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1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight
words, including the word given.
It’s unlikely that the product would have taken off, if they hadn’t run such a massive TV
campaign. LIKELIHOOD
Without such a massive TV campaign, there the product taking off.

12/21 would have been little likelihood of

9/21 is no likelihood that

is a likelihood that
are little likelihood would have
would have a likelihood of
was not the likelihood that
would have been likelihood of
is little likelihood of
2. The group leader’s poor judgement jeopardised the safety of the climbers. PUT
The climbers’ safety by the poor judgement of the group leader.

13/17 was put in jeopardy

was put in Jeopardy
was put at risk

4/1 was put on the line

7 were put at risk
was put on jeopardy
put in jeopardy

ijeopardize/jeopardise to put something such as a plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged
put/place sth in jeopardy put sth in danger of being harmed or damaged
put sb/sth at risk put sb/sth in a dangerous situation

3. Paula and I have been friends since 2008.

DATES My to 2008.

friendship with Paula dates back
friendship with paula dates back

2/19 friendship with Paula dates

iIf something dates back to a particular time, it started or was made at that time.
4. ‘It wasn’t my fault that the window got broken,’ Gary said.
RESPONSIBILITY Gary denied the window.

13/20 responsibility for breaking

responsibility for having broken
any responsibility for breaking

7/20 his responsibility in breaking

his responsibiliy for breaking
any responsibility for breaking the
the responsibility for breaking
his responsibility breaking
for responsibility for BREAKING
responsibility to break

ideny responsibility (for sth) say you are not responsible

5. My grandmother has finally got used to living alone.
TERMS My grandmother living alone.

12/18 has finally come to terms with

6/18 has finally come to term with

came to terms on
got used to it in terms of
has finally came to terms with
in terms of
has finally come in terms with

icome to terms with sth to accept an unpleasant or sad situation and no longer feel upset or angry about it
6. I am not expecting an increase in summer sales this year. UPTURN
I have in summer sales this year.

13/1 no expectations of an upturn

8 no expectation of an upturn

5/1 never expected the upturn

8 not been expecting an upturn
no expectations for the upturn
not expected an upturn

ian upturn in sth = an increase in the level of something, especially in business activity
7. The students were told to either keep quiet or leave the art gallery.
NO The students keep quiet or leave the art gallery.

6/17 had no choice but to

had no option but to
were given no choice but to

11/17 no should to
had no choice to
were given no choice but no
have no choice but to
no expectation of an upturn
were had no choice but to
were told that under no circumstances shouldn't they
had no options but to
was given no choices but

iIf you have no choice/alternative/option but to do something, you cannot avoid doing it.
8. I’m afraid the only option open to me is to ask you to leave the restaurant.
ALTERNATIVE I you to leave the restaurant.

15/19 have no alternative but to ask

4/19 have no other alternative than asking

couldn't found any alternative 'than asking
afraid I have no alternative but to ask
am afraid the only alternative for

ihave little/no alternative (but to do sth)

9. If I had known the flight was going to be late leaving, I wouldn’t have bothered rushing to
the airport. DELAY
Had I to my flight, I wouldn’t have bothered rushing to the airport.

15/20 known there would be a delay

known about the delay
known there was going to be a delay

5/20 knew they delay

known that
knew the delay attached
have known they would have the delay
known there was a delay

iHad I known… = If I had known…

10. The authorities made the landlord take on the financial burden of looking after the
building. SHOULDER
The landlord looking after the building.

3/19 was made to shoulder the financial burden of

16/1 was made shoulder the financial burden of

9 had to shoulder the burden
was made to shoulder the burden of
was to put the burden on his shoulder of
has to shoulder the financial burden for
was made to shoulder the financial burden

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Vu, Minh Dang

had to shoulder the burden of

Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

was made to shoulder

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

shoulder the financial burden of

ishoulder the responsibility/blame/cost/burden etc to accept a difficult or unpleasant responsibility, duty etc
11. David looked as if he was about to cry when he saw the damage to his motorbike.
VERGE David looked like when he saw the damage to his motorbike.

