for years.
Zhong Wan remembered that Yu Yan liked to drink tea. When he received the
tea today, he didn't know what he thought of.
No matter what you think, maybe the relationship between the two has eased
up, right?
It's impossible to write off the past, but the next time you meet, you will at
least take the initiative to show your favor.
Zhong Wan recalled how many times the two met and had snacks, Yu Zizhen,
who was once gentle and polite, was this too much?
Zhong Wan put down the tea cup and lay down.
In the early morning of the next day, Zhong Wan was ruthless and sent another
dose of medicine to Xuan Rui.
Xuan Rui did not hesitate this time. He burned his tongue and knew it was
□□. He took it and drank it. After less than half an hour, Xuan Rui burned
more seriously. He would get up early to eat something. I spit it out
completely, my face was like gold paper, I was out of breath, and Xuan Yu
didn't know anything. Seeing Xuan Rui, she was frightened. Xuan Congxin
pressed a corner of her eyes and whispered. "It's okay, and my sister."
Xuan Congxin didn't say anything. After speaking, Xuan Yu screamed and
cried in front of Xuan Rui's bed. Xuan Congxin watched him crying, thinking
of his premature parents, and a few tears followed. The Qian'an Palace
looked up and down when it came up and down, but it was bleak.
Zhong Wan ordered people to call for a doctor again. This time, he finally
shocked the palace. Emperor Chong'an heard that he sent two doctors to the
hospital and rewarded him with many supplements.
Emperor Chong'an personally questioned, and other relatives naturally began
to visit. Since the beginning of the afternoon, there has been a continuous
stream of people. The weather is too cold. Yan Pingshan was afraid that
Zhong Wan would get sick again, and he did not let him go out to entertain
and entertain himself. .
Until the chariot of Yu Wangfu also arrived.
Yan Pingshan was startled: "Is King Yu's house also here? Who's here? King
Yu has sent someone?"
"It doesn't seem to be." The person at the door was also covered by Yunshan
fog. "If this is to be sent by the housekeeper to deliver things, shouldn't you
clear the road in advance? There will be a notice from the house ... Yu
Wangfu's housekeeper is going out. "
Yan Pingshan said angrily: "What do you want! This is the grandfather Yu
Xiaohuang! Where have people been?"
The man on the door was scared to death. "To the end to the end ... It's almost
here now!"
It was too late for Yan Pingshan to find someone to inform Zhong Wan. Yu
Yan was here and no one was welcome. He rushed to the ground first.
Zhong Wan got up early because he went to Xuanrui and was trained by Yan
Pingshan. He didn't dare to go out anymore and kept a charcoal in the room to
read and pass the time.
There were a few noisy footsteps outside, and Zhong Wan didn't lift his head.
Many people came up from the house today. He estimated that Yan Pingshan
couldn't keep up, and people put the gifts they received in their own
Someone knocked on the door twice, Zhong Wan looked up, "Uncle Yan?
Come in ... the door is not inserted."
The door was opened and Zhong Wan looked up.
Yu Yan with a chill in his eyes, faint in his eyes, fixedly looked at Zhong
Zhong Wan suddenly didn't know that he was first sold by Feng's housekeeper
and Yan Pingshank. He didn't understand how Yu Yan came, but he froze for a
moment, dull.
Yu Yan said nothing, looked at Zhong Wan coldly, tried his best to suppress
the fire.
Yan Pingshan chased quickly outside, panting heavily outside the door:
"Little, little lord ... this is not our lord's yard! You ..."
Yu Yan turned his head slightly, still looking at Zhong Wan, Shen said, "I
came here for the first time, and I don't know the way."
"It's okay." After Yu Yue got out of the car, he came straight to the side. Yan
Pingshan chased after him, and he bowed outside the door. "You, you follow
Yu Yan took a deep look at Zhong Wan and turned.
After waiting for Yan Pingshansong to breathe out, Yu Zheng closed the door
in the room and raised the door latch.
Outside, a number of servants were shut out of the door and looked at each
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan's face, and how he felt that expression was not
Zhong Wan introspected, what did he do recently?
The last time I met him, Yu Yan let him go, and Zhong Wan rolled honestly.
He even sent tea leaves yesterday. Would it still be so annoying if he gave
Yu Yan's whole body seemed to be on fire, and his mouth was still smirking.
Zhong Wan instinctively felt that it was not good. Some things ... seemed
different from what he thought.
Zhong Wan quickly recalled what she had done recently and was worthy of
Yu Yan's anger. At the same time, she stepped back subconsciously, "Please
Lord Wang Yu ..."
Yu Yan looked around the room for a week, "What about Kuafu and your
Zhong Wan's mind was blank.
WTF? What son?
Seeing Zhong Wan, Yu Yan did not deny it, and smiled, "You said you want to
make the clouds on my house green?"
Zhong Wan was even more confused.
What cloud?
Zhong Wan remembered that Feng Yu ’s housekeeper Yu Yan was mad when
he became mad. He estimated that he was ill again, and did not dare to anger
Yu Yan was very angry, but his expression became more indifferent. He
untied the cloak of the neckline and threw the thick cloak to the side.
Zhong Wan's heart was finished, Yu Yan was really crazy.
Zhong Wan was going sideways, Yu Yu pulled a hand over Zhong Wan's wrist
and pulled people to his side.
Zhong Wan tried his best to stabilize his mind, holding a glimmer of hope,
stuttering and asking, "Did you ... read something weird again? Birth ... have
Yu Qian heard a glimmer of light in his eyes, his voice lowered, "I heard you
think the room is empty?"
Zhong Wan stayed a little bit angry and angry: "You're focused!"
Yu Yan sneered: "Who are we who don't take pride in ourselves? Aren't you
empty ... I'll be with you."
Yu Yan posted Zhong Wan's close-up. When he spoke, his breath was swept
across Zhong Wan's ears. Zhong Wan gritted his teeth. You are not a girl. If
you were a girl, I would have to marry you. "
"Look at it yourself." Yu Yan pulled Zhong Wan's arm slightly up, forcing
Zhong Wan to stick to his chest. "Who is fluttering at whom now? If you are a
girl, let alone marry ... I'm afraid I have let Are you pregnant? "
Zhong Wan was angry, but he could not resist but instead tied his hands with
Yu Yan, Yu Yan stared at Zhong Wan tightly and asked with a sneer and cold
voice: "Can you be pregnant?"
Zhong Wan tried his best to fight with Yu Yan a few times. Suddenly, Yu Yan
gave a stun.
He and Zhong Wan are close to each other, and any changes are felt.
Zhong Wan's ears turned red.
Yu Yan noticed something, his face changed.
Zhong Wan could not wait to find a place to drill into it.
What's all this? !!
"..." Yu Yan still didn't let go of Zhong Wan. He instinctively stopped looking
at Zhong Wan to avoid embarrassment, but still said, "Gu Yuan, I'm here to
humiliate you, and you reacted ... Makes it a bit difficult for me. "
The author has something to say: one more + two more, three more in the
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reading network
Chapter 24: 24
Zhong Wan didn't want to show timidity in front of Yu Yan. He tried his best
to cool himself down, closed his eyes, pretending that it wasn't Yu Yan in
front of him, bruising, "Who, who?"
Zhong Wan noticed that Yu Yan retreated a little later, and before Zhong Wan
relaxed, Yu Yan's breath swept in Zhong Wan's ears again.
Zhong Wan couldn't see anything, and his hearing became more and more
sensitive. He heard Yu Jian whispering in his ear: "blame yourself ..."
Yu Jian said a half sentence, leaving a little meaning, some words are too
vulgar, Lord Yu Xiao Wang can not say, but Zhong Wan without a teacher's
understanding of the word Yu Yan did not say .
Blame, you, yourself, yourself, waves.
Zhong Wan blushed again now. He opened his eyes and saw Yu Yan, who
was close at hand, closed again.
Although Yu Jian said that he was crazy, he was handsome compared to his
youth. He was staring at his eyebrows, and he was mad when he committed
madness. On the contrary, it was a little bit more flavored. He looked at it so
closely. Zhong Wan Nothing is going to happen, Zhong Wan closed his eyes
and said from the gap between his teeth: "You, can, first, let go, me ,?"
It took a while before Yu Ju released his hand.
Zhong Wan turned his back and poured half of the cold tea and poured it.
Yu Yan didn't expect Zhong Wan to be so bullied. Suddenly, people were
much calmer than others. He stepped back and stood at the window without
looking at Zhong Wan. For a while, he suddenly noticed something wrong.
Yu Yan turned his head and stared at Zhong Wan. "Zhong Wan, do you know
that you are so energetic with men?"
Zhong Wan froze completely, "what room ?!"
Yu Geng said coldly, "Pride your father."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan suddenly understood.
Zhong Wan took a deep breath, and after a while recovering as usual, he
asked, "I have your spy around me?"
Yu Yan was very calm: "Yes."
Zhong Wan must die to understand, you have to figure out why he was lost
today by Yu Jian, what is the reason for losing his face? "Your spy, tell you
that I am going to marry Kuafu?"
Yu Jin nodded.
Zhong Wan couldn't breathe out of breath: "Then you believe it ?!"
"He has followed me for more than ten years," Yu said coldly, "and willing
to swear blood on this matter."
Zhong Wan had nothing to say.
Zhong Wan recalled Feng ’s steward ’s visit to him the other day and asked,
“Did Feng steward also tell you something?”
There's nothing to hide, Yu Jian sat down, connected Xiaoyu's affairs to those
two baskets of eggs, and said in full.
Zhong Wan leaned against the wall after hearing this, feeling mad.
I didn't know how to justify it.
"People live in this world ..." Zhong Wan was buzzing in Qi's head. "Only on
your own, no one around you ... no one can believe it, you will never know
who will suddenly punch you in the back. "
Yu Yan frowned, wondering what Zhong Wan was talking about without
saying anything.
Zhong Wan was weak and weak. "I don't have a cricket. I don't believe you
search by yourself."
"No," Yu said coldly. "Isn't it yet?"
Zhong Wan couldn't, and honestly said, "No one hasn't visited the door."
Yu Yan obviously didn't believe it, but his face was better.
Zhong Wan kept thinking about the fact that he had been tightly embraced by
Yu Yan and still had a reaction in his arms.
Zhong Wan was in a mess now, just to let Yu Jiu forget what he had just
learned. He was anxious to change his voice and asked casually, "What do
you care about me?"
Yu Zheng stunned, and laughed.
Zhong Wan's heart beats again.
Yu Yan converged with a smile, coldly, "because I know you are my man all
over the world."
Zhong Wan stuffed.
Yu Yan glanced up and down Zhong Wan and said softly, "Speaking ... what
did you look like just now?"
Zhong Wan is bitter in heart, can't help but mention it? !!
"Zhong Wan." Yu Yan recalled what had happened, and the fire that had been
under pressure for two days disappeared for a while. He looked at Zhong
Wan with all his spare time. "Why are you ... what is it?"
Zhong Wan tilted her head and said stiffly, "I haven't been close to anyone for
a long time and have treated you as a woman."
"You're so tall, which woman can hold you like me?" Yu Yan smiled, "Well?
Can anyone hold you like this?"
Zhong Wan didn't want to recall the thing that Yu Yan was trapped in his
arms. Someone dared to do this, and I would have been sent to see the King!
Yu Yan's face changed, and suddenly I remembered, "Is there a boastful
"No!" Zhong Wan collapsed. "Don't mention the father."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan with amusement.
After the reunion, each time the two met Zhong Wan, they were very tight, Yu
Yu always felt that he was a bit strange and familiar.
Now Zhong Wan has changed a lot, but occasionally reminds Yu Yan of his
But today Zhong Wan was overjoyed and sad, but he was a little bit young.
"Then you're telling the truth." Yu Yan knocked on the table, still entangled
with the words just now, "Why are you?"
Zhong Wan didn't want to remember what had just happened, he just wanted
to find a place to drill up.
Yu Yan's good-tempered suggestion: "If you can't remember, we can try
"Don't!" Zhong Wan couldn't stand such arousal, he hesitated and gave up,
"Because, because ..."
Yu Yan's eyes were deep, "Are you because of me, or because of what I
Zhong Wan took the advantage of both, and quickly said, "Because of what
you said."
Yu Yan whispered.
"What?" Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan and asked softly, "Do you really want
to have one for me?"
Zhong Wan's face was completely red, and he tried to keep calm, whispering:
"Master Yu Xiao ... please take care of yourself."
"It's you who don't take pride yourself." Yu Yan stood up, indifferently,
"Prince Yu."
Zhong Wan froze.
Zhong Wan knew in his heart that Yu Jian was a casual whisper, and calmed
down, when he did not hear.
"It's the best of misunderstanding." Yu Yan took the cloak, walked towards
Zhong Wan, stood still two feet in front of him, and looked at Zhong Wan's
eyes coldly. I seduced me over, and I really want you to try and see if you can
get pregnant. "
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and meditated a few words of Qingxin in her
Yu Yan turned and walked to the door, pulled the door bolt, and pulled the
door open.
Zhong Wan's small courtyard was full of Yu Jian's family generals, the
servants of the Qian'an Palace, and the eyes and noses of the people.
Yu Yan stood at the door, stared blankly outside, and slowly put on his cloak.
Zhong Wan put her hand on her face, and did not look at it. She used her legs
to know what her servant would think when she saw Yu Yan finishing her
Yu Yan raised his hand and rubbed his neck, and took the generals away.
After a long time, Yan Pingshan pushed the door lightly and looked at Zhong
Wan sideways.
Zhong Wan sat on the couch and looked up to see Yan Pingshan, angrily.
"What do you do to send him the red eggs well ?!"
Yan Pingshan didn't respond, and paused innocently: "Did you not say that, in
your name, take some of our Qian'an earthenware? That tea is mostly for you
to drink, and the wine is also made into a dish Then, there are more than a
dozen hens that have lost their hair. I was afraid of hurting your face, so I
didn't send them directly, and then ... "
Zhong Wan was severed by Yan Pingshan's head and interrupted him. "Forget
Zhong Wan tried his best to suppress the spring in his face, and tried to
behave as usual: "Block the news, don't let others know that he has been."
"I'm afraid it can't be sealed." Yan Pingshan couldn't bear it. "I didn't expect
that Wang Xiaoyu's pomp was so big. He came to our house and closed the
road. All four streets were blocked before and after. Wang Yu's house We
will guard our guard against death, and the nobles who scared us to visit our
government will not dare to go out, waiting for Lord Yu Xiao to leave, and
just came out of the backyard ... "
Zhong Wan's life is better to die ... This is going down. Whether Xuanrui's
disease is going to die can not be passed out Zhong Wan is unsure. The
master Yu Xiao breaks into his yard and locks the room door with him, surely
it can be spread all over Beijing Alleys.
In a few days, Jiangnan Jiangbei will probably know.
Those scholars who wrote the story, after hearing the news, I didn't know
how excited they were.
When they write it out, it will be introduced into Beijing Central, Yu Yu will
probably be very happy.
Anyway, it was only himself.
I managed to keep my virginity for so many years and said that it would be
gone without it.
Yan Pingshan glanced at Zhong Wan sideways, and wanted to ask Yu Yanfang
what he had done to Zhong Wan in the room, and he felt that this matter could
not be asked.
Zhong Wan didn't have to look to know what he was thinking, and his head
hurt even more.
Yan Pingshan was afraid that Zhong Wan could not say what he had suffered,
and that he had not received any secret wounds. He stopped talking for a long
time and said, "Do you want hot water?"
Zhong Wan ’s life is better than death. What does the heart want to do with
hot water? Washing my dirty wrists that I have been stunned by?
Yan Pingshan's eyes flickered, and he felt like he had said something he
shouldn't say, and shut up with interest.
"..." Zhong Wan was completely out of temper, and he said sincerely. "You
ask, you asked me to explain it clearly. We don't know how many spies others
have in our house. I have to borrow theirs. Give yourself an innocence. "
Yan Pingshan was afraid of stabbing Zhong Wan's heart, and he shook his
head, his face was completely secretive.
Zhong Wan said angrily, "Ask!"
Yan Pingshan seemed to catch the ducks on the shelves, and said, "Did you
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and threw a sound: "Listen clearly, I'm still a
The author has something to say: I thank you again for supporting the genuine
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 25: 25
Zhong Wan didn't say it was okay, his voice fell to the ground, Yan Pingshan
looked at him with a little more patience and compassion.
Zhong Wan clutched his irritated liver, and his tone of speech changed. "We
just talked for two sentences and did nothing. I won't hold you accountable
for the red egg ... I beg you, Don't send hot water, I don't want to bathe while
crying, do yourself a favor. "
Yan Pingshan looked at Zhong Wan uneasily, and walked away step by step.
Zhong Wan rubbed her eyebrows, closed the door, walked to the basin, and
cleaned her wrists bit by bit.
Zhong Wan had a pale complexion and several finger marks were pinched on
her wrist.
Zhong Wan sighed deeply.
After painstakingly practicing the boy skills for 24 years, it is so useless ...
Return of his mother's waste is unknown.
Zhong Wan remembered his emotions and wanted to drown himself in the
water basin. How could he meet with Yu Jin after this?
I still have to stay in Beijing. I will see you lost one time in the future, and
many more times ... the only remaining face in Yu Yan's face is gone!
Zhong Wan wiped her hands and forced herself to stop thinking about Yu
pardon and went out to the backyard.
Xuanrui's cheeks burned crimson, her lips were white, her breathing was
heavy, her chest swelled, her legs twitched from time to time, and she
couldn't look worse.
Zhong Wan tilted his head and looked at the doctor who was in front of the
hospital bed, and asked, "What's wrong with our lord? I've been drinking the
medicine for a day according to the prescription of the doctor. The disease is
not good at all, is it necessary to change the medicine?"
Taiyi was very puzzled. "Looking at yesterday, I felt that Wang Ye was
suffering from the cold and sudden heat. Looking at it today ... I don't feel
An outsider was there, Xuan Congxin sat behind the screen and heard the
words, "It was really just a cool breeze, and the elder brother didn't take it
seriously, but I don't know what happened, it suddenly burned up, and people
called again. I do n’t wake up. After taking a few pills, the disease is getting
worse and worse. What do I vomit now? Go on like this ... ”
Zhong Wan secretly put pressure on the Taiyi: "I used to have at least two
mouthfuls of porridge, but now I can't feed anything ... I am so dragged, I am
afraid that I will make a small illness a serious one."
The senior doctor was also anxious, and said quickly: "Yes, let me discuss it
with the other two senior doctors again, and make a new formula."
Zhong Wan nodded: "Troublesome."
The Taiyi went anxiously, and Yan Pingshan lowered his voice, anxiously,
"They are going to heal again? When will we resign from the emperor?"
"The emperor sent them, and they dare not give up." Zhong Wan whispered
softly. "It's okay, Xuanrui's disease is getting more and more serious, the
doctors don't want to be affected in the future, and the emperor will
inevitably add more vinegar when they go back. The emperor won't Believe
us, but you will believe in the doctor. "
"The doctors were afraid that Xuanrui could not be cured, and the emperor
was afraid that we would have an accident in Beijing. He couldn't say
clearly." Zhong Wan said indifferently. "We will resign then, and the emperor
will be willing to get rid of our trouble."
Yan Pingshan thought and nodded: "You're right, the emperor can't control it
and let us go. Regardless of the truth or hypothesis, he must heal the past that
he said only a while ago, but ... the Lord must be punished Now. "
Yan Pingshan took the wet pad from Xuanrui's head and replaced it with a
new one, worryingly, "It's okay to take the medicine in this way ... is it okay?
It's taken me two days!"
Zhong Wan didn't care much: "It's all right."
Yan Pingshan frowned at Xuan Rui, still uneasy, looked at Zhong Wan,
lowered his voice and asked, "How many days did you eat?"
Zhong Wan calmly said, "Seventeen days."
Yan Pingshan suffocated, a flash of shame flashed in his eyes, and turned his
head to stop talking.
Zhong Wan smiled and didn't go to his heart.
While talking, Xuan Rui shook her shoulders twice, suddenly turned over,
and vomited into the spittoon under the bed.
Xuan Congxin covered her mouth and nose with a papa, and said dumbly,
"I'll go back to my house first, and someone will call me."
Say it's gone.
Zhong Wan looked at Xuan Rui's picture, and suddenly thought, was it the
same when he took the medicine when he was young?
At that time ... But Yu Yan took care of himself.
Zhong Wan remembered desperately, did he vomit at the time? Is that the
same ... Is it dirty?
Yu Yan did not throw himself out of the house?
Sure enough, when he was young, his temper was so good.
Zhong Wan really can't remember whether he vomited at that time, but can
only be sure that the situation at that time would never be better than Xuan
Zhong Wan was anxious to pass on the message to Mrs. Shi, but the people of
Yu Wangfu were naturally unusable. Once the message passed was received
by interested people, Mrs. Shi would be affected.
Except for the servants in the house, Zhong Wan can only see Yu Yan, but
Zhong Wan does not trust Yu Yan, and can only find another way.
An old doctor at Taiji Hospital saw Zhong Wan from a young age. Zhong Wan
wanted to use him to contact Mr. Shi, so he pretended to be sick for two
Zhong Wan was ill, Yu Yan would naturally ask for a doctor, but it was not
Zhong Wan who asked.
Zhong Wan guarded Yu Wan, and Yu Wan also guarded against Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan could not bother his father and king, nor did he want Zhong Wan to
ignite himself.
Zhong Wan pretended to be ill for two days. Yu Jian's confidant doctor filled
his stomach with a fire-clearing medicine. His stomachache was sore that he
couldn't. He could only find another way.
Zhong Wan slipped into the small medicine room of another hospital and
stole a lot of medicinal materials by using a sick primer before. He couldn't
avoid being boiled. He could only grind the medicinal materials into fine
powder and divide it into bags and hide them. Under the bed, swallow one
packet a day.
In this way, Zhong Wan was really sick.
Zhong Wan was afraid of attracting Yu Jian ’s attention. At first, he was
honestly treated by Yu Jian ’s confidant. He prescribed what medicine he
prescribed, and he stole the medicine powder when no one was in the middle
of the night. weight.
After half a month, Zhong Wan lost weight and couldn't get out of bed.
He had an idea in his heart, his spirit was okay, and he was able to talk to Yu
Juyi: "You can lose money this time. You spent so much money to get me, and
did nothing. You have to pay for a coffin board. "
Yu Yan sat on the chair beside him, without a word.
Zhong Wan had a lot of things and asked, "The coffin ... who wants the golden
silk nanmu, I don't have pearls in my mouth, I want the jade cicada, so that I
will be born in the afterlife, Bacheng is still a Wenquxing ..."
Juvenile Yu Yan's eyes faintly tinged.
Zhong Wan's dizzy, dizzy, did not see it at all, still dying: "You said ... Where
is my identity, where is it better buried in the future? My coffin is so good,
don't bury me in the grave outside the city Ah ... will ... will be dug away, but
I should not be able to bury it to our Zhong family ancestors' grave, I have
become a slave and have no face to see my ancestors, then ... "
Zhong Wan reluctantly said, "Then it can only be buried in your house. Can
you bury me by your tomb?"
The young Yu Yu whispered, "Why do you bury me?"
Zhong Wan calmly said, "Otherwise I'm out of business. Will you bury me
and your Princess Yu in the future, okay?"
"..." Yu said, "You are buried with my princess? Where shall I go ?!"
Zhong Wan teased a future Princess Yu, who wanted to smile, "Don't be too
big, just make my coffin smaller, so let's go ... hey, give me a small coffin,
Bury me between you and your princess, so that after a hundred years, the
three of us will be able to live happily together in the underground palace ...
Yu Yan's voice carried Bingyu, "Zhong, Gui, Yuan."
Zhong Wan was startled, and looked at Yu Jian with effort, and coughed
twice, "What's wrong."
Yu Yan's eyes turned red, and he walked to Zhong Wan's bed in two steps,
holding Zhong Wan's arm and ruthlessly, "What do you want? It's better to say
right away! When you really die, your little ones The abacus won't work. "
Zhong Wan chuckled in his heart, he was supposed to pretend to be poor
today, asking Yu to forgive him for the old lady who took care of him.
But it never happened that Yu Zheng had already guessed.
"Take away all your little clever people. I don't know how you made yourself
sick, nor do you know what you want." Yu Yan's voice was cold. "But if you
continue playing like this, I can guarantee that I will absolutely Find you the
best pit in Feng Shui in my ancestral grave! "
For the first time, Yu Yan was so disoriented, Zhong Wan was stunned for a
while, and it took a long time to whisper softly: "I ... I want the old doctor
Liu to see me ..."
Yu Yan pushed Zhong Wan away and immediately ordered his subordinates to
ask Tai Yiu Liu and ordered all the servants to leave the room so that Zhong
Wan and Liu Tai Yi could speak secretly.
"When you meet the person you want to meet, you better get better right
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a cool look and left.
Zhong Wan was never seen again.
And Zhong Wan also deliberately indulged in Yu Yan, and successfully
transmitted the message to Mrs. Shi.
Zhong Wan was so relieved that his spirit collapsed, and the poison
accumulated in his body every day turned back like a storm. He burned him
personally on the same day.
Lin Si had already been searched by Yu Yan at that moment, Xiao Lin thought
quickly followed the fire, and took care of Zhong Wan day and night, but
Zhong Wan couldn't wake up, and his illness showed no signs of
Lin Si doesn't take care of people. He is clumsy and clumsy. Give Zhong Wan
a wet pad to drench Zhong Wan's face and head of water. Feed Zhong Wan
with medicine that can be poured into his neck. Ben was in the cold war with
Zhong Wan, but when he looked at them, he couldn't bear to blast Lin Si back
to the stable, rolled up his sleeves, and took care of Zhong Wan himself.
Zhong Wan remembered that when he woke up again, he was lying in the
arms of a young man Yu Yan.
Yu Yan took care of Zhong Wan for a few days, and was exhausted. He
leaned on the bedside with a papa in his hand and fell asleep. Zhong Wan,
who was not seen in his dream, became a pillow.
Zhong Wan was recovering from a serious illness at the time, and had no
energy to think of anything else, but now looking back, he can't help turning
his ears red.
Zhong Wan clearly remembered that when he woke up, his whole body was
clean and fresh, and Lin's medicine-sprayed lining was missing. His lining
was new, and the quilt lying under him was dry and fluffy. Change it.
So ... who changed it for themselves?
Zhong Wan looked at Xuan Rui, a sick and adolescent, and thought of
numbness. He was like this?
Yu Yan he took care of himself like this for seven or eight days ... how did he
take care of it?
Zhong Wan had a terrible look and was afraid to think again.
Knowing that Zhong Wan had taken the medicine for more than ten days, Yan
Pingshan put his heart back in his stomach and poured Xuanrui's medicine
into his hands. Three days later, Xuanrui's body became worse and worse,
and the doctors pleaded guilty to Emperor Chong An. In the name of Xuan
Yu, Zhong Wan handed over his gifts to Emperor Chong'an in a timely
manner. On the ground that the cold in central Beijing was unfit for illness, he
asked Emperor Chong'an to allow them to return to Qian'an and slowly
Emperor Chong'an was not sure or right. He only said that he couldn't bear
Xuanrui's illness. He sent a few more doctors and gave him a lot of tonics.
Zhong Wan understood Emperor Chong An's thoughts: Letting them go
directly would make him look uncle and unconcerned about his nephew's
illness. He would have to stay concerned and send them away.
Zhong Wan put his heart down and began to explain to Yan Pingshan the
matter of returning to Qiannan.
Yu Wangfu's House.
Yu Yan whispered, playing with a string of beads in his hand, "Already ready
to leave?"
The spy kneeled on the ground and nodded: "King Qian'an can't afford to be
sick for several days. He coughs with a little bit of cold air, and the doctors
can't help it, saying that it is probably not convinced by the soil and water,
and it can't stand the weather in the north. ... persuaded King Qian'an to go
south to recuperate slowly. "
In the eyes of Yu Yan, there is no happiness or sadness, and he calmly said, "I
see, go."
The spy went away, Yu Yan sitting quietly.
When Feng steward came to Yu Yan after an hour, he was still in that
position, motionless.
The steward Feng was most afraid of Yu Yan's eyes being so silent. He was
secretly not good enough. He smiled and moved up to change the hot tea for
Yu Yan. He whispered: "I just heard that King Qian'an is going to return to
the land?"
"The waves in Beijing are strange." Yu Yan seemed to be talking to himself.
"He didn't want King Ning's children to be implicated, so he left."
There is no need for Yu Yan to elaborate on Feng ’s steward who knows who
this “he” is talking about. Feng ’s steward was secretly anxious. He talked
with Zhong Wan a lot last time, but Zhong Wan did n’t let go of his words, or
should he stay.
If you want to be in the place, it is naturally better not to stay.
Go to Qian'an to be a native emperor!
The steward Feng looked up at Yu Jin, secretly crying, but what should he
The steward Feng remembered Yu Jian's smile a few days ago and said he
was about to jump to the ice cave. He was ruthless and swears in his heart
that he swears in the afterlife that Zhong Wan will be a cow. He whispered:
"King Qian'an is leaving ... but Master Zhong Not necessarily. "
Yu Yan looked at Feng's housekeeper.
The steward Feng put the changed hot tea in Yu Yan's hand. "The King of
Qian'an returned this time, I'm afraid he won't be in Beijing again in his
whole life. Did you go back? "
Yu Yan's face was sinking, and he didn't speak.
Mr. Feng said, "How do I remember ... Master Zhong is still in your
Yu Yan said lightly, "Yes."
"That's not it." The steward Feng smiled. "Naturally, mentioning the sale of
the deed is too hurtful. You don't need to say this. Master Zhong lived in our
house. We also ... Not bad. "
Yu Yan calmly said, "Yes? I have lived for six months and have been ill
several times."
"Ah ... yes." Feng steward whispered, and re-transmitted, "Not to mention
this, Shizi himself doesn't want Master Zhong to stay?"
Yu Zhen listened quietly, but did not speak.
Feng steward whispered: "Shizi think about it, how good Master Zhong is, he
looks good and has a good temper, if he can stay in the house ..."
Yu Yan could not help recalling the appearance of Zhong Wan in his arms a
few days ago, his throat suddenly itched, and he took a tea sip.
The steward Feng felt that there was a play, and whispered: "You want to
stay with Master Zhong, you have the right reason, Qian'an Palace will never
dare to rob you."
Yu Yan's eyes moved slightly.
Feng steward said to himself: "If you have this thought, the old slave will
order it in advance, um ... should you prepare some sweat medicine?"
Sweat medicine ...
Yu Zheng remembered the situation in Zhong Wan's illness many years ago.
The young man Zhong Wan was hot at the time and fell asleep all day, Yu Yu
had to work hard every time he gave him medicine, and he couldn't rest
assured when he was given medicine. Zhong Wan was burning with a cold
and hot, from time to time He would kick the quilt, Yu Jian sitting next to
Zhong Wan reading the book all day, when he saw him kicked the quilt, he put
down the book and approached him, which is fortunate to say, the most
terrible time was when Zhong Wan was cold.
The young man Zhong Wan fell asleep and was very sticky. When he felt
cold, he put on Yu Yu's body next to him, pulled Yu Yu's clothes to Yu Yu's
arms, Yu Yu blushed, and couldn't push it. Afraid that he fell off the bed, he
could only hold him.
This man was still very unruly. He burned his eyes and went into Yu Yu's
robe once, and pulled Yu Yu's full jacket away, leaving Yu Yan's anxiety
behind him.
Naturally, he did not leave him in the end.
Give a bowl of sweat medicine to Zhong Wan now, is he still the same as
when he was young, will ...
Yu Yan closed his eyes and poured a cup of tea.
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Chapter 26: 26
From time to time, Yu Jin was always absent-minded, and Feng steward was
anxious: "Shizi doesn't want to stay with Master Zhong for a long time?"
Yu Yan muttered, "Long time, long time ..."
These four words stunned Yu Jin's heart somehow, the only warmth on his
face gradually dissipated, his eyes completely cooled.
Yu Jie's mouth twitched slightly and asked with a smile, "I don't know how
many days I can live, where can it be for a long time?"
The steward Feng was most afraid of hearing Yu Jian's words, and said
anxiously, "Why do you always think about this? The world is so good, as
long as you don't do those scary things, why worry that you will not live for a
hundred years?"
Yu Zhen said indifferently, "But I just like to do scary things, and I don't want
to suffer a hundred years of sin."
Feng steward was angry.
"Don't be smart and do extra work behind me." Yu Yan looked down, "Don't
even think about counting him, you can't fight it."
The steward Feng was really exhausted. Yu Jian was simply not making oil
and salt, and he was different from ordinary people. He did n’t eat hard or
hard. He was crazy on the spot and made people wonder how to persuade
him. Feng The steward felt that this matter had to start from Zhong Wan's
side, and after thinking about it, he bitterly said, "Then ... can Shizi be better
to Master Zhong?"
If Yu Yan could treat Zhong Wan well, Feng's housekeeper felt that there was
something to do with it.
Yu Yan frowned: "Be nice to him? How is it?"
Feng steward helpless, "Take out the three-pointer you used to treat him that
year, even if it is good."
"Would you like to persuade him to stay?" Yu Yan said, breaking Feng's
housekeeper's mind, coldly, "I wasn't good enough for him then? He walked
cleanly differently?"
The steward Feng couldn't reason, "King Ning raised Master Zhong from an
early age and treated him with gracious respect. At that time, he was bound
to leave! Let me say."
The steward Feng wanted to say but did not dare to say it. His voice was
much lower. "In the past few days, it was Shizi who ordered the guards of
other hospitals to be taken away, and ordered many silver tickets to be
placed on the surface. He let him go on purpose. "
Yu Yan remembered the past, and his face was a little worse. He leaned on
the back of the chair, his face was somber, "Go on."
The steward Feng was horrified, but still bravely asked, "What if Master
Zhong insisted on staying?"
Yu Yan didn't want to think, "Impossible."
The steward Feng did not give up: "If the master does not leave him, he will
also come to our house, what do you say? The old slave cannot always drive
him out, right?"
Yu Yan looked at Feng's housekeeper in stun.
The steward Feng was ruthless and said, "When that time, Master Zhong
brought his luggage and forced to move into Shizi's bedroom. What should I
do? I also asked Shizi to give a good word. If you don't leave him, the old
slave will let the house burn. Get his luggage and kick him out of the door! "
Yu Zheng froze for a moment, and frowned and asked, "Are you staying with
me too long and crazy?"
Feng steward stalked his neck. "The old slave just wanted to give a word."
Yu Yan's eyes were cloudy, looked at Feng's housekeeper, and he got up and
Yu Jin didn't completely refuse this time, but the steward Feng was relieved
and felt that there was still a glimmer of hope. He thought about it and
hurriedly wrote a note, ordering people to avoid Yu Jin tomorrow and take
the paper The article was sent to the Qian'an Palace and handed to Zhong
The next day, in the Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan looked at the note in his
hand, speechless for a long time.
Mr. Feng told him that if he wanted to stay in Beijing, he would n’t have to
speak with Yu Yu in advance. After sending away the people from the
Qian'an Palace, he would move directly to the Yu Palace with the luggage,
and live in Yu's bedroom. Just eat and sleep.
Zhong Wan was really shocked
Does the steward Feng know how shameful he was yesterday?
Just let Yu Jue take a moment, almost ...
At this juncture, let myself go to sleep and eat with Yu Yan directly. Will Yu
Yan feel that he is taking advantage of himself and going crazy?
Not only that, butler Feng also purposely added a sentence, so that Zhong
Wan should not worry about it, just linger on Yu Yan.
Death-wrapped Yu Yu now?
How tangled
Go to lift Yu Yu's quilt in the middle of the night to untie his pajamas?
Would Yu Jin be able to stab himself?
Zhong Wan clutched the note and couldn't calm down for a long time.
This is so exciting!
Zhong Wan ignited the note and mumbled, "Is it so difficult to stay in Beijing
During the conversation, someone outside knocked on Zhong Wan's door and
asked if he could pack it properly.
Zhong Wan converged and nodded, "OK."
Zhong Wan will enter the palace recently.
Xuanrui's illness is getting more and more serious. Emperor Chong An will
ask an individual to ask him in the past. Only Zhong Wan can go to the
Qian'an palace.
Xuan Congxin waited in the main hall, and when Zhong Wan came up, he
stood up and murmured in a very uneasy voice, "Why is it so troublesome? Is
there anything you can't ask the Taiyi?"
"It's a good thing to ask me to ask." Zhong Wan smiled. "The emperor doesn't
ask, how can I ask about going back to Qian'an?"
Xuan Cong remembered the last time he entered the palace, "The last time I
suddenly wanted to see you, called you, and came out after so long, my heart
that was waiting at the gate of the palace, I almost turned back to find you
Now. "
Zhong Wan froze and remembered.
At the time when Xuan Chong was sent to the palace, Zhong Wan was robbed
by Yu Jian in the library, and then ...
Zhong Wan could not help but think of the words on the note.
What does Feng steward mean?
Send Xuanrui away, they have to move directly to Yuwang Mansion?
Directly ... just go there?
Zhong Wan doesn't have much luggage, so there is no need to hire a car.
Has Feng steward already prepared for him?
Oh yeah, I have to die.
You have to wait for him at night.
Is this true?
In order to prevent Yu Jue from crippling himself, you should tie him in
Can't beat him by himself.
Give him some medicine first?
Zhong Wan had a previous medical prescription for Yu Jue, but he just put a
little sweat medicine in the tea. The young Yu Yujue fell asleep and did n’t
know what to do.
Yu Yan at that time was already very handsome. Compared with now, his
eyebrows are softer, but when he fell asleep, it meant a bit colder. Zhong
Wan looked at Yu Yan when he was asleep, but he was not very embarrassed
Pull his hand.
Now Yu Jin ...
Zhong Wan's throat moved and she felt even more afraid.
The current Yu Jue, even if he was overwhelmed by drugs, is probably very
"Zhong Wan? Zhong Wan?"
Zhong Wan thought back, "Ah? What?"
Xuan Cong reluctantly, handed him his stove, "Go early and return early, the
emperor let us go the best, don't let ... think again, don't anger him."
Zhong Wan smiled: "Naturally, rest assured, you will be back at most two
Zhong Wan took over the stove and turned away.
Zhong Wan didn't hold much hope, Chong'an Emperor wouldn't care too much
about Xuanrui's life and death. He stayed for a few days just to be a face.
Zhong Wan had to accompany him to perform. Will let them go.
As long as you can leave Beijing before the death of the third prince Xuan
There are many people in Yu'an forgiveness in Qian'an's palace. Just before
Zhong Wan left, Yu's feet got news.
Yu Yan whispered: "Changing clothes for me, I'm going to the palace."
The servants waiting for Yu pardon were busy.
Yu Yan's identity is different from others. When he was a child, he didn't
need to inform anyone when he went to the palace. The princes were no
better than him.
After entering the palace, Yu Zhen did not deliberately seek Zhong Wan.
Yu Zhen himself could not say what he came for.
Feng's steward's words disturbed him, and made his mind more unclear than
Yu Jian didn't want Zhong Wan to stay, but thinking of Zhong Wan being with
him as if he was a child, Yu Yan began to hesitate again.
But wasn't Zhong Wan gone?
The reason why Feng steward is so tossing, Yu Yan knew clearly.
Yu Yan chuckled, no matter what it was for, but it was amazing that everyone
didn't want to die.
Yu Yan walked unconsciously to the edge of Bibo Pool and watched the
shattered dry lotus on the water quietly come out.
The ground in the palace was warm, and the several pools in the palace were
not frozen.
Yu Yan looked at the dark pool water, turned down the observation pavilion,
walked straight to the pool, staring blankly at the deep water.
It would be great to have such a hundred.
Everyone is clean.
There were several footsteps from the gazebo, Yu Yan frowned.
Someone always appears at this time.
"Why did he enter the palace?"
On the gazebo, Xuanqiong, the fifth prince, was holding the railing and said
impatiently, "Let me wait? What's the rule?"
Xuan Qiong's entourage echoed: "Yes, it's ridiculous, but the emperor did not
give Zhong Wan a face, but was asking King Qian'an's condition."
"Inexplicable." Xuan Qiong mentioned that Wan Wan was 10,000 unhappy.
"Even if the father and emperor prefer his cousin, he would give Zhong Wan
a high look. He read books together for a while. Oh ... Zhong Caizi is proud,
except Xuanrui never talks to anyone, and reading with his prince is like his
The companion smiled, "No matter how arrogant, isn't it a slave now? It was
kindness of the master, otherwise it would be impossible to kill him and kill
him, but unfortunately ... let Wang Xiaoyu buy it."
"What little prince! I haven't attacked Jazz yet." Xuan Qiong was annoyed. "I
wish I could attack Jazz early ... It's even more upsetting now that I can't go
Yu Yan was obsessed with life, and Xuan Qiong had doubts early on. He was
always worried that he was really the illegitimate son of Emperor Chong An.
He would block his own path in the future, and his followers also understood
and lowered his voice.
"Isn't there anyone here?" Xuan Qiong said that, but she didn't mention it
anymore, and smiled. "I heard that, yesterday, my cousin went to the Qian'an
Palace, ha ... seems to be looking for Zhong Wan. "
The follower whispered.
"Zhong Wan really looks good. I just glanced far away and look more
handsome than before, but ..." Xuan Qiong smiled, "shit bones."
The follower won't hear it: "Don't he follow Wang Yu Xiao before? I now
meet the old master, I don't know how to please him."
"Speaking of which, I wanted to buy him back then, but my mother and
concubine wouldn't let me, and I wouldn't allow it." Xuan Qiong sneered.
"It's really interesting. I've guarded me tightly at that moment and said that I
shouldn't mess with the Ning palace , Could not control his son, so that Yu
Zizheng bought Zhong Wan. "
"Hey, who controls Lord Yu Xiaoyu." The companion laughed. "Conversely
... the more painful and strict the management, Lord Yu hurts you, so you have
to control everything, Lord Yu Xiaowei ... but let it go It looks good. "
"Yeah ..." Xuan Qiong didn't know what to think, and suddenly he laughed,
followed by a few whispers, and both laughed, Xuan Qiong ordered, "Stop
him, you must stop him! Out of the palace, he is a slave! "
The follower hesitated for a moment and persuaded: "Forget it, Zhong Wan is
not a mess."
"What's wrong? You ..." Xuan Qiong whispered, "Just say my cousin picked
him up! He must have followed."
The followers also wanted to persuade, Xuan Qiong laughed: "I have
something to say about it with him, haha ... even if you turn around, do you
say that you are protecting me or your cousin? Oh ... I'm not sure I can't wait
for me Put his cousin on his face! "
The companion laughed: "This is nature. Who doesn't say good to Lord Yu
Xiao, it's terrible to bother him in the back?"
Xuan Qiong's thoughts became more and more interesting: "Haha ... Zhong
Wan saw me for a while, that look hahahaha ..."
Under the viewing pavilion, Yu Yan quietly listened expressionlessly.
Yu Jian looked down at the water, still wanted to go down, kept going,
sinking into the bottom of the lake, a hundred.
When I die, I can't see these people anymore, I can't hear these words.
Yu Zheng walked two steps into the water. On the viewing pavilion, Xuan
Qiong led the follower along the veranda on the other side.
"Don't follow me, let's arrange it first." Xuan Qiong chuckled, "Must be
pretending to be a bit, right! Is the cousin entering the palace today? Ha ...
how suitable! Just go and pretend His followers, Zhong Wan must not be able
to bear it, at that time ... "
Xuan Qiong stopped and was startled. He stuttered, "Watch ... cousin."
Yu Yan stood under the veranda, looking somber.
Xuan Qiong did not know how much he had been heard by Yu Juan, and was
uneasy in his heart. He laughed, "Why did my cousin come here?"
Yu Yan's eyes were red and his lips were white. Xuan Qiong was afraid of
him, and now he was even more disturbed. He shouted, "How, how ..."
Yu Yan looked straight at Xuan Qiong and suddenly said, "Are you looking
forward to my death?"
Xuan Qiong reluctantly laughed, "What ... what is this?"
Yu Yan said to himself, "You're afraid I'm going to die early. No one checks
and balances for you. But in my heart, I hope I can make a surprise, don't I?"
Xuan Qiong was so scared that he couldn't hear what Yu Yan said, but he felt
that Yu Yan was very scary. He opened his mouth, wanted to explain, and
was speechless.
Yu Yan looked at the pool water aside, "I'm jumping now, are you happy?"
Xuan Qiong shuddered, "Jump, jump?"
"I've been dying so many times ..." Yu Yan looked down at Xuan Qiong, his
voice dumb, "What's weird about this?
Xuan Qiong's followers guessed that Yu Yan had listened to what the two
men said just now, and forced himself to calm down: "Little, little prince ...
we are just joking down the hall, no, don't want to move Zhong Wan."
"Zhong Wan ..." Yu Yan tingled in his head, and he frowned, "Zhong Wan is
going back to Qian'an ..."
It wasn't the first time Xuan Qiong saw Yu Yan's madness, and he tried his
best to stabilize his heart, and said, "Yes, we are just ... for fun, I didn't say
what to do with Zhong Wan, that is ... Just ask him to make a joke. "
"Zhong Wan ..." Yu Yan whispered, "I was dead right ... Zhong Wan is yours,
isn't it?"
"I'm dead ... everyone is fine and clean ..."
Yu Yan looked at the water and murmured, "I'm looking forward to my death
Xuan Qiong was going to be scared to death by Yu Jin, he was worried that
Yu Jin would tell what had just happened, and he was so anxious that he was
ruthless in his heart and said, "Indeed ... it's dead and clean."
Yu Yan looked at the pond water, and there was always something in the
bottom of the water that seduced him. He wanted to relieve him ...
"It's clean, but ..." Yu Yan's eyes were full of suffocation, and he looked at
Xuan Qiong suddenly, "Why should I clean you?"
Xuan Qiong was so scared that she almost knelt down. Yu Zhen stepped
forward suddenly, grabbing Xuan Qiong's neckline and whispered, "Do you
want him, too? You think so, do you?" I hope I die early, don't I ... "
There were countless fragments flashing in Yu Yan's head, and his headache
was about to explode. Yu Yan's voice trembled, "You look forward to me
jumping, you look forward to me ..."
Yu Yan stunned Xuan Qiong so that he suddenly remembered that yesterday,
he also cried with Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan fell in his arms and was emotional.
Yu Yan whispered: "But I don't want to die today."
Xuan Qiong trembled in fright, Yu Yan looked down at Xuan Qiong's
frightened face, and a sudden nausea appeared in her chest.
"You deserve to learn him!" Yu Yan pushed away Xuan Qiong in disgust,
pushing a person into the water, and said coldly, "If you want to die, you must
die first!"
Xuan Qiong plunged into the water, and the pig seemed to be choked. He
would not have water, and suddenly fell into the icy lake and sank
Xuan Qiong's entourage was stunned, how could he never have thought, well,
why did his master fall? !! He screamed like crazy, and immediately a guard
rushed over.
Yu Yan on the one side adjusted the sleeves of his clothes, and suddenly felt a
lot more comfortable in his heart, and his brain was not disturbed. He took a
deep breath and looked away.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 27: 27
Zhong Wan felt that he was really bad for years.
After getting the chance to face holy, he didn't wait for him to resign for
Xuanrui, and suddenly someone came to pass: Xuanqiong, the fifth prince,
fell into the water.
Zhong Wan was startled, and suddenly remembered the rumors these days-the
princes murdered Huang Quanshui.
Emperor Chong'an's face suddenly changed. Regardless of Zhong Wan, he
sternly said, "Who followed Xuan Qiong ?! How did he let him fall? What is
Xuan Qiong now?"
The guard who came to the report could not bear such a heavy blame, and
said, "The people who followed His Highness and the guards who patrolled
the poolside have now all been detained. How should they be carefully
examined? His Highness is now sent to Qianqiu Hall. Both Yu Fei's mother
and Taiyi have passed. "
Emperor Chong'an was so anxious that he ordered people to see Xuan Qiong,
and he was asked to bring Xuan Qiong's followers.
Zhong Wan should have retreated now, but he really wanted to know that the
annoying thing of Xuan Qiong was dead, hesitated for a moment, stood aside
without a word, and did not own him.
Not long after, Xuan Qiong's followers were brought up, and the followers
were soaked in the lake from the waist down. It was too late to change, and
they couldn't stop shaking and couldn't speak well.
After waiting for Chong'an to ask questions, the follower talked about the
facts and avoided the important things. He didn't mention what Xuan Qiong
said, only that Xuan Qiong had been outside the hall for a long time, and his
frozen legs were numb, and he went to Bibochi. As I walked away, when I
came down from the viewing pavilion, I happened to meet Yu Yan. Without
saying a few words, I was pushed into the lake by Yu Yan with a different
As soon as Chong An heard about Yu Jian, his face was even worse. "Zi Xun
is good, what does Xuan Qiong do?"
Xuan Qiong's followers couldn't help but scratch their heads, crying and
shaking their heads and said they didn't know.
Emperor Chong'an was angry and scolded his followers, and the followers
cried and scratched their heads: "Yu Xiaoye always behaves differently than
ordinary people, and today I do n’t know how to be upset, but ... even if there
is something unsatisfactory, Just let the villain breathe, how can you push His
Royal Highness? Blame the villain for failing to protect His Highness ... "
Emperor Chong'an remembered the absurd actions of Yu Jinping on a
weekday, hesitated for a moment, stopped questioning his followers, and
ordered people to see Xuan Qiong.
Xuan Qiong's servants wiped a cold sweat, a little relieved, fortunate that Yu
Zhen had done a lot of ridiculous things before, Chong An emperor always
raised and gently put down, and later, for the sake of Zhou Quanyu ’s palace
and his reputation for preserving Yu Jian No one is allowed to investigate
thoroughly, let alone to delve deeper. In this way ... the words that Xuan
Qiong said before falling into the water can be vaguely passed.
Zhong Wan stood aside, looking sideways at the follower, his heart was
transfixed, and Shen Shen asked: "Is it Lord Yu Xiao mad for no reason, or
are you not serving well enough to seduce the Five Halls to the water? Or ...
will you be His Highness? Pushed into the water? "
Emperor Chong'an was so surprised that it reminded Zhong Wan that he was
still here.
Zhong Wan knelt down. "His Highness is now unconscious. I don't know
what will happen below. It is related to the life of the prince. Xu also related
to the drowning of the three His Highness before. I ask the emperor to
investigate thoroughly."
Chong An emperor was silent for a moment and asked the eunuch, "What's
wrong with Joan?"
The old **** shook his head with a sad face: "Rescue is saved, but she is
still in a coma. The concubine Yu Yu nearly cried to her death, and is making
a noise ... Let Yu Xiaoyu go."
Emperor Chong'an rubbed his eyebrows and said for a moment: "Zi Xi has
not yet left the palace ... bring him."
Zhong Wan thought Yu Yu was better than pushing Xuan Qiong into the water
for a while, otherwise I would help you so much that you would probably
anger me for a while.
Zhong Wan and Yu Guang swept the Xuan Qiong followers kneeling on the
ground, feeling that he seemed to be shaking more than before.
This slave did not tell the truth ...
Zhong Wan calmed down by three points, but couldn't help feeling cold for
Yu Yan.
Yu Yan's life is complicated, the person who knows the inside is secret, and
others do n’t know the inside, only knowing that he is not ordinary, and no
matter what he does, Chong An Emperor will take care of him in order not to
stir up the old things.
Yu Jian himself may not explain something for himself.
Therefore, he can throw any blame on him.
But no matter what his life experience, was it his choice?
Zhong Wan recalled all the deaths and deaths of Yu Yan said by Feng steward
all these years, and suddenly he wondered whether those things were all
caused by Yu Yan, or was someone else looking at him with his heart,
helping the situation, and killing with a knife?
Seven years ago, Yu Jian had not even heard of Mongolian sweat medicine,
how could he know what is Hanshi San?
Did he get the medicine himself, or did others know he was in a desperate
state and seduced him?
It's like Yu Zheng ... It's too easy to kill him.
Zhong Wan watched the shivering follower lying on the ground and trembled
in his chest.
A minion dared to pour dirty water on Yu Yan.
Not long after, Yu Yan, who had just arrived at the gate of the palace, was
stopped and brought over.
Yu Yan's expression was natural, as if it wasn't him who pushed Xuan Qiong
into the water, but he hesitated slightly when he saw Zhong Wan, and then he
looked as usual.
Emperor Chong'an asked, "Did you push Xuan Qiong into the water?"
Yu Yan nodded: "Yes."
Obviously don't want to explain anything.
Xuan Qiong's followers seized a glimmer of vitality, couldn't help but scratch
their heads, and blamed themselves.
Chong Andi had a headache. "What are you going to do? Good ..."
Yu Yan glanced at his followers on the ground, sneered, wondering what hat
he had been detained this time.
Yu Yan said lightly: "Seeing that he feels sick, he pushed him down."
Chongan Emperor said angrily, "You!"
Zhong Wan molars, this jerk!
Yu Yan was too lazy to argue, and he did not want to repeat the words that
Xuan Qiong said. Anyway, Chong Andi would not treat himself, what they
said, and what he recognized.
Yu Yan looked up at Emperor Chong'an, and there was a hint of impatience in
his heart.
He didn't believe Chong An could guess why he was crazy.
Every time it ’s because of Chen Guzi ’s rotten sesame seeds, what else can
be explained?
Chong An emperor was afraid to listen to these, and he was not impatient to
Everyone is good at being vague.
Anyway, Xuan Qiong was not dead, and he was at most under house arrest.
What else?
Yu Zheng pleaded guilty, Yu Guang swept Zhong Wan, and stunned.
Zhong Wan was looking at him anxiously.
Yu Yan had calmed down at the moment, and he knew what Bacheng Zhong
Wan had said as soon as he thought about it, and then Emperor Chong'an
would pass on his own question.
Zhong Wan waited for a long time and couldn't hear Yu Jian say a word. He
was dying in his heart, anxious to argue for him. He looked up at Yu Jin, and
saw that Yu Jin was also watching him.
Looking at each other, Zhong Wan froze and heard Yu Yan frown and
whispered, "Nosy business."
Yu Jinjing calmed for a while, as if she had made up her mind, and said
irritably, "Please ask the emperor to retreat from idle idlers."
Emperor Chong'an nodded, and Zhong Wan, the "miscellaneous person, etc."
was kindly invited out.
Zhong Wan expected that Xuan Qiong had said something that he could not
listen to, and Yu Jian was willing to justify it, and it was all right.
Zhong Wan waited outside the hall, watching Yu Fei enter the hall with a faint
expression on his face, and Ewha flashed with rainy eyes.
After a while, Xuanqiong's follower was dragged out, and the **** drew his
eyelids and whispered: "Holy kindness, only a hundred boards were
punished, take him to take the punishment."
The guard outside the hall promised, the old **** slowly hummed again:
"This is the one who offends Lord Yu Xiao, you should know something,
don't let Lord Yu Xiao be happy."
The scared and half-dead entourage heard that it was about to kill his mouth,
and he was so frightened to scream, and the guard covered his mouth and
nose, dragging it down.
The old **** turned to look at Zhong Wan, and said gently: "It's unfortunate
that I don't want to have so many things today. The emperor probably has no
energy to talk to you. Master Zhong doesn't have to wait here. The old slave
sent you. Get out of the house. "
Zhong Wan nodded and followed the **** out of the palace.
On the way, I heard the old **** and the little **** talking with him softly.
"The concubine Yu is really confused, the emperor is angry and has to break
in. In the presence of Lord Yu and so many people, she is reprimanded by the
emperor and makes a face ..."
"Mother-in-law is confused, and the emperor originally tabooed that she
would tell those His Highness five things that are not in the shadows, but she
just didn't listen. Now she hit the blade of the knife. Now it ’s okay. It ’s not
what she taught, but she also taught it. . "
"Master Yu Xiao is also energetic today, and said so much."
"It was the slave who was bold. Even if others talked about it, he dared to
say that Lord Xiao Yu was moody, wasn't it death?"
Zhong Wan exhaled softly and thanked the old **** when he was at the gate
of the palace. The old **** smiled and said softly: "It's cold, Master Zhong is
careful not to catch cold."
Zhong Wan nodded, the way of the heart should be told to me.
The eunuchs around the emperor do not have personal preferences. The
people they respect are those whom Chong An cares about.
Old eunuchs are so partial to Yu Yu, they should also know the inside story.
Zhong Wan was so confused in his head that he was about to leave. The old
**** who sent him out laughed again: "Master Zhong takes two steps slowly."
The old **** stepped forward two steps and laughed: "Tell a joke just heard
to Master Zhong, it doesn't matter. Once the slave said, Master Zhong heard
it, don't be angry, don't be concerned."
Zhong Wan frowned. "Father-in-law, please."
The old **** leaned slowly and said slowly: "Just now the slave who killed
Qiandao said that before the Fifth Hall was falling, he was discussing with
him. He was supposed to be a slave of Yu Wang's Mansion. He stopped
Master Zhong at the gate of the palace and abducted him. . "
Zhong Wan's eyes trembled.
“I do n’t know if it ’s true or false, but listen to it. But you see, Lord Yu
Xiaofu missed so much ...” The old **** looked out of the palace and
groaned. “Now the gate of the palace is n’t clear, it ’s okay. Are you there? "
Zhong Wan's heart seemed to be stabbed, causing pain.
"So, Master Zhong will leave with peace of mind. It's getting late. When he
gets out of the car, the master will be home." The old **** bowed and took
the **** away.
Zhong Wan tried his best to get on the carriage, and the old eunuch's words
lingered in his ear for a long time, and he was hurting all his internal organs.
His son-in-law ...
Zhong Wan felt cold sweat in his forehead, bent down stiffly, and took a deep
breath. It took a while to slow down.
Zhong Wan rubbed his face, calmed his breath, and made up his mind. No
matter how Yu Yan rushed him, he would stay.
He is not assured.
It was dark outside, and after a long time, the carriage stopped slowly.
Zhong Wan got out of the car and looked up at the plaque in the palace of Yu
Wangfu House for a long time.
Sure enough, get out of the car and get home? !!
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 28: 28
Zhong Wan glanced at the coachman, and the coachman bowed his head in
shame. Zhong Wan was helpless. This man also seemed to be forgiven.
Can't hide, Zhong Wan got out of the car and went to another hospital.
Before Feng Yu's return, the steward Feng was shocked when he saw Zhong
Wan. He heard what the people in the palace said before he knew what was
happening. Feng steward was shaken by his hands: "His Highness Five is
Shizi's cousin, Yu Consorts are the sons and daughters of the son, they, they ...
During the talk, someone went back and forth, saying that there was someone
in the palace, and it was said that Lord Shangyu, who was there, entered the
Zhong Wan frowned: "Is Lord Yu called to appeal to Yu Yu?"
"How is that possible?" Feng steward breathed a sigh of relief. "It must have
been to let the prince Wang teach the concubine Yu and His Highness Five."
Zhong Wan still didn't rest assured, "How can Yu Yu also push His Highness
into the water? Is it really okay?"
The steward Feng didn't care, "If the five lords are okay, they will be okay.
This is not the first time. At most ... they will be punished for the food in the
first half of the year and placed under house arrest for ten and a half months.
Feng steward sighed, "Mr. Yu Fei probably knew that this was the result, she
had to make trouble ..."
Feng steward was commonplace, but Zhong Wan felt how absurd it was.
"Why are you here?" Butler Feng thought of Zhong Wan and said
unexpectedly, "Are you ... moving here so early? I haven't packed anything
Zhong Wan reluctantly: "Your son brought me here. If it's okay ... can I get
The steward Feng thought and did not want to say, "Naturally not!"
"Since it means Shizi, where do we dare to let you go?" The memory that
was tortured by the young man Zhong Wansheng for three months is deep in
Feng's housekeeper's mind. He was afraid that Zhong Wan would run away
secretly, and intimidated first. What if you really leave ... what do you think
about Shizi coming back and not seeing you? "
Zhong Wan's throat moved, "Will ... how?"
"Gently lose your temper and look back to find a way to make up for it. The
unlucky one is you." Feng steward horrified. "In the worst case, the anger is
soaring! In the middle of the night, someone smashed the door of the Qian'an
Palace and took you Caught back directly ... King Qian'an is still sick, can't
afford such a scare? Besides, the middle of the night was seized from the
King's Mansion by Qianshi all the way ... Do you want to lose face? "
Zhong Wan looked at the butler Feng anxiously, "When you last lobbied,
when Ji Yuyu ran to our house to tell me, my face was almost lost."
Feng steward managed to lose money, and smiled: "Last time I was confused
and did not make it clear that Master Zhong was involved, but this time is
different. Think about it, Shizi just got angry in the palace, his temper is the
worst When I get you back at this time, what will ... will do to you? "
Zhong Wan thought blankly, would ... what about me?
Furious, tied me to the bed, is this or that?
Zhong Wan's auricles became slightly red. For a while, she really wanted to
"I just don't leave, I have something to ask him." Zhong Wan coughed and
looked around, "Where can I wait for him? Study?"
"Shizi's study will not allow anyone else to enter." Feng steward Hu made a
mess, "wait for the dead son's bedroom."
Zhong Wan looked at housekeeper Feng exhaustedly, "Are you still put the
bath barrel and petals in the bedroom?"
Mr. Feng's old face blushed, "Of course not! Then ... Master Zhong still went
to the room where you lived before?"
Zhong Wan said for a moment: "Where is it still?"
Feng steward said, "Naturally, I will take you there."
Butler Feng took Zhong Wan to the place where he lived and left, Zhong Wan
breathed a sigh of relief.
Everything remained unchanged in the compartment, and for a time Zhong
Wan thought he was back seven years ago.
There was only one little girl with a lamp in the room, and she looked twelve
or three.
Zhong Wan smiled: "Are you waiting for Grandpa Yu?"
The little girl shook her head and didn't dare to speak.
Zhong Wan said, "You go, I don't need anyone to wait."
The little girl didn't dare to leave and stood at the table.
Zhong Wan couldn't. For this girl, he couldn't lie down. He could only sit
upright, without a word. "How many years have you been here?"
The little girl whispered for a long time: "Five years."
"Oh, I haven't seen you then." Zhong Wan nodded. "I ... spent some time in the
house before. You might be four or five years old then."
The little girl looked at Zhong Wan timidly.
He couldn't rush, and didn't have to say anything. Zhong Wan picked up a
book and looked at it. He just turned two pages, and saw the little girl
walking slowly towards the book case.
Zhong Wan continued to look through the book, Yu Guang watched her.
The little girl thought that Zhong Wan hadn't noticed. She shivered and shook
her hand, and opened the small incense burner.
Zhong Wan flipped through another page of the book.
The pages snapped, scaring the girl to shrink her hands, and she didn't dare to
Zhong Wan estimated that it was Feng steward who ordered her. The child
was timid, and his hands and feet were unfavorable. He dragged himself into
the house and did not cook.
Zhong Wan still did not speak, quietly flipping through the book and reading.
After a while, the little girl stung to the book case again, gently opened the
incense box, trembled, and caught a lot of benzoin.
Zhong Wan: "..."
Young, cruel.
The little girl didn't know what to say, thought about it, grabbed another, put
it all into the incense burner, so as to extinguish the charcoal fire, she shook
her hand to cover the incense burner, and set aside.
The benzoin in the censer burned like a raging flame, and billowing thick
Zhong Wan didn't hold back and sneezed.
The little girl was shocked like a chick.
"Come on." Zhong Wan lost his temper, "I'm sleepy, you girl, can't watch me
The little girl's errand was done, and she didn't dare to stay too much. She
was blessed and retreated with relief.
Zhong Wan got up and looked at the little incense burner. He was forced to
sleep by the young Yu Yu, but he used only three or five pieces of benzoin.
The old thing of Feng steward was too poisonous. This full incense burner ...
Is it inconceivable to smoke your own stuff?
Zhong Wan held her mouth and nose and coughed twice, took a tea cup,
poured it into the incense burner, and turned to lie on the couch.
Yu Yan didn't know if he could come back tonight.
Zhong Wan laughed. Fortunately, it was benzoin. If aphrodisiac was left
alone for one night, it would be killed by that old thing ...
Zhong Wan was most afraid of this kind of incense. After being smoked for a
while, he became sleepy. He squeezed his eyebrows and had a mess in his
He still couldn't figure out what happened to Yu Yan's life.
Regardless of Xuan Qiong's heartfelt remarks, Yu Zhen is really murdering
the prince. Is this all right?
What is Chong'an Emperor thinking about?
Isn't it ... the old Emperor Chong An is too concerned about it and dare not
treat Yu Yu?
Zhong Wan frowned, thinking about Xuan Yuan, thinking about choosing Joan,
and lamented that Chong'an's life was really bad.
There are only two sons left.
Xuan Ye's mindless thing is still fighting in his own house today, Xuan Qiong
... Zhong Wan hasn't got along with him very much, but judging by this broken
thing he did today, I know that these years are also half profit.
Zhong Wan settled for Chong Andi, and wanted to grow colder.
If Yu Zhen really is Chongan Emperor's parent-child, which one Xuan Yuan
Xuan Qiong chooses, I am afraid that he will not be able to carry Yu Yan's
But the throne always has to be inherited by the emperor. Chong'an is almost
sixty. Even if the emperor's mausoleum emits smoke, he will have another
prince. Wan rolled over and got a headache ... Could it be that Emperor
Chong'an really wanted to set up a pardon?
If this is the case, Xuan Ye Xuan Qiong will not be able to survive. If Yu
Zhen wants to take the throne, it is impossible to keep these "principles".
Xuan Ye Xuan Qiong also expected, so it is necessary to get rid of Yu
Amnesty early.
Zhong Wan grew more and more anxious, and began to remember Xuan Rui
taking the medicine. Xuan Rui had been ill for several days. Today, she had a
chance to resign from Emperor Chong An, but she was yellowed by Xuan
Qiong's heartbreaking thing. Zhong Wanqi's molars couldn't move with his
scented brain, and fell asleep after a while of worry.
Zhong Wan slept sluggishly, stumbled, feeling that when she was a teenager,
she was sick and was taken care of by Lin Si.
Zhong Wan had passed on the news at that moment, and his heart fell to the
ground, and he fell asleep. Only intermittently half an hour was awake every
day, but he couldn't open his eyes.
He remembered Lin Si's clumsy stuff holding a bowl of medicine to pour
himself, as if he had fought with himself in the Ning Palace before, and
poured directly on his face.
Zhong Wan accumulated all her strength, holding a drop of decoction, telling
Lin Si gritted her teeth, "You leave me ..."
But it happened that he was pressed to the fire to see his Yu Yan heard.
Juvenile Yu Zheng thought this was what he said to him, his face turned blue
and white for a while, then he turned and left.
Zhong Wan saw that he had misunderstood, was almost vomiting blood, was
slammed under the bed, and stunned himself.
Zhong Wan was drowsy at the time, thinking about how to coax Yu Yan, who
had a bad temper, and was so anxious that he got up and had a fight with Lin
Si without the strength.
Fortunately, Yu Yan later seemed to be coming by himself.
Zhong Wan didn't remember how Yu Jin took care of himself, but he seemed
to be able to see it in the dream. He watched the young Yu Yu helplessly
holding his younger self, and simmered the soup with a small spoon, little by
little Feed yourself, and every time you feed, you will also take a sugar purse
out of your arms and put a piece of sugar in your mouth.
Zhong Wan saw the younger self coughing and vomiting again, Yu Juan patted
himself, then rolled up his sleeves, and let people send a basin to scrub
Zhong Wan saw the young man Yu Yan blushing again, fidgeting, and after
hesitating for half an hour, he walked to the bed and gently untied his clothes
Zhong Wan whispered in his dream.
Zhong Wan almost awakened himself with a smile. Among the chaos, he felt
that someone was sitting on his bed.
Zhong Wan slept on this couch for half a year, everything was very familiar,
and he was not awakened. He was confused by the fragrant aroma, and
thought that this was a childhood memory, and he began to have a spring |
Yu Yan at the time was not so tall.
Zhong Wan faintly felt that the person sitting on the bed leaned down slightly,
leaning close to him, and a voice of rubbing of the cloth came from Zhong
Wan's ears, feeling that the other party smoothed his hair for himself, and his
cold fingers swept across the hair , Zhong Zhong squinted comfortably.
Zhong Wan tilted his head unconsciously, and his face was stunned by the
man's hand, and the other side immediately withdrew his hand.
Zhong Wan frowned. After a while, he felt that his placket had been untied a
Zhong Wan instinctively closed his shirt, but his wrist was gently pressed
against the pillow, the force was not heavy, but only restricted Zhong Wan's
movements, which did not make him feel uncomfortable.
Zhong Wan couldn't wake up, feeling that the person in the dream had untied
his clothes a little, supported his waist, and dropped his outer shirt and put it
The other side put his hand on the placket of his lining again, and his slender
fingers hesitantly touched the top buckle. After a while, he removed his hand
and did not unlock it.
Zhong Wan didn't know whether he was lucky or sorry in his dream. He
moved a little, thinking that the dream had ended, but the next moment ...
The other side fell down, and suddenly leaned close to himself, Zhong Wan
clearly felt that the other's cool hair was hanging down and swept over his
The other person's breath was at his ear, and Zhong Wan was a little
emotional, and whispered: "Zi ..."
The other person's breathing suddenly became heavier, and the stamina of
benzoin struck. Zhong Wan completely fell asleep ...
The next morning, Zhong Wan sat on the bed, staring blankly at his coat at the
end of the bed.
Zhong Wan remembered clearly that he never took off the clothes last night.
That's ... how was it taken off?
The clothes had been folded twice, apparently he would not be unwell in his
Zhong Wan took a deep breath, faintly feeling that she might have lost
something last night.
Outside, Feng's housekeeper knocked on the door, pushed in, and stared at
Zhong Wan with blinking eyes.
Zhong Wan had a hint of hope, and tried his best to say naturally, "Last night
... has Xiaoyu Wang returned home?"
Butler Feng nodded cautiously. "As soon as I come back, I'll be here for
Zhong Wan was desperate.
Zhong Wan recalled madly whether he had a tight mouth last night, called a
name that should not be called, and said something that should not be said.
Mr. Feng asked carefully: "Master Zhong, do you want something, what, do
you want to ..."
Zhong Wan's voice trembled: "Don't hot water!"
Mr. Feng swallowed, "Don't worry, but you ... you are so quiet, I can't rest
"So what?" Zhong Wan was despairing, and said, "Should I cry while biting
the quilt now, how dirty I am, how dirty?"
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 29: 29
With a glimmer of hope, Zhong Wan brazenly asked: "Master Wang Yu stayed
in this room yesterday ... how long?"
Feng steward cleared his throat, "two or two hours."
Two hours ...
There are too many facts to do.
Zhong Wan tried his best to remember, but couldn't remember anything.
The only impression is that between half asleep and half awake, Yingying
Chuochu feels that someone is sitting at the bed looking at himself.
That man seemed to be Yu pardon.
What did he do? !!
Zhong Wan felt her ears red and felt that there was no discomfort throughout
her body, but ...
Yu Zhen really sat dead for two hours?
Isn't he tired?
Do not sleep in the middle of the night, staring at myself for two hours? It's
weird to think about it.
Zhong Wan picked up his outer shirt, and his heartbeat accelerated a bit.
If it only sat for two hours, how did this come off?
Distraught! !! !!
Zhong Wan tried his best to ignore the look of Feng's housekeeper, and tried
his best to calm down while wearing his clothes: "What about Prince Yu? I
have something to ask him."
Mr. Feng looked at Zhong Wan in embarrassment, and whispered, "Shi Zi
instructed that if you wake up, I will send you back to Qian'an Mansion."
"What?" Zhong Wan almost thought he had heard it wrong, "Well, let me go?
Doesn't he ... give me an explanation?"
The steward Feng shook his head. He also felt that Yu Jin was doing
something innocent and guilty: "Shizi said that he didn't want to see you, so
you leave when you wake up."
Don't want to see yourself?
Zhong Wan was speechless for a long time in shock.
"Guifu ..." Zhong Wan said in a difficult way, "I just have to sing a song to
spend the night, and I have to work hard, give me a few rides, don't you? Let
me eat it earlier, let me go ? "
The steward Feng was very persuasive: "How can Master Zhong compare
with those actors?"
"I'm better than a actor!" Zhong Wan said angrily, "Yu Ziyu usually tells the
actor how much money to spend! Get it for me!"
Feng steward made a difficult problem: "Our son has never been called a
actor, where do I know how much silver to use?"
Zhong Wan paused, trying to press the corners of his mouth to pick up, and
said, "Is it ..."
"Naturally, our son never touches those who do not do anything." Feng
steward thought for a while, and said, "Master Zhong is hungry? If you are
hungry, I will let you prepare, but ... you eat If it's early, you really have to
go. "
Zhong Wan said weakly: "I'm not hungry ... No, this was not my own visit.
Yesterday I was also abducted. How can I make it look like I rushed to find
him, but was blasted out? "
The steward Feng said as Yu Yu had ordered, and bowed his head to explain:
"Shizi said that yesterday, the five princes were going to abduct you ... I don't
know what to do with you."
Zhong Wan didn't understand what Feng steward said about this, and nodded
Mr. Feng said calmly, "Is that right? You were abducted yesterday, not Shizi,
but also others. Since Shizi has blocked your Highness five for you, naturally
... you can abduct you."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Thinking of this, it makes sense to his mother!
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and refused to follow the idea of Yu Mang, a
crazy man, and asked, "If someone wants to hit me tomorrow with a knife,
Lord Yu Xiaoyu will block for me. Can he hit me at any time?" Anyway, I'm
going to be beaten! "
Mr. Feng thought for a while, and cautiously said, "According to Shizi, this is
the case."
Zhong Wan swallowed the words "in the day after tomorrow someone
suddenly wants me" and nodded: "Okay ... I know, you go and ask someone
to set up a car, and I leave."
The steward Feng was busy and ordered that the servants of the King Yu's
House handled things neatly, and in a short time, Zhong Wan was kindly sent
Zhong Wan's Yunshan mist cover was abducted, and he was sent away
Hao Sheng sent Zhong Wan away, but Feng's housekeeper came to talk to Yu
Yu Yan lay on the chaise couch, squinting.
He didn't sleep overnight last night, and now he is slightly blue.
Yu Yan didn't open his eyes when he heard the footsteps of Feng steward,
"Sent away?"
Feng steward bowed: "Sent away."
Yu Yan's lips moved, as if he wanted to ask, but didn't ask.
Mr. Feng stewarded Yu Yan's thoughts and took the initiative to say: "Master
Zhong got up in the morning and was shocked. He asked for a long time, and
asked whether Shizi had gone to him yesterday. How long did he stay in his
room? Master Zhong ... is not too scared. "
Yu Yan seemed to have heard nothing.
The steward Feng half swallowed and vomited. "This is because Master
Zhong has a good temper and doesn't go into his heart. If you are narrow-
minded, you can turn people around and send them away ... I'm afraid it will
be really angry."
Yu Yan calmly said: "When you get angry, you get angry."
The steward Feng really didn't understand: "Shizi obviously cares about
Master Zhong, why is he always so eager to leave? Master Zhong doesn't
know if he will go back with King Qian'an one day, so please ..."
"Come on." Yu Yan tilted his head impatiently, "I'm sleepy."
Feng steward sighed, took a blanket for Yu Yan, and backed away.
For a while, Yu Yan slowly opened his eyes and pressed the temple with
great discomfort.
First he had a fight with Xuan Qiong in the palace, and then he sat all night at
Zhong Wan's bed. He was really sleepy.
Yu Jai didn't want to do anything at all, just wanted to see Zhong Wan, but the
thing that didn't know how to live or die was screaming in a dream.
Yu Yan closed his eyes and calmed down.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan last night and suddenly thought of the night
before Zhong Wan left seven years ago.
At that time, Xuan Rui attacked King Ning's position and had taken his
brother and sister to Qian'an to seal the land. Zhong Wan was restless day
and night after receiving the news. The teenager Yu Ju understood that he
could not keep him.
Yu Zheng was uncomfortable looking at Zhong Wan at that moment, knowing
that his father had pitted him, and he should not force him to stay with him,
but he couldn't bear it.
Juvenile Yu Zheng himself could not say clearly whether he was reluctant to
let Zhong Wan suffer the fiefdom or whether he was reluctant to be this
There was something going on in my heart, and I didn't know what to say.
The two of them looked at each other in Taichi for a few days, Yu Yu
remembered that Zhong Wan suddenly said to him one day: Ziyi, the last time
you messed up your relationship, I feel very sorry.
The young man looked at him from the side and stuttered, "But now think
about it, the granddaughter of Wen Guo is also very good. In the future ... you
have to find a better Princess Xiaoyu, otherwise I will be so sorry for you, if
I know your marriage is unsatisfactory, and I'm not at ease. "
Yu Zheng also stunned, "Okay, I ... I must find a better one, and I won't let you
miss it."
Juvenile Zhong Wan heard the silence for a long time, smiled, and said
quietly, "So, I'm at ease."
Yu Yan faintly felt that Zhong Wan's expression was not right. He asked him
carefully, but he didn't know how to speak. They were not embarrassed for
several days, and they always talked like this.
Yu Yan couldn't guess when Zhong Wan was leaving, worried that it would
be unsafe for him to go to Qian'an alone, and wanted to ask him if he wanted
to send someone to send him by himself, but didn't want to take the initiative
to mention it.
What if Wanwan doesn't leave?
What if Zhong Wan was just worried about Xuan Rui, after a few days, it
would be the same as before?
Yu Yan was hopeful, but he still put a few silver tickets in Zhong Wan's
house, afraid that Zhong Wan could not see them, and put them directly on the
There is a long way to go in Nanjiang. It will take only a few months to go.
If he wanted to leave the city, he was a slave, and he also had to write it out.
Yu Jian was cruel and ruthless, and found out Zhong Wan ’s mercy contract.
Folded together to reveal a corner, pressed under the paperweight of Zhong
Wanshu's case.
Yu Yan put these things in a conspicuous place, and Zhong Wan is expected to
be able to see them.
The next day, Yu Yan went to Zhong Wan's room to see, and the silver ticket
sales deeds were indeed collected.
Yu Yan couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, only he knew that Zhong Wan
was really leaving.
Two days later, Zhong Wan suddenly had a drink one night, and then he held
Yu Yan to chat with him endlessly. Yu Yan knew in his heart that it was today.
Yu Yan was overwhelmed by alcohol, but he still drank a lot with Zhong
Wan. He remembered that the young man Zhong Wan looked at himself with
complex eyes and whispered: "Zi, if you are from my family, that's fine."
Yu Yan looked up and poured a glass of wine, and Shen said, "My surname is
Yu, how can you be your family?"
Zhong Wan smiled freely, "Yeah."
Zhong Wan poured half a bowl of wine directly to her, and she sulked.
Zhong Wan said in the middle that he was dizzy, so that Yu Ju could
extinguish the burning incense in the censer, Yu Ju left, and when he returned,
Yu Ju noticed that his wine had passed.
Juvenile Yu Yan's heart was mixed, pretending not to know, and swallowed
the wine.
At that time, Yu Zhen even thought indignantly that even if it poisoned me, I
recognized it.
But that's not poisonous, just a little sweat.
Zhong Wanfang's sweat medicine is too small. After a while of incense, Yu
Yan began to feel sleepy. He couldn't bear to look at Zhong Wan, thinking that
it was difficult to go at night. I just fell asleep, so that you can feel relieved
earlier. go.
Juvenile Yu Jiu got up and shook it twice, fell down, and was helped by
Zhong Wan to the couch.
Yu Yan clearly remembered that Zhong Wan's hands were shaking.
Yu Yan leaned against the bed and slept, feeling that Zhong Wan was half-
knelt in front of himself and looked at himself for a long time.
It took a long time for the potency of the sweat medicine to come up
completely, and Zhong Wan moved, stood up, and fumbled to Yu Jian's waist
Between half asleep and half awake, Yu Yan's chest was like a cymbal drum,
and his heart said ... Was Zhong Wan going to do something before leaving?
Juvenile Yu Zheng didn't know what he was expecting. He closed his eyes
tightly, for fear that Zhong Wan would find that he was not asleep.
After a while, Yu Yan felt that Zhong Wan started to fumble his sleeves again.
Yu Jiuqiang was holding his medicine, wasn't his heart trying to untie my
belt? Why hasn't it been solved? Why did you start touching your sleeves
When Yu Jing heard Ding Dong's soft bang, he couldn't help but wanted to
know what Zhong Wan was doing, and opened his eyes a slit ...
The teenager Zhong Wan wrapped it with a tablecloth and spread it out on the
couch. He removed all the valuable accessories from Yu Yan with ease, and
installed them one by one.
The young Yu Yuqi was almost unable to pretend.
So aren't enough silver tickets? !! This man ... really doesn't suffer a little.
Yu Yan was left to search by Zhong Wan. After a while, the money bag, jade
fan ring, etc. on her body were all cleaned, Yu Yan secretly regretted it ...
The jade worn today is not very precious, and it is not as valuable as that set.
Zhong Wan learned about Suosuo's groping for a while, and the power of the
sweat medicine completely came up. Yu Jue could no longer hold it. Before
he fell asleep, Yu Jue felt that Zhong Wan was closer, but he didn't remember
anything below.
Waking up the next day, Zhong Wan really left.
Mr. Feng was so anxious that he searched the Dafu Mansion several times,
and searched and found the place where Zhong Wan had previously hidden,
but found nothing.
Zhong Wan really left.
Yu Yan was searched by the steward Feng. He was not in a hurry and was not
allowed to go out for inspection.
Yu Zheng closed the door and looked for two times in his room.
But found nothing.
Zhong Wan did not leave a letter to him.
Juvenile Yu Yan felt a little angry at his empty waist, even if he left a word
for himself!
Even if it's a visit on the table? !!
Yu Yan unsuccessfully went to Zhong Wan's house again, and turned over the
small bedside cabinet, and found nothing.
Zhong Wan left nothing for him.
He came clean and neatly left.
Yu Yan sat in front of Zhong Wan's book case for a long time. When he got up,
his wide sleeve swept a book, and the book fell to the ground.
That is the Book of Songs. The Book of Songs is spread out on the page of
"Zheng Feng". Several silver tickets, selling deeds, and lu Yin are stacked
Xiao Zhongwan took nothing.
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Chapter 30: 30
Yu Yan couldn't imagine how Zhong Wan went to Qian'an all the way.
No entanglement, no lead, how much hardship did he suffer in those few
The young Yu Yu could still comfort himself. Zhong Wan took at least some
of his personal belongings. Those things can still be exchanged for silver. But
year after year, those things were sent back one by one.
Just like between him and Zhong Wan, he was always clean and indifferent.
Yu Yan began to have a headache again, and he rolled over uncomfortably,
exhaling a long breath.
The steward Feng has been guarding outside. He listened to Yu Zhen turning
back and forth to sleep uneasily, came lightly into the room, and whispered:
"Shizi, Shizi, have nightmares again?"
"No," Yu said coldly, "not yet asleep."
The steward Feng was worried about what Yu Yan was unhappy about, and
asked, "That benzoin?"
Yu Zheng was impatient, "You treat me as him?"
Feng steward smiled: "Yes, Master Zhong really can't stand the medicine.
Every time, he can't be beaten by thunder that sleeps with a little incense."
Yu Yan looked out the window, looking far away, and seemed to remember
something in the past.
Yu Yan was hesitant about whether he really used some incense. He really
didn't want Zhong Wan in his head to stir up himself again. He fretfully said,
"Don't stare at me, I don't have the energy to do anything else now."
This is true. Every time Yu Yu tossed something, he would settle down for a
while. He just had a fight with Xuan Qiong in the palace. At least half a
month, he would not have any interest in seeking death.
The steward Feng was secretly anxious. He could perceive it, but Yu Jian
didn't want to.
But my heart is too bitter. After a while, it seems that I can't bear it. I have to
find an accident to vent it.
The steward Feng stepped forward and pulled the blanket for Yu Yan. He
saw his eyes still open and whispered softly: "The man who sent Master
Zhong has returned, and their generations greeted King Qian'an, listening to
the housekeeper of the Qian'an palace, King Qian'an became more ill. "
Yu Yan closed his eyes, "mostly pretending."
Feng steward laughed: "Not necessarily."
"He was in a hurry to return to Qian'an." Yu Zheng frowned. "Most of you
entered the palace yesterday, and you want to resign from the emperor for
Xuan Rui."
Yu Yan sneered: "Speaking of it, Xuan Rui's life is good. Such a waste, it has
survived well to the present."
Feng steward keenly smelled a hint of semi-acidity. He felt a drama in his
heart, and said softly, "Actually, Shizi could not let Master Zhong go."
Yu Yan was most annoyed by this, and frowned when he heard that, "Can't
keep it."
Mr. Feng saw the stitches inserted, "But it's not necessarily right now! Can't
you keep it now?"
Yu Yan stopped talking.
It took a while before he whispered, "You can stay, you can't keep it."
Feng steward felt uncomfortable for a while, anxious: "Shizi, do you expect
to live shortly?"
Yu Yan said calmly, "Yes."
Feng steward could not wait to start with Yu Ju.
Yu Yan said it, but he was calm. He put his arm behind his head and slowly
said, "And ... I hate him in my heart, and keep him by my side. If I don't know
what day I will fall ill, I will choke him to death. . "
Feng steward was at a loss: "What do you hate him? Hate him to arrange
your affairs over the years?"
"No," Yu said, squinting. "I hate him for being able to live relentlessly and
peacefully for a whole life, but he really wants to be honest with everyone."
Feng steward laughed: "Isn't this the benefit of Master Zhong?"
"Yes, so I can't stay any more." Yu Ai took a deep breath. "If he wasn't like
this temper, I would have been last night ..."
The steward Feng felt that he had heard the key, and was busy asking: "How
was it last night?"
There was a bitter hatred in Yu Yan's eyes: "I made him last night."
Feng Guan's anger will not come out, then you do it! !! !!
Feng steward hated iron and steel, "Then two hours last night, Shizi in the
end ... in the end ..."
"I didn't touch him, no ..." Yu Jian frowned, "I touched it too."
The steward Feng was anxious to die, and he was afraid of annoying Yu Yu.
He could only keep his face old and slowly asked, "What did you touch?"
Yu Yan was silent for a long time, "Kiss me."
Steward Feng was secretly surprised, impatient, "Just ... kiss?"
Yu Yan looked elsewhere: "He asked for it."
Butler Feng was completely confused, "I asked for it?"
Yu Yan was annoyed, "I was just taking off his shirt, and he made that
unimportant form, and ... called me."
Steward Feng: "..."
The steward Feng wanted Zhong Wan to understand, and asked Zhong Wan
carefully, "How is that, not self-respect?"
Yu Yan looked at Mr. Feng and twisted his eyebrows: "What are you doing to
listen to these?"
The steward Feng was startled and laughed. "The old slave just couldn't think
of it. Masters like Master Zhong can not take themselves seriously."
Yu Yan wanted to say, and gave up again, "In short ... it's very shameless."
Thinking back to the time when Zhong Wanxing was asked to confess the
crime, the clock looked emotional. Yu Yan's throat was dry and he moved
unwell. "
"Deserve it, deserve it too much, don't take pride in yourself, don't love
yourself!" Feng steward replied bitterly, thinking that he deserves it, you just
kissed it!
The steward Feng hesitated again and again, paying attention to Yu Yan's
look, and whispered: "Speaking of it, Shizi is not too young. In the first few
years, the eldest princess asked the old slave whether it was time to arrange
a few roommates for Shizi. Slave guessing that Shizi would not want a
princess, he quit for Shizi. Now think about whether it is time to find some
proper and older girls ... "
Yu Yan looked at Feng's housekeeper, "No one is required to teach me, I
know what it looks like."
"Yes, yes." Butler Feng was half-dead, "Shizi naturally knew."
Yu Yan looked at Mr. Feng somehow: "What do you think about every day?
I'm not the same as ordinary people, but I don't even understand this, I knew
it in my teens."
Feng steward coaxed: "Understand."
"Don't make some strange people come to my room." Yu Qian looked at the
alert alertly, "I don't want a woman, and I won't leave blood, if I suddenly
see someone in the room who I shouldn't see ... ... I'm gonna kill her right
away. "
Feng steward moved, "That man ..."
Yu Yan thought and didn't want to say, "Naturally don't."
Butler Feng said, "The son of the world knows Master Zhong well ..."
Yu Yan frowned: "I kissed him because he didn't love himself!"
Feng steward was almost persuaded by Yu Jian again, he muttered to himself:
"Yes, it is Master Zhong himself who is frivolous in the dream, well, actually
calling the expression of Shizi in the dream? This is not frivolous? Qing,
when have you seen such a thing? He must have been deceived by him! He
dare to call this in his dream, and it is clear that what the world son will do!
Yu Yan heard that he felt a little better.
Feng Guanjiao was ruthless. "So he gave Shizi a little advantage, and he
deserved it!"
Yu Jian was disturbed by this incident, and now he wanted to open it
completely, and closed his eyes: "Exactly."
Feng steward waited for Yu Yu to forgive him, gritted his teeth and said,
"Since he is so uncomfortable, why not ..."
Yu Geng said irritably: "He is unbearable, do I have to be with him? And ...
He then rested a lot, lying in my arms and sleeping very honestly."
Grandpa Yu Xiaoqing has clear rewards and penalties, but Feng steward has
nothing to say.
Yu Jing used this meticulous analysis to solve himself, relieved himself a lot,
and covered himself with a blanket: "I'm sleepy, you go."
Feng steward retreated.
The steward Feng felt that this was not the way to go.
He wrote another letter to Zhong Wan.
In the Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan was retiring from Xinping together.
Zhong Wan didn't return all night, Xuan Cong was worried, and kept asking
him what was wrong.
"Yesterday ... I didn't say anything, it was a mess." Zhong Wan laughed. "I
have something to say to you."
Xuan Congxin hadn't slept for almost a night. She gave Zhong Wan a strange
look and said patiently, "You said."
"Yesterday I was going to resign for your brother, but I was disturbed by
other things. Now the fifth emperor Xuan Qiong has been filled with water,
and I don't know how. The emperor certainly has no energy to take care of us.
"Zhong Wan was two big heads." Another prince is in trouble. Let's resign
again and again, for fear of counterproductiveness, let the emperor doubt
something, I mean ... "
Zhong Wan paused and discussed: "I took a break in the name of Xuan Yu,
and said that Xuan Rui was really sick, so I wanted to leave him alone ..."
Xuancong frowned: "Just let my brother go back?"
"Before the Longevity Festival, there were accidents in Central Beijing. We
walked too dazzlingly. The emperor was suspicious. I was worried that he
thought it was our Qian'an palace." Zhong Wan worried. "At that time, all of
them will really leave. No more. "
Xuan Cong didn't quite understand, but nodded hesitantly.
"The emperor won't attack the children." Zhong Wan calmly said, "You are a
girl, so you are safer."
Xuan Congxin was not very happy when he heard this, and bowed his head,
"I know that."
Zhong Wan whispered: "With me, I will surely protect you, so let your
brother go back first, okay?"
Xuan Cong smiled: "What vow do you swear to me? The arrangements you
make must be the most thorough and the best for us. I listen to you, but ..."
Zhong Wan and Xuan Cong said in unison: "You don't need to tell Xuan Yu."
They laughed.
Xuan Cong sighed, "It's also useless to me."
"You have no doubt about me, it's enough." Zhong Wan smiled. "Your brother
is going away right away. Don't be angry with him for the past two days.
Then Hu Qiu can make it for him."
Xuan Congxin nodded, and suddenly said, "Otherwise you will go back to
Qian'an together. You also said that the emperor will not treat us. After the
Longevity Festival, I will return with Xuanyu."
"Where can I go?" Zhong Wan didn't want to think about it, and laughed. "The
lord has a spirit in the sky, knowing that I left you two children here, and
thunder threw me at midnight."
Xuan Cong felt uncomfortable for a while. She knew that she couldn't support
the portal, so she didn't say much anymore, and smiled deliberately: "Also,
you haven't married that girl yet, how about ... how many days? Also,
Nothing. "
Speaking of this, Zhong Wan had a headache, "I'm afraid ... it's not going
well, it's hard to get it."
Xuancong dissatisfied and said, "What's wrong with her ?!"
"Don't blame him." Zhong Wan smiled bitterly. "He ... he had suffered a lot
when he was young. Now he is not very good, and I have to spend more on
Xuan Cong thought and nodded thoughtfully: "She's older and burly, so she's
more sensitive than others. If you like her so much, just be patient."
Zhong Wan smiled. Someone knocked outside. Zhong Wan let people in.
Letter from Feng Butler.
Zhong Wan took it off in front of Xuan Congxin's face. After reading it, his
face changed a little, and he almost scolded in front of Xuan Congxin's face.
Xuan Congxin carefully looked at Zhong Wan's face and tempted, "Yes ... the
girl's letter to you?"
Zhong Wan nodded hard.
Xuan Congxin secretly said the girl was bold, "What did she say?"
Zhong Wan's heart was like a cypress, "He thinks I'm swinging."
Xuan Cong was frightened.
Zhong Wan waved his hands, please Xuan Congxin go back to his yard first,
Xuan Congxin marveled at the civilisation of the people in Beijing, and
marveled that he was gone.
When Xuan was discharged from the hospital, Zhong Wan picked up the
letter. He didn't believe in evil and felt that he was dazzled. He shook his
hand and looked at it again ...
"Shizi said, Master is very selfish."
"Shizi said that the young master did not take off his shirt at night to sleep.
This is obviously to seduce the man and let Shizi take it off for you."
"Shizi's blood is strong, and he suddenly sees people sleeping without taking
off his shirt. Where can I hold it ?!"
Zhong Wan was dazzled by Qi's tinnitus. He drank his tea and continued to
look down—
"Shizi didn't notice for a while, kissed you."
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Chapter 31: 31
"I'm swinging ..."
"I'm frivolous ..."
Zhong Wan tried his best to ignore the last sentence in the letter, rubbing his
teeth and thinking that I was really jealous. I did n’t take off one of my
clothes, and I ca n’t hold back today ’s Yu Yan. If I take off a half Still have
to provoke Prince Yu Xiao to lock me in his house and never let it out?
And Yu Yan is this crazy? What kind of fallacy is this?
Zhong Wan didn't hesitate, read the letter back and forth several times, trying
to figure out what Yu Yan was thinking, but after reading for a while, there
was only one thing left in his mind ...
Zhong Wanyi thought, kiss, how did you kiss?
Where is it?
How and how dear?
Zhong Wan still felt thirsty. He drank half a cup of tea and sat down to
remember it.
But I can't remember anything.
"Intentionally." Zhong Wan crumpled the letter paper, "I have the ability to
make it clear ..."
But if you really want to be clear, think about the day Yu Yu straightly broke
in, Zhong Wan's ears turned red, and he really ... couldn't resist.
Yu Yu is too scary now.
Zhong Wan forced herself not to think about kisses or kisses, or did n’t
understand. Even if she was really kissed, why was Yu Yan angry? I didn't
want to see when I was angry, and blasted myself out early.
Yu Yan's temper is really uncontrollable.
Zhong Wan threw the letter paper into the charcoal basin, settled down, and
gave Xuan Yu a letter to Emperor Chong An.
Zhong Wan didn't ask Xuan Yu to copy it again. Emperor Chong An wasn't
stupid. I thought that it was Zhong Wan's meaning. Zhong Wan simply didn't
hide his handwriting. After writing generously, he ordered others to The book
was sent to the palace.
Zhong Wan has made the position of the King's Palace very clear: we don't
want to be in peace with Beijing, we just want to return to Qian'an as soon as
possible to live a good life, but we dare not to live up to the divine grace. He
sent his brother and sister to emperor Heshou.
The Qian'an Mansion has given the greatest sincerity, and only hopes that
Emperor Chong'an will allow their grandfather to return to Guian as soon as
possible to heal the sick, so humble, Chong'an Emperor is naturally accurate.
People came in the palace that day. As usual, many tonics were given. Zhong
Wan's big stone fell to the ground and he could send Xuanrui away.
Xuan Rui finally stopped taking medicine. Yan Pingshan meant to let Xuan
Rui cultivate for a few days. Zhong Wan thought and didn't want to say, "No,
leave tomorrow."
Xuan Cong lowered the needle and thread in his hand and was surprised: "So
"Late is changed." Zhong Wan said, "Who knows that the third prince will die
one day? The third prince is Xuanrui's cousin. It's really bad. There is fun.
There is a lively return to Qian'an. ? "
When Yan Pingshan thought about it, he looked at Zhong Wan, "You ..."
"I'm definitely not going," Zhong Wan commanded. "Call Lin Si back and let
him send Xuanrui back to Qian'an. You don't have to come back."
Yan Pingshan promised to go, and Xuan Congxin's fox fur was not sewn yet.
She was in a hurry to rush out overnight, and was too late to gossip.
Zhong Wan went to check the servants who followed Xuan Rui back to
Qian'an, and personally checked his luggage. The chaos was chaotic before
and after. Zhong Wan went in and out, took two breaths of cold wind, and felt
his head a little hot.
"No hope ..."
Zhong Wan was too lazy to find the doctor in the house, went back to his
house, found two pills and water for the common cold, swallowed it,
wrapped in thick clothes, and went out.
After a busy day, he finally packed his luggage, and Yan Pingshan returned
"What about people?" Zhong Wan looked up. "What about dumb?"
In front of other servants, Yan Pingshan murmured, "I'm not looking."
Zhong Wan frowned, allowing Yan Pingshan to follow him into the house.
"Lin Si doesn't want to go."
Yan Pingshan anxiously said, "I asked our people at the Four Princes' House
to explain to him. He said that he could not leave, and I tried to find a way to
call him out. When he asked in person, he said that he didn't want to leave."
Zhong Wan laughed: "Why?"
Yan Pingshan shook his head: "He didn't say why, he was dumb and couldn't
ask anything. I asked him to write, he didn't write either. He asked urgently,
not even the gesture."
Zhong Wan recalled carefully, and suddenly found that after returning to
Beijing, he told Lin Si several times that he would follow him back to
Qian'an. Lin Si was half-vomited.
"He ..." Zhong Wan whispered, "What's holding you back?"
Zhong Wan laughed and said, "Lin Si isn't too young. Is he good at Beijing?"
Yan Pingshan was at a loss: "Where do you know ... but you have to say it!
It's so easy to have a chance to go back to Qian'an. It doesn't matter if you go
back early? I mean I can't touch him, he doesn't like to listen to me, while
Early in the morning, otherwise you go to him ... "
"No need." Zhong Wan smiled suddenly after a while, "follow him."
Yan Pingshan eagerly said, "How can you come with him? It is not a good
place to go to the Four Princes' House! In the future, if there is a problem, he
will be involved in Beijing alone. We can't help but we can't help, then ..."
"Uncle Yan." Zhong Wan whispered softly, "Don't plan for him."
Yan Pingshan looked at Zhong Wan stupidly, "You don't care about him?"
"I can't control him, Lin Si is not my slave." Zhong Wan didn't care much.
"Although he calls me master all day, in fact, he is the son of my mother-in-
law, which is my half-brother, and the mother-in-law left. Early on, he has
followed me in all these years, without suffering. "
Zhong Wan smiled: "Even if our Zhong family had a little favor with him at
the beginning, these years should be over, and now ... let him."
Yan Pingshan puzzled, "What does it mean to follow him? Isn't it for him? He
is alone ..."
"If I do it for my own good," Zhong Wan laughed. "I should go back with you,
but shouldn't I go now?"
Raw, stumbled by a strange man.
Zhong Wan whispered softly: "Everyone has his own life. Since Xuan Rui is
okay, I want to do something next to him. Lin Si probably thinks so too."
Yan Pingshan couldn't understand, but he looked at Zhong Wan now and
suddenly felt that at this moment in the government, something seemed to
have changed.
"I'll definitely ask him over there," Zhong Wan said comfortably, "when I
look back and ask him, nothing else ... Since he refuses to go back, you can
go back with Xuanrui."
Yan Pingshan was startled: "I'm going back? What about you?"
"It's okay in the house, just leave a little stub on." Zhong Wan casually said,
"I have nothing to do with the two children, and I don't need so many people
to look after."
Yan Pingshan was not assured, but thinking about the sick Xuan Rui,
weighing the right and left, said helplessly: "Well, I will come back when the
king arrives safely in Qian'an."
"But don't, then both of you may be going back." Zhong Wan had a headache
when he thought about it. "It will take several months to go back and forth.
Maybe if you miss it halfway through, you can take care of Xuanrui."
When Yan Pingshan thought about it, he nodded: "Then you ... pay more
attention to your body."
Zhong Wan smiled indifferently.
Yan Pingshan had to leave temporarily, and there were a lot of things to do.
He didn't have time to talk to Zhong Wan. He had to lift his feet and left.
Before going out, Yan Pingshan looked back at Zhong Wan and suddenly said:
"Zhong Wan ... See you next time, I don't know what year it is. "
Zhong Wan was most afraid of the parting of sorrow, and laughed: "What?
Urge me to give you a case this year in advance?"
Yan Pingshan couldn't laugh or cry, and looked at Zhong Wan with a complex
look. "In short ... Take care of yourself."
Zhong Wan nodded: "I see."
The next day, the people of the King's Palace in Qian'an got up early and left
the city when the sky was bright.
Zhong Wan accompanied Xuan Congxin and Xuan Yu to stand on the second
door for a while. Xuan Yu wept silently. "Big brother ... Big brother is like
this, he has to go so long on the road, will he be halfway ..."
"No." Xuan Cong said, "Shut up."
Xuan Yu froze, and did not dare to speak again, leaning against Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan smiled, rubbed Xuan Yu's head, and was about to urge two small
children back to the house, and a servant outside jumped up and rushed in.
Xuan Congxin frowned. "What's wrong ?! Haven't gotten any rules yet?"
Zhong Wan felt a little uneasy in his heart. He blocked Xuan Cong's heart,
"What happened?"
The servant knelt down on the ground and shivered, "Three princes ... hey."
Zhong Wan secretly said it was dangerous.
Zhong Wan glanced at Xuan Congxin, Xuan Congxin trembled, and
whispered, "Fortunately, listen to you, I ... I'm going to let people pull white
cloth now? First, you need to cover up these red lanterns?"
Zhong Wan did n’t really understand the wedding and funeral events. Now
Yan Pingshan has left, and he can only bite the bullet: “Yes, let people
prepare their filial piety. It ’s estimated that it wo n’t take a long time for
someone to come here. Ask them then. "
Xuan Cong looked at his brother who was crying in a heartbroken manner,
and frowned, "If you go to guard the soul, Xuan Yu and I are definitely not in
the same place. He is afraid he can't go by himself. Can you stay with me?"
Zhong Wan smiled: "That's natural."
Xuan Cong was relieved and went to the backyard to cook first. Zhong Wan
suddenly remembered something, and his heart murmured.
Yu pardon him ... also to guard the spirit, right?
Zhong Wan's ears were red, and her heart was praying secretly. Regardless
of the face of the three princes who died early or whose face, Yu Yan must
not go crazy in the spiritual hall and ask why she is so swaying ...
Yu Wangfu ’s house, Yu Yan teased the bird, said briskly, “After so many
days, finally gone?”
The steward Feng sent the filial piety up, "Yes, it's gone in the morning. I
heard that the imperial concubine is going to cry to death, the princess has
passed, and the princess will go and send someone to say," ... "
Yu Zheng was impatient: "Don't you say it?"
"Say, say." The steward Feng smiled. "The princess said that Shizi had
committed water and fire this year, and had just been frightened ..."
Yu Yan laughed, and Feng steward laughed: "Of course I have to say this to
the outside world. The long princess means that Shizi had been guilty of
funerals and had just been placed under house arrest by the Holy Spirit. Why
not ...?"
Feng steward lowered his voice: "The eldest princess is for the sake of
Shizi. When Shizi meets with Yu Fei's mother later, what should you say?
They are embarrassed, so let's hide."
Yu Yan was too lazy to go, "Then don't go."
Feng steward smiled: "That's what it means. Soul guarding suffers a lot.
What to do ... But filial piety still has to be worn. Shizi first changed it, and
forty-nine days later, when Shizi showed up when he was out, Now. "
Yu Yan changed into a plain shirt and suddenly asked, "King Qian'an ... are
you gone?"
Feng steward suddenly said: "Let's go? It's about to go. Master Ye Zhong is
really decisive, and there is no delay for a moment. If I leave for a long time,
I won't be able to leave the city."
"He ..." Yu Shen paused. "Does he follow?"
The steward Feng naturally knew who Yu Yu asked, and he said quickly:
"No, the spies are staring every day. Master Zhong is still at the house and
hasn't left."
Yu Yan's face looked a little better, he thought for a while, and said, "King
An'an is gone, but Xuan Yu hasn't gone?"
Feng steward was at a loss: "Yeah."
Yu Zheng said: "Then I will guard the spirit."
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Chapter 32: 32
Lord Yu Yu Mucheng entered the warm room, looked at Xuan Qiong who
was still lying on the bed, put down his bed account for him, and walked out.
Outside, Yu Fei did not apply fat powder, her eyes were red. When Yu
Mucheng came out, tears would fall, "Brother ..."
"Be quiet, Your Highness Five is asleep." Yu Mucheng sat down. "I just
asked the doctor and said it was fine. That being the case, when he wakes up,
go with His Royal Highness to the side of him ..."
"Don't go!" Yu Fei stunned, "What to do? When I met Yu Jin, did I not see it,
or did he never push Joan into the water ?!"
Yu Mucheng frowned: "Don't they all make it clear? It was the two of them
watching the water by the lake. His Highness himself did not check the water
for a while ..."
Yu Fei was furious: "If the emperor used it to lie to others, now you are going
to fool me? You also heard it, Yu Jin himself acknowledged that he pushed
Joan into the water!"
"So what?" Yu Mucheng's voice was still very light. "If the maiden refuses to
accept it, do you want to go to the emperor again? Let Zizi learn the junk
words said by His Highness Five again?"
Yu Fei bit her lip and stopped talking.
"If you don't remember clearly, then I will tell you again." Yu Mucheng
looked at his own sister and whispered, "Don't take those words that are
heard on the hearsay to His Highness Five, let alone be clever, delusional, do
Those superfluous things ... The emperor hates most people's mention of
those insignificant things. Why do you like to mention them? Even if you say
it yourself, you have to tell the Highness five more, Your highness is already
an adult, and she is like a long tongue woman , Say those words behind it!
What does it look like? "
Yu Fei's face turned white: "You said I was a long tongue woman? Okay, I
didn't know anything. Then you tell me clearly today, is Yu Yu his son or not?
The long princess was pregnant in June of that year. I brought the child back
in July of the year of the year. I insisted that it was a few months old. Have I
not given birth to myself? That is obviously a baby who just landed! You ... "
"The princess was born early. The middle daughter is naturally weaker than
the children next to her." Yu Mucheng was helpless. "I have told you this
many times. What do you want to hear from me?"
"I want to hear the truth!" Yu Fei was angry. "I want to know if I and Joan
have been doing wedding dresses for others for years!"
Yu Mucheng said, "I'll say it again, no."
"Okay, if he is really your son, you ask him to come over now and kneel
down and **** me for punishment!" Yu Fei sneered. "Father, he always
listens to him? You call him!"
Yu Mucheng laughed: "Aren't you doing nothing right? The emperor has said
that it was His Royal Highness that was not good for a while ..."
"Don't use the emperor to obscure me!" Yu Fei's face blanched. "I wouldn't
care about you. Anyway, you recognize it yourself, and pass on the throne that
Grandfather managed to keep." I ’m a married woman, and I ’m not saying
anything about her family! But the emperor? How much I love him, I endured
it, and let Yu Yan put everything on Joan ’s head. I also put up with it, now?
Already killed Joan, you are still guarding him! Then the hills and mountains
will fall in the future! Yu Yan wants our mother and son to be buried, are you
busy to send him a white cricket ?! "
Yu Mucheng frowned: "What the **** are you talking about? Let others hear
... Is it ridiculous?"
"Is there anything more absurd than Yu Zhen?" Yu Fei chuckled, "Brother ...
I'm completely chilled this time, you have to raise a son for someone else,
don't pull me on, I'm a child like Joan, If he does not become a prince, I will
hang here, lest I be humiliated by Yu pardon! "
"Shut up!" Yu Mucheng was furious. "You still think that Qiong Er wasn't bad
Yu Fei cried tears: "You ... you ..."
Yu Mucheng took a deep breath and pressed the fire. "I have no precedent for
the concubine's funeral. Don't let your highness be disturbed by speculation."
"No?" Yu Fei sneered, "how did the former concubine, Zhong Xiao, die?"
Yu Mucheng's eyes suddenly moved. A moment later he said: "After the
emperor left, the concubines and sorrows were overly distressed and died
without medical treatment."
Yu Feiyi, "Is that so? It's a coincidence."
Yu Mucheng bowed his head and drank tea. After a while, he said, "Okay, if
you want to listen to this, I'll tell you a bit ... The former queen concubine had
a son, King Ning, must you know?"
Yu Fei did not understand how Yu Mucheng said this, and frowned:
"Ning Wang was young and clever. He was talented, and had a portrait of the
emperor. He really liked the emperor, but unfortunately ..." Yu Mucheng put
down the tea cup and whispered softly, "He was the youngest son when the
emperor was 50 years old."
Yu Fei nodded: "I, I know."
Yu Mucheng slowly said: "In the old age, the emperor first moved his heart.
Many old officials knew that there was no need to cover anything. Do n’t
mention this. You know that the first emperor wanted to kill after this thought.
Who is it? "
Yu Fei stunned and asked subconsciously, "Who?"
Yu Mucheng said: "Zhong Guifei."
Yu Fei's face changed greatly.
Yu Mucheng looked at her and asked softly, "Do you think the emperor
wanted to move to the present?"
Yu Fei was sweating on her forehead, and she did not dare to nod or shake
her head.
"How is it possible that the emperor will only be partial and not kill,
because it is all his own son ... but the concubine is different." Yu Mucheng
continued. It is said that there are still decades of good life. Compared with
the threat to the throne, Xiandi is more worried about young concubines. She
is afraid that she will support foreign relatives, that she may be at the mercy
of young emperors, and that she will interfere in the administration of the
court! "
"The emperors were cruel. On that day, the concubine Zhong escaped from
the calamity. It was the sudden death of the first emperor. It was her life that
was good. If not ... she would have to wait until the emperor died." Yu
Mucheng looked to Yu Concubine, "The emperor will be soft-hearted
towards his son, he will be partial, but not his concubine. If the emperor
thinks that you have interfered too much with His Highness ..."
Fei Yu fell on the cushion of the chair, and the sweat on her forehead flowed
Yu Mucheng smiled: "Naturally, if the emperor does not intend to make His
Royal Highness Five Princes, he will not jealous of your little moves, but
this is not what you like ... so sister, do you understand?"
Yu Fei completely lost her talent, wiped her sweat, and said dumbly, "I see."
"Of course, you are not the same as Concubine Zhong." Yu Mucheng stood up
and whispered, "You are the daughter of our Yu Wangfu. As long as you don't
do something foolish, the emperor will not move you, and you will always
look differently to His Highness Five. Stay. "
Yu Fei stunned: "Are you really lying to me? The emperor ... would you
really pay more attention to Joan?"
"Yes," Yu Mucheng said comfortably. "His foreign family is our palace. If I
don't fall, he will always be one point more than others. As long as he doesn't
commit the emperor's taboos again, my mother, nothing to persuade His
Royal Highness to be calm. Just do the errand that the emperor sent him. "
Yu Fei was still reconciled: "But, but in case the emperor is confused in the
future, he must stand up to Yu ..."
"Mother-in-law." Yu Mucheng interrupted Yu Fei. "I'll say it again, the son-
in-law surname Yu, is my son, so he can't succeed him, understand?"
Yu Fei thought for a moment, completely understood, and said anxiously,
"Should I, I shouldn't mention this? I ..."
"It shouldn't be mentioned." Yu Mucheng tried his best to endure his temper.
"I haven't understood. Why do you all love to stir up these things? Are you
anxious to prove something for him?"
"I'm afraid the emperor will have other thoughts!" Yu Fei cried. "And ... I see
Yu Yan's more than I know. You can guarantee that he doesn't have that
Yu Mucheng bowed his head: "I promise, he didn't."
On the three emperor's palace.
Zhong Wan also changed her mourning clothes and led a misty Xuan Yu into
the house. The two separated immediately. Someone took Xuan Yu to
perfume Xuan Jin. Xuan Yu learned from others, before the spirit. Knelt for a
Zhong Wan has at least seen both sides of Xuan Jin. Xiao Xuanyu has never
seen it once. Although she is a cousin, she ca n’t cry. She can only think of
her elder brother who shed a few tears, and then passed a while. The
princess Xuan Jin inside sent some people to persuade him. Several people
with unknown surnames helped Xuan Yu to help him. He led Xuan Yu to a
shed, and it was incense and hoe.
Zhong Wan always looked at him from a distance.
After this time, Xuan Yu looked back at Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan waved his
hand gently, letting him follow others, Xuan Yu put his hand around his
mouth, and whispered to Zhong Wan: "You find a place to sit!"
Zhong Wan wanted to laugh but didn't dare to smile. He bowed his head and
didn't see it. When he looked up, Xuan Yu had been led into the shed and
knelt with other relatives.
Xuan Yu was the youngest, kneeling between a group of people in filial piety,
Outside the shed, there are still a lot of people like Zhong Wan. They don't
have to kneel, but they can't wait in the outer courtyard like servants. They
have nowhere to go, they can only wait on the sidelines.
Zhong Wan was so boring that he had fun for himself and wondered if Yu Yan
would come today.
Emperor Chong'an did not delve into the matter of falling into the water, but
he was under house arrest. If others were to tremble when he was under
house arrest, and day and night introspection, Yu forgiveness was not
Being questioned by Emperor Chong'an, when Xuan Qiong didn't know his
life and death, he could be distracted and let himself be abducted. Such a
person ... house arrest may not be able to restrain him.
Sure enough, but half an hour, outside notice, Lord Yu Xiao came.
Yu Yan's appearance was not smaller than that of Wang Yu. Many people
stood up when he came, and the concubine lady inside also sent someone out
specifically, but Yu Yan didn't enter the inner courtyard and walked directly
to the spirit.
Yu Yan became incense, and his knees stood up as soon as he touched the
ground, and the people in the ceremony department seemed to be completely
blind, without even raising their eyelids.
Zhong Wan watched from a distance, and was amazed. Lord Yu Xiao was not
here to mourn. He came to appreciate his face.
The deceased is big, and Yu Jian doesn't need to talk about it. I really don't
want to come, just don't come, let everyone see him like this ... What's so
Although everyone is used to it.
Zhong Wan tried his best to stand back, not wanting Yu Yu to see himself.
Zhong Wan laughed at himself, Yu Yu just blasted himself out of the house
two days ago, he should have never wanted to see himself.
After waiting for Zhong to find a way to hide, a steward came out and
whispered, "Come here."
There are more and more clan relatives, and the followers are more and
more crowded, and gradually they don't look like they are. The people in
charge of the Three Princes' House finally set up a simple spiritual shed in
the outer courtyard to house these followers.
Zhong Wan glanced in the direction of Xuan Yu and saw that he was honest
on his knees, and it was probably okay, and he followed the others.
Zhong Wan knelt down with her clothes on her knees, and she had no time in
her mind. For a while, she figured out where Xuan Rui and Yan Pingshan had
gone. Now, she guessed how much Xuan Qiong drank a few sips of lake
water. I wonder how long it took. Suddenly lifted, cold wind poured in,
Zhong Wan looked up ...
Yu Yan looked coldly inside.
Yu Zhen came in and sat on the only chair in the shed.
In front of Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan: "..."
Everyone looked at each other, slowly got up, and backed out one by one.
Zhong Wan wanted to get mixed up with other people, and got up, and Yu
Yan's eyes flashed a dark look.
Zhong Wan knelt again.
Before long, there were only two people left in the hall.
The bell looks like a kneeling needle.
Yu Yan looked at the incense candle and other things on the table and didn't
say a word.
After half an hour, Zhong Wan's knees were numb. He slightly moved his legs
and couldn't help pulling his breath. He accidentally alarmed Yu Jin.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan and frowned slightly.
Zhong Wan was afraid that Yu Yan would have to misunderstand himself.
This was intentional to get his attention, and he was busy and knelt down.
Zhong Wan knelt again for a while, listening to Yu Zhen suddenly said: "Are
you ... awake that day?"
Zhong Wan coughed, "No."
Zhong Wan glanced at Yu Ai secretly, Yu Ai's face seemed worse.
Zhong Wan was bitter in heart, what was this lunatic thinking all day long?
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan for a while, and seemed to be judging whether
Zhong Wan was telling the truth or the truth. After a while, he whispered,
Zhong Wan: "..."
Put your mother.
Yu Yan no longer cares about Zhong Wan. He is sitting in the spirit shed.
People outside dare not neglect, he sends in a charcoal stove, and even
replaces Yu Ju with a good pot of tea.
The shelter suddenly warmed up, and Yu Ju was completely seated.
Zhong Wan was crying secretly, can this person leave?
From time to time, Zhong Wan glanced at Yu Jian, watching him take two sips
of tea, watching him add charcoal to his stove, and watching him take out a
small word from his sleeve ...
Does this person take home here and come to live? !!
Yu Yan looked down at the textbook, it was not slow.
Zhong Wan's belly slandered Yu Jin, and he suddenly heard him say, "Don't
watch me all the time ... I'll give you this book when I finish reading."
Zhong Wan froze in sorrow. His legs were numb and he couldn't help. He
stooped and bent down. Yu Jian frowned.
Zhong Wan knelt his teeth well, dare to be angry and not to speak.
Yu Yan looked for a moment, and said lightly: "No fun ... there is a cave, a
little interesting."
Zhong Wan pretended not to hear.
Yu Yan wanted to ask him, "Do you want to see it?"
Zhong Wan endured the burden of humiliation: "Think."
"Wait for me." Yu Yan bowed his head, "but I can read it for you ..."
Zhong Wan laughed: "Not good ..."
As if he hadn't heard it, Yu Jian began to read carelessly: "I'm sitting by your
bed, you stretch out one hand and pull my sleeve ..."
Zhong Wan was frightened.
There is a deity in his head ... This person is not afraid that Xuan Jin has a
spirit in the sky, and knocks at the door in the middle of the night? !!
"I was emotional for a while, bowed my head and kissed you, whispered to
make you sleep, you looked up and kissed my lips ..."
"I can't dodge. I'm kissed and kissed by you. I touch it. I hesitate. You have
separated your lips.
Zhong Wan blushed and tried hard: "Yu, Zi, He."
"I just grabbed your shoulder, but you have already put your hands on my
waist. You are not allowed to go, and my words are murmured in my mouth."
Yu Yan closed the book, "You thought I was reading a textbook No ... I rarely
write about you this way. I'm talking about that night. "
Zhong Wan was numb all over.
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Chapter 33: 33
Zhong Wan said hardly, "You mean ..."
Yu Zhen said: "Really, you were so frivolous that night."
Zhong Wan looked up at Yu Yan's eyes. Yu Yan's expression was not joking,
but he was faint.
Yu Ju wasn't teasing herself, it should be true.
Zhong Wan collapsed ... Did you let it go so easily in your dream? !!
Is this really empty in the room?
Actually gave Yu Yu to ...
No, Zhong Wan tried his best to let her tone be natural, and said stubbornly:
"If you don't force me to your house and sit on my bed like a ghost in the
middle of the night, can I be light on you? ! "
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan coldly: "You continue to justify, I listen."
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth and said, "I'm asleep, and you haven't, can't you
push me away ?!"
Yu Yan's eyes trembled slightly, as if pressing on the fire, "You have been
holding my waist! How can I push? A shoulder tossed you to the ground ?!
Did you fall to death? Or throw you into the lake sober and awake? Just you,
you can't help it? "
Zhong Wan insisted: "You also know that I am a sick seedling. How much
spirit can I have when I fall asleep?"
"You're in good spirits." Yu Qiang said tightly in his hand, "pulling my robe
Zhong Wan Yagui denied: "Impossible! I fell asleep and never loved to be
next to each other. I used to sleep with Lin Si in the bed before, and it was all
right to put a bowl of water between us!"
"But you really aren't tearing my clothes for the first time, use me to help you
think back a little bit?" Yu Qiang smirked, "I used to tear my clothes before,
but now ... you don't admit it? Well, you that night Did you drink jasmine tea
before going to bed? "
Zhong Wan: "..."
Mr. Feng ’s old thing was probably afraid that he could n’t fall asleep after
drinking tea, and did n’t make people prepare ordinary tea. He just put a few
jasmine in the teapot.
Zhong Wan lost his temper and stammered, "I really kiss, kiss ..."
"Not just pro, you also ..." Yu Jian stopped looking at Zhong Wan, paused,
and gritted his teeth, "Do you really want to listen to me carefully?"
Zhong Wan blushed, "No need!"
Yu Yan took a deep breath and calmed down after a moment of calming,
"This is the last time, and the next time, I will not let you go."
Zhong Wan was at a loss, why not let it go?
Zhong Wan yelled, "Next time ... you push me away."
The words came back again, and Yu Yan's face was darkened again.
Zhong Wan's throat moved, and he didn't know which sentence he touched Yu
Yan's inverse scale again.
Yu Yan closed his eyes and said a moment later, "I can't push it."
Zhong Wan thought you fart.
Yu Yan seemed to endure what it seemed to be. It took a while before he said
coldly: "Zhong Wan ... I don't want to get too close to you, I don't think you
want to."
Zhong Wan stumbled, when was he unwilling?
Prince Yu Xiao ... has started talking to himself again?
Zhong Wan took a careful look at Yu Ai. Unexpectedly, Yu Ai was not insane,
but was much more normal than usual.
Yu Yan looked down: "I know very well now, what you are telling you now,
you should keep it in your heart."
Zhong Wan shouted, "OK, okay."
"In the past years, what have you said and done in Qian'an ... I will not
pursue it."
"In the future, what you say and do, I do n’t care. Compared with those made
up by you, I have done far more things in Beijing.... Reputation is my own
corruption, I never care These ones."
Zhong Wan was tired and suddenly felt a pain.
"There is only one point," Yu said, looking up. "Don't be too arrogant, love
yourself, don't think about what's going on with me, just like me."
Zhong Wan froze.
Yu Yan frowned, "Don't always think about those unclean things! Put your
snacks in your Qian'an ..."
Zhong Wan's heart was bewildered: "Qian'an has nothing to do with me, and
this time I'm in Beijing ... I'm not ready to go back immediately."
"No." Yu Yan changed his face immediately. "After the funeral, you and Xuan
Yu will return to your fiefdom immediately."
Zhong Wan couldn't help it. "Did you push Xuan Qiong into the water that day
because you heard him say, what about me?"
Zhong Wan really didn't understand, "Shizi, you ... don't you feel a little
"I am capricious." Yu Yan laughed suddenly, "Understand ... I talk to you
well, you don't like to listen, you like me so ridiculous? Zhong Wan, I haven't
seen it for years, you have added some What's wrong? "
Zhong Wan didn't want to find embarrassment. She swallowed the words
immediately before her mouth, and asked, "You don't have half friendship
with me ... don't you have a half-hearted feeling?"
Yu Yan stopped talking.
After a while, Yu Yan said in a deep voice: "Whatever you think ... if I have
thoughts about you, you will seduce me repeatedly, not afraid that I will
really treat you?"
Who seduced you? !! !! !!
Zhong Wan held her breath, and blurted out, "I'm not afraid."
"You!" Yu Yan's eyes went red. "Zhong Wan ..."
Zhong Wan was startled and bitter in his heart. What happened to Yu Jian? !!
Is this person crazy? !!
Yu Yanban said, "I'm going to really be with you, can you still go?"
Zhong Wan was hurt by Yu Yanqi's stomach. "I said, I didn't want to leave!"
"No," Yu Yan whispered. "If you want to sell your deed, I can return it to you
and write a paper for you to get rid of slavery completely."
After waiting for Zhong Wan to speak, Yu Yan got up, Zhong Wan was about
to get up, but his legs were numb.
Yu Yan put on his fur and hurriedly said, "These days, you are thinking in this
shed, think about it ... should be so frivolous."
Zhong Wanqi's lungs were painful. He looked around and wanted to find
something to smash Yu Jian, the table was too heavy, the charcoal pot was
dangerous, and the moth was too light ...
Before he could find him, Yu Yan had already gone out.
Zhong Wan sat on the pu mat, gritted his teeth and licked his long legs.
Out of the three prince's palaces, Yu Jian's hand shook slightly.
He got into the carriage and tried hard: "Don't leave."
The coachman naturally did not dare to move, and the servants who came
with the car were not surprised, and stood silently in the snow, like a group
of iron-clad terracotta warriors.
Yu Yan was sitting in the car, with an unwell body and a splitting headache.
That night, Zhong Wan was lingering in his mind holding the picture of him
holding him, entangled with Yu Jin, so that he still has the urge to rush into
Lingtang to tie Zhong Wan back to his house.
Yu Yan recalled what Zhong Wan had just said, and his hatred was itchy.
Zhong Wan him ...
