Correlation: 1. Definition of Correlational Research

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1. Definition Of Correlational Research

Gay in Sukardi (2008: 166) states that correlation research is one part of ex-post facto research because
in general researchers do not manipulate the state of existing variables and directly look for a
relationship and the level of variable relations expressed in the correlation coefficient.

Correlation research is a study that involves data collection activities to determine, is there a
relationship and the level of relationship between 2 or more variables.

Correlation research is conducted, when the researcher wants to know about the presence or absence
and the strength or weakness of a relationship of variables related to an object or subject under study.

2. Characteristics of Correlational

Correlation research is appropriate when complex variables and researchers do not allow to manipulate
and control variables as in experimental research, Allows variables to be measured intensively in a real
setting or environment, and Enables researchers to obtain a significant degree of association. (Sukardi,
2008: 166)

3. Types of Correlation

Positive Correlation

when the value of one variable increases with respect to another.

Negative Correlation

when the value of one variable decreases with respect to another.

No Correlation

when there is no linear dependence or no relation between the two variables.

4. Prosedur Dasar Penelitian Korelasional

Problem Selection

Correlational studies can be designed to determine which variables from a list of variables might be
related, or to test hypotheses about an expected relationship. Variables involved in research must be
selected based on inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. In othe words, the relationship to be
researched and investigated must be supported by theory or derived from experience.
Sample and Instrument SelectionSamples for correlational studies can be selected using an acceptable
sampling method, and 30 subjects are considered the minimum acceptable sample size. In a study, it is
important to choose and develop a reliable and valid measurement of a variable to be examined.

Design and ProcedureThe basic correlational design is very simple; 2 or more scores obtained from each
number of samples selected, 1 score for each variable studied, and paired scores are then correlated.
The correlation coefficient obtained indicates the degree or degree of relationship between the two
variables. Different studies investigate a number of variables, and some use complex statistical
procedures, but the basic design remains the same in all correlational studies.

Data Analysis and InterpretationIthe 2 variables are correlated, the result is the correlation coefficient. A
correlation coefficient in the form of decimal numbers, between 0.00 and + 1.00, or 0.00 and -1.00,
which indicates the degree or degree of relationship between the 2 variables. When the coefficient
approaches + 1.00; then the two variables have a positive relationship.

5. Kinds of Correlational Studies

Relationship StudiesRelationship studies are usually done in an effort to get an understanding of any
factors or variables related to complex variables, such as academic learning outcomes, self-concept and
motivation. Variables that are known to have no relationship can be eliminated from further attention
or consideration.

Prediction StudyPrediction studies are often done to make it easier to draw conclusions about
individuals or assist in the selection of individuals. Prediction studies are also carried out to test
theoretical hypotheses about variables that are believed to be predictors of a criterion, and to
determine the predictive validity of individual measurement instruments.

Correlation and CausalityCorrelational research is a study aimed at revealing relationships between

variables through the use of correlational statistics (r). The square of the correlation coefficient will
produce the explained variance (r-square). A correlational relationship between two variables is
sometimes the result of another source, so researchers must be careful and correlation does not have to
explain cause and effect.

6 Correlational Research Design

1.Bivariate Correlation

The bivariate correlation research design is a research design that has the objective to describe the
relationship between two variables. The relationship between the two variables is measured. The
relationship has a level and direction.

The level of the relationship shows how or how strong the relationship is, generally expressed in
numbers between -1 and +1, the level of the relationship is called the correlation coefficient. The zero
(0) symbol indicates there is no relationship between variables. The correlation coefficient that moves
toward -1 or +1, is a perfect correlation at both extremes.

2. Regression and PredictionIf there is a correlation between 2 variables, and the researcher knows the
score on one of the variables, the researcher can predict the score on the second variable. Regression
refers to how well researchers can make predictions of this kind. As the correlation coefficient
approaches both -1 and +1, researchers' predictions can be better. For example, there is a relationship
between health and stress

3. Multiple RegressionMultiple regression is the expansion of regression and simple prediction by adding
several variables. The combination of these variables can give researchers more power to make more
accurate predictions. What the researchers predict is called the criterion variable. What the researcher
uses to make predictions, while the variables that are known, are called predictor variables.

4. Factor analysisThis one statistical procedure identifies the pattern of existing variables. A large
number of variables are correlated and the presence of high correlations indicates a common important

5. There are 2 designs that can be used to make statements about cause and effect using the
correlational method. The design is the path analysis design and the cross-lagged panel design.
Correlational Design Used to Draw Causal Conclusions.

6. System Analysis Systems analysis involves the use of complex or complex mathematical procedures to
determine dynamic processes, for example changes over time, feedback straps, and flow and
relationship elements.

7. Strengths and Weaknesses of Correlational Research

Correlational research has advantages including: its ability to investigate the relationship between
several variables together (simultaneously); and correlational research is also able to provide
information about the degree of strength of the relationship between the variables studied.

this research is useful for overcoming problems related to the fields of education, social, economics.

Weaknesses of correlational research include: the results only identify something in line with something,
do not have to show a causal mutual relationship; when compared to experimental research, this
correlational study is less orderly and strict, because it lacks control over its independent variables; the
interconnected patterns are often erratic and vague or unclear; often stimulates its users as a kind of
short-gun approach, i.e. entering various data without selecting and using any useful or meaningful

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