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong / Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long
18/21 Quan / Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang /
Pham, Bao Nghi / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo,
Yen Lan / Vu Minh, Nguyen / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang
he was on the verge of crying

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
he was on the verge of tears

Le, Kim Minh Nhat / Nguyen, Cong Vinh

3/21 on the verge of crying

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

he's on the verge of crying

ilook as if/as though/like

be on the verge of (doing) sth to be at the point where something is about to happen
12. If you need to contact me urgently, then ring this number.
NECESSARY Should , ring this number.

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang

2/20 you find it necessary to contact me urgently

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

it be necessary to contact me urgently

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

18/20 it be necessary

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

you necessary to contact me urgently

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Trương Quang,
Huy / Vo, Yen Lan
it be necessary to contact me

Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vu, Linh Dang

find it necessary to contact me

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

your purpose of contacting me is necessary

Vo, Ngoc Que Anh

you find it nessesary to contact me urgently

Bui, Thien Nhan / Pham, Bao Nghi / Vo, Thu Giang / Vu, Minh Dang
you find it necessary to contact me

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

it be really necessary

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
you find it necessary

Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

you find it necessary to

ifind it necessary/hard/easy/difficult etc (to do sth) it is necessary (for sb) to do sth

should sb/sth do sth Should you need any help = If you need any help
13. I’m sure that the hotel will be good, as it was recommended by Pablo.
BOUND The recommended it to me.

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Le, Kim Minh Nhat / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vu, Minh
11/2 Dang
0 hotel is bound to be good as Pablo

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Vo,
Yen Lan / Vu Minh, Nguyen / Vu, Linh Dang
hotel is bound to be good since Pablo

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

hotel is bound to be good because Pablo

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

9/20 hotel is bound to be good if Pablo

Trương Quang, Huy

hotel is bound to be good, because Paolo

Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang

hotel is bound to be good, as Pablo

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan

hotel is bound to be good, since Pablo
Nguyễn Hà , Khang
was bound to be good because Pablo

Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

hotel is bound to be good

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

hotel is bound to be good as Paulo was

ibe bound to
to be very likely to do or feel a particular thing
14. In all probability Alan will get a place to study music at Oxford.
CHANCES The accepted to study music at Oxford.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai
14/20 Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Pham, Bao Nghi / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương
Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang
/ Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
chances are that Alan will be

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

6/20 chances is high woukd alan

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

chances of Alan getting

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

chances are good that Alan will be

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

chances is high for Alan to get

Vu Minh, Nguyen
chances are Alan is

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

chances that Alan will be

iin all probability very probably

the chances are (that) ... it is likely that ...
15. Professor Potts is unlikely to retire before she has to.
DOUBTFUL It early retirement.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Pham, Bao Nghi

2/21 is doubtful that professor Potts will take

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

19/21 is doubtful that professor potts will have

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

is doubtful that Professor Potts will have

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo,
Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang
is doubtful Profesor Potts will take

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang

's doubtful Profesor Potts will take

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Tran, Nhu Bao Han

is doubtful that professor Potts would have

Vu Minh, Nguyen
is doubtful if professor Potts takes

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
is a doubtful

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Vo, Thu Giang

is doubtful Professor Potts will take

Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

is doubtful the he will take

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

is doubtful that professor Potts would take

iIf it is doubtful that something will happen, it seems unlikely to happen or you are uncertain whether it will happen.
take early retirement = retire at an earlier age than usual
16. Unless there is a last-minute hitch, the Head’s job is his for the taking.
BOUND He’s there isn’t a last-minute hitch.