If you really just want to use yourself to help King Qian'an, how good it is.
If so, what else do you endure?
But he knew him well and knew that Zhong Wan was not so utilitarian.
Yu Geng gritted his teeth, and it took a while before he slowed down. He
lifted the curtains and said dumbly, "That spiritual shelter ... said that I would
come and go every day and not allow others to enter again."
The person following Yu Yan promised, hesitantly: "Master Zhong ..."
Yu Jie frowned, Xiaoyan kept busy: "Yes, naturally you want to let Master
Zhong go, but it also makes people burn charcoal every day? Those sheds
don't burn charcoal inside ..."
Yu Yan said impatiently, "burn!"
Xiao Yan agreed quickly.
Yu Yan was even more annoyed. He breathed a little more quickly, and when
he couldn't control it, he thought of that night. Zhong Wan closed her eyes,
smiled, and kissed her on the lips.
Yu Yan was really shocked at the time.
Something that didn't know how to live or die, dared to ... lick his lips.
Did he also read a lot of textbooks, or where did he learn these Menglang
moves? !!
Is he really satisfied?
Or, what's so good about Qian'an?
I learned these things from others, but seduce myself ...
Yu Yan's eyes were red and sneered, and he suddenly wondered who Zhong
Wan's relationship was.
That day, Zhong Wan himself said he didn't accept it.
Naturally, Zhong Wan's words are not credible ...
Who will it be?
Xuanrui is definitely not afraid, who else?
Yu Yan knew nothing about Qian'an. He had only seen a few prefectures and
prefectures. He felt that Zhong Wan would not let himself go, and go and talk
with people who have blurred appearances.
Or was it found in Beijing?
Yu Yan looked out of the car and happened to see Xuan Qiong's car.
Xuan Qiong said that day that Zhong Wan would be abducted.
What is abduction?
What else can I do?
How do you like Zhong Wan?
"When they get in, unload the wheels of Xuanqiong's carriage." Yu Yan
chilled. "No one left, just unload all ... and bring me back to my house."
The generals suspected they didn't hear clearly. What the hell?
"Isn't he going to turn Zhong Wan?" Yu Qian said to himself, "I asked Xuan
Qiong to walk back by himself, and I see how he turned around ... Could it be
possible to hold hands and go back?"
"Hold hands ..."
Yu Yan's face fell a little more. "Anyway, go back holding hands ... and
freeze him."
Yu Yan was in a bad mood and suddenly rebuked, "Did you hear me?"
Rao, who is following Yu Yu's, has seen a lot of the world, hesitated for a
while after hearing this command, but thinks about Yu Yu's temper, and makes
it difficult for him: "Yes!"
Yu Yan lowered the curtain, and inside the carriage, after listening to his
breath, the generals let out a sigh of relief.
After a scent of incense, Yu Yan's man was carrying the wheel he just
unloaded, and went back home with a mighty momentum.
Zhong Wan occupies a shed alone, Yu Yu just came, no one dared to come in
again, he was happy to be clean, and sat on a pu pad to worry about the fire.
Although Yu Shen's intellect was a little bit wrong, he wasn't really crazy,
Zhong Wan was sure.
Without saying anything else, Tianjia is ruthless. If Yu Zhen really became a
lunatic, would Chong An emperor so indulge him?
It's good not to hold him to death.
Such indulgence is bound to have some plans.
Therefore, Chong'an Emperor must know the cause of Yu Jin's disobedience.
"As long as you're not really crazy."
Zhong Wan has a daring view. As long as people are okay, everything is easy
to say. As for their attitudes to coldness and heat ... Although the "hotness"
may be conceived by themselves, Zhong Wan still feels it.
There is an explanation for these unreasonable acts, but Zhong Wan dare not
Zhong Wan put her hand in front of the charcoal basin, and with a smile, the
boss is no longer young, and can no longer be so shameless and delusional.
When it was getting dark, the clan relatives were going to return to their
homes. Zhong Wan himself took a nap in the spiritual shed and was very
good. He went out to search for Xuan Yu, and the two left the house together.
Seeing Xuan Qiong's desperate uproar, Zhong Wan listened ...
"Our good wheels, that's it!"
"I said I didn't see it! How is that possible ?!"
"The wheel rolled away by itself?"
Xuan Yu understood: "What's gone?"
Zhong Wan didn't quite understand, and said dryly: "Who knows, ugly people
make more mistakes and make trouble."
Zhong Wan had a look at the excitement, but it wasn't too late, and he had to
come over tomorrow. Zhong Wan waited for a while, waiting for Xuan
Cong's sedan chair to greet people to return home.
In the evening, Yu Jian stood at the window, looking at the wagon wheels in
the yard, and said softly, "Sent back?"
The people behind them stopped talking.
Yu Yan was upset: "Can't speak?"
"Send it back, but ..." Feng steward, who had just returned from the Qian'an
Palace, stepped forward, and put the deed on the table with both hands. "But
Master Zhong ... he doesn't want to."
Yu Yan suddenly turned back, but Feng steward took out a small paper bag
from his arms and smiled. "Master Zhong said that this is the tea he was
going to give to Shizi. Unfortunately, he did n’t drink much by himself. Only
With this little point left, Master Zhong said that if Shizi did not hate it, let the
old slave make a pot for Shizi ... "
Yu Yanhan was speechless.
Yu Yan whispered, "Give me."
Butler Feng handed that packet of tea to Yu Yan.
Yu Yan pinched his fingers as if □□ a small paper bag, tired, "This is too ..."
Feng steward laughed: "Too few. Master Zhong emptied the tea box. Only
these are left, but it is enough to make a pot. I give it to Shizi ..."
Yu Yan took the tea bag into his arms and interrupted him: "You go."
Feng steward nodded and nodded.
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Chapter 34: 3. 4
Since that day, Yu Yan has never been to the third prince's house, nor has he
ever been to the gate of the other house of Yu Wang's house.
I don't know if it was Zhong Wan's heart. For a moment, it seemed that
Qian'an Palace also lost a few pairs of eyes.
Zhong Wan always felt that there was something invisible that suddenly
It is a lot less troublesome, but it is also empty.
Lord Yu Xiaowang suddenly turned into sex. For many days, he didn't leave
the house, didn't cause any trouble, and he seemed quiet when he was young.
Zhong Wan was more and more disturbed.
Zhong Wan passed several news to Lin Si, but it seemed like a mud cow
entering the sea. Zhong Wan was so anxious that he directly told Lin Si that
he would not mention that he would be in Qian'an. The next day, Lin Si came
to shame.
"If you don't want to go back, just forget it." Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si's
uneasy look and laughed, "I can still force you?"
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan and made a serious gesture: you really force me,
I will go back.
"Not so easy." Zhong Wan let Lin Si sit down and suddenly said, "Don't you
want to go to Qian'an, is it because of Xuan Ye?"
Lin Si was almost empty.
Zhong Wan was sure.
That year Zhong Wan and Lin Si escaped from the Yuwang Mansion House,
and they separated when they left the house.
Xiao Zhongwan wasn't sure if Yu Yan would come to arrest himself. The two
had too big goals, so they could easily be found without saying, and couldn't
leave the city together. Zhong Wan and Lin Si met several days later in the
suburbs and waited for three days with each other. Just go there.
Zhong Wan went out of the city smoothly. After waiting for three days, Lin Si
never came out of the city.
Zhong Wan was anxious, afraid that Lin Si would be captured by Yu Yan, and
even more afraid that Lin Si would be caught by others.
Zhong Wan whispered, "I was ..."
Lin Si was busy signing: Don't blame the master, just say it, just wait for
three days, it's useless to me and I can't hang out.
Zhong Wan chuckled without saying anything. He didn't worry about Lin Si at
that time, but he actually waited a month outside the city.
But it's meaningless to say it now.
Zhong Wan eventually left alone, and only six months after arriving in
Qian'an, he got the news of Lin Si again. Knowing that he was not arrested
that day, he went to Xuanyuan Mansion, the fourth prince.
Lin Si never said how much he had suffered after he was arrested, but only
told Zhong Wan that the four princes were actually good. They did not treat
him badly, but treated him well.
Zhong Wan originally thought that Lin Si was only using Xuan Yuan as a
place to stay, but now, Lin Si seems to have the gratitude to repay.
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan crazily, and gestured: I'm not quite assured.
Lin Si seemed to feel very sorry for Zhong Wan, couldn't help explaining,
sign language was flying fast, Zhong Wan was a little dazzled and laughed, "I
didn't say anything, what are you anxious about ... Once you have said this,
you are in your heart I'm really sorry, just promise me something. "
Lin Si nodded quickly.
Zhong Wan said: "If Xuan Ye can succeed in the future, you can say a few
words for me and protect the next person for me."
Lin Si asked: Who?
Zhong Wan said: "Yu Xiaoye."
Lin Si thought for a while, and he used sign language: Although the four
princes had a heart for contention, I don't think he was good enough.
Zhong Wan asked inexhaustibly: "Don't you dare tell Xuanyuan these big
Lin Si smiled and shook her head.
"Who knows what will happen in the future," Zhong Wan said with a smile.
"You promised it first, you should coax me."
Lin thought about it, Zheng Jianjian headed, and planned for Zhong Wan:
Should you directly cut his lord and level the Yu palace? His Highness Four
must be very willing! Then he queen Yu Xiaoye into slavery, fed him some
cartilage powder, and gave it to his owner along with his deed of fortune.
"Stop." Zhong Wan has a toothache. "How much do you hate him and
Lin Si ’s gesture: I ’m okay. The Four Royal Highnesses really wish that Lord
Wang Yu died day by day. If there is one day in the future, it will take some
effort to keep him alone. The master knows that Lord Wang Yu may be If the
emperor's **** is really like that ...
"That ’s why I told you, you need to keep him for me. You promised me
anyway. One day, you ca n’t let Xuan Yuan kill him." You do n’t have to, the
cartilage is unusable. Can you give it to me?
Lin thought to laugh.
"I'm serious about finding you today, and the spies I planted in Xuan Qiongna
told me ..." Zhong Wan was so impressed, "Is n’t Yu Yan going to look for
life ?! So many of him will look at me then , I do n’t have anyone to help, or I
’ll give some sweat medicine ... ”
Lin Si kept on, not letting his lips rise.
Zhong Wan didn't realize that he said Yu Yu again, "You said that his life was
not good. The only way out was to fall into my hands. It is really
Lin Si gestured: Maybe Yu Xiao Wang was very willing.
Zhong Wan smiled. "What are you willing to do? Be hidden by my Jinya?"
Lin Si remembered that he was almost sentenced to death by Yu Jian twice,
and his back was cold.
It's not easy to hide this evil star gold house.
"Don't talk to me about him all the time." Zhong Wan shook his head. "There
is business."
Lin Si listened respectfully.
Zhong Wan suppressed those thoughts in his heart, and said, "The spy I
planted at Xuan Qiong told me that the other day, Lord Yu had talked closely
with Princess Yu, and since then, Princess Yu has stopped a lot, no Noisy and
arguing again, a few days ago, Yu Yan did not know why he removed the
wheels of Xuan Qiong's carriage. Xuan Qiong was so mad that he wanted to
fight with Yu Yan, was stopped by Yu Fei, and made Yu Fei angry. Meal. "
Zhong Wan frowned: "I remember that Madame Yu has always been able to
provoke troubles. It used to be. Why did you have a" close talk "with Lord
Yu, and then you calmed down?"
Lin Si pondered for a moment, and said: I don't know this, but I recently
heard about several other things, which are related to Wang Yu.
Zhong Wan also stopped talking, went to the book case, and picked up a pen
and paper.
Lin Si's gesture: I haven't been here for a few days. I didn't hide from the
master. I was actually investigating something for His Royal Highness. Does
the master remember that the five princes had found two rough servants who
guarded the emperor's tomb?
Zhong Wan nodded, more than that, Xuan Qiong also found the case of
Princess An Guo's pregnancy.
Lin Si continued: The five princes followed this and found some other clues.
Lin Si's gesture: The woman who secretly gave birth and disappeared
secretly may have been transported to the emperor's mausoleum, at least ...
before the An Gong father.
Zhong Wan frowned, that is, she was sent before the emperor had been out?
Lin Sidao: Strangely, the woman was fine at first, hiding safely in Bezhuang,
but since the attack of Princess An Guo, the woman saw Princess An Guo
suddenly, somehow she suddenly collapsed, and she also fell to death. fetus.
Zhong Wan had a stubborn heart, and that "fetus" was mostly Yu Jin.
Zhong Wanti pen: Why?
Lin Si shook her head: I do n’t know, I only know that the woman once gave
birth to a bowl of incense ash in order to shed this child ... There are rumors
in the public that eating incense ash can have an abortion, but it is only a
rumor. Spit it out, people have suffered a lot, but the child still kept it.
Zhong Wan was horrified and wrote: How does the long princess treat her
like this?
Lin Si was silent for a while, signing: The long princess first let people look
at her day and night, but if anyone wanted to die, she couldn't see it. The
woman took whatever she picked up and smashed her belly. I almost killed
the child once, and the princess lost her patience, so that the doctor ...
Lin Si took a deep breath and gestured: her legs were abolished.
Zhong Wan was cold all over the body.
Zhong Wan tried to endure, writing: Then then?
Lin Sidao: It's unclear exactly how to waste it. She is pregnant and must not
break her leg. Xu is applying a needle. In short, the woman can't stand up
anymore and can't walk. After that, the woman was completely insane, she
did n’t eat or drink, and the people who waited for her tied her up. Her arms
and fingers were trapped everywhere, like ... a decoration.
Zhong Wan's voice trembled: "What then?"
Lin Si continued: She was **** like this until she gave birth to the fetus.
When giving birth, she naturally let go of the person. It is said that after
giving birth, everyone did not check for a while, and almost let her kill the
fetus. Already.
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and wrote a moment later: Do these things Yu Yu
Lin Si couldn't bear to look at Zhong Wan, signing: I think Wang Yu knows
Zhong Wan felt a severe pain.
Yu Zheng knew everything.
Xiao Yujuan knew at first that when a mother who raised herself had abused
her biological mother in such a way, how did he survive it?
Lin Si couldn't stay long, he didn't want Zhong Wan to digest slowly, and then
he said: There is one more thing, very strange.
Zhong Wan took a breath and said, "You say."
Lin Sidao: At first, Princess An Guo said a word to her when the woman's
legs had not been abolished. I don't understand. Princess An Guochang said:
No one forced you halfway before, and the child is what you want to stay.
Why do you regret it now when you see me?
Zhong Wan tried his best not to think about Yu pardon. He chewed this
sentence silently for a moment and wrote: She was willing to conceive this
child, and even took the initiative to hide in the royal tomb, and was at ease
to give birth. She never thought of the Minister Guo The princess will appear
and will take this child away.
Zhong Wan's heart moved. At that moment, the child that Princess An
Guochang had conceived must have disappeared.
If not, her belly was already noticeable that month ... The woman saw
Princess An Guo, who had no stomach, and expected that the child would be
taken away by her, knowing that she would be killed. She realized that she
was caught in a trap, so she collapsed and killed her child.
It may be self-insurance or retaliation.
Zhong Wan whispered: "In order to recognize this child as her own, Princess
An Guo avoids everyone and has lived in the emperor's tomb for so long.
Did she ... hide Prince Yu?"
Lin Si's sign language: This is the second thing I want to say to the host.
When the five princes checked this line, they accidentally discovered that
this was checked by Prince Yu Xiao years ago.
Zhong Wan's eyes narrowed suddenly.
Lin Si gesture: I also found out. I traced along the traces of Lord Yu Xiaoyi's
investigation, and many things were much simpler. I found one more thing
before I could report it to His Royal Highness.
Lin Sidao: Lord Yu Xiao was depressed for a long time after knowing that he
was not the parent and child of Princess An Guochang that day. He was
worried that Lord Yu had been caught in the drum. So ... he used his plan to
disclose this to a confidant of Lord Yu.
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth: "Is he stupid ?! If Lord Yu didn't know, if he said
that, he could still have his life?"
Lin Si nodded his fingers and beat sign language: The confidant knew that
after the incident, he was astonished by the thunderstorm, and he sought to
see Lord Yu overnight.
Zhong Wan's voice trembled: "Master Yu ... how do you say?"
Lin Sidao: He was very anxious, and he had a great analysis with Wang Ye,
but Wang Ye didn't care much and said--
There was a haze in Lin Si's eyes, and he made a gesture: Lord Yu said, rest
assured that Shizi will not be able to attack the prince, and he will not be a
There was a smell of rust in Zhong Wan's mouth.
Lord Yu knows it well, and he has long found a "good place" for Yu Yan.
These people have no intention of letting Yu Jue live to attack Sir.
At the time, the young Yu Yu was still worried that his respected father
would be deceived.
Was Yu Yan hiding at the door of Prince Yu?
Fifteen-year-old Yu Zizheng, modest, gentle, and Huai Jin holds Yu.
What did he think of when he heard his worried father and king's calm
appeasement appeasing his life and death?
Father is not father, mother is not mother.
Zhong Wan closed his eyes, and his chest hurt, he couldn't speak.
Lin Si took a step forward and stood beside Zhong Wan and wrote: Master,
Grandpa Yu's parents are unreliable, do you want to stay?
Zhong Wan froze and got up, "You go, I ... I'm going to Yuyuan Mansion."
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Chapter 35: 35
Zhong Wan didn't have Lin Sifei's eaves and could only let people set up a
car. It was already too late. When he went out and committed a curfew, he
would be interrogated. Zhong Wan could not take care of it. He took Xuan
Yu's warrant and put it on. Put on your robe and get in the car.
On the way to the palace of Yu Wangfu, Zhong Wan leaned against the
window, his heart twisted.
Zhong Wan still remembers that in the first half of the year when he lived in
Yu'an, there were rewards in the palace every few days, from the BMW that
paid tribute to the Western Regions, to the accessories worn by Yu to be
ordinary, Chong'an Emperor thought of him everything .
Fortunately, even the servants in other hospitals couldn't help talking about it
behind their backs, secretly speculating on Yu Jin's identity.
When Xiao Zhongwan heard it, he pretended not to hear it. He didn't want to
look up, but he saw him looking for his forgiveness.
The two separated by a screen, listening to a few rude whispers of the
servant, and smiled helplessly to each other.
The young Yu Yu was very gentle, and he would not easily attack people.
Xiao Zhongwan felt embarrassed. After the servants left, he deliberately
asked: "Do you always listen to people say this?"
Yu Yan nodded gently.
Xiao Zhongwan was very far-fetched: "The emperor is the eldest sister of the
princess, and only your nephew. Of course, it will be nice to you, and you are
the future grandfather, holding the power, the emperor will rely on ..."
"You don't have to solve me." Yu Jian interrupted Zhong Wan, calmly, "It's all
nonsense, I understand."
Xiao Zhongwan stunned: "How do you understand?"
Yu Yan laughed: "My father and mother hurt me so much, how could I not be
their own? True love or foolishness, I can still distinguish clearly, if I doubt
this, is it worthy of being a son of man?"
Zhong Wan remembered it clearly, and Yu Yan at the time was convinced of
his life.
No matter how the others pass by, and no matter how unusual Chong An's
preference is for him, Yu Yan never doubts his parents.
Then why did he suddenly go after his own life shortly after he left?
According to Yu Yan's argument at the time, let alone go to investigate, there
is a suspicion that all are greatly unfilial, what happened?
Who lured him to investigate?
Moreover, Yu Ju was up to sixteen at the time. How capable was he?
Xuan Xuan Xuan Qiong had forgotten Yu Yu's amnesty for many years. After
exploring for so long, it was only after he had cultivated his manpower in the
palace for several years that he only found out one or two points. Xiao Yu's
amnesty that year, He De He Neng , So what do you want to check so
Who is helping him?
Or, who is destroying him?
Juvenile Yu Jin was guided by the bad-hearted person, step by step, from Yu
Yu's biological mother, to Princess An Guo, to Yu Yu, and perhaps Chong An,
this man secretly guided Yu Jin and pushed him to see clearly He treats his
family like a treasure, and no one has ever treated him sincerely.
So good Yu Amnesty, was destroyed by life to what it is now ...
Later, Yu Yan was overwhelmed by death, or was he overwhelmed by these
Zhong Wan suddenly remembered that when he first came to Beijing, he had
asked Yu Jian as a fool without heart and heart: What is wrong with you? !!
What's wrong with him ...
Zhong Wan raised his hand and slapped him.
Is there one thing he wants?
When Yu Yan heard that, what was he thinking?
He was not sorrowful nor resentful, but smiled indifferently.
Similarly, over the years, he has been afraid of listening.
Zhong Wan put her head on the window of the car, gritted her teeth and
thought, what was Yu Yan doing when she suffered?
He was deep in the foot and shallow in the foot, day and night, and rushed to
the southern Xinjiang nonstop, for fear that the children would suffer a little
Haven't thought about Yu Yan half a minute.
The carriage dangled, and after half an hour he finally rushed to the palace of
Yu Wang Mansion. Zhong Wan lifted the curtain and watched the gate of the
other courtyard burst out.
The cold wind in the night blew Zhong Wan coldly, and chilled his hot head
for a moment.
Now tell Yu Yu, saying that he knows the past, and he is afraid that he will
anger him completely.
Thinking of being in place, Zhong Wan hopes that Yu Yan is as far away from
himself as possible, and never knows that his life experience is the best.
Yu Yan's bones are arrogant. He disdains the mercy of others, whether it is
good or not.
Now tell him, without saying how to explain to him how to know, Zhong Wan
is not sure if Yu Jian will be indignant and stabbed himself with a sword.
Zhong Wan is not afraid of death, but not now.
Zhong Wan was shivered by the cold wind.
He calmed down completely.
He should be ignorant of nothing and never happened. He returned to the
house before Yu Ai's discovery and met him in the next day. He also had to
keep a secret to find a way to stay in Beijing, and then take the rest slowly.
Today's Yu Zheng is bound to be sensitive and suspicious, and everything
must be taken slowly.
The relationship between the two is like walking on thin ice, with a little
carelessness, and it will be difficult to meet him in the future.
If he didn't make a move, he lost all the games. Zhong Wan couldn't bet.
Zhong Wan's coachman saw that he hadn't moved for a long time, and he
understood: "Master Zhong, can I call you? Or say ..."
"Let's ..." Zhong Wan retrieved his tongue hard. "Let's go back to home."
The coachman was dumb, in the middle of the night, it was so easy to rush
over here, so go back?
Zhong Wan nodded: "Back, back home."
The coachman nodded, and just raised his whip, only to feel that the car sank
and light, and Zhong Wan had already jumped off the car.
Zhong Wan murmured in dismay: "Go to his mother slowly."
He can't wait.
In the bedroom of the main room of the other hospital, Yu Jian had not slept.
Yu Yan is playing chess with himself.
Feng steward stood beside and nodded with his head down.
A few days ago, Yu Yan seemed to have suddenly lost interest in Zhong Wan.
He ordered his staff to be removed from the Qian'an palace, and asked Feng
steward to send Zhong Wan's deed for sale. No stance.
Although the sale of the deed was sent back, it was not returned, but it did not
arouse the great spirit of Yu Jin, Yu Jin only said that he knew, and never
mentioned Zhong Wan again.
When something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and Yu Jingan's scary,
but Feng steward is even more worried.
When instructed by Yu Jin to sell his personal deeds, Feng's housekeeper
even worried that Yu Jin was not looking for shortcomings.
Therefore, these days Feng's housekeeper doubled his manpower to the
house, staring at Yu Jin day and night.
However, Yu Yan did not do anything extreme. In the past few days, he ate
meals on time and went to bed at the hour. When he could n’t fall asleep, he
would n’t walk around in the house without the lantern or the fight alone.
Most of the time, he himself Play chess with yourself.
There is only one strange little thing, that is, the small packet of tea that Feng
steward brought back to Yu Yan is gone.
The steward Feng clearly remembered that Yu Yan had carried tea into his
arms, but when he changed clothes for Yu Yan the next day, he did not see it.
Feng Steward thought that Yu Yan had fallen to the ground when he changed
clothes. Didn't find it.
Feng's steward secretly speculated that Yu Yan would not be thrown into the
charcoal stove?
That's a pity.
For that little tea, Zhong Wan washed her hands and picked the lamp, picking
it out little by little in the tea box.
Although few, they are all the youngest shoot tips.
Feng steward was a little sleepy thinking without thinking. He rubbed his
eyes and rushed forward to Yu Yan, whispering, "Three more, has Shizi
Yu Yan pinched a white child, hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Sleep."
Yu Yan himself sorted out the blacks and whites one by one. Feng's steward
stepped forward to take off his clothes. Suddenly, someone outside came to
report that a visitor was visiting.
"Speak nonsense," Feng steward said inexplicably. "Most of the night, who's
here? Is the princess sending someone to explain? Or is it from the palace?"
The outsider from Nonge replied, "Master Zhong of the Qian'an Palace is
Yu Ju shook his hand, and a white fell to the ground.
Zhong Wan sat in the main hall, and said to me, this is crazy.
I was afraid of stimulating Yu Jin, but I could n’t say it for a while. When I
met Yu Jin, what did I say?
Zhong Wan was faint in heart, and secretly prayed that Yu Yan was best to
fall asleep, and then he would sit here all night, tomorrow ... tomorrow.
Zhong Wan gently rubbed his cold hands, leaped out of hope, and hoped that
Yu Yan would fall asleep, while Feng steward came to entertain himself.
There was footsteps behind the screen, Zhong Wan looked up ...
Yu Yan came out.
Yu Yan was obviously ready to go to bed, the complicated outer shirt was
completely taken off, and there was only a month-long white clothes inside,
and a large black-colored robe was worn outside.
Yu Yan frowned slightly: "What happened to your house?"
Zhong Wan froze and shook his head: "No! It's okay."
Yu Zheng looked at Zhong Wan with distrust, Xu Yi thought he was
inconvenient to say straight, and turned back to the people who followed him
and said, "All go down."
The servants rushed out, leaving only the steward Feng.
Yu Jiu sat down and said impatiently, "What's the matter, is it worth your time
to come to me in the middle of the night?"
Zhong Wan looked up at Yu Yan, unable to help himself.
Without these messy things, Yu Jin should now be the same as when he was a
Wen Qi is like jade. Wen Qi in Yap.
Zhong Wan doesn't think there is anything wrong with Yu Yan now. Duan
Fang Ruyu's Yu Zizhen is very good, and now he is very good.
Just thinking about how the childhood Yu Yan was tortured little by little,
Zhong Wan couldn't help but feel pain.
Yu Zheng was distraught, "What the **** happened ?! Do you still want to
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and lowered her heart to hate, "I, I have a
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan subconsciously rubbed his ears, glanced at the steward Feng, and
said blankly, "You, what did you just say?"
Zhong Wan coughed and repeated, "I'm having a nightmare and I'm scared to
wake up."
Butler Feng finally found himself redundant, and he held back with a smile
that was difficult to control: "The old slave retreated first."
Feng steward slipped fast, leaving only two people in the house.
Yu Jue was in the same place, as the enemy thought: Is Zhong Wanfang
coquettish with himself?
Did he eat cold food by accident?
Are you crazy?
Yu Yan's voice dried up, "You ..."
Zhong Wan's throat moved, and he said, "I had a nightmare before, haven't
you, you have coaxed me?"
Yu Jiu was speechless for a long time.
Yu Yan pointed at his fierce self, and said blankly, "I won't coax you, I will
coax you now ... can you sleep?"
Naturally cannot sleep.
Zhong Wan frowned, and he knew the reason was terrible, but what else can
he say now?
Zhong Wan stiffened his head and said, "I got a little wind the previous two
days, maybe a little confused, I ... can I rest with you?"
Yu Yan unbelievably glanced up and down at Zhong Wan: "Did you get the
cold, or did you get any hysteria? If you are sick, go to the Physician, what is
it for me?"
Zhong Wan couldn't answer, bowed his head and didn't speak.
With half of his face in the shadow of Zhong Wan, Zhong Wan looked very
Yu Yan looked at him for a while, and seemed to be intolerable, and got up
and said, "I have no time to consume with you, and I will leave without
saying anything."
Zhong Wan raised his eyes and whispered, "Zi."
Yu Ju paused.
After a while, Yu Yanfeng generally turned around arrogantly, walked to
Zhong Wan in a few steps, pressed his hands on the armrest of Zhong Wan's
chair, gritted his teeth, and said, "You, arrive, end, think, do, why, what?" "
Zhong Wan was frightened by Yu Jin's fright. He settled down and tried his
best to ignore the strong sense of oppression in Yu Jin's body. To be honest,
"I didn't have nightmares, I just wanted to see you."
Yu Zhen laughed mockingly: "Do you think I believe it?"
Zhong Wan wanted to pull Yu Yu's hand, but he was too frivolous and would
be disgusted by Yu Yu. "I'm telling the truth."
Yu Yan looked down at Zhong Wan, and later said: "Zhong Wan, deeper in the
middle of the night, alone in the room, only you and me, do you know what
will happen?"
Zhong Wan's ears were reddish, and he cleared his throat. "About ... I know."
Yu Yan sneered: "I see."
Zhong Wan chuckled in his heart, what did Yu Yan know?
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan coldly, "Say, what's going on in your house? Is
it worth you to sell yourself to Xuanrui? He had an accident on the road?"
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth, not to blame Yu pardon.
It is because he has no half trust in him.
Yu Juan smiled ironically: "Or Xuan Yu? Let me keep him in Beijing?"
Seeing Zhong Wan not speaking, Yu Yan said, "Or Xuan Congxin? Why?
Come and ask me to find a good person for her?"
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and made up his mind.
Yu Yan was impatient. "Zhong Wan, hasn't anyone taught you to clarify your
requirements beforehand? Any requirements, word by word, now, make it
Zhong Wan looked up at Yu Yan, his voice was very light, "Yes ... something
needs you."
Yu Yan bowed his head, and a few strands of hair fell down, making people
unable to see his look. Yu Yan laughed at himself, "Sure enough."
Yu Zheng coldly said, "Just one thing?"
Zhong Wan nodded.
Yu Yan looked up suddenly, "Say!"
Zhong Wan's throat moved, "You ... lightly."
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Chapter 36: 36
Zhong Wan's words landed, and Yu Yan's eyes were instantly covered with
bloodshots. His long hair was messy, so it really looked a little bit sullen.
In Yu Yan's heart, the ghost that could only destroy the world was revealed
by this sentence, and he growled and was about to come out.
Yu Jiu restrained himself and whispered, "What can I do ... anyway?"
Zhong Wan's earlobe turned red, and his heart throbbed, and he said softly,
Yu Yan's teeth creaked with his bite.
Zhong Wan's heart is finished, and this may be wrong again, so ... I'm afraid I
can't "tap" it.
The form of Yu Yan ’s picture is a bit scary. Zhong Wan was frightened. If he
was killed by Yu Yan ’s day and his soul reached the place, he would meet
his premature father and mother, Princess Ning Wangning. how to explain?
Where should I go when I see Mr. Shi?
My heart was scared, but I still didn't want to go, Zhong Wan stammered, "I
am the first time, the first time ..."
Yu Juren relented angrily, "Shut up!"
Zhong Wan snorted.
Yu Yan's arms trembled unconsciously, and the large robe on his body had
slipped under his shoulder. Zhong Wan hesitated, tentatively reached out, and
brought him up for him.
If not for fear of self-defeating, which stimulated Yu Jin, Zhong Wan actually
wanted to hug him.
Yu Yan looked up at Zhong Wan, raised his hand, and pinched Zhong Wan's
Zhong Wan was in pain, took a breath, and Yu Jin was relieved.
After confirming that this was not his imagination, Yu Yan calmed down a bit.
He just lay in front of Zhong Wan like a tired beast and slowly adjusted his
breathing. After a while, his expression recovered, and he stood up and
straightened his shirt. , And gathered her scattered long hair.
Yu Yan retreated two steps.
Zhong Wan's ears were red. "I know you don't believe me, but I really have
nothing to ask for, I really am today ..."
"I know."
Yu Yan's eyes disappeared from the previous irony, and he looked at Zhong
Wan with a complex look, and whispered: "So, I can't ..."
Zhong Wan was at a loss, let alone what?
Before he could speak again, Yu Yan turned and said, "Come with me."
Yu Yan took the candlestick and led Zhong Wan into the inner courtyard all
the way into Yu Yan's bedroom.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jian from behind, his throat tightened slightly.
This is the first time Zhong Wan has seen Yu Jian wearing so few clothes
after the two met again.
Yu Yan was much taller than when he was younger, with wider shoulders and
an even taller waist. Now wearing only a thin layer of outer shirt, Zhong Wan
couldn't stop thinking about it.
Yu Yan put the candlestick in place, as if made a great determination, "Why
do you suddenly come here today, I don't want to guess, I don't want to ask
you anymore, since you, since ..."
Yu Yan turned his back to Zhong Wan, and later said, "Since you want to stay
so much, I will let you sleep with me all night. But that's it, the rest ... don't
Zhong Wan: "..."
Is it time to say thank you, Lord Ron?
Zhong Wan felt that he had been splashed with invisible cold water before
his mind was completely lost.
Zhong Wan asked cautiously: "That night ... if something goes wrong, who is
There were several fires in Yu Yan's eyes, and he held back, "If I don't want
it, nothing can happen."
Zhong Wan had nothing to say, and he felt a little bit lost in his heart. He
didn't want to annoy Yu Yu, and laughed at himself. "Then I'll go to sleep
"No need." Yu Qiang gave Zhong Wan a glance, and he stopped talking. "If
you come in the night ... I will be half of you."
Zhong Wan was lying on the bed in a complicated mood, and felt that this trip
was foolish.
If Yu Zhen really has a bit of affection for herself, it ’s okay to say that if
everything is affectionate by himself, then ... Yu Yan is afraid to go around
Zhong Wan wants to pull Yu Yan out of this quagmire, wants to make
suggestions for Yu Yan, and wants to be Yu Yan's confidant, but who wants a
confidant who wants to sleep with himself?
Zhong Wan told himself not to be affectionate, but couldn't help but ask
directly: "Shizi ... do you prefer women?"
Lying on the outside of the bed, Yu Yan, who was tight in his body, frowned,
and frowned, "I don't like it."
Zhong Wan said "Oh" and hesitated and asked, "Do you want your child?"
Yu Yan was most annoyed by this, and said coldly, "I don't want to."
Zhong Wan's throat tightened slowly, "What, you know ... what's going on?"
In the darkness, Yu Yan did not answer.
Zhong Wan shrugged off and said softly: "Even if we did something, I can't
get pregnant, you don't have to worry ..."
Zhong Wan is too familiar with the other courtyard. Lying here, he couldn't
help but feel that he was back seven years ago, he was relaxed a lot, and he
dared to say more: "Yu Jian, you have no waiter, are you ..."
"Zhong Wan." Yu Yan suddenly said coldly. "A man over fifteen years old
who doesn't understand these things is pretending. You know this more
clearly than me?"
Zhong Wanyi.
Yu Yan closed his eyes, wanted to sleep, and opened his eyes a moment later,
annoyed: "I didn't treat you today, I don't know how to do it! I just ... don't
want to."
Zhong Wan asked for nothing, whispered, "Oh."
Yu Zheng couldn't believe this: "What are you thinking about every day? I just
go crazy occasionally. Even if I am a pure lunatic, who told you that lunatics
can't do that kind of thing?"
Zhong Wan's face was hot, nana: "I, I just fear you don't know."
Zhong Wan couldn't help but tell him again: "A man really can't be pregnant
Yu Juren was intolerable and suddenly sat up.
Zhong Wan's heart tightened.
Yu Yue looked at Zhong Wan through the moonlight, and said for a while:
"Zhong Wan ... I don't want my blood, but if you can conceive, I really want
Yu Yan leaned down slightly and said to himself, "But how can I get you
pregnant ..."
Zhong Wan's uncontrollable waist softened.
"Maybe ..." Yu Yan said very quietly. "You can gather 10,000 monks and
monks from inside and outside the capital to gather in Taimiao."
Zhong Wan froze, what did he do?
"Let them kneel into one piece, recite the scriptures day and night, and even
do great feats of merit on the day of July, forty-seven." Yu Yan calmly said,
"Pray for God to show his spirit and let you have a child for me."
Yu Yan said very emotionally, murmured, "This unprecedented prayer, maybe
I can really move to heaven."
Zhong Wan imagined the huge scene and was frightened. "Don't joke about
such things."
"I joke from different people," Yu said, frowning. "I can say it, I can certainly
do it."
Zhong Wan was bitter and softened, "I shouldn't talk blindly, you don't get
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan and said coldly, "Then don't ask me such silly
words again, I said don't leave blood, just don't."
Zhong Wan dialed Yu Yu to no avail, and honestly said, "Well."
Yu Yan lay down again, "Sleep! Don't always think about those wicked East |
West! And ..."
Zhong Wan was frightened by Yu Jian, and more honestly, "What else?"
Yu Yan turned his back to Zhong Wan, and said dumbly, "During the night ...
you must not touch me."
Zhong Wan could not answer.
After Zhong Wan's departure the next day, Feng's housekeeper noticed that Yu
Yan's look seemed a little different from the past.
How the Feng steward can't say exactly, just feel that Yu Jian is not as
lifeless as the previous few days.
I just love to be more ecstatic, since Zhong Wan left, Yu Zheng stood in front
of the book case and lived an hour alive.
"Shizi ..." Mr. Feng changed his refreshment on the table and slammed side
by side. "This time, can't let Master Zhong go?"
Yu Yan looked up, hesitated in his eyes.
Mr. Feng's face changed, "Shizi! It's all like this, you can't let people go.
Although they are all men, you should be responsible, right? You ..."
Yu Yan lowered his head and picked up the writing brush. "I didn't touch
Butler Feng hated iron and steel.
"There is something wrong with King Ning," Yu said, without raising his
head, suddenly, "how many years now?"
The steward Feng thought for a while, and pointed out, "Is it seven or eight
years? In the New Year, it is eight years."
Yu Jian nodded and said, "It's been eight years before he felt like he had
returned the favor of King Ning ..."
Yu Yan looked up at Feng steward, "If I die in the next day, how many more
years will he have to boil?"
Butler Feng distressed and said, "Why do you say this again? Can't you die?"
Yu Jie did not sneer as usual this time, he looked down at the pen in his hand,
hesitated for a while, and said to himself, "Yes, if I can die, I can ..."
Yu Jiu recalled all the things last night. He felt uncomfortable and put down
his pen, sitting on a chair, frowning and closing his eyes.
The steward Feng saw that his heart was chaotic, and he dared not say more
words, but he always felt that Yu Yan's thick, dead-like despair was
Feng steward exited without taking two steps. Hearing Yu Yan's smashing
things in the room, he stopped and listened. It seemed that Yu Yan was
scolding something, but Feng steward provoked and went away with a smile.
"Yan Guan's letter said that the elder brother had been a lot more energetic
since he left the city. After that, he took only two medicines, which was
great." Xuan Congxin put a letter on the table and said, "Reassuring you. "
Zhong Wan was absent-minded and agreed casually.
Xuan Congxin said again: "Tomorrow is His Royal Highness Sanqi, and
everyone has to go. I do n’t understand the rules of Jingzhong. I asked other
people, and said that the spirit guard of Sanqi is to keep one day and one
night. Your body Not good, just don't go. "
Zhong Wan turned back and smiled, "How can I do that? I won't go, who will
accompany Xuan Yu?"
Xuan Cong frowned: "How many days have it been? I have recognized all the
commanding women in Beijing. Is it still impossible for him to kneel alone?"
Zhong Wan was surprised: "So many women, do you recognize them?"
"Not only, the damsels in the palace also recognized it." Xuan Congxin did
not care so much, "There is nothing else to do every day, just remember this."
Zhong Wan glanced up and down Xuan Congxin, and regretfully said, "It is
really a curse for you to be here in Qian'an."
Xuan Cong smiled, "You must follow it, follow it, pay attention to yourself,
don't hold back anything."
Zhong Wan smiled: "Listen to Miss."
As Xuan Congxin said, on March 7th, there were more than double the
number of people in Xuan Jin's house than in the past, and the in and out were
all relatives. Unexpectedly, Lin Si came with Xuan Yuan.
Lin Si asked a young man to hand Zhong Wan a paper ball, Zhong Wan
opened a glance ... Lin Si told him to avoid Xuan Ye.
Zhong Wan frowned, why should he avoid it?
Although Zhong Wan hasn't met Xuan Ye since he came to Beijing, he met him
when he saw him. As a goodbye to his deceased, Zhong Wan doesn't feel
ashamed. What should he avoid?
Even so, Zhong Wan hid the paper ball in his arms, looked at Xuan Yuan from
afar, avoided sideways, and walked behind other servants.
Zhong Wan was uneasy in his heart. He looked at Xuan Ye from time to time.
Shouldn't Xuan Ye know something?
On that day, Lin Si came to the Qian'an Palace to find Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan
had instructed Lin Si that regarding Yu Yu's forgiveness, please don't tell
Xuan Yuan.
How to plan a escape for Yu Zhengzhong Zhong Wan hasn't figured out before
that, the fewer people Yu Yu knows about, the better.
Zhong Wan tried his best to mingle with the crowd, but Xuan Yuan seemed to
be looking for him, and glanced at the servant's heap from time to time. Zhong
Wan couldn't.
Zhong Wan deliberately lags behind and steps away from other people.
Fortunately, everyone is in a hurry and can't care about him. Zhong Wan gets
away and walks out. He passes by the rockery.
Zhong Wan didn't know if he should be relieved or should be more nervous
... it's Yu Yan.
Yu Yan leaned on the edge of the rocky hill, pulled Zhong Wan a hand, and
then released his hand. He looked at Zhong Wan with complex eyes.
Thinking of the night when he was inexplicably sleeping together, Zhong Wan
was still a little bit dazed.
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, and seemed to be struggling with something in his
heart. Then he asked, "What are you hiding?"
Of course, Lin Si's affairs could not be told to Yu Jian, Zhong Wan hesitated,
thinking of finding something to hide.
Yu Yan frowned, "You just ... peeped at me frequently, what did you do?"
Zhong Wan: "..."
He clearly saw Xuan Ye, but unfortunately Yu Xun stood with Xuan Ye.
Zhong Wan scratched his head and recognized, "Nothing."
"Nothing? You look at me all eyes ..." Yu Shen paused, annoyed, "So many
people around you, you converge one or two!"
Zhong Wan: "..." At this time, he said that he was proclaiming Xuan Xuan,
fearing Yu Yu would be more angry.
Yu Zheng hesitated, and said, "I'm not saying you can't look at me, but when
there are a lot of people, you always have to hold it. Your eyes are so
explicit. Who can't see the clue?"
Zhong Wan was speechless.
Yu Yan said, "You ... found me for a long time?"
Zhong Wan was embarrassed. He didn't expect Yu Yan to show his face at
"That's all you can say, restrain yourself."
Yu Yan turned and walked away, Zhong Wan's mouth was slightly
uncontrollable, and he couldn't help looking up at his back, only to see Yu
Yan suddenly turned back.
His face was even worse this time.
Zhong Wan was a little nervous for no reason.
"I don't come here every day. Don't look for me every day like this." Yu Yan
frowned, as if made a great determination, "Well, in the future ... every ten
days, you can come to my house and stay overnight, but So far, don't think too
much. "
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Chapter 37: 37
Yu Yan walked away in a hurry, Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan's back and
smiled for a long time.
Alright, once a week ... a little better than the cowherd and the weaver.
Zhong Wan slowly walked back, and when he went around again, Xuan Yuan
they had been invited elsewhere, after which Zhong Wan paid attention to
avoid, and never encountered these people again.
Why did Xuanzhen find himself?
Zhong Wan was disturbed by Lin Si's paper group. After March 7th, people
called Lin Silai, but Lin Si did not come for two days. Zhong Wan dispatched
his staff in Beijing to investigate secretly, but it was not found out. Lin Si
came when the end came.
Lin Si still entered the house before entering the night. Zhong Wan saw his
face as usual, and he felt relieved. The two entered the inner room, and
Zhong Wan poured a cup of tea for Lin Si.
Lin Si quickly got up with both hands. Then he put down the tea cup and
made a gesture: Last time I came here, I didn't hide my whereabouts and was
found by four highness.
Zhong Wan's face changed, and before he talked, Lin Si busy and whispered:
The owner explained that let me conceal the story of Lord Yu Xiaoya, I
couldn't, and pushed the boat to the Four Highness and said that the news of
His Highness was over You are detained by the host, and I came to ask for
the news, so that was the only time I had to go, so the matter of Lord Yu
Xiaohua returned without success. "
Zhong Wan grinned: "I said, Xuan Ye did a good job with me."
Lin Si full of regret, signing: It was me who was not careful, and involved
you in the master.
"Anyway, Xuan Ye is not ignorant of our two things, and I'm not afraid of him
anymore." Although Xuan Ye and Yu Jinshi are in the same position, they
have a friendship with Zhong Wan that is not close to each other. I have n’t
seen it, but it ’s easy to not get really stiff. Zhong Wan did n’t care much. “I
was anxious to find Yu Yu for the last time. I forgot to tell you that I happened
to explain with you.”
Zhong Wan paused for a moment, "I came to Beijing and heard you talk to me
several times about Yu Jian's life. What Xuan Qiong found, what did you
Lin puzzled and nodded.
"In the end, is it good for you to follow Xuan Qiong, or ..." Zhong Wan
groaned for a moment and asked, "Still Xuan Qiong wants you to know what,
let you know what?"
Lin Si's face changed slightly.
Lin Sisi said signing after a while: "His Royal Highness does not necessarily
play such a game."
"I didn't say him." Zhong Wan Guaner, "Xuan Ye is a waste, but how many
smart people are there around the waste, right? I didn't feel anything before,
but I was overwhelmed by Yu Jian, but I didn't worry about it, but More
times, I always feel that a hand behind me is pushing me away, which makes
me a little upset. "
Lin Si frowned and gestured: Does the host suspect that someone is making a
sword with His Highness?
Zhong Wan wasn't sure: "Who is the sword is still not good, it may be Xuan
Ye, it may be you, or it may be ... Yu Yu."
"The three princes are gone. Xuan Qiong and Xuan Qi now want the other
side to compete with Yu Qiu Clam. You have been behind Xuan Qiong. This
is not right." Zhong Wan frowned, "Yu Qiu's His life experience is a key to
competing for reserves. Everyone wants to know, so just throw it out, Xuan
Ye Xuan Qiong will follow honestly ... too passive. "
Lin Si was embarrassed, and he made a gesture: after all, it was related to
the Prince's position. After hearing about the Lord Yu Xiaoyi, the next High
Temple was so concerned and could not persuade him.
Zhong Wan pursed his lips. "Not only him, but me ..."
Lin Si hesitated, signing: What about the master? Do you want to check too?
Lin Si's heart moved, frowning: or was it about to die?
Zhong Wan was told the central thing and smiled.
Xuan Yuan Xuan Qiong Cha Yu amnesty is to understand the old past, but
Zhong Wan wants to wipe out the past traces.
To Zhong Wan, Yu Jin's son is the same.
Zhong Wan said: "Rest assured, I will never kill Xuan Ye ... I just want to
know who is pushing me to walk."
Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si, and said his previous concerns, and said, "Did
you ever wonder? These hidden things, why did Yu Yan know so little?"
Lin Si was at a loss.
Zhong Wan was troubled, so Xuan Yun's mind ... How can he argue with
Xuan Qiongyu forgiveness.
Zhong Wan whispered softly: "Yu Jian knew that it was one thing to be
unacceptable for a while after he knew what was going on. Then, could he be
deliberately guided by his subsequent actions?"
"I entrust the Feng steward at the Yuyuan Mansion House, and ask him to help
me trace back to the first encounter with Yu Shisan by Yu Yan." Zhong Wan
paused, pressing his heart to throb, "Feng steward said, Yu Yan The first time
I knew that kind of thing was in Xuanyuan. "
Lin Si hesitated, shook his head, and gestured: His Highness Four had never
eaten that thing!
"Of course he hasn't eaten it." There was a gloom in Zhong Wan's eyes. "It
was the next man in his house. One day he slammed into Yu Jin's body with a
sorrowful expression. The man had a different look, his eyes were hazy, and
Yu Qian After looking at the doubts, he asked others, and the others explained
to him, and later ... Yu Jian began to take Hanshisan. "
Lin Si hesitated for a moment and made a gesture: Master, IMHO, if Lord
Xiao Yu didn't want to eat himself, no one would force him.
Zhong Wan knew that this account could not be counted on Xuan Yuan's head,
but still said: "But if he knows that he is dull in his heart, he tells him
deliberately that if he eats Han Shisan, he can forget his sorrow? Yu Jian will
not know that thing "It's one thing to want to die, and another to hand him a
Lin Si was speechless, and he gestured: I can't guarantee it, but the four halls
were frank and afraid that they couldn't do such a thing.
"I didn't say it was done by Xuan Ye." Zhong Wan said in a deep voice. "The
steward Feng said to me in order to keep me in Beijing that Yu Yan went to
Xuan Qiong Mansion to see the artist's snake, knowing that the snake was
poisonous. But still took one and fiddled with it, and the snake took a bite on
his arm ... "
Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si, "I didn't think much about it at the time, but now
I think it is very strange. How courageous is that artist to dare to put
poisonous snakes in front of these princes and grandsons to play with?"
Lin Si hesitated: That was His Highness ... intentional?
"I remember the steward Feng said at the time that Xuanqiong was scolded
by the emperor afterwards." Zhong Wan looked down. "It's not old enough to
check the old things, and it's hard to tell ..."
Lin thought about it, and made a gesture: If Lord Yu Xiao is desperate to die,
there must be countless people who will help him, after all ...
After all, he blocked many people.
"I understand, but I still get angry ..." Zhong Wan said again. "Even these, I
just want to pick out the person who helped the situation, Lin Si, I want to
start with Xuan Qiong first."
Zhong Wan slowly said, "I don't want to follow Xuan Qiong to eat his
Lin Si felt uncomfortable, signing: You must come in and come in, don't you?
Zhong Wan smiled: "I'm not going to make peace, but ... forget it, I can't tell."
"I also have some people in Xuanqiong Mansion, try it." Zhong Wan said,
"Anyway, he has already formed a beam with him, and I'm not afraid of
anything ... I want to serve those who served in the tomb first. People get it
out. "
Lin Si was startled, and gestured: how to get it out?
"I have a way to kill someone with a knife." Zhong Wan looked down and
whispered, "... you said, Mr. Shi, would you know these things?"
Lin Si didn't understand how Zhong Wan brought up the history of this day,
hesitated, and gave a sign language: in terms of age, it may be known, but the
old lady has been away for so many years, how does the owner ask?
"Before the old lady left, I sent a few letters and left some people to me."
Zhong Wan laughed at himself. "I'm not furious. The old lady is afraid that I
will be implicated in the future. I left some people to I use it for my life, but
since it's a Taifu person ... it is possible to know something old. "
Zhong Wan took a deep breath: "Xuan Qiong's news is too little to believe,
there is probably something else for the old lady to let me know."
"It is probably impossible for Xuan Ye to steal news from Xuan Qiong, but
you remind him that you can listen, but don't believe it." Zhong Wan said
quickly, "Someone wants to use Xuan Ye as a knife, but who can determine
No one wants to use Xuan Qiong as a knife? "
Lin Si's gesture: Master, if you come to Japan, you will have the trust of
Prince Yu ...
Zhong Wan laughed: "Then you can save yourself some trouble."
Lin Si continued to draw: If in the future, please also ask the owner to protect
the next palace.
Zhong Wan smiled, "OK."
The next day, Xuan Congxin, who said he was ill at home, was in a good
mood, and ordered people to make some refreshments in Qian'an, which
were all kinds and varied.
Zhong Wan had just contacted Mr. Shi, and when he returned to his home, he
saw a table of delicate refreshments, and smiled: "How do you remember to
do this?"
"Xuan Yu missed his brother and was homesick. He cried secretly on his
back yesterday." Xuan Congxin didn't like his brother crying, but his mouth
was hard and soft, "I want to do something in Qian'an ... coax him happy."
Zhong Wan smiled, "Are you happy?"
Xuan Congxin smiled and nodded, and said, "I'm afraid you're homesick too,
and have done a lot. These are yours."
Zhong Wan smiled, and did not say that Qian'an was not my home. He sat
down and ate it one after another with great support, praising: "I don't usually
think that I haven't eaten for a few months, but I really feel delicious."
Zhong Wan ate and said, "Can I pick them up and give them away?"
Xuan provoked slightly from the corner of his mouth, "Send Xiaoyu?"
Zhong Wan laughed and said nothing. For men and women, Xuan Congxin
was embarrassed to ask more. He turned around and picked out a box of
exquisitely, which was sent to Zhong Wan's courtyard.
Zhong Wan was sent to the Qian'an Palace, but two hours later, he was sent
back intact.
Zhong Wan frowned, Yu Juan. Is this ... will not eat what he sent?
Is he too cautious or can't trust himself?
The home where the food box comes back will be very tall. Zhong Wan
always feels a bit familiar to him, and Zhong Wan hesitates, "Doesn't Lord Yu
"Master Zhong, don't worry." The family put the food container on the table
with both hands, and took two steps back, bowed. "Our son said, Master
Zhong must not move around with his son without permission."
Zhong Wan: "..."
He had forgotten that "you can come once in ten days", wasn't Yu Yan joking?
Zhong Wan was speechless, "This is just a box of snacks ..."
The family wo n’t understand what ’s going on, but the parrot learns his
words loudly: “That ’s not enough! Rules are rules!”
Zhong Wan was dazzled with anger, shook his hand and took a tea sip.
The family will say again, "But when our son sees this food box, he is
probably still relieved, so he also said that if Master Zhong performs well in
the future, he may change it once every ten days to once every nine days."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Grandpa Yu Xiao really has clear rewards and punishments.
The houseman said rigorously: "Master, please take care of the stuff. Master,
don't be disappointed. I have specifically asked the son, and the son said that
in only five days, the master can send the food container."
Zhong Wan said weakly: "Can't wait five days, and one day these dim sum
will break."
The family would be stunned. "But the rules ... that's it! Is there anything else
for the young master to explain?"
Zhong Wan shook his head: "I have nothing to say."
The family will kneel on one knee and get up and leave.
Zhong Wan stared at the returned food box for a long time.
He was diligent and worried, and he was worried for Yu Jin, but what did Yu
Jin do all day? !!
Not to mention this first, if Yu Yan would marry Yu Xiaoyu in the future,
would she still treat the three chapters like this with her own princess?
On the night of the wedding, her face was gloomy to set rules for her
princess: every ten days, you can come to my bed and lie down, and the rest,
you have to think about it!
Ten years after the marriage, if Princess Yu's performance is good, Yu Yu
may be particularly benevolent: every seven days in the future, you can see
After twenty years of marriage, Princess Yu may have the honor to hold Yu
Yu's hand.
Thirty years after the marriage, Yu Ju was finally able to accept a kiss.
Zhong Wan just heard that someone was slow in love, but never expected that
there would be a slow Cheng Yu amnesty!
According to this progress, if you can only kiss once in thirty years, then ...
that ...
What about that kind of thing? !!
How did Yu Yan plan?
In the twilight of her life, Princess Yu was stumped, she passed the decades-
long test of Yu Jin, passed the 981 level, and finally gained the trust of Yu
Jin, she could be with him ...
It's really exhausting my life to test someone.
Zhong Wan is desperate. For Yu Yan, maybe the most intimate things can only
be done once in a lifetime?
Once in a lifetime, only once a day.
Zhong Wan opened the food container with a slender figure, took a bite of
dim sum, and murmured: "The first time Lord Yu has treated himself for the
first time, but he really values it ..."
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Chapter 38: 38
After the person sent the snack away, but for a while, Yu Jian threw the book
upset again, frowning: "Did you give it away in the end? Why not even a
reply? You do n’t have to go before you leave! "
The steward Feng thought that Yu Jian was the stranger's slow man, and he
entered the house busyly: "Sent back, sent back, I dare not delay."
I don't want Yu Jue's expression to get worse.
Feng steward said tremblingly: "What's wrong, Shizi?"
what happened? What else can happen? I regret it.
The steward Feng guessed it, but did not dare to say it. After thinking about
it, he calmed down and persuaded: "The son of the world is too real. Master
Zhong just sent something over and didn't let it go."
Yu Yan's heart was impetuous, and he whispered, "I'm afraid I'm too
indulging him. In a few days, he will ..."
Feng steward interface: "How?"
Yu Yan said coldly, "He's about to enter the room."
The steward of Feng steward: If you do not want to, who would dare to come
to your house to enter the room.
Yu Yan took another book, sat down and turned two pages, and seemed to be
disturbed, and asked, "Did you open the food box?"
Feng steward nodded blankly: "Opened."
Yu Yue coldly said: "What does it look like?"
Feng steward was stunned, period Ai Ai: "style ... not very similar to what
we usually eat, one said, the pattern looks not as fine as our kitchen cook, but
it smells quite fragrant."
Yu Yan frowned, "Since you smell very fragrant, why am I different ?!"
"..." Butler Feng struggled, "Shizi is so self-contained, the old man thought
you were not allowed to smell the snack yourself."
Yu Yan only felt that his internal organs were uncomfortable and turned away
from talking.
Feng steward resigned when he saw that Yu Jian was not very accountable.
In the next few days, the servants in the palace of Yu Wang's house were
ashamed, for fear that they would accidentally touch the mold of Yu Xiao
At night three days later, one of Yu Yan's confidants had important matters to
talk back and forth, and was ordered by Feng steward to say anything, and
never mention the word "dim sum".
There was a mist of water in his confidant, and it was over.
Yu Yan had fallen asleep, his face was scary after being awakened, his hair
was scattered, and he looked coldly at his confidant: "What's wrong?"
This is the person Yu Xun placed next to Xuan Qiong, who would not come
Saluting his heart, he got up and said, "Last month, I told my son that His
Highness Five had gone through many twists and turns, and found a few
Yu Zheng said impatiently: "What's wrong? Can I finally figure it out?"
His captor said: "The subordinates are incompetent. Those people were
hidden in a very secret place by His Highness Five. They couldn't listen to it
many times. They have not been able to find clues for months, but today, I
don't know what ...
My hesitant said: "The matter was suddenly kicked off, and all three rangers
were taken away."
Yu Yan was angry: "What ?!"
He didn't understand: "His Highness Five was very careful this time. Even
Lord Yu didn't know that he had hidden those people. Because His Highness
Four was also investigating him, his Highness was no more than being heard
by His Highness. Someone knows, but today, when it was still dark, a
stranger came suddenly from the house, and the person closed the door and
said a few words to His Royal Highness. When he came out again, His Royal
Highness was all white. After a while, those people took His five friends
went to a pawnshop on the edge of the city, and those people were actually
hidden in the cellar of the pawnshop, and then ... they were taken away. "
Yu Yan frowned.
Heartfelt said: "This is a very strange matter. We and the Four Highnesses
are secretly investigating, and we want to capture the few Rangers. His
Highness Five also regards those people as their roots. For a long time, I
don't want to see this happen. "
Yu Yan sneered: "Who took it? Don't you know it?"
"It was really unclear at that time in the morning." He felt ashamed and
bowed his head. "The house was still asleep, and he didn't dare to get up to
investigate. When the day dawned, people were taken away, and his
subordinates searched for a day before they knew ... these are the guards who
came out of the palace and the emperor. "
Yu Jin was stunned.
Yu Yan had already had his life. He wanted those people, and he wanted to
live. He was afraid of taking responsibility. He said, "Shizi, this doesn't
make sense. We all have to **** those people from the three parties. The
incident broke out, or let the above know, or the sage of the five sages rushed
out, then who is this ... Who is it? The subordinates are often at the sage of
the five sages, and they have no information with the son of the world.
Someone can't hold it, is it bad? "
Yu Yan looked somber: "I didn't order anyone else."
Confidant: "The subordinates don't understand, they are secretly doing each
other, and suddenly they are cleaned up."
"It's not me, it's not Xuanyuan ..." Yu Zhen muttered, "Who else?"
My hesitant thought, "My subordinates are useless. Now that the emperor has
taken the shot, the hurricane shower has generally cooked it completely, so it
must be a case, but ... the subordinate is not justifying himself. Is the most
favorable. "
Yu Yan said coldly: "Naturally."
Yu Jue didn't want those live mouths, but she wanted to listen to the past
more carefully, but to fall into the hands of Xuan Ye Xuan Qiong, that was
their weapon against Yu Jue in the future.
His hesitant still did not die, he bravely asked, "Subordinates are dying, and
ask the son once again, does the son still have manpower in His Royal
Highness Mansion? This time ... it's just like what our house did."
Yu Yan was not angry, shaking his head: "No."
He felt relieved and worried: "I don't know if his subordinates are worrying
about the sky. After this incident, the subordinates feel that there is more
momentum in this central Beijing, and it is not clear who this is."
Yu Yan faced Shen Rushui, half a smirk: "I don't know, but this person is a bit
unruly. If he can't play, he will set up a chess board ... The road is a bit
Worrying: "I thought that the three princes were gone, and the situation in
central Beijing could be cleared up, and I didn't want to have an
"It's interesting ... be careful to investigate." Yu Yan was also turbulent. How
many people were planning for the throne, he didn't care. "Pay attention to
one or two. I want to know who is intervening in this."
He stomped his head and quietly backed out.
In the Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan, who was very wild, leaned on the couch
sickly, listening to Xuan obeying him.
In the past few days, Zhong Wan frequently went out and walked. Although
Xuanrui left, the Qian'an King's Palace without King Qian'an was no longer
noticed, but he acted with caution. Whenever he went out, he would call on
the old man not long or late, when would he When I went out, I became ill
after a few days of tossing, and suddenly became hot at night, and it was
better to drink two doses of medicine.
Xuan Yu had been caring for Zhong Wan before and after the bed. He listened
to Xuan Cong's training to Zhong Wan, and courageously helped Zhong Wan
explain two sentences, and was taught by Xuan Congxin together.
Zhong Wan stood on a wet parch, pursed her dry lips, and smiled, "Miss
taught so long, isn't it thirsty?"
Xuancong frowned: "Not thirsty."
"But I'm thirsty." Zhong Wan smiled hard. "Cough ... Miss trouble, pass me
the tea ..."
"While taking the medicine, what tea to drink." Xuan Congren gave Zhong
Wansheng the white fungus soup. "Drink the soup when you are thirsty."
Zhong Wan smiled and drank a bowl of soup.
"You've been going out these days," Xuan Yu whispered. "Did you meet
Although Zhong Wan was ill, she had just done one thing, she was in a good
spirit, and she whispered, "Yeah, otherwise what a cold day, what do I
Xuan Yu was a little envious and asked, "Could anyone coax someone?"
"That's not yet." Zhong Wan hissed, and said wildly, "Three years and five
years, I'm afraid it will be difficult ..."
Xuan Cong was horrified: "Who the **** do you fancy?"
Zhong Wan laughed: "I'm talking nonsense, it's not that difficult."
Xuan Congxin couldn't believe it: "I'm still looking forward to marrying
someone to your house as soon as possible. We can go back to Qian'an
together, you ... what are you doing, what kind of person did you run into?"
"What did I hit? South wall." Zhong Wan smiled. "Okay, the lady taught me
that I should be tired too. There is sickness in this room. Don't stay here all
the time. Go back to your room. I'm not Already awake? Just lie down for a
few more days. After thirty-seven, you do n’t have to go to kneeling every
day. Xuan Yu, you should also read the book. I ’ll take a test on you and go. ”
Zhong Wan coaxed the sisters and brothers away, struggling to take off his
sweaty lining, replaced it with a new one, lay back on the bed, and breathed
a long breath.
It is harder to consolidate the old man ’s hand left by him than Zhong Wan ’s
expectation. People ’s hearts are changeable. Once old man ’s walk for many
years, no matter how old the past is, he will not be able to prevent years of
negotiation, and he will truly serve Zhong Wan There are not so many people
running. Moreover, some people are either caught by the wealth in front of
their eyes or entangled in their feet. Zhong Wan doesn't blame them. Even if
they are threatened by grace, that is also history. The grace of the old lady,
she is just a student of the old lady, not so big face.
Fortunately, although there are not many people who can use it, it wins
sincerely and is very useful.
This time, the solution of the few defenders was very simple. Now Xuan
Qiong dumbly eats Coptis chinensis, and dare not speak up.
Zhong Wan rubbed his sore shoulder and laughed in a low voice.
Little by little, take your time.
Zhong Wan knew that he was not good enough, and he didn't dare to fight too
hard. When investigating Yu Jian's life, he should let it go for a while, and
talk about it when he got better.
Zhong Wan calmed down for many days, and Yu Jian became more anxious.
A little girl who was waiting for Yu Jian looked timidly at Yu Jin, and
tremblingly offered him a bowl of lotus seed soup. "The steward said, Shizi
is a little bit angry, he must get ..."
Yu Yan did not look up, "Take it away."
The little girl was rushed by the steward Feng, and she did not dare to leave.
She shivered, "These two eyes have become red for the past two days. It is
indeed getting angry, and it must be ..."
Yu Zheng coldly said, "Get out."
The little girl trembled and said, "Shizi is so angry that she loses defeat. If
Shizi does not drink lotus seed soup, Feng's housekeeper will ask for a
doctor, or ... Shizi wants something to eat beside him? Sweet pear Soup?
Wonton soup? "
Yu Yan suddenly whispered, "Ten days."
The little girl was startled and blinked: "What?"
"Ten days." Yu Yan seemed to be talking to himself. "He didn't come, and he
didn't send any more snacks."
The little girl saw Yu Yan and started talking nonsense again. She was more
afraid, and timidly agreed, "What snack?"
Yu Yan said, "I don't know. I didn't smell it."
"Shizi gets angry, it is better to eat less snacks." The little girl laughed. "But
... Shizi wants to eat it, what style? I'll let people do it."
Yu Yan didn't know what he thought, his eyes suddenly flinched, and he said
dumbly, "Osmanthus cake."
The little girl agreed quickly and turned away.
Ignoring whether he heard it or not, Yu Jian whispered, "I said yes, I said yes
... Osmanthus cake."
Yu Jue was almost gritting his teeth. "Obviously, he comes once every ten
days ... for ten days, he hasn't come, he hasn't come ..."
Yu Yan closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. He didn't want to do this.
He had previously made up his mind that he would no longer do anything
extreme in these months.
"Stumbling, so many things ... Xuanrui is so wasteful, he is stumped by
Xuanrui, he is stumped by Xuanrui ..."
Yu Zheng was unconsciously holding something, and after a while, he really
calmed down.
Yu Jue took a deep breath, and she was paralyzed in a chair.
Yu Yan wanted to lie down for a while, and was together, just seeing that girl
Lediandian came in holding a plate of osmanthus cake.
Yu Yan's eyes changed suddenly.
Yu Yan's teeth creaked. "Ten days have passed. He didn't come. He didn't
take it seriously from beginning to end."
Yu Yue strode out of the house, the little girl was frightened, and she put
down the osmanthus cake and ran to the housekeeper Feng.
But where she ran Yu Yu, when Feng's housekeeper continued to believe, Yu
Yu had already reached the government.
In the Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan covered her mouth and nose, and put the
snacks freshly ground from Xuan Congxin into the food box one by one.
For fear of being hot, Zhong Wan cushioned his fingers with a papa and set
the snack coefficient so that he never touched the snack with his fingers from
beginning to end.
Zhong Wan didn't take down the pod until he covered the food container. He
took two breaths and relaxed, and was about to be called. When someone
outside smashed the gate of the courtyard, Zhong Wan frowned.
The servant in Zhong Wan's courtyard went to open the door. After a while,
the door in Zhong Wan's house was pushed open.
Yu Yan appeared to be riding a horse, her hair was slightly messy, and her
coat was wrinkled.
Zhong Wan stunned: "You, why are you here?"
Yu Yan stared at Zhong Wan, trying his best to suppress the surging anger in
his chest.
Zhong Wan noticed that Yu Yan's look was not right, could he not find his
hands and feet secretly moving?
But it's not very similar.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan's form, and wondered, how did he feel that ...
Yu Yan seemed to have suffered a great grievance?
What happened?
Zhong Wan asked again softly, and saw that Yu Yan was breathing heavily, as
if trying to suppress something.
Zhong Wan was bored in this room for several days, because he couldn't see
the wind, and the windows hadn't been opened much. Zhong Wan was
worried that he had passed his illness to Yu Jian, saying, "You go to the front
hall first? I Come ... "
The words did not fall, Yu Yan's eyes instantly turned red.
Zhong Wan was horrified. This man ...
Yu Yan's mouth slightly provoked, evoking a touch of sarcasm, and said,
"Why? Afraid of me? Or dislike me? Zhong Wan ... Have you all forgotten?
Yes ... Only I remember, only I was waiting. ... "
"Forget what?" Zhong Wan was coughed by Yu Jin's body with a chilling
cough, struggling, "I have been sick for several days. You are standing here,
and I'm coughing for a while ..."
Yu Yan was surprised for a moment.
"you are sick?"
Zhong Wan coughed for a while and took a step back, "You listen to me first,
can you go to the lobby first? I cough ... cough cough ..."
Zhong Wan coughed up while holding the table, not forgetting to avoid the
food box on the table, Yu Yan settled at him, his lips moved.
"I beg you, stay away from me ..." Zhong Wan coughed with sweat, "Xuanyu
just didn't listen and came to me all day, so I followed the fever yesterday, if
you ..."
Zhong Wan didn't finish a word, and his body was light. After being dizzy for
a while, Yu Wan was put on the couch.
Zhong Wan was lying in bed panicking, just now, just now ... Did Yu Jian
hold herself? !! !!
Yu Yan drew her clothes and sat beside Zhong Wan's bed.
Yu Yan closed his eyes and closed his eyes, his face was much better than
before. He raised his eyes and suddenly said, "Zhong Wan, you never think
that this scene seems to have known each other?"
Zhong Wan swallowed and stammered, "That year, really you ..."
"It's me, I've taken care of you for half a month." Yu Yan was still a little
angry, "Don't remember? OK ... I remind you. Zhong Wan, you sweat when
you cough, now Are the linings wet? "
Zhong Wan subconsciously said: "Yes ..."
Yu Yan looked up: "Where is the clean lining?"
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Chapter 39: 39
Zhong Wan was terrified: "No, no, no, I'll do it myself ..."
Yu Yan face frosty and insisted: "Where is the clean lining ?!"
Zhong Wan noticed that there was something wrong with Yu Yan, like she
was mad, and she drank too much, but he didn't have half of alcohol.
Is it ill? But what can cause him to do so recently?
Looking at the expression ... seems to be caused by myself.
Zhong Wan wanted Yu Yan to stop making fun of him, but he couldn't say a
word when he hit Yu Yan's look.
Zhong Wan pursed her dry lips and pointed to the cabinet next to it. "The first
layer ... that's it."
Yu Yan stood up, opened the cabinet, hesitated for a moment, and took out the
clean lining.
Zhong Wan leaned on the soft pillow and looked at Yu Zheng, who was
standing under the bed, and his heart beat a little faster.
Does he want to ... undress himself?
No matter how he cares about himself in the old days, after all, it was a
coma. Zhong Wan had no memories. Now they are both sober and let him
play with it ...
What if the gun is fired again and again?
On the other side, Yu Yan held the thin lining in his hand, and the suffocation
of his whole body faded.
At the moment, Yu Zhen's mind was clear, and he understood that Zhong Wan
didn't want to go, but he was sick and couldn't go.
Yu Yan's expression eased a bit, he looked down at the clothes in his hand, as
if he was awake at the beginning of the dream, froze, and seemed a little
Zhong Wan looked at him and knew that he was awake, but he felt a little
sorry, and coughed, "Okay, give it to me ..."
Yu Yan frowned, ignoring Zhong Wan. He glanced into the cabinet and took
out something, Zhong Wan didn't see clearly.
Zhong Wan stared nervously at Yu Jian, watching him approach. After the
two looked at each other for a moment, Yu Yan threw his shirt on the bed.
What was he holding in his hand? Zhong Wan glanced at him ... Hair band.
Zhong Wan is confused. Should he comb his hair?
Before Zhong Wan spoke, Yu Yan raised his hand and blindfolded his own
eyes with Zhong Wan's hair band.
Zhong Wan: "..."
Ye Xiao Wang is really not polite.
Yu Yan covered his eyes, took two steps forward, and sat on the bed.
Yu Yan, who became a blind man, moved a lot more slowly. He leaned down
slightly, groped a little along the quilt, and pulled his quilt down with his
fingertips when he touched the quilt.
Blindfolded Yu Yan had a different kind of handsome, Zhong Wan's cheeks
were slightly red, his throat cleared, and he whispered, "Shizi ... You can't
see, aren't you afraid to touch it?"
Yu Yan paused and frowned, warning: "Don't move, you won't."
Zhong Wan leaned on the soft pillow and nodded hard: "Yes."
Yu Yan raised his hand and tentatively touched Zhong Wan's shoulder. His
fingertips slid down Zhong Wan's collar and dropped off Zhong Wan's shirt.
Yu Yan put the outer shirt aside, slightly over his head, and seemed to be
thinking about the position of Zhong Wan's neckline.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan, who was only two feet away from her, and her
throat moved.
Zhong Wan didn't dare to move. He looked at the blindfolded Yu Yan and
raised his hand, and untied the first button on his neckline.
Zhong Wan could not bear it, and closed his eyes.
But after closing my eyes, I think more.
Yu Yan's movements were very light, Zhong Wan could only hear the sound of
Soso, and heard Yu Yan's slight breath ... and Yu Yan's slightly cold
Zhong Wan frowned, trying his best to make him think of something else. He
gritted his teeth, suddenly thought of something, and asked blurtly, "Did you
change my clothes that year?"
Zhong Wan felt Yu Yan froze.
Zhong Wan couldn't believe it: "For half a month, you ... are you so
Yu Yan didn't answer. He threw Zhong Wan's sweaty clothes aside, pulled up
a quilt to cover Zhong Wan, took it clean, and ran his hands into the quilt.
It's a little bit skilful.
Zhong Wan pursed her lips, closed her eyes and whispered, "Am I ...
Yu Yan still did not speak.
Zhong Wan tried his best to ignore Yu Jian, desperately trying to talk, and
stuttered: "When you wipe me ..."
Zhong Wan heard Yu Yan's impatience in his ear: "Shut up!"
Zhong Wan shut up.
Zhong Wan was a little impulsive for a while. Would you like to move it
intentionally? Let Yu Ju feel something that shouldn't be touched ...
Forget it.
Yu Yan may chop himself.
After a while, Yu Yan changed Zhong Wan's jacket, got up and sat on the
chair beside him, took off the blindfolded hairband, and sighed with relief.
Zhong Wan tried his best to pretend that he didn't care much, and said, "Thank
you, thank you."
Yu Juyin faced, and said, "Nothing, I'm gone."
Zhong Wan is foolish, is this gone?
Zhong Wan stumbled, not forgetting: "Take the snacks on the table."
Yu Yan was shocked, and Zhong Wan thought he had misunderstood. He
busily said, "It wasn't the last time you returned, I let Xinxin do it, and it
should still be hot."
Yu Yan's eyes trembled, picking up snacks and leaving.
Zhong Wan didn't understand why Yu Jue ran this trip in the end, Yu Yuxin's
heart, the needle under the sea, was too difficult to figure out.
Zhong Wan's illness was already better than Thai half. On the day Yu Yu
came, he sweated twice in a row, completely repelled the fever, and he got
better the next day.
After getting well, Zhong Wan began to remember the case that was still in
Xuan Qiong's office.
It is recorded that Princess An Guochang was pregnant in Taiyu in June of
It's not difficult to hide Xuan Qiong from hiding the guardian. After all, they
are three living men who are panting. Xuan Qiong can't resist, and the case is
different. It can be placed anywhere, as long as Xuan Qiong bites him If you
do n’t admit it, you ca n’t do anything with it. The same way wo n’t work.
Zhong Wan turned around for a few days and found a man left to him by the
old Shi Fu, the history of the previous residence order, Tang Ming.
Tang Ming was also a student of the old Mrs. Shi, who is still the same
brother of Zhong Wan, but Tang Ming has been in the office for many years.
Zhong Wan had no idea that he had this brother before.
Zhong Wan did not know until after checking that Tang Ming had made a
living order history for the Emperor for twelve years. After succeeding in his
throne, Tang Ming resigned with great interest and disappeared in front of
Tang Ming has no wife and no children. Unlike any old friend, he asked Fei
Zhongwan to work hard. Finally, he asked Lin Si to help him, only to find out
that Tang Ming is now living in a Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing.
Zhong Wan didn't dare to delay, when the city was sunrise, he hurried for a
long time to find the past.
In the past few days, Zhong Wan ate a lot of closed doors, and was ready to
be rejected. He didn't want to be at Tang Ming Zhuangzi this time. He was
kindly invited to the house just after he reported his name.
Tang Ming himself wasn't Zhong Wan's loneliness. Instead, he was a little bit
comfortable with his wife and crane. He was sixty years old this year, but he
was very spirited. He saw Zhong Wan smile and groan: "Is it far away?"
Zhong Wan quickly agreed, and did not dare to claim to be his younger
brother, kneeling down to the junior ceremony, Tang Ming smiled and helped
Zhong Wan get up, invited people into the inner room.
"When I heard the teacher talk about you a few times, I had made friends for
a long time, but I wouldn't show up more." Tang Ming personally made
Zhong Wan tea, "Please."
Zhong Wan sat down on her knees and said a few words of shame.
Tang Ming Wen said: "You come to see me, should you have something to
Although he was his own senior brother and the old man left by him, but the
two met for the first time, Zhong Wan didn't dare to trust him at all. Zhong
Wan thought about it and asked whether it was salty or not. Thing: "Want to
ask my brother, Princess An Guo, how can we get along well?"
Tang Ming was puzzled: "How do you say that?"
"It's true." Zhong Wan said, "I have a tricky thing, I can't handle it myself, and
want to borrow the hand of Princess An Guochang."
Tang Ming paused for a moment and smiled, "It's up to you to see each other,
it depends."
Tang Ming seemed to be aware of Zhong Wan's restraint, and slowly said,
"Princess An Guo is the younger sister of Jinshang, the only brother and foot
in the world today, and the puppet of King Yu, counted forward, no more than
her. Noble and more powerful princess, such a person is naturally not easy to
manipulate, let alone ... "
Tang Ming's voice dropped a little, and smiled: "Not to mention, she still has
a prince for today."
Zhong Wan's face changed suddenly.
Tang Ming glanced at Zhong Wan calmly, and Wen Yan said: "My brother and
sister don't have to panic. Since the teacher entrusted me before leaving, I
naturally won't cover up with you. There are some things ... I knew it when I
made my living order, some The thing was told by the teacher before I left.
Now what do you want to know, brother I know everything. "
Zhong Wan visited the deceased person for many days. For the first time, he
encountered such a bright one. However, he couldn't react for a while. After
thinking about it, he didn't dare to say more. He asked: "The teacher and
brother just said that Princess An Guochang raised her today. A prince,
please ... please elaborate. "
Tang Ming took a deep look at Zhong Wan, and it goes without saying: you
don't trust me.
Zhong Wanzhuang didn't see it, it was Yu Yu's concern, and he couldn't be
more cautious.
Tang Ming didn't care, and said, while making tea, "I have to say this before
"When I was a prince today, my eldest son was dying one after another. The
third son who was very difficult to keep was also very weak. He could fall
when the wind blows. The doctor said that he would not raise enough. Sons
and grandsons, the emperor was suspicious at that time, and he has not
considered him as the prince.
Zhong Wan froze for the first time.
"At that time, there were three or four at the time. There was only a sick son
under his knee. Xiandi was anxious for him, and now he was anxious, the
child ..." Tang Ming paused and said, "I was there at that moment. . "
"I don't know who the child's biological mother is, but I guess ... her identity
should be something special." Tang Ming looked up at Zhong Wan, "Do you
know who it is?"
Zhong Wan shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know! It's not that I refuse to
Tang Ming smiled: "Anyway, my brother listen to me first ... my brother
thinks about it, let alone the others. If you are an emperor and you are in your
thirties, you have a child who may be a male child. Would you like it? "
Zhong Wan frowned and nodded.
"But why?" The boiled water was boiled, and Tang Ming turned off the fire.
"The child's biological mother can't see anyone, so he has to find someone
who can see him. I can't believe anyone else now, isn't it ... ... think of my
own sister. "
Zhong Wan whispered: "This is what I don't understand. If this child is
valued today, even if he can't let his biological mother see the light,
remember him under any concubine's name, why ..."
"This is going to be said in two separate words." Tang Ming slowly said,
"One, there have been rumors that day, said the second prince ... just now, no
children can be kept, and I believe about it, so no Dare to stay in your own
name, naturally, this is a bit far-fetched, the most important thing is ... "
Tang Ming brewed a cup of tea for Zhong Wan and said, "Today we have the
heart for contention. Today is a person who takes a step to look at three
steps. He is planning for the future."
Zhong Wan took the tea cup and frowned: "Princess An Guo had already
married Lord Yu at that time. Yu Wang's mansion was his help, what else was
"No, although he was not a prince at this time, but he was ten percent sure.
His plan was not how to draw Yu Wang's house, but ..." Tang Ming
whispered, "How to put this different name on the throne in the future. Take it
back. "
Tang Ming spread his hands: "The younger brother passed through today's
Bogu, naturally I know that the king with a different surname was all blocked
when the country's turbulent imperial power was unstable. Once the emperor
has established his foothold, it is the same thing to kill the heroes? Ye Wang
is now a smart man, and it is very difficult to preserve the throne to this day.
There was a haze in Zhong Wan's eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "Master Yu is
not stupid, he ..."
"Of course, Lord Yu is not stupid, but he has already married Princess An
Guo a few years ago, and all his net worth has been crushed by the second
prince ... No, today, he can't get away now." Tang Ming A smile, "This is the
Tang Ming said, "Naturally, things are going smoothly today. In that year,
Lord Yu was given two precious ladies."
Zhong Wan recalled his past with Chong'an Emperor over the years, and a
layer of cold sweat leaked from behind.
Zhong Wan whispered: "Master Yu has been put on the road today, he doesn't
necessarily hate it. These years ... maybe he has his own plan."
"Naturally." Tang Ming nodded. "But they will keep their monarchs and
ministers in harmony, as long as ..."
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth: "As long as Yu Jian, the **** that keeps them
against each other, is alive."
Tang Ming was silent for a moment and smiled. "Sister and brother ... I don't
dare to go down."
Zhong Wan converged, and said, "brother please say."
"My brother asked Princess An Guochang, I still say princess." Tang Ming
slowly said, "You already know the past, you must understand that Princess
An Guochang's position is very embarrassing, but Princess An Guochang's
birth to the royal family should be long overdue. Understand that my father
and brother are big, and I have to take the imperial power first, so when I let
her recognize this child, although Princess An Guo was not very willing, she
also obeyed the meaning of the present, after all ... that would She just lost
her child, and the doctor said that she would not be pregnant again. "
Zhong Wan whispered: "I have been with Yu Yan for six months when I was a
kid, and I can see that ... Princess An Guo really loved him."
"Brother, I have resigned for many years now. I don't dare to tell you what it
is." Tang Ming thought, "But then the teacher told me something. Should my
brother listen?"
Zhong Wan said: "Naturally, please say it, brother."
Tang Ming said: "It is rumored that Lord Yu Xiao suddenly changed his
sexuality six years ago. Can you tell me why?"
Zhong Wan shook his head: "I don't know. I went to Qian'an that day, but I
guess he knew his life at that time."
Tang Ming asked, "Why do you know?"
Zhong Wan froze, "Here ... he's going to investigate."
Tang Ming asked again, "Why did Prince Yu suddenly investigate?"
Zhong Wan couldn't answer.
Tang Ming sighed: "This is what the teacher said to me. The teacher said that
the princess An Guo suddenly turned sexual that day. I didn't see Prince Yu
Xiao for a few days, but I barely saw him ... I do n’t know why. Slap, and for
a few days, punished him to kneel in front of the church. "
Zhong Wan was dumb and unbelievable: "The long princess punished Yu Yu?
Tang Ming sighed: "Because someone told the eldest princess that the child
she was pregnant with was not because she was not good enough, but
because of her current design, which caused her to have an abortion."
With a click, Zhong Wansheng shattered the tea cup in his hand.
Broken porcelain pierced the palm of his hand, Zhong Wan closed his eyes,
and blood swirled down the lines of his palm.
Ziyu ...
Tang Ming was startled. He was busy bandaging Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan
gritted her teeth tightly and said for a moment: "Anyway, please elaborate."
Tang Ming booed: "Prince Princess loved Prince Yu Xiaoli suddenly, so
suddenly, Lord Yu Xiaoyan was naturally panic. Since he was born, rumors
about his life have never stopped. Lord Yu Xiao also thought of this, and he
must check it. Understand. "
Zhong Wan took a deep breath, her face pale: "The child of the long princess,
really ..."
Tang Ming took a breath and shook his head: "No, the most poisonous thing is
that all this is just a deliberate bureau. The princess's child is indeed
accidentally gone, but when the princess An Guo finally found out and
thought When I understand ... the paper can't hold the fire, Lord Yu Xiao ...
all know. "
Zhong Wan clutched the broken porcelain in his hand and leaned down
slightly. It took a long time before he eased over.
When leaving Zhuangzi, Zhong Wan moved in his heart and suddenly asked
Tang Ming: "My brother informed me about my past, everything went around
Ziyu, as if I knew that I had come for him. Brother ... how can I know my
mind so clearly? ? "
Tang Ming reluctantly: "My brother still doesn't believe me, but today,
everything I said, you haven't revealed half of it, what are you afraid of?"
Zhong Wan's eyes were hazy: "It's a matter of concern, I have to be careful."
"The first time we saw you, I'm not surprised if you don't worry." Tang Ming
didn't care about Zhong Wan's defense, and said, "As for why I knew you
were here for Lord Yu Xiaoyu, because the teacher told me ... "
Zhong Wan warned, "What did you say?"
Tang Ming smiled lightly: "Because the teacher once told me that when you
were studying in the palace with King Qian'an and the princes that day, you
didn't hear anything outside the window, and you were arrogant and disdain
to associate with anyone, only ... Occasionally, he would go to see Yu Ziyu
alone. "
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 40: 40
Over the years, Zhong Wan came to the sword and halberd. Zhong Wan
originally thought that he had already become a diamond intact body, but
today, an unnoticed, first cut off his hands by broken porcelain, and let the
first time the brother who met the first time pierced through heart.
Zhong Wan stood in the cold wind in the early spring, covered his cramped
lungs, and laughed at himself, "brother, don't say anything when you see it."
Tang Ming also laughed and sighed: "I didn't want to say that I would play
with you, but you always jealous of me from the beginning to the end, my
brother would take care of me, it would not be good to delay myself."
Zhong Wan helped the carriage to adjust its breath, and whispered, "Taifu, he
had already ..."
"The teacher is so old, haven't you seen anything? Teach you for a few years,
what can't you see? Just don't say anything." Tang Ming sighed. "Since I said,
my brother is old and disrespectful, please mention two more?"
The bottom of the house was lifted, and Zhong Wan had nothing to hide and
said, "Brother, please tell me."
"This is actually what the teacher told me to ask me to do my best to take
care of you." Tang Mingyou said, "You have to say this before ... you know,
when you were in prison, the teacher also wanted to You redeemed it. "
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "Taifu, does he not care about fame?"
"Why does the teacher care? And you are the teacher's disciples, who doesn't
know? The teacher is very good at planning, but unfortunately ..." Tang Ming
stunned, "For many years, the two sleeves are clean, and the family is not
thick enough to beat. Lord Yu Xiao, who spent a lot of money. "
Zhong Wan couldn't help but smiled down.
Tang Ming booed: "Let another student hit his face with a yellow and white
object. The old man was very angry that day."
"The teacher knows your heart and sees that you have been redeemed by
Prince Yu Xiaowang, thinking that this might be God's will in the midst of the
world, so let it go." Tang Ming said again, "Afterwards, the matter of King
Ning was decided, Several children of King Ning have been sent to Qian'an.
The teacher originally thought that the dust had fallen to the ground, and the
hatchbacks had their own results. After that, how many people died was all
their own good fortune.
Tang Ming looked at Zhong Wan and sighed: "I never expected that you ran
"Just because I know your heart, I heard that the old man even ... went you to
stop your wrists after you fled." Tang Ming looked at Zhong Wan with a
complex look. "Master has loyalty in his chest, and my brother admires him.
The teacher also knows clearly what his brother is Don't think about it, when
you went to Qian'an that day, it was clearly a road that you couldn't go back.
Why should the teacher miss you so much before the end of life and arrange
these for you? "
Tang Ming whispered softly: "The teacher had expected that there was
someone in your heart who couldn't hold it, and he would come back sooner
or later."
Zhong Wan tilted her head and was suddenly red by the cold wind.
Zhong Wan's voice was dry: "It's my uselessness, Taifu has planned for me so
far, and I haven't been able to return to the elderly to send me away, I ..."
"Where can you come back?" Tang Ming said comfortably. "The old man's
bones have been okay. He walked in his dreams without suffering. He lived
one year longer than the sage of Confucius, and he was considered
Zhong Wan nodded and bowed to salute. He reluctantly got on the car. As
soon as he lowered the curtain of the car, he felt overwhelmed by the spine of
the hour and seemed to be softened. Zhong Wan lay down straight, laboredly
raised his hand and pulled it The cloak on one side covered his face.
For half an hour after the carriage had been in line, Zhong Wan was able to
slow down. He rubbed his face, got up hard, and sat down after rubbing his
sore shoulders.
If what Tang Ming said is true, then many things would make sense.
Why does Chong'an Emperor and King Yu make every effort to preserve him,
no matter what Yu Jue does.
Why does Xiao Yuzheng suddenly become suspicious of his life.
Why is the princess so indulgent in Yu Yan these years.
She felt ashamed.
Zhong Wan originally thought that she could borrow the east wind of Princess
An Guochang, but now it is impossible.
Who was it that year?
Princess An Guochang agreed to recognize Yu Yu as her child only after she
knew that she would not have children.
For Princess An Guochang at the time, the sale was not a loss.
If Yu Jin can succeed in the future, then she is both Yu Jian's mother and aunt,
and the mother who raised Yu Jin as an adult. Yu Jin will certainly respect
her and guarantee her supreme honor. Even if Yu Jian could not succeed, he
would inherit the throne of Yu Wang's house. In short, Princess An Guo
would not have her own son. Instead of giving up the throne to the son, it
would be better to leave it to her own relatives.
Therefore, her various indulgences to Yu Jian at the time were not pretended.
She had sincerely treated Yu Jin as her own son.
Until a surly person came to tell her that the child she had conceived in June
of Taiyu forty-seven was killed by Chong Andi's brother.
On the day Princess An Guolong was afraid that she had even the heart of
Xun Jun.
But she couldn't help Chong'an Emperor, so she poured her hatred on Yu
Zheng, who was 16 years old.
The most remarkable thing about this is that it was actually a scam, leaving
three points of room for Princess An Guo to calm down and find out the truth.
Since then, Princess An Guo, Yu Yu's mother and son have spun off, and the
only relative in the world who has a bit of sincerity to Yu Yan is gone.
The layout people start with this, and the poison of heart is hard to imagine.
On that day, Yu Jian was suddenly treated by her own reliance, Princess An
Guochang, and punished her knees at the Yu Wangfu Ancestral Hall. What
was she thinking?
The sky is down, isn't it?
Zhong Wan thought that his chest was hurting again, and he frowned, forcing
himself to think of something else.
How did Old Shifu see it? !!
Zhong Wan asked himself, for so many years, he was emotional and rude. If
he could n’t live in Qian'an that day, he wouldn't have thought about it. Zhong
Wan thought he was hiding, especially Before Ning Wang had an accident, he
was confused about □□, how did Taifu see it?
Some things can't be recalled at all, Zhong Wan suddenly remembered a little
bit again.
When I was reading together, there was a time when the clock was confused
and forgot that the old man in the history asked them to write big characters,
and did not let the people in the study prepare a big pen for Xuan Rui and
Zhong Wan was so sloppy, saying that he was reading with Xuan Rui.
Generally, Xuan Rui reminded him that they had forgotten that day. Zhong
Wan went to plead with Mrs. Shi and wanted to borrow Mrs. Shi. Fu's pen
was used. He always valued Tai Fu. He had borrowed pens and papers
before. He thought it was okay. Who knew that old lady was angered that day
and blamed Zhong Wan for not doing things carefully. also……
Zhong Wan couldn't bear to recall that after the old lady Fu scolded him, he
ordered him to borrow with Yu Yu.
Zhong Wan was stunned and turned into a dazzling turn, and really
embarrassed to borrow it.
That was the first time Zhong Wan had taken the initiative to speak with Yu
Yan. Unexpectedly, Yu Yan had a good temper. After a slight mistake, he lent
his pen to Zhong Wan.
Looking back now ...
The old lady is too bad.
Zhong Wan listened to the closed door all the way back to the house, Kankan
rushed back before the curfew, Zhong Wan found someone after returning to
the house, ordered people to check Tang Ming first.
Tang Ming is indeed Zhong Wan's fellow brother, and what he said is also
reasonable, but Zhong Wan still dare not trust him completely.
Zhong Wan always feels that this man who has made a living history for more
than ten years for Xiandi is not as simple as it seems.
Cha Tangming is much simpler than Cha Yujuan, and Zhong Wan's people
wrote to him the next day.
Zhong Wan looked at Tang Ming's life from beginning to end, innocent,
nothing strange,
He had no reason to serve those of King Yu or Xuanyuan.
Zhong Wan picked up Tang Ming's pedigree genealogy again, looked down a
little, and suddenly noticed that he was a little nasty.
Tang Ming's birth mother is Zhong.
Zhong Wan was dumb, wouldn't Tang Ming have a relationship with himself?
There are not many Zhong in the imperial city. Zhong Wan was not sure, and
Zhong Wan himself was a branch of the Zhong family. Even if Tang Ming's
mother was a member of the Zhong family, Zhong Wan did not dare to be sure
that he was the same as the old lady. .
With this five-blooded blood relationship, will Tang Ming take care of
himself more?
Or was it just because he was entrusted by Mrs. Shi?
The pieces of paper in Zhong Wan's hands were burning by the candlelight,
and a while came out.
Don't dare to trust Tang Ming at all, but Zhong Wan's words have already
been believed by seven or eight points.
Zhong Wan wanted to go to Yu Jian again, but unfortunately ...
Zhong Wan bruised his teeth while changing his right hand's injury. "There
are still six days."
But tomorrow is the fifth and seventh day of the third prince Xuanzang.
Maybe we can meet each other.
On May 7th, Zhong Wan went early.
Coincidentally, as soon as he entered the house, he collided with Princess An
Yu Yu was following Princess An Guochang.
Xuan Yu had seen Princess An Guochang a few times before. He was smart,
but now he does n’t need to teach anyone, and he hurriedly salutes Princess
An Guochang.
Princess An Guochang is well-maintained and looks like she is only about 40
years old. She is respected. Xuan Rui ’s identity is not enough to see in her
eyes. However, Princess An Guochang is not negligent. She bent her lips
slightly and let Xuan Yu stood up, dragging the slow voice peculiar to his
superiors, and slowly asked him if he was cold or not, and he was tired after
coming in for days.
Xuan Yu responded properly, Princess An Guo nodded, and said lightly:
"The maiden of concubine is reluctant to be the third prince and is crying.
Don't go in and scratch your heads first. You can't see each other decently ...
the day of May 7th, the day when the bitter people returned, let her Cry. "
Princess An Guochang had a little burnout at the corners of her eyebrows.
After taking care of Xian Fei for so many days, she could still cry twice at
first. For too long, she was annoyed before she was mad, and her hair was
crying. The clothes were also messed up, and Princess An Guo didn't
persuade her either, but impatiently came out with Yu Jin.
Xuan Yu promised that Zhong Wan was standing behind Xuan Rui. Naturally,
Princess An Guo didn't even look at him, and only treated him as an ordinary
Zhong Wan didn't pay attention to Princess An Guochang either.
The two of them were facing each other, and at the touch of a finger, Zhong
Wan could guess what Yu Yan was thinking—there were five days.
Zhong Wan lowered her head and stood behind Xuan Yu, her mouth slightly
Yin Fei was crying more and more bitterly inside, and everyone was waiting
outside the hall.
Princess An Guoqing whispered softly: "Listen to someone, have you been
sleeping early these nights?"
Princess An Guo's voice was so friendly, she was apparently talking to Yu
Zhong Wan didn't look up, just listened to Yu Yan's careless "um".
"That's fine, and you need to pay attention to your diet." Princess An Guo
laughed. "I heard that you suddenly wanted to eat snacks that day? I made a
few new tricks and I have already delivered them to you in the morning. , Go
back and remember to eat. "
A bit of annoyance flashed in Yu Yan's eyes, he glanced quickly at Zhong
Wan, frowning and interrupting: "Who said? I don't want to eat."
Princess An Guochang's face froze with a smile, and she subconsciously
glanced at Xuan Yu.
The smile on Princess An Guochang's face disappeared, "That's it ..."
Princess An Guochang was obviously dissatisfied with Yu Jian's disrespect
for herself in front of an outsider. After a moment, she said lightly, "Xian Fei
doesn't know how long to cry, don't stand here, go to the outside shed and
Yu Yan answered without a pain or itch, turned and left.
The speaker was unintentional, but Zhong Wan was dull with the stupid chest
that "kneeled".
Zhong Wan gently touched Xuan Yu's hand. Xuan Yu busy said that she was
going outside, Princess An Guo nodded slightly, and Xuan Yu and Zhong Wan
came out.
Xuan Yu was going to find another clan, and let Zhong Wan find a place to go
for a break, as usual, Zhong Wan watched him follow the people in the
ceremony before turning around.
Zhong Wan followed the other servants and went out for so many days. Zhong
Wan was already familiar with it. He was in an ordinary mourning clothes,
very inconspicuous, so confusing everywhere, and soon found Yu Yu.
Yu Yan was actually kneeling in the spiritual shed where Zhong Wan was
Zhong Wan looked at him from behind Yu Yan, feeling that he saw Yu Yan a
little smaller.
The sixteen-year-old boy was pale, with a few blood stains on his face, and
knelt straight in the Yujia Ancestral Hall for several days without eating or
How can these people ... treat him like this?
Yu Yan noticed something strange, suddenly turned back, and saw Zhong Wan
stunned, "What are you doing?"
Yu Yan stood up, looked at Zhong Wan's right hand, and frowned: "What's
wrong with your hand?"
"I accidentally made a stroke." Zhong Wan approached, pursed his lips, and
cried, "Does your face hurt?"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan somehow.
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and tried to hold down her heart, and said
dumbly, "Can I ... kiss you?"
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan with an incredible look, his lips moved slightly.
Zhong Wan woke up and wished to slap herself. When can this grief be dared
to say anything? !!
Zhong Wan was afraid that Yu Jian would ask the guard to hit himself,
cleared his throat and said, "If it doesn't work, just let me go."
Zhong Wan took two steps back and reluctantly explained, "I don't know if
you are here, are there five days? I will go out first ..."
"You ..." Yu Amnesty looked worse, he looked at Zhong Wan incredibly,
"Can you divide the occasion ?!"
Zhong Wan didn't know what was happening to him. He was embarrassed,
bowed and bowed, and waited for him to get up.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan anxiously, breathing shortly, seemingly annoyed
by Zhong Wan's offense.
Zhong Wan just wanted to find a place to dig in, and before he came up with
his speech, he suddenly heard the cold voice of Yu Yan's ear, grinning his
"This time ... you are not allowed to move your tongue."
Zhong Wan's eyes widened suddenly, without waiting for him to react, Yu
Jian had kissed him on the lips.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 41: 41
The two were at a touch.
Zhong Wan lost his mind for a moment, and his center of gravity dragged by
Yu Yan was unstable. He instinctively wrapped his hand on Yu Yan's waist,
Yu Yan frowned, grabbed Zhong Wan's wrist, twisted it behind Zhong Wan,
and brought him in. In front of the table.
With a little anger in his eyes, Yu Yan exclaimed: "Close your eyes."
Zhong Wan was speechless in a panic, Yu Yu said what he listened to, closed
his eyes when he heard the words, Zhong Wan was stunned, whether Yun Yu
would be loved in the end, this posture is this momentum ... Swallow it?
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and was ready to be bitten by Yu Yan, and the
next moment—
The next moment, Zhong Wan felt that Yu Jian had kissed himself again.
Unexpectedly, Yu Jin's movement was very gentle.
Yu Yan slightly touched Zhong Wan's lips, which was a bit lighter.
Zhong Wan's heart was loose, her lips were unconsciously separated, and she
felt the sigh of yell and abruptness suddenly.
Zhong Wan closed his eyes and thought about it, Yu Yu was afraid that he
would feel slutty again, just about to tighten his lips, and suddenly felt
something slipped in ...
Zhong Wan's face suddenly became red, this man ...
He had warned himself just now, he was ... but ...
Zhong Wan couldn't think of anything.
Wang Yu Xiao is not very old, but it is about complicated words, it will be
more than Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan's waist was soft.
Zhong Wan was moved unconsciously by Yu Jian's relatives, Yu Yan
frowned, and parted.
Yu Yan's eyes were angry, and he stared at Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth, co-authored this, he can do everything, just a
little movement will not work?
Which rule? !!
"My family's rules." Yu Jian glanced at what Zhong Wan was thinking. He
looked at Zhong Wan angrily, hesitated, and whispered, "You can't move."
Zhong Wan was still a little lost, and nodded subconsciously.
Yu Yan frowned, and did not let go of Zhong Wan. He pulled up Zhong Wan's
right wrist. "How did this happen?"
Zhong Wan casually said, "I was accidentally scratched ..."
Yu Yan didn't listen at all, and loosened the white cloth wrapped around
Zhong Wan's hands.
Zhong Wan gasped gently in pain, Yu Yan paused his fingers, and unmoved
the white cloth.
Yu Yan looked coldly at the wounds on Zhong Wan's palm, "accidentally?"
Zhong Wan laughed, "At this time ... what are you talking about with me?"
Yu Shen paused, his face paled a bit: "Just don't want to say ..."
Zhong Wan froze. Instinctively, if he didn't make it clear, Yu Zheng would
think more. Zhong Wan quickly said: "I met an old man and listened to him ...
Speaking of the past in our government, I was indignant ... "
Yu Yan didn't expect Zhong Wan to explain to himself, his eyes trembled, he
calmed down for a moment, and wrapped up the wound for Zhong Wan
without a word.
"It's boring to talk about old things," Zhong Wan said with a smile. "It's not a
good thing, please don't ask Lord Yu."
Yu Yan didn't say anything, bandaged Zhong Wan and let him go, saying, "You
Zhong Wan remembered Fang Cai's face and was a little bit red, and wanted
to hide quickly. Before turning around, he listened to Yu Zhen whispering,
"After five days ... you can still come to my house."
Zhong Wan's mouth twitched slightly and came out of the shed.
On the day of May 7th, Zhong Wan's mind fluttered and he always wanted to
be forgiven.
After a toss, he finally went back to his house. He just wanted to go back to
his house and think about the things in the spirit shed again. After stopping the
carriage, Zhong Wan got out of the car and saw Lin Si at a glance.
Xuan Congxin never met Lin Si, glanced through the curtain, wondered:
"Who is that?"
Zhong Wan's heart was tight. Lin Si always acted with care, how could he
stand here boldly?
Zhong Wan tilted her head to let the two little masters enter the hospital,
walked over by herself, and noticed that Lin Si's expression was different.
He seemed to have been beaten, and the corners of his mouth were broken.
Lin Si's eyes were empty, and when Zhong Wan came, he stunned. He was so
tired that he knelt down.
"Come into the room." Zhong Wan picked up Lin Si, "get up."
In Zhong Wan's room, Lin Si held the hot tea handed to him by Zhong Wan in
a silent voice.
"What happened?" Zhong Wan tilted her head and looked at Lin Si's mouth,
frowning, "Who hit you ?!"
Lin Si bowed her head and did not respond.
Zhong Wan had a headache. "What's the matter? Write it down without
signing! Who hit you ?!"
Lin Si put the tea cup aside and made a gesture: the four princes.
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "Isn't he ... trusting you so much? What's he doing
with you?"
Zhong Wan's heart moved quickly, "Did he think you were doing something
for me? He would kill him ?!"
Lin Si shook her head and sighed tiredly.
Zhong Wan was restless by Lin Siqi: "What the **** is wrong?"
Lin Si was silent for a long time, got up, and knelt down against Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan's heart moved, "Or are you ... ready to be completely loyal to
In fact, Zhong Wan considered that after talking with Lin Simi. Xuan Yuan
and Yu Yan had different positions. He had decided to stay in Beijing to help
Yu Yan. Lin Si was inevitable in the middle, Zhong Wan quickly said, " There
have been too many trivia in the past few days. I didn't take care of it. Lin Si,
listen to me ... "
Zhong Wan knelt down, leaning on Lin Si's shoulder and smiling: "I was
about to tell you, Lin Si ... you don't have to do anything for me in the future."
Lin Si opened his eyes instantly.
"You listen to me first." Zhong Wan pressed Lin Si's shoulder and whispered,
"Although you were originally from our Zhong family, you also know that you
and my uncle came to our house shortly after they came to our house. After
the incident, you and your uncle did not leave anything good. In theory, it is
our Zhong family who owes you ... "
Lin Si shook his head busy. He wanted to raise his hand to sign, and was
pressed by Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan continued: "Listen to me, we both grew
up in Ning's palace. We have to say something kind of kindness ... That's why
Wang Ye is right. You have the grace of nurturing. You have been traveling
for many years. Now Xuanrui and they are safe, and you have reported the
grace. "
Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si and whispered, "You don't owe me anything. I'm
not your master either. I'm your brother ... I didn't think about it for you in the
past. You only plan for yourself in the future."
Lin Si's eyes were red, and he leaned down and gave Zhong Wan a nod.
"Big man, don't make it slimy." Zhong Wan stood up. "Okay, my head is
stubborn. That's it. You should move as usual in the future. If you want to
avoid suspicion ..."
Lin Si knelt on the ground, her shoulders shaking slightly.
Zhong Wan looked down at Lin Si. The situation that had accompanied him
for more than 20 years whistled in his heart. He took a deep breath and let
out a smile: "Are you finished? Get up!"
Lin Si got up after a while, his eyes were red, and the sign was: I'm not here
for this.
Zhong Wan wondered: "What else can it be? Is ... Xuan Ye has
misunderstood you? It's a bit troublesome."
Zhong Wan frowned, did he have to perform a bitter plan, and Lin Si made
two punches to make him go back to cry with Xuan Ye? Or ... let Lin Siyu be
his own vote? "
Lin Si made a gesture: The four princes didn't know about me and my master.
He did something with me because I did something wrong.
Zhong Wan didn't understand: "You are careful and thorough, what can you do
Lin Si bowed his head, and hesitated for a moment to make a gesture:
Yesterday, the four princes drove me to drink, and the four princes were
overwhelmed, drunk, and I drank too much. At night ... I was insane and was
noticed by him.
Zhong Wan froze in place.
After a while, Zhong Wan carefully asked, "You ... what did you do to him?"
Lin Si's ears became red, and he twisted his fingers, and gestured: something
Zhong Wan suddenly felt that his brain was a little bit motionless, and he
struggled: "What's wrong ...?"
Lin Si shook her head, apparently did not want to say anything.
Zhong Wan was speechless, thinking for a moment, still a little bit angry:
"How bad can you do? He just started ?!"
Lin Si raised his hand hard, and made a gesture: he was drunk, he couldn't
move, I ... he should kill me when he was in danger.
Zhong Wan knew in his heart that Lin Si was not that kind of person, and it
was impossible to really treat Xuan Yuan. It's rash to be frivolous, and Xuan
Yuan's anger is excusable, but ...
Zhong Wan murmured to himself, "What kind of good Feng Shui is this on the
Zhongjia door?"
Lin Si bowed his head in shame.
"I don't blame you. You are willing to do your own thing." Zhong Wan
reluctantly reassured. "And declare that temper, if you are really ruthless and
ruthless to you, you may not let you run out of life , I split you early, you ...
how did you come out? "
Lin Si looked down and gestured: how far the four princes made me roll.
Zhong Wan sighed.
"Then you live with me first." Zhong Wan was in a mess. "Or ... or do you
want to avoid it? In case you want to go back in the future, Xuanzhu bogey
Lin Si thought about it for a moment, and signed in a sign: "I'm afraid I won't
be able to go back. I will stay."
"What's next, don't say death." Zhong Wan said, "The left room in our
courtyard is still empty. You live here. From today, you don't have to do
anything for me. Let's take a few days off."
Lin Si nodded and got up.
Zhong Wan exhaled, worrying for Lin Si.
Although Xuan Ye had no brains, he was okay, at least much better than Xuan
Qiong. He had a life-saving grace for Lin Si. For so many years, Lin Si
thought of him a little bit.
But if Xuanzhen didn't have that mind, Lin Si was afraid that some heart
would hurt.
What a mess!
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Chapter 42: 42
Zhong Wan had wanted to see Tang Ming once again early in the morning, but
was disturbed by Lin Si, and now he was too late to leave the city and had to
give up.
Thinking of Lin Si, Zhong Wan wondered if he would go to burn the incense
on Zhongjiazu's grave. When he thought of the ancestral grave, he also
thought that Tang Ming's mother might also be the daughter of Zhongjia.
Zhong Wan instantly confirmed that Tang Ming must be close to himself.
Tang Ming has no wife and no son, and he has also cut off his grandson!
Zhong Wan couldn't help laughing.
Unconsciously, I thought of the scene in the spiritual shed again.
Zhong Wan pursed her lips slightly, thinking back for a moment, and felt that
her blood was worthless.
I was thinking that Xuan came from the outside.
Suddenly a stranger came from the house. Xuan Congxin was not quite
assured. He came and asked.
"It's nothing, I ... an acquaintance I knew when I was young." Zhong Wan
murmured, "I was also involved in the trouble that year. I offended the host
family a few days ago, and hid out, so I kept him. "
Xuan Cong didn't care much: "Oh, let's stay, right, just today I heard people
say that the Wanshou Festival will not be a big deal in a few days. Everything
is simple. And you do n’t have to prepare anything. "
"During the funeral period, that's it." Xuan Cong saw Zhong Wan a bit
distracted and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't it ..."
Zhong Wan absently said, "What?"
Xuan Congxin said softly: "After May 1st, we will be able to return to
Qian'an. What's wrong with your boasting father? Can we ... come home
Zhong Wan turned back, smiled, and calmed for a moment before he said,
"Look, Lin ... is my old man, see if he can send you back for me. If he is
inconvenient, it is me, send you both After returning to Qian'an, I will come
back again. "
Xuan Cong looked at Zhong Wan reluctantly, and said restlessly, "Well, but ...
we are not in a hurry, we can go together when you marry a little sister."
"Not so fast," Zhong Wan said wildly. "Besides ... this is still the period of
filial piety, where can I accept it?"
Xuan Cong frowned: "Me and Xuan Yu are in the period of filial piety, and
you are not there anymore, what are you afraid of? And ..."
Xuan Cong said coldly, "I don't think there are more rules in this imperial
city than we in Qian'an. In these days, there are still people who will discuss
with Princess An Guochang."
Zhong Wan felt as if he accidentally stepped on the air.
Zhong Wan was silent for a moment, sat down, and indifferently: "Which
"That's not clear. Although I can recognize those people, but their in-laws
and in-laws, I don't know, niece, nephew, who can't guess who it is."
Xuancong frowned, "Maybe ... forget it Maybe that ’s right. In short, Princess
An Guo looks very interested, huh ... it ’s really nice to talk about this in the
funeral. "
Zhong Wan nodded: "Yu Xiaoye is twenty-three, and it's time to get married."
Xuan Cong curiously said, "Is that the little Prince Yu Xiao who has been to
our house to see his elder brother?"
Xuan Congxin did not leave the cabinet, but was concealed by Zhong Wan.
He didn't know those Yu Yan and Zhong Wan's romantic affair spread from
the outside.
Zhong Wan said an uneasy "um".
"I haven't seen it before. I heard that it is Princess An Guochang's sweetheart.
She is used to being lawless." Xuan Congxin said, "Although he is not his
brother, he is a relative of the emperor. He actually talked about him at this
time ..."
Zhong Wan instinctively backed Yu Jue: "He can't be the master of the
matchmaker's words."
"Who knows." Xuan Congxin had no favor with anyone in the imperial city,
and said a little bit harshly, "don't say that no one can do his master? It is
necessarily his own willingness to talk about relatives. "
Zhong Wan smiled slightly: "Maybe."
Princess Anguo Mansion.
Yu Yan fiddled with a small piece, without raising his head, "don't bother
Princess An Guo slowed her voice and said, "Nie Wen is an old man in the
two dynasties. He is a granddaughter who is regarded as a treasure. I have
also seen that girl. She looks good, has a better temper, and is very general.
In the future ... a princess. "
Yu Yan casually said, "I don't want to."
"What don't you do?" Princess An Guochang said with patience and good
words. "I know you don't like being born. Doesn't this force you? You marry
first, get along slowly, and get along for a while. You know, this girl's
temperament is really good. By then, you will be willing, and then ... "
Yu Yan put the piece in his hand aside and looked up, "I don't need to keep
filial piety?"
"Did you care about this?" Princess An Guochang smiled. "Three months,
isn't that dispensable? Even if it is settled now, it will take half a year to pass
through the door, without any delay ..."
Yu Yan's mouth slightly twitched and smiled: "Wait a minute ..."
Princess An Guo frowned, faintly feeling that there would be nothing good
under Yu Yan.
Yu Yan took a good time and asked seriously: "Princess, give me a cross talk,
Xuan Yuan is dead. Should I stay for three months or one year?"
The smile on Princess An Guochang's face faded.
As an emperor's family, it is enough to stay for three months.
If it's Xuan Ye's younger brother, it will last for one year.
The girls who served Princess An Guolong consciously retreated.
Princess An Guo tried her best to suppress the fire and reluctantly said, "Did
you drink? What did you say ..."
"Ask the rules," Yu Qian said indifferently, "lest I know nothing, and then do
the disobedience, like last time ..."
Yu Yan lowered his head and smiled, "I am pleased to marry the four
princesses, but the emperor broke the forehead with paperweight ..."
Princess An Guo said angrily, "You!"
Yu Yan said easily: "What's wrong? I was scared. I want to be careful, can't
Princess An Guo's breath was unstable, and she hurriedly said: "You were
clearly dissatisfied with the last Lord telling you pro, so you deliberately
asked the Emperor Brother for the four princesses! You almost beat the
Emperor Brother, and now you have a rake?
Yu Yan smiled: "But no one has told me yet, why can't I marry the four
Yu Yan looked at Princess An Guochang and said softly, "Seriously ... I still
remember that girl."
"How many times have you seen her ?! Do you know if she grows round or
flat?" Princess An Guo was furious. "You have to make me unhappy and the
emperor, please?"
Yu Yan looked naturally at Princess An Guochang.
Princess An Guochang was so angry that she rubbed her chest and stopped
In the past few days, Princess An Guo heard from people in the other hospital
that Yu Juan seemed to be converging. She did not cause trouble for the past
few days. She did what she did every day, and behaved as if she had returned
to childhood.
Princess An Guochang thought he had figured it out, and was happy, and
wanted to settle his family affairs while Yu Yan's behavior was normal.
No, it's still the same.
Princess An Guochang's voice was unstable: "You ... can't you do well?"
Yu Yan knocked on the handle of the chair gently and said slowly: "In recent
years, there have been funerals in the palace. Xuan Yuan Xuan Qiong's
marriage has been delayed. Until now, there has been no big marriage, and
the government has not heard anything. . "
Princess An Guo looked up, Yu Yu seemed to be talking to herself: "I am a
few months older than Xuan Ye. If I could get married before them, I would
have a son ..."
Yu Yan looked at Princess An Guochang, "The emperor saw that I was
healthy and had some interest, so I must pay more attention to it, didn't I?"
Princess An Guochang was said to be in the middle of her mind, her eyes
Yu Yan looked at Princess An Guochang and said quietly, "Mother, who is
calculating who?"
"Don't bother." Yu Yan stood up. "I'm still saying that it's best to marry only
the virgin. The princess is the best. The daughters of other princes can also
make up, non-clan virgins."
"Zi." Princess An Guo gritted her teeth. "You have to poke my heart, pierce
the emperor, don't you?"
Yu Yan stepped back and looked at Princess An Guochang, "This is the
Yu Yan said he was leaving, Princess An Guochan hurriedly got up and
hurriedly said: "Brother Huang ... he's out of shape!"
Yu Yan stepped forward.
"Zi." Princess An Guo got up and walked to Yu Yan, helplessly, "I'm anxious
for you! Since the death of Xuan Yuan, the emperor is sick, and the spirit is
not as good as before, if there is a ... ... how are you going? "
Yu Yan turned her head to look at Princess An Guo, and looked at him for a
moment. Yu Yan whispered, "Princess, you are Xuan Qiong's aunt, and Lord
Yu's wife, you can't run away if you don't make a big mistake."
Yu Yan laughed softly: "Be content, you have to be the emperor ..."
With a snap, Yu An was slapped by Princess An Guo.
After hitting Yu Yu, Princess An Guo herself panicked first, anxiously, "Zi ...
An Guo's chief La Yushou mainly looked at his face, but Yu Yan hid his head
and hid.
This is not the first time I was slapped by a slap. This time Yu Yan was not
frightened. He raised his hand expressionlessly and wiped the blood on the
corner of his mouth with his thumb, glanced at it, and wiped it with his hand.
Yu Yan licked the corner of his mouth and smiled to make up the sentence just
before, "Is it right to be the Queen Mother?"
Princess An Guo was ashamed and regretted, "I just made you angry, let me
see ..."
"No," Yu said, taking a step back. "The princess has also beaten. I went back
to my house and thought."
"Ziyu ..." Princess An Guochang almost begged, "I'm not just for myself!
Anyway, you are also my closest blood relative now, how can I not help you?
You ... you are not afraid of Xuan Qiong to be in the future and let you Is
there no place to stay? It's not just you, people around you, how could it not
be affected ?! Even if I can keep this princess house, I can only breathe! I ... "
Yu Yan's eyes trembled, the people around him ...
Yu Yan gritted his teeth.
Why can't he stay in Qian'an? !!
When Princess An Guo seemed to move, she busyly said, "Zi ... you really
have no heart? No matter what?"
The original was indeed terrible.
Yu Yan's ears were tinnitus, and his head hurt again. He frowned. "Say it
later ..."
Yu Zheng took two steps and walked out of the warm court.
On the way back to the palace of Yu Wangfu, Yu Yan had a splitting
Xuan Yuan's death broke the delicate balance in central Beijing, and the
battle for seizure has begun.
Yu Yue could have easily and happily stirred the water while watching others
kill, and finally died in the hands of a fool without care.
One hundred.
But ...
Yu Yan began to hallucinate in front of his eyes, and his mouth was still
hurting. He seemed to be back six years ago, just in the princess's house, this
slap ... It all ended his suddenly chaotic youth.
Yu Yan could have been relieved at that moment, but Zhong Wan was so
angry that he was alive.
Yu Yan can now ignore it, but Zhong Wan now stays in that Guizhou King's
Yu Yan's anger was irresistible, and it was difficult for him to pour his full
hatred on Zhong Wan. This person is all this person, all blame this person ...
"He's using me, he's actually using me ..."
Yu Yan muttered to himself, a flash of killing in his eyes.
The car owner's ear was very hard, and when he heard the movement in the
car, he urged the horse to follow the car and leaned down | and asked, "Is the
child ordered?
In the carriage, Yu Yan's eyes were red and his voice was dumb: "Remove
someone for me ..."
The family would hear a name, a stun in their hearts, and couldn't help asking
again: "Are you sure?"
The carriage was quiet for a moment, and said, "Yes."
The family will be very clear Yu Yu's instructions, and asked: "... tonight?"
Yu Yan's voice in the carriage was cold: "Now."
The family will have complex eyes, but dare not break the law, and go away
with a whip.
In the Qian'an Palace, Zhong Wan didn't eat a few things a day.
Zhong Wan said to himself, "He doesn't owe me ..."
Zhong Wan rolled over again.
Zhong Wan didn't think much about it. He and Yu Zhen ... nothing, if Yu Zhen
really married, then ...
Zhong Wan will stay.
It's just that one step away from Lei Chi.
Zhong Wan mumbled, "I've been kissing for a while before I knew ..."
Zhong Wan's window slammed, Zhong Wan laughed: "You live with me in a
yard, you have to turn the window when you enter my house?"
Zhong Wan raised his hand and raised the curtain, stumbled, "What's wrong?"
There was no light in the room, Zhong Wan got up, and ignited a wax star in
the incense burner to light the wax table. He turned around and murmured in
his heart.
A masked home will stand in the middle of the house with a knife.
Zhong Wan lowered the candlestick gently, his lips moved slightly: "Knight is
The family would tear off the veil, and said coldly, "I was offended by Lord
Yu Xiaowang."
The family stepped forward, pulling up Zhong Wan's left arm, and the family
looked down to make sure that it was the hand without the gauze.
The family will pull out the dagger around his waist without pulling out the
scabbard. He will hold the scabbard with his backhand and use the dagger
handle to slap in the palm of Zhong Wan.
Gently: "Pop."
Zhong Wan: "..."
The family will put up a dagger and hold a fist: "I don't know what Master
Zhong did wrong. In short, our son was angry and angry, and let me come ...
to punish Master Zhong for one or two."
Zhong Wan looked down at her fair palm and said blankly, "Oh."
The family will bow down: "Please also invite Master Zhong to meditate on
myself and I'll go."
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Chapter 43: 43
In the middle of the night, Yu Jianpi sat down on the couch with her hair
scattered, kneeling alone on the ground, shivering.
Yu Yan didn't ask questions, didn't torture, and thought of himself.
The steward Feng took the ointment into the room, glanced over his head, and
felt that this person was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it at Princess An
Guochang's palace.
The steward Feng put the ointment on the small table and was afraid to
There are only a handful of people who dare to take action on Yu Jue. Yu Jue
came from the princess's house. Who hit the wound on his face ... You can
Yu Yan was still holding blood in his mouth, but Feng's housekeeper couldn't
stand it, and whispered, "Shizi, does it hurt? Still bleeding, should I give you
some medicine?"
Yu Yan did not speak.
Feng steward didn't say no to him, so he took the ointment to give him
medicine, Yu Yan turned his head and hid, and finally opened his mouth:
"You go, I have something to ask."
Butler Feng looked down at the kneeling man on the ground and sighed and
went out.
Yu Jin then went on to be fascinated.
I don't know how long, when the kneeling man on the ground was almost
scared to death, Yu Jin finally remembered him.
Yu Yan suddenly asked, "What happened to the emperor?"
This man is Princess An Guochang's confidant. He hides it well on
weekdays. He never expected that he would be noticed by Yu Yan. He knew
the position of Princess An Guochang, calmed himself and said, "It's not very
good ... ... just, it's just that no one dares to ask. "
Inquiring about the emperor's body is a rebellion, and everyone knows to
avoid taboos.
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, "How did the princess know?"
"The princess often asks the emperor, what may she see? Plus ..." whispered,
"The princess has her own manpower in Tai Tai Hospital, and the princess is
all about being a son, she is trying to make a taboo, Also for ... "
Yu Yan said indifferently: "Speak a nonsense, cut your finger."
Hearing words, re-transported: "The princess has no meaning to listen to
this, but she is worried that the emperor is the same as the emperor, too, too
... too much does not consider the impermanence of the world."
He didn't dare to talk about Emperor Chong'an, so he had to say: "Is n’t the
emperor the day that he believed long live the mountains and rivers. Didn't he
set up the prince early and caused a lot of things? The long princess didn't
want to have another chaos in the future. When our emperor is in good
spirits, he should prepare the food. "
Yu Jiu lost his patience. "Just because the emperor hugged her, she was
suddenly so anxious?"
"Also! And ..." A cold sweat came out of his heart, and he busily said, "Don't
hide the world, the princess didn't want to intervene, but the princess is so
aggressive, the son knows that the princess is not in harmony with the
princess Yu. For a long time, if the five princes ascended to the throne in the
future, it would be nice to say that the five princes are the blood of the two
princesses, but who ca n’t understand the private things? Concubine Yu has a
narrow heart. If she is a queen mother, how generous she can be to the
princess ? "
"We are too much walking with the five princes during this time. The long
princess is uneasy. Although the king and the princess have also been loving
for decades, the husband and wife are either the east wind overwhelming the
west wind or the west wind overwhelming the east wind. After all, there are
two sisters in the middle ... Now it's okay, but what will happen in the future?
If we become the national puppet masters in the future, the eldest princess
will decline, and will the king Yu ... respect the princess so much? "
She glanced at Yu Jian and said arrogantly: "At that time, the princess will
not be able to save you for your position ..."
Yu Zhen sneered, "It's good ... my chess piece is really easy to use."
Yu Yan lifted his eyes and wondered: "Why don't you worry about it, I don't
care about these things? The position of the world son is gone, and my life,
who loves to take away who takes it."
