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Chapter 5

Revisiting the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological Principles

Franz Simeon Vincent E. Cheng

Name: _____________________________________________________ 12/5/21
Date: _____________
Course & Section: _________________________________________Score:
BPEd-3A ______________


1. Examine the clip art below.


1. What two words do you see?

I see the words “teach” and “learn.”

2. What relationship does the clip art show about these two words?
Facilitating learning should be firmly anchored on the 14 learner-centered
psychological principles. The 14 principles advocate that everyone in the learning community,
not just students, is a learner. The clip art above exemplifies the notion that teaching enables
one to learn, and that when they have learned well, they can teach effectively. Learning is a
two-way process. Teachers teach students. Students learn from one another. More
importantly, it must be kept in mind that teachers can also learn from their students.

3. What message do you get from this clip art? Relate it to your own role as a future teacher?
There is an expression, “The best way to learn something is to teach it, and the best
way to teach something is to learn it.” I had heard this saying several times, but it never
resonated with me until I saw the clipart. Developing internal resources to support one’s
teaching begins early in life and evolves through education, life experiences, interaction with
others, maturity, focused dedication to a particular profession, and performance. However, if
all of that knowledge and talent is kept within a person, like keeping gold coins hidden in a
safe, the broader level is not attained. Those precious nuggets of knowledge we collect must
be shared to have value. The value within a person must be shared with others.  In the process,
one mines the precious metals within them, understands and appreciates their value, and
shares them. That is what teaching allows one to do. Thus, my role as a future educator is not
only limited to being a teacher only; I, too, am a lifelong learner. My learning continues as I
stand in front of a class of eager learners, passing on my knowledge, helping them find their
own nuggets to start their private collections. Here, I draw knowledge from those accumulated
resources within me, mentally processing them before I speak and letting my voice carry
them.  It is a process of learning by teaching and teaching by learning. What an experience.

Synapse Strengtheners

Observe a class (can be elementary, high school or college level). Note whether or not the
three characteristics of the learner-centered classrooms are implemented.

Characteristic Yes No Description of what you observed

1. Learners are at the center of ✓ In the class that I have observed, a learner-
the learning process. centered approach was utilized wherein the
learners serve as active agents. They bring
their own knowledge, past experiences,
education, and ideas to the table. This
influences how we absorb new information and
learn. In order to incorporate the learner-
centered approach into the teaching process,
the teacher fostered collaboration and
interaction through group activities such as
games and presentations. The students
participated in a game where they rearranged
letters to form a new word. They also prepared
group presentations in regard to the lesson
discussed. Not only did it assist the learners in
learning the topic inside out, but it also
provided them with the chance to develop
another important skill, which is working well
with their peers, all while adding an element of
fun to the learning environment.
2. Teacher guides the ✓ In addition to the learner-centered approach,
students. the indirect method to teaching and learning
was used as well. It is a student-centered
approach to learning where students observe,
investigate, and draw conclusions from data.
Small group discussions also characterize this
form of learning, which is what occurred
during the class. To gain a better understanding
of the lesson, the students drew upon their own
experiences and posed questions. The teacher
took on the role of a facilitator or supporter
rather than offering direct instruction. Inquiry,
problem-solving, and decision-making were
also incorporated into the learning process by
the teacher. By drawing upon their own
experiences, students were able to form
meaningful connections to the course content.
3. Teacher teaches for ✓ Finally, the self-check educational style was
understanding. incorporated to the learning and teaching
process. This is similar to the reciprocal style,
except students work independently. The
teacher provides students the performance
criteria or skill card that includes a visual
reference for fault correction. In the group
presentations, the students were provided with
rubrics in which their performances were
graded based on creativity, content, and
teamwork. This style allowed the students to
practice and self-correct on their own time and
evaluate their own performance. The teacher
circulated the class as they prepared for their
presentations, and she worked in conjunction
with the students to set targets and goals.

Research Connection

Read a research on learner-centered psychological principles.

Research Methodology
Problem The method employed in the study
This study sought to was a cluster-randomized control
trial with 36 match pairs of schools
examine the effectiveness and 246 students in the rural USA.
random and assigned at random to
secondary schools to treatment condition. Instructors
follow APA learner- were blind to the treatment
condition as were the local
centered principles to facilitators and schools. Data on
support learners in length of time spent in the course
and whether students completed the
distance education. semester were analyzed.

Hannum, W., Lei, P., Irvin, M. J., & Farmer, T. W. (2008,

December). Effectiveness of using learner-centered principles on
student retention in distance education courses in rural schools.
Distance Education 29 (3), 211-229.
Findings Conclusions
It was concluded in this study that
The research results revealed that
student learning in distance education
students in the intervention condition courses is at least equal to that in
completed the first semester at a traditional classes if not better; however,
statistically higher rate than control distance education courses often have
students where facilitators did not have substantially lower rates of course
this training. The number of weeks completion. Based on the results of this
students remained in the course was study, the researchers suggest that
likewise statistically different with having facilitators in the room with
secondary school students as they work
students in the intervention condition on distance education courses can have a
staying in the course more weeks positive impact on the students’
holding instructor constant. persistence in these courses and their
completion of the courses.

Assessment Task

Fill out the matrix below to summarize and synthesize your learning’s and insights.
Column 1 contains the 14 principles clustered together, Column 2 indicates the modules and
topics that are related to each cluster. In column 3, write your learning’s/insights, especially on
how you plan to apply what you learned when you teach.
5-minute non-stop writing

Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW!

From the Module on Revisiting the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, I

realized that learner-centered education is a very relevant and vital approach to teaching and
learning. Student involvement is a recurring issue in schools across the Philippines. Too many
students describe school as boring, but it does not have to be that way. When students commit
themselves to the process of learning, academic outcomes can soar. And when students do not
feel engaged and inspired, their academic achievement may tumble. That is why learner-centered
learning is an approach to teaching that is being used more and more. Learner-centered learning
works by connecting students’ interests with the things they learn in school. Student-centered
learning is an increasing force in high school education. This instructional model differs from
traditional, teacher-centered models. It does so by emphasizing student choice in setting the
learning curriculum. In SCL-based high schools, students use their interests as an inspiration for
the topics they pursue in class.

Collaboration is at the heart of student-centered classes. Students do not work on their

own. Instead, they work together on projects they helped create. Teachers join in this
collaboration through their work as guides and facilitators. A substantial body of evidence
supports the effectiveness of learner-centered learning. Students in SCL-based programs see a
range of benefits. Examples of reported outcomes include improved academic performance and a
higher level of engagement with the learning process. Research indicates that a significant
percentage of teachers exposed to student-based instruction find this experience positive and in
line with the goals of effective high school education. While integrating student-centered
learning poses certain problems, these challenges may be addressed and overcome. Rather than
introducing a full program, high schools and their students can gradually transition to the new
model. The principles of effective SCL design are well-developed but flexible. This flexibility
allows each school to develop programs that fit its real-world requirements. At its core, learner-
centered learning demonstrates what high schoolers can do when they feel fully engaged in their
education. The power of this approach may very well spark a foundational transformation of the
Philippines' learning culture.

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