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Poblacion, Bustos, Bulacan

Senior High School
Monthly Assessment for November
Introduction to Philosophy of a Human Person
Name: Score:
Grade and Section 12 – Gold/Platinum/Silver Date:
Teacher : Yna Jessica Patani

TEST I. IDENTIFICATION: Read the following statements carefully.

_____________1. It is a form of society that used to domesticate animals for more stable food or supply.
_____________2. It is a form of society that specializes machineries, innovations, transportation and
_____________3. It is a form of society that aided with technology and internet.
_____________4. It refers to a system of verbal and non-verbal written symbols with standardized
_____________5. It refers to mutual inter stimulation and response between 2 or more persons and
groups through symbols, language, gesture and expression of ideas.
_____________6. It refers to the recurrent and patterned interactions or responses of individuals to one
another which have attained stability.
_____________7. It is a type of cooperation that characterized as spontaneous and involves mutual give
and take.
_____________8. It is a form of impersonalized struggle or opposition to secure a reward or goal which
cannot be shared.
_____________9. It involves a struggle between persons or groups not directly aware of each other.
_____________10. It refers to some kind of biological fusion through intermarriage of persons coming
from different ethnic groups.
_____________11. It involves some kind of interpenetration or fusion of cultural elements whereby
persons or groups accept the cultural, traits, attitudes, beliefs and sentiments of another group through
direct, friendly and continuous contacts.
_____________12. It refers to the social process whereby competing of conflicting individuals or
groups trash out difficulties in order to minimize or stop the conflict.
_____________13. It is a form of society which technology is improved and use of tools in farming,
structured social system often lead to conflict.
_____________14. It is a form of society that based on knowledge, information and sale services led by
human mind aided by highly technology, members are having higher educational attainment.
_____________15. It is a form of society that has ownership of the land, vassal-served by workers,
higher class-treated with respect.
_____________16. It is a form of highly personalized and emotionalized struggle or opposition between
individuals or groups to attain scarce goals or values.
_____________17. It is a social process where group blends in and takes on some characteristics of
another culture.
_____________18. It refers to the creation of interest resulting in individuals or groups needing or
wanting different things or services rather than the same thing.
_____________19. It is a type of language that involves the use of words or sound symbols for the things,
objects or ideas.
_____________20. It refers to the communication of thoughts of feelings between individuals that
occurs by means of symbol.

TEST II. ESSAY: Briefly explain the following (5 points each)

1. What is the medical/legal definition of death? Explain


2. How do the philosophers Socrates, Epicurus, and Thomas Nagel view death? Explain

3. Whose view are you inclined to believe? Explain


4. How does inevitability of death contribute meaning to the experience of life? Explain

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