Cold and sweaty, why not worry? !!
Yu Yan has been seeking death from time to time for many years. Princess An
Guo had already extinguished this idea. She did not dare to count on him and
decided to take her fate. No matter who succeeded, she was the emperor's
mother and aunt. How popular! The Queen Mother at his fingertips is right in
front of her. How could Princess An Guo not be moved?
He whispered: "The princess thinks ... Shizi may have the idea to fight. If
Shizi has the intention, the princess will naturally help."
Yu Yan said lightly: "How can she help?"
He felt timid, and hesitated for a while. "The princess thought, thought,
thought ..."
He confided in thinking for a long time and did not dare to say it. Yu Zui said
for him: "I want the emperor to recognize me when he is healthy."
He confided: "It's the best!"
Yu Yan leaned down slightly, looked at his confidant eyes, and whispered:
"The princess never thought about it, calling him father ... how disgusting
would I be?"
He felt hesitated, bumped his head and bumped into Yu Yanyin's eyes, scaring
his head.
This heart has been so cold for a long time, but now it is inserted again with
two swords. Yu Juan feels nothing, numbly, "You go."
He felt hesitated, he thought that he would lose his skin if he didn't die, which
... let him go?
"Tell the princess." Yu Yan stood up. "Don't be smart, don't be good at
Hesitant, did Yu Jian agree or did not agree?
Confidante tempted: "The matter of talking about relatives ..."
Yu Yan looked down and said, "I mentioned it once, and I asked the emperor
to marry the four princesses once."
He confided: "Dare not dare, only the villain talks!"
Yu Yan closed his eyes and tried his best to seal the joys that accompanied
the princess An Guochang when he was young, so as not to drive himself
crazy again.
"What are your thoughts ... I all know, just want me to be married? Just want
me to have a son?" Yu Yan looked back at his confidant and smiled, "The
princess wants to find someone, righteous, always watching. Look at me,
stare at me, and treat me like a puppet, don't you? "
I was astonished. I didn't expect Yu Jian to have guessed this, but he still
refused to acknowledge it. "The princess just wanted to find a companion for
Shizi! Shizi is not too young, and the house is empty and empty. Wouldn't
Shizi be more worried Ning? It ’s best if someone who knows and
accompanies them is here, even if they ca n’t care for the world, then ... ”
"There might also be a child, so the princess can rest assured." Yu Zhen said
to himself, "If I like her, it will be more lively, and the princess will be able
to control me more conveniently ..."
Yu Jiu looked down at his confidant, whispered softly: "I broke this idea
early, without saying that I wouldn't marry or accept, I just have ..."
Yu Yan gently touched his confidant's head with the tip of his boot, "If there
is, I just fall in love, and I will not be led by the nose. No one can make me
want to let go, okay? "
He felt trembling and nodded.
Yu Yan didn't know what he thought, and whispered: "No matter how I like it
... I won't care. I will fight whenever I want. I won't be happy in the middle
of the night, and will call him in the middle of the night to make him die. Hit,
killed ... I wouldn't care. "
He was surprised, and reluctantly agreed.
Yu Yan shaking his spirit, it seemed that he had just found someone under his
feet, and he was upset and said, "Go away if you know!"
He felt that Yu Juan had already moved seven or eight points, and felt that he
could deal with the princess, and he was busy.
Yu Yan was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but he was still not assured that
the long-awaited home outside Nongge would come in.
The family will kneel down and tell the story of Qian'an House from
beginning to end.
Yu Jinjing listened quietly and nodded: "The errand is doing well, and there
is one thing left to you."
The family will not really want to do it, but dare to be angry and dare not
speak, and bowed his head and said, "Shizi instructs."
"Exaggerate what happened today ... spread it out," Yu Geng said anxiously,
"so that my ears can be quiet and quiet."
The family will be embarrassed: "Shizi ... subordinate incompetent, not this."
"I won't just ask others! There are so many people in Wufu, and no one can
arrange nonsense?" Yu Yan rubbed his eyebrows, "I have a headache ... don't
bother me."
The home will nod his head in a difficult way: "OK."
The family watched Yu Yan enter the bedroom, punched his fist, and gritted
his teeth.
Two days later, Qianan Wangfu, Xuan Congxin read a book while chatting
with Zhong Wan.
"Master Yu Xiao's wedding, it's yellow." Xuan Cong flipped through a page
of books and sighed, "The people in this capital, really ..."
Zhong Wan tried his best to remain calm. "Why ... yellow?"
Xuan Cong glanced at Xuan Yu, who wrote big characters not far away, put
down the book at hand, and whispered, "You follow me."
Zhong Wan looked dignified, took a deep breath, got up and put on fox fur,
went out of the study with Xuan Congxin, and gently brought the door.
The two walked into the courtyard, Xuan Congxin whispered softly: "I heard
it at the Three Princes' House, it's a bit nasty, I don't want Xuan Yu to know."
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "Why ... what?"
Isn't something wrong with Yu Yan?
"That's the little Prince Yu." Xuan Congxin lowered his voice, "have a bad
Zhong Wan was startled, "What evil ?!"
Is it possible that Yu Yan will not succeed?
Xuan Cong trembled again and again, pondering the words, and quickly said,
"Master Wang Yu loves hitting people in the room!"
Zhong Wan frowned, "I ... why didn't I know?"
Xuan Cong looked at Zhong Wan somehow, "Why do you know?"
Zhong Wan stuffed.
Xuan Cong puzzled: "I'm okay to compose this kind of nonsense? Someone
said, I listened. Lord Yu Xiao really can't marry. He is not only a bad man,
but he will also do something to the people in his house. Don't talk about
Beijing Central, even in our Qian'an, such a person can't please his wife, so
... now I'm afraid no one would dare to discuss with him, a good girl may
marry him, maybe he will be beaten in a few days died."
Zhong Wan was silent, struggling: "No, who said that? How can such a rumor
be created ?!"
"Which lady's wife said which sentence I can't remember." Xuan Cong
remembered seriously, "Oh, it means that Master Yu Xiao didn't agree with
each other, obscuring the flesh and blood of the people in the room, and was
immature. "
Zhong Wan horrified: "Not a human ?!"
"I also suspect that some people have exaggerated, because the head still
said that Wang Xiaoyu was not pleasing to the people in the room, he picked
up a dagger, and struck the people in the room."
Zhong Wan was speechless by Zhen.
"Frontly, it means that Prince Yu Xiao has a bad temper, and seeing people in
the room is not pleasing to the eyes, so that the Fuzhong family will kill the
people in the room."
"Further ahead, it means that Lord Yu Xiao has a bad temper. The people in
the room have annoyed him, and it's almost midnight. He remembered that he
was still angry and could not bear it. Immediately he sent ten iron armored
homes to pass and lift people out of bed. Get out and slap! "
Xuan Cong shuddered and whispered, "Even the lightest one is terrible!
Think about it ... if you don't agree, you will send ten families to fight in the
past, ten strong men! Then you can't break your hands? "
Zhong Wan looked down at his left palm, speechless for a long time.
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Chapter 44: 44
Xuan Congxin is still boasting about the wealthy people in Beijing. There are
many things private in private. Do n’t forget to see the stitches, "While this
Beijing is prosperous, but who are they? After you marry Kuafu, return to
Qian'an. Lest you learn bad things, and love to work with people. "
Xuan Congxin thought of something, and thought of it, "Don't you have to
learn something like that, how can you be too brave?"
Zhong Wan couldn't laugh or cry: "I won't talk about it first, it must be a blind
story, he's not like this ..."
Xuan looked at Zhong Wan from his heart, confused: "You have only been
speaking for Grandpa Yu, did you know him?"
Zhong Wan smiled, "I know."
Xuan Cong thought for a while, then he knew: "Have you seen this when you
were young? Have you ever talked? Are you familiar?"
Zhong Wan looked down at her left hand, feeling a little emotional for a
If it wasn't for Xuan Congxin, Zhong Wan would vomit out his heart because
he was not careful.
He and Yu Jin are more than familiar.
"Unfamiliar. He is the eye of the emperor and Princess An Guochang. We
dare not get more involved." Zhong Wan smiled. "Okay, go and rest. I have
something to do."
Xuan Cong went back to the room. Zhong Wan looked at his left hand, and he
didn't dare to indulge himself in thinking about something, and tried his best
to calm himself down.
Come in over the wall in the middle of the night, and pick up people, then
you can say something about yourself, but this thing has only passed for two
days, how could this be passed on?
There is definitely someone behind it.
The people under Yu Jiu are dead men, no matter what **** is upset, as long
as Yu Jiu orders them to do it plainly, will such people go out to compile Yu
Jishui's gossip?
Still so unbearable gossip.
In this way, in addition to the one who said that his daughter should not fight
for fame and fortune, which good person would marry her daughter to Yu
A few days ago Yu Yu was still in discussions with his relatives, and this
happened now. This person has speculations and doesn't want Yu Yu's
marriage to go smoothly. Who would it be?
In the middle of the night, there were not many people who knew about the
lesson. They were spread out so quickly. It can be seen that many people
have been planted in Yushen Palace.
Zhong Wan took a deep breath, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes, no
matter whether he was cooking or not, let's talk about it.
Zhong Wan called someone, and explained in such a way, and said, "Let him
leave the city to Qian'an overnight, so there is no need to return."
Throwing the black pot out, Zhong Wan saw that it was too early and didn't
want to waste time, and was ready to see Tang Ming again.
Last time Zhong Wan was full of grief and anger. Although Zhong Wan hadn't
completely trusted Tang Ming, he didn't fully trust Tang Ming, but this brother
knows a lot about the facts. Zhong Wan wants to make clear the past and see
the best way. Still look for him.
Zhong Wan ordered someone to prepare a car. He didn't want Lin Si to feed
the horse in the stable. Hearing that Zhong Wan was going to use the car, Lin
Si set up the horse himself, and came to the front yard to compare with Zhong
Wan: Where to go?
"Out of town." Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si in a rough dressing of the servant
and laughed. "Let you rest here, how can you be a horse boy again? Change
your clothes and I'll go."
Lin Si raised his eyebrows, pointed to the sky, twitched his fingers down and
down a few times, and pointed to Zhong Wan, spread his hands and turned
over, raised his hands and pointed outside: the weather is bad, it will rain.
You What to do out of town?
Zhong Wan paused and didn't talk to Lin Si about Tang Ming.
Zhong Wan is not too prepared for Lin Si, but he always feels that Lin Si and
Xuan Ye's affairs are still being eased. Before that, Lin Si Ruo always ran for
Yu Amnesty for himself, in the future, he would be afraid to add to the
sorrow between them.
Lin Si gesture: You can't stop tossing again, what to do if you are sick? Just
tell me something.
You can see Yu Amnesty tomorrow, and Zhong Wan really doesn't want to
regenerate the disease. He thought about it: "Well, I write a letter, and you
give it to me for one person, and let him write back to me without any other
Zhong Wan went back to the house and wrote the letter to Lin Si. Lin Si didn't
set up the car. She took the letter into her arms and left with a horse.
On the following day, several old eunuchs came to the palace of the Yu
King's Mansion, and they murmured "reprimand" Yu Amnesty across the
Behind the curtain, Yu Jian sat in front of the book case and read his book.
The four princes Xuanzheng, the fifth prince Xuanqiong, and the third prince
Xuanjin, counted as a concubine, have all been reprimanded by Emperor
Chong An. When the princes made mistakes or were confined, they all came
over to replace Chong An Teaching it, the princes are generally trembling,
only Yu Jian is different.
Yu Zhen even heard of falling asleep.
In the past few years, a few old palace people have not done this errand, and
they have seen it strangely. After a dry mouth, they advised: "Please also ask
Shizi to constrain people. Don't spread such nonsense, and mess with God is
unhappy. "
Yu Yan turned a page and said in a calm tone, "How do you know that is
nonsense? Maybe I just have this habit?"
The **** stammered, "Why, what hobbies?"
"What's it like out there, haven't you heard of it?" Yu Ai looked up,
expressing expressionlessly, "I like to torture people in the room, I like to see
people cry, I like to see people scream, and have played several lives. ...
don't you know? "
"Ah, alas, what are you talking about ?!" the old **** bitterly said, "It was all
framed by someone else.
Yu Yan sneered: "No one is framed, I am such a person ... You don't have to
reprimand my subordinates, just reprimand me."
The old **** looked at Yu Geng distressed: "The emperor also knows that
you have been aggrieved, this is not, just let us say a few words lightly, there
is His Royal Highness five, but he just spit out and ordered His Royal
Highness to think behind closed doors!"
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan put down the book and frowned: "What's this got to do with Xuan
The old lady sighed and glanced helplessly at Yu Yan: "You are aggrieved,
do you know where these uncomfortable rumors came from?"
Yu Yan said: "I know." I explained to my house.
The eunuchs glanced at each other and sighed, "Oh! How can you justify the
Five Highnesses now! You can't blame you for the sorrow, you are suffering
too much, and being honest!"
Faithful Yu Yan looked at the **** with his eyes darkened: "What the **** is
going on?"
"That rumor is basically transmitted from His Royal Highness!" The ****
sighed. "Isn't Princess An Guo a few days ago to discuss the relationship
with Shizi? His Highness Xu still remembered that I had a few words with
you before What ’s wrong with your heart? It ’s an uncomfortable rumor to be
heard. One person in His Royal Highness ’s house can't stop passing on the
news. The physical evidence is still there, but it's a pity. ”
The old **** took a deep look at Yu Jian, "His Royal Highness got angry,
saying that the people in his house had been bought by him, and he must be
taken out, but the people are gone, you think about it, a big job Man, well,
why is it gone? "
For a time, Yu Jing didn't know what to say.
This ... it really wasn't Xuan Qiong doing it.
"His Highness is also confused recently, and frequently happens. The two
days of the Holy Lord were not happy, this is not the punishment of His
Highness, but in the end it is not clear, so let us also come and say two times
to the same son, Just make a cut. "The old **** laughed softly," Shizi was
wronged. "
Yu Yan didn't feel wronged at all.
Yu Yan had nothing to say and waved his hand, "I know, I know."
The old eunuchs left, and Feng steward stuffed each **** with a purse. He
thoughtfully sent the people back and turned back. It was also confused. "This
is ..."
Yu Yan raised his eyes: "What did you do?"
"Unjustly, except for Master Zhong's case, the old slave never made his own
claim!" Feng steward quickly argued, "How can the old slave dare to count
the five lords for the son without authorization? The old slave cannot do such
a big thing. "
Feng steward also said: "Not only old slaves, but also generals, never dare.
In order to spread these rumors, in the past two days, everyone wanted to
break their heads, and caused all sorts of incredible means to pass on. Now,
where does this work? Even if there is no one, no one dares. "
Yu Yan was incredulous: "Who is that? Who is tampering in secret ?! I make
my own rumors, what is this man blindly and what?"
"The old slave thought that this man had a very good intention." Feng steward
pondered it. "Four or two pounds, without any effort, poured all the dirty
water on the five princes, and the work was clean. People could not find
them. I ca n’t say what I can say, I can only carry a black pot, and ... I ’ve
also washed away the habit that Shizi has. That ’s not bad for us. ”
Yu Yan frowned: "I need his help to wash it off? Is this ... the same person as
the one who reported Xuan Qiong to hide the Rangers last time?"
The next time I changed Feng's housekeeper, I couldn't understand. "What is
the Lingling?"
Yu Yan was impatient: "Nothing ..."
Mr. Feng changed his tea for Yu Yan, and laughed: "It doesn't matter who he
is, he can help the son. Indeed ... when you think about it, you should throw
your tail on someone else's head and kill two birds with one stone. Take a
step, this person is thorough enough. "
Yu Yan took the tea and whispered, "Not one step, two steps."
Feng steward was blank: "What else?"
Yu Yan said indifferently: "If you are the emperor, knowing this, do you
believe that I am going crazy, or that Xuanqiong is harming me?"
Feng's housekeeper embarrassed and couldn't answer.
"You will also hesitate, don't you? Xuan Qiongji hates me for being true, and
it is true that I initiate madness without regard to anything. It is also true that
someone likes to use my sword to kill people." Yu Jianshen said, "But this
thing said, It ’s not a big deal, there ’s no need to investigate it, and Xuan
Qiong acknowledged it best. First ... the emperor thought it was likely that he
did it. Second, he made it a rumor made by Xuan Qiong. future……"
"When speaking to me again in the future, if anyone makes a fuss about my
evil habit, they can use Xuanqiong to stop their mouths ..."
Yu Yan looked to the steward Feng, "The emperor doesn't care if I have this
kind of vulgarity, or whether Xuanqiong harms me."
Feng steward said, "At least ... at least, the emperor prefers Shizi. This is
trying to preserve Shizi's reputation."
Yu Yan said indifferently: "Maybe."
Yu Yan took a sip of tea, still mad: "Who the **** is getting involved in my
business ?!"
Feng steward smiled bitterly: "Where do you know, Shizi also don't worry ...
it will be harmless to Shizi anyway."
Yu Zheng discomforted: "The means are too fine and disturbing."
"Shizi has always acted neatly and decisively, but a little ... too rude." Feng
steward smiled, "It is inevitable that people will say that you are too
embarrassed. It is good to have such a thorough person around you. , It ’s
good to have His Highness pitted five times. "
Yu Yan sneered: "I just pursed my ears and didn't want anyone to come and
talk to me about my family affairs. This time ... he was unlucky."
Yu Yan closed his eyes and suddenly became angry: "What kind of person am
I dealing with this day? When is this? He hasn't come yet ?! Isn't he coming
again? Or is he sick again? Or ..."
Yu Yan suddenly had a headache: "Snack ..."
"As soon as she arrived, she just arrived!" Feng steward coaxed, "Early,
Shizi, what can I prepare?"
Yu Yan rubbed his eyebrows, thought for a while, and whispered, "Go ...
prepare some medicine."
Butler Feng shook his hand and almost smashed the tea.
Mr. Feng collected the tea, calmly persuaded: "Shizi, Master Zhong is not
very well."
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, "I don't know how he has done badly these years."
"The rumor is a rumor, you always have been ..." Feng steward stuck, there is
nothing to "always", Feng steward has served Yu Yan for so many years, I do
not know whether he is gentle or not, but by feeling ... It might really be
Feng steward re-exported: "In short, take your time, long-lasting, not in a
For the first time, Yu Jian did not refute the "long-lasting" of Feng's
housekeeper. He frowned, "What's the matter?"
Mr. Feng's steward gave Yu Yan an unsmiling smile.
Yu Ju understood it instantly, and was angry: "I haven't touched him yet!"
The steward Feng did not understand how Yu Yan was angry again, and he
was busy: "Yes, the old slave just spoke a little more, Master Zhong is not
very good, and can't stand what ..."
"He can't help it?" Yu Yan laughed and sighed angrily. "I am the one who he
whispers back! I am standing beside the princess, his eyes see me from the
head to the foot, back and forth, endlessly Nothing! If I were a girl, I would
scold him! Some people look at men like that ?! I don't know how to shy! I'm
all gone, he came again and asked if he could ... could he ... "
Yu Yan tilted his head and said indignantly, "I can't say what he said."
The steward Feng did not know what happened on the day of May 7th, and he
was so frightened that Yu Jian was frightened. "Stop anger, dispense qi,
Master Zhong came for a while, and Shizi trained him again ..."
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Chapter 45: Four. Five
Zhong Wan didn't want to go to Yu Yan early, he was really stuck.
Xuan Yuan came to the door.
Yesterday Lin Si made a trip outside the city for him. Lin Si was afraid that
Zhong Wan was anxious. He didn't set up a car. He went back and forth on
horseback. Even though he was tired, he was a bit late from the turn of the
day. As soon as Bian got up, Xuan Yuan outside had already entered the
Lin Si put on his clothes and rushed into Zhong Wan's room.
"You ..." Zhong Wan also had a headache. "What is it to hide? Don't tell him
Lin Si's eyes were red, he shook his head, and made a gesture: His Royal
Highness is not necessarily to seek me, even if I have no face to see him
"You're taking advantage of others, of course you're sorry!" That said, Zhong
Wan has always guarded the short, and will not force Lin Si to anything, and
whispered, "Go to Xuanyu Academy."
Xuan Ye made at least one breakthrough in Zhong Wan's courtyard. Xuan Yu's
side, especially Xuan Congxin's side, he would not break through.
Zhong Wan straightened his clothes and greeted him.
Zhong Wan beat Lin Si's affairs back and forth a few times in the belly, ready
to deal with Xuan Ye's words, and did not want Xuan Ye to say, first furious:
"Did you do the rumor and depression ?!"
Zhong Wan was questioned.
I haven't seen it in many years. Zhong Wan couldn't think of it. When reuniting
with Xuan Yuan, he must first refute this matter.
Zhong Wan wanted to salute Xuan Ye in accordance with the rules, Xuan Ye
said angrily, "You come here less!"
Zhong Wan sighed, and was too lazy to salute. He waved his hands to give
Xuan Yuan tea, and tried to bring the humility of the lower people as much as
possible, "I do n’t know what His Highness Four said? It's ... "
"Don't pretend to be with me! Xuan Qiong was so embarrassing that he
couldn't take it off. Now he's asking me for trouble. He sued my father and
said that I had put people in his house and said that I was watching the fire
across the bank. As he fights with Yu Qiang, the clam. "Xuan Xuanqi
jumped," I think about it, most of this is what you did! "
Zhong Wan: "..."
It is true that Zhong Wan did nothing, but Zhong Wan only made a "fifteenth".
Who wrote the "first day" in front of him was really unclear.
Zhong Wan honestly said, "I really don't know."
"Do you think I believe it?" Xuan Yuan's nose is not nose, eyes, or eyes,
"What happened in Yu Yu's room, as you know, who else can you say?"
Zhong Wan was disturbed. After so many years, why was Xuanyuan still so
Zhong Wan politely thought about how to bombard Xuan Yuan as politely as
possible: "I have no way of knowing the hidden things of Lord Yu Xiao."
"Oh ... he bought you and lived with you unclearly for half a year. Now you
say who you believe innocently?" Xuan Yuan looked at Zhong Wan with a
scornful look, "Is that your problem? Still passable? Even if you have it, you
can pass it on to others, so ... the same is true of others! "
Zhong Wan took a deep breath and looked outside ... There were not many
people brought by Xuan Yuan. It was not difficult to hold him down for a
meal, but it was difficult to cook afterwards.
Zhong Wan decided not to care about people with little brains, and smiled,
"Maybe it can be passed down, that His Royal Highness is here with me, and
it is not good to be afraid."
Xuan Yuan glanced at Zhong Wan with a vigilant eyebrow, and frowned,
"Look at me less! I'm different from you! It's not that bad."
Zhong Wan nodded: "I hope so, does your Highness have anything to ask?"
"Who asked you! I have expected that you did it, and I'm here to reprimand
you! Do what you do by yourself, and push it away to me!" Xuan Yiqi didn't
hit one spot, "I followed Xuan Qiong is different. He is afraid of the foreign
house of Yu Wangfu. I'm not afraid! "
Zhong Wan looked at Xuan Ye, and was tired of acting for him. Zhong Wan
still remembered to see Yu Yan, who could only see it once every ten days.
He couldn't wait so long, and sighed, "His Royal Highness ... You came here
on purpose, in the end you wanted to Say what?"
Xuan Yuan was told by Zhong Wan to break his heart, and he was speechless
for a moment, and then barely took a sip of tea before frowning: "What about
Lin Si? Hurry up and hand him over!"
Zhong Wan's eyes moved slightly and he said, "He did come a few days ago."
As soon as Xuan Yuan's eyes lighted up, Zhong Wan continued: "But he didn't
stop. He told me that he had offended his Highness by wrong words and
deeds, was bombarded by His Highness, and then left."
Xuan Yuan stayed: "Where have you been?"
"I don't know," Zhong Wan asked in return. "Don't your highness say you don't
want to see him again?"
Xuanyu was stuffy and said indistinctly, "He knows so much about me, how
can I indulge him to run around?"
Zhong Wan nodded: "That wouldn't work. He was out of control at the time.
He didn't talk about the preface. He told me what happened and left, and
didn't tell me where to go."
Xuan Yuan looked at Zhong Wan doubtfully: "Really?"
Zhong Wan calmly said, "I don't hide His Royal Highness, I am also looking
for him. If His Royal Highness finds him, please tell me and let me be
Xuanyuan was silent for a moment, and said irritably, "Wait until you find it."
Zhong Wan looked at Xuan Yuan for a moment, and said, "His Royal
Highness, that day, you had to redeem me from prison ..."
"Don't think too much!" Xuan Yuan hurriedly exclaimed, "I was young! I was
so confused when I was in a hurry! I didn't want to touch you at all! Even if I
bought you, 80% would You give it a shot and give you a place to stay. "
Zhong Wan smiled: "I know, I appreciate the same."
Xuan Yuan, "I was really just on the whim, the silver was not ready yet, I
was taught by my mother-in-law first, then I was questioned by Yu Jin, who
would I provoke? ..."
Zhong Wan looked at Xuan Yuan suddenly, "Yu Xiaowang asked His
"Ah." Xuanyi scorned. "A lunatic has been a lunatic since he was a child ..."
Zhong Wan's heartbeat speeded up a little, and said, "Have Your Highness
Xuan Yuan glanced at Zhong Wan in disgust: "What am I to say about him?"
Zhong Wan pressed the fire. "If I get news from Lin Si, I will send someone
to tell His Highness immediately."
Xuanyuan's face froze.
Xuan Ye held her nose for a moment, thinking about it with Zhong Wan, and
said, "Did you say that he was a child of this crazy disease? Ordinary people
can do this kind of thing? I have talked with my mother for a long time.
Concubine said! He has been wrong since he was a child! I still have to tell
my father, but my father is partial and does not listen ... "
Zhong Wan had no time to deal with Xuan Yuan. He stood up and refused to
give up: "His Highness rest assured. Once there is news from Lin Si, I will ...
I will send someone to inform His Highness immediately."
Xuan Ye was dissatisfied that Zhong Wan suddenly gave himself a guest
order, but thinking that he still had something to do, he didn't have the general
knowledge of Zhong Wan, and left with a cold hum.
Zhong Wan found two laps in the courtyard, but couldn't find Lin Si. He
estimated that he had hid and didn't find him again. He told the servant
Xuancong to go out and went out.
In the palace of Yu Wangfu, Zhong Wan got a carriage and was urged to enter
the inner courtyard.
"Master Zhong, you can come." The steward Feng was anxious and sweaty,
whispered, "Sizi has been asking from time to time from morning to time,
only then I don't know what happened, and after another hour, he suddenly
became angry , That look was wrong, Suddenly ... Shizi suddenly asked, is
there any cold food? "
Zhong Wan's heart tightened, "You didn't give it to him ?!"
"Of course not! There is no such medicine in the house for a long time. Our
prince checked back and forth several times the same day, and it has not been
sold in Beijing for a long time, but many doctors will match the medicine.
Come. "Feng steward said bitterly." Master Zhong, Shizi hasn't eaten that
thing for two years. Don't toss him ... this is crazy than before. "
Zhong Wan frowned: "Someone suddenly came in the house ... I see."
Feng steward stepped down and Zhong Wan went into the study by himself.
Yu Jian was reading.
Yu Yan took the book with his right hand, and put his left hand on the book
case. The index finger on his left hand quickly tapped the table, as if he was
Zhong Wan sighed softly and whispered, "Shizi."
Yu Yan pressed the palm of his left hand on the book case and did not move.
Yu Yan didn't look up, and looked as usual, Shen said, "Here you come so
Zhong Wan's mouth twitched slightly, but her heart hurt.
Zhong Wan thought for a while and said, "Originally wanted to come earlier,
but His Highness suddenly came to our house. There is no way ... to delay for
a while."
I don't know if it was Zhong Wan's illusion, he felt Yu Yan's eyebrows
stretched slightly.
Yu Jian still looked at the book and asked, "What did Xuanzhen ask you for?"
Zhong Wan sat down and said, "There were some rumors about Shizi the past
two days. The Four Highnesses felt that I had passed them on."
Yu Yan said lightly, "Not you."
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "Shizi knows who did it?"
Yu Yan closed the book, "Do you have a pain in your hand?"
Zhong Wan was still wrapped in a white cloth on his right hand, Yu Yan
frowned, and pushed a small bottle on the table forward, "Wound medicine ...
is better than yours."
There was a stack of white cloth next to the wound medicine, and Zhong Wan
took it together.
Zhong Wan sat down, removed the cloth on his right hand and set it aside, and
unscrewed the medicine bottle with one hand. His left hand was not as
flexible as his right hand, and a lot of medicine powder was spilled.
Yu Zheng looked at it from afar.
Zhong Wan didn't care much. He sprayed some medicine into the palm of his
right hand and fell a lot on his body. The medicine powder exuded bitterness.
Zhong Wan sneezed and looked over with disappointment.
Zhong Wan shook off the clean white cloth, biting one with his teeth, holding
the other in his left hand, and wrapping it around his right hand, accidentally
touching the wound on his right hand, Zhong Wan was hurting, and frowned
"His" Yu Juren was intolerable and got up and walked over.
Zhong Wan wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.
Yu Yan patted Zhong Wan's left hand and bandaged him. Zhong Wan looked at
Yu Yan and remembered what Xuan Qiong had just said.
Seven years ago, when Zhong Wan took medicine and pretended to be ill, he
fought with Yu Yu for a few days.
In those days, Yu Zhen's temper was not very good. He kept his face cold all
day and met Xuan Yuan in the palace. Xuan Yuan's fool who could not look at
people came to Yu Yan's face and asked him how he was like Zhong Wan.
At first Yu Xun didn't bother. Xuan Ye had to yell. Tong Yu Xun said, "If
you're tired, just give it to me, and I'll give you half the money."
Ju Yu Juan suddenly changed color.
Xuan Yuan turned back to see Yu Yan being so angry, startled, thinking that he
was going to do something with himself, but Yu Yan didn't.
On the same day, when listening to Shi Fu ’s lecture, when asked about “Lun
Chang's obedience”, the 15-year-old Yu Zi stood up and walked in front of
Xuan Ye in front of everyone, annoyed Xuan Ye for being unfriendly.
Yu Zi's righteous words were strict, and he threw the floor with a sound. He
would swear at Xuan, and the old man Fu was shocked and forgot what he
was going to say today.
Zhong Wan looked up at Yu Ju, Xiaozi, you dare to say that you didn't care.
Yu Yan asked Zhong Wan to put his wrist on the palm of his hand, and
lowered his head to dress up Zhong Wan, with a displeased expression:
Zhong Wan slightly moved his right finger, and Yu Yan was not loose, just
Zhong Wan thought about the serious young man, and his heart was aching.
"Shizi ..." Zhong Wan pursed his lips and whispered, "Don't you kiss me
Yu Yan did not expect Zhong Wan to suddenly say this, hesitated.
Zhong Wan cleared her throat and lowered her head to fiddle with the white
cloth on her right hand.
Zhong Wan lowered her head, listening to Yu Jian's incredible squeezing out
from the gap between her teeth: "blue, sky, white, sun ..."
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, and she was wrong again.
Zhong Wan tried his best to show the natural point. Before waiting for him to
speak, Yu Yan seemed helpless and angry.
Zhong Wan didn't hold her, her ears turned red.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 46: 46
Zhong Wan doesn't want to be so shameful, but blushing is really beyond his
control. Zhong Wan wants to ask Yu Yan to find out if he understands? Seems
to be mixed, right? !! What does it mean ... not enough to eat ...
Zhong Wanqi had a sore head and whispered his throat, "Dare to ask the son
... what have I eaten you?"
Yu Zheng looked at the door for a moment, and looked at the door,
wondering, "You dare to ask ?!"
Zhong Wan paused, and suddenly understood something, shocked: "You asked
the family to teach me in the middle of the night, would it be a midnight
dream? If I think of me, I licked you and hit me with anger?"
Yu Yan took a look at Zhong Wan and didn't explain, "Just understand in your
Zhong Wan was so speechless, Yu said, "I didn't care about you before, now
As soon as Zhong Wan looked up, Yu Jian was kissed on the lips.
Yu Yan touched him and parted, coldly: "Don't move."
Yu Yan did not let Zhong Wan move, but licked Zhong Wan's lips again.
As soon as Zhong Wan was approached by Yu Yan's head, he did not turn
around, Yu Yu pressed one hand on his shoulder, Zhong Wan couldn't hold on,
and he subconsciously pulled Yu Yu's cuff.
Yu Yan stiffened, and seemed to like Zhong Wan to pull him like this, his
movements were unconsciously much softer.
Zhong Wan's mind was messy and couldn't help thinking.
This man is so strange. What kind of things will he do with his sweetheart in
the future? Can't the other party move? Like a dead person? So what is he
trying to do?
Zhong Wan stupidly thought about Yu Jian's fragrance of him when he was
young, and the alarm bell rang in his heart. Shouldn't Yu Yan do something to
himself then?
He seems to like the other party motionless ...
Probably not, at that time Yu Jian was very gentleman.
Yu Yan touched Zhong Wan with his tongue. Zhong Wan couldn't take it
anymore, he hid his head and hid his breath quickly: "Shizi, you can't help it
again ..."
As soon as Zhong Wan lifted his eyes, he saw Yu Yan looking at himself
deeply, and his heart moved, without thinking, "If I can't help it ... you will
scold me again."
Yu Yan seemed to be emotional. He frowned unpleasantly. He didn't want to
listen to Zhong Wan. He bowed his head and wanted to kiss Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan couldn't help but whispered: "Then say it first, and you scold ...
don't scold It's so ugly, okay ... okay? "
Yu Zheng was deadlocked.
Yu Yan seemed to be suppressing something, his hands were shaking a little,
he slumped against Zhong Wan with a forehead, and murmured, "You don't
move, this is what I forced you ..."
Zhong Wanyi: "Ah?"
Yu Yan whispered, "I forced you, you are not voluntary, so you will not move
... I forced you, I forced you ... I will die the next day, you will only feel
happy It won't hurt ... "
Zhong Wan's eyes trembled, and her chest hurt badly.
Yu Yanqing was a little confused, and he didn't pay attention, so Zhong Wan
caught a glimpse of his childhood sincerity through the mountains.
Zhong Wan's heart was stunned, he could not bear to look up and took the
initiative to kiss Yu Jin.
Outside, the steward Feng hastily.
The study door was wide open, and the inside was quiet. The steward Feng
estimated that the two of them were reading the book. They didn't care much
and went straight in. After turning the screen, the steward Feng made a sigh,
and closed his eyes and looked down stiffly. , Shizi ... "
Yu Yan breathed heavily, staring at Zhong Wan angrily, pulling Zhong Wan's
wrist, and pulling Zhong Wan's hand into his jacket, pulling out, angrily to
butler Feng, "What's wrong?"
Feng steward died alive and wrong, how could he think that the door of these
two people is not closed, it will be in the daytime ...
Feng steward reluctantly found his tongue: "The four halls came down, they
were noisy, and they asked Lin Si to ask the son."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Yu Yan stunned: "What Lin Si does he want with me?"
Mr. Feng's steward also covered in mist. "I do n’t know. His Highness said
that it must be Shizi who brought Lin Si again. His old slave said with His
Highness that Shizi could n’t keep his eyes closed these days. Ah, I want
someone ... "
Yu Yan closed his eyes and calmed down. He looked at Zhong Wan first, and
said angrily, "What did you do?"
Feng steward is shocked!
Zhong Wan blushed and glanced uncontrollably at Mr. Feng.
Yu Yan's mind was not very clear. He did not care about Feng's housekeeper,
and was furious: "Do you want me to tie your hands up in the future?"
Zhong Wan collapsed: "Can you go and see Xuanyuan first?"
"Don't want to mix it up, you ..." Yu Ai turned to look at the steward Feng, his
voice trembling, "Go ... prepare the thickest rope, prepare more, put it in the
study, put it in the bedroom, and send Go to the King's Palace in Qian'an, and
let him watch it every day, kill ... kill a hundred, and make a difference ... "
The steward Feng promised, and couldn't help urging, "Shizi went to see His
Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness came with a stick! What if he
smashed your baby porcelain horse? The people couldn't stop him ... ... "
Yu Yan rubbed his eyebrows, glared at Zhong Wan severely, and turned
The steward Feng swallowed and remained silent for a moment, and said
quietly, "Master, you ..."
Zhong Wan lost his adult, and simply shamelessly: "I just touched him, what
happened ?!"
Feng steward coughed and sighed: "Why are you so ... forget it, I'll go find
the rope first."
The steward Feng left in a hurry, Zhong Wan was paralyzed paralyzed on the
chair, and pursed many lips that were more red than usual.
Zhong Wan closed his eyes, and Yu Yanfang's words murmured in his ear still
echoed in his head.
"If I die the next day, you don't have to be hurt."
Zhong Wan felt aching in his heart, and laughed in a low voice, "deceive
yourself ..."
When he just touched him, he clearly liked it.
Zhong Wan also a little regretted it, it seemed a bit too Menglang just now, I
just hope that I don't really want to bind myself in the future.
Zhong Wan's mind was also very confused. He closed his eyes and waited
for Yu Yan to return to explain to him.
This wait is exactly one hour.
Xuan Yuan identified that Lin Si was not in Qian'an Palace but was in Yu
Palace. Yu Yan was still a veteran. The more Xuan Yuan thought, the more Yu
Yan was making trouble, and he felt that Lin Si had been moved by Yu Yuan
to die. Death, it was decided to search the government, and also to search the
Dali Temple. Yu Yan was inexplicable. He did not hold Lin Si, nor could he
let Xuan Ye search his own house. People quarreled endlessly, Yu Yan's
mind made Zhong Wan chaotic, and his words were a little upside down,
"Once every ten days ... once every ten days, you have to delay my time? Are
you still thinking about him ?!"
Xuan Yuan "Haha" seized the key, and said angrily, "Who remembers him in
the end? Sure enough, it's you! You let me search! I dare not search Yu Yu's
Mansion, can't search your other hospital? Let me search without ghosts! "
Yu Yan was dizzy, and there was a Zhong Wan who made himself soft in the
study in the courtyard. He couldn't figure out why he was making a noise with
Xuan Ye here. When his mind became a little clearer, he would be ordered to
Xuan Ye. Boomed out the door.
Xuan Yuan naturally dissatisfied, and when he was bombarded away, he
shouted that he would let the Emperor Chong An judge.
By the time Yu Yu's return to the inner court, it was already dark.
Butler Feng prepared a good table, and he did not forget to put a plate of
roasted deer tendon in front of Zhong Wan.
After a quarrel, when the two sat down again, they were a little shy and
didn't talk.
Can't say enough.
At the end of the meal, the two were sitting in the study, as usual. One was
sitting in front of the book case, and the other was sitting at the dwarf table.
Most of Yu Yan's study were the words of him and Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan
picked up a copy of it and blushed at a glance.
Yu Yan took it very seriously and even made comments.
Zhong Wan was amazed and wanted to go and see what Yu Yan could make
about such a book, but he was not too dared.
Zhong Wan closed the book. He looked at Yu Ai for a while and whispered,
Yu Yan ignored him.
Zhong Wan thought for a while and whispered, "When I was here today, the
steward Feng told me, you ... you asked him for a cold meal today."
Yu Yan frowned slightly and looked up. "What else did he say?"
"It's nothing, I'm just curious ..." Zhong Wan cautiously said, "What did it feel
like when it was eaten? I haven't eaten it."
Yu Yan looked up at Zhong Wan and said coldly, "Do you want to eat?"
Zhong Wan pondered, "It's just curiosity. It's said that you took the medicine
for half a year, but it doesn't look like it, is it ... it's nothing?"
Yu Yan bowed his head, "something."
Zhong Wan tried his best to euphemism: "What will happen? Temper ... Is
irritable? I remember an emperor used to eat this kind of food, eating too
much, being insane, irritable, and finally ..."
Yu Zhen said indifferently: "Killed by his son."
Zhong Wan exhaled softly, Yu Yu knew.
Zhong Wan was pondering how to persuade the better Shi Yuzhen whispered,
"I have changed my temperament, not because of this."
Zhong Wan was silent.
Yu Yan lifted his eyes and glanced at Zhong Wan, Shen said, "But after six
months of taking it, his spirit is indeed worse. It is not a good thing. Don't
think about it."
As soon as Zhong Wan was about to speak, Yu Zhen said lightly: "I'm crazy,
and no one can do anything with me ... at least, no one can do anything with
me, you're different."
Zhong Wan was ridiculed.
"I didn't want to eat, I just wanted to persuade you." Zhong Wan whispered
softly. "I'm afraid you're crazy. One day, I'll kill you."
Yu Zhen froze, staring at Zhong Wan confusedly, "What are you thinking all
Yu Yan lowered his head and continued to read, "I'm not as crazy as I am."
Zhong Wan stammered, "What about after that? If you keep eating, it will take
a few more years ... It won't be long. When Emperor Daowu was thirty, he
was completely mad, moody, and then maybe he just hit me because of that. A
sneeze, you kill me. "
"Or because I eat too much, I don't see it ..."
"Or because I don't walk properly ..."
"Anymore ..." Zhong Wan's voice was getting lower and lower, "because of
what I did, I accidentally touched you ...
"Do you dare to say ?!" Yu Zheng looked at Zhong Wan in disbelief, "I have
never seen you like this ..."
Zhong Wan was not too embarrassed to think about the day's affairs, so he
looked down and flipped through the books.
After a long time, Yu Jian was impatient and said, "Just stop eating it!"
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Chapter 47: 47
In the palace.
An old **** entered the Yufei Palace.
Yu Fei had a headache. During the day, Xuan Yuan was very energetic. After
Yu Yan asked Lin Si to no avail, he thought that it would be better to kill by
mistake, and went to Xuan Qiong Mansion. Naturally, still Did not find Lin
Xuan Qiong has been unlucky in recent days, and his lungs have exploded.
He went to the palace before dinner and vomited bitter water for a long time
with Princess Yu, who just left.
Fei Yu finally sent away her son, exhausted physically and mentally, hurting
God: "The emperor will not establish the prince, I am afraid that I will be
tortured to death by these people ... Joan also asked me to intercede with the
emperor, this child really thought that the pillow The wind is so good? I
haven't seen the emperor for almost two months. I just want to help him. How
can I help? "
The palace man who served Yu Fei whispered comfortably: "His Highness
Five has suffered a lot of grievances recently, and I can only tell you that if
you can see the emperor someday, it is good to distinguish two sentences for
His Highness Five."
"Don't mention this anymore." Concubine Yu was worried and raised her
face even worse. "Last year, my elder brother told me that in the previous
dynasty, the first emperor wanted King Li Ning to be the prince, and the first
thought was to kill Zhong Guifei. I It is not a few years older than Zhong
Guifei, and there is such a maiden family. The emperor is afraid that I will be
more powerful than the first emperor. If I intervene again ... I am afraid that
Joan will be made a prince in the future. My son is in the throne. "
Concubine Yu grabbed Gongren's hand and said uneasily, "After the elder
brother said this to me, I was restless day and night. You said ... would the
emperor already have this mind? I think about it in recent days, what do I
think? How do you feel that you have been taboo!
"Mother-in-law's peace of mind." Gongren said quietly. "The lady-in-law
asked me to find someone, I've already looked for it. This old **** has been
working for us at the King Yu's Mansion since the beginning, but we don't
know it. I am afraid to fight against the grass and let the people in our
government tell him that the mother-in-law has been disturbed in the past few
days and has done many wrong things, which is why Lord Yu ca n’t stand it.
Let him talk to the mother-in-law about the past, and wake up the mother-in-
law. , Don't talk about that for a while. "
Yu Fei thought for a while, and nodded: "Yes, you are still thoughtful, my
intimidation and temptation are useless, the elder brother ... never listens to
him alone, and will not help me until I die."
The palace man sighed: "Yes, then I call him?"
Yu Fei nodded.
Yu Fei lowered the curtain and waited for a while, seeing an old elder ****
trembling came in and knelt outside the curtain.
Yu Fei settled down, deliberately made a look of annoyance: "It's so late,
what did your brother tell you to tell me?"
The old **** whispered, "The prince said that his mother-in-law has been
uneasy in recent days. She acted rashly, and let the old lady tell the mother-
in-law about ancient times."
Yu Fei said: "Then you say it."
The old **** talked about the emperor's desire to kill his mother and leave
his son. It was only a little more detailed than the last time Yu Mucheng said.
Concubine Yu was anxious. After listening for a while, she said, "Zhong
Guifei in the end No one knows what happened to Li Chu. I only know that
she was still dead in the end. Brother asked you to tell me what this means?
If you do n’t interfere, you will die? "
The old **** shook his head: "Zhong Guifei died of illness."
Yu Fei said coldly, "Who are you fooling? She died, and her sister died. The
two died one after the other? Who said that?"
The old **** looked like an old tree root that had been dead for many years,
and only a few moments later, he said, "It is true."
Fei Yu rarely moved her mind and persecuted: "I don't think so, how did
Zhong Guifei disappear? When did it disappear? The palace concealed it
carefully. After the emperor died, no one saw her at all. Say no. Maybe she
was sent to death by the emperor before she died. "
The old **** slowly shook his head: "No."
Fei Yu slaps the table, and Zhu Zhuding crows her head: "My elder brother
asked you to tell me ancient times, is it just you that perfunctory me?"
The old **** seemed helpless, and sighed for a while: "Zhong Guifei was
indeed not given by the emperor. Speaking of it, Zhong Guifei was affected
by Xiao Zhongfei."
Yu Fei never cared about this person, and was a little surprised and
confused: "Little Zhong Fei?"
The old **** nodded: "Xiao Zhongfei did something wrong and couldn't pass
it on, so the queen mother ... Oh no, the queen at the time cooked her sisters
through the funeral of the emperor."
Yu Fei said dumbly: "I haven't heard much about this little Zhong Fei. I
remember ... Xiandi was still fond of Zhong Gui Fei. She has been faint to
this little Zhong Fei. What can she do wrong?"
The old **** said: "Xiao Zhongfei entered the palace with Zhong Guifei. She
was younger and less beautiful than Zhong Guifei, so Xiandi didn't pay much
attention to her."
Yu Fei said, "So? What did she do wrong?"
The eunuch's eyes narrowed, and his voice was hoarse: "Forty-seven years
in the winter, Xiao Zhongfei ... was pregnant."
Yu Fei didn't care about the days, she suddenly said, "Is pregnant? I haven't
heard of it. What happened to pregnancy? Could it be that she accidentally
lost her child? No, this crime doesn't die."
The old **** shook his head, and his voice was even lighter. "It is natural to
have a pregnancy, and the mistake is wrong. At that time ... Xiandi had not
fallen with her for five years."
Yu Fei's face changed suddenly.
The old **** coughed twice and continued: "Because of the elder sister
Zhong Gui, Xiao Zhongfei can always walk around the emperor, but the
emperor did not touch her for many years, and Xiao Zhongfei did not behave
... … When this unkind thing happened, the queen queen knew about it, and
the queen queen naturally could not keep her. This kind of thing harmed the
royal reputation and could not be publicized. The queen queen was merciful
and did not want to be involved with King Ning, so she concealed for Xiao
Zhongfei Come down and give them a decent way of death through the funeral
of the emperor. "
Yu Fei Huarong looked pale and lost her voice: "Is she ... is she crazy?
Doing this kind of thing? No, no, no, concubine Xiaozhong, why shouldn't
Zhong Guifei be ..."
"Mother-in-law." The old **** interrupted her, slowly, "If Zhong Guifei and
Xiao Zhong-fei are not dead, the mother-in-law is afraid that she will not be
rich today. Will the mother-in-law ask again?"
"The queen mother used this to play ... it was the queen mother who really
killed her mother and left her son ..." Concubine Yu was panicked. "Who ...
is the child's biological father? Did the queen mother kill that person too?"
The **** lifted his eyelids slightly and stopped talking.
Yu Fei was so shocked, "This kind of thing happened, no wonder their sister
went so unclear ..."
The old **** whispered: "The emperor wanted to be young that day. He did
think of killing their sisters. He tried Zhong Guifei a few times, but he didn't
really do it."
Yu Fei was uneasy. "That's the way it is ... I don't want to listen to it. You
shouldn't say it, you go."
The old **** climbed up rather laboriously, and Princess Yu hurriedly said,
"Slow, you ... I may call you back in the future. What's your name?"
The **** bent over, "Old slave Tang Qin."
"Oh, Tang Qin, I remember." Fei Yu was lost in her mind. "You go, be careful
when you leave, don't let others see it."
The old **** bowed and left.
Yu Fei was shocked. She sat alone for a while and regretted not to ask these
things. She called the palace person and asked her to tell Tang Qin not to tell
Wang Yu what happened today.
Princess Fei leaned on the table with regret, thinking about what Tang Qin
had just said, her eyes narrowed suddenly.
"Too 47 years in the winter, Xiao Zhongfei is pregnant."
Yu Fei's face turned pale, she only felt that her body was covered with
poisonous snakes.
Yu Fei's scalp was numb and lost her voice: "That's not it, that child is not
Yu Wang's house, Yu Yan suddenly had a headache.
"what happened?"
Zhong Wan looked over.
Yu Yan didn't care much, put the words in his hand, "It's time to sleep."
That night, the two fell asleep together.
While Zhong Wan was sleeping, Yu Ju was lying on the outside in a kimono,
with a few bundles of hemp ropes between them.
Zhong Wan wore only a thin layer of lining, and his wrist on the outside of
the quilt was stabbed by hemp rope, and he scratched. "Can this rope ...
below the bed first?"
Just after lying down, Yu Jue must not have fallen asleep, but he seemed to
have heard nothing, closed his eyes and remained motionless.
Zhong Wan thought about it and said, "Shizi, there are some rumors about you
recently. Have you heard of them?"
Yu Yan moved, and still ignored Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan persuaded: "The rumors are hard to hear. At first, it only said that
you would hit people and do something to the people in the house. Now it is
... very unbearable. You still put the rope on the bed and spread it out
tomorrow. Just sit down and you have that habit! "
Yu pardoned.
"It's bad to hear." Zhong Wan scratched his arm again, took the twine, and
whispered, "Can I take this first ..."
Yu Yan finally opened his mouth, "Dare you to throw this out of bed, and I
dare to really tie you up."
Zhong Wan paused, and for a moment he was indecisive. I wonder if I should
Zhong Wan's throat moved, "How do I tie it?"
Yu Yan closed his eyes and his voice was calm. "Tie your hands together,
tied to the head of the bed, legs tied to the feet of the two beds, take off your
clothes, use some medicine, and wait for you to cry. Let go of you again, and
... "
"Don't talk anymore ..." Zhong Wan interrupted Yu Jin, whispered and
murmured, "You say I really want to throw it."
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan took a few deep breaths and suppressed, "Do you like that?"
Zhong Wan was so impressed, "Okay, it seems quite exciting."
In the darkness, Yu Zheng looked at Zhong Wan with incredible disbelief.
Zhong Wan waited for a long time without waiting for Yu Yan to talk, fell
asleep and fell asleep.
Yu Yan opened his eyes, his heart was shaking, and he could not sleep for a
long time.
After an hour, Yu Yan struggling, "I used to ... I didn't expect you to like this."
Zhong Wan had a good dream and was awakened by Yu Jian.
Zhong Wan opened his eyes and wondered, "What, what? Is it dawn?"
With three minutes of moonlight, Yu Jue sat up, looked at Zhong Wan with a
complex look, and suddenly asked, "You also grew up reading the Sage Book
from a young age. Why would you like it?"
Zhong Wan's eyes narrowed, and he sat up, his voice still nasal, "What do I
like? It's not dawn ..."
Yu Yan seemed very troubled. He looked at Zhong Wan in puzzlement, raised
his hand, and put down again.
Yu Yan closed his eyes and wondered whether he said to Zhong Wan or to
himself: "You are not good, you can't do this."
Zhong Wan's eyes were lost: "What can't be?"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan, and there seemed to be hallucinations in his
eyes. He felt that he really tied Zhong Wan to the bed, forcing Zhong Wan to
beg him ...
"Nothing." Yu Yan lay down, facing back to Zhong Wan, exhaling, "You
Zhong Wan was so foggy that he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.
In the early morning of the next day, Yu Yan delivered a few pages to Zhong
Zhong Wan looked down ...
Prajna Paramita has many heart sutras.
"Copy it ten times, and clear up the turbidity in your heart." Yu Jian gave
Zhong Wan an inexplicable look. "When you come back, bring it with you."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 48: 48
Suddenly, Yu Fei learned of the shocking secrets, both shocked and scared.
She was a person who had no idea since the night of the high fever. Since
Xuan Qiong came out of the palace building, there was no one in the palace
to discuss with. Afraid of guessing wrong, and the old **** turned around
and told Yu Mucheng, the palace people called Tang Qin at dawn.
"I asked, you said." Yu Fei was to warn Tang Qin, but she couldn't bear to be
curious, and tried her best to keep her heart. "Is that the child that Xiao
Zhongfei is pregnant with, isn't it ..."
Tang Qin was hurried to call, his spirit was worse than last night, he leaned
around, and there was a flash of light in the muddy eyes.
Yu Fei's voice was urgent: "Is it Yu ... Yu ..."
Tang Qin bowed slightly.
"Sure enough." Concubine Yu was disgusted in her eyes. "I had long guessed
that he was the emperor, but I didn't expect it to be so treacherous! But I don't
understand, Xiao Zhongfei ... how could she dare? Emperor ... ... how dare
you? "
Tang Qin listened without saying a word.
Princess Yu was unbelievable: "Even if she is a concubine in the deep
palace, even if she is not petting ... No, the more she is not petting, the more
she can't touch the princes in front of her. How did she get to know ..."
Tang Qin put his hand down slowly and said slowly: "The Zhong family
originally and the second prince's house rarely walked around. However,
when the young concubine was in her boudoir, she had a handkerchief with
the second prince. Little Zhongfei naturally saw the second prince, but she
also moved around. Since she moved around, I was afraid that she had seen
the second prince before entering the palace. "
The second prince was talking about Emperor Chong'an, and Yu Fei said
dumbly: "Before entering the palace ... if you have long been in love, why not
just marry the prince ... marry the second prince?"
Tang Qin seemed to be speechless by Princess Yu. He was silent for a
moment, and said dumbly, "Mother, the Zhong family already intended to
send Zhong Guifei to the palace. Why would the Zhong family dare to send
the two sisters into the palace one by one? How about entering the second
prince's house? "
Yu Fei then reacted, exasperated, "I'm confused."
"I have known each other for a long time ..." Fei Yu whispered, "Zhong
Guifei really made her sister miserable, Xiao Zhongfei was hidden away. I
said that Princess An Guo lived in Huangling that year. It ’s been a long time,
wasn't she pregnant? It took me ten months to bring the child back. Then ...
isn't that little concubine still alive? "
Yu Fei's heart was ruthless: "If only she hadn't died! If this ugly thing could
be rid of it, I see what else Yu Yu could have!"
Townsend paused. "... Maybe."
Yu Fei's heart moved, looking at Tang Qin, "You know so many things, I'm
afraid it is the big brother's confidant, right? You ... Do you know if Xiao
Zhongfei is dead or alive?"
Tang Qin shook his head: "I don't know, but ..."
Yu Fei busyly said, "But what ?!"
Tang Qin stopped talking.
Yu Fei sneered: "Old things, you want to be clear. If Joan can succeed in the
future, is it because he listens to his relatives and mothers, or listens to
himself? I'm afraid I still have to live under my hands these years, don't be
confused, is there anyone else in the family? "
Tang Qin seemed unwilling, sighing: "There is a younger brother."
Yu Fei raised her eyebrows: "Also a housekeeper?"
Tang Qin shook his head: "Small official from the former dynasty, committed
a crime and went back home to farm."
"If you take care of things for me, your brother and his family will be fine."
Yu Fei said coldly. "If you dare tell Prince Yu these things, your brother's life
will be gone!"
Tang Qin shook his leg and knelt down.
Yu Fei felt relieved, "I will let you do whatever you want in the future. Don't
tell the Lord ... what do you mean, Xiao Zhongfei may be alive?"
Tang Qin said tremblingly: "I don't know, but there are some traces to
There was a smile on the corner of Yu Fei's mouth, and she grinned, "If it can
be found, it will be interesting ..."
Fei Yu coughed twice and whispered: "You go first, remember what I told
you, if you go out from here, look for Lord Yu, huh ... just don't kill your
Tang Qin shook his head: "Dare."
"Whatever I tell you in the future, you can do, and in the future, you and your
brother will be in good shape." Fei Yu confessed her grace and waved, "Go."
Yu Wangfu's House.
After Hao Sheng sent Zhong Wan away, Feng's housekeeper came to find Yu
Yu's pardon. "What did the son say to Master Zhong again? Master Zhong
didn't look right when he left."
Yu Zheng said: "He has a ghost in his heart, and of course he doesn't look
Feng steward said dumbly, "What's wrong?"
"He ..." Yu Zhen couldn't tell, "It's all right."
The steward Feng didn't dare to ask more. When he saw that Yu Yan was
going to write, he stepped forward to wait and whispered, "As soon as the
news came out from the palace, the lady Yu was ill."
Yu Yan's eyes moved slightly.
Feng Guanjia said: "I was suddenly ill last night and passed on the doctor. It
did n’t matter how it was. It was n’t a big deal, but Madam Yu said that she
did n’t need to be pleased. Let His Royal Highness Five and the Lord go to
the palace to greet you. No, I specifically told the government over there that
it was only a slight sting, and no labor was required. "
"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon," Yu said, "check it?"
Feng steward nodded: "People are going to check. No news yet."
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes. He gently squeezed the pen with his **** in his
thumb and forefinger for a long time.
Yu Yan whispered: "I have n’t been close to me since I was little, I have n’t
seen much, and I haven't said a few words. When I was young, I was stupid.
And later understood ... "
The steward Feng was afraid that Yu Yan would not remember what was
upset, and coughed, "Daughter of the deep palace, what do you know? Shizi
need not care about her."
"No." Yu Yan moved his wrist lightly, wrote a word "forgiveness," and
asked, "She jealous of me. I haven't met her since I was a kid. I don't know,
but I don't think she is smart ... you What do you think? "
The steward Feng said frankly: "Is n’t that clever, or else I should n’t have
been so stiff with the princess these years, I do n’t know, in the early years,
the concubine Yu and our aunt and princess were very close. Later, After the
son ... Mrs. Yu felt that the long princess was trying to figure out what to do
with you. She couldn't hide anything in her heart. She always talked coldly to
the princess and ignored her affection. The princess was so proud and proud.
Will she be rude over her? Without patience, gradually the love will fade. "
"I like the unwise." Yu Jian wrote another "字", "You say ... how about
starting with her?"
The steward Feng looked up and down at Yu Yan, and the day before he saw
Yu Yan with astonishment, his eyes seemed shocked and happy, "What does
Shizi mean?"
Yu Yan laid down his pen, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing." The steward Feng was almost crying. "Shizi was going to
fight for the first time. The old slave was a little ... hey, it's okay."
Yu Yan has become more and more popular these days, but the housekeeper
Feng wants to burn the incense for a while, but he doesn't know who to burn
it for, and he thinks of another day to give Zhong Wan a longevity tablet.
Yu Yan looked at the words on the paper and looked up at Feng steward and
smiled: "You are happy, I finally have the idea of contending for reserves,
isn't it?"
Feng steward hurriedly said, "Why is Shizi so secretive ?! Don't talk
nonsense, Shizi just, just want to fight for a way of life for himself."
There was something in Yu Yan's eyes that he didn't know, and he didn't
mention it, and re-transmitted: "I don't want to get through with the woman,
but just think of one thing, I don't think I can hold her back."
Feng steward said: "What?"
Yu Zheng said, "That year Xuan Qiong designed to let the snake snake man
hurt me with a poisonous snake ... it was her good intention."
Feng steward was horrified, Yu Jian said: "Master Wang Yu investigated it,
and after deliberately entered the palace to warn her."
"She isn't smart and has long been killing me. It's much easier to do things."
Yu Yan already had an idea in her heart, and said, "Let's talk about what
happened to her."
Feng steward agreed, and he thought for a moment, "Shizi, if you want to
leave it with Master Zhong, there are many ..."
Yu Yan's face changed instantly, and he gave Feng's housekeeper a cold look:
"Must be tight."
Feng steward busy said: "Yes."
The steward Feng was afraid that Yu Yu would be ill, and changed his head
and said: "Did Master Zhong did something wrong yesterday? When he left,
he said that he seemed to punish him for copying something, but he didn't
"Punish him for the Dim Sum scriptures." Speaking of Zhong Wan, Yu Yan
slowly relaxed, "I wanted to punish him a bit more, but ..."
Butler Feng blinked: "But what?"
Yu Yan silently looked at the words in the book case and said, "He told me
yesterday when he was intimate with me ... let me scold him not to be too
Feng steward didn't understand, Yu Yan thought to himself: "I treat him very
Did you know Feng steward?
Yu Yan closed his eyes and couldn't help angrily, "But I didn't expect him to
have those problems! It wouldn't work without punishing him."
Butler Feng died curiously. "What's wrong?"
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and wanted to talk to someone and waved
his hand overwhelmed: "Close the doors and windows first."
If Feng steward was close to the enemy, he could just open up the matter of
fighting for reserves, and now it's time to close the doors and windows. This
is a matter of life!
Housekeeper Feng went to cook the doors and windows, and turned back to
hold his breath and listened.
Yu Yan's lips moved. "He has some bad habits in intercourse."
Mr. Feng's old face blushed and his voice was lighter than Yu Yan: "What
kind of habit?"
"He likes ..." Yu Zhen tried his best to word elegantly, "likes a pretty fierce
Butler Feng was horrified.
But a bit puzzled, steward Feng asked with a cheeky face: "Isn't Shizi yet
with Master Zhong, how do you know?"
Yu Yan rubbed his eyebrows and was upset: "Of course I didn't touch him, he
said it!"
Butler Feng was shocked: "Really?"
Yu Yan whispered, "He didn't know where to find the rope from midnight
yesterday, put it on the bed, and hummed around me with the rope after the
night ... want me to bind him He does that. "
Steward Feng: "..."
Mr. Feng carefully warned: "Shizi, don't let me tell you, wasn't the rope you
asked me to find?"
Yu Yan looked at the steward as if looking at the monster, with some
inexplicable eyes, "When did I let you find the rope ?!"
Butler Feng took a breath.
Mr. Feng's housekeeper frightened Zhong Wan in his heart. Zhong Wan's life
was really bad. Whenever something happened, he went back to catch Yu
Yu's illness, which was really wrong.
"He ..." Yu Jiun put up with a headache and slang slang, "He said it in great
detail, how to tie his hands, how to tie his feet ... He also suffered, I beg him
to eat spring | medicine, said A lot of miserable words. "
As soon as Yu Yan closed her eyes, she could think of the situation, and said
rudely, "I am **** **** by him!"
The steward Feng looked at Yu Jin with compassion, and could not bear to
tell Yu Jin that he had actually committed a day and night illness, and he has
not been sober yet.
Yu Jin lost his mind, "What has happened to him these years? Or has he liked
it since he was a kid, but I was too stupid when I was young and didn't notice
Buter Feng insisted: "Maybe it's always been like this."
"After he fell asleep last night, I managed to clean up for a while." Yu Yan
mumbled, "but he only woke up for an hour and he woke up and lingered on
me again ... I told him under fire, he was not in shape Well, it can't be that
way, it made him sleep again. "
Yu Yan's eyes froze, and his face was frosty: "I, but, one, night, yet, sleep."
Feng steward, like walking on thin ice, persuaded, "Will the son go for a
while now?"
Yu Yan didn't know if he heard it, grinding his teeth, "Do you know how I
survived last night? He really ... I don't know if I live or die."
Feng steward nodded his head, "Yes, Master Zhong doesn't know whether to
live or die."
"I originally wanted to ..." Yu Yan took a deep breath and said indifferently,
"I'm dead, Zhong Wan is looking for someone else. It's okay. After all, he has
a long way to go. He still has many years to live."
Butler Feng was worried: "Why do you mention this again!"
"But!" Yu Yan's chest was unsatisfactory. "I don't know if he prefers this tone!
In the future, I will lie on the ground. If the undead feels, knowing that he was
tied to the bedside by the newly found **** night and rubbing. I'm afraid that
the corpse will be swindled and the coffin board lifted! "
The butler Feng looked at Yu Ai with a stunned expression, and could not
keep up with Yu Ai's thoughts.
Why is this ... talking about ghostly things?
When Feng steward smashed his palms, he shouted, "So Shizi cannot die!"
"Yes." Yu Yan rubbed his painful forehead, "I'll go to sleep for a while ..."
The steward Feng personally sent Yu Yan to the bedroom, waited for him to
lie down and walked back to his courtyard, and wrote a letter to Zhong Wan.
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Chapter 49: 49
Zhong Wan has returned to the house, Zhong Wan has returned to the hospital,
and Lin Si is in his house.
Lin Si, who seemed to be in the dust, seemed to have just returned from the
outside. Zhong Wan closed the door and wondered, "Where have you been?"
Lin Si had bloodshot eyes in his eyes. It should have been a night without
sleep. He made a gesture: go to the town to find Tang Ming for his host and
send him a letter.
Zhong Wan laughed: "Don't go there all night. Not so urgent. Letter to me, you
go and rest ... right."
Zhong Wan took the letter that Lin Si handed to him, with a smirk in his eyes.
"Yesterday, after Xuan Yuan found you from our house and found no fruit, he
hit the Prince Yu Xiaofu's house and had another mess with him. It must be
that he has detained you. "
Lin Si's eyes brightened, and then they went dark again. He waved his hands
and made a gesture: I went out of the city overnight to send a letter to the host
just to hide from him.
Zhong Wan was intent on helping Lin Si, but his own breaking things were
still being cut and chaotic. I don't know how to comfort Lin Si, but could only
say, "I'll advise you a word."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan.
"Don't think about it for a moment, it will be a good time to delay it for free."
Zhong Wan smiled, "How many years do people have in their lives?"
Lin Si silently, he approached two steps and made a gesture: Do not say this,
the master reads the letter first, I still have something to say.
Zhong Wan opened the letter.
In the letter, Tang Ming said that he had a personal use in the palace and was
an old eunuch. He had done one or two irrelevant things for Prince Yu
Muchengyu in his early years. Now that he is old, he has lost the respect of
Lord Yu because He didn't intervene in anything important to save his life.
Now that he is old and has no authority, he just wins a long time and has
some connections in the palace. This person can be used by Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan burned after seeing it in ten strokes.
Zhong Wan looked at the beating flames thoughtfully.
For some reason, this Tang Ming always felt a bit wrong.
It is also strange to say that Tang Mingming was the one left by the old Shifu
and was a student of the old Shifu, but Zhong Wan didn't dare to trust him
Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si: "What are you still standing for? Sit down ...
what do you want to tell me?"
Lin Si sat down, frowning, and signing with Zhong Wan.
Lin Si went to find Tang Ming for Zhong Wan twice. At first, he was afraid
that Tang Ming would not believe in himself. For the first time, he prepared a
belly speech. He didn't want Tang Ming to see Lin Si, but he was also warm-
hearted. Tong Lin Thinking of drinking tea and chatting, he even has a little
sign language.
Lin Si hurried back to the city that time, without a few words, explaining that
he came back to the city after exchanging correspondence with Tang Ming.
Yesterday, because he was afraid to come back and run into Xuan Yuan's
people, Lin Si deliberately delayed the time. Lin Sipan talked for a long time.
Tang Ming untiedly opened the letter, but didn't look anxiously. Xiao Yinyin
asked first, "Little brother, was he from Zhongfu before?"
Lin Si nodded and gestured: I am the child of the host's grandmother.
Tang Ming smiled and nodded: "Remember, Lord Ning took a lot of effort to
get you back with Guiyuan."
Lin Si's gesture: The grandfather only found his master that day. It was the
master who told the grandfather several times that the grandfather knew that I
was still outside and found me.
Tang Ming lamented: "Gui Yuan was like this since he was a child. As long
as he is around him, he will care about it."
Lin Si bowed his head.
Tang Ming read the letter from Bo Zhongwan. It was a fire. After thinking for
a moment, he took the pen and paper. Lin Si deliberately turned around and
guarded it outside the door. He didn't read much.
After about a moment of incense, Tang Ming dried a few pages of stationery,
packed it in an envelope, and sealed it without lacquer. He took it out at
random and handed it to Lin Si.
Lin Si took over and succumbed in his arms. Tang Ming was busy: "No hurry,
my little brother listen to me."
Lin Si nodded and listened.
Tang Ming sighed, "Some things ... I wanted to talk to Gui Yuan last time, but
I was afraid that the trouble would only increase his troubles. I've thought
about it a few times these days, and I haven't decided yet."
Lin Si frowned, gesture: adults please consider more.
"You don't need to be so rusty with me," Tang Ming sighed. "Gu Yuan doesn't
trust me. I must have checked out my boss in the past few days. Then you
should know that Zhongfu is my foreign family."
Lin Si dumbfounded, gesture: I didn't know.
Tang Ming looked closely at Lin Si's look, but he couldn't tell whether Lin Si
was pretending to be stupid. He shook his head and smiled, "If nothing
happened to Zhongfu ... you and Guiyuan should have known me long ago, let
alone mention this. . "
Tang Ming invited Lin Si back to the house and re-entered the tea. "I was
holding this case in my heart, swinging between talking and not talking,
almost a disease. Now I see you. I told you, you weigh it. "
Lin Si frowned and gestured: I'm just the master's slave, no matter what.
Tang Ming glanced at Lin Si without a word, and asked with a smile, "Are
you just a slave? I just say mine. I want to ask Guiyuan. He is now back in
troubled waters, so laborious to help melancholy Little lord, what do you
want? "
Lin Si gesture: Naturally, to save Yu Xiaoye.
Tang Ming asked again, "How to save? Gui Yuan is well-thought-out. He
should have understood after listening to the last thing I told him last time.
Lord Yu Xiaowang's birth was a move made by others. He can live to this
day. It's just because he's useful to everyone, and if he wants to live a long
life, the only way out is ... "
Tang Ming looked at Lin Si: "Lin Si ... Have you been sheltered by the Four
Princes these years?"
Lin Si did not expect that Tang Ming suddenly asked about himself. He
looked at Tang Ming alertly and did not answer.
Tang Ming sighed: "If Prince Yu Yu succeeds in the future, what will happen
to the four princes? These two seem to be incompatible with each other? Are
you personally poisoning Prince Yu Xiao these years? Do n’t tell me this
None of them are the four princes. "
Lin Si's eyes moved.
Tang Ming sighed: "Yes, I know that Gui Yuan and the Four Princes are a bit
old-fashioned. In the future, he will consider the old feelings for the Fourth
Prince in a thorough and thorough way, but will he really be able to block it?
Can you clean up these well-regarded princes? I thought about it a lot, and I
think this is still a dead move. If there is another person ...
Lin Si Qu Ran: Do you know that Lord Yu Xiao is the emperor's son?
Tang Ming was even more surprised than Lin Si: "I told Guiyuan that he
didn't tell you?"
Tang Ming coughed anxiously, shaking for a while, Lin Si rushed forward
and patted him, Tang Ming gasped for a long time, and sighed: "I made a big
mistake! You ..."
Lin Si's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his hand and wrote on the table: I
just didn't know.
Tang Ming didn't regret it. He didn't know what to say, and nodded to let Lin
Si go.
Lin Si gesture: This is the case before or after, or I misinterpreted his kind
intentions, or ...
Zhong Wan said: "Maybe Tang Ming intentionally buried a needle between
you and me."
Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si, and said nothing ruthless nonsense, the two
grew up together since childhood, even if they have their own plans now,
they will not think about each other.
"Tang Ming is so thorough. You would n’t tell me this according to common
sense. With your heart in mind, he can take advantage of it and insert his hand
to Xuanyuan. He also has himself in the Prince's Mansion. People. "Zhong
Wan said lightly." Even if you tell me ... it can explain that he is worried that
you and I will not be able to do both. "
Lin Si asked Zhong Wan, a flash of killing in his eyes: did you want to do
Zhong Wan glanced at Lin Si anxiously, "Did you learn from Xuan Ye this
fault? Do you know how Xuan Ye went to Yuwang Mansion yesterday?"
"Holding a stick, the first time I saw the prince holding the stick to fight for
storage, really, if he knocked Yu with a stick ... one day!" Zhong Wan slaps
himself, "what day Because Xuanqiong was crowned Prince with a stick, I
said nothing, and the first one was an official. "
Lin Siyi.
Zhong Wan closed her eyes, and went through what Lin Sifang had just said,
whispering, "What on earth does Tang Ming want to do ..."
Lin Si blinked and looked at Zhong Wan uncertainly.
"Zhongfu is his foreign family. Although I don't know who Mrs. Zhong is, it is
not my side branch out of the five suits. He is likely to be close to King
Ning." Zhong Wan whispered, "He may be sincere in helping me, but not for
Yu Jue. Now it seems that he wants Yu Jue and Xuan Ye to be disabled ...
Who does he want?"
Lin Si was dumb, and he gestured: Is he confused? Why kill Xuan Qiong?
Zhong Wan laughed: "Of course not. Xuan Qiong's bones have Yu family
blood, which should be the one that Tang Ming hates most."
Lin Si confused: Who else?
Zhong Wan's lips moved, only talking, but not speaking.
Lin Si reads his lips, startled.
Xuan Rui.
Lin Si stood up. He walked around the room. Anxiously Tong Zhong made a
gesture: Let's not die. If we don't succeed in the future, we will become
benevolent. My son, I've managed to escape right and wrong for so many
years, I can't let him get in again! If they let Xuanyuan know that Xuanrui has
this mind, they must eat him raw!
Zhong Wan didn't say a word. Like Lin Si, he was willing to take the road of
nine deaths, but it did not mean that he would drag the children of King Ning.
Zhong Wan took a pen and paper and wrote: Tang Ming is about confident
enough, and feels that he can fight for Xuan Rui ... What is the origin of my
Lin Si beater: I don't know, but are you sure he wants to help Xuanrui?
Zhong Wan looked to Lin Si and wrote: Gamble or not? I guess his people
have found Xuanrui.
Lin Si was shocked.
Zhong Wanchang breathed a sigh of relief: "I missed the chess ... I lost so
much thoughts and sent Xuanrui back. I didn't expect anyone to wait here."
Lin Si anxious gesture: how can this blame you? Let him return to Qian'an
early to avoid the disaster for him, not to mention it, isn't it still the owner's
Lin Si hesitated to let go of his hand, Zhong Wan thought very well. Of what
he guessed, 9 | Nine were true.
Zhong Wan whispered: "Good spirits, bad spirits, look forward to Xuan
Ruixin me, look forward to his timid fear, no matter what Tang Ming
promises him, do not be attentive.
Lin Si didn't understand Zhong Wan's meaning, and he gestured: Isn't Xuanrui
very trusting in you?
Zhong Wan was silent for a moment, "... I hope."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan. For a moment, his heart surged, and he even
replaced Zhong Wan with a chill.
"Don't say this first." Zhong Wan flashed in his eyes, he looked as usual,
"Tang Ming intentionally provoked us, you pretend to be provoked, I, I ..."
Zhong Wan stood up subconsciously, "I ..."
Lin Si beater: "What?"
"I have to make sure that Xuanrui is fine." Zhong Wan lowered his voice.
"Tang Ming can't tear his face here, he has to hide him ..."
Zhong Wan whispered: "Tang Ming is not credible, and he is indeed
calculating me, but I always feel that ... he is at least not so cruel to me. The
person left by Tai Fu for me should not be a mess for selfishness people."
Lin Si said nothing, but he said, yes, he is needed.
Zhong Wan nodded: "I'll send someone back to Qian'an to see, you go to rest
Lin Si promised that as soon as he left, the servant from the outside sent a
letter saying that it was sent by the housekeeper of the Yuyuan Mansion.
Zhong Wan jumped uneasily.
I just came back, what can Feng steward have to say?
What happened to Yu Yan?
Mr. Shi, who was left to him by his old teacher, had no plans. Xuan Rui, who
was far away in Qian'an, was wondering if he had been deceived ... At this
moment, Yu Zhen would have something wrong, and Zhong Wan was afraid
he would not be able to support him.
Zhong Wan took a deep breath, thinking about early death and early birth, and
opened the letter—
After a joss stick.
"Zi really is ..." Zhong Wan stared at Venus, "I will never let me down ..."
When other princes were still young and quiet, Xiao Yuzi smashed into the
sky and drove the clouds to do everything, making everyone feel that he had a
heart for contention.
Now that the other princes are getting older and fighting for power and
gaining profits, Yu Jian has regained his energies and reverted to the script.
After all, he has a lot of thoughts, but he still ...
Zhong Wan rubbed the letter with a trembling voice, "Whoever **** use him
for me not to be abused by others!"
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Chapter 50: fifty
Zhong Wan read the letter again and sighed.
Xuan Ye, Xuan Qiong, Yu Jin ... It is likely that there is another Xuan Rui
The most important thing now is to send someone to see the situation over
Zhong Wan pinched the letter, thinking about the bits and pieces of these
months since he entered Beijing ...
When did Tang Ming intervene?
He knew that he was full of enthusiasm for Yu Yu, and knew that he would
completely escape from the Qian'an palace to help Yu An after his
reassurance, and he knew that when he entered Beijing, he wanted to send the
children of King Ning back to Qian An.
The death of the third prince Xuan Jin was a variable, so he first sent Xuan
Rui away, but this variable was not painful or itchy for Tang Ming. All he
wanted was to be separated from Xuan Rui.
Tang Ming and Lin Si met at the beginning. After seeing both sides, Lin Si
almost got into a suspicion with himself, so how would he be separated from
Xuan Rui?
Xuanrui was timid, how could Tang Ming stir up his thoughts of winning?
Zhong Wan was frightened. If it happened by chance, if Tang Ming had been
planning since he entered Beijing, and everything was under his control, that
person would be too powerful.
Not only powerful, but also ambitious. Xuan Rui is the nephew of Emperor
Chong An. If he wants to succeed him, at least he must kill Xuan Yuan Xuan
Qiong. Where is he confident?
Such a difficult thing, just in case, Xuan Rui's life is gone ...
Zhong Wan burned the letter in her hand, got up and called a confidant in the
future, told him so, and let him get up today and go to Qian'an.
Zhong Wan did enough to do the play, and went to Tang Ming again the next
day. When Tang Ming asked why he didn't send Lin Si anymore, Zhong Wan
looked slightly moved and whispered that he was safe.
If Lin Si has had a suspicion with him, this response is the most appropriate.
But when Tang Ming heard the words, he looked as usual. Naturally, Zhong
Wan wondered whether he was more attentive.
In any case, if Tang Ming is deliberately provocative, he has now determined
that he has succeeded.
Zhong Wan didn't count this bumpy trip.
After a long day of tossing, Zhong Wan was sore after returning to his home.
He drank his mouth tea, closed his eyes, and recalled every bit of
conversation with Tang Ming.
Tang Ming is very clever and speaks and works almost without leaking, but
Zhong Wan has determined that he did not doubt him, that this fellow is
secretly helping Xuanrui.
But at one point Wan Wan just couldn't figure it out. How could he convince
Xuanrui? !!
Isn't this forcing the rabbit to eat?
As Zhong Wan meditated hard, the outside door was opened.
Xuan Congxin.
"Come back?" Xuan Congxin was used to running out of Zhong Wan. She
guessed Zhong Wan was going to get to know each other. I'm sorry to ask
more, pretending not to know. Xuan Yu dismissed you for fear of delaying
you. He asked the person's name. "
Zhong Wan smiled: "Are the four princes here again?"
"No." Xuan Cong said, "It's your old knowledge, called ... Oh, Shi Hong."
Shi Hong, the oldest son of Shi Fu.
Zhong Wan was surprised.
At the time when Ning Wang had just left, Zhong Wan Yu Yan bought it. Once
they went out and bumped into Shi Hong. Zhong Wan was scolded by a dog
bloody, and Zhong Wan still remembers it clearly.
Xuan Cong said, "Xuan Yu is stupid. People say that people will leave if they
leave, and no one will leave any meals at home. Don't worry about your old
relationship? You are neglectful ..."
"My teacher's youngest son, who entered Yushitai the previous two years, is
suitable for him ... The old friend is the old friend, but he is really not close
to me." Zhong Wan laughed, "I have been back for so long, afraid he would
hit me. When I came out, I didn't dare to visit him, it was strange ... he hated
the death I hated, what would he do in the house? "
Xuan Cong shook his head: "I do n’t know, but you do n’t worry, you did n’t
really neglect him. After leaving the strict steward, the little stewards saw a
man in an official uniform and served as the prime minister to flatter him.
Xuan Yu also rushed out to follow He spoke, but he left as soon as he heard
that you were away ... would you call on tomorrow? "
Zhong Wan didn't bother to meet the nerd. "Forget it ... nothing to talk to him,
don't give something back, don't be too generous. I just don't have a good
reputation. Don't let people talk about my teacher's gossip."
Xuan Cong was unhappy: "Why is your reputation bad?"
"I ..." Zhong Wan smiled. "It's all right, was there anything else yesterday?"
Xuan Congxin said: "No, I will arrange for people to go to Shifu."
After Xuan Congxin went out of the Zhong Wan courtyard, she prepared a gift
and sent it to Shifu. She thought that Zhong Wan would stay in Beijing. The
more friends, the better. When drafting the gift list, Xuan Yu's money was
deliberately left. I only wrote Zhong Wan, thinking of letting people only
accept Zhong Wan's affection, and I will take care of everything when I look
Do bad things with good intentions.
The next day.
"Hahahaha ..." Xuan Qiong shook his head and laughed, "Zhong Wan is really
not afraid of death. Shi Hong reported on Qian'an's forefoot and then went to
bribe Qian'an. King Qian'an had frequent exchanges with local officials.
Hong sent a gift in the past, hahaha ... Isn't this crazy? "
Yu Fei smiled and lowered her head for tea.
Xuan Qiong was offended by Yu Wan because of Zhong Wan's affairs. After
being pushed into the water by Yu Yan, she had bad luck. She was either
counted or reprimanded for many days, and she was almost ill for so many
days. After getting the news, he hurriedly entered the palace to find Yu Yu.
"I told you earlier, don't be rash, and make arrangements for the mother." Yu
Fei put down her tea cup, and her eyes flashed coldly. "That Zhong Wan ... I
heard that he and Yu Jue are confused to each other, haha Yu Yan pushed you
into the water last time, most of which was his attention. I wanted to pack
him a long time ago, but you stopped him. "
Xuan Qiong was respectful and awesome towards Yu Mucheng, hesitated
after hearing this, and whispered: "I won't let us fight Yu Yu, if he knows,
will he, will he ..."
"No." Yu Fei Enran said, "Excessive exchanges with officials in the
Fengdang are the unlucky people of King Qian'an. The bribes are local
officials, and the bribes are Zhong Wan. It ’s Shi Hong. What does this have
to do with us from beginning to end? ”
Xuan Qiong thought for a while, and smiled: "Yes, yes, hey ... how did the
mother-in-law investigate this matter and still have evidence?"
Yu Fei said nothing but laughed, and couldn't hold Xuan Qiong's urge to ask,
she whispered, "In fact, you still rely on me."
Xuan Qiong didn't understand: "Mother-in-law just didn't say I wouldn't
"He doesn't know." Yu Fei grinned. "He doesn't know yet, his people have
trusted me."
Yu Fei told Tang Qin about Xuan Qiong, and she whispered, "This old ****
knows a lot, and is very timid. He scares a few words and lets him do
whatever he wants. I said I want to kill Zhong Wan. ...... He told me this, and
also found the witnesses and physical evidence by your uncle's hand. No,
two days of work have already brought things to Yushitai. "
Princess Fei leaned comfortably on the soft pillow and sneered, "You are
really good. I thought he was really a soft persimmon at the mercy of
Princess An Guo. I didn't expect that he had raised so many people secretly.
Use ... Unfortunately, no matter how badly he can't stare at his people,
especially those in the palace. "
Xuan Qiong was overjoyed and urged Concubine Yu to see Tang Qin.
Concubine Yu was not very smart, but she was a little self-aware, knowing
that Xuan Qiong was still more impatient than herself, fearing that he knew
too much about the former affair. Frowning: "Always see him. What do you
do if you fight against the grass and let the snake know how to do it? By that
time, he will kill the old eunuch, and we will become blind again."
Xuan Qiong couldn't but listen.
"Give you gas first." Yu Fei smiled at her son. "Not to mention, just by
making contact with local officials | bribery | bribery, you can pick up Zhong
Wan's skin."
Xuan Qiong also laughed, "What about King Qian'an?"
Yu Fei didn't care: "Who knows what crime will be offended, it doesn't
Xuan Qiong thought about it and laughed, "This time Zhong Wan has been
jailed, but can I see him?"
"Don't worry about it." Yu Fei frowned. "What did you see him do ?! I have
heard that his reputation is so bad that you haven't got married, don't get
involved with this kind of person, really angry ... etc. He was taken into
custody, and told his subordinates to give him some bitter food in prison. "
Yu Fei sat up a bit and frowned, "But you have to wait for a while before you
start! Don't get up and get bloody, and the blind can see it."
"Of course I know that." Xuan Qiong smiled. "Just waiting for him to go to
the court once, any injury can be pushed to the person in front of him."
"Unexpectedly, he actually gave this gift to Shi Hong." Fei Yu couldn't help
laughing, "This is really an immortal and can't save him, it will be interesting
tomorrow morning."
Xuan Qiong patted the table happily, "At this time tomorrow, I will let
someone hang him up!"
The next day.
Zhong Wan sneezed all morning, and Xuan Xin was filled with **** soup.
"I'm really frozen, 80% of people are saying bad things about me ..." Zhong
Wan bitterly, "Who made this **** soup? No sugar at all."
"I boiled it." Xuan Congxin frowned. "It's freezing again, you can't go out
today! Drink a pot of **** soup, and it will be boring for a day."
Zhong Wan really can't continue, "If I'm really cold, what are you doing here?
What should I do? Go to ..."
"I don't get sick once every few years, I'm afraid of you?" Xuan Cong refused
to enter, "Drink! It's not honest to be sick."
The two circulated, noisy outside, and Zhong Wan's yard was closest to the
gate. He got up, "You go back to the backyard, let me see."
Xuan Congxin couldn't even show up if he didn't want to, he had to hide first.
Outside, a domestic servant stumbled into Zhong Wan's courtyard. After a
fall, he busily got up and shook his tongue: "Greatly greatly ..."
Zhong Wan greeted him, "What's the big deal?"
"Outside and outside there is a military master ... saying to catch the young
master." The servant stammered, "said the young master ... have done
Zhong Wan frowned slightly: "What did I do?"
The servant said in fear: "Encourage Wang Ye to personally confiscate the
officials of the land, and the intention is unknown. The bribery | bribe, and ...
and ..."
Zhong Wan's face turned white. He couldn't hear anything behind the servant.
The mystery that had troubled him for the past few days was finally clear. A
white light flashed in Zhong Wan's mind, and the lingering and chaotic fog
dispersed instantly.
Why is Tang Ming so confident, why does Tang Ming seem to have
confirmed that he can talk about Xuanrui ...
"Private affiliation with official officials."
This article alone will allow Chong An to convict Xuan Rui.
This matter can be small or large. Chong'an Emperor will not order
Xuanrui's life, but there will be some punishment.
The most important thing is to cut down, and the other to reprimand.
He has no product and no title, and is responsible for Xuan Rui's sin. It is
best to go to jail. At that time, Xuan Rui cannot find himself, and is doubted
by Emperor Chong'an.
In Xuan Rui's temperament, when he was disturbed, Tang Ming gave him a
helping hand. He must listen to everything and believe everything.
As long as Tang Ming accompanies Xuan Rui through this difficulty, he can
get Xuan Rui's trust and reliance. By then, with a little more means, Tang
Ming can convince Xuan Rui that Chong An Emperor will kill him sooner or
later, and then he will have to fight back ... ...
Tang Ming knows his own affairs well, knowing that he could not eat in
Qian'an that year, and it was not surprising that he had bribed with local
officials and bribes. He said before that he was in the palace. It is also very
He is going to make a big noise, this handle must be for the person who hates
himself the most ...
Most likely Xuanqiong.
Zhong Wan between the electric light and the flint had smoothed things out,
but it was useless.
too late.
Tang Ming even thought carefully that he had arranged that the six relatives
who did not recognize Shi Hong came to the house when he was out of town.
Because of the old Shi Fu, he and Shi Hong passed by, he will probably
return to visit, and will send some earthenwares if he is not good. This will
confirm his guilty conscience.
Can't wash.
"Master Zhong? Master?" The servant saw Zhong Wan stunned and hurriedly
urged, "What should I do? What should I do?"
Zhong Wan closed her eyes, closed her hand with the servant, and settled
down, "Don't panic, tell the young lady and the young master, whoever asks
you, don't know, don't plead with anyone, Lin Si ... he doesn't know how to
go Wherever, when he comes back, explain everything to him, tell him to
protect himself first, don't take things for granted, take care of the two little
masters for me, and have the time to kill Tang Ming for me. "
The words were too unclear, and the house servant burst into tears, "What
can I do, master, you ..."
"I'm going to get thick clothes ... I can't be frozen to death first in some
trials." Zhong Wan knew to himself that as soon as he died, these people
would try Xuanrui, "Let them wait ..."
The house servant cried and nodded: "Master, hurry up, the officials of Dali
Temple are urging it!"
Zhong Wan's footsteps, he looked back: "Who?"
The servant wiped away tears: "Official grandfather of Dali Temple! He
didn't yell or urge, but it was scary enough with so many people ..."
Zhong Wan murmured, "It's a matter of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs ..."
The servant was frightened: "Master, what did you say ?! It is the people of
Dali Temple, what's wrong with Dali Temple?"
Zhong Wan's lifted heart was instantly filled in his belly.
Some people are so used to doing their own business that they almost forget
it. Today, the Dali Temple Secretary is surnamed Yu Mingming.
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Chapter 51: 51
An hour ago.
Since the death of the three princes Xuan Jinxun, Emperor Chong'an was
overly mournful, first changing from three days to one day and then to five
days and one day.
According to the rank of the prince, Yu Jin was originally five days old, but
now he must be inevitably up to the top, but he always goes from time to
time. Yu Shitai has participated in his unexplained **** for many years. The
Dali Temple was buried, and Emperor Chong'an blocked it because of his
weak body. Anyway, since Dali Temple became the Qing Dali Temple ’s
Dali Temple, Yu Li ’s affairs have become less and less. There are also two
Shao Qing Directors in official duties. After a long time, he opened his eyes
and closed his eyes. Not surprisingly. When Yu Yan came, she was a
Before the meeting, Xuan Qiong saw that Yu Jin had arrived, and he felt a
sudden break in his heart, and then felt that it was okay. How can Yu Jin be
honest about Zhong Wan? Whether or not he can speak for him is not certain,
for many years, except for being scolded when the court official scolded him,
Yu Zheng never beaked on anything else.
Besides, even if I spoke, the real evidence was in Shi Hong's hands. What
kind of wave can Yu Yan turn out of?
On the way to Dali Temple, Zhong Wan couldn't figure it out. How did Yu
Jian forcibly move the case from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to Dali
The Dali prison who came to take Zhong Wan away did not know, "We are
really unclear about this. I only listened to the fact that at the North Korean
Conference today, our grandfather Yu Xiao opened a rare respect and
answered dozens of times with the master of Shishitai. Back and forth,
eventually ... "
Zhong Wan couldn't imagine the gloomy melancholy of the previous two days
when he argued clearly with people, saying dumbly: "What's the end?"
Dali prison choked and drooled: "In the end ... it's impossible. The group of
people in Yushitai has evidence, and even the correspondence between you
and those small officials and uncles has been taken away. It is in black and
white. There is no way to excuse you. "
Zhong Wan said: "Then ..."
"How about that?" Dali prison said, "If you ca n’t wash it clearly, take a
different path, and Lord Yu Xiao will play the emperor in court and move
your case to our Dali Temple. Naturally, Yushitai exploded again. The pot is
over, but our little prince will not reason with them, it will be simple without
reasoning, this is not the case, it is our turn to pick you up. "
For a moment, Zhong Wan had mixed feelings.
"He ..." Zhong Wan's heart was sore and sour. "What is he doing with this ?!"
Dali prison chuckled: "If you don't make peace, you'll have to go to prison."
Another prisoner followed, "The Ministry of Punishment is the site of the
five princes."
Zhong Wan knew that if he went to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, he would
have to be skinned after passing the hall. These ... Yu Ju also understood.
"After the dynasty, Grandpa Yu has stayed, and I have something to say to the
emperor." Another prisoner said, "So Master Shaoqing asked us to take you
there first. It is estimated that Grandpa Yu will be less than an hour away.
Zhong Wan was brought into the Dali Temple. When Shao Qing of Dali
Temple saw that Zhong Wan had been moved so much by Yu Yan, he didn't
dare to wait. People searched him and locked him in a clean room.
There was only one table and one chair in the clean room, and Zhong Wan sat
down and **** the hair that had just been scattered, thinking about how to get
out without involving Yu Yu.
The focus of this case is not on the bribes | bribes | bribes, Tang Ming and
Xuan Qiong will inevitably lead the matter to the "principal officials of King
Qian'an personally confessed land", and must focus on themselves.
How to turn?
Zhong Wan understands that if this case is Yu Yu's trial, he will probably
push things to Xuan Rui simply and rudely, so that he can get away as soon as
This doesn't work.
Xuan Rui didn't say it, which also happened to Tang Ming's old and immortal
set. If Xuan Qiong's waste suddenly had a bit of brain, he could still use this
gloomy pardon afterwards.
not like this……
After a while, he moved to Yu Yan to understand the reason, and tried his
best to persuade him how the case should be tried.
Zhong Wan chewed the word "Tang Ming" from beginning to end, trying to
bite this old thing, but had to admire it.
Even now, Yu Yu's life has been saved by his misfortune.
This old thing can even pretend that he is worthy of Mrs. Shi, and really did
not kill himself.
Zhong Wan said to himself: "Lin Si hasn't heard the news yet ... let's kill the
old stuff earlier."
Having said that, Zhong Wan estimates that Tang Ming has run away.
Zhong Wan got up and walked in the empty room, and gradually got an idea in
his heart.
Zhong Wan waited for an hour, and heard that the Dali Temple was back, and
half an hour later, someone came to call him.
Zhong Wan adjusted his clothes and got up to follow.
Zhong Wan was not taken to the main hall, but took two turns and was taken
directly to the cabinet of Director Yu Jin.
Yu Yan, who had not changed his suit, was sitting in front of the book case,
his face frosty.
There were several letters and a gift list in Yu Jian's book case. Yu Yan didn't
look at Zhong Wan and looked up and explained to the Dali Temple Shao
Qing that he was methodical.
Since returning to Beijing, every time Zhong Wan saw Yu Yan, Yu Yan had
said a few words calmly to him. Zhong Wan felt guilty and distressed at Yu
Yan in the heart. He also knew that he was hurt by his life. Let cold food hurt
his body, think that it is normal for him to be crazy. For the first time, seeing
such an orderly office work as Yu Yan, Zhong Wan was stunned for a while.
Yu Amnesty sent Shaoqing, "Go ahead, write a case first."
Shao Qing stepped back.
Yu Yan looked to Zhong Wan, his face sinking like water.
There is no one else in the cabinet. If you do n’t want to worship now, it ’s
too bad.
Zhong Wan's lips moved. "Bring me ... waste a lot of effort."
Yu Yan gave a cold glance at Zhong Wan: "All these years, I have done a
good job."
Zhong Wan looked down. He didn't know how many evidences Tang Ming
had sorted out. Just looking at the thick letters in Yu Yu's case, he knew it
was indispensable.
Zhong Wan pleaded guilty to honestly: "Yes."
Zhong Wan didn't bother to discuss with Yu Juan how difficult it was when he
first went to Qian'an. After so long, it's arrogant to say anything.
"But ..." Zhong Wan whispered, "King An was just ten years old that day. He
really didn't know. Everything was my idea."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan with complex eyes.
Zhong Wan had no intention of dying in this case. Some of the crimes could
not be detached, and some could be explained clearly. He was about to
speak, and Yu Jian interrupted him: "You lived on such a meal. ? "
Zhong Wan pursed her lips, suddenly a little regretful.
He would rather go to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to see Xuanqiong's
villain get his way, rather than let Yu Yan know how embarrassed he was in
those years.
Zhong Wan is apathetic and doesn't want Yu Yan to feel bad for himself.
Zhong Wan said: "Also ... just do it."
Yu Zhengding looked at Zhong Wan with certainty: "Before, before you came,
I first tried two officials who had previously worked in Qian'an and are now
in Beijing."
Zhong Wan was finished.
"Without a sentence, they have spoken in great detail." Yu Yan's frivolity
case, "You really can bend and stretch."
Zhong Wan whispered, "Stop talking about this, this case ..."
"There is nothing left to say in the case." Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan, "I'll
take it."
Zhong Wan stunned: "What?"
Yu Zheng said, "After the meeting, I acknowledged the matter at the
emperor's side, and it was not a burden for you. The former Qian'an Zhizhou
did find me before, and I did see him, and promised him. Don't you know? "
"No." Zhong Wan hurriedly, "This can't be confused! It's me who takes the
bribe! And you only intervened once, you ..."
"Don't learn to talk to Shi Hong!" Yu Yan frowned, his eyes faint with anger,
"If it didn't prevent Shi Jin from teaching me a few days, I would kill him
today ..."
Zhong Wan hurriedly said, "What did you recognize ?! Don't worry, I already
have an idea, I ..."
"What idea can you have?" Yu Yanhao leaned back against the back of the
chair and asked, "They are looking at you clearly, and they are planning to
send someone to Qian'an for questioning. What are you going to do to justify
Xuanrui?" Confess? Sin for him? "
Yu Yan's tone was Lingran: "How many silver coins are there in this? Is it
worth arguing at the congregation? The emperor will not see that someone
has played it out, but if he can use this opportunity to cut down Xuanrui's
lord, the emperor will be happy. Do n’t you understand? Do n’t stop now,
wait for your house to be copied again, and go on forever? ”
Zhong Wan struggled: "You ... what did you say?"
Yu Yan said indifferently, "I can recognize you for you."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jin, his thoughts drifted back to a few years ago.
At that time, many people in Qian'an believed in Zhong Wan and Yu Jian, but
the housekeeper Yan Pingshan in the house was uneasy. He felt that this
matter would have to be broken sooner or later. He asked Zhong Wan that
Wan Wanyi's words reached In Beijing, let Yu Xiaoyu know, how are you
Zhong Wan couldn't get out of bed when he was sick, and he said, "Let's live
one day, let him know. Then let him die."
Zhong Wan did not expect it. After many years, Yu Yan, who had been pitted
by him, silently resisted these things for him today.
Yu Yan's expression was natural and he sneered: "How are you going? Just
like when you were a kid, Xuan Rui can't memorize the book, you're going to
fight for him?"
Yu Yan took the gift list from the book case and murmured, "This time, it
won't be a clever thing ..."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Ai with a trembling hand.
Yu Yan looked at the "evidence" in the book case and looked up. When Zhong
Wan looked different, the smile on Yu Yan's face faded gradually.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan carefully, his eyes narrowed slightly. "I
understand. From start to finish, you never thought I would help you."
Zhong Wan was worried about Yu Mi's misunderstanding, and her voice was
awkward. "No, it was my fault originally. I can't let you ..."
"Zhong Wan." Yu Yan interrupted Zhong Wan, looked at him calmly, and
asked abruptly, "No one has been treating you for many years, right?"
For a moment, Zhong Wan didn't understand what Yu Yandong was saying in
a sentence, and subconsciously refuted it, but opened his mouth and said
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan and said calmly, "Otherwise, why would I
simply help you so much ... Are you so anxious?"
Zhong Wan is sloppy.
Since going to Qian'an, everything has fallen on Zhong Wan's shoulders. No
one can discuss it, and no one can rely on it. Zhong Wan has long been used
to putting himself on top no matter what happens.
"All these years." Yu Yan put the letter and ritual in his hand and threw it into
the charcoal bowl, and the flames rushed up and mocked, "I haven't gone
well, you are not easy."
Yu Zhen dialed the charcoal fire. "If you are not used to it, you don't
understand it, you don't understand it, you can't detect it, and you feel that
there is something else in it ... then I will make it clear."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan: "I'm hurting you."
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Chapter 52: 52
Zhong Wan, who had not been "pained" for many years, narrowed his eyes.
It is not that people have been used to it. When Princess Ning Wangning was
still alive, Zhong Wan was also the young master in the Prince's Mansion,
and he is noble and noble.
King Ning's spleen was gentle, and he was very kind to him. Without Yan's
father's stand, Zhong Wan and Lin Si would not be angry if they were naughty.
Princess Ning even regarded Zhong Wan as her first child, and she was very
fond of him and depended on everything.
However, these memories have been blurred, and Zhong Wan always thinks
of the details no longer, and I always think that it is almost a matter of last
Since the death of King Ning, when accidentally mentioned King Ning, Zhong
Wan didn't even call him "father".
The road was chosen by himself. Since the Wangfu accident, Zhong Wan
refuses to feel bad for himself.
There is a rustiness in everything. For so many years in the wind and rain, I
have long forgotten what it feels like to be hurt. At first, Zhong Wan flashed
at a loss.
It fell into Yu Yan's eyes, and it became a knife in his heart.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan with a daze, and subconsciously said, "The
emperor is not stupid. You have to bear it for me. Are you ... have you been
punished? Have you agreed to the emperor?"
Look, Yu Yan thought desolately, this person began to worry about himself
How did this person reinvent himself and live like a single person?
Zhong Wan expected it well, everything was gains and losses, Yu Yu bite to
protect Zhong Wan from Chongan Emperor, and naturally show a little
After the early dynasty, Yu Yan left and was doing business with Chong Andi.
Today, it is clear that someone is using Xuan Qiong to stir up the wind and
rain. The emperor is the most unwilling to see Emperor Chong'an, so when
Yu Jian died and bite the slack, Emperor Chong'an obeyed his mind, not only
to condone Yu Forgiveness is also to sink the muddy waters so that he can
see clearly who is making waves.
But since he had given up the opportunity to exploit Lord Qian'an, Chong'an
Emperor must be compensated elsewhere.
For example, in the future, whenever there is a pilgrimage meeting, Yu Zheng
can no longer be utterly dismissed.
For the official duties he handled, he must not be pushed to the two young
princes, and for the affairs he participated in, Yu Jian could not avoid it
For another example, after this case was closed, Yu Zhen had to think behind
closed doors for five days, blocking Yu Shitai's mouth.
Yu Yan looked down, avoiding the slightest: "I'll think behind closed doors
for a few days, it doesn't matter ... I'm used to it."
Zhong Wan didn't believe this, but Yu Yan refused to say anything.
"There is such a thing ... It's best to tell me in advance." Yu Ai stared at the
"evidence" and burned it cleanly. "I am on the whimper today to go to the
Korean congress. What if I didn't go?"
Yu Yan understood that even if Zhong Wan fell into Xuan Qiong's hands, he
could finally get away, but could not help but hurt his muscles and bones.
Yu Yan's heart was faint, but he couldn't control the resentment Zhong Wan.
From beginning to end, Zhong Wan never thought of himself.
Yu Yan's mind kept flashing the pictures of Zhong Wan being tortured by
Xuan Qiong, and his eyes were faintly bloodshot. He didn't want to be angry,
closed his eyes, and shifted his voice, "Do you have any silver?"
Zhong Wan stunned, still a little dull, "What ... silver?"
Yu Yan frowned, and said coldly, "Is Dali Temple really a place to go in and
out ?! If you don't hold yourselves for the rest, do n’t you pay for the stolen
Zhong Wan stammered, "How much, how much?"
Yu Yan picked up the document that Dali Temple Shaoqing had just presented
to him, and glanced, "three thousand and four hundred, come back early ...
you can go."
Yu Jiu took a keen eyebrows by looking down at the paperwork.
First quarreled with Shi Hong's idiot who was not aware of it, and wrestled
with Emperor Chong'an for a long time. Yu Yan's mind was very confused.
He wasn't afraid that something would go wrong. Yu Yan had to find someone
first. Killed calmly, now he is full of pictures of Zhong Wan being tortured by
various people, causing him a headache, now I just want to close the case
quickly, let Zhong Wan leave immediately, lest he be sick for a while,
annoyed him .
Those who managed to survive, because they lost their lives and suffered too
Yu Yan turned the document irritably, no longer watching Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan, with mixed feelings in her heart.
More than three thousand and two silver, not a small amount, but Qian'an
Palace can still get it.
Today, the accounts in the government are all under control of Xuan Congxin.
Now people are going to the city to say something. Even if there is not so
much cash, Xuan Congxin is going to be a pawnshop to sell jewelry.
When the money comes in, you can go by yourself.
Tang Ming planned a conspiracy for many days, so that the thunder and the
raindrops were so small that it was exposed.
At most two hours, he was able to return to his home again, continue to work
hard for Xuanrui, and continue to be comprehensive for the Qian'an palace.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jian's side face, feeling exhausted in her heart. For
the first time in years, Zhong Wan also wanted to "pain" herself.
"I ..." Zhong Wan whispered, "No money."
Yu Yan looked up at Zhong Wan, his eyes were full of bloodshots, and he was
struggling to suppress his delusions. He seemed to understand, and said
blankly, "What did you say?"
Zhong Wan's throat moved and he said, "I don't have any money and I can't
get on."
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan with a disappointing glance, apparently did not
expect that such a thorough case he arranged would get stuck at this step.
Yu Yan was furious: "I haven't punished you more! It's just more than three
thousand, and you still can't make it ?!"
Zhong Wan stiffened his head and shook his head: "Not yet."
The Dali Temple Emperor is dead. He has been in office for three years. For
the first time, he heard that the forgiven offender would refuse to pay the
stolen silver.
Is this money for death?
Yu Chen's brain buzzed in this change of life, he struggled to suppress himself
from playing Zhong Wan.
When he was young, the uncle who was waiting for Yu Jian had told him that
the men who beat people in the house were the most useless. No matter what
the insider did wrong, they must never do anything.
Yu Yan deeply agreed.
Regenerative gas, at least can't do it ...
Yu Jian's wrists shook slightly, and he struggled: "I don't care, your house is
just smashing pots and selling iron, and you have to give me silver ..."
Zhong Wan coughed and said, "When Xuan Rui left, she took away all the
rewards, valuables, and cash ... almost all of them were taken away. I really
don't have the money."
Yu Zhen couldn't react for a while, and even Zhong Wan was a bit anxious,
"What should I do ?!"
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and discussed with Yu Yan, "So ... would I live
here first?"
Yu Jin: "..."
"Qui Yuan." Yu Jian said, "I'm not tense anymore. I'll tell you the truth. For
you, I am arguing with Shi Hong, Yu Shitai, Xuan Qiong ... … At this
moment, it is estimated that the princess and everyone in the harem know that
I made trouble for the first time for you for the sake of you. Now, because
you ca n’t afford the case, you guess what these people think of me? ”
Yu Yan gritted his teeth: "After the Chaohui! I also vowed that idiot Tong
Xuanqiong said, if today you can't let you go out of Dali Temple, I will let
him do it for you! You ... I don't care, I Give you three hours. Someone will
listen to your assignment, no matter who you are looking for, old friends or
relatives, you will bring me the money ... "
Zhong Wan pumped up, Yu Yan said nothing big!
Zhong Wan hesitantly approached two steps, Yu Yan angrily said: "Don't
come over! There's no discussion about this! You don't want to bully people
too much, all the people in Beijing are staring at this case, do I shame ?! "
"Want to ..." Zhong Wan said dryly. "But it is true that I don't have any money.
The old friends and the like.
Yu Yan was furious: "What then ?! What about you, your jade? Your fan?
Take it to the pawn! And the calligraphy and painting left to you by previous
history and today, to exchange for silver ..."
"Neither of them are worth much. When I was young, I didn't have enough
money to fill them in." Zhong Wan expressly hinted that it would be useless
for a long time and could only say, "Otherwise, Shizi ... you borrow me?"
For the first time, the Dali Temple Secretary was called by the prisoner and
did not respond for a moment.
Zhong Wan whispered, "I don't have anything in my body, so I can make up
for it ... Let me reach you?"
"..." Yu Yanqi's voice trembled. "You, don't, delusion, think."
In the house of Yu Wang's Mansion, Feng's housekeeper crackled his abacus,
and while he kept his books, he taught a few little stewards incidentally.
"What's the most important thing in the house? Shizi!" The steward Feng just
stopped the steward from the fifth prince's house with four or two pounds. He
took advantage of the freshness and taught, "80% of today is our shizi and the
five princes. Just now, as for the director of the Five Princes' Palace, the
lady Yu Yu was ill, and she had a bad heart. She wanted Laoshan Ginseng,
but the palace was not good, so she came to our house and asked us to name
it. Curry has a humanoid ginseng, what should I do now? "
The little manager was stupid: "What to do?"
"You can't give it!" Feng steward said impatiently. "Mrs. Yu Yu's body is
very important, isn't our son worth it ?! One day, I have a headache and a hot
brain, how can I use old ginseng?"
Xiao Guan said: "Why is Yu Fei mother sick?"
Feng steward waved his hand: "Who knows that it is angered ... it doesn't
matter to us, ignore it, and then say, what is the second most important thing
in the house?"
Butler Feng shot a book, "Accounts!"
As he was talking, a family who followed Yu Yu's home outside would walk
in and said, "Saizi wants some money."
Butler Feng was surprised: "Isn't it going up today? Why should I spend more
money? How much?"
The family will arch a hand: "Not much, three thousand four hundred and
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Chapter 53: 53
How capable Zhong Wan was, Yu Yufang knew it when he tried several
former Qianan officials.
Yu Yan also couldn't think of it. He knew Zhong Wan's years were not easy,
but he still wanted to ask how difficult it was.
The two officials came from Hanmen and had no foundation, and their
courage was also small. They were frightened when Yu Jiu passed in. At
first, they asked what to say and did not dare to hide anything.
Yu Jin had to cover up for Zhong Wan, and he always had a name. Yu Jin
intended to guide, and he said directly without trial: "Are these silver bribes,
or should the King Qian'an originally have food?"
Yu Yan originally wanted to give these officials a way to live, so that they
would not get involved and then try to climb Zhong Wan. They thought about
them and didn't want the two small officials to look at each other and give a
stern explanation: "Master Ming Jian! Qian An'an is located on the border,
and the land is barren. It could not afford to worship the palace. After the
disaster in previous years, there was a severe drought. For several years, the
people of Qian'an lived with the relief of the court. Where can there be
Tianyi? It ’s like running on thin ice all day long. If you do n’t dare to force
up Tianyi, and if you do n’t dare to neglect Wangye, you ca n’t help it! ”
Another small official followed the gimmick more than that: "Qian'an was
blessed with God's mercy and had to be given to the Lord. He should have
devoted himself to it. However, the deficit for many years has been too big.
The ancestors used the private property to make seals! Now they have been
slandered to this point, and adults are asked to check! "
Yu Zheng smirked, these people really can climb down the pole.
Qian'an is not barren, but it is not enough to support a Qian'an palace. These
people are only given the advice of Beijing Central University. Second, they
want to leave the ties and hang the Qian'an palace.
Yu Yan was too lazy to be more honest with them: "There would be no more
private affairs of King Qian'an ..."
"Exactly!" Xiaoguan nodded his head busyly. "On that day, the King of
Qian'an was only ten years old. When he first came to Qian'an, he was
dissatisfied and refused to leave home. Give the silver ... to Zhong Wan of
the palace in private. "
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Is he the one you are looking for
first, or is he the one you took the initiative to find?"
The two little officials paused and said, "It's Master Zhong ... who asked us
about Shiyi."
Yu Yan said indifferently: "You don't give them the food they deserve for a
long time, forcing him to eat nothing, and helplessly bow your heads."
The little official was busy hoeing.
Yu Yan took a deep breath, and since he was going to mess up, he couldn't
ask any more.
But looking at these people, thinking of Zhong Wan's suffering before, Yu
Zhen couldn't hold back the fire.
They can't be held accountable from Zhong Wan, and another case can be
investigated by others.
Yu Yan only seemed to ask casually: "Even the palaces of the royal palace
cannot be taken up, what about other officials in Qian'an? The officials of the
land officials have always been self-sufficient and separated from the
villages. How did you cook? "
Little official stuff.
Lulu silver is naturally not short.
But now it is said that the officials of the Fengdi are full of money, but the
Qian'an Palace is not able to expose the pot, but it is a face-scratching.
A small official yelled: "The court still has some spring gifts every year ..."
Yu Yan sneered.
Another small official said busyly: "Xiaguan remembered it! We and we also
asked Zhong Wan! When we were old, when we were a little bit Tianyi, we
also asked if we should draw from these silver Some came and subsidized to
other adults, but Zhong Wan said, saying ... "
Yu Yan had heard enough of these false words and nonsense, and said
sharply, "What ?!"
Xiao Guan shook his voice: "Zhong Wan said," ... just say that the other
people's house will go to that door. You don't need this money to send them to
look down on others! "
Another little official suddenly remembered it, and said, "Yes, yes, Zhong
Wan said it himself! Those adults will come to Qian'an to take office, so they
mustn't care about it, here they come to plan a picture. Happy, do n’t care
about silver money, we have to send it over, and we ca n’t let the bad guys go
off duty. ”
The small official also added: "Yes, Zhong Wan still puts out words, to
whomever you give money, you just look down on them, all these words
come out, Xiaguan and so on ... I have no heart but can only count the money
Send to King Qian'an. "
Yu Jin: "..."
Alright, Yu Yan should have expected that, even if Zhong Wan was reduced to
Qian'an, he would not suffer.
Yu Yue was disturbed and lost his temper. They could not find another way to
attack them. He waved his hands and let the two officials go.
At that moment, Yu Yan hadn't expected that, after half an hour, Zhong Wan
relied on himself.
Yu Jian has been working for Zhong Wan since the early days, working hard,
and finally had to send someone back to his house to get silver.
It's more than three thousand and two silvers. The prince Yu Xiaoyang, who
is noble and respectful, is not in his eyes, but he can't swallow this breath!
On what grounds? !!
The steward Feng and the messenger will still be very ignorant.
After the family sent the silver ticket, he simply and stubbornly asked, "The
steward Feng asked his subordinates what the money was for the son. He
kept his account, and his subordinates said that it was the ransom of the
criminal. He also asked why Shizi, as a Dali temple priest, had to pay stolen
silver for the offender after conviction, and his subordinates said ... "
Yu Yan's voice was cold: "Shut up."
The family would pout innocently.
Zhong Wan shook his shoulders a little and hesitated.
Yu Yanqi's tone changed, he murmured, "IOU ... write me IOU! Must write."
Zhong Wan was quite obedient and did not dare to deny it anymore. Two
steps forward, he wrote the IOU seriously, and pressed his handprint.
Yu Zheng folded the IOU and put away, with a little comfort in her heart.
Yu Yan rubbed his sore neck and felt that today's events are simply
unreasonable. He frowned and whispered, "Back to the house."
Yu Yan stood up and walked out, Zhong Wan followed him step by step.
Yu Qiang left Dali Temple, Zhong Wan who paid the stolen money and went
to lawsuit also went out of Dali Temple.
Yu Yan got into his carriage, and Zhong Wan was busy climbing up.
"What are you doing up here ?!" Yu Zhen couldn't help but angered, "I still
have to go down to take you back to the Qian'an palace? Don't you deceive
people too much ?!"
Zhong Wan paused and whispered, "I'll go to your house with you."
Yu Yiyi said: "What are you going to my house?"
Zhong Wan pursed his lips. "I ... I owe you money."
Yu Yan was at a loss: "What do you mean? Now all those who are in debt
live in the debtor's house to eat and drink?"
Zhong Wan took advantage of Yu Yan's unconsciousness, and said wildly,
"Whoever sold the money and buried his father, did he follow the host's
house after getting the money?"
Yu Jian had never seen a burial father, thinking about it, Zhong Wan caught
the opportunity and got into the carriage.
Zhong Wan just entered the Yuyuan Mansion.
After entering the other courtyard, Yu Yan went to take a nap by himself, and
Zhong Wan was not allowed to follow. Zhong Wan was gladly welcomed by
the housekeeper Feng into the small courtyard where he had lived.
Zhong Wan didn't even meet with the Feng steward to ask him to send a
message for his Qian'an palace.
Feng steward was naturally unwilling.
Zhong Wan settled down, and wrote a letter to Xuan Congxin, without telling
her in detail, only telling her that she was all right. Now she stayed in the
house of the deceased and went back in time.
Zhong Wan inserted another note in the letter with the words he brought to
Lin Si.
Although it is clear that Tang Ming Bacheng has run away, it is still necessary
to investigate. Zhong Wan is not good for no one. Tang Ming played a dead
hand this time. He was slightly careless but he lost his life and Xuan Rui also
Can't escape, now it's okay, it was all carried by Yu Juan, Tang Ming, the old
thing, still **** it.
Zhong Wan didn't name his name, but Lin Si certainly knew who it was.
Zhong Wan kept Lin Si from having to be soft, and the more straightforward
the better.
After sending the letter, Zhong Wan leaned on the collapse and laughed at
Say yes, this is a dear brother.
It ’s not the first time for Han Xin to come over all these years. Zhong Wan is
wide-hearted, only thinking of Princess Ning Wang Ning's goodness. She can
swallow anything to fill her belly. People, can't help but feel a little stunned.
What hurt him was his close friend, whom Shi Jin left to him, who saved him
Feng Guanjiale took Zhong Wanwan's changed clothes for Zhong Wan. Zhong
Wan thanked him and asked, "Where is the son?"
"Have a rest." The steward Feng smiled and smiled. "Master Zhong is really
a blessing. As soon as you come, Shizi's mood has changed. I was told just
now that he will be called up every time the Chaohui will go, and he will go
on time."
Zhong Wan's face froze with a smile.
Sure enough, Chong'an Emperor will not be gracious for no reason.
It was not the three thousand and two silvers that made it easier for him to
pass the challenge, but that Yu Jian had compromised with Chong'an
Seeing Zhong Wan's look wrong, Feng steward asked, "What's wrong? Isn't
this a good thing?"
Zhong Wan nodded, "Yes ... is a good thing."
Zhong Wan whispered softly, "Can I go and see Shizi?"
Feng steward laughed: "Wait for the evening? Don't hide from you ... Shizi's
face was not very good just now."
Mr. Feng whispered softly: "Shizi has already had a headache. He can't
remember what he said at this time."
Zhong Wan frowned: "A headache?"
"Old problem." Feng steward sighed. "Originally there was this problem.
After the great joy and sorrow, the mood was chaotic. The Taiyi doctor didn't
see it well. After taking the harmful medicine, it was even more serious ...
the onset was a headache, Sometimes it seems that I do n’t know what others
are saying. When this happens, I ’m going to lose my temper. Shizi also
knows that when he ’s confused, he will anger others. Every time, he usually
lays down by himself and waits for peace of mind. Come out again. "
Zhong Wan's heart was tight, "There is no other way for the Taiyi?"
"There is no good way, taking medicine is useless. The Taiji said that this
problem is to have a peaceful heart, and to keep it for years, just fine." Feng
steward smiled bitterly. "Isn't this for nothing? How can it last for so long?
Peace of mind? "
"Then leave him alone?" Zhong Wan took a deep breath. "I'll see him."
"Don't!" Feng steward stopped in a hurry. "Have a chance to come, Master,
are you going to argue with Shizi? Wait a minute, really, it doesn't look
serious today, wait for Shizi to rest by himself Break, it will be fine in the
evening. "
Zhong Wan got up, "I don't argue with him."
"Who dares to quarrel with the son, but he can say everything when he is like
this! What is he talking about? A few days ago, he quarreled with the
princess. Isn't the princess enough to stay with the son? Can't help but slap
Shizi. "Feng steward ran away in a few words, afraid that Zhong Wan would
be stunned by Yu Yan's expression, and hurriedly persuaded," Listen to me,
wait for two hours ... "
Zhong Wan pushed away Feng's steward gently: "Relax, I won't leave
anything he says."
When Zhong Wan entered Yu Yu's room, Yu Yan was squinting and lying on
the couch, holding the notebook on one side and blocking his face with one
Zhong Wan approached slightly, Yu Yan opened his eyes suddenly. After
seeing Zhong Wan, he closed his eyes and turned his back to him.
Zhong Wan approached, sat aside, and suddenly said, "Shizi, those silver ..."
Yu Yan ignored Zhong Wan.
After a while, Yu Juan seemed to want Zhong Wan to leave, perfunctoryly
said: "Are you in the Qian'an Palace, not even a monthly profit? Alas, I have
enough to return to me."
Zhong Wan paused. "There really isn't a place where I don't have any money.
When it's really used, go directly to the account."
Yu Yan sneered: "Then you have a really good life, you are better than
Zhong Wan was stunned, didn't feel it, and calmed down for a while and said
tirelessly: "That silver ..."
Yu Yan wanted to get angry when he thought of Zhong Wan's bad days these
years. He was restless and frowned, "Go out."
Zhong Wan didn't seem to hear it, and said, "Well, let's discuss it?"
Yu Yan stunned: "What consultation?"
Zhong Wan's ears were red. "What, then, use something else, like ... kiss
once, get some silver, okay?"
Yu Yan wondered whether Zhong Wan was startled by this cheeky face, and
he did not speak for a long time.
After a while, Yu Yan opened his red eyes, "How much silver does it cost?"
Zhong Wan was second.
Yu Yan sneered, "two hundred?"
Zhong Wan's voice was very low. "Two money."
Yu Jin: "..."
Is this going to the next life?
Zhong Wan sat down and came close, "I'm afraid I won't get there first, or ...
hurry up?"
Zhong Wan wanted to kiss Yu Yu, and Yu Yu slightly hid from the beginning.
Zhong Wan was a little embarrassed.
Yu Yan hesitated for a moment, "If you open your mouth, you will be worth
three bucks."
Zhong Wan didn't understand, "What three money? Isn't it ... 唔 ……"
Zhong Wan was dragged by Yu Yan and fell on him. Zhong Wan was lying in
Yu Yan's arms. This posture was quite unbearable. He was going to support
his arms and pressed one on Yu Jian's leg. Yu Ai gently pushed away.
Yu Yan frowned, dissatisfied with Zhong Wan's struggle, twisted Zhong
Wan's arm behind him, and completely fixed the person in his arms. He
became comfortable in his heart. He lowered his head and kissed, separated
Zhong Wan's lips, and closed it Long three money debt.
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Chapter 54: 54
After the two separated, Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan quietly, his lips moved
slightly: "This is just ... not counting."
Zhong Wan's breathing was a little quicker, he was a little lost, and he heard
his mind return, "Why not?"
Yu Jinqu raised his knees, raised his hands and straightened the messy
placket, glanced at Zhong Wan, and tried to hold back what he wanted to say,
whispered hurriedly, "You know clearly."
"..." Zhong Wan, who was unable to pay the debt, asked with no hope, "Just
because I just licked your tongue ?!"
Yu Yan stiffened, glaring at Zhong Wan, and seemed to think it was
incredible. How could anyone hang such words?
Zhong Wan suddenly took a sip of blood.
When Yu Yan went mad last time, she felt a little sincerity when Zhong Wan
The madman insisted that if Zhong Wan did not take the initiative, he would
not be tempted.
If in the future, Zhong Wan can easily be alone and not hurt.
Zhong Wan deeply felt Yu Cao's carefulness in treating him, but some words
should be clarified, and the correct thinking should also be corrected.
Now it ’s just a kiss, this lunatic does n’t let himself move, as long as he is
not very emotional, Zhong Wan can actually bear it, but ... but at a deeper
Only he can touch himself, can't he touch him? The emperor's spoiled
concubine doesn't have this overbearing rule, right?
What about when you go further?
Zhong Wan was convinced that, following Yu Wei's inexplicable and self-
consciously strange idea, he would probably stubbornly think that he could ...
cough ... shoot, he couldn't!
80% will do this!
Zhong Wan was so disappointed that Yu Yan might use his bed to tie himself
in the future ... Then he said to himself in despair, "If you don't shoot, you
won't be tempted."
I will die in the future, and you don't have to be sad.
Zhong Wan's heart was like a cypress, and he murmured, "You made me not
expect that at all ..."
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a confused look, "What are you expecting?"
Zhong Wan looked back, his cheeks were slightly red, and he wiped his lips
a little bit redder than usual, and tried his best to calm down and said,
"Shiko, can I ask you something?"
Tong Wan Wan was intimate for a while, Yu Yan's face looked much better,
and there was less blood in his eyes. He looked at Zhong Wan, frowned, and
nodded slightly.
Zhong Wan pursed her lips and said, "These words ... have you read a lot?"
Yu Zheng looked at Zhong Wan guardedly.
Yu Yan's expression was too serious, Zhong Wan was a bit embarrassed first,
he bit his head and said, "This kind of thing ... it's coming and going back,
really, don't always look at prostitution | devil's eyes looking at me It ’s
really not my debauchery ... "
Yu Yan apparently did not expect Zhong Wan to talk about this suddenly. He
gave Zhong Wan an inexplicable glance and turned his face after a while.
