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Lesson 1:  

The Internet several individuals to communicate

simultaneously using one platform9
The ICT refers to the various technologies,
tools, and devices that are used to gather, Different types of Collaboration Tools:
create, edit and store information
1. Document sharing or File sharing
 The birth of Internet transformed the 2. Work grouping
computer and communications world, it 3. Web/Video Conferencing
integrates the capabilities of: 4. Screen sharing
5. Instant messaging
Broadcasting capabilities; 6. Mind mapping
Information dissemination; and Collaborative Management Tools:
Collaboration 1. Electronic Calendars
- On October 24, 1995, the Federal Also called management software,
Network Council (FNC) unanimously schedule events and automatically notify and
passed a resolution defining the term remind group members.
2. Project Management Systems
- Able to support Transmission Control Schedule, track, and chart the steps in
Protocol/Internet Protocol a project as it is being completed.

- High level services layered on the 3. Workflow Systems

communication. Collaborative management of tasks and
Uses of the Internet documents within knowledge based business
1. Communication process.
2. Entertainment
3. Shopping 4. Knowledge management systems
4. Exploring the World Collect, organize, manage, and share
various forms of information.
Benefits of the Internet
1. The Internet is always available 5. Enterprise bookmarking
2. The Internet offers a vast range of Collaborative bookmarking engine to
information tag, organize, share and search enterprise
3. The Internet serve as means to data.
communicate with people
4. The Internet offers a wide access to 6. Prediction markets
learn about other cultures Let a group of people predict together
5. Information on the Internet is readily the outcome of the future events.
updated 7. Extranet systems
Collect, organize, manage and share
Lesson 2: Internet Based- Collaboration information associated with the delivery of a
project (ex: construction of buildings)
Web, Social, and Software Tools = Increased
Sales and Satisfaction of Customers
8. Social software systems
- A Collaboration tool is used to assist Organize social relations of groups
work groups to get things done better online to collaborate and share structured data
and simpler by providing an avenue for and information.
Lesson 3: Web 2.0
Is the process of collecting, organizing, and
1. Allows users to create, share displaying information relevant to a particular
information, and collaborate with topic and also it can be used by business.
others on the web interactively.
2. Anyone can create and publish their  Social Bookmarking- The way to store,
own materials which could be linked to organize, search, manage and share
groups of friends and etc. collection of websites.
- Popular bookmarking sites:
- Ease of finding information through key Delicious (
 Social Networking- the most
- Links are guides to important pieces of
popular, successful, and
evidently most widely accessed
- Authoring is the ability to create and application on the Internet.
constantly updated that is co-created
by users - Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
- Tags are categorization of content by
creating tags that are simple.  Web Content Voting - A website
- Signals which uses real simple designed for users to vote on or
syndication technology to create a rate people.
subscription model which notifies users
of any content change. - Organized around attributes such as
WEB 2.0 TOOLS AND SERVICES physical appearance and personality.
 Podcasting- Pod means mobile playback
device while Casting means word
broadcasting.  E Portfolios- A digital
compilation exhibiting abilities,
- A series of audio, digital radio, PDF or
demonstrating achievements
ePub files, the distribution of
and growth.
multimedia files enter audio or video
over the internet and under the RSS - Used as a student assessment on formal
format. education.
 Blogging - A personal diaries or journals
on the web.  Wikis- The word wiki is derived
- Blogger is a person’s who writes from Hawaiian which means
articles to post on a blog. fast.

 Tagging- In information system, a tag is - An online encyclopedia that allows

non-hierarchical keyword or term students to co-create documents and
research topics collaboratively.
assigned to a piece of information such
 Microblogging- A form of
as (internet bookmark, digital image or
blogging that limits the size of
computer file.
each message or post to less
- Describe an item and allows it to be than 200 characters.
found again by browsing or searching.
 Curating - Twitter, Tumblr, FriendFeed, Plurk,
Jaiku and
Lesson 4: Web 3.0 (As an Intelligent Web
- Is the third generation of Internet bring together the different types of
based services is referred to an social media platforms.
intelligent or semantic web with
technologies. 3C’s of Technology Convergence
 Computer Technology is the design
- It promotes common data formats like and contructions of computers to
big data, linked data, cloud computing, better help people at school, business
3D visualization. and at home.

