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Lesson Characteristics and Conventions

3.1 in the Mathematical Language


Have you read about one of the story in the bible known as “The
Tower of Babel?” This story is about constructing a tower in able to
reach its top to heaven; the Kingdom of God. At first, the construction
of a tower is smoothly being done since all of the workers have only
one and only one language. But God disrupted the work of the people
by making their language different from each other. There were a
language barrier and the people were confused what the other people
are talking about resulting the tower was never finished and the
people were spread in all over and different places of the earth.

Based on the story, what was the most important thing that people
should have in order to accomplish a certain task? Yes, a “language”.
Language is one of the most important thing among the people
because it has an important role in communication. But the question
is, what is language? Why is it so important? In this module, we will
be discussing about mathematical relative on what you have learned
in your English subject.


For sure you may be asked what the real meaning of a language
is. Perhaps you could say that language is the one we use in able to
communicate with each other or this is one of your lessons in English
or in your Filipino subject. According to Cambridge English
Dictionary, a language is a system of communication consisting of
sounds, words and grammar, or the system of communication used by
people in a particular country or type of work.

Did you know that mathematics is a language in itself? Since it

is a language also, mathematics is very essential in communicating
important ideas. But most mathematical language is in a form of
symbols. When we say that “Five added by three is eight”, we could
translate this in symbol as “5 + 3 = 8.” Here, the first statement is in a
form of group of words while the translation is in a form of symbol
which has the same meaning and if your will be reading this, for sure
all of you have a common understanding with this. But let us take a
look at this mathematical symbols:
∀ >0,∃ >0 →| − |< ,| ( )− |< ,

Did you understand what these symbols are? This mathematical

sentence is a complex idea;

yet, it is contained and tamed into a concise statement. It may

sound or look Greek to some

because without any knowledge of the language in which the ideas

are expressed, the privilege

to understand and appreciate its grandeur can never be attained.

Mathematics, being a language

in itself, may appear complex and difficult to understand simply

because it uses a different

kind of alphabet and grammar structure. It uses a kind of language

that has been historically

proven effective in communicating and transmitting mathematical

realities. The language of

mathematics, like any other languages, can be learned; once

learned, it allows us to see

fascinating things and provides us an advantage to comprehend

and exploit the beauty of

beneath and beyond. Hence, in able to understand better different

topics in mathematics, it is very important that you must learn
first on how to read and understand different symbols in
mathematics which used in mathematical language.

A. Characteristics of Mathematical Language

The language of mathematics makes it easy to express the kinds

of thoughts that mathematicians like to express.

It is:

1.precise (able to make very fine distinction)

2.concise (able to say things briefly); and
3.powerful (able to express complex thoughts with relative

B. Vocabulary vs. Sentences

Every language has its vocabulary (the words), and

its rules for combining these words into complete thoughts (the
sentences). Mathematics is no exception. As a first step in discussing
the mathematical language, we will make a very broad classification
between the ‘nouns’ of mathematics (used to name mathematical
objects of interest) and the ‘sentences’ of mathematics (which state
complete mathematical thoughts)’

You must study the Mathematics Vocabulary!

• Student must learn on how to use correctly the language of

Mathematics, when and where to use and figuring out the
incorrect uses.

• Students must show the relationship or connections the

mathematics language with the natural language.

• Students must look backward or study the history of

Mathematics in order to understand more deeply why
Mathematics is important in their daily lives.

Importance of Mathematical Language

• Major contributor to overall comprehension

• Vital for the development of Mathematics proficiency

• Enables both the teacher and the students to communicate

mathematical knowledge with precision
C. Comparison of Natural Language into Mathematical

The table below is an illustration on the comparison of a

natural language (expression or sentence) to a mathematical

English Mathematics


Name given to Noun such as

an person, 2
place thing n
object of interest. and s d
s 3–2

Example: 3x
a) Ernesto
b) Batangas City 3x + 2
c) Book
d) He ax + by + c


Grou word a
It has a complete p of s t
expre state
thought ss a ment, 3+2=5
question or
a) Ernesto is a boy. ax + by + c = 0
b) He lives in
Batangas City.
c) Allan loves to read
d) Run! (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2
e) Do you love me?

D. Expressions versus

Ideas regarding sentences:

Ideas regarding sentences are explored. Just as English

sentences have verbs, so do mathematical sentences. In the
mathematical sentence.


the verb is =. If you read the sentence as ‘three plus four is equal to
seven, then it’s easy to hear the verb. Indeed, the equal sign = is one
of the most popular mathematical verb.


1. The capital of Philippines is Manila.

2. Rizal park is in Cebu.
3. 5+3=8
4. 5+3=9

A question commonly encountered, when presenting the

sentence example 1 + 2 = 3 is

If = is the verb, then what is + ?