"How can I take it seriously in the words of the book."
"I can take it seriously!" Zhong Wan eagerly said. "Don't you always rely on
yourself to think about this ... you ... you can't be strong?"
"Still ..." Zhong Wan's heart moved with a headache, "What weird words you
read said in the book, I should be ashamed and not let go, motionless?"
Yu Zhen didn't understand, but nodded: "I have such a text ..."
Zhong Wan's heart was over, afraid that it was Yu Jian's reading when he was
young, and the thought kept turning, and he said anxiously, "Isn't that the
original story? Good boys never take the initiative to be intimate with
people, and they don't move when they kiss. Tongue? "
Yu Jin: "..."
Just now Yu Yan was a little bit clear-headed, and he couldn't even hear
Zhong Wan say these words that he was ashamed of, and said, "What on earth
do you want to say?"
"It's okay." Zhong Wan kept saying, "I just feel sorry for myself and worry
about what happened after me ..."
Yu Yan's eyes moved, and she was annoyed and said, "You regret it? You
don't want to repay the debt ?! I think you paid the three money!"
Unable to say it completely, Zhong Wan gave up, and sat aside with a tired
heart and said, "It's all right! Anyway, you promise me one thing?"
Yu Yan's mind was messy, and he didn't want to quarrel with Zhong Wan.
"You said."
Zhong Wan said pitifully: "Later in bed ... you can't tie me."
Yu Yan was completely stunned, "Don't you like it yourself ?! You also
specially found hemp rope."
Zhong Wan: "..."
Yu Aiqi asked, "Are you trying to refuse and welcome?"
Zhong Wan collapsed, got up and went out: "You didn't say it to me ... you're
After the chicken and duck talked, Yu Yan felt that he had finally sorted out
the matter, and lay down again, and Zhong Wan made a mess. His head was
no longer painful. After lying for a while, it was really Fell asleep.
Zhong Wan came out of Yu Yan's courtyard. The servants of Yu Wang's house
did not know what Feng's housekeeper meant. Everyone respected Zhong
Wan respectfully. As a VIP, as he came in and out, no one managed him.
Zhong Wan went back to the yard where she had lived with a stomach
smolder, and went into the bedroom for a while.
Lin Si made a comparison with his fingers. Zhong Wan didn't move, and
turned to close the door tightly.
Lin Si glanced up and down at Zhong Wan, relieved a little, and gestured:
This house will be a lot better, and I walked in for half an hour outside.
Zhong Wan nodded. "What about Tang Ming?"
Lin Si shook her head.
Lin Si's gesture: After you were taken away by the people from Dali Temple,
I immediately went out of the city to find Tang Ming. The Zhuangzi had
already gone to the building, leaving only a few tenants who didn't know
As expected, Zhong Wan exhaled: "70% hid, and 30% went to Qian'an to find
Lin Si's gesture: Fortunately, this matter was pushed down by Prince Yu Xiao
in advance. Tang Ming went to find the Lord and couldn't say anything. The
emperor didn't mean to investigate?
Zhong Wan shook his head: "No, the emperor cares more about his son than
Xuan Rui."
"Where's that man in the palace?" Zhong Wan whispered softly, "I guess Tang
Ming arranged him beside Yu Fei, did you find out who it is?"
Lin Si nodded: I found it, an old **** named Tang Qin.
Zhong Wan sneered: "Qin ... is still his own brother."
Lin Si fights: Yu Fei now trusts him.
Zhong Wan said dumbly: "Is Yu Fei so stupid? An old **** came here
casually, even if she had a little trick, she took this person to heart?"
Lin Si ’s gesture: Naturally not. Yu Fei thought that Tang Qin was a powerful
person in the hands of Lord Yu. She naturally trusted her. Now she feels that
Tang Qin has been taken over by her. It is an accident that Yu Fei may not be
angry with him, and may still rely on Tang Qin.
"This isn't quite right," Zhong Wan said. "If Tang Qin is a hidden stake buried
by Prince Yu ... Prince Yu hasn't found out their details in these years?"
Before Lin Si explained, Zhong Wan said that he had already figured it out.
Zhong Wan couldn't help laughing, "Concubine Yu ..."
Lin Si's gesture: Yes, Tang Qin is not a confidant of Lord Yu at all, and Lord
Yu hasn't remembered that there is still Tang Qin.
Zhong Wan sat down and smiled: "Tang Ming is really a good abacus. Let his
brother pretend to be the confidant of Lord Yu, and then approach the
Princess Yu. The Princess Yu must carry Lord Yu to draw her confidant.
Come and cover up for Tang Qin, so ... this old **** is safer, and can also
use Yu Fei as a knife, and ... "
"The enemy's enemy is a friend. He deliberately let me know Tang Qin, and
guessed that I could find that Tang Qin was at the mercy of Yu Yu, so I would
not touch him any more."
Lin Si nodded: If he did n’t know this, if the master really got stuck in the
Ministry of Justice, and I found out that Tang Ming had this brother, his anger
would inevitably return to His Royal Highness, and by the hands of His
Royal Highness, he killed Tang Qin Finally, don't forget to leave a amulet for
Tang Qin.
Lin Si's heart was inconsolable, and he made a gesture: Tang Ming is too old
for this old thing. In the future, find him and kill him immediately.
Zhong Wan smiled: "Maybe I can't find him first."
Lin Si grinds his teeth and beats sign language: dig the ground three feet, find
it out sooner or later!
"No need." Zhong Wan's eyes moved slightly, and he whispered softly. "It's
easy to think about it ... just tell Yu Qin about Tang Qin."
Lin Si blinked and didn't understand.
Zhong Wan asked softly: "Tang Ming has nothing to do, but who caused the
incident this time?"
Lin Si stayed for a while, sketching: Yu Xiao Wang Ye.
Zhong Wan whispered: "I ate Tang Ming's loss this time because he knows
my weaknesses and knows that I will look forward and look after things, but
Yu Jian is different."
"Yu Jian has no weaknesses and will not be constrained by anyone. Guess,
what if Tang Ming, who knows where to hide, knows that his brother is being
held in his palm by Yu Yu?"
Lin Si froze, and Zhong Wan looked at each other, and the corners of his
mouth slightly aroused: heart, anxiety, rush, burn.
Zhong Wan smiled: "The only person in Beijing who doesn't play cards
according to common sense is Yu Zheng."
Lin Si nodded, couldn't help but want to laugh: Lord Xiao Yu did n’t do
anything for a while, maybe it was just a moment of unhappiness, and it
would lift Tang Qin's boss.
"It's also good to be rebellious." Zhong Wan exhaled softly. "This time I also
care about it ... I just want to check Zizi's affairs. I will eat whatever bait
Tang Ming throws, and blame me."
Lin Si busy gesture: how is this your fault? Obviously ...
"No, I'm not regretting it, I will do it again." Zhong Wan sat down, faintly, "I
know so many sons and daughters' past from him ... even if I entered the
Ministry of Justice, I made money. "
Lin Si was speechless.
Zhong Wan commanded: "It's all right, don't come again, the people in his
house are good, don't let them accidentally hurt you, after you go out ..."
Zhong Wan whispered softly: "First, let Tang Qin's bottom to find a way to
let Ziyi know that he now has a fight with Xuan Qiong, and this nail is of
great use to him."
Lin Si gave Zhong Wan an unspeakable look, and gestured: The host is not
afraid that I should tell Xuanyuan first?
Zhong Wan smiled calmly.
Lin Si's heart was hot, Zhong Wan had just betrayed him, and he could still
trust him so clearly, apparently he had never been motivated by what he and
Xuan Yi had done.
Lin Si knew that Zhong Wan didn't like to be affectionate, and didn't say
anything rude, and made a gesture: I don't have to do this, but does the master
leave first?
"What am I going to do?" Zhong Wan stunned, "I managed to go to his house,
why did I leave?"
Lin Si: ...
Lin Si knelt down and nodded, and turned away.
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Chapter 55: 55
Zhong Wan looked at Lin Si's back and sighed.
After Lin Siyin disappeared, Xuan Yuan quickly rummaged through the
middle of Beijing, openly searching for people from one mansion to another,
and vowed to take Lin Si back. If there was nothing ambiguous, Zhong Wan
would not believe it, Zhong Wan lamented Lin Si must be ignorant of his own
It's really ... full guys don't know hungry guys are hungry.
Zhong Wan was overjoyed and sad all day, and tired at the moment. After
sending Lin Si away, he put on his clothes and lay on the bed. He wanted to
just rest, but closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Zhong Wan did not sleep well, intermittently, dreaming.
When I dreamed of being Xuanrui's companion in the palace, then he and
Xuanrui had nothing to say, and he went in and out every day. Xuanrui was
behind him all day. Someone called his name, When no one is there, call
Zhong Wan an elder brother.
After a while dreaming about the incident of King Ning, he was locked up in
a cell and interrogated every day.
After a while, I dreamed that I was taken over by Yu Juan and placed in
another hospital. I took advantage of my illness and finally invited a doctor
who looked after me from an early age.
The old lady doctor saw King Ning from a younger age, and looked after
Zhong Wan, Xuan Rui, and twins successively.
After King Ning left, the old lady doctor was fired by Taiji Hospital for
unsuspecting charges. That day, Emperor Chong An was cleaning up the
faction of Ning Wang. It was a blessing that the old lady doctor had not lost
his life. In order to see him, he contacted Xuanrui and Mr. Shi Fu.
Although Emperor Chong'an left Xuanrui, he was the eldest son of King Ning.
He grew up day by day and could not help but become a thorn in Emperor
Chong'an's eyes.
Some of the princes of the dynasty remained in Beijing as wealthy lords after
their brothers took over, and some were sealed in adulthood, and they
became wealthy or unlucky kings of the land based on their close relationship
with the emperor. According to the law, Xuanrui did not touch either end. He
was neither favored nor immature, but Zhong Wan hoped that he could walk
far away.
Doctor Zhong Wantuo asked the old lady Shi, and the old lady also felt that it
was the best, and he was willing to plead with the emperor for Zhong Wan,
so that the emperor sent Xuanrui early.
After the will of Wang Feng came down, Xiao Zhongwan completely let go
of his heart, feeling that this was the dust settled. He counted the days every
day, hoping for a few children to leave Beijing early.
after that……
Zhong Wan was sullen in his heart, and took a long breath in his dream.
In the dream, he heard the old lady doctor whispering in his ear.
"How did the Lord go to the enemy ?!"
"Master Yu has been doing something uncommon for the emperor for many
years. This man has a bad heart and this matter must be related to him."
"It's a little bit odd, but it's too coincidental, but who knows if the emperor
suddenly remembered something that was almost unsuccessful that year, and
he was so worried that he suddenly started ..."
"The prince suffered this great disaster, all these people arranged in secret
"A few children will be able to leave Beijing immediately. As soon as they
leave, nothing will happen to them in Beijing."
"You and I are both deeply affected by Ning Wang Daen. Wouldn't you like to
take revenge for Wang Ye?"
"I am willing to die for the Lord, how about you? Lord is your righteous
father! If there is no Lord, have you had a good life these years? Can you live
to this day?"
"I know you can't see Lord Yu, but aren't you able to see Lord Yu every day?
He doesn't seem to defend you ..."
"Yu Jin is the only sister-in-law of King Yu, and there are rumors that he is
the emperor's illegitimate son, whether or not, Yu Jin is the lifeblood of these
two people ..."
"What if he didn't harm King Ning ?! He's pitiful. King Ning's children can't
be pitiful? The young son is innocent, so is he to be implicated?"
"You have to shove too? As long as you are clean, your own life will be
"This is medicine ..."
"This is medicine ..."
"This is medicine ..."
Zhong Wan sweated on Qin's forehead and wanted to wake up, but Nightmare
entangled him, and the ghostly voice was hoarse in his ears: this is medicine.
"Don't you also want to escape here? You asked me to prepare documents for
you and draw a map for Qian'an for you, just to escape here, to Qian'an?"
"Anyway, I have to leave. Don't be afraid. Before taking the medicine, take
the medicine and watch Yu Yu take it before taking it ..."
"This medicine has a very slow attack, enough for you to escape here. When
you leave the city, you will be revengeed and will not affect yourself."
"Even if they want to arrest, the sky is high and the sea is wide, you have
already left, who is going to arrest?"
"Big deal, you don't have to go back to Qian'an first. These people have
killed Wang Ye to this end, don't you hate it?"
"If it wasn't for Princess An Guo's imperial imperial rule, and you want to
make it more difficult for Yu Yu to be poisoned, why would I come to you?"
"Yu Jian is not defending you, this is what he deserves."
"Don't forget the friendship that King Ning treats you ..."
"Before leaving, mix the medicine into his meals and seduce him to take it.
Remember, remember ..."
"After leaving the city, it won't take long for you to know the news of his
death ..."
Yu Jindu died.
Zhong Wan sat up abruptly, her coat was soaked with sweat, the twilight
drooped, and the bedroom had not been turned on. Zhong Wan didn't
remember where it was for a while.
Zhong Wan frowned and took a deep breath, comforting himself in a low
voice, "It's all right, all right ..."
Zhong Wan didn't take the medicine that day.
No, he did, but it wasn't the ones the old lady gave him, but a little sweat.
The night he left, Zhong Wan took advantage of Yu Jin's unpreparedness, and
sprinkled a little sweat medicine in Yu Jin's wine cup.
Zhong Wan always felt shocked when thinking about that night. What if he
was going to do that?
The kid did not have any suspicion about him, and he must have swallowed
Fortunately, no.
Now thinking back, the old lady doctor's plan to let Zhong Wan take the
medicine is not bad, but if it does, how could the later things be simple?
Even if he himself bears the crime after dropping the law, won't Emperor
Chong'an anger the Queen Ning?
In the fury, Emperor Chong'an was afraid to let the entire Qian'an be buried.
But then the blood sea was in deep hatred, and everyone was crazy.
Shortly after Zhong Wan left the city, the old doctor also left Beijing, and he
rushed to Qian'an first.
Zhong Wan still doesn't know what the old pediatrician Xuan Rui said at the
same age, but only after he returned to Qian'an with the wind, rain, rain,
water, and food, Xuan Rui did not call him a big brother again.
Xuan Yuxuan was still in a state of conscience, and when they grew up, they
did not know that Zhong Wan had been the son of Ning Wang Yizi.
Naturally, Zhong Wan didn't mention it himself.
What he wanted to report was the great grace of Princess Ning Wangning. He
didn't care much whether the child regarded him as an elder brother or a
counselor or something.
In less than two years, the old doctor died in Qian'an. Xuanrui treated him
differently than before, and gradually, this old thing disappeared.
It wasn't Tang Ming who caused today's incident, Zhong Wan himself had to
Zhong Wan wiped the sweat on his forehead. Although he didn't want to
admit it, he still regretted it.
That day should not be so conceited. If he returned to Qian'an, he would open
up with Xuan Rui early, and with him the powerful relationship, Xuan Rui
may not listen.
Zhong Wan is not greedy for his "brother", but if there is no need to talk
between the two, many things will be much simpler.
For example, when Xuanrui was depressed and timid, Zhong Wan was able
to show his elder brother's momentum and awaken him with a slap.
For example, before persuading Xuanrui to take medicine to pretend to be
sick, it may not be so difficult.
Another example……
Today Zhong Wan doesn't have to worry. Xuan Rui, who is far away in
Qian'an, believes in Tang Ming's words.
But Zhong Wan was too young at that time, even though he had been in prison
for three months, his body was full of pride and his bones had not been
polished and smooth. The day he returned to Qian'an was the seventeen-year-
old birthday of Zhong Wan, and seventeen-year-old Zhong Wan When Xuan
Rui's eyes flickered to call "Zhong Wan", when she saw the old lady alertly
and watched herself, she almost hung "greedy life, fear of death, disloyalty,
and filial piety" on her face, her thin lips curled into a line, and she resented
Swallowed into the stomach, no explanation.
What can be explained? A sense of arrogance knows his own heaven and
earth. Father and mother in the sky saw it, and Princess Ning Wangning also
saw it. I am also a big boss. After this birthday, I am an adult. What can I say
about the same child and old stuff?
Zhong Wan laughed at himself, who hasn't had a boy's arrogance yet?
I regret that I ca n’t take the medicine, I really regret it. After returning to
Qian'an that day, I tried to make Xuanrui doubt about it. I also had to kill the
dizzy old lady first, not later ...
Zhong Wan's throat was itchy and he coughed.
He felt his forehead as if it was a little hot.
After a long day of tossing, I may be sick again.
Zhong Wan didn't dare to entrust him, and when he got out of the bedroom, he
came out and pushed open the door, and let the servant who served in the
courtyard tell Feng steward that he might be sick.
Zhong Wan went back to the house and lit a small lamp, and lay back on the
bed, worried, it ’s best to take medicine quickly to suppress the illness, and it
is not easy to mix into the Qian'an palace. I do n’t know how many days it
will take. Time is not good because of illness.
If you are ill, you do n’t know that Feng ’s steward would not let Yu Yu to see
himself ... Yu Xiaowang ’s body is so delicate and expensive that it is not
good to be passed on by himself.
Zhong Wan suddenly thought of something, and she felt a deep hatred.
After the illness, no more kisses! !! !!
Zhong Wan ’s head is getting hotter and hotter, he wonders, two money at a
time, three money at a time ... If he has a long life, he will be stuck with Yu
Yan for a long time, and he will be diligent and hard. Pay off the debt, and
after you pay it off? Is n’t it possible to earn some money if you kiss again?
Two money is also money ...
Zhong Wan held back his account and felt that someone had come in. Zhong
Wan was all warm up. He opened his eyes and narrowed his eyes. It was
dark, the lights were dim in the room, and Zhong Wan was again. Burnt
confused, I don't see who this is.
Zhong Wan closed her eyes, listening to Yu Yan's voice with a little anger,
"When did you get sick?"
Zhong Wan coughed.
Yu Yan gritted his teeth, "I don't know if I don't know what to say ?!"
Zhong Wan was awake and smiled: "I didn't notice it, you stay away from me,
don't let me ..."
Yu Yan turned around and went out. Soon a doctor came, and he diagnosed
Zhong Wan's pulse, and went out again. After a while, Yu Jin came in holding
the medicine bowl.
Waiting for Zhong Wan to speak again, Yu Zheng said impatiently: "Shut up."
Zhong Wan could only take the medicine bowl honestly and frowned.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan coldly, and found a small purse from his
Zhong Wan was at a loss.
Yu Yan squeezed a grain from the purse, Zhong Wan didn't see it clearly, and
Yu Yan put the thing in his mouth.
It's a piece of caramel.
I do n’t know if it was just that dream. Seven years ago, the turbulence of the
mountain tsunami of memory rushed, and Zhong Wan's heart hurt so hard that
his eyes became red.
Zhong Wan didn't want Yu Yan to see it, he turned over, buried his face in the
soft pillow, his voice trembled slightly, "What sugar, how so sweet ..."
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Chapter 56: 56
Tang Ming's hidden worries buried in Zhong Wan's heart over the years were
stirred up by Tang Ming. Together with the remaining poison in his body, he
began to crusade this body. A bowl of medicine was only used to stop the
boiling of the soup. Zhong Wan did not improve for half a minute. The burnt
fainted in the past.
Since the beginning of Beijing, Zhong Wan has been very concerned. For fear
of being sick and delaying, every time a little ill, he will continue to drink
medicine and press down. The pressure is much more, and the pain is
accumulated in the body. After finding the exit, he started violently.
Yu Yan fed Zhong Wan after eating a piece of sugar and sat aside. He didn't
eat dinner. After waiting for two hours of incense, he felt wrong. He stepped
out of the bedroom and called the doctor. Yu Yan was suspicious. He
suspected that before There was a problem with the bowl of medicine. They
ordered someone to check the medicine residue, and they sent another person
to the Taiji Hospital for another half an hour. After several Taiji doctors took
turns to diagnose Zhong Wan, they discussed for a while and came out to
personally explain to Yu Yu.
Yu Yue coldly said: "What does this mean? If you can't cure first, let him burn
like this?"
The Physician talked about the treatment of the crooked teeth for half a day
and carefully advised: "The outbreak is not necessarily a bad thing. Master
Zhong is not very good. The medicine is poisonous. Every time there is a
pain, he presses down the tiger wolf medicine. Pressing Feng Xie in his
body, even though this time reluctantly coped with it, after a month and a half,
he didn't care about it and he would relapse. It would be better to use mild
medicine to make him have an attack. "
Yu Jian looked at the Taiyi doctor in distrust, and Feng steward on the side
advised, "Shizi, we don't understand these. Listen to Taiyi."
The Taiyi was afraid of Yu Jin's heart, and said, "Naturally, you can do it
Yu Yan's eyes were dark, "How long does it take for quick treatment? How
long does it take for slow treatment?"
Taiyi bowed his head, "Be fast, it will be okay in three to five days. Slower,
at least a dozen days, as much as a month."
Yu Zheng hesitated.
Xuan Jin's coffin has been sent to the tomb, and the funeral has passed.
People in Qian'an can leave in a few days. Should Zhong Wan leave?
This procrastination is endless. Is he still able to catch up to Qian'an?
Zhong Wan said before that he would not return to Qian'an temporarily after
the funeral, but he only mentioned it once. He had just been killed by Xuan
Qiong, would he want to leave again?
If Zhong Wan were to leave, Yu Yan would not leave him.
Yu Yan was ruthless, and Shen said, "Quickly ..."
"Shizi." Feng's steward interrupted Yu Jin, and he winked at the Taiyi. The
Taiyi stepped down, Feng said, "Let's listen to Master Zhong's own
Yu Yan frowned. "What can he know if he is so sick?"
"Slow treatment is not dead, too. Taiji also said just now. It can be like fever
reduction for children. Without acupuncture, first give Master Zhong an
acupuncture to relieve fever. It is estimated that Master Zhong will wake up
tomorrow." I know that Shizi doesn't want to delay Master Zhong's return to
Qian'an, but no one of us knows whether he wants to leave or not? If he
doesn't leave, wouldn't he be guilty for nothing? Shizi doesn't have to be
suspicious, he's waiting for you since childhood Yes, your life is in your
hands, who dares not to try your best? And slowly healing is purely the heart
of the doctor, can you make a difference earlier? Is n’t it because you do n’t
see Master Zhong's health? Reconciling him? And ... "
Feng ’s steward poked at Yu Yan ’s softest place: “These great doctors are
all national masters. Master Zhong has passed the village but he has no shop.
When he returns to Qian’an, where can he find such a good doctor Not to
mention acupuncture, it is estimated that there isn't even one who can write a
good prescription, otherwise why Master Zhong has practiced his body like
this for so many years? There must be no good man over there! "
Yu Zheng hesitated and hesitated.
Feng steward took advantage of the chase, and said, "The best doctor and the
best medicinal materials are here. We really do n’t want to treat Master
Yu Yan was upset, "Let them go to acupuncture! Wait for him ... wait for him
to wake up and listen to his own."
Feng steward was overjoyed and went away.
Yu Yan ordered, the doctors no longer delay, and prepared a little, and let
Yaotong bring a few pots of charcoal fire to Zhongwan's house, warm the
bedroom, and then fade away Zhongwan's shirt.
Yu Yan had been in Zhong Wan's house, but Feng's housekeeper did not dare
to persuade him to leave. Before the needle was set, Yu Yan ordered people
to lower the curtain.
The doctor who applied the needle was quite confused. There wasn't even a
waiter in the room. What was this secretive?
The doctor did not dare to ask more. After putting down the curtain, he wiped
his hands and started to take the needle, Yu Yu turned his back.
From the beginning to the end, Yu Jian never turned around to take a look. He
stood alive for an hour, turned around after covering the quilt for the doctor
with acupuncture, and stepped forward on Zhong Wan's forehead.
Sure enough, he retreated a little bit.
Zhong Wan was still drowsy. Taiyi lowered his voice and said, "If you wake
up in the middle of the night, you can feed some rice porridge, but don't feed
more. After checking the pulse, see what medicine to use.
Yu Yan nodded, letting the doctor send him out.
The charcoal basin in the room was removed, leaving only a small cage fire,
with a delicate small pot on it, and rice porridge in the pot.
Yu Yan let the servants go down, he sat alone on the bedside of Zhong Wan
and stayed up all night.
Early the next morning, when the sky was bright, Zhong Wan finally opened
his eyes. He was burnt and sore all over his body. When he woke up, he felt
his limbs were falling apart. Come to give him a pulse diagnosis and go back
to his own hospital to wash.
After Yu Jie washed and changed her clothes, Feng's housekeeper chased
after him. Yu Jie moved her heart and tried her best to remain calm. "What
did he say?"
Von Butler endeavored's natural, but the eyes have lighted up with a little,
"said Master clock, to trouble the imperial doctor, slowly healed."
Yu pardon the hands of silk thrown into the basin, took a deep breath, "then
slowly cure it."
Wan Chung woke up, he was not actually yard Yu amnesty, and amnesty Yu
sent off behind closed doors in Fuchu, it really picked up the official stacked,
side dishes side thinking too, to see his old palace eunuchs are secretly
wondered, I do not know how this little prince Yu suddenly turns sexual.
After two days, the bell Wan ill better can come down to earth can eat, Yu
pardon has not been a little relieved, Zhong Wan acupuncture for the day and
the imperial doctor to find.
Tai Yi Yu seeking amnesty Pingtui crowd, Yu amnesty heart sank.
Yu amnesty faint hearts uneasy, "he burned up? Or another was seriously ill?"
"This is not." Imperial busy road, "young master clock and the body has been
improved, Seiko do not worry, just because ...... Master disease any better,
so do not feel the pulse'd feel out something."
Amnesty Yu asked: "how not to?"
The imperial doctor also puzzling: "Two days ago, badly burned young
master clock, only to see the cold, we are also by cold treatment, which
shares after the heat back down, and then diagnose the troubles, they
discovered that the young master clock a little bit old symptoms, physicians
can not snoop other, but we both Seiko clock master will slowly nursed back
to health, it would have to ask the bell Master ...... but in what poison? "
Yu amnesty Mouzhong a dark, trying to calm and said: "What drugs?"
"I do not know, we just asked Bell Master, Master Chung said his own body
is not good, these years do not take medicine control, accumulation of
vestiges in the body, but ......" imperial amnesty Yu looked carefully looked at
the face, continued "but we feel the pulse of view, this is obviously a few
years ago served □□, this ...... I do not know in the end bell Master Ching do
not know, we did not dare to say, only to ask the heir."
Yu Shen amnesty surface like water, "he said, eat medicine, which must be
Yu amnesty already feel quite right, Zhong Wan came from the body so
healthy, how after so many years, has become a sick Sicko, even agitated,
then how ning of several children all right?
He was under too toxic.
Who did it?
Zhong Wan willing to allow the victim to the poison of their current
maintenance man?
Yu amnesty close eye, camouflaged in the eyes of the intention to kill, "can
cure it?"
Imperial hesitate a moment and said, "can cure."
Yu ranging amnesty assured, the imperial doctor and said: "Just slowly,
slowly to treatment, relying on constant, daily vestiges slowly flush out, this
is not a small effort, and the medication should be considered, all medicines
...... hard to find and expensive. "
Yu pardon a little relieved, lightly: "governance, what is missing medicine
with butler said, I will inevitably be made."
Imperial busy nodded: "That's good."
Tai Yi back any longer, Yu pardon holding pen, sit after a long time in the
study, one will be on the table pen wash smashed to pieces.
"Master, do you really ......" surprise too quickly, Feng Xi Zizi housekeeper,
repeatedly asked Chung Wan, "really do not go first?"
Zhong Wan illness lost a lap, he just sent Feng housekeeper medicine drink a
clean, licked his lips, "This is how the imperial doctor prescribed medicine
so Guadan? ...... not so much pain medication I was raised until when? really
not walked, I had not I mention it? "
"Where I dare believe it." Von Butler sigh, "but ...... Seiko afraid there can
not say."
Feng housekeeper hollow laugh: "two days, the eldest son just stay in their
own backyard, do not speak, do not know what they feel oppressed, I was
afraid he drilled a dead end, have to send you away."
Zhong Wan vertical pupil of the eye, smile loudly: "He ......"
Feng housekeeper to worry about sitting around, "Seiko given thing, never
listen to others, I could not even dare to persuade."
Chung Wan drank the medicine, with the point of a little spirit, he wanted the
next, their eyes light up, beckoned, "I give you think of a way, you go this
way, you will find a ventriloquist, Zaixun point wax, then ...... "
Chung Wan Feng muttering for a long while with the butler, housekeeper Feng
strange face looked at the clock Wan, a bite of a stomping, to arrange.
That night, lying in his bed amnesty Yu, bloodshot eyes covered.
Originally thought to send back the clock Wan Qian An is the best result, if
lucky enough to win their own future, if you want him to come back, they will
naturally come back, and if their own died in unrest in the future, bad enough.
But now look, Qian security is not a safe place.
In the end who gave him poisoned?
Why poison?
Zhong Wan Why do not tell yourself?
He in the end they want to leave, just like that gratitude to Ning, want to own
a debt of gratitude?
Yu pardon their minds the more the more hate Wan Chung, hate him anything
different myself, hate myself covet gentle, step by step wrong wrong, went a
step that dilemma.
Yu amnesty heart surging, the creak sound of grinding teeth, desperately
Just when Yu pardon again fall ill, he suddenly heard the sound outside the
window transaction.
Yu amnesty sneer, home to a number of Fuchu, which if also mixed assassin
to their own backyard, also considered the ability.
court death.
Yu amnesty got up, picked up the bedside sword, just went to the window, he
heard sobbing outside a few times, what sounds like a beast .......
Between Yu amnesty hesitation, the beast out of the half-human beast
suddenly loud chirping -
"Zhong Wan can not go! Wan Chung can not go! Clock! Wan! No! Can! Go !!!"
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu pardon holding sword hand slightly trembling, the first instinct doubt
Is this ... totally crazy?
Yu Zheng looked at his hands in disbelief and hesitated to return to the bed.
Around the sky, Yu Yan, who was blinded by the unknown beast all night, sat
at the table with blue eyes, still doubting himself and not sober.
Feng steward walked to the table creptly, whispering, "Shizi didn't sleep
Yu Juan stunned and said subconsciously, "Tea ..."
The steward Feng couldn't wait for it. He was busy carrying the tea cup. He
was trembling and didn't hold it. The tea cup was poured on the table, and the
cup poured the tea ...
Feng steward pointed at the table in shock, "Shizi! Look !!!!"
Yu Yan turned to look at the table, and saw that the tea spilled on the table,
but the tea seemed to be alive, avoiding the strokes, and faintly displayed a
few words: Zhong, Wan, No, Can, Go.
Yu Yan's expression was stiff, and he was speechless for a long while.
Yu Yan closed his eyes and tried not to think about whether he was crazy or
the world was crazy, and plunged into the study.
At noon, Yu Jin, who finally calmed down, was relieved and was about to
get up. Outside, Feng steward rushed into the study with a **** dead fish.
Yu Zheng: "... What's wrong?"
The steward Feng held the dead fish in horror and stuttered: "Shizi! The fish
is only slaughtered under the kitchen, thinking of stewing fish soup for Master
Zhong at noon, but I didn't expect it! I went down and found it in the belly
This one!"
Feng steward put a roll of paper that was not wet from the belly of the fish,
and handed it to Yu Yu with awe.
Yu Yan numbly took it, opened the paper ...
Five words were written on the paper: Zhong Wan couldn't leave.
Yu Jin: "..."
Mr. Feng's steward was pious: "This is the sky ..."
Yu Yan smashed the fishy paper into a ball with five fingers, and squeezed
word by word from the gap between his teeth: "Go ... tell Zhong Wan ... I
won't drive him away ... and ... "
Feng steward was overjoyed, but before he turned around, Yu Zhen took
another "history" and threw it to Feng steward, and collapsed, "Let him copy
the" Chen She Family "ten times! Give it together with the last Heart Sutra.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 57: 57
Yu Yue walked to the table, wiped with his fingers on the strokes avoided by
the tea, and twisted it ... It was smooth and greasy, and it was a thin layer of
Water does not stick to wax, so it will be avoided when spilled on the table.
The bonfire bonfire, the fish belly hidden books.
As a classmate, all those who have read books for several years under the
old Mr. Shi Fu, Yu Jian has read a few more years than Zhong Wan. Who is
stupid? Even if Yu Jian was worse than Zhong Wan in his schoolwork, he
wouldn't even remember the "Historical Records".
Yu Yan opened the crumpled piece of paper in the palm of his hand—so he
wrote the words in the carcass, which was obviously copied by Feng
steward after Zhong Wan wrote it. Two strokes!
If it is true, can there be white words? !!
Yu Yan was struck by Zhong Wanqi's tinnitus. Last night, he didn't sleep all
night, worrying about his condition getting worse all night, conceived many
situations, even taking care of the lonely thing into consideration, never
expected ...
Yu Yan was dizzy and went to sleep. On the other side, Feng's housekeeper
rushed to report with Zhong Wan. First, he was glad that the big event was
done, but couldn't help blame Zhong Wan: "I just said that I just need to put a
little wax on the table. You have to get the dead fish, **** ... It scared the
world to understand all of a sudden, you said before that it was foolproof,
and that if you are a woman entering the palace, the other concubine pants
that are bound to fight for the concubine will not be able to wear, you ... ...
you're not that great. "
Zhong Wan took the "Historical Records" bitterly, "What are the rules in your
family? How old am I? I made a mistake either by beating palms or by
copying? When I was three years old? He could n’t use something that fit our
age. The means of identity punish me? "
Feng steward didn't understand, he paused, and asked, "What do you mean?
What means is suitable for your age?"
Zhong Wan glanced resentfully at the old housekeeper, but did not answer.
What does it mean to be aging?
If Yu Yan was really angry, he should rush over and tie himself to the bed in
one way or another, and then punish himself for three days. He was not
allowed to wear clothes and was forced to do anything in this room. Then he
would be punished for half a month. Pants, he can be teased anytime,
anywhere in the house ...
Zhong Wan sighed anxiously, Yu Yan's words were probably read in vain ...
"Master? Master Zhong?" Feng steward shook his hand in front of Zhong
Wan. "What's wrong?"
"No, only once in a lifetime, I shouldn't think too early." Zhong Wan's ears
were a little red, and he put away his thoughts, put "Historical Records"
aside, took the medicine bowl and drank Going on, "Okay, the result is good,
I will never drive me away."
Feng steward nodded: "Yeah ... sir, there is still something at the bottom of
this bowl. Drink it clean."
Feng steward stared at Zhong Wan after drinking the medicine soup and got
up. "Although the penalty copy is not in a hurry, if the young master is mental,
he might as well write it first, so that the child will not think that your
confession is bad ... I will go first . "
Feng steward went to do his own business, Zhong Wan started to copy books.
Time flies, unconsciously, half a month has passed.
Lin Si came secretly once in the middle and told Zhong Wan that Yu Zhen had
learned about Tang Qin, and Zhong Wan was relieved.
Zhong Wan copied the "Historical Records" ten times, and "The Heart Sutra"
also copied ten times.
Zhong Wan's wind cold is almost ready, but the Taiyi said that he should
slowly adjust it so that Zhong Wan can develop a foundation to resist the evil
of wind. He is not in a hurry to give him medicine. Since he no longer has
fever, the medicine is lighter. Let Zhong Wan take a pill that doesn't look
good. Zhong Wan swallowed the medicine for unknown reasons and asked,
"What's this? It's not like a medicine ... it's a little sweet and a little scented."
The Taiyi smiled and didn't explain, only said: "Take this pill once every
other day for three to five years ..."
Zhong Wan froze: "I got a cold wind, and I want to cure for three or five
years ?!"
Taiyi busy: "Master, don't worry, this is a tonic. The medicine prescription
Shizi has seen. The pill Shizi has also been checked. There is no problem. It
is a cure ... for the weak, the master eats it."
Zhong Wan said doubtfully, "The troublesome doctor shows me the
Taiyi smiled: "Ancestor prescription, I can't show it to the young master."
Zhong Wan talked nonsense, you treat your people all year round, which time
dare to take the prescription? Is this for fear of not being jealous?
Zhong Wan's heart moved, and suddenly remembered that Yu Jinzeng, a few
months ago, said that he would convene thousands of Taoist priests to do the
same thing and pray to heaven to let him bear a child ...
Zhong Wan hesitated, "This shouldn't be ..."
Zhong Wan was not embarrassed to say, whispered in Taiyi's ear.
Taiyi was stiff and difficult: "The young master has more heart."
Zhong Wan smiled: "Fun for you, I just eat."
The Taiyi left ten pills, bowed down, and went to work with Yu Jin.
"Eat?" There were two high-profile documents in Yu Jinshu's case, without
raising his head. "Is it effective?"
Taiyi whispered: "Master Zhong takes medicine on time every day these
days, just to be effective ... I'm afraid it can't be done first. Most of the pills
are tonics, and the medicine is mild. It will take a long time to see some
Yu Yan nodded, "He is not suspicious?"
After a great medical pause, he whispered, "Master Zhong just asked me if
this was a birth control pill."
Yu Yan's pen swipes, drawing an ink on the document.
The medical doctor glanced at Yu Jian in confusion, thinking about the
strange disposition of Wang Xiaoyu from the outside world, and said
cautiously, "Shizi, forgive me, a man cannot ..."
"Don't say it." Yu Zhen left the paperwork aside, took a blank again, and
waved his hand, "Go."
The Taiyi slipped cautiously.
As soon as the Taiyi left, Feng steward came in.
"Shiko ..."
Yu Yan looked up, "What happened?"
Feng steward said, "There is someone in the palace."
Yu Jiu was stained with ink, "You send it, why? You want me to go to the
"No," Feng steward whispered. "It is the emperor who wants to pass on
Master Zhong."
Feng ’s housekeeper said, “In the last two days, King Qian’an ’s sister and
sister entered the palace. The original emperor meant that Master Zhong was
going with them. I did not expect Master Zhong to be with us. I did n’t see
him and asked a few questions. Sentence. There is a family banquet in the
palace today. The four princes and five princes all went there. The emperor
heard that Master Zhong was at our house, so he sent someone here. I will go
to Master Zhong and tell him to change clothes and prepare Palace? "
Yu Yan straightened the tip of his pen and said lightly, "No."
Feng steward suddenly said: "What?"
Yu Yan wrote his own, "I can't say no."
Feng steward laughed: "The emperor uploaded him, how can he not go?"
Yu Yan seemed to have not heard it. He put the paperworker in his hand
neatly and put it aside, and saw the steward Feng still standing beside him,
frowning, "Did you hear what I said?"
The steward Feng was embarrassed. "What are you doing, Shizi? Master
Zhong hasn't seen the emperor. He has been in the palace several times since
returning to Beijing. Every time he is fine. On that occasion, the emperor did
not give him back. Is Mrs. Shi ’s paintings and paintings? You can still be
kind to Master Zhong ... "
Yu Juan chuckled, didn't hear the general, picked up another paperwork, and
kept busy.
Mr. Feng couldn't keep up, and he laughed, "What happened to Shizi?"
Yu Yan looked down at the papers and said to himself, "He's not trying to see
Zhong Wan ... it's taking the opportunity to hit me."
Feng steward did not understand.
"I made a deal with him for Zhong Wan that day, and he was happy to see that
I was motivated, but couldn't help thinking about it, and felt ..." Yu Yan
picked up the pen again and wrote, "I think I'm soft, I feel that Zhong Wan can
be used to pinch me ... Xuan Qiong and Zhong Wan are already in full swing.
He deliberately let them meet, just to make Xuan Qiong humiliate Zhong Wan,
so as to alert me. "
Yu Yan mocked and said, "The art of emperor ..."
Feng steward froze, "So ... what then?"
"Then let him know, I don't have such good control." Yu Yan's eyes gradually
began to show some bloodshot, but his tone was as usual, "I finally found my
weak spot, very happy, huh ..."
Mr. Feng laughed dryly: "Then you protect him so much, don't you let the
emperor see that you care about Master Zhong?"
"I've never shy away from this, what are you afraid of? Don't tell me what he
cares about, he just keeps his ass, I am just that kind of humiliating day." Yu
Yan raised his eyes, and suddenly smiled, "I know how to deal with the most
simple ? That is to let him know plainly, I just hurt him, I just want to protect
him, and if he has a chance, I can do everything. "
Yu Yan laughed at himself: "Who is going to be crazy with me than who is
he? Who am I more afraid of than this? Isn't he always afraid of me dying?
Then in the future ... he should worry about Zhong Wan's safety by the way."
The steward Feng swallowed and understood.
This is to transfer his weakness to Emperor Chong'an, so that Chong'an
understands that Zhong Wan is good, Yu Chen is good, Zhong Wan has a
difference, and Yu Chen will be upset.
"Tell the people in the palace." Yu Qian left the paperwork aside. "Zhong
Wan won't go. He doesn't have to come to pass. The emperor naturally
understands what I mean, and he won't deliberately set up this banquet to stop
The steward Feng also wanted to persuade him that although Yu Zhen had
long lost love with Emperor Chong'an, it was not necessary to make it so
ugly, after all, it was the emperor.
Without waiting for him to say more, Yu Zhen said, "I thought a few days ago
Butler Feng looked up: "Huh?"
Yu Yan whispered, "I suspected that I was completely crazy that day. I
thought about it, and if I had any chance, I would trust Zhong Wan to whom."
"Thinking all night, I didn't even think of it."
"I haven't known the days I've been in all these years. To this day, I can't even
find an orphan."
Yu Yandan said indifferently, "You don't need to persuade me to act
peacefully. People who have nothing to rely on can only rely on themselves. I
can't believe him, and I don't have to make a compromise. I hope that he will
care more about Zhong Wan in the future ... No. "
Feng steward sighed and turned out.
Mr. Feng exited the study, and when he looked up, he saw Zhong Wan outside
the study.
Feng steward laughed, "Master Zhong, how long have you been here?"
Zhong Wan smiled hard, "For a long time ... I heard that someone from the
palace told me that I wanted to tell Yu Yan, I want to go to the palace."
Feng steward laughed, "No need, this ... you heard it."
Zhong Wan nodded slightly.
He heard it all.
Yu Yan said that for those who are not dependent, everything can only depend
on themselves.
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Chapter 58: 58
Zhong Wan stood for half an hour outside the study. The servants looked at
him in surprise, Zhong Wan rubbed his face, and turned back to his courtyard.
Only now he has been thinking, what if Yu rushes into the study now, and
flops with Yu Ju, and reveals the things he has learned about his life, and
asks them out.
Zhong Wan impulse several times, and several times pressed down.
You have to let Yu Yan like her a little bit more.
I like it that even if I know the past, I won't drive myself away with anger, but
I will explain the inside story to myself and I will let myself stay as a
counselor for him.
Zhong Wan is really not confident.
After all, he was from Ning Wangfu, and now Xuan Rui has the possibility of
winning. Will Yu Yu suspect that he is Xuan Rui'an's card next to him?
Nowadays, the best way is ...
Zhong Wan murmured, "Let me have another day ..."
Just once, Zhong Wan had confidence to be able to suffice Yu Yu for a
The little girl who came to deliver medicine to Zhong Wan was frightened.
Zhong Wan held up the medicine bowl in her hand. "Why are you always
frightened? I don't bite."
The little girl gave Zhong Wan a vigilant look, she always felt that this was
not a good person.
The little girl didn't speak, staring at Zhong Wan after taking the medicine and
flying with an empty medicine bowl.
Yu Xun was called away before dinner. This time, it was not that Chong An
had nothing to do. He said that there was some instability in the northern
border. Now there is something windy in the DPRK. Chong An will call him
to let him go. On the sidelines, Yu Yan was impatient with a hundred hearts,
but he had promised to secure Zhong Wan before, but now he couldn't shirk
from it, so he could call at any time.
Zhong Wan missed it and sighed. She had planned to hang around with Yu Yu
after dinner, but now she's out of sight, Yu Yu is afraid she won't be able to
Zhong Wan is a bit sleepy. He has taken a lot of health since taking the
medicine of Taiyi. He has fallen asleep more than ever before. He sleeps
more than an hour a day, and thinks that it wo n’t be dark for a while. After
falling asleep, he rubbed his eyes, wondering if he should just go to Yu Yan's
bedroom, and the window lattice suddenly rang.
Zhong Wan's heart moved, and she looked outside—the little girl was gone.
Zhong Wan closed the door first, got up and opened the window, Lin Si
rolled over and jumped in.
Lin Si made a gesture: I wanted to come in the morning, but the guards in the
prefecture were too strict. After the grandfather Yu Xiao went out, his family
would follow him halfway.
Zhong Wan nodded: "How good is Xuan Yu and Congxin?"
Lin Si nodded: Very good, the lady kept asking you.
"It's okay." Zhong Wan sighed. "I was so anxious to let them go now that I
don't need to see it now. I don't know if Tang Ming has come to Qian'an. If he
goes ... Qian'an is really not a stable place. . "
If Xuan Rui was really confused by Tang Ming to do something stupid, the
two children would still be able to say they did not know in Beijing and
would not be involved.
Lin Siwen's face froze, and he paused, signing: Tang Ming didn't go to
Zhong Wan froze, "He didn't go? I guessed wrong? He played such a big
game ... not to see Xuanrui?"
Lin Si waved his hand: No guess, yes ...
Lin Si seemed to be suppressing something, and he made a gesture: Xuanrui
did not return to Qian'an at all. He left Tangjing for less than ten days and met
Tang Ming's people. Tang Ming told him that Qian'an could not return and
asked him The long-awaited man waited for Qian'an to sharpen his sword
and waited for him to return. "
Zhong Wan was dizzy in his head.
Tang Ming ...
Lin Si continued: Xuanrui is doubtful, because Tang Ming's people told him,
saying ...
Zhong Wan whispered, "You said that."
Lin Si gritted his teeth: Tang Ming's people told Xuan Rui that if Qian'an was
okay, why didn't Zhong Wan go back by himself?
Zhong Wan froze and laughed suddenly.
Lin Si also said: Tang Ming ’s people also said that if Wang Ye did not
believe, and slowly walked south by taking advantage of the illness, listening
to the movements in central Beijing to see if the emperor was about to attack
Qianan, sure enough, half a month ago ... Master your business.
Zhong Wan could hardly restrain himself, and seemed to be unable to laugh.
Lin Si glanced at Zhong Wan, chilling for him, and continued to sign: Even if
you and Wang Xiaoyu have all taken care of it, Xuanrui heard some wind and
was shocked. Sure enough, he did not dare to return to Qian'an. He followed
Tang Ming's people and went north. The steward felt that it was wrong. He
could not persuade Xuan Rui to send someone to Beijing to send messages to
Beijing for help. You are not in the house, and the sender was stopped by me.
I was afraid that there was fraud. I went to investigate yesterday. Sure
enough, Xuanrui lived at Tang Ming in another village in the suburbs of
Beijing last night.
"The King of the Land ..." Zhong Wan's lips moved slightly. "Returning to
Beijing without permission is punishable by conspiracy ..."
Lin Si's anxious gesture: Exactly, Xuanrui was so scared that he didn't dare to
return to Qian'an, but what should he know about his whereabouts? And
when can he hide? March? Half a year? Qian'an's garrison and officials are
not blind. If he can't wait for Wang Ye to return to the land, how can he not
send a letter to Beijing? By the time the emperor knew, then ...
Zhong Wan's eyes were red: "What about Tang Ming?"
Lin Si's face was dignified, and sign language: I came here for this ... I don't
know where the old things are hidden these days. It was about when Xuan
Rui returned to Beijing. The butler sent a letter to tell me that Tang Ming
would be very good this morning. Go to Zhuangzi to see Xuanrui. The strict
housekeeper has lost Xuanrui's trust. He ca n’t persuade him. He can only
send a message after doing his best. He ca n’t do anything else, just looking
forward to the master from Xiao Yu Borrowed some people to sacrifice
Zhuangzi, the butler said that Tang Ming would dispose the owner casually,
and only asked the owner not to tell Xuan Rui's return to Beijing. "
Zhong Wan didn't say a word.
Lin Si is anxious: Master, do you tune the little Prince Yuyu? I wanted to ask
Xuan Ye for help in the past, but I was afraid he would not protect Xuan Rui.
Lin Si sat up and made troubles, and gestured: Grandpa Yu Xiao happened to
be away from the house today. Can the host first transfer some people to cook
the matter tonight? Then whether he was fainted or tied up, let the steward
Yan immediately send Xuanrui back to Qian'an. Even if the little Yu Yu knew
it, it was too late to chase it. As long as Xuanrui returned to Qian'an, it would
be over. !! the host……
Zhong Wan's voice was very soft: "Hidden Zizi? Who tuned him?"
Lin Si nodded hesitantly.
Zhong Wan said indifferently, "What if someone in the future said that it was
a son-in-law who abducted King Qian'an and returned to Beijing, and then
sent someone to send King Qian'an back to the land, what should he do?"
Lin Si was stunned, and in anxiety, he didn't expect these.
"Xuanrui's life is fate, Zi's life is not his mother's ..." Zhong Wan closed his
eyes and couldn't go on.
Lin Si knelt straight down: it was my misgivings, I ... I went to Xuanyuan!
"No need." Zhong Wan took a deep breath. "I have a way ... You are waiting
here, at most half an hour, I will be out of Beijing with you."
Zhong Wan turned around, quickly walked out of the house, and found Feng
steward, "I ... I'm a bit bad, please try to find a way to let Yu Yan return."
The steward Feng was startled. He looked at Zhong Wan's look carefully—
Zhong Wan's face was pale, and he had no eyes. It was really not right, but
the steward Feng was startled: "What's going on? What medicine are you
taking? Someone tried it. The daily meals are the same as Seiko's. How can
you ... Where are you uncomfortable? I'll call the Taiyi first. "
"Go and call Ziyu first," Zhong Wan whispered, "I can't see him, I don't see a
Feng's steward was anxious, and he sent someone to find Yu Yu forever.
Zhong Wan was sitting in the hall and waiting, he was lying on the table
tiredly, thinking of having fun and suffering, this is going down, and he has
not lifted the old man of depression and forgiveness, for fear that he will be
lifted by himself.
Less than half an hour, Yu Jue came back with a chill and several doctors
from the Taiji Hospital.
At the first glance of Yu Wan, Zhong Wan knew that he was okay. He took off
his cloak with a cold face, and ordered the doctors to rest first.
Yu Yanping retired from the crowd, with a bit of anger in his eyes. "At night,
what are you doing ?! The cabinet ministers are all there, and the people in
the house suddenly break in and say that you are sick and need to see me
before taking medicine. You ... you know I don't know what eyes those old
men use to see me? Don't sleep well, what do you mean ?! "
Zhong Wan wanted to laugh, and yanked the corner of his mouth, but still
didn't laugh.
Zhong Wan sat for half a day by himself, and tried his best to think of the best
and best way he could. He simply told Yu Ming and Tang Ming and Xuan Rui
about the situation, saying, "Tonight, Zhuangzi must be ridden, Tianyi Liang,
I'm afraid that old thing will run again. "
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "You want me to second you to the Dali
Temple secretly?"
"No." Zhong Wan said, "No need to secretly, you give it to me. While you are
still in the palace, you go to the emperor and receive the secret letter. I heard
that King Qian'an was captured by the tartars, and then he was chopped and
sent. It ’s like this ... in any case, it has nothing to do with you. "
Yu Yan unexpectedly glanced at Zhong Wan.
Yu Jian said: "Do you think the emperor will believe? He will doubt
Xuanrui, and only need a little trial to know that Xuanrui returned to Beijing
by himself, and it would not be so bad to kill him ... but this county king's hat,
He's afraid he can't keep it. "
"I know." Zhong Wan rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. "I tried my best ..."
Yu Yan's eyes trembled slightly, and at the moment when his eyebrows were
burned, Yu Yan's heart could hardly control himself with a little ecstasy.
Shouldn't Zhong Wan use his own strength to protect Xuanrui?
What matters if he is dead or alive?
If this matter is allowed to quietly deal with itself, Xuan Rui can retreat from
the whole body.
Is he ... afraid of being implicated in the future?
Yu Yan couldn't help but want to ask Zhong Wan, why do you think I am
heavier than Xuan Rui? !! Don't you prefer Xuan Rui?
When Zhong Wan saw that Yu Yan was not talking, he hesitated, "Shizi ... can
Yu Yan closed his eyes, and retired his thoughts, "Not enough. I do n’t know
how many people are hiding on that Zhuangzi. Is this a trick? You do n’t
know, I do n’t know, let alone I send How many of you can you win with
confidence? "
Zhong Wan froze.
"If there are too many people for you, it ’s not easy to get out of the city even
if you hold my handwriting at night." Yu Zhen sneered. "Besides, if you want
me to ask the Emperor in advance for the sword of Shang Fang, the one who
catches Xuanrui alive Shouldn't such a great credit for a person be credited
to me? I want this credit. "
"And just to say to the emperor, I don't need to go in person." Yu Yan took his
cloak and threw it to him, "Don't wear it, call your dog, and I will
accompany you out of the city."
Before waiting for Wan Wan to reject, Yu Zheng deeply looked at Zhong Wan,
with a killing in his eyes, "The most important thing is ... I have a lot of things
about you, and I need to ask Xuanrui myself."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 59: 59
Before going out, Yu Yan's eyes darkened. By trying to get another cloak to
avoid Zhong Wan, he grabbed an individual and whispered a few words.
Time didn't wait for people. Zhong Wan didn't let people set up a car and
wanted to ride with everyone. Yu Yu didn't persuade him. He ordered people
to prepare a fast horse. A hundred generals, Zhong Wan asked the number of
people and thought it was almost enough.
"Not enough." While Yu Jian was wearing a cloak, he instructed the general,
"Take my handwritten book, and let Jingzhaofu dispatch troops, and ..."
Yu Zheng gave Lin Si a glance, and frowned, "Zhuangzi's location."
Lin Si busy pulled out a drawing from his arms and pointed to the circle in
the picture. Yu Yan glanced and said, "Seal these official roads, all the
surrounding post offices are blocked. The news began to detain all
personnel, no one was allowed to release. "
Lin Si took a breath, Yu Yu looked at Zhong Wan and said coldly, "Aren't you
worried that this is a trick?"
Zhong Wan nodded, "Yes ..."
No matter how deep the plot is, in the face of absolute military strength, it is
all empty talk.
A few people stopped talking and went out to the horse. Yu Zheng only
ordered more than a dozen families to follow, and all others were behind.
After leaving the city, a few people dismounted, and the family wrapped
cotton with cloth and wrapped their horseshoes.
Lin looked at Zhong Wan with a puzzled look, and Zhong Wan said lightly:
"Yu Yan wants to hear ... what are they going to say."
Lin Si looked at Yu Ju with an unspeakable look.
More than a dozen people made a quick horse, and in less than two hours,
they arrived at Xuan Rui's hiding place.
Tang Ming has not come yet.
Others waited outside Zhuangzi, Lin Si sneaked into Zhuangzi himself, and
joined with Yan Pingshan, opened a small door quietly, Zhong Wan and Yu
Zhen sneaked in through the small door, and the family members were like
ghosts, quietly separated, secretly Lurking all over Zhuangzi, the crowd was
very light-footed and did not alarm the others in Zhuangzi.
Yan Pingshan didn't dare to make Xuan Rui aware of it. He didn't go to Zhong
Wan, and only explained to Lin Si a convenient place to hide. He kept
himself beside Xuan Rui and was uneasy.
Yu Yan and Zhong Wan walked quietly into the study's cubicle. By the
moonlight, Lin Si gestured to Zhong Wan: I went to the room, and if in any
case, the host called me, I would send a signal to the outside.
Zhong Wan nodded, and the bamboo leaves outside the window moved
slightly. Lin Si had turned out of the window and jumped onto the roof.
In the darkness, Zhong Wan and Yu Yan stood against the wall, speechless to
each other.
After waiting for an hour, there were lights shaking outside, Yan Pingshan
coughed twice, and someone came in.
Zhong Wan opened his eyes suddenly.
On the other side of the wall, Yan Pingshan said eagerly: "Just say what you
want to say, Lord ... you can't stay here long, you still ..."
Xuan Rui murmured, "I know, I know."
There were a few sounds of tea outside the wall, and someone brought it out,
about Yan Pingshan.
With a long sigh, Zhong Wan's eyes narrowed ... it was Tang Ming.
Zhong Wan subconsciously looked at Yu Jin, and Yu Jin shook his head
Zhong Wan is here to catch Tang Ming, Yu Yu is not.
After so much effort, Yu Yan wanted to hear what the person who Zhong Wan
had been protecting for many years would say here.
The other side of the wall ...
Tang Ming lamented: "The Lord is suffering."
Xuanrui hesitated: "Qian'an's case ... is it done?"
"It's been said, it's gone, and it's gone." Tang Ming sighed. "Master Yu Xiao
took the responsibility for Gui Yuan, but he didn't tell the king in front of the
emperor. The emperor was suspicious. I can't rest assured of Grandpa. "
Xuanrui eagerly said, "What on earth? I can't hide from Tibet all the time!
Someone in Qian'an wants to kill me and can't go back, but my brother and
sister are still in Beijing, I ..."
"Have you thought about it, the two little masters may be someone else
holding you back?"
Tang Ming booed: "Have you ever thought about how you step by step and
got into this dilemma?"
Xuan Rui: "Why didn't you think about it? It's all this Longevity Festival. If
the Emperor suddenly asked us to come to Beijing to live the Longevity
Festival this year, we would have been instinctively in Qian'an, I ..."
"No," Tang Ming sighed. "It was wrong from the beginning. Although Wang
Ye was still young, he should still remember that after King Ning left, the
emperor made an exception and let you strike at the same level."
Xuan Rui dumbfounded: "Yes ..."
Tang Ming asked: "You are not wrong, why are you now the king of the
Xuan Rui explained: "It's Zhong Wan for me ..."
"He is hiding from you, writing for you, saying that you have no morals and
talents, can not afford the title of prince, and gave away the title passed down
from your father to your father!" Tang Ming frowned, "If not, today ’s It ’s not
that hard to do! You never thought, why did Zhong Wan do this? "
Xuanrui hesitated: "Maybe it's to ... show my goodwill to the emperor and let
the emperor know that I have no heart for it."
Tang Ming sighed again. He lowered his voice: "Who did Zhong Wan live on
before returning to Qian'an?"
Xuan Rui calmed for a moment, "Yu Jin ..."
Tang Ming said coldly, "That Yu Zizhen is the emperor's son!"
In the darkness, Yu Yan gritted his teeth, and Shengsheng couldn't rush out to
twist Tang Ming's neck.
On the other side of the wall, Tang Ming sighed, "Master Wang still doesn't
understand this connection? Zhong Wan insisted that you make the Prince the
same day, and for whom can you not tell?
Xuanrui pumped up.
Tang Ming sighed: "Speaking of ... Zhong Wan is also deeply affectionate to
Lord Yu Xiao Wang. In order to repay Lord Yu Xiao Wang for his life-saving
grace, he cleared the obstacle for him a few years ago and took you away.
Your father ’s revenge, if you are still a prince, today ... may not be able to
fight against several princes. "
Xuan Rui seemed startled and said, "You don't want to harm me, how can I
fight with the princes ?!"
"The King Ning almost succeeded that day. You are his eldest son. Why can't
you fight for it? Besides, where is Wang Ye now? You have to fight for it."
Tang Ming said, "The Wang Ye wants to The days of being a mermaid are
terrible! The emperor has already killed himself, and the king can't escape it!
Xuan Ruixi: "I ... I still want to see Zhong Wan again."
"I've done this for Wang Ye. Wang Ye doesn't think I have any complaints, but
Wang Ye will go to see Zhong Wan ... I can't help but say something
awkward." Tang Ming asked, "You have been with Zhong Wan for years
Does Zhong Wan have a second heart? You must understand better than me.
For so many years ... Have you really doubted him? "
Tang Ming whispered: "Zhong Wan returned to Qian'an the same day ... Wang
Ye didn't notice anything wrong?"
There was another silence.
"Before leaving ..." Xuanrui's voice was hoarse, "He has been taking care of
our Physician, and once gave Zhong Wan a bag of □□."
Tang Ming froze. "What's that?"
Xuan Rui calmed for a moment, "a pack of □ □, after the medicine was
applied, the attack would occur after three days ... The Taiyi made Zhong
Wan apply the medicine to the King Yu's Palace, poisoning the King Yu and
Yu Yu, and the Tai said that Zhong Wan daily It's very convenient to get up
with them, and it's so easy ... so I have reported my father's vengeance. "
Yu Yan's breathing suddenly became heavy.
Zhong Wan closed his eyes, he didn't want to listen anymore.
Tang Ming said slowly, "Zhong Wan must be down."
"No," Xuanrui whispered, "So when he first returned to Qian'an, I was a bit
uneasy ... I didn't dare to ask, was it because the timing was not right for him,
or he was afraid that I could not get involved, Still, still ... "
Tang Ming said on behalf of Xuan Rui: "It was because he had long since
separated from King Ning's palace and did not want to take revenge for King
Ning at all."
Xuan Rui bowed his head and whispered, "They all said that my father was
killed by King Yu's house. I hated them that day ... Zhong Wan stayed at the
enemy's house for three months. I thought he was for revenge, but Later ... he
was not poisoned, and I couldn't help but doubt it. "
"Can, but ..." Xuanrui eagerly said, "But later, it wasn't fake that Zhong Wan
ran for our house. I gradually forgot about it, but when I think of it, I feel ... .
Tang Ming sighed: "The Lord is kind and follows King Ning."
Xuan Rui shouted, "Just after returning to Beijing this time, Zhong Wan had a
meeting with Yu Jinsui, and I was puzzled again ..."
Tang Ming was surprised: "He met with Xiaoyu Wang as soon as he returned
to Beijing?"
"Yes." Xuan Rui nodded and whispered softly, "On the day we entered the
palace, Zhong Wan was supposed to be waiting for me and Xuan Yu outside
the palace, but he disappeared after coming out of the palace. I asked people
to find him, He did n’t take long to come back. I asked him where he was
going. He said that the hired bearer was ignorant and lost his way, but I asked
the person who was looking for him in the past and said clearly that Zhong
Wan was going The palace of Yu Wangfu is now. "
Tang Ming paused, "I don't need to say anything more, I went to look for Lord
Yu Xiao as soon as I returned to Beijing, and I deliberately hid you, this ..."
Xuan Rui whispered: "In these days in Beijing, Zhong Wan ran to Yu Yu
Mansion several times. I ... I didn't dare to ask, but I pretended not to see it, I
don't know."
Tang Ming said, "What should he do, you should know now? Whoever
framed your private affairs officials, is it true that Prince Yu Xiaoya did it?"
Xuan Rui's voice was very low: "As long as he doesn't harm me, I can
pretend not to know ..."
Tang Ming said, "But you already know now, and you should also
understand, who can rely on, who can not rely on it? Over the years, Zhong
Wan him ... may not have doubted you."
"He was suspicious of me, I know." Xuanrui hesitated. "That year ... that year
Tang Ming busy asked: "What?"
Xuanrui was frightened, and seemed to really rely on Tang Ming. He couldn't
help but quickly said, "That year, before the old doctor died, he forced him to
... ask him ..."
"Ask him that Yu Yu was not poisoned that day. In the end, he was afraid that
Qian'an would be implicated, or he would not accept the enemy," Zhong Wan
said-- "
Tang Ming said dumbly, "What does Gui Yuan say?"
Xuan Rui shouted: "Zhong Wan said nothing and turned and left. At that
moment ... there were rumors outside that Wan Zhong and Prince Yu
Xiaozhong in Beijing had a private relationship, saying that he was in Yu
Wangfu two years ago. There must be a reason for what happens in other
hospitals. "
Across the wall, Zhong Wan leaned against the wall, her chest undulating.
"The old lady thinks Zhong Wan is sorry to my father Wang, before he dies,
he will ... will ..." Xuan Rui whispered, "The □□ that was given to Zhong
Wan before is put in his food ... but it's fine! He did n’t eat much! He saved
it! The Taiyi told me this, and it does n’t blame me! I did n’t know it until
later! And the old Taiyi was also loyal to my father ... so ... ”
Xuan Rui's voice was shaking: "I really didn't tell the old lady to do this, but
I always felt that Zhong Wan seemed suspicious of me, but after so many
years, he came alive and no one mentioned it again. I I thought it was over, I
thought ... "
Xuan Rui hurriedly said: "I can't help it! How do I know that the old doctor
is going to die and still hate Zhong Wan and want to poison? At that time,
when the rumors were flying, Zhong Wan was not really He Yu How about
amnesty, why, why ... how to spread such rumors? If it is all false, Yu Zhong
in Beijing, why is he letting this unbearable rumor go? Zhong Wan himself
has not explained it to us! "
In the compartment, Zhong Wan's fingers trembled, and he endured several
times, but finally he couldn't bear it, and a wow of blood spit out.
Yu Yan's face suddenly changed, and he hissed, "Go home !!!"
Between electric light and flint, Tang Mingxuan Rui outside the compartment
was shocked. Before they reflected, Lin Si entered the house. The generals
rushed in. There was a declaration behind Yu Jia who was ordered to bring it
behind him. Yu He Xuan Cong Xin.
Xuan Yu's face was pale, and she was pushed forward, staring at Xuan Rui.
Xuan Rui was frightened by this battle. He didn't respond for a long time. He
was stunned for a moment, and said dumbly, "How come you two ...?"
Xuan Yu shook her throat: "Brother ... what did you just say?"
Xuan Rui saw Lin Si, not too afraid. He couldn't figure out whether these
people came to his own house to save himself, but lost his face with a
shameless face: "You don't understand, I will tell you back, why are you
here? Did you bring these people? "
Xuan Yu looked at Xuan Rui in disbelief and still asked, "You just said ...
Zhong Wan is here to harm us?"
Xuan Rui angered: "I didn't say that! I just ... I have a selfishness, and you
don't understand, I will tell you back!"
"I don't understand ..." Xuan Yu's voice was dumb. "I don't know how his
father died yet, but ... Zhong Wan is only for us to be in Qian'an. Isn't this
Xuan Rui gave Lin Si a guilty conscience, knowing that Lin Si was Zhong
Wan's confidant, afraid that he would turn back to what Zhong Wan said, and
in a hurry pushed Xuan Yu aside, and whispered, "Go back!"
Xuan Yu was shoved to the ground and shivered. He crawled up and
whispered, "I don't understand anything, I don't know anything, but ... but
these years, it was Zhong Wan who brought me up ... It was him who taught
me literacy, it was him who made me understand, hands ... "
Xuan Yu's tears broke down and she was still lingering. "It was him who
taught me how to write the righteousness, wisdom and wisdom ..."
Xuan Congxin shed tears in his eyes and could not bear it. He stepped
forward and grabbed Xuan Rui's collar, and said angrily, "Xuan Rui !! He
was only sixteen years old! One year younger than you now! How many years
have he been here I almost lost my life in southern Xinjiang! What did you
do? How many years have you been struggling with life and death, just to
make you so jealous ?! "
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 60: 60
Yu Yan laid Zhong Wan gently on the ground and walked out slowly.
Yu Yan's face was pale and white, his eyes flushed. He looked straight at
Xuan Rui like a ghost, and his voice was hoarse. "The poison on his body ..."
Xuanrui knelt on the ground when he saw Yu Jinden's fright. He couldn't react
for a while, and said in panic, "Yu, Yu Jin?"
"I ..." Yu Jian looked at Xuan Rui in disbelief, groaned with his teeth, "I was
crazy? I actually let him go and let him go to you, and I ... I couldn't bear it, I
actually He went to you, I ... "
There was a sweet smell in Yu Yan's mouth, and he could not wait to pierce
himself back seven years ago and wake himself up with a slapped fan.
How stupid I was, to turn such a good away, give in to this thing.
Yu Ju tried his best to hold on to the evil thoughts. Before he came, he had
already laid out the situation, while quietly lurking in with Zhong Wan on the
other side, he ordered two children of King Ning to be captured. Let them
both see clearly. No one is sorry, so in the future he won Xuanrui's county
title. The two children will not misunderstand Zhong Wan, and they will not
let Zhong Wan spend all his pains for years.
He obviously tried his best not to make him sad.
Yu Yan instinctively touched the dagger hidden in his waist. Anyway, he was
wrong and wrong, so it would be better to kill him directly now ...
On the other end, Tang Ming saw someone coming, and there were not many
people. He was so happy at first, but he didn't see Zhong Wan left and right,
but he was a little confused. When he saw Yu Jian, he also turned pale and
lost his heart, "Why are you ?!"
Yu Yan closed his eyes and turned to look at Tang Ming. He took a deep
breath, and whispered, "The man who keeps Qian'an, keeps this old one,
Zhuangzi and others ... kill clean ... one doesn't stay, Zhuangzi Burn it. "
Tang Ming was startled, "I have ... besides Zhuangzi"
"It has been resolved." Yu Yan's confidant will give a hand to Yu Yan, "When
the young master was only brought to the master, his subordinates
accidentally revealed a little whereabouts. We are afraid of disturbing others
and disrupting the world's affairs, simply Kill them first. There are 17 people
in Zhuangzi. Twenty-three people are hidden outside Zhuangzi. Fourteen
people are on the road, aren't they? "
Tang Ming's eyes fell apart, "Yu forgive me!"
"Shut up." Yu Yan said in a dumb voice, "You better bless Zhong Wan,
otherwise ... I won't stay in this room ..."
Yu Yan turned around and returned to the inner room. He lifted Zhong Wan
with a panic, "Go back first and go home."
Yu Yan wrapped Zhong Wan with his cloak, pulled him on a horse, and was
escorted by several homes. He went back to the city without looking back.
Zhong Wan had a dream.
In his dreams, he was still a ignorant child. He was stubborn. He had
troubled with Lin Si all day in King Ning's palace.
His uncle had to do one thing every day. He could make up the clothes for
both of them, so he couldn't make up for it. He went to the storeroom and
asked for a strong and rough cloth to make clothes for them. Princess Ning
couldn't stand it. ,Say……
It is said that Zhong Wan, even the righteous son, is also Wang Ye's son and
cannot wear patched clothes.
Princess Ning chose the densest satin to make Zhong Wan's clothes, and she
specifically ordered people to sew tanned thin animal skins on the inside of
the sleeves and knees of the clothes, which was strong and resistant to
falling, and fell from such a high rockery , Elbows on the ground, do not feel
Princess Ning had no children of her own. Zhong Wan and Lin thought that a
younger brother would be a follower. Zhong Wan asked Princess Ning
several times when she could have a younger brother. Princess Ning always
smiled briefly and then did her own thing. No answer.
Later, Zhong Wan accidentally heard the elderly in the house stealing
privately, saying that Princess Ning was the emperor's finger marriage to
King Ning. At first, he was reluctant to do so, but he was distressed and
made a living. Now it has eased a bit, but it is not cold. It has been hot for
several years, and now we can't pull each other down, and we are not always
in the same place.
Zhong Wan was half-understood and half-incomprehensible. What happened
to the two of them? Women are older, can they have children naturally?
But he still wanted a younger brother. Another year later, the younger brother
hadn't waited. Zhong Wan was one year old, and he knew a little bit that the
two had to be in one place often.
That day was the Mid-Autumn Festival. The family sat together for a rare
meal. Both Ning and Princess Ning were a little embarrassed with each other
and wanted to say something, but they were inexplicably embarrassed when
they spoke.
Zhong Wan was short, and it was inconvenient to pick vegetables. Princess
Ning let him sit next to him and personally pick vegetables for him.
Zhong Wan looked at Princess Ning and then at King Ning, heartless and
heartless: "Mother, please change my name."
Princess Ning frowned. "What to change?"
Zhong Wan swallowed the food in his mouth, and said indistinctly, "Zhao
Zhao, Zhong Zhaoyi, I don't think it's ugly."
Princess Ning, who has been a girlfriend for more than 20 years, had a
stomachache when she laughed at the dining table for the first time. King
Ning died and laughed. He got up and patted for Ning, and Princess Ning's
face was slightly red.
Since then, King Ning and Princess Ning have always been in one place.
Less than a year later, Princess Ning gave birth to Zhong Wan.
After a few years, that younger brother also became the follower of Zhong
Wan and Lin Si, chasing after Zhong Wan and Lin Si all day long, being
teased by the two, Zhong Wan and Lin Si both love to bully Xuan Rui, But he
spoiled him. Xuanrui could not climb up when he climbed the tree. Zhong
Wan would carry Xuanrui on his back. When touching the fish, Xuan Rui
couldn't touch one of them. Zhong Wan would give the biggest one to Xuan
Before Ning gave birth to twins, Princess Ning had difficulty giving birth.
Before leaving, Princess Ning spoke a few words to King Ning, and looked
at Zhong Wan again. There were many speechless words in her eyes. Holding
the princess's hand, she whispered: "Mother rest assured, if my father
continues the string in the future, I will also protect my siblings, not let my
stepmother bully us, or let them suffer."
Princess Ning's face was pale, and she couldn't help laughing when she heard
the words. She rubbed a hand on Zhong Wan's head, sighed, and let Zhong
Wan treat herself well, and then left.
Zhong Wan was half asleep and awake, hushed her throat, and murmured,
"Prince, I'm afraid ... I'm afraid ..."
At the bedside, Yu Yan held Zhong Wan's hand and heard that his heart hurt a
Yu Yan rubbed a hand on Zhong Wan's head, and said in a deep voice, "You
can rest assured, Xuanrui, I'm done."
"Xuanrui's title is gone. I will personally send someone to **** him back to
Qian'an, leaving someone to watch him in Qian'an. He will not be allowed to
take another step."
"When I was reading, I remember that the clothes you wore were all made by
Princess Ning. She treated you very well. I know that you know what I think
"The title of King Ning has not been dealt with for the time being, and I will
let Xuanyu take over after I prepare well."
"After Xuan Yu's successful attack on Jazz, he can return to Qian'an with
Xuan Congxin. As long as he is willing to live honestly, he can be stable."
"Guy Yuan ... you live well, I won't kill them."
Zhong Wan didn't know if he heard it in his dream, he frowned, and fell
asleep again.
When Zhong Wan woke up again, it was already three days later.
When Zhong Wan woke up, there was only Feng steward beside him. His lips
were pale and he opened his mouth. "Qian ..."
The steward Feng was busy explaining to Zhong Wan, and said, "Shizi didn't
tell the emperor all the truth, half and half. Shizi said that some people had
captured Xuanrui, but he didn't say who it is. Now all the people in Zhuangzi
are dead. It is also coincidence that the emperor wanted nothing to trace. "
Housekeeper Feng handed Zhong Wan a hot cup of tea and whispered, "The
emperor has not been very well these days, and he has no energy to manage
it. He just let it go. The man named Tang was held secretly by Shizi. Shizi
said he still had something to ask him. "
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and nodded, "OK."
"You all these years ..." Feng steward sighed, "Well, don't say this, the two
little masters of the King's Palace in Qian'an have always wanted to see you,
they were stopped by the son, the lady from the house brought some clothes
over, I I set it aside. "
Zhong Wan's voice was mute: "Shizi ..."
"Shizi is very good, and it is strange to say it. The more things happen, the
more Shizi understands. These days, it is very proper to handle official
business, because the encirclement and rebellion of the thief have been
merited and appreciated by the emperor." Feng steward looked uneasily.
After Zhong Wan glanced, "I just worry about you."
Zhong Wan managed to get up and whispered softly, "Very well, I ... I'll wait
for a while."
Feng steward agreed, and retreated.
Zhong Wan emerged for a while, put on his robe, slowly got out of bed, and
walked to the front of the book case.
Zhong Wan picked up his pen, he was a little bit cold, and he shrank, his
chest hurting achingly.
A few years ago, when I learned that King Ning was in prison, Zhong Wan
also took a spit of blood, but at that time he was young, did n’t take medicine
and did n’t rest, he just survived so much, now think about it I didn't feel
much uncomfortable, but this time it wasn't working. Zhong Wan felt like he
was buried in the stomach by more than a dozen handles, and with a little
movement, he pierced with his internal organs and pain.
Zhong Wanfu rested for a while on the book case, unfolded a piece of paper,
and just wrote the word "male" with a pen. Zhong Wan laughed and rubbed to
the side.
"Wan kneel."
"Xuanrui, my father ..."
Zhong Wan punched his fist. He lowered his head and took a deep breath,
rubbed the paper again, and threw it aside.
Zhong Wan slowed down for a while, and redrawn.
"Wan kneel."
"Xuanrui's story is expected to be known in the sky."
Zhong Wan's eyes became red, and he held his teeth.
"From the middle of Beijing to the closure of the land, for several years, in
order to protect themselves and do everything, all the things that have been
done, it is expected that Prince Wang and the Princess will also know."
"Over the years, at the palace, the door was ruined."
"In seven years, Yu Zixuan, the deep gratitude ..."
Zhong Wan froze, and he looked up, Yu Yan, who did not know when he was
back, was standing behind him.
Yu Shenying looked at the letter written by Zhong Wan to Princess Ning
Wangning and whispered, "In seven years, Yu Ziyi, she has done her best ..."
"Deep gratitude, deep gratitude ..." Yu Yan murmured repeatedly,
uncomfortable in the heart, closed his eyes, held Zhong Wan's hand to scratch
the sentence, and said dumbly, "You are nothing I'm sorry. "
Suddenly, Zhong Wan didn't dare to look at Yu Jian. He had a pain in his
chest, so he lowered his head, and said in a deep voice, "Did you listen to
Xuanrui? That year ... I almost poisoned you."
Yu Jinmo remained silent.
Zhong Wan whispered, "Just a little bit, I'll kill you, don't you blame me?"
"Xuanrui thinks that I did not take revenge for Ning Wang for you. What do
you think? You should understand better than him? It should be clear that I
actually tried to protect the talents of Qian'an who didn't do anything to you.
... "
Zhong Wan looked at his hand and whispered: "If another Tang Ming comes
in the future, tell you, I'm actually ..."
"Shut up." Yu Yan interrupted Zhong Wan, and said lightly, "No matter who
you are for, whatever you say, what other people say, in my heart ... you are
just poisoning for me."
Zhong Wan felt a shock in her heart, struggling: "You ..."
"I'm not Xuanrui. No one can confuse me, and you can't." Yu Yan said
indifferently. "You have me in my heart ... I won't believe what others say."
After speaking, Zhong Wan, who will never cry, opened her eyes hard, the
tone changed, "How do you know in my heart ..."
"That day ..." Yu Yan narrowed his throat and said, "You are gone, and you
have sandwiched the deeds, silver tickets, and road guides I gave you in a
book. What is that book, do you remember? "
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth.
Yu Zheng said, "It's the Book of Songs."
Yu Zheng said, "It's Zheng Feng."
Yu Zheng said, "Yes ... Ziyi."
Yu Yan almost looked at Zhong Wan with resentment, "You knew you couldn't
stay there that day, so you wouldn't tell me, you wouldn't tell me ..."
"But it happened, and left an unfinished sentence for me, Qing ..." Yu Yan
stared at Zhong Wan with red eyes, "Qing Qingzi is so long, my heart is
vertical, vertical ..."
Zhong Wan finally collapsed, tears winding down, and choking, "... I
wouldn't sigh if I didn't go."
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 61: 61
Seven years ago, before Zhong Wan left, all of a sudden I loved Yu Yu's eyes
and got in the way.
Yu Yan was confused in those days, but he couldn't avoid him.
Yu Jian reads a book under the window, and Zhong Wan sits on the veranda
armrest outside the window, picks the first blossoming plum and throws it on
Yu Jian's book.
Juvenile Yu Yan has a good temper. He won't get angry even if he is
disturbed by Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan throws plum blossoms on his book. He
picks it up and puts it in his palm. Zhong Wan loses it again, so he picks it up
again. However, the palm of his hand has been holding a handful of subtle
Zhong Wan threw a plum blossom into Yu Yan's arms, and asked Yu Yan, "Zi,
do you ... is there anyone who loves you?"
Yu Yan sandwiched plum blossoms in the book and asked, "What is love?"
Zhong Wan folded a plum blossom and said vaguely: "Just ... I went to a
place to see if he came, listen to others to discuss him, and couldn't help but
stop and listen. If everything was all right, I always wanted to see him. If he
When I'm gone, I feel like the whole house is empty. "
Yu Yan heard that his heart was more chaotic. He shook his head. "No."
Zhong Wan stuck the plum blossom in his hand in the snow, and nodded for a
moment, "That's good."
Two days later, Zhong Wan asked Yu Jian again, no wonder that he had
disturbed him with his family affairs, and asked if Princess An Guochang had
asked him to find another noble daughter.
Juvenile Yu Jin deeply understands the principle of indecent assault, and
generally does not answer, but Zhong Wan has to stop him from asking, Yu
Yan cannot, and asks Zhong Wan what he cares about, Zhong Wan said that he
disturbed his marriage. Unexpected.
Juvenile Yu Zheng was so simple, she really thought that Zhong Wan was
blaming herself, but she reassured Zhong Wan that she would marry a better
concubine in the future. Zhong Wan will not be made sorry.
Zhong Wan heard the speech for a long time, so long that Yu Yan felt that he
had said something wrong, and he didn't wait for Yu Yan to ask again. Zhong
Wan smiled freely and said so well.
after that.
"Later, you left ..." Yu Yan's throat throbbed fiercely. "The entire Yu Wangfu's
house was empty."
Yu Yan rummaged through the house and thought that Zhong Wan would
definitely leave him nothing, but found nothing. He only found those silver
tickets that Zhong Wan didn't want, as well as the Book of Songs.
Juvenile Yu Zheng looked at that page of poems, thinking about the chaotic
companionship that he had come to in March, such as the beginning of a big
It was then that Yu Ju knew what Zhong Wan was talking about these days.
Zhong Wan, who was out of breath under the pressure of Ning Wangfu,
couldn't say anything to him, but the romantic spirit in this man's bones
couldn't be hidden. With a paper of poetry, Yaoya laughed with him and took
The three-pointer was a seven-point joke, and the only one who was
emotional and rude said: Even if I don't go, Zi Ning doesn't say anything?
If I ca n’t tell you, you should know now?
Zhong Wan couldn't hold himself any more, and collapsed and wept.
When suffering and suffering before, Zhong Wan also felt that he could
survive. Even if he paid for his heart wrong for many years, Zhong Wan blew
up his lungs and couldn't shed a tear. You can hear Yu Yan saying, "What
others say, I "I ca n’t believe it," and the unbearable anxiety of the past few
days has come out, and I can't stop it.
Guilt to Princess Ning Wangning, chills to Xuanrui, and unwillingness
towards her youth ... Complicated several crimes, and finally broke the pride
of Zhong Wan's heart.
Yu Yan took a deep breath, grabbing Zhong Wan's shoulder, Zhong Wan
leaned his head on Yu Yan's waist, wept loudly, and hissed exhausted.
After a long time, Zhong Wan was out of physical strength, and passed out
again. Yu Yan took him back to the bed, and pressed his anger, please see the
Zhong Wan had a high fever for many days, and his illness was fierce and
worse than the last one. He seemed to know that the owner of this body was
finally unable to stretch out, and he was savagely attacked.
"But Shizi doesn't have to worry. Before Shizi tortured the people in the
Qian'an Palace, we got it carefully. This is a good thing. The so-called
remedy is right. We know where the poison comes from, and it is more
convenient for us to heal. Taiyi whispered to comfort Yu Jian, "I said earlier
that Master Zhong is a disease of many years and cannot be cured urgently, so
he can only take it slowly. Today, the disease looks terrible. In fact, it is
because of a fire that hurts the lungs. We Now give him some more medicine
to give him a good breath, and wait for Master Zhong to digest this gas, just
fine. "
Yu Yan turned blue and said coldly, "How to digest? I will cut off the head of
the person who angered him and put it on his bed, will it be better?"
The Taiyi was startled, but the steward Feng couldn't listen anymore. He
waved his hands and let the Taiyi go, bitterly, "Don't be impulsive, you ...
you'll see in the face of Princess Ning Wangning."
"The two of them haven't looked after me, why should I give them face?"
That said, Yu Yan was lucky, "... I'll do my best to let Xuanrui get away
Mr. Feng followed with a whisper reminder, "Also Xuan Yu, if he can strike
Jue, maybe Master Zhong will feel less guilty."
Yu Geng irritated: "I see! What about the medicine? Not ready yet?"
"OK OK."
Butler Feng was busy greeting, a little girl took the medicine. She was a
person who boiled medicine for Zhong Wan. Following the rules, she took a
sip first, and waited for a while before being served. Feng Butler did not
dare to give the little girl something Wan Guan medicine, sitting on the
bedside of Zhong Wan tremblingly, put a soft pillow behind Zhong Wan's
neck, blew the medicine blowing soup, took a spoonful, and fed Zhong Wan a
little bit.
Feed half and sprinkle half.
Yu Yan has been running a few heads at the Dali Temple in the palace for a
few days. He hasn't been in the house for a long time. Most of Zhong Wan's
medicine was fed by the steward Feng. Yu Yan couldn't bear it for a moment,
"You ... why are you all like this? Haven't taken care of the patient? All ... run
into his neck. "
Feng steward bitterly, "Master Zhong doesn't speak! The old slaves can't help
it, so let them cook more medicine every time and try to feed more."
Yu Yan said that she couldn't believe it: "Would you not know how much it
was fed? How much is this medicine and how much is it?"
Feng steward said when you were so careful? With a dry smile: "Don't dare
to open your mouth hard, only ..."
"It's nothing." Yu Zheng couldn't stand it, "Give me."
Feng's steward could not have asked for it.
Yu Yan himself took the medicine bowl, tasted it, and fed it to Zhong Wan
little by little.
Yu Yan tirelessly wiped the corners of his mouth with cloth silk instead of
Zhong Wan.
Feng steward puts his mouth away, is this different?
The little **** the side looked down at her embroidered shoes innocently.
Yu Yan fed another couple of Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan seemed to be asleep,
and more and more medicines were spilled. Yu Yan set the medicine bowl
aside, sighed, got up, and lowered the bed account.
The steward Feng looked at Yu Yan in confusion. What did this do? Feel like
you ca n’t feed it, shame?
The bed account of Ke Yujuan's bedroom was a gauze account, and there was
nothing to hide.
Feng steward and little girl couldn't help looking up and peeping.
In the bed account, Yu Jian held up the medicine bowl, took a sip, bent down,
leaned in front of Zhong Wan, kissed Zhong Wan's lips, and mouth to mouth,
let Zhong Wan swallow the medicine down.
Feng steward and little girl: "..."
Feng steward's old face blushed, and uncomfortably opened his eyes, and the
little girl kept her head down.
The needle fell in the bedroom for a while, but the sound of swallowing
water could only be heard.
After a while, a bowl of medicine was finally fed.
Yu Yan stood up, gathered up the bed tent, took the tea cup aside, and drank a
bite of tea to suppress the bitterness in his mouth.
The steward Feng and the little girl looked at the nose, nose, and heart,
pretending that they saw nothing.
When Yu Juan came out with the empty bowl, the steward Feng hesitated
again and asked, "What, Shizi ... come back and feed the medicine ..."
Yu Yan gave a careful look at the steward Feng, "You naturally can't do this."
"That's natural!" Butler Feng was startled, and hurriedly confessed, "How
dare we ... but we're going to feed the medicine again, we're still ..."
Yu Yan took the handkerchief and pressed the corner of his mouth, thinking
about it, "Well, I will feed the medicine in the morning, and in the evening ...
I will try my best to come back earlier."
Feng steward nodded, "Okay, hey ... haha, this is not going to spill."
The old man had never seen this since, and the more he thought about it, the
older his face turned red and he stepped back.
Since then, Yu Juan has come to feed Zhong Wan before going out every
morning, and how early can she return at night as early as possible.
However, as long as Shen Shiji passed two minutes before he sent official
service to Yu Jiu, it was bound to suffer Yu Jin's cold eyes.
The two Shaoqing figured out the time and learned well, and did not dare to
be suspicious. Something happened that day, and they explained to Yu
Yuzheng early.
"Shizi, it's not something we can manage to send Qianan King back to the
land. This is either assigned by the emperor or sent by the clan's house. We
seem to be insincere."
Yu Yandan said indifferently: "Somebody blame the Dali Temple for
reaching too long?"
Shaoqing laughed dryly.
"Whatever other people say, this thing is not allowed to be involved." Yu
Jian said, "I will explain to the emperor, you don't need to care, and ..."
Yu Zheng said, "What happened to the person I was holding?"
"Send the old prison officer to watch it." Shaoqing busyly said, "I didn't say a
word originally, I don't know if I figured it out or what these days, I can sleep
well when I eat."
Yu Jian brought back a few days ago and hung up in the private cell of the
dark village in the city. He didn't tell anything. The two young princes didn't
dare to ask more.
Yu Yan smiled, "I can eat enough to sleep? Oh ... isn't that better than me?"
Shao Qing was afraid to speak.
Yu Yan suddenly said: "The death row prisoner over the last few days ... Are
you cut off?"
Shao Qing nodded: "Everyone asked yesterday, what happened? Anyone with
a son?"
"No," Yu said with a faint smile. "Just thinking of something fun ... Of those
who asked, there must be an old man?"
Shao Qing agreed: "Yes."
"Choose the oldest one." Yu Qian said unhurriedly, "Cut off all the fingers of
the corpse, people will not bleed after death. You are like a little, do not be
seen by people, and then ..."
Shao Qing's back was cold, and what did he do to kill someone's fingers?
Yu Zheng said: "Then give the old one a day and tell him it's his brother."
"Don't throw it in front of him, just give him a look." Yu Jian said, "He loves
to believe it or not, and don't tell him a sentence next to him, either he doesn't
believe it or he doesn't care if he cares. I don't care, one per day, I will see
him again in ten days. "
Yu Zhen smiled coldly, "Isn't he able to sleep ..."
After handling the official duties, Yu Zheng returned to his house early.
"He ..." Yu Jian looked at Zhong Wan lying on the bed and lowered his voice.
"How many days haven't you woke up? Didn't the doctor say that the blood in
his crotch had been spit out?"
"Ah, it's the same." The steward Feng was also worried. "Several doctors
diagnosed the pulse and said that it was not a big deal, but Master Zhong
couldn't wake up and couldn't do it ... Is it exhausted all these years? Want to
rest more?"
"I always lie like this, where can I rest?" Yu Yan was annoyed. "Tomorrow,
please have two other doctors come and take a good look. Is he really broken
in his lungs or his brain? This is always unconscious. what happened?"
"The other day, Master Zhong was burning high heat ..." Feng steward faintly
felt not right, whispered, "Lao An's grandson, was a month of fever when he
was a child, now in his twenties I do n’t know a word, is n’t he, Master
Zhong? ”
"Impossible," Yu said coldly. "He is so old, how could he be stupid if he is
The steward Feng gave him a mouth lightly, and then snorted twice. "Yes,
generally, children are foolish, adults ... I haven't heard of it."
While talking, the little girl outside brought the boiled medicine over, and Yu
Jian took it.
Yu Yan frowned, waved his hand, and let everyone go.
Yu Yan looked down at Zhong Wan, raised his hand and plucked his hair, and
suddenly laughed at himself.
"If you're stupid, I'll be crazy again in the next day ..." Yu said quietly, "How
are we going to live? Do you ... remember me then?"
Zhong Wan on the bed was motionless, and fell asleep.
After Yu Jing quietly waited for the medicine to warm up, he stood up and
whispered, "I'm looking for the best medical doctor, and I can definitely cure
you, even if I can't ... I want you the same, silly, silly, silly. Live more freely
... "
Yu Yan blew the soup medicine, frowning and swallowing a bitter soup
medicine, bowed his head to Zhong Wan's lips, and slowly fed him.
Suddenly, Yu Yan's eyes lighted up suddenly.
Yu Yan stood up and squinted at Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan Shen said, "When did you wake up?"
Yu Yan took the parchment and wiped his lips, grinding his teeth ...
It's not that the lungs are broken or the brain is broken. That's why a person's
**** is broken! I'm obviously awake, and I want to trick myself into feeding
him this way!
Zhong Wan's eyelids moved slightly, holding on.
Yu Yan took a deep breath, and could not bear it. "The tongue is so dishonest,
do you want to dress?"
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 62: 62
Zhong Wan's eyelashes trembled, not too disappointed. She had to dress up
arbitrarily and play a full set. He seemed to be disturbed, frowned, and
slightly moved his shoulders.
"..." Yu Yan pressed the fire, "Did not wake up?"
Zhong Wan naturally could not answer.
Yu Yan was really crazy by Zhong Wanqi!
Worried that he could not support his recurrence of old illness, and worried
that he had spent too much energy over the years and worked hard. Worrying
that he has broken his heart through this, he is worried that he is really
nostalgic and has no will to survive.
Just now, Yu Yan still felt sorry for the people. Such a clean person makes
people hurt like this. It is about disgusting this dirty world, and he doesn't
want to be stained with a little dust anymore. Enough robbery, isn't it going?
If so, what else do you fight for?
Let ’s completely mess up this Beijing middle school, and drag one to the
other. Do n’t think about it. When you die, go to school with Zhong Wan, and
choose where you want to be in the next life.
I'm afraid that I haven't accumulated good causes in recent years, and I have
no blessings with Zhong Wan again, then ...
Those who didn't wait for Yu Jin to be hurt, Binghun Xuemo's Wen Quxing
gently pricked his tongue.
Yu Jin: "..."
Then he was still in a coma, trying to get over the level.
The dog was fed with wounds.
Yu Yan raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, gritted his teeth, "Open
your eyes ..."
Zhong Wan still closed her eyes.
Yu Jian nodded, couldn't help laughing, OK ...
"Quiyuan," Yu said, getting up and pulling up the bed tent. "Do you know how
I'm going to judge those prisoners who are pretending to be confused?"
Zhong Wan's eyeballs on the bed turned slightly, but still didn't move.
Yu Zheng was not in a hurry. He got up and ordered his servants outside the
house to send two pots of charcoal fire.
Zhong Wan in bed murmured, what the hell? charcoal fire? !!
Without time for a cup of tea, the servant brought in two pots of charcoal, and
placed it beside Zhong Wan's bed.
Yu Yan nodded, letting people go down, holding the iron chopsticks, slowly
roasting on the fire, waiting quietly.
Zhong Wan on the bed was a little unsteady.
Zhong Wan felt a slight warmth from the bedside, listening to the crackling
sound of fotan and the sound of Yu Yan's fiddle with charcoal, feeling a little
Yu Yan ... isn't it?
Knowing that you're pretending to sleep, shouldn't you smile in relief, then
kiss yourself a few times with tears, and wake yourself up slowly?
What about him? Want to use torture? So this is burning yourself with a hot
iron stick?
What is this simple and rude routine?
Don't say you are pretending, you can be awakened alive even if you are
really unconscious?
Does he have to play so big?
Why is it so difficult to flirt with this lunatic?
The room was heated by charcoal, and it was getting hotter. Zhong was like
lying on a nail plate. I was ashamed of my face, but I kept closing my eyes
and I was afraid that the red-hot soldering iron would "slap" somehow
Burned himself.
Zhong Wan wants to cry without tears. Is Dali Siqing so real? In order to
prove that the sweetheart is pretending to sleep, you should also try to fire it?
Zhong Wan hesitated, and when he got up and down, he heard the sound of
friction between the clothes. Zhong Wan held his breath and felt that Yu Yan
was closer.
Zhong Wan cried in her heart, and she was going to be burned!
After being burned, I have flaws!
Zhong Wan wanted to open his eyes and look at it. He didn't dare, he wanted
to jump up, and felt shameful. When he collapsed, Yu Yan, who was
listening, whispered, "Sorry?"
Zhong Wan closed his eyes and listened to Yu Zhen saying to himself, "That
seems to be really awake."
Before Zhong Wansong sighed, Yu Zheng casually said, "Then what do I do ...
you don't know."
Zhong Wan is sluggish, what is Yu Yan doing? No, don't you want to burn
On the other side, Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, sat beside Zhong Wan, lifted the
quilt, and untied the first button on his shirt.
Zhong Wan on the bed: "..."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan's ears a little red, and the corners of his mouth
twitched slightly. He ignored him and continued to unbutton the button.
One, two, three, four ...
Anyway, the house was already warmed by the charcoal fire. Yu Jian was not
afraid of freezing Zhong Wan, unbuttoned the buttons as much as possible,
and then paused, flicking two pieces of clothing to the side.
Zhong Wan's ears turned red instantly.
Yu Yan got up, brought the basin of hot water, twisted the quilt, and pulled
Zhong Wan's hand. He was careful and wiped him with one finger and one
Rubbing your hands is your arm, rubbing your arms, Yu Yan washed the
shampoo, approached a little, wiped Zhongwan's neck gently, and then went
down ...
Yu Yan didn't make a difference, and didn't take care of it intentionally, but
Zhong Wan couldn't hold his blush.
Wiping his upper body, Yu Juan threw the ponies back into the basin and
closed his eyes.
Yu Yue closed his eyes and put his hand on Zhong Wan's belt.
Less wear in the disease, Zhong Wan's thin waist was loosely tied with a
dark silk, let alone explain, just rub it hard, it will spread.
Yu Yan pressed his hand on Zhong Wan's belt, his auricles were reddish, and
he whispered, "Take off?"
Zhong Wan was tight all over, and finally couldn't hold it. She fiercely leaned
on her side and covered her belt with her teeth.
Yu Yan opened his eyes and mocked: "Did not wake up?"
Zhong Wan's face was red-eared and red-faced, "Dali Temple Secretary, how
do you try a prisoner on a weekday ?!"
"Divided." Yu Zhen pulled the quilt and pushed it to Zhong Wan. "It's more
appropriate to try you like this. How long have you been awake?"
Zhong Wanyi, "Before ... the night before."
Yu Jin: "..."
"The day before yesterday ..." Yu Yan was stunned and said nothing. "Why
not? Then scare me for fun? If I hadn't noticed something wrong, how long
would you pretend to be?"
"Fortunately for you ..." Yu Yan couldn't say, and whispered, "I just swayed
"I'm slutty?" Zhong Wanqi blushed and tied his belt while counting. "Shizi,
how do you feed the medicine these days, you don't know the number
yourself? The night before, you gave me the medicine and gave it to me. A
piece of sugar, Lord Yu, forgive me, I do n’t know much about it, why do you
need to feed sugar from mouth to mouth? "
Yu Jin: "..."
"Yesterday morning, you fed the medicine, sugar was fed to me, the quilt was
covered, and all went out. After a while, I fold back again, kissed me once,
what was the reason for that?"
"Not to mention last night, Shizi, does feeding medicine have a tongue?"
"This morning, you covered up with a quilt and thought that the steward Feng
could not see it, and twisted my palm under the quilt ... Oh yes, in order to
kiss me for a while, you also deliberately wet the robe, and then instructed
the steward Feng Go get a clean robe for you, and after you leave, you kiss
me in the eyebrows! "
"Again, just now, you ..."
"Okay, okay, I won't hold you!" Yu Ai turned his head and couldn't listen
In Yu Jian's bones, there is a gentleman who is not fake, but he is a saint, so
that he can lie in front of himself every day without any help from his
sweetheart, right?
After feeding the medicine like this, Yu Yu can't bear the first few times.
Apart from feeding the medicine, I don't touch Zhong Wan a lot, but after a
few times ...
Yu Yan's eyes flickered, and he did something ... that shouldn't be done.
Zhong Wan woke up the day before yesterday and never got up. The first
thing I remembered about Xuan Rui's affairs was somewhat sad, and he didn't
want to face it. Second, I was quite shocked that Yu Yan secretly ran into oil
while she was lethargic. I also wanted to wait and see what Yu Yan would
Lord Ye Xiao, who is not polite, will already take advantage of others and
deliberately support others to kiss him. Then, in another two days, isn't it
going to be overdone?
Will I collapse with myself at night?
When the same collapsing, can you not help but touch your palm again?
Touched the palms, did you come down to touch your placket?
It's a pity that Zhong Wan didn't wait for Yu Jian to commit the ban, and
Zhong Wan exposed the stuff first.
Yu Yan didn't want his little movement to be known by Zhong Wan, and he
was a little uncomfortable for a while. His ears were slightly reddish, and he
sat a bit far away.
Zhong Wan was frustrated by Yu Wan for a few days, and she felt that she
was losing money. She was afraid that Yu Zhen would confess his crimes
with the teacher. The wicked would sue first and bluff. ... It's even, and, and,
what you said just now, I just became a fool, and you want me too, hey ... "
Zhong Wan suddenly wondered, "Shizi, if I'm stupid, when I wake up, how
would you tell me? Say I'm your brother? Your brother? Are you in the same
Yu Yan took a look at Zhong Wan, took a deep breath, and was sure that he
really woke up.
Yu Jian leaned on the back of the chair and looked out the window, hesitated,
"Say to you, you are me ..."
Zhong Wan was dying curiously, "What?"
Yu Yan took a look at Zhong Wan and said nothing.
Zhong Wan dug his heart and was just asking, Feng Feng came in outside and
was very happy to see Zhong Wan awake. He came forward and hung up and
asked for a long time before thinking about the business. He said, "The
person from the Dali Temple said that there was something wrong Saizi said,
would Shizi meet? "
Yu Yan said: "Let him come in."
A moment later, a man in a military outfit came in and saluted with Yu Yu,
saying, "'There's a villain to talk to Shizi.'"
The slight discomfort in Yu Yan's face disappeared instantly, and he squinted
his eyes, "said."
Yu Yan turned to look at Zhong Wan and explained to him, "This is the person
watching Tang Ming."
Zhong Wan frowned slightly.
The serviceman said, "At the beginning, I sent the finger over, and the old
thing was taken aback, but as the world expected, I was not convinced. I felt
that it was someone else's finger. We scared him. We should use him His
brother's life threatened him. "
"But for a few days, we asked him nothing, and this old thing was a little
"The day before yesterday, he told us himself and asked us what we wanted
to know."
Zhong Wan, who was sitting on the bed, moved in his heart and looked at Yu
Jian, "What did you ... ask him?"
Yu Qian said lightly, "I didn't ask anything."
"I hate his attitude that he knows everyone well, so ..." Yu Yan sneered, "he
just didn't follow his heart."
"Yes." Said the servant, "This old thing originally thought that our son was
useful to him, but also wanted to talk to us about the conditions in turn.
Unexpectedly, the son saw him for days and days without seeing him. I did
n’t ask him a word, and the old thing was really panicked. Today, we
deliberately gave him a finger with his nails removed. After watching the old
thing, he felt restless and asked to see Shizi and Shaoqing. Send a villain
over there to ask the son what it means. "
Yu Yan shook his head: "No."
"Continue to give him the fingers, the fingers are gone, and the toes, the toes
are gone, and the broken ears ... I don't see where the flesh is ..."
Yu Shen said: "Take your time ... tell him to die if you don't want to see these
things, you can be killed by hitting a wall, you can cut your wrist by breaking
a porcelain bowl, you can hang yourself by taking off your belt."
"Don't let him think how much I care about his old life. When he can clearly
tell me that I have no conditions, he must try his best to please me rather than
when I ask him."
Zhong Wan sighed in guilty conscience.
Comparatively speaking, the Dali Temple had just tried his method ... it was
too broad and peaceful.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 63: 63
After the explanation was clear, Yu Yan ordered his servant to go.
Zhong thoughtfully and looked at the end of the bed.
Yu Yan knew that he had many things to ask himself without urging, and
waited quietly.
Xuan Rui's matter was handled by Yu Zheng, and he actually didn't know
whether Zhong Wan was willing or not.
Zhong Wan has been ill for more than a month, and has lost a lot of weight.
He is almost pin-shaped, and he can see the bones on his shoulders through
the middle clothes.
His uncle's shoulders carried the entire Ning Wangfu.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan, and his anger was gone.
You can just wake up well. For a while, Zhong Wan begged himself to fight
for the county king of Xuanrui, and Yu Jian would not be half dissatisfied.
Yu Zheng waited for a while, Zhong Wan still didn't say a word, Yu Zheng
was a little uneasy. What is this man ... considering?
Are there any requirements you can't tell yourself directly? After that, what
else can't you ask yourself?
"You ..." Yu Qiang couldn't help, "What do you want to ask me?"
Zhong Wan froze, "Ah?"
Yu Yan frowned, "What are you thinking about for half a day?"
Zhong Wan looked guilty elsewhere and pursed her lips. "Guess ... if I was
stupid, how would you lie to me."
Yu Jin: "..."
Think again.
"I lied to you and me to be a sweetheart. After I lied to your family, I picked
you up and we grew up together." Yu Yan said he was sour, but Zhong Wan
just wanted to listen to this, he had to say Quickly, "Hello you, tell you that
you have deep roots for me, always ask for me, okay?"
Zhong Wan buried her head in a low laugh and coughed.
Yu Yan could not help but feel sour.
If only that was the case.
Yu Yan whispered, "When you were sick a few days ago, I told you about
Xuan Rui, and I don't know if you listened or not. In this way, you think ..."
Zhong Wan said: "Very good."
A big rock fell in Yu Yan's heart, "I can't wait for Xuan Yu to attack the lord,
I'm still thinking, you ..."
"Let ’s talk about that again." Zhong Wan shook his head. "This is not easy to
do. The emperor can arrange it this way because you cut the title of Xuanrui
to his heart and give Xuanyu ... the emperor ... I don't want to, it's a delay, it
won't even matter. "
Yu Zheng didn't take credit. "Recently, the northern Xinjiang is not stable, and
the emperor's spirit is weak. I didn't have any thoughts about Xuanrui.
Zhong Wan froze, "Beidi heard a few days ago, wasn't it just the usual way to
plunder? Is it a big deal?"
"No big trouble, Beidi's king died for three months, the youngest son
inherited the throne, but he couldn't fight his eldest brothers. He couldn't
afford his tribe, and came to the border to invade." Yu Jianshen said, "There
are not many people in Beidi now. Just go back ... it's all a trivial matter.
When Beidi consumes it internally, all the **** ones will die. Those who
survive will be able to take the big picture and be fine."
King Ning died in northern Xinjiang then. After that war, Beidi was beaten
up and down. After seven years of recuperation, his civilian strength was
less than half of that year. If he fights in the present, it is really impossible to
turn the waves back on. Zhong Wan nodded after hearing the words, "Hope
During the talk, the outside doctor heard that Zhong Wan was awake and was
about to come for a diagnosis. Yu Yan ordered someone to come in.
The doctor gave Zhong Wan a pulse, and asked a few words. When he saw
Zhong Wan had some fever, he did n’t want to give him medication, but still
had to take a needle. He asked Yu Qian for his meaning. Yu Jian saw Zhong
Wan awake well. I have a little more trust and nodded.
The doctor took the medicine box in Yaotong's hand, and in accordance with
the rules of Yu Jian, let the medicine boy go out and wait. The doctor
arranged the silver needles by himself, stood by the bed, and waited.
After a cup of tea, the Taiyi was motionless.
The postured Zhong Wan and Taiyi's big eyes narrowed, while Taiyi looked
at Yu Jue in confusion.
Yu Yan frowned: "You still can't do anything, what do you want me to do?"
The Taiyi stammered, "Wait, are waiting for the son, isn't the son going to ...
do you want to avoid it? Or turn around ..."
Taiyi is pretty innocent. "Isn't this the rule that Shizi himself set?"
Yu Yan took a look at Zhong Wan, took a book with him, and tried his best to
be inadvertent. "The other day ... the patient has already talked to me about
admiration, so I don't have to avoid it in the future."
Zhong Wan lying on the bed: "..."
The Taiyi stayed there, Yu Yan thought the Taiyi didn't believe it, and
frowned, "I will lie to you? He did tell me, that is ... The Book of Songs,
should you read" Zi Zi ", Qing Qingzi ..."
"Okay." Zhong Wan collapsed. "Don't recite poetry!"
Yu Jian closed his mouth with goodness, and the Taiyi was shocked again by
the strict rules in the high door, swallowed, and nodded, "Okay, then ...
Master Zhong, take off your clothes."
Zhong Wan blushed and threw her jacket to the side, and fell down.
Zhong Wan then came to understand why Yu Yufang had taken off his clothes
without covering his eyes. The co-author was that he had automatically
advanced the relationship between the two, and felt that he could see his
upper body.
After waking up, Tang Ming was dealt with first, and the doctor came again.
The two had not had time to say a few private words.
Before the coma, Zhong Wan now thinks a little bit shy.
The sour words spoken by young people when they were young, are now
mentioned ... It's weird.
They are not too young, they just have everything in their minds, it ’s good to
kiss, it ’s okay to do that kind of thing, you do n’t need to mention it.
Naturally, this is just wishful thinking of Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan obviously wanted to mention it.
"I said before, whether to cure fast or slow to listen to his own meaning, and
it won't be necessary in the future." Yu Yan stared at the Taiyi and said
abruptly. "His illness, I can take the lead in the future."
Taiyi busy agreed, "Yes."
Yu Zheng said, "As for why, this has already been said."
Zhong Wan buried her face in the pillow.
Yu Yan stopped talking, "If the Taiyi hasn't read the Book of Songs, it doesn't
matter, I'll give you a copy in a while."
Taiyi nervously said, "Then ... great, Xie and Xie Shizi donated books."
Yu Jian nodded: "Nothing to read more."
Zhong Wan was breathless, and he could not wait for the Taiyi to kill himself.
Fortunately, the palace suddenly came to pass Yu Yu, and asked Yu Yu to
The DPRK is not stable, and there is still something in the northern Xinjiang.
In fact, it has nothing to do with Yu Jin, but Chong'an Emperor had previously
received Yu Jin's guarantee. He had the intention to let Yu Jin learn to govern,
and he must pass on anything trivial to him.
On the other side, Yu Mingri tortured Tang Ming with the stump of the corpse
and did not forget Tang Qin.
Tang Qin was in the palace and naturally knew that Tang Ming had betrayed
Xuan Rui's old nest, but no news about Tang Ming was heard from the
beginning to the end. Tang Qin believed that Tang Ming had escaped the
Yu Jin did n’t say the same thing as Tang Qin. When Tang Ming was buttoned
down that day, Yu Qian ransacked Tang Ming ’s things and made people spill
blood on those clothes. It ’s the same day that the people in the palace give
them Tang Qin.
Like Tang Ming, Tang Qin was calm at first. He didn't seem to care. He was
always on guard and was ready to deal with various intimidations, but no one
paid attention to him.
The blood-stained items were just sent the same way.
Tang Qin finally couldn't sit still, and started to contact the palace, but all the
news was sinking into the sea.
Yu Jin gave a hard hand this time, and slaughtered Tang Ming's people
cleanly. No one can find Tang Qin.
Tang Qin understood that this was Yu Yan's hanging on him, and he endured it
for a few days, but eventually he couldn't. He took the initiative to ask
someone to give Yu Yan a message.
Zhong Wan was still in a coma that day, and Yu Zhen didn't even think about
anything else, and let Tang Qin go away and cool off. The **** had never
dealt with such a person, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.
After being aired for several more days, Tang Qin couldn't help it, and asked
someone to give Yu Yan a message again.
After the confession, Yu Chong was left by the Emperor Chong'an to discuss
the matter. The spy who sent news to Yu Chong could not find Yu Chong, and
was anxious, but Feng Feng took it into the inner courtyard and gave it to
Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan was confused, "What's wrong?"
"People in Shizi said that there was an urgent matter to explain to Shizi, there
was no delay." Feng steward said to the spy, "Same as Master Zhong."
After speaking about Feng steward, he stepped back, and the spy whispered
to Zhong Wan after saluting: "The old **** in the palace wanted to know the
news of Tang Ming and said he was willing to sell Shizi.
Zhong Wan said, "What kind of favor?"
The spy said: "The old **** said that yesterday, someone from the northern
Xinjiang contacted His Highness Five."
Zhong Wan stunned: "Beidi?"
"Yes, that's King North's." The spy said, "The villain doesn't understand the
details, but I heard that this North King is very useless. After he inherited the
throne, he was in a bad situation. During the month, Bianpei fled and brought
several people to the border several times.
Zhong Wan nodded: "Shizi mentioned it to me once. What did he contact
Xuanqiong for?"
The spy said: "It's very vague, the villain can't understand it, and can only
repeat it in the original words. The king of Beidi asked His Royal Highness
Five if he wanted to let the story of seven years ago be re-sung in northern
Zhong Wan's eyes darkened.
Zhong Wan tried his best to remain calm, "What else did he say?"
The spy shook his head. "No, the little man suspects that this old thing knows
something else. Now he has become the concubine of Yu Fei. His Highness
Five made a few trips to Yu Fei's side in one day. They must know ... The old
thing is showing his respect to the son of the world. The villain wants to ask,
will he continue to hang him, or will he find a way to subdue him and ask him
clearly? "
"Hang him first, don't bother," Zhong Wan said, "when Shizi returns, ask Shizi
... you go first."
The spies couldn't stay any more, so they went.
Zhong Wan was physically weak, and she sat down and drank two ginseng
Yu Jiu hanged Tang Ming and Tang Qin. Tang Qin now apparently wanted to
be an anti-visitor and strive to take the initiative.
How true can he be?
"Let the story of seven years ago be re-sung in northern Xinjiang," naturally
speaking of King Ning.
The ancestor of the dynasty | The emperor emperor set the iron law.
Whenever there is a battle, it is necessary to send a prince to the army to
conquer the army.
Zhong Wan thought of the worst case.
"King Beidi ..." Zhong Wan whispered, "Maybe it wasn't the brothers who
were driven to the north by strong soldiers ... he was intentional ..."
Zhong Wan thought over the words of the spy again, and felt that the rain was
He hoped that he was more attentive, but he got up and called Feng steward.
"I ..." Zhong Wan laughed, feeling boring, but still cheekily, "I'm a bit bad,
bother you ... go to the palace and ask the son to come back."
The steward Feng gave Zhong Wan a distressed glance, "What will happen to
Shizi when he comes back at night, and then he will ask Shizi to come back in
advance and use this reason ... Shizi is not a fool? How can he believe?"
Zhong Wan didn't dare to delay time, couldn't, explain to Feng steward like
this, "Go ... Go, he will come back when he hears it."
Feng steward went beyond words.
After an hour.
In the hall, the middle position was empty. Emperor Chong'an had already
returned to the harem early. The hall was divided into two. Outside, Xiao
Hanlin sorted out documents in different categories. The elders sat in the
warm court to handle political affairs and were forced. Leaving Yu An, he
also sat in the warm court, took over the documents approved by the
veterans, and read them one by one.
The princes or the little princes who were highly respected all learned this
way when they first came to politics. Now Yu Jian was also sent over, and
the elders tacitly agreed, and they defaulted to Yu Yan as a foreigner.
A little **** peered out of Nuange, and after waiting for a while, he didn't
see Yu Yan, unable to, but he bowed himself into Nuange, and when he
entered, he was swept away by a floating dust from the **** serving in the
room. The little **** bit his head and drilled in again, saying, "There is
something to be done in Yufu Mansion."
Others did not dare to stop, and put the **** in.
Quiet and silent in Nuange, Yu Jin put down his paperwork and lowered his
voice, "What's wrong?"
The **** tangled, and whispered, "Zhong ... Master Zhong is uncomfortable."
The elders in the warm court were each busy with their own, but they were
all standing with their ears, and could not wait to get closer.
That Master Zhong again!
Yu Yan glanced at everyone, depressing a little bit of unexplainable
happiness in his heart, calmly on his face, "Don't tell him I'm busy?"
The **** bit his face bitterly. "Say."
"Just keep talking." Yu Zhen picked up another textbook, "tell him that I will
go back to his house to accompany him after my business is finished."
The **** didn't dare to leave.
Yu Yan pressed his lips as hard as he could, and frowned, "Find a doctor if
you feel uncomfortable, and you have to see what's wrong with me when you
feel uncomfortable? Who's used to it?"
The little **** said, "I've found ... I've found a doctor."
Yu Jue could hardly hide the smile in his eyes, and he tried his best to keep
his face cold. "Reluctant to take medicine again? Would you like me to feed
The old men were sore, but their ears were straighter.
The eunuch's face wrinkled, "Shiko ... Don't ask."
Yu Yan wanted to hear Zhong Wan play tricks with him. Why didn't he ask?
He picked up a cup of tea and said, "It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter."
"Yes! Yes ..." The **** couldn't, and thumped to his knees and collapsed,
"Master Zhong said the elder doctor diagnosed him with a happy pulse! Let
Shizi go back and look anyway!"
Yu Juan took a sip of tea and his face changed dramatically.
At the same time, half of the people in the court coughed.
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 64: 64
The **** was terribly wronged, so don't ask, just ask!
We still have to ask in front of so many adults, but the steward Feng said that
he would secretly tell Yu Yan, this is all right, everyone knows ...
"Happy pulse ..."
"That's right, it's hi."
"Master Zhong, isn't it Zhong Guiyuan? Isn't he a man ... how could he be
pregnant ?!"
"Zhong Guiyuan, I know him, he almost even won the three yuan Wenquxing!"
"Even if he is Wenqu Xingxiafan, he shouldn't have children ..."
"Whether it is true or not, the doctor who diagnosed Ximai was afraid that he
would not go back to the hospital."
"Can not go back……"
"When the pulse of joy comes out, nothing can be the same as before."
Yu Yan was blank, and suspected that he was sick again.
Is this the beginning of hysteria?
Yu Yan's ears were suddenly sharper than ten times. In the warm room, the
eunuchs of the little **** Xiao Hanlin whispered to his ears, and his brain
The **** who was rumored was still kneeling at Yu Jian's feet, and he was
crying, "Shizi, there was a sudden accident, and no one in the government had
expected this to happen, you ... go back!"
Everyone in Nuange looked at it, and even Sun Ge, who had passed his 70th
birthday this year, couldn't restrain himself, and looked nervously at Yu Jin.
Everyone is waiting for an answer from Yu Zheng.
Yu Yan's eyes were red, and countless thoughts shuttled from his mind.
He didn't want a child at all, but what if Zhong Wan definitely wanted it?
Then you have to be born.
Yu Yan tried his best to make him behave more naturally, and his tone was
calm: "This is good ..."
Yu Yan listened to the inhalation of the crowd, instinctively to maintain
Zhong Wan, using the manners used to see the big scene. Explaining to
himself, "This, this is normal ... It's an individual who gets pregnant ...
nothing new."
The eunuch's face was purple and nodded.
"Then I ..." Yu Yan accidentally knocked over the tea cup, he got up, "then I
have to go back and see ..."
Yu Yan looked over to Sun Ge Lao. The old men did not dare to stop, and
stood up in awe, and sent Yu Yan to the parliament hall together.
After leaving the palace for a long time, Yu Jing was sober by the cold wind.
Yu Ji paused, was pained by Zhong Wanqi's lungs, and hesitated several
times. Would he go back and explain to everyone?
"Seiko? Seiko?"
Yu Yan's right hand with a long five-finger pinch was tight and the joints
crackled. Yu Yan shook his head. "Just, the clear one clears up, nothing,
nothing ..."
In the palace of Yu Wangfu, Zhong Wan was anxious for more than half an
hour, and finally waited for Yu pardon.
Zhong Wan saw that Yu Yan's face was not right, and it was not embarrassing
to think about what he had just told, but it was nothing but a little fun between
the two, and it did n’t matter to anyone. ?
Yu Yan stared at Zhong Wan with a resentful look, and also told Zhong Wan
that all cabinets now knew what he was pregnant. The two looked at each
other and skipped this paragraph. Yu Yan sat aside and whispered: "What the
**** ?!"
Zhong Wan recounted all the words said by the spies to Yu Jin.
Yu Jin paused for a moment, then murmured, "What happened seven years
ago ... what do you mean?"
Zhong Wan said, "You told me a few things about Beidi before. It's not very
detailed. I want to ask you, has King Beidi ever fought against his brothers?"
Yu Yan shook his head, "No."
Yu Qiang said, "After the death of King Beidi, several older sons took their
tribe off the king's tent, and they were also jealous of each other. They were
anxious to occupy the grassland they knew best. No one would Go and make
a wedding dress for others, the first one to openly rebel against the king. "
Zhong Wan asked again, "That is to say, as long as they don't work together,
are they still not prepared to win the new king?"
Yu Yue said: "Yes, the new king is wasteless, and there are the princes left by
the old king Beidi."
"I wasn't beaten ..." Zhong Wan groaned. "Why the new King of North Di,
why should he take the initiative to run to the northern border?
Yu Yan was silent for a moment. "The news from the border was that King
Beidi was afraid of his brothers and was forced to move south."
"But the situation does not seem to be critical. This is the next best move."
Zhong Wan said, "It is us to the south, and brothers who are not good to the
north. We have to give up this one without a fight. Seems somewhat ...
fetched. "
Yu Zheng hesitated for a moment, "I thought about it, but the news from the
North Xinjiang may not be so accurate. Maybe it has been hit. Maybe Beidi
Wang has less power than we know, maybe ..."
"Perhaps, he moved south and wanted to die." Zhong Wan whispered, "Shizi,
I have a bad idea. Would you like to listen?"
Yu Yan's eyes motioned to him.
"Whether or not Tang Qin was frightened by you, he is now taking the
initiative to show you, and the news that came at the beginning is 90%
"After all, it's the first time to show my goodwill to you. If it's fake, nothing
can be said later."
"If this is true,‘ the story of seven years ago, sung again in northern Xinjiang
’, that is to say that war will begin again.”
"Who fights with whom? We and Beidi."
"What King Didi did in this way was to get our attention and lure us into the
"But the brothers of King New North are all farther north, and it is the
North's subordinates who commit my border. We will only fight North King.
How can he cause trouble to the east?
"Even if he can retreat in time when our army is under pressure, splitting a
path and letting us attack further north, how will he control the situation?
Now Beidi's troops are not enough to compete with us. In our eyes, Beidi
There is no difference between them and Beidi people. No one cares about
who they are. Once the battle starts, we are likely to wipe them out. Isn't he
afraid? "
"He fears."
"So I dare not intrude too much, only dare to plunder, not dare to slaughter,
all I am afraid is to completely anger us."
Yu Yan took a sip of tea and whispered, "So, he wants to ..."
"I want to make a deal with someone who shares his mind," Zhong Wan
whispered, "Xuan Qiong."
"The King of New Taipei must also be aware of the situation on our side,
knowing that the emperor is old, that we have no prince, and that the princes
are still in a state of persecution. After that, he also needs to get what he
wants. Xuan Qiong either operates in the DPRK and dispatches troops to the
north to pacify his elder brothers or more simply, after our new emperor
ascended the throne. , Borrow troops directly with him, and help him unify
the grassland. "
Yu Yue knocked gently on the table, "What is the skill of King Beidi,
confident that he can make a sword for the prince?"
"He has it," Zhong Wan said in a deep voice. "I have set the iron rule for the
emperor | ancestor | Emperor. Whenever there is a battle, an emperor will be
sent to the army to cheer the army."
Yu Yan glanced, "I don't expect King Beidi to even get 50,000 soldiers and
horses out now. Even if Xuan Qiong can find a way to get Xuanyue out, Wang
Didi will do everything he can to shake our soldiers, then ..."
"No." Zhong Wan interrupted Yu Jing. "The king of North Di won't hit the
stone with his eggs and exhaust all his forces just to kill his prince? That's
too difficult and consumes too much."
"King Di does not have to go head-to-head with the army. Instead, he wants
to please the generals who come to the army."
"Throw out thousands of Pedi people and slaughter them with the northern
conquest to accumulate the meritorious service of the prince."
"Become relentless and let the prince on the expedition have a beautiful
"Finally passed a few plausible secret letters to our army, and then ..."
Zhong Wan thought a bit more sorrowful about the events of that year, he
slowed down and continued, "Then these secret letters will inevitably be
passed back to North Korea according to their arrangements."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Zheng, "Shizi, by then ... who has become a
Yu Yan was silent for a long time, and whispered, "The king Ning died in this
Zhong Wan didn't say anything further. He looked out the window and later
said, "Naturally, this is all my guess. I do n’t know how Ning Wang was then,
but I am sure that at least I am guessing. Eight points, Seiko, do you believe
it? "
Yu Yan put the tea down and said, "I believe, but one thing ... I don't think you
think it is right."
Zhong Wan froze. He thought he was thinking about everything. What else?
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan and asked, "As long as the army is a prince,
why do you think Xuan Qiong was pushing Xuanzhen?"
Zhong Wan's heart moved, suddenly: "Is it ..."
Yu Zhen laughed at himself.
"Strategy for military action," Yu said. "Fighting for the emperor to recognize
me, but also to send me to northern Xinjiang. Anyway, as soon as I send out a
soldier, it is equivalent to stepping into the coffin with half a leg, and I can
still live. A few days, it depends on his mood, so ... clean. "
Besieged Tang Ming that day, Tang Ming once told Xuan Rui that Yu Qian
was the emperor's illegitimate son. Later Zhong Wan has been ill until now,
and the matter has not been mentioned between the two. Zhong Wan knows
that this is Yu Jin ’s taboo. Unexpectedly Yu Yu himself would take the
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan and said coolly, "At that time, you will have to
marry another with my posthumous son."
Zhong Wan froze, embarrassed, "This is the business!"
