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PARA 1: 

make an opening statement on the Reading is an important part of education and if parents and
subject of the project work teachers want to encourage teenagers to read, they need to know
1. Общая фраза по общей теме (reading).  what kinds of books most appeal to young people. My project,
2. Важность конкретной темы (what book which I am still working on, is aimed at finding out what book
genres are popular among teenagers). genres are popular with teenage boys and girls. I have found
3. Подготовка проекта по этой теме. some data on this issue and organised it in the table below.
4. Таблица со статистикой.

PARA 2: select and report 2–3 main features I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the
Пишем о самом большом и самом маленьком table.  The first one is that the majority of teenagers cited
показателях adventure stories as their favourite book genre, making this kind
of books most popular among young people. And the second key
feature is that only 17.6% of teenagers reported enjoying reading
romances, putting this genre at the bottom of the table.

PARA 3: make 1–2 comparisons where relevant It is also worth mentioning that the number of teenagers
enjoying detective novels and books about war and spies
(55,3%)  is only slightly lower than the number of teenagers
enjoying adventure stories (55,4%).

PARA 4: outline a problem that can arise with In my opinion, the statistics in the table reveal an important
reading and suggest the way of solving it problem. We can see that teenagers are not interested in
biographies and are therefore missing out on a great amount of
wisdom contained in these books. I think that in order to solve
this problem biographies should be included in the school

PARA 5: draw a conclusion giving your personal In conclusion, I believe that reading is important for people of all
opinion on the importance of reading in human ages. Not only is reading fun and enjoyable, but it also allows us
life. to learn about any subject and improve our analytical and
Мое мнение + аргументы creative skills.

Undoubtedly, reading plays an important role in everyone's life. Doing a project about reading I found an opinion
poll on teenagers' favourite book genres and collected some data. I am going to comment on several key features of the
results of the poll.

Looking at the details, the most popular book genre is adventure with 55,4% reading this type of literature which
means that teenagers are keen on dynamic plots and unexpected twists. On the contrary, the least popular genre is
romance as a little bit less than a fifth of teenagers read it.

According to the data in the table, sports stories appear to be more popular than animal stories, as there are 49.2%
of teenagers reading sports stories, which is around twice as many as the figure for animal stories. Another important
thing to mention is that detective, spy and war stories are almost as popular as adventure stories – the difference
between them is 0,1%. Both genres are real page-turners and this may be the key to such popularity.

One problem that can be connected with reading is that nowadays reading is losing its popularity among teenagers,
and this may result in poor imagination and a limited vocabulary range. However, there is a possible solution to this
problem. School teachers should stimulate teenagers' interest in various book genres by organising special discussion
clubs and drama lessons.

In conclusion, I believe that reading is crucial in everyone's life because it broadens people's horizons, expands
their vocabulary, improves their memory and develops imagination.

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