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Name:_____________________________Grade & Section: 11 Score:__________

School:___________________________Teacher:______________Subject:21st Century Literature

LAS Writer: RIZEL V. DEFIÑO____________________________________________________
Lesson Topic: Steps in analyzing a Short Story. Quarter 3 Week 8 LAS 1
Learning Target/s: Identify the ways in Analyzing a Short story.
Reference(s): Ways in Analyzing a Short Story.[Online] Available at <> [Accessed 23 March
Steps in Analyzing a Short Story

. Here are five different ways to analyze short stories within your classroom:
Steps in Analyzing a Short Story

1. Pay close attention to. The details are always abundant in novels, but with in a short story,
every aspect has a reason for being in the story. Since word count is low, pick up on the
different information and why each detail is important. Point out the various important
details and expand on the importance of each.
2. Take notes in the margins. The margins are great places to take notes if the story is printed
on paper, not within a book. Take notes and point out places that may have questions or
need clarification. You can begin analyzing right there on the story, while you read, and
then you can quickly put all your thoughts together in an official analysis.
3. Mark the major plot points. Because the stories are smaller than nov els, you can easily
map out the exact plot, and all the points that lead to the e nding. Highlight the different
sections where either the rising action ends or the climax begins or where the resolution
take splace.
4. Read the story multiple times to grasp the entirety of the story. Since it, again, is short, you
will be able to have the time to read a story a few times to understand all the details
included within it. Focus on a different aspect of the story each time you read it so you can
fully understand all that goes on in the story and feel prepared to analyze it. Some
examples of things to focus on include plot, characters, figurative language, and essential
5. Color code different elements of the story. You can use colors to help them remember the
different vital parts of the stories you read. The more examples of elements in the story , the
easier it will be for you to begin recognizing them elsewhere. Th is will also allow you to be
organized and ready for the moment you have to analyze the whole story, as you have
already practiced analyzing all the elements.

Activity 1. Directions: Write the word True if the statement is correct and False if it is not. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
___________________1. Color Coding allows you to be organized and ready for the moment you have to
analyse the story.
___________________2. Stories are bigger than novels.
___________________3. Read the story multiple times to help you grasp the entirety of the story.
___________________4. Short Story is not an essential part of teaching student literature.
___________________5. Margins are great places to take notes if the story is printed on printer paper, not
within a book.
___________________6. While reading a story, you can quickly put all your thoughts in an official application.
___________________7. Margins are great place to take note if the story is printed.
___________________8. Do not pay attention to the details you are reading in the story.
___________________9. Giving more examples of elements in the story, the easier it will be for you.
__________________10. One of the steps in analyzing a story is to write major points.

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