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

21/21 bound to take the head's job if

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

bound for the Head's job as

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

bound to take the Head's job providing that

Trương Quang, Huy

bound to take the head's job unless

Bui, Thien Nhan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Pham, Bao Nghi / Trinh,
Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang
bound to take the Head's job unless

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Tran, Nhu Bao Han / Vo, Ngoc
Que Anh
bound to take the Head's job if

Vu Minh, Nguyen
bound to be the Head if

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
bound to work as the Head's job if

Do, Long Quan

bound to take the Head's job unles

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

bound to do the Head's job unless

Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

bound to get the Head's job

iA last-minute hitch is a slight problem or difficulty which causes a short delay.

for the taking ready or available for someone to take advantage of
be bound to to be very likely to do or feel a particular thing
17. It’s possible that the fire was caused by an electrical fault in the gym.
LIKELIHOOD In of the fire in the gym was an electrical fault.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Cong
16/20 Vinh / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương
Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu Minh,
Nguyen / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
all likelihood the cause

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

all likelihood, the cause

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

4/2 all likelihood the causes
Le, Kim Minh Nhat
the likelihood the cause

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

every likelihood the cause

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

the likelihood, the caused

iIf you say that something will happen in all likelihood, you mean that it will probably happen.

18. It’s pretty certain that we’ll win a gold medal this year in the 100 metres.
FOREGONE It’s is ours for the taking in the 100 metres this year.

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Pham, Bao Nghi / Trương
12/18 Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vu, Linh Dang
a foregone conclusion that the gold medal

Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu,
Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
a foregone conclusion that a gold medal

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

6/18 a foregone that the gold medal

Le, Kim Minh Nhat / Tran, Nhu Bao Han

foregone that the gold medal

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

foregone that a gold medal

Vu Minh, Nguyen
a foregone conclusion that gold medal

Do, Long Quan


iIf something is a foregone conclusion, its result is certain, even though it has not happened yet.
19. There’s a strong possibility the audience will ignore any mistakes she makes at the
concert. TAKE
It’s highly of any mistakes she makes at the concert.

Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan
12/17 Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan
likely that the audience will take no notice

Bui, Thien Nhan / Vo, Thu Giang / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn
Bảo, Thy
likely the audience will take no notice

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

5/17 that the audience don't take notice

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

the audience will take no notice

Pham, Bao Nghi

that the audience will take no notice

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

had the audience take

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

possible that the audiences will take no notice

iextremely/highly/very + likely perfectly/quite + possible

If you take no notice of someone or something, you do not consider them to be important enough to affect what you think or what you do.
20. That week, the train was late every day except for Friday.
RUN Only that week and that was Friday.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang /
15/20 Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Pham,
Bao Nghi / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu
Giang / Vo,
Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
once did the train run on time

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

5/20 one day the train run on time

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

one day the train didn't run late during

Vu Minh, Nguyen
one day did the train run on time

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

the train had run late in that

Do, Long Quan

once was the train run on time

iInversion is used after restrictive words like hardly, seldom, rarely,

little and never, and after only + time expression. This is formal or literary.
Hardly had I arrived when trouble started. Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature. Little did he realise the danger he faced.
Never . . . was so much owed by so many to so few. Churchill)
Only then did I understand what she meant.
Only after her death was I able to appreciate her.
Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed.
Not a single word did he say.
21. Shortly after Sue and Brian met, he announced they were getting married. HAD
Scarcely he announced they were getting married.

Vo, Ngoc Que Anh

2/19 had Brian and Sue met when

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang

had Brian and Sue met before

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

17/19 the time they met had

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Huynh, Phuc
Quang Tuan / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Pham, Bao Nghi /
Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu Minh, Nguyen / Vu, Linh
Dang / Vu,
Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
had Sue and Brian met when

Trương Quang, Huy

has Sue and Brian met when

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

had I believed that

ihardly ... when/before ... scarcely ... when/before ... no sooner ... than ...
These three expressions can be used (often with a past perfect tense) to suggest that one thing happened very soon after another. In a formal or
I had hardly/scarcely closed my eyes when the phone rang.
Hardly/Scarcely had I closed my eyes when I began to imagine fantastic shapes.
22. You are not staying out late tonight! NO
Under stay out late tonight!