"That's the business. You think about it well. You reminded me early and
remembered your great work." Yu Yan stood up. "I can't just listen to the ****
Tang Qin. I have someone beside Qiong. I have to find out. Go first. about
Yu Yan stopped talking.
Zhong Wan waited seriously, "What else is there to tell me?"
"You will call me later ..." Yu Yan frowned. "Don't always say those weird
Zhong Wan's ears were reddish, and he said uncomfortably, "I'm afraid you
don't know what happened. I'm too anxious to deliberately tease you.
Anyway, other people won't know, and I will only be ashamed of you."
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan could not bear to tell what happened in Zhong Wan's cabinet, and left
with a complex expression.
Zhong Wan went through the events in the North Xinjiang in his heart and
tried his best to deal with the Yu Yu plan. He always thought of King Ning
without control and was sad.
Zhong Wan breathed a sigh of relief, got up and walked to the window to
Zhong Wan stood for a while, and heard a few servants huddling together
outside the window.
Zhong Wan couldn't help but smile, Yu Jian looked at the fierce, but was very
good to the subordinates, for so many years, the people in the house have
been like this, dare to say anything, dare to talk.
Zhong Wan wanted to listen to Yu Jian's gossip, leaning against the window,
her lips slightly raised, and her ears listened.
After listening for a while, the smile on Zhong Wan's face gradually
"No ... I don't believe Master Zhong can be pregnant!"
"But if you have it, whether you believe it or not, now you know it inside and
outside the palace."
"Now it depends on whether Shizi recognizes this child."
"Shi Zifang was in a hurry, his expression was sullen, and he seemed
unhappy ..."
"What if you don't admit it?"
"The child is not a son!"
"Don't talk nonsense! This must be Shizi ..."
"Don't die! Who else is Seiko's?"
"Yes Yes Yes."
"Hey, Master Zhong has suffered a lot ... After suffering so many years in
Qian'an, he finally returned to Beijing, and he was pregnant with a child ..."
"Life goes up and down, but that's it."
"Man's life is destined."
"It should be pregnant, it will always be pregnant ..."
"Who would have expected it? Master Zhong escaped for seven years, and he
hasn't escaped us."
"Can't escape ... this child, he is destined to conceive, is destined to be born,
and then stand in our house!"
"No one can shake Master Zhong's position in this house any more."
"In the final analysis, we are so good, this is pregnant."
"That is!"
"The son of a child is prosperous ..."
"Shizibai made steel ..."
Zhong Wan leaned her head against the window, her hands shaking.
Don't want to live ... 2k novel reading network
Chapter 65: 65
Let's not say how this happened so quickly. It was already known to everyone
within an hour. Are all the people in this government ... crazy?
Do you really believe it?
Will these families and servants do too much for Yu Jiun's unloading of their
wheels, and follow the Capricorn?
Isn't Yu Yan already asking Taoists to do the secret?
That is to say ... Yu Amnesty also believed?
"Did he know that ... the man can't be pregnant?" Zhong Wan's voice
trembled. "Does he know that ... Even if he can be pregnant, it will take a day
Thinking of Zhong Wan here can not help but feel a little bit unhappy, why did
Yu Yan force himself to have a child without any effort? !!
"I want a child. You can have one yourself."
Yu Yan estimated that he could say such a thing.
But how can he deserve to extend the incense to him as a man?
It's just flirting. Why is this suddenly taking responsibility?
Outside the window, the family and the servants would get farther and farther
apart. Zhong Wan was frightened and scared away from the window and sat
On the other side, in Yufei Palace.
Xuanqiong was restless, got up and turned several times, and said
impatiently, "Did the mother think about it?"
The ten fingers of Yu Fei's fingers covered Dan Zi's hole, and her eyes
flickered. "I, I still want to ask you ..."
"I told you to take this guts out!" Xuan Qiong turned around and said
anxiously, "Because he knows, this thing is really not going on. The mother
also saw it, how much the father emperor now leans on Yu forgiveness, every
day He was detained in the cabinet to listen to politics. Since the third
brother left, his father's body has become worse and worse, and his father
has not been able to catch it, but he has not entrusted his affairs to me for
more than half.
Xuan Qiong's face turned blue. "The Jiangnan corruption case was supposed
to be handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. The father and the
emperor didn't know what he was thinking about, so he moved the case to the
Dali Temple, and sent an inspector to help. Yu Jue! After the corruption case
was closed, Jiang Nan was tucked away by Yu Jue himself, and it was bound
to be all his own people. Then he planted it, that is, his close friend who
supported it in one hand! This is how big Thing! "
"Well? Only knowing that Cheng Yancheng is afraid of Yu Yan's gratitude. I
don't dare to say half a word. It's a whole set to come back to appease me.
Don't care about the momentary gains and losses. Prince Edward! "
Yu Fei said uneasily, "But hasn't the emperor recognized him yet? If you want
to force him on the expedition, he really has to recognize his ancestors and
return to school!"
"Can't bear the child to bear the wolf! Even if I don't push him, the father will
recognize him sooner or later, will it be the same?" Xuan Qiong anxiously
said, "Mother, why don't you understand? Father has already With the thought
of acknowledging him, Zhengchou has no reason. I'm trying to use my
strength! "
"Recognizing Yu Jue and sending him to northern Xinjiang is a matter of
smooth sailing. Father Emperor will not hesitate. As long as Yu Jue sets foot
in the north, it is my word when he will die. "Xuan Qiong said," King Beidi
has promised me that as long as Yu Zhen arrives in northern Xinjiang, he will
be able to plant a charge of treason and terror against Yu Yan. If I can pass on
the information in our army for him, he still has 70% The grasp of Yu directly
slaughtered Yu Jian on the battlefield, so what else can I worry about? Whom
to worry about? Xuanyuan? There is only one of him left, what can he fight
with me? "
Princess Yu got up and turned around in the room, her voice trembling, "But I
was still flustered. It was not so easy to move Yu Zheng, and there was
Princess An Guo behind him! You said, as long as the emperor does not
recognize Yu Zheng, He will never be righteous, and he ca n’t really fight
against you. I ’m afraid you ’re going back to the mountain, or ... you think
about Xuan Ye! Is n’t it bad for him to do something by Beidi? ”
"Kill the chicken with a sledgehammer!" Xuan Qiong had a bubble in his
mouth. "And Xuan Qi can't die now! He's dead, and Yu Yan's eyes are the
only one! My situation must be more difficult!"
Yu Fei was terrified. "But ... but what can the Beidi people believe?"
"Nature is credible!" Xuan Qiong's eyes were fierce. "The spy sent a blood
book written by King Beidi. Now he is on the verge of death and can only
rely on me to help him!"
That night, Yu Yu's house, Yu Yan looked at the stranger kneeling down with
a playful smile, and smiled. "I have such a big face, it is a great honour for
King Beidi, whom he never met."
Zhong Wan stood in the middle room, leaning against the wall with his arms,
listening quietly.
He and Yu Jue did not expect that this North Di King had a daughter who
married more than Yu Yu.
The stranger took a heavy scarf, took a blood book from his arms, walked a
few steps on his knees, tears in his eyes, and solemn hands with blessing and
Yu Yan covered his mouth and nose with a papa, and sat back slightly, "I'm
dizzy, you take this thing further away."
Zhong Wan in the middle gave himself a stern blow before he stopped and
The stranger had to take the blood book back into his arms, and said, "Our
King Jiu Muyu, the little prince, had wanted to associate with the little prince
many years ago, but he was helpless from the north and the south. , In the
most difficult situation, the first one remembered my friend here. "
Yu Yan looked down to hide the irony in his eyes and didn't speak.
The stranger said: "The situation of our great king, Lord Yu Xiao must be
clear, and the king's plight, we also heard about one or two. Our king is
willing to do his utmost to complete your ambition for Lord Yu Xiao, just
looking forward to After you have achieved your wish, you can still
remember your friends who are far away in the grassland and give a helping
hand. "
Yu Zhen smiled lightly: "What troubles do I have?"
The stranger hesitated for a moment and said, "This ..."
Yu Yan didn't make him difficult, and asked, "How can your king help me?"
Before the stranger busy speaking, promised Xuanqiong's words and Yu Jian
repeated, Yu Yan could not help but sigh secretly.
Zhong Wan actually guessed an eight | Nine are inseparable from ten.
The stranger drew a picturesque blueprint for Yu Yan, confidently, "As long
as the little prince sends His Highness Five to the battlefield, our king can
make him never return! So ..."
The solemn **** of the stranger said, "The little prince has repaid his wish.
Our lord dare not ask for anything else, but only after the little prince comes
to power, we will give out a little force to help our lord get back what he
should have."
Yu Yan gently fiddled with Yupe on the waist, and said, "I will get what I
want ... what do I want?"
Strangers ca n’t, try their best not to sacrifice Yu pardon: "We have heard
some rumors about the birth of the little lord ... If that is true, the bitterness of
wanting to occupy the place has also tasted the little lord. The King is now
helpless. "
Yu Yan's face was still faint, "You know so much."
"Our King is very fond of Central Plains. He has always loved to hear the
stories of Central Plains from businessmen in the past, so ..." The stranger
raised his eyes and tentatively said, "I knew something, I knew Yu Xiao
Wangye should have entered Jade Butterfly, she should have inherited the
surname, she should have ... "
Yu Yan tilted his head and said, "Enough."
The stranger was afraid of angering Yu Jin, and quickly re-transported, "Not
to mention this, our king is very unwilling for Xiao Wangye, willing to clear
the obstacle for Xiao Wangye, Xiao Wangye ..."
The stranger looked up and looked at Yu Ai Shen and asked, "Have you ever
hated them?"
"This world is supposed to be yours. They took your things, but in turn they
forced you to this place. What is the truth?" The stranger said, "We have
heard you and Wenquxing on the prairie. A sad ballad, Little Lord, if it ’s not
the cruelty of those people, or if you have enough power in your hands ...
How can you be separated from your beloved for so many years? "
Yu Yan's face changed slightly.
The stranger rose, "Little lord, as long as you come to Japan to succeed you,
no one can stop you and your beloved."
Zhong Wan's secret way in the compartment was bad.
Isn't Yu Yan going to be confused by this Beidi man?
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly said, "The emperor has no plans to
send troops now. How do you deal with it?"
The comer saw that Yu Yan was willing to move, and he eagerly said, "I'm
afraid I can't get in touch with the little prince, we dare not intrude too much!
Just wait for the little prince to nod, and we will immediately raise our
troops and walk one hundred miles south Many of the old and middle-aged
Central Plains in the northern Xinjiang have moved south, but there are
always old, weak, and sick, and we will solve them. If your emperor has not
sent troops, we can go three hundred miles further south! Everything but by
the little king! "
Yu Qiang said, "After Xuan Qiong went to northern Xinjiang?
The stranger said: "Then we will take the lively Central Plains as our
appearance and order them to meet the enemy! When His Royal Highness
Five will report to you on the military situation, the little lord will take part
in your Royal Highness directly to your emperor. This is a felony in your
Central Plains. His Highness the Five Princes did not know that those people
were Central Plains in advance.
Yu Yan asked again, "What if he flinched?"
"It will be even simpler. We just need to continue marching south. The
slaughter of a hundred miles and a hundred miles is all the fault of His
Highness in fear of our enemies! We can provide a little 'criminal evidence'
to Xiao Wang, It proves that His Highness Five has benefited us, so we did
not face the enemy directly. "The stranger smiled confidently at Yu Jin," the
crime of communicating with the enemy is so great, the little prince knows it
better. "
Yu Yan's eyes moved, "The dead and alive are blocked ..."
In the compartment, Zhong Wan heard Yu Yan's intention to move, and burst
into sweat.
The stranger lowered his voice. "Little Lord doesn't have to do anything, just
wait for the news that His Royal Highness Five is trapped and killed in
northern Xinjiang."
Yu Yan said to himself, "As long as I let him go to northern Xinjiang with the
army, I can solve this problem forever."
The stranger said: "Exactly!"
Yu Jiu calmed for a long time and raised his eyes: "After the incident, King
Beidi only needs a little soldier?"
The stranger was overjoyed and humbly busy, "Exactly! All we need is a
little bit of return after your wish is fulfilled! Give us a little bit of strength,
and we will always be your most loyal friends."
Yu Yan got up, slowly paced to the window, and whispered, "I'm not assured
at one point, King Bei Di ... why are you so sure that I will fight with him?"
A stranger flashed in the eyes of the stranger, and said fiercely, "Because our
king said that the person who has big hate in his heart is the one who can
really do big things. The little prince has tasted the sufferings of the world
over the years and was betrayed one by one by his relative You are the most
clear about being forced to be separated from your beloved, and watching the
beloved suffer every day without help and help, you also know best. "
"For a few years, Lord Wang has been stabbed in the heart by relatives
around him. What kind of life has passed is unthinkable for ordinary people."
The stranger simply spread his words. , But our king said it well, the more
dirty the blood in the body, the more able to grow ... cough ... cough ... "
Yu Yan took off the sabre hanging on the wall, turned around and pierced his
heart, and pierced him from behind a stranger.
The stranger bowed his head unbelievably looking at the edge of his sword,
vomiting blood, "Little ... Little King ..."
Yu Yan, expressionless, pushed the sword forward inch by inch, repeating in
a low voice, "Leave the old and weak women and children on the border to
you to kill?"
"Along with you southward invasion?"
"Let you persecute my people in northern Xinjiang against the Northern
Yu Yan's wrist turned, and the sword turned around in the stranger's chest.
The stranger howled like a pig.
Yu Yan released his hand, turned around and tore the stranger's robe, took the
blood book out, and said lightly, "My blood is dirty, but I am dirty and
disgusting, and I will not be treated by the same race ..."
Yu Zheng looked at the dead Beidi in disgust, "What are you like?"
In the compartment, Zhong Wan sat relaxed on the couch, completely
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
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Chapter 66: 66
Zhong Wan's illness was unhealed, and his heart was weak. After a few ups
and downs, his heart was a bit unsupportable. He closed his eyes and rested
for a moment, and then opened his eyes to see that Yu Yan had entered the
Yu Jin put the blood book aside, and saw Zhong Wan's expression wrong,
frowning, "Uncomfortable?"
"No ..." Zhong Wan estimated that he didn't look good, and laughed at
himself, "I was surprised and surprised ... I laughed."
"Anyway, I'm also the one who has read about Shi Taifu for a few years." Yu
Zhen expressed his calm expression. "Even if it's not as good as you, it won't
be a traitor."
Zhong Wan looked down and whispered, "How about northern Xinjiang ...
how are you going to respond?"
Yu Yan didn't answer, but asked: "Can you guess what King Didi wants to
Zhong Wan's lung pain was a little painful. He was afraid to let Yu Yan see it.
He didn't dare to rub it. He thought about adjusting his breathing secretly.
After a while, he said, "I guess he sent someone to look for you. He didn't
just want more protection."
Yu Yan frowned slightly. "You said."
"Both of you know his plan, and no matter who goes to northern Xinjiang, he
will take more precautions. This plan will not be implemented so easily. In
this way ..." Zhong Wan looked to Yu Jian, "There are two possibilities First,
both you and Xuan Qiong wanted to kill by sword through the battles in
northern Xinjiang, and both wanted to let the other party follow the army. In
this way, the two forces in North Korea and China could not balance each
other, but it was difficult to send troops. In this way, King North Didi had
enough time to stand in Beijiang Keep a firm foothold, and when he has
captured enough forage and captives on our border, he will have the strength
to fight his elder brothers. At that time, he will pat his **** and leave. The
situation ... Bacheng would not care about the thing he plundered and left
with him. "
Yu Jingjing listened quietly and said, "The second possibility?"
"The second possibility, naturally, is to send troops." Zhong Wan said, "It is
not likely to be one of you. It is very likely that after you and Xuan Qiong
fought each other for a long time, they found two stalemate, and then stepped
back. , Pushed Xuan Yuan out. "
"This is even simpler. King Beidi not only has enough soldiers and horses,
but also can work with one or even two of you at the same time, and work
together to get rid of Xuanyuan. In this way, King Beidi has one more future
emperor. It ’s just a matter of time to return to the hinterland of the steppe.
”Zhong Wan said,“ The new king of North Di is very clear about our
movements, and his lifeline is very stable. He also knows that the power of
Xuanzhen among the three of you is the weakest. The smallest possible, so ...
Zhong Wan's eyes brought a three-point humor, "This blood book, he did not
give it to Xuan Ye, do you believe it?"
Yu Qian heard the mouth slightly twitched, and whispered, "If Xuan Yuan
knew that he was being watched by someone, he would probably explode ..."
Zhong Wan laughed softly, and said, "Of course, this is just my guess ...
Probably the only thing that King Beidi didn't expect you to ignore him at all,
Shizi, came to be cut off by you, the second way has been broken, How are
you going? "
Yu Yan did not answer.
Zhong Wan didn't urge and waited quietly.
For a long while, Yu Juan held back his nausea and frowned. "I asked for it."
Zhong Wan was stunned, waiting for him to speak, Yu said, "Otherwise, how
can I make the emperor recognize me rightly?"
"You ..." Zhong Wan considered the tone, "Seriously ... Will the emperor
recognize you?"
Yu Yan said, "I don't want to."
"But I have no choice."
"Whether Xuan Ye Xuan Qiong succeeded him, they couldn't tolerate me." Yu
Yan seemed to be talking about other people's affairs with a light tone. "I
want to live, I have to seize power. How can I seize it? "
Zhong Wan struggled, "I just think ... you hate the emperor in your heart and
don't want to obey him."
"I don't want to, but it's important." Yu Jian said, "After so many years, it's
not easy to turn the rudder temporarily. There is always something to be done
against it, otherwise ..."
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan and swallowed the following words.
Otherwise, how do we live?
Yu Yan, who was sour and sour, wanted to hear it or not, and he continued:
"The emperor knew Xuan Ye's qualifications, and never thought about letting
him succeed, and he did not like Xuan Qiong to rely too much on Yu King. He
relied on and guarded King Yu, and did not want to hand over the power to
King Yu after a hundred years, so ... now he is more partial to me. Naturally,
it has nothing to do with my qualifications, but I happen to be the most
suitable person today. "
Zhong Wan was silent for a moment, "After being acknowledged? Are you ...
really going north?"
"Of course not." Yu Yan shook his head. "The emperor is not very well ... I
can't leave Beijing."
"Then you ..." Zhong Wan hesitated, he looked at the blood book on the table,
and instantly understood, "Before the expedition, you give this blood book to
the emperor ... the emperor naturally refused to let you go. "
Yu Zhen smiled slightly.
Zhong Wan thought about it before and nodded: "It's feasible, Xuanqiong
didn't know that King Beidi had also contacted you, I'm afraid it will help the
emperor to recognize you in turn."
Yu Yan took a deep breath. "So, perfect."
Yu Zheng stood up, "No time to delay, I'm going to the palace ... Please give
the emperor some sincerity to recognize his ancestors."
Zhong Wan knew that Yu Jian was not willing, and he felt bitter, and
hesitated, "Will I ... go with you?"
Zhong Wan suddenly felt feasible and got up and said, "Let me go with you,
so you don't have to say anything. I'll do it for you. I told the emperor that you
have always regarded him as your father for many years, just because the
villain is in the middle. The stumbling only led to misunderstandings between
you, I came, I begged him, kneeled, begged, cried, and begged! Anyway, he
knew in the heart that he was just lacking in personal service, and I came to
me ... "
The more Zhong Wan thinks, the more he feels appropriate, "I'll change
clothes ..."
"Don't make a noise." Yu Yan laughed, "You say it?"
Zhong Wan nodded, "Yeah, I don't have a face!"
"But I want to." Yu Yan frowned. "I wish you didn't know about it at all and
let you watch? Bowing in front of you ... it's impossible."
After waiting for Zhong Wan to fight again, Yu Zheng said, "And in what
capacity do you tell him? Slave? Marcher? Or ... world concubine?"
Zhong Wan stayed, his ears were slightly red, and the corner of his mouth
couldn't help but pick up. He tried his best to stretch his face and take care of
the business first. "You believe me, I say it's definitely stronger than you, and
such things I ’m used to it. Really, I can flatter well on the Jiupin Xiaoguan
who is there. I ... ”
"You are used to doing this kind of thing," Yu said, indifferently, "not the
reason why I can do you so badly."
Zhong Wan froze.
"Now that you have cut off the front line and come to my house instead, you
must follow the rules of my house." Yu Yan stood up. "I don't want to delay
time, I won't entangle you, think about it yourself, should you take it again?
Deal with Xuanrui's suit against me. "
Yu Yan said he left, Zhong Wan stood in place, and for a long time did not
Aren't you a counselor?
Shame, shame, shame ... Shouldn't you have done it yourself?
"And ..." Zhong Wanhuan, "What he said is like remarrying me ..."
Zhong Wan was rejected for the first time and was very uncomfortable. He
went back to Yu Yan's bedroom for a long time.
Zhong Wan hasn't been painful for a long time, but Zhong Wan is not used to
it. He walked around the room and didn't wait for Yu Yan to return after
eating dinner. He was lying on Yu Yan's bed, and could not sleep over and
Waiting for another half an hour, footsteps came from outside, Zhong Wan put
on his clothes and got up, and it turned out that Yu Yan was back.
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan, dissatisfied, "Isn't Taiyi letting you go to bed
"Sleeping after waking up." Zhong Wan opened his eyes and said nonsense,
restless, "What happened?"
Yu Yan's face wasn't very good-looking. He drank his tea. "Nothing, I didn't
say it clearly, but he knew what I meant. It was quite a surprise ... I learned a
few words and I knelt and listened."
Zhong Wan glanced up and down at Yu Jian, still a little bit lost, this ...
It won't be long before Yu Ju becomes a prince?
Yu Yan turned to look at Zhong Wan: "What do you think?"
"I ..." Zhong Wan paused, and said, "I think ... you don't want to go north to
Japan, what to do with things in northern Xinjiang."
"There is nothing to deal with, it will not be what King Beidi would like." Yu
Yan flashed a look of disgust in his eyes. "In order to seize power, we
seduced us to the Northern Expedition to seek his people. Bacheng is also a
madman ..."
Zhong Wan couldn't help but smiled.
Zhong Wan stared deeply at Yu Jin, thinking of what he had just said, and he
couldn't help getting God.
When he first arrived in Beijing, Lin Sitong and Zhong Wan said that Wang
Xiaoyu's temperament changed greatly.
Afterwards, Zhong Wan and Yu Jue met a few times without embarrassment
or embarrassment, but for a few years, Yu Jue even got rid of her bones and
changed her tires, completely becoming another person.
But at that moment, Zhong Wan looked at the unexpected person in front of
her eyes, still unable to move her eyes.
How ruthless was Yu Yan, Zhong Wan wouldn't go to his heart, just a little bit
It's been too long since they separated.
But no matter how many, he is still the one he has been longing for since he
was young.
Later, when I learned how Yu Yan was tortured step by step into what he is
now, Zhong Wan felt that Yu Yan was no longer human and no wonder he was
forced to this step.
But after a period of time, the closer he was to him, the more Zhong Wan
could feel Yu Ziyu hiding in his adult flesh.
It is still him who denies himself, and it is him who is benevolent.
Even if it is destroyed by wind and frost, eight thousand miles pass through
the mountains and seas, and even if this rough life is unrecognizable, the
young man has his own judgment.
Regardless of facing the temptation of a foreigner, or accompany him day by
day is still a complete self, Yu Yan has his own regulations and will not do
anything unruly.
Even if you think about it, you are pregnant.
Speaking of why Yu Yu still refuses to make a difference to himself? It ’s not
easy for me to come in the wind and rain in recent years. How much
hardships and sins do I have to suffer in order to have the qualification and
luck when I am intimate with Yu Jin? Where is it?
The last time he touched one of his hands, he was pulled out by Yu Yan
angrily, and he was also scolded and debauched.
Zhong Wan smiled bitterly.
As soon as the pregnancy was spread out, the words from the Jiangnan
Jiangbei would not be fragrant, but who of the writers could know their
Outsiders only feel that they are living a bright and beautiful life, but Hou
Men deeply feels a little bit bitter, only those who really taste can
Yu Yan saw Zhong Wan not talking for a long time, his expression was sad
and sad first, and then a little bit more promiscuous | swinging, can't help but
startled, "What are you thinking ?!"
Zhong Wan murmured from his bitterness, "when do you think I can ..."
Yu Yan was shocked.
At the moment of life and death, this man ...
"Just before ..." Yu Zhen struggled, "The emperor really asked you."
Zhong Wan turned back, surprised: "Ask me?"
Yu Yan grinds his teeth. "It is rumored in the palace that you and I moved the
heavens deeply, and the heavens manifested our spirits, and gave me a son,
right in your ... belly."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 67: 67
Thinking of this itchy tooth, it was only then that he held his nose to ask
Chong'an to greet him. Chong'an seemed to have expected it, and he called
the old ministers of the two cabinets and several relatives early.
Yu Yan did not respond to the usual cold and perfunctory expressions, with a
solemn expression, and ordered a **** to Chong'an Emperor. Chong An
emperor deliberately knocked on Yu Jian, and did not let him stand up. In
front of everyone, Yu Yu was cold. I was kneeling on the stone brick for a
while. I asked him about his recent affairs in the cabinet. He actually taught
Yu Jian a few words. After setting foot on Lao Tzu ’s authority, he eased his
tone and asked Yu Yu recently Tired, hard or hard. If this is the past, Yu
Zheng stood up and left, but this time he did not.
Although the expression on Yu Yan's face was not respectful, he knelt upright.
He answered all the nonsense of Emperor Chong An. He didn't give up half a
minute. He looked at each other and looked at each other, wondering why Yu
Yan suddenly turned sexual.
Emperor Chong'an always refused to let Yu Zheng stand up, and in the end he
was still an old relative who couldn't stand it. He was joking about gossip
and talked about Zhong Wan.
Lao Zong took a look at Yu Ai with a smile and asked, "I heard that there is a
happy event at King Yu's house? Zi Zi is not up yet, tell the emperor?"
Chong An Emperor is unknown. Therefore, the old **** next to him rushed
forward and whispered to the Chong An Emperor something new from the
cabinet. Chong An Emperor was speechless, and he couldn't figure out what
Zhong Wan was doing. Counting, I could not help looking at Yu Jin, "guiyuan
... what is he going to do?"
Yu Jiu knelt down on the ground with aching liver pain. How long has it
passed? It has been reported that there are noses and eyes, and whether the
child is male or female has been fixed.
Yu Yan scolded Zhong Wan in his heart, and replied coldly: "The man in the
house is confused and misinformed."
Emperor Chong'an moved his heart and laughed, "Is that someone else
pregnant? Has the girl in your house got it?"
The disgust flashed in Yu Yan's eyes. A few years ago, because he was
unwilling to get married, for a period of time, Emperor Chong'an and
Princess An Guo would alternately want to plug people into the palace of
Yu's palace. Already.
When the two brothers and sisters saw that they could not enter, they
successively persuaded Yu Zhen to accept a few uncles. No more, it was OK
to accept a few girls, but it ’s okay. After saying this, Yu Zhen dismissed the
adult girls in his house. Now, there are only a few 50-year-old women and a
Huangmao girl under the age of ten who has no home to return to. Until now,
Yu Wangfu ’s house accidentally entertained foreigners, and she could only
rely on that teenage girl to support her. .
Chong An also knew about this, and he was puzzled: "How old is the girl in
your house?"
Yu Yan was bored, "No one is pregnant."
Emperor Chong'an shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Isn't
that a joyous occasion? It's better that I choose a few good women for you.
You don't like those who come out of the house with high doors. I know, I
will pick a few doors for you How good is it? Sooner or later, there will be
someone waiting ... "
Yu Yan really said that these people are like this. If you make a step, others
will deceive you.
Chong'an Emperor has given Yu Yu a lot of benefits in recent days, all of
which have been price-coded. Correspondingly, Yu Amnesty should give
Chong An Emperor the same.
For example, he is now trying his best to be a “serious person” who is not
ill. For example, he is going to kneel down here and let Chong An emperor
show up to others.
Yu Yan is well versed in this game of checks and balances, but he is not
prepared to make too many concessions.
"The Emperor Xie cares, but it's not necessary." There was a faint flash of
light in Yu Yan's eyes. "I just learned to listen to politics now, I didn't have
the time to deal with the people in the room."
Chong Andi smiled and coughed twice, "What will it cost you? But there are
a few more people waiting for you, rest assured, I know that you have great
rules and won't force them on you, you pick and choose Whatever you like,
what you like, no matter who it is, I will give it to you. "
Yu Yan calmly said, "I don't like anything."
The smile on Emperor Chong'an's face faded a bit, and the half-day Yu
pardon was honest. He didn't want to mention the matter of nagging and then
left. He was actually not very anxious about it, but he wanted to Hitting Yu
Yu and wanting to tame Yu Yu completely, you can't let him do things by his
own heart.
Emperor Chong'an leaned on the cushion, and said a little lighter, "This is
just a matter of accepting marriage. In the future, do you want to marry a
relative? If you do n’t like it, do n’t marry? Son-in-law ... You are not young
anymore, stop talking about children, you do n’t like It ’s okay for women,
but is n’t the child in the future? Do n’t make a fool, pick your own, choose a
few ... ”
Yu Zheng didn't let go. "No."
Emperor Chong'an was silent, and his tone was a bit colder again, "Zi 宥 ...
don't forget what you want."
Yu Qian heard the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and couldn't help
Chong'an Emperor wondered, what's so funny about this?
Yu Yan looked down and said nothing.
What does he want? He just wants to live now, and live with Zhong Wan.
But if you have someone else and have a child with someone else, can you
still live with Zhong Wan?
Do not.
It was himself and his wife and concubine, as well as a strange and unknown
stranger who survived. What a ghost day?
Really, it ’s better to die with Zhong Wan yourself, and give birth early to be
a wild bird.
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Ju in confusion, not knowing why he
suddenly got up to his temper. Is he not enough to favor him recently? Now
it's just getting him a puppet, what's the matter?
Emperor Chong'an breathed a sigh of breath, asked after coughing a few
times, "What's going on ?!"
Yu Zhen did not explain, he was not a fellow at all, and it didn't make sense.
Emperor Chong'an lost some face, wanted to find it, and was afraid that it
would be too tight to force Yu Yu to forgive him. He hesitated, a clan's
relative intervened and laughed at the appropriate time. It hurts so much that
he made him pick several at a time, and he couldn't handle it. It was better to
just choose one.
Emperor Chong'an reluctantly acquiesced to the ancestor's statement and
turned to Yu Jin.
Yu Yan frowned, his heart was irritable, and he couldn't help moving to angry
Zhong Wan. Well, he had to say something about his veins, which involved so
many messy things.
Yu Yan knelt on the ground, closed her eyes, and her heart was Zhong Wan.
You were kind to me. If you hurt me to this point, don't blame me for being
unjust to you.
"What do you want? Keep going." Zhong Wan, who had no idea of the truth,
looked at Yu Jue in doubt, "What did the emperor say unpleasant words? Or
was he kneeling for too long and tired?"
Yu Yan had a bit of a bit of a confection, and he turned his head away from
Zhong Wan, "It's not early, go to bed."
"I'm not sleepy," Zhong Wan said. "What's the dilemma? Tell me."
"It's nothing." Yu Yan stood up, "You sleep, I'll go to the study to sleep."
Zhong Wan was dumb, what happened?
A few days ago, I was still in front of the bed, still undressed. Now I'm not
sick, why do I suddenly ignore myself?
"This is ..." Zhong Wan said dryly. "I'm going to be a prince, so I'm not worth
sleeping with you?"
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan couldn't, "Sleep ... I'll stay with you."
Zhong Wan lay back in bed, without sleep.
Yu Yan felt ashamed and couldn't sleep.
Zhong Wan felt that Yu Yan was not in the right look, and he was secretly
anxious. He thought about the events before and after Yu Yan, remembering
that he had remembered the story again, and felt that he was suffering. So far
there is no real benefit. Even if you catch it, it still looks a little bit faint.
If Yu Zhen truly becomes emperor in the future, he may only let himself go to
sleep in the royal dining room.
The imperial dining room is also good. At least you can eat and drink without
worrying about who is not pleasing to the eye and who can pee in any meal.
If Yu Jin marries a queen or concubine in the future, she will pee in front of
the stove every day. Zi Baiyan wolf eats endlessly.
Zhong Wan bitterly said: "Children's urine seems to be blind medicine, and
it's cheap to kill you."
Yu Yan turned his back to Zhong Wan and opened his eyes when he heard the
words, "What dream talk?"
"No." Zhong Wan said pitifully, "Shizi, do you know Xue Pinggui?"
Yu Zhengmuran.
Yu Yan turned over, "What are weird thinking about?"
"I want you to be ungrateful ..." Zhong Wan whispered, "Shizi, if I peed in the
royal dining room in the future, wouldn't I even be able to live in the royal
dining room? Then I wouldn't even be able to eat? You sat in the room with a
group of wives and sisters to eat, I I can only squat outside the window and
eat grass hungry. If I eat bonsai, I will be scolded. Then I can only drink the
lake water. When the lake freezes in winter, I ca n’t even drink it ... "
"..." Yu Zhen asked with all his might, calmly, "did you not have enough
Zhong Wan shook his head, "I'm full, but you know, rice, you haven't."
Yu Yan closed his eyes, did not want to ignore Zhong Wan, but couldn't help
but sit up, "What on earth are you going to do?"
"No." Zhong Wan bitterly, "I just feel bad about my life."
Yu Qian was speechless.
If you have a bad life, I will be fine? !!
Yu Yan had to train Zhong Wan to let him go to sleep quickly, but Yu Zhen did
nothing but Zhong Wan in the palace during the day. At this moment, there
was no such anger, and he could only press the fire airway. Do less, I have to
go to the cabinet, you have to go to Xuanyuan and go to bed early. "
Zhong Wan's eyes were dazzling, "Suddenly there were so many things in my
heart that I couldn't sleep ..."
Yu Yan squeezed his words between his teeth, "Do you really fall asleep, or
do you want me to touch you?"
Zhong Wan closed her eyes and smiled.
"The doctor said, you have been ill for a long time, and your body is running
out of air. I can't get close to you." Yu Yan's body stretched tightly, and he
whispered, "If you can't sleep, read the spell of the heart, or the Chen She
family ... Feel free to fall asleep after reading it a few times. "
Zhong Wan was miserable and really began to recite the Heart Sutra.
Full of air and loud voice.
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Ju was tortured and lost his temper, "Most of the night ... Do you want to
make the whole house sleepless?"
Yu Jue could not bear it. He opened the quilt and rolled over, and lowered
his head to block Zhong Wan's mouth.
"People buy fish for cooking, and in the belly of the fish ... hmm ..."
"Sleep for a while, kiss." Yu Yan raised his head slightly, looked down at
Zhong Wan, his voice was very light, "Can you?"
Yu Yan's breath swept across Zhong Wan's face. Zhong Wan's bones softened
a bit, and he was instantly honest. He hesitated and asked, "Will that ... can
you move?"
Yu Qiang said, "Yes."
Zhong Wan raised her chin and took the initiative to kiss Yu Yu's lips.
The next day, when Zhong Wan got up, Yu Yan had already left. When Zhong
Wan had breakfast, he saw Feng steward returning from the outside. He was
relieved and asked, "What's wrong?"
"It's okay." The steward Feng stepped forward and poured tea for Zhong
Wan. "I was just shocked when I heard that the emperor was going to give the
child a favor yesterday."
Zhong Wan took a sip and swallowed the porridge in his mouth. "He wants,
will he take it?"
"Yeah." Feng steward said, "It was originally intended, but ..."
Mr. Feng looked at Zhong Wan up and down, and said, "But Shizi told the
emperor you ... good, jealous, and very sticky. Shizi can cry all night if you
look at others, then you return, return ... Black heart poison. "
"The emperor was afraid that you would cry blindly, and that you would kill
someone, so I didn't mention it again."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 68: 68
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "Did you play with me? He could say that?"
"Shizi did say this to the emperor, and many people heard it." Feng steward
hardened his head. "Shizi should not have said it so badly, but it was a bit
ugly from the outside, saying that you are very jealous and jealous I just cried
and I could n’t coax easily. In the early years, Princess An Guo talked to the
son about your relatives, and you had a big fight. Then you ran while you
were crying. You ran for seven years. Place, there are still a lot of
euphemistic words ... "
Zhong Wan lost his voice: "I've been crying for seven years? I'm just an
animal | I should also run to death ?!"
"Also! Lao Tzu went all the way back to Qian'an in one breath! For Wang
Ning!" Zhong Wan buzzed with qi in his head. "What kind of gold did Yu Zi
put on his face?" What does this have to do with him? When did it become
his thing? And who was crying all the way back and running back! Three
months of footwork! Crying and running! Let him run one for me to see !!!!!! "
Feng steward busy soothed: "This is not what Shizi said, it is word of mouth,
whoever expected to pass it on ..."
Zhong Wan's five internal organs and six concubines all hurt together. "What
else did he say?"
Feng steward busy said: "Shizi didn't say anything unpleasant anymore, just
say that you don't like him to accept him, then maybe he will entangle him
every day, and he won't be allowed to go up, troublesome ..."
"Come on, don't say it." Zhong Wan's scalp was numb and collapsed. "I
suddenly didn't want to see Xuan Yuan for him."
The steward Feng was afraid that Zhong Wan would come back to quarrel
with Yu Yan, and he was busy and persuaded, "Don't take it easy, don't you
think that this is not the case? You are now Shizi's counselor. You ca n’t be
too small, not by yourself. Are you a counselor, and you are willing to do
anything embarrassing for the son of the world, you will recognize it, this is
justice! It is your loyalty to the son of the world! "
"I haven't heard of his mother-in-law ..." Zhong Wan was suffocated in
exasperation. "Whoever's counselor is going to carry such a black pot for his
Butler Feng could only laugh: "The capable ones do more work ..."
Zhong Wan shed tears in her heart and buried all her sufferings in her heart.
Barely ate breakfast, Zhong Wan had his car prepared and went to Xuanyuan
When Zhong Wan arrived at Xuanyuan Mansion, he happened to meet
Xuanyuan Man, and he looked back at the carriage with the Yu Wangfu sign,
but he was kind enough to welcome Zhongwan into the house.
After having tea, Xuanyuan let the people avoid, and patted the table, "What
about Lin Si?"
After waiting for Zhong Wan to speak, Xuan Yan said angrily: "Don't try to
lie to me again! When the former King Qian'an returned to Beijing without
permission, many people saw Lin Si when he was surrounded by Yu Yan! He
must have run from me. I'll go to you! 枉 I believed your funny words before!
Zhong Wan is dumb, it's been so long, has Lin Si still avoided Xuanyuan?
Zhong Wan didn't know how Lin Si planned. Although he didn't agree with
him, he didn't want to decide for Lin Si. He paused and said, "Yes, Lin Si did
find me, but you also I know, I have been ill since then, and I haven't been out
of the Yuwang Mansion. I don't know where he is now. "
Xuan Yuan's eyes darkened, "Is he ... still blame me?"
Zhong Wan didn't know what happened to the two at all, but could only say,
"No, I asked him. He said he was ashamed of himself and didn't dare to see
Xuan scolded abusive words.
Xuan Yuan was impatient: "You come to me, is Yu Yan saying something to
"Yes, it's my own meaning," Zhong Wan said positively. "You must know
about the frequent intrusion of King Beidi on my border?"
Xuan Ye looked at Zhong Wan in distrust, "I know, how? But now that Huang
and Huang are not picking up, those Dizis can't eat anymore, and they
routinely rob a wave."
Zhong Wan sighed in his heart, and sure enough, the four princes were
painless and unloved, and they did not play with him in the same race.
Xuan Yuan frowned. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing, just to remind you for the son." Zhong Wan said, "If there is a
war with Beidi in the coming North Korea, you must not be fooled by others
and go out with the army."
Xuan Yuan warned, "What are you thinking? There are only a few Beidi
people in the Northern Communist Party. Is this worth fighting?"
"It's worth it." Zhong Wanyin went to Beidi's agent to find Yu Jian, and told
Xuan Ye that Beidi Wang was conspiring with Xuanqiong, saying, "There are
two princes in the middle of the North. Since Wang Didi has never looked for
you, this trap is for What you prepared, if it comes true in the coming day ...
You can think of a way to pretend to be ill or to harm yourself, anyway, don't
go on a mission. "
Xuan Ye listened stupidly, and it took a while to understand, Sheng Fury said:
"The king of North Di is not a **** thing! Why doesn't he partner with me to
pit Xuan Qiong ?!"
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan comforted him very much, "I know that your highness is in the
heart of the four princes, and you don't expect that you will be with him."
When Xuan Yuan heard the words, he was stabbed by Zhong Wan and
coughed uncomfortably, "That's natural."
Xuan Yuan picked up the tea cup and put it down again, wondering: "Why is
Yu Yan so kind and intentionally reminded me?"
"His Royal Highness," Zhong Wan said calmly, "you won't be mingled with
King Beidi, will the son be?"
Zhong Wan said: "It ’s okay for the people in North Korea to fight with each
other, colluding with foreigners, and pulling the border chaos that should
have subsided early into a big war. Can such a thing be done?"
Xuan Ye twisted her eyebrows, thought for a moment and sneered, "Don't
blindly flatter ... This is why King Didi didn't come to me. If I did, I would
find a way to send Xuan Qiong to North Xinjiang ... Whoever loves to die,
Xuan Qiong leans on the big tree of King Yu's house. If he doesn't fall, I won't
have a better day. "
Xuan Ye turned to look at Zhong Wan, "Yu Jian is not afraid of Xuan Qiong?
To tell you the truth, as far as I know ... Xuan Qiong now has more Yu Xie
than Yu Xie, since Yu Yan suddenly has a conscience Please kindly remind
me, then I will also tell you one thing, Lord Yu has been very dissatisfied
with Yu Jin's actions recently, you ... "
Zhong Wan frowned: "What do you mean? What is Yu Wang doing?"
"Then how would I know? The news over Yu Yu is notoriously difficult to
listen to. I can know this is not easy, anyway, you should take care of
yourself." Xuan Yuan said, "Let Yu Yan do not dream or blindly expect What
he is, Wang Yu knows best, Wang Yu is determined to protect Xuanqiong, Yu
Yu has now blocked his eyes, you ... please do it yourself. "
Zhong Wan was silent for a moment and nodded. "Thank you."
"You ..." Xuan Yuan said, "You want to thank me, then ... until you see Lin Si,
let him come back early, just tell him, say ..."
Xuan Yuan's face was irritable. "Say I don't blame him. A dumb man is
blocking people outside. He can't make any noise. What is Dong hiding in
Zhong Wan smiled, got up, "OK."
Xuan Yuan sent Zhong Wan out of the house with anxiety and went back to his
house with anxiety.
Zhong Wan knew in his heart that what Xuan said just now would not
convince him.
But this is not important, as long as Xuan Ye knows Xuan Qiong's plan, he
will not follow the North Expedition in the future.
And in this case, Yu Jin asked for an expedition on his own, and Xuan Ye
knew that Yu Jin had the idea of fighting for reserves, and he must stop them.
He will stop in the dead.
What would Chongan Emperor think?
The two princes, one silent and the other trying to stop them. In the future, Yu
Zhen presented the **** book of the Beidi spies left behind, what would
Chongan Emperor think?
After this incident, Chong'an Emperor would be completely disappointed
with Xuan Qiong.
Zhong Wan sighed softly, looking forward to Xuanyuan in the next day not to
blame herself too much.
Big deal ... One day Lin Si came to find himself, and gave him some sweat
medicine for Xuan Yuan, and let the steward Feng help Lin Si to Xuan Yuan.
It was still too early after coming out of Xuanyuan Mansion, and the family
who followed the car asked Zhong Wan whether he would return to his home.
Zhong Wan hesitated, "No more, no more."
The family will be surprised: "Where does Master Zhong want to go? Shizi
said, as long as you don't go out of town, you can go anywhere."
"No." Zhong Wan smiled suddenly. "I have nothing to say to him ..."
The family will test: "The young master said the former King Qian'an? He is
still in Beijing, and it is convenient to meet."
Zhong Wan shook her head and lowered the curtain.
In the evening, Yu Zheng, who had listened to a day of politics, finally
returned to his home.
Yu Yan didn't stay in the front yard and returned to Zhong Wanyuan with a bag
in his hand.
Zhong Wan was reading a book. The two eyes were opposite each other, and
Yu Yan's eyes turned away instantly.
Zhong Wan's jealousy about making rumors in front of Emperor Chong'an
must have been known by Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan was a little bit sad. After passing the Dim Sum on the way back, he
got out of the car and bought Zhongwan a pack of sugar.
"Here ... for you." Yu Qian placed the wrapped sugar on the small table. "Eat
when you take the medicine."
Zhong Wan sighed, Yu Ju was coaxing himself as a child?
I am in my twenties, and nothing is shorter than others. Is the sugar missing
Zhong Wan whispered suddenly: "Xuan Ye joked me today."
Yu Yan was guilty at the moment.
Zhong Wan was pitiful. "I went back to my house today and I felt that
everyone was pointing me at the road ... saying I am jealous."
Yu Yan's eyes flickered and he pushed the sugar bag on the table forward.
Zhong Wan was about to be ridiculed, even if he ate sugar?
Zhong Wan glanced at the little girl in the outside and let out her voice, "Shizi
... Should I pay the debt?"
Outside the bedroom, the only girl in the palace of Yu Wangfu was packing
her cups. In the bedroom, after the screen, Yu Zhen rushed Zhong Wan to the
bedside, hiding a little girl and secretly kissing.
Zhong Wan didn't like to try kissing lightly, Yu Yu also knew that he seemed
to be compensating and apologizing. He was very fierce, trying to figure out
Zhong Wan ’s “that aspect” of his preferences. Wan's hands twisted behind
Zhong Wan made Yu Yan's relatives a little breathless, and then let it go. Yu
Yan took one hand on Zhong Wan's waist and pulled back.
Yu Yan whispered, "Don't like sugar, just like this?"
Zhong Wan made Yu Yan's relatives short of breath, whispering "um".
Yu Yan kissed him again.
There was no lamp in the bedroom. The little girl thought that there was no
one in it, and came in with a candlestick. When she saw the two at a glance,
the little girl was so frightened that her braids stood up and ran away.
Yu Yan released Zhong Wan and sat aside.
Zhong Wan was still a little bit interested, but he was too embarrassed to take
care of Yu Yan again. He picked up the sugar brought back by Yu Yan,
opened the sugar paper bag, glanced at it, and couldn't help it: "Shizi ... How
do you feed me sugar here? "
Zhong Wan pursed her lips, which is self-evident.
Everyone kissed, and fed myself again with sugar.
Yu Yan looked down, his eyes were dark, "Do you really want to hear?"
Zhong Wan cleared her throat, "You have read so much ... definitely know it."
Yu Yan tilted his head and smiled suddenly.
act recklessly.
If you do n’t learn any lessons, you really ca n’t control them.
Yu Yan stood up, walked to Zhong Wan's side, picked up a grain of sugar, and
murmured, "How did you feed you in the book?"
"In the book ... I will put this sugar." Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan in a calm
tone, "put it in the place behind you ... and then I asked you whether it was
sweet or not."
Zhong Wan's face went red, "You ..."
Yu Yan ignored him at all, Yu Yan leaned down slightly, and whispered in
Zhong Wan's ear, "Dare to say no sweet, just put two more in, until you can't
stand it, say sweet, say you Like to eat this ... "
Zhong Wan's legs were soft, "Don't say that ..."
Yu Yan's ears were also red, but he couldn't help it. By night, he wasn't found
by Zhong Wan. Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a warning look, stood straight and
walked to the side, and said coldly, Don't want it, not it won't ... You can't
stand it now, don't call me indifferently. "
"On this broken body, what can you hold back?" Yu Ai looked at Zhong Wan
up and down, unbelievable, "I also like to be tied up, really tied you up all
night, do you still have a life?"
Zhong Wan was just about to refute, but the housekeeper Feng ran away when
he saw the little girl, thinking that the two had frightened the girl, and rushed
over, and they shut up in time.
Mr. Feng was very relieved to see that the two had not quarreled. He stepped
forward and packed his cups and laughed, "Yeah! How can I buy sugar
outside? Is there any good candy in our house?"
Feng steward asked casually, "Is it sweet?"
Zhong Wan froze.
Yu Yan looked to the side, his lips twitched slightly, "Ask you."
Zhong Wan frowned, and half-squeaked, "Sweet."
The author has something to say: I'm sorry, I miscalculated the time back to
the hotel, I'm sorry, I love you.
Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 69:
After having dinner, Zhong Wan explained the details of Xuan Yuan's meeting
with Yu Yan today and asked, "What will King Yu do?"
Yu Qian was speechless for a long time.
Yu Yan shook his head: "I can't guess."
"Since I was a kid, I have always been in doubt about what he was thinking
about," Yu said. "So I am now actively making the emperor check and
balance his pawns, and constantly intensifying the conflict between him and
the emperor ... In the final analysis, The emperor Li Xuanqiong was the king
of Li Yu. The emperor has always indulged me for a great reason because I
know that I will not be the puppet of King Yu. "
Zhong Wan said, "You said ... Xuan Qiong colluded with Beidi, did he
Yu Yan shook his head: "I don't know."
Zhong Wan paused and couldn't help laughing.
A smile flashed in Yu Yan's eyes.
"The news came from Princess An Guochang. Whether it was intentional or
not is hard to say." Zhong Wan said, "Sir son, are you going to meet the
Princess Long?"
"Nature," Yu said, "tomorrow."
Zhong Wan: "I'm with you?"
"Don't worry about it ..." Yu Zhen's rare loss, "She's afraid she'll blame you,
don't take it for granted."
Zhong Wan deliberately asked, "Will you watch the princess hit me?"
"No," Yu said, "but I can't cover her mouth to prevent her from scolding you.
You haven't discussed it since you did it. You will stay at home tomorrow."
Zhong Wan couldn't, nodded and said, "Yes, Lao Shizi and your family
generals told me, if Lin Si came to me recently, the troublesome brothers
would be accommodating one or two, don't stop it anymore, I will tell him
about it.
Yu Yan frowned subconsciously, not very willing.
Zhong Wan was curious, "Shizi ... I'm very strange about something. Why do
you hate Lin Si?"
Yu Yan looked down and drank tea without answering.
"He's dumb and can't bother you, to be fair ..." Zhong Wan said, "He's very
kind-hearted, and people are real. I really don't understand why some people
don't like him."
Yu Yan smiled and asked Zhong Wan, "You want to see him. In addition to
something to explain to him, but you need to be a lobbyist for Xuan Yuan?"
Zhong Wan froze, how did Yu Jue know? !!
Yu Yan asked again, "If I didn't guess again ... Is there something unpleasant
between him and Xuan Ye, and the two broke down?"
Zhong Wan thought for a while and thought: "It's not a collapse ... Xuan Yuan
just told me today, let me tell Lin Si that he doesn't blame Lin Si, let Lin Si go
After hearing this, Yu Yan looked even worse, and said in disgust, "It's
clearly separated, but it's flirting, and it makes you run errands in the middle
... Disgusting!"
Zhong Wan couldn't help laughing, "I haven't asked you yet, how did you
know about them?"
Yu Yan was indifferent: "I guessed that long ago."
"How early?" Zhong Wan said dumbly. "I didn't know it a few months ago."
Yu Yan said: "A few years ago."
Zhong Wan was horrified: "Lin Si was so early ... his conscience was okay.
At that time, he wrote to Qianan that he was uneasy about me, worried about
the rice, and could not eat all day, all day. I still believe it, fearing that he is
worried about me, and even fools him to say that I'm in good shape, and co-
authoring him would have announced Xuan Yan Ri? Did you still dress with
me a few months ago ?! "
"Sun ..." Yu Jian was a little inexplicable. He glanced at Zhong Wan and re-
transmitted, "I don't know if that step has been reached, but they must have
been involved, otherwise ..."
Yu Yan was not very talkative. He took medicine to Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan
was curious and died. "How was it before?"
Yu Yan was helpless, "Want to hear?"
Zhong Wan nodded like pounding garlic, Yu said, "Take medicine first."
Zhong Wan couldn't, took the pill, couldn't stop urging, "talk about ..."
Yu Yanji thought for a moment, "Four years ago? Xuan Ye's mother-in-law
and concubine went to his house ... and gave Lin Si some lessons."
Zhong Wan's face changed, and Yu Zheng didn't care much: "I didn't play hard
hands, and it was just a misunderstanding."
"In those days ... near the birthday of Shu Fei, it was a whole birthday. Xuan
Yuan hosted a banquet in her house, and she had to do a special event. She
went to his house one day in advance and saw Lin Si at a glance."
"Lin Si wore servant clothes, but went in and out of the inner court. She was
wearing an ancient jade in an indecent manner. She looked strange to him and
asked, after knowing that he was a slave criminal, Even more surprised. "
"Shu Fei thought he was mixing in the inner courtyard to steal things, and
people went to search in his room. Sure enough, he found a lot of gold and
silver objects. He was a slave and had no monthly examples. How could
there be silver? He stole something, and Lin Si's dumb can only make
gestures, who understands? "
"He couldn't explain it, it was tied up, it wasn't a big deal at all, no one had
dirty hands, and her concubine was still celebrating her birthday, and she
didn't want to take heavy responsibility. Right? "
Zhong Wan frowned, "What then?"
"Then Xuanyuan came back and saw it. It was almost finished at the time."
Yu Yan looked indifferent. "But when Xuanyuan saw Lin Si lying on the
ground and beat him, he yelled and asked Cangtian who dared to hit Lin Si.
After knowing what Shu Fei meant, he hissed and said exhaustedly that you
would kill his mother, and he would kill me first. "
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wanfu, Xuanyuan this stupid ...
Yu Jumuran: "Don't say Shu Fei, I'm all shocked."
Zhong Wan struggled: "What then?"
"There is nothing then," Yu said, "Shu Fei was frightened and did not respond
for a moment. Xuan Yuan thought that she was going to kill Lin Si alive,
jumped her feet, and jumped to block him. Lin Si Turning over and blocking
Xuanyuan under him, Lin Siduo suffered several times because of his
troubles. "
Zhong Wan smiled hard, and didn't feel bad at all.
"Shu Fei is almost inexplicable. She had a good life and almost beat her son.
She didn't have any suspicion, but she felt a bit wrong when she saw this. She
questioned the two for a long time ....." Yu Jindao said, "but At that time, the
two of them were almost nothing, but they were more affectionate than others,
and asked them, and asked the people in the middle of the government, and
they found nothing, and they left it alone. "
Yu Zheng said: "Later, Xuan Ye was afraid that Lin Si would have another
accident and never gave him anything valuable."
Yu Yan looked at the candlelight, and said quietly, "In Xuanyuan's courtyard,
there is an old walnut tree ... the walnuts are not bad. Xuanyuan did not dare
to give Lin Si any more gold and silver, so he put himself in the courtyard.
When the walnut was rewarded with silver money, and Lin thought what he
wanted or wanted to buy, he exchanged the little walnut with Xuanyuan. "
"Later I went to Xuanyuan Mansion for a banquet." Yu Jian said, "I saw him
secretly picking walnuts from the tree and stuffing them in Lin Si's sleeve.
That look ... They didn't want to understand I don't know, I'm clear. "
Zhong Wan thought about the picture, ignoring the fact that Xuan Yuan was an
idiot. It was almost a secondary painting. Zhong Wan had a smile in his eyes.
"That's not right. This is Xuan Yuan's stupidity. You are angry with Lin Si to
do it. what?"
"I'm not angry at him, I'm jealous of both of them."
The smile on Yu Yan's face dissipated, and he said indifferently: "On what
similar circumstances, the two of them have not separated, and they can live
so deliciously, and I ..."
Zhong Wan felt heartache.
"If you don't leave, I will treat you better than Xuan Yuan treats Lin Si ..."
Yu Yan took a look at Zhong Wan and didn't say any more.
Seven years in the past, now think about it, it is still difficult.
Zhong Wan's illness was not good, and his body was weak and tired. He had
been yawning after dinner. He forced to listen to Yu Yan's words for a long
time, and his eyes were too sleepy to open. He It was a bit unpleasant to see
Yu Jin, and she wanted to talk to Yu Jin, but Yu Jin got up and said, "Sleep, I
shouldn't let you out today."
"It's okay, just a little tired." Zhong Wan rubbed his eyes and apologized to
Yu Jue. "It's all because of me. You have to go to bed early every day ..."
Yu Yan asked, "Who told you I was going to sleep with you?"
Zhong Wan stumbled awkwardly, "You ... Aren't you with me?"
Yu Zheng said, "I still have something to do, go to bed yourself."
Zhong Wan wasn't so relieved, holding back the sleepy thought, "Are you
going to the study again?"
Yu Yan laughed, waiting for him to explain, Zhong Wan frightened, "Do you
know what other people's house, the host family does not sleep in their
bedroom, what does it mean?"
Yu Yan was really unclear. He frowned and looked at Zhong Wan, who
bluffed: "That means we have a quarrel! The couple quarreled, and the
husband was afraid that his wife would kill himself at night before going to
the sleeping room!"
Yu Zheng was shocked.
Zhong Wan looked serious: "It is true, and if there is an old man in your
house, when you see that the young couples are not together, they will come
to ask, persuade and persuade peace. Our two lives are not good. We have
failed to control our elders. But you can't just indulge yourself because of
this, just go to the study room, don't you? "
Yu Yan is confused, what is this all about?
Zhong Wan said that there is a sense of prudence, "There is also a case where
the host's family goes to the sleeping room to a private club, but in this case
in your house, who do you think is suitable for you? Which ones? The little
girl who just passed my waist? Or are your family members as tall as a
mountain? Or Feng's housekeeper? This word has spread, do you think it
sounds good? "
Yu Jin: "..."
Zhong Wan said with pity: "You will also make it difficult for me to do this.
You will go to bed and study. People in your house will feel that you don't
like me anymore. If you go on like this, then they won't take care of me like
this. , Then dressed me in old clothes, gave me leftovers, and finally drove
me to the chaifang, so I could only sing along the rice ... "
Yu Yan calmly said, "Continue editing."
Zhong Wanshu shut up.
Yu Yan frowned. "You sleep first, I'll be here in a while."
Yu Yan went to the study, and let the person call out the houseman who
followed Zhong Wan today.
There is no such thing as family affairs, and what Zhong Wan did and said on
this day, explained it again and again.
When Yu Yan heard Zhong Wan hesitated to see Xuanrui, he suddenly said,
"The former King of Qian'an sent some people to our house several times,
and every time I was told, I wanted to see Master Zhong. Master Zhong
wrote back to her, but I have never seen her. She has few things to go out
today. Her subordinates specifically asked Master Zhong if she wanted to go
back to the house and sit down. Master Zhong said no.
The homeman said, "But looking at Master Zhong's expression, he obviously
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes. "He still feels sorry for King Ning."
The family will not understand this, "Why don't you tell Shizi?"
"He's afraid I won't do it, he won't speak to me." Yu Ai closed his eyes and
whispered, "I'm afraid I'm not happy, and always jokes with me heartlessly
The family also faintly realized the meaning of their master's contention for
the reserve, and murmured in a low voice, "How difficult is this? If the son
of the world can fulfill his wish, he will give the young master a princehood,
and he will be named Ning. Wang, then give the lady a county master, so
Master Zhong can be completely right to King Ning! "
Yu Yan's heart moved, "... it's a trick." 2k novel reading network
Chapter 70: 70
The next day, Yu Zhen didn't go to the congress, and went to see Princess An
Guo himself.
Zhong Wan still wanted to follow along. He is now a self-proclaimed
counsellor of Yu Yan, how he thinks that this should be his errand, and he is
worried that Yu Yan will not scream and then be slapped by the prince An
Guo. First, I can still ease one or two in the middle, and then I wake up early
with Yu Ju, and my clothes are all dressed up, and we have to follow them.
Yu Jin ordered him to leave him unwilling to listen. Yu Jin took a step
forward and followed him, and he posted Yu Jin's body. Yu Jin was
entangled, and he couldn't really find a chain to tie him up.
In desperation, Yu Yan asked those who followed him to evade first, closed
the door himself, pulled Zhong Wan into the inner room, and charged him
debts of three cents.
Yu Yan now has a very good way to cook Zhong Wan. It did n’t take much
effort to stop the relatives from standing. Yu Yan released Zhong Wan and
looked at Chun Wan in the eyes of Zhong Wan, saying: "Go and look in the
mirror yourself. See how much you ... "
There are waves.
Yu Yan said that half was left, and Zhong Wan could be guessed, but Zhong
Wan was a little bit ashamed when he heard this. Yu Yan wiped Zhong Wan's
red lips with his thumb. "In this picture, who do you want to go out to? "
Yu Yan turned and went out.
The family generals saw Yu Yan come out, and quickly followed, Yu Yan
reminisced that Zhong Wan just whispered to himself to be more personal,
and his lips were slightly raised.
The family would look back at the closed door, and asked headlessly: "Isn't
Master Zhong saying he wants to follow?"
"He was hot last night, with what." Yu Jie walked and sorted out the placket
that had just been torn by Zhong Wan. "Just coquettish with me, just ignore
The family swallowed, and I just asked casually.
Yu Yan was very talkative, observing the sentiment of the people, "You
usually go to the door, and the people in the house are so tired and cramped,
you are not allowed to go?"
The family was speechless and thought for a while: "Don't be daunting ..."
"He was very daring." Yu Jian asked another general, "What about your
The other will be stagnant, busy shaking his head and refuting loudly:
"Also timid." Yu Jian nodded, killing his heart, "Naturally, it may be because
I don't care about you."
Several families will secretly shed blood and tears, anger and dare not
Yu Yan tidyed up his placket, got on the carriage, and said to himself, "I have
to stick it forever, and it's a lot late. If I go to the dynasty, I will be punished
again this month."
The coachman silently said that it was very rare for Lord Yu to be late in
these years, and now he suddenly made a look of Chen Xixi Li, arrogant.
Princess Anguo Mansion.
Princess An Guochang prepared a refreshment carefully and waited in the
warm court early.
Because of what happened before going out in the morning, Yu Zhen was in a
good mood, and the mother and son maintained at least a superficial harmony.
Princess An Guochang asked a few words about Yu Jin's recent diet and
living, she sighed and said, "What did I say to you last time? If Xuan Qiong is
in power, there must be no place for you. Now The emperor has just risen to
recognize your mind, and can't sit there. "
Yu Yan bowed his head and sipped tea, "How does Lord Yu prepare to cook
Princess An Guo quieted for a moment, but did not answer, and asked, "Zi,
please give me a bottom, if I help you in the next day, you ... can you protect
me, Wang Yu?"
Yu Yan smiled, "Princess, Xuanqiong will come to the throne in the future,
will King Yu preserve me?"
Princess An Guo felt sad.
Yu Yan looked at Princess An Guochang. Recently, I do n’t know if it was
disturbed by Zhong Wan. Yu Yan also softened his heart, always thinking of
those boring and crooked things.
He and Princess An Guochang also had filial piety from their mother.
Yu Shen paused and said, "If you want to turn around and support Xuan
Qiong now, I don't blame you. I will not move the Princess House no matter
what the outcome will be, but King Yu ... I am also a family member now It ’s
impossible to leave yourself with this kind of aftermath. "
Princess An Guo disgusted, "What family ..."
Princess An Guo held up the tea cup and put down the tea for a long time.
Helpless, "Just ... you don't want to ask me."
Princess An Guo is embarrassed. She is Xuan Qiong's aunt and aunt, as well
as Yu Qian's adoptive mother. The two contend for reserves. She cannot
stand outside and must stand in line.
Princess An Guochang has a proud heart all her life. She doesn't want to be
stepped on by Yu Fei in the future. Now she can only give up something.
"Although Wang Yu and I have lost my heart long ago, in the early years, I did
do something to be sorry for him ..." Princess An Guochang shook her head.
"Forget it, don't say it."
Princess An Guo whispered: "Brother Huang is really anxious in recent days,
first let you enter the cabinet, and often express your implicit ties to the old
relatives, and I will tell you pro a few days ago, now it is the last step. How
could Yu Yu watch as if you were recognized by Brother Huang? He ... "
Yu Jian interrupted Princess An Guo and said, "Are you trying to stir up my
biological mother?"
Princess An Guo surprised, "How do you know?"
"Guess," Yu Yan calmly said, "What else can I do? Although I have mixed
accounts in these years, but I only mixed my own, I have never harmed
others, he has to prove to the world that I am not worthy of the throne, only I
can find trouble in my life, and ... "
Yu Zhen laughed at himself, "This is still a hidden illness of the emperor.
Now he only let out a little bit of wind. The emperor is worried that the early
years will be known to the world. It is very likely that I will be buried with
the person who has been in the land for a long time. Everyone is clean. "
"The emperor won't be so heartless!" Princess An Guo frowned. "Moreover
... Isn't this rumbling yet?"
Yu Yan looked at Princess An Guochang and smiled, "Don't you hesitate?
Everyone knows that I will always be the key to balancing all parties. When
it's terrible, as long as you abandon me, there will be less trouble. . "
"It's not a time to be frustrated." Princess An Guochang whispered, "I can't
find out in detail, but I heard that Wang Yu sent someone to a very far place
some days ago, it seems to be looking for someone."
Yu Zhen said: "People who served in the palace ... served that woman?"
Princess An Guo nodded.
Yu Zhen narrowed his eyes, "I only have a little idea, Wang Yu does not
worry that the emperor will lose all face and fight to admit to having a
biological mother with me. Do you want to recognize me?"
"This ..." Princess An Guo half-voiced. "If you spread out your birth mother,
then ... it's actually not a good proof that you are the son of the emperor."
Yu Zheng was puzzled.
Princess An Guo was ruthless and tried her best to calm down. "Before the
emperor died, many palaces in the palace were being repaired. When the
emperor was in chaos, he moved to the north palace and lived there. Within a
few months, your biological mother was Those who didn't go, that is, when
you were there, but in and out of the palace, not only the emperor. "
"Since your biological mother can be with the emperor ..." Princess An Guo
whispered, "It is also possible, and with others ..."
Princess An Guo flashed her words, "If the old palace man King Wang Yu
found talked wildly, and said that your biological mother still had something
with others ... How can the emperor prove it?"
Yu Jiu stared straight at the ground and laughed suddenly.
The Princess An Guo was afraid of Yu Jian's illness again, and said busyly:
"Naturally, I can guarantee that you are definitely the emperor's child! It was
not easy for the emperor to see your birth mother. We can only let those
artisans repair your birth mother's palace. Yuan, otherwise, how to mix in? I
have cooking before and after the event, I know everything, but ... but I did
some irregularities on that day, Yu Shitai said a few times, and the relatives
mentioned that Your mother-in-law moved to the palace, but the queen mother
stopped it, but I was afraid that there were still records. Wang Yu was also
checking those old yellow calendars recently, and I was afraid he would
make a fuss about it. "
Princess An Guo explained in a hurry, "Zi ... you know? Don't think for
Yu Yan looked directly at Princess An Guochang and asked, "Since these
things are so important, why do you keep those people? Didn't you kill
Princess An Guochang's lips moved and did not want to say more.
Yu Yan understood it.
"You and Wang Yu were worried that the emperor would not be able to
successfully ascend the throne and fear there would be changes. So you
secretly hidden these people, thinking that if it was King Ning who had
ascended to the throne, could you surrender to King Ning with the evidence
of this person? "Yu Yan's thoughts are smooth." If the emperor wants to do his
best to hide the birds after he ascended the throne, these people have become
your amulets, and now ... they have become a good **** that restrained me,
yes. "
Yu Yan looked at Princess An Guochang, suppressed the unspeakable hatred,
and smiled hard at her.
You already knew.
Princess An Guochang lost her voice and covered her mouth subconsciously.
Yu Zhen laughed at himself.
It turned out that in the early years, the mother and son were harmonious, and
they themselves were sympathetic.
Just now, Yu Yan also said to Princess An Guo, that even if she turned to
support Xuan Qiong in the future, if he could succeed, he would save her.
Because when he was young, Yu Zhen really regarded Princess An Guochang
as his own mother.
Yu Yan's eyes slowly covered with bloodshots. He closed his eyes and said
to himself, "It's okay ... I've been used to it for a long time, it's nothing, it was
like this ..."
Princess An Guo regretted it, and for a moment she was not careful and did
not pick herself up. She hurriedly remedied, "I ... I have known for a long
time, but I have been hiding these people, not only to guard you, but to guard
With regard to King Yu, how can I tell you the important news if I do n’t
leave this backhand and the people who arrange me in it? ”
Yu Yan whispered: "Stop saying ..."
"I try my best to find those people ahead of time." Yu Zhen stood up. "I will
think of a way ... by someone else's mouth, I will disclose this matter to the
emperor, and try to let the emperor go and fight with King Yu ..."
Princess An Guo anxiously said, "Zi, do you blame me? You ..."
"I promise you, I will give it." Yu Yan had a splitting headache. "I want to ...
go back to my house."
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 71: 71
After Yu Jue left the house, Zhong Wan took medicine and read the official
document sent by Dali Temple for Yu Jue.
After reading the official document of an hour, Zhong Wan was exhausted and
lay on the book case for a while.
Zhong Wan was awakened by Yu Yan.
Zhong Wan slumbered stupidly. When she opened her eyes, she saw Yu Yan.
Before she could react, she was pressed by Yu Yan on the back of her chair.
Damn, there seems to be a horrible grudge in his chest.
As soon as Zhong Wan was about to speak, Yu Yan pinched his chin and
kissed him.
Yu Jian was ill, and his weight was not serious. The other hand was clasped
on Zhong Wan's wrist, and a few red marks were born. Zhong Wan was in
pain, took a breath, and listened to Yu Jian from his throat "It's ... open your
Zhong Wan couldn't, and parted his lips in accordance with the words.
Zhong Wan was at a loss, what happened to Yu Yan?
In the blue sky and white sky, as soon as he returned to the government, he
suddenly germinated to himself.
Really ...
After a while, Yu Yan released Zhong Wan, who was free, and leaned over
and carried Zhong Wan in his arms.
Zhong Wan made Yu Jian's relatives unable to get up, his lips tingling
slightly, he smiled, and just about to joke about Yu Jian's two sentences, he
listened to Yu Jing's whisper: "Gui Yuan ..."
Yu Yan's tone wasn't right, Zhong Wan was startled, the smile on his face
disappeared, "Why, what's wrong? Arguing with Princess Long again?"
Zhong Wan wanted to tilt his head to look at Yu Jue, but was re-suppressed
by Yu Jue. Yu Yan was so strong that Zhong Wan couldn't move, and her heart
was uneasy. "What's wrong?"
Yu Yan buried his face in Zhong Wan's neck, and for a while dumbly
murmured, "Guy Yuan, I sometimes ... really don't know who to hate."
Yu Yan said nothing, but for some reason, Zhong Wan suddenly felt a terrible
Zhong Wan hesitated, embracing Yu Jin, and whispered, "Is that what
Princess An Guo said?"
Yu Yan didn't answer, and suddenly said after a while: "Zhong Wan, in the
future no matter what ... don't think I'm disgusted ..."
"Occasionally ..." Yu Zhen said to himself, "I occasionally feel that I'm sorry
to everyone, but after thinking about it, I feel unwilling ... I didn't choose this
"I try my best not to let you see Tang Ming or to see the princess. I'm afraid
that after you know everything, you blame me and hate me ... I can't argue
anything, but I can't always take the flesh down Let them ... "
Zhong Wan couldn't listen, "I don't blame you, and I will never feel you
disgusted. What the **** is wrong with you?"
Yu Yan stopped talking.
After a long time, Yu Yan whispered, "I want to sleep."
Zhong Wan couldn't, "Okay, I'll stay with you."
The two were lying on the couch with clothes, Yu Yan holding Zhong Wan's
hand, and fell asleep soon.
Zhong Wan looked sideways at Yu Ai, his frown slightly.
Regarding Yu's life experience, the two have never said anything about it.
Yu Yan acquiesced that he was the illegitimate son of Emperor Chong'an. As
for other things, he never talked to Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan asked him side by
side, but he was vague. Zhong Wan knew that this was a hidden disease in his
heart, not much Asked.
However, Zhong Wan has a vague answer in his mind recently.
Zhong Wan sighed, who hated who? Are involuntary.
Zhong Wan pillowed on his arm, without any drowsiness. About half an hour
later, Yu Yan moved manually and opened his eyes.
His expression was as usual.
Yu Jiu sat up, hesitated for a moment, and returned to his memory. He was a
little irritable when he remembered that he was dysfunctional.
Zhong Wan asked softly, "What happened?"
"It's okay," Yu Yan said calmly as he sorted out his clothes. "People have
become arrogant these days, and after hearing a few disagreeable words,
they can't stand it ..."
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan, not forgetting his anger. "It's all about you."
"It's okay." Yu Yan looked as usual, did not forget to look at Zhong Wan's
lips, pulled Zhong Wan and rubbed his fist red wrist, whispered, "I will go
crazy next time ... ignore me , How far to go. "
"How is that?" Zhong Wan countered subconsciously. "I'm gone. To whom is
this cheap?"
Yu Ji laughed.
Zhong Wan rubbed his wrists with Yu Yan, took indecent tunes, and asked
again: "What the long princess said?"
Yu Yandang didn't hear it, and he got up and said, "It's a little blue, I'll get
you some medicine to push you for blood clots."
"Zi." Zhong Wan sat softly on the bed, "I say it ... better than someone else
tell me?"
Yu Yue stepped in a footstep, still did not speak, and went to get the
medicated oil.
Zhong Wan is helpless.
Before long, Yu Yan brought a basin of hot water.
Yu Jiu took up his hand cuffs, rubbed the hot papa, and applied it to the wrist
for Zhong Wan.
"The emperor today ..." Yu Jian waited for a while. After the parchment was
a little colder, he took it down, re-dipped it in hot water, wrung it, and
wrapped it around Zhong Wan's wrist. ,a long time."
"The first emperor lived a long time and killed several princes. The biggest
prince at that time was the emperor today and the second emperor of the
"The first emperor did not like the second prince much. He preferred the
sixth prince ... that is, King Ning."
Yu Yan changed the pat once again. Yu Yan was afraid that the water would
be hot before covering her with her hands on Zhong Wan's wrist. She
continued to say, "Age and old things, you are all clear, not much to say ...
that will Er Xiandi moved the mind of Li You, no ... it was not moved, it was
almost established, and the difference was in a seal letter. "
"In those years, after the drought, floods followed. Xiandi felt that the year
was bad, unlucky, and thought he was healthy. He wanted to save in the rich
year of the coming year, and by the way, amnesty the world and make a
smooth picture.
"The emperor was very fond of King Ning that day, and everyone with a
good eye has already seen it. The second prince ... was very anxious."
"Although the emperor was very old, he controlled the political affairs in his
own hands. The second prince could do nothing on the bright side, even if he
had the help of King Yu."
"What to do? Wang Yu thought of a good way for him."
"Through Princess Anguo, King Yu secretly released rumors in the palace
that the emperor was going to kill his mother and leave his son, and after the
reserve was established, he ended up concubine.
Zhong Wan was a little stunned.
"You also listened to those rumors and believed that this was the idea of
Xiandi, wasn't it?" Yu said, indifferently, "No, Xiandi himself never moved
that mind."
"Zhongfu has no accomplished man, and Zhong Guifei is a virtuous woman,
so that the emperor would not be so frightened."
"But other people don't think so. The two princesses in your family were
scared day and night, but they didn't dare to ask. Zhong Guifei cried every
day. Every time I saw King Ning, she seemed like the last person. The
hypotheses are coming true. "
"Zhong Guifei is willing to die for her son's future, Xiao Zhongfei ... is not so
"King Ning is not her son."
Yu Yan tossed the papa aside, picked up the medicated oil and poured it on
the palm, rubbed it slightly, and when the medicated oil was gone, he gently
pressed his palm against the wound of Zhong Wan's wrist.
"Xiao Zhongfei and the second prince are handkerchiefs. They met with the
second prince before entering the palace. They ... a little bit? Unclear."
"After the second prince treated Xiao Zhongfei and believed the rumors, the
trustee passed her a message and told her that she had missed her for many
years and only hated that she was her auntie. Silent, and now I hear that she is
going to suffer, she can't let it go. "
"Xiao Zhongfei was worried every day that she would be frightened because
her sister's son was dead. How could she not be concerned?"
"The second prince promised her that if the emperor came to Japan to kill
her, he would have to design security, or use a substitute, or find a fake death
medicine for her. In short, she would not let her stay in the palace."
"Xiao Zhongfei finally seized this life-saving straw, and was very impressed.
The two people asked the palace people to talk back and forth, and the
various mountain alliances and sea vows ... were very pleasant."
Zhong Wan struggled, "Xiandi never thought of killing the two Zhong
surnames. This lie will be broken sooner or later ..."
"Yes." Yu Yan released his hand, poured some medicinal oil into his hand,
rubbed it, and put it on Zhong Wan's wrist again. "No rush, this is only the
first step of their plan."
"The second prince and Xiao Zhongfei initially only passed messages back
and forth through the palace people. Later, they gradually met in the palace,
and then later ..."
"Xiao Zhongfei is pregnant."
"She was scared to death. Her first thought was to get rid of this evil species
... and she really did."
"But unfortunately, she is very good." Yu Qian gently rubbed the blood on
Zhongwan with her fingertips. "A bowl of abortion pills went down ... it hurt
for a while, but she didn't hit the child."
"The second prince waited for this day. After hearing that, he was busy
sending someone to tell Xiao Zhongfei that he must not hurt the child."
"The second prince said that his own son's sickness of sickness, he really
wanted this sweetheart's child, and pretended to be a grudge, saying that
Xiao Zhongfei was cruel and did not treat herself with sincerity."
"Xiao Zhongfei still has to rely on the second prince to survive, how dare she
fall apart with him, but she can't really give birth to the child ... Xiandi has
ignored her for many years, and this child cannot rely on Xiandi."
"What shall we do?"
"The second prince came up with a good idea for Xiao Zhongfei."
"He gave Xiao Zhongfei a dose of poison."
"The emperor was infected with wind and cold that day. It was Zhong
Guifei's **** service ... Xiao Zhongfei wanted to mix up, it was easy."
"The second prince said to Xiao Zhongfei that it would be better to start first,
rather than wait for the emperor to kill them all, it would be better to end up
with this cruel old thing first, so she and her sister need not die."
"The second prince asked Xiao Zhongfei again ..."
Yu Zhen laughed at himself, "Ask her if she wants to be a queen, or if she
wants her son to be a future prince."
Zhong Wan's fingers trembled slightly.
"The second prince said that after the emperor's death, he would treat Zhong
Guifei kindly, treat King Ning as his own younger brother, and conceal Xiao
Zhongfei on the tomb of the emperor. After one or two years, she changed her
name. Change her name and marry her back to the palace. "
"But what about the facts? You all know."
"The medicine was given by Zhong Guifei. She couldn't get rid of the
relationship. After the emperor died, she couldn't say anything. She was
poisoned by the queen and **** with white lotus. She never saw Wang Ning
"Zhongfu can't escape." Yu Yan pulled the other hand of Zhong Wan and
continued rubbing. "The queen 'kindness' said that this was a royal scandal.
She didn't preach it. She only spoke and said that Zhong Guifei was afraid of
killing. Rumors of the mother staying with her son were confused and did this
kind of thing for a while, but after all, she had the son of King Ning, and
could not ignore the future of the whole prince. This is a blessing, and if it is
true that the monarch's crimes are punished, none of the Zhong family can
remain. "
Zhong Wan's shoulders trembled slightly.
"Everything that needs to be resolved is resolved. The second prince would
have killed Xiao Zhongfei together, but it came ... the queen ... is already the
queen mother, and the queen mother suddenly refused."
"The second prince himself does not have a healthy son. The queen mother is
afraid that Xiao Zhongfei will have a baby boy in her stomach, so she can't
bear it."
"Coincidentally, Princess An Guo just had no children."
"It is more coincidental that Princess Anguo's horse is the Yu King who is
both respected and frightened by the second prince."
"This unpredictable fetus, male and female ... is so suitable."
"So, I spent a month in Huangling Biezhuang, waiting to re-enter the palace to
become the queen's little concubine. I didn't wait for the second prince but
for Princess An Guo."
Yu Juan let go of Zhong Wan's hand and calmly said, "You know who that
baby boy is."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 72: 72
Since Zhong Wan is going to stay, he will always know these things, sooner
or later.
Over the past few months, Yu Yan has been facing the abyss, like walking on
thin ice, always worried that Zhong Wan knew the inside story, but now Wang
Yu is going to use his own life to make a fuss.
Zhong Wan was also right. He said it was better than letting others say.
After Yu Yan tried his best to calmly explain the past, Zhong Wanhuan didn't
Yu Yan wanted to justify himself, but couldn't speak.
As if he didn't know who he should hate to this day, Yu Zheng didn't know
how to confess to Zhong Wan.
As the son of the father and mother, the father and mother planned the ****
case, where can they be clean?
If King Ning succeeded in the throne that year, Zhong Wan, as the Zhong
family, would surely grow up in peace, and the young would become laurels.
When he grows up, he will enter the picture. Why is he reduced to this step?
Yu Yan almost escaped from the courtyard of Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan entered the study with a sorrowful expression, and closed the door.
Yu Jiu leaned on the door, fingers trembling and touched his chest ...
Yu Yan hesitated to take out what was on his chest, he was not willing.
No, it's not time to use it.
Yu Yan wasn't sure what Zhong Wan would hear after listening to these
words. If Zhong Wan was gone, he would use this thing in the future and not
waste it.
Yu Jin touched his chest, sat down, no longer delaying the time, passed on the
family's future, and ordered him to search for the palace man who had served
Xiao Zhongfei that year. After explaining clearly, Yu Jin changed his service
and ordered him to prepare. Sedan, ready to enter the palace.
On the way into the palace, Yu Zhen tried his best to calm down. At the
moment of life and death, he still couldn't drop the chain.
Emperor Chong'an did not go to the cabinet as usual, and he took a break in
his palace to look at the documents sent to him. The old eunuchs who served
Emperor Chong'an guarded the gate of the main hall and stopped several
people who wanted to see him at noon. The old eunuchs hesitated, went in
and notified, and soon came out to welcome Yu Yan into the inner temple.
Emperor Chong'an was half-lying on the couch, and when he saw Yu Yan
came, he smiled with satisfaction, "How do you always remember to come
and please? Come ..."
Yu Yan looked at the salute and got up and said, "The minister has something
to do with the emperor."
Emperor Chong'an frowned and waved his hands, and the eunuchs serving in
the inner hall retreated.
Yu Yan took a deep breath, and the plans he heard from Princess An
Guozhang, one hundred and fifteen, told the Emperor Chong An.
Yu Zheng said indifferently: "After listening to these words, the minister was
a little moved, and he asked the emperor to tell him that the biological father
of the minister is ..."
"Non-sense!" Chong'an's face changed greatly, and his body trembled. "It's
all nonsense! You ... you are sloppy, sloppy ..."
Emperor Chong'an fainted for a moment, holding on to the small table and
said ruthlessly, "I have such a good son now, and these people have to come
to harm me, God has finally left me a good child, they, they ... ... "
Yu Jiu knelt straight on the ground, not guilty or comforting.
There is no **** in the room, Chong Andi can only stand up tremblingly to
pick up the tea cup, he barely took a sip of ginseng tea, his face pale, "Who is
this sinister idea?"
There was a strange color flashing in Yu Yan's eyes, and he said quietly, "His
Royal Highness, Xuan Qiong."
Emperor Chong'an lost his mind, "Joan? He ... he last warned him clearly,
why ..."
"After the last time the people who secretly impounded the Emperor's
Mausoleum failed, His Highness Five frequently planted staff around his
ministers, and the officials were overwhelmed. He often forbeared and did
not want him to investigate so deeply ..." Yu Jianshen said, "This
investigation, We need to change the name of the minister, and the minister ...
"Don't think blindly." Emperor Chong'an interrupted Yu Jin, "Your life
experience can't be more clear! Don't say ..."
Emperor Chong'an was full of sorrow and indignation, "Niezi! He has
nothing to do with, and he will only rely on outsiders to drill some crooked
things in the camp. Now he dares to defile Qingyu, Nizi ..."
Emperor Chong'an fell the tea cup, Yu Yan slightly tilted his head, and
avoided the splintered porcelain pieces that sprang up.
This is actually Zhong Wan's plan.
When King Beidi contacted Xuan Qiong privately, Yu Yan's witnesses and
evidence were present. Zhong Wan's original plan was to inform Xuan Ye of
the truth. When the incident happened, he told Chong Andi that everything
was King Yu's plan.
Wang Yu did not know from beginning to end, so he could be caught by
At that time, it is impossible for Xuanyuan to fail to fall into the ground. If
such a lawsuit is filed, Chong'an Emperor is suspicious, and he will surely
believe that this is their conspiracy.
If Xuan Qiong's guilt can be climbed on Yu Yu's head, why can't Yu Yu's
actions be planted to Xuan Qiong?
Wang Yu was deep in his heart. He must be ready to leave at this moment,
and the plaintiff would probably be bitten.
Rather than let Xuan Qiong carry this blame.
Emperor Chong'an calmed down for a while before he came over, and he
whispered: "You ... go back to your house, you don't have to worry about this
matter anymore, you have to be free ..."
Yu Yan stood up, turned around and was about to leave, Emperor Chong An
suddenly called him, "Zi."
Yu Ju paused.
Emperor Chong'an sighed, "Good boy ... no matter what you are for, now you
are willing to focus on your heart, and I am really pleased."
"I have broken my heart a few times in this life without children and
grandchildren. Now these two sons are left, incompetent and incompetent,
rebellious rebellion ..." Emperor Chong'an's eyes were cloudy and he looked
mercifully at Yu Jian, "Fortunately there is you I understand that you have
been wronged in recent years, but how can anyone live without being
wronged in the world? I am also wronged. When I was a prince, I came here
like this ... "
Emperor Chong'an sighed, "You go back to your house ... don't go out again,
at night ... you have your own will."
Yu Yan's heart was calm, he turned his back to Emperor Chong An and
touched his chest.
Yu Yan turned and knelt down.
Emperor Chong'an smiled comfortably, "Good boy ... if you don't, you don't
know who to expect now, you also know that your body isn't working, do
you? I don't believe you are afraid of death. You ca n’t bear the storage
space. You ’re fighting for it, are n’t you? You ca n’t bear it, are you? In the
end ... it ’s blood thicker than water. You finally forgive me, do n’t you? ”
Yu Yan gritted his teeth, endured nausea, and bowed his head.
After this incident, Emperor Chong An will not hesitate anymore.
This is enough.
Emperor Chong An wiped his tears and waved his hand, "Good boy, go."
Yu Zheng stood up and walked out of the inner temple. The smile on Emperor
Chong'an's face dissipated, and he whispered, "Pass ... Xuan Qiong."
Yu Zheng stood at the gate of the palace for a long time, and followed his
followers to ask Yu Qian a few times before he reacted. Yu Zheng lost his
mind, "Go back to the house?"
The follower said, "Yeah, don't you come back?"
Yu Yan was a little scared.
Afraid to go back, Zhong Wan is not here.
Yu Zhen finally got into the sedan chair.
Yu Xun stopped several times in the middle, passing Dim Sum Zhai, Yu Xun
went to buy sugar for Zhong Wan, passed the pastry shop, Yu Xun went down
and picked Zhong Wan for pastry, passing the bridge and saw the clay
pincher, Yu Xun got off , Bought a few for Zhong Wan.
Seven years ago, Zhong Wan was okay to find something, and he couldn't
leave the house by himself, so he always let him forgive him these things.
Which clay figure by the bridge, which sugarcane in the alley, the sugar-
blown man on the side street, the paper paintings in the alley, Zhong Wan said
that the head was ethical and instructed Yu Jian to buy it.
Juvenile Yu Zheng said angrily to Zhong Wan, the princess would not allow
herself to buy things on the street, or things that did not enter, it was not safe,
it was really bought, it could not be brought into the house, strange things
outside, who Know what happens when you eat and touch.
Juvenile Yu Jing is very awesome of his mother. He will listen to the words
of Princess An Guochang.
Zhong Wan talked to him several times, Yu Yu did n’t listen, and was asked a
lot, Yu Yu asked the chef in the house to make it for him. What he did was not
good, Zhong Wan did n’t like it. Already.
"Excuse me, please," Yu Yan whispered, "he said ... to Sun Wukong."
The old man who pinched the clay figure had never seen any big man, and he
was frightened and pinched the clay figure to kneel to Yu Yu, and he was
afraid to collect money.
Yu Jin put a gold ingot next to the stall, carefully guarding the clay figure in
his hand and getting on the sedan.
"I was ..." Yu Jian looked at the clay figure in his hand, and said to himself in
the sedan chair, "I didn't buy it for you ..."
"You only want a clay figure, I don't even give you ..."
Yu Yan closed his eyes, his distressed body trembling.
How can I make up for this?
Yu Jian didn't know he was really trying to remedy the delay. He walked
around the downtown for a long time, bought a bunch of odds and ends, and
didn't let people touch him.
"Master Zhong ..." Yu Juan guarded the feathers on the head of "Sun Wukong"
and tried his best to ask naturally, "Are you asleep?"
The steward Feng carefully looked up and down Yu Yu, and whispered,
"Shizi, you haven't been going out for a while ... Master Zhong left and went
back to the Qian'an Palace."
The steward Feng was frightened, for fear of Yu Yan going crazy, he didn't
want Yu Yan to just nod his head gently, "That's it."
Yu Yan shook his hand a little, accidentally crushed "Sun Wukong" 's arm. He
was busy with his sleeves, and said indifferently, "I will keep it for him ...
give me some paste, I will give him Sticky. "
Buter Feng's eyes were red and he agreed to go.
Yu Yan locked himself in the study, carefully repairing the clay figurine. His
hands were shaking so much that he repaired it for a while and broke a few
more places. He didn't dare to get angry and was afraid of hitting more. He
could only hold his temper. A little repair.
Yu Jiu fully practiced for two hours. During the period, someone came to the
palace and passed on his will. Emperor Chong'an finally recognized him. Yu
Jiu was busy doing his own business through the curtain. .
After a while, the people of the Zongrenfu also came, and several old
relatives came again, but they did not see Yu pardon.
It was dark, and Yu Cun's clay figure was broken. Yu Cun didn't dare to get
angry. He got up several times and sat down a few times.
Yu Yan carefully took a little glue and slowly applied it to the clay figure, his
voice was dumb, "I tried my best, but I still hurt you like this ..."
"I really don't know ..." Yu Jian finally collapsed, he put down the clay
figure, and punched him, "I don't know what to do ..."
It was already midnight when Zhong Wan hurried back to the palace of Yu
The steward Feng saw Zhong Wan startled, and exclaimed, pointing at his
forehead with blood, "What's the matter with you ?! It's all blood ..."
"It's okay." Zhong Wan smiled softly, and wiped it away. "I'm stunned, I ... I
heard the news in the afternoon, and the city is telling you that it's so lively ...
what about Shizi?"
Feng steward swallowed. "Where in the study ..."
Zhong Wan nodded and wanted to go back to his yard, but Feng Feng said,
"Go and see the son first!"
Zhong Wan pushed open the door of the study.
There was a mess in the study. The imperial edicts were torn apart and
dropped on the ground. On the case, there were a bunch of gadgets that could
not see what was there. Holding a small paper bag.
Zhong Wan was a little bit nervous, Han Shisan ...
Zhong Wan hated himself so much that he had to go to some ancestral grave,
and forced Yu Yan to eat it again!
Zhong Wan stepped forward, before he snatched away the things in Yu Yan's
hands, and suddenly stopped.
Zhong Wan looked at the thing in Yu Yan's hand unbelievably, and his eyes
turned red instantly, "Why do you still keep ..."
Under the moonlight, he fell ill and didn't realize that Zhong Wan's Yu Yan
had opened the paper bag in his hand. The paper was wrapped in a bunch of
green tea leaves. Into the mouth.
It was Qian'an tea, and only so much was left by Zhong Wan.
But Feng's housekeeper said that although there were few, they were all bud
Master Zhong picked it out a little bit.
There is only this little point, so Yu Yan is not willing to drink.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 73: 73
Zhong Wan was half-knelt beside Yu Yan. He couldn't hold blood on his
forehead. The blood flowed down from his brows. Zhong Wan didn't care
about the tube and asked hoarsely. "You only ate this, didn't eat cold food.
No? "
Yu Yan looked up slightly and glanced at Zhong Wan. At this moment, he was
unconscious and couldn't understand who was in front of him.
Zhong Wan drew a distressed distress. He carefully explored in Yu Yan's
arms, but found nothing, and asked again, "I didn't eat cold food, did I?"
Yu Ai chewed the tea in his mouth and shook his head gently.
After waiting for Zhong Wan to relax, Yu Zheng said to himself, "Gu Yuan
won't let me eat."
Zhong Wan's hand holding Yu Jin's jacket was stiff.
Zhong Wan held back his tears and choked his throat slightly, "Did you see
the letter I left for you? Do you think I'm gone? Not coming back?"
Yu Yan frowned at Zhong Wan, not understanding what was being said.
"I ..." The blood swirled on Zhong Wan's face. He was afraid to scare Yu
Jian. He stood up and took a cup of tea. He poured the tea on his face with
his head raised, and the pain in his forehead was hurt by the tea. Regardless
of being in control, he wiped his face, turned and whispered to Yu Zhen,
"First ... get up first, I won't go."
Yu Yan was torn by Zhong Wan, not forgetting to protect the tea bag in his
hand, he packed the tea bag and put it back in his placket.
Zhong Wan pulled Yu Yan on the bed, and he pulled a quilt and wrapped him
up. Yu Yan quietly moved with Zhong Wan, his eyes murmured whispered,
"Don't touch the things on my desk ..."
"Why, what?" Zhong Wan glanced out, busy, "I didn't move, what? The
imperative? Put it away for you?"
Yu Yan shook his head, "Don't touch, that's the clay figure I bought for
Zhong Wan's lips trembled slightly, and the distressed was about to crack.
Zhong Wan held Yu Jian across the quilt, his shoulders trembling violently,
and his head was buried deeply in the quilt.
Zhong Wan didn't care if Yu Yan could hear or couldn't hear it. He held Yu
Yan tightly and whispered softly, "The clay figurine is broken, it's okay, it's
okay, I don't like it too much ... I was forced to go there seven years ago Buy
me, I was homesick at the time. "
"The princess always held me side by side. She had no children in front of
her. When she took me ... I was used to it, and the small vendors knew that
the young master Ning Wangfu's silver was easy to make, then ..." Zhong Wan
paused and whispered Said, "They waited for the hour, waiting for me and
Lin Si to go to school, they would be on the alley outside the gate of Ning
Wangfujiao. As long as it was a child's thing, the princess would buy it for
"It's just ..." Zhong Wantong's eyes were red and he shook his voice. "I just
teased you deliberately ... The princess took care of you too severely, and
felt that your life as a kid was not tasteless. I want you to go to the street too.
Walk around me ... "
"At that time, I also pretended that I had nothing to say ..." Zhong Wan yelled
at Yu Jian, saying, "I knew what I was thinking, but ... everyone said it was
your father. The king killed my father and the king Ning, so many words
cannot be said. "
Zhong Wan murmured, "Later, I wanted to drive a lot. In my life ... I have to
bring up the care of Princess Ning, I have no face to see them again. I am not
afraid of retribution, but ..."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jian with tears in his back, and said softly, "But
what about you?"
The Zhongjia ancestors and ancestors were in heaven, knowing that they
were devoted to the son of Emperor Chong'an, would they be angry at Yu
In the day, after Yu Yan left, Zhong Wan took a sigh of relief, and died
holding on to the sick, left a handwritten note, went out of the house, called a
horse, and went to the Zhong family ancestor's grave.
Zhong Wan has not been there for seven or eight years.
Zhong Wan confessed that she had insulted her ancestors, and she herself
removed her name from the genealogy and refused to set foot on the
ancestor's grave.
Now that I learned of the blood feuds of the year, I wouldn't come.
Zhong Wan stole his head for a few hours before his parents' grave.
Zhong Wan didn't dare to justify his own insults over the past few years. He
scratched countless heads and blood-stained stone steps. He only asked the
underground parents to blame only himself. Do n’t stop being angry. His son-
in-law is gone.
"It's me who tempts you first, and it's me who seduce you ..." Zhong Wan
wiped his face casually. "If it's guilty, it's mine ..."
Yu Yan closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Zhong Wan turned over to let Yu Yan lie down, and he and his clothes lay
beside Yu Yan.
"Zi 宥 ..." Zhong Wan leaned his head on Yu Jin and murmured, "I don't know
if the crimes you have suffered over the years are collecting debts. I'm afraid
they don't know, so I want to talk about it ... It's not you who do wrong, nor
you who are guilty. "
Blood and tears on Zhong Wan's face penetrated into the quilt, silent.
I don't know how long, he just fell asleep with Yu Jin.
At dawn, Zhong Wan awoke.
Yu Yan was still lethargic.
Zhong Wan sat up and touched Yu Yu's forehead. He didn't feel anything. He
fell down and touched Yu Yu's forehead. Zhong Wan was taken aback. He
was much hotter than Yu Yu.
Zhong Wan was sore all over, and her forehead was even more painful. Then
she noticed that she was feverish. Zhong Wan exhaled softly and got out of
bed lightly.
Zhong Wan didn't know if he was cold or anything. He regretted that he
shouldn't collapse with Yu Jue last night. He didn't know that Yu Jue was
passed on. He pulled Yu Yu's robe and put it on. Pick up the impertinent
imperial torn tears from the ground.
Zhong Wan was secretly shocked. On the imperial edict ... there were still a
few tooth marks.
Zhong Wan spelled it out again.
Emperor Chong'an was quite gentle, and his purpose was not so shocking. He
only said that Yu Jian was born to a good family woman in the palace of
Princess An Guo's princess. On that day, the eldest son of the emperor's
eldest son, the second son of the emperor, was frail, and his age was ill
Emperor Chong'an was worried that Yu Zhong would be in trouble, so he
temporarily seized his royal name and raised him under the knees of King Yu
and Princess An Guochang.
Emperor Chong'an did not formally rename Yu Yu for his will, but only said
that he would seal the prince, Lord Yu, and amnesty the world.
No surname, no mention of reserve.
Zhong Wan squinted ...
It does n’t matter how you say it. Yu Yu is the son of Emperor Chong'an.
Although the Chinese have long taken it easy, but to really recognize it, it
must be done step by step. Letting Yu Yu enter the cabinet is also to make Yu
Yi a little political achievement, so gradually rewarding, more convincing.
Think of it this way, Chong Andi's arrangement is very suitable.
On the other hand, this is Chong'an Emperor Yu Yan.
Who is Chong'an Emperor, and how could he truly believe that Yu Jian
suddenly took him as his father.
How many lives are blocked in the middle, and father and son's love has
drifted away over the years, how can it really return to the past.
Really set up a reserve, and with regard to Yu Jin's temperament, will he do
what his father and father do?
Chong An emperor Yu Jian's burden of torture and humiliation these days
sees it all. Will he not think about this layer?
Even if Yu Yan wouldn't do anything, once the Prince was officially
established, would Yu Yu and Xuan Qiong jump over the wall?
Emperor Chong'an was fearful on both sides.
Zhong Wan was holding the imperial edict, and felt that the next book of Li
Chu was not so fast.
I have to think of something more.
Zhong Wan was a little dizzy. He was uncomfortable with burning all over,
so he didn't dare to entrust him with the decree, so he went to seek the doctor
Walked to the door, Zhong Wan hesitated, afraid that Yu Yu on the bed would
wake up for a while, and just like yesterday, she could n’t find herself and
became crazy.
Zhong Wan really didn't want to see it again when Yu Yan was sick.
Zhong Wan thought for a while, sighed, turned back, stood in front of Yu Yu's
bed, bowed her head and smiled bitterly, took off her robe, took off her
blouse, and put it in Yu Yan's hand.
Seeing something so private, shouldn't this man think about it any more?
Zhong Wan thought that the cooking was thorough, put on her robes, and
braced herself to find a doctor.
After half an hour, the sky was bright, and Yu Yan woke up staggeringly.
After each illness, Yu Yan's memory would be very vague. He sat on the bed,
reflecting for a while, faintly remembering yesterday.
Yu Zheng looked at the bed account in stun and laughed at himself.
It's all over.
Zhong Wan is gone and everything is over.
Yu Jin originally thought that this was the worst situation. When he sat up, he
realized that the world is volatile and life is faltering. Whenever he was
desperate, there were always more terrible things waiting for him.
Yu Yan's eyes trembled slightly. He looked at the messy bed, the blood stains
on the quilt, and a robe of unknown origin at hand. His face and blood color
faded instantly.
Yu Jue got up in despair, looked down at his arms, chest ...
Intact, not even a wound.
The blood was not his, it could only be someone else's.
Yu Jian was a person who had read many words, and when the blood on the
quilt would appear, he knew very well.
Yu Yan looked at the coat on the bed in disgust, angrily, "Come here !!!"
The outer housekeeper Feng rolled in and came in.
"Who ... who?" Yu Yan's lips were pale, and he pointed at the lining of the
bed, pressing the sky full of anger, "Which **** is this?"
Butler Feng was stunned for a while, and the two of them had a fight?
The steward Feng carefully prepared and muddled, and said, "Why ... what?"
Yu Yan did n’t remember what happened last night. He knew he had this
crazy disease, so he did n’t dare to stay in the government at all, just because
he was afraid that someone would find a hole when he was sick, but he did
n’t want to be defenseless , Actually still unblocked.
If Zhong Wan knew, would he come back?
How do you explain it yourself?
Yu Yan's desperate thought, would Zhong Wan feel that he was dirty?
The steward Feng felt that Yu Yan's demeanor was really wrong, and he
frightened and fought: "What is wrong, Shizi ...?"
"Can't you see?" Yu Yan's voice trembled. "You can't see the blood on the
quilt and the bitch's clothes? Who is it?"
The steward Feng swallowed and whispered softly, "How this is done, the
slave is not clear, but there is something the slave must tell you clearly ..."
Mr. Feng whispered softly: "From last night to now, only Master Zhong has
been to this room."
Yu Zheng was struck by lightning and froze in place.
The ambiguous blood on the bed was not disgusting for a moment, and the
blouse also became stubborn.
Yu Yan was lost, "I hurt him so deeply, he didn't leave, he came back, came
to me, I ..."
Yu Yan collapsed, "Then what did I do to him?"
With a glimmer of hope, Yu Zhen asked, "What about others?"
"It's not good. When I get up in the morning, I say that I have fever again, and
I still feel pain." Feng steward said, "Go to the doctor."
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan's face turned slightly red, and he turned to arrange the quilt on his
own. Feng's housekeeper was busy going to help, Yu Yan was standing in
front of the quilt, hesitantly, "This, this is not what you should see ... this is
what Zhong Wan's fall ... forget it, anyway, I'll do it myself. "
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Chapter 74: 74
Feng steward how dare to let Yu Yan do these things by himself, hurried to
wait, Yu Yan insisted: "Go on."
The steward Feng really couldn't understand, why was Zhong Wan's blood
unworthy? !!
That night Zhong Wan broke his blood, did he not see it himself?
However, he could not escape Yu Yu's resignation, but could only retreat
with anxiety.
Yu Yan had rational thoughts, fortunately, at least not others.
Yu Yan treated Feng butler and turned around. He was torn off his face
indiscriminately. He couldn't do anything about it, and accidentally pulled his
face out.
After finally removing the blanket, Yu Yue wrapped it up and threw it under
the bed, then picked up the lining again.
There was a little blood on his lining.
Yu Jinben was also to be thrown under the bed, but felt that it was not
appropriate for the servants to wash such private things. Yu Jin thought about
it and dipped his lining in the basin to wash his face.
It is inconvenient for outsiders to see and Zhong Wan to do it, so he can only
come by himself.
Yu Yan was too late to wash her hair, so she was barefoot with loose hair,
stood in front of the basin, rolled up her sleeves, and rubbed her shirt slowly.
Family son, doing this kind of thing for the first time is awkward, but
fortunately Yu Yu is patient and serious.
Afraid that the wash was not clean, Yu Juan also grabbed a handful of soap
horns for washing his face and smeared them on the bloodstains, rubbing
Yu Yan was frightened, but he still couldn't help thinking, is it true for
ordinary couples, is it to clean these intimate clothes for the insiders?
Yu Yan narrowed his shirt and squinted to think ...
I really can't remember what happened.
He only remembered last night that he had been tinkering with the clay
figurine that couldn't be repaired, and never remembered that Zhong Wan had
For the first time with myself and Zhong Wan, they passed so unclearly.
Hasty and bloody.
Yu Yan didn't dare to think how the scary blood stains were made when the
quilt was just removed.
Although Yu Yan had never been close to anyone, he read a lot of books and
knew something about men.
In some cases, for the first time, there was no hardship.
But in some cases, Zhong Wan's blood flowed into the river.
What's more, in the cave room, the blood flow drifts the pestle, the corpse
mountains and the blood sea.
Yu Yan always thought that it was an exaggerated story, and felt that it was
different from person to person, as long as he was gentle enough not to make
Zhong Wan suffer, but he never expected that the most worried thing
It happened when you were unconscious.
In this room, just last night, Zhong Wan was so **** that he couldn't escape
under his beastly desire.
He didn't care about him at all.
The quilt was covered with blood, and Yu Jian couldn't imagine it ... After he
fell asleep, Zhong Wan struggled in a pool of blood.
It is not that physical strength is unsustainable. Why did Zhong Wan suffice to
find a doctor in the morning?
Yu Yan managed to scrub and wash the lining, unfolded the soapy lining, and
combed it out of the bedroom.
The people in the government also heard the will yesterday. They looked at
Yu Jian with awe and fear, and they only dared to salute, but didn't dare to
say much.
Yu Yan was so stunned that he didn't pay much attention and walked to the
door of Zhong Wanyuan and stopped.
Homesickness is timid.
The only little girl in the house came out of Zhong Wan's courtyard. Yu Jian
stopped her and frowned, "Master Zhong ... what happened?"
The little girl flinched and whispered, "I've been feverish and I can't eat
anything. The doctor is afraid of hurting the young master's stomach. He
didn't let the young master take medicine and was in need.
Yu Zhenyu asked again, "Did he ... say something?"
The little girl shook her head, "Nothing said, oh no, said, let's look at it. If
you wake up, Shizi, let us tell Shizi that he came back last night."
Yu Zhen was slightly relieved.
Listen to this meaning, should not be too angry.
Thinking of this, Yu Yan felt even more sad.
Waved her hand to let the little girl go down, Yu Yan was about to enter
Zhong Wan's yard, and a house outside would be rushed over.
Yu Zheng was impatient, "What happened?"
The family will see that Yu Jian is going to see Zhong Wan, knowing that it is
annoying, and yells, "There is someone in the palace, Xuan Shizi enters the
Yu said, "Say I'm sick, don't go."
"There's still." The family was busy stopping. "People are also here in
Princess Mansion. Naturally, management has blocked Feng steward, but ...
our people have something to tell Shizi."
Yu Yan glanced into the courtyard, but reluctantly turned around and came out
with the family.
"Unsurprisingly, after the emperor uploaded the five halls yesterday, he
became furious."
Yu Zheng was absent-minded and said irritably, "Pick something useful!"
The spy bowed, "Yes, after the emperor passed on His Highness yesterday,
he didn't mention it at first ... He didn't mention anything about the people of
the palace. He only asked His Highness why he frequently suffered from his
fellow sons, did he listen to who said what?"
"His Highness is still agile. He didn't mention King Yu's half sentence. He
refused to admit that he had harmed the world before. The Emperor didn't
believe it ... The subordinate's guess, His Highness also didn't believe that
His Highness had the ability to find the old man in Zhongfei Palace. After
asking for a while, he asked His Royal Highness if He Yu had deceived him,
but no matter how the Emperor's accountability was, His Royal Highness did
not spit. "
"The emperor lied to the next palace and said that the old man in the palace
had been detained."
The spy admired Yu Jian with admiration. "The wonderfulness of Shizi's
behavior, His Royal Highness is really unaware, so the response is very
improper. The Emperor believes that what happened in the palace was
arranged by His Royal Highness, and what happened outside the palace. , All
by Wang Yu. "
Yu Yan looked down and whispered, "It's not my idea, it's actually a clock ...
nothing, what else?"
"The emperor was angry, but he did not blame Yu Yu, but it was even more
terrible ... the emperor had a conclusion, so he didn't want to ask at all."
"The subordinates remembered the words of Shizi. After leaving the palace
yesterday, he passed a message to Princess Mansion after an hour and said
that Shizi was angry with Longyan and asked the princess to help him to
plead with the emperor. Immediately into the palace, the time card is very
good, it is when the emperor questioned His Highness Five. "
Yu Zhen whispered softly: "Did the emperor see her?"
The spy nodded, his eyes glowing: "I haven't seen it, but when I heard that the
princess begged to see her, she pushed the contents of the book case to the
Yu Yan sneered, "The emperor thought that the princess had received the
news and wanted to plead for King Yu."
"Yes," said the spy. "Listening to her husband, the emperor only gasped, and
said ... and said a girl is outgoing."
The corner of Yu's mouth provoked slightly.
The spy said uneasily: "Only one of my subordinates was a little worried.
Although the princess had not seen the emperor, when the news came back to
the house, she must know that it was counted by the son. Then ... how can we
let the princess help us ? "
"From beginning to end ..." Yu Yan whispered, "I never expected her, what
are you afraid of?"
The spy was puzzled, Yu Yan said indifferently: "And she knows well that I
won't slap her, and promise her, I will give it, but how to give, how to use
her to help me, it is my rule."
Yu Jian believed that Princess An Guochang really wanted to help herself,
but the relationship between mother and child had been broken for many
years. Yu Jian really couldn't believe her anymore.
"I am on the verge of life, and only have a chance when they are suspicious
of each other." Yu Jian said, "After this incident, the emperor must doubt the
princess, and the king Yu will also doubt the princess's pretentious gesture.
The princess will blame me and hate I, but only then ... she can rely more on
me. "
The spy understood and nodded, "Yes, yes, although the princess has
promised many times, but who knows if she will turn back, it's better to
break the princess's thoughts early."
Yu Zhen said: "Where is Xuan Qiong?"
"It has been placed under house arrest." The spy busyly said, "As the son of
the son ordered, the father-in-law has been begging, letting the emperor care
about his father and son's affection, did not really close His Royal Highness
to the clan's house, otherwise we will go next. Wonderful. "
The detective patted Yu Yan's horse ass, "Shizi is very thoughtful."
Yu Yan sneered and didn't speak.
Emperor Chong'an would not evoke Xuan Qiong's tenderness because of a
few words from the old eunuch. He did not vigorously reprimand Xuan
Qiong, but kept him in check and balance himself.
"Do not do anything for the time being," Yu said. "Everything is too late.
Now let's look at their internal fights and spread the word. I'm sick. I can't
get out of bed and let them make trouble."
The spy promised to go.
After all these things were sent away, Yu Yan had no time to drink tea, got up
and went to Zhong Wan's courtyard.
A small pot of medicine was hanging in the room outside, and the medicine
was being stewed. There was no one in the room. The doctor who had given
the needle had gone.
Yu Yan turned the screen and entered the inner room. In the bedroom, Zhong
Wan was lying on the bed naked with his upper body on his back, and a
dozen silver needles were tied on his back.
Yu Yan looked down slightly ... Zhong Wan fell asleep.
Yu Yue stepped lightly and walked to Zhong Wan's bed and sat down.
Zhong Wan was wrapped in white silk on his head, and Yu Zhen thought for a
moment ... He just learned the inside story yesterday and was about to wear
filial piety to his family.
Yu Yan looked up and down, Zhong Wanjin's thin and fair back had no scars,
and half of his cheeks and neck were exposed, and there were no injuries.
Do not have delusions, this must be hurt in the lower body.
Yu Yanqi was worried about the sky. Although Zhong Wan usually looked
careless, but he really spoke long and told the doctor about his injury?
Did the doctor see it?
Has it been taken?
Yu Yan noticed that there was a bottle of medicine near the bed, and he
picked it up and glanced at—the paper on the porcelain bottle was written
with gold sores.
Yu Yan frowned, this trauma medicine ... can it really be used everywhere?
Will this Taiyi cure?
Was Zhong Wan still embarrassed and just fooled with the doctor?
Looking back at the stained blood, Yu Zheng couldn't help worrying.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan's naked | exposed thin waist, hesitated again and
again, and put down the medicine bottle.
Yu Yan slowly lifted the quilt on Zhong Wan's waist, and stretched his fingers
gently on Zhong Wan's loose belt. After hesitating for a moment, he gently
tore off his belt.
Yu Yan took hold of Zhong Wan's obscene pants and pulled a few inches
down ...
"Zi ..."
I do n’t know when to wake up, Zhong Wan blushed and grabbed his
waistband, saying, "I'm still sick ... what are you going to do?"
Yu Yan's ears became red, but he didn't let go of his hand. He put up with it
for a moment, with a bit of regret in his tone, and said softly, "I want to ...
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan wondered, was he completely confused?
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Chapter 75: 75
Zhong Wan's fever and bones aches and pains, and he doesn't sleep well. He
noticed when people came in the room. He estimated that he was a medical
doctor, thinking about it, and he couldn't open his eyes with sleepiness.
After a little while, Zhong Wan slept again, until he felt that someone was
touching his waist.
Compared to Yu Yan, Zhong Wan was really served by a girl-in-law from a
young age. Other people dress him and quilt. Zhong Wan is okay. The only
thing that really matters is that Zhong Wan has been from childhood. It's not
that he knew how to avoid suspicion since he was a child, it was because he
had too much itching on his body.
Zhong Wan woke up instantly when Yu Jian untied his belt. He tilted his head
and saw Yu Jin when he looked down. Then he didn't move.
Seeing Yu Yu's goodness, Zhong Wan was a little relieved. At first Zhong
Wan thought that Yu Yi was afraid that he was uncomfortable sleeping on a
belt, so he pretended to be sluggish by Yu Yan.
Thinking of yesterday's sadness, Zhong Wan also secretly thought that when
Yu Zhen untied himself to untie his belt, he opened his eyes and teased him
suddenly. After all these years, he could not bear any pain.
But the following things are a little different from what Zhong Wan thought.
It really can't hold it.
There was a row of silver pins on Zhong Wan's back, and he couldn't sit up.
This passive feeling made him a little embarrassed, and whispered, "Don't
make trouble."
If Yu Yu had to let go in the usual way, but now he believes that the two have
already been married, Yu Yu feels that he has nothing to look at.
Yu Yan thought that Zhong Wan might be assassinated or angry, and she could
only soften her voice, "Are you and me ... afraid of me?"
"No." Zhong Wan was confused, and he didn't know if Yu Jian was awake or
still sick. He lowered his voice urgently, "You suddenly asked what was all
right, but the Taiyi didn't know when it was coming in. What does it mean for
people to see this? You ... you ... "
Yu Jian took a disappointed glance at the gold sore medicine on the bed. "It's
better to come in. I still have something to ask him. By the way, let him see
you here, too."
"You say it again?" Zhong Wan suspected that he was deaf and changed his
voice in shock. "Let him also ... look at me ?!"
Zhong Wan blushed angrily and said, "I don't !!!"
Yu Yan didn't dare to pull, for fear that Zhong Wan struggled and hit the
needle on his back, sighed, and let go of his hand.
After waiting for Zhong Wansong to breathe, Yu Yan got up and locked the
bedroom door, and put down the bed tent. Yu Yan didn't harden this time. He
sat beside Zhong Wan, exhausting all the tenderness and whisper of his life.
"I was wrong, I didn't expect you to care so much ... but I always have to see
the doctor, otherwise I can't rest assured."
Zhong Wan's scalp was numb, thinking what? Why take a doctor? Yu Yan is
about to seal the king. Could he tell the emperor to marry himself? So you
need to let the elder doctor prove that he is still alive?
I haven't heard that this rule is still in place ...
Besides, how can I prove that I am a big man?
Is it a look at your own stuff? Is it not tender enough at the back?
Zhong Wan collapsed, "Go to your mother!"
Yu Yan faced the scolding next to Zhong Wan, nodding, "Curse then, when
you can get up, give me a sword and I will never hide."
Zhong Wan was creepy: "You ..."
"Okay." Yu Yan dare not reluctantly, "I don't need a doctor, I'll show it to you,
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan's pale face with anxiety, bowed his head and
kissed Zhong Wan's cheek, and whispered in his ear, "Gu Yuan, I promise,
this is the last time, I will never hurt you in the future. "
Zhong Wan heard more bitterly, "Surely only once?"
"Relax, yes." Yu Yan shook Zhong Wan's hand while rubbing his ears, while
he was not paying attention to tie Zhong Wan's hand with the waistband just
before he waited for Zhong Wan to talk, Yu Yan bowed his head in Zhong
Wan kissed her lips, and said dumbly, "Dragging will not help ..."
Zhong Wan was tied to the bed with both hands. He was so angry that he
buried his flushed face in the pillow. "You ... whatever you want!"
Yu Yan stood up, watching Zhong Wan be trapped on the bed by himself, a
strange puppet in his heart, he scolded himself as an animal, took a deep
breath, and dropped Zhong Wan's lewd pants.
Yu Jin: "..."
Zhong Wan was red from face to neck, and he muffled: "See what's coming?
See that Lao Tzu is a baby?"
Yu Yan finally realized something was wrong.
Yu Yan carefully pulled the quilt over to cover Zhong Wan, and tried his best
to calm down: "I ... I still have something to do, please look for me in the
palace ... I will come as soon as I go."
Yu Yan went out in despair.
After a scent of incense, the doctor came to take the needle, looking at Zhong
Wan's hands tied and startled, Zhong Wan laughed violently.
The doctor too frightened and released Zhong Wan. After removing the
needles, he cautiously said, "Master, you can't do that kind of thing now."
Zhong Wan bitterly said to himself, "Yes ... Isn't it ... too favored, can't help
Taiyi looked at Zhong Wan with a disapproval, and nodded thoughtfully.
"Then I'll talk to Shizi?"
Zhong Wan waved his hand, "OK ... if you can persuade."
The Taiyi sighed away, Zhong Wan lay down again unconsciously, and there
was nothing left in the heart that was saddened by Yu Yan, but nothing left.
"Looked ... then left without doing anything."
Zhong Wan murmured, "How disappointing my place ..."
Outside the palace of King Yu's Mansion, Princess An Guo was angry and
said, "What's wrong? Who's blocking in front?"
The carriage driver of Princess An Guochang stepped forward and said,
"Back to the princess, there is the carriage and horse of Qian'an Palace in
front, but I don't know who is in the car."
"The King's Palace of Qian'an?" Princess An Guo laughed, "Isn't King
Qian'an all taken the title? Where can there be the King's Palace? Go and let
the cars and horses in front."
The coachman went, and returned a few moments later: "Princess, the car is
the sister of the former King Qian'an, it seems that he also came to see the
son, they are talking with the car is talking to the doormen at the door,
waiting for the briefing Then. "
"Oh." Princess An Guo laughed, "Ziyi didn't even see me, can you see her?
Go, let their carriage go outside and wait on the road, don't stop here."
The coachman didn't think it was very good. Now everyone knows that Zhong
Wan is a guest of the palace of Yu Wang's house. He really cares about Yu
Yan. Zhong Wan is from Ning Wang's house. After a bit, he whispered: "Her
car is not on the road, she can't stop the princess's car, and a small one can
avoid it by turning a little."
Princess An Guochang was already on fire, angry: "What? Now I'm afraid of
even a small maiden who isn't even Fengyi? I forgive her for not going out of
the court, and for letting her kneel down and ask me to be safe. Let her go and
wait! "
The coachman did not dare to touch the mold of Princess An Guolong, and
was busy. After a while, Xuan Cong's carriage really went out of the way.
Princess An Guozhang came from Xingshi to ask for guilt, and asked not to
ask people to open the gate of another hospital and entered the other hospital
in a carriage.
On the side of the road, Xuan Cong opened the carriage curtain and frowned,
"Whose car is that?"
Lin Si made a gesture, Xuan could barely see from her heart, "Princess An
Guo ... Yes, then my little maiden should make way for her."
Lin Si saw that Xuan Cong's face was not good-looking, and he used sign
language: Princess An Guochang was the son's adoptive mother, and she had
a distinguished status, so she naturally wanted her to go first.
Xuan Cong smiled bitterly, "No need to relax my heart, it ’s been a long time,
how many things have been sent here, how many times have I been greeted,
Zhong Wan hasn't seen me, what can I dare to say, if the master of their house
now changes his name Xuan Xuan, I can't even come. "
Although Xuan Congxin and Yu Jin were close to each other, they were
always foreigners. A female family member who was not headed in the
palace of Yu Wang ’s house. Xuan Congxin, an unmarried woman, could not
come here by herself. Xuan Yu was supposed to come for her. Congxin
couldn't believe him. His elder brother was dealt with by Yu Jian himself.
Xuan Congxin was afraid that Xuan Yu's inadvertently said something wrong
and caused Zhong Wan trouble. Yesterday Xuan Congxin heard the intention
and knew that Yu Jian was being The emperor acknowledged it, and finally
did not need to avoid it, and hurried over the next day.
Xuan Congxin frowned and asked, "The main thing that Anguo Anguo sees is
Yu Jin. The Zhong Wan I want to meet, should ... can't I? Can't I wait for her
to come in?"
Lin Si also said badly, gesture: wait a moment.
Xuan Congxin glanced at the contents of the car. "Forget it ... next time you
can't see it, if they don't let us in for a while, you will bring in clothes and
food containers for me."
Lin Si gesture: wait a minute.
Xuan Cong lowered the curtain and waited to eat behind closed doors.
Without thinking about a tea time, the house of Yu Wangfu's house would rush
forward, and said after the ceremony: "I'm neglect, please come to the
Lin Si pulled the reins, thinking he was going in from the side door, and
didn't want the family to open the middle door, respectfully and respectfully
declared Xuan Chong into the house.
Xuan Congxin entered the house, got out of the car, and was led into the main
hall by the servants of the inner court.
In the first place of the main hall, Princess An Guo was drinking tea unhappy.
Xuan Cong saluted, Princess An Guochang narrowed her eyelids and
murmured "um".
Xuan got up from her heart and waited for her to sit down, but Feng steward
trot out. Feng Tongjia's uncle Princess Tong An, bowed and smiled, turned to
Xuan Cong and said, "Miss, please."
The princess An Guochang changed her face after hearing the words:
The steward Feng was bitter in heart, saying that you had just broken Shizi's
heart a few days ago. On the other side, Shizi just offended Master Zhong
from the inside out, and heard that his family had come to a guilty conscience.
Where can I care? you.
Mr. Feng smiled arrogantly and said, "Shizi probably thinks it's not easy for
the princess to come, so I want the princess to sit for a while."
Princess An Guo laughed: "Okay, okay."
Xuan Cong raised his eyes and looked at Princess An Guochang, pressed the
corner of her mouth slightly raised, blessed her, and entered the inner court
with Feng steward.
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Chapter 76: 76
Yu Yan returned to his hospital and asked Feng steward to ask if Zhong Wan
was holding his forehead. Feng steward nodded like a pounding garlic. Hi,
"No, there was more blood flow when I came back last night."
Yu Yan restrained the impulse to beat Feng steward and was weak. "Why
don't you tell me then."
The steward Feng looked at Yu Ai at a loss, not knowing what to say
separately. The injury was so obvious, as long as Yu Ai was not blind, he
could see it.
Feng steward asked cautiously: "Shizi just went to see Master Zhong? Is he
Yu Yan was speechless.
"Three books and six courtesies ..." Yu Juan sat down suddenly, "It doesn't
matter if he doesn't sleep together every day ... I was to him when he was
sick ..."
Feng steward tentatively said, "Shizi? Shizi?"
The steward Feng had to ask more carefully. It was rumored that Princess An
Guo and the lady from the former Qian'an Palace had come. But the steward
Feng was surprised. "Why are these two coming together?"
The servant who explained the word made it clear, Feng steward looked at
Yu Jian: "See the princess? Seiko? Seiko!"
Yu Jiu woke up like a dream at first, and didn't want to say, "Please declare
your heart."
The steward Feng hesitated. "No, the old lady probably came to see Master
Zhong. The son is visible or not."
"She Bacheng pleaded with her elder brother, so you don't have to let Zhong
Wan meet." Yu Yan sorted out her shirt slightly, "please her."
Feng steward cannot, please go to Xuan Congxin.
Yu Yan cleared his mood and met Xuan Congxin in the hall.
After seeing Hatchback, the two had their own minds and nothing said.
Yu Yan knew his blood relationship with Queen Ning's in his heart, but Xu
was because he hated his biological mother. Yu Jin had no unnecessary
tender feelings for King Ning's children. Wan.
Yu Yan's bones are a bit treacherous. In his heart, Ning Wang's House is
Zhong Wan's family. No matter how much he doesn't want to meet the Queen
Ning, he must be given the face. Otherwise, if he is seen by outsiders, it
means he is not paying attention. Is Zhong Wan?
At the other end, Xuan Congxin was also a little awkward.
