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Name : Artha Sary Br Limbong

NPM : C1B021121
Class : A

From the video entitled “How to listen to lectures : Understand & remember with these
strategies”, the creator talk about the types of people in lectures and giving some strategies to
help us in listening

Types of people on colleges and universities that might make it difficult for them
listening to lectures :

 No notes only listened

 Recorded lectures ; doing other things but not really listening and spent hours
listening at home
 Typed lectures quickly ; type everything the professor was saying but didn't process
the information
 sat on the front row, took classes too early or too late and fall asleep

The creator also mentions some great strategies we can use that will help us became
better at listening lectures and achieve academic success. The key to doing really well in
listening lectures is to put into effort while you're listening :

 More active listening, think about what the professor's saying

 More preparation, to be prepared and have a plan in advance

Here are some creator’s tips that we can do before class :

1. choose the best time to go to lecture because lot of us start to feel tired or sleepy in the
2. it’s important to bring water because keeping hydrated will actually help us stay
awake and more focus and it’s good to bring healthy snack like granola bar or other.
3. It’s also good to bring the lecture notes or slides in advance from the professor.
4. write notes by hand , because while write we tend to process what we hearing a lot
more. The creator find it’s too distracting use computer to taking notes.
5. Before the lecture it’s good to look at the slides and the asssigned reading in advance.
6. Arrive to lecture early and choose the seat well.

Here are some creator’s tips that we can do during class :

1. Important to finding note-taking system that works best for us (cornell, flow, chart,
2. Pay attention to repeated information
3. Listening for hints or clues from professor to know what to study
4. Knowing professor languange cues
5. If miss something, put a mark and ask classmate or the professor at the break

Here are some creator’s tips that we can do during break:

1. Talk to classmates, look for somebody who is actually really interested in the material
2. Walk/stretch, we will get more energy
3. Talk to professor, know the professor because some professor don’t like talk to

Here are some creator’s tips that we can do after class :

1. Review or reading the notes
2. Discuss with classmates

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