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So we're gonna making a distinction between demand in terms of people who are interested to serve.

You speak somebody actually deciding to hire for credit prepare organizations. You say use has
increased decreased or stay the same over the past three years.

Probably increased.

We think about the overall landscape of companies. From your observations would you say the number
of credit prepare organizations is increased, decreased, or should stay the same?

I would say increased.

Now we're talking about number of companies. But then market share in terms of like who's actually
getting the business. Has market share among credit prepare organizations become more consolidated,
more distributed, or stayed the same?

More distributed.

What would you say about primary factors that contribute to those observations? So with the consumer
piece first like you thought that you know credit repair services out there stayed about the same but
demand in use to increase. To what would you tribute that?

Most likely Google trend data on a keyword level and judging overall landscape based on, A, the
number of competitors and B, the digital processors competitors' app especially post COVID. I think
there's generally been a rise across the board.

What do you think is causing consumers to have more demand and use of credit repair?

So I think there is the actual macro landscape which is simply function of consumers. You know having
more collections, having more potentially inaccurate negative items on their credit report but then
simultaneously their credit use is growing up. Their delinquency rates are growing up and overall debt is
probably close to 2008 levels if not higher. I don't know the exact numbers but I know that it's close
peak. You know I think that's the kind of interactive. It is the circumstances that allow for an increase in
demand and I think once consumers actually attempt to identify how to fix their credit because they
have that, then [that would be easy?] etc. They'll go online and I think this sophistication of somebody's
company is relatively low in terms of capturing--capturing these acquisition credentials but I think the
companies have do it pretty well. There is a general increase in awareness just like proxy of having more
efficient digital campaigns across the board. So for example with our company SEO is a big piece we do
right now and one of the ways we've been able to capture some that indirect demand is by creating over
3000 landing pages or SEO landing pages around every major collection company queuer than the US,
and so we've been able to. In some ways artificially increase that demand by funneling users that would
otherwise type you know XYZ collections into Google. They would have a list of very convoluted search
results that didn't necessarily help them at all. There might be some [particular?] articles. Maybe some
ads top-up his [aside from?] pay but there is no cohesive "Hey, you know we're credit repair company.
We scale out these [excessive?] pages and we could legitimately help you by giving you a free
consultation and then follow you on to our services."

Gotcha and I notice on your website you have a page that then links to a serious of pages comparing to a
various competitors. Right? And I would imagine that-- that is at least a part as you're driven. So that
totally make sense it. Before I became a nano-sync consultant and journalist, I was the editor in chief of
a trade publication for the mortgage industry and the SEO strategy was a big part of our mission and
challenge.[Inaudible] My job as an editor in chief is kind of make sure you know not we're not just
producing great content that people were finding it right. So, I respect a strong SEO game. I guess that's
what I'm trying to say. How do you view market position relative to competitors? Would you share your
strengths or weaknesses?

I think compare to competitors, every major value proper feature that we've identified were stronger
than our competitors or at least some are and all the areas that were on part with were very
aggressively working toward being [inaudible] better.

So we're gonna making a distinction between demand in terms of people who are interested to serve.
You speak somebody actually deciding to hire for credit prepare organizations. You say use has
increased decreased or stay the same over the past three years.

Probably increased.

We think about the overall landscape of companies. From your observations would you say the number
of credit prepare organizations is increased, decreased, or should stay the same?

I would say increased.

Now we're talking about number of companies. But then market share in terms of like who's actually
getting the business. Has market share among credit prepare organizations become more consolidated,
more distributed, or stayed the same?

More distributed.

What would you say about primary factors that contribute to those observations? So with the consumer
piece first like you thought that you know credit repair services out there stayed about the same but
demand in use to increase. To what would you tribute that?

Most likely Google trend data on a keyword level and judging overall landscape based on, A, the
number of competitors and B, the digital processors competitors' app especially post COVID. I think
there's generally been a rise across the board.

What do you think is causing consumers to have more demand and use of credit repair?

So I think there is the actual macro landscape which is simply function of consumers. You know having
more collections, having more potentially inaccurate negative items on their credit report but then
simultaneously their credit use is growing up. Their delinquency rates are growing up and overall debt is
probably close to 2008 levels if not higher. I don't know the exact numbers but I know that it's close
peak. You know I think that's the kind of interactive. It is the circumstances that allow for an increase in
demand and I think once consumers actually attempt to identify how to fix their credit because they
have that, then [that would be easy?] etc. They'll go online and I think this sophistication of somebody's
company is relatively low in terms of capturing--capturing these acquisition credentials but I think the
companies have do it pretty well. There is a general increase in awareness just like proxy of having more
efficient digital campaigns across the board. So for example with our company SEO is a big piece we do
right now and one of the ways we've been able to capture some that indirect demand is by creating over
3000 landing pages or SEO landing pages around every major collection company queuer than the US,
and so we've been able to. In some ways artificially increase that demand by funneling users that would
otherwise type you know XYZ collections into Google. They would have a list of very convoluted search
results that didn't necessarily help them at all. There might be some [particular?] articles. Maybe some
ads top-up his [aside from?] pay but there is no cohesive "Hey, you know we're credit repair company.
We scale out these [excessive?] pages and we could legitimately help you by giving you a free
consultation and then follow you on to our services."

Gotcha and I notice on your website you have a page that then links to a serious of pages comparing to a
various competitors. Right? And I would imagine that-- that is at least a part as you're driven. So that
totally make sense it. Before I became a nano-sync consultant and journalist, I was the editor in chief of
a trade publication for the mortgage industry and the SEO strategy was a big part of our mission and
challenge.[Inaudible] My job as an editor in chief is kind of make sure you know not we're not just
producing great content that people were finding it right. So, I respect a strong SEO game. I guess that's
what I'm trying to say. How do you view market position relative to competitors? Would you share your
strengths or weaknesses?

I think compare to competitors, every major value proper feature that we've identified were stronger
than our competitors or at least some are and all the areas that were on part with were very
aggressively working toward being [inaudible] better.

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