- It facilitates accessibility for anyone,  Content Technology means the mixing

anywhere and anytime by using mobile
of different media (text, sound, video)
UBIQUIOTOUS CONNECTIVITY on the same screen (computer,
 Broadband adoption television) in an interactive mode.

 Mobile Internet Access The following are some to be

considered in Content technology:
 Mobile devices - Media convergence
- Social media
- Mainstream use of mobile devices
NETWORK COMPUTING - Broadband reach
- Increasing computer power
 Software as a business models
- Versatility (anywhere, anytime and on
any devices)
 Web services interoperability
 Communication Technology is
 Cloud computing the capability to operate,
OPEN TECHNOLOGIES maintain and upgrade
communications equipment.
 Open APIs and protocols
 Open data formats Types of Convergence
 Open Source Platforms
CHARACTERISTICS OF WEB 3.0 1. Digital convergence the ability to view
1. Intelligence-artificial intelligence tools multimedia content from different
which means that it can directly do types of devices. (ex: text, voice,
intelligent analysis. video, and graphics).
2. Virtualization- uses high end 3
dimensional graphics. 2. Messaging convergence refers to the
3. Interoperability- are easy to customize grouping of services that integrates SMS
and can independently work on diff. with voice.
kind of devices 3. Media convergence basically the
4. Personalization- personal and individual convergence of media channels (3C’s)
preferences of user is considered during
information search or processing. 4. Technology refers to smart phones,
Lesson 5: Convergence of Technology tablets, and the internet made it a lot
- Convergence of technology defined as easier to the users.
the process by which existing
technologies merge into new forms that
5. Content convergence provides an send messages and keep in touch with
opportunity for individual consumers to friends, families, and colleagues.
interact with others on a social level.
Lesson 6: The Social Media
- Twitter is a free microblogging serve
- Social media is a term used to describe
that allows registered members to
a variety of web based platforms,
broadcast short posts called tweets.
applications and technologies that
enable people to socially interact with
Twitter members can broadcast tweets and
one another.
follow other users tweets by using multiple
platforms and devices.
7 Functional Building blocks of Social
- Google+ is Google’s social networking
1. Identity- this block denotes the extent
project, designed to replicate the way
which users reveal their identities,
people interact offline more closely
includes the information such as:
than in the case in other social
- Name
networking services. The project’s
- Gender
slogan is “real-life sharing rethought
- Age
for the web”
- Profession
- LinkedIn is a social networking site
- Location
designed specifically for the business
2. Conversations- this block describes
community. The goal of the site is to
how users communicate with other
allow registered members to establish
users in social media setting.
and document networks of people they
know and trust professionally.
3. Sharing- this block defines the way
- Reddit is a social news website and
users exchange, distribute, and receive
forum where stories are socially
curated and promoted by site
4. Presence- this block represents the
members. The site is composed of
range to which users are accessible. It
hundreds of sub-communities, known as
includes knowing where others are
subreddit. The goal is to send well
virtual or in real world.
regarded stories to the top of the site’s
5. Relationships- this block shows how
main thread page.
users can be related to other users.
- Pinterest is a social curation website
6. Reputation- a scope to which users can
for sharing and categorizing images
identify the standing of others,
found online. It requires brief
including themselves in a social media
description but the main focus of the
site is visual.
7. Groups- shows the range on how users
Mobile social media refers to the
can form communities and sub-
combination of mobile devices and social
media. This is a group of mobile marketing
Examples of Prominent Social Media
applications that allow the creation and
- Facebook is a popular free social
exchange of user generated content.
networking website that allows
registered users to create profile,
Types of Mobile Social Media Applications
share ideas, upload photos and videos,
1. Space-timers (location and time
sensitive) exchange of message with
relevance for one specific location at surrounding it fends off unauthorized
one specific point in time . access.
Facebook places - Extranet is a controlled private network
Foursquare that allows customers, partners,
vendors, suppliers, and other business
2. Space-locators (only location to gain information, typically about
sensitive) exchange of message with specific company or educational
relevance for one specific location institutions. It is restricted to selected
which are tagged to a certain place users through user’s IDs, passwords and
and read later by others. other authentication to log-in page.
Yelpi Lesson 8: Online Safety, Security, Ethics,
Qype and Etiquette
3. Quick-timers (only time sensitive) Online terminologies
transfer of traditional social media Online safety- it is also called cyber safety or
applications to mobile devices to digital safety which refers to practices and
increase immediately precautions one should observe when using the
Examples: Internet.
Posting twitter messages
Facebook status updates Internet security- a very broad issue covering
security in relation to transactions made over
4. Slow-timers (neither location, nor the internet.
time sensitive) transfer of traditional
social media applications to mobile Ethics- refers to a set of moral principles that
devices government an individual or a group on what is
Examples: considered as acceptable behavior while using
Watching a Youtube video computer.
Reading a Wikipedia entry
Netiquettes- acceptable rules for online
Lesson 7: Web based Information Systems behavior.
and Platforms
 Is an information system that Mobile learning- learning by means of a hand
uses internet web technologies held device, such as mobile phone or a tablet.
to deliver information and
services to users. It can be Virtual Classroom- referred as a digital
accessed through World Wide classroom where learning takes place over the
Web. Internet and not in physical classroom.
 It is not only to disseminates
information but also acts and Forum- a place on the Internet where users
processes their business task to with common interests interact with each
accomplish their business goals. other to find information and discuss topics.
- Intranet is a network based on TCP/IP
protocols belonging to an organization, Keyword- a word or group of words that a
usually a corporation. It looks like any person may use to search for in a search
other websites, but the firewall engine.
Search engines- are software systems that
people go to search for things on the Internet. Pharming- is a technique which redirects a
(Ex: google, yahoo and bing) legitimate website’s traffic to an illegitimate
website to gain access to a user’s personal
Webinar- refers to a web seminar. A webinar information.
is a seminar conducted over the Internet
making it possible to “virtually attend” Phishing- is an email or instant messages scam
through an internet connection. which looks like an official message from a
legitimate organization like a bank or credit
Wiki- a site, written, controlled and edited by card company that as about personal
the users themselves. information such as passwords or credit card
Webpage- is the page seen by the users when
browsing the Internet. Spam- is unwanted junk email that comes from
legitimate company which in the long run may
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)- these are be used for phishing, scam, and malware.
specific address of the Internet pages and
files. Spyware- that enables a user to obtain
information about another’s computer
E-commerce- the act of doing business activities by transmitting data covertly to
transactions (selling and buying) online. one’s hard drive.

