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The Academy’s “Make Good Choices”

Positive Behavioral Intervention Support

The diagram below outlines the different levels of support that exist for students to meet The
Academy’s academic and social expectations. Most students will be sufficiently supported
within the first tier as a result of the following: Positive relationships between teacher and
student, a set of high expectations that are clear and consistent school-wide, and the
opportunity to change/modify behaviors as well as be reflective in the process. Students not
responding in Tier One will be offered more intensive and individualized support in tiers two
and three.

Tier Three
Referral to SAT team
Individualized Behavioral Plan
Evaluation of Placement

Tier Two
Problem Solving
Reflection Sheets (3 or more)
PTSC (Parent, Student, Teacher Conferences)
Increased Academic Support
Carver Matrix

Tier One
Universal Support

Classroom & School Wide Expectations

Daily Grade
Reflection Sheets
The Academy community will demonstrate a
COMMITMENT to its educational program through
respect and responsibility.

Respectful students make the choice to: Be courteous with each other
Use appropriate language and tone
Use materials appropriately
Refrain from class disruptions
Take care of school campus
Be kind and compassionate to others
Be aware of other’s personal space
Responsible students make the choice to: Be academically engaged
Follow the Dress Code
Be Substance Free
Take ownership for their actions
Be on-time
Apply their best effort to all tasks
Make up missed time and work
Track grades and assignments on PowerSchool
Challenge themselves to be their best self

“Be respectful and responsible to yourself, those around you and the Academy
The Academy
Behavioral Expectations and Protocol

Behavior Description Protocol

Electronics Cell Phones Cell Phones
Cell phones are not to be used or seen between the 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher,
hours of 7:30-12:10. This includes in the student puts it away.
classrooms, in the bathrooms, and in the hallways.
2nd Violation: Reflection Sheet, phone call
home, and phone gets locked in safe until
Ear Buds 12:10.
Ear buds will remain out of sight from 7:30-12:10
unless given specific permission by a teacher within Ear Buds
the classroom during independent work. All students, 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher,
staff and visitors entering The Academy are expected student puts it away.
to remove their ear buds at the front door before
entering the school. 2nd Violation: Reflection Sheet, phone call
home, ear buds gets locked in safe until 12:10.
Lap Tops & Computers
Lap tops and computers (both school and personal)
are to be used for school purposes only between the Lap Tops & Computers
hours of 7:30 and 12:10. 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher,
student closes the inappropriate site.

2nd Violation: Reflection Sheet and loss of

lap/computer use for the period.

Academic Engagement Students are required to be awake, unplugged and 1st Intervention: Gentle reminder from teacher
focused on classroom tasks at all times.
2nd Intervention: Personal conversation to
problem solve ways to improve engagement

3rd Intervention: Reflection Sheet, Phone Call

Language 1st Violation: Verbal warning by the teacher,
Inappropriate language is a disruption to the learning students stops behavior
environment. The use of inappropriate language
includes, but is not limited to 2nd Violation: Reflection Sheet, and phone call
 Topics of conversations referring to sex, home
drugs, alcohol or are unkind in nature
 The use of foul language
 Misuse of the English language
 Any other language or topic of conversation
that teachers deem inappropriate

Dress Student can choose one of the following to

Students are expected to dress and groom themselves remedy the violation
for success. Refer to the following guidelines.
 Clothing must be clean and odor free  Alter clothing so that the violation does
 Bath, shampoo, use deodorant and practice not exist (turn shirt inside-out, pull
good dental hygiene pants up, remove inappropriate jewelry)
 Skirts and shorts must be appropriate length  Obtain a change of clothes from home
(fingertip test)  Obtain a change of clothes from school
 Apparel must be free of reference to drugs, nurse
alcohol, tobacco, violence and obscenities
 No exposed undergarments (including bras, If the student does not choose one of the above
underwear and boxers) options, a parent will be called and student will
 Clothing should not reveal the absence of be sent home with the expectation they will be
undergarments dressed appropriately the following day.
 No pajamas or slippers
 Clothing should cover the breasts, stomach
and buttocks
 No apparel judged by the staff to be
disruptive of the educational process
Lunch Conduct  Enter lunchroom, and sit down
 Students will be called up by table to get their
meal 1st Violation: Verbal Reminder of proper
 Clean up after yourself (scrape, rinse and conduct
stack your dish)
 Wipe off table when all students are finished 2nd Violation: Reflection Sheet
 Put your chair and table away
 Accidents happen…clean up after yourself
when they do
 Practice good manners (smile and say thank
you )
 Wait patiently for announcements, Pledge
and dismissal

Leaving the Classroom Students are expected to check in with his/her 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher
teacher before leaving the classroom. Students will
require a pass to visit the school nurse, guidance 2nd Violation: Reflection Sheet
counselor, principal and social worker. Long periods
of time out of the classroom are not appropriate.
The Academy Student Name:
Teacher: Date/Time:

Respect & Responsibility Reflection Sheet

Reason for Referral (check below):

o Inappropriate o Dress Code o Unengaged o Cell Phone o Leaving o Other

Language Violation Classroom
If other, please explain:

Student Reflection
1. Why am I writing a reflection?

2. How did that behavior affect me?


3. How did that behavior affect others?


Next steps to solve the problem and supports needed:


Parental Contact (Circle One): E-mail Phone Call PTSC

Date:___________________ Teacher Initials:___________________

Classroom Daily Grade
Students will receive a daily grade of five total possible points in every class every day.
This grade will reflect the following expectations:

• Be kind &compassionate
• Use appropriate language
• Use materials appropriately
• Be engaged
• Be prepared
Lunchroom Protocol &Expectations

 Enter lunchroom, and sit down

 Students will be called up by
table to get their meal
 Clean up after yourself (scrape,
rinse and stack your dish)
 Wipe off table when all students
are finished eating
 Put your chair and table away
 Accidents happen…clean up
after yourself when they do
 Practice good manners (smile
and say thank you )
 Wait patiently for
announcements, Pledge and
The Academy
Attendance Expectations

All classes (semester and quarter classes) will be assigned .25 credits per quarter.

 All students will be assigned an attendance officer who will support students in getting to school
and track student attendance on a weekly basis
 Students are allowed 3 unexcused absences per quarter
 On the 4th absence student loses credit for that quarter
 Students can make up one absence TBD by staff
 All missed work due to absences will be made up after school at the Academy campus from
12:30 to 2:00 within two weeks of absence
 Students arriving 15 minutes late to a class will be marked absent however; student will still
receive credit for daily class work
 It is the students’ responsibility to track absences and missed assignments on PowerSchool
 If student maintains a passing grade but loses credit due to absences per quarter, he/she may
appeal the loss of credit to the staff. The staff will review the circumstances and decide if credit
recovery is an option.
The Academy’s “Make Good Choices”
Student/Parent Contract


I _______________________________ understand and agree to all aspects of The Academy’s “Make

(Print Name)

Good Choices” positive behavioral support plan. As a member of The Academy community, I am proud

to commit to my education, be respectful to myself and others and take responsibility for my behavior.

Student Signature____________________________ Date:_______________________


I _______________________________ will support my child in The Academy’s “Make Good Choices”

(Print Name)

positive behavioral support plan. I agree to be an active participant as my child works towards achieving

their high school diploma and becoming career and college ready.

Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________ Date:______________________

Please bring this signed document in on August 29th.

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