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Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 364–366

DOI: 10.1002/ffj.1013

Antibacterial activity of volatile secondary metabolites

from Caribbean soft corals of the genus Gorgonia
Vassilios Roussis,1 Ioanna B. Chinou,1Ł Christina Tsitsimpikou,3 Constantinos Vagias,1 and
Panos V. Petrakis2
1 Divisionof Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, University of Athens, University Campus of Zografou, 157 71 Athens, Greece
2 Hellenic
Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty, Directorate of Informatics, Athens, Greece
3 Doping Control Laboratory of Athens, Olympic Centre, Marousssi, Greece

Received 6 November 2000

Revised 3 April 2001
Accepted 4 April 20001

ABSTRACT: The volatile secondary metabolites of Caribbean corals from three species of the genus Gorgonia
were studied. The main constituents of the gorgonian species G. ventalina, G. flabelum and G. mariae were
identified and 12 metabolites were isolated and identified. The in vitro antibacterial activity of the volatile
constituents was also studied against six Gram-positive or -negative bacteria exhibiting a wide spectrum of
antibacterial activities. Furanotriene, dihydro-˛-santalen-12-one and E-nerolidol showed the most interesting
antibacterial action. Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS: octocorals; Gorgonia; Gorgonidae; volatiles; terpenes; antibacterial activity

Introduction Aspergillus flavus known to be human, plant and insect

pathogens have been studied.9
The aim of the present study was the investigation of the
antibacterial activity of the volatile constituents of three
Gorgonia species (Gorgoniidae), Gorgonia ventalina, G. Experimental
flabelum and G. mariae,1 from the Bahamian islands
Specimen Collection
of the Caribbean Sea. Recent studies on the chemical
variability of the genus Gorgonia report the isolation of
Gorgonia specimens were hand-picked by scuba divers
several secondary metabolites, mainly marine steroids of
during the 1995 Scripps Institution of Oceanography
the gorgosterol type, sesquiterpenes hydrocarbons and
expedition in the Caribbean Sea, from nine geographic
oxygenated sesquiterpenes.2 – 4
localities (Sweetings Cay, Eleuthera Point, Highborne
For the needs of this project, 292 gorgonian colonies,
Cay, Lee Stocking, San Salvador, Long Island, George-
representing the three above-mentioned species, were town, Acklins Island and French Wells) extending from
collected and the volatile constituents were identified by the north to the south Bahamian islands. The collected
combination of GC–MS and nuclear magnetic resonance taxa were stored at 20 ° C during the cruise. The col-
(NMR) methods. lection was shipped in dry ice (78 ° C) and was kept
The in vitro antibacterial activity exhibited by the in a deep freeze until analysed. Voucher specimens are
volatile mixtures of the aforementioned species and the kept at the Laboratory of Pharmacognosy Herbarium,
isolated metabolites was also studied. This is the first University of Athens (ATPH/MO/39-48).
study on the antimicrobial activity of volatile secondary
metabolites from the family Gorgonidae against human
pathogenic bacteria, while current literature reports refer Isolation of the Oils
only to the activity exhibited by other members of
this family against marine bacteria and fungi.5 – 8 In The gorgonian colonies were separately hydrodistilled
more recent references, activities against three strains of for 3 h in a modified Clevenger apparatus with a water-
cooled oil receiver, to reduce hydrodistillation overheat-
ing artifacts. In addition, the head space volatiles of a
*Correspondence to: I. B. Chinou, Division of Pharmacognosy, School
of Pharmacy, University of Athens, University Campus of Zografou, number of representative gorgonian specimens were col-
157 71 Athens, Greece. lected and analysed. The chemical composition obtained

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


by the two techniques was qualitatively identical and the from authentic samples and/or the NIST/NBS, Wiley
study was safely carried out using the essential oils. Library spectra and the literature,12 1-D and 2-D NMR
spectra were recorded using Bruker AC 200 and a Bruker
DRX 400 spectrometers.
Gas Chromatography

