OT 11 Pentateuch Outline

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Pentateuch Outline

Genesis Outline

I. Primitive History (1-11)

A. Creation of World and Man (1:1-2:4a) - Elohim
B. Creation of Man and Woman and placing them in the Garden (2:4b-25) - YHWH
C. The Fall (3:1-24)
D. Cain and Abel; Cain banished by YHWH (4:1-16)
E. Genealogy of Cain; Lamech’s song (4:17-26)
F. Genealogy of Adam to Noah (4:25 - 5:1-32)
G. Prologue to the Flood; story of “sons of God” with human women (6:1-22)
H. The Flood (7:1-8:22)
I. The Covenant with Noah (9:1-17)
J. The Sons of Noah (9:18-27)
K. The Peopling of the Earth (10:1-32)
L. The Tower of Babel (11:1-9)
M. Concluding Genealogies (11:10-32)
II. The Patriarch Abraham (12:1-25:18)
A. The Call of Abram (12:1-9)
B. Abram and Sarai in Egypt (12:10-20)
C. The Separation of Abram and Lot (13:1-18)
D. Abram and the Four Kings (14:1-24)
E. Promises Renewed (15:1-20)
F. Hagar's Flight (16:1-16)
G. The Covenant of Circumcision (17:1-27)
H. Promise of a Son; Sodom and Gomorrah (18:1-19:38)
I. Abraham and Sarah in Gerar (20:1-18)
J. Isaac and Ishmael (21:1-21)
K. Abraham and Abimelech (21:22-34)
L. The Sacrifice of Isaac (22:1-24)
M. The Purchase of the Cave of Machpelah (23:1-20)
N. The Wife of Isaac (24:1-67)
O. Abraham's Descendants (25:1-18)
III. The Patriarchs Isaac and Jacob (25:19-36:43)
Esau and Jacob
A. The Birth of Esau and Jacob (25:19-34)
B. Isaac in Gerar and Beer-sheba (26:1-35)
C. Isaac's Blessing of Jacob (27:1-45)
Jacob’s journey’s
D. Jacob's Departure for Paddan-aram (27:46-28:9)
E. Vision at Bethel (28:10-22)
F. Jacob's Marriages (29:1-30)
G. Jacob's Children (29:31-30:24)
H. Jacob Outwits Laban (30:25-43)
I. Jacob's Departure (31:1-21)

J. Laban's Pursuit (31:22-42)
K. The Contract Between Jacob and Laban (31:43-32:3)
Esau and Jacob
L. Preparation for the Meeting with Esau (32:4-22)
M. Jacob's Struggle with God (32:23-33)
N. Jacob's Meeting with Esau (33:1-20)
O. The Rape of Dinah (34:1-31)
P. Jacob at Bethel (35:1-29)
Q. The Descendants of Esau (36:1-43)
IV. The History of Joseph (37:1-50:26)
A. Joseph Sold into Egypt (37:1-36)
B. Judah and Tamar (38:1-30)
C. Joseph's Temptations (39:1-23)
D. Joseph Interprets the Prisoners' Dreams (40:1-23)
E. Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams (41:1-57)
F. First Encounter of Joseph with His Brothers (42:1-38)
G. Second Journey to Egypt (43:1-34)
H. Judah's Plea for Benjamin (44:1-34)
I. The Recognition of Joseph (45:1-28)
J. Jacob's Journey to Egypt (46:1-34)
K. The Hebrews in Egypt (47:1-31)
L. Jacob Adopts Joseph's Sons (48:1-22)
M. Jacob's Blessings (49:1-33)
N. The Burial of Jacob and the Final Acts of Joseph (50:1-26)

1 The Israelites Oppressed
2 The Birth of Moses; Moses Flees to Midian
3 Moses and the Burning Bush
4 Signs for Moses; Moses Returns to Egypt
5 Bricks Without Straw; God Promises Deliverance
6 Family Record of Moses and Aaron; Aaron to Speak for Moses
7 Aaron’s Staff Becomes a Snake; The Plague of Blood
8 The Plague of Frogs; The Plague of Gnats; The Plague of Flies
9 The Plague on Livestock; The Plague of Boils; The Plague of Hail
10 The Plague of Locusts; The Plague of Darkness
11 Announcement of the Plague on the Firstborn
12 The Passover laws and Restrictions; 10th plague – firstborn killed; Start of Exodus
13 Consecration of the Firstborn; Further laws on the Feast of Unleavened Bread
14 Crossing the Sea
15 The Song of Moses and Miriam; The Waters of Marah and Elim
16 Manna and Quail
17 Water From the Rock; The Amalekites Defeated
18 Jethro Visits Moses
19 At Mount Sinai
20 The Ten Commandments