Xuan Congxin had not been under any control since she was a child. Qian'an
was the eldest of her brother, but her brother didn't care about her. He grew
so big that he came to the capital to know that the sky was wide and wide. He
lived in Beijing for half a year. After experiencing Xuan Rui, even the sharp
edges and corners will be polished.
Zhong Wan took good care of her. She really didn't know anything about Yu
Yan and Zhong Wan.
After Xuan Rui's incident came out, Xuan Congxin went back to his house to
ask the strict housekeeper, and then asked Lin Si again, and then he realized
that Yu Jian was the "boastful father".
With a clear understanding of the past, Xuan Cong felt that it was also
possible that Zhong Wan would not return to his home for a lifetime.
Yu Yan was only thinking about how to repay his sins, and was not able to
spend time with Xuancong. He asked, "Miss, is there anything I can do to
help you?"
How to prepare Xuan Ruiyu forgiveness has a plan in mind, and how to
arrange Xuan Yu Xuan Congxin in the future, he also has an idea, ready to
speak, waiting for Xuan Congxin to plead.
Xuan Cong hesitated, "Zhong Wan ..."
Yu Yan raised his eyes.
Xuan Congxin tried his best to lower his posture. "My brother's affairs,
Zhong Wan really didn't know, and he asked the son not to be angry with
Zhong Wan because of his affairs."
Yu Yan unexpectedly looked at Xuan Congxin, "Are you ... worried about
Zhong Wan?"
Xuan Congxin prepared the strong man to break his wrist. Anyway, the elder
brother could not save him by himself. He simply ignored Zhong Wan and
tried to wash Zhong Wan clean, so that he would not live in this house. She
whispered: "His body is not Well, good or bad loves to be ill, and please ...
please don't treat him harshly because of my elder brother. "
Yu Zheng narrowed his eyes.
He suddenly remembered a word that Zhong Wan had spoken before.
Although Zhong Wan is always nonsense, his words are actually correct.
If an ordinary couple has a quarrel, they are usually persuaded by their
Yu Yan looked at Xuan Cong's heart, and a thought in his heart surged.
How worried Zhong Wan was about the twins, Yu Yan was clear.
He and Zhong Wan were bitter, and there was no reliable elder. This girl
could be borrowed temporarily.
Yu Yanmo silently looked at the small ornaments on the table and whispered:
"There is no secret, there is a certain gap between me and Zhong Wan."
Xuanxinxindao I know.
Xuan Congxin secretly scolded Xuan Rui 800 times without success or
defeat, and tried his best to respectfully say: "Shizi don't believe others, I can
testify, Zhong Wan is true ..."
"You're misunderstood." Yu Jinchang breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't have
half doubt about Xuanrui."
Xuancong frowned: "Not because of my elder brother, but what else?"
Yu Yan looked out the window and said quietly, "The day before yesterday, I
told him some past events. Naturally, I had a little relationship with your
elder brother. After that ... Zhong Wan ran away."
Xuan Cong was startled: "Where have you been?"
Yu Yan's taboo was deep, and he said, "I'm very anxious. He came back with
an injury. When he returned, he became ill. I'll see him again. He ..."
Yu Yan seemed a bit hard to tell, and then he said, "He wouldn't let me get
close to him."
Xuan Cong swallowed, knowing that he shouldn't listen, but couldn't help
asking, "Why on earth?"
Yu Yan shook his head: "I don't know, he scolded me for something that was
hard to listen to, and said that he would beat me with a sword, and he was
not allowed to look at his wounds."
Xuan Cong was frightened, "Zhong Wan him ... not such a person."
Xuan Congxin suddenly thought of something, saying, "Can he blame you?
Blame you for not saving my elder brother?"
Yu Yan blinked, "I don't know."
Xuan Cong said indignantly: "Xuan Rui himself is trying to die! It is good to
keep him alive. How can Zhong Wan be so unreasonably short?"
Yu Yan stopped talking.
Yu Yan got up and returned after a while. He held a well-assembled figurine
in his hand and handed it to Xuan Congxin, and whispered, "I've spelled
something all night. Give it to him ... bring me a sentence , Please don't blame
me. "
"This is nature." Xuan Cong answered, "If Zhong Zhong dared to lose his
temper with you, I would be anxious with him."
Xuan Congxin looked at the little clay figure in his hand, and said sadly: "Did
he fall, did you work hard?"
Yu Yan coughed, shook his head, "Don't ask."
Xuan Cong's heart was intolerable. He wrapped the figurine in a parchment
and followed Feng Butler to find Zhong Wan.
Due to the previous farce, Yu Jian is really shameless now to see Zhong Wan.
He silently prayed that Xuan Cong could be used to help him pass this level
and got up to see Princess An Guochang.
The tea was cold in the main hall.
Princess An Guochang's face was very poor. When she saw Yu Yan coming,
her eyelids were not raised.
Yu Yan sat down and ordered someone to change tea.
Before waiting for Princess An Guo to hold back and question, Yu Zhen said,
"The princess has received the will?"
Princess An Guochang was blushing, and for a long while "um".
Yu Yan was silent for a moment and asked, "The emperor hasn't changed my
last name. What does the princess think?"
Princess An Guo was on fire, stiff, "How can it be so fast?"
Yu Zhen said lightly, "But the princess didn't tell me last time, was the
emperor's spirit not so good."
Princess An Guo froze.
"The emperor is a little arrogant." Yu Yan said very quietly. "He wants to use
Xuan Qiong's checks and balances to maintain the peace of the last years. I
can wait, but Xuan Qiong? Can he tolerate me?"
Princess An Guo frowned, "Brother Huang has already recognized you, and
he obviously prefers you, haven't you felt relieved yet?"
"I haven't waited for Dabao for a day, I can't rest assured for a day." Yu Yan's
eyes were vague, "I need to light another fire."
Princess An Guochang was too late to interrogate Xingshi, and she said
uneasily, "What do you want?"
"I asked the princess to do one thing for me," Yu said easily, "take out my life
for me."
"Are you crazy ?!" Princess An Guo got up, she glanced out in a panic, and
lowered her voice. "Are you crazy? What about your birth mother ... can
anyone else know ?!"
Yu Qian calmly said: "Why not? The emperor has recognized me. No matter
who my biological mother is, the emperor is my biological father. This can't
shake my identity. I should succeed. I can still succeed."
The ruins were nothing more than the emperor and concubine, and their own
Yu Zheng didn't care.
Princess An Guo is incredible: "What on earth are you going to do?"
"Put pressure on the emperor for the emperor." Yu said, "As soon as
yesterday's incident happened, the emperor was caught by surprise. I couldn't
think of how this black pot fell on Xuan Qiong, and I was bound to panic.
After a day has passed, he may have already figured out how to deal with it
and is waiting for the opportunity. "
Yu Yan shook his head: "I can't wait, he doesn't move, I move for him."
Princess An Guochang sneered angrily: "Are you moving for him? You are
drawing a line between him and me!"
Yu Jian laughed: "Princess, I have already told you before, you can always
turn around to support Xuan Qiong, I will never stop, you did not say it
yourself, do you want to help me?"
Princess An Guo spoke.
Princess An Guochang sat back to her position and said for a while: "What
do you want me to do?"
"I believe that the princess must have her own person in the palace of Yu,
through their mouths," Yu pardoned, "passing out the message, saying that I
was from Xiao Zhongfei."
Princess An Guochang hesitated for a long time, and finally fell off the tea
cup, and rose up, leaving without saying a word.
The steward Feng walked in from the house in a terrified manner, bowed to
gather tea, and whispered, "Is the princess agreeing or not?"
Yu Yan sneered: "It must have been agreed."
Butler Feng was still uneasy, "Shizi ... can you rest assured that such an
important matter is left to the princess?"
Yu Yan said briskly: "Anyway."
Anyway, this time, Princess An Guo is still a cover.
His own life will be explained by the old **** who is now Yu Fei's
confidant in Yu Fei Palace, Tang Qin said.
After hanging the two old things for so long, it will finally come in handy.
Yu Yan squeezed his eyebrows and thought about his plan again. He had just
fallen ill and was not so relieved about himself. He planned to make a close
relationship with Zhong Wan, and let Zhong Wan take care of himself.
Yu Yan asked, "Where is Xuan Congxin still in his hospital?"
Butler Feng nodded nervously.
Yu Jian was a little bit conspired, and sat down again, waiting for the good
news from Xuan Congxin.
Zhong Wan courtyard.
Zhong Wan sat on the bed, staring at Xuan Congxin, who was eloquent.
"Although you are all men ... I won't talk about it, I haven't been very
affectionate and loving, but since I want to be in one place, it's good."
Xuan Cong bitterly said, "When you quarrel, you drop something, and you run
away after you fall, and you ran for the whole night?"
Zhong Wan was at a loss: "What did I fall?"
Xuan Congxin handed the little clay figurine to Zhong Wan, inexplicably,
"You are usually so good to us, and you have no temper, why can't you give
him a good temper? Aren't you a sweetheart?"
Zhong Wan stunned his throat, "My **** ... what did he tell you ?!"
"You still scold him? This is not what he told me." Xuan Cong glanced at
Zhong Wan with dissatisfaction. "I have heard it myself. You usually use him
for a bit of breaking things, cry and cry, also Is it always a fake to call him
back from the cabinet? "
Zhong Wanying's heart hurt and he nodded, "Yes, I do."
"I'm not wrong with you." Xuan Cong said, "I think the son is also very poor,
Zhong Wan said hardly: "I'm sorry ..."
"Don't tell me this, just talk to the world." Xuan Congxin sighed. "I heard that
Lord Yu Xiao had a bad temper, and he frightened every day. I thought you
would be tortured by him.
Xuan Cong shook his head, "You said you were in a hurry because you
wanted to see your wound today? Why is your temper so bad? Isn't it good
for you to see your wound?"
Zhong Wanqi bite the pillow.
Xuan Congxin asked, "You give me a cross-talk, let him see, okay?"
Zhong Wan's ears were red, and he creaked as he bit his pillow. "... Okay."
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Chapter 77: 77
On the gazebo outside the courtyard, Yu Yan sat on the stone bench, staring at
the entrance of the courtyard almost paranoidly, waiting for Xuan Congxin to
tell him that Zhong Wan didn't blame him.
Then he can go to see Zhong Wan again.
Yu Yan firmly believed that Zhong Wan, who had been persuaded by his
family, could no longer turn over his old account.
Although he never tried it.
Mr. Feng's steward put a cloak on Yu Jian, worrying: "Son ... What do old
slaves think, Master Zhong may be more angry."
"Impossible." Yu Yan stared at the courtyard door unconsciously, "why?"
Feng steward was speechless, but did he ask?
The steward Feng tried his best to calm down his words, and said, "Shizi,
although you didn't lie just now, everyone can hear you. What you mean is
that Master Zhong unreasonably makes trouble with you, Master Zhong ... can
you be angry?"
"Otherwise?" Yu Yan said in a calm tone, his lips moved slightly, as if to
speak to himself, "I told that girl that I was crazy, misunderstanding that I had
tossed Wan Wan's tortured bloodstream, and then in Zhong When acupuncture
can't move, do you have to apply medicine to the wound I guessed? "
Feng steward took a breath.
Yu Yan's voice was getting lighter and quieter. "If I said that, would you
guess that girl would like Zhong Wan to live here like a year, and then
persuade Zhong Wan to move back to the former Qian'an palace?"
Butler Feng thought about it, and was surprised that it was really possible.
"I don't want to do this either, but I have offended Guiyuan. If I don't draw
this one together, and then meet them together, the two hatchbacks together,
the more they say, the more angry, the angry run away, what should I do?" Yu
Jian looked at The newly-drilled green bud on the tree shook his head.
"Zhong Wan valued her very much and just chatted with her. I can see that she
really cares about Zhong Wan, so she can't take this risk ..."
"She probably came to spy me ... Yes, she came to test me. She wants to see
if I and Zhong Wan are really in harmony." Yu Jian looked distantly. "They
are a family, I must do well ... she won't persuade Zhong Wan to leave me,
and when she's gone, Zhong Wan won't blame me. "
Yu Yan looked to the steward Feng: "I lie and perfunctory with all kinds of
people every day, why can't I lie to her?"
Under Yu Yan's rigorous logic, no one can survive more than half a column of
Feng steward did not check for a moment, and was almost convinced by Yu
But faintly always felt that Yu Jin's deity looked a bit wrong, but Feng Feng's
housekeeper looked at Yu Jin's face in confusion, sighed, and fell ill again.
Then there is nothing to blame, Feng steward said, "Shizi is all right."
Yu Yan nodded, "Just wait for that girl to come out ... I guess Zhong Wan will
forgive me for my life, I guess he will forgive me for violating him, and even
if I quarrel with me later, I can go to Xuan Congxin help."
Feng steward said, I guess Master Zhong may chase you and hit you. He
didn't dare to say it, so he could only wait with Yu Yan.
The two waited for a long time, and after nearly half an hour, Xuan Congxin
finally came out.
Yu Yan's eyes lit up, and he whispered, "Go ... to send her out."
Feng's housekeeper went, and Yu Jian straightened his shirt and went into
Zhong Wan's yard.
In the bedroom, Zhong Wan leaned on the bed, holding the clay figure in his
Venus was stunned by Yu Jinqi's eyes, but he was very careful about this clay
figure, for fear of hitting it, hurting Yu Jin's heart.
When Zhong Wan heard something outside, he rolled up his tent and saw Yu
Jian standing at the door of the bedroom.
Zhong Wan's teeth are itchy. He doesn't know if there is anyone behind Yu
Jin, and he doesn't want to shame Yu Yan in front of outsiders. He grinds his
teeth, "You ... come here first."
Yu Yan is partial.
Yu Zheng hesitated, and said, "You say, I can hear you."
Zhong Wan was sullen. Is Yu Zijun afraid of jumping up and hitting him? !!
Zhong Wanying asked in a small voice, "What pity you follow?"
Yu Yan frowned slightly, and looked at Zhong Wan's face, "Why are you still
Zhong Wan lost his voice: "Shizi! Should I be happy now?"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan incomprehensible: "Isn't that what you said,
there was a quarrel ... Is it okay to have an elder to persuade?"
Zhong Wan was stunned. When did you say this?
Zhong Wan said dumbly: "When did you become my elder from the heart?
She just asked me if she would call me brother ... According to that, I am her
Yu Yan once again seized the point, and hesitated to ask, "Is it necessary to
have an elder?"
When Zhong Wan coaxed Yu Jinlai from a young age, he was full of
nonsense. He couldn't remember what he had said about his elders to
persuade him. I do n’t know why: "What elder?"
Yu Yan stopped talking.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan straight, as if struggling.
Yu Yan held the door frame and shook it several times, and said, "I need ...
please the emperor or the princess or the king Yu to persuade you?"
Yu Yan was full of rejection, but still said, "I don't want to bother, but if you
want ... I can think of a way."
Zhong Wan couldn't imagine Emperor Chong An or Princess An Guo as
persuasing himself just as he did from the bottom of his heart, scaring a
sweat, "Shizi, please forgive me."
Yu Yan also relieved, he whispered: "You don't blame me?"
Zhong Wan shook his head with humiliation and did not dare to blame.
Yu Jian relaxed a little, walked into the bedroom, and sat on the bedside of
Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan took the clay figure in Zhong Wan's hand and inserted it into a bonsai.
Yu Yan looked at the white veil wrapped around Zhong Wan's head, and Shen
said, "Is it hurt here?"
Zhong Wan stunned, "I was careless, stunned."
Yu Yan, as if he didn't hear what Zhong Wan said, asked again, "Who are you
going to hoe?"
Zhong Wan paused, Fu Zhixin smiled suddenly, "I understand what you
misunderstood, you think you treat me ..."
Yu Yan sat closer, he raised his hand and carefully untied the white veil from
Zhong Wan's head.
"Ah, don't." Zhong Wan hid, "It's all right ..."
Yu Yan turned a deaf ear to his ears. He was as careful and careful as a clay
figure, and slowly untied the gauze on Zhong Wan's head.
Zhong Wan's original pale forehead was almost flesh and blood.
Zhong Wan was accidentally lying on her stomach before, and she blew out
her blood again, and she used some of the medicine she had taken before.
Yu Yan threw Bai Sha aside, got up to get the medicine, and re-dressed
Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan leaned on the pillow and looked at Yu Jian, whispering softly:
"I'm going to give my biological parents a hoe, I don't know what to say, so I
want to make a few more heads and look forward to ..."
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a good medicine, took a clean white veil to wrap
Zhong Wan, and said, "I hope they don't blame me."
Zhong Wan chuckled.
Yu Jin said, "Gu Yuan ... I will do my best to atone for sin."
Zhong Wan thought for a while and whispered softly, "If you are going to the
throne in the future, rebuild the grave for my family. I haven't taken care of it
for many years. I went to see yesterday, and many of the graves collapsed.
Yu Yan nodded: "This doesn't have to wait for the throne, people will fix it
Zhong Wan hesitated: "Not good ... you suddenly go to repair the ancestral
tomb of the Zhong family."
Yu Yan said: "In your name."
Zhong Wan thought it was feasible, and said, "Give Xuan Yu the king of the
county, and don't let him go to Qian'an again. To be honest ... I don't want to
go back to that ghost place at all. For growing up, I would rather be frozen, I
still feel better here, as for my heart ... "
Zhong Wan also said: "Also give the county owner, build a separate house
for her, and let her choose her own affairs in the future."
Yu Yan listened silently, but did not speak.
Zhong Wan couldn't think of anything, and Yu Zhen thoughtfully for him: "Get
the Zhong family and everything you can find ... If you can give everything to
the knight, if you can't give it, give them gold and silver."
Zhong Wan smiled: "So generous? How about a title? What title?"
Yu Zheng said: "Cheng Engong."
Zhong Wan frowned. "Are you afraid that others will not know who your
biological mother is?"
This title is generally given to foreigners. Yu Yan's title to the Zhong family is
bound to make people jealous ...
"Guess how much I like you." Yu Yan sighed softly, "Shi Zifei ... this foreign
relative is from your side."
Zhong Wan stunned, whispering uncomfortably, "Don't make a fool."
Yu Amnesty was undecided.
"Speaking of my birth mother ..."
Yu Jin told Zhong Wan his plan.
Zhong Wan considered for a moment, "It's feasible to seek wealth and wealth.
But Ziyi, I have been worried about something for a long time ..."
Yu Zheng said: "You said."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jian in confusion, "Why do I always feel that you
are acting a little too aggressive? In case of everything, in case Yu Yu is
dead, if I want to fight with you to break the net, it is to make your biological
mother out In the world, or if he has a back trick, it can obscure your origin
and make people think that you may be Xiao Zhongfei and the others ... What
about you? "
Yu Yan smiled down.
Zhong Wan helplessly: "Ask you, have you never thought of these?"
"Think about it," Yu Yan said easily. "Isn't everyone shameless? Before you
come to Beijing ... I wanted to make such a violent scene before death."
Yu Zhen said: "Relax, just the previous thought."
"I just need to make Xuan Qiong completely out of the possibility of
succession, and nothing else matters." Yu Yan answered without asking, "As
long as Xuan Qiong is resolved."
Zhong Wan faintly felt that something was wrong, but before he thought about
it, Yu Zhen said something very poke his heart, "In short, the things I didn't
want to do before, and the things I felt disgusting can be done now, as long as
Can keep you. "
Zhong Wan was stunned, Yu Yan had always disliked his birth. He didn't
even want the position of this son before. Now it is not easy to compromise
so much for his life.
Yu Jian said: "If you think it is feasible, then I'll order someone to contact
Tang Qin."
"Tang Qin ..." Zhong Wan was just telling Yu Zhen to be careful to be **** off
by the old eunuch, and suddenly his heart brightened and laughed, "You're the
best you can."
Yu Zhengdan said indifferently, "Tang Ming, they didn't want to stir up the
previous ruins and make the emperor's counter-products? I'm trying to force
him, I'm helping him."
Yu Yan left the two brothers to this day for this step.
Yu Shen said: "If he has a problem with his mind, he has no choice but to live
with me. I will give Tang Ming's head tonight and give it to him. I don't care.
Anyway, they are useful to me for this purpose. Damn it, I think the old ****
himself knew it. "
Zhong Wan nodded: "Okay."
After speaking the matter, Zhong Wan glanced at Yu Jian, "Do you see clearly
Yu Yan stiffened.
Yu Yan looked down, "Don't you say you're not angry?"
"I wasn't angry at all ..." Zhong Wan himself said that his ears were red. His
long legs were slightly bent, and his knees were on Yu Yan's arm. "Zi, you
made me like that in the morning ... it tickled me . "
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Chapter 78: 78
Yu Yan's back was stiff. He raised his hand and pressed Zhong Wan's leg to
prevent Zhong Wan from moving again.
Zhong Wan whispered: "What do you touch my leg?"
Yu Yan quickly moved his hand away, and his long fingers lay on the edge of
the bed, and his fingertips turned white.
He didn't want to be close to Zhong Wan.
Before stepping over the Leichi Lake, I wanted to leave a space for Zhong
Wan. In the future, Zhong Wan will have a choice.
After that, he still refused to get close to him. First, the gentleman's bones left
in his youth were embarrassing. He always felt indifferent, regardless of
what he did.
What's more, this broken body couldn't help it. The two finally managed to
get to this day, because there was something wrong with this, it was too
Zhong Wan didn't understand the overall situation!
Zhong Wan looked sideways at Yu Ai and laughed in a low voice. He didn't
actually want to do anything, just to tease Yu Ai and uttered a few words
The pain in his life was mixed up by Yu Yan's madness and madness, but
Zhong Wan still felt heartache when he thought about it.
He hurt for Yu Yu.
The past cannot be considered at all.
Piles of pieces poke people's hearts.
When Yu Jue became ill, he sat down on the ground and ate tea carefully, and
it is still reflected in Zhong Wan's heart.
This man actually thought he had run away and would not return.
What if Zihui really does n’t come back?
With so little tea, how long can he eat?
Yu Yan struggled several times, glanced at Zhong Wan, and frowned, "What
are you thinking about ?!"
Zhong Wan said, "Think about the past."
Yu Jin briefly hesitated for a moment, and seemed to remember the past. He
was more truthful: "Quiyuan, there is something that I have always wanted to
ask but I dare not ask ..."
Zhong Wan laughed: "Do you still dare? What's the matter?"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan, his eyes were almost discouraged, "When did
you have me in your heart?"
Zhong Wan thought that there was nothing dare to ask.
Zhong Wan actually didn't like to mention these things. When Tang Ming
broke his mind before, he was almost a little embarrassed.
But today he wants to coax Yu Yu.
"Initially ... I didn't understand it myself. At that time, I was too young to say
clearly." Zhong Wan told the truth with embarrassment. "Seriously, it's about
... when I first met you."
Zhong Wan bumped Yu Jian with her knee again, not very embarrassed, "I am
much earlier than you, are you happy?"
There was no joy on Yu Yan's face.
"So, when you first came to my house seven years ago." Yu Jian looked at
Zhong Wan, with a bit of intolerance in his eyes, "Already love me?"
Zhong Wan stayed, "Yeah."
Seven years ago, the various marquees that occurred in this hospital in this
house generally flashed quickly in Yu Yan's brain. Yu Yan clung to the edge
of the bed tightly, and his fingers were about to get in.
The days and nights in the past were generally relaxed and happy, but if the
premise of "Zhong Wan had been in love with him that day" was added, the
sweetness of the sugar would inevitably bring bitterness.
Yu Jian has never been afraid to confirm with Zhong Wan, because he is
afraid of this.
He dared not recall.
Already devoted to his young man, Zhong Wan, jokingly said to himself, "Do
you know? The age of a man is actually such a few years."
Ignoring him himself, he went on to say, "Time is like a gap in the white
horse. You don't cherish it now. I can't say what I want after two years."
Still ignoring him, he said, "Do you know? Nothing will be waiting for you in
Originally, he thought he was provoking himself deliberately at that time.
Who knew that there was a pun in this man's words, but he said it in the most
outrageous words.
Bit by bit, they became piercing knives.
Yu Yan held Zhong Wan's leg, and whispered, "You always asked me at the
time, did you want to be like that ... did you look forward to it?"
Zhong Wan froze, understood it, regretted not to mention this, and smiled:
"Chen Guzi rotten sesame ..."
Yu Yan, on the other hand, wanted to remember the past with masochism.
Zhong Wan sighed, Yu Zheng was fine, but his heart was not wide enough.
Things that were fart a hundred years ago must be taken seriously.
"Okay, this is what you have to listen to." Zhong Wan slammed Yu Jian with
his legs, "I already loved you at that time, knowing that you bought me, but it
was tough, but I felt a little bit in my heart. Secret rejoicing, I feel that God
treats me not the worst, when it was the worst ... I was sent to you. "
Yu Yan's eyes were even more difficult.
Zhong Wan continued, "At first you avoided suspicion and didn't come to the
other side of the hospital. I still regret to come here. I ran away every day
and thought that I hadn't seen you once. It was a pity."
"Later, Mr. Feng couldn't bear the trouble. I invited you. I'm actually a little
"Following, every time I ask you if you want me, I actually look forward to it
faintly." Zhong Wan's face turned slightly red. He sat up and took Yu Yan's
hand, "Looking at you crazy. , Really do something to me. "
Yu Yan was a little uncomfortable. Zhong Wan and Yu Yan were intertwined
with his fingers, and he fragilely rubbed his palms with his fingers. "Do you
know how handsome you were when you were a teenager?"
Zhong Wan rested his chin on his knees and thought, "I miss your madness,
tore my clothes, and tether me to this bed to keep me out of bed every day.
What I do will just cry. I beg you, scared to see you. "
Zhong Wanyi thought for a while, and he was so excited that he couldn't help
but whispered, "You can lose a lot. I am sixteen, how tender."
Yu Yan couldn't listen anymore, he was really sad, and this person came to
disturb again!
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a sideways glance, but he did not hold back. "No
regrets, Guiyuan, you are quite tender now."
Zhong Wan suffocated.
What Yu Yan thought of, dissatisfied, "And what makes me handsome when I
was a teenager, now?"
Zhong Wan pursed her lips, cheekily and whispered in Yu Yan's ears, "When
you returned to Beijing and you took me to your house, I looked at you now,
and I went back and did several spring | dream ... Every time you talk to me
violently, I am soft and want you to treat me like no one in order to punish me
... "
Yu Yan could not listen, and raised his hand to cover Zhong Wan's mouth.
Zhong Wan was emotional, could not help but lick Yu palm.
Yu Yan shook his fingertips.
I want to retract my hand, but not willing.
Zhong Wan's face turned redder, and he licked Yu Jian's fingers a little.
Yu Yan's voice was dumb: "Is it burned out?"
"No," Zhong Wan embarrassed. "Zi, don't tell me you can't see what's wrong
with me, you ... don't hang me?"
Zhong Wan lifted his chin slightly and looked at Yu Jian, his eyes softened,
his tone softened.
Yu Yan closed his eyes, leaning on the only bit of clarity in his heart: "I have
to, I have to ask ..."
Zhong Wan frowned: "Ask me? Who? My biological father and mother?"
Zhong Wan immediately promised: "My father and mother agreed! Really,
when they gave them a gimmick before, they spoke to me and said yes,
whatever they could do. They also said that if you didn't do anything to me,
they would bring them at night It ’s my grandma and grandma coming to you
... "
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Jinfei said, "I'm going to ask the doctor first."
Zhong Wan collapsed, "the doctor must say no!"
Yu Zheng said: "Then not!"
Zhong Wanqi's head hurt, and his face was gone, and he sent him a half-day
wave. This man was still embarrassed!
Zhong Wan fell back to bed, and he was a little funny and embarrassed,
embarrassed, "Then ... forget it first."
Zhong Wan had pulled the quilt over his head, and still felt a little
uncomfortable, whispered, "But you have to promise me, when I'm sick and
cleaned up, you must ... eh!"
In the quilt, Zhong Wan opened his eyes instantly.
Yu Yan put his hand on ...
Across the quilt, Zhong Wan heard Yu Jian reluctantly put up in his ear: "First
... this way."
Zhong Wan froze. "Then I will give you ..."
"No." Yu Yan refused, "I just want to mess with you."
Zhong Wan's legs had to be subconsciously stunned, and the next moment was
opened by Yu Jian.
Yu Yan whispered in his ear: "I don't want to bind you, open myself ..."
Zhong Wan's legs trembled and she parted slightly.
Outside the quilt, Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan's two long legs, and what he
felt deceived, almost a little threatening in his tone: "Not enough, you don't
want to?"
Zhong Wan gritted his teeth. "You ... you don't do it ..."
"But I want to see." Yu Yan's eyes were dark, and he whispered, "It's the
Zhong Wan was flushed from face to neck. He closed his eyes and did so.
Yu Yan comforted Zhong Wan with one hand, opened the quilt with the other
hand, and leaned over and kissed Zhong Wan.
After a scent of incense, Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a good quilt and said softly,
"It's all sweaty, don't get up."
Zhong Wan's red ears and red ears, which had been made by Yu Yan, had lost
his spirits. He still felt embarrassed when he recalled the incident, and
closed his eyes pretending to sleep.
Zhong Wan was half asleep and awake, and felt the sound of water in the
room all the time. He originally thought that Yu Jian was washing his hands,
but the sound of the water kept flowing, and he looked up ...
Yu Yan was standing in front of the basin to wash his obscene pants.
"Don't!" Zhong Wan blushed. "Don't move! You ..."
Yu Yan turned a deaf ear. He washed the obscene pants and put them aside, "I
don't wash it, who are you going to keep?"
Zhong Wan stuffed.
Yu Yan took a look at Zhong Wan, and he was uneasy. He wanted to ask the
Taiyi. He was afraid that Zhong Wan would not let him lie to Wan Wan. "I
still have something to do. You sleep first, and at night ... wait for the sweat
to fall and then bathe." . "
Zhong Wan is also very sad now, and honestly agreed.
Watching Yu Yan go out, Zhong Wan lay down, could not help but close his
eyes to relive.
Before he could think about it, the window of the bedroom sounded.
Zhong Wan opened his eyes instantly, got up and pulled over his coat and put
on it. When he fastened the button on the coat, Lin Si had entered the house
Zhong Wan didn't wear anything below. He was afraid that Lin Si could see it
and coughed. "Ill ... you won't get up, you sit."
Lin Si sat on the head of Zhong Wan's bed and made a gesture: I came with
the lady today. I was going to see the host for the lady. By the way, it was
important. I did not expect that Wang Xiaoyu could let the lady come in.
Zhong Wan nodded, just about to let Lin Si talk about the business first, and
suddenly hesitated.
Zhong Wan stiffened, "Wouldn't you just keep going?"
Lin Si nodded rightly, and gestured: the home here would be too great, it
would be difficult to mix in from the outside, and I just didn't leave.
"You just ..." Zhong Wan smiled. "Is it nearby?"
Lin Si still nodded.
With a little hope, Zhong Wan's voice became lower and lower, "You ...
didn't you hear anything?"
Zhong Wan felt that the voice was not loud and comforted herself, "I didn't
hear it, I definitely didn't hear it."
But Lin Si was unwilling to be questioned for his ear strength. He is of Wu
origin. He most abstained from this. He heard the sign: he didn't miss a word
and he heard everything.
Zhong Wan: "..."
Lin Si straightly asked: Master, I remember your birth date very clearly, you
are obviously a full year older than Grandpa Yu, why did you call him an
elder brother instead? Also called many times? Also called good brother
Zhong Wan: "..."
Lin Si gesture: Is it to ask him to release you? Or am I remembering
something wrong? Or……
"Lin Dumb." Zhong Wan tried his best to keep calm, "Shut up."
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Chapter 79: 79
Lin Si smiled and smiled. He proved that his ear strength was no longer
Zhong Wan Qiang didn't care, said, "What's the matter to tell me?"
Lin Si converged with a smile, and said positively: "Master, two days ago I
wanted to send Xuanrui back to Qian'an on the other day."
Xuanrui's case has basically been closed. Emperor Chong'an only seized his
title, but Qian'an's mansion and Fengyi have not been recovered. Now that
the dust has settled, it is indeed time to send him back to Qian'an.
Zhong Wan said, "What's wrong?"
Lin Si's gesture: Before the book was delivered to the cabinet, he was
stopped by Lord Yu.
Zhong Wan frowned. "When did King Yu take care of Xuanrui?"
Lin Si's gesture: It's this strange. I have been with the lady and the young
master these days. The lady listened to your master and would discuss with
me when something happened. Someone came to the house from the clan's
house, and the news never came. I, listening to what they said a few days
ago, apparently sent Xuanrui to leave, but just a couple of days ago, I
suddenly changed my tone, saying that there is a long way to go in southern
Xinjiang, and everything needs to be prepared.
Zhong Wan didn't even need to think to know that this was an excuse.
Lin Si's sign language: I think it's wrong. After many inquiries, I realized that
it was Wang Yu who knew someone and stopped by someone else's hand. I
didn't understand it, so I hurriedly told the host.
Zhong Wan leaned on the bed, frowning, "What did Yu Wang want to do when
he left Xuanrui ..."
Lin Si guessed: Wang Yu will not know about you, maybe you just want to
leave Xuanrui in Beijing to stop Xin Yu, the little king?
"No." Zhong Wan shook his head. "It's too stupid for this to happen. Does he
want Xuanrui's life to be depressed and forgive when the net is broken? Isn't
it right?"
Zhong Wan laughed: "Don't be embarrassed, Yu Yan himself wants Xuan
Rui's life."
Zhong Wan asked Lin Si: "How long does Wang Yu's hand reach out? If in
any case, can he take people from the clan?"
Lin Si wasn't quite sure, gesture: I'll check.
"I'll let Yu Yan also check it," Zhong Wan whispered. "But if I say, King Yu
can't do it."
Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan, Zhong Wan said: "If he can really control the
clan's mansion, why should he send someone to stop it, and never let the
clan's mansion send Xuanrui back to Qian'an? I never cared about this case. "
Zhong Wan whispered: "It's like a temporary surprise."
Lin Si nodded and made a gesture: Exactly, in terms of time, it should be the
emperor's decision to acknowledge Yu Xiaoye.
Zhong Wan murmured, "If the ancestral palace sends Xuan Rui away, Yu
Zheng will escorted his own person, and he will not be relieved if he returns
Xuan Rui to Qian'an. In other words ... As soon as Xuan Rui came out of the
clan's house, she fell under Yu Yu's control. "
"Is King Yu trying to avoid this? Why?"
"Why does Xuanrui suddenly matter?"
Lin Si also wondered about this point.
Zhong Wan groaned for a moment, and said, "Go ahead, leave it to me, and
you're good at Xinxin and Xuanyu."
Lin Si nodded and got up, Zhong Wan said again, "Yes."
Lin Si busy listening carefully.
Zhong Wan sighed: "Take a moment to meet Xuan Ye."
Lin Si narrowed his eyes, and then gestured after a while: I saw him several
times while he was asleep.
"Sleeping and there is a fart." Zhong Wan said, "He told me last time that I
don't blame you, don't waste time, and talk to him earlier."
Lin Si moved his eyes and nodded.
As soon as Lin Si left, Zhong Wan quickly took clean clothes and put them on.
Before Yu Jian had found a doctor, Zhong Wan hurriedly urged him back. The
servant of Yu Yan's order to go down first, whispered helplessly, "How can
you not leave me for a while and a half? "
Zhong Wan was stuffed, her ears were red, and she almost forgot what she
wanted to say.
"I have something to say with you." Zhong Wan told Tong Yuzheng what Lin
Si said just now, and said, "You can go and check. I have a conjecture in my
heart. I'm not sure. I dare not speak with you." Say."
Yu Jiu paused for a moment, and smiled, "I don't dare say anything, I
Yu Yan sat down and squinted, "These days, King Yu is not very happy, the
situation is unstable, and the emperor has repeatedly promoted me. He is
uneasy, and cunning rabbits, and started to find a way out for himself."
Zhong Wan whispered softly: "He wants to make Xuan Rui the last escape."
"Xuan Xie and Yu Yufu have been hostile for many years and can't count on
it." Yu Amnesty whispered, "In the future, if I swallow Xuan Qiong in one go,
at the last moment ... he can take another dangerous move and kill me and
Xuan Xuan then……"
Zhong Wan said: "Fuan Xuanrui is going to do it."
Yu Yan sneered: "Strange, what kind of life is Xuan Rui? So many people
want to support him."
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan. "There are still people who have been fighting
to protect him for years."
Zhong Wan smelled a bit of vinegar and laughed. "It's business."
"Xuanrui is the eldest son of King Ning, and his blood is counted. He is the
most valuable except for the prince, and he is such a deceptive temper."
Zhong Wan himself admitted, "It is really good for eating." . "
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and said, "I have a way."
Zhong Wan raised his eyes, Yu Yu stood up, "I went to the palace."
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "What's the matter? What can you do? No, don't talk
to me?"
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a glance, "Xuanrui was caught by King Yu, are you
really in a hurry?"
Zhong Wan secretly said that the vinegar taste was even heavier.
Zhong Wan raised his hand and held Yu Jian's wrist, and whispered, "A little
worried, but more worried about you."
Yu Yan's face looked a lot better instantly.
Yu Yan told his plan to Zhong Wan, and Zhong Wan froze, "You ..."
"The simplest method is sometimes the most effective. Since the enemy is
secretly in the dark, I simply rely on it." Yu Ai raised his hand and touched
Zhong Wan's forehead. "I haven't gotten hot yet, lie back, I will tomorrow I
will go to the dynasty and I will explain it to you when I return. "
Zhong Wan couldn't, and lay back honestly.
The next day, Emperor Chong An was unexpectedly absent from the Korean
congress, but Yu Zheng appeared on the cabinet on time.
This is the first time that Emperor Chong'an has acknowledged Yu Zheng's
will, and Yu Cheng appears for the first time.
The elders didn't know what to call Yu Jin, and they looked at each other, and
they couldn't get any better, but Yu Jin looked as usual, and said indifferently,
"All the kings can do as usual."
The people were relieved, and they saluted rashly, but they were still busy.
Yu Jian looked at the documents for a while, and walked to the case of Sun
Gelao's book.
Sun Ge was busy getting up, and Yu Qian humbly pressed Sun Ge's arm in a
humble manner, and said softly, "Sun Ge doesn't have to do this. I have
trouble to do something."
Yu Yan has acted rebelliously in recent years and has a bad reputation.
Suddenly learned that when he wanted to enter the cabinet to study politics,
everyone in the cabinet affirmed in his heart that he was the illegitimate son
of Emperor Chong'an, and he was bitter in his heart.
Afraid that Yu Jie ate cold food here and went crazy, that Yu Jie would
suddenly find death and find a living, and that she would not take good care
of them all, everyone should follow me.
Unexpectedly, except for the occasional late arrival and early departure, Yu
Jian did not do anything extraordinary.
Yu Jinan was quiet. If he didn't pay attention, he would not find such a **** in
the cabinet.
The documents he handled, from various categories, also frequently had his
unique and vital comments.
It can't be said how powerful it is, but compared to Xuan Qi who can't
understand anything, and Xuan Qiong who doesn't have a mind and also
chaos command, this is too sharp.
Over the past few days, several old cabinet ministers had a good impression
on Yu Yan.
For example, if the other two princes would never have spoken to cabinet
ministers in this manner.
Sun Ge's unconscious heart has been biased. When seeing Yu Yan humbly
looking for him, he also whispered: "I don't know ... I don't know what the
son said?"
Yu Zheng hesitated, and seemed a little inconvenient to speak.
Sun Ge old whispered again, "Shizi, but it doesn't matter."
Yu Yan shook his head and smiled: "I don't want to bother the grown-up with
the matter of Neizi."
Sun Ge did not respond for a while to who "Inner Son" was, but he had
already spoken, "The son of the son ordered it."
Yu Yan lightly pursed his thin lips and whispered, "Nei Zi is from Ning
Wangfu's house, and adults should know."
Sun Ge was almost stunned, his face changed and changed, and said, "Gu
Yuan ... I saw him when he was young."
Yu Jian nodded: "Adults must also know, the case of the former King
Sun Ge nodded, "Isn't that case handled by Shizi?"
"Yes, but the former King Qian'an was a patriarch and could not enter the
Dali Temple. He was placed under house arrest at the ancestral palace since
the case began." Yu Jian worried, "the case has been closed, but he has been
in the ancestor for so long People ’s house. "
Sun Ge was dissatisfied: "It is the lazy government of Zongren government."
"It can't be said. Slowness is not very slow, but ..." Yu Yan's voice was even
lighter. "Gu Yuan was worried about him. He didn't think about it. I looked at
it and was anxious."
Sun Ge lamented, "The son of King Ning is really not raised in vain."
Yu Zheng said: "I am in an awkward position, and I can't speak at the clan's
house. I want to ask Master Sun to help draft a document and urge the clan's
house to put this matter on the agenda. I wonder if it's inconvenient?"
Sun Ge laughed, "How difficult is this?"
Sun Gelao was still a little vigilant in his heart. He was afraid that Yu Jian
would try to win over himself. He was afraid that there would be a dilemma
for Yu Jin. He never expected that Yu Jin would speak to him for the first
time, because of Zhong Wan.
Why don't you let the humanity move along the river?
Sun Ge whispered, "If Shizi is in a hurry, there is actually a simpler way to
avoid the clan's house, and just do it."
Yu Zheng said: "I also ask Master Sun for guidance."
"Don't dare," Sun Ge said quietly. "This is too small a matter of going back
and forth between several gates, and no need to pull with the clan's house.
Now I just need to write a letter to explain the business."
Sun Ge Lao gestured Yu Jian to look at the two-foot-high stack of books,
"Just put it in today's book, and it will be delivered to the imperial palace in
a while. If the emperor reads it, he will surely accept it and send it directly
to the clan ... … It's not a big deal. If the emperor didn't watch it, he would
return to us in the evening. We stamped it and still sent it to the Zongren's
Mansion. The Zongren's Mansion should immediately proceed to send the
former King Qian'an away, the same. "
Yu Yan nodded, "Thank you for your mention."
"Dare you dare, how big a thing, I'll make a deal for the son of the world."
Sun Ge is always willing to sell Yu Jin's affection, "After the son saw it, he
didn't think it would change much, and he could be sent to Yuqian half an
hour later. went."
The corner of Yu's mouth twitched slightly.
Yu Yan returned to his book case and waited quietly. In the evening, all the
discounts that Emperor Chong'an had seen were sent back, and the old
discounts of Sun Gelao did not move.
Emperor Chong'an is now out of energy, and the cabinets have all sorted out
the discounts. Generally, he only looks at the most important ones, and the
rest is not painful, itching or turning, and he directly calls back to the cabinet
for processing.
Sun Ge Lao intentionally helped Yu Zheng, and his bankruptcy was placed in
a class that didn't matter.
After the folds were picked out, Sun Ge commented and ordered Zongren's
government to escorted Xuan Rui back to Qian'an immediately, Yu Yu
personally printed the seal.
The enemy is secretly knowing, and I simply rely on it.
The imperial edict has been made, and King Yu cannot stop it.
After returning to the house in the evening, Yu Zheng didn't rush to find Zhong
Wan, first called his confidant family in the future, and ordered someone to
ask for a doctor.
This was the person Yu Yu had originally planned to **** Xuanrui to
Qian'an, and after waiting for the family to speak, Yu Jin said lightly: "Free
your errands, you don't have to follow."
He felt hesitated, "Isn't Shizi saying that we should keep our eyes on the
former King Qian'an, so that he won't be seduced by others again?"
He really did not understand, Yu Yu took so much effort to **** Xuanrui from
the clan's house, but he did not stare at him anymore.
Isn't that a waste of thought? !!
"No, I have other arrangements." Yu Yan's eyes were dark, "You went wrong
He would like to say one more time, Yu Shen said, "Naturally, you still have
to follow. You send him out of the city, and you will come back when he
leaves the city. You do n’t need to worry about it below."
Dumbfounded: "Isn't that the same as not going?"
Mr. Feng brought the Taiyi, Yu Yu waved his hand, "I have something in
mind, you go."
Henchmen retreated.
The doctor did not dare to read more, and waited for his family members to
go far before they came forward: "Shizi."
"I was always busy before asking the doctor."
Yu Jui confounded the details and process of the incident in Zhong Wan's
room yesterday, and vaguely explained with the doctor.
Yu Yan said very vaguely, but the Taiyi was very knowledgeable and had
never heard of anything. He would nod his head to make clear without saying
Yu Yan's words.
Yu Jiu asked in a low voice, "Are you in trouble?"
"This ..." Tai Chi thought for a while, and said rigorously, "Master Zhong is
really bad, but in the same year, it is impossible for him to lose all his
affections and passions. This is human nature. If it is just like Seiko said, this
is the time , That's nothing to hinder. "
Yu Yan's eyebrows remained anxious.
He whispered in a whisper: "I'm afraid he won't just do it once."
The Taiyi stunned, looked up at Feng steward aside, "Shizi means ..."
During the conversation, the little girl who was waiting for Zhong Wan
entered the room lightly, and said Zhong Wan asked Yu Yan to pass by.
Yu Yan waved his hand to send away the little girl, as if beset by how much
trouble he had, and took a look at the Taiyi doctor, "Just look at him now for
a moment without me, do you think he might understand temperance?"
Zhong Wan was still hot before, and Yu Yue became more and more regretful.
He regretted that he should not have been bullied and tortured yesterday. He
should not have any energy. He could only find the trouble of a doctor, and
frowned, "You Do you know how sticky he is? "
Taiyi's expression is dull, why do I know if I scream in my heart? !!
The steward Feng stood behind Yu Yan, and saw that he was busy round the
field. "There is no need to be hasty, there is a way! Taiyi has a way."
Taiyi endured the burden of humiliation and thought hard after thinking:
"Shizi, otherwise ... I can prescribe a little medicine for Master Zhong."
Yu Zheng said, "Take medicine again?"
Yu Yan remembers very clearly, that is what this Taiyi said, Zhong Wan's
body is not good, she should take less medicine and support more.
"No, no, just drink tea." Taiyi said to Feng steward, "Take a little mulberry
leaves, white chrysanthemums, and tangerine peel, rinse with boiling water,
add a little honey, and give the patient tea."
They are all mild herbs of clear fire, but Feng's housekeeper felt reliable,
and said to Yu Jian, "It should work."
Yu Yan felt that this was nothing clever. "It's just salty and light tea."
The Taiyi had to say: "Or maybe a little honeysuckle ..."
"Nothing, no matter how much medicine, he can only cure his body." Yu Yan
was sad and happy, "You can't cure him and stick to my heart all the time."
Taiyi: "..."
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Chapter 80: 80
Yu Jue grew up in the palace when he was a child, and occasionally had
nagging. Naturally, there was a patron saint who specialized in treating the
Later, he grew into a young man, and he had many inconveniences in walking
in the inner palace. He moved out of the palace and lived in the palace of Yu
Yu and Princess Anguo. With the illness, they were all treated by Princess An
Guochang's confidante.
Later, Yu Yan broke up with King Yu and Princess An Guo, and lived alone
in the other side of the house for years. No one could believe it. The doctor
he used was replaced by a few resumes that he had pulled up with his own
hand. A doctor is one of them.
Prior to serving Yu Yu alone, this prince also served many princes and
aristocrats. He was really healed by similar problems in the house.
The doctor did not vomit unhappy: "In fact, there are also, most of them are
middle-aged men with limited energy. They can't cope with the obsession in
the room, and then discuss with the doctors for medicine to strengthen the
waist. It is indeed the first ... "
But Mr. Feng did not like to listen to this, "What is it talking about? Isn't Shizi
able to cope ?! Shizi has never dealt with it!"
Yu Yan glanced at Mr. Feng's housekeeper. What could be obvious about
this? Shameless? !!
Taiyi is shocked and has never dealt with it?
Yu Xun disappeared from the conversation in an instant, and he got up and
said, "I'm going to see Zhong Wan. You ... go to prepare what kind of tea, chat
is better than nothing."
The two watched Yu Yan go to the inner court, and the Taiyi quietly asked,
Feng steward shook his head in secret.
In Zhong Wan's courtyard, Yu Yan and Zhong Wan ate dinner together.
Zhong Wan has already given off his fever. All the dishes he prepared for
dinner are his favorite dishes. He was urged by Yu Jian and he ate a lot.
After eating, Zhong Wan felt his stomach and didn't want to lie so early. He
was about to tell Yu Xun about Xuanrui. Outside, Feng's housekeeper brought
a pot of tea to come in, and said he had prepared it for Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan smiled: "No, I just eat a little too much, I can't drink anything."
Feng steward looked hard at Yu Jin, and Yu Jin made a look. Feng steward
put down his things and went down. Yu Jin poured a cup of tea for Zhong
Wan and whispered, "How much to drink."
Zhong Wan bowed his head and smelled it. "Sweet and greasy ... what is
this? He also said that it was prepared for me, what is it?"
Heal your **** | magic.
Yu Yan said nothing, perfunctoryly said, "Drinking is always good for you."
Zhong Wan had to drink it honestly and asked, "Is everything going well
Yu Yanyin went to Zhong Wan as an excuse to entrust Sun Ge to the old thing
and explained to Zhong Wan.
"That's it." Zhong Wan put his heart down. "If it goes well, is it going to send
Xuanrui tomorrow?"
Yu Jin nodded.
Zhong Wan hesitated: "Lin Si said before that he wanted to send Xuan Rui
back to Qian'an, but ..."
"But it's been several months back and forth. I still want him to stay in
Beijing. It's better to explain him and Xuanzhen earlier." Zhong Wan smiled
at Yu Jian, "Can you bother the world to send some more people for him?" A
trip? "
This remark was in the heart of Yu Jin's heart, Yu Jin nodded calmly, "OK."
That night, the Yu Wangfu study was brightly lit.
"Zi's hand is too long ..."
Yu Wang Yu Mucheng looked down at the subfolded copy of his
subordinates, his brows froze, "I just stopped the bar, and he immediately let
the lord down."
Yu Mucheng's staff whispered quietly, "Would you like to think about ideas at
the clan?"
"It's useless." Yu Mucheng shook his head. "Although it was not approved by
Zhu, the fold was passed through the imperial palace and issued by the
cabinet, which is no different from the imperial edict ... late."
Yu Mucheng threw the book into the case, and sighed, "The emperor leans on
the cabinet, because everyone in the cabinet is a relative of the emperor. His
Highness Four and His Highness all came to study in the Cabinet. His
Highness studied for six months. His Highness Five has been studying for
two years, and failed to make friends with the cabinet ministers for two
years. His son-in-law went but was not over for a month, and Sun Ge Lao
was willing to be diligent for his affairs. "
Yu Mucheng gave a long cry, and whispered, "Is this true destiny?"
Another staff member said busyly: "How can there be any destiny to return,
but everything happened! When His Highness Five entered the court to hear
the government, the emperor was in good health and tightly controlled by the
imperial government, who would dare to make a prince? The taboo of the
emperor? But now ... who isn't trying to find a way out for himself? "
Yu Mucheng laughed, "Yes, am I not already looking for a way back?"
An aide also said that there was a person coming in from outside, kneeling
and whispering, "Master, there is movement over there."
Yu Mucheng said: "Say."
Detective Shen said: "Our son ordered the general in private, saying that it
was no longer necessary to **** the former King Qian'an back to the land,
just to send people out of the city."
Everyone looked at each other.
Xi Jing couldn't rob him so much that he bumped back when he didn't hope.
Yu Mucheng ordered people to go down, so he looked at the staff for
unknown reasons.
An aides whispered softly: "Master, the villain has an idea, and Shizi comes
to care about it ... will it be just a face?"
"Who's face?" Someone asked.
"Ning Wang Yizi, Zhong Wan." The aide whispered softly. "As far as our
subordinates know, when our son was besieging the rebels on the outskirts of
Beijing that day ... but he almost dealt with the former King Qianan together.
He would really want to help the original Qian. King An? "
Another shook his head and said, "This has nothing to do with sincerity, help
or not, and Shizi has already guessed that our lord may use Xuan Rui as the
last chess piece, but he would not Xuan Rui take the throne before him."
"All grandchildren of the emperor, one is the eldest son of King Ning, and the
other is the son of the ** born by his mother-in-law today. Who would really
say that the patriarchs and courtiers are not good? How can the son accept
The staff member who spoke at first clapped his hands. "The key is here.
Shizi doesn't want Rong Xuanrui, can he be assured if he is held in Qian'an?"
Yu Mucheng's eyes flashed a strange color.
Some people still don't understand, "Then no longer escorting the caretaker,
would you just release Xuanrui to us?"
The people next to him didn't understand, and couldn't help but say, "Don't
dream, Shizi is here to kill. He will kill the former King Qian'an halfway,
and plant it to the clan or us at will."
The staff was shocked and looked subconsciously at King Yu.
Yu Mucheng sat down and said for a long time, "Zi Xi is too greedy this
"Shi Zi really played a good abacus, while he refused to be centrifuged with
Zhong Wan, he wanted to be affectionate there, while he deliberately
released Xuan Rui to us, and then paid Xuan Rui's life for a salary." The staff
member said, "I waited before I underestimated Shizi, deliberately for these
years, I thought it was cruel, and didn't want the knife behind him to be more
powerful than anyone else. "
The aide looked at Yu Mucheng, "Master, this ... why don't we simply close
it? Lest Xuanrui be succumbed to it, look back and then be seized by the son
of the world, and put the blame on Xuanrui on our heads."
Yu Mucheng quietly, shook his head for a long while, "No."
"What Zizi wants, I'll give him whatever." Yu Mucheng slowly said, "He
wants Xuanrui to die, so ... I'll fulfill him."
A staff member was busy dissuading him, and the person next to him pulled
him, and whispered, "Fake death."
The staff member thought for a moment, and realized that he was bowing and
said, "Wang Yeying."
"Zi Xun must die of Xuan Rui, then only after hearing Xuan Rui's death, can I
be assured, I will play such a play for him." Yu Mucheng whispered, "The
**** of Xuan Rui was sent more, come back to do things You have to look
like a model. After saving Xuan Rui, you must hide it for the next day ... "
The staff member smiled secretly, "If the next step really comes, will Xuanrui
believe in the Lord's life-saving benefactor, or will he believe that he and his
son-in-law and Zhong Wan who snatched his title?"
Yu Mucheng said in a deep voice, "You can't wait for him, but Zhong Wan,
who has been fooled, will know the truth, and will be able to kill Ziyu."
One staff member was still uneasy, and said, "Master, what if we guess
wrong? What if Shizi really just doesn't want to pay more attention to
Yu Mucheng smiled. "Then, as an adoptive father, I should figure out the
child's mind and‘ kill 'Xuan Rui once for him. ”
The staff member completely relieved his heart, and laughed again and again:
"The prince really did not leak when he was doing things. The clock was just
like Shi Zi's righteousness. Maybe we don't need what we are doing. ? "
Another said, "The son of the world is also fortune-telling. He became ill
tomorrow morning, but it is just a bad temper that relies on his costume, and
now the emperor is born to believe that he really has madness and luck."
"The disease is really not bad, and he has restraint again, and the emperor is
really confused."
"No, he really isn't involved in this illness, son-in-law ..." Yu Mucheng said
suddenly, "It's too greedy to lose money and want Zhong Wan while he wants
the throne. Why didn't he think about it, from now on, Who can live so well
and everything goes well? "
"If he wants everything, he must have nothing."
In the early morning of the next day, after learning that the clan's mansion was
about to send Xuanrui back to Qian'an, Yu Yan's confidant family would
confirm with Yu Yan again whether it was really necessary to send it out of
the city.
Yu Yan nodded, "Yes."
The family will be full of doubts, Yu Yan smiled, "Do you know, what am I
most proud of recently?"
The home will ask subconsciously, "What?"
"The most proud thing is ..." Yu said easily, "I have been crazy for so many
years, and now, these people, no one knows what I really want, so many
people are guessing me with their disgusting thoughts. "
The family will be more confused when they hear the words. Yu Yan shook
his head for a moment, "No, except Zhong Wan, Gui Yuan still understands
my heart ..."
The home will not hear clearly: "What?"
"It's nothing." Yu Yan calmly said, "Go, it's okay."
The general hasn't left yet, but Feng Feng's steward rushed over and Yu Yan
frowned. "What's wrong?"
Feng steward laughed: "Shizi, something bad, I don't know whose tone is so
tight, so Master Zhong heard ..."
Yu Ju didn't care, "I don't have anything to hide from him. If you know it, you
will know, what?"
The steward Feng swallowed, "It's the tea, somehow, Master Zhong knows
what the cure is, he refuses to say anything, and says," ... "
Yu Yan froze. "What?"
Mr. Feng whispered: "Master Zhong said, you son, you are going to hit him."
Yu Yan had a headache. "When will I ..."
Yu Jue got up and went to find Zhong Wan. The family who followed Yu Yue
out in the past looked for him and urged, "Shizi, it's almost time, it's time to
go up."
Yu Jiun picked up the crown and hurried out, "I won't go today."
"Don't go?" The family scratched his head and said, "So what should I do to
lie to them?"
Yu Yan suspected that he was not alert, and was afraid that others would not
know that he had missed the early dynasty for Zhong Wan's sake, and
annoyed, "What lie? Can there be a few truths on this court? Truth be told!"
Yu Yan said that he returned to the inner court to find Zhong Wan, and the
family looked innocently at Feng steward. "Then what should ... how to say?"
Feng steward sighed and sighed, "Just say, Master Zhong in our house is ill,
entangled with the son, and will not let out."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 81: 81
In the palace, Xuan Qiong has been under house arrest for five days.
Yu Fei was anxious.
Five days ago, Yu Yu entered the palace. I didn't know what Chong'an had
said. After leaving, Chong'an horse uploaded Xuan Qiong, and the door of
the temple was closed. After less than half an hour, Chong'an ordered the
house of Xuan Qiong to be imprisoned. No one may visit.
Yu Fei's Three Souls and Six Souls frightened half, before she could have
time to speak with King Yu, Emperor Chong'an made another decision and
acknowledged Yu pardon with great fanfare.
Yu Fei passed out immediately.
In these few days, Yu Fei spent years like years.
Although the emperor did not put her under house arrest, she let the palace
pass her a word, and she spoke well, saying that Xuan Qiong was
speechless. He was only given a small lesson under house arrest, and would
not be punished any more, waiting for Yu Fei to breathe a sigh of relief, The
rumored palace man said to Princess Yu again: "The emperor let His
Highness think about it and waited for His Royal Highness to figure it out.
After correcting it, it will be okay. What I was afraid of was the horror, and
the Emperor did not reprimand the mother. I also ask my mother to be patient,
not to visit, not to plead guilty on behalf of His Royal Highness, it is best ...
not to ask others to plead for her. "
Yu Fei was so frightened that the "other" was afraid of Yu Yu?
The six concubines Yu Yu have no master. I do n’t know if this is the meaning
of Emperor Chong'an. They are busy tying the silver ticket to the palace man.
The palace man quietly accepted it, and the voice was even lighter. Some
people are unwilling and are thinking of other ways. "
Yu Fei lost her voice: "Is house arrest not enough? What will happen?"
The palace man shook his head: "Then I don't know, but the emperor would
not allow the maiden to visit and intercede, and it would not be able to do it,
wouldn't it? I asked the maiden to be patient for a while, maybe they have to
repay and be willing to let others go. What about? "
Yu Fei's face changed, "Yu, pardon."
The palace man retreated.
Yu Fei was restless, Yu Yu has now been recognized by Emperor Chong An,
and he will be crowned another day. He has come to this point. Will he let
Xuan Qiong go?
Yu Fei wanted to pretend to be sick and pass Yu Mucheng into the palace, but
when she thought of the people in the palace, she was afraid of igniting
herself and did not dare to offend Chong An.
She never had any idea herself, and after thinking about it for a long time, she
couldn't think of any good way. She suddenly said, "Yes, go ..."
Yu Fei's voice trembled, "Go and call Tang Qin!"
But more than a month later, Tang Qin was much older.
Yu Fei said impatiently, "Could you let someone say something to you? Is he
avoiding the suspicion now? Are you afraid to enter the palace?"
Tang Qin had just received Yu Yan's advice, and now he felt like eating a fly.
Tang Qin did not want to work for Yu Zheng, but Yu Jingming dangled the
handle of the old case into his hand.
He wanted this knife for a long time, but when he thought of Yu Yan's
meaning, he couldn't help it.
Tang Qin's eyes were cloudy, and he thought of his own brother who was in
the hands of Yu Qian, who didn't know how to live or die. He sighed, his
voice was hoarse.
Fei Yu was full of resentment, "Does he also want to clear the relationship?"
Tang Qin spoke slowly. "Madam, the emperor has acknowledged Lord Yu
Xiao, and the overall situation is set. Everyone wants to protect themselves
at the moment. Besides ... I ’m afraid it ’s no use. Princess An Guochang did
n’t enter the palace before. Are you begging? The emperor always respects
the long princess, but this time she hasn't even seen the princess, and the long
princess has fallen so much.
"The couple ..." Fei Yu glared, "I'm afraid you want to turn the rudder
temporarily? Yeah, after all, Yu Jin was raised by the two, even if the
relationship is lost, it will not necessarily bear filial piety in the future.
Dishonored them, but what about Xuanqiong and me? "
Tang Qin listened quietly and whispered, "My mother can only save herself
Yu Fei said uneasily, "What can I do ?!"
Tang Qin slowly said, "In the will of the emperor, Lord Yu Xiao was born to
a good family woman in the emperor and the princess house."
Yu Fei frowned. "You mean ..."
Tang Qin said: "This is a heart attack of the emperor. As long as the old
things are turned upside down, the Holy Spirit will certainly try to cover it
up. The mother and the child are united. If you want to press down the
concubine, you must press down the matter of lifting the little prince Yu. ......
It depends on how the Holy Lord is weighed. If the Holy Father is to face, he
must be aggrieved by Lord Yu. "
Yu Fei was horrified. "But just in case, the emperor is trying to be shameless,
but also the son of Xiao Zhongfei?"
Tang Chin-ton said, "Then you can only see the tricks. At that time, the
mother-in-law will be able to make a fuss from the birth of Prince Yu Xiao,
and the concubine is the emperor's concubine, the son born in her belly, the
biological father. Who ... where can I tell? "
"Yes, if the emperor insists on setting him up, he can still make a fuss in his
own life, but ..." Yu Fei, the six gods, has no master. "I can't get ahead, who
can get this out?"
Tang Qin whispered, "The old slave and some of Wang Yu's early relatives
still have contacts, so they can help."
Yu Fei quickly shook her head: "No, in case it is found by the emperor, won't
it involve the elder brother?"
Tang Qin sighed: "Mother-in-law, it seems that the prince is either trying to
protect himself or standing up to the prince Yu Xiao, what time are you
waiting for without pulling him?"
Yu Fei's wife, half-hearted and cruel, "Yes, he doesn't want to help me, and I
have to force him to help me ... It's not enough, just let me out in the palace
for them, aren't they trying to hide ... ... I want everyone to know. "
Very uncomfortable secrets of the royal family, just fry the pot outside the
palace at the same time.
Emperor Chong'an, who had not appeared at the DPRK meeting for several
days, was supposed to go to the court today, but he was temporarily absent
from the early court after hearing the news.
The misfortune was wrong, and Yu Jue missed today ’s Chaoyang meeting.
The courtiers acquiesced in Yu Jue ’s refusal and believed that his biological
mother was Xiao Zhongfei.
After the pilgrimage, the ancestors and Yushitai launched an attack together.
Among them, there are people who have left the history to Zhong Wan today,
people who have Yu Yu's arrangements, and many of them have interests with
Xuan Yuan Xuan Qiong, and everyone seems to have agreed. In general, the
book was delivered to the cabinet like snowflakes, and the content was
similar, but they all questioned Yu Yu's origin.
There were many people who spoke out, but they did not have the cronies of
the Yu Wangfu school alone.
Emperor Chong'an looked at Shan Gao's book folded, his face was somber,
"The people of King Yu did not follow the chaos this time."
The eunuch's **** who served Chong'an emperor whispered softly: "Wang
Ye is loyal and reasonable, so naturally he won't listen to wind and rain."
"But why ... let people check it, and find out that the news seems to have
come from Yu Yu's Mansion?" Chong'an Emperor's face turned blue. "The
other day, Joan was not sensible, tracing the past and asking him if he was
listening to him. What did you say, Joan had killed her, didn't he? "
Emperor Chong'an whispered, "Joan would rather be placed under house
arrest than to offer his concubine. This is because he considers him heavier
than his father ..."
In the eyes of Emperor Chong'an, the intention of killing passed by, and the
**** was embarrassed and afraid to answer.
Emperor Chong'an asked: "Is there anything else over King Yu?"
The **** of the school book shook his head. "After the early dynasty, King
Yu did not enter the palace himself, but he asked the palace people to greet
the concubine Yu Yu. In a hurry, the queen mother urged His Highness Five to
think about her own life, and advised her to keep her eyes closed. Listen to
rumors. "
The **** whispered softly: "There is a little panic over Yu Yufu's house, it
seems ... it's really unknowing."
"So, I am even more unbelievable." Emperor Chong'an heard a sneer.
"Tianjia matters, even if the royal family asks a question or two, what coax
does these courtiers follow? No one is in the back, who can believe?"
Emperor Chong An threw the book in his hand to the ground, "nonsense,
nothing to say."
The **** of the school book picked up the books on the ground and asked
softly, "Don't you approve?"
"No." Emperor Chong'an said exhaustedly. "Tell the cabinet ministers that no
approval will be given, and another will check who is making trouble and
making trouble."
The **** promised, Emperor Chong'an looked up, "Where is Zizi? Did he not
enter the palace today?"
The **** shook his head. "He was ill. He asked him carefully, saying yes,
saying yes ..."
Emperor Chong'an frowned. "Will he know that someone is working in
"No," said the **** busyly. "It is said that the master Zhong from the house
had some minor illnesses, and Lord Yu Xiao was stumped by ..."
Emperor Chong'an couldn't laugh or cry, "Zihou."
The **** whispered the thoughts of Emperor Chong An, and whispered,
"Master Yu Xiao seems to have spent too much time on that master Zhong,
isn't the emperor ..."
Emperor Chong'an groaned for a moment and shook his head. "Just, let him
do the trick, a man, what tricks can he make? I don't want to be this villain."
The **** lowered his voice: "But Master Zhong ... is also the Zhong family."
The smile on Emperor Chong'an faded away. "It is because he is Zhong's
family that he accepted him."
The **** frowned, and then suddenly realized, "Yes, the more Lord Yu Xiao
cares about Master Zhong, the more he must conceal what happened in the
past for the Saint! Otherwise Master Zhong knows why Zhong's family was
destroyed, then he must renounce his favor ..."
Emperor Chong'an frowned, and the **** whispered.
After a while, the **** whispered softly: "The emperor Shengming, the
minions were curious before, how the emperor was so indulgent in this
matter. Now, it looks good to restrain Yu Xiaoyu so much."
"Zi Xun, it's easy to disregard the temper." Emperor Chong'an sighed. "It's
also a fate."
"Recently, the grievance is gone." Emperor Chong'an rubbed his forehead.
"Go ... reward him something, and by the way tell him that there is nothing to
enter the palace to ask for peace. The more rumors there are outside, the
more he should not care. Or is it not your guilty conscience? And also. "
"Ask, if Zhong Wan is well, let him also come, last time he passed him into
the palace, Zi Zi stopped, now let them come together, shouldn't you stop? I'm
afraid he doesn't have this mind ... ... "
Emperor Chong'an frowned. "It's not like Zi Zi is disturbed by such words."
Yu Wangfu's house, Yu Zheng was really very disturbing.
Zhong Wan has been miserable since early.
"If I were a woman, do you know what this has become?" Zhong Wan
couldn't believe it. "You're giving me a pot of red flowers! Let me never be
pregnant again, why do you feel so? poison?"
Yu Yan said well, "I'm for your good ..."
Zhong Wan collapsed: "For my sake, you hit me?"
Yu Yan was helpless, "Where did I hit you? It's just a little medicine ..."
"Then why do I have to take this pure medicine?" Zhong Wan grew more and
more shocked. "Zi, I sometimes don't understand, why are you so frustrating?
The two of us are obviously in this house, and you can take the day It ’s more
complicated than the harem. Is n’t it really something that a little cricket eats
for other crickets in order to compete? ”
Yu Yan was unclear. So: "What are you talking about? What little sister?"
Zhong Wan couldn't understand, "Or do you think I'm too busy? I'm afraid I'm
bored, and there's no kid in the house, so you fight with me?"
Yu Yan was completely stunned, "I just want to calm you down ..."
"Why should I be calm?" Zhong Wan stared at Yu Yan with caution, "I'm
worried now, you shaved my head while I was sleeping one night, forcing me
to become a monk."
"What do I do to shave your head well?" Yu Juai said, "There is a lot of
movement in the North Korea today. Let's plan for a few days. Today, we
will get into trouble. I want to go to the palace again. You just drink the
medicine. I will go now. "
Zhong Wan shrank, "I don't."
Yu Yan frowned, "You ..."
Zhong Wan carefully, "Will you let someone pry open my mouth and pour
Zhong Wan was hoping, "Or do you feed me right?"
Yu Yan thought, but was afraid that after a while the fire would ignite, he just
said, "Just, don't drink, don't drink, I'll go first, you rest well."
Zhong Wan returned to bed for an unknown reason, and the more she thought
about it, the more she felt inexplicable. After a while, Feng steward came
with a scroll of paintings.
Zhong Wan got up, "What's wrong?"
Feng steward said busyly: "Shizi deliberately wrote to the master in the study
to let the young master hang on the bedside and take a look every day."
Zhong Wan smiled. The madman finally knew that he was sorry, and also
knew that he wrote a love poem for himself?
Zhong Wan looked at the scroll in Feng's steward's arms and frowned
slightly. He wrote a piece of stationery. Why was it so big?
After waiting for Zhong Wan to take over, Feng's steward burst into a huge
picture scroll. On the scroll, Yu Yan's strokes were vigorous, and Long Fei
Feng Wu wrote six large characters.
"Take advantage of nature and kill desire."
Zhong Wan: "..."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 82: 82
Emperor Chong'an was suspicious of Yu Mucheng. While he was rumored,
he was secretly investigating. After several visits, several clues pointed
directly at Yu's palace.
The more suspicious Chong'an Emperor was, the more he would not be held
accountable in person, and Yu Mucheng didn't say anything when he wanted
to justify.
Yu Mucheng naturally wouldn't hold back his hands. He first suspected that
Yu Yan had burned the jade and stone, but after two days of investigation, he
found a bit of a catty from Princess An Guochang's Mansion, but did not wait
for him to ask Princess An Guochang. Come out from Yufei Palace.
Yu Mucheng immediately wished to kill Yu Fei.
"The emperor didn't really believe in Yu Jin, and his five highnesses are still
hesitant in his heart!"
In the Yu Fei Palace, Yu Mucheng tried his best to suppress his temper and
his voice trembled. "The outcome is uncertain, everything will change. What
are you going to do? What are you anxious for?"
There are rumors in the palace. Chong'an Emperor has not yet chosen Jiri,
and will push the matter of Yu Yufeng to the king. Yu Fei thinks that this is her
own credit, and her waist is hard. She also blame Yu Mucheng. I felt my
elder brother's position was erratic, and he said coldly, "What am I in a
hurry? Now I'm afraid that only I will be anxious for Joan? I won't do it
anymore, Joan is afraid that she will die and no one will manage it."
Yu Mucheng laughed, "Are you helping His Highness Five?"
"Isn't it?" Yu Fei sneered, "The emperor will continue to promote the wild
species if he has the ability! The emperor dares to give him the king, and I
dare to continue the rumor. The rumors will only get worse and worse, but I
want to know that the emperor has heard more Rumors, would you like to see
that wild species more? "
"Do you think you're letting the emperor and Yu Yan centrifuge?" Yu Mucheng
couldn't believe it. "You drove them to a boat by life! Why don't you
understand it now, you just want to get rid of what happened then, and you
shouldn't That ’s it! What do you mean by catching the identity of Yu Yu's
biological mother? Even if everyone else believes that, his biological mother
is indeed the little concubine of the previous dynasty, so what? He is not the
emperor's son? What the **** is this? Are you pouring dirty water on Yu Yan
or the emperor ?! "
Concubine Yu was stubborn and said stubbornly, "What's different ?! His life
is not clean, is it not a stain on him?"
Yu Mucheng was slumped into a chair, and he had arranged for the old palace
people who had served Xiao Zhongfei to enter Beijing in order to wait and
see. He and Chong'an emperors and ministers for decades have understood
that person's mind better than anyone, knowing that he hasn't made up his
mind, just want to keep this killer, if Chong'an really set up a Yu Yu, then
shake this thing up Come out, point your finger at Yu Jiu ’s biological father,
and let the relatives and courtiers suspect that Yu Qiu is the son of Xiao
Zhongfei and other people in private, using the old palace man as the knife
and the rumors as the blade, hit it in one shot. , Killing Yu An unexpectedly.
But now ... Yu Mucheng looked at Yu Fei in despair. He forged a knife that
had to be inserted into Yu Yi's heart for many years, and was robbed by Yu
Fei early to draw a stroke on Yu Yi's hand, without pain or itch.
Yu Mucheng's cultivation was not bad, and the five internal organs and six
concubines were all shifted out of position. He didn't say anything to Yu Fei.
He slowly said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm not worried about His Highness Five,
and I don't want to turn around to embrace Yu. Forgiveness, but not yet ... do
you think Yu Yan really stands so stable? "
"He doesn't admire the emperor. How many days can this filial son pretend to
be? Well, not to mention whether he can coax the emperor. Isn't he himself a
"In the past few years, he had eaten cold food and scattered food and hurt his
heart, and from time to time he became ill, but he kept it hidden. We just kept
him hidden! Is it difficult?"
"And his broken sleeves, the emperor opened one eye and closed one eye,
well, let's put it first."
"But he is too old to marry a relative? Last time the emperor was going to
give him a gift, he dragged a flimsy and unreliable firstborn. The emperor
was already upset. Couldn't it be a fuss?"
Yu Mucheng was extremely exhausted. "How many handles does he have,
which attack you can't pick at will, why do you have to move this in
Yu Fei sneered foolishly. "The elder brother said so clearly, and naturally
knows that his life experience is the most powerful. If I want to destroy him, I
will naturally choose the sharpest knife."
Yu Mucheng can't wait to yell, you used my knife in advance!
Yu Mucheng suddenly lost her strength and didn't want to talk to Yu Fei in a
He looked at his stubborn and stupid younger sister, and suddenly thought
frustrated, he was exhausted, and now he even threatened to support Xuan
Qiong in the danger of guilty of Emperor Chong An. In the future, it will
really be smooth, then?
My younger sister is suspicious of herself now and refuses to obey her plans.
Will she be the Queen Mother? Yu Fei is young and will inevitably be
involved in politics in the future.
Power is not terrible, the stupid person has the power to be the most terrible.
Yu Mucheng's anxious thought, even more frightening, is that Xuan Qiong and
Yu Fei are similar.
Yu Mucheng could not help thinking of Xuan Rui who had been sent out of
Beijing by Yu Yan.
Yu Mucheng originally only used him as a final retreat, just in the genius. Yu
Mucheng didn't feel that he was really useful for Xuanrui's day.
His pro-nephew was still there, and he couldn't get on that fool.
But now looking at Yu Fei, Yu Mucheng suddenly hesitated.
Although Xuan Rui doesn't touch himself, he doesn't have at least a stupid
and scheming mother.
Yu Mucheng's heart was upside down, and the calmness on his face
remained. He sighed, "Well, since you have already shot, I will not say
anything anymore, just one point, begging you, stop staring at Yu Jian's
biological mother The emperor is already alert, and will soon find you on
your head, aren't you afraid? "
As soon as Yu Fei's eyes moved, she looked uneasily elsewhere.
"I'm fighting today to make the emperor suspicious to come to see you, not to
quarrel with you." Yu Mucheng sincerely said, "You can't sit still, you must
do something, yes, you can follow other problems on Yu Yan's body. Go,
okay? "
Yu Fei thought for a moment, nodded unwillingly, "I see."
Yu Mucheng stood up leaning on the chair slightly tired, and went away with
a bitter smile.
Yu Fei sat for a long time herself, chewing repeatedly what Yu Mucheng said
just now, and then called her confidant.
"Brother said just now ..." Fei Yu whispered softly, "The emperor had to give
Yu Yu a favor last time, and he resigned, and also caused the emperor to be
unhappy. How did he resign, do you know?"
The confidante whispered.
Yu Fei resentfully said, "Wild species are wild species, and gossiping with a
man. He doesn't feel sick, so he dares to tell the emperor."
Yu Fei thought for a moment, her mouth slightly twitched, "Brother has
something to say."
Palace Humane: "What?"
"Everything should not go against the emperor's mind, that will only push the
emperor farther and farther." Fei Yu whispered softly, "The emperor wants
Yu to forgive him, doesn't he?"
The palace man murmured, "Yeah."
Yu Fei whispered softly, "That's right. It is necessary to conform to the
emperor's mind and also to trouble Yu Yu. What is the best way you say?"
Gongren laughed, "Mother-in-law, even if it is to accept Grandpa Yu, that's
not something the mother-in-law can do."
Yu Fei smiled: "Of course I don't want to take care of it. Let's go ... to the
The palace people still don't feel very good, "Mother-in-law, have you made
a point?"
"Relax, I won't give it to him straight away, and I'm not stupid." Fei Yu
whispered, "I first asked the queen to give Joan one, and said that the child
was not taken care of now. Bian ... let the queen send the person to Yuqian,
so she said she chose two good girls, one for Joan and one for Yu Yu, by the
way. "
"The emperor originally wanted to accept Yu Yan, he must be willing." Fei
Yu sneered, "Isn't he not willing to accept Yan? I just have to give him one."
The palace of Yu Wangfu had completely retreated, and Zhong Wan, who was
almost ill, suddenly felt uneasy.
Zhong Wan looked at the picture scroll hanging on the bed and couldn't laugh
or cry.
Since the picture was hung on that day, Yu Yan has not been close to him for
several days.
The steward Feng was always afraid that Zhong Wan would quarrel with Yu
Yan, and he would come and talk about it all right. "This is really not strange.
The doctor said that you are not good."
Zhong Wan lifted his forehead, looked at his head in front of the bronze
mirror, and sighed, "I don't blame him when you're done, you don't have to
tell me several times a day that I can't do it, being a man is not willing to
listen to this ..."
Feng steward laughed: "Isn't this afraid that the young master misunderstood
the mind of the younger son? The young master does not know that the
younger son has been so busy these days, that he would call the Taiyi doctor
every day without forgetting to go back to the house. First ask what medicine
you took that day. Is it better ... it hurts you more. "
Zhong Wan licked her lips and chuckled, "Then I hurt him too."
At the same time, in the cabinet, Yu Yan followed the news, sneered, and
didn't speak.
Following the **** Yu Yu entered the palace, he looked around, and did not
dare to speak loudly, and lowered his ears: "Shizi, the queen has picked
people, and the emperor has also seen it, and let Shizi bring it when he
returns home. What should I do? "
"There's nothing to do." Yu Ai looked down at the book, "don't just."
The **** yelled, "Why ... why not? The emperor opened his mouth and let us
go back with our carriage."
Yu Yan did not look up, "Boom down."
"Boom?" The **** was startled. "How dare the minions?"
Yu Yan no longer cares.
The **** was miserable, and he retreated from the dilemma.
Yu Yan knew in his heart that Chong'an Emperor would not tear his face with
him for such a trivial matter.
The most, the most, is that Chong'an Emperor is unhappy, and hits himself by
other things, it doesn't matter.
Yu Jue was very confident until he came out of the cabinet in the evening and
watched from the side of his car with twice as many servants as before.
Yu Yan's face changed instantly.
Chong Andi did not budge this time.
Yu Yan's eyes were cold, and he was looking at his car from afar, and his
heart was filled with an uncontrollable arrogance.
Just insist on this, why can't these people always let go?
Yu Yan stood straight in front of the carriage, his face pale.
"Return to the palace," Yu said, indifferently. "Where did I come from, where
should I send her back."
Yu Yan pulled the reins himself and opened the car curtain ...
Yu Yan froze.
In the carriage, Zhong Wan wrapped in a blanket, leaning against the window,
and fell asleep.
Yu Zhen didn't hold it back and smiled.
Yu Yan stepped onto the carriage, looked down at Zhong Wan's sleeping face,
and suddenly, without a teacher, he understood the thoughts of others.
If it was such a small cricket, it would be acceptable.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan. A heart that was disheartened by the night wind
in his chest was instantly warm.
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 83: 83
Yu Yan whispered to the outside, "Why did he come out?"
The chariot outside the carriage will be Shen Chan: "Master Zhong did not
get hot anymore today. After doing some official work for Fuzi in the
government, he was bored and said he would pick Fuzi back to his house."
Yu Yan said indifferently: "Prank."
Yu Yan was afraid of waking Zhong Wan, his voice was very light, "He is
going to come out, and no one will stop you?"
The family would have to plead guilty, and asked if they could leave. Yu Jian
sat in the carriage and shook his head slightly, "Don't leave ... let him sleep."
The generals stood outside the carriage, Yu Yan staring at Zhong Wan in the
After a while, Zhong Wan coughed twice and woke up.
Zhong Wan saw Yu Yan's spirit instantly, "Come out?"
Yu Zhen said indifferently, "What about the woman?"
Zhong Wan smiled: "I sent you back."
Yu Zhen stunned, "Did you send it back?"
"What? It turned out that Shizi didn't want to send it back?" Zhong Wan
laughed. "It's too late. I've thanked the emperor for you."
Zhong Wan said: "That person was not brought out at all. It ’s a coincidence
today. I thought of coming to pick you up. It came a little early. When I came
here, I saw people coming out of the palace. I want to move your car in to
pick up people. I guess That's what happened, I asked, and just the two
father-in-law knew me and were willing to preach for me, this is not ... I will
go to the palace and cook for you. "
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a disapproval, Zhong Wan said with relief, "It's not
a big deal, it's just that the queen doesn't know what suddenly came to mind. I
want to send you personally, presumably to sell to the emperor."
Yu Shen paused and said, "Maybe Yu Fei's idea is just to make me unhappy."
Zhong Wan thought about it and nodded, "It's possible."
Yu Zheng was still uneasy, "What did you say? Did the emperor embarrass
you? What about others?"
"It wasn't difficult for me." Zhong Wan said easily. "The emperor is not
stupid. I also know that someone deliberately made things difficult for you.
He only wants to do business with you, and if you don't, you won't say
Yu Yan glanced up and down Zhong Wan, and frowned, "Is it really difficult
for you?"
Zhong Wan leaned to Yu Jian slightly, letting out his voice, "You don't worry,
check it yourself? See if I have any injuries."
Yu Yan hid himself, "Don't make trouble."
Zhong Wan smiled, and sat back honestly, saying, "Relax, you know that
you're going to hit the emperor hard, how much things will stop you, and the
emperor will not be guilty. If this is left to you for cooking, it will be a big
deal A game? "
Yu Jin silently.
Zhong Wan raised an eyebrow. "I told you earlier, these things are left to me,
and I will do it properly for you."
In this regard, Yu Yan admits that Zhong Wan is more thorough and gentle
than him.
Zhong Wan looked outside, "Don't you go yet?"
Yu Yan instructed the family to go home, and held Zhong Wan's hand in hand,
"Will you ever cook this kind of thing for Xuanrui? It's so familiar."
Yu Jin just said casually, stepping on Xuanrui by the way, he did not believe
that Qianan would force anyone in Xuanrui's house.
Do not want Zhong Wan to hear a smile on his face.
Yu Zheng couldn't believe it: "Are they there?"
Zhong Wan smiled.
Yu Yan said coldly: "Which one is so blind-eyed? Give him a good girl."
"No one else is a county king anymore, there will always be people who
want to endure." Zhong Wan leaned against the window and thought for a
moment. "But it really isn't him, it's ..."
Yu Zheng waited for Zhong Wan to talk down.
Zhong Wan thought about it, and was not ashamed, "It was for me."
Yu Yan's face changed instantly.
Over the years, there is no one in Zhong Wan's room. Yu Zhen really doesn't
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes. "When will it happen?"
Zhong Wan shook his head. "It happened earlier, not to mention it."
Yu Yan was angry, how could this not be mentioned? !!
Zhong Wan said, "I haven't touched anyone yet, is Shizi going to be held
Zhong Wan whispered quietly, "Still jealous? Shizi, am I a baby ... don't you
know the best?"
Yu Yan's heart was so hot that he was not confused by Zhong Wan. He was
not allowed to stick it on him, pinching Zhong Wan's chin, and said concisely,
Zhong Wan regretted it well, not to mention what to do.
Zhong Wan thought about it and said, "I came here a few years ago ... forgot,
it was a few years ago."
"I am recovering from a serious illness," Zhong Wan slowly said. "A rare
banquet was set up in our house, saying it was for me to be obscure."
"I wanted to start a lot of things that day, and I was in a good mood. Although
I wasn't very good, I still drank a lot."
Yu Yan's voice was low, "Drunken?"
Yu Yan remembered very well that Zhong Wan had a good drink and couldn't
get drunk easily.
"Semi-drunk," Zhong Wan thought for a while, "walking and shaking, people
need help, but my mind is quite clear."
Yu Zheng said: "Then?"
"Then ... I wanted to talk to Xuanrui, but whenever I wanted to speak, he
persuaded him to drink it. I thought it was also a big man. Anything to say
was in the wine."
"Finally, it was late in the middle of the night, and I couldn't drink anymore,
so I asked people to help me back to my hospital."
Zhong Wan stumbled into his yard, drank drooling, and fell asleep, not
wanting to lift the bedroom curtain, and saw a girl with a good face sitting on
his bed.
Zhong Wan immediately awakened by half.
The girl was very cramped. I wondered whether to stand or sit. She looked at
Zhong Wan nervously.
Zhong Wan was dizzy for a while. He held the door frame and asked in a
deep voice, "The Lord asked you to come?"
The girl nodded timidly.
Zhong Wan was less than twenty that day, and he looked like a young man.
The girl did not know whether she should be called a master or a master, and
said softly, "The king said ... let me pay him for his crimes."
When Zhong Wan heard the words, she stooped and laughed, and laughed for
a long time, scaring the girl into thinking that the man was crazy.
Zhong Wan smiled enough and wiped her face, arched her hand, and was
very personable. "The girl sleeps well, and I'll show you back tomorrow."
The girl said uneasily, "Where are you going?"
"Me?" Zhong Wan waved his hands drunkly. "I'm going ... I'll go to watch the
Zhong Wan said he had left the house, closed the door, and staggered out of
the courtyard. He walked into the garden and sat on the handrail of the
veranda, leaning on the pillar, and sat all night.
Yu Yan frowned, "You spent the night outside?"
"I just didn't touch her. She slept in the hospital overnight, and her reputation
was ruined." Zhong Wan sighed. "Why not? I don't like her, I do nothing but
destroy her, I send her home the next day, and she marries later A good
family. "
Yu Jiu paused for a moment and asked, "This is the reward that Xuanrui gave
you after the Taiyi poisoned you?"
Zhong Wan said "Hi" and obviously didn't want to mention it again.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan, but he couldn't hold back his hate.
Yu Yan asked, "You didn't tell me before, how did Xuanrui explain to you
after you escaped, that's it? He wants to send you a woman, so what's the
Zhong Wan slowly said, "I originally wanted to talk to him. I thought at the
time that he was too big. He could talk to him about a lot of things and make
sense, so as not to have a feeling in each other's heart, but Xuanrui was very
taboo, and Don't want to talk more. "
"He also needs to toss these extras." Zhong Wan glanced at Yu Ai, and after a
while of effort, his eyes seemed to have disappeared completely, and Zhong
Wan whispered to Yu Yan with a less serious voice, "I don't like girls either .
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan silently, clear in his heart, Zhong Wan just said
Zhong Wan that day, Mu Tian was sleeping in the palace garden, I was not
sure how disappointed and depressed.
His devoted brother and brother, after he nearly died, stuffed a woman into
his room, hoping that he could shut up, never blame it, and continue to give
his life to the Qian'an Palace.
The cavity was fed with blood.
Yu Yan had long thought about Xuanrui's future. Thinking of this, he
immediately changed his plan.
It ca n’t be too good for this thing.
"Not to mention." Zhong Wan took a greased paper bag from his arms and
offered his treasure to Yu Yan, "Look what this is."
Yu Yan looked down, "... red dates cake?"
The cakes are exquisite in style, unlike the shops on the street, Yu Yu said,
"Where did you buy them?"
"I was only served by the emperor." Zhong Wan froze carefully, "I'm afraid of
the cold, I keep it in my arms, you try it."
Yu Yan could hardly imagine, "The dessert that the emperor gave you ... how
did you get it out?"
Zhong Wan said innocently, "I asked for it myself. I taste delicious. I want
you to try it too."
Zhong Wan also ate a lot of cakes by himself, and his sweet mouth seemed to
be wiped with honey. He was afraid that the generals outside would listen to
the joke and whispered, "I don't know what happened, what I saw and what
good things. The first one thinks of you first. "
Yu Yan looked down, and the corner of his mouth raised a little
He really couldn't think of how Zhong Wan could leave Chong Andi to ask
for cakes after he resigned from his sister-in-law.
It's about Zhong Wan who can eat and take in the palace.
"You try." Zhong Wan fed Yu Yu, "It's still warm."
Yu Yan bowed his head and put the cake in his mouth, which was really
Yu Yan murmured, "So hot, is it hot?"
Zhong Wan shook his head indifferently, Yu Yan did not believe, and
personally opened Zhong Wan's shirt a little, watching his chest reddish and
"Isn't this to please you?" Zhong Wan froze his shirt. "By the way, to discuss,
Xuanyuan may come to me for two days, can Shizi block me?"
"You're still afraid of him?" Yu Zhen didn't go to his heart, "how did you
offend him?"
Zhong Wan bitterly said, "I was also kind. I came out of the house too early. I
wanted to see him first, and by the way, asked Lin Si about it, I didn't want to
Yu Yan raised his eyes, "what do you want?"
Zhong Wan sighed, "I don't want to ... accidentally broke an object when
walking away from his house."
Yu Zheng didn't care, "Let him estimate the price, I will pay him ten times."
Zhong Wan looked weird, and for a while he carefully said, "It's a glass jar."
Yu Yan suddenly felt a little familiar.
Zhong Wan honestly explained, "It's that he has been fighting for more than a
month ... That's not to blame me. His little sister-in-law is still a half-old
child. He is very careless and looks at the courage when he is still small. I
stumbled over the threshold and I helped him. I didn't expect that the sleeve
would just swipe over that terrible thing ... "
Yu Jin: "..."
Zhong Wan faced bitterly. "He said he would kill me."
Yu Yan was actually a little sympathetic to Xuan Yuan, but it was so painful
that Zhong Wan secretly brought him a snack from the palace. Yu Yan was
now softened, no principle, and nodded hard: "Yes, do not blame you."
Yu Zheng even relieved Zhong Wan, "It's good to give him something to keep
him busy, so as not to come to me for trouble."
Speaking of Zhong Wan, he was even more sad, and whispered, "You know
what I'm going to do this time, does he tell me anything?"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan.
"Can you believe it?" Zhong Wan couldn't believe it. "Xuan Ye recently
investigated very carefully. Last time Xuan Qiong fell into the water in the
palace, it was he who jumped down or you pushed it down."
Yu Jin: "..."
Zhong Wan grew more and more distressed, "He told me mysteriously, after
checking this out, he might be able to understand a lot of things."
Yu Zheng said hardly, "Lin Si can't remind him, have we been fighting for
reserves recently?"
"Lin Si hasn't seen him at all!" Zhong Wan sorrowed his gut. "Why did you
say that Xuanzhen was so unlucky? When he was studying together in the
early years, he couldn't keep up, and now he can't keep up with the reserve,
but also OK, if someone fights for others, he fights with himself, and it is
very exciting ... He is still worried that you or Xuan Qiong will use that glass
to harm him, go to the royal court, and say that he destroys the royal gifts! "
Yu Yan shook his head expressionlessly: "I'm not so interested."
Zhong Wan frowned, "It's been half a year, it's been half a year. No one
reminded him, and no one bothered him. He's still tangling his glass ..."
Yu Yan couldn't say anything, and reluctantly promised, "Well, you owe him
once, and I promise ... as long as he doesn't harm me, I won't harm him."
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Chapter 84: 84
Yu Jin only reacted when he was approaching the door of the house. Before
getting out of the car, Yu Jin pinched Zhong Wan's wrist and whispered,
"What are you thinking about playing with me, deliberately pretending to be
Zhong Wan was pierced by Yu Yan, and she didn't cover it up. She smiled,
Yu Amnesty was undecided.
Zhong Wan honestly explained, "It's true to pretend to be poor for him. He is
too stupid and true."
Yu Zhenwaner threw his cloak to Zhong Wan, "wrap it down."
Evening dinner was not ready. Yu Xun ordered someone to call Tai Yi and
wanted him to show Zhong Wan if his chest was burned.
Zhong Wan was bitter, "I just accidentally fell asleep and forgot about it. I
was burned with a red mark. It's nothing at all. Don't let people say I'm
squeamish! I don't know how to go out in the past two months. Outside, now I
have everything, and my reputation is ruined. "
Yu Yan said frankly, "Say blindly, when have I slandered your reputation?"
Zhong Wan dared to be angry, and he did not spread the rumors of Yu Jian in
his early years. Now, the retribution is unhappy, and it is his turn. In fact, he
has no stance to question Yu Jing. Today, he went out from Xuan Yuan and the
**** in the palace Hearing a lot of rumors about himself, he who listened to
Zhong Wan for a while, if he didn't know it was himself, he would believe it.
Zhong Wan really didn't want to say anything strange again, and said pitifully,
"You don't worry, just look for me for yourself."
Yu Yan frowned, "I don't understand medicine."
That being said, Yu Yan looked at the outside, expecting that Taiyi could not
come first, got up and lowered the curtain in the inner room, got up and
walked in front of Zhong Wan. After a little hesitation, he unbuttoned the
collar on Zhong Wan's collar.
Zhong Wan slightly raised his head to facilitate the action of Yu Yan.
Yu Yan unbuttoned Zhong Wan's clothes and looked again. He felt that the red
marks on his chest were darker than before. "Is that hot?"
Zhong Wan looked up at Yu Ai, and her throat knot moved slightly. "Is that the
only thing? What's next?"
Yu Yanfang didn't look down, and frowned when he heard the words, "Is my
stomach burning too?"
Yu Yan unbuttoned Zhong Wan's clothes again, and looked at Zhong Wan's flat
belly carefully, "... there is no red spot underneath, where do you still hurt?"
Zhong Wan pursed her lips and whispered, "Go down ... you look at it for
Yu Yan's fingers froze, and Weier came back.
Yu Jinding looked at Zhong Wan's eyes calmly, "Gu Yuan, the sweet-scented
osmanthus cake just now, you held it between your legs? Why are you so
Zhong Wan teased Yu Yu, and he coughed awkwardly, "Naturally."
Yu Yan was merciless, "Isn't it hurting under you ?!"
The doctor outside came carrying the medicine box, Yu Yan released Zhong
Wan, opened the curtain and ordered the doctor to hurt Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan did not hesitate to avoid illness and was very cooperative. He
explained it to the doctor too carefully. The red marks on Zhong Wan's chest
were burned out by the red date cake, which he ate for himself.
The Physician slandered silently, no matter who the red dates cake was
brought to, he should be burned.
"Fortunately, there is no blisters, you can apply a little scalding cream." Taiyi
seriously said after seeing, "Don't touch the water, just peel off the skin once
a few days."
Yu Yan nodded and ordered Taiyi to leave the medicine.
During dinner, Zhong Wan said while eating, "I can't do anything about you,
will I bother you again?"
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a pickle, and said, "Approximately, but ... she just
turned the little trick over and over, at most she was disgusting and disgusting
me, and couldn't do anything else."
Zhong Wan groaned for a moment, "She has no real power in her hands, and
Tang Qin stares. She can't make a big wave. Now she's afraid of Wang Yu,
Wang Yu ... What are he doing these days? Do you know? "
"Resentful dormancy." Yu Jian said, "Because of our two pits, he ate the loss
of Zhang Guan and Li Dai twice and will not be easily fooled. Now the
emperor does not allow anyone to see Xuan Qiong, and he has no good way.
... If I'm not mistaken, he quietly converges on the witnesses and evidence of
that year, thinking about bringing the case to your house. "
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "Our house? Do you say Zhongfu or King Ning's?"
"Ning's Mansion," Yu said, "Since he wants to help Xuanrui to be a
concubine, he will have to bring the case to King Ning and convince his
relatives and courtiers that the emperor really wanted King Ning to be his
"There are many people in this generation of Xuan Xuan, who want to prove
that Xuanrui is the one assigned by Chengtian. This is the simplest and most
reasonable way." Yu Zhen laughed at himself, "But that's right, then If they
did not seek to usurp the throne, King Ning would succeed in succession, and
now it is Xuanrui who should have ascended the throne. "
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan, "Gui Yuan, have you thought about arguing for
Zhong Xuanrui? I don't mean now, before? When did you have some
friendship with him?"
Zhong Wan swallowed the rice in his mouth and smiled easily, "No."
"Xuan Rui originally had the possibility of succession, it was not because he
was able to excel." Zhong Wan said indifferently. "That is because Ning
Wang is talented and intelligent. He is delighted."
"He just touched Fu Ning of Ning."
Zhong Wan sighed, "Ning Ning failed to succeed, and where did he get this
blessing? Besides, I only hoped that they would survive, and never thought of
it here."
Zhong Wan frowned, "No, Xuanrui is still in your hands. Why does King Yu
turn the wind so fast, and there is hope on Xuanqiong's side, what does he
spend the time on Xuanrui?"
Yu Yan took a sip of the soup and later said, "Who knows? Maybe ... he
thinks that Xuanrui has the possibility of doing suffocation as long as he is
alive, but it takes some time to bring people in. He is so determined I won't
kill Xuanrui, right? So rest assured. "
Zhong Wan thought it was right.
Others misunderstood Yu Jin, Yu Wang should be clear in his heart. No
matter how violent Yu Yu's performance is, he will not really kill anyone.
Yu Yan softly said, "Let him toss, isn't this great?"
Zhong Wan laughed, "Are you trying to settle the case for our family by the
hand of King Yu?"
Yu Zhen smiled casually.
Zhong Wan thought about it and put a snack. "Then your life will be much
better then."
Yu Yan raised an eyebrow. "How do you say?"
"If Wang Yu had this thought, he would have to converge and secretly plan."
Zhong Wan said, "pretend to be safe, naturally you can no longer be tit-for-tat
with you, you must always make a loser."
Zhong Wan expected it well. In the next half month, Wang Yu's face
converged sharply, and he was implicitly reprimanded by Chong'an Emperor
several times. He did not explain it to himself, regardless of Xuan Qiong's.
The matter is still other trivial affairs. As long as it is accountable, King Yu
should respond, and he should be very sincere. He asked the sinners to pass
it one by one, and his posture is getting lower and lower. It seems to be
really convinced. Endured Chong'an Emperor's confession of Yu Jin's
resignation, and he dared not have any more complaints.
On the other side, King Yu made a secret effort. The story of the year was
conspired with Emperor Chong'an. He kept one hand that day. In addition to
the palace man who served Xiao Zhongfei, there were many similar
witnesses and physical evidence. He is more convenient than anyone.
It is not clear whether Chong'an Emperor was deceived, Yu Yu and Zhong
Wan would never believe him, Zhong Wan made troubles, and instructed Yu
Yan to use the convenience of the cabinet to give Yu King more trouble.
Anyway, he's going to pretend to admit it. When won't he bully him?
Yu Yan deeply agreed.
From this day onwards, in addition to earnestly asking Yu King for trouble,
Zhong Wan has one more thing: he goes to pick up Yu Yan and return to his
house every day.
The weather does not change, and we never tire of it.
Yu Yan told him several times, without his hard work, Zhong Wan didn't
The two had talked about something when they were studying together. Yu
Yan had not said it accidentally. He hated Xuan Rui's life and stayed with
Zhong Wan every day.
Zhong Wan knew in his heart that Yu Ju was not jealous of Xuanrui, he was
still worried about it.
It was not easy for Ping Shao and Xiao Xiao to be familiar with each other
early in the same class.
Zhong Wan was also very reconciled. If he was in the same place as a
teenager, he would secretly pass the love letter under the eyes of the old
Shifu, secretly intimate in a place where no one is.
The past is over, Zhong Wan tries his best to compensate each other.
On that day, he went to pick up Yu Yan as usual. As soon as the carriage
stopped, a little **** outside the carriage ran and chased up.
This is the **** who enters the palace with Yu Yan every day. When Zhong
Wan arrives, he rushes forward and asks, "Master, Shizi said, there are so
many things in the cabinet today, I'm afraid I'm going to be busy at night and
let you go home."
The official cabinet that is submitted daily must be processed before it can
be dispersed. When there are many things, it does not go away. Zhong Wan
nodded, "OK, you go."
When the eunuch's words came, he went back. Zhong Wan didn't leave.
It ’s okay to go back to the house, it ’s better to wait at the gate of the palace.
The weather was getting warmer, and it wasn't cold at twilight. Zhong Wan
got out of the carriage, leaning on the carriage and squinting. After a while,
an old **** who had been sent out of the palace stepped over to please
Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan laughed. "Dare, what did father-in-law do?"
"Come here to do business, but I happened to see Master Zhong." The old
**** laughed after asking Zhong Wan's intentions clearly. Give me the
refreshment from the emperor, master come with me? "
Zhong Wan hesitated. The old **** was in a hurry to sell with Yu Yan, and
whispered, "The young master only said that the house had given him
something to Yu Xiao Wangye."
Zhong Wan really wanted to see how Yu Yan's office looked like, and smiled,
"Thank you father-in-law."
The old **** took Zhong Wan diligently.
The cabinet is important. It is not so easy to go in. After the **** brought the
person, he respectfully said: "The adults should be eating dinner. The young
master stood here for a while, and the old slave went to inform the young
Zhong Wan nodded, standing in the lobby properly.
Zhong Wan raised his eyes and looked around, and smiled lightly.
When he didn't understand, Emperor Chong An asked him if he wanted to be
the secretary of the emperor. He once put down his words and asked Chong
An to wait for a big year.
Zhong Wan was curious about being unable to be the secretary of the
emperor's office or entering the cabinet.
What was happening inside, Zhong Wan heard it clearly.
There were a few beeps and a rustling sound of the little **** collating
Zhong Wan did not know when Yu Yan would come out, holding his breath ...
In the back room, everyone hurried to dinner, waiting to eat and then busy.
The old cabinet ministers did not have a good amount of food for the young
people, and they hurriedly could not eat a few mouthfuls, even after a few
mouthfuls. When they waited for the others, they looked at the meal they were
delivering and chatted.
An old man sighed, "I have always been uncomfortable in the past two years.
The Taiji said that he should be less stubborn, and the people in the house are
strictly controlled, and he will not let them eat. Can these dishes be eaten?"
Another adult was touched by his heart, "Yes, the past two years the doctor
has given up drinking, which was originally irresistible, but also let the wife
at home control it."
Sun Ge Lao also laughed, "I don't know what I heard recently, and I won't let
**** in the dish, saying that the old bones can't stand it, and I haven't touched
it again."
Sitting at the side of a quiet meal Yu Yu looked up at the two adults chatting,
a little envious.
But he is healthy and has nothing to fear, and Zhong Wan has never controlled
what he eats, so he is not very involved in this topic.
But as he talked about the people in the room, he wanted to say something.
An adult said, "Let me eat less white meat, and say that it hurts the liver and
Another adult remembered something, adding, "Also let me eat less pickles
and say that it hurts the kidney."
Yu Yan stopped talking and tried several times to get in, but it didn't go well.
After everyone had talked for a round, the cabinet became quieter, Yu Yan set
down his chopsticks, and tried his best to say the first sentence of the cabinet
on this day, "Neizi let me eat less cold food, and will dead."
Zhongge Lao: "..."
Zhong Wan in the Outside Hall: "..."
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Chapter 85: 85
In a word, Yu Zixuan broke everyone's way.
This is too heavy to chat, the bosses have no access.
The partial depression and forgiveness also glanced at the crowd, and there
was still some expectation in the eyes.
He likes to talk about this and wants to talk a few words.
After an unspeakable silence, Sun Ge nodded his head and said, "Yes, it will
Yu Yan nodded, thinking that he wasn't blunt, "I didn't want to bother, but I
couldn't stop whispering in my ears. I could only listen to him. He was right
about what he said, and he had to eat less . "
Sun Ge stiffly said, "Not really."
Yu Yan nodded, took the handkerchief and wiped his fingers, and ordered
people to remove the tableware and continue reading.
The old men looked at each other, quickly chopped a few sips of rice, and
applauded the discounts.
Zhong Wan in the outer hall put his head on the pillar, and didn't want to go in
to see Yu Jin for a moment.
The little **** who was waiting for Yu Jin came over, and just about to
speak, Zhong Wan "shushed", "Don't report, I'll wait here for him to forget."
Tony Yu's blessing, Zhong Wan wasn't curious what the cabinet looked like.
Fortunately, I don't have such a lunatic colleague.
The **** nodded and quietly retreated.
Zhong Wan sat down and waited while drinking tea. Nearly an hour later,
Xiao Hanlin inside started to send out coupons. Zhong Wan knew it was
almost the same, and he got up and went out of the palace by himself.
Zhong Wan asked the people to hide the fact that he had gone to find Yu Yu
for him, except that he returned after returning home. They waited less than
half a cup of tea and Yu Yu came out.
Yu Yan frowned, reprimanding the family for not complying with his orders,
and unable to hold Zhong Wan to pull his sleeve, and reluctantly held Zhong
Wan's hand.
The coachman put away the horse stool, raised the lantern, turned the horse's
head, and drove back to his house.
There was a charcoal stove in the carriage, but Zhong Wan's hands were
cooler than Yu Yan, who walked outside for a while against the wind. Yu
Yan's face was not very good, and he covered Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan took
the opportunity to get tired of him, "I It's cold ... It's really bad weather. "
Yu Ai hesitated, untied the cloak, and wrapped Zhong Wan together.
Zhong Wan sighed contentedly and whispered, "Why is there so much today?"
"Yu Wang temporarily avoids the frontier, his party's people sue the old, the
stalls of the stalls ..." Yu Zhen Shen said, "Although there is no one in the
cabinet, there are fewer things to do, and the trivial matters naturally Moved
up there. "
Zhong Wan whispered softly: "The King Yu doesn't necessarily want to show
his face to the emperor. He has to make a look of defeat, and his followers
must follow suit. What does the emperor mean?"
Yu Yan shook his head. "I don't know. He gave all the discounts he sent today,
but he didn't approve anything. The cabinet also gave advice on the removal
of several important staff members. The emperor did not give the right word
and let the cabinet discuss it again."
Zhong Wan said, "I'm testing you."
Yu Yan said "um", "I didn't say anything ... The old ministers who talked well
were all the emperor's hand-drawn relatives in recent years. They would not
listen to me. At this moment, they didn't surrender to me. Means more
useless, and ... "
Yu Yan said indifferently, "I have no one to top."
Yu Jin had never thought about contending for reserves in the past few years,
nor had he cultivated any manpower. Speaking of which, his power in the
DPRK was not even comparable to Xuan Yuan.
Zhong Wan thought for a while and thought, "The old man Shi Fu left me a
few people, one of them is the young supervisor of Si Tianjian."
Yu Yan held Zhong Wan's not so honest hand and Shen said: "What? Let the
young prisoner tell the emperor that he had to look at the sky at night and
found that it was me who was the king of Chu?"
Zhong Wan smiled and said, "I'll go for a walk tomorrow."
Before waiting for Yu Yan to speak, Zhong Wan busyly said, "Naturally,
people won't find out that I've been there. If they return late tomorrow, they
won't come to pick you up."
Yu Jin paused for a moment, nodded, "OK."
On the official road late at night, a few murmurs came out of Yu Jian's car,
calm and peaceful, as if the storm coming from the mountain had nothing to
do with the two.
A few days later, Emperor Chong'an had the rare spirit to go to the early
dynasty. After the early dynasty, Yu Yu was left behind.
With the weather getting warmer, Emperor Chong'an walked in the garden
with his cane.
Yu Zheng followed behind Chong'an, and Chong'an did not speak, and he did
not speak.
"In these days, you have worked a lot on the Cabinet, and I have heard about
it." Emperor Chong'an turned his head to look at Yu Jin. This man, it's not
easy to sit. "
Emperor Chong An stopped his feet and watched the spring flowers in the
distance. "I was also at your age when I wanted to share my concerns with
the emperor. I really succeeded ... and I feel really tired."
Yu Jinmo remained silent.
Emperor Chong'an continued to go forward, Shen said, "I have spent the past
few years eating the night clothes, taking in and out, and worked hard. I
thought that even if there was something wrong in the early years, it should be
paid off. Below ... Who's there? "
Emperor Chong'an said looking at Yu Yan, Yu Yan's eyes were cold and he
didn't answer.
Emperor Chong'an continued to move forward, not far from Bibo Pond.
Emperor Chong'an hesitated for a moment, then turned to go to the other side.
There was a hint of irony in Yu Yan's eyes.
Emperor Chong'an was afraid that Yu Yan would suddenly go crazy and
pushed him into the water.
Chong An emperor now counts on him, but he still has to watch out for him.
It is also ironic that blood fathers and sons have come this far.
Emperor Chong'an is still thinking about it, "I heard the elders say that you
are very diligent in reading books every day, have few words and do a lot of
work, and you have only been studying for a long time in the cabinet. You
have never intervened in one thing. "
Emperor Chong'an sighed, "I remember Joan's time ... I can't wait for the
entire cabinet to listen to him."
Yu Yan carelessly said, "I'm just sparse and I can't help anything."
Emperor Chong An continued to go forward and asked, "So you have learned
so long, is it not easy to realize that you are the master?"
Yu Yan tried his best to conceal the disdain in his eyes, and said for a
moment, "It's not easy, but sometimes it's not easy to be lucky, the life has
passed ... I'm afraid I can't live long."
Emperor Chong'an took a deep look at Yu Zhen and sighed, "If you say
something nice, you should be filial piety, can't you?"
Yu Yan looked down.
Yu Yan's appearance does not follow Xiao Zhongfei, but his eyebrows are a
bit like those of Emperor Chong An when he was young. Emperor Chong An
looked at Yu Yan's eyes and said softly, "You grew up in the palace from a
young age, son-in-law, do you know? Walking late, the child next to you will
leave, only you, almost two years old, still shaking, walking slowly, but
every time you see me, you ca n’t take care of it. Quickly, that day in this
imperial garden, you saw the cricket, and you ran towards the distant prince.
The palace people couldn't catch up with you. You ran too fast, and fell on
the stone steps. Both little hands are Blood, I was so distressed that day that
it was broken ... "
Emperor Chong'an put his hands on the wooden cane, and coughed twice,
gasping, "Now I think of it, I'm very sorry, what etiquette did you take that
day? I should just take a few steps and wait for you to fall and hug you early
... "
Yu Yan's face was as usual, "I was a toddler, and I loved to fall from a young
age. I fell a lot. I have long been used to it, and the emperor does not need to
Chong'an Emperor smiled and coughed a few times, "You still blame me."
Yu Yan's expression was calm. "I'm telling the truth, I'm used to it."
Emperor Chong'an knew that it was too late to cover Yu Yan's heart anymore.
He stopped saying more and waved his hand. "Let ’s take another two steps
with him."
"King Yu can't stay behind closed doors these days, it's very peaceful."
Chong'an said, "Do you really ... he doesn't want to argue, or is he planning
something else?"
Yu Jiu followed behind Emperor Chong'an and heard the words, "I haven't
guessed since I was a kid and dare not say."
"You and his father and son have been together for years, you can't guess, I
can't even do it." Emperor Chong'an stepped up the stone steps step by step,
"Si Tianjian reported to Tianxiang today ..."
Chong'an ’s body is really dead. He climbed a few steps and started to pant.
He stopped and slowly said, “Originally just as usual, talk about the rain this
spring, talk about whether there will be floods this summer, but this Back to
them ... mentioning that this year, I'm afraid that there will be confusion. "
Frightened and guarded, emperor is fierce.
Emperor Chong'an slowly said, "Zi, who is going to be against you?"
Yu Yan whispered: "The truth of the sky is credible or unbelievable."
"朕 This year's spirit is not good, but I can continue to support it for two
years." Emperor Chong'an's voice cooled down, and Shen said, "Si Tianjian
also said that the two stars next to the heart, suddenly dim, one fierce one
Kee. "
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Jin with deep eyes. "These two stars have
always referred to the prince. One is fierce and the other is good. You say,
which is fierce and which is good?"
Yu Yan's face changed slightly.
Emperor Chong'an pressed on Yu Jian's shoulder, "Zhu Ji's was trapped by
the culprit. Does this mean ... a little too clear?"
Yu Yan took a deep breath, "I'm half-born in July, and I'm indeed the culprit.
Xuan Qiong is now under house arrest, and it's really ..."
Yu Yan chuckled and said nothing.
"These ghostly words are unbelievable. Some people said in the early years
that he had lost his sons and grandchildren. He really lost several princes and
was sad for a long time." Emperor Chong'an narrowed his eyes and suddenly
the words turned sharply. What happened to my three sons ?! "
"First of all, there is fascination and guarding, and the prince is trapped, and
the prince of Zhuji may break the sky." The voice of Emperor Chong'an was
completely cold. Here! By the pretense of Si Tianjian, let Li Xuanqiong, and
by the way take your birthday as an essay, my mind is really poisonous ... "
A heart raised by Yu Yan was finally let go, and he couldn't help but secretly
sigh, Zhong Wan grasped the thoughts of Emperor Chong An with good
Chongan Diyintang was dark and his face was gloomy. "Weird, it's been too
long for you to hold the king. It's too long for these people to think that they
can control their minds."
"Don't worry." Emperor Chong'an comforted Yu Yu. "I just made up my mind
and formally named you Prince."
Yu Yan kneeled and thanked gracefully, without any words of gratitude.
Emperor Chong'an ordered him to stand up and smile with a bitter smile,
"How did you hear that you talk a lot with Guigui, others ca n’t take it apart,
and you have nothing to say to you?"
Emperor Chong'an frowned and thought, saying, "Yeah ... hey who is
speaking ..."
"Supposed that since I acknowledged you, the Zongren House and the House
House sent a lot of things to your house, and some people began to remember
where you stayed every night." Emperor Chong'an laughed, "I heard that, a
whole This booklet is full of ... "
Yu Yan said calmly: "It's all Zhong Wan."
Yu Yan's face changed, and he felt a bit embarrassed by Zhong Wan, but he
couldn't help but said, "He, he didn't know what the booklet was for, and
thought that I would go to whom to write his name by day, so I asked Dozens
of living booklets used to be, and he wrote his own name all right, and he
was full of them. Now ... "
Yu Yan couldn't bear to mention more, "It has been arranged for me for
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Chapter 86: 86
The princes did not record their words and deeds, but in order to preserve
the pure blood of the royal family, the adult princes of the dynasty shared a
bed with them every night.
Yu Jie was acknowledged by Emperor Chong'an a few days ago, and the
House of Government also sent a living booklet to the King ’s House,
recorded by Feng steward. Yu Yan never approached women. Those booklets
were useless and were put aside by Feng steward. By accident, Zhong Wan
saw it.
Zhong Wan flipped through the blank booklet and didn't understand it,
thinking it was a booklet that arranged for Yu Yan to stay overnight, and paid
great attention to it.
Zhong Wan took care of Feng's steward and came out with the two booklets.
He secretly hid a pen to avoid people, carefully filled in his first name, and
put it back when people were not prepared.
Zhong Wan was recovering in the government. In addition to giving advice to
Yu Yan, there wasn't much to do. I found this leaker, and happily, he stole the
book to write his name. He made a lot of money, and used it silently. Yu Jin
had a whole box of gold ink ingots, and it was difficult for Yu Jin to find it.
Yu Yan silently looked at his bald writing brush and sighed secretly. If a
character like Zhong Wan could enter the harem, he would be a ghost who
would show up on the green card.
Silently stole her concubine's green card, remodeled it one or two, and wrote
her own name, so that the emperor could not avoid it when he lifted the brand
Zhong Wan can absolutely do this.
Yu Yan closed his eyes and pretended to be blind.
Only suffering from the housekeeper Feng, the old housekeeper was caught in
the drum, and after ten days passed, when the officials of the Home Affairs
Office came to ask for the booklet, he gave it away.
When inspecting the records, the internal affairs official of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs looked at the densely packed Zhong Wan in the book, and
was really shocked.
The new prince was inseparable from Master Zhong every day, so he went
around and passed it to Emperor Chong'an.
Yu Yan didn't want to talk about Zhong Wan with Emperor Chong An. He
explained a few words and went back to his house.
Seeing Zhong Wan when he went home, he could not help but train him.
Zhong Wan pretended not to understand, "What's the matter? When did you
move your stuff? What book?"
"My living book!" Yu Juren was intolerable. "Living book! How many years
later do you think it would be strange to see it in the palace? Can you not
Zhong Wan's face flushed, "I thought it was ..."
Yu Yan looked at him and couldn't help asking, "What do you think?"
Mr. Feng entered the house to deliver dim sum, grinning, "What's the matter?
Something to say."
Zhong Wan pretended to be pitiful, "Shizi said I touched him."
The steward Feng was busy protecting Zhong Wan. "I accidentally touched
him. Master Wang hurts Master Zhong so much, how could he be angry about
"Is he touching? He is ..." Yu Shen paused and raised his eyes, "Will you
Zhong Wan smiled, "The person who passed the order has just left,
congratulations to the Lord."
"The title hasn't been determined yet." Yu Qian looked at Zhong Wan and
whispered, "Thanks to your human agility, the emperor now thinks that it is
Wang Yu who colluded with the Si Tianjian man."
Seeing that the two were talking about business, Feng steward put down the
refreshment and bowed back.
Yu Zhengshen said: "Guess how long it will take for the emperor to wait for
the reserve."
"It's a little worse ..." Zhong Wan groaned for a moment, or "I discovered that
Wang Yu or Xuan Qiong regenerate."
Zhong Wan thought for a while and whispered: "It may be difficult for Xuan
Qiong to make some tricks on his own. Would you like to mention Beidi's
matter to the premise?"
"Not in a hurry." Yu Yan shook his head. "Give Yu Wang some time ... your
family affairs, he hasn't resolved your case yet."
Zhong Wan couldn't help laughing, "Master Wang, why are you so
Yu Zhengdan said indifferently: "He asked for it, he is like this, the others are
cunning rabbits and three caves, and he was anxious to dig himself out for
more than a hundred escape routes, lack of greed, and deserve to be
Zhong Wan whispered softly: "I'm afraid that Chi will change. If Wang Yu is
really all out, he must prove that Xiao Zhongfei Zeng Yijun, you ... After all,
you are the son of Xiao Zhongfei. If anyone questions you , Think you are not
worthy of succession, what should you do? "
"You don't have to get there. Besides, I haven't been born that day, what's the
matter with me." Yu Jian didn't care much, re-transmitted, "Is there any news
from the princess?"
Zhong Wan shook his head. "Since I thought for you before, let the emperor
believe that it was King Yu and then mention the concubine again. The
princess has never walked this way again. I let Lin Sitan listen to it. King Yu
has never been to Princess Mansion. "
Yu Jin nodded.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jin, "Zi, how many times did you force Princess An
Guozhuang to make a stand for her, or did she draw a line for her, so that she
would not be implicated in the future?
Yu Yan silently looked at Zhong Wan deeply after a moment, and laughed at
himself, "Both times."
Zhong Wan heard that there was a little bit of pain in Yu Jian, but looking at
Yu Jian's dim eyes, thinking of his gentle heart under the cheekbones, he
couldn't feel fascinated.
"Write the thank you letter?" Zhong Wan took a blank book and folded it in
front of Yu Yan. "Finally, the king is here. You already have Lizi, and it's time
for the emperor."
Yu Yan was not very willing, perfunctory, "let anyone write a letter, he
doesn't necessarily look anyway."
"But what if people read it in the early days?" Zhong Wan urged. "Write
Yu Yan really did n’t want to write, and he wrestled with Emperor Chong An
for half a day during the day. Now thinking of Emperor Chong An, he is still
committing nausea. Yu Yan rubbed his forehead. Come down. "
Zhong Wan agreed very easily, "OK."
Zhong Wan didn't sit, she stood in front of Yu Yan, picked up the pen and
touched it, unfolded the book, and didn't need to type a bit of the manuscript,
so she started writing.
Yu Jui looked at it quietly, "You didn't enter Zhongshu province, you really
are a genius."
"Is it enough?" Zhong Wan kept writing, and while he was writing about
Shane's humorous words, he did not forget to brag about himself, "Hui Yuan,
seven years ago, was a schoolboy for you personally. "
Zhong Wan was filled with a book of folds in just a tea time, and she was so
energetic, "Look, is there anything to change?"
Yu Yan took a serious look at it and shook his head. "You don't have to
change a word."
Zhong Wan knew that he was really blocked, and sighed, "I don't think you
should copy it, I'll copy it carefully and send it."
Yu Yan nodded, Zhong Wan replaced a thin brush, and folded a blank book.
Yu Yan wanted to get up and give him a seat, Zhong Wan shook his head, and
hesitated, "Copying such a little thing still satisfactorily. of?"
Zhong Wan changed his pen body, straightened and moistened, and the old
minister who wrote decades of discounts was not as good as him.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan like this, his throat knot moved slightly.
It was the hand of this mentioning An Sheyi. Two days ago, in his own living
book, over and over, he wrote countless "Zhong Wan".
Zhong Wan's wide sleeves dangled next to Yu Yan. As he moved, Zhong Wan
bent slightly, Yu Yan's eyes could not help looking at Zhong Wan's thin waist.
Yu Yan forced himself to look away, his voice was not natural, "You sit."
Yu Yan said he was about to get up and was pressed by Zhong Wan with his
left hand. Zhong Wan wrote it intently, muttering in a low voice, "No need ...
it will be all right."
Yu Yan shook his right hand, stretched it out, and then slowly placed it on
Zhong Wan's waist.
Yu Suan took Zhong Wan's hand suddenly and forced Zhong Wan to sit on his
As soon as Zhong Wan's wrist moved, she almost dropped an ink dot on the
Yu Yan whispered, "Be careful."
Zhong Wan's earlobe was a little red, and she whispered: "Master, do you
treat school children like this?"
Yu Yan calmly said, "You scribbled in my living book and did something
wrong, naturally you have to punish a little."
Zhong Wan asked more truthfully: "Sometimes Sun Ge makes mistakes, will
you also punish the boss to sit on your leg?"
Yu Yan almost laughed again.
Zhong Wan was stained, cleared his throat, and blushed. "Aren't you pretty,
it's bad?"
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes and made Zhong Wan lean on himself. "What I
learned in the book ... I told you already, I am not."
He didn't know this tone, nor did he dislike it.
Yu Yan deliberately made Zhong Wan happy, weighing the scales, and the
hand on Zhong Wan's waist slowly slid down a little.
Zhong Wan's ears were also red, and she was afraid that writing a wrong two
strokes would hurt Yu Yan, and she held her breath carefully, but still couldn't
help whispering, "Then you usually ..."
"While you don't do anything on weekdays, I'm always struggling." Yu Yan
closed his eyes, "so I dare not get too close to you ... I'm afraid to make your
life worse."
Yu Yan said to himself, "I'm afraid now, and I'm sorry for myself."
Regard his life, but Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan opened his eyes and frowned, "Not finished yet?"
Zhong Wan deliberately bored Yu Yu for a while, writing more and more
slowly, Yu Yi saw it at a glance, with a smile in his eyes.
Yu Yan asked softly, "Just like me?"
Zhong Wan couldn't say, and Yu Jian didn't force him. Yu Yan pressed his
hand on Zhong Wan's leg and parted slightly.
Zhong Wan's back was straightened, Yu Yan whispered, "Relax, just touch
you in front."
Zhong Wan froze. "Before ..."
He accidentally made a long stroke on the book fold, and a souvenir that was
about to be written was ruined.
"It is disrespectful to have ink on the memorial." Yu Yan loosened Zhong
Wan's belt, his voice was soft, but the words he said were very harsh. "Go
back, write again."
Yu Yan said as he slipped his hand.
Zhong Wan's palms were sweating, he took another blank book folded
laboriously, and hurried, "You, you wait a while ..."
"What did you say just now?" Yu Zhen calmly said, "copying a little of this
stuff, but still sitting calmly?"
Zhong Wan smashed his feet with a stone, blushing and had nothing to say.
Yu Yan's movements are very gentle. I don't know if he really loves Zhong
Wan or makes him bad again. He asks Zhong Wan while he moves, likes it,
Shu is uncomfortable.
After detailed torture, Zhong Wan's whole body trembled.
Half an hour later, Zhong Wan destroyed seven or eight bankbooks and did
not copy out a neat copy. In the end, Yu Yan held his hand, like teaching
children to learn characters, and completed it with Zhong Wan in a stroke.