Downloading- a term that generally applies to Trojan horse- a destructive program that
the transfer of data from the Internet to the pretends a desirable application that tricks the
computer or mobile device. user to allow access to their computers
through download or email attached
Firewall- a broad term used to describe a documents.
protective barrier against computer bugs or
viruses. Tips on Staying Safe Online
1. Create a smart and long password.
2. Use email wisely.
Understanding Internet Threats 3. Be smart when using messaging
Browser hijacking- happens when malware or 4. Watch out for phishing scams.
spyware replaces a web user’s browser 5. Make sure that your security software is
homepage that redirects the users to running efficiently.
unwanted websites while capturing sensitive 6. Use the privacy settings of social
private data for personal or business gain. networking sites.
7. Never post your complete identity
Identity theft- happens when a criminal information.
impersonates a user by stealing his or her 8. Shop safely
personal identity. 9. Think carefully
10. When you feel uncomfortable, leave
Malware- a malicious software that is intended the website immediately
to damage or disable computer systems which
has codes to collect information without one’s Netiquettes
knowledge. (Viruses, Trojan horse, worms)
- Never use computer to bash other

- Do not use computers and Internet to

steal others information.

- Do not access files without the

permission of the owner.

- Always respect copyright laws and


- Respect the privacy of others.

- Share expert knowledge.
- Safeguard your user ID and password.
- Complain about illegal communication
and activities to the Internet provides
or local law enforcement unit.

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