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Huynh, Phuc Quang
8/21 Tuan / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Pham, Bao Nghi / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Ngoc Que
Anh / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
no circumstances are you to

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

13/21 no cirumstances will you

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

no circumstances do you

Do, Long Quan / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang
no circumstances are you going to

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

no circumstances can you

Vu Minh, Nguyen
no circumstances should you

Bui, Thien Nhan / Vo, Thu Giang / Vu, Minh Dang

circumstances are you to

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

no circumstances are you going to

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

no circumstances are you

iIf a negative adverb or adverbial expression is put at the beginning of a clause for emphasis, it is usually followed by auxiliary verb + subject. The
Under no circumstances can we accept late payment.
Be to + infinitive is used to talk about plans, arrangements and schedules, and to give instructions.
23. They left their car and almost immediately heard a deafening crash.
SOONER No they heard a deafening crash.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Nguyen, Cong Vinh / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang / Vu
8/21 Minh, Nguyen / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
sooner had they left their car than

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

13/21 sooner did they left thier car then

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

sooner than they left their car

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

had they left their car than

Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Yen Lan

sooner had they left then car before

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

sooner than they left their car when

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Pham, Bao Nghi / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh
sooner had they left their car when

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

sooner after they left their car

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
sooner did they leave their car than

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

soon had they left their car when

Do, Long Quan


ihardly ... when/before ... scarcely ... when/before ... no sooner ... than ...
These three expressions can be used (often with a past perfect tense) to suggest that one thing happened very soon after another. In a formal or
I had no sooner closed the door than somebody knocked.
No sooner had she agreed to marry him than she started to have doubts.
24. Kerry didn’t send us any postcards during her travels through Argentina.
ONE Not she was travelling in Argentina.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh,
10/19 Xuan Phat / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang /
Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
one postcard did Kerry send us while

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

9/19 one postcard was sent by Kerry when

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

one postcard was sended by Kerry while

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

postcard did Kerry send us while

Trương Quang, Huy

even one postcard did Kerry send us while

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

at one postcard has been sent while

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

even one postcard did Kerry sent us when

Pham, Bao Nghi

one postcards did Kerry send us while

Vu Minh, Nguyen
only one postcard did Kerry send us when

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

one postcard did she send us while

iInversion is used after negative words.

25. It wasn’t long before the bus company increased their prices for a second time.
PUT Hardly before they increased them again.

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Pham, Bao Nghi / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh
3/18 had the bus company put their prices up

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

15/18 have they put down the price

Do, Long Quan / Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà ,
Khang / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu Minh, Nguyen / Đinh Nguyễn
had the bus company put the prices up

Bui, Thien Nhan / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh
had the bus company put up their prices

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

had the bus company put in

ihardly ... when/before ... scarcely ... when/before ... no sooner ... than ...
These three expressions can be used (often with a past perfect tense) to suggest that one thing happened very soon after another. In a formal or
26. The demand for tickets is so high that the play has been extended by a month.
HAS So the play has been extended by a month.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang /
10/19 Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Pham, Bao Nghi / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc
Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu Minh, Nguyen / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
high has the demand for tickets been that

Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vu, Linh Dang

9/19 So high has demand for tickets been

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

demand for tickets has been so high that

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

demand the the tickets has become

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
high the demand for the ticket been that

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

high has demand for the tickets been that

Do, Long Quan

has the demand for tickets so high that

Vo, Thu Giang / Vu, Minh Dang

high has demand for tickets been

iSo + adj/adv + inversion ... + that clause

27. There are beautiful buildings in Barcelona and it has a wonderful climate too.
ONLY In Barcelona, not is also wonderful.

Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh
7/21 Dang
only are the buildings beautiful but the climate

Bui, Thien Nhan / Vo, Yen Lan

only are there beautiful buildings but the climate

Le, Kim Minh Nhat / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

14/21 only the buildings are beautiful but the climate

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

only because the buildings beautiful but the climate

Do, Long Quan / Trương Quang, Huy

only are there beautiful buildings, but the climate

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

only has beautiful buildings but the climate

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

only are there beautiful buildings , but the climate

Pham, Bao Nghi

only are the buildings beautiful, the climate

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

only does it have beautiful building the cilmate

Vu Minh, Nguyen
only are buildings beautiful but the climate

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
only the buildings are beautiful, but the climate

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

only buildings are beautiful but a climate

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

only there are beautiful buildings, but the climate

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang

only are the beautiful buildings but the climate

iNot only + inversion … but also ...

28. Many people used to believe that they would lose their soul if their photo was
There was once taken would mean losing your soul.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương
13/1 Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh
9 Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
a widespread belief that having your photo

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen,
Hai Phuoc
a widespread belief that having a photo

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

6/19 widespread that people photos were

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

rumor widespread that if your picture was

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

a widespread rumour that a picture of you being

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

widespread rumor that has their phoo been

Vu Minh, Nguyen
a widespread belief that getting your photo
Nguyen, Cong Vinh
widespread belief that if photo had

ia widespread/common/widely held belief something that many people think

29. I’m quite sure that Bill hasn’t left yet as I saw him yesterday.
SET Bill as I saw him yesterday.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai
13/17 Phuoc / Pham, Bao Nghi / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc
Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh
Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
can't have set off yet

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

4/1 probably hasn't set off yet
Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong
hasn't set off yet

Vu Minh, Nguyen
couldn't have set off

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
cant have set off yet

imust / can't + perfect infinitive (have + past participle) can be used to express logical assumption or certainty in the past.
set off to start to go somewhere

30. Bridgton is very proud of its new shopping mall.

TAKES Bridgton its new shopping mall.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn
15/21 Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Pham, Bao Nghi /
Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo,
Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
takes great pride in

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

6/21 takes on very proudly of

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong / Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan / Nguyen, Cong Vinh / Vu
Minh, Nguyen
takes pride in

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

takes a pride of

itake (great) pride in something feel (very) proud of something

31. We weren’t aware at the time that we were making a big mistake. KNOW
Little big mistake we were making.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn
14/20 Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Pham, Bao Nghi /
Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh
Dang / Vu,
Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
did we know at the time what a

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

6/20 did we know we weren't aware of the

Trương Quang, Huy

did we know at the what a

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

did we know that a

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

did we know the

Vu Minh, Nguyen
did we know about the

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

of the time before we know about a

iLittle + inversion
be aware of sth = know
32. I had only just come back from the supermarket when I realised I had forgotten to buy any
No sooner I realised I had forgotten to buy any milk.

Trương Quang, Huy

6/20 had i returned from the supermarket than

Bui, Thien Nhan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo,
Yen Lan / Vu Minh, Nguyen
had I returned from the supermarket than

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang / Vu,
14/20 Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
had I returned from the supermarket

Nguyen, Cong Vinh

had i returned to the supermarket than

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

than I returned from the supermarket when

Pham, Bao Nghi

had I return from the supermarket that

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

have i returned than
Nguyễn Hà , Khang
had I just come back from the supermarket than

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

had I returned from the supermarket when

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

had I returned home that

iNo sooner + inversion ... + than ...

33. I’ve often thought of you when listening to that sonata by Barsanti. COME
Many’s when I have been listening to that sonata by

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Trinh, Xuan
10/18 Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan /
Vu, Linh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
the time you've come to mind

Le, Kim Minh Nhat

8/18 thoughts come to my mine

Vu Minh, Nguyen
about you come to my mind

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

memories of you has come up

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

thought have come to me

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
the time that it comes to you

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

the time you come to my mind

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

the thought had come to me

Vu, Minh Dang

time you've come to mind

imany's the time/day etc (that/when) used to say that a particular thing has happened often
34. I really think you should be more assertive about your rights.
UP It’s about time more.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn
14/18 Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Pham, Bao Nghi / Trinh, Xuan Phat /
Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu,
Linh Dang / Vu,
Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
you stood up for your rights

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

4/18 you stand up for your rights

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

you stood up and assert your rights more

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
you stood up for your right