Thanks for tomorrow's book.
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Chapter 87: 87
In the evening, Yu Yan touched Zhong Wan's forehead and felt nothing, he
whispered, "If you are uncomfortable telling me, sit first, and let them take
their meals to the bedroom for a while."
Yu Yan ordered Zhong Wan to sit on the bed, and threw a few pieces of dirty
silk into a hand basin. He also lost the shirt that Zhong Wan had replaced.
Zhong Wan's breathing was still unstable. He looked at Yu Yan Laughing,
"Little lord, can you wait for others to clean up? You won't let me help you,
I'm full of guilt in your heart. You have to do all the work of a servant. It's
deliberately upsetting me. is not it?"
Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a glance, walked to the front of the book case, and
put aside the crumpled and messy books, folded it aside, and said lightly,
"Who's there to clean up?"
Zhong Wan leaned on the quilt, his voice was very light, "Whoever, Feng
steward, girl ... girl, even if she is too young, someone else ..."
"Anyway?" Yu Yan picked up the pens scattered on the ground with a calm
expression, "Who looked at these and couldn't guess what happened?"
Zhong Wan still had a little water and gas in his eyes, and whispered, "If you
guess, you can guess."
"What did it say?" Yu Yan took a clean parchment and wiped the book case.
He looked at Zhong Wan with an incomprehensible glance, and almost
condemned him in his eyes. Husband and wife, do this before the case? "
Zhong Wan was suddenly hit with a rake, and almost never returned.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan's demeanor as if she wasn't stained with dust.
She almost believed that he was holding her back and letting go, forcing
herself to say a series of inexplicable words.
Zhong Wan paused for a moment and said, "Ziyi, didn't you just do it?"
Yu Yan's face was as usual, "What's the matter? Then let others know that you
are like an ordinary cymbal, and you are messing with me before the book
Zhong Wan's expression was stagnant. After a while, she suddenly
understood Yu Yan's mind and couldn't help laughing.
Zhong Wan put his arms behind his neck and thought about it. Indeed, Yu Yan
only showed others how to admire him, how to leave him, and how to stick
to him. Ken told half a word to outsiders.
The blood stain that made people laugh last time, Yu Yan also avoided
himself silently, and did not let others see it.
Yu Yan's bones are still very regular. I think this kind of thing should be
hidden, in other words ...
Zhong Wan whispered softly, "You think I'm your little princess who has been
hired by three media and six. I'm afraid that people will know that I'm making
a fool of myself in private, and I don't think I'm proud, do you?"
Yu Yan paused with his fingertips, hurriedly packed up the case, and said for
a moment, "I'm afraid that others will say ..."
Zhong Wan was curious, "What did you say?"
Yu Yan whispered, "said I don't respect you."
Zhong Wan smiled, his heart suddenly warm.
Zhong Wan thought about all the previous things, his bones were still a little
soft, and he whispered, "It's very disrespectful, you think about what it just
forced me to say ..."
Yu Jie's mouth was slightly picky, and the servant came outside to change tea.
Yu Yan converged and quickly threw the handkerchief to the ground, finally
covering all the absurd marks.
Yu Yan commanded calmly, "Master Zhong is uncomfortable. Dinner is in the
bedroom and he won't go out."
The servants all knew that Zhong Wan was ill and ill, and he quickly asked,
"Did you pass on the doctor?"
Yu Zhengbei took a deep look at Zhong Wan, indifferently, "No need, minor
problems, I can cure it."
That night, the lights of the Yuwang Mansion Beyond turned off early, and in
the Yuwang Mansion not far from the Yu Mansion, the lights were bright.
In the study, several staff members quarreled with each other under their
Yu Mucheng was dizzy by the staff, but not only was not angry, his face was
An aide said suspiciously, "But it's strange, the emperor used to believe these
things! Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent the son to our royal lord to take
refuge. Now, the king raised the prince for the emperor. The emperor's side If
you turn your face and don't recognize anyone, you will change your temper. "
"Whether you believe it or not, your interests drive it. If you believe it,
believe it. If you don't, please think that someone has ulterior motives."
"That Tianjian nonsense! Step on the taboo of the emperor, on the bright side
it seems to be a lobbyist for us! Something!"
"Suddenly, the emperor took care of the Si Tianjian's people early. He didn't
reveal a word in the early dynasty. He left the dynasty and left the son of the
son directly. Then he made a decree and didn't mention a word from the
beginning to the end. Lord Wang can't tell just two sentences. "
"How to make a point of remarks? The person in charge of the Tian Jian
didn't mention the Lord, and only held the five palaces down. How can we
avoid it now? How can he speak for His Highness again? This is a bureau!
What is His Highness being placed under house arrest? I do n’t know. Wang
wanted to help but was discouraged! This person expected that we could
only worry. ”
Someone is still in Nahan, "You and I know that this is not what we do.
Mostly it is the mind of Shizi, but ... but I haven't heard of anyone in Si
Tianjian's side, have you?"
The crowd looked at Yu Mucheng, and Yu Mucheng shook his head.
"Although Ziyi has been arrogant over the years, he will also install some
staff everywhere, but he never associates with officials and does not deal
with people in various gates, secretly ... according to what I checked And he
has no manpower. "
The aide was not quite sure, "Can it really be a coincidence? What kind of
heaven is it?"
One person said angrily: "No! I got the news and asked someone to ask a
famous warlock in Beijing. It was not unusual for the warlock to say that the
stars had changed after the winter! It was impossible to see the stars next to
the heart. What's going on, just a little change, it's simply that the Star
Superintendent is making a big deal! "
"Who else can that be?"
A staff member who had not been silent looked at Yu Mucheng and
tentatively said, "Excuse me, Lord, these five days of house arrest by His
Highness ... but a little sullen?"
Yu Mucheng was silent.
If this was not done by Yu Yan, it would probably be Xuan Qiong or Fei Yu's
Yu Mucheng breathed a weary breath.
The staff members also believed a little when they saw this, and did not dare
to say more.
A moment later, one boldly said, "To this day, Lord Wang must have his heart
Yu Mucheng said in a deep voice: "What is your intention?"
"During the storm, the rivets on the big ship are rusty. Is it necessary to repair
it now, or ..." The man was ruthless, "He has a hard time returning, or
abandon this ship and find another boat?"
Another boat, of course, is Xuanrui.
One immediately countered: "That's Wang Ye's pro-nephew! Years of hard
work ..."
"What about years of hard work? His Highness Five is now acting arrogantly,
again and again, destroying the cornerstone. How can this be repaired?"
"What's this? Then His Highness is not guaranteed ?!"
The staff members started arguing again, and Yu Mucheng placed the tea light
on the table, and everyone snored.
Yu Mucheng slowly said, "I don't want to protect His Highness Five, but can't
you see? The Emperor has completely doubted me, and I can't help my
Highness Five."
"That is my brother-in-law and my nephew, and I am more distressed than
anyone else." Yu Mucheng sighed. "But now, looking for another way, maybe
they can be more secure."
Yu Mucheng closed his eyes, "command those who follow Qian'an ... to do
Since Yu Jin formally became the queen, at least the Beijing Central
University unexpectedly calmed down.
Emperor Chong An knew how to feel bad for him, and he was properly
nursed. He was diligent at the meeting. No one dared to mention the matter of
the reserve. Chong An himself was very calm and impartial. The head
rewarded Xuan Qiong, who was still under house arrest.
Yu Yan remained silent about this, and was busy with his daily business as
usual, but Xuan Yuan had a temper in his own house after he knew it, and
complained that Chong An had rewarded the two for leaving him alone, but
no one paid attention to this.
The cabinet ministers did not know whether they had received the hint of
Emperor Chong An, or they did not have much suspense about Xuan Qiong's
death, and he felt a little enthusiastic about Yu Jin and taught him to deal with
government affairs.
Yu Yan seriously studied politics every day and cooked Zhong Wan carefully
at night. The rare and peaceful life was full.
On this day, Xuan Congxin brought Xuan Yu to see Zhong Wan.
Xuan Congxin came to the Yufu Mansion House last time, and Yu Amnesty
treated her as a courtesy. She did n’t have so many worries, and felt that Yu
Amnesty was not as terrible as rumored. He generously brought Xuan Yu to
the door.
Xuan Yu hasn't seen Zhong Wan for a long time. Now he knows what
happened in the past, and saw Zhong Wan's guilty red eyes. He had already
typed out the manuscript in his own house. He didn't wait for him to express
his emotions and tell Zhong Wan in one breath. Zhong Wan first had a
headache and said, "Wipe your tears. After a year, you are not young
anymore. Learn from your heart. Do n’t cry when you are fine."
Xuan Yu still had to talk. Zhong Wan sat down and taught himself on the
exam. Xuan Yu was tense momentarily. No one in the government cares about
him these days. Disappointed, he focused his response, and for a while he
forgot what he wanted to say.
After half a column of incense, Zhong Wan nodded, "Reluctantly, you have to
meet my gentleman. If you were taught by the old Shi Fu of that year, your
companion would be beaten every day."
When Xuan Cong heard his words bewilder his brother, Xuan Yu nana
promised, "I will go back and study."
Zhong Wan rubbed a hand on his head to get him a snack. Xuan Yu opened his
mouth several times, fearing that he would forget his words, and he kept his
head silent for several times.
Xuancong urged irritably, "Few words, you don't have a good back with me
at home, so forget it?
Zhong Wan laughed, "What the **** are you talking about?"
Xuan Yu swallowed, nervously, "The other day, the other day ... the father
and mother-in-law gave me a dream."
Zhong Wan froze, "Ah?"
As soon as Xuan Yu was anxious, she forgot all the good words she recited,
and said nothing in the foreword, "They are doing very well now! They are
still very young!"
Zhong Wan said dryly, "Yeah."
Xuan Yu straightened her back unconsciously, and said earnestly, "My father
asked me to talk to you."
The smile on Zhong Wan's face faded, "... what did you say?"
Xuan Yu's eyes were red. "The father said that you have been too hard these
years. He saw everything in his eyes. The elder brother's death was his own
death. No wonder others. The father said that he had never You are half-
pointed, saying that you are not sorry for Wangfu. He only feels sorry for you
now, and he asked me to ask you, why was it so healthy and healthy now? "
Zhong Wan smiled reluctantly, "You two ..."
Xuan Yu whispered, "Mother-in-law also has something to tell you."
Zhong Wan's lips fluttered slightly. "What did the princess say?"
Xuan Yu cried again, and he couldn't speak with a twitch. Xuan Chongxin
threw his handkerchief on Xuan Yu's face.
"Let me say it." Xuan Cong cleared his throat, "Father and mother and
concubine gave me a dream, too."
Xuan Cong said, "Mother-in-law said, Guiyuan my son, you ..."
Xuan Cong held her throat, and scolded Xuan Yu for desperation. It was her
turn to just say a word, and tears fell.
Xuan Congxin tried his best to calm down, "Mother-in-law said that she had
thousands of words hidden in her heart before she left, and there were many
inconveniences to say to her father. Somehow, she couldn't help looking.
"Mother-in-law said, you are attentive and sensible, tell her to reassure her
that even if the father continues the string, he will protect us from being
bullied by the stepmother, but mother-in-law did not mean it that day."
Xuan Cong wiped her tears and continued, "What the mother-in-law wants to
say is that if the father and the king continue, the queen mother dares not treat
us, because we are the father and the parents, but you are different. In the
future, I fear I will be jealous of my stepmother. "
Zhong Wan couldn't help but got up and went to the window.
Xuan Cong choked, "Mother-in-law told me to be careful about everything,
you must take care of yourself, you are her first child, her heart and blood,
don't practice yourself any more, and make her distressed there."
Zhong Wan turned her back to Xuan Congxin and Xuan Yu, and said for a
long time, "Yes."
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Chapter 88: 88
When Xuan Rui returned to Beijing after being confused by Tang Ming, Yan
Pingshan privately passed on the message to Zhong Wan. It was a complete
conviction for Xuan Rui. From then on, the strict housekeeper stayed in the
Qian'an Palace in Central Beijing to serve the twins. He should have told
them. A lot of things that year.
Zhong Wan knew very well that Xuan Congxin had compiled the dreams to
coax herself, but looking at Xuan Congxin's face similar to that of Princess
Ning, listening to her to conjure herself with Princess Ning's tone, Zhong Wan
was almost safe. Disoriented in front of two children.
Zhong Wan looked out of the window and suddenly remembered a sentence
Yu Yu had said before.
He said Guiyuan, sometimes I really don't know who to hate.
Zhong Wan was vomited by Xuan Rui on the same day on Zhuangzi, and it
was almost like this.
Indeed, many wrong things have been done over the years, Zhong Wan
In his youth, all the thoughts of arrogance and arrogance were also polished
away, and Zhong Wan felt that he could not bear any humiliation.
But occasionally, he is also arrogant, and when he is doubted by his younger
brother, he also wants to distinguish two sentences for himself, but he cannot
Ning Wangning and Princess Ning came before, even if Xuanrui killed
herself, what could she say?
Zhong Wan craves repeatedly Xuan Congxin's words, but dares not go to his
If Princess Ning Wang Ning had a spirit in the sky, would she really not be
disappointed when she watched herself stumble and stumble?
If you know that you have enemies' sons in your heart, from Beibei to South,
and from South to North, and now you are out with others, will you really not
scold yourself as a white-eyed wolf?
"and also……"
Xuan Cong wiped her tears, she converged, and continued, "Mother-in-law
also said ..."
Xuan Yu twitched her shoulders, wheezing and choked continuously, Xuan
Congxin was interrupted twice by her mouth. She had limited patience, and
said irritably, "Have you never finished? Do you still listen to your mother-
in-law ?! "
Xuan Yu was so scared that she lowered her head and covered her mouth,
and did not dare to make another noise.
Xuan Cong coughed, trying to figure out Princess Ning's tone. The young and
old became enlightened. "The mother-in-law also said," Let's not let you
have a temper with Yu Zhen, don't make a fool with reason, don't be ruthless,
don't run out without explaining. "
Zhong Wan: "..."
Yu Jian was very successful in playing Xuan Congxin last time. Xuan
Congxin now feels more and more pathetic about Yu Yan, and the more he
looks at Zhong Wan, the more he is coquettish.
According to Xuan Congxin's own thoughts, a lengthy discussion, and the
tone of Princess Ning, taught Zhong Wan a good lesson.
Zhong Wan couldn't help crying or laughing, and the sorrows in her heart
were stirred up completely.
Zhong Wan left Xuan Congxin and Xuan Yu to have lunch in the house. After
a long absence, the three were as usual as they were in Qian'an that day.
When Zhong Wan was discussing with Xuan Cong to find another gentleman
for Xuan Yu, the steward Feng came into the house in a panic, he glanced at
Zhong Wan in a hurry, and stopped talking.
Zhong Wan's heart sank slightly. He said calmly that something was going to
be explained, so that Xuan Yuxuan went on a meal and then got up.
Zhong Wan followed the Feng steward who was waiting outside the house all
the way out of the hall to the courtyard. Zhong Wan frowned. "What's wrong?
What happened to the DPRK? Ziyu him ..."
"Not the Lord." The steward Feng looked into Zhong Wan's room with a tense
expression. "I didn't dare to say to the young master that I wanted to wait for
the Lord to come back and ask him what he meant, but these two little
masters are still in our house. They will be there for a while. As soon as I
walk away, I am afraid that if I learn about the news outside, something will
happen. Now I have to be a man. "
Zhong Wan smiled, "What's wrong?"
Feng's housekeeper swallowed, "Qian'an has news, saying that the former
Qian'an Wang Xuanrui ... something went wrong."
The DPRK had many events on this day, and it was noisy for nearly two
hours. Chong'an Emperor was a little spirited at first, but then he couldn't
support it. Eventually, all the ministers transferred all the undiscussed things
to the cabinet, and went back to the harem to rest. Already.
To say to the cabinet is actually to Yu Yu.
In recent days, Emperor Chong'an no longer only allowed Yu Jian to "study
politics." Under the guidance of Emperor Chong An, the cabinet ministers
have now turned around and will send some important discounts to Yu Yu
every day. After that, the senior officials reviewed them one by one, and sent
them directly without any problems. If they had any objections, they would
discuss with Yu Yu.
Emperor Chong'an didn't let up his lips, and he really had a vague intention to
let Yu Yujian supervise the country. People from Xuanqiong's school looked
at each other silently, and left with an angry expression.
Yu Yan wasn't ashamed of petting, and his face wasn't half of his
complacency. He ordered and played as usual, ready to return to the cabinet
one by one.
Yu Mucheng also came to the DPRK meeting on the same day. After San
Chao, he slowly walked out, two steps later, and stopped on the only way Yu
Yu had to pass.
Yu Yue came to see Yu Mucheng when she did not see it. When she passed
away with Yu Mucheng, Yu Mucheng said gently: "Zi."
Yu Ji paused, looked at Yu Mucheng indifferently, signaled that he had fart to
let go.
Yu Mucheng said kindly, "Nothing, I have seen your recent hard work for my
father, and I want to remind you to be careful."
If before, Yu Yan would have to say a few harsh words to make Yu Mucheng
unable to step down, but now he even acknowledges the father and emperor
Chong Andi, and there is nothing more disgusting that he can't stand.
Yu Jie nodded expressionlessly, and left without delay.
Yu Mucheng watched Yu Amnesty go away, muttering to himself and
repeating what he said to Yu Fei.
"How many handles does Ziyu have on you, which attack you can't choose ..."
Yu Yan originally thought that Yu Mucheng just played the role of his father,
son, and filial pie in front of others as usual. He didn't understand it until a
few hours later.
Yu Yan avoided the crowd and took the little **** who came to pass all the
way to no one. "What did you say?"
The **** was bitter, "I do n’t know the inside story, but only learn the tongue.
The spies in our house are always open day and night. I just rushed into
Beijing half an hour ago. The spies heard that you have n’t returned to the
house. , Waiting for the grandfather to return to the house to explain the matter
of Qian'an to the grandfather. "
It's okay, Yu Yan frowned, "Why do you suddenly urge you to find me ?!"
The **** said anxiously: "The mistake is wrong. People who don't know
where they came from. Our spies passed the news to the Qian'an Palace and
our palace for a few hours! Where did they come from? I don't want to find
you. Whoever tells who! No scruples, our spies are scared! "
Yu Yan sank, "What did they say?"
The **** was not terrified. Nana said, "They noisily reported to the two
governments, saying that the former King Qian'an had been attacked, and it
was ... hey."
Yu Yan's head suddenly exploded.
Yu Jian sent a lot of spies to Xuanrui to Qian'an. According to Yu Jin's plan,
these spies should protect Xuan Rui and stare at him. If Yu Mucheng really
shot Xuan Rui, the spies would protect Xuan Rui. Next, if Zhong Yumu took a
fake shot, he pushed the boat smoothly, and then sent someone back to Beijing
to inform himself.
Yu Yan had a selfishness.
He wasn't sure if Yu Mucheng would make a shot. If Yu Mucheng didn't make
a shot, Yu Amnesty wanted to conceal himself using Xuanrui as a bait, when
nothing had happened.
One is to prevent Zhong Wan from worrying, the other is ...
Yu Yan was afraid that Zhong Wan would not agree.
Yu Jin originally planned well. It took time for Xuanrui ’s attack to reach
Zhongzhong, but he could n’t run away from his spies. If it happened, he
would have plenty of time to explain clearly with Zhong Wan. Xuanrui It was
only temporarily detained by Yu Mucheng.
but now……
Yu Yan's face was extremely poor. "... They also specifically told the twins."
The **** hurriedly said, "Yes! I'm afraid the two little masters don't
understand anything. They have troubled with Master Zhong! Master Zhong
has previously assured them that the **** will be borne by Master Wang and
will never go wrong. After the incident, I am afraid that the two little masters
will be indiscriminate, and then they suspect that it is Wang Ye ’s hand ... "
Yu Yan's voice was cold. "I didn't hear anything in the middle of Beijing, but
my people knew it thoroughly and said it wasn't me. Does anyone believe
Yu Yan's teeth clenched, he was so proud of these days.
Yu Mucheng is waiting for herself here.
Yu Yan's heart suddenly accumulated infinite resentment. He was clearly
trying to reverse the case of King Ning. He obviously didn't want Zhong Wan
to worry, but now he is being suspected by Zhong Wan and the twins who
have poisoned Xuan Rui. Why? !!
Who is it for?
Yu Yan's deliberate thoughts began to rise. He knew he was about to fall ill,
and tried his best to calm his mind and said, "Go back, go back to the house
The twilight drooped, Yu Yan returned to the house, trying to restrain himself
from going crazy.
Yu Yan was suddenly a little scared, afraid that Zhong Wan was like he was
the last time and was gone.
Zhong Wan's courtyard is as quiet as ever.
Yu Yan walked in frightened all the way and pushed Zhong Wan's bedroom
door, his hands were shaking.
In the bedroom, Zhong Wan fell asleep with his arms around his stomach
before the book case.
Yu Yan shook slightly, and a burst of fire condensed on his chest was
instantly dissipated, spreading along the limbs and bones.
Yu Yan hesitated, approached a few steps, and lightly touched Zhong Wan's
Zhong Wan moved slightly.
Zhong Wan opened his eyes, watching Yu Yan's bloodshot eyes sink into his
heart, and then calmly said, "Come back?"
Yu Yan was tense all over, and nodded sharply when he heard the words.
Zhong Wan was so funny and distressed that Yu Yan looked as if he was
close to his enemy.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jin seriously, "I followed this news and didn't doubt
that you were half a minute. Why can't you learn from me ... and how much
trust do you have for me?"
Yu Juan froze, and suddenly couldn't react.
Zhong Wan sighed, "But you are too careless. Today, fortunately, I came to
see me from Xin and Xuanyu, and I was stopped by the person who sent the
message to them, otherwise how would you end if they bothered?"
Yu Zheng was still a little lost, and when it was said that others were in
trouble, what happened to me?
Zhong Wan raised his hand and held Yu Jian's hand, and said softly, "You
want to use Xuanrui as a bait, and push him to the King Yu, so that King Yu
can confidently control this perfect puppet, so that King Yu will On the other
hand, he tried his best to reverse the case of King Ning and pushed his
concubine to the stage with the correct name, didn't he? "
Yu Yan's eyes moved and he nodded again.
"Even if Xuanrui was tortured, but you are bringing the case to Princess Ning
Wangning." Zhong Wan's tone was unconscious, and he was serious.
"Xuanrui, as a son of human being, was to be punished for his biological
parents. of?!"
Yu Jin was completely stunned.
Zhong Wan was not ready at all. She first received the news of Xuan Rui's
death. She was shocked to find out what was suspected, tried to keep calm,
pressed the spy, and concealed the twins on the other side to allow them to
sit more. To Lin Si, he was so powerful that he caught the twins, and he was
not allowed to talk nonsense with the two children.
Barely swept the tail for Yu Yan, Zhong Wan was exhausted physically and
mentally, and fell asleep on the book case.
Yu Yan hides so many hands and feet, Zhong Wan said that it is impossible to
breathe out. At this moment, seeing Yu Yan's half distrust of himself, the evil
fire in Zhong Wan's heart reached its peak.
Zhong Wan's face was exhausted. "You still think I'm heavier than Xuanrui,
don't you?"
Yu Yan hadn't accepted the sudden change, but he couldn't react. His eyes
were bloodshot and he couldn't see clearly when he saw Zhong Wan. He had
10,000 words in his chest and put them all in his throat, saying nothing. come
Yu Jien restrained his fist, warned himself over and over again, don't get
sick, don't go crazy, don't hurt and go away.
Zhong Wan had originally had a frank and open talk with Yu Jiun, but now
that he is like this, it is useless to say anything.
Zhong Wan got up. "Forget it, don't want to say it."
Yu Yan was stiff like an iron cast. He took a step forward subconsciously,
holding one hand on the corner of the table, trying to stop Zhong Wan from
letting him go, and he was afraid that Zhong Wan ’s wrist would be broken if
he started. .
Zhong Wan didn't leave.
Zhong Wan stood in front of Yu Yan and sighed, "It's really good to do ..."
Zhong Wan dragged Yu Pei's waist, Yu Pei, and tossed it aside, then gently
unbuttoned Yu Yu's belt.
Yu Yan was completely stunned, and subconsciously took a half step back,
and was stuck by Zhong Wan again.
Zhong Wan took the candlestick and backhanded to the book case, the candle
went out, and the bedroom was completely dark.
In the darkness, Zhong Wan looked up and kissed Yu Yan's lips and
whispered, "It was you who helped me before, today ... I will hurt you."
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 89: 89
Yu Yan raised his hand and stopped Zhong Wan for a moment, stiffly, "Don't,
don't do this ..."
Yu Shenliu rushed back without master, his hair was a bit messy. At this
moment, his hair fell down, slightly blocking his eyes, and his handsome face
became more deserted. Yu Yan's voice was awkward, "Not today ... "
Zhong Wan is going crazy with this awkward popularity, "What the **** are
you doing? You can't say it clearly, and you won't be close."
"Not today, wait ..." Yu Jian closed his eyes and frowned, as if he was
patiently waiting, "wait tomorrow ..."
Zhong Wan froze, "Why? Why wait for tomorrow?"
"I'm sick ..."
After the light went out, the dim moonlight outside entered the room. Yu Yan
glanced at Zhong Wan and leaned on the clear and difficult road. "I'm sick,
and I won't remember anything as soon as I wake up tomorrow. Guiyuan, how
well you treat me now, I can't remember tomorrow, don't ... "
Yu Yan lowered his head and gasped. "Don't waste your time."
Zhong Wan opened her mouth, and her eyes were red before she spoke.
Yu Yan bowed his head and suddenly hated the people who had bewitched
him to eat cold food.
Yu Zhen took two steps back, took a deep breath, "If you want, tomorrow ...
supply me."
Yu Ju was struggling to suppress himself since he was in the palace. Now he
was about to collapse. He labored with a bleak smile, "Naturally, I wouldn't
know if you didn't make up."
Yu Yan seemed to be comforting Zhong Wan and also comforting himself,
"I've been better than before, I haven't been sick for a long time, and I don't
have a headache when I am sick. Only one point I still can't stand it ..."
Yu Yan muttered to himself, "I can't stand the way you treat me when you fall
Zhong Wan held her hand on the book case, her lips trembled slightly, and her
internal organs were hurt by Yu Jian.
Yu Zheng stepped back two steps. "Have a good rest. I'll go to the study
Yu Yan turned around and walked out, again cuffed by Zhong Wan.
In the dark night, Zhong Wan said easily, "It's all right, forget it."
Before speaking, Yu Wan said, Zhong Wan said seriously, "You forget, I will
do it again tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow ..."
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "I'll be with you forever for my good deeds."
With a firm conviction, he wanted to hide from Zhong Wan, looking for a
place to wait for himself to calm down. Yu Yanwen said his legs were filled
with lead, and suddenly he couldn't walk out of this door.
For years Yu Yu walked on the dead road full of thorns without hesitation. He
couldn't remember the first time that Zhong Wan had been stumped by his
feet, forcing him to turn to another way of life.
Now it's not just that he can't walk away, with only a little effort, Zhong Wan
easily pulled Yu Yu to the bed.
Yu Jian leaned stiffly on the bedside.
His hair had been messed up, Zhong Wan simply spread Yu Yu's hair out,
green silk like ink, Yu Yu scattered his hair, his eyes were paranoid and alert,
which was actually a little scary.
But Zhong Wan was not afraid at all.
Not only wasn't he afraid, he dared to touch Yu Qian and touch it.
Yu Yan was patient, "I told you, I can't remember ..."
Zhong Wan's eyes moved and he whispered, "That's just right."
If Yu Jian could see it now, she would find that Zhong Wan's ears were
already red.
Zhong Wan muttered, "I can't remember the best, I can do everything for you
Yu Yan couldn't hear clearly, and he asked, "What?"
"It's all right."
Zhong Wan stuck in front of Yu Jian, and ran a kiss on Yu Qian's chin
indiscriminately. At the same time, she reached into Yu Qian's waist and
groped down.
Yu Yan subconsciously raised his hand, Zhong Wan slaps Yu Yan's hand, his
face is not comfortable, "Zi, you have to promise me, for a while ... you can't
move anyway, hear?"
Yu Yan hesitated for a moment, then let go of his hand, and the inaudible "um"
Zhong Wan ripped off Yu Jian's shirt, kissed Yu Yu's neck, kissed his tight
chest, and then went down—
Yu Yan suddenly realized something, and before he avoided, Zhong Wan was
already "paining" him.
Yu Yan's throat knot throbbed violently.
Yu Jinxiu's long arm bulged up on his long arm, and his fingers were inserted
uncontrollably into the Wanwan hair, desperately refraining from pressing
After a scent of incense, Zhong Wan leaned on Yu Yan's waist and buried his
face on Yu Yan's lower abdomen. After a while, he said in a husky,
nonchalant voice, "Zi, my throat hurts ..."
After a moment of disappointment, Yu Yan took Zhong Wan into his arms,
panting, "What's wrong?"
Zhong Wan was really embarrassed to see Yu Yan, and the two had been
close, but Yu Yan hadn't done this for him. Zhong Wan only read it in the
script, originally thought it was simple and didn't want to be so hard. He
rested his head on Yu Jian's shoulder and said vaguely, "Don't ask, let me
Yu Yan no longer spoke, thinking about what she had done when she was
emotional, and regretted it, bowed her head and kissed Zhong Wan's face.
Zhong Wan seems to be very useful, "Again, kiss again ... you are tossed to
Yu Yan held his hands on the bed and sat up a bit. He gently ringed Zhong
Wan, changed him to a more comfortable posture, bowed his head and kissed
him a few more times.
Zhong Wan was so pleasant and murmured twice.
Yu Yan held Zhong Wan like this, and whispered after a long time, "Sore
Zhong Wan nodded slightly.
Yu Yan's mouth was astringent, and he took a deep breath. "I ... you lie down
first, and I'll pour you a cup of tea."
"Don't." Zhong Wan didn't want to move at all. He froze in Yu Yan's chest,
and blushed, and whispered, "I'm full, I can't drink anymore."
Yu Yan heard that he nearly pressed Zhong Wan on the bed.
Yu Yan closed his eyes impatiently. "Then stop talking."
But Zhong Wan was not so uncomfortable at the moment, and she wanted to
Zhong Wan sighed. "To be honest, I regret it."
Yu Yan stiffened.
Zhong Wan continued, "... If you forget all of this tomorrow, I will lose
It was difficult for Yu Yan to provoke a little, and he said in a deep voice,
"Don't you just say, what is good for me, are you willing to do it forever? If I
forget tomorrow, you will do it again."
"Don't." Zhong Wan was miserable, and his voice was hoarse. "How can a
man be serious when he's in bed? I just said casually, you've forgotten it all,
you've lost it ... maybe you forgot it all."
Yu Jin laughed.
Where is he willing?
Yu Juan embraced Zhong Wan and suddenly said, "Go home, I have a way."
Zhong Wan was actually very ill, but she didn't want Yu Yan to notice, she
cleared her throat and asked, "What's the solution?"
Yu Jue said, "Just write it down and watch it tomorrow morning."
Zhong Wan busyly said, "No!"
Yu Yan thinks this is very feasible. "I'll get you paper and pen. You're good at
writing. You've written it for me tomorrow, okay?"
Yu Yan thought for a moment, lowering his voice, "Write a little more ..."
Zhong Wan blushed. "Master, can you order something?"
"I don't want it." Yu Yan bowed his head and kissed Zhong Wan for a
moment, his eyes were deep, "I only want you right now, and I don't think the
doctor says you can't do it, I now ..."
Zhong Wan didn't want to do such a thing when he died. He was afraid that
Yu Jian would not be able to stop him from getting sick, and he was so busy
talking about it. "Yes, Xuanrui, how did you originally plan?"
Having just been "taken care of" like a beloved one, Yu Jiu wanted to talk to
other people, especially the person who hated him the most. Yu Jiu didn't
speak, raised his hand and rubbed it around Zhong Wan's neck.
Zhong Wan blushed, "What do you touch?"
Yu Yan didn't speak. He pressed Zhong Wan to prevent him from moving,
with a little apology, and touched it gently.
Zhong Wan made Yu Jianmo's bones soft. He knew what kind of body he was,
and knew that he couldn't toss anymore today, and said in his heart twice
after clearing the curse: "Ask you, justify me."
Yu Yan was very reluctant, and said, "Originally, I planned to show you a
showdown with my people after returning to Beijing to make everything
"Then the twins were sent away before Xuanrui's funeral passed to
Jingzhong, and they were protected by my people, watched."
"When the news of the funeral came, it was best to seduce Yu Mucheng with
you, but it didn't matter. I wanted to kill Xuanrui originally. He must know."
"The following things will be simple. He will use Xuan Rui as the last card.
I'm clear. He's dark. How can I compete? I'm clear that I want to completely
defeat Xuan Qiong and wait for Yu. Mucheng Huangque was behind, waiting
for him to bring the case to King Ning. "
Yu Zhen narrowed his eyes, "I almost made a mistake this time, because he
was playing higher, and I was convinced."
"It's not how powerful he is," Zhong Wan whispered. "It's you who are
concerned, speaking ... Actually, you blame me. You have a weakness, and
you've been caught by him."
"I'm not comforting you," said Zhong Wan, not waiting for Yu Yan. "You and
King Yu are not the same person. In order to win, he can break the wrist of a
strong man, and quickly abandoned Xuanqiong, his pro-nephew, and Yu's
sister, you. ……Can you?"
Yu Yan simply said, "The purpose is different. His goal is the Regent, and my
goal is you."
Zhong Wan was softened and said, "So what ... Xuan Rui."
"Rest assured, King Yu is more afraid of him than anyone else, and will
definitely not hurt him halfway, and there are people watching me." Yu Zhen
quickly said, "He is scared at most, nothing will happen."
Zhong Wan laughed, "Don't be so anxious, I'm not so unconscience, he just
bumped around twice."
Yu Yan's face looked a lot better instantly.
Zhong Wan thought for a while, "It is estimated that it will take several more
days for the funeral to reach the Central Beijing. I am afraid that Wang Yu
will use some means, I think ..."
Yu Zheng said: "What?"
Zhong Wan moved and said, "I remember you also have Zhuangzi in the
suburbs of Beijing?"
Yu Jin nodded.
"Send Congxin and Xuanyu." Zhong Wan said, "I don't need you to come and
tell them. Recently, it was cold in the middle of Beijing, so I said to send
them to Zhuangzi to play for two days and avoid the ghost weather."
Zhong Wan also said, "Your Zhuangzi, sending more people is not noticeable.
You pay close attention to them."
This is the best, Yu Yan nodded, "Listen to you."
Zhong Wan froze Yu Yu's amnesty, "It's all right, go to bed."
Good night.
Waking up in the morning, Zhong Wan opened his eyes and looked around.
The sky was bright, and Yu Yan should have gone up.
Zhong Wan still had some discomfort in his throat. He coughed twice and
I was so good and hard working last night.
It's a pity that Yu Zhen didn't remember anything today.
Zhong Wan comforted himself in pain, but forgotten, yesterday he was
shameful enough.
Zhong Wan got up to wash, and after changing his clothes, Feng steward came
into the house carrying tea.
Zhong Wan took a tea sip and accidentally said, "Sydney tea? Coincidentally,
I prepared this one."
The steward Feng smiled, "Where is it, Lord Wang got up early and told him
that Master Zhong must have a discomfort in his throat today, and he should
drink some to protect his throat."
Zhong Wanyi took a sip of tea.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 90: 90
Zhong Wan collapsed, what will be forgotten and what will not be forgotten,
is it because of mood?
Zhong Wan carefully looked at the steward Feng, "Zi, he ... what else did he
say to you?"
Mr. Feng looked at Zhong Wan in doubt, "Nothing was said, Lord Wang got
up very early today and got out of the car. Suddenly I remembered this and let
people come back to tell me that you are a little bit angry. My throat has been
uncomfortable since last night. I specifically asked if I should ask the Taiyi to
see it. Lord Wang said no, just drink a little throat. I thought about it, and I
made a pot of Sydney tea. "
Zhong Wan was relieved, fortunately, Yu Yan should be sober, and also knew
that he was protecting his only skin, but ...
Zhong Wan frowned. When was this person sober?
Did you wake up yesterday? !!
Zhong Wan blushed and drank tea. Last night, he thought that Yu Jian could
not remember anything after he felt it, and he didn't need to be embarrassed.
Yu Zihuan is getting better and better now!
Feng steward saw Zhong Wan's face red and white, wondering, "Master?
What's wrong?"
Zhong Wan poured himself a cup of tea and said indistinctly, "It's okay ...
trouble to prepare my car for me, I will go out later."
Feng steward agreed, "Where is the young master?"
Zhong Wan drank the tea, "Qian'an Wangfu."
An hour later, Qian'an Palace.
Xuan Yu heard that he was going to play at Zhuangzi Yu Yu, and he heard that
there were mountains, water, and hot springs on the village. He was so sad
that he did n’t know what he thought of, and he did n’t dare to say to Xuan
Congxin that he had the same experience as when he was young. Around
Zhong Wan, he wanted to talk to Zhong Wan whisperingly.
Since then, Xuan Yu has been closer to Zhong Wan than his older brother and
sister. Zhong Wan is helpless. "Master, how old are you? Still biting your
ears? What to say?"
Xuan Yu glanced at Xuan Congxin in fear, and whispered, "Are we ... shall
we all go?"
"You go from your heart." Zhong Wan coughed twice and took Cha Zan Road.
"I don't go, I don't have the leisurely good blessing. The Zhuangzi I heard
from Ziyu when I was young. That ’s right, it ’s still left by the old King of the
previous dynasty, and it ’s very unique. ”
Zhong Wan asked patiently, "Who do you want to take?"
"No." Xuanyu hesitated. "Can ... not take anyone?"
Xuan Congxin said coldly, "Don't you take me?"
Zhong Wan smiled, Xuan Yu shook her head, "How dare you ?! I, I want to
Xuan Yu looked at Zhong Wan pitifully, whispering, "Can you take Mr.?"
Xuan Yu cried, "Mr. fierce, I don't want to take him with me! Let him be
frozen in Beijing!"
Zhong Wan sighed and rubbed Xuanyu's head, feeling a little worried. "Ning
Wang Xuefu was five cars, and the princess cattail that was also famous at
that time was tall. Now I don't want you to be blue, but can't it be too bad?"
Xuan Yu bowed her head for training and was aggrieved.
"Nothing," Zhong Wan said. "If you don't take it, don't take it. You can make
up for it when you fall back on your work."
Xuan Yu's eyes lighted up instantly, and he was busy tidying up to pack
Xuan Cong gave Xuan Yu a glance. She looked at Zhong Wan and frowned.
"Why is it so sudden? We need to go this afternoon."
"It's not because the flowers are over there and the scenery is just right."
Zhong Wan had already prepared a speech and laughed.
Xuan Congxin still felt weird. "It's so anxious, my girls may not be able to
clean up."
Xuan Congxin is not so confused now, Zhong Wan thought and sighed, "Well,
tell you the truth."
Xuan Congxin sat down and corrected.
Zhong Wan shrugged and said earnestly, "Ziyi offended me a little yesterday
and wanted to please and please you, uh ... you know, he's just like that, no
Zhong Wan said ambiguous, Xuan Cong nodded awkwardly.
"Offended ..." Xuan Cong hesitated and asked, "How did you offend? Didn't
you ..."
Xuan Congxin asked a little nervously: "Is Wang Xiaoyu going to discuss
Zhong Wan laughed. "Where did you think you went?"
Xuan Cong said, "It's not good, but ..."
Xuan Cong was worried, "I wanted to ask yesterday, but I'm not too
embarrassed, isn't Mr. Yu Xiaoyi married?"
Zhong Wan stuttered, "No, no."
"I'm not quite sure what the situation is in the North Korea. I heard that the
emperor recognized Lord Xiao Yu and was very dependent on him. They all
said they meant to make him a reserve." Xuan Congxin asked, "He is going to
be an emperor in the future. How could there be no harem? By then ... what
will you do?"
Zhong Wan thought about it and smiled, "I really didn't think about this."
Zhong Wan really didn't think about it.
After returning to Beijing, especially after being with Yu Yu, there was one
thing crowding one thing, as if rushed by someone to rush, it is good to keep
a small life, but there is still a time to think about it Thing?
And although Yu Jian hadn't said anything, but somehow, Zhong Wan just felt
that he wouldn't have such trouble before with Yu Yu.
Xuan Cong frowned. "Why not? I haven't heard of an emperor who can avoid
the harem. Will the relatives agree? Can the courtiers ignore it?"
Zhong Wan laughed, "I haven't bothered, you are thoughtful for me."
Xuan Cong's face was not good. "Then you should be anxious about me ... I
believe that Xiaoyu Yu is sincere to treat you, but the days are long, and who
knows what will happen, you don't plan to."
Zhong Wan only wanted to let them go out of Beijing as soon as possible,
perfunctoryly said, "Okay, I plan to plan, you go and see if there is anything
to bring, don't leave it."
Xuan Cong went unhappy.
Zhong Wan couldn't help urging, and finally took the two of them to the car
after a while, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Zhong Wan looked at the distant car, and at the same time completely
relieved his heart, while watching the dark clouds in the sky, suddenly there
was a sense of urgency about the rain coming from the mountains.
By the time the twins return to Beijing, the dust in Beijing should have
When Zhong Wanfang left the house, he heard the generals say that he knew
that Yu Yan had told his accompanying generals that if everything went well
in the future, he would immediately return the twins to Beijing and be sealed.
In case, no matter what happens to Yu Yan and his own end, the generals do
n’t have to come back, and take the twins out of the village to escape. The
mountains are high, the water is far, and how far they can go. .
Following Zhong Wan ’s home, she carefully glanced at Zhong Wan, thinking
about Zhong Wan ’s mind, and she said, “Master, do n’t think too much, the
future is uncertain, and you may not have reached that step! Shizi is just
afraid of involving the child, Make the worst possible plan ahead of time. "
Zhong Wan looked at the distance leisurely, and said to himself, "If anything,
just now ... it's my last time with these two children."
Xuan Cong's heart was too smart, Zhong Wan didn't dare to say a caring
word, there were thousands of uneasy in her heart, and she didn't dare to urge
others, for fear of provoking her to doubt, now thinking about it, she was a
little stunned.
Zhong Wan laughed at himself, "Suddenly regretted it."
The family felt sour, "Master, don't think blindly! Regret ... what do you
regret? Anything to say, or something to give to them, the master instructs me,
I'll do it!"
"Too soft-hearted." Zhong Wan regretted it. "It's time to send my husband! If I
can't come back, without Mr. Discipline, Xuan Yu isn't beautiful? He turned
back and really didn't know one, I really didn't see Wang Ye. Princess! "
General: "..."
The family will be struggling to comfort, "Mr. is not too young, so don't
follow the world, Mr. is not easy."
Zhong Wan nodded, "But that's it."
The family would look at Zhong Wanman's indifferent appearance, and he
couldn't comfort it anymore. After helping Zhong Wan to the car, he
reluctantly said, "There is still money or something. Master doesn't have to
worry about it. In addition to the ones they brought, Shizi also deliberately let
The accompanying confidante brought a lot of cash, anyway ... nothing short
anyway. "
Zhong Wan's heart softened, and she laughed, and there was a little pain and
He struggled with these wicked people to fight openly and secretly, even if
he was distracted to handle such a small thing.
This man has been running ice in Cabinet Linyuan all day, I don't know how
hard it is.
Lin Ziyu's Yu Zizhen, who was actually hard at work in the cabinet at the
After Yu Yue got up early today, he had a clear mind and was in a good
In the next dynasty, Yu Yan and Yu Mucheng faced each other, and he even
smiled at Yu Mucheng.
It's not light to scare Yu curtain.
One morning, Yu Jian didn't read any of the discounts.
All he had in mind was last night.
He did not remember some of the little things last night, but he remembered
Zhong Wan.
Remember every detail.
A few months ago, when Tuo Taiyi cured Zhong Wan's illness, Yu Jui asked
the Taiyi doctor if he could get better.
Feng said the housekeeper had asked before, the Taiyi said at the time that
what was in his mind, he could not pack tickets, but could only try quietly for
many years.
But the doctor also said that in the most healthy age, some diseases will
slowly repair itself. He has not taken medicine for a long time. The body's
toxins are less and less every day, and it is very likely that it will gradually
improve. .
Yu Zheng didn't go to his heart at that time, but he was a little convinced now.
He remembers all about Zhong Wan.
"My lord, my lord?"
Yu Yan returned to God, closed the book in his hand, and said kindly to Sun
Ge Lao, "Master, please."
Sun Ge smiled, "It's nothing, just this discount. I want Wang to see it."
Yu Geng took over, and Sunge said, "Yu Shitai wrote today that His Highness
Five had been banned for a long time and had a sense of remorse. They asked
the Emperor to see if His Highness was lifted."
Sun Ge lao intentionally sold Yu Yan a favor, whispered softly, "The emperor
is in a distressed mood today, and he returned to the harem when he showed
his face at the congress. Maybe he didn't think about it. There are a lot of
important discounts today. , Do n’t send it. "
Yu Zheng carefully folded the book again, with a calm expression, "Send it."
Sun Ge was surprised, and waited until he spoke, Yu Zheng said, "It just can't
be sent like this, explain to them, saying that the booklet is not written in
detail enough, and the statement is improper, let them write a good one back."
The words written by the minister's bankruptcy were unsatisfactory. It was a
common occurrence for the cabinet to stop them from rewriting. Sun Ge
nodded, "Okay."
Yu Zheng said: "When they send in, they will still ask Master Sun to do
Sun Ge said: "Master Wang, please say."
Yu Yandan said indifferently, "Wait for the next book to be sent, connect this
one, and then search for the book ... Any book related to this matter,
whenever it is sent, all are collected together and put together The most
important box of books was compromised and sent to face holy together. "
Sun Ge's heart was stunned, and Wang Xiaoyu was very young. He had come
to the cabinet for a few months and had learned the vicious methods of these
old court officials.
With such a magnificent delivery, Chong'an Emperor will certainly not let
Xuan Qiong come out.
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Chapter 91: 91
This operation is not a direct attack on Xuan Qiong. Anyway, the cabinet now
has Yu Jin to sit on it. Even if someone else deliberately investigates
afterwards, Yu Jin is the one who bears the burden. Sun Ge Lao was not in a
hurry and promised.
Yu Yan thought for a while, and called his own person, and secretly ordered
the palace people to find a way to give Tang Qin an old thing.
The former DPRK was working hard for Xuan Qiong, and the harem could
not be idle.
Xuan Qiong was banned for a long time, Yu Jian did not believe that his
cheap aunt was in no hurry.
Three days later, the harem Yu Fei, Yu Shi Taichung ’s pro-Xuan Qiong sect,
Yu Yan and Zhong Wan were in the middle of the DPRK. Several forces
seemed to have agreed, and at the same time, they were sent, and the
snowflakes had to be delivered. cabinet.
The elders were relieved. This is not the prince they are doing for. So many
people plead for Xuan Qiong. The hustle and bustle does not pay attention.
The elders sort out the new and old folds and send them together. To the
"Did he think about it ?!"
Emperor Chong'an had a blue complexion, and pushed away the pile of piles
of hills. "I was worried that he had no brains and was confused by his
confused mother and concubine. He was at the mercy of him. He did n’t
believe that he had done all these things before. Keep him under house arrest!
Let the people in the confidante who have been around for years look at him!
I am afraid that he will make mistakes again and again, the mud foot will
sink, and he will not be able to protect him in the future, this child ... cough ...
Emperor Chong'an coughed. He put his hand on the book case, his chest was
like a broken bellows, and he kept snoring, and his pale face rose in a
Yu Yan stood sideless, as if he hadn't seen it.
The old eunuchs came together, patted the back, patted the back, and fed tea,
and they worked for a while before letting Chong An emperor smooth the
Yu Yan said, "The emperor takes care of the dragon."
Emperor Chong'an looked at the bookfold in a desperate manner and
whispered, "You blame Xuanqiong for the whole time, haven't you?"
Yu Yan said nothing.
Emperor Chong'an suddenly realized something, he looked up at Yu Ai, and
slowly said, "These discounts, are you sending the court officials together?"
Emperor Chong'an had not been confused, but he thought about it, and Yu Jian
did not expect to be able to overthrow Xuan Qiong so smoothly, he said
frankly, "Yes."
Yu Yan's expression was calm: "The courtiers talked about things, and the
cabinet naturally couldn't ignore it. Yu Gong is my duty, and I'm private ... I
naturally don't want to make him feel better."
The frankness of Yu Yan's remarks made Emperor Chong'an furious.
"Injustice ..."
Emperor Chong'an shook his head. "I really are old, and I'm starting to
hesitate. I look forward and look back."
"Concubine Yu wanted to release Xuan Qiong, and what to do with him?"
Emperor Chong'an said exhausted, "Do you want to let him out with your
"After all, Xuan Qiong hasn't really committed any unforgivable felony. He
trapped him in the palace to prevent him from being used. In the future ..."
Emperor Chong'an looked to Yu Jin, his voice was hoarse, "I can It ’s up to
you to let him go, right? ”
Emperor Chong'an sighed, "He is the heavenly son and father, and he wants
to keep a few more children, so why don't these people understand this?"
The emotion that Chong'an said was unreliable in Yu Yan's heart.
Yu Yan believes that the words of Emperor Chong An are true, and he also
believes that it is true that he retains Xuan Qiong to check and balance
himself, and to leave a candidate for Chu.
Over the years, Yu Jian has heard that Chong Andi has spoken too much
falsehood, and he has become accustomed to it.
"Yu Fei's thoughts are well understood, but she is a woman who can't reach
her hand." Chong An whispered, "This time ... is it your father's handwriting
Emperor Chong'an looked to Yu Jian, "Zi, what do you say?"
Emperor Chong'an had become suspicious, and Yu Jian did not fall into the
rock again, calmly following his remarks that he had discussed with Zhong
Wan in advance, "I don't know."
Emperor Chong'an frowned, Yu Zheng coldly said, "I'm also very suspicious
about this matter, and I dare not rush to others."
"You child!" Emperor Chong'an frowned. "Why are you still in a bad temper?
I just asked him casually. If I really doubt you, can I still put you in the
cabinet to govern?"
Yu Yan stopped talking.
Emperor Chong An laughed, "Well ... you have such a temper."
Emperor Chong'an murmured to himself, "I also like your temper like this,
and I am so angry that I won't fool you with false feelings."
Emperor Chong'an picked up a book fold, and whispered, "The King Yu was
pretending to be dormant a few days ago, but the actions behind him were set
one after another, collaborating with the Tianjian Supervisor, and the trouble
came out. Can cope, in the future? "
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Jian and asked, "Zi, this thing will let you
cook, how will you deal with King Yu?"
As soon as Yu Yan's heart moved, she pressed down the "cutting grass and
roots" and was silent.
Yu Yan always did the same, asking three questions and one answer, but
Chong Andi is not going to let him go today, and asked, "Zi, what are you
going to do?"
There were a few ups and downs in Yu Yan's heart, suddenly clear in his
heart, seizing the key.
Emperor Chong'an was hesitant to resolve this trouble on the spot or leave it
to himself.
A thin layer of sweat beads formed on the back of Yu Yan.
Yu Yan's throat knot moved slightly, still not speaking.
Emperor Chong'an looked poor and frowned, "What's wrong with this ?! I
ask you to speak!"
Yu Yan gritted his teeth, and after a moment, he knelt straight.
Emperor Chong An's face was completely let go, and the inner hall was quiet
for a while. The eunuchs looked at each other and retreated.
Emperor Chong'an is too old, his face has grown a few spots in the past two
years, and his pale and pale complexion is almost horrible. He dropped his
eyelids and said coldly, "Why? How about you now governing the
government? I am always willing to listen to your dispatch and step on Xuan
Qiong for you. Do n’t know how to cook Yu Wang with such a great ability? "
Yu Yan breathed his breath and later said, "At the age of ten, the princess
took me out of the palace."
Emperor Chong'an stunned.
"The long princess originally wanted me to be raised in the princess's
palace. It was said by Yu Wang that the jade wouldn't make any sense. He
was afraid that the princess would love me and brought me back to the king's
"Since then, I have grown up and lived in King Yu's house for most of the
time. It was King Yu who taught me to be a man, and King Yu who taught me
to do my homework. I was sick once, and took care of me for days without
sleep. Also Yu King. "
Emperor Chong An's face froze, and his tone was not so natural. "He was ..."
"I know, he treats me so well," Yu said, indifferently. "The interest
relationship among them, don't you say more?"
Chong An emperor hurriedly, "Stop saying."
Yu Jin ignored it. He looked at Emperor Chong'an. "Who treats me well these
years? Is there no plan?"
Chong'an Emperor said angrily, "Presumptuous!"
"To be honest," Yu said calmly, "I'm used to it."
The most taboo of Emperor Chong'an is to revisit the old events of Yu Yan,
and his spirits are not so full in an instant. He is displeased and said, "What
do you mention these?"
Yu Yan said indifferently: "The emperor asked me how I would deal with
King Yu, and that's what I meant."
"I am now willing to let go, not thinking about what the princess has done to
me, not thinking about what the emperor has done to me, to King Yu ... as
long as he no longer harms me, I will no longer be a cocoon."
Emperor Chong'an was furious, "He treats you like this, if you are still
thinking about the past, isn't it a waste of effort to treat you ?!"
Yu Yan sneered, and looked down.
Emperor Chong'an is like this. He is complacent about Yu Jin ’s
“submission”, and feels that he and Yu Jin ’s blood is thicker than water.
Once he acknowledges him, Yu Jin is grateful to Dade. There are many things
in the past that we can stop .
While he wanted Yu Yan to really have a heart with him, he also wanted to
let Yu Yan and Yu Mucheng continue to be indifferent.
It seems that this proves that those uncles had nothing to do with him.
Emperor Chong'an did not speak for a long time, and Yu Zhen suddenly
remembered what he heard from the spy, and Yu Mucheng said a word of
"Insufficient greed."
Looking at it now, who is greedy enough?
In the inner hall, neither of them spoke any more, and was quiet for a tea.
Emperor Chong An leaned back against the chair, "Let's get up."
Emperor Chong'an smiled bitterly, "Who is your temper like?"
Yu Zheng didn't answer, and Emperor Chong'an thought to himself, "Forget it,
I depend on you, but also because I like you and love ... I don't understand,
there are things you can't do."
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Jian, his eyes were kind and inexplicable,
and he was inexplicably scary. He whispered, "What you can't do, Father
Emperor can help you."
"For you and for Joan."
Yu Yan sighed secretly, and slowly stood up.
Yu Jin had a self-knowledge. He knew that he could not usurp the position,
nor did he fully bring me down.
So he and Zhong Wan could only use their strength to catch mantises. If he
wants to be a bird, he must be careful now and do something he would never
For example, just like Fang Cai, play a show of affection for Yu Mucheng's
father and son.
"Chunguang is just right ..." Chong'an Emperor whispered, "I suddenly
wanted to walk out of the city."
Yu Yan thought a few thoughts in his heart, cautiously not much.
Emperor Chong An continued: "I haven't lived in the palace for a long time."
Emperor Chong'an sighed and said, "The palace in southern Beijing was said
to have been built for the emperor when Yu Yu was young."
"I'm going to live there for a while ..." Chong'an emperor's killing was
fleeting, and he murmured, "Take Xuan Qiong, Xuan Yuan, the princesses,
and ... also bring An Guo The eldest princess, with these few relatives who
are uncles, will live for a while. "
Yu Yan was so worried that Emperor Chong'an wanted to keep King Yu in
Beijing, shot in Beijing, and ended him.
After planning for months, Emperor Chong'an and Yu Mucheng finally finally
formally shot.
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Jin with a bit of kindness in his eyes. "Good
boy, don't worry, I won't leave you in the middle of Beijing. Will you go with
me, okay?"
Yu Yan nodded after a moment of silence, "OK."
Emperor Chong'an nodded with satisfaction, he smiled bleakly, "You have n’t
been willing to call him a father and emperor yet. How did you treat you?
Afraid of your softness and fear of being restrained by others in the future,
dragging the remains You clear your way and wait for you, you can do your
best. "
Yu Yan's lips moved slightly, what he wanted to say, put up with it.
There was a sudden hope in Emperor Chong'an, and he moved, "What are
you going to say?"
Yu Yan looked down, still hesitating. He had something important to say, but
he didn't feel right in the atmosphere of the father's kindness and filial piety.
Chong An emperor could not help but urge, "You say!"
Yu Yan tangled for a moment, and then knelt down again.
Emperor Chong'an's thin fingers trembled and looked forward to Yu Jian.
Yu Zhen said earnestly, "Emperor, if I go to the palace, I have to bring Zhong
Yu Yan also knew that he was very disappointed, but what he should say must
be said, "The emperor knows that he can't leave me. After a few months, I'm
afraid that Guiyuan will fall in love with you. His body is already bad. I miss
something else, I really ... "
"..." Emperor Chong'an was impatient, "I know what I've done, take him!"
Yu Yan hoeed his head, "Thank Lord Ron."
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Chapter 92: 92
Yu Zhen was relieved, and went to the palace after saluting Emperor
Emperor Chong'an was so suffocated by Yu Yuqi that his chest hurt for a long
Chong Andi's **** entered the inner hall, and smiled while kneeling down to
pack the books scattered on the ground, "Master Wang looked pretty good
when he left, not like he used to. He always had a somber face every time he
walked. "
"What did he say to convert, and what else could he be unhappy about?"
Chong An said as he rubbed his temples. "Who did you say this child went
with? How many times did He imply that he didn't seem to see it? I
understand. "
The old **** sighed, "In these years, the little prince has been close to
people from different people, and he is so amicable ... a little bit more
stubborn than others, normal."
"Is he Mu Na? He didn't understand what he meant. When it matters, he
doesn't ask him how he intends, and he doesn't ask how he will dispose of Yu
Wang. The first thing he thinks is to succeed. With Zhong Wan. "Emperor
Chong'an laughed," rare, the royal family really has an affection, "
The old **** laughed: "Speaking of this, the minion told a joke to the
emperor. A few days ago, it suddenly rained. Spring rain was as expensive
as oil, and it was not much. Master Zhong comes to pick him up every day.
Xiao Wang is afraid that Master Zhong is early, because he didn't bring an
umbrella. He deliberately asked for an umbrella with the minions to let them
go. "
"Master Zhong really was waiting outside the palace at that time, but the rain
outside was getting lighter and weaker. Master Zhong may be afraid that he
won't be able to use the umbrella. He deliberately got off the carriage and
held an umbrella in the rain. Wait."
Chong'an Emperor laughed.
The old **** could n’t help but, “Just waiting for it, Master Zhong is still
very dishonest. Everyone who usually does n’t deal with the little prince
passes by him, he turns the umbrella handle, showing off and showing it.
When entering the palace, the holy face was not very happy when he left. He
walked across the face with Master Zhong, and somehow the rain was turned
by Master Zhong. Master Zhong also asked his highness, why do n’t you use
an umbrella? Aren't you afraid of leaching? Isn't your face afraid of water? I
was so angry with the Four Highness that I almost started with Master Zhong.
Chong An emperor couldn't help but laughed out loud.
The old **** laughed, "This funny person doesn't blame Xiao Wang, doesn't
the emperor like Master Zhong very much?"
"Yes, that child has been very flattering since he was a child, then ..."
Emperor Chong An slowly said, "Under Princess Ning Wangning's knees, he
coaxed the young couple very much, and He originally valued him very much.
The old lady jailed for a moment, then touched this "original", and carefully
changed her tone, "But after all, Master Zhong is a man, and Xiao Wang likes
him so much ... not great."
Emperor Chong'an nodded his head and said, "It's not very good, but the
relationship between my son and my son has just been repaired, it's not good
to do anything at this juncture, and it hurts my father and son."
The old **** cautioned comfortably, "Maybe it's just three or five years
away? When the two are older, they can't still be like paint like this?"
Emperor Chong'an made no comment, "It's hard to say, Zi Zi has never hit the
south wall and never looked back, in case he would choke on this wall?"
The old **** felt an unusual breath and was afraid to answer.
Emperor Chong'an booed and shook his head. "It's not easy to be a father.
You have to draw court ministers for him, you must cook Yu Wang for him,
and you must handle such trivial matters for him."
The old **** insisted, "The emperor, you are very aware of Xiao Wang's
temperament, and initiated a mad come to six relatives to deny it. If you have
shot Master Ye Zhong, the slave is afraid that under the anger of Xiao Wang,
you will do something radical.
Emperor Chong'an smiled, "You guessed where you were, and I did a good
job killing Zhong Wan, I just want to mention that my child will be paved,
and he will be obedient if he wants this position."
Five days later, Emperor Chong'an bid farewell to the hundred officials, and
led his royal family members to the palace with a mighty spirit.
Emperor Chong An took all his children with him, except for the queen, and
no other concubines.
Zhong Wan sat on the carriage, leaned on the soft pillow, raised the curtain
and glanced out, shook his head and whispered, "The emperor is so cruel,
there are so many people in the harem, none of them are at all, anyway, is
also the biological mother of the prince, Isn't he afraid that Wang Yu captured
him as a hostage? "
Yu Yan looked down at the book and folded his head, and said without
raising his head, "You think everyone is like me, and you will be bound
Zhong Wan smiled, put the curtains down, and said, "I'll take a look for you?"
The emperor was not in Beijing. Every day, someone passed between the
palace and the cabinet to pass books. The Emperor Chong'an didn't have the
energy to deal with government affairs. He simply pushed it to Yu Jian, who
didn't want to delay. He got approval from the carriage.
Yu Yan divided the stack of books into two and gave them to Zhong Wan half.
He asked, "The emperor just said a few words to you, what did you ask?"
Zhong Wan didn't say anything. He picked up a pen and wrote on a blank
book: Ask me if you want to bring Congxin and Xuanyu.
Yu Yan frowned. The two eyes met. Yu Yan wrote: He was suspicious?
Zhong Wan shook his head: Say no, I don't believe he didn't know that the
twins are no longer in Beijing, and asked me a question intentionally, more
like a temptation.
Zhong Wan thought about it and wrote again: The news of Xuan Rui's killing
had not yet arrived in Jingzhong. He should have no idea, or he would not
empty Jingzhong.
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, writing: Smart is wrong.
Zhong Wan smiled, took the book full of handwriting, tore it into pieces, and
threw it into the small incense burner in the carriage.
The two continued to read the book, Zhong Wan saw it faster than Yu Yan,
and after approving it, he looked around and whispered, "When will the
emperor start?"
Yu Yan shook his head for a moment. "He didn't tell me, but ... it should be
Zhong Wan sighed. "I haven't been to the palace. I want to have some fun."
Yu Yan naturally said, "I will let you live in the future."
Zhong Wan smiled. "Where did you go, my little lord? This is so sure that I
can live in the palace in the future?"
Yu Yan didn't say anything, Zhong Wan was bent on getting tired of Yu Yan,
cradling next to Yu Yan, leaning comfortably on Yu Yan's shoulder, thinking,
"The palace here is just fine, it's too big, I ca n’t live here, and everything
will go well in the future. You can build a smaller one for me. You will be a
palace when you are young.
Yu Yan nodded: "Okay."
Zhong Wanqu raised his long legs, put his hands on his knees, and asked,
"Will you stay with me then?"
Yu Yan still nodded, "accompany."
Zhong Wan squinted at Yu Ai, and suddenly felt that there was no need to ask
any more.
For some reason, Zhong Wan was determined that those things that he was
worried about would never happen.
He and Yu Jie stumbled all the way to the present, not for the sake of
distancing in the future.
The party walked for a full day, and finally arrived at the palace in the
Yu Yan didn't shy away from it. Zhong Wan was not allowed to leave his side
for a half-step. Zhong Wan's expression was also natural, as if the two were
supposed to be so ordinary.
Emperor Chong An opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and no one dared to
say anything. After a lively dinner, everyone returned to their own courtyard.
The palace court left by Emperor Chong'an to Yu Jue is very good. The place
is not far from the main hall, but it is quiet enough. Yu Jue and Zhong Wan
went back to the inner hall after watching the inside and outside. After the
screen retreated, Zhong Wan spit gently. Breathed.
Yu Zhen smiled, "It's finally the day, what's the matter? Frightened?"
Zhong Wan shook his head, "I'm not afraid ... Ziyu, you are holding me all the
time today, and just now deliberately asked others to prepare this for me in
preparation for that. What's the meaning?"
Yu Shen paused. "What's the meaning of this?"
Zhong Wan said angrily: "Nothing really tells you so loudly to the palace
people that I must bathe before going to bed, put petals in the bathtub, fresh
petals, and what is the meaning of red as long as you want it! Would anyone
else know that I am arrogant? When do I need petals in my bath ?! "
Yu Yan coughed awkwardly, but didn't speak.
"You ..." Zhong Wan pursed his lips and asked, "Are you worried that the
emperor will succeed in me?"
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, "It's impossible."
Zhong Wan sat on the bed and raised an eyebrow. "So let everyone know that
I am sleeping with you. You have to let the emperor be afraid to hurt you
when you kill me, don't you?"
"Be prepared." Yu Jian sat down and said lightly, "The emperor has always
been very kind to you, so don't be fooled by him like that."
Zhong Wan said: "Of course not."
"I was suddenly a little worried about something else." Zhong Wan put his
hand on Yu Yan's leg and wrote on Yu Yan's leg.
"Xuanqiong was burdened by King Yu. The emperor did not want King Yu to
play with the new emperor in the future, so he simply abandoned this pawn.
What about you?"
"Apart from me, who else might affect you?"
Yu Yan sank in his heart.
Zhong Wan whispered softly, "Zi, didn't you bring a lot of refreshments when
you came? Let your people send a little past to Princess An Guozong?"
Yu Yan met Zhong Wan's eyes and nodded after a moment, "OK."
When ugly, Yu Yan and Zhong Wan were lying on the bed without squinting.
Zhong Wan grabbed Yu Yan's hand and played with his fingers, Yu Yan left
him □□, softly, “Sleep, I'll call you for something ...”
Yu Yan's voice didn't fall. A messy shout came from outside. Many people
rushed into the courtyard with the lights shaking outside the window.
Zhong Wan was short of breath, and Chong'an Emperor's hands were really
A moment later, a palace man patted the door hurriedly and shouted, "Little
lord? Little lord? Are you okay? Little lord? Something went wrong!"
Yu Yan stood up and put on his robe, pulled out the sword on the bedside,
and opened the door. "What's wrong?"
"Something went wrong !!!" The palace man threw himself on the ground and
wept, crying, "Somehow, there were more assassins in the palace! The
emperor and the princess were both assassinated!"
Yu Yan's eyes flashed in the dark, "What happened to the princess?"
"It's okay," said the palace eagerly. "Someone bumped into the assassins
outside. The guards rushed in in time, and the princess only injured her arm."
The palace man anxiously said, "The emperor Hong Fuqitian is fine, but I
don't know how many assassins are here. The emperor is not assured, let the
princess princes go to the main hall immediately!"
Yu Yan nodded, "OK."
After a cup of tea, Yu Yan rushed to the main hall with Zhong Wan, Xuan
Yuan Xuan Qiong they looked poor, the old **** in the hall saw Yu Yan
coming, and invited people in.
In the inner hall, Emperor Chong'an, wearing a cloak, sat cold on the bed and
asked the guard, "Where did the assassin come in?"
The guard was unsure, "In the garden ... there are bamboo forests, negligent
in defense ... Chen and others searched and found a secret passage."
Emperor Chong'an sneered, "If you haven't forgotten, this palace was built by
King Yu?"
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Chapter 93: 93
Xuan Qiong's face was pale, his knees softened, and he fell to his knees.
Zhong Wan helpless, this waste.
Xuan Ye was always half a beat slower than others, and he reacted after he
stunned. His eyes brightened, and he couldn't help falling down. "Fifth
brother, now I only say that the palace was built by Yu Wang, and the
assassin was not sent by Yu Wang. What are you in a hurry? Is there anything
you know? "
Xuan Qiong didn't know why he was so guilty. He was placed under house
arrest by Chongan Emperor for a long time, and he became a bird of shock.
He was frightened by a little wind and grass. situation……"
Emperor Chong An glanced at Xuan Qiong inexhaustibly, his eyes were
Emperor Chong'an lowered his eyelids, "I don't believe it ... get up."
Xuan Qiong got up quickly and stood sideways.
There was no one in the hall for a moment. After a while, the guards of the
palace went back to the hall and said, "Return to the emperor. The courts
have been checked and the escorts are unfavorable, and the emperor is asked
to surrender."
"Surely I can't spare you!" Xuan Yuan fell asleep well and suddenly was
awakened by a bad temper. He encountered the assassination for the first
time, and it was inexplicable. "Half of the guards here came a few days ago."
Palace guards, why are you on business? "
"This is not the time to investigate this." Chong An emperor frowned.
"Assassin first, have you caught it?"
The head of the guard nodded. "Yes, the palaces, the courts, the secret offices
have been searched cleanly, and the house has been inspected by good
people. Afraid of water ghosts, the net has been pulled in the pool, and it has
now been checked."
Emperor Chong'an breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, it's late at night,
let's go and see the elder princess. You go back to your yard first, right ..."
Emperor Chong'an frowned. "Are the doctors here? The long princess has
been in the side hall for a long time.
An old **** rushed to the front and said, "The emperor is assured, the elder
doctor is bandaging the elder princess. Before the time to talk back, the old
slave just went to see it. The elder doctor said it was not hurt and it was
Emperor Chong'an's face became worse and worse, "Waste! So many people
can't protect a princess!"
The guard, who had just stood up, knelt down, and bowed his head. "The
minister is incompetent. The palace of the elder princess is closest to the
bamboo forest. The first assassin went to the elder princess. Fortunately, the
guard at night was inspecting the elders. Outside the princess's palace,
otherwise ... the minister cannot apologize for his death. "
Emperor Chong'an groaned for a moment and said to himself, "Fortunately,
fortunately ..."
The guard said with his mouth 10,000 dead, but he couldn't help but excuse
the guard. "The number of assassination guests suddenly exploded, but it was
unexpected. The guard at night watched more than half of his deaths and
injuries, and has done his best."
Emperor Chong'an had already got up to go to the side hall. He heard his
words pause, slowly turned his head, and raised his eyebrows a little, "The
assassin didn't go to the Palace of the Princess Long. how many people?"
The guard said, "A total of 37 assassins, 30 died, severely injured two, and
slightly injured five."
Xuan Yuan said dumbly, "Is there alive? That trial!"
The chief guard wanted to make up for it, and he said, "Yes! The emperor
rest assured! The five people who were slightly injured have been taken care
of, and their mouths have been blocked. There is no possibility of
contemplation! Now they are only waiting for the criminals to be tried! "
The blood on Chong'an's face faded away instantly, his figure flickered
slightly, and after holding it firmly, he supported the low table and sat down
Emperor Chong'an suddenly coughed, and the eunuchs stepped forward to
give him gas.
Zhong Wan stood frowning, turning his head to look at Yu Yan, the two eyes
met, Zhong Wan took a breath of air, suddenly a terrible thought came to his
Chong'an emperor coughed as if he was about to vomit his lungs, his voice
hoarse and said, "You don't have to ... go back to your palace ..."
"The princesses went to the Queen's Palace to settle down, princes, princes
Emperor Chong'an looked up and glanced over his three sons. After a while,
he said, "Xuan Qiong Xuan Xuan, staying in the West Hall, the son-in-law ...
staying in the East Hall, there is no cricket, and no one can break in or go
Xuan Yuan heard that he would explode again. He didn't want to be with
Xuan Qiong a hundred times, but when he saw that Chong An Emperor's face
was really terrible, he bowed and bowed.
Emperor Chong'an looked at the head guard again. "People are gathered in
these two palaces. If you go on a business trip, don't blame them for being
It's a lot easier to guard against this, and the head guard is busy hoeing Shane.
Emperor Chong'an looked frustrated, and re-transmitted, "Go to see the elder
princess for her, and when she can move around, she will also be sent to the
Queen's Palace, and he will be taken care of by the doctor, and she must not
go on a business trip."
The palace man responded.
"Let ’s go each by oneself ..." Chong Andi was a little unwilling, "Go."
Each person's stuff was assigned by his own palace, and the princes and
princesses went each according to the order of Chong An.
Zhong Wan naturally went to the East Partition Hall with Yu Zhen, and was
surrounded by Emperor Chong An inside and outside. It was not convenient
to say a word. Yu Yan ordered people to dispatch their own people and went
to the bedroom with Zhong Wan.
The screen-retiring man, they went to bed, Yu Yan cuddling Zhong Wan,
whispered in his ear, "You also think there is something wrong, isn't it?"
Zhong Wan didn't speak.
Yu Zhen whispered softly, "Fortunately, you reminded me in time, when my
people went to deliver the princess to the princess, they told the princess that
they had been idle for many years, fearing that they would be neglected in
defense. Lin Hai, afraid of rat snakes ... "
Yu Jian kissed Zhong Wan's face and murmured, "The princess didn't
necessarily think what it was like when she first heard it, but now ... she must
have understood it, and someone wanted her life."
Zhong Wan froze into Yu Yan's arms, found himself a comfortable position,
and whispered, "I feel a bit wrong."
There are ears in the partition wall, and the sound is also dangerous, Zhong
Wan no longer speaks, and instead writes in Yu Yan's palm:
"The emperor and the king Yu have been together for many years. At least on
the face of it, the king Yu has been loyal to the emperor. The king Yu had the
power of support before he raised the prince. He is also the princess of the
long princess and Xuan Qiong Alas, it ’s the emperor ’s closest relative.
Many of the princes in the Yu Palace and Beijing are attached to him. Such
people ... the emperor ca n’t move at all. ”
"No matter how many bad things King Yu has done, to the emperor, he is a
hero, and there must be an excuse for killing heroes since ancient times, such
as ...
Yu Yan's palm was scratched by Zhong Wan's palm, and he held his hand.
Zhong Wan broke away gently and continued to write: "Although the
emperor's move is a little obvious, it is the most effective. If it wasn't for this
accident, Princess An Guo can be easily completed."
"He is worried that Princess An Guochang will be the Queen Mother at the
mercy of you in the future, and that Yu Wang will have no choice but to turn
over the old concubine after the incident of Wang Yujun, and kill the princess
as an undisclosed witness. , It's not hard to guess. "
"Everything in the past is reasonable and reasonable, and the blame is on the
blame. Those who do these things must be dead men. Why is there a living?"
Yu Yan's voice was unheard of. "The guard said that there were 37 assassins,
30 dead, 2 seriously injured, and 5 slightly injured. After saying this, the
emperor's expression changed."
Zhong Wan was silent for a moment, and wrote, "Which sentence do you
think his face changed?"
Yu Zheng narrowed his eyes.
Zhong Wan continued to write: Even if any deceased person regretted it and
did not want to die, but they are now all in the hands of the emperor, and it
was not difficult to poison them. It's not a dread, that's ...
Yu Zheng whispered, "There are 37 assassins."
Zhong Wan wrote one stroke at a time: Is it possible ... there are not so many
assassins arranged by the emperor.
Yu Yan had this idea in her heart just now, but Zhong Wan said that she still
couldn't help getting her back cold.
Even now, assassins may be hidden in this palace.
Zhong Wan wrote: "So he immediately changed his mind and held the prince
and princess together, because this palace is not under his control as he
Yu Yan subconsciously tightened Wan Wan tighter.
Zhong Wan wrote: "Will he doubt you?"
Yu Yan shook his head. "Unclear, but it is possible."
Zhong Wan thought for a while and wrote: "But he should also be clear that
King Yu may be more likely to start. He is not too clever in this situation. Yu
Wang expected it to be possible, but those few livelihoods are too terrible I
can't guess who will bite. "
Yu Yan also wrote on the palm of Zhong Wan: "Are you afraid they will bite
Zhong Wan was not at ease.
Yu Yan shook his head. "Rest assured, no."
Zhong Wan blinked and whispered, "How do you know?"
Yu Qian wrote: "With my understanding of the emperor, he will not let those
people live tomorrow."
Yu Yan also wrote, "He ca n’t be sure if there are any dead men in those few
mouths. You also said that there might be someone who doesn't want to die
temporarily? What he has paid most attention to in his life is reputation. I
want to die. "
Zhong Wan said uneasily, "Really?"
Yu Yan nodded, "Trust me."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Jin, sighed, and said lightly, "Zi, you know when
you last told me this‘ believe me ’, was it?”
Yu Zheng stunned and couldn't remember.
"Seven days ago, in the study room of Yuwang Mansion."
Zhong Wan was expressionless and didn't write anymore, and said directly,
"It was about a day in the cabinet when you were idle. You were really bored
for a day, or what you read outside was stimulated and there was no wind
after returning home. Three feet of waves, the waves are flat! Suddenly told
me that you don't feel good, and you have a headache, as if you are about to
get sick. "
Yu Yan gazed at Zhong Wan, murmuring, "No, don't say this."
"What are you guilty of?"
Zhong Wan remembered that his teeth were tickling. "It looks pretty, and
looks uncomfortable! You also deliberately pretend to be a saint and ask me,
I'm mad when I'm sick, do you want to avoid me!"
"I'm too worried about your illness. I didn't think much about it. I felt wrong
after you arrived on the bookshelf for half an hour, and finally dragged the
residual body and asked you if you pretended to be bullying me. Xiao
Wangye! Do you remember what you said at the time? "Zhong Wan took a bite
on Yu Yan's shoulder." You hold my hand, and you said these words to me
with deep affection! Believe me ! "
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 94: 94
When the sky was bright, Emperor Chong'an surrounded Zhang Lang's fur
blanket and sat on the couch, squinting halfway, "Dead?"
Chong'an's confidant **** came forward and said, "The two seriously injured
ones could not be saved. They died shortly after. The remaining five live
mouths also went away one after another."
Emperor Chong An opened his eyes. "How did you die?"
The **** whispered quietly: "Serving | poisoning, we are very clean, the
emperor is at ease, the guards are also tight-lipped, and dare not talk
nonsense. The emperor will ask them tomorrow, they will only say that the
assassins themselves hid in their mouths in advance He became poisoned,
and when he saw no chance of assassination, he committed suicide, and
everything was reasonable. "
Emperor Chong'an eased his mind a little, and the **** couldn't help but ask:
"Why don't the emperor interrogate and interrogate? The dead men prepared
by the minions obviously only had 25 people, but now there are 12 more out
of thin air! What is going on here? ? "
"Xun Jun is the sin of the Nine Nine clan. When he was captured at night, he
did not seek death. Are they waiting for Ling Chi? They didn't have a chance,
but they saved their lives temporarily." Chong An Emperor's voice chilled,
"Don't these people know How many crimes do I have to survive? I ’m not
afraid of this. I know how firm people are. When you interrogate these
people, what truth do you think you can interrogate? Now do n’t kill them,
wait for dawn and let them speak. Shouldn't there be more to say? "
Emperor Chong'an's face was so bad that he had planned well. He had
pointed his finger at Yu Wang. No need for him to say anything. Since
someone has investigated this great case according to his wishes, the ten king
Yu's sin was also responsible. Sorry, this is the fastest way to resolve Yu
Moreover, Xuan Qiong had been under house arrest during this period,
without any knowledge, so he would not be too much involved in his
mother's house, so he would have to let go of a concubine without harm.
Unexpectedly, the fake family thief brought out real ghosts. When it was
learned that there were more than thirty assassins, Chong'an Emperor really
had a cold sweat.
If he were not careful, it would not be impossible to be assassinated in case
many guards were placed inside and outside his palace.
When thinking of a few hours ago, more than a dozen true assassins had
sneaked into the palace, and Emperor Chong'an was like a thorn in his back.
"But ..." The **** frowned, whispering, "It's really impossible to get started
now. The slaves have only interrogated those responsible for buying dead
men, and they also imposed heavy sentences, but those people only said
nothing. It ’s clear, straight away, it seems like I really do n’t know, how ...
how can I look down? ”
The **** asked carefully, "In the emperor's heart, what other skeptics? The
minions have a direction, so it is better to track down."
Emperor Chong'an sneered, "Will you have no charter in your heart? But you
dare not check it."
The **** smiled and did not dare to speak.
A moment later, a man dressed as a guard entered the hall without passing
through the briefing and bowed down, "The emperor, the spies are back."
Chong'an Emperor was exhausted all night without sleep, and said he was
helpless, "said."
The guard dressed humanely, "Nothing happened to the queen. The princess
was frightened. After taking the tranquilizer, she fell asleep. After seeing the
princess, she went to see a few little princesses and then rested. Nothing
else. "
"His Royal Highness Four and His Royal Highness are a little bit more busy.
After the two Highnesses returned to West Side, they started arguing. The
next sigh of Four Highness determined that it was Yu Wang's action, and
asked His Highness Five if he knew, otherwise why he came to the palace
Later, he locked himself in the room. Did he hear something long ago, afraid
of dying to hide? His Highness was so angry that he knew nothing. The two
Highnesses quarrelled for a long time, and eventually they broke up. rest."
"Xuan Yuan said that Xuan Qiong had been locked up in his own palace?"
Emperor Chong'an frowned. "Is that true?"
The guard on his knees nodded: "It's true. It wasn't surprising that the court
originally wanted His Highness to be placed under house arrest for many
days. It was not surprising that he didn't dare to move around. , Lord Yu ’s
people did ask His Royal Highness to go to His Royal Highness, and let His
Royal Highness go down to the palace. Be careful and do not disturb the
Holy Spirit again. This can be said to be a good reminder of Wang Yu, but
also to say It is Lord Yu that is implying that it is difficult to refute. The
officials did not dare to catch the wind and catch a shadow. Whether they
want to trace down further, please ask the emperor to make it clear. "
Emperor Chong'an silently, thinking about a while later, "Where is Zizi?"
The guard stopped, and said, "Master Wang Yu brought Master Zhong back to
the East Side Hall, and ordered someone to serve him, and then he brought
Master Zhong to place. Just a few words before going to bed ... Pillow
whisper, nothing related to the case. "
Emperor Chong'an was impatient. "What's the whisper? What happened to
them and they didn't say anything?"
The guard couldn't, but had to brace his head and said, "Master Yu Xiao and
Master Zhong seem to have some dispute. At first the voice is too low to hear
anything. Later, probably the argument is too loud. Master Zhong's voice is
louder, spy I finally heard a bit. "
"Master Zhong said that he deceived people, and deliberately bullied him,
and tied him, his ... even if that was tied, why should he stop his mouth and
make him unable to ask for mercy? Lively fiddled. "
"Master Yu Xiao's voice is very low, saying that Master Zhong is too ... too
... Lang, blocking his mouth is to make him stay a little longer. Master Zhong
heard the voice and asked you not to like Lang, and then Yu Xiao Lord Wang
said ... "
"Okay!" Emperor Chong'an interrupted the guard, with a headache, "I don't
want to listen."
The guards are relieved.
Chong'an's impertinent voice was unstable. "The assassins have just been in
the palace! They have the same thoughts! This ..."
The **** whispered quietly, "The emperor don't worry, both Master Wang
Xiao and Master Zhong are smart people. They probably guessed that
someone was spying from the side. Even if something was important, the
spies would not hear it."
"I naturally know that!" Chong'an Emperor didn't hit one place, "I am angry
that they have no heart or lungs! What a terrible moment! And this kind of
thought, unproductive things, never seen a man in my life ?! "
The guard did not dare to say much.
"Nothing, I can't count on it."
Emperor Chong An rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Come down ... Princess
An Guo is wounded and should not move, not return to the palace for the time
The **** advised quickly, "What then? How can the emperor's body be
stranded here?"
"Go back now, how can Wang Yu's case be investigated?" Chong'an Emperor
chuckled, "Wait for him to calm down and take himself out?"
Emperor Chong An's face was gloomy. "The son-in-law must avoid suspects.
There are a lot of Xuanqiong people in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs.
They must also avoid suspects ... Go with the officials who accompanied
them to draft a charter to remove these obstructing people. Courtier,
immediately start to investigate. "
The **** understood it and was busy commanding.
After dawn, Yu Jian was called by Chong An Emperor early. After Zhong
Wan got up, he ate breakfast alone, waiting to hear the news.
Not long after, as Yu Yan came to the palace's house, and Zhong Wan
informed, and said quietly, "The assassins are all dead."
Zhong Wan laughed, and she was expected by Yu Yan.
Zhong Wan asked, "Dali Temple is to avoid suspicion. Who is investigating
this case now?"
"They are all relatives of the emperor." The housekeeper whispered, "It
hasn't dawn, and someone has returned to Beijing to pass on Lord Yu."
Zhong Wan exhaled.
Emperor Chong'an wants to cut the chaos quickly, and Yu Mucheng should
also start to do it.
Zhong Wan nodded and ordered the servant to go down.
Zhong Wan was thinking about the "whisper" of the two last night. It is
estimated that Yu Zhen will have a lot of lessons today. He may not be able to
return in a little while. He sat bored and walked to Xuanyuan.
Xuan Yuan also hated Zhong Wan, and looked at him with no anger, "What
are you doing ?! I'm too busy to talk to you!"
Zhong Wan sat down with a good look, and he didn't see each other. "What's
your highness to do? Tell me?"
"You ..." Xuan Yan said it again and again. He really hated Yu Zheng, and
now he started to hate Zhong Wan. "Go! I used to talk to you several times,
but I wanted to ask Lin Si's whereabouts, not your heart. Poisonous and
waste, I do n’t know if I ca n’t ask, and I do n’t know if I know, who would
be happy to ignore you? ”
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "No, after I saw Lin Si last time, I specifically told
him to let him seek you. Didn't he go?"
Xuan Yuan hesitated, and said vaguely, "Being here."
Zhong Wan laughed, "Why?"
Xuan Yuan's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he stopped
talking. Zhong Wan asked a few words, Xuan Yuan was disturbed, hesitantly,
"This month, I will put a walnut on the bedside every day before going to
bed, and wake up every day. Rear……"
Xuan Yuan looked down, "The walnut is gone."
Zhong Wan froze, recalling the allusions about "walnuts" that Yu Yan said,
and she felt sad.
"I was a bit uncomfortable that day, what about him?" Xuan Ye was about to
hate Lin Si. "It's been months since I walked silently, and I came back
clearly. Come while I'm asleep! What is he afraid of? I'm afraid I'll kill him?
Zhong Wan thought for a while and thought, "Sometimes I talked to him about
it. Although Lin Si didn't say anything, I probably guessed a few points. He
seems to be afraid of a future situation, if he can't save his life, delay about
"What can happen?" Xuan Yuan's mouth could be annoying when he opened
his mouth. "In case of Yu Yan and you to die! What danger is he ?!"
Zhong Wan was accustomed to being scolded in the head, but it was not so
pleasant to hear others cursing Yu Zhen and died, Zhong Wan took a deep
look at Xuan Yuan and said, "His Royal Highness wants to catch Lin Si, I
have a way, Would you like to listen? "
Xuan Yuan said quickly, "You say!"
"Mouse clip," Zhong Wan said earnestly. "Have your Highness ever met?"
Xuanyuan thought about it and said, "A board with an iron clip on it ..."
"Yes!" Zhong Wan said something. "Be bigger, take a bedboard as a board,
put it under the bed, put a little more walnuts on it, and he comes over in the
middle of the night, accidentally ..."
"Do you think I'm stupid?" Xuan Yuan horrified, "Are you crazy? Then the
oldest mouse clip, he can't see?"
Zhong Wan said earnestly, "Most of the night, can you see clearly?"
Xuan Yuan thought for a while, "but so too."
Zhong Wan added, "If your Highness is uneasy and wants more protection,
you can also buy some animal clips, and put more under the window and at
the foot of the bed."
Xuan Yuan thought about it, but he was a little tempted.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 95: 95
Zhong Wan and Xuan Yuan have known each other since childhood. Speaking
of, before the incident of King Ning, among the several princes who included
Yu Yu, Zhong Wan had dealt the most with Xuan Yuan. When he was three
years old, Zhong Wan felt Xuan Yuan that day. Stupid, but never expected to
be stupid.
Zhong Wan looked at Xuan Yuan, and sighed in his heart. He had to be
forgiven because he was willing to fight for reserves. Otherwise, he would
give the throne to this fool. How could this country be born in the future?
Xuan Yuan glanced at Zhong Wan vigilantly, "What have you been watching
me for? What are you thinking about ?!"
"It's okay." Zhong Wan really had a little bit of pain and announced, "How
many more tricks can I teach you?"
Xuan Yuan looked at Zhong Wan defensively, "You are Yu Ziyun, what good
idea can you give me?"
"It has nothing to do with politics." Zhong Wan was a bit disgusted with Xuan
Ye's small structure. "It is an official matter to fight for the reserve, and since
we were young, we can still be friends in private."
Xuan Yuan said dumbly, "Can you still be friends in private?"
"That's natural." Zhong Wan was very enthusiastic. "Lin Si often comes to see
you at night. Then, His Highness, what do you wear every night?"
Xuan Yuan said dumbly, "What else can it be?
"Then you can't do it. Wear strict clothes," Zhong Wan said earnestly. "Zi Xun
saw me wearing clothes to sleep at first, and suddenly ... the following things
were not easy to say, Your Highness thought it was."
Xuan Yuan was shocked.
Zhong Wan thought about it and said, "Yes, you are also a prince ..."
Xuan Yun was anxious, "So what do you mean me!"
"I'm wrong, I'm wrong." Zhong Wan quickly changed his mouth. "His Royal
Highness is also the prince. There should be a booklet in your house about
who you sleep with every day, right?"
Xuan Yuan nodded suspiciously.
Zhong Wan said: "Write the name of Lin Si in full."
Xuan Yuan was startled again, "That booklet is not for anyone I write! You
Xuan Yuan glanced up and down at Zhong Wan with a horror, "Do you think
that is the book of enchantment! Whoever writes it will appear at night?
Crazy you!"
"His Royal Highness finished listening to me." Zhong Wan sat closer to Xuan
Yuan, planning for him, "you write more ..."
Xuan Yuan collapsed, "You can get one true if you write 10,000? Sincerely,
Jinshi is the one to open? Are you passed on by Yu Jin ?!"
Zhong Wan was annoyed, "Can you listen to me ?!"
Xuan Yuan was yelled but was honest, sat back and said, "You said."
"Write more." Zhong Wan continued. "After writing, tear it off and post it all
over the city. The more you post, the better. Let everyone in Beijing know
that you, the Four Highnesses of the Emperor, are going to sleep tonight.
Sleeping this dead dumb. "
Xuan Suana, "Will he come?"
"Of course not." Zhong Wan said lightly, "But is Lin Si shameless? He must
feel shame when he sees it. If you try to tear up those notices, you will send
someone to stand beside you and see him come and arrest him. That's it. "
Xuan Yuan was stunned by Zhong Wan and thought for a moment.
Zhong Wan thought about his own way to seduce Yu forgiveness. He learned
from each other's secrets, and kept secretly talking with Xuan for a long time.
After being scolded at Chong'an Emperor Yu Yan, he came out to find Zhong
Wan. Before entering the inner hall, he heard Zhong Wan seriously teaching
Xuanying how to capture the heart of a man.
The palace person was about to pass the story, Yu Jian shouted, and the
palace person was busy snoring.
Yu Yan stood at the door and listened for a while, feeling that Zhong Wan
was really a genius. Apart from Zhong Wan, he was out of sight. A small
house of Yu Wang's house failed to show Zhong Wan a broad expanse.
"Also!" Zhong Wan hated iron and steel. "When can you change your stinky
mouth? I just got angry when I heard what you said. What does it mean to be"
nauseous when you think of it? ""
"What does it mean to think of goosebumps when I think of it?"
Zhong Wan sighed. "If Zizi said such things to me, I would probably die."
Slang words stuffed.
Zhong Wan suddenly became a little curious, and whispered, "Did you really
not feel it, or was he angry with him for a moment?"
Xuan Yuan could not say a word for a long time.
"No matter what you are." Zhong Wan showed an expression that a man could
understand, and lowered his voice. "The next time, you can pretend to be
slightly prettier. Since there is friendship, what else is the problem ..."
Xuan Yuan thought about it, and suddenly thought of something. He looked up
at Zhong Wan, "So you often pretend to be with Yu Yu? It doesn't taste good,
and you like it too?"
Yu Xun outside the door: "..."
Zhong Wan froze, and he was too embarrassed to open the conversation in the
chat room, and refused to let Xuan Yuan know what he hadn't done with Yu
Zhenzhen, vaguely, "This is about you, What should I mention? The church
disciples, Master, starve to death. I'm so diligent to teach you, how can you
not be grateful? "
Xuan Yuan nodded reluctantly, "I see!"
Zhong Wan was afraid that if she continued to talk, she would show her
timidity. Xuan Yuan found that he was still a boy chicken, and explained a
few words before he was stunned.
When Zhong Wan returned to the East Partition Hall, Yu Zheng was sitting in
the inner hall and drinking tea.
Zhong Wan smiled, "Scolded?"
Yu Yan nodded, "In the presence of everyone, he scolded me for a dog's
"Well again, deliberately ..." Zhong Wan said as he walked around, making
sure that no one inside or outside sat next to Yu Yan, whispering, "Will the
King Yu be held directly?"
Yu Yan shook his head. "No, there is no evidence yet, only house arrest."
Zhong Wan paused and whispered, "Evidence will always be there."
Emperor Chong'an wholeheartedly wanted King Yu's life, interrogated,
collected evidence, everything was just passing through.
"The emperor is in a difficult situation right now," Yu said quietly. "He
originally wanted to end the king Yu before returning to Beijing. Regardless
of the lack of evidence, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible. Even if
someone questions something, he can still kill the emperor before the school.
Like the prince, he pushed everything to the person who passed the news and
the person who tried the case. He didn't know it himself, but he was deceived
by the villain. Now ... "
Zhong Wan said, "The rest of this palace is uneasy."
Zhong Wan whispered, "Should have searched a few more times, will there
be no more assassins in the palace?"
"Should be gone." Yu Yan whispered, "From last night until now, I have been
digging three feet in the ground. This morning, the emperor ordered people to
dismiss all the palace people who served in the palace all year round. In
fact, they can. not worried."
"I'm still a little uneasy." Zhong Wan thought for a while, "You ... have you
ever seen Princess An Guochang?"
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, "I wanted to go ..."
The assistance of Princess An Guochang could n’t just let it go, Yu Yu was
now saving her life. It ’s a pity not to contact her. Zhong Wan also knew that
Yu Yan did n’t like to see Princess An Guochang. ? "
Yu Yan laughed, "Forget it, she is even more unkind to you. You sit for a
while, I'll go."
In the side hall of the Queen's Palace, Princess An Guo was wrapped in a
thick white cloth around her arm, sitting in front of the window with a faint
Yu Yan didn't want to eat behind closed doors, he simply didn't let people
report, he went straight into the inner hall.
Princess An Guochang looked up at Yu Yan, her eyes were complicated,
"Last night ... you guessed it, didn't you?"
Yu Yan glanced out, Princess An Guo realized that, got up and whispered,
"Follow me."
The two left the side hall and walked out slowly. The two walked to the
poolside. The surrounding area was empty and could not be hidden. Princess
An Guo quieted for a moment and said, "Did the emperor want my life?"
Yu Jin silently.
"I already guessed it." Princess An Guoyou said quietly, "I guarded him, and
he guarded me. Over the years, brothers and sisters have been true to each
other, and they can't tolerate each other at the moment of life and death ...
Brother Huang is afraid of me Tell me what happened then, or are you afraid
I will be the Queen Mother of the Regency when you ascend the throne? "
Yu Zheng said: "I don't know."
Princess An Guochang sneered, "Maybe there are all of them, right? Say, you
saved me once, what do you want me to do for you?"
Yu Jian looked at the water and whispered, "No need to do anything for me, I
want to ask the princess to help the king."
Princess An Guo said, "What did you say?"
Yu Yan looked at Princess An Guochang, "Overnight, hasn't King Yu tried to
contact the princess?"
Princess An Guo dodged her eyes and looked away.
Yu Yan said lightly, "Do what he says."
"Ziyu ..." Princess An Guochang suddenly couldn't understand Yu Jin, "It's
you who draw the line between Wang Yu and me. It's you who asked me to
help Yu Wang. What do you want?" I do n’t know Yu Wang secretly ... ”
Yu Zheng said, "The former King Qian'an was hidden, Xuanrui."
Princess An Guo choked.
"It's too late for you to join him now." Princess An Guo whispered quickly,
"He has Xuan Rui, even Xuan Qiong can give up, let alone you?"
"I know," Yu said easily, "the princess did just what he said."
Princess An Guochang looked at Yu Jin with complex eyes, she really didn't
"Ziyi, Zhimo Moruo mother." Princess An Guo slowly said, "I understand
that for Zhong Wan, you want to use King Yu to turn over the case of King
Ning, but you haven't thought about it. King Yu is still Xuan Rui, and they
will no longer care about you and Zhong Wan for half a minute. Brother
Huang ’s body is not as good as one day. He was a bit scared yesterday. He
ca n’t eat a bite today. If he ca n’t get you to the throne, What are you going to
do? You have now reached the blade. "
"I know." Yu Yan still looked indifferent. "Princess, I have been walking on
the blade for years, and now I can earn more by pulling down the next one.
What am I afraid of?"
Princess An Guozhang was instantly speechless.
Yu Zhen softly said, "Princess, you are not in a better position than me. This
time the assassination was not an imperial rise of the emperor, and one time
there was another. The emperor will fight you before I ascend the throne.
Who can I expect? "
Princess An Guo chuckled and smiled bitterly, "I understand, you are
deliberate ... You want to see the three of us turned against each other and
turned into each other, don't you? You have hated the three of us for a long
time, haven't you? ? "
Yu Yan didn't want to hide, he did have some secret pleasure now.
Yu Yan deeply looked at Princess An Guochang, "Princess, you have no
Princess An Guo smiled bleakly, "Retribution ... OK, I listen to you."
Yu Yan didn't want to delay Princess An Guochang any more, she turned
around and left, and Princess An Guo suddenly called him, "Zi."
Yu Yan frowned. "The princess still has something to explain?"
"Don't be too proud." Princess An Guo looked at Chi Shui and said slowly,
"The emperor has chosen the future queen for you. I was there to see him.
The girl is of good origin, and the person is also quiet. The emperor is very
Satisfied, it's only a piece of paper. "
Yu Jin was no surprise, nodded.
Princess An Guo frowned. "Aren't you in a hurry?"
Yu Yan was very anxious. He and Zhong Wan had been planning a short-term
alliance for several days. Finally, he was anxious to tell Zhong Wan.
By the way, do something to Zhong Wan and see if his joy is pretending.
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 96: 96
On the way back to the side hall, I also met Xuan Yuan.
Yu Jin happened to have something to say to Xuan Yuan, greeted him, did not
want Xuan Yuan to give Yu Yan a glance, did not say hello, turned away with
a cold face.
Following Yu Gong's palace man, he was dissatisfied with, "What is going
on with the four lords? Obviously I saw the king, but I didn't see it."
Yu Yan sneered, "blame me, you should not suddenly be kind."
The palace man wondered, "What will the Lord say to His Highness?"
Yu Yan told him in his heart not to believe what Zhong Wan said.
Yu Yan looked at Xuan Yuan's back, thinking about Xuan Yuan's look of awe
and obedience to Zhong Wanyan before, and he felt pity.
It's about the good reason that Princess Ning Wangning taught. Zhong Wan
was cheerful from a young age, arrogant and enthusiastic, and he was willing
to help if someone had some trouble. The bad thing is that he is a little too
confident. Whether he understands it or not, he has to follow the signs and
give pointers.
Yu Yan thought about the "details" that Zhong Wan had just told Xuan Ye just
now went to the side hall, and wanted to ask Zhong Wan carefully about what
he had never done, where he had so much experience.
Yu Yan hurried back to the side hall and walked into the inner hall all the
way, the house was empty.
Yu Juezhen got up and took a look at his account, turned his head and asked
the palace person, "What about Master Zhong?"
The palace man who served tea in the inner temple bowed down, "The
father-in-law next to the emperor just came to pass on the grandfather, and
did not see the grandfather, so he invited the young master Zhong."
Yu Yan frowned and turned to find Zhong Wan.
There is a small flower hall in the main hall where Chong'an Emperor is
located. In the spring, the dragon is still burning in the flower hall, which is a
little uncomfortable. Chong'an Emperor in this room is still wearing a thick
coat and a wolf skin on his leg. .
Zhong Wan is taken care of by the Taiyi Day these days, and his body is much
better than before. Sitting in this steamer-like room, his ears are warm and
rosy, and he looks a little younger and cute.
Emperor Chong An looked at Zhong Wan, who was sitting opposite him, and
took a move. Shen said, "Is it hot?"
Zhong Wan was multi-purpose, shook his head when he heard the words, "I
fear the cold and the cold, and I like the house to be warmer when I am at
Emperor Chong'an bewildered, "Zi Yi is the most impatient and hot. You are
with him every day, can he bear it?"
Zhong Wan cleared her throat, covered her mouth with a smile, and calmly
said, "Little Wang is about to get used to it."
"Why didn't I see it?" Chong'an Emperor looked down at the chess. "Every
time I'm here, I want to keep him more. Zizi always said that the room was
too hot to sit."
Zhong Wan said that if your son is not kissed, you deserve it. What you do
with me is sour. He eats a corner of Emperor Chong An, and picks up the
white son of Chong An.
Emperor Chong'an sighed and sighed, "It's a big deal ... I was thinking just
now, Zi Zi often played chess with my grandma when I was young, and it has
been a few years."
Zhong Wan waited for Emperor Chong An to say the key point, and listened
to his temper to listen to him continue to hurt spring and sad autumn.
"When I am old, I always think about the past, but unfortunately, there are
fewer and fewer relatives around me, and my son ..." Emperor Chong An
laughed at himself, "I haven't been with my relatives anymore, I haven't been
in my life ..."
Emperor Chong'an sighed, "Poor, at this age, I can't let it go, I can only let
him come."
Zhong Wan thought about Princess An Guochang's stabbed arm and sneered.
"The son is not obedient and unwilling to talk openly with You. You can only
talk to him from someone else." Chong Andi sighed. "Isn't that the case for a
Zhong Wan smiled reluctantly.
"You are not the same as Ziyi." Emperor Chong'an said as he played chess.
"You act more than He and Wan. He likes your temperament, and is far away
... there is something, I want to ask you what you mean."
Zhong Wan knew that the business was here, and put down the **** in his
hand, respectfully said, "Please also ask the emperor to make it clear."
Emperor Chong'an smiled with satisfaction, "You have a good temper, you
can discuss everything, don't be constrained, he said slowly ..."
Emperor Chong'an was a little uncomfortable. He labored and moved,
stroking his chest, and turned to look at the **** next to him. The **** stood
with his hand down and stood still.
Zhong Wan vaguely felt that there was something wrong, what it was, and he
couldn't tell.
Outside the hall, Yu Yan was stopped by the palace people, who smiled at Yu
Jing's comfort. "The little prince is in no hurry. The emperor is playing chess
with Master Zhong. There is nothing next to him. After the end of this round,
Master Zhong naturally returns. . "
When Yu Jian didn't hear it, he usually continued to walk in. The palace man
stopped and said helplessly, "I'm really playing chess. If you don't believe
him, can you wait outside the flower hall?"
Yu Yan frowned, "Take me there."
In the flower hall, Emperor Chong'an slowly said, "There are a lot of
objections from your courtiers and relatives on your brother-in-law's side ...
Rest assured, I have suppressed you."
Zhong Wan twisted the chess pieces, waiting for Chong Andi to talk down.
"I like you too, with you, I don't think it's a big deal, and I don't need to be
surprised." Chong An leaned on the soft pillow and said slowly, "But Zi's
wedding can't be dragged anymore. Now, I know you are a good boy, and I
want to ask you first, what if you give Ziyou a marriage as soon as you return
to Beijing? "
Zhong Wan held the chess piece in silence.
Emperor Chong'an looked out of the flower hall, his mouth twitched slightly.
He looked at Zhong Wan with anticipation. "Gu Yuan, you think about it, you
are not an impulsive child, and you have a longer time to watch things than
you. meaning."
Emperor Chong'an was tired of temptations with Yu Yuji again and again and
again and again, fearing Yu Yuyi's desperate madness, Chong'an Emperor did
not dare to move Zhong Wan, and simply left this trouble to Zhong Wan.
Chong'an Emperor's skinny palm was pressed against the chessboard. He
looked at Zhong Wan and urged, "Guyuan, what will you do ?!"
At the point of life and death, there will always be people who take the
overall situation as the most important thing and strive for perfection.
Emperor Chong'an looked eagerly at Zhong Wan, waiting only for Zhong Wan
to nod.
Zhong Wan threw the **** in his hand on the chessboard with a firm
expression, "I'll die."
Emperor Chong'an choked abruptly.
Emperor Chong'an could not help drinking tea, and banged the chessboard
angrily, and said arrogantly, "What are you talking about ?!"
Zhong Wan took out the spirit of dealing with Feng steward then, like an idiot
who was fainted by an admired person. "Truth, if Zizi changes his heart, I
will not live."
Emperor Chong'an couldn't understand, "What is heartless, what about his
marriage? That woman can't hinder you, you can't see each other, and your
brother-in-law is not the same as before?"
"How can that be the same?" Zhong Wan asked in return. "The emperor asked
Ziyi to marry him, isn't it because he can have a Ziyi as soon as possible? If
you want Ziyi, Yu Jian must touch the woman?"
Chong An was asked by Zhong Wan, "Yeah."
Zhong Wan said in disgust, "then he will be dirty."
Chong An emperor stayed.
Zhong Wan picked up a sunspot again and said coldly, "I don't want a man
with a dirty body."
Emperor Chong An was speechless by Zhong Wanqi, "What are you talking
about ?!"
"Nothing, the emperor asked me what I mean, I honestly said it." Zhong Wan
solemnly said, "This is what I mean, the emperor rest assured that I will not
entangle with the Lord, the decree, I will give myself a clear break, stand On
the tower, Yao wished the prince and the new princess to grow old with their
bald heads, and then shouted that they would jump off the gate, so as not to
delay their good deeds. "
Emperor Chong'an jealously glanced outside the flower hall, angrily, "Don't
talk nonsense! Is this why you are trying to force you to die?"
Zhong Wan said, "Jun Yaochen has to die. I understand this."
Chong'an Emperor was inexplicably attacked by Zhong Wan, and Zhong Wan
said this, and then pointed himself to marriage, wouldn't it become a lifeline?
Really dead, was heard by Yu Yan from the outside!
In the future, Zhong Wan couldn't help but die, and Yu Jian was even more to
blame on himself?
What a reason!
Emperor Chong'an knew that Zhong Wan was pretending to be stupid or
stupefied, and he was annoyed, "Kneel down!"
"Zhong Wan Yuqian has no state ..." Chong'an Emperor was pained by anger,
but thinking of Yu Yan outside the flower hall, he could not be punished
severely, and said vaguely, "I am punished for two hours on my knees.
Emperor Chong'an stood up and was helped by the eunuchs. Zhong Wanchang
breathed a sigh of relief, chose the thickest one from the soft pillow that
Chong'an had just leaned on, and knelt down honestly.
Zhong Wan wiped the sweat between his foreheads, faintly frightened.
Fortunately, these years of shameless shabby have experience, unexpectedly
scared Chong'an Emperor.
Zhong Wan cursed Emperor Chong An in his heart and couldn't control your
son by himself. What did you do with me as a knife? !! Have the ability to
look for your son to show prestige!
To kneel for two hours ...
Zhong Wan sighed, but fortunately, he wanted to be punished in the flower
hall. The small flower hall was warm enough, and there was a little leftover
on the table. He was not sick on his knees in two hours.
Zhong Wan hammered his legs. When he thought about it, he felt that someone
was coming behind him. Before he turned his head, the visitor touched his
face from the back and said lightly, "The courage is so bold."
Zhong Wan relaxed, turned his head and glanced at the door closed by Yu Jin,
and said softly, "What are you doing?"
"Accompany you." Yu Jian kneeled on one knee, pinched Zhong Wan's chin
and looked around, frowning, "The emperor asked you to come, so honest?"
Zhong Wan bitterly, "Where do I know this is the breaking thing, I thought ..."
Thought that it would be related to the matter of King Yu, Zhong Wan didn't
want to let go of any news. He hesitated and came over.
Yu Yan knew in her heart that she stopped questioning and said indifferently,
"Who did you say is dirty?"
Zhong Wan smiled, looked outside, and whispered softly, "Don't make
trouble, you go first, I kneel enough for hours, and then go back at night."
Yu Yan ignored Zhong Wan, "You kneel on your back, care what I do?"
Zhong Wan is helpless, "Don't let anyone take the opportunity to bother you,
go quickly."
Yu Zheng said, "I have something to ask you. After a long while, I asked
before leaving."
Zhong Wan had to say, "You said."
Yu Yan wiped Zhong Wan's lips with his thumb, "Have you ever installed
anything on me?"
Zhong Wan stunned, "Pretend?"
Yu Yan slid his fingers down, gently stroked Zhong Wan's throat, and slid
back and forth.
Zhong Wan's face was a little red.
No one else could see it, but Zhong Wan knew what the action meant.
He had done Yu Ji several times, and each time afterwards Yu Yu would
gently rub his neck and ask him if it hurts or not.
On the bed, Zhong Wan said all the slang words, but he couldn't get out of
bed. He was so depressed and forgiving, he always wanted to hold his neck
Zhong Wan hid uncomfortably, "What did I pretend?"
"I did this for you, too." Yu Yan didn't allow Zhong Wan to hide, and his
slender fingers didn't live in Zhong Wan's throat. "At that time, you said you
were comfortable to die, was it fake?"
Zhong Wan didn't quite understand, she thought suddenly realized, her face
flushed, "Have you heard?"
"Yes," Yu said coldly. "I didn't feel anything when you said to Xuan Ye, but
you have to pretend to make me happy, don't you?"
Zhong Wan couldn't argue, "No, I lied to that fool ..."
"I want to try it for myself." Yu Yan stood up and pulled Zhong Wan up.
"Back to the room."
Zhong Wan collapsed, "I'm still kneeling!"
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan and said, "I just went to ask you for a favor. It's
been fine for a long time."
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 97: 97
Zhong Wan, dressed loosely in Yu Jian's robes, sat up strenuously, leaning on
the bedside with a half-chest chest.
Zhong Wan's lips were a bit unnatural. He licked his lips, closed his eyes to
rest for a while, and Yu Jian fell on him again.
Zhong Wan has been cleaned up by Yu Yan for a long time. He just said what
can be said and what can't be said. He will only beg for mercy at this
moment. "Master Yu Xiao, I have a real voice It hurts, do not believe, do not
believe ... "
Even when Yu Yan was in bed, he didn't have any superfluous expressions.
He still looked so lonely in the old days. He asked in a deep voice, "What's
Zhong Wan was really frightened by Yu Yan's toss, and said in a small voice,
"I open my mouth and see for yourself."
Yu Yan heard that his throat was tight.
Zhong Wan instantly realized that she had said something wrong again, and
said poorly, "What the **** are you doing ..."
Yu Yan Shen said, "Don't you say you want to open your mouth for me to
check? Open your mouth."
Zhong Wan's face turned red again.
"Don't ... stop it."
Yu Yan looked serious, holding Zhong Wan's chin seriously.
Yu Yan didn't move so far, said lightly, "Open, let me see ... I haven't eaten
Zhong Wan's face was on fire. He had thought that he had been blocked by Yu
Yan before and was forced to say that he really liked it. He was ashamed. He
never expected that Master Yu Xiaohua would not say much in this regard,
but he could Driving people to death.
Zhong Wan now just wants to find a slot to drill in. He broke away from Yu
Yan and put his head on Yu Yan's chest, and muffled, "I swallowed my
stomach early."
Yu Yue slid his hand down, pressed it on Zhong Wan's stomach, and rubbed it
with a hint.
Zhong Wan stiffened, "Master Wang Yu, even if you bought it for you, you
have to rest for a while, right? "
Yu Yan laughed and said, "Did you just buy it?"
Yu Yan bowed his head to kiss Zhong Wan. A palace man came in. Yu Yan
picked up a quilt and covered Zhong Wan. He took the robe and put it on the
bed. "What?"
The palace man bowed his head and said, "Return to Xiao Wang, Jing Zhong
has just heard the news that the assassination is imminent, but Wang Yu did it.
Now the witnesses and physical evidence are present, and the Holy Spirit
said that he will return to Beijing tomorrow."
Yu Yan looked back at Zhong Wan and finally came.
Emperor Chong'an might have wanted to wait for news in the palace, but the
twelve additional assassins were always nesting in his heart, making him
restless. Now that the crime of Yu Wang's assassination has been
implemented, he does not want to be in this unsafe place anymore. Delayed.
The next day, everyone returned to Beijing.
When departing from the palace, Yu Yan was not able to accompany Zhong
Wan on the carriage. According to the arrangements of the Ministry of Rites,
he had to ride on horseback in front of Chong'an's draughts. .
After leaving the palace for an hour, a housekeeper outside the carriage
gently patted the window and asked, "Master Zhong, would you like tea?"
Zhong Wan was a little thirsty. He opened his eyes and narrowed his neck,
facing the curtain, "OK."
The carriage stopped, a little **** climbed into the car holding a food
container, and kneeled down to pour tea for Zhong Wan.
The drive in front didn't stop. Zhong Wan's car could not be parked for too
long. The carriage slowly followed, and Zhong Wan glanced at the **** with
a smile. "It's rude, I didn't know that my father-in-law was the emperor.
Father-in-law doesn't have to take care of me, I'll do it myself. "
That day he was called by the Emperor Chong'an to play the chess clock and
met the little eunuch. He had a good memory and could recognize it.
The **** smiled, "Master Zhong remembers slaves?"
The **** pours the tea wisely and takes two delicate snacks from the food
box. He laughs, "Master Zhong, please."
Zhong Wan leaned gently on the side of the car window, "I'm tired of my
father-in-law, but I'm not thirsty yet, let it be."
The **** smiled at Zhong Wan and said softly, "Couldn't Master Zhong be
afraid of slavery before poisoning him?"
Zhong Wan was more polite, "My father-in-law is joking." But he just didn't
The **** reluctantly said, "Master Zhong is too careful. Where is the
emperor willing to let you have something. After punishing the master
yesterday, when the young master asked him to plead, didn't he let you go
right away? The Holy Lord really values you."
Zhong Wan smiled, and he knew that Chong'an Emperor would be confused
once by himself, but there would be no second time. This time, he simply
saved the interview and sent an **** to preach directly.
"Master, what are you doing?"
The **** took out a book fold from his arms, and handed it to Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan didn't take it, and asked, "What's this? Is it the imperial decree to
marry Xiao Wang?"
The **** smiled and motioned to Zhong Wan to see for himself. Zhong Wan
took it up, opened it, and the smile on his face faded gradually.
"Master is still a slave now. This has always been a sacred heart disease. As
early as when Master Zhong first entered Beijing, the Lord had instructed
Lord Xiao Yu to ask the Lord to bring your deed of mercy and take you there.
Yemen walked through the court to restore your identity, but unfortunately, the
little king was unwilling to pass the delay. "
"Later on, I thought about it again. I think it ’s not enough just to go to slavery.
Who are you? It's such a shame that it's such an ordinary life, isn't it a pity?"
Zhong Wan seriously looked at the royal pen on the zigzag verbatim, and
uttered his thoughts.
"Speaking of this, there is an old thing. Master Zhong may not even know it.
The slaves also happened to listen to the husbands who served in the holy
place." The **** laughed. "The slaves will learn from you?"
Zhong Wan knew this was a trap, hesitated for a moment, and nodded
"It's early, seven ... oh no, eight years ago, Lord Ning had just had an
accident." The **** said, "Master, you haven't been out of prison yet. The
host is anxiously waiting for news at King Ning's Mansion, so you don't
know. "
"Don't you know, Mr. Shi Jinshi, the old man who once knelt outside the Holy
Divine Hall, knelt down for seven hours!"
There was a smell of rust in Zhong Wan's mouth, and he didn't want to listen
But the **** still said.
"The old master of the two dynasties, an arrogant person, we also worshiped
him in the holy year. The emperor respected the master. After he ascended the
throne, he was freed from the old man ’s three knees However, the old lady
Fu Jiu knelt out of the temple that day and couldn't help hoeing. "
"Old Shifu said that you are still a half-old child. No matter what King Ning
did, you must not know. Old Shifu pleads with God, don't let this case be
involved in you. It will be a trial in the palace. You After studying hard for
many years, if I get out of jail, my life will be over. "
"You were just sixteenth birthday."
"Old Shi Fu rarely praises you, right? But that day, Old Shi Fu told the
emperor that Zhong Guiyuan was a literary genius and could not be folded on
this matter."
"The emperor is also in a dilemma. There is no way to let the old lady Fu go
back to the house first. The old lady does not listen and kneels there. Think
about it, people who come in and go out ... oh."
Zhong Wan's lips trembled slightly. "You ..." Zhong Wan's voice was hoarse.
He choked his lips into a line and refused to speak again.
Zhong Wan wanted to say, that was the emperor of the two dynasties, the head
of Hanlin, so no one helped him?
The **** sighed, "Who dares? In the end, the emperor apprehended the arrest
of your zipper. After the zipper was passed out, the old man Fu passed out,
and the father-in-law dared to send people out of the palace, hey ..."
The **** looked at Zhong Wan, where Zhong Wan hurt him and where he
stepped on, "Master Zhong, the oldest man Shi sees most clearly, he would
not let you go to jail if he died, just because he is afraid that you are just like
you are today, and you have been doing nothing, Delay yourself for nothing. "
"Even if you come to Yu Xiaoyu to spend your money to redeem you, even if
you go to slavery later ... it's too late." The **** regretted, "You all
understand, don't you?"
Zhong Wan's throat twitched slightly and whispered, "Understand ... the law
of this dynasty. Those who violate the criminal law shall not participate in
the imperial examination for life."
"Now this opportunity is coming!" The **** said with a smile, "You take a
closer look at the discount. The emperor has already understood it. Our
emperor is willing to violate the law set by the ancestor for you and round
the old man. Wish, kiss your will, so that you can re-execute the imperial
examination. Master Zhong has just twenty-five this year and is still very
young. Even if there is a delay in the middle of a few years, the slave thinks
that it is still possible ... ? "
"Medium?" Zhong Wan sneered, placing the decree on the table. "As long as I
go, the champion is mine."
The **** was stunned, he was not old, and all the past events were heard by
others. In his heart, he was disdainful of this infamous male **** in Yufang's
room, but it was just a dead end.
But at this moment, he actually got a few scholarly indulgences from the
corner of his brow's eyebrows.
Vaguely, I really have a bit of faith. If this broken sleeve is re-entered into the
imperial examinations, it may be able to break through a few points.
The **** didn't dare to think more, and smiled diligently, "That's what it is."
"Look at Master Zhong." The **** opened the bookfold and whispered softly,
"This is the royal pen on the sacred side, so I have to send a seal to it. As
long as the master can convince the little lord, and the wedding is smooth,
this big seal can be stamped on it. ! "
The **** laughed, "You can not only treat the old lady Fu's friendship at the
time, but you can also comfort your loved ones. What a good thing."
Zhong Wan stared at the bookfold intently, his eyes twitched slightly, and
before he spoke, the **** whispered softly, "Naturally, the young master may
think that in the future, the young king will succeed you, and he can give you
the same edict. but……"
The **** whispered, "The Holy Lord said, Lord Wang is young and afraid of
him being confused, so one day in the future, he will issue a book to order
loyal ministers and relatives to testify, and order the king to sacrifice the sky
to the world. Within 30 years, do not violate Order of the Emperor. "
Zhong Wan raised her fingers.
The **** whispered softly, "Therefore, only the Holy Spirit can do this for
you. Master Zhong, this is not a big deal. You only need to persuade Wang to
say a few words. Are you really uncomfortable?"
Zhong Wan stared at the imperial edict. The little **** saw Zhong Wan's eyes
hesitant, and bowed his head with satisfaction. "The slave then left first.
Master thinks about it, Mrs. Shi Fu ... but I look at you in the sky." . "
The **** slipped out of the car and Zhong Wan watched the memorials on the
small table for a long time.
It's false to say no.
At that time, he also wanted to be angry and look at Chang'an Hua in one day.
An hour later, Xuan Yuan replaced Yu Yan, and Yu Yan was impatient for a
long time. He led the horse to Zhong Wan's car, got off the horse, turned over,
and stunned, "What is it?"
"Anyway, I accidentally burned something." Zhong Wan didn't wait for Yu
Yan to ask again, grabbed Yu Yan and sighed, "Zi ... I really like you so
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Chapter 98: 98
Yu Yan frowned, and he patted Zhong Wan's back, "Get up first, what's
"I just want to hug you." Zhong Wan smiled with closed eyes and said to
himself, "what can happen, what can this be ..."
This is really not a big deal. Even when the **** was just bewildering him,
Zhong Wan had already figured out a way to deceive Chong'an Emperor with
Yu Zhen, and it was not difficult.
Zhong Wan has long lost the gentleman's demeanor, and no longer promises,
not to mention that it is the Chong'an Emperor who is going to lie now. Zhong
Wan's conscience can survive.
After all, Zhong Wan is true. I really want to participate in the imperial
examination again.
You can comfort your parents and teachers, and you can deal with the ten-
year cold window when you were a teenager.
In addition, these years have been burdened by broken-sleeve notoriety, and
the fame has spread to the world. Zhong Wan also wants to open the eyes of
scholars from all over the country.
I've been in the field for eight years, and I still can't overpower you.
This is true love.
But after thinking about it, I felt that it couldn't be done.
Zhong Wan has come to this day, her background and reputation have been
ruined, and Xuan Rui, who has been loyal to her for many years, has also
sacrifice her mercy. One by one, she is either lost or dirty. Now there is only
one Yuzi Hey, it has to be clean?
There must be a spot in my heart that is spotless in my life?
There must be something, shouldn't you count the gains and losses, and don't
regret hitting your head?
Zhong Wan admired Yu Yan, from his teens to the present, he thought that his
intention was still clean.
Once you persuade Yu Jin to marry a relative, some things will be different
once you open up.
Zhong Wan refused to do so.
Zhong Wan wrapped his arms on Yu Yan's back, remembering that when he
paid tribute to Shi Taifu, Shi Taifu said to him, "Learning the arts of martial
arts, goods and the emperor's house".
Zhong Wan laughed at himself, let's get rid of your mother, I won't sell it
"What's the matter?" Zhong Wan's look remained the same as usual, but Yu
Juan just felt wrong, and he felt a little uneasy. "Are you uncomfortable?"
"It's okay." Zhong Wan let go of Yu Jin, smiled freely, and said softly, "The
man is in a wrong country, and it's you."
Yu Yan was baffling, waiting for him to ask questions, Zhong Wan said,
"Don't think about it, I will tell you, I just heard something from the emperor's
Zhong Wan knew that he could not hide Yu Yan, and he was afraid that Yu
Yan would go to listen privately, and half of the words just said, saying, "He
told me that the old man Shi Fu had long kneeled outside the emperor's
palace and asked the emperor to let me go. is that true?"
Yu Amnesty paused, apparently not wanting to talk, "What is this asking?"
"That seems to be true." Zhong Wan nodded and smiled bitterly. "It's been a
long time and no one has told me. So it is reasonable to say that Shi Hong
hates me, and his father knelt for me. For a long time, the old people did not
know if they went back to be ill, how long they were ill, turned around, and
after I came out of the prison, it was delicious and delicious in your house,
heartless and lungless. "
Yu Yan didn't want Zhong Wan to think about this. He thought about it and
said, "Have the little **** told you that I was there?"
Zhong Wan froze.
Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan and stopped talking.
Zhong Wan suddenly came to the spirit, busy urging Yu Jin to say in detail.
Yu Zheng hesitated, and said, "I also entered the palace that day. I didn't
know those things at that time. I had to enter the palace every day to greet the
At the time, Yu Zheng was still the eyes of Emperor Chong An. After he left
the palace, unless the weather was really bad, he would be picked up by a
special car every day to allow him to greet Emperor Chong An as usual.
On that day, Yu Zheng was as usual, and the eunuchs of Chong An emperor
gathered into the palace, entered the inner hall, and bumped into the old Shi
Fu who was kneeling outside the hall.
The old lady had been on her knees for a long time, her face was a little bit
somber and a little bit more embarrassed, except that the spine was still
standing there like a sword.
Yu Yi, a boy in the Jinyi suit, looked at the old Shi Fu from afar, and was
The old eunuchs quietly persuaded Yu Zheng to not delay, and the wind rose,
and always standing outside might catch the wind and cold.
Yu Yan still looked at the old lady persistently, and an old **** whispered to
him, saying that Shi Jin had violated Long Yan and it was proper to kneel and
think, and told him that Shi Jin was asking for Zhong Wan. Ning Now that
Wang has committed a major case, it is still tried by Lord Yu, and Yu Yu
should avoid it.