21 Hebrew Servants; Personal Injuries
22 Protection of Property; Social Responsibility
23 Laws of Justice and Mercy; Sabbath Laws; The Three Annual Festivals; God’s Angel to
Prepare the Way
24 The Covenant Confirmed
25 Offerings for the Tabernacle; The Ark; The Table; The Lampstand
26 The Tabernacle
27 The Altar of Burnt Offering; The Courtyard; Oil for the Lampstand
28 The Priestly Garments; The Ephod; The Breastpiece; Other Priestly Garments
29 Consecration of the Priests
30 The Altar of Incense; Atonement Money; Basin for Washing; Anointing Oil; Incense
31 Bezalel and Oholiab; The Sabbath
32 The Golden Calf
33 The Tent of Meeting; Moses and the Glory of the Lord
34 The New Stone Tablets; The Radiant Face of Moses
35 Sabbath Regulations; Materials for the Tabernacle; Bezalel and Oholiab
36 The Tabernacle
37 The Ark; The Table; The Lampstand; The Altar of Incense
38 The Altar of Burnt Offering; Basin for Washing; The Courtyard; The Materials Used
39 The Priestly Garments; The Ephod; The Breastpiece; Other Priestly Garments; Moses
Inspects the Tabernacle
40 Setting Up the Tabernacle; The Glory of the Lord

1 The Burnt Offering
2 Grain Offerings
3 Offerings of Well-Being
4 Sin Offerings
5 Offerings of Restitution
6 Instruction concerning Sacrifices
7 Further Instructions
8 The Rites of Ordination
9 Aaron’s Priesthood Inaugurated
10 Nadab and Abihu
11 Clean and Unclean Foods; Unclean Animals
12 Purification of Women after Childbirth
13 Leprosy, Varieties and Symptoms
14 Purification of Lepers and Leprous Houses
15 Concerning Bodily Discharges
16 The Day of Atonement
17 The Slaughtering of Animals; Eating Blood Prohibited
18 Sexual Relations
19 Ritual and Moral Holiness
20 Penalties for Violations of Holiness
21 The Holiness of Priests
22 The Use of Holy Offerings; Acceptable Offerings

23 Appointed Festivals –
The Sabbath, Passover, and Unleavened Bread
The Offering of Firstfruits
The Festival of Weeks
The Festival of Trumpets
The Day of Atonement
The Festival of Booths
24 The Lamp; The Bread for the Tabernacle; Blasphemy and Its Punishment
25 The Sabbatical Year; The Year of Jubilee
26 Rewards for Obedience; Penalties for Disobedience
27 Votive Offerings (Redeeming What is the Lords)

 Second year, 1st month from going out from Egypt – is this before the first 8 chapters???
 :1-5 – God commands them to observe the Passover on the 14th day of this month
 :6-14 – Instructions for those who are ritually impure and resident aliens regarding
o They should do the Passover as instructed but one month later – 14th day, 2nd
o Anyone who is pure and fails to do the Passover offering will be ostracized
o Resident aliens are also expected to observe the Passover laws
o Lord extends question of ritually impure to also include anyone who might be on
a long journey
 The Lord leads the people with the cloud
o Each morning, it would lift from the Tabernacle to lead the people
o The cloud would settle on the Tabernacle where the people were to camp.
o At night, a fire hung over the Tabernacle
o People would know to stay in one place whenever the cloud didn’t lift from the
Tabernacle for days at a time.
o By the Lord’s word they would camp and by the Lord’s word they would journey
onward. Sometimes they would stay in one place for a single night, for a whole
24-hr. period, a week, month or even a year.
o By the Lord’s word repeated many times – Christians are used to associating the
Lord’s word with Christ.