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

to stand up for your rights

iIt’s (high/about) time + subject + past tense

stand up for sb/sth to support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked

35. You should really stop behaving like a child. THOUGH

It’s high time a child.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn
13/1 Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat /
8 Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu,
Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang
you stopped behaving as though you were

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

5/1 though you stopped behaving like
Pham, Bao Nghi
you stopped behaving as though you are

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

you stopped though being

Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

you stopped behavings as though you were

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

you stop behaving as though

iIt’s (high/about) time + subject + past tense

36. They should do a proper review of teachers’ salaries. OUT
It’s time a proper review of teachers’ salaries.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai
13/17 Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc
Que Anh / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh
Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
they carried out

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh

4/1 they should carry out
Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan
for them to put out

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

they put out

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

they should make out

iIt’s (high/about) time + subject + past tense

If you carry out a threat, task, or instruction, you do it or act according to it.
37. I think it preferable for all students to write in ink.
RATHER I in ink.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang /
11/18 Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh
/ Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
would rather all students wrote

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

7/18 would rather for all students to write

Pham, Bao Nghi

would rather all the students write

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

would rather all the students wrote

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
would rather that all students wrote

Bui, Thien Nhan

would rather write

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

would rather all the students to write

Vu, Minh Dang

wouldrather all students wrote

iwould rather + Subject + past tense

38. I regret now spending so much money on that car. SPLASHED
I wish now so much money on that car.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn
12/18 Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo, Thu Giang / Vo, Yen
Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
I hadn't splashed out

Trương Quang, Huy

i hadn't splashed out

Vo, Ngoc Que Anh

6/18 that i hadn't splashed

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

I wasn't splashed out

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

I hadn't splashed

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

i haven't splashed

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
i hadnt splashed out

Vu Minh, Nguyen
I had not splashed

iPast wish: I wish + Subject + Past perfect tense

splash out (sth) to spend a lot of money on something

39. It’s a pity that he turned up without warning me. LET

I wish he was coming.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Do, Long Quan / Hoàng Nguyễn
13/1 Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat /
6 Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu,
Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
he had let me know

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

3/16 he was let me know when

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

he would had let me knew

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

he had let me know that

iPast wish: I wish + Subject + Past perfect tense

40. It’s a shame she wasn’t aware how much I cared for her.
STRENGTH If only of my feelings for her.

Bui, Thien Nhan / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Trinh,
10/16 Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vu, Linh Dang / Đinh
Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
she had been aware of the strength

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Vu, Minh Dang

she had known the strength

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

6/16 she knows the stength

Do, Long Quan / Vo, Yen Lan

she had known the strenght

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

she was aware of the strength

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

i had the strength to make her aware

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
she had been awared of the strength

iPast wish: I wish/If only + Subject + Past perfect tense

If you refer to the strength of a feeling, opinion, or belief, you are talking about how deeply it is felt or believed by people, or how much they are
41. Please don't wear shoes in the house.
RATHER I your shoes in the house.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Yen Lan /
11/16 Vu, Linh Dang
would rather you took off

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc /
Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
would rather you didn't wear

Vo, Thu Giang

would rather you did not wear

Vo, Ngoc Que Anh

5/1 would rather you take off
Tran, Nhu Bao Han
would rather you not to wear

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

would rather you don't worn

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
would rather you didnt wear
Bui, Thien Nhan
would rather not wear

iwould rather + Subject + past tense

42. The European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission aims to land a probe on a comet. FOR
The aim of the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission is on a comet.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai
10/14 Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy /
Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo,
for a probe to be landed

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

4/14 to for place a probe

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

to land a probe for research

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

aiming for the probe to land

Bui, Thien Nhan

to land for a probe

iThe structure for + noun/pronoun + infinitive is very common in English. It is used when an infinitive needs its own subject.
43. It will be necessary to wear safety gloves throughout this experiment.
DURATION Safety gloves of this experiment.

