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Paper Code: CE304 Printed Page 1 of 1


Roll No.
Subject Name: Foundation Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: All questions are compulsory. No student is allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.

Q.1) Attempt all Parts:

(a) Name different methods of exploration and explain seismic exploration method.
(b) Explain guidelines for selection of foundation.
(c) Calculate FOS in an infinite slope at a point 5m below the surface. The slope angle with the horizontal is
30°. Use c=8 kN/m3 ∅ = 45° 𝛾 = 19𝑘𝑁/𝑚3
(d) Explain the difference between tilt and shift of well foundation.
[4 x 5= 20]
Q.2) Attempt all Parts:
(a) Explain Vane shear test in detail for both one-way shearing.
(b) Explain different types of pile foundation on the basis of action, function and installation.
(c) Draw detailed diagram of well foundation.
(d) Drive Active Pressure theory of a retaining wall with diagram.
[4 x 5= 20]
Q.3) Attempt any Two Parts:
(a) Explain Plate load test in detail with diagram regarding settlement in different types of soil.
(b) A square footing is located at a depth of 1m below the ground level and is required to carry safe load of
800KN at base of footing. Find the size of footing if desired FOS is 3 with e=0.8, s=0.5, G=2.67, C=8 kN/m3
and ∅ = 26° use Terzaghi bearing capacity factor as Nc=37.2, Nq= 22.5, Nr=19.7
(c) Explain geotextiles and its different types with their functions.
[2 x 10= 20]
Q.4) Attempt any Two Parts:
(a) A retaining wall of height 15 m is supporting a sandy soil with ∅ = 40°. The water table is at a depth of 5 m
from the top of the wall with a surcharge of 20kN/m3. Draw earth pressure diagram and calculate total
active thrust per unit length of the wall. Also, find the point from top where it will be acting. Take G=2.65,
(b) Explain all zones and terms of Terzaghi’s general shear failure with diagram.
(c) Explain friction circle method or Swedish-slip circle method with diagram.
[2 x 10= 20]
Q.5) Attempt any Two Parts:
(a) For a 3X3 pile group find its settlement, if c-c spacing is 0.5m and d=0.2m. The length of the pile below the
ground level is 5m and depth of harder strata below the ground level is 7m. Soil is uniform in clay deposit.
The load applied on the pile group is 500KN. The water table is at greater depth. Given CC=0.027, e=1.05
and 𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 20𝑘𝑁/𝑚3
(b) A pile group is arranged in square pattern consisting of 25 piles. Find group efficiency and safe load which
can be applied on pile group given that diameter of pile is 0.3m. Center to center spacing is 0.9m. Length of
pile is 10m, FOS=2.5, adhesion factor=0.45 shear strength at base of pile =180 KN/m 2. Average shear
strength over the depth of pile is 110KN/m2. Soil is pure clay.
(c) A shear vane of 7.5 cm diameter and 11cm length was used to measure shear strength of soft clay. If a
torque of 600 kg/cm is required to shear the soil. Calculate shear strength. The vane was then rotated
repeatedly to cause remolding of soil when test was reperformed the torque required is 200kg/cm for
failure. Determine sensitivity. Assume
2-way shearing.
[2 x 10= 20]
-----END OF PAPER ----

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