 :1-10 – Lord commands Moses to make two silver trumpets
o used to call the people to break camp
o Also used to call people together
o Different trumpet blasts mean different groups should gather or move

o Trumpets also sounded when the go into battle or burnt and/or communion
sacrifices so that God will remember them - interesting to think that they may
need to be sounded do draw God’s attention??
 :11-28 – 2nd year, 2nd month, 20th day – cloud lifted from Tabernacle and Israelites began
their journeying from Wilderness of Sinai to Wilderness of Paran
 :29 Moses invites his brother-in-law to come to Canaan with them. Moses entreats him
to help guide them through the unfamiliar land – but does this not imply doubt in God
who promised to lead them with the cloud? We do not get Hobab’s answer, though it
seems to imply that he stayed with them.
 :33 Ark of the Covenant led them, separated by a distance of a 3-day’s journey – quite a
ways. This is rather surprising that so much space would be put between Israel and the
Ark, which would seem to be vulnerable. But perhaps not given the protection the Lord
 :35-36 – Prayers of Moses offered whenever they stopped or started their journey.


 Notice shift from the Lord’s commanding Israel, to their acting and His responding
 :1 People became complainers of evil (Alter)/took t complaining bitterly (JSB) and Lord
became angry and erupted in fire around the outskirts of the camp. Moses interceded on
people’s behalf, and fire subdued – place name: Taberah
 People began craving meat and started wistfully thinking of all the things they had to eat
in Egypt – now all they had was manna, day after day after day.
 :11-15 – Moses also became angry with the Lord – even accusing him of doing evil – it
seems he was tired of being in charge, and always having the pressure of taking care of
the people on him. He almost seems scared of what the people might do to him, and asks
the Lord to kill him instead so he can escape his fate.
 :16-?? – The Lord responds by meeting him and 70 elders of Israel at the Tent of Meeting
where he meets Moses and puts some of the burden of the people on these 70, so they
share in it and help Moses bear it.
 :21 - Lord’s tone changes here – sounds sarcastic – it’s as though he says, “You wanted
meat?? Okay, you asked for it, you got it. I’ll give you meat until you’re sick of it – I’ll
make you rue the day you ever asked me for meat!” Then when the quail come down
(two cubits deep and a days journey in every direction!), the ones that were craving it
seemed to be poisoned by it and die. GOD IS A DANGEROUS GOD – BE
 :28 - Also have the first mentioning of Joshua, son of Nun, who is referred to as having
attended Moses since his youth


 Miriam and Aaron seem to be jealous of Moses’ power. They seem to want recognition
as prophets as well. The Lord then speaks to the three siblings commanding them to go
to the Tent of Meeting, where he addresses Miriam and Aaron directly, reprimanding
them for their audacity to speak out against Moses, whom He is closer to than any other
person. As punishment, the cloud leaves the tent, and Miriam is struck with a skin
disease. She then has to be out of the camp for seven days to undergo purification. No

reason is given why Aaron is not infected also, but the implication seems to be that it
was Miriam’s idea. Also, she seems to get off relatively easily, compared to what
happened to the complainers in Chpt. 11. Perhaps because Moses interceded with God
on her behalf – which is ironic since she was speaking out against him.


 Moses gathers leaders from all of the tribes, including Joshua (renamed from Hosea,
from tribe of Ephraim) to scout out the land of Canaan. Note that this is only a couple of
years out of Egypt. He instructs them to see what kind and how many people there are,
and to report back on the quality of the land. He also asks them to bring back some
samples of fruit.
 Note: I detect a not of distrust in the Lord in this whole scenario. God has promised to
give them the land of Canaan, which He himself has described as a land flowing with
milk and honey. But now Moses is concerned with the quality of the land as well as the
strength of the people that reside there.
 Men come back reporting that the land is wonderful – bring back grapes, pomegranates
and dates to show the quality of the land – but that it is inhabited with giants, so cannot
be taken by the Israelites. Only Caleb, from the tribe of Judah, disagrees and urges them
to go up and take the land.
 It seems to imply that before Moses could make up his own mind about whether or not to
try to take the land, those that were on the scouting expedition spread intimidation
throughout the people with tales about the giants that dwell in the land, so they were too
afraid to even try.