The young Yu Yu hesitated for a moment, ignored the eunuchs, and stepped
forward to give Shi Jin salute as usual, took off his cloak, and put it on Shi
Jin half-knelt.
A few old ladies followed Yu Yu's urgent jump, but did not dare to step
Shi Jin was already very old that day. He knelt on the cold stone steps for a
long time, wrapped in a thick and warm cloak of Yu Yan's can not help but
Although Yu Jian was also a teacher in Shi Jin, he was not close to Shi Jin,
far less than Zhong Wan. He was embarrassed for a while, and then
whispered, "Is Taifu useful for me?"
Shi Jin tore the cape off from his body, pressed it into Yu Jin's arms, and
squeezed his arm, without speaking.
Just took a deep look at Yu Ai.
Yu Jin was pushed away by Shi Jin, who seemed to understand. He held his
cloak and was yelled into the inner hall by the eunuchs.
Zhong Wanyi listened and whispered, "Did you ... plead with the emperor
that day?"
Yu Yan did not speak.
However, Zhong Wan guessed that the young Yu Yu must have pleaded for
himself, but Emperor Chong An ignored it, so he didn't want to mention it
Zhong Wan thought about the scene of that day, and the mystery in her heart
suddenly solved.
Zhong Wan said, "So after I went to jail, you were so desperate to redeem
me, and I said, there was no friendship between the two of us at the same
time. Why should I be anxious when I did something, and I was in prison that
day Here, I heard that someone has repeatedly competed with others, and I'm
really scared. I've got someone's blue eyes and it's worth making some
money for me. "
"Old lady Shi didn't tell you anything, but you felt that old lady Fu was
entrusting you that day, didn't she?"
Yu Zheng nodded slightly.
After Zhong Wanyuan left Qian'an, Yu Yan actually met with Shi Jin again,
but since the death of Shi Jin, Yu Jin always thinks of the old lady, and he
still has a deep look in the old and cloudy eyes of the cold weather.
How many unspoken words can't be uttered, all are in them.
Zhong Wan's eyes were red.
He lifted the curtain and looked outside the car. Half of his face regained
some of his former expression, and laughed at himself, "You have hurt me."
Yu Yan was puzzled, Zhong Wan leisurely said, "I didn't know these things. I
was bought by you that day, and I felt shameless in my heart."
Yu Yan's eyes moved, "What did you think?"
"I wonder if you are also interested in me." Zhong Wan now thinks it still
feels a little shameful. "Otherwise, spending so much money to make Yu
Wang not happy to do anything, hey why were you so rich at that time? Do
you know? I know how much you paid for it! "
Yu Jin: "..."
Su Yu suddenly didn't want to talk about this any more, but Zhong Wan was
very excited and jumped in shock, "Oh my god, I haven't been in a blue
building, but it's just like watching someone rob Huakui, right? I'm in the jail,
I was robbed by you I was shocked, the slaves next to me were the most, and
I was able to sell a dozen or two silvers. I remember very well that the first
one would come to buy me, and the price would be one hundred or two. It
was so expensive. A few came. "
Yu Yan didn't want to mention Zhong Wan's humiliation, but to talk away,
Zhong Wan still chattered, "In less than half a day, I grabbed five hundred and
two. My God, I heard the jailer in that cell said that Jiangnan is the most
beautiful Hua Kui does not have that price. "
Yu Yan was helpless, "What do you compare yourself to a prostitute?"
"I knew I was worth it." Zhong Wanhan was very poorly trained,
remembering Xuan Yuan's curse on Yu Jian, and stepped on Xuan Yuan by the
way, "Xuan Yuan is still a prince, and he will lose in five hundred or two.
When the next battle came, he went to talk to his mother-in-law for silver,
and his mother-in-law knew it and gave him a good fight. "
Yu Jian was also very annoyed that Xuan Ye also wanted to buy Zhong Wan.
Then he stepped on Xuan Ye. "The prince and the prince are also different.
"Yeah." Zhong Wan hissed. "That's just the beginning, there is no silver, and
then the parties continue to bid. If I remember correctly, the old man Shi
Shifu will buy it in 2552, and then later It's really impossible to pay for it ...
the teacher is really clean in his life, which is about his family wealth. "
"After three thousand, only two are robbing."
Zhong Wan's eyes smiled, and he looked at Yu Ai, "Yu Zizhen, I didn't see it,
he was so young, he had such a good face."
Yu Yan bowed his head.
It did cost a lot of money.
At that time, I heard that Zhong Wan and Zhong Guiyuan could be bought, and
the reincarnation of Wen Quxing, and those with special hobbies between the
nobles and gentry in Beijing were interested.
Or really coveted Zhong Wan's appearance, or just to satisfy those who do
not know the so-called comparison heart, each is raising prices, and became
a face-lifting new thing.
In the end, it was raised to 3,200, and almost all of them were closed. Only
one rich man in Jiangnan was still bidding.
The man gave out three hundred and twelve, Yu Yu gave out five thousand
The man gave out five thousand and five hundred, Yu Yu gave out twelve
The man gave out 12,000, Yu Yu gave out 22,000.
Jiangnan's gentry was indeed rich, and was also irritated. I felt that I lost my
face and gritted my teeth, and raised my hand to 25,000.
After hearing the news in the government, the young man Yu Yan ordered
people to speak to the prison, and he gave out fifty-two thousand.
Zhong Wan still feels scary when she thinks about it, "I'm going to make you
crazy over there, and I want to compete with you, but it's really amazing ..."
Zhong Wan thought about the fifteen-year-old boy Yu Yan calmly smashing
silver, and couldn't help laughing.
At that time, Yu Ziyu was probably doing such an extraordinary thing for the
first time.
Zhong Wan glanced at Yu Yan and said softly, "I have never seen so much
money in my life, and I am scared to death in jail."
Yu Yan laughed, "What are you afraid of? And you don't need to make
"So I'm more afraid." Zhong Wan looked at Yu Ai and whispered, "I'm
willing to spend so much money to buy my people. After buying me back, I
don't know how much to do to me.
Zhong Wan smiled, "Unexpectedly, toss me aside, three months to ignore,
have you lost money?"
Yu Yan whispered, "Loss."
Strange to say, all the misfortunes and embarrassments of the day, and now
suddenly there is no taboo about talking, Zhong Wan's unwillingness seemed
to disappear with the imperial edict that he had burnt silently.
While talking, we reached the gate of the city.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan, and her heart suddenly disappeared.
This is the person who is willing to spend 50 thousand two thousand to
redeem himself, but in order to avoid the suspect that March does not take a
step away from other hospitals, still make his own money.
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Chapter 99: 99
Outside the city gate, officials of the Ministry of Rites and the guards went
out of the city to greet the holy driver. Zhong Wanyi glanced down at the
curtain and narrowed his eyes. "How important can it be at this time, can't
you send it in before entering the city?"
Yu Yan raised his eyes, "What?"
Zhong Wan lowered the curtain. "There was a guard, and I took it to the
After a while, an old **** of Yuqian hurried to the side of the carriage of Yu
Yan and Zhong Wan, and said with a bitter expression, "Master Wang, Master
Zhong, Qian'an Eighty Miles, urgent, former Qian'an Wang Xuanrui ... . "
There was a moment of silence in the carriage, Yu Ju asked, "A good person,
why not?"
"It is said that they have encountered rogue robbers! Those desperate people
are often robbing past merchants, maybe they are treated as rich merchants,
this ... eh."
Yu Zheng said, "Where is the corpse? Has it been brought back?"
"No, in the wilderness, there are always beasts infested. When I found them,
there weren't many whole bodies." The **** sighed and trembled, "Master
Zhong, please grieve."
In the carriage, Zhong Wan didn't say a word, after a moment Yu Yu said,
"Zhong Wan is overly sad, you go first."
The old **** turned around.
In the carriage, Zhong Wan dipped his tea in his hand and wrote on the table:
Are you trying me?
Yu Yan shook his head and wrote: We have no reason to kill Xuanrui. I was
afraid that he suspected that we had hidden Xuanrui. It would look like a
little while, and don't be seen by the emperor.
Yu Yan was a little worried after writing. This report was too late. It
happened to be when he was with Chong An. Chong An was suspicious.
When he entered the city for a while, he was afraid to see Zhong Wan with
his own eyes. He and Zhong Wan both knew that Xuanrui was okay now, and
one look was wrong for a while, and maybe he could see something.
Waiting for Yu Yan to think of a way, Zhong Wan remembered what Chong An
said to him when he first returned to Beijing to see Chong An.
Emperor Chong'an said that before Shi Jin's death, he did not write half his
family on the book that should have been given to his children and
grandchildren, but only mentioned a foreigner, Zhong Wan.
The last note given by Shi Jinsheng to Emperor Chong'an reads: Gui Yuan
was a young man, and he has suffered too much in these years. If there is
something wrong in the future, I implore the Holy Bible to make life difficult
for this son, and broaden it. Don't let him suffer again.
It took a few days for the discount to arrive, and the old lady was gone.
And Zhong Wan, who was far away in Qian'an, didn't get the news until more
than two months later, and even the old man didn't catch up.
Zhong Wan didn't dare to think about it. Now she thought about it quickly, and
her tears swirled in an instant.
Yu Yan was startled by Zhong Wan, "Guy Yuan ..."
Zhong Wan smiled and waved his hand. He wanted to do something, but
when he thought of the kneeling outside the palace of the old lady and the
letter before the death of the immortal, the tears couldn't stop.
Zhong Wan was afraid of Yu Jian's worries. She touched the tea and wrote on
the table: I have failed many people over the years. I have lost a lot of you
before. Now I can still compensate one or two. To the teacher, but ...
Zhong Wan paused and wrote: Heaven and man are forever separated and
cannot repay just in case. Looking back now, the person I am most sorry for
in this life is afraid of the old man.
Zhong Wan's tears fell on the table and she couldn't write.
After entering the city, all the frames had to enter the palace with Chong'an
Emperor. After going around and finally entering the inner palace, Chong'an
stepped down and asked Zhong Wan really.
Zhong Wan was dropped off by Yu Qiang.
Zhong Wan was tall, but he was too thin, and it was more and more frustrated
to be aided by Yu Jian. He walked in front of Emperor Chong'an and
reluctantly saluted. Chong'an looked at Zhong Wan's red eyes and wanted to
bleed, and sighed, "No more. , I was afraid that you would ask if you were
overly sad, you ... oh, do n’t kneel, go back to the house first, Xuanrui ’s
funeral, I will let the Ministry of Rites take good care of him and let him go.
Zhong Wan worshiped deeply and was helped by Yu Zheng.
"Return to the house and let the Taiyi take a good look at it." Emperor
Chong'an cared for a few words, looking at Yu Jian, "Zi Xu stayed first, I
have something to explain to you."
Yu Yan helped Zhong Wan, under the wide cuff, he quickly wrote a "North"
character on Zhong Wan's palm, and then released him.
Yu Yan entered the palace with Emperor Chong'an. Emperor Chong'an
accepted the pity expression before the crowd and sat down slowly. "Zi, you
say that ... isn't it a bit wrong?"
Yu Yan said calmly: "Naturally wrong."
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Amnesty, and Yu Yan's tone was calm. "The
robbers who robbed small gates and small households may not necessarily
kill people. Now they are robbed to the royal head, but they haven't left
alive? Really brave."
"Naturally, it may be that they did not know the initial situation and lost their
way after they started. They could only destroy their evidence and tried to
destroy the evidence, but Xuan Rui specifically ordered me before leaving,
and asked me to give a sentence to the clan's house and let them Careful, my
people did go and saw that they really took a lot of people on the road before
they were relieved. "Yu Jian said," There are also guards and servants, and
dozens of people will be so easy. Did Song ’s robber kill a piece of armor
without leaving? How many people must the robber have? ”
Yu Yan sneered, "The gangsters of more than a hundred people must be
famous. How many can there be along this road? Check them one by one."
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Jian and saw that there was no sadness on
his face, and said, "Yes, it is necessary to give an explanation to the Qian'an
Palace. Zhong Wan is from the Ning Palace. If you don't check, he will
definitely ask. A saying, but ... "
Chong Andi quietly said, "Now do not worry Wan Zhong Xuan Rui road
alone, there is no let people follow you? If you followed the man was killed
together, or is it ......"
Yu amnesty heart sneer, he really would have to guard against this.
"Zhong Wan is the same I explained to, but only let my people will declare
Rui sent out of town, then out of the city, my people came back." Yu amnesty
frankly said, "The emperor is not believed to be a thorough investigation, and
asked were people relevant government officials, the defenders of the
soldiers asked the day, see if I lied, I was not moving the hands and feet,
killed Xuan Rui. "
Chong Andi laughing, "You kids, I was not any doubt you! But I was looking
forward to your people better their skills, escaped, tell us what happened in
the end, Xuan Rui weak and incompetent, nor forged with others what hatred,
which is a strange thing too. "
Yu amnesty did not speak, Chong Andi self-serving, "but chances are, you
really have so few cronies around, you want to share those concerns, or
listening to the bell Wan private account, go steal it? Or so ...... Look up now.
Yu amnesty eyes flashed a hint of sarcasm color, did not speak up.
Chong Andi immediately ordered people to go to the palace messenger
inventory, turned to Yu amnesty relieved, "do not suspicious, I also for Hello,
if back really find out who is on your side of self-assertion, as soon as I
know, too cover can cover for you, do not stand up, sit down, with I wait and
see if they can find out what is coming. "
An hour later, people came back to kneel Palace Road, "Back to the emperor,
sent the original out of Beijing Wang Qian safety that day, Yu little princes
who really follow, but came back after ten out of the city, Yu Palace are other
homes the house, in and out of City Buildings door has a record, I have just
checked, it will house a dozen place these days in both appearances in
Beijing, witnesses all have. "
Chong Andi This completely calm down, he shook his head smile on Yu
pardon, "You see, that does not yet as clear as noonday? Back if someone
said to you what the hands and feet moving, I will be able to call the shots for
you. . "
Yu amnesty if the frost face, people are afraid Chong Andi Xiabulaitai house,
busy road, "is it! Testify on a holy, then no one would dare doubt the little
Yu amnesty really do not want to hear any more, or suffer from nausea and
said, "Thank you for the emperor."
Chong Andi winking palace life went down, and he now rest assured that the
amnesty Yu, dare to negotiate with him, "you say ...... Xuan Rui really dead?"
Yu amnesty cold channel: "unclear."
Chong Andi a little upset, "I checked the search, how you? What do you put
this piece look like? You have been different if not I close, I would be
suspicious of you do?"
Chong Andi put down his face, "son Yuri, thunder and rain all is Grace, you
Yu pardon looking as usual, knelt down, "Xie Zhulong grace."
"You!" Chong Andi gas could not beat his mouth, he wants amnesty Yu roll,
but the past few days he has been distracted, lethargic cares for ill, they want
to negotiate with others, but not the people around can not be assured is not
top with, the sons, the only rely on Yu amnesty, "Bale! up and speak."
Yu got amnesty, ask the ask clothes, "live to see people die to see the corpse,
now a corpse are laid hold of, can not say Xuan Rui really dead, want a
result, only the investigation."
Chong Andi heart and said this is nonsense, although amnesty Yu Dali temple,
but he muddle of so many years, did not necessarily understand and Chong
Andi no hope road, "How to search?"
"Immediately ordered life since the accident point along the way in the two
hundred years of the Official Road town hall officials to report their own,
there are several territorial bandit Village, Village each bandit about how
many people may have fled within the past month."
"With them that, in the past condoned looting bandits do not and will not
blame, but dare withholding information, cheat, lie who shoot to kill."
"Re-order point along the way from all the town hall of the accident within
three hundred officials, picket territorial **** shops, searched all their
belongings when received within the past month, with inventory if any of the
officials with things, if harvested, with inventory robbers the case must be
harvested. "
"Son of the imperial clan, died in unclear halfway along the way officials to
be accountable, but officials picket matter meritorious, credit included in
class performance year after promotion case to find out otherwise."
Chong Andi froze a moment listening, watching Yu amnesty trance.
Yu amnesty frown, continued, "The emperor felt if feasible, Zhao Renqu you
can do today."
Chong Andi back to God, nodded his head, "very comprehensive, but if ......
if this is also what does not picket?"
Yu Jue said, "That shows that Xuan Rui may not have died, but was taken
away by the prisoner. What is it for ... it is not clear."
Chong Andi restless heart, the nearest thing always makes him a bit flustered,
he had the feeling that things are not coincidence, declared Switzerland
should not be in this moment was suddenly the robbers.
Yu Chong Andi looked a pardon, and now the only consolation is that he
increasingly felt, Yu pardon not that absurd.
Chong Andi could not help but think, it really is born dragon, chicken born
chicken do?
The hardest own life son, born of the emperor?
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Jin, thinking of someone to follow, and was
slightly more comfortable in his heart. He said, "Okay, just do what you say,
arrange it. I'm really uncomfortable. I want to take a break ..."
Yu Jin hadn't got up yet. The palace people hurried in, and looked at Yu Jin
with a different look.
Chong'an Emperor wanted to let Yu Yu retreat, but he was unwell, knowing
that he didn't have the mental energy to deal with anything anymore, and said
exhausted, "Well, say it is."
The palace man took two steps forward, his face solemnly said, "The
emperor, Lord Yu ... there is something wrong."
Emperor Chong'an frowned. "What's wrong?"
The palace man hesitated, and whispered, "Master Yu still does not
recognize the assassination ..."
"Where are the witnesses and physical evidence? What exactly do you do?"
Chong An Di said angrily. "Of course he doesn't recognize it! You have no
"Can, but ..." Gong Renqing said angrily, "Master Yu pleaded not guilty, but
he said that he had indeed done something to the royal family over the years,
and there are many. Now that he has entered the clan house, he is willing One
by one, the emperor! Lord Yu, what is he saying? "
Chong'an Emperor's face faded instantly.
The palace man hurriedly said, "The Lord Clan has already been shocked
before Lord Yu's side has explained it! Now the Clan's Mansion is going to
invite the Clan relatives. Lord Yu there means that he has many witnesses and
physical evidence. If he happens, everything will be known to the world, the
emperor ... "
Emperor Chong'an shook his hands suddenly, and fell into a dragon chair.
Emperor Chong An suddenly thought of something, and looked at Yu Zhen,
mutely, "Xuanrui, Xuanrui ... will it be, will it be ..."
Yu Yan's expression was calm, and he nodded gently.
Chong'an Emperor hoarse, "Yu Mucheng ..."
"Emperor! Emperor!" An old **** ran in with several memorials, looking
anxiously, "Emperor, something went wrong!"
Chong An emperor could not take care of anything else, "Get out!"
The old lady was startled, and threw herself to the ground, tremblingly
looking at Yu Jin.
Yu Zhen said indifferently, "The emperor is unwell, and everything is
"It's not unusual," the old lady trembled. "This is a memorial sent by the
cabinet. Emperor, something really happened ..."
Chong'an Emperor had a splitting headache, "What's wrong ?!"
The old **** eagerly said, "Emperor, something went wrong in the north!
There was trouble in Beidi, and, and ..."
"There are only a few North soldiers in total!" Chong'an emperor lost his
manners and yelled, "Or fight or retreat! Is there no way in the military
department? Does the cabinet have a brain?"
"No, emperor." The old **** cried, "Sometimes someone came to play and
said that His Royal Highness colluded with Beidi in an attempt to help Beidi
to break my border! On this ground, he forced Wang Xiaoyu to send his
troops to the army and then framed Prince Yu Xiao is an enemy of treason! "
Chongan emperor's four characters were smashed into the heart of Emperor
Chong'an, and his brain exploded instantly.
No one is more familiar with this way of getting into trouble.
Emperor Chong'an listened to the words of the old eunuch, thinking about the
guilt that Yu Mucheng wanted to confess. For a time, he felt that the world
was turning, and he could not even tell whether the **** was talking about
Xuan Qiong or himself.
The old **** eagerly said, "A blood book that King Didi sent to His
Highness privately has been sent! Although the blood book has been broken,
the pieces are clearly written down, emperor, emperor? Emperor! Come on
... "
Emperor Chong'an vomited a black blood, and fell straight down from the
dragon's chair.
Gongren Taiyi passed by from the side of Yu Yan's hastily, Yu Yan narrowed
his eyes and hid his pleasure.
Yu Yan confessed that he was not clean, so he has been tortured for seven
years. Now, it is finally time for other people to taste one or two.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 100: 100
Unknown purple appeared on Emperor Chong'an's face. There was blood
stuck in his throat, there was no air coming out of his throat, and it seemed a
little unpleasant to see, and the doctors panicked.
The doctor who followed the palace was told. Although he knew that
Chong'an Emperor was not well in recent days, he didn't expect it to break
into a sudden. He asked Chong'an Emperor's blood in the nose while he was
anxious. , "What's going on? What have you eaten before? Have you ever
stunned? Or have you been mad?"
The old eunuchs were busy explaining. The eunuchs labored to feed Chong
Andi with a tonic heart, which was both an acupuncture and a hurry to
discuss the prescription, and the other side urged people to take Chong
Andi's past case. The chaos was chaotic.
"Little lord, lord lord!" Chong Andi's personal **** ran out, kneeling and
crying in front of Yu Zhen, "Little lord! What do you do? The slaves want to
take soup for the emperor, but the elder doctor said that the emperor It's
anxious, and Shen Tang can't help but can only urge him, but if there is a ...
Lord, you must get an idea! "
Yu Jiu stared straight at Chong'an Emperor lying on the dragon bed in the
distance, without a word.
His eyes were covered with bloodshots, and there was noisy surroundings,
but Yu Jian could hear the sound of the heart beating in his chest, and once,
connected with the blue tendons of his temples.
Yu Yan tried his best to restrain himself and waited for him to speak. The
princess An Guo stepped in and screamed, "What are you still doing here?"
Princess An Guo glanced at Yu Jian, looking at his expression in horror. She
turned to look at the old eunuch, hesitated for a moment after asking about the
situation, and said coldly, "Still listening to the doctor? If the doctor is
useful, it will make the emperor's brother. Severe illness? You can't use
ginseng soup when your blood is not good, but can you take care of it now? "
"The northern part of the country is unstable, and the North Korean central
bank is vacant. If the emperor is out of business at this time, who can afford
it?" Princess An Guo looked into the temple with complex eyes. After a
while, she turned around, "Hey That is, save your life before you talk. "
The old **** was afraid that someone who would accidentally follow the
funeral would be a man who dared to take charge. He had to be ordered to do
so. Yu Yan raised his eyes and looked at Princess An Guochang. The corner
of his mouth was slightly raised, and the irony flashed in his eyes.
Fuck in the room, and that's already started.
The two stared at each other, Princess An Guo's eyes dodged, barely
maintaining the majesty of the Princess, and whispered, "Is it really such a
sudden outrage?"
Yu Jin nodded.
"You make a deal with me." Princess An Guo's voice was lower. "Have you
written anything in advance?"
Yu Yan asked, "What is a book?"
"What do you say ?!" Princess An Guo was really anxious. "Establish you as
a prince's edict! Since Yu Mucheng has hidden Xuan Rui, what is he going to
do? You don't know what? The emperor forced him Too ruthless, Yu
Mucheng has decided to kill the fishnet. You have to set down Chu before the
emperor's accident! Yu Mucheng does not know how many backhands are
left, in case he succeeds, you and my life will be all Gone!"
The princess An Guochang was sweating from her forehead, and she also
told Yu Jian that another **** ran out and hurriedly said, "Return to the little
lord, return to the princess, the emperor is breathing! Breathing!"
Princess An Guo was so happy that she could not afford Yu Yu's forgiveness,
so she followed quickly.
After two hours of chicken flying and jumping, Chong'an Emperor finally
woke up.
Without waiting for the sighs of relief of the doctors, Princess An Guo
frowned, "What's going on? The emperor's eyes ... why can't I open it ?!"
Emperor Chong'an opened his eyes, but his eyelids seemed to be cramped,
and he shook them, unable to keep them, covering half of his eyes.
A Taiyi doctor rushed forward to check, and before he could see what
eyebrows came out, Chong Andi opened his mouth and spit out a few words
in a vague manner, no one could understand.
The Taiyi's face changed. He knelt down in front of the dragon bed, raised
his arms with Chong'an Emperor's arm after consulting the pulse, pressed on
several acupoints on his arm, and changed another arm to do the same, and
then checked Chong'an's Legs.
Princess An Guochang looked impatient. "What about you? What happened to
the eyes of the emperor, who asked you about his legs?"
The Taiyi kneeled to Princess An Guochang and hesitated.
Princess An Guo said, "Say!"
Taiyi scratched his head, "I'm afraid of a stroke."
The crowd was startled, and thumped to his knees instantly.
"Stroke ..." Princess An Guo murmured, "So, can you get up after that?"
The Taiyi knelt on the ground and shook his head.
Chong Andi on the dragon bed didn't know what he heard, and made a hoarse
voice from his throat.
Princess An Guo glanced at Emperor Chong An with a hesitant look, "Can
you still ... speak?"
The medical doctor paused and said, "I just had a stroke, and everything was
inaccurate at the moment. It takes a few days to see it. Now the best situation
is that I can still speak in the holy days. If I am properly nursed in the future, I
may barely talk , But maybe ... "
Maybe he whimpered like this forever, paralyzed halfway on the bed, and
became a waste.
Emperor Chong'an twitched and heard a spit of blood.
There was another panic.
Yu Yan stood farthest from the dragon bed. He stared indifferently at the
throbbing Emperor Chong An on the bed, motionless.
Emperor Chong'an fainted again, and Princess An Guo focused on seeking a
life-saving sign for herself. This time, she took care of him sincerely. She
was still wounded, and now she ca n’t take care of it. Feed the medicine to
wipe it. The bleeding of the wound several times could not be taken care of.
The queen was frail, and passed out when she heard the news. The
concubines and sisters came to see her crying, and they were all blasted back
by Princess An Guo.
"Brother of the emperor." Princess An Guohong's nails drew into Chong'an's
mouth. She opened Chong'an's mouth with a pill and said, "Don't die, don't
leave this mess, don't die ..."
Several medicines were poured down, and after three hours, Chong'an
Emperor finally fell asleep.
Princess An Guochang's hair was disheveled, and she was exhausted
physically and mentally.
Princess An Guo looked up at Yu Jian, who looked like an outsider, and her
voice was dumb, "You can't leave ..."
Yu Juran gave a glance at Princess An Guochang, "Xuanzhen came a few
times and left, and the people of Yu Fei and Xuan Qiong had a lot of trouble
for a few hours. I just left, probably to ask my relatives. Now, I won't leave,
they are afraid to break into the palace. "
"Who dares to break into the palace? Do you want to rebel ?!" Princess An
Guo managed her messy hair burst. "Within a few hours, the courtiers will go
to the early court. You have to go to appease, anyway ... you can't go, who
Know when the emperor wakes up? When he wakes up, it must be, it must be
... "
It is bound to be published, at this time, who has the best chance of winning
by him.
The palace people have been separated by the long princess, and Yu Yan no
longer evades, "You have done it for Yu Mucheng since he ordered you, don't
you consider joining hands with him?"
"Oh ..." Princess An Guo chuckled. "Can I believe him?"
"He told me what I said was good, because he knew that these things could
only be done by me." Princess An Guo whispered, "I am a princess, and only
I can contact his clan for him, and ask me for him. The cousins of the uncles
and cousins promised to make the relatives willing to take risks and turn
around to help him when the emperor could not help him. "
"Don't he just marry me that day for that?"
"What to do, I have done it for him. Like my relatives, I will consider helping
the emperor when the emperor is really incapable of it." Princess An
Guochang flashed a light in his eyes. "But now, everything is still undecided,
As long as the emperor still has the strength to set you up as a reserve, I don't
have to go that far. "
Yu Yan whispered, "Mother, aren't you outfitting me now?"
Princess An Guo let Yu Yan's "mother" look pale, she turned her head and
said coldly, "Isn't you saying that, tired of pretending to me, would I rather
get along with you with my heart?"
Yu Yan nodded: "Yes, that's good."
Yu Yan now looks at Princess An Guochang this way, and she really feels
that it is better.
After two more hours, the sky was bright, and Chong'an Emperor finally
woke up again.
The old eunuchs carefully fed the tea to Emperor Chong'an. Emperor
Chong'an opened his eyes and looked at the outside. He couldn't speak and
helped his old eunuch. "It's Princess An Guo, thanks to this day and night The
princess is taking care of you with her wounds and undressed, ah yes, the
little prince hasn't left, and he is always in front of your bed! "
Emperor Chong'an's right arm was completely unconscious, and he
laboriously raised his left hand, and made two double whimpers, asking in
his heart, what about the others? What about your two other sons? What about
the queen? Concubine?
The old **** listened carefully, still unable to distinguish, and asked timidly,
"Emperor, what did you say?"
"嗬 ... 嗬 ......"
Emperor Chong'an's face rose purple. He pushed away the old eunuch,
struggled a few times, and almost fell off the dragon bed.
Princess An Guo stepped forward and hugged him, hurriedly, "Brother
Huang, don't worry, the dragon is the most important thing, lie down ..."
Emperor Chong'an looked at Princess An Guochang dreadfully. He lay back
on the bed, moving his reluctantly eyeballs, looking around the hall for a
week, thinking about the various things before the fainting, thinking about the
"stroke" heard in the coma, Sweet in the throat.
Has this become a waste?
What happened to King Yu? What happened to Xuan Qiong? Why is there
only this niece in the dorm? What happened to these two people?
Emperor Chong'an just heard that the palace people said that one day and one
night. After such a long time, what did it look like outside? Is it upside
Emperor Chong'an trembled and wondered, would Yu Mucheng's old
venomous snake already tell the whole story?
Chong'an Emperor leaned against his pillow in despair, his heart was cold.
He had thought he could last two or three years.
He originally thought that he could steadily handle Yu Mucheng, Princess An
Guo, and Zhong Wan ... and then use the throne as a bargaining chip to hold
Yu Yu in his palm until his end of life.
But one day, why did it suddenly become like this?
Chong An emperor's eyes lingered long before Princess An Guochang and Yu
Yu Yan looked at Chong'an Emperor not far and close, and tasted the dying
smell from him.
After a while, Yu Jian saw Chong'an reluctantly roared, struggling, and
pointed his finger at Princess An Guochang.
Yu Yan sneered, he knew.
Emperor Chong An has no choice now, either the long princess or himself.
He chose Princess An Guo.
Yu Yan didn't think there was anything, he and they were not all the same.
Princess An Guo's heart fell to the ground, and she got close, holding one
hand of Emperor Chong Anxi anxiously, "Brother, what do you tell me? Tell
me that."
Emperor Chong An wanted to speak, and after giving it a few attempts, he
suddenly gave up. Princess An Guo hurriedly scolded the palace people and
sent them over paper and pen.
Princess An Guochang held up Chong An. Emperor Chong An held the
writing brush with his left hand. The ghost paintings were drawn on a blank
document. Princess An Guochang's eyes were blinking as if starving.
An instrument, Chong'an Emperor wrote a full time.
Princess An Guo hesitated, "Brother?"
Emperor Chong An shook his head, pushed the document into the arms of
Princess An Guochang, picked up the writing brush again, and wrote directly
on the quilt: He did not follow the widow, and he had someone else ...
"The emperor no longer thinks about it?" Princess An Guochang gave an
uneasy glance at Yu Jian, "Zi sang him ..."
Emperor Chong An waved his hand, took another blank document, and drew
it for a moment. This time, instead of handing it to Princess An Guochang, he
looked at Yu Jin.
The old **** busy holding up the edict, with both hands blessed and Yu
Yu Jiu knelt expressionlessly and took a look at Yan Shu.
This is not a prince's edict, but in fact it ca n’t be regarded as a pardon for
Yu. The edict says that the new emperor is young, and he may be corrupt and
corrupt, etc. After a lot of nonsense, the new emperor was ordered to
proclaim the world before his throne Do not violate the order of the emperor
during the year.
Yu Yan was still confused. Emperor Chong'an had just given what was
written in the letter to Princess An Guochang. He could probably guess why
he gave it to Princess An Guochang instead of himself, but he also
understood, but ...
At the moment, Yu Zhen didn't understand what Chong'an Emperor
deliberately wrote this edict.
He looked up at Emperor Chong'an. Emperor Chong'an glanced at Yu Jian
indifferently and disappointed, beckoning.
The old **** took Yu Yan's **** back, and Chong'an Emperor exhausted all
his strength, picked up the dragon seal and printed it on the two eunuchs, and
pushed it to Princess An Guo, and then picked up the pen and wrote on the
quilt: After the dawn When the cabinet ministers enter the palace, you have to
personally show these two edicts to the ministers, and then ... the edicts are
under your care.
Emperor Chong'an grabbed Princess An Guo's hand and took her by surprise.
Emperor Chong An wrote on her hand: He succeeded in succession, and you
will be glorious in your life, An Guo, keep an eye on him for him ...
Princess An Guochang never expected that Chongan Emperor could still
control the scene at this step, and quickly controlled Yu Jin and herself. She
nodded fearfully and held the two seals tightly in her hands.
Emperor Chong An was relieved, he beckoned and ordered Yu Yu to step
Emperor Chong'an looked at Yu Jin with pity and dread, and half of the time
he pulled Yu Jin's hand and wrote in his hand: Don't worry, the name written
on the book is your name.
Emperor Chong'an was almost exhausted. He paused for a while and wrote
in Yu Yan's hand: King Yu, you go to cook, cook him clean, and preserve
your reputation, can you keep your seal book, child, understand ?
Yu Jiu knelt on the ground, and suddenly understood the intention of the seal
The needle fell in the temple for a while.
Yu Yan's eyes were cracked, and his voice was hoarse. "The emperor, now
... you won't let go away?"
Emperor Chong'an glanced Yu Yu indifferently and wrote: He gave him a
The old Shifu who cannot afford to kneel ...
The smell of burnt things in the carriage ...
The solitude and relief in Zhong Wan's eyes ...
Yu Zhen understood all at once.
Yu Yan rested his head on the bedside and couldn't help laughing.
He originally thought that he had never been chilled by being stabbed into his
heart over the years.
Isn't it time to get used to it?
Isn't it the most common for you to be counted and betrayed?
Why can't you suddenly bear it?
Princess An Guochang anxiously listened to his ridiculous laughter,
"Daughter! Don't go crazy!"
Yu Jian stunned, laughed after coughing twice, "pretentious ..."
Yu Jiu leaned on the bedside, got up and barely stood up, and whispered,
"Well, I know what I wrote in these two seals ..."
Emperor Chong'an suddenly felt uneasy. He stared at Yu Jin, and moved his
Yu Juanyu looked at Emperor Chong An and Princess An Guo, and Shen said,
"What do you think I am?"
Emperor Chong'an was startled, waiting for him to write again, Yu Yan said
indifferently, "I don't play anymore."
Yu Yan turned and walked away without looking back.
Chong An emperor murmured in his heart.
Xuan Qiong passed the enemy, it is no longer possible to succeed.
Xuan Yuan fighting is not Yu Mucheng.
Yu Yan no longer playing ...
For these three sons, who is this emperor? Is that Xuan Rui whose life and
death are unknown? !! !! !!
And now let ’s not talk about Chu Jun. Without Yu Jin, who is going to cook
Yu Mucheng who is jealous of himself? Is there a restless country? Is she
willing to help herself now, not to be the Queen Mother in the future? How
will Yu Yan help herself if Yu Yan does not succeed? !!
Too greedy, in the end you get nothing.
Emperor Chong An regretted it instantly.
Everything has come too fast. The person who has been sitting on a dragon
chair for decades has not responded for a while, and he has no so many chips
in his hand.
Emperor Chong'an looked at Princess An Guo in a perplexed manner and
pushed her hard. Princess An Guo understood it. In her heart, she scolded
Chong An Emperor for being too greedy and had not understood that he was a
waste. At this time, she was still thinking about setting the clock Wan!
Success came to an end, and Lin Yu was completely outraged by this trivial
Princess An Guo reluctantly said, "Brother Huang, don't worry! I'm going to
find Zi Zi, he's anxious for a while. Brother Huang knows that Zi Zi is
anxious when he is anxious, and he will dare to say anything, everything is
fine ... What can't be negotiated? "
Princess An Guo comforted Emperor Chong An and comforted herself.
"Elder brother, rest assured, Zi Zi is a noisy temper. If he does not succeed,
he will not die ?! I will persuade him and he will understand immediately."
Emperor Chong'an nodded laboriously, Princess An Guochang could not care
about him anymore, and ordered the palace people to strictly guard the
dormitory from entering, and flew to Yu Yu for his own flight.
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 101: 101
Princess An Guo stepped down the Dragon Stone Step Bell in a hurry,
accidentally stomped her feet, followed her female officer to rush forward to
help, Princess An Guochang could not care about any etiquette at this
moment, pushed away the female officer, strode Go to the gate of the palace.
On the other side, Yu Yan strode out, and now he just wanted to see Zhong
If there is a lot of credit for today's affairs, Zhong Wan alone will take nine
The way in which Beidi broke out was right.
This matter Yu Yan has always embraced himself, Zhong Wan has nothing in
his witnesses and physical evidence. Today, in anxiety, he wrote a "North"
character in Zhong Wan's palm. Yu Zhen did not really hold much hope.
He didn't plan that way.
But Yu Yu then felt that this might be the best time.
Emperor Chong'an is not physically unable to support himself, and he will
never count on himself. He must have sensed that the limit is approaching,
and realized that there is a relationship between Yu Mucheng and Xuan Rui,
and he was forced to help himself. Concealed as a confidant and entrusted.
After all, in this matter, in the eyes of Emperor Chong'an, he and he are in the
same position.
But in such a short period of time, it is too difficult to get the blood book, just
destroy the part that is relevant to you, and then use the right person to send
the witnesses and evidence to Yuqian.
But Zhong Wan did it.
This is the first change.
The back bitterness of the old hatred came too fast. Like the rolling rocks,
Chong Andi's rotten bone was completely smashed. He suffered a stroke.
This is the second accident.
The first change caused Chong'an Emperor to completely lose a son who
could succeed him. The second change caused Chong An Emperor to lose his
bargaining chips.
Therefore Yu Yu can now have enough confidence to leave Chong An
Emperor aside.
In the past few months, Yu Xiaozhuang pretended to be a filial pie, enough to
think that Emperor Chong'an had bypassed himself before Zhong Wan's
intimidation and lure, and Yu Yan had an unspeakable nausea.
There are always people who don't treat others as people, and take care of
what others cherish most.
Shi Jinzhong Wan ’s apprehension between the master and apprentice was
unwilling to complete. Why should he deliberately get him in front of Zhong
Wan to make him laugh? !!
Is it fun?
To this day, they still don't see themselves as people, and they don't look at
Zhong Wan as people.
Then there is no need to wait for him, and let Chong'an Emperor understand
the cold wind. If the world changes, does he still have the confidence?
Yu Yan walked out of the palace gate. At the gate of the palace, the coachman
at the palace of Yu Wang ’s house had brought the carriage. Yu Jin was about
to get on the car. Come up.
Princess An Guo pulled the sleeves of Yu Jian, anxiously, "You listen to me!"
Yu Yan turned, opened his sleeves a little, and looked at Princess An
Guochang indifferently. "Don't expect me, the princess is now looking for Yu
Mucheng, it's too late."
"It's not that far! Listen to me first!" Princess An Guo looked around and
impatiently winked at her female officer, who greeted the surrounding guards
and coachmen to step down.
Chen Guang was stunned, and the aunt and nephew stood opposite each other.
"Listen to me, I already understand it." Princess An Guo was afraid that Yu
Yan would go again. She stood in front of Yu Yan's carriage and quickly said,
"The intention of the emperor's seal letter is not allowed to be in Zhong Wan
in the future. Get out of your hands, isn't it? He had tried to beat Zhong Wan
before, but Zhong Wan didn't agree, so he was impatient and stopped talking
with you, should he completely break your thoughts, right? "
Princess An Guo nodded panicly. "Yes, the emperor also knows that only the
last couple of edicts read by Baiguan can restrain you ... yes, it must be."
Yu Yan's face was cold, and he looked distantly at Princess An Guochang.
"Listen to me first, this is not a non-negotiation, the emperor has regretted it."
Princess An Guo said, "The second seal is now in my arms. As long as you
don't want it, there will never be a fourth seal. I see it, I swear! "
The Princess An Guo was afraid that Yu Jian would not believe it, and
hurriedly took out the edict from her arms for Yu to look at, and said, "It is
true, I have left another edict to the emperor. After dawn, the ministers will
enter the palace. They will only see When I got to that seal, I swear that there
was no word in the seal that mentioned Zhong Wan, it was a seal that made
you a prince! "
"Child." Princess An Guochang had tears in her eyes and lost her voice. "At
dawn, you are the Prince!"
Yu Yan's heart was not half wave, he looked at Princess An Guochang
indifferently and raised a hand to her.
Princess An Guochang was busy handing the **** in her hand to Yu Zheng,
but the moment before she surrendered, Princess An Guo paused and said,
"Zi, you really want to tear it?"
Yu Jian did not want to talk to Princess An Guochang nonsense, "If the
emperor and the princess haven't figured it out, they can find other people."
"Slow!" Princess An Guochang said busyly. "You don't have to hit me
anymore. I believe it. You really can't believe it. The emperor also believes
it. But you have waited so long today and don't care to listen any more. May I
say a few words? Listen to me, or let me send this seal back, or tear him up
on the spot, it's up to you! "
Yu Yan looked indifferently at Princess An Guochang, wondering what else
she could struggle with.
"Ziyi, I'm not talking for the emperor. I can only count on you now. I'm going
to help you. Believe me ... The elder brother's book is definitely not just for
revenge Zhong Wan's puppet. He hasn't gotten confused about this yet.
"Princess An Guo re-grasp Yu Yu's wrist and lowered her voice." The
emperor went to the palace before and performed such a stabbing act, in
order to get rid of Yu Wang and to get rid of me. , But after all, is still paving
the way for the new emperor! Including this seal of seal. "
"Zi." Princess An Guo looked at Yu Jin deeply, "Do you believe it? If it
weren't for the imperial death of the princes, if it wasn't for the emperor's
lack of spirit, he would have to kill Zhong. Wan, it will never be as simple as
breaking his career. "
Yu Yan nodded, "Should I thank him? Didn't weed out the roots?"
Princess An Guo said, "I don't say this differently from you. I'm not here to be
a lobbyist for the emperor. I just keep you awake and think about it. Is this
seal book helping you?"
"You're only one step away from that position now. It's yours to cross this
step! That day, how you want you to spoil him, we can't control it, gold,
silver, mansion, whatever you reward, you just set him up. I'm afraid no one
can manage you in the harem! Isn't that enough? Why should he let him in? "
"Such a person, once indulging him before going to the imperial
examinations, his talents and your promotion will inevitably become a trend
in the future." Princess An Guo said in a deep voice, "Zi, you tell me, and
then After ten years or decades, how do you weigh the relationship between
him and the future Chujun? "
"On the day when your fate is exhausted, how can you guarantee that this
person who has supported you to the throne all the way and who is holding
you with countless pain points will not be the next gloomy sincerity?"
"I can think of it, the emperor can't think of it?" Princess An Guo's voice
lowered. "Ziji ... someone has already been a villain for you now, should you
go down the river, shouldn't you?"
"What you want is Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan is your man after today, and you
can hold him completely in your hands! In the future, whether you want the
queen or the number of concubines or even want Other men ... he doesn't
want you! Nor can he threaten your son-in-law. What harm is this purpose to
you? "
"You have just been stunned by the momentary affection ..." Princess An Guo
looked at Yu Jin with anticipation, and said earnestly, "Child, do you think
clearly now?"
Yu Yan chuckled, "The art of the emperor ..."
"The emperor has a bit of revenge, I can see it." Princess An Guo said, "but I
can also see that he is paving the way for your long-term! And, let the
emperor be so afraid of Zhong Wan, among them ..."
Princess An Guo frowned, "Is it your fault ?!"
"Since your teens, how many **** things did you do for Zhong Wan ?!"
Princess An Guo still hates Zhong Wan's love for Yu Yan's family, otherwise
Yu Jian could have married his wife and children early. These later things
are troublesome, and the past things are more useless. She took a deep breath
and continued, "How have you been brazen and arrogant in the past six
months? You dare to call him" inner son ", what do you want to do? There
are a lot of you like this in the family, but who do you look at so spoiling a
man ?! "
Yu Yan's eyes moved, and he laughed out, "Family son, family son ..."
Princess An Guo frowned. "What are you laughing at?"
"I laugh at Princess Chang, who has a bad memory," Yu Yan said slightly,
whispering softly, "Zhong Wan was originally a family member."
Princess An Guo choked.
"Speaking of it, besides the blood of the imperial royal family who is coming
from me, is there anything better than him?"
"He came from the Wang family, has a distinguished bloodline, was raised by
a prince when he was young, and was taught by an emperor after the opening
of the monarch. I was no match for talent, fame, and gentleman ..." Yu Yan
looked at Princess An Guochang and asked, " Forgot? Who ruined it, eh? "
Yu Yan really couldn't hold his chest and hate, he looked at Princess An
Guochang, "Mother ..."
Yu Yan's lips trembled slightly and choked, "I am far away from the same
place. It was originally the right person."
"We were a match made in heaven." Yu Jiu tore off the lantern hanging on the
carriage, his horse hissed, Yu Qiu copied the scripture in the hands of
Princess An Guochan, and lit the scripture by the lamp. Yu Qiang The
flickering flames in his hands reflected his original handsome face like a
ghost. He stared at Princess An Guochang. "Tell me, who ruined us? Ah?"
Princess An Guochang was shocked and could not help but take a step back.
"After leaving Guiyuan, it didn't take me long to go crazy, but occasionally I
was awake, thinking about the unfinished words he left for me, and trying to
find him ..." Yu Yan said hoarsely, "But I Is it worth it? You are so bad at
him, am I worthy to find him ?! "
Yu Yan's expression was a bit insane, and a voice in his head faintly heard
him say: You deserve it.
"That's it. I always hear such illusions. I imagine I never hurt him ..." Yu Yan
shook his head and said to himself, "But no, you've made me unworthy of him
The voice in my head came again, "No, you deserve it."
Yu Yan shook his head, "I'm not worth it."
Yu Yan threw the flames of his midfielder to the ground, "No ..."
Yu Yan's wry smile, "Look, I heard it again."
"..." Princess An Guozhao looked uneasily around, "I seem to hear it too."
Yu Jiu froze.
In the carriage, Zhong Wan embarrassedly drove the curtain. "Zi, were you
just singing to me?"
Yu Jin: "..."
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Chapter 102: 102
Princess An Guochang's face turned blue and white for a while, and nothing
could be more embarrassing than she is now.
Zhong Wan is helpless, he didn't mean to listen to the corner.
Yu Yan didn't come out in the palace one day and one night, and Zhong Wan
was able to stay at home after waiting for the news of Beidi after he arranged
for the news. I was wondering if I could receive Yu Amnesty. I was lucky,
and after less than two hours Yu Amnesty was out of the palace.
Fang Caiyu pardoned the palace door clock and was about to get out of the
carriage, but when he saw the princess An Guo coming, he still looked in a
hurry. Zhong Wan was even more inconvenient to speak out.
But it ’s because Yu Yan ’s words were just too convoluted. Zhong Wan
could n’t help but whispered a few words in the car.
Zhong Wan herself thought the voice was very low, she didn't want to be
heard anymore.
The scene was awkward by accident.
Yu Yan thought that he had just heard all the words and was heard by Zhong
Wan. He felt that he could not come down from the stage than Princess An
Yu Chen pretended that she was being held by the ashes of a book, wiped her
face, and impatiently hurriedly said, "Back to the house."
Princess An Guochang looked at Zhong Wan, and instantly lost the spirit of
the lesson she just learned. In this moment of life and death, she hated Zhong
Wan and didn't want to blame him on the face. Somewhat surprised.
Only then did she sneer at Chong Andi's inability to see the situation, why
didn't she?
She had long been unable to control the situation, and she had long been
reluctant to forgive.
Princess An Guochang wanted to say he took a look at Yu Ai and watched his
car drive away.
On the carriage returning to the palace of Yu Yu Mansion, Yu Yu still felt a
little unhappy, and those words were okay to speak to Princess An Guochang,
and to Zhong Wan, it was a bit too preposterous.
But Zhong Wan liked it, and he even wanted to hear a few more words.
Zhong Wan whispered very indifferently, "You just said that we are the right
Yu Shen paused and leaned away from Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan came together and said, "Do you still say that I created a world
with you?"
Yu Yan's brain hurt, and he rubbed his eyebrows and turned to, "The seal
book we just burned says that the new emperor must not violate the order of
the emperor for 30 years. Did you know that there would be such a letter?
Zhong Wan couldn't hide it, so he had to admit, "The situation is urgent. There
is no need to rush into it because of this little thing. This barrier may not be
able to break through. I want to save my life. These insignificant things ... let
them. , I didn't tell you. "
"This is a trivial matter?" Yu Yan did not like to turn over the old account, no
longer questioned the details of Chong Andi's coercion to Zhong Wan, and
silenced for a moment. "He can't climb now, why would he want to
arbitrarily dispose me? ? "
Zhong Wan whispered softly, "I heard that it was a stroke?"
"Yes, I can't speak clearly, I can't move half of my body, listen to the meaning
of Taiyi ..." Yu Yan shook his head, "It will take two more days to see the
clue, Taiyi didn't dare to speak, but all understand that his illness will only
Worse, there will be no improvement. "
Zhong Wan said, "This saves a lot of trouble, and Wang Yu is probably
burning high incense in prison now."
Emperor Chong'an became a wasteful man, and Yu Mucheng finally let go
without hesitation.
"But there is a little more trouble." Zhong Wan whispered softly. "Just
listening to the meaning of the elder princess, the emperor will soon set you
up as a prince. Then the king Yu will turn his head and treat you as an
opponent, you ..."
"It doesn't matter." Yu Yan didn't care, "We have done all the things we need
to do, and the following shows are all good. I can pretend to be crazy,
pretend to be sick, and follow them."
Zhong Wan said: "After knowing that the emperor had a stroke, I sent a
message to all my people, so that they no longer need to care about me.
Everything is done with the will of King Yu."
"Afraid he can't reach the emperor?" Yu Qian chuckled, thinking for a while,
"Yu Mucheng has secretly colluded with many people in recent years, but he
can't usually see it. He already found a good way out for himself, but you do
That ’s right, I ’ll explain it to my people after returning to my house. By the
way, I will ask Tang Qin ... Oh, I ’m afraid I do n’t have to explain, I ’m
afraid that the old thing will be understood. ”
Zhong Wan smiled for a moment, and stunned, "Is it true God bless it? Just so
coincident, let me hear what the princess said just now. She knew me when
she saw it. I was afraid I might blow you a pillow. The situation is miserable
in the future. At this moment, he may have turned his head to help King Yu. "
Yu Yan thought for a while, and smiled.
Pushing forward eight years, no one would think that they would suddenly
come together as a party today, no matter what it is, they are trying to reverse
the case for King Ning.
The general trend of the world is that manpower cannot be moved.
At this point, Yu Yan and Zhong Wan no longer have to do anything.
Zhong Wan thought for a while and thought, "There is only one thing that
matters, your people, those who follow Xuanrui to protect him secretly, are
they cramped?"
Yu Jian nodded, "My family I have kept secretly over the years will now
almost guard him, you can rest assured that he can't lose his life."
"I'm not assured that he was really transported back to Beijing by King Yu."
Zhong Wan frowned. "Keep an eye on him. Once the person of King Yu has
taken action, your people must immediately take Xuan Rui away, as we
planned before To hide his good health, you must convince everyone that he
is really stingy, until you succeed in succession. "
Zhong Wan whispered, "Don't take it off, it really made him come back ... you
and Xuan Ye are both dead."
If Yu Mucheng wanted to help Xuanrui to be a puppet, he would not leave the
son of Emperor Chong'an. Xuan Qiong might still have a life, but Yu pardon
and Xuan Peng were absolutely impossible.
The imperial city now looks like a game of life and death. No matter which
step is taken, there will be pieces falling, but only Yu Yu's succession can die
the least.
Neither Zhong Wan nor Yu Yan liked killing people.
Yu Yan nodded gently, "Relax."
Yu Yan knew in his heart that what Zhong Wan was most afraid of was to
disrupt the original pains of King Ning, and gave Zhong Wan a dose of
reassurance. "I have already thought about Xuan Rui's place, and put him
under house arrest. A place with good weather. After three years, all the dust
settles. I will send him back to Qian'an. If he is divided, he will be named
King of Ning'an County. Qian'an is still his, but ... "
Zhong Wan was curious. "Just what?"
Yu Zheng said impatiently, "It's just that he will not be allowed to see you in
Beijing again."
Zhong Wan smiled and nodded: "I promise you, I won't see him again."
The palace of Yu Wangfu arrived, and the sky was already bright. Zhong Wan
got out of the carriage and looked at the new born sun, and he breathed a sigh
of relief.
finally arrived at home.
Both men ran around one day and one night. After returning to their homes,
they bathed and changed clothes separately. Afterwards, North Korea will be
in chaos. Zhong Wan didn't want those impenetrable relatives and courtiers to
come to melancholy forgiveness. Xun Xian took care of Chong'an Emperor
day and night, and then he missed that Chong An Emperor's condition was too
sad and hematemic. He was sick and fell like a mountain. Now he can't get
The steward Feng agreed quickly, before he waited for him to pass the
message to the palace, the palace people from outside had already arrived.
Emperor Chong'an, who had a sudden stroke, finally called the ministers on
the dragon collapse under all kinds of helplessness, using his wooden tongue
and inflexible left hand to explain to the ministers and set his illegitimate son
as the prince.
Suddenly, Emperor Chong'an could no longer take Yu Yan to sacrifice to
heaven. Everything was simplified, and Chong'an's autographs are now
copied in three copies, one under the pillow of Emperor Chong'an, and one
by Princess An Guo. There is also a copy guarded by five old cabinet
After hurriedly receiving the decree, Zhong Wan asked Yu Zheng, "What was
written in that seal book?"
Yu Yan shook his head. "The emperor didn't show me, the princess promised
me that you were not mentioned above."
Zhong Wan thought for a while, "The emperor didn't really trust the princess.
He was afraid that the princess would turn around to help the king, so he left
three autographs. Even if the princess ruined her copy, there were two others.
Sealed, no one can tamper with. "
Yu Yan laid aside the imperial edicts in his hand. "He didn't believe me
either, so he wouldn't give me a copy. Let them do the same ... eat and sleep."
Both were exhausted, lay down after using a little porridge, and fell asleep
without saying a few words.
When Zhong Wan woke up again, it was already dark.
Yu Yan was still asleep, Zhong Wan got out of bed lightly and walked out of
the bedroom. He asked the guard who was guarding the outside, who shook
his head and said in a deep voice, "Master, rest assured, everything is as
usual, nothing matters, spy We sent a few letters, do you want to see it? "
Zhong Wan nodded and took it over one by one.
In other words, nothing happened to him and Yu Ju.
Zhong Wan felt relieved, burned several letters and returned to the bedroom.
Zhong Wan was going to sleep, but dim candlelight, see Yu Yu's look
Yu Yan on the bed frowned tightly, his face was not so good, and it seemed to
be a nightmare.
Yu Yan didn't sleep well for a long time, Zhong Wan wondered if he should
wake him up or let him rest for a while, hesitated, and whispered softly, "Zi,
Zi ..."
Yu Zheng didn't wake up.
Zhong Wan frowned, and suddenly remembered that when Yu Jian questioned
Princess An Guozong at the gate of the palace before, she might be sick.
Yu Jian is now getting better. He really got sick and is different from before.
He can control himself and remember what happened when he got sick. But
as long as he is sick, he wo n’t sleep well that night. It was not easy for him
to wake up, but he really woke up. For a moment, Yu Zhen could not
understand the dream and reality, and his expression was terrible.
Just like now.
Zhong Wan didn't dare to push Yu Jiu awkwardly as before, and coaxed the
child, and patted him on the chest.
Zhong Wan felt something, and he opened Yu Jian's clothes and found a paper
bag from Yu Yan's arms.
Shaking, the tea inside was rustling.
Zhong Wan never expected that Yu Zheng would hide this.
This tea bag was picked up little by little by Zhong Wan himself. He knows
how much he knows. Zhong Wan weighed it. It is estimated that Yu Yan only
ate one leaf when he went crazy that night.
Yu Yan was reluctant.
Zhong Wan held a small tea bag and sighed, really wondering what he had
accumulated in his last life.
Fortunately, people who admire themselves will like themselves so much.
Zhong Wan held the tea bag and wondered if he could take it a little and feed
it to Yu Yan.
But he is not the same as Yu Jue. He has no hope for the fact that this tea can
cure the disease. He feels that it is not as effective as the health soup given
by Taiyi.
Of course, the tepid health soup is not very useful.
Yu Yan's face was getting worse and worse, Zhong Wan's eyes moved, and he
didn't know what to think of, and raised his hand to put down the bed
A few moments later, through the heavy curtain, there were a few ambiguous
voices in the bedroom.
In this way, Yu Zhen fell from a terrible nightmare into a dream.
With the effort of a cup of tea, Yu Jue woke up, dreams overlap with reality
again, Yu Jue felt what Zhong Wan was doing, and this time she was really
Yu Juren unbearably pulled up the quilt, his voice was thick, "I don't sleep
well in the middle of the night ... what do you do?"
Yu Yan ’s handsome eyebrows were like a knife engraved with a slight tide,
with a bit of forbearance and a little affection in his eyes | Yu, Zhong Wan
stared at him like this, his ears suddenly turned red.
Yu Yan's eyes were clear, and he didn't look crazy.
After being questioned by Yu Jian again, Zhong Wan's anger suddenly fell
Could it be that he was not ill at all? Do you think too much? Yu Yan was just
an ordinary nightmare? that……
Then just don't you just sleep in the middle of the night, and while Yu Yu
asleep, do it secretly for him?
Rao is Zhong Wan's thick-skinned, and now wants to go to the lake.
Yu Yan frowned slightly. "Ask you, don't sleep well, why suddenly ..."
Zhong Wan was extremely embarrassed, stuttering, "Nothing, it's okay, let's
go to sleep."
Yu Jin: "..."
Then sleep?
Yu Yan was really out of temper with Zhong Wan. He took a deep breath and
made an action that he could never do.
Yu Yan's inferior use | I hit Zhong Wan for a moment, and said lightly, "Sleep
like this?"
Zhong Wan could not wait to find a place to drill into it.
Yu Yan frowned, "What's wrong?"
Zhong Wan had to tell the truth, Zhiwu said, "I thought you were ill and
wanted to ... wake you up ..."
Yu Yan paused for a moment, and said, "Use this method?"
Zhong Wan shattered the jar and muffled, "Yeah."
Yu Yan had mixed feelings in his heart. He put Zhong Wan in his arms and
kissed him deeply.
"That ..." Zhong Wan hesitated. "I'll help you?"
Yu Yan shook her head and kissed Zhong Wan's lips again, "Don't move
blindly, I want to kiss you for a while ..."
Zhong Wan softened Yu Jian's body, and he whispered, "So ... I use my
However, Yu Yan didn't allow Zhong Wan's hands to move, and raised Zhong
Wan's wrists with one hand and pressed them on the pillow.
After a while, Zhong Wan whispered, "There is another way, do you want
Yu pardoned.
The eyes of the two met, and Zhong Wan's face turned completely red.
Zhong Wan said impatiently, "Zi, I think a bit."
Yu Yan deeply glanced at Zhong Wan, "Are you really okay?"
Zhong Wan whispered, "It's okay ... whatever you want."
Yu Yan kissed Zhong Wan again, and murmured, "This is what you said."
When it was not dawn, Feng steward opened the door lightly, and lowered
his head with a basin of hot water to enter the room. The bed in the bedroom
heard the footsteps disappeared for a moment, and made a few uncomfortable
nasal sounds.
Feng steward retreated.
When the sky was bright, Mr. Feng brought clean clothes into the room,
moved the bed, and in layers of bed tents, Zhong Wan's voice was hoarse,
"Don't wait ..."
The other person on the bed seemed to have heard nothing. Zhong Wan was
forced to say a few words in a crying manner, but Feng steward dared to put
his clothes away and back down.
After dawn, Yu Yan also lowered the bead curtain in his bedroom. He put a
gown on his chest and pushed the door to order the servant to prepare
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Bow 2k novel reading network
Chapter 103: 103
Housekeeper Feng choked the food container into the room by himself, Yu
Yan tied his hair and whispered, "Remove the water basin in the house,
change the basin heat, prepare hot water and bathe later"
Feng steward asked with a secret smile on his face, "Bring the bath in?"
Yu Shen said, "Carry in, don't make those messy petals, he annoys him."
"Yes." Buter Feng glanced into the room, lowered his throat and asked, "Do
you need someone to serve?"
Yu Yue's mouth slightly twitched and shook his head.
Buter Feng asked in a low voice, "Isn't there a room to clean up there?"
Yu Zheng still shook his head, "No."
Butler Feng didn't dare to talk more, and put the food container back down.
Yu Yan opened the food container, filled a bowl of porridge, opened the
curtain and walked into the bedroom. He put the porridge on the small table
near the bed and opened the bed account. Seeing that Zhong Wan had opened
his eyes, he said, "Awkable?"
Yu Yan put his hand on Zhong Wan's forehead and tried again, not hot.
Zhong Wan moved uncomfortably, and his voice was a little dumb. "It's
boring ... you don't want to be waited for, who cleans it up?"
Yu Yan kicked the two robes and a quilt thrown on the ground a little, and
closed the bed account, "I'm coming."
Yu Yan sat by the bed, pulled Zhong Wan up from the quilt, stuffed a soft
pillow behind him, raised the bowl of porridge, "eat."
"Not too much ..." Zhong Wan laughed. "Give me, I can eat it myself."
"Don't move," Yu said, holding the bowl of his hand, and whispered, "Stay
Zhong Wan couldn't help crying. "I didn't break my hand. I'll go to the table to
eat with you ..."
"No, I'm not in a hurry." Yu Qian frowned. "Don't move blindly."
Zhong Wan couldn't, but had to honestly ask Yu Yan to feed him.
Mrs. Yu Yan had been careful about Zhong Wan, who used to feed medicine,
but now also feeds.
Blow each porridge twice, and touch it with a porcelain spoon on your lips.
If it is not hot, feed it to Zhong Wan. If you accidentally stick to the corner of
Zhong Wan's mouth, put down the bowl and give Zhong Wan with cloth silk.
Wipe clean before continuing to feed.
Gentle and thoughtful, compared to last night, it was almost judged as two
Zhong Wan thought back last night that he still felt numbness in his back. He
swallowed a porridge and whispered, "Why is it so good to me suddenly?"
Yu Zheng said, "Except when you were just back in Beijing, when was I bad
for you?"
"Last night." Zhong Wan felt a little unwell, and he took a breath. "I thought I
was going to die."
Yu Yan took the porcelain spoon to stir the porridge, glanced at Zhong Wan,
and whispered, "Isn't it you say it, let me do it?"
Zhong Wan stuffed.
"Again ..." Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan another sip, "You like me to treat you like
that, I know."
Zhong Wan had porridge and her ears were red.
Yu Yan is right.
Zhong Wan was embarrassed to pretend to eat the porridge honestly, and
didn't sleep for a little longer a night. Zhong Wan was already very hungry. If
he let him eat it, he would have to suffer from stomach upset. With a mouthful
of feeding, Zhong Wan felt hot and comfortable in his stomach.
"You're full, eat it quickly, don't let it cool." Zhong Wan knew that Yu Jue
would be hungry, urging, "Don't worry about me."
Yu Yan ignored Zhong Wan. "Open your mouth."
Yu Yan likes to take care of Zhong Wan a little bit like this. No matter what
Zhong Wan says, it doesn't matter. He spoonful after spoonful, feed Zhongwan
two bowls of porridge, and let him go. Yu Yue ate the rest of the porridge
rice himself, and twisted a cloth towel to wipe Zhong Wan's face.
Zhong Wan couldn't help crying, "I don't need it, I'll do it myself."
Yu Yan didn't listen. He wiped Zhong Wan's face and twisted his towel again,
then wiped Zhong Wan's hands. Zhong Wan didn't know what to think, and his
face suddenly changed.
Zhong Wan was panicked by Yu Yan's care.
Zhong Wan carefully looked at Yu Yan's expression, pursed his lips, and
tempted, "Zi?"
Yu Yan wiped Zhong Wan's hand finely without looking up, "Huh?"
Zhong Wan hesitated, knowing that this should not be the case, but still
Zhong Wan has never done anything good in his life. He never dared to be
greedy. He was afraid that it would hurt even more to fall back. He was a
little suspicious and couldn't help whispering. "Suddenly remembered
something, you ... … Give me the bottom line. "
Yu Yan lifted his eyes and looked at Zhong Wan. He was aware of Zhong
Wan's uneasiness, and he frowned. "What to ask?"
Zhong Wan's throat moved and hesitated, "You have to tell me the truth, don't
leave me in a hurry."
Yu Yan held his breath.
Zhong Wan asked very uneasily, "In this case, wouldn't you just like to do it
with me once?"
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan has been in a good mood from last night to now. Although he was
awful in bed with Zhong Wan, he thought he was gentle afterwards. Yu Yan
really did n’t understand why Zhong Wan always asked this when he was so
quiet and shy. This headless question is bad for the atmosphere.
Yu Yan took a deep breath, "Gui Yuan, what are you thinking about every
"That's what, you were so endless last night, and you were so good to me
today, so formal, I was worried ..." Zhong Wan swallowed, "Don't be angry, I
was suddenly so inspired. , Spying on you. "
Yu Jin: "..."
As soon as the brain moved, spy it.
Yu Yan didn't want to look cold at Zhong Wan. He tried his best to endure,
squinting against the fire and boasting, "You're really a little clever."
Yu Yan took a clean lining to change Zhong Wan. He moved very lightly and
wanted to turn the atmosphere back.
But he didn't say anything, Zhong Wan was still not assured. Zhong Wan
reconfirmed, "Is it really only once?"
"Of course not!" Yu Yan was about to be mad at Zhong Wan. "Why do you
have this idea?"
Zhong Wan suffocated, "I ..."
Yu Jue was intolerable. "For the first time you and I, I wanted to wait for the
dust to fall, and I would like to prepare a heavy gift for you. It's
compensation, it's a job offer, and I'll wait for your body to be completely
well and arrange it well. , Choose a good day, and then ... do the same thing
last night. "
"I was in a hurry last night. I want to do my best to compensate for one or
two at this moment, you ..." Yu Yan fed the dog kindly, and he didn't want to
dress Zhong Wan. "You're not happy, just curse me only once. ? "
"No, no," Zhong Wan quickly remedied. "It has nothing to do with you. This
is my own heart disease. I always thought you would only do it once in my
"When will I ..." Yu Yan was so stubborn, "Did I ever break that thing once?"
Zhong Wan was embarrassed. "So powerful, naturally not."
Yu Jin: "..."
Yu Yan was suddenly so bluntly praised by his sweetheart that the bed was
so fierce that the fire in his heart went out instantly.
Yu Yan helplessly went on to dress Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan experienced the ups and downs of life, and she was at ease, and
began to feel comfortable with Yu Yuzhen. Zhong Wan took the initiative to
kiss her lips, and said in a small voice, "How are you so good? We ca n’t get
married, what can we arrange? of?"
Yu Yan completely lost his temper, fastened Zhong Wan's last button, and
said, "turn back and make up."
Zhong Wan didn't ask what the "big gift" was. He slightly raised his head and
licked Yu Shou's lips, trying to make Yu Shou kiss him a little deeper.
Yu Yan brought Zhong Wan to the bedside to give him a good meal, and
finally dispelled the fire.
Outside the Feng steward knocked on the door, Yu Yan released Zhong Wan,
and let Zhong steward come in after Zhong Wan cleaned up.
Feng steward yelled, "There is something, they are afraid of delay. Let me
tell the Prince first."
Yu said, "Say."
Feng steward approached and whispered, "In the early morning yesterday,
after the prince and young master returned home, Princess An Guo returned to
the palace and took care of the emperor for two hours before leaving the
"It is reasonable to say that the princess was also hard enough. At that time,
the emperor's edict had been issued, and the imperial edict of Chu was
issued. The princess was out of the palace and it was time to return to the
princess's house to rest, but no ... the princess went to visit the relatives
again. . "
Yu Zheng and Zhong Wan glanced at each other, Yu Zheng said indifferently,
"Sure enough."
Feng steward said, "The princesses didn't know what they said to some of the
old relatives, but one of them had our spies. After the princess left, they
asked for a bit of information and heard that they secretly planned after the
princess left. Qian'an King Xuanrui was the emperor, and each house had its
own meritorious deeds. In the future, it will have a cover and say ... say ... "
Yu Zheng said, "You said so."
Feng steward said resentfully, "It is said that the prince's temperament is
rampant, and he was raised by someone with a different surname. In the
future, he will not be lenient towards his kinsfolk. All kinds of harsh
treatments can be imagined. It is better to set up a concubine, and everyone
will continue to enjoy prosperity."
Yu Yan smiled, "They're really right."
The steward Feng then continued, "Now the above said that the emperor had
an acute illness, and it will be better after a while, but our people have heard
that the emperor is now completely speechless and can speak out, but no one,
no one I don't understand. The half of the body injured by a stroke is also
completely unable to move. The Taiyi still dare not say anything, but listening
to it means that it can't be better, so it's time to endure it. "
Zhong Wan asked, "How long can I stay?"
Feng steward lowered his voice. "As many as March, as little as possible ...
whenever you go, it is possible."
The steward Feng continued, "There is Wang Yu's side. Wang Yu first said
that the original Qian'an King Xuanrui did not know what to do. He was
afraid that someone was cutting the grass and rooting, and that he knew that
the sin was deep. Now that retribution has arrived, he doesn't want to make
trouble for the tiger. Justify for King Ning. "
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes. "Did he mention Xuanqiong?"
Butler Feng wiped his sweat, "I mentioned ..."
"Yu Wang said that His Highness's actions were completely imitating the
events of that year, and they wanted to collude with thieves and kill their
hands and feet."
Zhong Wan froze. "He's really cut out."
"He couldn't protect Xuan Qiong." Yu Zhenshen said, "We've kept up the
story of Bei Di. He didn't expect to make trouble at this time, but he was
decisive enough to know that Xuan Qiong could not be saved, and he simply
regarded him as Stepping stones, how is Xuan Qiong now? "
Feng steward said, "I was barely able to scream for myself when I was first
admitted to the clan's house, but knowing that Wang Yu had completely lost
his mind after pulling him into the water. Our people have explored it and
said that he was scared of courage. Now he is afraid of what Can't ask any
more. "
Yu Zheng said, "What about the emperor?"
The steward Feng shook his head. "The queen had no idea originally, and she
is sick now. Now the emperor has become the eldest princess. The cabinet
ministers did not dare to tell the emperor these things, but this morning when
the princess of the country entered the palace, Having said all, the emperor
just passed out again, and the stroke person could not be stimulated. This
time, I woke up again ... I wonder if the other half of the body that can move
will be broken. "
Yu Yan said he was not sad and happy, "Retribution for cause and effect."
Feng steward said, "Our people ask, should we continue to watch the fire
across the shore?"
Yu Yan nodded, "Naturally."
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Chapter 104: 104
"Oh yes, there is one more thing." Feng steward said in a low voice, "The
people in the village reassured the prince, they took good care of the two
little masters, and did not let them know about the death of the former king of
Qian'an. Beijing These messes will never be heard in their ears. "
Yu Yan nodded. "They have tighter mouths and look at the twins. If they
happen to be known by them, no matter how troubled they are, they will
never be allowed to return to Beijing without my order."
Feng steward nodded, "Yes."
"Also." Yu Jian glanced at Zhong Wan aside, and tried his best to say
"Twelve ?!" Feng's housekeeper was startled, and he smiled. "The prince
may not know that the decree of the legislature yesterday was already
rewarded. Everyone in charge was eight or two. The servants each Two or
two people are very grateful. The generals can't wait to slap themselves, go
back to the palace and wait for the prince and young master! "
Yu Yan stopped talking and shook his head, "It has nothing to do with this, so
don't ask any more. Each person is twelve or two. The reward is."
Zhong Wan felt a little embarrassed and looked down for tea.
The steward Feng looked innocently at Yu Yan and then at Zhong Wan,
thinking about what happened last night, the old face flushed, "Oh! Yes, it is
also a great event, that old slave thanked everyone for their lives."
Yu Yan was satisfied, and he said again, "Don't fall down there, reward."
Feng steward agreed, and proposed, "Then saying that Qian'an Palace should
also be rewarded."
Yu Yan was feeling better, and he still didn't know how to say, "Xuan Yuan
also rewarded one or two?"
Zhong Wan: "..."
Zhong Wan couldn't bear it anymore, interjected, "Is this something to do with
innocent Xuan Ye? Why reward him?"
Feng steward said dryly, "His Highness may not be happy ..."
Yu Yan frowned sensitively, "Don't he recognize? He doesn't look at me and
The steward Feng never dare to disobey Yu Yan's intentions, and yelled, "He
dare not !!!"
Feng steward said positively, "I can't even see it, His Highness Five dare not
say anything!"
Yu Yan's face slowed a little, hesitated, "If it's not the right time, it's all worth
pardoning the world, and reward Xuan Yang one or two, he should be
grateful to Dade."
Feng steward closed his eyes and flattered, "That's what it is! For such a
good thing to be celebrated all day, His Highness Five should be happy.
After this, His Highness Five can't say that no one else will take him with
him anymore. There is a Prince who always thinks of him! "
Zhong Wan covered his face in pain, without looking.
Although Yu Yan still felt that he was not formal enough and lively, but
because of the moment of life and death, he had to do so.
Feng steward took his life.
Yu Wangfu's House was rewarded with silver in the open storeroom. It was
swaying in the wind and rain, and the dark tide that had been flowing for
many years gathered into a huge wave. Finally, the old filth buried in the
ground was completely thrown to the sun.
Emperor Chong'an heard the news from Princess An Guo and fainted. It took
two days and two nights for him to wake up again. Emperor Chong'an could
not speak at all, and his legs could not move. There was only one. The left
hand can also laboriously make two strokes.
Two days and two nights, long or short, but not short, but enough time has
been given to Yu Mucheng.
How the Emperor Emperor favored the younger son Ning that year, everyone
with eyes could see it, not to mention that the relatives and old officials of
the Emperor more than once hinted that King Ning would be crowned Prince
in the future. After he ascended the throne, the former officials of the former
North Koreans were dismissed, demobilized and demobilized. The clan
relatives had no choice but to secretly reduce the authority of the clan
relatives. Later, when Xuan Ruiyuan was sent to Qian'an, he also sent a lot of
them in the way. Patriarch.
For many years, the kinsmen did not dare to say anything, and many people
had already hated it.
Emperor Chong'an became a wasteful person, Yu Jian told him that he could
not go out of the hospital, and it wasn't good to hear that. When the emperor's
power faded, someone would rise.
Those who got Yu Mengcheng's assurance that they wanted to share a cup at
this moment immediately got up and quickly gathered into the party.
From the beginning of the first person's speech, the crowd suddenly became
bold and began to openly yell injustice for King Ning. By investigating
Xuanqiong's case, they turned over the old case of the year, and it was about
to return King Ning's innocence.
Zhong Wan was listening to all kinds of news in the government, and there
was no trace in his heart.
When Emperor Chong'an held his power tightly, and when Zhong Wan was
struggling in prison, those people did not say a word for King Ning.
Eight years later, these people seemed to be awake like dreams, and
suddenly remembered that they were also close relatives connected with
King Ning's flesh and bones.
If someone wants to reverse the case for King Ning, there must be someone
who wants to defend the imperial power.
Emperor Chong'an has held power for many years. Although he holds the
autocratic dictatorship, he did hold the cabinet tightly in his palms. The court
officials were all pulled up by Chong'an, and now they are holding Yu Yu
Succession to the book, naturally refused to be troubled by the faction.
Since the fall of Emperor Chong'an, the two factions have gradually become
more and more distinct, and the contradiction has intensified gradually, but
for half a month, it has become tense and hot, and they can't wait to swallow
each other.
In the dark smoke, Princess An Guo met Yu Yu for once.
On that day at the gate of the palace, Princess An Guoguo was very
embarrassed. She really did n’t know how to face Yu Qiang. I heard that Yu
Qiang could not get out of bed. Princess An Guoguo first ordered someone to
send some medicinal herbs. On the day, she personally came to the Yuyuan
Princess An Guochang had no hope at all, but Yu Jian met her.
Princess An Guo looked at Zhong Wan uneasily, "Zi, I have something to say
to you alone ..."
"No need," Yu said, sitting down calmly. "If Zhong Wan hadn't heard the last
thing, someone would add some jealousy to him afterwards. I can't argue
with it. The princess should speak it in person."
Zhong Wan followed and sat down, thinking about it, without speaking.
During this year, Yu Jian will inevitably break his heart every time he sees
Princess An Guo.
If it wasn't for fear of missing something important, if it wasn't for Princess
An Guo's arrogance and unwillingness to speak to herself, Zhong Wan
actually wanted to deal with her by herself.
Princess An Guo looked at the two of them, "Well, I told you anyway, you
have to turn around and tell him."
Princess An Guo thought for a moment, and said, "Today, by toiling and
arguing with them back and forth, I accidentally found out something that is
related to you and me. Let me tell you, lest you and me be confused. . "
"Seven years ago, there was an artificial rumor that told me that my own
child that day was secretly used by the emperor to kill me."
Princess An Guochang smiled bitterly. "I was mad at the time, hit you, and
asked you to kneel at the Yufu Ancestral Hall. From then on ... our mother-
child relationship was completely broken."
"It was later found out that the child was indeed accidentally lost by myself,
but I never knew who actually released such rumors, which hurt me first and
hurt you, and finally knew it today."
Princess An Guo looked to Yu Jian with a sorrowful smile, "Do you believe
it? It is the emperor, my good emperor, your father and emperor."
Zhong Wan's complexion changed suddenly, and Yu Yue gave a smirk, and
then laughed.
"it is true."
"On that day, King Ning was dead, and the children who were left behind
were thrown to death by the emperor in the barren land, and the emperor had
no further concerns."
"The Zhong family has completely fallen, and Ning ’s palace is dead and
gone. No one can stir up the bad things about him and Xiao Zhongfei again.
He no longer worries that your unknown child will hurt him, because The
son-in-law withered, he wants to recognize you. "
"The emperor had the idea of setting you up as a saver that day. Among the
few sons, you are the most accomplished. In fact, he had a choice in his heart,
but ..." Princess An Guochang laughed, "but you and my mother and son have
a deep affection, You are a good boy, you are filial to me, and you respect
King Wang. "
"The son cannot become someone else. If the son can succeed, he cannot
respect foreigners as parents. The emperor is afraid that I and Wang Yu will
interfere in the political affairs of the future. He wants to completely break
the relationship between you and me, so that you can only rely on him. But
how can this be broken? "
"The best result is that I push you to him personally, and the best way is to
provoke me to mad because of my own sloppy child."
"Sure enough, I am so angry that I treat you with all kinds of coldness.
According to the emperor's original plan, he will now rejoin you in the
palace, hide the affair between him and Xiao Zhongfei, compile a story, and
treat you It's his parent-child thing that makes you think of him as your father
and king. "
"This is also why I later found out that the child accidentally lost it because
the original result was that I could n’t regret it after I found out the truth, but I
ca n’t repair the relationship with you anymore. Further friendship with the
emperor. "
"Maybe, there's another fork in the middle."
Princess An Guo held on to Pa Zi tightly, "Yu Mucheng knows."
"Xuan Qiong was still there. How could Yu Mucheng let the emperor make
you a depository? He inserted it, threw countless clues, led you, hooked you,
and made you investigate the events of that year. Be clear. "
"If not, you were so young at that time, how could you understand it so well?"
Princess An Guo said in pain, "The emperor's wishful thinking was lost, and
by accident, it was all over ..."
After that incident, Yu Jian was reborn and became another person.
Even though he had long guessed it, Zhong Wan couldn't help shaking her
hands when she heard this from Princess An Guo.
Take good care of them, just being stabbed and stabbed by these people, the
injuries are now like this.
"These things about my child have made me feel bad forever. It's my heartfelt
hatred to break up with your misunderstanding." Princess An Guo stood up
and said, "I know this now, but I didn't know what to do. Whoever, whether
it's helping the emperor or the king Yu, I feel uncomfortable now, son-in-law
... I'm really tired. "
Princess An Guo laughed at herself, "Anyway, I have helped both sides. No
matter who you will succeed in the future, even if you interfere with your
own situation, you will not kill me. I don't care."
Princess An Guochang turned around and looked at Yu Geng tiredly before
leaving. "In the past ... Yu Wang was satisfied, and she gave birth to her
sister-in-law for several times. I told you several times for me. I do n’t need
to say more. You said ... "
Princess An Guo said, "You say, as a son of man, how can you not protect
your mother?"
"But later ..." Princess An Guo shed tears. "When you are not as good as you
die, I knew it wasn't your fault, but I was injured by you for so many years,
my son-in-law ... is a bad mother, but I didn't think about it. Protect you in
turn. "
Zhong Wan choked violently in his throat, so what use is it to say now? !!
Princess An Guo finally left.
Zhong Wan took a deep breath, walked to Yu Yan's side, and carefully raised
his hand. Before Zhong Wan spoke, Yu Zhen smiled indifferently.
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan and laughed, "I didn't coax you, somehow, this
time I'm not at all uncomfortable."
Zhong Wan paused, endured again and again, tears winding down.
Zhong Wan bowed her head and choked silently.
"I see, it's you who are uncomfortable on my behalf." Yu Jiu took out the
parcel to wipe Zhong Wan, whispered, "There is something I want to tell you
long ago, but the time has not come, talk Promise is not interesting, today ... I
feel the time has finally come. "
Zhong Wan looked up at Yu Yan, her lips moved slightly.
The eyes of the two met, Yu Yan unexpectedly frowned, and whispered, "You
had already guessed it, didn't you?"
Zhong Wan clutched Yu Jian's wrist tightly, and said, "You think again."
Yu Yan smiled freely, "I have long thought about it."
Princess An Guo claimed to be ill, and pulled away from the chaos.
Three days later, through Yu Mucheng's evidence and evidence, Chong An
emperor colluded with Xiao Zhongfei and killed the emperor in the past, and
collusion with his aunt, the iron evidence to kill the father and the emperor
was in front of everyone. The clan's relatives raised their eyebrows and
exhaled, then filled with indignation, and wanted to discuss an argument for
the emperor.
Yu Mucheng acted carefully and carefully. All things that were related to the
year were called "hearing" and "expectation", and the evidence was thrown
out. All other things were found out by other people. When asked about him,
Yu Mucheng denied it bluntly. It is only said that he had doubted for many
years, but the matter was serious and he had never dared to investigate
For many years, he didn't know anything about it, but he was always able to
get the evidence.
Everyone knew that Yu Mucheng was lying, but the people of the Chong'an
emperor did not want him. The ancestors even referred to the deer as a horse.
At a time, Yu Mucheng became a loyal minister.
Everything is happening in accordance with Yu Mucheng's expectations.
Chong'an Emperor was fainted several times and lived several times.
Although he has been procrastinating and can't die, he has lost all his
authority and can only watch his own most respected courtier. Let it go.
The last straw that crushed Emperor Chong'an was a relic of the emperor.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs opened an old warehouse in the palace and
found an old dress.
After the emperor died, these things were either burned or buried. It
happened that such a piece of clothes was left out, because the palace man
put it in a book box by mistake and was stored.
There was a little medicine stain on the old clothes, which was caused by
vomiting when Emperor was seriously ill.
Examinations by the elder physician and the elderly doctors revealed that the
stains were indeed poisonous.
The people of Emperor Chong'an had been biting to death and said that the
emperor was indeed seriously ill and died. As soon as this old clothes came
out, everyone couldn't argue.
Several generals in charge of Beijing's military power were all pure
ministers. At first, they also worked together to crush the factions, so even if
they were crazy, they could not force the palace. But nowadays the evidence
of Chong'an Emperor Xijun is conclusive, and several pure ministers did not
know what to do for a while.
Chong'an Emperor is in charge of the imperial power, and everyone deserves
to pledge allegiance, but isn't the emperor the emperor? Should the people
who murdered the first emperor continue to be loyal?
At the stalemate, Qian'an officials made a false accusation, saying that the
former King of Qian'an had been found. Xuanrui, the former King of Qian'an,
was indeed assassinated by Emperor Chong'an, but he was blessed by God
and Xuanrui was not dead.
Emperor Chong'an killed the emperor first, and then killed King Ning
innocently. Now, even the sister-in-law of King Ning did not let go of the
evil behavior, and finally the clan's relatives were intolerable.
At this stage, the Chong'an Emperor's faction has no other options.
Although Yu Mucheng couldn't leave the clan, he was not worried at all.
What if we are still under house arrest for a while? Xuan Rui wanted to
succeed, he had to let himself go.
Yu Mucheng carefully thought about it for several months, and finally the dust
settled. He completely relaxed his heart. Yu Mucheng in the ancestral palace
eats the raw tea every day. He has a calm heart and he keeps up his spirit.
Waiting for Xuan Rui to go to Beijing to fight the last one. Turn around.
But this time, God didn't care for him anymore.
Xuan Rui is missing.
"No, it's impossible." Yu Mucheng deservedly floated in the DPRK for many
years and developed a good skill. He listened to Zhong Zhongwan's words,
and shook his head, "You don't have to lie to me."
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Mucheng quietly, "If you don't believe me, I'll go."
"Slow!" Yu Mucheng moved his fingers unconsciously. "You just said ... said
he was missing? What is missing? Why is it missing?"
Zhong Wan said indifferently, "The disappearance is the disappearance, from
the beginning to the end is the joy you call from Lord Yu, and it is said that
Xuan Rui is still alive. What evidence do you have?"
Yu Mucheng said eagerly, "Xuanrui is evidence!"
Zhong Wan said, "But now he can't see anyone, he can't see a dead body, the
relatives are upset, and everyone is hurt by your talk."
Yu Mucheng froze, his tone was unstable, "He was clearly not dead! It was
my people who saved him! I was afraid that Xuan Rui would be assassinated
by the emperor, and secretly sent someone to **** him to Beijing! My people
have always said that Xuan Rui is good of!"
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Mucheng quietly, but did not speak.
Yu Mucheng suddenly looked at Zhong Wan, and after a moment, he fully
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Mucheng's pale face instantly and said, "Master Yu,
are you too greedy?"
"You originally had the opportunity to completely grasp Xuan Rui in your
palm, but in order to let me and Zi Xi centrifugal, you deliberately let Zi Xi's
people follow, but after Xuan Rui's accident, I was angry with Zi Xi." Tao Po
Yu Mucheng's heart, "In case Xuan Rui really has a good deal, if someone
will hold you in the future, you can still rely on Yu Yan's head, three birds
with one stone, isn't it?"
The blood on Yu Mucheng's face faded.
"That's it," Zhong Wan said in a deep voice. "You haven't forgotten him yet."
Yu Mucheng looked at Zhong Wan and asked, "You killed Xuan Rui halfway?
Zhong Wan, King Suining loved you so much. That's how you treated King
Ning's son in order to let Yu Xun take over?"
Zhong Wan was too lazy to explain.
Yu Mucheng quickly thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered another
person in her heart, and suddenly exclaimed, "Come here! Come here!"
"It's late," Zhong Wan said coldly. "I'm here to tell you that the emperor is
about to die and Zizi has already entered the palace."
Yu Mucheng didn't really understand the meaning of "late" at this moment. He
ignored Zhong Wan, completely lost his temper, and shouted loudly.
At the same time in the palace.
Chong Andi's wax-colored face was blue, and he tried his best to open his
mouth, exhaling a breath, and then "snoring" for a while before breathing in
another breath.
The people kneeling outside the hall were sobbing.
In the hall, Yu Yan stood on the bedside, staring at Chong'an Emperor
An old **** outside came in and was very pleased, "Emperor! Emperor!
Xuanrui's rebel is indeed dead! He can't be found at all, and the relatives are
Emperor Chong'an opened his eyes instantly. He looked at Yu Zhen,
struggling to touch the hand he could still move under the pillow, and took out
a copy of the book.
Emperor Chong'an shook his hand, tossed the **** under the bed, and
laboriously took the pen handed to him by the old eunuch, writing on the quilt
like a ghostly note: Ascend to the throne, time is running out, don't wait for
them to come back to God and go to find ... ...
Emperor Chong'an was exhausted, and fell back to bed, unable to write.
Yu Yan picked up the edict on the ground, opened it and looked at it carefully,
then whispered, "I know."
"Why do you keep it in your hand and why don't you give it to me?" Yu
Yantan opened the book, faintly, "The queen's candidates are all set?"
Yu Yan murmured, "If I want to ascend to the throne, I must marry the queen
you have chosen for me, haven't I?"
Emperor Chong'an stared at Yu Zheng with a hint of pleasure in his eyes.
Even if the relatives were in troubled waters, what happened to Zhang
Yawu's claws for so many days? There must be no king in a day. As soon as
you leave, you will soon have a new emperor. Xuanrui is missing. Who dares
to say half a word to Yu Jian?
Even if Yu Mucheng has been dormant for years? In the end, isn't this a
bamboo basket fetching water?
What if Yu Yu is not tame? If he wanted this dragon chair, he had to take it
with the queen.
Although Zhong Wan was not able to break the possibility of entering the
government, Emperor Chong'an never agreed to let Yu Yan follow his heart in
his marriage.
The old **** serving the Emperor Chong'an was frightened and said, "Prince,
the emperor said before, I'm afraid you are confused. In the future, for Master
Zhong will not marry the queen, so ... I must arrange it for you. You won't be
indifferent to thinking about it, so ... for everyone. "
Yu Zhen smiled, "In the final edict, I have to put it together."
Chong Andi breathed a few breaths, took the pen again, and drew on the
quilt: That child, pinched in your hand, it's fine, but don't delay any more
time, kinsmen, will immediately think of him, don't let they……
"Rest assured." Yu Yan folded the book, "Even if the relatives have come
back to God to remember that King Ning has such a son, he can't see him and
can't **** him."
Yu Yan casually said, "Xuanyu will always be in my hands."
Emperor Chong'an thought that Yu Jin had finally compromised, and just
about nodding, he suddenly noticed something wrong.
Emperor Chong'an hoared a few times, his left hand shaking violently.
Yu Zhen smiled, "I didn't expect it?"
"My dear relatives have done everything for me, and I have a lot of trouble
Yu Zhen whispered softly, "But everyone just stared at Xuan Rui, and forgot
that King Ning had a son."
"King Ning has reversed the case, then his two sons are actually the same."
Emperor Chong An understood what Yu Yan was about to do, and was out of
Yu Yan read the book carefully and said to himself, "All these years,
everyone has pushed me into the abyss ..."
"I am a chess piece for all of you ... you know that if I marry a queen, I will
lose Zhong Wan, and I will die, but for this bloodline, you still have to force
me, so that I will still be subject to you At the mercy of it. "
"I had already given my fate in this abyss, but Zhong Wan suddenly jumped
down, not just jumping down, he also wanted to pull me and climb up
Yu Yan looked to Emperor Chong'an, "You should thank him. If it weren't for
him, this ending would be even more terrifying."
Chong'an Emperor's eyes cracked, and he shouted sharply.
"Yu Mucheng, they feel that they have Xuan Rui's life-saving grace first, and
then they have the power to stand up, and they can safely hold Xuan Rui in
their hands."
"Xuanrui and Zhong Wan have an inextricable knot, and it is even more
difficult to tell new and old hate with me. If he succeeds, he will not let us
"So I can't let him return to Beijing, but ... what about Xuanyu?"
"Is he closer to Zhong Wan who brought him up close than his cousins whom
he didn't recognize, and my cousin who gave him the throne?"
"Do n’t worry, I wo n’t treat Xuan Yu as a concubine. I will cultivate him,
teach him, and give him everything when he is an adult, and he can really take
control of the world. This debt has been paid off. "
"I'm not stuck in the past, and Guiyuan no longer has to feel sorry for King
"The two of us are clean and we don't owe anyone any more."
Yu Zheng stood up and spoke to Chong'an Emperor calmly for the first time,
"Father Emperor, from beginning to end, I never thought about this throne, I
just want to ..."
In the patriarch's house, Zhong Wan looked at Yu Mocheng, who had lost his
soul, and said dumbly, "Zi just wanted to do his best ..."
"Push the mighty gear that was misplaced 20 years ago back to its original
The author has something to say: I finally finished writing.
A book I've been writing for 16 years, deleted, changed, and another book
compared to the original version, but very happy, this is the most complete
story in my mind, the overall tone after several adjustments Huantuo has been
a lot, it is the version I am most satisfied with.
The story is a bit heavy, trying to write as easily as possible, one hopes that
the two protagonists will not be so painful, and the other is that both
protagonists are strong enough, especially Zhong Wan. No matter how bad
the situation is, he can Have fun for yourself.
Looking back at the whole story, I still feel a little bit sad. Really, I like it too
There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but now I feel that I have already
said everything in the text that I should say, and I ’m not embarrassed. I wish
all readers who have read this article can be positive and optimistic. Cross
2019 is coming soon, I wish all readers happy and safe.
See you next time.
Thank you for your support
(I have n’t written a long story in a long time, I ’m too tired. I will update it
after a few days of rest. See you all ~)
(Advertising, the next article is about to open in the middle of 19 years, and
the pre-collection copy has been released. The first column is, I hope
everyone can collect it and love everyone) 2k novel reading network
Chapter 105: Extra
In Yuzhuang's villa, mountain flowers are raging.
In the gazebo, the teacher Xuan Congxin's grumpy temper asked well, "Miss,
what is this embroidery?"
Xuan Congsin stroked the silk on his hand, absent-minded, "Phoenix."
嬷嬷 Silent for a moment, he nodded reluctantly, "Yes, at first I couldn't see
it, but I saw it at the tail feather, it was a phoenix."
"This is not the tail feather." Xuan Cong restrained his temper. "This is the
嬷嬷 Awkwardly, "Really, but miss, this place is wrong, it should be ..."
"It should be a needle from here." Xuan Yu took a book down and heard the
words could not help but probe, "Sister, I have taught you for so long, I have
heard it, you have a wrong needle, from one It was embroidered wrong at the
beginning, look here ... "
"I learn or do you learn?" Xuan looked at Xuan Yu from her heart, not
angering herself. "Don't read a book, and stare at my embroidery. What about
Xuan Yu retracted her head, nana, "No test."
"What are you blindly looking at without a test?" Xuan was uneasy from the
beginning, and was nowhere to spit fire. "I am not too young anymore, I ca n’t
do anything with my sword, and my father ’s title is gone now. This was the
death of my eldest brother, and it wasn't because of Zhong Wan's protection
that we both sent back to Qian'an to eat bran. For so many years, everyone
has been watching jokes in our house. Can you fight for it? "
Xuan Yu hurriedly opened the book, and he stammered, "I and I are stupid,
but I know in my heart that I have to worry about my brother."
Xuan Yu changed his mouth long ago, and his elder brother was Zhong Wan.
Xuan Cong said, "There is still a little conscience."
Xuan Congxin looked down at the embroidery she was embarrassing. She
sighed, "No more embroidery. What about the article you wrote yesterday?
I'll take a look for you first, so as not to be angry with Mr."
Xuan Yu flinched and said timidly, "Yesterday, the elder brother took me to
catch the pheasant, so I didn't write."
Xuan Congxin was furiously holding the embroidery needle, "You, you ..."
Xuan Yu jumped up and pleaded guilty for pouring tea from Xuan Congxin,
"Don't be angry, drink tea first."
"I don't drink it!" Xuan Cong angered. "All day I can't write an article! What
do you want to do in the future? What can you do? Wait for the pie to fall
from the sky?"
Xuan Yu's blush was trained, and she was about to find a way out. A distant
home would hurry over with a letter.
The family approached and looked at the two of them.
Xuan Congxin was unwilling to scold Xuan Yu in front of outsiders, took
over the letter from the house, took it open, took a look, and froze.
Xuan Yu stood carefully on the side, seeing that Xuan Congxin's stone
sculpture seemed to be a long time from speaking, and tempted, "Sister,
what's wrong? Is something happening in Beijing?"
Xuan Cong said dumbly, "Brother, it seems that the pie has really fallen from
the sky."
Less than a month after setting up the prince, Emperor Chong'an died.
Emperor Chong'an was not walking peacefully. He seemed to be a snake that
had been severed, struggling on the bed and struggling for a long time. He
sobbed loudly with his inflexible tongue after a stroke, and his roar spread
throughout the palace, like There are a lot of unspoken words.
But at that time, he was unable to change his widow, and no one could hear
him anymore. Chong'an Emperor died on the dragon bed with resentment and
Everyone turned their eyes to Yu Jin.
Thanks to the hard work of Yu Mucheng and his relatives, Yu Chong'an died
without any effort to thoroughly investigate the old case of King Ning. Yu
Liu's six relatives did not recognize him. When investigating the case, he
opened up to the unseen things. After that, Yu Yan no longer shy away from
his own origin, and confessed that he was chaos of Emperor Chong'an and
Xiao Zhongfei | Lun was born, his blood was dirty and unbearable.
No one expected that His Royal Highness, who had finally climbed to a high
position, temporarily changed his mind after the death of Emperor Chong'an
and refused to succeed. No matter how hard a party loyal to Chong'an would
persuade and plead, he would not accept the edict.
Everyone broke his head and couldn't figure it out. What did Yu Zizheng do?
After all, the clan relatives bet on the wrong treasure, but Yu Jian refused to
ascend the throne, but Xuan Rui did not see people or dead bodies, but when
Yu Mucheng wanted to take advantage of the situation and set up a new
emperor, they disappeared. Zhong Wan, Zhong Guiyuan returned to Beijing,
and by the way brought the youngest son of King Ning, Xuan Yu.
Ning Wang Gang just turned over the case, and now Yu Yan personally
ushered Xuan Yu into the palace, what to do is self-evident.
Except for Yu Yan and Zhong Wan, others could not easily see Xuan Yu. Yu
Mucheng counted his whole life and eventually made a wedding dress for
him. On the day Xuan Yu was accepted into Yu Gong's palace, Yu Mucheng
hanged himself in the clan's palace.
Xuan Qiong was horrified for many days, and was frightened when he knew
Yu Mucheng's death, and became a true lunatic.
Chong'an's fourth son, Xuan Yuan, had been quiet in his own house for a day
before he knew it, and then closed his door to thank guests and refuse to see
Everything is unexpected, everything is reasonable.
After March, the new emperor Xuan Yu officially succeeded, and the year
was Yuan Yan.
The ex-prince Yu Yan, who had great support for the new emperor, naturally
became the regent king.
In other words, Yu Yan himself became the regent king.
Everyone felt that they saw it very clearly. Yu Jue had established a younger
and easier to control.
It seems reasonable to think this way. At the time when Chong'an Emperor
had just crashed, there was a lot of discussion in the field and in the wild.
Everyone was investigating Chong'an's guilt for killing his father and his
concubine. Of course, if Yu Jian is going to the throne regardless of criticism,
he will have countless troubles in the future.
The matter of origin alone is to make him a good name for anti-realism.
But now he has brought in Xuan Yu, who has not been concerned in Qian'an
since he was a little boy. He calmed down the matter and gained real power,
which was a good calculation.
The ancestors felt that they had underestimated this lunatic before.
Of course, they only dare to say these words in their hearts.
After the new emperor ascended the throne, the regent king slashed the wings
of Yu Mucheng with a sweeping axe, and dealt with his deadly courtiers to
Chong'an. By calming down the scourge of Beidi and taking over the military
and government, by the end of Yuan Yan's early years, the regent king had
completely changed the dynasty by this trend, and Yu Jin finally put
everything into his palm.
After the dust settled, no one dared to say one more word.
Including Xindi.
In the small warm room of the parliament hall, Xuan Yu sat uneasily on the
dragon chair and looked at Yu Yan's cooking affairs.
"This is the crucial discount sent by the Cabinet today." Yu Yan replied the
book discount factor after saying, "If the emperor sees anything wrong after
reading it, you can tell me."
Xuan Yu said dryly, "There must be nothing wrong with what the Regent has
seen. I ... I won't watch it."
Yu Yan looked up at Xuan Yu, pondered for a moment, and then said, "The
Emperor has something to say?"
Although Xuan Yu and Yu Ju were cousins, they were not close to each other.
Knowing the old things of the former dynasty, Xuan Yu's feelings for his
cousin and uncle were even more complicated.
Xuan Yu is different from Xuan Rui. Although he is not very smart, he is quite
After returning to Beijing, he and Xuan Congxin have been together for a long
time. How did the twins think that the original thing was not to blame Yu
Jian? Now it is not so straightforward to take over the throne from Yu Jin.
Xuan Yu's dragon chair wasn't sitting securely. I wanted to tell Yu Jian a few
times, otherwise this throne would be for you.
But when he spoke, he didn't know how to speak.
Xuan Yu was a little afraid of Yu Jin.
Yu Jian looked at Xuan Yu for a moment, pondering the thoughts of the little
emperor, and said, "If the emperor is still worried about Xuan Rui, I can
order him to write a handwritten letter. Now the emperor has just succeeded
in his throne. , Why, the emperor should understand. "
Xuan Yu shook her head quickly. "No, I'm not worried about Brother."
At the beginning of his return to Beijing, Zhong Wan told Xuan Yu that Xuan
Rui was all right now, Yu Yu now settled him in a village in the south, and he
had nothing to worry about. Zhong Wan's words Xuan Yu and Xuan Congxin
both believed, and they also understood that if their elder brother "lived" at
this moment, it would inevitably cause a lot of disturbances.
In order to send Xuan Yu to the throne, Yu Yan and Zhong Wan have tried
their best to turn the tide over the past six months, this kindness is too heavy,
Xuan Yu never dare to pull back.
Xuan Yu struggled for a long time and whispered, "I want to see my brother
... I'm Zhong Wan."
Yu Shen paused and looked down, "Please wait for the emperor."
Xuan Yu said uneasily, "Is he ill yet?"
Everyone can only see that Yu Jin is in control, and very few people know
that there is always a clock behind Yuan Yu.
In the past six months, Zhong Wan has not been able to get enough sleep for
three hours. After completely calming down the Beidi Rebellion and
watching Chaozheng finally on track, Zhong Wan has also exhausted the point
that he carefully gave him back a few months before Strength, a wind chill
after the winter came fiercely, sent Zhong Wan directly back to the disease.
Some people seem to be born toil, and have been suffering for so many years.
Seeing that they can breathe a little bit, they can't bear the little wind and
After Zhong Wan's illness, Yu Jian almost fell ill several times, not because
he was afraid of trouble in the political affairs. Yu Jian left these early to
accompany Zhong Wan.
Although Yu Yan was not sick, she always had a bit of stubborn thoughts.
Since Zhong Wan was sick, Yu Yan said that she was afraid that people
would bring any evil to Zhong Wan. No one was allowed to see Zhong Wan.
Every day, the cooking was finished. Afterwards, Yu Jian did not delay for a
moment, and returned to the house to take care of Zhong Wan in person. As
long as he was there, he would never have to intervene.
Yu Shen said, "The emperor is worried about his heart. He is much better.
When he recovers from illness, he will enter the palace to greet the
Xuan Yu nodded uneasily, and hesitated, "Brother Huang, I think, I have
always wanted to ..."
Yu Yan looked up at Xuan Yu, frowned slightly, and waited a long time
before Xuan Yu made a clear statement.
However, Yu Yan already knew it.
"The Emperor." Yu Qian looked at Xuan Yu, and asked, "The emperor is
Xuan Yu busily said, "Naturally."
Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and said, "I go home with you all. In the past
six months, I have done my best to make up for the past. When the emperor
can stand alone in the future, we will give all the real power to the emperor.
It can really take off this heavy burden. If the emperor truly sympathizes with
the hardships he has suffered over the years, please listen carefully to the
government. When the emperor pro-government, I and he can really retire. "
Xuan Yu heard the voice of Yu Yan's words, her eyes were a little red.
His cousin really never wanted this throne.
Yu Yan looked at Xuan Yu seriously. "My mind, can the emperor
Xuan Yu focused her head, guilty, "I ... will learn well."
Yu Yan no longer said much, what Zhong Wan told him to say to Xuan Yu
during the illness, Yu Yan confessed to be plain.
Xuan Yu said she could do it. From this day onwards, every day when she
hears the chickens dance and sleeps and forgets to eat, she can't wait to be in
government immediately.
Yu Yan did not have the experience of bringing children. Zhong Wan said
what he listened to and listened to Zhong Wan's desire to inspire Xuan Yu
more. He couldn't say it himself, so he instructed the great Confucians who
taught Xuan Yu.
The great Confucians were not optimistic about the DPRK bureau, but they
saw that the regent king was not ambitious, but it was meant to be virtuous in
the future. Then he invigorated his spirits and summoned his blood to Xuan
Kecha has some shortcomings and some strengths. Although Xuan Yu is kind
and pure, she is really not good at the affairs of the DPRK.
Xuan Yu listened to the great Confucians to give him lectures every morning.
After noon, he came to ambitiously draw a cake for Yu Yan, saying
rhetorically, today ’s north expedition, tomorrow, south expedition, high
morale, often shocked Yu Yan ’s silence. Speak.
It was only then that Yu Jue realized that Zhong Wan was bored in her illness,
and she deliberately amused herself.
Yu Yan originally could return to his home as long as he handled the
government affairs, but now there is another big thing, to listen to the little
emperor and him to imagine the future.
Yu Yan often listened to Xuan Yu's generous submissions and thought, Who
really brought the eldest child to whom? Xuan Yu's sloppy talk is really like
someone who is getting sick.
Xuan Yu said that his mouth was dry, he took a sip of tea, and waved his fat
hand, "Brother, this vast territory! It will be our brothers in the future!"
Yu Yan said unhurriedly "Oh".
Just a few days ago, Zhong Wan drank the medicine and lay on the bed. He
also said to Yu Jue that he should treat him well, do whatever he has in the
textbook, and play whatever he likes. Don't be sorry for him!
Zhong Wan said very loudly.
Zhong Wanguang said this is not enough, but also to be specific, to be careful,
Zhong Wan himself lay down for a day and sleep enough for a night, not
sleepy at night, and talked with Yu Jian's ears softly to discuss how he
planned to confiscate him How to force him to cry and say what he can't say,
how to put a papa in his mouth and make him want to beg for mercy ...
Zhong Wan was afraid of what she said, and she softened with Yu Jue in
advance, whispering, can't you always be so fierce?
From beginning to end, Yu Zheng didn't say a word.
Yu Yan was a little bit angry, and Zhong Wan shut up to sleep, and Zhong Wan
was kind of innocent.
Zhong Wan said helplessly: "I just ... give you Wangmei to quench your thirst,
are you unhappy?"
Yu Jiun asked to himself, why couldn't he figure it out, where did he come
Yu Yan looked at Xuan Yu and sighed.
Zhong Wan said that his illness is no longer a problem, that his health is
getting better and better every day, how many promises he will naturally
fulfill him one by one in the future, but Xuanyu's side? He really isn't the one.
Yu Xuan was disappointed by Xuan Yu's ambitious ambitions and ambitious
spirits. After returning to the house the same day, she talked with Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan thought for a moment and told her long-awaited idea to Yu Xun.
Yu Xun hesitated and thought feasible.
An important event in my heart came to an end, and after dinner, Yu Yan was
going to take care of another thing.
Although it was cold in the winter of Beijing Central, the ground was burning
in the warm room of the main court of the Regent ’s House. Yu Jian did n’t
have to be afraid that Zhong Wan was cold. When Zhong Wan took off his
robes and was ready to lie down, Yu Jian sat on the bed. Grain after grain,
unbuttoning Zhong Wan's shirt.
Zhong Wan looked at Yu Yan's deep eyes and his throat moved, and said
softly, "Regent King ... what do you do?"
Yu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "check ... to see if you are ill."
Since Zhong Wan's illness, the two have been intimate for almost a month.
Without any depression or forgiveness, Zhong Wan has been emotional.
"Good morning, you are too careful, you and you turn off the lights first ... .. "
Yu Yan loosened the loose waistband on Zhong Wan's obscene pants, "Do not
turn off the lights today."
Zhong Wan paused and hesitated, "The bed tent down ..."
Yu Yan set Zhong Wan's belt aside, "I don't put a bed tent today."
Zhong Wan embarrassed, "You ..."
Yu Jian kissed Zhong Wan's forehead. "Be honest, I want to see you today."
Zhong Wan didn't notice until now. Yu Yan specially ordered someone to
light a few more lamps in the warm court today, and couldn't help but
whispered, "You are revenge, intentional?"
Yu Yan calmly said, "Yes."
Zhong Wan was uncomfortable, and wanted to pull the quilt a bit, Yu Jian's
mouth slightly twitched, not stopping, but just saying, "If you cover it, you
can't finish it first, don't you want to enter the palace tomorrow?"
Zhong Wan suffocated and didn't pull the quilt anymore. He closed his eyes,
and for a while he couldn't bear it. "Zi, don't ... bully me."
Yu Yan bowed his head gently and kissed Zhong Wan's lips.
The next day, Yu Yan, according to Zhong Wan, tried to disagree, and invited
the long princess Xuan Cong, who had the headache of studying embroidery,
to the Zhengzheng Pavilion. Since then, Yu Xuanxuan Xuan Cong has been
The author has something to say: Thank you for your support
By the way, Xinkeng seeks to collect again ~ (the first column), regardless of
the confiscation, thank you ~ Thank you everyone for collecting Xinkeng,
love everyone, why ~ 2k novel reading network
Chapter 106: Extra
Fifteen-year-old Yu Zizhen is still a gentleman.
Indecent disregard, impoliteness.
Therefore, even if it was clear to him that the person hiding in the other
hospital was “buy” by himself, he could see it and touch it, and would not
cross Leichi.
For a few months, Yu Jue either lived in Yu Yu's Mansion or stayed in Long
Princess's Mansion. There was a secondary return to the house to pick up the
same important things. Yu Jue only let the coachman stop at the door of the
house, and ordered the housemen to enter the house. Taking things out, as if
he took another step away from another courtyard, Zhong Wan's reputation
would be ruined.
Although Yu Yan and his classmates had no friendship, he respected the old
lady and regretted it for Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan's plan is very good. After the dust of King Ning's case is settled, wait
another one or two years, and wait for others to forget Zhong Wan. Then he
will find a way to eliminate Zhong Wan's slavery and give him a sum of
money. Send Zhong Wan far away, so that Zhong Wan can calmly live the
In Yu Yan's heart, Zhong Wan was fragile and sensitive at the time, and it was
not suitable for being disturbed. He also specifically told him to take care of
himself to the big housekeeper Feng, and to be good to Zhong Wan, and not
let Zhong Wan suffer too much. .
Unexpectedly, it was Feng steward who was suffering.
Three months later, Feng's housekeeper couldn't carry it.
In the case of King Ning, although Chong'an Emperor didn't say it clearly, but
he was a bit eager to cut the grass and root it out. Many people tried to find
out and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. He can be guaranteed.
Yu Zheng was forced to move into another courtyard and stared at Zhong Wan
in person.
Yu Yan was very courteous, never looked at it, never said it, never said it
should not be said, no matter how Zhong Wan aroused him to tease him, Yu
Yan was frank, more than once, Tong Zhongwan said: I do n’t have anything
to you I thought for a while.
Until he moved into another hospital a month later.
Zhong Wan was already familiar with him at that time, and I also saw that Yu
Yan really didn't have that idea, and let go of a lot of jokes.
One day they sat on the dwarf and read a book. Zhong Wan got up to pour tea.
Yu Yan had read the books of two hours. His legs were numb and stretched a
little. He held his hands on the slum and Zhong Wan returned. When he didn't
notice, he sat in Yu's hand.
The cushions on the soft couch were thick and fluffy, and Zhong Wan didn't
feel anything, took a sip of tea and continued reading.
Yu Yan on the side was stiff, and one arm was numb instantly.
The ghost was terrible, and Yu Zizhu immediately pulled out his hand.
No reason, just reluctant.
He didn't know what happened to him.
Juvenile Yu Yan blushed and thoughts were chaotic. He thought about the
saint for a while, but couldn't figure it out for a while. Zhong Wan was so
thin, why ... it was quite soft.
The thick mat and dim candlelight covered Yu Yan, Yu Zi scratched his head
for the first time, after which he blamed himself for several days, and
punished himself by copying the scriptures hundreds of times.
"Why is it so slow?" Xuan Cong frowned.
In the Warring Pavilion of the Conference Hall, the two book cases were put
together, and the new emperor Xuan Yu sat east, with the princess Xuan
Congxin beside him.
In order to let the eldest princess who is miraculous follow the new emperor
to study politics, Yu Jue and Zhong Wan spent a lot of effort, but everything is
worth it. Now Yu Jue is a lot easier. Finally, there is no need to worry about
himself and Zhong Wan. Yu also repaid her lifelong debt, and she was
assured that there would be others in the future.
Anyway, the twins are the children of King Ning. Even if the princess regent
is in the future, it will be considered as a fat farmer, let alone Zhong Wanzai,
and the twins won't be in trouble.
Yu Yan and Zhong Wan sat on the other side, and the book case was full of
book folds. Yu Yan or Zhong Wan's endorsement was first handed to Xuan
Yu. After Xuan Yu read it, he gave it to Xuan Congxin. Xuan Yu Yu watched
slowly, and the bankruptcy in front of him piled up into a hill soon, Xuan
Congxin was waiting for the boring, could not help but urge, "Is it
incomprehensible or has no words?"
"Every word is recognized." Xuan Yu explained quickly, and whispered
softly, "The regent said, he would not chew more than he would chew. He
would rather slow down, but also understand it."
Xuan Cong's heart pressed against the fire, his face darkened, "Then you
understand it like this?"
Xuan Yu said in a guilty conscience, "I didn't understand it too well."
Before waiting for Xuanxin to have a heart attack, Zhong Wan busyly said,
"Well, just change it. The princess looks first, the empress looks."
Xuan Yu and Xuan Cong were both desperate.
Zhong Wan couldn't laugh or cry, got up and hugged the folder in front of him,
and gave it to Xuan Congxin. He walked back to his seat and sat down, his
face changed slightly.
Xuan Cong asked sensitively, "Brother? What's wrong?"
"No, nothing." Zhong Wan smiled reluctantly. "Sitting for too long, my legs
are numb."
Xuan Cong nodded and ignored.
The twins worked hard, and on the other side, Zhong Wan rubbed his teeth
secretly and glanced at Yu Jian.
The regent Wang Tairan, who was above 10,000 people, was comfortable,
holding Zhubi in his right hand, and writing steadily, as if he felt Zhong Wan's
eyesight, Yu Yan turned his head and looked at him. The young and handsome
face frankly said, "What happened?"
Zhong Wan glanced at the twins quickly, angrily: "You, say, what?"
There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the young Regent, and he moved the
left hand, which was seated by Zhong Wan, slightly twitching the corner of
his mouth.
The Regent wrote a "soft" word on an unimportant book, and Zhong Wan's
auricles instantly turned red.
Zhong Wan was very troubled. How could the cute little boy of that year
grow up to become a rogue who would secretly simmer oil in the royal
It seems that Yu Yu is very able to pretend, and the rogue is only the same as
Zhong Wan. In front of others, he is still a flower of high self-esteem. If the
Korean people think Yu Yu is cold and lonely, he will stay away from him. If
it weren't for the twins, I could see a gentleman's bone under Yu Jian's skin,
and he was both respectful and fearful.
Who can believe it when you say it? The indifferent and alienated Regent
will take advantage of Zhong Wan's time to get his hands on his hands.
This doesn't count, and slowly stretches and stretches out the slender fingers,
and then observes the look of Zhong Wan with the light.
It's bad.
Zhong Wan let Yu Yan's anger rise, and while the twins didn't pay attention,
Yu Yan's hand was pulled out. Yu Yan covered it with a wide sleeve and
pinched Zhong Wan's leg lightly before retracting his hand.
After waiting for Zhong Wan to attack, Yu Yan naturally asked Zhong Wan, "Is
the Examiner of Enke set this year?"
When Xuan Yufu ascended the throne, Yu Jian's first intention for Xuan Yu
was to allow Zhong Wan to participate in the scientific examination.
Yu Jian first persuaded the Hanlin Academy's Hanlin to "request" Zhong
Wan, and then drafted the imperial edict for the new emperor regardless of
the obstruction of the court. Then he asked the new emperor and took the jade
seal himself, and covered the imperial edict properly.
When Xuan Yu had just ascended the throne, Yu Jian had offended a lot of
great Confucianists, and worried a lot of old officials loyal to the royal
family. The big reason was that the imperial edict caused trouble.
But Yu Jue only acted so arbitrarily.
After wantonly doing it for once, Yu Zheng returned to his Zhougong in
peace, and there was no disrespect for Xuan Yu.
It was as if the person who was about to usurp him was not him.
The imperial decree has also been issued, and the Hanlin Academy has been
acknowledged by the heads of the Confucian scholars waiting for Wenquxing
to return, and Zhong Wan will depend on it.
The new emperor succeeded, as usual, to open Enke, everything is almost
prepared, that is, the examiner has not yet been set.
The Regent wanted to come by himself, but was stopped by Zhong Wan.
Yu Yan couldn't, but he could only ask Zhong Wan's meaning, "Enke is
approaching, the two assistant examiners have already been drafted. Are they
taking the examination? Are there any people in your mind?"
Zhong Wan thought about it and nodded, "I have."
Yu Yan was curious, "Who?"
Zhong Wan simply said, "Shi Hong."
When Yu Jinden boarded, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.
Zhong Wan smiled, "What's wrong? Shi Hong was the son of the emperor of
the two dynasties. He was born in the top two ranks and is also well-known
in Hanlin. Is it bad for him to take the lead test now?"
Shi Hong scolded Zhong Wan for infidelity and injustice several times. After
returning to Beijing, Zhong Wan was bribed by this stinky and hard-headed
brain. Yu Jian saw that he was a hundred unhappy. Zhong Wan's kindness, Yu
Yan had sent him back to farming.
Yu Zheng said, "Don't you be afraid he will make you stumble?"
Zhong Wan shook his head, "Make a trip? Just his temper, it should not be,
but ..."
Yu Yan frowned, "But what?"
"Anyway, even if you make a trip ..." Zhong Wan calmly said, "The champion
is still mine."
Yu Yan stunned and smiled helplessly.
This is all right. Everyone who knows Shi Hong and Zhong Wan's discord is
well known. Zhong Wan will come to an end in the future, and no one dares
to betray him.
Yu Zhengding looked at Zhong Wan with determination. Even after being
together for a long time, he couldn't help but be fascinated by his firm pride.
Yu Zheng couldn't help asking, "After winning the champion?"
"after that?"
Zhong Wan thought for a while, and slowly said, "Go to the old lady Fu, head
to my father's and mother's graves, and worship at the father's and mother's
The Zhong family ancestor's grave has been repaired, and Yu Jian just
accompanied Zhong Wan to worship the other day.
Zhong Wan himself was not much, but Yu Yan, the dignified regent, knelt and
knelt before Zhong Wan's father and mother's grave, worshiped and
worshiped, and he had not accompanied him to the heaven to worship him so
Yu Yan asked again, "What then?"
Zhong Wan smiled, "No more."
"Xiandi didn't drive away at that time, but also thought about the title of Jin
Bang, riding the streets, a good scenery, now ..." Zhong Wan said
indifferently, "I just want to comfort the teacher and burn Jin Bang before the
grave. So be it."
Yu Jinjing paused for a moment, "Future official position ..."
"Just give me whatever you want." Zhong Wan thought for a while and said,
"Just don't let me go to Hanlin Academy to learn, let me do something
practical. I don't ask for any achievements, and I don't care about promotion.
I can help. Just be busy. "
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan deeply, "Do not want to close Hou worship?"
Zhong Wan smiled, only opened his mouth and said nothing: did not want to
be emperor?
The two looked at each other and smiled.
Thirty kung fu came in, and eight thousand miles traveled back. Those who
had been craving, but now available, actually didn't care anymore.
The twins were already listening, Xuan Yu understood, "Brother ... what are
you talking about?"
Zhong Wan turned his head to look at Xuan Yu's white and lovely cheeks, but
he was helpless. It doesn't matter. "
Xuan Yu couldn't understand, but was moved for no reason. He was excited,
and even said that he started to tell Zhong Wan his grand cause with a
Zhong Wan was almost stunned by Xuan Yu's remarks. Yu Yan was already
numb to this. He looked at Zhezi absently, and Zhong Guang was all in Yu
Her Royal Highness raised her head from a pile of folds, and looked at the
sighs of the three, feeling that after more than ten years, the world's great ren
is afraid to be on their shoulders.
When Zhong Wan was preparing for the exam at the Regent's Palace, he
always vaguely felt that he had forgotten and forgotten something.
Zhong Wan thought and thought, how do you think, now that there is nothing
left in the world?
Zhong Wan felt that she had been worried for many years, and she was not
used to being relaxed for a while, so she didn't take it seriously.
Until one day, he accidentally listened to Yu Jian's statement and declared
that he had been on leave for many days without leaving the house for a long
When Zhong Wan patted his brain, he remembered that he had forgotten his
best brother.
Zhong Wan was surprised and wondered, "What about Lin Si? What about
Lin Si? Xuan Yu is on the throne, and I've fallen ill and got better. We have
all slept so many times. What about my brother Lin Si? Is he happy? Is he
still hiding?
Yu Zheng gave Zhong Wan an unspeakable glance, and said for a long time,
"Gu Yuan, I still don't quite understand your brotherhood with Lin Si."
In order to get away as soon as possible, Lin Si could easily and utterly hide
the name of Wan Wan who had been hiding for nearly eight years.
In order to appease Xuan Xun, Zhong Wan could also make a quick decision
to give Lin Si a potion and wash him to Xuan Xuan.
Are brothers who have grown up together since they were young?
Zhong Wan was a little embarrassed, he yelled, "Men are like hands and feet,
brothers are like clothes ... 唉 You don't understand, ask you? What happened
to Lin Si?"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan with a complex complexion. "Before the
emperor died, he went back to Xuanyuan. The two have not left the house for
many days now, and they are probably tired and crooked."
Zhong Wan asked curiously, "I went back so early, why? Why did I suddenly
want to open it?"
Yu Jue wasn't sure, "I didn't necessarily want to prescribe it, did he have to
go? It's still a good way for you to get rid of the disease."
Zhong Wan was startled. "I lied to Xuanyuan those words ... he believed?"
"Not only believe it, but also use it." Yu Zhen said, "After returning to
Beijing, you and I struggled with the first emperor, Xuan Yuan found a few
blacksmiths, and made him ..."
Yu Yan gestured, "Such a mouse clip."
Zhong Wan was shocked. "Large than the table ..."
Yu Jin nodded.
Zhong Wan was frightened and frightened, "My good brother hasn't been
away for so many days ... was he pinched?"
Yu Zheng relieved, "Naturally."
Zhong Wan was anxious. "Hurry up and say."
Yu Yan is partial.
The young Regent leaned on his chair and looked at Zhong Wan.
Zhong Wan couldn't, she sat on Yu Yu's leg honestly.
Yu Yan embraced Zhong Wan with one hand and relaxed with a smile. "Rest
assured, Lin Si is not hurt at all."
"Xuan Ye was also cruel enough. He put two large mouse clips in his
bedroom, and put a dozen beast-catcher clips in front of the door and
window, waiting for Lin Si to see him secretly. ,can……"
"Lin Si is so good at it."
"There are many agencies in Xuanyuan's room, and he avoided it."
"But accidentally ... when you dodged, you broke something."
Zhong Wan suffocated, "Lurigan!"
Yu Yan nodded.
Zhong Wan said dumbly, "It is a fateful glass that can be broken by an
individual ..."
Yu Xun gave a meal, and suddenly thought of going to Xuanyuan House
someday, and fell on that thing once.
Yu Wan also wanted to try what Zhong Wan had done.
Later, Yu Yan continued, "The other side is okay, breaking that thing, how can
Xuanyuan stand? Lin Si is also shocked, turning around and leaving,
Xuanyuan violently rises from the bed, not at all Be careful ... step on the
mouse clip. "
Zhong Wan couldn't listen anymore.
Yu Yan comforted, "I didn't hurt my bones, but it was inconvenient to walk
for a while, and it was a blessing because of disaster. Where did Lin Si go
when he saw this, so ... left."
"The two have been together for so long. There is a big misunderstanding and
it should be resolved."
Zhong Wan was frightened, "Lin Si knew that it was my idea. Can the two of
us still do it?"
Yu Yan looked at Zhong Wan. He thought that your brother was not good at
all. He took the opportunity to touch the two, and he said, "It will let the
emperor reward Xuanyuan a good house and give him a good seal
tomorrow." And promise that his emperor and clan will never force
marriage. "
The sky is high and the sea is wide, and they are entangled all their lives.
The author has something to say: I'm finished here, thank you for your support
for four months, and we'll see you next time.
Thank you for your support
Bow 2k novel reading network

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