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Vo, Yen Lan

2/1 will have to be worn for the duration

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang,
13/15 Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
have to be worn for the duration

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

will be necessary while you have a duration

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

is a necessity through out the duration

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

is on for the whole duration

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
is required to be worn for the duration

Bui, Thien Nhan

are necessary for the duration

ifor the duration (of sth) until the end of a particular situation

44. Using electron beams, it is possible to manufacture machines that are too small to see.
NAKED Tiny machines that cannot are manufactured by means of electron

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyen, Hai Phuoc /
10/13 Tran, Nhu Bao Han / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que
Anh / Vo,
Yen Lan / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
be seen by the naked eye

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

3/13 be seen by the naked eyes

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

seen by the naked eyes

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
be seen with naked eye

iIf something can be seen with the naked eye, it can be seen without the help of an instrument.
discernible/visible to the naked eye can be seen without using special equipment
45. Recently, astronomers have been finding more and more planets outside our solar
Recently, an outside our solar system.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Nguyễn Hà , Khang /
9/14 Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu,
Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang
increasing number of planets have been found

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

5/14 increasing number of planets are being found

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

increasing of planets has been found

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

increasing rate has been present on finding planets

Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy

increasing the number of planets have been found

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

incresing number of planetes have been found

iincreasing becoming greater in number, level, or amount.

46. Advances in science should soon yield a cure for cancer. BRINK
Scientists are thought finding a cure for

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong / Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang /
12/15 Nguyen, Hai Phuoc / Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Trương Quang,
Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Vu, Linh Dang / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh
Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
to be on the brink of

Bui, Thien Nhan / Tran, Nhu Bao Han

3/1 on the brink of
Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan
we're on the brink of

ion the brink/verge of (doing) sth to be at the point where something is about to happen
47. Although they tried to dissuade Josh from continuing with it, he has opted for physics as
a career. ADVISED
Despite , Josh has chosen a career in it.

Nguyễn Hà , Khang / Trương Quang, Huy / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh

5/1 being advised not to continue with physics
Vo, Yen Lan
being advised against physics

Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang

having been advised against physics

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

8/13 being advised not to continue physics

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

they avised him not to continue in physics

Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
being advised not to continue with

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

being advised against continuing with physics

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

being advised not continue with physics

Bui, Thien Nhan

their dissuades advised

iadvise sb (not) to do sth / advise sb against (doing) sth

48. The children agreed they would each tidy the playroom on alternate days. TURNS
The children the playroom.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Vo, Ngoc Que Anh / Vo,
7/1 Yen Lan / Vu, Minh Dang / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
4 agreed to take it in turns to tidy

Trinh, Xuan Phat

agreed to take turns to tidy

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

7/1 take turns tidying
Tran, Nhu Bao Han
agreed every day turns up they would tidy

Trương Quang, Huy

agreed to take it turns in tidy

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

agreed that they would take turns on tidying

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
agreed to takes it in turns to tidy

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

agreed the would take turns tidying

Bui, Thien Nhan

turns to each tidy the

itake (it in) turns to do sth take turns (in) doing sth
If two or more people take turns doing work, using something etc, they do it one after the other, for example in order to share the work or play f
49. Professor Smith talked firstly about living on Mars, and then discussed the Space Lab.
WENT After talking about living on Mars, Professor Smith the Space Lab.

Chu, Hoang Chau Anh / Hoàng Nguyễn Hương, Giang / Trinh, Xuan Phat / Vo,
6/14 Ngoc Que Anh / Vo, Yen Lan / Đinh Nguyễn Bảo, Thy
went on to discuss

Bui, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

8/14 went on to discussed

Tran, Nhu Bao Han

went talking about

Trương Quang, Huy

went on the discuss

Huynh, Phuc Quang Tuan

went on with

Nguyễn Hà , Khang
went on to discussing about

Nguyen, Hai Phuoc

went on to discuss about

Bui, Thien Nhan

went to discuss

Vu, Minh Dang

gone on to discuss

iIf you go on to do something, you do it after you have done something else. If you go on doing something, or go on with an activity, you continu

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