 People are afraid and start wishing that they were back in Egypt. Question why they
were brought here to die.
 Joshua and Caleb (instead of Joshua alone as in the last chapter) appear before the people
saying that they should trust the Lord who has promised them the land. The people start
to stone them.
 The Lord in anger intercedes, appearing to ask Moses’ permission to strike all the people
down and start over again by bringing up a new nation of people from Moses himself.
Moses again intercedes, pointing out to the Lord how it would look to Egypt and the
other nations that the Lord had lured His people into the wilderness and then just
slaughtered them there.
 The Lord instead swears that no male 20 years old or up (the age of service in the army)
except for Caleb and Joshua, will live to make it to the Promised Land. They will wander
in the wilderness for 40 years – one year for each day the scouting party was in the land
of Canaan.
 Then the Lord struck down and killed the other 10 men from the scouting party –
everyone except Caleb and Joshua. And the people saw this and then were ready to go
and take the land, but Moses warned that it was too late. The Lord would not be with
them. But they tried anyway and were routed. Moses and the Ark of the Covenant
stayed in the camp while this happened.
 Words/Phrases repeated/emphasized: forty, your corpses will fall

 Also interesting to note Lord’s specific promise to Caleb, who is from tribe of Judah:
that his seed shall take hold in the land. Indeed, it is the land of Judah that does prosper
more than any other tribe, and the last one to be defeated in 722 BCE ???


 Lord instructs Moses what should be done when they come to the land of your settlement
that I am about to give you
o they should bring when they– a burnt offering for a votive or voluntary offering
o donation of the first batch of bread they eat
o If forget to do this by mistake, then they can make an atonement offering for
either the whole community or a single person
o But if don’t do this because of arrogance, then that person will be ostracized.
 Man found gathering wood on the Sabbath, and the Lord commands the people to stone
 People instructed to put a fringe on their skirts, including one indigo twist to remind them
to obey God’s commandment.
 Chapter ends with Lord’s reminder that they are to be holy: I am the Lord your God,
Who brought you out of the land of Egypt to become your God. I am the Lord your God.
This is reminiscent of Leviticus Holiness Code.


 Revolt of 250 people against Aaron & Moses led by one Levite - Korah (Kohathite,
responsible for carrying Sanctuary) two Reubenites, Dathan and Abiram.
 Moses summoned Korah and spoke to him, but Dathan and Abiram refused to come
when summoned.
 Earth opened up and swallowed these three men and their wives and children and they
went down to Sheol alive, and the Lord sent a fire that consumed the other 250 men.
 This seems to be the first mention of Moses actually getting angry. Yet he still constrains
himself, wanting the men to know that what happens to them was done by the Lord.


 Fire pans that Korah and his people brought forward to the Tent of Meeting in the last
chapter are declared holy by the Lord, and instructions given to make them into plating
for the altar so they will remain a sign for the Israelites.
 Once again, the Lord wants to do away with the entire Israelite community because they
were blaming Moses and Aaron for what happened to the rebels. But surprisingly, it
seems that Moses and Aaron were able to thwart God’s plans when Moses tells Aaron to
stand between God and the people with burning incense. God’s scourge kills 14,700
people before Aaron can get between them.
 Staffs are placed before the Ark of the Covenant at the Lord’s command, one staff for
each of the 12 tribes, Aaron’s staff representing Levi. The Lord says that he will choose
one staff representing one man, and the staff will flower. By this sign the people will

know to stop complaining against the Lord. It seems that this was also done to reinforce
the choosing of Aaron and his sons to serve as priests.
 The staff chosen is Aaron’s. Moses commanded to bring the staff to the Ark as a
safekeeping and a sign for would-be rebels, so that the people would know that they will
not die.


 The Lord sets the sons of Aaron, the priests, between the Ark and the people. They will
bear responsibility for what happens to it. This seems to be done so that the people’s fear
will be appeased. This is not new – the sons of Aaron have always held this
responsibility. It seems to be repeated here in order to calm the peoples’ fears, though
they are still to be very aware of the dangerousness of getting too close to God.
 Establishment of the portion for the Levites – the tithe and sacrifices of the firstborn
livestock – and for the priests (Aaron & sons) – the tithe of the tithe.
 Question: :23 So the Israelites no longer even come to the Tent of the Meeting to do the
sacrifice themselves???


 This seems to be a repeat of instructions for ritual purification after coming into contact
with a dead corpse. These instructions, however, are very specific.