The answer is the symbol + is what we called a connective
which is used to connect objects of a given type to get a ‘compound’
object of the same type. Here, the numbers 1 and 2 are connected to
give the new number 1 + 2.

In English, this is the connector “and”. Cat is a noun, dog is a

noun, cat and dog is a ‘compound’ noun.

Mathematical Sentence

Mathematical sentence is the analogue of an English sentence;

it is a correct arrangement of mathematical symbols that states a
complete thought. It makes sense to as about the TRUTH of a
sentence: Is it true? Is it false? Is it sometimes true/sometimes false?


1. The capital of Philippines is Manila.

2. Rizal park is in Cebu.
3. 5+3=8
4. 5+3=9

Truth of Sentences

Sentences can be true or false. The notion of “truth” (i.e., the

property of being true or false) is a fundamental importance in the
mathematical language; this will become apparent as you read the

Conventions in Languages

Languages have conventions. In English, for example, it is

conventional to capitalize name (like Israel and Manila). This
convention makes it easy for a reader to distinguish between a
common noun (carol means Christmas song) and proper noun (Carol
i.e. name of a person). Mathematics also has its convention, which
help readers distinguish between different types of mathematical


An expression is the mathematical analogue of an English

noun; it is a correct arrangement of mathematical symbols used to
represent a mathematical object of interest.
An expression does NOT state a complete thought; in
particular, it does not make sense to ask if an expression is true
or false.
E. Conventions in mathematics, some commonly used
symbols, its meaning and an example

a) Sets and Logic


Union of set A and

Union set AUB

Intersection Intersection of set A A∩B

and set B

Element x is an element of A x Ɛ A

x is not an element
Not an element of of x Ɇ A
set A

{ } A set of.. A set of an element {a, b, c}

Subset A is a subset of B A C B
A is not a subset of
Not a subset of B A B

… Ellipses There are still other a, b, c, …

items to follow

a + b + c + ….

Conjunction A and B A B

Disjunction A or B A B

Negation Not A A

→ Implies (If-then statement) If A, then B A→B

If and only if A if and only if B AB

For all For all x x

There exist There exist an x

Therefore Therefore C C

| Such that x such that y x|y

■ End of proof

A is equivalent
Congruence / equivalent to B A B

a is congruent
to b a b mod n
modulo n

a, b, c, …,
z Variables
*First part of English
(lower uses as fixed variable*
*Middle part of English
use as subscript and (axo)p (5x2)6
*Last part of an English
uses as unknown variable*

b) Basic Operations and Relational Symbols


+ Addition; Plus sign a plus b

a added by b 3+2
a increased
by b

a subtracted
Subtraction; minus sign by
a minus b
- 3-2
a diminished

a multiply by
• Multiplication sign b 4•3
*we do not use x as a
() symbol for a times b (4)(3)
multiplication in our
since its use as a

or | Division sign; divides a b 10 5

b|a 5|10

Composition of function f of g of x g(x)

= Equal sign a=a 5=5

a+b=b+a 3+2=2+3

Not equal to a b 3 4
Greater than a b 10 5

Less than b a 5 10

Greater than or equal to a b 10 5

Less than or equal to b a 5 10

Binary a*b=a+
operation a b 17b

c) Set of Numbers

natural 0
numbers / whole
ℕ0 numbers set (with 0 = {0,1,2,3,4,...} ∈ 0

natural numbers /
numbers set
ℕ1 (without 1 = {1,2,3,4,5,...} 6∈ 1

integer numbers = {...-3,-2,- -6

ℤ set 1,0,1,2,3,...} ∈

rational numbers
= {x | x=a/b, a,b∈
ℚ set
and b≠0} 2/6 ∈

ℝ real numbers set = {x | -∞ < x <∞} 6.343434 ∈

complex = {z | z=a+bi, -∞<a<∞,

ℂ numbers set -∞<b<∞} 6+2i ∈

F. Translating words into symbol

• Practical problems seldom, if ever, come in equation

form. The job of the problem solver is to translate the
problem from phrases and statements into
mathematical expressions and equations, and then to
solve the equations.
•As problem solvers, our job is made simpler if we are
able to translate verbal phrases to mathematical
expressions and if we follow step in solving applied
problems. To help us translate from words to symbols,
we can use the Mathematics Dictionary.

Let x be a number. Translate each phrase or sentence into a

mathematical expression or equation.

1.Twelve more than a number.

Ans.: 12+x

2.Eight minus a number.

Ans.: 8−x

3.An unknown quantity less fourteen.

Ans.: x−14

4.Six times a number is fifty-four.

Ans.: 6x=54

5.Two ninths of a number is eleven.

Ans.: 2/9x=11

6.Three more than seven times a number is nine more than five times

the number.

Ans.: 3+7x=9+5x

7.Twice a number less eight is equal to one more than

three times the number.

Ans.: 2x−8=3x+1 or 2x−8=1+3x

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