Ucsp Summative Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City

G 12 Understanding Culture Society and Politics (UCSP)

I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to your chosen answer.
1. __________ maps the various social forces that shape individual actions and social interactions.
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. Philosophy
2. According to __________, social differentiation is a normal feature of every known culture in the
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. Philosophy
3. It is considered the “essence of society” and is the enduring subject of social science explorations.
a. Power relation c. The political
b. The social d. Artifact
4. This social science discipline takes account of the “equal but different ways” of how people live
in the world.
a. Sociology c. Political Science
b. Anthropology d. Psychology
5. A social science discipline that problematizes the unjust results of the exercise of power and not
the arrangements of power relations itself however unequal.
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political Science d. Political Sociology
6. Served as the historical and cultural context of the birth of Sociology.
a. Renaissance c. Industrial Revolution
b. Reformation d. Inquisition Period
7. A social science discipline pejoratively labelled as “a child of colonization.”
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political Science d. Psychology
8. __________ cannot exist apart from culture. It is an organized group of individuals who share
common/related manner of living.
a. Institution c. Organization
b. Corporation d. Society
9. Which of the following words can be describe culture and society as a complex whole?
a. Interdependent c. Interrelated
b. Interactive d. All choices are correct
10. Analyze all the given statements. Trace which one is the best statement about the complexity of
culture and society.
a. Society can exist without culture
b. Culture can exist without society
c. Society can operate without culture command
11. People carry and transmit culture, but they are not culture. Edward B. Tylor described as “a
complex whole.” Which of the following choices supports Tylor’s description of culture?
a. Culture as complex whole means it encompasses traits and values of the society.
b. Culture as complex whole means it includes laws and norms in the government.
c. Culture as complex whole means it deals with everything that a person learns and
shares as a member of the society.
d. Culture as complex whole means it refers to the beliefs and traditions of modern
12. Which statement is wrong about the concept of culture?
a. Culture is a way of life transmitted through social interaction.
b. Every society has its own distinctive culture
c. Culture refers to a group’s ways of behaving and thinking
d. Culture can evolve into anything
13. Does culture affect our lives in terms of the way we view society and interact with other people?
a. Yes c. Uncertain
b. No d. Maybe
14. During the earliest stage of human cultural evolution, people were nomadic, so they hunt and
gather foods. As they learn to make a sedentary lifestyle in the Neolithic period. Which statement
tells the accomplishment of human in the Neolithic period?
a. Live in a cave
b. Used unpolished stone tools
c. Used metals to upgrade tools
d. Domesticate plants and animals
15. The Age of Metal produced a new historical development from the cradle civilization of Egypt,
Mesopotamina, Persia including the India, and China which later spread throughout Asia. Which
type of metal were the earliest known by human?
a. Aluminum c. Copper
b. Bronze d. Iron
16. There are three notable stages in the human cultural evolution. Which statement tells the correct
timeline of these evolutions?
a. Age of Metal, Neolithic Period, Paleolithic Period
b. Neolithic Period, Paleolithic Period, Age of Metal
c. Paleolithic Period, Age of Metal, Neolithic Period
d. Paleolithic Period, Neolithic Period, Age of Metal
17. From the nomads during the early stage, human began to develop a sedentary type of society of
which they built-up villages and towns. In which era has these evolutions happens?
a. Age of Bronze c. Neolithic Period
b. Age of Copper d. Paleolithic Period
18. The most significant evolution in Paleolithic period is when people discovered the use of fire. In
the Neolithic period is when human learned to domesticate plants and animals, which is known to
be the First Agricultural Revolution. In the Age of Metal is the discovery of people in using metal
as their tools, thus, the Age of Metal is identified as:
a. Agricultural Revolution
b. Metal Civilization
c. Stone Revolution
d. Rise of Civilization
19. Which geographical feature was common to the development of civilizations in ancient Egypt,
China, India, and Mesopotamina?
a. River valleys c. Deserts
b. Rain forests d. Mountains
20. In the context of ancient civilization, which factor led to the development of civilizations in
ancient Mesopotamia?
a. Political harmony c. Religious differences
b. Favorable geography d. Universal education

II. True or False. Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it false.
1. Concepts are linguistic tools used by social scientists to explore the social world.
2. Social change may be a product of technological change.
3. Values shape our behavior more than our attitude.
4. Our social categories such as being male or female, single or married, or rich or poor shape
the way we see and interpret the social world.
5. Values may change over time, but they can be durable and withstand forces that can cause
them to change
6. Values may often manifest in beliefs.
7. A concept may beget smaller concepts.
8. Beliefs are firmly held opinions or conviction.
9. Social categories are natural categories.
10. Both values and beliefs are commonly shared by a culture.

III. Direction: Make a match between the words in the box and the options below. Write the
letter of your response on your paper.

1. Donald Johanson
2. Eugene Dubois
3. Daniel Bell
4. Charles Darwin
5. Natural Selection
6. Industrial Revolution
7. Neolithic Revolution
8. Fossils
9. Artifacts
10. Theory of Evolution
11. Cro-Magnon
12. Java Man
13. Peking Man
14. Hominid
15. Archeology
16. Museums
17. Ardipithecus
18. Shang Civilization
19. Sumerian Civilization
20. Homo Erectus

a. The first Homo species to use fire and live in caves

b. Dutch anatomist and geologist who discovered the Java Man
c. Homo erectus skull was excavated in a cave in Zhoukoudian, China
d. Homo erectus was excavated in Trinil, Java Indonesia
e. A 3.2 million – year - old Australopithecus afarensis found in Ethiopia
f. Paleoanthropologist who discovered Lucy in 1974
g. Social scientists who study the ancient and recent past of humans and conduct
excavations to search for fossils and artifacts that can provide information about the
origins of humans
h. Refer to human, plant, and animal remains that have been preserved through time, like
human or animal teeth, skull, and bone fragments
i. Refer to objects that were and used by humans
j. Every species is made up of a variety of individuals, some of who are better adapted to
their environments compared to others
k. English geologist who hypothesized that the evolution of species happens through the
process of natural selection
l. Institutions tasked to conserve, communicate, and exhibit all material and
nonmaterial heritages of human society
m. This event led to the transformation of agricultural societies into production- and
manufacturing-based ones using advanced sources of energy that operated factory
n. An American sociologist who introduced the rise of the post-industrial society
o. Developed near the Huang Ho River
p. Developed along the Tigris and Euphrates River
q. Agricultural revolution during the Neolithic period that started in West As (Middle East)
and moved to the east of India
r. Theory espoused by Charles Darwin showing the evolutionary transformation of modern
man from its apelike ancestors
s. General term used by scientists to categorize the group of early humans and other
humanlike creatures that could walk erect during the prehistoric times
t. “Ape on the ground”
u. The first fossil skeleton to be considered as a species of the Homo sapiens which was
excavated in 1868

Prepared by:




Head Teacher VI
AP Department

JOHN 14:27
“I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And
the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So, don’t be
troubled or afraid.”

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