 Israelites come to Wilderness of Zin, death of Miriam and burial there.
 Seems to be repeat of story of people needing water from Exodus – Moses brings forth
water from a rock by speaking to it.
 Moses strikes the rock, bringing forth water. Before doing this, he tells the people,
Listen, pray, rebels! Shall we[Moses and Aaron] bring forth water for you from this
 This seems to make God angry at Moses and Aaron for not crediting the Lord for the act.
It may be because they didn’t follow God’s instructions precisely either, for Moses struck
the rock instead of commanding it to bring forth water.
 Moses sends message to Edom, Israel’s brother (Jacob = Israel, Esau = Edom) explaining
their hardship in Egypt. He asks that the Israelites be allowed peaceful passage through
the land. Edom refused.
 Travel on to Hor the Mountain, where God tells Moses that Aaron will die. Instruct
Moses to take Aaron & his son Eleazar up the mountain, remove Aaron’s clothes and
place them on Eleazar, which Moses does. And Aaron dies at Hor the mountain.


 First battle recorded with Canaanite, king of Arad. Israelites victorious because of God.
 Again, the Israelites complain. There is no bread and no water. Seem to complain again
about the wretched bread – manna.
 God sends poisonous snakes to bite the people and many die.

 People again come to Moses to intercede on their behalf. God instructs Moses to make a
bronze statue of a serpent and put it on a post. Everyone who is bitten can look at it and
 Israelites travel on to Moab, doing battle with various peoples they encounter, always


 Traveled on to Moab: Leaders of various Moabite nations frightened by the great
numbers, and sent to Pethor for Balaam to ask him to curse the Israelites. Balaam, who
prays to God for guidance in what he should do, refuses.
 Consented to go with them after they send a second delegation to him, and God’s
messenger blocks his way, though he cannot see the messenger. Tries to force his
donkey to continue, but donkey is given power of speech and tells him about the
 Continues on to Balak, where he asks to speak freely


 3 prophecies, all blessing Israel, each time Balak taking him to another place hoping for a
different word from God.


 Final two prophecies from Balaam – the first blessing Israelites, the second wherein he
forsees the destruction of the Amalekites, Kenites, and others.
 Note that last two start with the same phrase:
o Word of Balaam son of Beor, word of the man whose eye is true, Word of him
who hears God’s speech, Who obtains knowledge from the Most High, And
beholds visions from the Almighty, Prostrate, but with eyes unveiled.
 Surprising that a non-Israelite would hear from God and heed his word, though not
entirely unprecedented.


 Problem with Moabites – men go whoring after the women, and people sacrificing and
bowing down to their gods, especially Baal Peor
 God orders the men involved to be killed. One is killed by the priest Eleazar and many
more by God’s own scourge, which is stopped by Eleazar’s killing of the one. The
amount killed is 24,000 men.
 Interesting that the man who was killed was from the house of Simeon. Wasn’t Simeon
the one who lay with his father’s concubine?
 Lord instructs Moses that because of what has happened, Israelites are enemies of
Midianite, and should strike them down. This is interesting in light of the fact that Moses
is married to a Midianite woman, whose father is a Midianite priest who has been helpful
to Moses.
 We are given no information about what happened between the two peoples after this
until Chpt. 31, when it is carried out.

Deuteronomy Reading Outline –
Chapter 1. rehashing of Numbers 13-14 w/time, place, journey length told up front (11 days)
Verses 1-4 (star wars theme, yellow scrolling text)
Story starts with verse 5 continues on into Chapter 2
Where in verse 14 it gives location and journey length to that point in time (38 years)
Highlighted verses: vs16 – Moses giving authority to Judges
vs21 – God’s command
vs26 – Israel’s response
vs41 – Israel’s action
vs42 – God’s response
vs43 – Israel’s response
Chapter 2.
Verses 14 – 16 speak to the fact of the death of the “old guard” (except Moses, Joshua, and
Verse 18 – The Lord gives word of new traveling plans and the land of possession

Chapter 3.
Verse 18 – Moses drafting fighting men giving them authority to go over and take the land
Verse 21 - Moses giving Joshua the charge – authority over the troops
Verse 26 – God’s response to Moses re: promise land

NOTE: Images of God - - - fire, smoke, might hand, outstretched arm

Chapter 4.
Recount of Mt. Sinai experience
Verse 14 – the Lord charged Moses to teach (reminds me of the Ten Commandments)
God proving Himself as God is reminded to the people
Verses 41-49 sidebar : change in person talking not Moses anymore
?? Why a place for the murder to take refuge? (murder as an accident – loop hole to the Ten

