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University of Saint Anthony

(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga


Name: Alexandra V. Corporal

Section: 11-Grace (STEM)

Discrimination Against Homosexuals

In the past decades, deeply ingrained homophobic and transphobic attitudes, frequently
combined with a lack of sufficient legal protection against the discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation and gender identity expose many members of the LGBTQ+ community of all
ages and in all parts of the world to dreadful violations of their human rights. Members of the
community often face disadvantages when it comes to getting hired for jobs, obtaining civil
marriage rights, and even starting their own business. In addition, they have a higher rate of
suicide and suicidal ideation than heterosexuals. That is why a non-discrimination law is desired
for people who consider themselves as a part of the community, because this will ensure them,
regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, that they can exercise their rights to
life, education, employment, and expression without fear of being degraded.

Homosexual people have come a long way since Henry VIII passed a law-making male
homosexual activity punishable by death in the 1800s. Over the years, several significant
advances in equality have occurred, including the equal right to adopt, workplace protections
against sexual orientation discrimination, access to civil partnerships, and same sex-marriage,
but these are only legal in almost all Western countries, 2.9 billion people are still subjected to
laws that make same-sex relationships illegal. Many countries outside of the West are
considered potentially dangerous to their LGBT people due to both discriminatory legislation and
violent threats. For example, is the Philippines, even though it’s considered as one of the LGBT
friendly countries, still many members of the community especially the youth are exposed to
these violent threats. Students in the Philippines who identify as part of the community (LGBT),
frequently face bullying, discrimination, lack of access to LGBT-related information and in some
cases, physical or sexual assault, which is very odd because schools should be safe places for
everyone and yet most of these crimes happen there. Because of these happenings the number
of suicide risk among the LGBTQ+ people have been increasing. Several studies in recent years
have found a higher number of suicide attempts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
More efforts should be made to change attitudes and protect everyone from discrimination on
the basis of their sexual orientation, as well as their identity. Socially beneficial norms that
acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of civilizations in the world needs to be strengthened
to incorporate acceptance. Abuse motivated by a person’s actual or perceived sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression should not be tolerated. This violence can be
perpetrated by the state, as in laws outlawing homosexual acts, or by individuals. It is
necessary to implement laws that protect the LGBTQ+ community in a way that truly serves
everyone’s best interests, and does not merely silence the victim or drive the debate

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