Analysis was carried out on a Perkin-Elmer 8500 gas

Results and Discussion
chromatograph with FID, fitted with a Supelcowax-10,
fused silica capillary column (30 m ð 0.32 mm i.d.: film
The collected colonies exhibited a noticeable variation in
thickness, 0.25 µm). The column temperature was pro-
colour and odour. All specimens were recognized, on the
grammed from 75 ° C to 200 ° C at a rate of 2.5 ° C/min.
basis of the conventional taxonomic criteria, (morpho-
The injector and detector temperatures were programmed
anatomical characteristics as well as colour and odour),
at 230 ° C and 300 ° C, respectively.
as either G. ventalina (78 colonies), G. flabellum (197
colonies) or G. mariae (seven colonies). G. ventalina
Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry and G. flabellum appear to be chemically very similar
and both species possess the same metabolites, with
The GC–MS analyses were carried out using a several quantitative differences, such as in the 5,10-
Hewlett Packard 5973–6890 GC–MS system operating epoxymuurolane, 12,13-epoxy-˛-santalene and isoseri-
on EI mode (equipped with a HP 5MS 30 m ð cenine contribution. G. mariae colonies were charac-
0.25 mm ð 0.25 µm film thickness capillary column). terized by the absence of several metabolites, such as
Helium (2 ml/min) was used as carrier gas. The initial the three germacrone isomers, ledol and 5,10-epoxymu-
temperature of the column was 60 ° C and then was urolene.
heated to 280 ° C at a rate of 3 ° C/min. From the 62 identified volatile metabolites of the
Caribbean gorgonians, 12 were isolated as pure com-
pounds and characterized by spectroscopic techniques
Antibacterial Activity (NMR, MS). The oxygenated cyclic sesquiterpene, 5,10-
epoxymuurolane, is a novel compound found only in
Bacteriostatic activity against two Gram-positive bacte-
G. ventalina and G. flabellum.13 Only two other cyclic
ria, Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Staphy-
ethers other than epoxides, 1,4-epoxycadinane and 4,10-
lococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228), and four Gram-
epoxymuurolane, have been isolated from marine organ-
negative bacteria, Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), En-
isms.14,15 The furanosesquiterpene furanotriene, which
terobacter cloacae (ATCC 13047), Klebsiella pneu-
represents one of the most abundant volatile metabolites
moniae (ATCC 13883) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
in the three gorgonian species, was originally reported
(ATCC 227853), were determined using the disc dif-
from the coral Pseudopterogorgia americana.16 A few
fusion method. Standard antibiotics (netilmicin, amoxy-
years later, the isolation of isofuranotriene was published
cillin and clavulanic acid) were used to compare the
from the same organism.17 The compound trans, trans-
effectiveness of the mixtures and isolates tested. Tech-
Germacrone was identified in the Indian and African
nical data have been described elsewhere.10,11
medicinal plant Fagara chalybea.18 The other two geo-
metric isomers, cis, cis-germacrone and cis-C3,C4-trans-
Isolation–Identification of Components C7,C8-germacrone, have been chemically synthesized.19
12, 13-Epoxy-˛-santalene, found in all three gorgonian
The organic extracts (CH2 Cl2 /MeOH) of several gor- species in significant amounts, was isolated and iden-
gonians were chromatographed on silica gel with mix- tified from the terrestrial root-bark of Severina buxifo-
tures of EtOAc in cyclohexane. The non-polar fractions lia, along with the other ˛-santalene derivatives found
containing the constituents of interest were further puri- in the gorgonian specimens.20 Sericenine and isoserice-
fied on normal phase HPLC with cyclohexane/EtOAc, nine isolated previously from two Muricea species are
and were isolated and identified by spectroscopic means also common in the genus Gorgonia.2 E-nerolidol was
and according the literature as: the oxygenated cyclic found to be very common among terrestrial and marine
sesquiterpene 5,10-epoxymuurolane; the furanosesquiter- organisms.12
penes furanotriene, trans, trans-germacrone, cis, cis-ger- Among the microorganisms tested, only the two
macrone and cis-C3,C4-trans-C7,C8-germacrone; and Gram-positive bacteria were found to be resistant to
12,13-epoxy-˛-santalene, along with ˛-santalene deriva- the assayed metabolites and mixtures. In particular,
tives; isosericenine and E-nerolidol. furanotriene exhibited a wide spectrum of activity, as
The identification of the chemical constituents was well as the highest one, against all the bacteria tested.
based on comparison of their Kováts indices (KI), reten- cis-C3-C4, trans-C7-C8 Germacrone exhibited good
tion times (RT) and mass spectra with those obtained activity only against E. cloaceae and K. pneumoniae,

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 364–366

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Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 364–366

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