Chapter 5.
Verses 6 – 21 Moses gives commandments to the new generation
Verse 32 warning to not stray from the law

Chapter 6.
Verse 6 – also seen in NT spoken by Jesus
Moses puts meat on the commandments (i.e. gives specific examples)

Chapter 7.
How to Live in the Promised Land
God calls for complete extermination of enemy nations – not to alley with them, not to marry
them or be married to them – because they will turn their hearts away from God – No mercy to
other nations as compromise brings a snare.

Chapter 8.
Don’t forget it was God who blessed you
Verse 3b – Jesus’ response to Satan in the wilderness

Chapter 9.
Remembrance of sins of forefathers – stubbornness of the people, how they angered God –
breaking of the tablets by Moses (verse 17)

Chapter 10.
Verses 6 – 9 sidebar concerning Levi

Chapter 11.
Reminds them of God’s power they’ve seen
Reminds them again to KEEP THE LAWS as a blessing in obedience and disobedience bring a

Chapter 12.
Giving the specifics of regulations – Do Not eat BLOOD of any meat!!

Chapter 13.
Death to false prophets and anyone who wants to stray people to worship other gods – burn the
WHOLE town of these people worshipping false gods.

Chapter 14.
Clean & unclean foods – the tithe

Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Celebrations/Feasts to be observed – three (Passover, harvest, and shelters)

Chapter 17.
Stressing purging evil from Israel
Verse 17 – Many wives lead King’s heart away from God (a foreshadowing of Solomon’s
Mention made for the possibility of a king

Chapter 18.
Remember the tribe of Levi – don’t act like other nations with witchcraft and calling souls from
the dead (foreshadowing of Saul’s act that causes God to remove His Spirit from him as the king
of Israel)
Mention of a prophet to replace Moses

Chapter 19.
Reasons of the 3 cities for the accidental murders explained

Verse 21 – eye for an eye, etc.

Chapter 20.
War commands and strategy

Chapter 21.
Verse 21 – killing of disobedient child (son)
Verse 23 – Cursed is one hanging on a tree (foreshadowing of Jesus’ cursed state of death)

Chapter 22.
Verse 21 – Stoning of non-virgin woman

Chapter 23.
Deformity before the Lord cannot serve (why Jesus replaced the ear of the man in the garden
when Peter cut it off with the sword)
Verse 9 - Stay away from impurities of enemies
Verses 15 – 16 Command to help escaped slaves
Verses 24 – 25 Only to eat neighbors grapes in hand (guess this is not considered stealing?)

Chapter 24.
Verse 5 – Newly wed man to spend 1st year bringing happiness to his wife
Verse 7 – Cleansing of evil, kill wrong doers
Leave behind in harvest for orphans and widows

Chapter 25.
Man who dies without an heir
Verses 11-12 Woman touching another man’s private parts in breaking up a fight is to have her
hand cut off
Be honest in measures
Verse 19 – Command to wipe out the Amalekites

Chapter 26.
Tithe of first fruits and special tithe to the Levites

Chapter 27.
Build and alter and write covenant on them
Curses to those who disobey the laws

Chapter 28.
Blessings of obedience to the law
More curses for disobedience
NOTE: a prophetic foreshadowing of what is to come in Israel’s future because they didn’t keep
the commandments of the Lord.

Chapter 29.
Covenant reviewed with people (NOTICE: I think it’s strange to say they “saw” the deliverance
from Egypt, as most of these people where just children when that happened?)

Chapter 30.
Verse 19 - Aspect of mercy if they return and cleanse heart (foreshadowing of the fact that God
will show them mercy in the future for their going against the laws)

Chapter 31.
Moses acknowledges that he can’t go to the promise land
Joshua to lead the people into the Land
Laws handed over – Moses death foretold by God
Verse 16 – God tells Moses about the people’s future rebellion

Chapter 32.
Song of Moses – recount of the journey, the people’s actions – reminded TO KEEP THE LAW
Moses death foretold again

Chapter 33.
Moses blesses the people and speaks to each tribe specifically

Chapter 34.
Moses death and the note that there will NEVER be another prophet like Moses.


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